John Carroll School ! Tradition ! Pride ! Excellence
PATRIOT Volume 40, Issue 1 ! October 2004
Mrs. Zurkowski receives top honors Toga-wearing students rhythmically stomp around the classroom while reciting lines from one of Shakespeare’s plays. English teacher Mrs. Zurkowski looks on as her students laugh as they learn about iambic pentameter through physical demonstration. It’s interactive and engaging lessons like this that won Mrs. Zurkowski the Harford/Cecil Non-Public School 2004 Teacher of the Year Award. This is only the second year of the award’s existence. It honors teachers who have taught in Harford or Cecil County non-public schools for at least Þve years and show “outstanding qualities that make an individual a ‘model’ educator.” A series of recommendations are also required from the nominee’s colleagues and supervisors as well as comments from students. Media specialist Mrs. Russell and fellow English teacher Mrs. Fisher were instrumental in the application process. “Mrs. Zurkowski works extremely hard and is incredibly creative. We felt that she deserved to be recognized and when the information was sent out that we could nominate someone for teacher of the year, she was the Þrst thought that I had,” said Mrs. Russell. Mrs. Zurkowski said that one of the best parts of winning the award has been
reading the comments from her colleagues and students. “I try to achieve certain goals, but I’m not always able to see that they are happening and it was motivational to see that people see me the way I want to be perceived,” she said. Along with the recommendations, Mrs. Zurkowski also had to write an essay herself in which she discussed advice that she would give to a new teacher. “Most importantly, I said that change is good: change activities, change the way you teach a lesson. It makes it more exciting for you and for the students. Also stay current in pop culture and what kids are interested in so you can make your lessons apply English teacher Mrs. Zurkowski writes on the chalkboard durto their lives,” she said. After the appli- i ng one of her captivati ng lessons. Mrs. Zurkowski is the seccations were submitted, a ond wi nner of the Harford/Cecil Non-Public School Teacher of panel of three to Þve judges the Year Award. evaluated each on a 100-point scale. Once Mrs. Zurkowski will also be Mrs. Zurkowski has accepted the Mrs. Zurkowski was selected, she and Mr. honored at a luncheon on October 28th for awards with admirable grace and modesty. Barker were notiÞed and the news spread winning the Harford County Chamber of “I am very honored and after eleven years quickly. It wasn’t long before congratula- Commerce’s Golden Apple Award, which of teaching, it’s a nice personal accomplishtions from faculty members, students, and comes along with the teacher of the year ment. It’s also an honor to represent John parents came pouring in. award. Carroll,” she said. photo by Kristin Pytko
Rachael Kessler Editor in Chief
Strict dancing guidelines irritate students Aisha Turner News co Editor The windows of the cafeteria were covered with steam as hundreds of students danced until they were out of breath. With students in outrageous outÞts and a heightened sense of school spirit in the air, the 2005 Back to School Dance was underway. The Back to School Dance, held within the Þrst two weeks of school, has developed the reputation for being more risqué than other JC dances. Girls try to outdo each other by dressing as sexy as possible, which tends to lead to more provocative dancing. This year, several girls decided to push the limits by dancing on speakers and grabbing their ankles w h i l e dancing.
The kind of dancing that occurred at the Back to School Dance is commonly referred to as “freak dancing.” Although many students do not understand why the administration is seemingly all of a sudden concerned with dancing, Mr. Pirecy points out that the school has made many attempts to address the problem with only moderate success. “It’s been on the radar screen,” he said. The handbook even goes so far as to deÞne “freak dancing” as “simulated sex, crotch to crotch dancing, crotch to rear dancing, and inappropriate touching.” Although such dancing at high schools is not a new occurrence, the administration decided to take a Þrm stand against behavior that they did not agree with. During homeroom on September 24, single sex meetings were held to discuss the B a c k t o School
Students discuss presidential candidates in upcoming election. Page 3
Sophomores take part in the Hamatsa dance ritual. Page 8
Dance. Mrs. Gauthier, the leader of the girls’ discussion, admitted that the Back to School Dance has gotten out of hand in the past few years. “The Back to School Dance has taken on its own life, which is over,” said Mrs. Gauthier. The administration made it clear that they thought what happened at the Back to School Dance was unacceptable. “What I think of the style of dancing is immaterial,” said Mr. Piercy, “I don’t think [“freak dancing”] is appropriate for a Catholic school...for a school period.” Ms. Beadle, one of JC’s new teachers, was a moderator for the dance. “I was shocked and appalled at the way some students were dancing.... The kids here are nicer than most schools I’ve been at. T h e y a r e genuinely
Sandy Wienholt reviews the season’s top horror Disflicks. ciPage 11
nice kids–maybe that’s why I was so blown away,” said Ms. Beadle. At the homeroom meeting, Ms. Gauthier blamed insecurity and immaturity for why girls felt the need to dress how they did at the dance. “As young women, if you have everything out there, what do think guys are [going to] think?” asked Ms. Gauthier. “[Boys] are going to think that you are the way you dress,” she added. Ms. Beadle feels that the behavior of students at the dance did not adequately reßect their upbringing and as a Catholic school, JC has an obligation to students and their parents to expect better behavior. “Somewhere in [students’] heads they know [sexual dancing] is wrong. They wouldn’t do it in front of their parents,” said Ms. Beadle. Most students, especially upperclassmen, felt that the administration overreacted. Continued on page 5
Swimmer Michael Phelps of Baltimore sweeps the Olympics with grace and modesty. Page 14
Editorials Administration mishandles dirty dancing Staff Editorial
The Back to School Dance was crazy. People went a little nuts, but all in good fun. Girls showed up decked out in revealing outÞts, playing the part of fun, sexy young women. We’re not supposed to be the same Catholic school kids we are every day. It’s one night out of the whole year when we get to have some fun and show off a side of our personalities different from what teachers are used to seeing in school. The Patriot is not stating that all of the antics that occurred at the dance were appropriate, but maybe the faculty needs to loosen up just a tad. Times have changed, music has changed; be willing to have a little bit more of an open mind. Yes, it was a little extreme for girls to dance on speakers and ankle dance, but the administration acted as if every person at the dance was completely out of control. While crotch to rear dancing can understandably lead to inappropriate behavior, it is not necessarily worse than face to face. Both can lead to simulated sex, but both can also be perfectly innocent. It is absurd for the administration to pigeon-hold all forms of butt to crotch dancing as being too sexual. Some of the people that were kicked out of Homecoming may have been dancing
butt to crotch, but not in any sort of a sexual manner. The Patriot can understand that JC, being a Catholic school, feels the need to instill good morals in its students. However, calling our actions “appalling” and “embarrassing” is not as effective means of relaying your concerns. By doing this, the administration created an “us versus them” mentality. Students felt attacked and were therefore not able to keep an open mind to the concerns of the administration. The tension created as a result of the Back to School Dance made for a disastrous Homecoming. The lights were kept on to aid in the monitoring of dancers and over 11 people were asked to leave. No one had fun— not the students, and not teachers. Although Homecoming was more or less ruined, The Patriot must give the administration credit for its willingness to listen to students. After the Back to School Dance, the administration was very close-minded and steadfast. However, after seeing the looks of disappointment on students’ faces as they left the dance, the administration is now more open to listening to and compromising with students. As long as the students and administration are willing to listen to each other, future JC dances will be enjoyable for everyone involved.
PATRIOT John Carroll School 703 Churchville Road, Bel Air, Maryland 21014 Volume 40, Number 1, October 2004
Editor in Chief........................................................................Rachael Kessler Editorials co Editor..................................................................Laura Kirchner Editorials co Editor.......................................................................Mary Etting News co Editor.......................................................................Courtney Kurtz News co Editor...........................................................................Aisha Turner Features co Editor.................................................................Elizabeth Hersey Features co Editor...............................................................Lindsay Nicolucci Entertainment co Editor.........................................................Sandy Wienholt Entertainment co Editor................................................................Sarah Jones Sports co Editor.........................................................................Rose DiPaula Sports co Editor.....................................................................Dave Lomonico Photography co Editor...........................................................Lauren Schnupp Photography co Editor...................................................................Jess Rießer Business Manager..................................................................Patricia Kingery Cartoonist......................................................................................Rich Fleury Moderator.....................................................................................Mr. Ionescu
Christy Heere-Beyer, Leah McGann, Anne Sedney, Shril Amin, Delia
Pais, Trista Sturdivant, Anne Franetovitch, Kathleen Franetovitch The Patriot is a publication of the students of John Carroll School. The views and opinions expressed in The Patriot are not necessarily the views and opinions of the Board or Administration of John Carroll School. The editorial staff invites and greatly appreciates comments from readers on any issue. Volume 40, Number 1
SAC moderator defends dances To the Editors: As Dale Carnegie said “any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain - and most fools do.” In the June 2004 issue of The Patriot, the editorial “School dances need shaping up” takes aim at school dances. The writer states “dances need major improvements in order to satisfy the expectations of the students, and maybe with these improvements students will actually start attending more.” As moderator of the SAC, I can best address the issues regarding dances and other school functions. The record needs to be set straight regarding several issues that were raised in that editorial. Regarding attendance, let’s see, there were over five hundred students at the 2003 Back to School Dance, and over seven hundred at the 2003 Homecoming Dance. That sounds like a real issue of attendance. Granted the fire code allows for thirteen hundred in the gym, so perhaps it was a bit cavernous. According to Delia Pais and Mary Etting, “Homecoming was a well organized occasion that everyone seemed to enjoy.” This is not to say dances and other events are perfect. The SAC is constantly looking at themes and approaches to stimulate interest in the dances. In the last two years, there has been a shift from dances to including an open gym, raffles, door prizes, and karaoke. Indeed plans are already underway for the 2004 Homecoming. There have already been three meetings between the Executive committee. The “lousy decorations” took most of the evening to put up. Many of last year’s executives- Emily Haller, Adam Devine, John Vigliotti, Teresa Ward, and Kyle Hanratty among them came by after practices or games to stay until 11:00 p.m. putting up streamers, posters, covering the bleachers, and covering the showcases. There were more to the decorations than “Disney characters.” Movie posters such as “Jaws,” “Apocalypse Now” and “Das Boot” complemented the “Little Mermaid” motif. Between the “lousy decorations” and “lousy party favors” close to $6000 was spent. The “penalty box” system works. Students know in advance that the doors close at a certain time. If they choose not to arrive by 9:00 p.m., then they are not permitted into the dance until time is served in the penalty box. Likewise, if someone arrives after 9:30, they are not permitted in at all. Why spend $5.00 for a ticket to the Back to School Dance if you are only going to stay for an hour? There is also a policy for students that leave early. Anyone leaving prior to 10:00 p.m. has to sign out and leave a contact number. Students generally prefer the cafeteria to the gym for the Back to school dance. It is the SAC that decides where the dances are going to be held, not the moderator. Perhaps since enrollment is increasing, the location of the Back to School Dance warrants another look. Selling refreshments at the dances is not practical, particularly since there are vending machines in the cafeteria that students have access to. At the Back to School Dance, smoothies were sold, but in fairness to the SAC members, can I expect them to sell smoothies when they would rather be socializing with their friends? In good conscience, I cannot ask that of them. The officers and General Assembly set up and clean up after the dances. The dance is the time for them to enjoy the company of their friends. The writer is long on suggestions, but according to my roll is not even a member of the SAC. It is easy to criticize an organization when one is on the outside looking in. I challenge the writer, indeed the entire student body to get involved and support school functions. The Sweetheart Dance was cancelled this year because of low ticket sales. The January dance was cancelled for the third year in a row, because of non-existent ticket sales (okay, two tickets). The stands are empty on Friday nights when our basketball teams are in town, and the crowds are sparse for other teams as well. The bigger issue is the general malaise of the student body. There is a small minority of individuals that are organizing and supporting events. If students do not like the direction, then by all means put your money where your mouth is and get involved. Mr. Johnson Thank you for your letter. We agree that if more students got involved then there would be more of an appreciation for the effort that is put into the dances. The SAC does a lot of work for our dances that tends to go unnoticed, we thank you for bringing this issue to light.
