08-09 Peregrine1

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The history of mums makes for a homecoming tradition that dates back thousands of years.



Pampe’s passion for the French language lives on through rough times.


Varsity football plays with heart, but comes up short at the start of season.






Volume thirty-seven Issue one

Ballots were cast and the long awaited results are in. Mock Election ‘08 has given the student body a chance to share their views and vote for the upcoming 2008 Presidential Election. Quiz yourself on which candidate is right for you, and find all the information on both candidates. pages


Jersey Village High School

7600 Solomon Houston, TX 77040





Ike Strikes

Hurricane damages Houston area ANTHONY ESPINOZA

hurricane made landfall. Downtown Houston was almost unrecognizable. Shattered glass was scattered staff writer When Ike began rumbling through Galveston all across the streets from some of our tall buildings. Bay and Houston, many people were left without The water quality was a major concern following electricity and could only hear the sounds of fierce Hurricane Ike. Many were forced to boil tap water winds whistling past their house in total darkness. just to insure that it is safe to drink. A category two hurricane with 110 mph sustained Kathy Kutsko, freshman, was among the few winds, one mph shy of a category three, was moving without power for an extended period of time. Her right through Houston. Although some were wary entire neighborhood did not have electricity for 15 about the storm, most did not expect the kind of days. She tried her best to not let the lack of electricdamage Ike would leave the city. ity get to her. She kept herself as busy as possible so “I thought the actual hurricane was overrated, but time would pass by swiftly. the outcome was more “I tried to stay outside as much as possible. I also than I had had softball practice later in the week after Ike hit,” expected, ” Kutsko said. Courtnie She also spent time at her boyRoberts, friend’s house to help clean up junior his family’s yard, and took said. advantage of the electricity S o m e they had by charging her people were phone. not as lucky Ike even as Roberts. The affected high winds some of caused damage to the school’s roofs, trees extra-curto fall, and riculars. windows to Cy-Fair be blown out. ISD canMonika Seffair, c e l l e d senior, and her sister Anna, had more all after than a rough time dealing with Hurrischool cane Ike. It could be three to four months activities before they can move back to their mothprior to AFTER THE STORM Dillon Rodrier’s house. the hurricane guez, senior, and his stepfather, “Our chimney flew off and water including athletics. Micheal Blount, surveyed the came in through the entire house. The The varsity football damages that were left to their bathroom and living room roofs caved games cancelled due church. The chapel was safe but in and left two inches of water inside,” to the hurricane will the foliage was ripped from the Monika Seffair, senior, said. not be rescheduled. ground and tossed asunder. Luckily, Seffair and her family had However, the canevacuated and were safe. Also, the posceled varsity footsessions, such as clothes or shoes, lost ball games will be during the tragedy were all replaceable. rescheduled. The school calendars were also pushed Countless damages to the city have been made in back about 10 days. the wake of Hurricane Ike. Damages are at an estiEven a few weeks after Hurricane Ike, much of mated six billion dollars for Houston, and $27 bil- Houston was still attempting to get back to normallion for the entire US coastal regions, which makes cy. Gas prices were lowered, and ice was no longer Ike the third costliest U.S. hurricane of all time. Due sold out of every store. Sports and other extracurto the tremendous size of the storm, the surge was ricular activities have started back up again. As the felt all along the Gulf of Mexico coast. As of Sep- town slowly begins revolving again, all that can be tember 24, 2008, one-fourth of the Houston area is done is to look forward and try to get back to normal still without power almost a full two weeks after the as soon as possible.

october ‘08

Instruction Connection New DI comes from Cy-Falls JESSE PYLE business manager Chaos and confusion of the new school year have cause times to get pretty hectic for both the students and the administrators. Between the construction and the new housing system, students have more to worry about than just grades. There is some light to be shed on the situation. The school has benefited with the arrival of the new Director of Instruction Greg Brock. Although the year started off in a somewhat disorganized manner, there is some hope for change. Greg Brock is one of the many administrators working to help the school through this phase of transformation. With the job title, Director of Instruction, he has many responsibilities. Some of his duties include assisting new teachers, working on TAKS programs, helping out with the housing situation, and working with students on schedule issues. “The main concern, right now, is making sure that the students are getting into the classes they need to graduate,” Brock said. It may be Greg Brock’s first year here, but he has been working in the Cy-Fair district for nine years. He came from Cy-Falls High School, where he used


