Create Ease by Embracing the Blend

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SEPTEMBER 2015 | Series No. 1, Issue No. 2



Following your dreams to Paradise with Natalie Anderson


Embrace your Neverending To Do List • Discover your Calm Center • Love your Inner Superwoman




by embracing the blend


Lifestyle suggestions on embracing the blend,

including our product picks, books to read, and featured food and drink; as well as new takes on wellbeing,

T H I S M O N T H ’ S COV E R :


Learn how


Natalie Anderson blended

and your

her work and life, and

to-do list.

ended up in Paradise.


Mindful wisdom from experts Maureen Whitten and Tami Raegor on how


Inspiration for blending designs, including this

month’s design style mix and match, how to redo and reframe your command center, and a look at how easy blending patterns can be.


embracing the blend makes your life easier.


LaKay Cornell

Lee Lee Thompson

Jessie Leiber

Co-founder & Editor of all things people-related

Co-Founder & Editor of all things words-related

Editor of all things design-related

LaKay is a true believer in consciously orchestrating your life. She is a lover of people, networking, champagne, the world of self-actualization and social media. She can frequently be found enjoying craft beer and introducing friends to things they didn’t know they needed. You can find her on twitter @rootsandwings04.

The lee lee is a mother by choice, writer by trade, and designer by heart. She loves shopping, drinking, redecorating, and traveling. She keeps busy trying to do all of this while remaining true to her thrifty roots. Her online personalities include @leeleeinp and @boyswholovepink.

Jessie is a multi-disciplinary designer & art director striving to make the world more pixel perfect. When not staring at computer screens, she can be found singing (loudly) in her car or compulsively buying striped shirts. You can stalk her on Instagram @jessieleiber or see design samples at

And a special


to this month’s makers

Kylie Flaskos

Sarah Annay


Graphic Design






Walker Sisters

Jennifer Wenzel





Interested in becoming a Perpetual You maker? Contact us at to find out how.





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was at the t one day and this lis Do To ng di en ing, I was on my Neverughter's handwrit da y m I turned the page in as w it As me and ge: be awesome. t her arm around pu e sh d an top of the next pa nt ea t it m aw a line through d. I asked her wha do and then you dr to instantly intrigue ed ne u yo gs in ready are write the th esome. And you al aw be said, “You always to ed ne u Yo e idea for this ve done them. sation sparked th er nv co them when you ha at Th r.” d you to remembe awesome. I wante t wine to bring entire issue. , in deciding wha an om rw pe Su g lories or up in bein monitoring our ca in We get so caught s, er nt ce d an ttom-line nizing our comm lance. But the bo ba t ec rf pe to a party, in orga e th d to fin ne tr ying 2? There’s someo increasing our ex esome.” And part aw e “b g is tin do ra to Cu ed. ally have ve that accomplish ha e truth is all we actu w ks in th y d ad an now who alre t for you to read it in the world right for me. I can’t wai n fu d d in an en g Bl in e st th re g inte bracin this issue was so rspectives on Em pe nt re ffe di n te than experience no less g to introduce your life. is definitely gettin ue iss is th of rt pa oment I first my favorite rson. From the m de Speaking of fun, An lie ta Na , le ew that my favorite peop g and a smile, I kn hu a ith w e all of you to one of m d te ee r. estead and she gr e I got to know he st person becaus visited her in Hom ie ck lu .I e th en Gl as d w I ith her an spirit and end some time w sp she was a kindred l u’l yo pe ho I South Florida, If you are ever in glad you did. e issue, promise, you’ll be nce you’ve read th O . us ith w th on m y aring part of your are. We’ve alread Thank you for sh ur favorite parts yo t ha w e on m ow co kn More to ok and let us some live events! ve find us on Facebo ha n ca e w s about which citie u all in person! started thinking t to get to know yo ai w n’t ca e w as that soon

La Kay

The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself. - Anna Quindlen

realize to align your daily practices with your

ever-evolving desires



the Never-Ending 4 To-Do List If you’re anything like me, then you wear MANY hats – mom, partner, neighbor, employer, employee, pet owner, athlete, writer, home management specialist, chef, entrepreneur, and the list goes on... Each role we take on inevitably has responsibilities too; and that means a TO-DO LIST!


have tried putting every task in my agenda in five minute time blocks and setting alerts to remind me to do them. I have made separate lists for home, work, finances, pets, and personal interests. And I have wasted more time than I’d like to admit adjusting lists, erasing and rescheduling items in my calendar, and feeling defeated because my lists are the same in the evening as when the day started. Anyone nodding yet? In an effort to bring myself back from the brink of a time management disaster, I discovered a way to live a fully engaged and prosperous life WITHOUT needing to know when everything was going to get done. I think some hearts may have just skipped a beat! Stay with me—everything will still get done. My system is simple—everything goes on ONE list. You heard me: One master list, that I just keep adding tasks to as the days go by! I call it the “Never-ending To-Do List.”


Ready to try it? Here’s a few suggestions:

4❑ Focus on those tasks that you need out of your head ❑ and in a visible place as a reminder to get them done. Don’t include routines like brushing your teeth or feeding the dog. Do continue to schedule meetings and appointments in your regular calendar.

4❑ Choose whatever method works best for you. ❑ Phone app, notebook, or legal pad. Just be sure the list is readily accessible.

4❑ Take this ever-evolving list with you everywhere. ❑ Every time you come across a moment where you have “free time,” consult the list and pick an item! I have crossed things off while waiting for a friend at a coffee shop, sitting in a waiting room for an appointment, and when a client gives me a heads up that they will be 15 minutes late. I feel rewarded when I use these moments productively instead of scrolling through my Facebook feed or catching up on the latest viral videos.

4❑ For those of you who do need to meet deadlines, take a few ❑ minutes before bed every evening to highlight five things that are a priority for you. That way, you’ll know what items to tackle when a moment randomly presents itself the following day.

Who would have thought that a never-ending list would lead to a more simple life? When you blend all those tasks in your head on one master list, you will be surprised at how much you can actually accomplish in each day.

