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from Senior Issue 2023
“During junior year, a couple friends and I played tag in the little grassy area behind the baseball field. I really wanted to play tag because it was sunny that day and it was Friday, but my friends were reluctant. Eventually I convinced them though and we played for the entirety of lunch.”
- Nathan Portiz
“I remember student servicing for one of Mr. Burrill’s Alg II/Trig classes where a group of boys near my seat called themselves ‘The Rock Pile’ and they made that class very entertaining!”

- Alexandria Welch
“Coming to AP Studio Art with Caden Lee, making art and laughing together.”
- Shushan Onanyan

“While my parents were watching a movie in November 2022, I created a Math challenge on Blooket.com. I designed it for my Math Club, but they never got around to participating in it. However, I have had several other groups of people interested in participating. These included multiple West Ranch teachers, many West Ranch students, family, and even my former NASA Internship colleagues.”
- Jacob Gerhart
“My core memory of high school was getting lost at one of our rival games. A few of my friends were trying to find me while I was following the marching band kids and nearly got hit in the face with a trumpet.”

- Parinita Singh
“Kidnapping all of my friends to surprise them for each of their birthdays.”

- Eshel Ahmad
“Sharing the best moments at the pep rallies with my friends and buddies, during school events as well.”

- Juan Suarez
“My favorite high school memory is probably being Swim League Champions. It is my favorite because my friends (Donnah, Lexy, Tori) and I got a school record for the 400 freestyle relay. It was satisfying to see us win majority of the divisions after a hardworking and fun season.”

- Haeun Park