BROCK ROCKS Throughout the day, Greg Brock works to keep the students day running as smoothly as possible. to teach a wide range of science subjects. With all of the issues that he is responsible for, one might wonder how he will get it all done. Every day, he must direct his attention to curriculum needs around the school, so that the students can have an organized working environment to better their education. “The truth is, even though I am helping students and new teachers, I am also still learning,” Brock said. Brock is one of the many people working behind the scenes to better student life at school. He puts in effort and energy so students can breathe easier at school. The administrators are dealing with big challenges, and it is these challenges that will help the school make a change for the better.

photo by MANDY HOGAN



4 issue one




Both parents and students fear the loss of extracurriculars, such as athletics and arts programs, due to budget cuts. Do budget cuts affect those programs? CFISD knows that students enjoy extracurriculars. Most students do not come to school and say, “I love math and English more than anything in the whole world.” They love their activities. CFISD will not cut extracurriculars nor in-school athletics because students who participate in activities perform better at school and become responsible citizens.

news editor A recent interview with Dr. David Anthony, superintendent of Cy-Fair ISD, revealed the complexity of CFISD’s budget. The budget shortfall affects the students, the teachers and the taxpayers of the Cy-Fair area. CFISD continually grows by 4,000 to 6,000 students per year, while state funding to the district decreases.


Do you have a large impact on the budget?

Every department submits a budget. The board, the assistant superintendents and I begin piecing the budget together in February and present it in May. We vote in June and becomes effective July 1. A lot of qualified people help me in the budgeting process, but I have the final say.




How do the recent economic downfalls, such as the fall of AIG and other large companies, affect CFISD’s budget? By Constitutional Law, we have to serve and provide for students of compulsory school age. Also, we have to provide public diffusion of knowledge. However, Houston is enjoying one of the best economies in the nation, which could affect how many people move to our district. I think CFISD will continue to grow and educate students well.

JVHS is currently being remodeled. How does CFISD finance these remodels at older schools? Every property owner in the district helps to pay for Jersey Village’s renovations. The budget is based on two tax rates. The MNO tax rate pays for everything it takes to operate a school. The INS tax rate is used to fund construction. CFISD raises INS funds by Bond Referendums, approved by voters the district, which allows CFISD to finance remodels.





Mums theWord

october ‘08

Southern tradition sweeps high school homecomings KELLY HARRISON staff writer There is only one time a year when donning a giant, flowered teddy bear adorned with bells and ribbons can be considered cool. The Homecoming Mum has become a staple of southern football culture, and for good reason. The interesting history and modern interpretation help keep the tradition alive here on campus. Despite being synonymous with southern football, the “mum”, or chrysanthemum actually has roots in the Far East. The delicate flower so enthralled the Chinese that they dedicated an entire city to the flower’s beauty – Chu Hsien, or Chrysanthemum City. The roots of the flower were often boiled as an anecdote to ward off headaches and other ailments. In Japan, the emperor so loved the flower he christened it the official seal of the Emperor’s cabinet and crest. The Mum first appeared in western civilization nearly 250 years ago. Little is known as to how the flower came to be used

Flower Power


Senior reminisces on past mum experiences

Last year, I was escorted to homecoming by Lee Barker, one of my closest friends. The mum that Lee gave me was definitely one for the books. Of course the mum had the purple ribbon, the representation of band, and the cute little bear in the center of the flower… but this mum was different than most… this mum withheld a beautiful gift. Homecoming is the time of year when girls make hair appointments for up-dos, when boys try to find the perfect tie, and when I end up burning my fingers with a hot glue gun making mums and garters. Homecoming is a time that can basically be summed up as mum-azing! Each and every single mum is different and special in its own way. The mum that Lee gave me was much like this.

staff writer

for its modern purpose, but every southerner and Texan in particular knows the flower by its modern appellation- the homecoming mum. Every fall, millions of Texans scour the racks at craft stores across the state to snatch up the biggest and best homecoming mum supplies available. Others who would rather leave the responsibility to the professionals pay for their precious decorations to be made. One can purchase anything from a run-ofthe-mill colored ribbon in your choice of colors to a teddy bear surrounded by a fullon light show. This type of customizing takes some know how. “My mom taught me how to make mums, so now I always make my own,” Annabel Andrews, senior, said. “It’s so cool to be able to make it exactly the way you want, and it’s usually a lot cheaper.” Mum making continues activity continues homecoming traditions. If the boyfriend plays soccer, one could slap on a row of soccer ball decals, along with a miniature soccer ball. A senior’s would be gold and white, declaring the supremacy of the senior class. There is literally an endless supply of decorations available to even the most basic consumer.

