The PATRIOT John Carroll School
Volume 37, Number 1
October 5, 2001
Terrorism attacks students
photo by Andrew Lazor
Most students will remember the 2001-2002 opening school liturgy for the rest of their lives. It was at this school gathering that Mr. Barker approached the podium to inform students that a plane had crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York. As mod 4 began, the terrorist attacks continued. Televisions were turned on in every classroom, as JC students and faculty sat in silence, watching the U.S. change before their eyes. Hijacked planes had hit the second tower of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Both towers of the World Trade Center and a portion of the Pentagon had collapsed. Emotions ran wild. Some cried and others just sat in astonishment. Unexpectedly, Mr. Barker came over the loudspeaker, telling students and faculty to “go home and be with your families.” The JC community went home that day to witness what the whole world was watching. Then came the aftermath. Wednesday arrived and students and faculty were back in school. Mr. Barker met with the Crisis Council and the administration before the school day had begun. Following the directions of the Archdiocese, Mr. Barker intended to run the day in a “business as usual” matter. He was put in a tough posi-
Trade Center for a meeting on the morning of the disastrous events. In response, Mrs. Murphy and the JC community set up a luncheon on September 26, in the gym, following the funeral of Lauren’s father. Many students and teachers helped set up for the luncheon and the week before the cheerleaders took Lauren out to dinner. Tuesday, September 18, the one-week anniversary of the plane crashes was recognized as a “day of solidarity.” In an effort by all Catholic schools across the nation, a special flag-raising ceremony and mass was celebrated. Mrs. Murphy, Campus Minister here at JC, put the serMany local businesses expressed their patriotic sentiments on marquees. vice together with the help of students. Students volunteered for the tion. How do you create a normal flag ceremony, to read, and to parschool atmosphere when the U.S. is best thing to do was send students ticipate in mass. Senior Sarah Kyle under terrorist attack, many are dead back to school to be with each oth- volunteered to read at mass. “I felt and missing, and war is in the future? ers,” she said. like I needed to do something to help,” “I felt apprehensive,” said Mr. To cope with all the troubles, she said. “I was amazed at how students were given the opportunity much students were interested in the to leave class and talk with a coun- mass that day.” selor whenever they felt it necessary. The JC community is conThere was also a forum held after quering this tragedy in their own way. school where students came together Skirts and hair decorated with patrijust to talk about their feelings and otic ribbons have been spotted all opinions on the attack. Mr. Barker over JC hallways. American Red sent out newsletters to all of the JC Cross donation tins were placed in community, updating them on the JC the cafeteria, the bookstore, and in connections with the tragedy and the hands of encouraging senior stuwhat the school was doing to control dents during homeroom. The memoBarker. His first concern was the the aftermath. rial journal sits outside the Chapel, students and their reactions, but his Many members of the JC overflowing with letters written to fear lies in the long-term effects that community were saddened and those grieving. Although this terrible this tragedy is going to have on the crushed by the loss of friends and and horrifying event will never be forstudents. Freshman Sarah Keller is family in the terrorist attacks. Fresh- gotten, there has been an overflowdealing with her friend’s loss of a man Lauren Magitti lost her father, ing stream of unity bringing the U.S. loved one in the tragedy. “I think the Joseph Magitti, who was in the World and the school together. photo by Lou Perseghin
by Lauren Dunn Staff Writer
The PATRIOT Index News
- Mr. Paul Barker brings re freshing energy, creativity to 3
- Catch the latest runway trends in the Fall Fashion 9
Sports Editorials - Confusion abounds regarding status of 2
- Read about this month’s 12
SECTIONS Features - Dangerous driving situations affect JC student 7 2 3-6 7-8 9 Sports................. pg 10-12
The PATRIOT is available on the JC website at
Taliban strikes U.S. people on them, when they were designed to hold as many as 300. The terrorists reserved a majority of the On September 11, 2001, this seats and the people never showed generation of Americans was forever up for those seats, because they changed by an overt act of terror- didn’t exist. Thus, when the terrorism. Our parents’ generation will ists made their move, there were not never forget when they heard that as many people to try and stop them. President Kennedy had been assasHowever, the men and sinated. Their parents will never for- women on board United Airlines get when they heard that Pearl Har- Flight 93 were determined not to let bor had been attacked. So shall this the terrorists succeed. They took generation never forget where they back the plane, and managed to get were when they heard that terrorists to the cockpit, but they were unable had crashed hijacked airliners into to regain control of the aircraft, and both of the World Trade Center tow- it crashed. If it were not for the efers, and the Pentagon. forts for these brave men and One of the first questions to women, the terrorists on board would enter people’s minds are “How did have almost certainly succeeded in the terrorists hijack these planes?” their plan. The assignment of this The answer is actually quite simple. particular cell was to crash their airMany people noticed how the planes liner Continued on pg. 4... that were hijacked had only 65 or 92
by Gene Etting Staff Writer
Answering questions on track proves elusive to the track to ensure its durability. I immediately wondered how it could be possible: the track was resurfaced in the fall of last year, so how could it be breaking apart already? So I started asking around school. After speaking with several students, I concluded that no one really knew all the details. A vast majority seemed completely unaware of the situation, and those that were aware knew exactly what I knew, Andrew Lazor which was very little. I decided to Editor-in-Chief approach the administration with questions. Remembering that she had Attempting to answer unan- made the initial announcements reswerable questions is a daunting, if garding the track’s refurbishment, I not fruitless, task. Well-known ex- visited Mrs. Gauthier in her office. amples of these pointless ponderables She told me that she had heard nothinclude the well-known (which came ing about the damage and suggested first, the chicken or the egg?), the ri- that I ask Mr. Low, since he had diculously illogical (why do they have coached track in the past. Braille on drive-through ATM maMr. Low was also unaware chines?), and the straight-up baffling of the situation, since he had not (how is Dick Clark still alive?). Still, coached track during the 2000-2001 other questions transcend such school year, and he told me to ask gauche classifications to reach new, Assistant Athletic Director Mr. Perry. unspeakable levels of perplexity: Why After quick conversation with Mr. did the track break apart after the Perry, he redirected me yet again. school spent $85,250 resurfacing At this point, I was getting a little it? Trying to find the answer to this confused. seemingly straightforward query took I finally gained some informe on a dizzying tour of the JC fac- mation via Mr. Kachur, who held an ulty, all of whom seem to be com- assistant coaching job for the track pletely stumped. team last year. He informed me that Early this year, track coach around fifteen small holes suddenly Mr. Ray Hruz brought the circum- showed up in the track as his team stances, however vague, to The Pa- practiced. The first meet, which was triot staff’s attention: shortly after scheduled for home against the last year’s track season began, un- Fallston team, had to be rearranged, timely signs of excessive wear be- and athletes traveled to Cougar turf gan showing. Holes were present in to compete. He added, however, that the track’s surface. Allegedly, a fin- the main reason the meet’s location ishing sealant had not been applied was changed was that they had not
The PATRIOT John Carroll School 703 Churchville Road, Bel Air, MD 21014 Volume 37, Number 1, October 5, 2001 Editor-in-Chief.......................................................Andrew Lazor Managing Editor.................................................Colleen O’Brien News Co-Editor..................................................Louis Perseghin News Co-Editor......................................................Joel Wienholt Features Co-Editor.............................................Jacki Kosdemba Features Co-Editor...............................................Ryan McCavitt Entertainment Co-Editor...................................Chiara Fortunato Entertainment Co-Editor............................................Denise Odie Sports Co-Editor...........................................Mary Kate Sullivan Sports Co-Editor......................................................Owen Jordan Photography Co-Editor...................................Rose Ellen Walker Photography Co-Editor............................................Miyako Igari Business Manager............................................................CJ Neff Moderator...................................................................Mr. Ionescu Staff:
Valerie Beach, Adam Bell, Katie Chlada, Sara Clafferty, Mike Critzer, Lauryn
Dance, Jenny DeGree, Lauren Dunn, Gene Etting, Matt Garono, Mairead Gordon, Amy Graul, Emmanuel Hapsis, Sarah Herman, Tara Hofherr, Kate Keegan, Kevin Korczynski, Ryan Kramer, Laurie Krysiak, Emily Lyles, Sam Marell, Grace Matelli, Craig Parsons, Michele Renaud, Stephanie Rew, Amanda Rok, Julie Ross, Sara Ruzicka, Tom Scilipoti, Jennifer Smith, Bobby Spero, Maygan Switalski, John Vigliotti, Megan Whiteleather
The Patriot is a publication of the students of John Carroll School. The views and opinions expressed in The Patriot are not necessarily the views and opinion of the Board or Administration of John Carroll School. The editorial staff invites and greatly appreciates comments from readers on any issue.