Julia Rose is a mission driven single mom living her life with passion and purpose. As a counselor and parenting coach, she helps families create more peace, joy, and connection in the their homes. You can find her at






the Easy Choices




he perfect amount of THIS and not too much of THAT. Listening as well as contributing to a conversation. The flow between points A and B—that stuff in the middle that is neither here nor there. Inviting ease in and releasing all the effort. We strive for balance in our relationships and our work lives. How about in the kitchen or when relaxing with friends? Here’s this month’s perfect blend: Sweet and savory. A baked brie (ours is topped with local plum jelly) is easy yet sophisticated, can be prepared in advance or ordered from your grocer. Pair this flavorful and tasty blend with a crisp and refreshing rosé. You can spend your time enjoying your

wine instead of deliberating over whether red or white should be served. What do we get from blending expectations with ease while entertaining? Time. Give yourself time and permission to enjoy a night off, with friends, family or even by yourself. You may just choose to blend other areas of your life too.

Lisa Adams in a personal chef and food writer in NYC. Whether cooking for celebrities on set or families on the Upper Westside of Manhattan trying to keep everyone healthy and fed, she believes that everyone is a VIP when it comes to food. You can read her weekly blog All Good Things that offers food for the soul and for your table.





the Work-Life Blend


Embrace the work-life blend with our carefully curated products for your office.


1 Winged Tote Bag from River Island 2 Office Supplies from rusell+hazel 3 Daily Greatness Journal save 5% if you purchase this month! 4 Spirit Junkie Alarm App 5 Starbucks Iced Coffee Cup


Monthly Instagram Contest Upload photos of you #embracingtheblend and use #theperpetualyou to be entered to win your very own Daily Greatness Journal.

6 Everyone Lotion






a Good Book

Mogul, Mom & Maid

The Awakening

by Liz O’Donnell

by Kate Chopin

No one who talks about blending work and life does so without mentioning the great “have it all” debate. While Liz O’Donnell is no exception to that rule, she does offer a variety of sources, statistics, and personal stories that lend new perspective. Whether you’re a breadwinner, a self-declared SAHM, or somewhere in between, you’ll easily relate to the conflict being reassessed and redefined by the women in this book.

Edna Pontellier is both passionate and unapologetic when it comes to her desires, both artistic and emotional. She balks at convention, scandalizes her family, and refuses her duties as a wife and mother; yet, she remains unsatisfied at the book’s conclusion. Some believe her fascination with the sea and all its enchantments saves her, while others see her life and character as stereotypically wasted. You may just want to decide this one for yourself.

Society Members: Join us on

Society Members: Enjoy Lee Lee’s

Thursday September 17th for a live call-in with author Liz O’Donnell.

podcast “Did she really just…” to hear about why you should love this book and what it means for women today.

The Balance Project (a novel) by Susie Schnall To befriend Lucy Cooper, heroine and possible femme fatale of this novel, will remind you of all the other frustrating friendships you’ve endured: often we get to ride the ups and downs, without anyone caring about our opinion or advice. Luckily, “Coop” has many friends to guide her, including her bestie, her almost-fiancée, and her boss. You might not agree with all of the decisions Lucy makes, or where her desire for work-life blend finally takes her, but you’ll be glad you were along for the ride.






an Adventurous Spirit

Adventure (n). Allowing ourselves the freedom to let any experience take us some place extraordinary...


ravel isn’t just about adding another stamp to your passport. A change of perspective — seeing something different or becoming immersed in a new experience — will help you let go of the idea of travel as a destination and create journeys within your daily life. Whether you are just outside the back door or at the summit of a mountain, the key to having an adventurous spirit is to let the lines between expectation and reality blend together. Make plans for a new adventure, but be open to what is presented. Pick a destination, but don’t plan every moment. Read reviews, but trust your instincts. Let go of the idea of “travel” as you have


known it. Take the time to get out of your comfort zone, but in a space where you are comfortable enough to let go and experience the adventure. When you do get the opportunity to add miles to your life, you will tackle the new adventure with ease.

Life is so full of everyday moments that are worthy of recognition. Summer is finding her way, living this dream and taking a moment everyday to say thank you. You can find her at and Instagram @airabess or #findingmywaylivingthisdream.

Do This at Home! Take a day or weekend to play tourist in your own town. Meet your friends for an art and wine night or an afternoon coffee shop and cafe crawl. Include at least one location you haven’t been to (or haven’t been to in a long time) on your list. View the places you know and love as opportunities for adventure. Experience your town like you’re visiting for the very first time.

The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience. — Eleanor Roosevelt






your Healing Nature This month’s Self-Care Toolkit


Lemon-Balm (Melissa officinalis) Rose Otto Maeve Quartz

Each of us finds ourselves worn out, burned out, overwhelmed, and going through the motions of life from time to time. Wouldn’t it be better to glide through your day with love in your heart and energy in your soul? To move from one task to the other with ease?





Lemon Balm








Cooling, calming, and supports your body during stress

Healing from loss and grief, uplifting your soul

Goddess of rhythms; honors the cycles of your body and energy levels

Chakra balance and amplification of our intentions, energy, and healing


ithin our heart we all know what we need to be in optimum health. Learning to hear that inner wisdom, and having the tools to change our health is a powerful feeling. In times of low energy, seek balance from the earth and her gifts: herbs, oils, and natural stones. Creating a wellbeing ritual will help you embrace your bodies own natural ability to cope and heal. Start with herbs: 2 parts Lemon Balm, 1 part Rose, and 1 part Yerba Mate. Lemon balm is cooling, calming, and supports your body during stress; Rose petals heal your heart and uplift your spirits so you can tackle that to-do list; and, Yerba Mate is a tasty tea that gives you energy without the jitters. Rose essential oil brings healing from loss and grief, uplifting your soul. Put a few drops on your pillow before bed, in your bath, or (after blending with coconut oil) on your heart.

The goddess who will be guiding our path this month is Maeve, the goddess of rhythms and cycle. She honors the cycles of your body and energy levels. Call upon her during times of imbalance and disorder, and replace your stress with strength and energy. Lastly, the quartz stone balances all of our chakras and amplifies our intentions, energy, and healing. Keep this stone in your pocket, so when you need to take on its healing properties, you can easily hold onto it and recharge. Throughout the month, use these tools to find a calm space for your soul: to relax and recharge. Replenish your energy and face each challenge, empowered and with ease.

Ashley Dees frolics around Saint Augustine Florida, picking herbs, helping find herbal remedies for people, playing with aromatherapy, tarot cards, and crystals, all while teaching and gathering goddesses together! Connect with her on her website T H E E A S E IS S U E




Embrace Dance

This Month’s Movement Tip: Whenever you feel overwhelmed with work or life, instead of resting or taking a nap, jump up and embrace a 5 second dance party!


