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TUESDAY 5 February 2019 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | Email: | Website:
People’s Post
Picketers mobilised by UCSCBO held a demonstration on the Klipfontein Road side of Athlone Stadium on Saturday 2 Febraury.
Struggle for stadium EARL HAUPT @EarlHaupt
meeting to discuss an ongoing battle between the City of Cape Town and the provincial South African Football Association ( Safa Cape Town) is expected to be held at the Civic Centre chambers today, Tuesday 5 February. The meeting follows a decision by the City to serve Safa Cape Town with a notice to vacate Athlone Stadium on Thursday 31 January. People’s Post understands that the meeting will be between the City, Safa Cape Town and United Coalition of Sport and Community-Based Organisations (UCSCBO) - a coalition of various sporting bodies which include the likes of WP Rugby, Western Province Cricket Association - and Western Province Athletics, with the Cape Town Sports Council forming part of the delegation.Safa Cape Town has been using the stadium as its administrative headquarters for many years and the move has been met with resistance from the soccer’s local governing body. In a media statement, Safa Cape Town president Bennett Bailey says Athlone Stadium has served as the home of Cape football
since the 1970s and has been a landmark to its surrounding communities. “Athlone Stadium has a strong heritage that attracts tourism. One such cultural event is the internationally recognised “Kaapse Klopse” competition. Many of the football participants are participants of this competition in addition to the sport they play. One of the goals for Safa Cape Town is to have football campaigns that promote the heritage of Cape Town, and this venue would serve as the best representation of football heritage,” reads the statement. The stand-off fast-tracked the formation of UCSCBO, which aims to tackle community sporting issues. The group first thought this to be a matter between Safa Cape Town and the City, but later cited that community sporting bodies are facing similar issues pertaining to the usage, maintenance and security of facilities. However, City Mayco member for economic opportunities and asset management James Vos states the latest developments are opportunistic.“It is unfortunate that some individuals and organisations will use sport and hard-won community assets purely for political gain. The Athlone Stadium, like any other such facility, has to comply with national legislation in terms of
the Safety at Sports and Recreational Events Act (SASREA) No. 2 of 2010. The SASREA was promulgated essentially to provide for measures to safeguard the physical well-being and safety of people and property at various events held at stadiums,” said Vos. He pointed out that in Athlone receiving its grading certificate in October last year, various non-compliance issues were brought to the City’s attention.“In order to remedy these irregularities, all non-operational stadium occupants would need to move their operations from the premises,” added Vos, confirming the notice to vacate sent to Safa Cape Town. He said alternative arrangements at Old Mfuleni Clinic and Vygieskraal Stadium had been sought, but Safa Cape Town had refused the suggestion. Because the stadium’s offices were being used by Safa Cape Town for administrative purposes, Vos believes their operations are able to relocate. “It is disingenuous of some individuals and organisations to claim that Safa Cape Town’s move from the Athlone Stadium places soccer at a disadvantage. Ironically, it is the City’s track record of compliance that has necessitated the relocation of current users from the facility. This is a legislative requirement in order to be granted the neces-
sary grading permit to ensure soccer fixtures can be played, and cultural events can be hosted unhindered,” said Vos. As a result, another demonstration took place on the Klipfontein Road side of the stadium last Saturday.“It was every child’s dream for when they grow up that if ever, he plays in any competition, the final would be at Athlone Stadium. It is sad that they now, want to professionalise Athlone Stadium and marginalise amateur football to the townships where nobody sees the talents of our youngsters and the poor,” says Nadeem Hendricks, former principal of Trafalgar High School and chairperson. Meanwhile, Elton Davids, chairperson of the Cape Town sports council says the meeting was requested a meeting to iron out differences, while also highlighting challenges faced in other sporting codes across Cape Town.“As a sports council who looks after all codes of sport, Safa is one of our members, we promote and support them. We have requested a meeting with the Mayor on the fifth which we will join Safa to deal with the Mayor and the Mayco, but also the bigger picture is not just Safa, it is other codes of sport in Cape Town also suffering having situations like this, like netball, squash and bowls.”