yet received proper equipment. Under county athletic rules, a discus cage is needed for a track meet to be held, and JC had not yet received one. Mr. Kachur stressed the fact that as soon as the wear surfaced, the company that did the initial repairs was called, and the damage was immediately fixed. He also cited outside influences on the track’s condition, including people that used it on weekends, weather, and the infamous JC killer goose contingent wielding acid-laden fecal matter. Questions, however, remained: If the track was resurfaced recently, why did signs of wear appear so soon? And was the track now safe from further damage? Mr. O’Brien was able to supply some information regarding the state of the track. In June of 1999, three resurfacing companies, American Tennis Court, Martin Surfacing, and Melvin Benhoff & Sons, put in bids for the JC track project. He said that Martin Surfacing’s asking price was much too high, and that he decided to go with Melvin Benhoff & Sons’ bid of $85,250. Benhoff then subcontracted workers from American Tennis Court to complete the job. When asked what exactly caused the holes in track, Mr. O’Brien told me he was not an “asphalt man,” and that I would have to direct that question towards Facilities Director Howard Saukites.
According to Mr. Saukites, the damage was caused a combination of carelessness and vandalism. His theory was that the holes were produced by cleat-wearing players who failed to use the provided carpet to cross the track, individuals riding bikes and skateboards in the lanes, and amateur golfers chipping balls off the newly resurfaced track. He decided against posting “no trespassing” signs because he believed they would villainize JC amongst members of the community, and would, in some cases, foment further vandalism. Mr. Saukites assured me that the track was sealed both initially and when the company was called back for repairs. He added that Melvin Benhoff & Sons would come back before this year’s track season begins to make sure it is in proper running condition. Although Mr. Saukites provided some answers about the situation, his explanations produced even more questions. Will Mr. Saukites’ decision to keep the track open to the public lead to more damage? How many more times will Melvin Benhoff & Sons have to come back to do repairs? And will the surface hold up in the time between now and the track season? Until someone provides all the answers, I suppose the school community will remain just as baffled as I am.
Letter to the Editor Student expresses outrage over cheerleading uniforms Dear Editor, Does anyone else think the cheerleaders’ uniforms are inappropriate to be to be worn during school hours? Does anyone other than me? Their uniform is a direct violation of the JC dress code; that is, what little uniform there is. I aim to address multiple aspects of this “spirited” dress. First, the top - page 36 of the JC Student Handbook clearly states that “casual dress” and “dress up” days require collared shirts. There is definitely a severe lack of any type of collar on the cheerleader’s top. The girl’s JV soccer team could not wear their jerseys last year because they did not have a collar. Two, the shirt does not even have any sleeves. Varsity field hockey players are required to wear t-shirts underneath their sleeveless jerseys. Also, I am a female and I wear the proper female attire. The lack of sleeves makes attire visible underneath. I love Victoria’s Secret, but in the mall, not in my math class. Third, the skirt…is that a skirt? I think my hair-tie is made of more fabric! The handbook also states that “skirts and shorts must conform to the skirt length required of the uniform (pg.36).” Page 35 states that length is three inches above the knee. Since when was the knee located halfway up the thigh? Someone should inform the biology teachers of these medical advancements. I hate to sound redundant, but the Field Hockey team can not wear their skirts due to the length. Fourth, I have been informed that spandex has now replaced spankies. Is this the same spandex prohibited by page 36? Finally, the socks- to my knowledge any athletic participants wearing their jersey must wear everything else as normal- including socks. How petty, but how detention-worthy to everyone else. In conclusion, if cheerleaders want to be treated and respected as a sport of JC, follow the rules like everyone else! This not a reflection of the cheerleaders’ skills. They are very good this year and I only aim to draw attention to this unjust situation.
Volume 37, Number 1
Tara Hofherr
October 5, 2001
Mr. Barker modifies school by Valerie Beach Contributing Writer Principal Paul Barker, wearing a striking bowtie and imitating The Crocodile Hunter in his New Zealand accent, has been an undeniable presence at JC during the first month of school. Principal Barker has initiated changes to the daily routine at JC that, however small, have noticeably impacted the school community. The mail-box delivery of the daily bulletin that previously welcomed teachers and students has become extinct. With computer access now in every classroom, teachers are emailed the bulletin. The tree-saving change has been a learning experience for some computer illiterate faculty, but as Mrs. Gradishar said, “Mr. Barker is catching us up with the changes in technology.” Besides looking to the future, Principal Barker has looked to the past to the founding mission statement of JC. This mission states that JC is a Catholic college preparatory school,
giving a substantial reason for hav- find that minute of silence to do so.” ing prayer at the beginning of each Prayer has emphasized comclass, as well as during the aftermunication to God at JC, and Mr. noon announcements. “BeBarker also hopes to keep the ing a community that prays communication open between himis an important part of what self, the students, and the faculty. we do,” Mr. Barker said. The visibility of Mr. Baker throughPraying together throughout out the school day has been the school day brings encouraging for many the students and members of JC. “My faculty closer tohope is that people gether, making the think I’m approachcommunity stronable. It’s very easy ger. to get stuck behind In general, that desk and never faculty and stucome out. But I keep dents alike support my windows open, my his new addition to door open, and I try to classes. English get out into the halls and to teacher Mrs. Fisher look into the classrooms evsaid, “Starting each ery day,” said Mr. Barker. class with a prayer is Communication is vital to certainly a good idea. the success of the school, It helps keep all of us and Mr. McAdams excentered. Sometimes plained that Mr. Barker is it’s good to ask God to help us cope with our very personal concerns— and in our busy lives we might not
Dean restricts liberties
Sharks assault swimmers by Joel Wienholt News Co-Editor In 1975, Steven Spielberg directed the Academy Award winning thriller Jaws. It was about a town that was terrorized by a series of surprise shark attacks from a great white shark. Some people like to blame this movie and Peter Benchley’s best-selling 1974 novel Jaws for shark’s fearful reputation as relentless predators. The truth is, sharks have always terrified people. What people don’t realize is that shark attacks do not occur often. In a bad year, as many as 100 shark attacks may occur and only a few are fatal. Many more people are killed from bee stings and poisonous snake bites. In the year 2000, there were 79 confirmed, unprovoked shark attacks worldwide. Of these 79 attacks, 34 occurred in Florida. This year, there have been 16 attacks in Florida so far, but experts say this is about on target for what the norm was last year.
Despite the nightmarish idea, people have little to fear about sharks. They are being hauled from the sea faster then they can reproduce. Each year between 30 million and 100 million sharks are caught for their meat, fins, hides, jaws, and their internal body parts. As a result, the population of many shark species has plunged 80% in the last decade. Shark encounters are more common in the summertime when sharks and people share the water. Most have minor consequences, but unfortunately serious consequences do happen. Beach bums, swimmers, and fishermen may want to follow these safety tips to avoid shark attacks. First, if you see a shark get out of the water. Unfortunately, many people see sharks and stay in the water. People should get out and not panic, but swim gently and smoothly, or walk out carefully. If a shark is approaching you, experts say to hit it in the nose, watching out for its mouth.
