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The Dolce Triplets
from Senior Issue 2023
Is triplet telepathy real?
Caroline: To some extent. It’s not really real, but it’s more just that we’re siblings and we have the same nurturing.
Josephine: One time, I cut my hand open and I bled and fainted from it, and then my sister fainted right next to me. Then, Jonathan woke up from sleeping just to say that Caroline was being dramatic, so I don’t even know.
Caroline: Yeah, I like genuinely blacked out. My lips turned purple and it was really weird.
Jonathan: I would say that because we’re triplets and we had very similar childhoods, naturally, we just think very similarly.
Do you have any future plans together?
Josephine: We’re all very different, but we’re all going to Denmark somewhere together. Just us.
Caroline: We’re all going to different colleges and definitely have different majors.
Jonathan: Even though we are triplets, we’re all kind of in pursuit of our own interests and everything, so we all really are our own person, despite the fact that we are part of three.