October 2004
Bush vs. Kerry
October 2004
Christy Heere-Beyer Staff Writer
President George W. Bush is a disgrace to the American people with his poorly planned “War on Terror”, his de-emphasis on education and the environment, and his neglect for the welfare of the common people. Senator John Kerry is the better 2004 Presidential Candidate as has taken notice of the ßaws in Bush’s administration and has set forth plans to correct his mistakes. Bush’s poor planning was evident when he launched an attack on Iraq with inadequate intelligence and a shortage of supplies. He repealed the Clean Air Act and has made no effort to reduce American dependence on oil. The education system is in severe need of reform, ensuring the best teachers and equal opportunities for students to pursue a higher education. Bush’s tax cut only beneÞts the wealthy, making the rich richer and the poor poorer. President Bush’s Þrst mistake was sending the bulk of American soldiers to Iraq. It deÞes common sense. The U.S. is attacked by Al-Qaeda, terrorists residing predominantly in Afghanistan, and we send troops to Iraq? For one reason or another, Bush believed that Iraq had nuclear weapons, considering it a greater threat, and sent military personnel based on his speculations. The war in Iraq is the wrong war. If elected into ofÞce, Kerry has plans to make this war a noble cause so that Americans are not dying for Bush’s mistake. Bush believes that one should remain steadfast in one’s goals and opinions, but in this case, he should have acknowledged his error and corrected it, instead of continuing to move in the wrong direction. Kerry recognizes Bush’s error and plans to send the majority of American forces to Afghanistan and North Korea where the nuclear weapons really are. He not only wants to prevent the terrorists from using nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, but to eliminate current weapons and stop the production of new devices. It only shows hypocrisy when the United States orders foreign countries to disarm while Bush is building up our nuclear arsenal “just in case.” Nuclear weapons are a hazard to the world and all people in it. If they exist, we are all in danger. Kerry is the one who can lead us toward this goal. We are not only in danger because of nuclear weapons. The air we breathe is harming our lungs. John Kerry shows concern for the future of our planet by his proposal to improve the environment. He plans to reverse Bush’s rollbacks of the Clean Air Act, protecting our lungs from harmful exhaust fumes, and preventing acid rain. Kerry intends to reinforce the Clean Water Act that has been in place for thirty years and ignored by the Bush administration. Kerry’s “Restore America’s Water” campaign focuses on reviving damaged water-
sheds, protecting wetlands and waterfront, and improving overall water quality. In addition to this, our dependence upon oil is a grave concern as gas prices continue to increase, gas mileage of popular cars decreases, and shortages become more evident. Kerry insists that the U.S. work toward Þnding new energy sources, therefore decreasing our dependence on Middle Eastern oil and preventing the inevitable breakdown of society when the oil runs out. Additionally, Kerry plans to invest billions of dollars in renewable resources, hydrogen powered cars, and clean coal. The American people cannot walk blind, expecting these resources to last forever, because once the oil is gone, once the water is drowning in pollutants, the shock wave will reverberate as far as any nuclear explosion. The same truth rings clear in terms of money and the economy. We cannot spend without bound what we do not have. John Kerry plans to cut the national deÞcit in half and set limits on government spending. This allows more money to go towards wage earners and tax payers. Kerry intends to repeal the trillion dollar tax cuts for the rich and will ensure that 98 percent of people receive tax reduction. This enables all people to prosper, not only those with more money than they know what to do with. There are millions of people struggling to support themselves and their families with minimum and low wage jobs. They deserve the tax cuts. Kerry supports raising the minimum wage to 7 dollars. The prices of goods continue to rise and the minimum wage must rise with them. Everyone deserves an equal opportunity for prosperity. Prosperity includes the necessity of a good education, up to date technology and resources in schools, and proportional funding for those who cannot afford higher education. Kerry supports equal opportunities for students to learn and seeks to boost the standard of education and ensure well educated teachers. Education is so important because it determines how people will develop their lives. Schools without up-todate programs are shortchanging their students of vital opportunities. Poorly trained faculty and negative learning environments send students the message that school has no value. The President of this country must place emphasis on education if he or she has any concern for the future. John Kerry can steer this country into the future with an open mind for the assurance of prosperity, hope for a global solution, and protection for our way of life. In order to make right decisions, a President must use careful planning and forethought, considering the opinions of others before acting rashly, and doing it for the good of all mankind. George Bush neglected to follow this principle on several occasions and he will do it again. It is John Kerry’s turn to lead this country the right way. St. Louis Post-Dispatch/KRT
The Presidential elections are edging closer and people are making their Þnal decisions as to whom they will vote for. Voters are asking themselves many questions; should they throw their vote away with Nader, choose Kerry who goes back and forth on the war effort, and everything he says for that matter, or choose to stick with the man who has led us well for the past four years, Bush. Most people who don’t like Bush say he is a moron because he isn’t an eloquent speaker. Moses, however, had a stutter and he was a great leader, was he not? There are more pertinent issues than how well he speaks. Besides, those of us who are against Kerry have plenty of things we could say to make fun of him. We could always ask if America really wants a “girlyman”, as referred to by Arnold Schwarzenegger, in the White House. Yes, Presidential candidate John Kerry gets botox injections in his forehead. Or we could talk about John Kerry giving CPR to his daughters’ pet hamster, which is kind of disturbing, no matter which candidate you are for. So you could have a “moron” as president or a hamster-kissing, botox-injected, positionchanging John Kerry. The point is, there are more important things such as the candidates’ stances on issues, issues that include taxes. While in ofÞce, George Bush has given tax cuts. If John Kerry is elected he wants to increase taxes on those he considers wealthy, but promises to not increase taxes on the middle class and poor. John Kerry has a record in the Senate for supporting tax increases on everyone; but is promising a decrease if elected President, talk about trying to please people. If Kerry wants to go forward with all the plans he has proposed he will have to conduct a major tax increase on everyone. You simply cannot raise the minimum wage to seven dollars and promise a tax decrease on 98% of the population. Then after saying your going to raise the minimum tell people you have a plan to get our country out of debt, it is just not possible. Besides taxes, an issue that is going to have a huge impact on this election is the War on Terror. It seems to me that too many people have forgotten about September 11th. Many people do not support the War on Terror, but you have to ask what could have happened if we didn’t take action right away. There were other attempted terrorist acts, but they were prevented because of precautions taken by Bush. If we hadn’t gone to Iraq than Saddam would still be their “leader.” Even if you do not support the War on Terror you should at least support the troops who are over seas risking their lives for you
to be free. Bush stands behind the troops and their families. Kerry says he stands behind them, but that this is the wrong war at the wrong time. How can a nation stand behind a leader that does not completely stand behind his troops? At the Presidential Debate he talked about the lack of armor for the troops, yet he voted against the $87 million to support the war in Iraq, money that is used to buy body armor and other items for soldiers. Bush wants to pull the soldiers out of Iraq as soon as possible, but knows that if they are pulled out before there is a stable government that things will just go back to the way they were before and we will have accomplished nothing. Kerry, however, could possibly be the perfect candidate. He defends both sides of the issue. If you are for the War on Terror then Kerry is the candidate for you. If you are against the War on Terror then Kerry is also the candidate for you. It must be difÞcult to defend both sides of the issue. Kerry could possibly be a good President, if and only if he could ever make up his mind on which side of the issues he wants to take. Besides the issues on taxes and the war, there are smaller, but just as important, views that many people tend to focus in on. Bush is for the death penalty and Kerry is against it. Kerry even voted against the death penalty for terrorists. Which makes no sense, let’s have people who have killed dozens of Americans sit in our prisons being sheltered and fed by American tax dollars. Kerry is pro-choice, meaning he supports killing the innocent and letting those who have committed horrendous crimes live in shelters paid for by our tax dollars. Being prepared to become president is very imporant, and how they are prepared shows a lot about how their term will go. Personally I think the Senate is the most worthless part of our government. They sit there and vote on things. If the person next to them votes differently or changes their mind, there is a large possibility that they may change their mind just to agree with the person next to them. John Kerry spent over twenty years in the Senate.Most of the time they do not go to the meetings that are schedualed. John Kerry did not go to most of the intelligence meetings. There were thirty some and you could count the ones he went to on one hand. George Bush was govener. That is like a country within a country. Bush has also already had the privilege of already being our president. George W. Bush has led the country for the past four years and has done it well. The way he has dealt with September 11th and acts of terrorism has been very respectable. He has taken everything that has happened the past four years in stride and worked with America to overcome these problems. George W. Bush deserves to have four more years in the White House. www.usofÞ
Mary Etting Editorials co Editor
Volume 40, Number 1
Cafeteria prices disgruntle, frustrate
a condiment with their french fries, it was typical to simply If by some chance students wish to satiate Þll a small cup or two with ketchup or ranch dressing, free themselves with a healthy alternative to the typical deepof charge. Those days are long gone. fried fat served in the cafeteria, one may look to the new These days, JC allows students only one small lunch selection of Subway turkey or ham and turkey subs. As of late, JC seems very focused on the idea cup of ketchup. If someone The sub meal of change. New uniforms, new athletic department, new wishes to have more than consists of a six-inch lighting in the parking lot; all of these changes have been one cup of ketchup, they Subway sub, a small made for the good of the student body. One change, must fork over $0.25. Not packet of pretzels, however, has been made with no regard for students— to worry, this year chances and a drink. All of cafeteria food and prices. are you probably won’t this comes out to As high school students with limited, minimum even need that extra cup of $5.00. Although wage incomes and expenses including car insurance, gas, ketchup. more expensive than and college, it is safe to say that most of us are on a tight That’s right, even the chicken and fries budget. the amount of fries meal, the Subway T h e s e allotted to each student meal is healthy and budgets do not take has been lowered. the portions are pretty kindly to careless Instead of just Þlling up standard. spending, and a the plate with fries, fries As portions $3.50 downsized, are actually measured of the cafeteria meals fatty lunch would out in a downsized fry dwindle, Subway qualify as careless. cup and then transferred lunches seem to be But really, what onto the buyer’s plate. the only redeeming other options do we If the lunch effort made by JC have? If you are meal deal seems Seni or Greg Hatem counts his lunch to provide us with a hungry enough, you unreasonable, you money. This year porti ons decreased healthy, somewhat will be compelled to may be tempted to as prices stayed the same. reasonably-priced Mrs. Brown measures buy lunch. just purchase cookies lunch. In a perfect When you fri es i nto lunch trays. and wait until you get home to eat. Seems reasonable world, JC would mend their wayward ways and lower commit to buying because cookies are $0.35 each, or three for $1.00, cafeteria prices. the aforementioned pricey lunch you will receive a plateful right? Not anymore. One sugar cookie will now set you There is no reason why this cannot occur, however, of greasy fries, pizza, hamburger or chicken, and soda. back $0.50 and if you want to splurge for three, you’ll have people continue to purchase cafeteria meals and until they Unhealthy as this may be, food is food and we need a certain to hand over a $1.25. stop, prices will stay high and portions will stay low. For amount to get us through the day. Boniface’s concerns echo the sentiments of those opposed to the new trends, it looks as if these changes However, we can no longer even rely on JC to cafeteria frequenters throughout the school. However, are here to stay, so you must either brown-bag it, purchase provide us with an amount of food proportional to the amidst all of the preposterous prices is one healthy and a Subway lunch, or simply shell out the cash for a cafeteria money we spend. In years past, if students wished to have somewhat economical option. meal. photo by Jess Riefler
