08-09 Peregrine6

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Cyclists ride from LaGrange to Austin in the MS150



Ninth grade tennis champ goes to regionals

Activists plan benefit concert to end human trafficking







Volume thirty-seven Issue six

Jersey Village High School

7600 Solomon Houston, TX 77040







Towing The Line

may ‘09

Lack of communication causes issues with parking GLORIA LERMA

photo editor Students and faculty are accustomed to the sounds of construction, the relocation of classrooms, and rerouting around the closed areas of the campus. As much of a distraction to the learning environment of students that these cause, the problems go beyond walking faster and longer distance between classes. On Monday April 13, 2009, students arrived to school to encounter another problem with construction, but they were not the only ones surprised. Due to the new stage of construction, what served as the temporary front entrance, the entrance to the small commons was blocked by wooden boards and wire fences blocked 62 student parking spaces. “I showed up Monday morning and all this had already been blocked off,” Mike Ray, assistant principal, said. Students who spent $50.00 on a parking sticker found themselves frustrated trying to find a parking space, which was guaranteed with the purchase of the sticker, but is now gone without a warning. “At first, I was shocked. It was ridiculous that we have to walk all the way around the school to get to our class on time, plus I didn’t even know how to get in the school. It was just an inconvenience to all students,” Ashley Brawley, senior, said. The lack of communication between the contractors and the administration about the abrupt changes that affected many students created even more problems, such as physical dangers, tardiness to class, and towing of cars. “Boarding up all of this area by the small commons and by the band hall means everybody has to come back into the large commons and out by the side doors. That just takes more time so there will be more tardies. There’s got to be something done. I mean just this morning I had two phone calls

from parents of children that I have never even seen saying that they had trouble getting to class. I don’t know what the solution will be, but we are going to address it,” Daniel Salinas, assistant principal, said. Moreover, having both nearest exists of the small commons blocked off by wooden boards has created some uncertainty among students and their safety even though the Jersey Village fire marshal has approved of the current campus conditions. photo by DEBY THORP “I feel cooped in. It is not safe having all those students get out TOWED Officer Robert Jackson observes the towing of a student’s car. The car, parked in the faculty parkthrough a limited amount of exists,” ing lot, was towed on March 31, 2009. A warning sticker can be seen on the driver’s side window. Lindsey Safi, junior, said. Also, in order to allow easy access which have caused a series of towing because of changes in the parking lot to large construction trucks, part of incidents. that students fail to know about until the side walk facing Solomon Dr. has Exactly a week after the placement we see our cars in a junk yard,” Dela been covered up by large rocks forcing of the fence Jadd Dela Cruz, senior, Cruz said. found himself in the same situation as This sentiment was not only shared many other students. among students, but faculty memUnable to see the “FACULTY bers have witnessed the effects of the PARKING LOT BEYOND THIS changes construction has caused. POINT” sign, students parked in a prohibited area, and according to the Parking and Traffic Regulations booklet of the school, the absence of posted signs shall not be a valid excuse for violating the regulations. “It wasn’t until my friends, on their way to fifth period, saw my car getting photo by DEBY THORP towed. Getting my car towed, after WARNING These fluorescent green stickers paying $50.00 for a parking sticker tell students not to park illegally. whose manual doesn’t say there is gostudents to walk on the street during ing to be a shortage of parking spaces, “Just the other day I saw a teacher heavy morning and after school traf- is unfair,” Dela Cruz said. parking in the reserved area for confic. As Dela Cruz paid $186.00 to re- struction workers. It is unfair that not “The bell had just rung, releasing trieve his car in a junk yard, he noticed everyone is playing by the rules and us from class and a lot of kids were the inconsistency of warnings given it is the students who get punished,” walking across the parking lot when a to students about their cars getting Dora Verraires, Foreign Language dewhite construction truck starts back- towed. partment chair, said. ing up without stopping for students “My points are: the sign is hard to The lack of communication beto cross,” Laura Ortiz, senior, said. see and they cannot place a warning tween contractors, administration, and But the issue that has students up- sticker on my car and then three hours students has created problems that acset to the point of starting Facebook later, my car gets towed. The green cording to school administration will groups like, “Jersey Village Parking warning sticker said 8:15 a.m. and my get solved. Sucks” and “I Hate That New Fence car was towed away at 11:00 a.m. I am “It has been a pain on us and you In Front of The Parking Lot,” is the expected to violate school regulations guys [the students], but we have to do change in the school parking lots of going to check if my car is still there the best we can,” Ray said.

“I am expected to violate school regulations of going to check if my car is still there because of changes in the parking lot that students fail to know about until we see our cars in a junk yard.”

Defying Academic Odds Senior sets record for highest individual score at UIL

TIM MARDIS staff writer It is Michael Phelps in the Olympics; it is Tiger Woods in golf; it is Kobe Bryant in basketball. In Cy-Fair, however, dominance assumes a new form. One Jersey Village student perfected the virtue of self-determination and prioritized the call to hold mind over body. At the UIL academic district competition held at Cypress Ridge High School in March, Chun-Yi Wu, senior, set a record for the district competition by compiling the highest individual score of all competitors at the event. “He just kept winning event after event. I had a difficult enough time competing in just one event, so watching him take first in all of those was pretty impressive,” Peter Paul Wong, sophomore, said. Wu’s performance was a humbling experience for each witness that weekend, but such an achievement requires not only intellect but dedication as well. Much like Michael Phelps’ 12,000 calorie per day diet, Wu followed a rough regimen to learn in preparation for the multitude of events he was anticipating competing in. “It was just a matter of

balancing a lot of different things. I would focus on number sense one week, calculators the next, and physics the week after that, but when competition got close it was pretty much a frenzy to cram as much information into my mind as possible,” Wu said. These strict habits kept Wu at the top of his game, just where he needed to be to pulverize the field. While those unfamiliar with him were floored by his record, his teachers were not nearly as surprised. “Chun has always made it a point to be in class, to take notes, and to learn the material. His dedication in chemistry paid off for him, and I’m sure the same factors contributed to his success in other subjects,” Deborah Crawford, AP chemistry teacher, said. Wu’s knowledge of chemistry, biology, and physics propelled him ahead of his peers, allowing him to take first place in the science event. This was only one of his accomplishments on that Saturday, though. Among other events, Wu took first in Mathematics, Number Sense, and Calculator Applications. “It was definitely one of my better weekends. Being