“Let go of how you thought your life should be, and


the life that is trying to work its way into your consciousness.” — Carolyn Myss





The Perpetual You is committed to giving 5% of our profits to charities that spread Joy, Ease, Fun and Wealth to women and/or girls.


This series we’re featuring the organization PACE-Orange, a leader in providing voluntary, gender-responsive alternatives to delinquency for dependent girls. We invite you to give ease to the girls of PACE-Orange along with us! Girls who attend PACE centers receive: •

Individual academic plans and tutoring, along with gender-responsive support

Individual transition plans and follow-up care

Group instruction in life skills, health, communication, and positive decision making

Career preparation and readiness instruction

Community service experience

To learn more, or to give online, visit Sponsored by the State of Florida, Department of Juvenile Justice.


3 Questions with our

Cover Story

Superstar realize



What’s something you do daily that makes you feel balanced or keeps you balanced?

What part of the gorgeous space you live in makes you feel balanced or relaxed? Where can you be yourself?

You are so calm and collected; How do you keep your brain as relaxed or as balanced as your household is?

Probably organization. I’m pulled in 50 million different directions everyday, but if I feel like I’m organized—it’s all good. Whether it’s mental organization or a list that helps through the day…marking off that list empowers me.

Everywhere! Being in South Florida—which is Paradise— everything grows so you walk by and you see a banana plant grow taller from day to day. You feel so alive here.

Some days are a challenge; it can be overwhelming—lying in bed thinking, “Did I get all the towels clean?” or walking a guest through the property and noticing weeds. Then I’m like, “You know what—I can do that tomorrow.” But life is about getting "done" what you can; about opening yourself up and then shutting up. I learn so much when I listen.





Following your


to Paradise

Growing up in a military family, Natalie Anderson lived a structured and predictable life. Unsurprisingly, she then went on to marry and raise a family, just as many women do. This life worked for a while, and she even ran a business with her husband. However, due to circumstances out of her control, Natalie’s marriage ended, leaving her practically penniless—with only $10 in the bank—divorced and feeling like a failure. At the age of 40, moving back home with her mom was her only option.


ut this isn’t an article about failure, or about missed opportunities. Natalie’s story is about believing in yourself, trusting your instincts, and working hard even when nothing goes as planned. About not giving up on yourself, accepting support and praise, and choosing a partner who has your back. About living in Paradise, blending work and play, and—as cliché as it might sound—never losing sight of your dreams. In the small community of Homestead, Florida, about an hour southwest of Miami, and 30 minutes before you get to Key Largo, a bed and breakfast in the historic Redlands district welcomes travelers from all backgrounds and nationalities. After driving farther

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than you ever thought you would, and getting lost or sidetracked at least three times along the way, you pull up to the gate, not knowing what to expect. From the outside, the house looks like any other ranch, with an expansive circular drive and a lovely, large dog to greet you; once you’ve parked, gotten out and looked around, you realize this isn’t an ordinary house at the end of an ordinary street. Green is everywhere.

“If you don’t leave your house… you will never know who you could meet that will change your life. If you don’t get out there, you don’t know who passes by.”


(The lush landscape is due, in part, to the revolutionary farming developed in the early 1900s called scarifying or plow-breaking that has resulted in the labels “winter greenery basket of America” and the “garden capital of the world.” Homestead also experiences a monsoon climate, with a rainy season lasting more than half the year.) If you arrive very late at night, like we did, the only light, other than some twinkling strands draped across the porch, is the wide expanse of star-filled sky above you. No matter how late (or early) your arrival, Natalie Anderson’s smiling face will likely be the first thing you see. “You’re home,” she tells us, even though we’re visiting

for the first time. “When you are our guest you become part of our family.”

We look everything up–this plant died; what do we do now? I google a lot.”

This brand of hospitality is what encourages travelers to stay longer than planned and ensures repeat business for Natalie, and her partner, Glen Bohner. Natalie’s friendliness works because it isn’t an act or false camaraderie. “That’s just what we do,” says Natalie. Graciousness is a part of Natalie’s spirit, nourished by the beauty that surrounds her.

In fact, when Natalie found the house, she wanted to turn it into an assisted living facility, an area of service in which she had been trained and that meshed well with her personality and goals. Despite approval by the state and city, the county wouldn’t let her business proceed without an expensive legal battle. But Natalie had already “invested everything we possibly had”; she began to panic, questioning her decision but keeping her doubts inside while she continued to go to work every day.

Sitting on the poolside patio, surrounded by tropical plants and vibrant colors, you would never know the house Natalie and Glen now welcome people into was once rundown and quite possibly owned by a major drug dealer. In addition to gutting the house and starting from scratch, they are constantly upgrading their space, as time allows. By Natalie’s generous attitude, you might also not figure out that running a bed and breakfast on a farm wasn’t what she thought she would be doing with her life. “I have no background in plants,” says Natalie. “We kill them regularly. I have no background in chickens.

In the midst of this turmoil, which once again made Natalie feel as though she’d failed, she came across an article about Airbnb getting venture capital funding. Most people wouldn’t give something like that a second thought, but it intrigued Natalie and—after a little investigating—she proceeded to call a family meeting where she announced her plans to open a bed & breakfast, using Airbnb as her platform.

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Natalie’s family wasn’t exactly ecstatic. “My son laughed hysterically–my cousin laughed hysterically–they were falling off the couch! My family said: that is a dumb idea. No one is ever coming out here; it’s too close to the Everglades.” Luckily, Natalie had full confidence in her plan, even if it was crazy. Glen, who matches Natalie in attitude and ambition, was immediately on board. “It’s different when you have a true partner that’s as crazy as you are because we will do whatever,” Natalie says of Glen, a professional chef. Glen knew he’d be integral in making their project a success. He’s been cooking their famous bountiful breakfast, with food off their own land and the farms that surround them, since the day they opened. According to the majority of over 700 reviews on Airbnb, the preparing and presenting of an extremely local, always delicious, and over-the-top morning meal is one of the primary reasons you should stay in Homestead.