photo by Jess Riefler
Laura Kirchner Editorials co Editor
Wolf-Man Comic: by Rich Fleury
Volume 40, Number 1
October 2004
New dance guidelines cause upset After deeming behaviors at the Back to School Dance innappropriate, the administration has established sticter dance rules, much to the chagrin of the student body. Aisha Turner News co Editor
Continued from Page 1 “Our entire generation dances like that and John Carroll School is not [going to] change it,” said senior Michelle Bonifance, “People need to realize that it’s not the 1950s–people don’t do the sock-hop anymore.” Boniface was one of the students kicked out of the dance for continuing to dance on a speaker after being asked to get down. “We’re 17 and 18 years old–let us have fun,” said senior Betsy Collins. Apparently the administration thought that “fun” at Homecoming should only be face-to-face. “Butt-to-crotch” dancing was strictly prohibited for the Homecoming dance and students were warned that if they did not follow dancing guidelines they would be asked to leave. Because the administration has made such threats before and never followed through, students did not feel
not actually [going to] kick us out,” said senior Matt Hirschorn a week before Homecoming. On October 2, students Þled into the Homecoming Dance expecting it to be like any other. However, the administration followed up on its promise to crack down on dancing. The lights were kept on throughout most of the dance and over 11 people were asked to leave because they danced inappropriately. Seniors Lauren Maggitti and Delsin Roberts were pulled out of
the dance as they swayed to the rhythms of the third song of the night, Lean Back by Fat Joe. Like most students, Maggitti did not understand why all forms of “butt-tocrotch” dancing were banned. “I wasn’t even thinking that what I was doing was wrong,” said Maggitti, “That’s how I’ve always danced and that’s how everybody was dancing around me.” “ W e identiÞed that a certain type of dance wasn’t going to be acceptable [and] I think it surprised people when we followed through,” said Mr. Piercy. “We’ve e of e them h t s ere a tried the reminder w w s ” s p a u r as Veg ven ir c d po ke approach and it nd so u “Viva L a g n rds a n i a c m o h c it e doesn’t work.” Hom nt s w o stude tom. given t t o t the b chi ps a Maggitti did not Þnd the that anything behavior at this year’s Homecoming any would change at Homecoming. “The worse than years’ past, and she does not faculty is talking a lot now but they’re see why the administration is so set on not
October 2004
allowing this particular style of dancing. “That’s dancing nowadays,” she said, “Why would they play [the] kind of music that they know we’re [going to] dance like that to?”
Many students felt that Homecoming was ruined because the administration was so strict. “It wasn’t enjoyable for the teachers, it wasn’t enjoyable for the administrators, it wasn’t enjoyable for the students,” said Maggitti. “My Homecoming was in Mr. Scholl’s ofÞce with Delsin, text messaging people to tell them I got kicked out; and I looked outside and there were literally hundreds of people walking out.” Many people thought that hanging out in the parking lot would be more fun than staying at the dance. The administration was just as disappointed with Homecoming as students were. “I’m not pleased with how Saturday night went. I don’t get pleasure out of [students not having fun], contrary to what some people believe,” said Mr. Piercy. Mrs. Gauthier urges students to remember that part of the push to take more disciplinary actions with
people who dance explicitly comes from parents. The stricter policies are “very parent driven. They’re the ones who really hit us hard,” said Mrs. Gauthier. Mr. Piercy even received e-mails from parents thanking him for taking a
stand at Homecoming. On October 6, Mr. Barker met with the upperclassmen to discuss students’ feelings about Homecoming and JC’s dance guideline. The administration is making an effort to clean up the dances while still making sure students have fun. “[We are] committed to meeting with and listening to students,” said Mr. Piercy. “Fundamentally, there’s going to be differing view points; [but] I think its important to listen to the kids and try to come to some sort of understanding.”
Volume 40, Number 1
40th anniversary welcomes changes Liz Hersey Features co Editor
photo by Aisha Turner
photo by Aisha Turner
After years of treading uphill, JC has Þnally reached the top. Tumbling towards the ground with grass stained knees and dirt in its hair, JC is over the hill. JC turned 40 years old on September 9th. Even though it is middle-aged, faculty and alumni agree that JC is in its prime. Many updates occurring this year are attributed to the
40th anniversary. The freshman uniforms have been the about $360 thousand. While seniors work on college applitalk of the school since last spring, when they were Þrst an- cations, the ofÞces of JC are also busy, applying for grants nounced. Now that the other classes have gotten a chance and Þling proposals. to really see the uniforms, the response has been generally positive. “They look neater than ours, and they all match,” says junior Brittany Gough. Another major symbol of how JC has changed is the new logo. The school met with three dif- This banner was displayed outside the school to welcome ferent design- back students and faculty for JC’s 40th year. ers, and faculty voted on the more updated version, which is now displayed As far as celebratory events go, the largest has already everywhere throughout the school. passed. The 40th anniversary mass welcomed alumni back to “This was an opportune time to get a fresh look,” says the school to start the year with current JC Patriots, and was Mrs. Lang, head of the 40th Anniversary Committee, which honored to have His Eminence Cardinal Keeler present. is concerned with all the special changes and events this The next marked calendar date is March 12th, when the year. It is this committee that organized the Patriot Rafße, Black and Gold Gala will take place. This auction is yet anwhich will take the place of the magazine drive. Beginning other fundraiser, and a formal event. Successful alumni are February 1st, students and faculty will sell rafße tickets for also being welcomed back to give speeches. Todd Bradley large cash prizes, and win small prizes along the way, much (’76), CEO of PalmOne, visited on October 7th to talk about like the magazine drive. how JC inßuenced his education. There hopes to be more, The amount of fundraising that goes on is unknown to similar visitors later in the year, though they have not been many students. Like any good business, the school needs announced yet. money to continue with its updates and renovations, more Although there is plenty to be excited about as the school money than tuition alone will cover. prepares for the next 40 years, the 40th anniversary isn’t ex“It’s time for a makeover,” says Mr. Barker, and make- actly a year-long birthday party for JC. “At the risk of being overs are expensive. JC has a goal to accumulate $1 million cliché,” says Mr. Barker, “40 years ago, there wasn’t a man by June 30th 2005. At the moment, the number stands at on the moon.” JC still has a lot of work to do, but it’s not as though the astronauts had an easy time getting there, either.
JC’s bulleti n board outside of the cafeteria is adorned with clippi ngs commemorati ng the 40th anniversary.
November 2, 2004 Make your voice heard!
JOHN KERRY Volume 40, Number 1
October 2004
news 7 Senior prom preparation well under way Courtney Kurtz News co Editor
Instead of the Ravens Stadium being Þlled with burly football players on the night of April 23, it will be packed with JC seniors dancing the night away. The 2005 prom will be held at M&T’s Ravens Stadium, on its acclaimed club level that is typically reserved for major CEOs and executives. Last year’s prom was held in the World Trade Center and was the Þrst JC prom that was not in a hotel. Students and parents expressed interest in holding this year’s senior prom in the World Trade Center, but there will be too many people attending to Þt in this location. Currently, there are 184 students in the class of 2005, so class ofÞcers are planning on 300 students attending prom. “We actually looked at several different locations,” said Mrs. Russell, senior class co-moderator, “but once you get above 250 guests the options are fairly limited at downtown locations.” Camden Yards, the Railroad Museum, the Belvedere Hotel, and other waterfront locations were also considered. Students are elated that prom will be held at such a well-known and publicized site. “It’s awesome that prom will be held
at the Ravens Stadium,” said senior Pat Casey, “and I’m really excited for the ESPN Zone.” Each year, the Parent Association hosts the after prom party at the ESPN Zone. For the second year in a row, the Parent Association will be providing free bus transportation to students who sign up at an early date. Coach busses will depart from JC and take students to the Ravens Stadium, then to the ESPN Zone, and back to JC at the end of the night. During the prom itself, stadium lights will illuminate the football Þeld and the stadium doors will be open for students to go out into the stands. Whether or not students will be allowed to walk onto the actual football Þeld is yet to be determined. “Walking on a Þeld where some of your most admired athletes play every Saturday would be cool,” said senior Meghan Lynch. “I don’t care about my dress getting dirty-
that’s what drycleaners are for.” Several decisions regarding prom are still being Þnalized. “We have scheduled meetings and have been in constant contact with M&T Bank,” said senior class Vice President Matt Maskell. “The staff at the Ravens Stadium is very organized and responsive to work with our high school,” said Mrs. Russell. With all the fame that goes with holding prom at the Ravens Stadium also comes a hefty budget. This year’s prom has a “bigger budget than any in the past,” said Mrs. Russell, “but our goal is to keep the ticket prices around the same as they were in the past.” To accomplish this, senior class ofÞcers are sponsoring many fundraisers. The most renowned fundraiser is the senior Variety Show, held on November 23, 24. Tickets will be sold for $8 and all the proceeds from ticket sales will go towards
prom. “Variety Show is where we get most of our funds for prom,” said Maskell. Dedannan Coffee, located on Main Street, contacted JC with the proposal of a less traditional fundraiser. JC class ofÞcers are working in conjunction with Dedannan Coffee to hold an original fundraiser where seniors will be selling their coffee. “JC ofÞcers are blending the coffee themselves and selling it by the pound for $12,” said senior class President Laura Kutney. Sales will begin the end of October and go through December; all orders will be delivered to the students by Christmas break. The coffee will be called the “JC Patriot Blend.” “As long as all the seniors pull their weight in fundraising the cost of [prom] tickets will be lower,” said Kutney. Class ofÞcers are keeping open minds to other fundraisers because they want to make this the best possible prom. “The people that are in ofÞce this year are a great group of people who are willing to work their hearts out to make this a great senior year,” said Maskell. As far as planning goes, “We’re actually further ahead than where we’ve been in previous years,” said Mrs. Russell. “Things are mostly underway; the menu is Þnalized, the date is set, and busses are ordered,” said Maskell. “We feel that this will be the best JC prom in history and it will top Ring Dance by a long shot.”