REGIONAL WINNERS Lily Tran Literary Criticism- 4th ( going to state )

able to see all of your hard work paying off is very satisfying,” Wu said. Wu’s work was still far from over. His success at the district competition qualified him to compete at the regional competition at Baylor University several weeks later where he placed 7th individually.

Sara Radtke Ready Writing- 4th




issue six



Accounting, Michelle Vuong, 4th Calculator Applications, Chun-Yi Wu, 1st Calculator Applications, Thien Nga Vo, 4th Current Events, Peter Paul Wong, 4th Computer Science, Chun-Yi Wu, 6th Editorial Writing, Deby Thorp, 3rd Headline Writing, Kelsey O'Briant, 4th Informative Speaking, Joseph Flores, 5th Literary Criticism, Lily Tran, 2nd Mathematics, Chun-Yi Wu, 1st Number Sense, Chun-Yi Wu, 1st Persuasive Speaking, Mumta Mittal, 2nd Ready Writing, Sara Radtke, 2nd Science, Chun-Yi Wu, 1st Science, Ruoyi Pu, 5th Spelling, Holly Wu, 1st Spelling, Cristian Dominquez, 2nd Spelling, Zach Abeyta, 4th


may ‘09




Austin or Bust

Determined cyclists ride in MS 150 to raise money, awareness for multiple sclerosis LAURA HEBERT

co-managing editor The sweat collects on their foreheads, but they keep going. The sun beams down on them, but they keep doing. The hills of Austin cause agonizing soreness, but they keep moving. For 180 miles they keep riding, only motivated by the compassion to help others. The MS150 is a two day bicycle ride from Houston to Austin to raise money and awareness for victims of multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis is a chronic degenerative, usually appearing in young adulthood and evident by one or more mild to severe neural and muscular dysfunctions, as spastic weakness in one or more limbs, sensory loss, bladder dysfunction, or visually disorientated. Cyclists are motivated by the idea that if the victims of MS can endure this hardship every day, then they can endure pain for two days. “During the ride, people put up posters on the route and it really helps motivate me when they say things like, ‘you deal with this pain for two days, People with MS have it three times worse everyday.’ All their stories really push me to help these people by raising money,” Erin Cuming, junior, said. 180 miles is quite the feat to take on. It requires both physical and mental preparation. Participants must train often to build endurance for such a challenging ride. “I have logged over 2,500 miles on my speedometer on my racing bike, doing training rides and

races,” Ian Thompson, senior, said. This year was particularly difficult because the first day was cancelled due to excessive rain, this cut Saturday and 100 miles out of the ride. “La Grange, where we sleep Saturday night got 14’ inches of water in the fairgrounds,” Thompson said. Despite the weather issue, the money raised for MS this year was approximately 17,000,000 dollars. The time frame for the people to sign up was closed in less than 30 minutes due to 13,000 peoples desire to join. With countless supporters and spectators, the enthusiasm was felt by all who participated. “All the encouragement and thanks I received from the people living with MS really kept me motivated,” Cuming said. John Gray, chemistry teacher is an avid MS150 supporter. Although he did not ride this year, to give other people a chance to, he shows tremendous enthusiasm for this event. “I did not ride this year but I did ride 20 out of the first 24 years. I feel that the MS150 is a very worthwhile endeavor. I know two people personally who have MS and I know how it has affected their lives. The research for a cure is expensive and the drugs needed to keep the disease in check likewise are expensive so I feel the thousands of dollars I helped raise over the years and the several millions raised by the thousands of other riders is of great value,” Gray said.

Though their legs are fatigued and their bodies ache after this challenging ride, participants still push to find a cure for multiple sclerosis. With this great willingness to selflessly work for a cause bigger than themselves, a cure is sure to be found.

•$17,000,000 raised in 2009 alone •Ride began in 1984 • Individuals as young as two and as old as 75 have developed MS • Multiple sclerosis affects an estimated 300,000 people in the United States and more than 1 million people around the world • MS affects twice as many females as males • Famous people such as Richard Pryor, comedian, Montel Williams, talk show host, and Clive Burr, Iron Maiden, have MS



news editor Sharon DuBose, English II and IV teacher, hates “to be” verbs. Actually, she loathes, detests, abhors, and disapproves of them. “Some of you have mastered the art of writing two pages without saying anything. If you could get rid of “is” and “are” maybe your writing will say something!” DuBose advises her fourth period English IV AP class. She also believes in possessing an apt vocabulary. “If someone tries to bully you, throw the largest vocabulary word you know and run. They’ll stand there trying to figure out what you said while you escape. ‘Antidisestablishmentarianism!’ and go!” DuBose said. Students love DuBose for her animated and detailed descriptions of “Her personal anecdotes stories and characters. “These people were like and boundless knowledge six-foot-one hundred and have taught me more than had huge helmets made any formal lesson.” out of pigs’ heads,” DuBose said while describing the characters in Beowulf. In her career, DuBose taught all levels of English II and English IV, Creative Writing and the Scholars’ Program. After having three children, she began taking classes at San Jacinto Junior College, transferred to UH-Clear Lake then to UH-Central, where she earned a B.A. in general English and a Master’s in English, comparing Shakespeare’s King Lear and Richard II for her thesis. She also completed



