1 minute read


members! members!
What do you enjoy about Key Club?
In addition to giving me the chance to practice leadership abilities like communication, problem-solving, and decision-making, Key Club also gives me the chance to take part in fun neighborhood events with my friends! It also opens the door to opportunities for community service through fundraising for worthwhile causes, volunteering at nearby food banks, and taking part in a wide range of service projects.
Favorite song at the moment?
We major by Kanye Hobbies?
I love running, listening and playing music, and also gaming and reading
What do you enjoy about Key Club?
I love the community and friendships built in Key Club.
Favorite song at the moment?
Vincent by Don McLean
Favorite movie?
Pride and Prejudice Hobbies?
I love to sing, draw, read, play guitar, and play video games