Cheating plagues student body, administration cracks down Cheating. It happens every day, in every school, everywhere. Instances of academic dishonesty have been happening more frequently and the epidemic is growing at an exponential rate. Results from the Academic Dishonesty Survey,
which was administered to JC students last spring, surprised and disappointed the administration. The survey was created by Professor Donald L. McCabe of Rutgers University and was also administered to over 6000 AIMS students. The survey asked students questions that ranged from students witnessing acts of cheating and plagiarism to how many times the students themselves have cheated. JC students are below the AIMS average of student’s admitting to observing acts of plagiarism and cheating by others. However, this is not the good news that it appears to be. JC has a consistently higher percentage of students who admit to acts of academic dishonesty in comparison to other
October 2004
AIMS students surveyed. In multiple cases, JC’s percentages are double those of other AIMS schools. The acts of academic dishon-
of JC students admitted that most of the behaviors they admit to performing are considered cheating. However, despite realizing that their actions are wrong, students continue to participate in these dishonest acts. “We looked bad in many areas,” said Mr. Barker. While the administration has no present plans to make any changes to the Handbook’s academic honesty policy, they have already begun to address this issue. Teachers were informed of the survey results at the beginning of the fall term
and urged by the administration to be more vigilant. According to Mr. Barker, three or four students have already been caught this year for cheating. Mr. Barker has high hopes for curbing the rampant academic dishonesty amongst students this year. However, the students themselves feel less passionately about the issue of cheating. “Half the people don’t remember the survey,” said senior Carolyn Hedlund. Those who do remember the survey do not believe that it will have any effect on the number of students who cheat. “I believe most people lied on the survey,” said junior Chris Anderson. “It’s not as big of a problem as the faculty is making it.”
esty range from copying answers on a test/exam to collaborating on a project when not permitted. While some of the categories seem insigniÞcant, they represent a collective problem that appears to be growing. Even though JC students admit to participating in multiple and repeated acts of academic dishonesty, what is even worse is that students seem to recognize that their actions are wrong. Throughout the survey, students were intensively questioned about what behaviors Juni or Michael Ullman serves his time i n detenti on by perconstitute cheating. The majority formi ng janitorial duti es. photo by Kristin Pytko
Patricia Kingery Business Manager
Volume 40, Number 1
Hamatsa dance rocks class Lindsay Nicolucci Features co Editor
photo by Lauren Schnupp photo by Lauren Schnupp
photo by Lauren Schnupp
photo by Lauren Schnupp
Sophomore Jordan Zeman walks into English class, expecting a typical day of grammar and novel discussions. She quickly realizes that the lights are shut off, making it difÞcult to see her classmates. The class falls silent. Suddenly, she is blasted by the sound of Native American music and the ßashing brightness of a strobe light. A shirtless boy desperately tries to Þt himself through the small window, writhing with determination to Þnd his way in. Finally he lands on the ßoor and dances crazily throughout the room. His body paint shimmers in the light of the strobe. Jordan’s ears are Þlled with the desperate screams of students bitten by this intruder. Amidst her confusion, she Þnally remembers where she is: English class. Jordan has just witnessed a Quetzacoatl coming of age ceremony known as the Hamatsa Dance. Mr. Paaby has been teaching Margaret Craven’s novel I Heard the Owl Call My Name to his sophomore honors English class for Þfteen years. The Seemi ngly posessed, sophomore Tony Herman re-ennovel tells of the struggles acts vari ous parts of the revered Hamatsa Dance. Webb of the Quetzacoatl, a Ca- began the dance by writhi ng through the wi ndow, then nadian tribe forced to suc- danced around and bit vari ous classmates. He concludcumb to the modernizing ed the dance by raisi ng his arms victori ously. world of the nineteenth century. The Hamatsa dance was one of the traditions treasured creepy atmosphere of the dance. by the tribe; a milestone marker for Quetzacoatl males in To create even more ambience, each dancer selected muwhich they relive the spirit of the past. They become pos- sic to accompany his performance. There was a mixture of sessed by the spirits of their cannibalistic ancestors and eat disco, techno, rap, and traditional Native North American the corpses buried in the surrounding trees. It is an integral music. The eclectic mix helped to cast a contemporary outpart to the overlying theme of change, a main focus within look on the dance, tying together the theme of change as the novel. being universal and timeless. Each boy used the music to his The tradition of the JC Hamatsa dance began advantage, and personalized the dance. about 12 years ago with ’95 alumni and current English and There was a robot dance and break dancing. According nity to submerse themselves into an unfamiliar culture. Mr. journalism teacher Mark Ionescu. According to Mr. Paaby, to Mr. Paaby, Rich Webb looked “possessed” as he break- Paaby puts it best when he says “After they’ve forgotten he was one of the most memorable dancers ever to climb danced on the ßoor in his costume. everything else, they remember the dance.” through a window. Besides the amusement, humor, and possible fright of the Another unforgettable dance was performed by was Nick dance, Mr. Paaby feels that it is an important part of teachAttanasio from the class of ’96. Both of Mr. Paaby’s favor- ing the novel. ites had “the most inßected dance.” Other striking memoAfter performing an ancient ritual half-naked in front of ries include students who ate chicken and turkey legs and their peers, the boys also had to give an oral report on the bones in front of the class to represent corpses. three stages of change relative to the book. According to Mr. This year, three sophomores participated. Tony Paaby, the dance is an important event in the Quetzacoatl Herman, Clint Noack, and Rich Webb were the brave souls heritage. that took on the experience of the Quetzacoatl tribe. Each It helps the students “feel natural drama” and “gets out boy wore only shorts, body paint, and a mask. One mask some of the angst of the tribe.” was a gory Halloween mask and another was made of cardClint certainly understood the angst. “It was really emboard. Clint Noack’s mask was certainly creative, but he barrassing…I could see how it was so important to the felt it was “a little tacky.” It included paintball goggles and people in the book as an initiation rite.” a beak made from manila folders. The performance of the Hamatsa dance is a memoUnderneath he wore a carpenter’s mask. The heavy and rable experience for everyone involved. It helps bring the mufßed breathing from the mouth covering added to the novel full circle, and offers courageous students an opportu-
Volume 39, Number 5
October 2004
Jordan Fritz Staff Writer Nowadays, if one were to turn on the news, there is bound to be another celebrity accused of illegal acts, so it’s no surprise when even our favorite singers, athletes and movie stars appear on the screen. Whether the accusations are as minimal as a speeding ticket, or as serious as a rape or murder, celebrities do break the law; however invincible they may seem in their work Þeld. But what becomes of their actions in the courtroom? Are the adjudicators’ views biased towards either side of the law? It wouldn’t be surprising to think that one’s opinion of the accused celebrity would affect their judgment. How would the credibility of an everyday ofÞce worker be compared to a world-renown movie star? Does their social status affect society’s leniency towards the actions? In most cases, the judgment would be based around the seriousness of the accused act. For example: In the Kobe Bryant case, accuser Kate Faber charged Bryant of sexual
assault. Based on the degree of seriousness in this accusation, society’s outlook would for the most part be realistic. However there would always be a few fans of Bryant who would support him no matter what. The fans could be convinced of his innocence, denying the fact that he would ever do anything so heinous. Whether he would or wouldn’t do that isn’t the case. It only matters if he did. Those who oppose Bryant have a similar outlook, merely a reversal. They see it as if Bryant always does wrong. If this Bryant prejudice were to make its way into the courtroom, that same bias could affect the jury, thus changing the verdict. Bias and prejudice could turn a guilty man innocent, and an innocent man guilty. The jury should take all cases how they are with out these preconceived ideas. A screened jury cannot have their premature opinions on the subject. The idea of attempting to change this act is futile and will remain so. When the common person is accused of illegal acts, the jury is more likely to take either
Freshman year can be difÞcult. Students are embarking on the Þrst step of a four year journey Þlled with new experiences. Freshman year is all about adjustment, and Þnding your place. Some students try to stand out, while others do their best to blend in. Unfortunately for this year’s freshmen, it is much harder a task than usual. The poor freshmen girls easily stand out in their black and white skirts, and the freshmen boys have new black polo shirts. As if it were not already obvious who the freshmen are, they now practically have signs on their backs. However, this is not so bad in the opinions of some, and general feelings about the new uniform seem to be mixed. To some people, the new uniform is a terrible idea, and to others, a welcomed innovation. As a freshman girl, Samantha Livingston is one of the students most affected by this change. “I like the new shirts better, they are much softer, and the waistband makes it easy to avoid detentions for uniform violations. I also like the new sweaters better than the old ones. As for everyone knowing that I am a freshman, it is annoying that all someone has to do is look at my skirt to identify me.” However, they are uncomfortable walking down the halls knowing that everyone is looking at their skirts. For their male counterparts, this issue is not so pressing. They still have to wear khaki pants like the rest of the school, and since some of the upperclassmen guys have started to wear the new shirts, it is not
October 2004
NBA star Kobe Bryant was accused of rapi ng a woman i n Colorado.
the jury. However, most of the opinions are now against him. If he were a celebrity, would society’s views be tamer?
40 years of JCS What’s Changed?
Changed dress code divides student opinions Leah McGann Staff Writer
side of the case depending on the given evidence. However, during the Martha Stewart case, even her own fans were outraged by her choices regarding insider stock trading. In the courtroom, the personal opinions of those who decide the verdict could very well play a role in the fate of the accused celebrity. In a case involving a common person, the jury has no knowledge of that person’s life, thus giving that person a clean slate. It is very likely that the jury’s personal opinions were reßected in the O.J. Simpson case. Only those opinions allowed a man with valid evidence against him to be pronounced innocent. Simpson had undeniable evidence against him and the leniency towards popular Þgures may be to blame. On the other hand, in the Scott Peterson case, Scott is a common person. Scott came into this trial with no pre-existing prejudice from
photo courtesy of
9 Features Celebrities don’t face up to consequences
quite as clear who is a freshman boy and who is not. Overall, the new uniform is not high on their list of complaints. The opinions of the upperclassmen lie much divided. Some liked the new uniform skirts much better than the old green ones, and others claimed that the skirts are boring. Senior Justin Houvenin thinks “They look gray from far away; it’s like living in a black and white movie.” He also commented that the color of shirts do not affect academic performance, and that it is ridiculous to prevent freshman boys from wearing blue shirts. Other upperclassman were in support of the new skirt. In the end, as the uniform change doesn’t really affect the rest of the school. The opinions of the students differ based on year and gender, but what do the teachers think? Is it harder or easier to identify and address uniform infractions? Mrs. Jansing-Kaestner, affectionately known as Mrs. J-K, said, “I like the new uniforms much better. I got so sick of telling people to tuck in their shirttails, and now I never have to.” She also went on to add that the new uniforms looked much cleaner and neater. Despite the disagreement over uniforms, the uniforms are here to stay. In three years, the differences will be obsolete. The freshmen can even see this as an opportunity to separate themselves from the other classes and establish their own identity.