“We will be successful. We will be millionaires. We will retire with plenty of money. And we love the life getting there too. “

Their motto is “if it’s in season, we will serve it.” We were thrilled with the mango, avocado, bananas and dragon fruit grown on their own farm, offered alongside other fruits and vegetables sourced from nearby. Accompanying this were three different varieties of pancakes, and an organic egg cup—a soft-boiled egg surrounded by warm potatoes and tomatoes. Even if the breakfast wasn’t amazing, witnessing Natalie and Glen in the kitchen together is worth the drive; they’re cheerful and helpful, to their guests and to each other. Their partnership is just another sign that Natalie doesn’t play by the rules that seem to control the rest of us. You know how opposites attract? Well, Glen and Natalie aren’t opposites; instead, they are more like Yin & Yin. Natalie gets a good idea and Glen supports it. Glen decides to do something crazy and Natalie invariably loves the idea. The even finish each other’s sentences. “He’s just as insane as I am,” explains Natalie. “He says, ‘Oh–wouldn’t that be…” and I’m like, “Yes! Stop taking my line…” He says we can paint this red and this purple and I’m like, “Oh, that’s what I was thinking!!” Because they are “two crazy matches moving toward the same goal,” their anything-but-normal life works. Recent new projects include bringing fresh organic eggs to the Verde Community Farm & Market—a pioneering urban community farm in the southern Florida—as well as, an ingenious idea to rent out hens to people who want fresh eggs of their own without all the hassle of owning a chicken coop. They also recently became involved in hosting farming students from countries around the world. And they both participate in community dinners, often cooking and serving the meals.

Natalie’s litmus test for new ventures seems to be a mixture of Will it make us happy? And will it make us money? She knows that this is the perfect blend to maintain the life she’s created. “The right people coming into your house gives you such energy,” says Natalie of running the bed and breakfast. She shows no doubt in their future: “We will be successful. We will be millionaires. We will retire with plenty of money. And we love the life getting there too.” If it sounds like the perfect life, that’s because it is. But that doesn’t mean everything is easy, or that anything is easy. Approaching the challenges with a laid-back attitude is one of Natalie’s strengths. “I was so intense when I was younger, but I changed who I was. I’m not like that now.” Though it might seem a paradox for someone as organized and hard-working as Natalie to label herself as “someone who would’ve been a hippie had I been born in the 60s,” in fact Natalie loves her job, particularly meeting new people. “I learn as much about myself as

continued on next page




I do about other people. Sometimes I learn that I really like myself!” It makes sense, then, that Natalie and Glen are two of the happiest and most grateful people you can get to know. After all, they live and work in Paradise! Not to say we all need to quit our jobs and leave our current lives behind; that isn’t an option for most of us—nor would it be our version of the perfect life. So how do we get to the place where we are happy & healthy, the place where we truly like our lives and ourselves? Says Natalie, “If you don’t leave your house…you will never know who you could meet that will change your life. If you don’t get out there, you don’t know who passes by.” Having reinvented herself several times, Natalie can stand firm behind this advice. In just a few years, she went from being someone who thought marriage and kids would lead to a ‘happy’ retirement to a woman who “knows in every fiber of her being” that she is already a success. “I don’t need any more…My life is good.” If being a successful entrepreneur, an involved community member, and a model for those of us wanting to live a greener life weren’t enough proof, she has the real fruits of her labor: her kids. Just recently, one of Natalie’s sons, who is now in college, called and told her: “Mom, I have to call and tell you how proud I am of you.


I remember not believing in you at all [but] you didn’t listen! You are the most successful person I know.” Natalie refuses to chalk her success and fortune up to “luck.” Through all the periods of trial and error, the relentless desire to be self-supporting propelled her forward. “I’m not lucky,” she says “I didn’t work my butt off and happen to bump into somebody— [it was] because I was working that I bumped into somebody.” Whether working two jobs to make ends meet or “talking her way into” a loan for a house she couldn’t have gotten through standard measures, or even convincing her family that she could run a successful business venture in the middle of nowhere, Natalie has made a commitment to always “show up.” This willingness isn’t just the way she found Paradise, it’s the formula she continues to follow. “I had no idea this was my desire,” she admits. “We just went with the flow. Something happens and he jumps right in with me. We listen, and we learn. The only way we can fail is if we don’t try.”

Realize dwell to align your daily to align your physical space

your practiceswithwith your ever-evolving self

ever-evolving desires





Industrial Cottage


Design Style Mix & Match With its broad white trim and ubiquitous breadboard, this mudroom started out as cottage with a side of dingy.


fter saturating the walls with a deep, yellow paint and industrial-inspired accents, this tiny and foreboding afterthought became an inviting resting place.

Rustic crates and metal baskets, along with a blend of antique and reproduction wall hooks, are both decorative and functional. Where the mirror and cheery pillow provide softness, the cedar planked bench is sensibly utilitarian. To complete the look, an antique shutter pays homage to both the cottage sensibility and the industrial standards of durability. Like the window covering, the elements in this blended space share the key traits of being simply designed, while fully functional. It also helps that they’re beautifully arrayed. Won’t you sit and stay a while?

For more photos and behind-the-scenes inspiration, follow us on Pinterest





Command Center Chaos! the

Blending Calm into your Organizational Storm

Domestic life at its richest seems to be a series of needs to which we respond with creative and ingenious solutions, with a natural and organic creativity. ­­— Mary Beth Danielson


he temperature outside is 80°. Inside, it feels more like 280°. Peaches have been falling off the tree in our backyard faster than you can pull up a recipe for peach cobbler. Our beach towels still smell of Wiley Pond and sandy little boys. We’re still sleeping late, every morning. And yet, fall is coming. September looms on the horizon, clouding my end of summer revelry. Every day, the beginning of school gets nearer. Every day, my Pinterest page becomes more and more obsessed with lunch planning, back to school necessities, and that all important sign of fall fever: the Command Center. In pictures, the command center looks like the pinnacle of organizational awesomeness — color-coded folders in boxes with handwritten labels nest alongside a cacophony of bright printables, with a life-sized family


schedule overseeing it all. Listmaking rules the day: to do, to make, to buy, to think... And last but not least, an uplifting quote or scripture verse reminds the mother behind this perfect little command center that she can do it; she’s fierce; all she needs to do is: “Keep Calm and [Insert Amazing Thing Women Do Here].” In reality—you know, that place Pinterest is supposed to represent—command centers: • • • •

May or may not exist May or may not be perfect May or may not help a family actually stay organized May or may not be the bane of our existence