Safety Tips to avoid attacks § Avoid swimming during the night, when sharks tend to be more active § Don’t swim alone § Be aware of situations where sharks are likely to be present, such as schooling fish or diving seabirds § Avoid places where sharks tend to congregate, areas between sand bars and the surf zones, and along edges of channels § Minimize your jewelry when swimming, which appears like fish scales when reflecting off the sun October 5, 2001
“taking the approach of listening to people and making his decisions from that.” Some decisions made by Mr. Barker have been incorrectly perceived by the student body, most specifically the senior class in reference to the annual senior scavenger hunt. Mr. Barker adamantly stated, “I did not ban the activity; I simply stated that we are opposed to what [the senior scavenger hunt] has become. This is where we stand. Our mission statement is what we have to go on.” The administration can not ban the activity, but they can take appropriate actions against verifiable acts of immorality and indecency that are damaging to the individual safety of the students, the reputation of these students, as well as the reputation of the JC community in general.
by Sarah Herman Staff Writer The start of the 2001-2002 school year saw many changes at John Carroll- a new principal, several new teachers, many new freshman, and just one dean: Mr. Phil Piercy. According to Mr. Scholl nobody from the faculty was willing to step forward and fill the big shoes of Mr. Perry. However, with the faculty helping to enforce the rules more than they have in the past, Mr. Piercy feels confident that he can successfully fill this stressful position. Senior Christeen Roden expressed her opinion on this new development by saying “It’s ridiculous that even though the student body is continuing to grow, we have cut our number of deans in half. It seems like too much work for one person to do.” Although Mr. Piercy agrees in part with this sentiment, he also said that “I have to be more efficient now, so I’ve made it [the discipline system] more student oriented.” Mr. Piercy is referring to some of the ‘new’ policies that have been returned to, including students being responsible for the submission of their major detentions and the manner in which detention is carried out, with students sitting quietly in a room. Although some students may feel that these ‘new’ policies are unfair and that the old way was better, Mr. Piercy shed some light on the situation. He explained that the official policy was never to have detention become known as social hour, and
Volume 37, Number 1
that the policy of students being called to the deans’ office to hand in their detentions was never a policy at all, just a change that had unofficially developed over the years. “It is a matter of enforcement, not policy,” said Mr. Piercy. “That’s how its been written in the handbook for years, I’m just beginning to emphasize it again.” Mr. Piercy wants to cut down on the number of students mingling with their friends in the hallways during the detention crews, and generally having fun during detention. M r . Heubeck will be hosting detention in his room everyday, and the majority of the students will sit and do nothing. No homework, no reading, no talking on the ever popular JC cellular, digital wireless, or otherwise high tech handheld phone, just nothing. Over past years, students have been allowed to schedule their detentions on days when it is convenient to them. This is no longer allowed, according to Mr. Piercy. “Although there are no major changes, the net result is the same,” said Mr. Piercy, meaning that although the ‘new’ policies aren’t really new at all, they are still a change from the routine that some students are used to. With all the difference in detention procedure, Mr. Piercy hasn’t forgotten about one thing that effects students the most: dress code. Under dean Piercy’s eye, there will be stricter enforcement of uniform policy including, as Mr. Piercy said, “No rolling of sleeves…ever.”
Tension rises to a new level ...into one of two targets in Washington, DC: The Capitol Building, where Congress meets, or the White House. Another question in the minds of students is: what did they use to take over the planes, and how did they get it past airline security? The terrorists used a knife referred to as the “CIA executive letter opener,” a knife made out of a very strong polymer plastic, that can be sharpened to a razor’s edge. Since it is a plastic, it is not detectable by a metal detector. Many Americans noticed immediately that all of the flights were bound for the West Coast. This was not an accident; in fact, it was a very large part of the terrorists’ plans. Because these were non-stop flights to the West Coast, they would be completely filled with fuel, in effect making a giant Molatov Cocktail. It was the burning aviation fuel that caused the World Trade Centers to collapse. The aviation fuel burned so hot, that it literally melted the structure of the building. Almost immediately, it looked as if this was the work of Muslim extremists; in particular, Osama bin Laden, a man that the US is not unfamiliar with. Bin Laden runs a terrorist organization known as “Al-Qaeda.” He is an exiled Saudi Arabian millionaire who fought against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (1979-1989), and received US aid from the CIA. Bin Laden is suspected in the bombing of two US Embassies in the summer of 1998 in Nairobi, Kenya, and
wrote, “It is likely that the American campaign against terrorism will be a lengthy one.” The American people seem to not have a problem with that. In a poll, when asked how long they would support military action in Afghanistan, 81% answered “As long as it takes.” If the US does invade, they may be willing to use nuclear weapons. At a press conference, Colin Powell, when asked whether nuclear weapons may be used, said, “At this point no options have been taken off the table.” During his speech to a joint session of Congress, Bush told of the creation of a new federal agency, the Office of Homeland Security. The OHS’s first act was to temporarily ban the flights of crop duster planes, on the pretext that they could be used to spread chemical and biological agents. This is not without evidence, as it was relayed to the FBI that several of the suspected hijackers were at a Florida airfield asking about the capacity of the dusting tanks, the flight range, and other technical information. The President also A New York City fireman stops to reflect at a makeshift shrine dedicated to the deceased issued several demands to the and missing. Taliban. Bush specified that these demands were nonneDar Es Salaam, Tanzania. He is also responsibility, as has every other gotiable. Since then, the Taliban has a prime suspect in the bombing of the group, most likely because they fear said it “does not know where bin USS Cole, in Yemen, during the win- that this attack will lead to a very Laden is, but if his location is known, ter of 2000. strong reprisal. If indeed it was they will ask him to leave.” Shortly Osama bin Laden has denied Osama bin Laden, then he is most after this statement, the Taliban belikely hiding in Afghanistan. If he is, gan fortification of bunkers and conthe ruling party of Afghanistan, the struction of anti-aircraft sites. Taliban, an extremist Muslim group, Bush is trying to form an inmay not turn him over. After the ternational coalition to seek out and of dust and debris forms and bombing of the USS Cole, they re- destroy all terrorist groups, not just slowly drifts away from the ferred to him as their guest. Not only Al-Qaeda. He said “It is time for the Taliban refused to turn over the leaders of the world to decide, building. As many as 700 has their “guest” even after an ultima- whether you are with us or the terfirefighters and almost 100 tum from President Bush, they also rorists. If you side with them, you police officers are killed in the said that they would “make reprisals shall share in their fate.” This goes collapse of both towers. against any country that helped the back to his first speech after the at10:10 am: A portion of the United States.” They are referring tacks, in which he stated that “the Pentagon collapses due to the to the countries that surround them: United States will make no distincIran, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, tion between the terrorist and those fires raging inside. and Turkmenistan, all of which have who harbored them.” 10:10 am: United Airlines closed off their borders to AfghaniThis will be a new kind of Flight 93, also hijacked, stan. Some, like Pakistan and war for America, with no decisive crashes in Somerset County, Uzbekistan, are considering letting battles, nor liberation of territory by Pennsylvania, southeast of the US use their countries as staging American troops. It will be a dirty areas for an invasion of Afghanistan. little war waged first in Afghanistan, Pittsburgh. All are willing to let the US use their and in many other countries like it. 10:28 am: The World Trade airspace for airstrikes. There may well be more attacks on Center’s north tower collapses If indeed the US does invade America as she wages her war on from the top down as if it were Afghanistan, it will be a very bloody terrorism, but the president has inbeing peeled apart, releasing a war. The Soviets spent ten years in sisted that America will accomplish tremendous cloud of debris Afghanistan, and were defeated in the goal of sending bin Laden and oththe end, and forced to retreat across ers like him “to history’s unmarked and smoke. the border. The terrain will aid the grave of discarded lies.” Afghan forces, which is very mountainous, making tanks nearly useless. President Bush realizes this, as he photo by C.J. Neff and Lauren Faber
Continued from pg. 1...
Timeline of Events 8:45 am: A hijacked passenger jet, American Airlines Flight 11 out of Boston, Massachusetts, crashes into the north tower of the World Trade Center, tearing a gaping hole in the building and setting it afire. 9:03 am: A second hijacked airliner, United Airlines Flight 175 from Boston, crashes into the south tower of the World Trade Center and explodes. Both buildings burn. 9:43 am: American Airlines Flight 77 from Dulles crashes into the Pentagon, sending up a huge plume of smoke. Evacuation begins immediately. 10:05 am: The south tower of the World Trade Center collapses, plummeting into the streets below. A massive cloud The PATRIOT
Volume 37, Number 1
October 5, 2001
Antenna marrs campus sky
Pinnacle wins first prize The 2001 Pinnacle Magazine won first place in a magazine review by The American Scholastic Press Association. JC’s magazine excelled in content, organization, design, presentation, and creativity. Reviews provide the Pinnacle staff with feedback for the next year’s issue. Many students have the false assumption that it is just for poetry, but all students are encouraged to submit stories, essays, poems, satires, music composition, photographs, etc. The deadline for the 2002 publication is mid-January. See Editor Megan Willan or Mrs.Gradishar if you have questions.