2004 Principal:
Mr. Ray Wanner
Mr. Paul Barker
Teachers: 38, including Mr. Pons
63, Including Mr. Pons
Yearly Tuition: $150.00
about $10,000.00
Enrollment: 210 Students-All Freshmen
Over 800 in 4 grades
Curriculum: Business Track or College Preparatory
College Preparatory
Homerooms: SIngle Sex
Building: Academic Wing
Academic wing, Cafeteria, 2 athletic complexes, auditorium, fine arts wing
Volume 40, Number 1
Honors pass hardly honors students Elizabeth Hersey Features coEditor
photo by Lindsay Nicolucci
carry the Honor Pass. The Honor Pass is valid only for the period speciÞed on the front of the card. An Honor Student, when no gym classes are in session, is permitted to use the At the beginning of each quarter, students are clumsily upper gym. An Honor Student, during their free mods, is shufßed to the auditorium for the Awards Assembly. They permitted under the canopy any time during the school day. watch their classmates receive accolades and praise for their Any violation of the above guidelines may lead to forfeiture hard work. All of their hard work is culminated in a hand- of this Honor Pass and/or future Honor privileges.” Oh no, shake with Mr. Barker, a certiÞcate, and the Honors Pass. not that. This ßimsy piece of paper serves virtually no purOne of the major problems is that the right to these pose. “The only thing it’s good for is eating,” says junior beneÞts (all two of them) isn’t enforced. Scarcely anyone Claire Bronis. But the Honor Pass was not created for eat- has ever used their Honor Pass, and those who have tried ing, its goal were not always was to reward successful. “I was the students sitting outside and who do well Mrs. Seufert yelled academically at me,” says Christy with special Heere-Beyer as she privileges. recalls an experience Senior Amy from a previous year. Perry summed She adds, “She [Mrs. up the exisSeufert] didn’t care I tence of the had an Honor Pass.” Honor Pass, Strike one for saying, “I the Honor Pass: it gets never carry it no respect. with me, have Another issue never been concerns mainly seasked to supniors. The upper gym ply it as proof and the canopy are for anything, both accessible to seand after the niors, with or without awards assemthe Honor Pass. What bly it is never Even with an honors pass, designated areas, is the point of them mentioned.” such as the courtyard, remai n unused. even having it? For those This doesn’t of you who mean that the Honors do not have Pass is not a good idea. an Honor Pass or (more likely) threw it away, the Honor It has merit, and perhaps it worked in earlier years, but even Pass guidelines state, “An Honor Student should always those from ten classes ago remember the pass as pointless.
Should it be discarded, and forgotten completely? Most students think that the Honor Pass should be redone, not destroyed. They like the idea of special privileges for all
The only thing it’s good for is eating. -Claire Bronis, ‘06
their hard work. The pass provides a more real and immediate reward, especially compared to the ultimate reason so many students spend their nights studying: that distant hope of a good college. “I think if they are going to have an Honor Pass, it needs to do something good for the students,” says Amy. Christy suggested a sort of exclusive “hang-out room”, similar to a teacher’s lounge. This would give students with Honor Passes a quiet place to do their work, and hopefully help them to keep their Honor Student status. After all, that is the point of the pass—to encourage everyone to do well. With a few minor adjustments and a little creativity, the Honor Pass could be something one would actually want to keep, and not just another somewhat edible item.
Community welcomes six new teachers Courtney Baltimore Staff Writer
John Carroll is a school recognized for tradition and excellence in all aspects of the community. It is through the determination of dedicated teachers and faculty that John Carroll is able to thrive. Composed of roughly 70 faculty members, the many teachers are a reßection of the hard work that is exuded through the accomplishments of the students. The 2004- 2005 school year commenced with the addition of six new teachers, each with a unique educational background. These teachers include Scott Akers, Kelly Beadle, Anthony Del Puppo, Sr. Bernard Joseph Howe, SJJ, Wayne Kell, and Stephanie Urra. These teachers bring an original style of enthusiasm and eagerness to the atmosphere of the classrooms. Mr. Akers currently teaches US History to Juniors and World History I to freshman. In the spring, he will be teaching economics and in the winter, he will be coaching John Carroll basketball. Mr. Akers attended Duke University in North Carolina and received a bachelor’s degree in Economics. When asked how his experience at John Carroll has been so far, he replied with, “I’ve enjoyed my experience so far. It has been positive and the kids are great.” Mr. Akers expressed the fact that he chose to teach at John Carroll because he enjoys the fact that it is a “Catholic, co-ed, high school.” Other hobbies of Mr. Akers include reading, and running. Another addition to the 2004- 2005 school year is Kelly Beadle. Miss. Beadle teaches Senior English, Freshman English, and yearbook. She attended LaSalle
Volume 40, Number 1
University located in Pennsylvania. It is at LaSalle that she received a Master’s degree in Education. Mrs. Beadle previously taught at St. John Neumann High School in Philadelphia. Anthony Del Puppo specializes in Honors US History and World History II while at John Carroll. Mr. Del Puppo received his undergraduate at Saint Mary’s University of Maryland and his Master’s degree in History from Washington College. Mr. Del Puppo expressed that his experience at John Carroll so far has been, “really enjoyable.” When asked why he chose John Carroll, his response was, “I grew up in Maryland and I love being near the Chesapeake Bay.” He wanted to teach in a private school, and Harford County would be the perfect place because he thinks, “ Harford County is a beautiful county.” In his spare time, Mr. Del Puppo enjoys white water kayaking, hiking, camping, rugby, juggling, and basically any type of sport. Sr. Bernard Joseph Howe, SJJ comes to John Carroll from Visitation B.V.M. School located in Philadelphia. Sr. Bernard works as a member of the support staff team in the Main OfÞce. She has a Master’s degree in Secondary Education from Shippensburg University, found in Pennsylvania.
Wayne Kell, of the Science department, teaches Honors Chemistry and Chemistry and will help to moderate Chemathon. Mr. Kell attended Georgetown University where he achieved a Master’s degree in Biochemistry. Mr. Kell came to John Carroll from Saint Paul’s School for Girls. The Þnal addition to the John Carroll staff is Stephanie Urra. Mrs. Urra teaches Social Justice, Religions of the Americas, and Medical Ethics. She is joining the John Carroll family from Georgetown University. It is at this university that she received a Bachelor’s degree in Theology. Mrs. Urra is also head of the Operation Tech program, established through the
Archdiocese of Baltimore and the College of Notre Dame. These talented individuals are models of diligence for the student body to respect and admire. Each teacher adds a diverse approach to the methods of teaching. By getting involved in the many activities that John Carroll offers, the teachers are able to relate and communicate with the students on a more casual level. Although the school year has just begun, everything has remained positive and optimistic following the conclusion of the 2003- 2004 year. With the cooperative guidance of the staff, faculty, administration, and students, this year will remain as successful as the last.
October 2004
E Halloween horror is here
This fall season, horror Þlms are scarce. Only three Þlms are scheduled for release, but their scare quality surely outweighs their scarcity.
The f do e e S cky u h C
w ts n e y v e e Chuck bride, by h t ws Þfth , his oiced uction y. o l l y fo is the Tiffany len, v Prod Tiffan d k c hu nd and ild, G ilogy. y and e dea a C f y d o huck hucky eir ch ngs tr Chuck rom th len is e e G S th C fC ot Ri kf of The ride o eries. aising f the cides ts bac pree. does n t. e B the s with r ord o e sui paren rder s son” rimen h T h of ie in ed The L iling t g his w mu y his “ g mer c a v f n mo now om ie deta to bri n a ne and wh urderin r f are Boyd a mov ywood t off o derst of m s n l y Bill ins on to Hol to se not u otstep R. n beg goes s them cky ca nts’ fo Rated Two men, n e Gle h free d Chu is par er 12. c h n and b Adam whi iÞed a ow in ovem r ll Dr. Gordon, wake up to Þnd themselves hor t to fo urns N t chained to opposite sides of a run-down wan cky re chamber. In between them, a man lies dead Chu in a pool of blood with a gun in his hand. In the confusion, the two manage to Þnd a micro-cassette containing instructions. Dr. The e Gordon must kill Adam within eight hours. If dg u r G he does not do this, he will be killed along with Adam, his wife, and his daughter. They recall a recent murder investigation led by a police detective, played by Danny Glover, in and realize they are the new victims of a ar stars ll e G e ll n iche psychopathic genius known as “Jigsaw.” Sarah M e as an America dg Their crazy jailer has left them two saws, orking in The Gru w d n a e which are not sharp enough to cut through ing nurse liv she discovers th erful their chained, but they are sharp enough ouse, w h o p ld a o n in e visits a n someone dies h s n creating to cut ßesh and one. They must solve e , h ie e W d h l il . w o w d Toky e the “Jigsaw’s” puzzle in order to save e create he curse t s r s u s ge befor c o a r r a c , a a e s g in e d n u m o Gr e. One themselves and their families. The “Jigsaw” e who co entraps the pers ls n e o y e n n A o . e e rage The curs es on to Þnd som online at: http: attacks October 29. Rated R. . e s r u c o a new e game on and g iv s t r c sh. The e a a p r ß t e / t a e in h it t s / n ls a ge it kil movie in /movies/thegrud PG-13. e h t e v Sandy Wienholt can li tober 22. Rated t ic p y n o //www.s aters Oc e h t Entertainment co Editor s lk a st e g d u r G
Junior shares her homecoming story
photo courtesy of Anne Sedney
We walked through the hallway and I was stunned by the transformation through which the school had gone. I could almost pretend that I was not in school at all, but in some casino or club in Vegas. From the card-printed balloons to the awesome paintings on the courtyard windows, the place looked amazing. We soon headed into the gym to dance. Of course, beforehand everyone had been told what the standards for dancing would be. I kept that in mind, and never got a second glance from the numerous teachers and Dani el and Anne stri ke a James Bond administrators who pose. prowled across the ßoor like cats on the lookout for errant mice. balloons one last time as we were leaving, The music was decent; I’m not a huge fan of and Daniel jumped up and plucked one from rap and hip-hop, and I wish there had been the ceiling for me. We grabbed our Homeat least one good slow song, but they did coming favors as well—the traditional cup, play a fair amount of good music. I’ll never this time “really cool,” as Daniel said, beforget the sight of Daniel and all the other cause it contained poker chips. guys joining in the Cha-Cha Slide, or of my This year’s Homecoming was, in friends showing off their “white girl/boy” my opinion, much better than last year’s. dancing talents. Unlike others, I had no problem with By the time “Girls Just Wanna the newly enforced dancing rules—they Have Fun,” one of my favorites and the last weren’t ridiculous, just normal for a Cathosong, came over the speakers, I didn’t want lic school. Going home that night, I decided to leave. I sang it as loud as I could when I that I Þnally knew why I always looked wasn’t laughing at the guys who were doing forward to Homecoming—it was because I the same. Then we had to go. I admired the wanted it to be like this one. photo courtesy of Anne Sedney
to remain calm as articles of clothing and jewelry were shoved at me, my hair was fussed with, and my makeup touched up. Being a teenage girl, I tend to look forward Finally, I was ready, and it was time for the to Homecoming starting in June. This year’s ßower exchange and pictures. homecoming dance certainly lived up to my I handed my camera to one of my expectations. My Homecoming day started sisters and told her to take pictures until the earlier than I like a Saturday to start—I had Þlm was gone. She did so, and got both the a hair appointment at 10, so I had to wake traditional shots of Daniel and I standing up before 9. Then, I went into the guest bed- beside each other and then exchanging ßowroom and woke up my boyfriend, Daniel— ers. Then she took the more unusual ones, he had ßown up from Florida for the dance. such as our impressions of James Bond and I dragged him along to the salon, poor guy. Charlie’s Angels. He suffered in the decidedly female climate We arrived at the dance a little of the waiting area while my stylist worked early, and I introduced Daniel to people her magic and turned my usually boring while we waited. Finally, we were allowed hair into a cute ‘50sin. Walking style ßip. through the We went doors, I imto the homecommediately ing football game decided that in the afternoon. It this year’s was fun—I enjoyed decorawatching our team tions were beat Lutheran 48superior to 8. Our band was last year’s. much better than I This may expected, and Danhave pariel even caught me tially been a Frisbee thrown by because this the rarely-appearyear’s theme ing, but always welwas better. comed John Carroll Whatever it Patriot mascot. We was, I liked left early when it it. began to drizzle—I Mr. deÞnitely didn’t Dani el slides a corsage onto Barker was need my perfect hair Anne’s wrist. shaking hands to be ruined. as we came Defying the normal rules, Daniel in, and, recognizing by his beard that Daniel and I went out to dinner before getting was not a student, he sent us to the sign-in dressed up, mostly because he abhors suits table. After that, we quickly proceeded to and wanted to wait until the last moment be- the cafeteria to do what almost everybody fore wearing his. We ate at Uno’s, and then does upon arriving at Homecoming—the went back to my house to get dressed. That guys take off their coats and loosen their was an adventure, as is any dance prepara- ties, and the girls remove their shoes and tion with the help of my three sisters. I tried put down their purses. Anne Sedney Contributing Writer
Book reaches reader’s Liz Burger Contributing Writer Aspiring authors today tend to have a hard time making an impact on readers with their debut novel. This however is not the case for Rachel Cohn. Her debut novel Gingerbread has had a huge impact on teenage girls all around. The story has a coming of age theme, and features a sixteen year old Californian girl named Cyd Charisse. She is a recovering hellion in the eyes of her stepfather Sid, and a thorn in her mother’s side. Her biological father lives in New York City, and has not had contact with her since she was a young girl. Cyd totes around a little rag doll named Gingerbread that her dad bought her in an airport the last time she saw him. She is kicked out of her elite Connecticut boarding school because of her ex boyfriend Justin, and is shipped home to California only to cause more ruckuses amongst her family. She Þnds her true love Shrimp while serving a juvenile detention service
Volume 40, Number 1
in a nursing home. He is a short, surfer dude that adores Cyd and all her antics. She befriends a Southern black woman named Sugar Pie while serving her penance as well. After she has caused enough drama for her mother and stepfather she is sent to New York City to Þnd herself and connect with her biological father. She learns many lessons about life and the people that care about her, and ultimately learns to accept herself as the wild individual she is. Anyone that has had any experience with searching for their inner self will enjoy this novel. Cohn depicts the characters in a way that the reader can directly relate. I recommend this novel to teenage girls who feel like their lives are awful.