issue six



Veteran English teacher retires after 30 years

all of her doctoral hours and studied French and Anglo-Saxon. This year marks her 30th year to teach. She began teaching in Deer Park. She moved to Cy-Fair ISD when her children, now married and with children of their own, moved to the area. She has taught at Jersey Village High School for nine years. The current seniors have a special photo by GlORIA LERMA relationship with DuBose. She taught most TAKE NOTES Sharon DuBose and Holly Wu, senior, discuss strateof her current students for three years- gies for the upcoming English 4 AP test. Preparation for the exam English II H, the Scholar’s Program and continues all year. English IV AP. Also, the seniors nominated DuBose to read names at graduation, where knowledge, ranging from history to religion to she will read the honor graduates’ names. philosophy to Anglo-Saxon. “I stayed for this year and this class. I love “Not only have I learned literature in this class,” DuBose said. her class, I also learned World History and Students reciprocate DuBose’s love. For everything else, making her class 50 minutes many students, DuBose impacted their lives of knowledgeable fun,” Jadd Dela Cruz, senior, and college decisions greatly. In Scholars’ said. Program, Dubose taught vocabulary words Many seniors regret having to graduate using stories and pictures, aiding students in and leave such a beloved teacher.Despite qualifying for the National Merit Scholarship separation from DuBose, students will have Competition and earning the title of “National the opportunity to keep up with her postMerit Scholar.” graduation. “Her encouragement to use advanced “I do plan on creating a Facebook, so I can vocabulary taught me how to speak and write keep up with my students when we graduate eloquently. She helped me improve my writing together,” DuBose said. section score,” Julie Nguyen, senior, said. DuBose teaches her students about literature Still, for other students, DuBose inspires and writing, but furthers her lessons and reaches them to write and read beyond what they beyond the student to the person, truly making normally do. a lifelong impact on her students. “I really enjoyed learning about literature “Although she goes on seemingly random from such an intelligent teacher,” Heather tangents, her personal anecdotes and boundless White, senior, said. knowledge have taught me more than any Students of DuBose recognize her incredible formal lesson,” Nguyen said.


staff writer History, not a subject famous for its popularity among high school students, was given a special vitality through Dr. Deborah Dodds’ enthusiastic US History lectures. “I hope that my lectures brought history alive to the students, who often think that it is a dead subject,” Dr. Dodds said. Dr. Deborah Dodds, AP US History teacher, concluded the 08-09 school year on medical leave for cancer treatment. Furthermore, students who had the chance to be a part of Dodds’


classroom were given a teacher familiar with the Advanced Placement program and its requirements. “I have taught AP since 1990 so I actually know what I am doing and have some concept of what the people at ETS/AP Central/ The Dark Kingdom want from the student on test day,” Dodd aid. This intricate knowledge of Advance Placements tests, along with a visible love of her subject, is what was missed most by her students. “It’s been really difficult having to switch teachers so often. As soon as we would get used to one teacher and

Advanced History classes deal with absent teacher, frequent changes their teaching style, then they would switch again. It really changed the way we learned and prepared for the AP tests,” Hope Adams, junior, said. In the wake of Dodds’ absence, Professor Jacqueline Curtiss, dual credit professor, has stepped up and taken over much of the responsibility for those classes. “With dual credit, the big change is that Professor Curtis is teaching five instead of three days a week. JV and Dual Credit owe her a round of applause. She has really stepped forward during my illness and made sure that the students received the material that

is expected of them in a Dual Credit class,” Dodds said. Despite her illness, and numerous setbacks with treatment (including two trips to the emergency room with severe side effects), Dodds remains hopeful about returning to campus in the near future. “I love the staff and students of JVHS. If I could be there now I would be there. I have decided (for the first time in my teaching career) to put myself and my health first. I will make the decision about next year when I can do so wisely,” Dodds said.

may ‘09




MUSIC Conquering LOVE One Child at a Time Benefit concert fundraises, promotes awareness for Love 146 MUMTA MITTAL

staff writer 13th and the venue was booked, the only After spending detail left was finding a headliner. The task months emailing became impossible since major bands were bands, crunching already signed to Warped Tour contracts, numbers, scopagreeing that they would not play at least a ing out venues, and month before the tour, and others demanded meticulously putting large sums of money. Nonetheless, they found together each detail of their calling with 5 Years and Counting. the event, the idea they “Finding a headliner was definitely the once thought was far away hardest thing, but once we knew we had one had finally formulated everything was finally coming together and into a plausible result. That the stress paid off,” Nhoisaykham said. outcome is a benefit concert, While advertising months in the making by, Lily through the internet and Nhoisaykham and Cybil handing out flyers, ticket Zhang, juniors. sales are “I wanted to do a benefit the new concert for Love 146 because I main wanted to be able to help people focus. while doing something I love, which Ticket is listening to music,” Nhoisaykham pricing insaid. clude eight They chose this organization because they each dollars for felt that sex trafficking is a serious issue that is not pre-sale, which can be purchased online at widely addressed by our generation. javajazzcoffeehouse.com, and ten dollars at “Love 146 hits more close to home because it addresses a big the door. They hope to sell at least 500 tickets problem in Africa and Asia and I wanted to help out because I and, though Java Jazz has a capacity of 2000 knew that a little money would go a long way,” Zhang said. people, and donate $3000 after all payments Nhoisaykham first came up with the idea over winter break and and T-shirt sales are complete. Overall the decided that concerts are a passion no music devotee could deny. concert will display a more intimate theme She and Zhang began by sending letters to businesses willing to than the expected by closing in the setting donate and putting that towards the location of the concert. After and decorating all corners. After months of settling on Java Jazz’s new location, preparations were kicked up a planning and reorganizing the dream event notch. They signed on local bands, has finally shot up as a new beacon of fundincluding 2 ate 1, New Era, raising. and Just Us, by searching “I am glad everything is working out through myspaces when at times it seemed impossible. It just and emailing. goes to show that anyone can do anything While the date they put their mind too,” Zhang said. was set for June