Computers loaded with resources The school library has updated the computers with a resource for students known as the “Global Search.” The new computer software, Grolier Online, is composed of many sections like Multimedia Encyclopedia and Lands and People. The Multimedia Encyclopedia researches geography, performing arts, life sciences, technology, and much more. The Lands and People gives an in depth look at foreign languages, culture, and geography, as well as providing maps, atlases, pictures, and an almanac. The computer program has replaced many print sources in the library and is easily accessible for student use without special permission. The library is hoping to further expand access to this database to JC students at home.
Eucharistic Adoration The Campus Ministry has scheduled year long Eucharistic Adoration for students, teachers, and visitors. Eucharistic Adoration will be in the chapel the first Friday of every month. A sign up list is posted in the chapel hallway for all those interested. Each member of JC school and community is encouraged and welcome to take advantage of this opportunity. You may participate even if you are not signed up or can only spend a few minutes in the chapel. Those people who have questions should see Mrs. Murphy.
JC pledges to pray for the unborn This school year the Respect Life Club will be sponsoring a spiritual adoption program for the JC community. The program started in September and will continue for nine months. Participants pledge to pray for a baby in danger of abortion. Participants will remain unanimous. The club hopes that participants will become educated about the sacredness and development of life in the womb. In June the club will celebrate the birth of their spiritually adopted baby with a baby shower. The gifts will be donated to a pregnancy center to help babies and mothers that are in need.
by Louis Perseghin News Co-Editor When walking into the school from the faculty parking lot, a 40-foot aluminum pole, poking its skinny self out from the top of the JC auditorium stands unnoticed by the people who pass it by everyday. Although it currently stands useless, this antenna does have a purpose. It is supposed to provide wireless internet for the entire school, through a company called Magnus Computers. However, because of a judgement error in placing the antenna, the signal cannot be received. The signal, which is supposed to be bounced off of the JC antenna to the public works building in Bel Air, is being blocked due to some wayward shrubbery. The signal can penetrate through a variety of matters, including brick and metal, but it cannot pass through water. According to Mr. Russell, JC technology coordinator, the signal is being blocked by excessive foliage whose branches contain water. Since mid-July, when the antenna was installed, it has been standing idle. When it does go into commission, however, it may well run a faster connection than is currently used by the school. At the present time, the school is running on a frame-relay line, which originates at Loyola. On the current line, peak speeds may be comparable to a little less than what a T1 line can handle. The framerelay system is used not only by JC, but also by Loyola and various other schools. At any given time, there may be up to 200 us-
ers online from JC alone, not counting the many other users not from JC. The new system will have fewer users, and since it is a wire-
photo by Louis Perseghin
N e w s * B r i e f s
The antenna rises high above the school, but is not being used.
less line it will not go down as much. Magnus Computers agreed to let JC use their wireless connection for free in exchange for the placement of the antenna on the roof. The only noticeable change in service will be the address of the JC website. It will no longer have the Loyola reference, but instead will have its own domain name. Although the current connection is adequate, the wireless connection should boost the connection speeds and the reliability.
New Ambassador’s Club The recently formed Ambassador’s Club are informing eager eighth grade students about the uniqueness of JC. The Ambassadors, students from 9th through 12th grade, are organized by the Admissions Department to attend high school visitation days or evenings. They visit surrounding private schools to share knowledge about JC and spread excitement, which would encourage eighth graders to apply. Ambassadors may be alumni from the grade school. The Ambassadors will also have a special job at Open House at JC other than being a tour guide.
Three Convenient Locations To Serve You: 1317 Bel Air Road 410-838-1100 or 410-879-7800
New acts for the Thespian Society
317 S. Phila. Blvd. 410-272-4300 or 410-575-7140
The Thespian Society will perform the fall production of Father of the Bride on November 2nd and 3rd at 7pm and November 4th at 2pm. All performances are performed in JC’s auditorium. Auditions for the winter musical, Crazy for You, will be held November 14th and 15th.
117 S. Phila. Road 410-676-4855 or 410-272-4302
October 5, 2001
Volume 37, Number 1
New teachers recharge school Mr. Huber
Mrs. Kraft
Mr. Vierheller
Mrs. Smith
Classes- Juniors, Church History and American Religion. Previous job- Youth Minister at Presbyterian and Catholic Parishes. Why he came to JC?- “As a youth minister, teaching was what I enjoyed doing the most and I felt it was my gift.”
Teaches- Algebra 1 and Earth Science. What she likes about JC?- “JC is a community. We are a family here.” Summer Event- “I tutored Algebra and met many nice students from all over the county.” Mrs. Kraft’s Top Five1. “I really enjoy nature. I enjoy gardening and landscaping.” 2. Chinese interior designing, Feng Shui- Mrs.Kraft has rearranged her desk and added a fountain in her office to create a better energy flow. 3. Favorite food- Mrs.Kraft is a vegetarian, but she does eat fish. She loves Japanese food; vegetables, sushi bar items, etc. 4. Her favorite movie this year has been Chocolat and looks forward to watching Pearl Harbor on DVD. 5. Family- Mrs. Kraft is married and has two sons. They are 16 and 12 years old.
Teaches- 10th grade Sacraments and Morality. Previous Job-Marine corps, small business consultant, and vice president of administration of family business. Why he came to JC- He believes teaching is a vocation not just a profession. He says young people have a lot to share and being around the
Classes- 10th and 11 th grade English Previous job- Catholic High School teaching English and as Dean of Students.
What he expects from teaching?“To enjoy what I will be doing.” Summer Event- Mr. Huber was married Memorial Day weekend. In July, he and his wife went to Ocean City. Most Memorable High School Experience- His 16th birthday party. “I was in so much shock that I lost my vision and was very close to passing out.” Mr. Huber’s Top Five1. The ocean- “I absolutely love the ocean. If I had my way, we would be living down there.” 2. Hobbies- reading, jogging and walking, and spending time with his wife. 3. The theology classes I am taking“They are almost like entertainment for me.” 4. Baseball- (He played baseball in high school.) “I am a huge Oriole fan even though they are one of the worst teams in MLB.” 5. His favorite food- Pasta.
Mrs. Malone Classes- Guidance office secretary Previous job- Working at a law firm, and she worked at JC from ‘98-’99 in the development office. Why she came to JC- Because she likes the school, and there was a job opening so she called Mr. Mullin and got a job. Summer Event- Traveling to Hawaii for 9 days to visit friends. Most memorable High School e x p e r i e n c e - When president Kennedy was shot. Mrs. Malone’s Top Five1. Spending time with her grandson 2. Having family dinners when everyone is in town. 3. She loves her job, the people she works with, and especially the kids. 4. She loves spending time with her friends, a group of which has been together for over 20 years. 5. She likes to travel, and has liked Hawaii the best so far.
Mrs. Russell Classes- Main office secretary Previous job- Assistant Director of Admissions for Waynesburg College in PA. Why she came to JC- Because of her husband, and she was interested in working for a Catholic school because of her faith. Summer Event- Spending time with her family and planning her wedding Mrs. Russell’s top five1. Being from Portland, Oregon. 2. She is a graduate of Goucher, where she majored in international relations. 3. She likes to spend time with family and friends. 4. She enjoys outdoor sports like swimming, running, and hiking. 5. She writes grants for post secondary education opportunities for a Franciscan mission in Guatemala.
Ms. Blume Classes- Spanish 2, 3, 5 Previous job- Working teaching English to Hispanics at Globaltech Bilingual Institute, and she was also a teachers assistant for special ed. kids. Why she came to JC- She is a graduate (‘96), and she had kept in touch with Mrs. Michael, and she told her there was an opening to teach Spanish. Summer Event- Her trip to Mexico with her fiancée, who she plans to marry in June. Mrs. Blume’s Top Five1. She loves Subway. 2. Enjoys skiing. 3. Has a cat named Magellan. 4. She loves any music that is Spanish, especially salsa. 5. She played 4 years of varsity volleyball, winning the championship in ‘94.