photo courtesy of
expectations:editor’s pick
They will appreciate their many blessings and feel better about their current situation after learning the life lessons in the novel Gingerbread.
October 2004
13 entertainment Tom Sawyer cast prepares for production Sarah Jones Entertainmnet co Editor In continuing with JC tradition, rehearsal for the annual fall production is well underway. This year’s play is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. On the weekend of November 5, the JC auditorium will come to life with more than seventy students participating in the production. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is similar to last year’s production of The Wizard of Oz, because of the musical components of the show. Usually, the fall production contains no musical scores. However, for the past two years the fall production in some ways has become a musical. According to Mrs. Brueggemann, director, the play was chosen for “the humble and fresh nature of the story and the quantity of characters. Furthermore, it afforded the opportunity to cast every student that auditioned without making cuts.” For those who do not know the story, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is based off Mark Twain’s classic story about a fourteen-year-old boy growing up in St. Petersburg, Missouri, a town on the banks of the Mississippi River in 1840. During the story, Tom deals with his Þrm Aunt Polly, falls in love with the attractive Becky Thatcher, and goes on an adventure with Becky and his good friend Huckleberry Finn. Junior Steven Douglas plays Tom Sawyer, sophomore Ryan DeVoe plays Huckleberry Finn, senior McKenzie Walsh plays Becky Thatcher, and senior Kelly Navin plays Aunt Polly. Walsh describes Becky as “smart and feisty and she loves Tom very much” and predicts that the show will do very well be-
cause we have very strong characters.” Douglas describes Tom as “careful, a trouble maker, and he just tries to have fun with whatever he’s doing.” Throughout the play, the audience is introduced to Injun Joe, the town villain; Tom’s half brother Sid; and the rest of the town’s children in St. Petersburg. Also, the audience will be enlightened with the variety of musical scores and choreography. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is different compared to past fall productions. Mrs. Brueggemann said, “The number of male speaking roles outweighs others in the past. I also think that the choreography along with the direction is more involved compared to my prior fall productions. However, that is good news for students with non-speaking roles. Their opportunities to be on stage are many.” In addition DeVoe said, “Because this show isn’t a classic Broadway show, it makes it that much more interesting to learn and perform and the cast is doing an amazing job.” Reserved seating has been implemented this fall. Mrs. Brueggemann said, “It’s the fairest method in allowing cast members’ families to reserve their seats. It’s also a more accurate way of identifying how many tickets were sold.” The cast has had to overcome some obstacles. Navin said, “It’s been really hard at times, there’s been a lot of obstacles to overcome, but somehow we have managed to stick together and push through it all.” On a last note, Mrs. Brueggemann said, “It is my hope that the students in Tom Sawyer will have had fun, learn something new, and are anxious to participate in our next production, 42nd Street.”
New albums reach variety of audiences
Whether it comes from pressing contracts or just creative drive, bands often feel obligated to release albums as frequently as possible. Usually these efforts feel rushed and heartless, but this does not hold true with The Tain, a thoughtful and creative EP released by The Decemberists in 2004. Although it is the band’s fourth release in a two-year span, it does not skimp on originality, and has ingeniously managed to avoid The Slump of an over-worked band. A typical EP consists of anywhere from three to eight songs, and does not necessarily require a set theme. They are shorter than a regular album and are often created to tide fans over until the next full-release. The Tain, however, is more like a shortened concept album, and far more intricate than your average EP. For starters, it contains one single track, lasting almost twenty minutes. The track is comprised of Þve parts, similar to
October 2004
startlingly different approach to the oftenmundane sounds se everythin and keyb dizzying beginning complete Interpo Antics Matado to dance spend the whole day asleep. Interpol’s Antics can help you get ready for both. Interpol is Experimental Rock’s more conservative little brother. Their songs manage to warmly blend retro guitar riffs, multiple keyboards, and dreamy vocals all into one package of sonic delight. The band’s Þrst effort, Turn on the Bright Lights, was drawn out and mellow, and tinged with a perfectly poppy predictability. While Bright Lights relied heavily on vocals and dueling choppy guitars, Antics focuses more on variety. The inconsistency in track placement
adds a certain element of surprise to the m. The songs bounce from haunting dismal, such as “C’mere,” to fast-paced ceable tunes, just to crawl back to a melholic and pensive tone. “Public Pervert” ne such song that inspires some sort of y shoe-gazing dance, but the computersiren song of the background vocals g it back down to earth in a relaxed ion. verall song styles vary greatly as well. erally seen as a re-issued Joy Division, rpol often has melancholic, low-Þ tencies stemming from the 80s inßuence, certain tracks from Antics almost have a lovesick teenager feel. They can’t seem to make up their mind, and that makes the listen more enjoyable. The main problems with this album, however, lie in the production. At certain points, the vocals seem almost too tampered with and unnaturally cold. It ruins the general warmth in mood and leaves one with a feeling of imbalance. Overall, Interpol still maintains their status as the slightly happier and certainly hipper Joy Division re-incarnate. Although the inconsistency and slight overproduction of Antics is somewhat disappointing, it is still worth a listen. It will both incite the inner dancing queen to shimmy her way to the spotlight, and lull her to a hazy sleep.