In the little bear’s hand there was a petite flower. When Lee gave me the homemade mum, he told me that the tiny flower had some kind of story attached to it. Three years ago a few friends and I went on a walk around the JV track and decided to pick a few flowers on our way back. When I walked into the band hall I saw my friend Lee and decided to give him one. Jokingly, I told Lee that he had to keep it forever. Long story short, he kept the flower for the next two years and put it in a golden envelope on the back of my mum. The orange flower did not look like much of a flower anymore in its state of dryness, but when I found it and realized what it was, the tears would not desist. In that moment I was given the sweetest gift I have ever received. My gift might have been a silly little flower, but to me it was much more. I was so proud to wear that beautiful mum.

issue one




Road to


Recovery French teacher perseveres through cancer LAURA HEBERT

feature editor Cancer. People cringe when they hear the word. It affects over 10.5 million people a year. It is hard enough to say, let alone to hear that one has been diagnosed with it. Marcia Pampe, the French teacher, was one of the listeners. “Well of course it was difficult news, but I was glad to be diagnosed early.” Pampe said. She was diagnosed with breast cancer at a routine mammogram. Knowing she was going to be unable to teach for a while, she showed dedication working to finding a substitute from France. “It was hard to find someone willing to fill in, most people felt they could not do it,” Pampe said. She wanted someone who could actually help the students learn about the French language and culture in her absents. That criteria went into her search for the perfect substitute. “Students were very happy to have a sub that knew French and it made class run much more smoothly,” Pampe said. While she was out for surgery, she stayed strong


with the support of family, friends, students, and even strangers. “People have been very supportive, other w o m e n who have b e e n photo by GLORIA LERMA though BONJOUR! French teacher, Marcia Pampe, reviews household vocabulary with French this, have one students contacted me to help Pampe said. me and tell me what to expect,” Pampe said. Through the support of everyone around her, Her students also were very caring and consider- Pampe is over coming this obstacle. She is back from ate. “My students have been so nice; they surgery and is healing well. Recovery is a powerful wished me the best and some even made cards,” word in any language.


photo editor Inside the distinguished falcon, senior Emily Johnson, known by friends as Buddy, prances onto the football field beaming with school spirit. From behind the mask that rests upon her head she sees the roaring crowd in the stands. As the band begins to play Johnson connects a personality to the already established falcon and is transformed into a unique symbol of luck. At age 11 the Cy-Ridge Ram inspired Johnson to become a mascot after a pep rally at her middle school. Fascination consumed her and soon after she dedicated herself to becoming the Falcon. Years passed and Johnson was torn between her beloved soccer playing and her fu-

Senior lady mascot takes on challenge

ture goal of being the mascot. “I hope that I can show that being a mascot and being silly in front of others is not scary. I want to show my school spirit and prove that not only br can mascots,” Johnson said. As cheerleading tryouts rolled around for Johnson’s senior year, she decided that this was her chance for a childhood dream to become reality. With no experience her passion kept her strong. A few days before the tryouts Johnson decided that leaving her props in the girls’ locker room would be okay as she went about her other tasks, but when she came back to the locker room to retrieve her props they were destroyed. At first Johnson was upset and confused on what to do. With no proof of the culprit she

lifted her head and continued on with her day. “The first tryout consisted of my free style dance moves. I made the judges laugh so I was happy. For the second tryout I had this whole presentation with props and everything, but the props got ruined so once again I just went out there and winged it,” Johnson said. Becoming the mascot that already was viewed with a lively personality was an adventure for Johnson. Not only does she enjoy being the mascot, she allows the crowd to have a good time. Johnson put a new face inside that falcon and brought it alive in a way everyone can enjoy.





in-depth Democrat 47 years old Running with Joe Biden

astrological sign: Leo favorite sport: basketball personal hero: Martin Luther King Jr. favorite TV show: Sportscenter, C-SPAN