Why she came to JC- “It is a nice school with a great future.” Most Memorable High School Experience: “Dancing to live bands at school dances.” Summer Event- Going to the ocean. kids energizes him. “I love going to Ocean City with my Summer Event- He coached the JC family.” varsity summer basketball team. Mrs. Smith’s Top Five Mr. Vierheller’s Top Five1. Family- husband and three kids; 1. His family; his wife Donna and Gina, Maria, and Joseph. four kids; Maggie, Matt, Josh, and 2. “I love reading a good book.” junior Brian. 3. Hobbies- walking (1-2 miles a 2. Coaching basketball and lacrosse. day), reading. 3. Hobby- Playing golf. 4. Visiting historical sites like 4. “I love going on family vacations Williamsburg. especially Ocean City.” 5. The family dog Buddy. “Although 5. “I love teaching at JC.” lately he has been growling at Gina.”
Ms. Zavodny Classes- Spanish 1 & 2 Previous job- Working at an immersion school that was taught all in Spanish. Why she came to JC- She is a graduate (‘97), and she knew she wanted to teach in a private school and be able to do things other than teaching. The opening for swim coach at JC attracted her. Summer Event- Getting hired and coming back to JC not as a student. Most memorable High School experience- Being on the swim
team. Mrs. Zavodny’s Top Five1. Swimming. 2. Travel, where she gets to use her language skills. 3. She likes to read, including suspense and mystery. 4. She has recently picked up golf. 5. She likes going to the movies.
Volume 37, Number 1
Mrs. Sugarman Teaches- 9th and 10th grade English What she likes about JC?- The room size. “I went to school at a tiny school. There were only 16 people in my graduating class including me.” What she hopes to accomplish teaching?- “It is important to me to do my job well. I want to do my best to make every student successful.” Summer Event- Mrs. Sugarman moved from Alexandria, VA to Towson. “Other than moving, I had a calm, relaxing summer and prepared for the school year.” Most Memorable High School Experience- Her 10th grade English teacher defined her high school experience because she developed and improved as a writer and learned to love the subject. She was inspired to major in English in college at James Madison University. Mrs. Sugarman’s Top Five1. Baltimore, MD- “I am so happy to be back in MD.” 2. Movies- “I am a big movie buff. My favorite is Titanic because I can watch it over and over and not get bored.” 3. Reading- Her favorites are Hearts of Atlantis by Stephen King and Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. 4. Playing tennis and working out 5. “I like simple things.”
October 5, 2001
Dangers distract young drivers by Joel Wienholt and Ryan McCavitt News and Features Co-Editors
congestion. JC’s asphalt is no ex- is pointless and you don’t learn anyception. Congestion, along with park- thing.” ing, are the biggest problems involvBut junior Ben Pierce takes ing vehicles at JC. Just looking at a different approach saying, “Yes the red light outside the entrance Driver’s Ed is boring, but it teaches around 7:45 in the morning, any ob- good habits and fundamentals.” servant person can spot the glarDriver’s Ed attempts to ing problem of congestion. teach drivers how to be When congestion is at safe, but sometimes stuits worst, it sometimes takes dents find it to be very tealmost 20 minutes to get into dious. the parking lots. This probChaotic driving lem creates major problems leads to trouble for people who like to sleep that extra five or ten minutes Car accidents are in the morning. the leading cause of death “Out of 800 students, among teenagers in the there are only about 30 stuUnited States. dents that are chronically According to a late,” said Mrs. Gauthier, school-wide Patriot poll, when asked about the morn46% of the student body ing congestion. “The problem have been involved in a happens when everyone arrives at vehicular accident. Many people the same time trying to rush into may have witnessed some of these school. But students must be leaving outside the entrance of our school or earlier in the morning because there directly on campus. Junior Alex has been a drop in morning lateness,” Pyzik recalls one incident that hapParking at JC wreaks just as pened to him saying, “I just avoided much havoc as the congestion. As an unmarked state trooper car when JC’s student population has ex- pulling out of a spot on the oval. He panded over the years, the park- was pounding on the horn, and I just ing problem has become a more kept backing out.” prevalent one. As Mr. Perry told Some accidents, though, are Eating while driving a Patriot reporter last June, “There not as lighthearted. Senior Christina is not dangerous, but fumbling with are so many people driving and not Martinez said, “I was trying to get napkins, wrappers, and beverages enough spots.” There has been many off of 95 and onto the 24 exit and I Distractions cause crashes distracts you from the road. In or- proposed solutions to the problem, but crossed over four lanes of traffic. In Driving requires a commuter’s der to be safe, leave a little early and little action has been taken. the far left lane a person rear-ended full, undivided attention and concen- allow yourself time to stop to eat. Mrs. Gauthier also said that tration. Distractions while driving Changing CD’s without hand JC supplies 240 spaces to its students, me. I saw headlights in my rearview contribute to 4,300 crashes per day is virtually impossible and that is why which gives the entire body of se- mirror and then bam! My car spun in the U.S. Many drivers face dis- changing CD’s is a major distraction, niors that drive the ability to have around completely, and when I tried tractions every day and do not even especially for teenagers. Many spaces. According to Mrs. Gauthier, to get out, I couldn’t get my door realize it. These distractions are il- people think CD changing is routine “John Carroll guarantees parking for open.” lustrated in Driving Distractions, a because drivers do it all the time, but most of its students, but many other Junior Brad Simpson recalls pamphlet that Shell gas stations all it is a fact that changing a CD while schools do not.” over the country are distributing to driving puts you 6 times more at risk Junior Chris drivers. This article elaborates on of getting into an accident. If you Colbert has a different many of the points discussed in the are driving at 60 mph and you look approach to solving the pamphlet. Among common distrac- down for just two seconds to choose parking problem. tions are: a CD, you’ll have traveled 176 feet “The school should blindly. In order to avoid this danger, start a shuttle service Ø Adjusting CD’s/radio or air con- ask a passenger in your car to change from Upper Rockfield ditioning controls the CD or take advantages of nor- to the school.” Even Ø Too many people in the vehicle mal stops to change CD’s. though this solution Ø Cell Phones It is hard enough to concen- seems improbable, it By 7:40, traffic slows, as Churchville Road becomes Ø Eating or drinking while driving trate on the road alone, but other pas- may be the only soluconjested by many sleepy-headed student drivers, Ø Personal grooming (i.e. makeup, sengers in your car add numerous tion that will not sacriwaiting their turn to enter the school. shaving) distractions. There are, however, fice any of the school Ø Advertisements on the roadside ways you can avoid distractions grounds or student Ø Acquaintances in other vehicles within your vehicle. Avoid argu- privileges. One suggested solution is an accident that he had: “There was ments and mini- to create more parking areas, but that heavy traffic when I was crossing Most Common Driving Distractions according to Students mize conversations would involve getting rid of some 22 into Amyclae and didn’t see a car while driving. sports facilities. Another proposed heading my way. Mine barely got Keep your eye on solution is to turn the oval into an- scraped but the other car flipped = 10% the road, not on the other parking lot, but that would leave three times after hitting a guardrail passengers and seniors without a parking privilege. and was totaled.” keep music at a Other students and faculty Driver’s Ed bores teens medium level. have seen the prevention of accidents Driver’s Education may save by police officers in the form a ticket. JC troubled by some lives, but many students find Mr. Huebeck, when asked if his ever congestion this form of education more boring received a ticket, said, “I haven’t Ever since than regular school. “It teaches you been caught yet.” Junior Brandon asphalt was in- how to sleep. It’s all common sense,” Williams said he received a $250 vented, there has said junior Brian Vierheller. Senior speeding ticket and a $70 ticket for always been traffic Mark Walters feels that “Driver’s Ed an illegal lane change. photo by Ryan McCavitt
Younger drivers are certain to encounter many of these distractions before they reach the age of 20. No one thing besides school, In today’s world, it is comwork, or romantic engagements plays mon for teenagers to have cell a bigger role in the life of a teenager phones. They’re an important part than driving. At the same time, no of everyday life, but using a wireless other age group has as many distrac- phone while driving increases your tions and concerns circling around chance of getting in an accident by their hectic lives. That is why some- 400 percent, according to Shell retimes driving and distractions are a search. Searching for a telephone deadly mix to teenagers. number or dialing one on the phone From Henry Ford’s Model- means you’re not watching the road. T to ‘69 Mustangs to Geo Storms to “Hands free” phones help, but they Jaguars, automobile have taken great still disrupt concentration. To preleaps and bounds in the right direc- vent these problems, manufacturers tion. Imagine today’s automobiles suggest to use the phone only when without such technological advances stopped or off the road. When the in safety as air bags, seat belts, phone rings, let it ring. It’s better to crumple zones, and anti-lock brakes. get a message than to be distracted, How many more fatal accidents a putting your life and other’s at risk. year would there be? But as of yet, Finally, never take notes or jot down these advances do not prevent the telephone numbers while driving. problems drivers face each and ever Fast food restaurants are day in the United States. everywhere and it is not uncommon for people to find themselves driving and eating.