And the typical command center, whether functional or not, doesn’t provide the one thing a busy woman needs the most, namely CALM. Imagine if you walk around your house and collect every single source of stress (well, let’s skip the bedroom for the time being!) and bring all those anxiety‑producing things back to be stored in one little 3’ x 3’ box. Now, step inside that box. Go ahead—invite your children in, too; now, your partner; now, your in‑laws, parents, other family members living with you or helping you live; oh all right, Sparky can come too. Now, just for the fun of it, let’s throw in some things you didn’t even know were stressful—like your Facebook feed of friends with completely organized lives; the words of one of your fierce lady heroes that are supposed to encourage you but really set up an unattainable standard; the hopes and dreams you had of what life would be like when you were “all grown up”; the desire to “have it all”, if only you could define what that means for you; your imaginary superpower-allknowingness mom‑sense; and that new floor/walls/paint/wallpaper/tile that you’ve been dying to redecorate with. Wait—I think we can squeeze one more thing in here. (move back a little, mom and dad! Act like you like each other...Sheesh!) Grab this week’s grocery fliers and coupon books; they don’t take up too much space. Finally, because—let’s face it—the Air in here is just a tad stale, bring in a brand new exotic plant that you know is going to die because whoever said they would water it won’t, or they will but you assume that they didn’t so you will water it again.

continued on next page




Right now I am trying to be in a place of calm, a place where I can chill out and then handle the chaos of life better. You don’t just get it overnight; you have to work at it. It’s a daily struggle. — Jackee Harry

Aaaaah. Feeling calm yet? No? Well, at least you feel in control, right? No to that too?? Where did we go wrong...? Turns out there are two huge problems with the idea of a command center, neither of which has anything, necessarily, to do with design. But we must deal with these issues before we talk about or even think about the design. These problems are not just Huge-with-acapital-H, they go hand-in-hand with our modern way of life. (Women having it all: I’m talking to you.) First, the idea of a command center is intrinsically flawed. As you guessed from our little exercise a few paragraphs back—putting all of the parts of your life that require commanding into one small area is both ludicrous and mentally questionable. Also, stinky. So why do we do it?

Loving your Inner Superwoman: If you thought balance was the solution, not the problem, see our Loving your Inner Superwoman article on page 44!

That part is simple: because it would be equally ludicrous to have 15 different “dedicated” areas in our home in which to keep, display, and tackle life’s many requirements. Even worse would be no command center at all. Trust me–that’s been my life for the past several months and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. The command center is one cultural norm that I stand firmly behind. And by “behind,” I mean in front of, every single day. Sometimes twice. So what do we do about it? Damned if we do, damned if we don’t. For now, let’s table that discussion and get to problem #2.


Secondly, the language “command center” is intrinsically disempowering. Look—I get it. All of us want to have control over our lives, and those of us who are moms likely want to control/command the lives all around us, too. But who here has actually achieved this normal and human yet insane goal? Go ahead...Raise your hand if you are in complete control. (Did I say this was a huge problem? I meant ginormous.) So why did we name it that? My un-researched and biased opinion is that our language is dictated by the culture we live in and we live in a “Let’s Do This” society, my friends. We don’t even have to go to the masculine/patriarchy place (though, you know I am so there all you fellow women’s studies majors). No, we can blame this all on the good old American Dream—perfection, attainment, mastery, and, yes, even Balance-the new American Dream. So what do we do about it? Okay, now we’re ready. We’ve established the fact that both the concept and naming of the command Center are bad for us. Also, we’ve agreed that our motives are pure and our needs are real. Lastly, we’ve declared that the Command Center, for better or for worse, as they say, isn’t going anywhere! Luckily, the challenge isn’t an insurmountable one. And the biggest problem—that of language—is the easiest to solve. We change the name. Really, that’s all. Language is power. Anyone following the presidential debates or #blacklivesmatter movement already knows that. (Or maybe you were just called a lot of names when you were young, like me.) Changing what you call something will change the way you feel about it. Case in point—I’m writing this article in a place of supreme value to me: my writing studio. But if I were to call this space by it’s “technical” name—the other half of my closet—I would value it less. And I sure wouldn’t be writing in here. Would you rather be called “the missus” or “my partner”? Do you prefer “my wife,” or “the mother of my children,” or just your actual name? None of these is right or wrong, but the way you feel about the words is going to affect the way you feel about the person saying them. continued on next page




Things I wanted in CAmLaMnd Center. . . om C my Coupons Crap from Henri’s school rs, erasers Pencils, pens, chalk, marke (lost and found) Home for misplaced things Bills {Never-ending} To Do List Morning checklist for boys dar School calendar, class calen Library books to return esn’t Inspirational quote that do make me feel bad Grocery shopping list Family “crest” (vision) Clock House “rules” Mirror Family picture Chalkboard Cork board T HE PERPETUA L YOU

Quick digression. Some of us have actually changed our names. The transition, while painful, is nothing short of powerful. I never felt like me when called by my birth name, and I won’t go into the complicated reasons behind that (You’re Welcome). But when someone calls me Lee Lee, particularly someone close to me to whom it may have been more of a challenge to call me by a different name, I’m happy and grateful. Because I’m a Lee Lee through and through. Okay, back to the show. When I thought about what I wanted this center of extreme stress and neurosis to be called, I thought about what I wanted to feel while there. Not controlled and not in control. Not chaotic, not cathartic. Not crazy, cuckoo, capricious, capable, childish, comatose, creepy, or clandestine. Calm. I wanted to feel calm. (And beautiful... but “beautiful center” doesn’t have the same ring to it.) So, I’ve changed my Everything

Place to be a Calm Center. You may have figured that out from the #CALM display letters.

nemesis.) And for some, functional means free printables galore. (I don’t like being told what to do.)

Now, back to problem #1.

Me? I feel calm in a space that is as vibrant as it is organized. Where simple words and phrases remind me (and my loved ones) how great it is to be Alive. Where I don’t have to go out of my way or be someone I’m not to get things done.

The reason we don’t feel calm in a command center is that the expectations are too high. This is more of a challenge because, like we said, This stuff ain’t going anywhere. Luckily, the solution lies in design. Luckily, this IS a design article after all. Design is about making choices. These choices are important in that they affect our moods and our actions. Therein lies the freedom. If we blend the actions we must take–planning meals, packing lunches, paying bills‑with the mood we need to be in to accomplish said tasks, then Voila! We have our design plan. I’ve already established I want to feel calm. And I’ve listed out everything that needs to be in the space for me to get done what needs to get done. For me, the desire to feel calm paired with a lengthy list of stuff leads to the following design: a functional space that is beautiful and full of pattern, colors, and design elements I love to be around. For some people, “calm” might mean oceanic blues and greens. (I’m afraid of water.) For some women, “beautiful” means neutral with a pop of color. (Neutrality is my

Let me dispel one more myth, before I let you go. Location isn’t everything; it’s part of the thing. Because my house is on a busy street, I interact with my neighbors more often. Because we moved to a sleepy little town, my son has less anxiety. (Okay, I skipped a few steps on that one, but there is a correlation! I swear!) And because we have a stupid little hallway with 15 doorways and a truckload of trim and absolutely no electricity, I kept my design bright, eclectic, and compact. Where is the least likely but most obvious place for your “calm” center? Go, stand there. Listen, and envision. What do you want to see? How do you want to feel? Who do you want to be?