Breakdown photos courtesy of wikipedia.org

astrological sign: Virgo hobbies: sports, hiking, fishing, grilling personal hero: Theodore Roosevelt favorite TV show: 24, Seinfeld


Republican 71 years old Running with Sarah Palin

0 n o i s i Dec Young voters speak Kelsey O’Briant

managing editor Tension and exhilaration were tangible on September 9, 2008 when the school with eager voters seizing an opportunity to let their opinions be heard in the scho mock election. Hurriedly writing in their selections, voters craned their necks and drop their ballots, one after the other, into the box. The commons busted at the seam discussions and cheers in favor of each respective candidate, creating a giant melting opinions and passions. The ballots have been cast and the votes are in. Students have chosen Barack Ob their next president. “I think that Barack Obama has some kind of aura about him that McCain which keeps the youth following the election,” Cristian Dominguez, junior, said. Though in the end, the race went to Obama, the school was almost split Republicans were largely represented when McCain claimed just under 50% of the “I support McCain because he knows the people. He was a prisoner of war an American hero,” Mikey Abandondalo, junior, said. In this age, it appears to take quite a bit to inspire an entire country, particu toughest critics: teenagers. But the current presidential election has caused a nati stir that is, incidentally, affecting both the old and the young. Students seem to re that this election is certainly one for the history books, seeing as how whoever is the White House will be home to a demographi never seen before. In any case, students are taking and speaking out. “We all have a direct impact on our future,” Meadows, junior, said. Decision with Some are wary, however, of the legitimacy Precision concern. Nicholas Harbaugh, “The students at JVHS are getting more invo senior, completes the elections, but not at all in politics. As soon as t a ballot in hopes about Obama and McCain is settled by the dec of his candidate America in November, we won’t see this [reaction of choice being It makes me mad that we have to have superficial te elected among his stations, and a black presidential candidate to m peers.

Intelligent Design Laura Hebert, junior, Mandy Hogan, senior, and Kelsey O’Briant, junior, collaborate to make posters for election day. Pressure On Samantha Rhoden, junior, proudly votes for her favorite candidate in order for her voice to be heard in the mock election.

photos by Shelby C





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our students to get involved in politics,” Shannon Beener, junior, said. The real issue it seems is what issues are worth considering. Students and teachers alike have voiced their concerns, from the economy to the war and nearly everything in between. “Honestly, it should be about the economy and the housing crisis. I’m sure foreclosures impact more people than abortion rights or gun control. But these issues are how many Americans choose their candidates. Modern politics just happens to focus on issues that keep voters glued to the TV, like Obama’s celebrity status or Palin’s pregnant daughter,” Dominguez said. Regardless of people’s conviction on issues, a recent wave of indecision has spread due to the national conventions that took place in late August and early September. In the school wide election, this uncertainty was revealed through write-in nominations and polite refusal to vote. “What I cannot get over is that I do not like either candidate! And I wouldn’t want to choose between either of them if I had an actual vote that counted. Both candidates are ineligible to be a president of our United States,” Beener said. But when choices are made, it is generally assumed that teenagers are largely democratic, or at least have a live-and-let-live attitude. “Most teens are liberal Democrats. I think most of them know that our current president is a Republican, and Republicans are bad, and Obama is that cool new dude from Chicago. There’s probably not much the other side can do to win votes from the youth unless they were raised as Republicans,” Dominguez said. Battling this, however, is the voice of young Republicans that has recently become louder than ever. Conservative car décor sprinkles the parking lot and praise for both John McCain and his running mate Sarah Palin garnish lively hallway conversations. “I support McCain because he is older and more experienced than Obama. He knows what war is really like,” Hannah McCord, sophomore, said. Though a decision has been reached in this school, America will not make its choice until November. Until then, the race continues and the road towards presidential history is still being paved by US citizens young and old.

mccain other

19 votes

The lone star state Texas’ role in the presidential election the polls

6% 1%

57% 36% McCain Obama Unsure Other

34 electoral votes

general primary date: 11/04/08 poll by The American Research Group

1. Complete this sentence: Abortion is… A) Morally unacceptable, Roe vs. Wade should be overturned. B) Up to the woman to decide. 2. I would be happy if our health care system was set up as the following: A) Health insurance should be purchased privately, and should not be mandated. B) Affordable, accessible health care for all Americans, without blockades from insurance companies. 3. The best way to reduce our dependence on foreign oil would be to? A) Rely more on American fuels. B) Lean more towards the use of alternative fuels. 4. Complete this sentence: America should…. A) Stay in Iraq to help keep their government stabilized. B) Remove the troops over a period of 16 months and end the war. 5. What is the best way for the United States to improve the immigration issue? A) Secure border control, create a temporary worker program, and start good standing undocumented individuals on a path to become legal American citizens. B) Secure border control; remove incentives for individuals to enter the US illegally, bring families back together, and help illegal immigrants become citizens.