Road-side Distractions
a a a a a a
October 5, 2001
Technology (cell phones)
Too many occupants in car
a a a a a a
Volume 37, Number 1
Student having Hannes-tly good time in states Staff Writer Hannes Datta, a student at our German partner school, Gymnasium Josephinum, located in Hildsheim in Northern Germany. This semester is not the first time he has visited the U.S., as he was one of the exchange students who came to visit JC last March. On his initial visit, Hannes enjoyed the people and the style of living, which is part of the reason he returned. He also wanted to improve his English so he could use it in the future. According to Hannes, “School is hard, but a good experience.” “We don’t have that completely difficult mod schedule,” he said, when explaining the differences between his school and JC. They also don’t have uniforms, a cafeteria, or homeroom, but they do have 45 minute classes and fixed schedules. The schools are similar in that
they don’t have every class every day, and the number of classes they have a day varies.
photo by Rose Walker
by Stephanie Rew
Exchange student Hannes Datta breaks into an impromptu grin.
Hannes feels that, although the schools are somewhat different, both schools are academically equal. He said that some of his classes in
Germany are harder than those here, but some classes here have higher expectations, such as U.S. History. Here he also has to comprehend the English language during schoolwork. Hannes has also been active in the music program. He sings in chorus, plays the clarinet in band, and plays the piano for music ministry. He played the music to Shaggy’s Angel , Dido’s Thank You , and Aerosmith’s I Don’t Want to Miss A Thing on the piano during opening liturgy. Since coming to the United States, Hannes has tried Oreos, which he loves, corn-on-the-cob, baked potatoes, crab cakes, and nachos. Hannes enjoys almost everything he has seen in the U.S. so far, especially the people, the school, and WHFS. However, he loathes the traffic outside of school and racism. Hannes had hoped to visit the White House and the World Trade Center , but in light of recent events, Hannes was unable to visit them and
wants to let everyone know that the people of Germany are very upset about the terrorist attacks. According to Frau Potter, the German teacher, this is the third or fourth time an exchange student has come back for a semester. Adjusting to our school and fitting into our classes is easy for them, since they learn English at a young age. She thinks having Germans here for a semester is an asset to classes, and benefits students because they make the language more real. She also incorporates them into lessons. “I can use Hannes when I talk about German schools, and around holidays like Christmas to talk about German customs,” she said. Hannes is planning to return to Germany on January 21st, where he will finish 11 th grade. After high school he plans to attend the University, and then study business. He says he’s interested in the computer field.
Savvy students return from excursion Staff Writer
From August 20 to September 7, twenty students and two teachers from JC embarked on an exchange trip that took them to Arras, France, a city three hours north of Paris. The exchange was conducted with JC’s brother school in France, Baudimont-St. Charles. The group went to many different cities in France, besides Arras, where they went to the town market. They went shopping in Lille, near the Belgian border, visited a ski slope made entirely out of scraps from a nearby coal mine, in the city of Lens. But by far, the favorite stop on the trip was Paris. The group saw the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, and took a boat ride on the Seine River. “My favorite thing that we did in France was the boat ride, because we got to see all the monuments along the river,” said senior Jennie Hart. Besides seeing all the sights in France, the group experienced a culture shock when they spent three
home at noon for a two-hour lunch, which is their biggest meal of the day. “School didn’t end until six o’clock,” said Lauren, “and they didn’t have any after-school sports.” The JC students had time off from touring the cities to spend time with their host families. One day, they all went to a park and played soccer, tennis, and swam. They also had a big picnic. They played card games with the French students, such as “Bataille,” or the card game “War” in EnExchange students visit the Lille Zoo. (front row) John Viebrock, James Edwards, Lauren Viebrock, Kathleen Housman, Jake glish. They McGill, Liz Rogers, (second row) Fred Rolfhing, Jennie Hart, played the Joe Kauffman, Matt Isennock, Ashley Mellot, Jen Crouch, Jesboard game sica McGill, Maria Iannatuono. “Qui - est ce?” or “Guess ence school in a different country. Who?” They also went to French “The French school was really big,” parties. “They DJ the parties themsaid senior Lauren Vie Brock. “They selves – at their houses,” said don’t switch classes - they stay with Lauren. One of the most eventful nights on the trip happened at a party. the same people all day.” The JC students and their The French students also go weeks living with their host families. The host families took the JC students to typical places, like the grocery store, shopping, the movies and restaurants. The French hosts started school while the JC students were there, and the JC kids got to experi-
photo by Mme Marr
by Megan Whiteleather
Volume 37, Number 1
hosts were at a café having a party, when a group of people from the street tried to break in. “The people were banging on the door, so we called the police,” said sophomore John Vie Brock. The police came, and the group left. Then the group came back, double in size, so the JC students and their hosts decided to leave. “It was really scary,” said John. “They were yelling things at us as we left. They were basically trying to break in.” But by far, the best experience of the trip was making new friends. The students from JC and in France created bonds with not only their French hosts, but also with the school, and community. “My favorite thing about the trip was just meeting all the new people and making friends with people from another culture,” said Lauren. “I learned a lot on the trip, and now I have friends and family across the ocean. It was really hard leaving; everyone was crying. But the trip was definitely one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.”