The lee lee is a mother by choice, writer by trade, and designer by heart. She loves shopping, drinking, redecorating, and traveling. She keeps busy trying to do all of this while remaining true to her thrifty roots. Her online personalities include @leeleeinp and @boyswholovepink.


5 Styles of Command Centers











In a hallway or on a single wall, storage space is usually hanging and interspersed with decorative items.

Above a desk or in a dedicated area, storage of all kinds abounds (color-coded and labeled, of course!).

On the side of a cabinet or other small space, storage consists of a few hanging envelopes or just a picture ledge alongside a calendar.

In the kitchen or other prominent area, storage aplenty with a focus on meal planning and grocery lists.

Located wherever you are, storage is online, limitless and readily accessible.





on this

The Art of Blending Patterns Minimal Effort = Maximum Ease

If you’ve always wanted to learn how to bring multiple patterns into a cohesive space, I’ll tell you the secret: there is no secret!


ike most things in design, pattern-mixing has become known as an “art” only the “experts” can do. But not everyone can afford the opinions of an interior designer, or wants to give control of their domain over to a stranger. Some of us just want to live in a comfortable space. In fact, blending patterns is a great way to change or enhance the look and feel of your space without breaking the bank OR going into a full-scale remodel. Start minimal: throw two non-matching pillows with the same color tones onto a bed or the sofa. Got your eye on a “busy” rug? (Both tropical and tribal are everywhere lately.) Go for it! Don’t be concerned about sticking with one motif per room...Pile on shapes, sizes, patterns, and designs. If you love it, then blend it in. But how do I know if it matches?


This is how you know–Does it look pretty? Does it make you smile? Does the interplay of chevron and rose vines put you at ease? Does buffalo plaid in three different colors say maximum comfort to you? Do you just have to have one more bird print in your room? Trust your eyes—and your instincts!—but listen to your heart. If you can’t walk into the room and feel less stress, less hurry, less burden...then you haven’t got it right. Otherwise, Relax. Have some chai tea or lemon water and enjoy being in that field of vintage floral furniture, staring at your modern art collection, admiring the interplay of mid-century angles juxtaposed with stacks of fluffy blankets. You earned this blended splendor. Bask in its magnificence.

e e l e e l -

Nothing says I’m comfortable in my own design more than a pair of framed doilies

This cornucopia of blue, yellow, and pink is commanding but charming.

Swatch of plaid holds its own among the multitude of pink flowers on this fabric wall.

Hello, Gold. Meet your new bestie, Copper.

This vibrant bird motif brings lightheartedness to a task-focused space.

Want to try blending patterns but unsure of where to start? Try these 5 different, lazy and trendy ways to mix and match your décor. 1. THE MORE THE MERRIER Don’t be afraid of mixing a generous amount of patterns that all share the same color scheme.

2. LACE IS ALWAYS IN GOOD TASTE Include a sheer or lace fabric to provide pattern that doesn’t take up too much visual weight.

4. METALS ARE PATTERNS, TOO! One of the simplest and most rebellious ways to blend “pattern” is by using two or more metals in one room.

5. INCLUDE THE FOREST and THE TREES Forest animals and botanical are a must-have. They're not just for nurseries anymore.

3. OPPOSITES ATTRACT Pair fabrics or patterns that feel dainty and romantic against those with clean, strong lines. Try roses with tartan or pinstripes with toile. T H E E A S E IS S U E



“ …the main purpose of a door is to

admit ,

its secondary purpose is to

exclude .”

— Edith Wharton


Realize live to align your innermost thoughts with your

ever-evolving perspective






Self-Love Accepting your Current Self while Becoming your Best Self

Loving yourself as you are while working to become the best version of yourself may seem contradictory. After all, why should you try to love something you want to change? How will you be motivated to lose weight if you decide to love your body just as it is—extra weight and all? Won’t accepting and loving what is just keep you fat? In fact, the complete opposite is true.


fter I had my second child six months ago, loving my body became a huge quandary for me. I was wearing an extra 35 lbs, and my belly still looked like I was six months pregnant; I couldn’t believe how my second pregnancy had left my entire body misshapen and dough-like. During that same time, I was studying to become an Intuitive Eating Counselor. One of the primary principles of Intuitive Eating is to respect and love your body, no matter how disappointed you may be in its current shape. Since one can only take her clients as far as she has gone herself, I knew it was imperative to learn how to love myself and my body–even the extra 35 pounds. All that energy you are putting into dieting or excessively exercising because you hate how you look actually causes overwhelm and anxiety in your life, mostly because it T HE PERPETUA L YOU

can’t work long term. Taking care of something you dislike, or even hate, isn’t easy. The same becomes true when we don’t unconditionally love ourselves and our body. Worse, we may call ourselves hateful, hurtful names and become demotivated and discouraged. People take care of things they LOVE. Once we begin unconditionally loving ourselves, we are able to take better care of our bodies. We want to make ourselves feel good and perform at maximum capacity every day. In order to do the things we want to do in our daily lives, we naturally choose foods that are beneficial to our bodies. We do this automatically in order to stay fueled—to reach goals, make memories, and live a full life. Similarly, we avoid foods that make us sleepy or that we feel fuzzy after eating because they keep us from accomplishing things.

I had to grow to love my body. I did not have a good self-image at first. Finally it occurred to me, I’m either going to love me or hate me. And I chose to love myself. — Queen Latifah

Additionally, self-love helps us choose situations and people that make us happy and that don’t evoke an emotional eating response. When you blend the energy it takes to love who you are and the energy it takes to be the best version of yourself, you proudly stand up for yourself instead of ‘stuffing’ your emotions with food. You will also start to understand when you should rest, when you need movement, when you are hungry, and when you need comfort food. Ready to try “Self-Love” instead of Hate, Negativity, and Disappointment? My journey to loving myself began when I started noticing the time of day my self-criticism was most prominent: first thing in the morning, when I would pass by the bathroom mirror. On it would go for the rest of the day, every time I saw my reflection. I started offering compliments to my reflection about my outfit, eyes, and hair—any features that I genuinely liked.