6. Complete this sentence: When it comes to the second amendment… A) Law abiding citizens have the rights to keep and bear arms and those rights should be protected by the government. B) The Government has the right to make laws that impose reasonable restrictions on weapons’ owners. 7. The best way to address the climate change would be to? A) Establish a marketbased system which uses nuclear energy to curb greenhouse emissions. B) Set an annual cap or limit on carbon emissions for corporations. 8. Complete this sentence: I believe same-sex marriage… A) Should be a state and local choice, and should not be controlled by the federal government. B) Would be best viewed as full civil unions where the same-sex couple gets legal rights and privileges as a married couple. completed by SHELBY CARTER

All A’s

John McCain All B’s

Barack Obama see left side for more information




random student profile

KRISTINA ZUFALL the graduate

october ‘08 photo by ERIN CUMING

JACQUI BONTKE editor-in-cheif

The energetic teenager who loves her grandmother’s baked ziti, the movie Stardust, and pretending she is a princess, is one of 3,000 plus students who has a story to tell. Kristina Zufall, is a senior in her junior year of high school, and after 12 years of schooling, will graduate this June. “I will be walking with the Class of 2009. Saying that makes me so excited,” Zufall said. At sixteen years old, Kristina Zufall is already more of an adult than most teens who just hit the streets with their driver’s licenses. Zufall did that too, but her yearly goals consist of more than dodging speeding tickets. Classified Senior is only one of the ways she is known at school. Zufall plans to finish out the ‘09 school year by walking across the Berry Center stage, turning her tassel and gripping an early but deserved diploma. Once Zufall learned that she would be starting her junior year with only six and a half credits needed to graduate, sticking around for two more years in high school seemed silly. Zufall saw her sister, Ashley, go off to college only two years ago, and was eager to get there herself ever since. Zufall prepared herself, with the help of her counselor, for her senior year. “I took English III in summer school to lighten my load a little for this year,” Zufall said. Zufall’s course load for her final year includes Pre-Calculus, U.S. History, Government and Economics, English IV, Spanish IV, Anatomy and Physiology, and Band. Somehow, she still finds time to plan her future which is approaching faster each day.

WALK THE LINE Zufall arranges herself on the 49 yard line upon her first week’s return to marching. Zufall plans to attend The University of Mary-Hardin Baylor and get her Registered Nursing License. The small private college in Belton, Texas will allow her to do so while she still considers the possibility of joining the Navy. “I’m still not certain in [joining the Navy], but being a nurse in the military has always been a childhood dream. My heart is set on going to college and getting into a nursing job as soon as possible,” Zufall, said. This year is a bit of a shock to Zufall, considering her last year of high school is about 12 months premature. As proud member of the Falcon Band, Zufall plays the clarinet in addition to her already full course load. This football season, however, she is sitting on the sidelines, instead of marching due to a broken foot before the start of this year. Zufall’s mind is in the right place with such elaborate plans for the future. “As soon I’m home I do my homework. I must be a nerd,” Zufall said. After Zufall tosses her cap this June, she will spend the summer driving around in her Saturn Vue with the sun roof opened awaiting her freshman year in college.



issue one




photo by Jacqui Bontke

Struggling Falcons maintain positive attitude DEBY THORP

sports editor As the season starts, the Falcon’s Varsity team struggles to garner a win. While many teams would break under a crushing 0-4 start, the Falcons remain optimistic. All the players are realistic about their short comings, though they will not allow these things to keep them down. “We don’t like the direction we are going in but we are making positive changes to start moving in the right direction,” Nick Weinheimer, senior, said. The spirit of the team never wavers, and even when it would be easy to become dejected and negative, the Falcons march on. Whether at the pep rallies or on the field the team displays school pride and a positive attitude. The team continues to practice to improve their performance on the field. “The offense has been a little shaky but I think we can turn it around,” Adam Llamas, junior, said.