the Lincoln Memorial and the FDR Memorial. Camila Bastidas was chosen by the student body to go to Washington D.C to participate in the internship program. “Listening to what they had to say concerning the issues that our nation faces today, really gives you a solid idea on the different things they’re doing to help us fix the problems,” Bastidas said. Not only do participants learn about the political process that goes on in Washington today, they also meet a diverse group of people in To the Capital On her first trip to D.C., District 7 that share different Camila Bastidas stands in front of the Capitol. opinions on foreign issues. “The lessons I learned on Bill Archer will last a life time: It further enriched SHANNON BEEHNER my longing to be in politics,” Joseph Flores, former staff writer intern and senior, said. From extensive meetings, briefings, and presentaIn 1971, Bill Archer started this program in the tions Camila Bastidas, junior, moved through Washmidst of the Vietnam War, for an elite group of high ington D.C.s’ political agenda as the school’s repschool juniors who had shown leadership, academic resentative in the Bill Archer program. Along with success, and community involvement in District 7, other representatives, she toured the hidden secrets the district he represented. of the Library of Congress, the Pentagon, the vast The program was the first of its kind, and gave a amount of artifacts in the Smithsonian. Evenings wonderful experience to all of the juniors participatwere spent discussing the days’ speakers or on tours ing. visiting historical sites in the nation’s capitol such as

I D.C.

Junior receives opportunity to participate in Bill Archer internship



issue six



“When I was elected to succeed Chairman Archer, I pledged to continue this worthwhile program, and I have renamed it the Bill Archer Student Intern Program in his honor. With the help of an all volunteer staff, we raise the money for this non-profit, tax-deductible program,” John Culberson, District 7 Congressman, said. The process to choose a student is a difficult one: It involves Culberson, the head of the Social Studies department, the teachers, and the principal. Students who want to get involved send in an essay, answering questions the history teachers came up with to test the juniors. “The essay is a true test of character; you know you want to really aspire to something greater when answering these questions,” Flores said. Not only do the students have to write a gratifying essay, but they also have to please the student body that votes for them to go. “There will be a lot of other people that will apply, so you need to make sure your essay is unforgettable,” Bastidas said. As students pass through high school, they are discovering what they want to be in their future, and whether or not they will make something of themselves. Being a politician or even someone of influence is definitely on Bastida’s mind, and the Bill Archer Internship helped with that decision. “With the knowledge I gained from this experience, I now feel capable of encouraging other people my age to become active in their community,” Bastidas said.






Risky cell phone use leaves teenagers

Shut up and drive kelsey o’briant

managing editor The ring blares, nonignorable. Traffic is thick, but the driver is confident that picking up her cell phone is top priority. She chats for a bit, then texts her mom, then texts her friends to let them know she will be a few minutes late. That few minutes turns into a very, very long time because she has run into the back of the car in front of her in her distraction. This scene plays out every day, not just on the streets of Houston but cities across the nation. Teenagers and adults alike get into accidents because of wireless devices and the extreme levels of distraction such devices bring. Teen drivers are especially at risk because they are less experienced than older drivers. Adding the distraction of a cell phone intensifies the potential for an accident exponentially. Representative Solomon Ortiz of the 27th district is attempting to pass a bill that will limit teenage cell phone use while driving. Ortiz feels that this issue is a pressing one. “Anyone using a cell phone presents a major public safety problem, based on the fact that there is less focus on driving. There are already a lot of distractions for drivers to deal with, and texting or talking on a cell phone amplifies distractions and puts other lives in danger,” Ortiz said. This bill is designed to ban the use of cell phones by teenagers, unless they have a hands free device,

such as a bluetooth, or they are in an extreme emergency. Indeed, many young people do support the idea of the bill, but feel that at times the urgency of a situation on their phone may outweigh the dangers of attending to the situation while in a vehicle. “[Texting] is very unsafe and distracting but if your mother is texting you about something vital to your health or your family’s health, then I think at a stop sign it’s okay to make sure everything is okay,” Hope Adams, junior, said. But Adams feels that simply talking on the phone is no cause for concern. “Being on the phone, to a certain extent doesn’t mess with your driving,” Adams said. Ortiz does not agree, but feels that the implementation of hands free devices should decrease the rate of accidents for all drivers. Ortiz believes that keeping one’s hands on the wheel will do some good. “Now, with blue tooth and newer cars with hands free built in, it is a much safer option. It is debatable whether that is still a big distraction, but the driver can have both hands on the wheel, and that will reduce potential accidents,” Ortiz said.