October 5, 2001
Trend Report: Fall BOOK REVIEW Fashion 2001
A Hundred Years of Solitude
the pages – doomed expeditions, catagether to give the eighties-inspired strophic rainstorms, multiple civil clothing the class it lacked the first wars, plagues and pestilences of all In a society where entertain- varieties - the book’s unique strength Apparently, the Grecian God- time around. However, there is an elegant ment and art seem to be drifting fur- lies in its pioneering of “magic realdess is a thing of the past. The final alternative ther apart, most authors concentrate ism.” Garcia Marquez describes it as stretch of the new millenfor those on winning either substantial royal- the “idea of saying incredible things nium ushers in the return not sufferwith a completely unperof the supermodel, punk ing from turbed face;” by relating imrock glamour, and black, he house became full of love. possible events as fact, by eighties side by side with classic Aureliano expressed it in poetry that had no beginning or end...and in all of it nostalgia. offering hyperbolic characequestrian chic. Remedies would appear transfigured: Riding atters as real, and by elevatLast season’s Remedies in the soporific air of two in tire runs ing insignificant events to colorful spring dresses the afternoon, Remedies in the soft rampant on legendary proportions, his and flowing skirts, along breath of the roses, Remedies in the wastyle becomes a mythic futhe runwith the long-tressed sunter-clock secrets of the moths. Remedies in the steaming morning bread. Remways of the sion of fantasy and reality kissed models who wore edies everywhere and Remedies forever. brilliant in the end calling attention them, are nowhere to be Micheal to the inescapable irony of found. Even Brazilian A Hundred Years of Solitude, pg. 68 Koors and fate. With a sweeping obsensation Giselle This model wears a number from the resilient jective viewpoint, Garcia Bundchen is markedly BCBG’s Maxazria Collection. R a l p h Marquez can be alternately absent from the runways Lauren. In ties or lasting critical acclaim. From lyrical, bitter, and scathing, but always she dominated for two VOGUE’S premiere issue for Fall the impoverished jungles of Colom- maintains an underlying sense of preceding seasons. Eighties model Amber 2001 fashion, actress Penelope Cruz bia came the author who achieved irony that lends a touch of poignancy sits in a creme-col- both. Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s One to every scene - from Aureliano’s Valleta is back ored riding en- Hundred Years of Solitude remains doomed feelings of love for a girl half on the cover of semble, consisting one of a handful of great books in his age to his eventual descent into VOGUE as the of a fitted turtle- history to become a multi-year inter- jaded senility. Aryan princess neck, tweed national best-seller (1967-69) and also With its complex web of rostorms New sportcoat, and a merit a Nobel Prize for Literature mances, intrigues, and betrayals, its York’s shows. skin-tight pant, (1982). succession of tragic heroes, and its Sporting jagged adapted for urban The story of the fictional engaging narrative style, One Hunblonde bobs that exposure. Included town of Macondo and the illusions dred Years of Solitude remains one compliment in this vision how- under which it lives, One Hundred of the best-loved books of the centheir statuesque ever, is the univer- Years of Solitude focuses on sev- tury. After all, if groups as diverse as and androgsal broad silver- eral generations of the Buendia fam- the New York Times’ general readenous figures, studded black belt ily as it attempts to reconcile ideals ership and the Nobel Prize Commisthey provide the and black boot of of beauty, youth, and love with reali- sion can agree that One Hundred perfect palette any length. Micheal ties of modernization, disease, and Years of Solitude is a book of the for Fall’s punk Actress Penelope Cruz sports an Koors presented war. While fantastic events illuminate highest order, who is left to discredit rock elegance. urban equestrian ensemble from an entire collection it? D e Ralph Lauren’s Fall 2001 line. of day and evening signers from attire worn with Sergio Valente to Gucci present antique-washed knee-length black boots. In addition, denim, body conscious black, and sil- Koors is largely responsible for the ver studded belts and accessories woolen knee-length sweatercoat copcoupled with stiletto-heeled black ied by department store designers evleather boots. While staying true to erywhere. His asymmetric black this essential form, designers mix and evening gowns are one-shouldered match the fabrics of their black bod- masterpieces which designer Donna ices, giving them a luxurious quality. Karan also interpreted skilfully. Cashmere, lace, and chiffon come toby Craig Parsons Staff Writer
by Denise Odie Entertainment Co-Editor
photo from August 2001 Vogue
photo from August 2001 Vogue
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Volume 37, Number 1
Cross-country races past county
this season there has been a lack of interest from the women. A few former members described the running as “not being fun anymore.” Captain Valerie Beach says, “The team will persist”. With two runners in the top seven and one more in the top fourteen in the county, the girls still have a chance to go far in the County’s meet. While the girl’s team is Sophomore runner Kreg Greer finishes strong at a working around recent North Harford meet. their lack of members, the boy’s team is working on teaching the rookies how to do their best. Although states that, “We have many young winning first place at this year’s runners this year, and with a few county championships would be year’s experience under their belt, the amazing, realistically, second place is team will be even stronger.” most likely according to senior capDespite a few minor settain Kyle Hodebecke. Kyle also backs, both teams still hope for a successful season. photo by Miyako Igari
members from last year’s senior class, including the #5 girl in the county, the team is willing to work Beginning the season with a hard in order to climb their way to running start, the boy’s and girl’s the top. Coaching this year is Mr. cross-country team welcomes many Russell and Mr. Monahan, who have new additions. Although, the team has established a revised practice regime suffered a loss of many distinguished with a stricter feel to it. With the installation of harder practices, the boy’s and girl’s team once again can appreciate how much hard work can pay off. For encouragement, Mr.Monahan runs with team. Running with the team helps the runners to keep their pace. In addition to helping keep the pace, it allows the runners receive some guidance in order to help improve their already awesome skills as well as interact with the coaches. Unfortunately, the girl’s team has suffered a major setback this season. Their team consists of only six girls and senior Rachel Ploskonka, is out for the rest of the weekend, due to a knee injury. Most of the feValerie Beach races past her opponent male runners on cross-counjust before the finish line. try graduated last year and
by Michele Renaud Staff Writer
Boys’ soccer faces tough competition by Mike Critzer Staff Writer The varsity men’s soccer team is well under way to a grueling season with much ambition and several challenges ahead. Seniors, Matt Cooper and Sean Travers revealed that they have no freshman on the Varsity squad. The team says their biggest rival this season is going to McDonogh, whom they played on Monday September 17th. Although they lost it was a mental victory for
the team. The team also says their offensive game has been more productive than the defensive side of the field. However, the squad lost their season opener 0-1. The squad, whose playing strategy varies from game to game, feels that their short passes and quick drives are more productive than long passes and slow advances. The teams’ overall strategy is vague to say the least. But it is obvious they prefer “lightning quick” advances to long drawn out
confrontations but are willing to use either if it produces a win. The Varsity soccer team would rather keep their more advanced strategies “a secret” and encourage fans “to come see for themselves,” said Cooper. In contradiction to the team’s secrecy is their hopeful attitude. It is obvious just by looking that the team needs to stay optimistic throughout their tough schedule, which includes at least two A-conference teams, as well as some in-county rivalries. The team is defi-
nitely rallying together for support and wants all they can get from their fans and the student body. The team would like to invite everyone to come to all of the home games and is expecting a larger turnout than last season. For information on the dates and times of home games students can ask any member of the Varsity soccer squad or can check in the sports section of the Aegis, or can check on the JC calendar of events.
Girls’ field hockey builds on unity by Ryan McCavitt Features Co-Editor The Girls’ Varsity Field Hockey team’s unity is the building block, on which they based their season. This year seems to be a very promising year for the team. Although the team’s offense isn’t as good as the defense, it has time for improvement. “We have a real strong defense. Right now we’re working on building our offense,” explains senior Katie Shearman. “Our offense is definitely not as strong as our defense. I think that if we work together we could make it
a lot better,” said junior Emma Scholl. fact that there are no underclassman The team’s proved closeness is what on the team. “That’s why we’re so has helped the success of the team close, because it’s just us upperclassin the past and what will continue to help in the future. “We’re a real tight-knit group. We do a lot of things together, like pasta parties. We just have a lot of fun,” said Katie Shearman. Everyone on the team seems to feel this way. Emma Scholl also said, “Field Hockey is so much fun. It’s more then just playing the sport; we all get a long really well and we’re pretty close.” One of the reasons why the team is so close may be due to the
man,” explains Emma Scholl. Everyone on the team has been on it before.
Bright Oaks Pediatric Center 2211 Laurel Bush Road Bel Air, MD 21014
Volume 37, Number 1
(410) 569-3300 October 5, 2001
been a lot more efficient this year if the Ravens had not lost O-lineman Leon Searcy. Look for the Ravens to have The defense starts and ends a record of 10-6 with a second-place finish in the AFC Central behind the here. For the Baltimore Ravens, Jacksonville Jaguars. They will win the defense of their championship a single playoff game before losing was over before it started. On Au- in the Divisional Round of the playgust 8th, RB Jamal Lewis went down offs. The single reason the with a season-ending torn ACL during preseason workout drills. This Ravens will not defend their chaminjury will affect the team in the long pionship is that without a stable runrun. ning back they will not be able to conSure, the best defense ever trol the tempo of the game. This will lead the Ravens back to the play- problem was demonstrated in the offs. Also, leading them back will be lack of offensive stability in the first the leadership of Ray Lewis, Shan- game of the season against the lowly non Sharpe, and Tony Siragusa. A Chicago Bears. It was even more revamped offense with the free agent prevalent in the Ravens’ 21-10 to the signing of Elvis Grbac and first-round Cincinnati Bengals, who were led by draftee Todd Heap will help a pass- a very stringent defensive effort. If ing game that finished 23rd in 2000. the Ravens had not lost Jamal Lewis, The offense would have they would be raising the Vince Lombardi Trophy come January.