Llamas, the quarterback for the Varsity team, can be found many mornings going over game tapes looking for different strategies that he feels his offense can improve. Many other players have been going the extra mile to improve their game and as a result the total success of the team. The team has been able to improve team unity in a way it has not been able to in a while. For one, when the kick off team or the captains walk out onto the field they do so with linked hands, not breaking the “chain”. “It’s holding the team together, not breaking our unity,” Tyler Bench, senior, said. While the Falcons have started out slowly the team has confidence in their abilities to change it around. The season is still young and the Falcons still can shake things up. “If I could say anything to the student body I’d say, don’t count us out yet. We are going to make district,” Kevin Cardenas, junior, said.

direct contact VonDerick Jones and Kevin Cardenas celebrate after a successful play by an encouraging high-five.

2 SPORTS 2 ATHLETES Soccer players split game time with football KATHY ROMERO

staff writer Since they were young they have enjoyed chasing after the ball trying to make a goal for the fun of it. Now that they are older and take part in high school sports, opportunity has come prepare for kick off knocking. Jacob Williams, Jacob Williams sends the ball soarsenior, and Chris ing in a game against Memorial. Grossman, junior, have been playing soccer since they were three and six years old,

respectively. Even though the games are very different from making touchdowns to scoring goals, the boys have not chosen the same sport as their favorite. “I like soccer better because you’re more involved in the game,” Grossman said. However Williams disagreed and has a different idea. “I just like football better because you get to hit people without getting in trouble,” Williams said. Kickers have to wait for their chance to show their skills. “As a kicker you kind of feel like you are a part of the team but not

as much as the normal players because the kickers don’t do as much,” Grossman said. Between soccer and football, the sports appear to be same but Grossman considers one to be harder. “Soccer is a more mental and physical sport,” Grossman said. Williams agrees with part of his teammate’s opinion. “In soccer there is so much more running that it’s not even funny!” Williams said Even though they enjoy both sports, Grossman said he prefers soccer. “I’ll have a better future getting

into college [for soccer],” Grossman said. Although both Grossman and Williams have played these sports for quite some time, Williams will not be playing soccer this year. “I had to quit the soccer team because of my bad knee. I’ve gotten four surgeries on it in the past three years,” Williams said Playing soccer since they were young has helped them to become better football players. “Soccer has helped me because of the running. It’s helped my endurance, and it’s now natural to kick a ball because I’ve been doing it for so long,” Williams said.






I’m a

ad editor

High expectations often lead to disappointment for me. But not this time. This time my expectations were met ten fold. Sixteen years, seven months and 28 days. That was how long I waited to feel this rush, the thrill of my lifetime. This was every expectation I had ever dreamt it would be, with every sudden skip in my heart beat, every involuntary giddy scream, and every sink in my stomach as I moved one squished person closer to t h e band. It was all I had ever wanted from my first rock concert. To k i o H o t e l held me in a total trance from beginning to end. For some people this would be just another concert, not so different

r d e N ’ ‘ Tokio

from the one before or the one before that. For me there was no other place in the entire world I would have rather been than standing in the rain for hours with screaming fans, singing along as they burst into an off key, crazed rendition of ‘Durch Den Monsun’ or ‘Ready, Set, Go’. Waiting and watching many attempted to catch just the slightest glimpse of the band through the tinted glass as the meet and greet group funneled in an hour before we could even touch the door. For hours I stood in the rain and humidity that the doors would finally open for me and allow me entry into the theater to see the band I had been dreaming of for my entire life. As I waited, and waited, and waited anxiety took over my body and in a frenzy of worry I began to bounce around like a psycho kangaroo that has had too much sugar. My worries arose from some unknown place in my mind. My frenzy did not last. As I took one last bound into the air I was frozen by a burst of cold air. The doors had finally opened. My frozen state was quite abruptly interrupted though as a massive crowd proceeded to crush me in an extreme effort to not be the last one in. They were nuts and I was thrown into the looney mix. I entered the theater in a mad dash racing everyone for the closest space to the stage, knowing full well I would be unable to keep my spot. I man-