Bill to limit cell phone use makes

With the passing of this bill, the use of said hands-free devices will greatly increase in order to greatly decrease the death toll from cell phone use. So far, the bill has received not only support, but pressure to up the age limit from 18. “There is broad support for the bill. The only main debate is whether or not it should be an outright ban. Unfortunately, trying to pass that bill has consistently failed. Americans are against any more Big Brother than is already in place,” Ortiz said. Ortiz hopes that this bill will be a foot-inthe-door for new developments. “This bill is a good start to collect data, and show accident reduction. In the future, the age limit for this ban may broaden,” Ortiz said. In the event of the bill passing, Ortiz holds an optimistic opinion for the future for drivers across the state. “The chances of this passing are good. I think we will see young lives saved, primarily. Right now you see so many headlines across newspapers that talk about teens getting in fatal accidents because of cell phones. That’s what happens when you mix more texting and less experience. Hopefully, we will save some lives,” Ortiz said. Ortiz has high expectations for the impact of this bill beyond the immediate effects on teenage drivers. He believes that the bill will help to form

good habits amongst yo future. “If people are used t device while driving ins phone, it will become se when it became illegal n Now, you feel naked wi the same will be true w will really think before Ortiz said. Ortiz understands th a cell phone is deeply ro ers, and the effort to ha slow start. “[Using a cell phone tough habit to break. I next guy, but I do try no while in the car. That is this bill. We hope that p phone at all in the car, w this point, the impossib Should this bill pass teenage driver in Texas. laws restricting young d phones were implemen Ortiz and many people be a part of that statisti decrease accident rates. When people mix ce they lose situational aw even their lives. With th drivers across the state c relief.

in-depth the


Q&A: Sexting


With Dayna Blazey, chief prosecutor on the child protection team in Travis County


oung drivers for the

to using a hands free stead of picking up the econd nature. It’s like not to wear a seat belt. ithout it. Hopefully with phones. People they use their phones,”

hat the habit of using ooted in many drivang up may get off to a

e while driving] is a am just as guilty as the ot to use the phone s our main goal with people will not use the which seems to be, at ble goal,” Ortiz said. s, it will affect every . By March of this year, drivers from using cellnted in 18 states. What e hope is that Texas will ic, and significantly . ell phones and driving, wareness and sometimes he passing of this bill, can breathe a sigh of


Rules of the Road

why typing behind the wheel puts you at risk

texting while driving doubles the risk of an accident

46% of teens text while driving texting while driving significantly slows reaction time


of students have been asked to send nude photos via text message

Is the issue of teen ‘sexting’ (taking nude pictures and sending them to others via text message) really as huge as the mass media portrays it? “That’s really how large the issue is. It’s a huge issue. I’ve been in my position for 15 years and in the last several years we have seen a tremendous spike in these types of cases with the increased number of webcams, cameras on cellphones, and digital cameras. We had a meeting specifically on this topic in the Austin Independent School District with local law enforcement, child advocates, and the DA’s office last week about how we can address this issue.” How have people addressed the issue to teens thus far? “When we talk to students, the first thing we talk about is that there is the potential for criminal liability. It is a criminal offense to take a picture of a teen when they are exposed. That offense is child pornography. Possessing such an image is a third degree felony. Taking and transmitting the image is a second degree felony which is called protection child pornography. What we’re looking at is the punishment for the offense, which is two to ten years in prison for possession of child pornography, and for transmitting child pornography the punishment is two to 20 years in prison. The thing that really hangs over everyone’s head is a lifetime registration as a sex offender.” What brings teenagers now to take and send the photos in the first place? “The activity is not new. Teenagers,

The Naked Truth (200 students polled)

and not just girls, have been taking pictures of themselves since the invention of the camera. Back in the days of the Polaroid camera, there were a lot of these images taken. The difference between then and now is the transmission.” What is the real issue with taking and transmitting risqué images? “The critical thing that law enforcement is concerned about is not that kids are taking pictures of themselves; it’s that the images are out there forever. The pictures wind up in the hands of pedophiles, get traded on the internet, and become collections of child pornography. Once it is put out there, there is really no way to get those images back.” Do you feel that students may be in the dark about this issue? “One thing we talked about at a meeting was, DO the kids really know the repercussions could be for this? We talked about doing public service announcements and educating the kids, and we just want to go back to them and say, ‘hey, do you KNOW you’re not supposed to be doing this, and the permanency of it, and the far reaching ramifications of it?’ But I think it is really just teenagers being teenagers when it comes down to it.” What message do you feel is most important for young people to know in regards to ‘sexting’? “What you put out there is so permanent that you can’t get it back. These pictures will be there 10 years from now, so future employers, or even future spouses may see them. They just never go away.”


50.5% of students have been sent nude photos via text message


may ‘09





staff writer There exists a beacon of hope for prospective college-bound students. A one syllable word acts as a medium of the exchange of information on colleges and their information regarding admissions, tuition, and scholarships. This aid is Zinch.com, a web site where students and colleges open up to one another. In its stages of infancy, Zinch.com started off as a research project at Princeton University in the summer of 2006 by Mick Hagen, Brad Hagen, and Sid Krommenhoek. The web site appeals to a very large number of people, and has a very simple motto “I am more than a test score”. The web site is also very easy to navigate, with clear links, and very well-organized college profiles. This time period features the online profile, which is another advantage of the Zinch network. Many college bound students have profiles on social web sites such as Myspace, Facebook,

Web site aids in the college application process, provides prospective students with scholarship opportunities through online profiles and Twitter. Zinch.com integrates similar characteristics into their web site. Each college that is listed has a profile specific to that college, and students have the chance to talk to officers, leave comments on the profile, and also discuss the college with other students on the college’s discussion page. Functionality and ease are benefits that students receive when using the web site. “I definitely enjoy how everything is in one place and the web site is clean and easy to use,” Bree Bily, senior said. When one opens the home page, one notices five tabs. These helpful tabs include: Home, Students, Colleges, Counselors, and Scholarships. There is no need to embark on an online journey to hundreds of links and web sites. All of the resources that a student needs are right there on the home page, only a click of a tab away. In addition, there are 670+ colleges (and counting) with Zinch profiles. Students definitely agree that the web site is an important asset in their probing of dif-

ferent colleges. “I’ve spent a lot of time on Zinch talking to others about the colleges I’m interested in, and it’s been a great tool,” Carissa Chow, junior, said. Zinch.com has connected with the students of this era and generation through a multitude of mediums, such as teen friendly terms and phrases, profiles, and social networks. This bridge over the waters of confusion between colleges and students will allow students to apply and research colleges on a level of ease. As stated on their web site, they quite simply “hook [you] up” with colleges and scholarships.