The Tain The Decemberists Acuarela Discos-2004
movements of classical songs, but the music is far from classical. The Decemberists have a unique sound, combining folksy countrystained rock with the accordions of Eastern Europe, all tangled up with the salty darkness of a poor London shipyard. The Tain takes full advantage of the eclectic barrage or instruments and moodiness, and turns it into something much greater than expected. The lyrics are not as pertinent to the concept of the piece as the instrumentation. The music tells a story, with a distinct beginning and end. A conßict-ridden second movement, sleepy middle, and mysterious fourth movement lie in between. Each movement has an individual sound, although the Þnal is a gloriÞed version of the opening. Each movement has its own feeling, still heeled in rock, Þt with the peculiar idiosyncrasies The Decemberists are known for. The entire piece revolves around “Tain Bo Cuailinge,” a heroic Celtic poem dating back to the 700s. It tells the tale of a brave king who is willing to do whatever it takes to restore order to his kingdom. The written lyrics included with the CD even offer “voices” or characters for certain parts of the songs, which are not directly addressed in the music. Whether you are familiar with the poem or not, you can easily form your own story. For only ten dollars, The Tain is well worth listening for anyone looking for a
Lindsay Nicolucci Features co Editor
Volume 40, Number 1
Phantom of the Aqua is Baltimore’s Shining Star Words from Sports co-Editor Rose DiPaula
Olympic Training Center in Colorado will assume the head coaching job. looking forward to his other races over the Springs. Everyone there wanted to know Although he is moving, Michael weekend. if “that Phelps kid” was there and if they knows where his heart is. “I am going to The following day, only the second day could watch him train. I was happy to an- Michigan, but this is always going to be into the meet, Phelps was forced to pull out Phantom of the Aqua, the Baltimore nounce that he was back home in Baltimore, my home,” he said during the Phelpstival of the meet because of this back pain. OfBarracuda, Greece Lightning, Medal Man, my home. Phelps was Þcials were extremely vague on the Phlash: all names that have been used to the boy next door to type of back pain and what exactly characterize US swimming phenomenon, the entire world it was wrong. Michael Phelps. None of these can quite seemed, but he really “I have elected to withdraw articulate Phelps’ most important and long- was the boy next door Michael from the remainder of the lasting role, which is that of a hometown for us. competition,” USA Swimming phyhero. The entire month sician Jim Johnson said. “He has a Over the past few months, Michael of September and slight back injury. We don’t want Phelps has demonstrated sportsmanship, into October, Phelps, to take the chance of it worsening.” amazing athletic ability and a unique way along with teammates Johnson also said that Phelps will of captivating viewers, both young and old. Crocker and Lenny seek more in-depth treatment back The world was drawn to Phelps because Krayzelberg took in Baltimore with his own physiof his down-to-earth quality and polite part in a tour across cian. responses in the pressroom, things we Bal- the country to proMichael reluctantly agreed to timoreans pride ourselves on, as we live in long the popularity follow doctors’ order and pulled out “Charm City.” of swimming. They of the rest of his races. In a press conference, he said, “I have to go Every time he walked onto the deck, it want swimming to be as exciting for us all with them. If it could hurt my future was going to be a good show. You knew the time as it was for in the sport, it’s the right decision.” you would get a glimpse of those abs and Michael Phelps, alongside his mother and that one short week in He returned home to Towson. get a gracious answer afterwards, but yet Baltimore County executive James Smith, this routine did not get old for a whole August. In a disappointing end of events, week. Even after his shot at breaking Mark The tour was rides along i n a parade duri ng the “Phelpsti- we will not be able to see Michael Spitz’s record was over, crowds were still sponsored by the val” celebrati ons on September 11. Phelps swim for quite some time. tuning in for more. Walt Disney Company and visited twelve ceremonies. We won’t see him standing on a podium or In a world where most athletes play different US cities. Swimmers and nonIn his Þrst return to the competitive his long arms reaching out to touch the wall for themselves, money, or to win, Phelps swimmers across the country came out swimming scene at the Short Course World Þrst. We will be left in anticipation for the showed the world what athletics are all to show their support for their US heroes Championships in Indianapolis, Phelps next chapter of the young Michael Phelps about: competition and love of the game. and to learn their techniques, hoping some started off with a US record win in the story. His most obvious demonstration of this of the Olympians’ talent would rub off on 200M freestyle with a time of 1:43.59. After the Þnale of the swim competibelief was in a race he knew he would not them, or to catch a glimpse at their favorite “There are a few things I would change tion in Athens, NBC broadcasted a special win. Phelps entered the 200M freestyle: a new heartthrob. about that race but I’ll take it. I wanted to go tribute to Michael showing highlights of race owned by Australian Ian Thorpe who Phelps’ most spectacular and biggest wel- 1:44. I achieved my goal. I’m pretty happy him during the previous week set to Earth, was looking for redemption after earning come home party was the “Phelpstival,” a right now,” said Phelps. That same night, Wind and Fire’s “Shining Star.” The song a disappointing silver in 2000 in Sydney. party thrown by Baltimore County ofÞcials Phelps mentioned that he was suffering could not be more perfect in describing such After earning a bronze in the event, Phelps to congratulate our hero. On September 11, from some minor back pain, but was still a shining star, our shining star. said that it was an honor just to go against Phelps was welcomed home by thousands Thorpe. He looked at it as a of fans. chance to see just how good The party included The JC community prides itself on being extremely different from any Catholic educational Shril Amin as McDonogh, Old Field, and Garrison Forhe really is. a ceremony at Phelps’ institution in theStaff area.Writer JC offers Russian as a foreign language, rugby as a Varsity sport, est that do have an equestrian program. Perhaps the most deÞnalma mater, Towson and an Italian Club for students, all activities that most local schools fail to put forward for Furthermore, to help bring new recruits ing moment of Phelps’ fame High School, in which students. to JC, Mrs. Mountain of Admissions has was the one in which he did a local street was reThe spirited tradition of horseback riding has always been a major staple in Harford The JC community prides itself on be- paired shadows with students who will be not swim. Phelps gave up named “Michael Phelps County. Students have always had a passion for horses whether it involves going to watch a spot he earned on the 4 Way.” After that came ing extremely different from any Catholic involved in the equestrian club to help prothe locally-run Preakness races or using their free time to get involved in horseback riding X 100 meter medley relay a parade that ventured educational institution in the area. JC offers vide a better understanding of the program themselves. Taking this in mind, JC has decided to start an Equestrian Club, to allow to teammate Ian Crocker, down York Road and Russian as a foreign language, rugby as a for incoming freshmen. students with a passion for riding horses to represent their school through their passion. Although the Equestrian club will not a spot he publicly coveted eventually ended up Varsity sport, and an Italian Club for stuSenior horseback enthusiast Jill Neville said, “Regardless of the setbacks, I’m glad that just the day before. outside the courthouse dents, all activities that most local schools compete until spring, preparations have alJC brought back the Equestrian program because a lot of people ride horses.” fail to put forward for students. ready beginning. A meeting was scheduled But as an athlete, why in Towson. However, this is not the Þrst time that an Equestrian Club has been established at JC. In The spirited tradition of horseback early in October to introduce the program would Phelps give up a spot “I’ve been looking fact, an equestrian club was instituted for the Þrst couple years of the school’s existence. like that? forward to this moment riding has always been a major staple in to students that were interested. A whopping According to the Athletic Director, Mr. Dukes, many students have chosen to not attend JC “We came into this meet Michael Phelps celfor the last two weeks. Harford County. Students have always had 42 students turned up for the opening meetsolely because there was a lack of the program. Instead, students would turn to schools such as a team. We’re leaving ebrates as he realizes I was dead tired, but it a passion for horses whether it involves go- ing. It looks as though many of them will as McDonough, Old Field, and Garrison Forest that do have an equestrian program. that he is an Olympic this meet as a team,” said didn’t matter. I was so ing to watch the locally-run Preakness races join the team in late February. Furthermore, to help bring new recruits to JC, Mrs. Mountain of Admissions has paired champion once again. A coach has not yet been appointed, but Phelps, shooting down all excited to be back in or using their free time to get involved in shadows with students who will be involved in the equestrian club to help provide a better horseback riding themselves. will be named by the end of Thanksgiving assumptions that swimming is an individual Baltimore and back home,” said Phelps. understanding of the program for incoming freshmen. Taking this in mind, JC has decided to break. sport. The ceremony outside the courthouse Although the Equestrian club will not compete until spring, preparations have already Currently, there are some downsides to But why did we rush home to turn on included reßections on the tragedies of start an Equestrian Club, to allow students beginning. A meeting was scheduled on October 6 to introduce the program to students the TV night after night and why did we September 11, 2001, and speeches from with a passion for riding horses to represent this program. It will be almost impossible that were interested. A whopping 42 students turned up for the opening meeting. It looks to compete in the club if a student does not check the internet during the day to get the many Baltimore County and state ofÞcials, their school through their passion. as though many of them will join the team in late February. A coach has not yet been Senior horseback enthusiast Jill Neville own a horse. Unfortunately, many of the inlatest on results (maybe that was just me)? Phelps’ mother, Debbie Phelps, and Michael appointed, but will be named by the end of Thanksgiving break. said, “Regardless of the setbacks, I’m glad terested students do not own horses. As for Other athletes have had sportsmanship in himself. Currently, there are some downsides to this program. It will be almost impossible to the past. We’ve seen athletes do amazing “The Baltimore area has long been home that JC brought back the Equestrian pro- students that do own horses, JC has not yet compete in the club if a student does not own a horse. Unfortunately, many of the interested things night after night. Why would this to many great athletes. Babe Ruth, Brooks gram because a lot of people ride horses.” contacted stables to store them. On top of students do not own horses. As for students that do own horses, JC has not yet contacted However, this is not the Þrst time that this, a practice grounds will not be decided one kid be different? Robinson, Johnny Unitas and Cal Ripken – stables to store them. On top of this a practice grounds will not be decided until a coach It was because Michael Phelps was ours. and now we’re adding the name of Michael an Equestrian Club has been established at until after a coach is chosen. is chosen. There is still a lot of work to be done, Most of us aren’t from Towson or from Bal- Phelps,” said Baltimore County Executive JC. In fact, an equestrian club was instituted There is still a lot of work to be done from now until the beginning of the equestrian for the Þrst couple years of the school’s ex- decisions to be made, and preparations to timore, but yet we still felt like he was one James Smith. season, but the fact that horseback riding has returned will make JC one of the most diverse be Þnished from now until the beginning of us. We still had that feeling that he was Phelps will be moving to Michigan by the istence, but was unfortunately canceled. high school communities in the area. According to the Athletic Director, of the equestrian season, but the fact that the kid down the street. Pretty much all of end of this month, where he’ll be attending us knew someone that knew him or trained the University of Michigan. He is ineligible Mr. Dukes, many students have chosen to horseback riding has returned will once at his pool, the North Baltimore Aquatic to compete on the University’s swim team, not attend JC solely because the the school again make JC one of the most diverse high Club. but will continue to train and be a volunteer did not have an equestrian program. In- school communities in the area. Earlier this summer I traveled to the assistant coach, as his coach, Bob Bowman, stead, students would turn to schools such
JC adds equestrian club
Volume 40, Number 1
October 2004
15 SPORTS Varsity football has inconsistent season