A Belt Obtained SAM KELLY

staff writer

I tossed and turned that night. Aware of the upcoming day sleeping did not come easy. I began going over multiple possibilities in my mind; thoughts flooding into my head as though the mental dam that was holding them back had broken. My many emotions bloated heavily in the air, putting pressure on my subconscious as I then began to slowly drift off to sleep. The day of days was just around the corner; the day of my Second Degree Black Belt test. I awoke early, startled by the sound of my screaming alarm clock, astounded by how quickly my restless but peaceful slumber had past. I quickly jumped out of bed and pulled on my uniform. My pants first, then my jacket, and then I tied on my belt; the belt which I would be tying on for the last time. When I first stepped into my Do Jang I noticed that only 15 people would be participating. Since it was usually much larger, this filled me with much confidence. I began warming up,

kicking and punching, practicing my forms, stretching every which way. I was perfectly calm and ready… until I figured out I was first. There was only one other person testing for his second degree. With only two of us on the floor, I realized all eyes were on us. We stood across from three Masters of TaeKwon-Do, the three men who would be judging my every move and deciding my fate. I had to give it my all and no mistakes could be made. As I stood silently in the center of the room awaiting my instructions, I could not help but feel confident for some odd reason. Forms were first and I had practiced harder than ever for this portion of the test. As soon as Master Quanjanim said “begin”, I breathed in deep and let loose! B r e a t h i n g out as I performed each move and nailing each motion as precise as I could. After my forms were completed, we moved on to

october ‘08

aged to snag a place three squished people back, but as predicted I wound up five back. For an hour we stood in a huddled mass being taunted by the tech crew as they turned the lights on and off, on and off, tapping on the curtain just to get a rise out of us. But as I heard Tom strum his first chords my heart stopped, a feeling I had never experienced. As the curtain fell to the ground and Bill utter the first words of ‘Breakaway’ a utopic happiness over came me with a rush of energy as my heart began to beat 20 times faster. Involuntarily my hand went up with the rest and I screamed at the top of my lungs. I bounced up and down, swaying from side to side with the crowd. I felt like I was floating as I got myself wedged to the point where my feet were literally lifted off the ground and into the air. Whether I was physically floating or not I felt like their music had lifted me from my sheltered world of ‘don’t dos’ and broke me away for one hour and 45 minutes. I found the meaning of life at a live concert, in the water that was spattered on me, the sweat of the lead singer’s towel and the excitement that I can only hope to feel again. I found the meaning of life in these simple, but beautiful moments. My realization was that life was meant to be lived happily ever after and I know I am going to, thanks to my first rock concert with Tokio Hotel.

focus pads and punching bags. My kicks started off really clean and crisp, hitting the pad that was being held by another Master, but found myself becoming a bit frustrated as I began missing it a couple of times. Then we began punching the bag. Blow after blow I put all of my weight into each strike, which consequently caused my knuckles to bleed and later my hands to shake. Only two portions remained in the test; sparring and board breaking. Sparring comes natural to me. I started to spar a younger opponent but that quickly changed as I switched to spar someone older and equal in size. She was quite the fighter; I even messed up my leg a bit when she blocked a kick with her elbow. Finally was board breaking; unfortunately we were running low on boards so I only broke four; three with a kick; and one with a palm strike. In the end, I earned my second Degree Black Belt and the new uniform that went with it. I walked away with scabbed knuckles, a sore leg, and a sweat soaked uniform, and though I earned a new belt – I still realize the sky is the limit.

PEREGRINE Peregrine Staff

“The new website made school less confusing and I understood the housing.”

“The new website allows user to fully experience the true spirit of Jersey Village H.S. Improved graphical designs and purpleness allow for visitors to be fully engaged.”

many teachers and students. Prior to the first day of school, information on parking spots, senior shirts, houses, and drug testing could be acquired with the simple click of a mouse. Now with the school year off and running, teachers are able add course syllabuses and upcoming assignments to their subjects section. Every class from Advanced Academic Strategies to Sociology offers some sort of information that is beneficial to parents and students. Pearsall eagerness for student awareness and involvement with the school website is one of the noticeable and beneficial changes that came with the 08-09 school year. Students may not see their counselor or assistant principal each instructional day, but the team’s efforts allowed the student body to be affected as little as possible by the surrounding building changes, and that fact alone benefits us each day.