Flashing a smile or giving a loving compliment every time you pass by your reflection will reinforce the intention to love yourself just as you are, right now.

Since we see a reflection of ourselves several times throughout our day, the practice of using loving statements toward ourselves becomes a constant reminder that we should treat ourselves the same way we would our children or other loved ones. When you focus on the things you DO want or the things you DO like, that is exactly what will show up.

Practice this technique and BOOM—you’ve just upped your attractiveness quotient without losing a single pound. Watch—your confidence will skyrocket. Another habit I implemented was when I started thanking my different body parts for the work they do in getting me through my day. Before, I used to scold my body or use hurtful labels about certain body parts that I thought should look differently. (Usually my ‘too large’ thighs!) Now, my thighs are strong and unique. They serve a useful purpose—to get me to the places I need to be in life. I may not love my thighs, but I am grateful to them: for carrying me to the park with my children and helping me run a half marathon. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could love ourselves now the way we did as children? Children wear their favorite clothes, take naps when they are tired, run when they have energy, and smile when they see their reflection in the mirror. When I witnessed my infant daughter admiring herself in a mirror for the first time, I remember hoping that she would find herself that beautiful and interesting for the rest of her life! You too were born to be amazed and delighted by your reflection. I challenge you to return to that natural inclination to love yourself just as you are–regardless of the shape of your body, number on the scale, or size of your clothes. The more we love ourselves, the easier it is to become our best selves.

Maureen Witten is an Intuitive Eating Counselor, Certified Health Coach and Body Love Advocate. She teaches women to make peace with food and exercise using a research-based, Ten Step Program. You can learn more about her approach at






excel surrender

I can in a task when I to a flow that feels good.







your Inner Superwoman from Selfless to Self-Love


You fly through the air with the greatest of ease. Ducking...Weaving...Catching...Saving... One Ball...Two Balls...Three Balls... Okay, I’ve got them. Now here comes another one...oh and another one behind that...Got them? Yeah I think so. Okay so here comes another two and there is a third one behind it...Got them? Uh I don’t know but I will try... Yep. Got them but barely.

Okay well here comes one more... Noooooooooo!


s you say No–all the balls come tumbling to the floor, you crash and hit your head and your superwoman status is blown to smithereens which causes you to disintegrate into a lump of tears and despair.

occasion. Ignoring your true feelings, not stopping or re-evaluating. Instead you press on: they’re doing it, so what’s wrong with me. Superwoman worthlessness starts to set in. You judge your own self-worth on your ability to ‘do it all.’ To be the best superwoman ever.

Why? What happened? Everyone else does it so why can’t I? How am I going to recover and get everything safely back in its place before someone else notices? Your heart races, the thought of someone seeing you not have it all together scares you to death. They might think I am unworthy or lesser than them–NO! They cannot see the real me–NO WAY! What would they think?

When did having “balance” become a source of judgment? Superwomen all over the world compare themselves to other superwomen’s status to make them feel better or worse about themselves. No one needs more judgment in their life—it is a poison pill and yes it will cause superwoman to crash and burn eventually. Even if you are using the judgment to make you feel like the best superwoman ever, you’re taking from someone else’s superwoman’s status to make you feel better about yourself. But balance is two equals. When you take from another in order to feel better, the scales of balance are tipped.

What are the despair, tears, anger, frustration and selfdoubt for? Why do we feel the need to do it all—all the time? In the name of “balance”? Does what we can or cannot do—and how well (or poorly) we balance—define our worth? What does Balance even mean? Society’s definition of balance is that you have everything thrown at you all at once and you do "it" with a smile on your face while loving every minute. And if you at first don’t succeed—fake it till you make it. Keep doing it until it feels good. Inside you may struggle with the urge to give up and throw in the towel, but you see all the other women doing it all, so Superwoman keeps flying full steam ahead. Adding more and more—rising to every

As a selfless superwoman, you know your priorities— take the kids to school, go to work, run the kids around to games and dance, cook, clean (maybe), help kids with homework, more running around, do some more work for your job then go to bed, where you toss and turn because you are thinking about what you need to do tomorrow.

continued on next page




You got it all done. Good for you. While that might be super exciting that you were able to get that all done in a day—do you feel like Superwoman? Or a Raggedy WomAnn Doll? This is NOT true balance. The idea of having to change this selfless superwoman spiral may scare you to death but take a good look around you—do you really like what you see and feel about yourself and your life? Maybe your parents, friends or your employer (or yourself, if you are a superwoman business owner) have told you to do all of this in order to maintain selfless superwoman status. Got news for YOU! You cannot keep doing this—day in and day out without it eating you alive from the inside out. You will feel like it never ends, you never get to rest, and you’ll become more depressed, angry or fearful of someone seeing you fail. Remember: everyone has a tipping point—maybe you haven’t found yours yet but know that it is coming. As a selfless superwoman, when do you get time to breathe and be yourself? I am not talking about taking time out for a blissful pleasure (although that would be nice too). Even having 5 minutes to breathe and be thankful for everything that is good in life—to smell the roses or listen to a bird’s song. You don’t have any time


for YOU so these yearnings remain just that: yearnings which never see the light of day As a selfless superwoman—you tie yourself to this idea of “balance,” really a rat race with no finish line masquerading as balance. Being superwoman to everyone without taking care of your own needs is selfish. What? Yes, that’s right – It is selfish to be a selfless superwoman. Let that sink in for a moment – chew on it—how does it taste? How does it make you feel? How is being a selfless superwoman selfish? Because you do everything for everyone (and then some)—but you are not taking care of the one person who counts the most— YOU! What is superwoman without YOU? Being selfless superwoman is not just for those of us with kids; this ridiculous standard is applied when we hold a job or run a business as well. I once worked in this world and it robbed me of my health, happiness, and hope for a better future. In this depressing time, I spent many days crying in my car or in my private office (i.e. a bathroom stall). It seemed like I could never do enough or be enough. It was always do more and more and jump higher and higher all while the cushion beneath it all got smaller and smaller. By ignoring my personal life and expecting me to do the same, they were telling me

superhero cape

There is a inside all of us, we just need the courage to put on the .

I didn’t matter. I became insignificant—nothing but a number to get a job done. Maybe just being a faceless number would have been better if I had been a faceless number without other faceless numbers beneath me. But I wasn’t. As a selfless superwoman, I took personal responsibility for those beneath me. I organized their work, made sure they had everything they needed, removed any barriers, and cleaned up their messes when needed. When and if selfless superwoman got a break, I could accomplish my own faceless number tasks. After all that flying, ducking, weaving, and swerving, selfless superwoman never had the energy to spend time with her family. I only wanted one of two things: veg in front of the TV or sleep.