dictable. With a disappointing loss to the he’s getting better handling the pressure,” more John Von Paris. They are responsible for moving the lineman back and taking Boys’ Latin Lakers 28-11, this year’s team said Mr. Perry. appears to lack the senior leadership that has Perhaps the heart and soul of the offense on blockers so the linebackers can make plays. Boyle and junior in the past solidiÞed and Mike Black are the inside anchored the squad. Their heads were hanging and their linebackers who have “We have to rely on composure was non-existent by the middle lots of younger players done an admirable job of the third quarter. The team looked on in starting,” said defensive wrapping up backs and utter dismay as the overwhelming Bel Air coach Mr. Perry. “It has receivers so far. Seniors football squad marched down the Þeld for taken a while for team Matt Hirschhorn and yet another score en route to a disappointing chemistry to develop Evan Collins play outside 48 – 6 drubbing. linebacker and must be but with more game The Bel Air game followed a disastrous experience the [younger able to play pass coverage season opening loss to the Joppatowne Mar- players] will get stronger as well as cover the run iners, in which mistakes dictated the tempo. as the year goes on,” he and blitz the quarterback. Unlike the Joppatowne game, the Varsity continued. Finally, the secondary has football team was forced to sit through a produced game changing Despite the throng of total collapse against Bel Air. 0 – 2 certainly Þrst year starters, the plays including big hits was not the way the team wanted to start coaches and players feel on receivers and tight their season. “The goal was to win every that they have practiced pass defense. Sergent has game, and we haven’t met that goal,” said together long enough had a great season makThe offense, led by Brian Wolfe and Dane ing plays in the secondary senior lineman Matt Hirschhorn. that most of the mental Frank, li nes up for a third down play. and he leads a group that With the chemistry lacking and the team’s kinks should be worked consists of Frank, junior Adam Devine and heart in question, the Varsity Football team out. However, with the absence of in-game is the running game led by senior running junior Travis Rowe. Most of the big plays was left wondering when the months of hard experience, these mistakes still have to be back Dane Frank. Frank is a quick and that the defense let up were in the Þrst two work and practice would result in victories. expected from Þrst year starters. shifty back who uses his choppy strides to The bewilderment did not last long as games when Bel Air exploited them, but “Against Bel Air and Joppatowne es- slide through holes or beat the linebackers after two early season defeats; the team pecially, the youth really showed. Every around end. Once by the Þrst level of play- since then, they have vastly improved. has Þnally This team has the players to win another game, we have got to be ers, he can explode into the secondary for started to championship, they just have to mesh tophysically and mentally huge gains on the ground. show life in ready and when you see Junior J.T. Levendusky, the fullback, gether and play solid football the rest of their quest the lapses on the Þeld, provides solid lead blocking for Dane along the year. for another “It’s really easy to lead this team when you realize that they’re with the offensive line. The line, anchored C-confercoming from lack of by seniors Anthony Tapp, Matt Hirschhorn, everyone is working hard for a championence chamexperience,” said Coach Brian Spath, Greg Boyle, and Matt Kane, ship,” said Boyle. pionship. The offense has put up two forty-point Perry. is progressing steadily and has done a solid “We’re Since the two early sea- job overall opening holes for Dane to run games and has shown that they can move winning the the ball. However, the mental lapses onthis son defeats, the offense, through. rest of these led by junior quarterback “Our offense has greatly improved this side of the ball have resulted in stalled games,” Brian Wolfe, has looked year mainly because we have Dane and drives. The defense has not allowed more said senior much more ßuid. Wolfe JT as our backs,” said senior nose tackle than two touchdowns in there 3 wins this tight end The Varsity football team year, but has played rather poorly in the has shown the ability to Danny Condon. Pat Casey, huddles up to discuss their make plays either with The defense has been solid since the two team’s losses. “We are deÞ-strategy duri ng their wi n In order to compete for another C-Conferhis feet or by hanging early defeats and has exhibited a much betnitely betterover St. John’s. in the pocket Þnding his ter display of tackling and coverage. The ence championship, the team must improve than the way we looked in those Þrst two receivers. So far, his favorite targets looks leader and most experienced player on the on the mental aspect of the game. “We have games.” Unfortunately for Casey and the to be junior wide receiver Andrew Kriss, young defense is senior inside linebacker a good shot at the Conference Championrest of the team, this guarantee to win out senior receiver Charles Sergent, or tight end Greg Boyle who averages over 7 tackles ship and it’s a very realistic goal that we the rest of the season did not hold up as the Pat Casey who provides a big, tall target for a game. “The defense is strong; we work could Þnish the season as champions,” said team lost to Boys Latin. Wolfe to throw to. as whole to make big plays. Our defense is Mr. Perry. Even with the recent string of victories in Unfortunately, Kriss suffered an injury created in that everyone must do their job,” which the team pounded the likes of Spar- during the Baltimore Lutheran game and said Boyle. rows Point and Baltimore Lutheran and a will not return this season. “[Wolfe] is doing The defensive line consists of seniors win over St. John’s, the team is still unpre- real well so far. It’s been tough at times, but Danny Condon, Anthony Tapp, and sophophoto by Kristin Pytko
photo by Kristin Pytko
Dave Lomonico Sports co Editor
Varsity girls’ soccer dominates IAAM
Entering the 2004 season, the Varsity girls’ soccer team was ranked #1 by The Sun. The ranking poses an exciting challenge for the team, after being edged out of the championship last year by Notre Dame Prep in the Þnal seconds of the game. With a corps of key players returning and with the addition of several new players, the team has put together a strong squad poised to make a run at the championship. The team has thus far maintained an undefeated record, and the players, students, and spectators alike believe that the team will continue to perform. “This is the team. This is the year,” is the proclamation made on the back of the team’s warm-up shirts. Athletic Director Mr. Dukes agreed with the shirt’s motto. “This team has the capabilities to win. Their commitment to themselves, each other, and their coach has given them what it takes to be number one,” said Mr. Dukes. The players on the team play well together and the team chemistry has contributed to
October 2004
Melissa Gomes, and Christine Luongo, the the team’s success this year. Defender Rachel Layer said, team can usually secure at least a goal per game. The team has put “We’re all really close this together strong offensive year because we only lost outputs with a 7 goal two seniors, so the majority performance over St. of the team has played Mary’s and two 6 goal together for a long time, and performances against the new players Þt in really North Carroll and St. well with the rest of the Vincent Pallotti. team.” Layer was recently With the strong named “Player of the Week” defensive unit that by The Baltimore Sun. includes sophomore The team has Jess Hnaituk and senior a multitude of new goalie Ange Gaeta, the players who have already team can shut down the contributed key minutes and solid play in the games. scoring offenses of their These players add to a “deep opponents. Gaeta along and talented bench,” said with the rest of the team Jamie Zimmerman. Most have already recorded 7 players on the team play shutouts. soccer year-round, honing The team has to their skills so that they can focus and come prepared perform at their best during Seni or Christi ne Lu- for every game. Rachel the season. ongo takes the ball Layer knows the team With a strong upfield i n a game is focused on each offensive corps, including agai nst IND. individual game, because All-Metro players Ashley the team members Myers, Rachel Layer, Jamie Zimmerman, are aware that each game will present a photo by Kristin Pytko
Delia Pais Staff Writer
challenge. If they let their guard down, the result could be a loss “Every game’s tough when everyone wants to knock you off; this team is targeted. The girls can’t overlook any game, especially in this conference,” said Mr. Dukes. NDP, Spalding, and River Hill are the team’s biggest competitors, and the team recently knocked off another of their rivals, McDonogh. Each player’s commitment to the team is immense, and it is an integral part of their success. Mr. Dukes said, “Playing as a team makes a team great. There are always the players that make the big plays and have the most stats, but it takes teamwork to make a team so strong.” The general consensus is clear: the team can win the IAAM Championship this year. Layer said, “We can deÞnitely win this year, as long as we play to our full ability, and give it our all.” Teammate Jamie Zimmerman concurs, “We have what it takes: teamwork, stability, and having everyone on the same page.” Mr. Dukes expresses the vote of conÞdence and support that most of the school also expresses, “This season has already been a phenomenal accomplishment, and we wish the team continued success.”
Volume 40, Number 1
Since they were freshmen, JC girls have looked forward to being able to play in the annual junior-senior powder puff game. They watched junior and senior girls attack underclassmen, trying to brand them with blue or green paint or glitter. It’s almost as big of a deal as the actual homecoming dance; it’s a huge rivalry. But this year, the team of the class of 2005 suffered a devastating loss. They lost by two points in the Þnal seconds of the game to their enemies, the juniors. Going into the game, most suspected that the juniors would lose. Most thought the the bigger and more powerful seniors would dominate come game time. They were wrong. This year, the seniors were lead by Lydia D’Antona, and Kelly Navin on defense, and on offense by Nicki Muffoletto and quarterback Ashley Keys. What seemed to be a problem for the seniors was their breakdown in execution, which comes down to the fact that they just kept dropping the ball at critical times. On the upside, the seniors had a great sense of teamwork and collaboration. They supported and helped each other, and they were very strong as a whole. Unfortunately, it seemed as though the underdog junior team might have had a little more team togetherness. “We wanted to prove everyone wrong and show that we were better than everyone thought,” said junior participant Meagan Eisner. In the past there has been controversy over what girls are eligible to play. Powder puff eligibility has nothing to do with
grade ineligibility. With the season being only two weeks, grades have no effect on whether or not a girl can play. The only requirement is that girls cannot participate in powder puff if they play a fall Varsity sport. Mr. Gallen, also known as Dr. G., coached the senior team and was assisted by new JC teachers Ms. Urra and Mr. Del Puppo. “Del Puppo is the best defensive coach ever,” said senior player Betsy Collins. The junior team was coached by new faculty member Ms. Porcella and JC Russian teacher Mr. Milller. “Mr. Miller was very intense,” ABOVE: The seni or powderpuff team posses after their said Eisner of Mr. Miller’s coach- heart-breaki ng loss to the juni ors. ing styles. It seems that Mr. Mill- BELOW: The juni or team is all smiles after their last secer’s intensity worked, as his junior ond wi n to the seni or team. team defeated the senior team 18-16. The same rules generally apply in powder puff as in normal football: four chances to gain ten yards, and the main objective is to get to the end zone. The only obvious difference is that there is not nearly as much contact as in regular tackle football. In order to tackle, a player must successfully remove their opponent’s ßag from their waistband. Despite the bitter rivalry between them, both the junior and senior teams came out for the same reason: to have fun in this tradition. “We wanted it to be a clean game,” said senior player Sarah Keller. Now the test is on the juniors, and if they can go on to be one of the only undefeeated powder puff teams in the activity’s history.
photo by Jess Riefler
Trista Sturdivant Staff Writer
photo by Jess Riefler
16 SPORTS Juniors topple hungry seniors in powderpuff match
Students “live strong,” wear yellow Dave Lomonico Sports co Editor
Yellow seems to be a new fad around the world, as people all over join together to “live strong,” and Þght cancer. Senior Shannon Lhotsky wears yellow. She wears it for her cousin who fought
Knowledge is power and attitude is everything. - Lance Armstrong
and overcame cancer. Senior Erin Coudon wears yellow. She wears it for hope – hope for those who have none. Yellow has taken on a new meaning. It represents perseverance and strength; it stands for conÞdence and life. In 1996, cyclist Lance Armstrong was diagnosed with cancer. After treatment, and a long, hard recovery, Armstrong defeated the cancer and was soon back on the bike trails winning six straight Tour de France titles. With the cancer gone, Armstrong did not let the painful memories of recovery die. He became an inspiration for those with
Volume 40, Number 1
cancer by showing that survival is possible. To show his support for cancer research, Armstrong began the Lance Armstrong Foundation which bears the motto, “Knowledge is power and attitude is everything.” The goal of the foundation is to provide help, research, and information for all of those diagnosed with cancer. The message that Armstrong sent has quickly spread around the nation. Now, for just one dollar, everyone can support the foundation and cancer research just by buying a yellow bracelet. By wearing the bracelet, it shows an awareness of cancer research and a hope for those who suffer from the horrible illness. The bracelet bears the powerful plea to all cancer victims around the world – livestrong. The trend of wearing the bracelets has quickly spread around the school as more and more people are catching on to the message. The bracelets especially caught on after Armstrong won his sixth Tour de France. “[The bracelets] are a reminder to be a strong person within,” said senior Nicole Muffoletto. “You think about all the cancer patients and then you realize how lucky you really are,” she continued. The bracelets can be purchased by donating one dollar to the Lance Armstrong Foundation or visiting the website at Organizations around the nation, such as John Hopkins Research Center, are also providing the bracelets to those who donate towards cancer research. Most students have had a hard time get-
ting their hands on one of the bracelets, but several students around the school, such as junior Andrew Kriss, have had access to a number of the bracelets and have given them out to other students who want to show their support. “We have the responsibility and the need to help people out and getting one of these bracelets is a great way to show support,” said sophomore Christina Quinn. “It makes people more aware that cancer is a big thing,” she said. The Lance Armstrong Foundation has been around since 1999, but this huge fundraiser has only recently begun. Other cancer fundraisers supported by the Lance Armstrong Foundation include the Ride for the Roses weekend, the Tour of Hope, and the annual Live to Ride gala. “The message has spread around quickly and [the bracelets] are a great trend,” said freshman Grace Gaeng. Whether someone wants to promote a positive organization or support a sick relative, the “livestrong” bracelets are one way to make a difference and show care and respect for others. The message is simple: Wear Yellow. Live Strong.
Since sales began in May, the Lance Armstrong Foundation together with Nike have sold more than 15 million bands around the world.
October 2004