16 yay 1nay


PEREGRINE position



students speak out

Behind the scenes staff brings changes to building

the current attempt. The counseling staff not only received a slew of new students, but acquired a difficult job adjusting to the new seven-period schedule. Balancing classes, meeting teacher needs and keeping the students best interest in mind were never after thoughts as the new year began. The counselors were faced with hand scheduling 25% of the student body’s schedules prior to the first day of school. In past years frustration struck students and parents when schedules did not meet standards, but this year, counselors were required to work out many kinks in the already skewed system due to the loss of 17 staff members and specialty classes that only take place during only one period. Of course we appreciate the cooperation of the counselors, which was a fighting force in a year that, due to the placement of houses, is a learning process for all. Finally we pay tribute to new webmaster, Carol Pearsall. The internet now offers students updated information that can be obtained at on the school’s revamped website. Pearsall’s enthusiasm for the website excited


Entering high school students expect to see both their peers and themselves undergo extreme change, growth and development, but for current students at the high school, change, growth and development happen all around them. These changes come in the form of a new building, the concept of houses, and a new schedule to learn by. With all the constant alterations and transformations taking place right before our eyes, it is clear to see that the administrative and counseling teams have the importance of student adjustment at the top of their list. Keeping students informed was also paid great attention prior to the return to school. The start of the year was not only a struggle for teachers and students, but the behind the scenes staff as well. With the placement of four brand new houses, both the administrators and counselors took on all new students after spending up to three years with the current students. Their efforts to work diligently with their respective houses, is a purpose to be appreciated. Learning the personalities and needs of nearly 800 students will take time, but pride is taken for


issue one




“The counselors fixed my schedule quickly, especially considering everyone else they had to help.”


editor-in-chief JACQUI BONTKE managing editor KELSEY O’BRIANT photo editor SHELBY CARTER feature editor LAURA HEBERT news editor MANDY HOGAN sports editor DEBY THORP advertising designers


business manager JESSE PYLE delivery manager JASPER GATES contributing artist EMILY JOHNSON staff



Jersey Village High School Student Publications’ Newspaper Policy

The Peregrine is the official student publication of Jersey Village High School and is published by the Advanced Journalism Newspaper class at Jersey Village High School, 7600 Solomon, Houston, Texas 77040 (713-896-3400). It is distributed free to the student body. Subscriptions can be bought for $15, and copies of the paper will be mailed to your residence. Unsigned editorials represent a majority agreement of the staff. The Peregrine is read in advance of publication by the JVHS administration. Advertising is sold by the 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, and full page. The staff has the right to reject, edit, or cancel any advertisement at any time. The advertising policy is stated on the advertising contract. Advertising is not an endorsement from the staff, the adviser, the administration, or the Cypress Fairbanks Board of Trustees. The Peregrine is a member of the Interscholastic League Press Conference, Quill and Scroll, and the National Scholastic Press Association. The Peregrine is printed by Texas Student Media in Austin, TX. The opinion of readers is held in high regard. Please send all feedback or questions to our address or room 1712. Letters to the editor need to be limited to 150 words. We reserve the right to edit for spelling and grammar. Letters must be signed.

JOKING MATTER Portraying The Joker Andy Bailey, senior, haunts the hallways. “I dressed as The Joker because of Heath Ledger. Even before that role, he was a huge inspiration to me both as an actor and a person. It was something I could do to honor how he has inspired me,” Bailey said.

Straight from the Big Screen

Seniors bring movie stars to dress up day

GARTH’S WORLD Drum Major Amanda Weise, senior, breaks away from the band to portray the famous Garth from Wayne’s World.

USE THE FORCE As a modern day Luke Skywalker, Hunter Gregg, senior, shows off his lightsaber skills. photo by Jennifer Schuster

photo by Valerie Flores

WILDCATS IN THE HOUSE As the duo from Disney’s High School Musical Kaci Clavecilla and J.R. Peña, seniors, prepare for a song. “J.R. and I are both in high school and choir so what better movie to choose than High School Musical?” Clavecilla said.

NIGHTMARE ON SOLOMON STREET With Halloween approaching Jonathan Gomez, senior, shows his senior spirit with a frightening twist from Wes Craven’s Nightmare on Elm Street. “It was fun to be dressed up with my friends,” Gomez said.

photo by Shelby Carter

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