Zinch Facts: Zinch.com was launched March 12th 2007 Over 673 colleges listed, and counting More than 400 data bases used in search engine Zinch.com doubles your money by matching any money awarded to you through a scholarship Zinch offers more than $50,000 in scholarships for high school students

Chosen Few JV cadet to attend elite honor school MIKELA MELAKIS

staff writer Looking into the mirror Michael Mcllhenny adjusts his Remote Control team wings pin over his ribbons. This sophomores’ Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Core uniform is more than a mandatory requirement. The uniform itself is dignified and is worn with honor and privilege. Although all the uniforms are identical the ribbons and pins exemplify his achievements. Mcllhenny himself did not think too much of AFJROTC when he first entered high school, but after persistent persuading on behalf of relatives that had once themselves been in the military, he decided to join. “I tried it out, joined, and it was really worth it. I ended up really enjoying it,” Mcllhenny said. Mcllhenny became actively involved and worked his way to positions of importance. His sophomore year he gained an officer position as the Saber Team Commander, and joined Color Guard team. While doing all this he has also managed to balance his academics and track. His achievements however did not go unnoticed. Major Dennis Martinez nominated

Mcllhenny as well as two other officers Sam Kelly, sophomore, and Andrew Ortega, sophomore, to attend the National Youth Leadership Forum. “I nominated him because he wants to go to the Air Force Academy and I knew he would learn a lot of beneficial stuff and he is very sharp,” Major Martinez, Senior Aerospace Science Instructor, said. Mcllhenny was selected out of his competitors to attend the camp in Washington D.C. The career development program helps prepare outstanding students by giving them insight into the inner workings in high ranking fields. The NYFL creates simulations, or fake situations, that put students in leadership roles that demand generating a strategy. Mcllhenny was elected the position of the Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff. “Our scenario was that Russia was attacking Armenia and our job was to handle it and make sure a war didn’t break out, which was exactly what we did so we ended up doing really well,” Mcllhenny said. Mcllhenny has also been one of the 432 cadets out of 969 JROTC units worldwide selected to attend


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Color Guard Participating in another event for AFJROTC, Micheal Mcllhenny, sophomore, competes in the Ellington Drill Competition with fellow team mates, Josh Borel, senior, Sam Kelly, sophomore, and Colby McCord, freshman, on February 28, 2009.

the camp in New Mexico. Those selected have a minimum GPA of 3.0, are enrolled in college prep math and science courses, and have demonstrated leadership potential.






Double Trouble

Tennis duo compete, bond together KATHY ROMERO staff writer

Chu and Yeung are proud they were able to represent their school and thankful for the opportunity. Yeung and Chu have high hopes for next Serving year’s season assuming Style With a they are both injury back handed hit, Kenneth Yeung, free. junior, saves the “It makes it harder point in the battle when a teamto regionals. mate is injured. photo illustration I t by DEBY THORP makes the other person work harder,” Chu said.

photo illustration by DEBY THORP

During practices or games Natalie Chu, sophomore, becomes serious and emotional while Kenneth Yeung, junior, becomes encouraging and cheerful. Both tennis players, who could not be more different, became the perfect match on the court. Each week the pair tried to get at least five days of practice to improve their technique. The two have always been friends which has brought communication to the court, and allowed games and practices to flow better. Their motto is, “the way you practice is the way you play.” One afternoon while practicing Chu injured one of her ankles. During her recovery Chu was not always able to practice as much as Yeung. “When I was not able to practice I still pushed myself to run and lift weights,” Chu said. Their eight years of experience combined with constant practice gave the pair a chance at the district meet. The only thought on Yeung’s mind that morning besides being nervous for the big game was, “Man I hope she made breakfast,” Yeung said. Chu did make breakfast for the big game for both her and her partner to try to

start off the day good. The sun shinning on them, they gave each other a high five and Yeung reminded Chu to just have fun. “I think the less pressure you put on a person the better they perform,” Yeung said. Chu played the district games with an injured ankle so Yeung knew that he was going to have to work twice as hard. “It was harder for him since he had to make up what I couldn’t do,” Chu said. Game by game the double duo got top three from all the schools. “I’m very proud (of them) my team captains both know the strategy of being in doubles,” Coach Bancroft said.

Girl Power Helping her team mate Natalie Chu, sophomore, dives to serve back a ball to keep the duo in the game.

Serves It Up

Talented Falcon moves closer to record KATHY ROMERO staff writer

Record Breaking Shocking tennis fans, Volgt Hansberger, freshman, excels and moves on to the Regionals in his tennis division. photo illustration by DEBY THORP

On the ride to Waco a nervous feeling came over Volgt Hansberger, freshman. This year Hansberger became the only Falcon tennis player able to go to the tennis regional competition since 2003. “I felt a little pressure because I didn’t feel like I was on the same level as the other people,” Hansberger said. Hansberger’s constant strategy is practicing everyday. On weekends he works to outplay his competitors, and tries to make himself better then the average player. “I did all of this so I wouldn’t come out short from the others,” Hansberger said. Pumped and ready to play at the regional tennis tournament in Waco, Hansberger beat the ranked #6 player from

All-Star Falcons Tennis players Kenneth Yeung, junior, Natalie Chu, sophomore, and Volgt Hansberger, freshman, competed in the district and Hansberger moved onto Regionals. photo by MARY BANCROFT

The Woodlands in the quarter finals, but then had a close loss to the #4 rank from Mesquite, TX. Mary Bancroft, tennis Coach, is very proud of Volgt. Alyssa Rodriguez, an ‘03 graduate, was the last tennis player to go to Regionals. She is excited that this is only Hansberger’s first year here and he still has three long years to go. “Volgt matches are always well played. At the regional (meet) Volgt represented JVHS as a model student athlete,” Bancroft said. With Hansberger’s freshman year down and three more years to go, he will practice and compete to make himself a better player and to once again go to Regionals. He has high hopes to proceed on to the state finals. “My goal is to win state. I think for my age I’m pretty good. I’m just going to keep doing my best, practicing and still having fun,” Hansberger said.