5 Tips to go from

Selfless to Self-Love


Choose a path to allow for time for YOU. Reclaim 30 minutes or more to enjoy a real lunch, or ask for help at home and give yourself a 30-minute break.


Take 5-10 minutes and release all the pent up sadness, anger and frustration. Cry or scream. Breathe deeply, release, and let it out!


Make a promise to yourself to embrace self-love at least once a week. Spend this time doing anything your heart desires..

Where was that woman–full of spunk and curiosity—I was when I started this job? My selfish employer had tied her up inside me and threw away the key. I felt like they had tied back my wings and added 10-ton ankle weights, forever reminding me of my worth to them—Nothing.


Being a selfless superwoman and also feeling like you’re nothing seem contradictory, but, as a selfless superwoman, YOU are nothing. YOU do not matter because you are selfless–no identity–no hope or time or YOU—just a doer of all tasks handed to you.

Stand in your Power-Say NO with confidence–and define boundaries. You do not need to be everything to everyone.


Accept and Love YOU for YOU–just as you are–a beautiful, worthy, unique, and talented woman.

Day by day, I bled superwoman tears through every pore of my body draining me of my health, happiness and strength to go on. I was a nobody—just a faceless number with a job to do. I had no hope of things being different and my confidence in myself drained into a ditch nearby. Some call this work/life balance but I call it selfless superwoman work/life hell.

Is this what you really want your life to be about—balance in name only? Doing what everyone else is doing so you can fit in as another faceless selfless superwoman. A carbon copy of everyone else? Or are you willing to

Society Members: See this month's "Becoming the Perpetual You" journal pages to dig into your own Superwoman powers!

continued on next page




from scratch. Start with small changes here and there until you have found your TRUE balance as a self-love empowered superwoman. As you do this, I ask that you keep the following in mind: Balance is a way for you to live your life where you do what is necessary to be happy, full of bliss, love, joy and gratitude. It’s the ability to look at your life and feel happy and peaceful for what you have in and around you. It’s allowing yourself the time to connect to things outside of your day-to-day, like sitting and listening to the birds sing or singing your heart out and dancing to your favorite song. It’s being yourself—your own YOUnique self. It’s owning life as a worthy and confident self-love empowered superwoman. explore your own inner truth and to define what balance as a self-love empowered superwoman "means"—to take care of YOU based on your own needs and wants? At first, you will feel as though you’re letting others down. There will be those that try to tear you down as you try to climb out of your sad and frustrating selfless role. Trying to make you feel guilty about the changes you’re making, they will do everything in their power to make you feel like you are doing a bad thing. They may even call you selfish! Being a self-love empowered superwoman is NOT about serving yourself and not thinking of others, which is the true definition of selfish. Instead, it is about serving and loving your true self and using your unique talents to help others, while remembering to take care of YOU! Superwoman—Loving yourself is empowering and freeing once you get the hang of it. YOU get time to take care of YOU and take care of others in the extra time that taking care of YOU allows. Superwoman deserves everything the world has to offer her. To receive, she must take the time to see it and enjoy it. Are you ready to embrace the true YOU and the self‑love empowered superwoman within? Yes, it’s scary; the idea of it may make you cringe but, honestly, what do you have to lose? YOU! Do you love yourself enough to allow yourself to enjoy the gifts all around you—music, nature, children and family—while filling your life with happiness, joy, bliss and best of all—hope? To have balance as a self-love empowered superwoman, you must first define what it is to you. Take the things you do like about your superwoman role, or start


Once you’ve figured out what balance means to you, take time to separate yourself from the rat race for a moment. Make a conscious decision to take a look at your life with a new perspective and seek out what you can do to create true balance in your life. Next, take the time to share the new YOU with your loved ones. Explain to them what are you doing but do not let them make you feel like you are doing something wrong. This is your decision! If it makes you feel better, tell them you are doing an experiment to see if you can feel better about yourself and your life. This may let you off the hook with them a bit because it doesn’t sound permanent. Make sure in your heart that you are comfortable with your definition of balance and that you are going to stick with it and adjust it when needed. Once you have embraced this new rhythm in your life, you will not want to go back. Your life will be filled with what your heart desires because now there will be room for it. Yes, it's possible! Anything and all things are possible when you let go of society’s rules and regulations and lead the life your heart desires. When you find the sweet spot of true balance, you know you have it all under control so you have time to be YOU. Fly Free Self-Love Empowered Superwoman; YOU deserve it!

Tami Reagor helps women change their thoughts and perspective from overwhelmed selflessness to rockin’ awesome self-love while they create the life their soul is screaming for. She is leading a gorgeous group of self-love superwomen at into a world where they respect and love themselves just the way they are-Perfect!.

“ We need women who are so strong they can be gentle, so educated they can be humble, so fierce they can be compassionate, so passionate they can be rational, and so disciplined they — Kavita Ramdas

can be free . ”






so·ci·e·ty (noun) 1.

a group formed for a particular purpose or activity


a group of human beings organized as a community


those with whom one has companionship

New content September 10th!

Society Perks • Custom guided Meditation • Stop Dieting Happy Hour • “Did she really just?”... literary podcast • Custom Spotify Playlist to Ease your Life • Becoming the Perpetual You Journal Pages

Have you been looking for a group of women to connect to who understand your true goals and desires? Are you searching for a place where you can be completely and exactly who you are and where you will be celebrated? The Perpetual You Society is a place where you can connect to other women, fully immerse yourself in the tips and techniques from the magazine and get VIP access to some of today’s greatest coaches and thought leaders. New content is uploaded every month. Create Joy, Ease, Fun and Wealth in your own life while also helping others create it in their lives! The Perpetual You is pleased to donate 5% of all memberships to a community organization that is promoting Joy, Ease, Fun, and Wealth for women/girls. See page 18 for our current featured charity. Visit to join! $25 per month or only $250 for a whole year. And all annual subscribers receive two month’s free and a special gift valued at over $100!

• Downloadable wallpaper for your phone and computer • Access to a private FB group for inspiration, challenges, and connection • New This Month: Live call-in with an expert

Special Offer for Annual Membership Purchases: Annual subscribers receive a gift certificate for a free consultation with Ashley Dees of Green Harmony Aromatherapy & Herbs or Tami Raegor of Well Being Is.

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