by Ryan McCavitt Features Co-Editor
In the search for a new champion, look only to the Ravens’ opponent in the second-tolast week of the season, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. The Bucs have finally put it all together, both offensively and defensively. On the defense side, led by Warren Sapp, the Bucs are Ravenesqe. And after years of searching for their offensive savior, they may have found one in QB Brad Johnson. With a strong running game, the combination of Johnson and Johnson, and a great defense, the Buccaneers Ravens cornerback Duane Starks, a University will be the victors in Su- of Miami graduate, drops back to cover a pass. per Bowl XXXVI over the AFC representative, the Denver Broncos.
photo from
Ravens’ season promises no guarantees
Football stomps opponents After a disappointing loss to county rival Joppatowne, Patriots rebound with two straight home shut-out victories
For a quick moment the packed house at Gerry Gray Stadium goes silent. Quarterback Andrew Thompson’s ‘02 pass is spiraling downfield. Matt Nicodemus ‘02 snags the pass as the crowd goes from silent to fierce in a split second. He sprints into the endzone, scoring the final touchdown in JC’s 24-0 defeat of Severn. “Everybody was going crazy after the varsity football team beat Severn because it was the first time they won at home in a while,” said sophomore Nick Johnson. Last year, the Patriots lost many close home games and finished the year with a dismal 3 wins and 7 losses. “Last year was tough for us; we worked our butts off but finished the season 3-7. This year is totally different. We’re dominating opponents and already we have two big Wins,” said junior Jon Davis.This year’s captains: Andrew Thompson,
October 5, 2001
Brendan Ireton ‘03, Matt Nicodemus, Callahan rushed for 100+ yards huge offensive effort, Callahan and TD “Great White Hype” Callahan again, and Nicodemus caught a 70- Cavey ‘02, both scored multiple ‘02, and Nick “The Animal” Rich ‘02 yard pass providing the offense as touchdowns. Jon Davis capped off the game with lead this year’s team the team’s 8th with experience. Runtouchdown, ning Back TD on a 12 yard Callahan and Tight rush. End Matt Nicodemus With were the team’s prime two dominattime players going into ing efforts the season, and althis season, ready they have put up the Pats have big numbers. In the proven themseason opener, selves to be Callahan rushed for much better 100+ yards, and than the 3-7 Nicodemus caught a team of last 65-yard pass. And Thyear. If this ompson added to the stellar play offense scoring two keeps up, look Center Tyler Smardzewski prepares to snap the ball during the Septemtouchdowns. ber 22, matchup against Sparrow’s Point. for the PatriDespite their ots to be at efforts it was not quite enough to overcome county rival the defense recorded a shut out. The the top of their conference. “If we Joppatowne who won by a point, 25- Pats continued their winning ways keep playing like we are right now, 22. In the team’s home opener the in week 3 with a 55-0 romping of we’ll be unstoppable,” said place crowd had a lot to cheer about as JC Sparrows point. The defense once kicker Chris Roberts ‘03. stomped a tough Severn squad, 24-0. again shut out the opposition. In a photo by Miyako Igari
by Tom Scilipoti Staff Writer
Volume 37, Number 1
MVP’s of the Month Matt is the co-captain of the mens’ volleyball team. He has been a firm foundation on which a already experienced team has been built. He has being recruited by multiple colleges and will serve as a great asset anywhere he goes. “Matt plays with alot of intensity, he wants to win, and deep down he just really want to play good,” said fellow teammate Corey Turner ‘03. Mens’ volleyball has an impressive 7-0 record.
Senior Matt Muir
Junior Mairead Gordon
Mairead Gordon has lead the Women’s Varsity soccer team to an outstanding 9-2 record. In a strategic move by Coach Gary Lynch, Gordon now plays a front line position and since then has accumulated five goals and seven assists. Out of no where Gordon has helped the fourth ranked team get a great start to a very competitive season. In addition, Gordon was named the Athlete of the Week for the Baltimore Sun.
Soccer stresses discipline by Kevin Korczynski Staff Writer
photo by Miyako Igari
echoed, “The new players bring with year. Offering her reason on not rethem their experience from club turning, Liz Saul said, “Soccer just After a recent tri- teams and have stepped up to lead- wasn’t fun anymore for me, and I umphant victory over Bel Air High’s ership roles.” With the appearance wanted to concentrate more on acachampion girls’ soccer team of last of the new demics and laseason, the Girls’ Varsity Soccer freshman crosse.” Howteam is already well into a masterful ( A n d r e a ever Co-Captain season of successes. Under the in- G a e t a , Russell does not sistent coaching of Gary Lynch, the R a c h e l envision this as a girls’ team boasts key returning play- L a y e r , problem for the ers, passionate newcomers, and a Christine team. “It may jolting spirit of sportsmanship. Luongo, have been too Ranked Number Four in the A s h l e y much pressure state of Maryland (with only one loss M e y e r s , and stress for the to River Hill thus far), the team has and Jamie departing playmuch heart and skill going for it. Se- Zimmerman) ers, but the newFreshman Ashley Myers dribbles the ball nior Co-Captain Morgan Russell comes the downfield with a Spalding defender in comers are fosaid, The five new freshman play- disappear- pursuit. cused and the returning players ers are an advantage, with their in- ance of tensity and heart, and filling holes in four players (Trisha Bents, Catherine know the expectations,” said Russell. Mid-Field and Center Forward posi- and Chiara Fortunato, and Liz Saul) Expectations are held in high regard tions.” Senior Mid-Fielder Kate Saul not returning from the previous school for the success of the team and Se-
nior Co-Captain Kerry Van Shura said, “It is important to know the expectations because it will help you mature as a person as well as a player.” Coach Lynch sees to it that his girls fulfill those expectations. “He will present us with a situation and we have to take it on ourselves as a team to be successful in that situation,” Russell said. Senior Kate Saul also insisted Lynch’s coaching demands “perfect practice making perfect results” and in the end of the season, the hard work and strenuous play come full circle for the girls when they reach the soccer tournament. It is this energized intensity that set the Girls’ Varsity Soccer team on a streak of successes. Van Shura noted, “We’re only going to do better and excel.”
Jordan dribbles back into NBA by Ryan McCavitt Features Co-Editor The sky over the capital may be proclaimed a no-fly zone, but come November something will be in the air. It might not be a plane, but it will create great anticipation unlike the city of Washington has ever seen. “His Airness” will be lighting up the scoreboard at the MCI Center with dazzling dunks and majestic arching shots. “The Sultan of Swish,” a.k.a. Michael Jordan, will be coming out of retirement from the game of basketball to play for the Washington Wizards. On September 24th, MJ announced that he was officially returning, citing his lone reason for the return as: “I am returning as a player to the game I love.” But many people
did not have to wait until the 24th to realize Jordan was serious about a comeback. He has been visiting his old personal trainer from his Chicago Bulls days and playing summer ball at the University of Massachusetts. A question that still lingers is whether he will be in the playing shape demanded by the rigorous NBA schedule come the start of the season. Another question is if exNBA star “Sir Charles” (Charles Barkley) will be joining “His Airness” on the court. Charles Barkley, commonly referred to as the “Round Mound of Rebound,” has said he would also come out of retirement to play if MJ comes back. Barkley has also been spotted working out with Jordan. But there has been no official word yet from the “Round
Mound’s” camp about his return. A problem with the return was that Jordan is a part owner of the Wizards and the NBA does not allow its players to own teams. This has been solved though. Jordan has sold his ownership of the Wizards, and in return MJ has received more shares of ownership in the NHL’s Capitals. This transaction has been planned for about a month now, which was further evidence of Jordan’s eventual return. MJ’s contract covers two years and will pay him $2 million. Jordan has also announced that he will be donating his entire first year salary of $1 million to the September 11th relief fund effort. The fact that Jordan has signed a two-year deal means that
Volume 37, Number 1
he is committed to his comeback. If he continues his commitment to playing, the Wizards will be committed to winning. Young guns Richard Hamilton, who averaged 18.1 points per game last year, and first round draft pick Kwame Brown will provide good compliments to MJ. Veterans like Christian Laettner and Chris Whitney will help “His Airness” lead on the court, much like Steve Kerr and Bill Wennington did when the Bulls won their six championships. This team chemistry will lead the Wizards to the playoffs, but inexperience will not help their championship cause. One thing is for certain: by the end of the season, the Wizards and MJ will be the talk of the capital and the nation.
October 5, 2001