There and back Hockey player willing to move




issue six


from home to stand out DEBY THORP

sports editor Gliding across the smooth, hard ice Stephen McHale, senior, pushes the puck towards the goal. Feinting left then right, McHale gets past his opponents’ defense to score another goal. With his heart pounding in his ears, he loops around the goal post and gets back into play. He is living his dream, taking his love for hockey as far as it can take him, chasing it all the way to Vermont. From the first time he picked up a stick and hit the puck, McHale knew that Texas was the wrong place for a young, serious hockey player. He found his love of the game while playing street hockey with older boys from his neighborhood and was encouraged by his father, a New York state native. When McHale entered eighth grade he realized that he was going to have to leave his native home state to pur-

sue his sport. He knew ing a few times. Once ONE WITH THE GLADES Senior, Stephen McHale sits with 25 of his that AAA hockey here right before I moved, a teammates in Vermont. The junior hockey team, The Glades consists of boys from was not strong, and that few times when I did if he wanted to one day the ages of 15-21. have time off yet no one play college hockey or even profes- ing the ranks of boys from the ages of to share it with, and when Hurricane sional hockey, he was going to have to 15-21, in an attempt to get noticed by Ike hit and all I got was calls of how find a stronger program. college scouts. friends were out having fun while they “I was beginning to improve fast “I learned that you are just another missed school,” McHale said. and knew that at some point moving fish in the sea and that everything is In mid-March McHale returned to a prep school or a Junior team in relative. I went from an above average home to Jersey Village and began the Canada or New England was going to youth hockey player to just another business of being just a student instead occur. If I wanted even a shot to play average player. It really hits when you of a hockey player. Ever-lasting memcollege or to just live the dream I could have a kid two to three years younger ories of being on the ice, playing the not continue to play AAA in Hous- already talking to colleges,” McHale game to his fullest ability, will forever ton,” McHale said. said. be with him. In August, of his senior year he McHale traveled around the coun“While I have probably hung up said good-bye to friends and family try and learned many hockey skills but my skates for good realizing that the and moved to Vermont where he lived also brought more to his personality. dream is over, I leave the game with with an aunt. McHale had been of- Isolated from his family and only hav- no regrets. I had my fun with it, met fered a contract with one of the teams ing five days for Thanksgiving and four some great friends, and most of all still and leaped at the chance to play with for Christmas gave him the unique ex- love the sport. That and living in the kids that shared his interest and skill. perience of knowing what life for the snow made me realize, yeah it’s pretty The choice was easy for him because pros really feels like. but it’s a pain in the rear to shovel,” he had for so long dreamed of join“I was only discouraged from mov- McHale said.

Jersey Village Baptist Church Come meet our new youth minister Sunday, May 25th! Services: 9:30 & 10:55





Hoe-Down Effect Rural musical roots influence daily life decisions

My parents believed in the Mozart Effect: the idea that listening to music increases a child’s I.Q. However, my parents did not raise me on Mozart, but on Copland, Gershwin and Stevie Wonder. I do not blame my obsession with music directly on the Mozart Effect. Instead, I blame my addiction to music on Aaron Copland’s “Hoe-Down” from “Rodeo”. I became fixated on “Hoe-Down” at a young age. “Hoe-Down” fit me perfectly. When my brother and I played, I donned full cowgirl attire, complete with matching red-pleather boots, a black cowboy hat and a play holster. We reenacted old Westerns by riding brooms, shooting Beanie Babies and sleeping under our provisional tent made from the dining room table and a large, patchwork quilt. “HoeDown” became our theme song. To draw me away from Nintendo, my mom simply dropped the needle on the “Copland: Rodeo” record. As expected, I ran to my room and grabbed my cowgirl paraphernalia. In no time, I arrived in the living room, jumped on the couch while riding my news editor


thoroughbred broom-horse, ready to save the world. To fully understand my actions, one must know my circumstances. I grew up in a small town in East Texas. My father served as the pastor at First Baptist Church in Crockett, Texas. The old blue-hairs expected me to come to church with a frilly, white dress, pristine Mary-Janes and impeccable manners. Yet, I wore a tangled pony tail and sported boots with my jeans. To say the least, my actions disappointed them. I mirrored Copland’s music. I refused to let others define me as the typical pastor’s kid. “Hoe-Down” breaks traditional practice. Copland does not use typical motives. He, instead, creates his own unorthodox barn dance song. I became my own person, much like Copland wrote his own music, unique to his own experiences. When I moved to Houston in elementary school, I remained the same Mandy. I still pulled up my boots every morning. I still frustrated the old women at church. I still rode imaginary horses around my house. However, in Houston, my musical obsession came to materialization. I began to study viola and actually listen to Mozart. During my junior year, I heard “Hoe-Down” for the first time in years. My wildest dreams as a seven-

may ‘09

year-old came to fruition! My high school symphony would play “Hoe-Down” for our yearly fundraiser, the Chili Supper, ironically. Before our concert, while I chose my boots and buttoned my crisp, white shirt, I contemplated the affect that “Hoe-Down” had on me. Copland’s work sparked my own journey towards maturity and independence. Although I have yet to reach my destination, the lessons Copland’s music taught me still influence my daily life. I am forever indebted to Copland, for his unrefined music incited a hoedown within me. Everyday I strive to create my own music, while remembering my early days as a renegade cowgirl saving the world, but now, one note at a time.

A Larger Purpose

Insufficient awareness hinders abilities, goal setting


staff writer

As the year comes to an end, the inevitable series of nerve-racking events every college aspiring student seeks begin to take place. When life seems like it could not get any harder, there is always that catalyst that puts life into super speed causing it to become uncontrollable. Whether it is over-bearing parents pushing for that ivy-league application or that approaching deadline for the SATs, it never seems to end, but

the real question is why people put themselves through these mini-sodes of disorderly stress. As I see my peers checking their class ranks every week or trying to figure out the best way to “study” for the impossible AP test coming up, the goal is always the same, college. Yet it begs the question, then what? It seems as if the goal students work for now is just going to repeat itself over and over until people lay in their death beds trying to contemplate and regret every decision we ever made. I never understand why students push themselves until they are provoked to break down or break the

rules, instead of finding a balance between reasonability and reality. While the common goal is to make big bucks while living the dream, generations have been shifting more and more towards only the money. College has no longer become the opportunity to explore; it has become the middle stage of partying and cramming until graduation arrives with a diploma and a six digit salary. Students should be embracing the events that youth has to offer while taking the initiative to figure out their true passions whatever they may be. Throughout high school I have come across many students that want to be

doctors but will never take a health science class, or students that want to be lawyers but refuse to join model UN or the debate team simply because it does not fit into their course requirements or will hurt their GPA. As I approach the dreadful summer of college applications and SAT registrations I still have not figured out what my goal is because there are too many latent factors that have hindered my abilities. Whether it is parental support or simply just insufficient awareness due to blinding school requirements, it is still the enigma, and an enigma many students suffer until it is too late to fix.

where’s my Modified parking lot

put in place in the parking lot, 33 student cars have been towed. Students were left stranded in the parking lot and out as much as $180 in towing fees. This flawed policy seems fit for a change. Though inconveniences of major construction have filled the year, administration, students, and teachers have adjusted well, and for the most part, understood the importance of compromise. Since the building is undergoing construction and, because changes are made each day, the parking lot could benefit from some of the same advancement as the building itself. At Cy-Fair High School each parking spot has a number and students are given a sticker that corresponds with the spot. From the first day


editor-in-chief JACQUI BONTKE

presses need for change in policy

managing editor KELSEY O’BRIANT managing editor LAURA HEBERT

of school until finals, that spot belongs to one student and it never moves. Seniority still exists with this concept, but the confusion and uncertainty are done away with. Student parking could become a convenient and positive process if Jersey Village follows the example of Cy-Fair. Construction is breaking down walls at school and building new opportunities. The inconvenience that is painted on the parking lot has a prime opportunity to fix it self and the further construction plans should include parking lot improvements.

N Y 0 21 PEREGRINE position ays



For young adults between the ages of 16 and 18, driving is a privilege, so parking must be a gift. Each new school year the topic of student parking is always conversation that transpires into a heavy debate. Whether the issue is, deserving juniors being denied a parking spot through the parking lottery, or late arrival students making the grass their parking spot, the problem is bound to exist. The restrictions already put on student parking are completely reasonable. Jersey Village has limited space such that parking is not the right of any student. Seniors should be priority for parking spaces and violations of parking rules should be dealt with aggressively. However, since a fence, blocking more than 60 student spaces was


PEREGRINE Peregrine Staff



issue six






Jersey Village High School Student Publications’ Newspaper Policy The Peregrine is the official student publication of Jersey Village High School and is published by the Advanced Journalism Newspaper class at Jersey Village High School, 7600 Solomon, Houston, Texas 77040 (713-896-3400). It is distributed free to the student body. Subscriptions can be bought for $15, and copies of the paper will be mailed to your residence. Unsigned editorials represent a majority agreement of the staff. The Peregrine is read in advance of publication by the JVHS administration. Advertising is sold by the 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, and full page. The staff has the right to reject, edit, or cancel any advertisement at any time. The advertising policy is stated on the advertising contract. Advertising is not an endorsement from the staff, the adviser, the administration, or the Cypress Fairbanks Board of Trustees. The Peregrine is a member of the Interscholastic League Press Conference, Quill and Scroll, and the National Scholastic Press Association. The Peregrine is printed by Texas Student Media in Austin, TX. The opinion of readers is held in high regard. Please send all feedback or questions to our address or room 1712. Letters to the editor need to be limited to 150 words. We reserve the right to edit for spelling and grammar. Letters must be signed.



contributing artist EMILY JOHNSON adviser MARGIE COMSTOCK principal RALPH FUNK


Physics and the Furious

This project made me realize how far a little creativity and effort can go.

Marco Luz

Kutsko’s Physics I classes construct vehicles powered by balloons



1. As part of the Physics curriculum,

Timmy Ly, senior, demonstrated his knowledge by constructing a balloon powered car. “Working as a team definitely made it more enjoyable,” Ly said. 2. After various trials, Calvin Richter, junior, blew his balloon powered car once again to demonstrate the highest speed possible. 3. After building the car, Jocylyn Reyes, senior, moved to the next step, blowing up a balloon capable of moving her car five meters. 4. Excited to see what her car can accomplish, D’Angela Billips, senior, placed it at the start mark. “When the car didn’t take off, it was frustrating, but it was an awesome experience overall,” Billips said. 5. Trying to improve their car’s speed, Jacob Triska and James Hoang, juniors, misjudged their car’s capability with two balloons and quickly reevaluated the design. The team ended up with a successful time beating out other teams. 6. Showing team effort, Marco Luz, junior, helps Marylynn Do, senior, adjust minor car details. “It was very interesting to see all the unique cars,” Luz said.



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