HAPPY MARCH!! I hope you all are well and had a relaxing break from school. I cannot believe we are already nearing the end of the term but I am so excited to see all our division will continue to accomplish!
Since it's March that means CONCLAVE!! Reminder that this D34 South x North event is THIS SATURDAY (3/4) at Menlo-Atherton High School 10AM-12:30PM. Are you guys ready to see LTG Sriya's child elect? I HIGHLY recommend you attend. Especially to my sophomores and freshmen, this is an exciting event if you are interesting in running for Lieutenant Governor in the future :O
For my seniors I know lots of changes are happening as we look towards the end of the year. With many college decisions coming out as well, I hope you all remember that everything will work out the way it is supposed to. You got this! That goes for all you purple penguins :)) I hope you enjoy the rest of this newsletter.
I hope you are having an amazing week :)
Thank you to those of you who attended our annual Ice Skating DCM! We had lots of fun ice skating at the Cupertino Ice Rink and updating each other about our progress. Thank you to Mountain View Key Club for hosting- I highly recommend you guys attend next year if you missed out!
Conclave is just around the corner, penguins! It will be happening on Saturday, March 4th, at Menlo-Atherton High School. As a reminder, each club MUST send at least 1 delegate to Conclave. I hope you’re as excited as I am to find out who our “chosen one” will be for the next term
District Convention 2023 is now open for registration! If you are a member who is interested in attending, please reach out to your president ASAP. DCON registration will be closing SOON so get your registration in now!
Have a marvelous March, penguins!
Meet 4 D34S members Sara Khorassani, Aaron Luc, Joseph Choi, and Eva Martinez
Our officer team organized a boba fundraiser to raise money for March of Dimes! We sold a total of 100 milk tea, passionfruit green tea, and brown sugar milk boba after school on January 26 & 27. It was a successful fundraiser and we ended up raising a good amount of money!
-Lauren Gaela Homestead Key -Lauren Gaela Homestead Key Club Vice President of Projects Club Vice President of Projects
Homestead Key Club collabs with HHS Vietnamese Student Association (VSA) with a vietnamese food fundraiser and lantern making for the multicultural fair!
We had a holiday party to celebrate our key club members. We initially were going to have a bake sale but it got cancelled because of the rain.
Club editors please BEE sure to submit your monthly PR & Rec Form!
What do you enjoy about Key Club?
My favorite thing about Key Club is the friends you make along the way.
Favorite music artist?
Currently I have been obsessed with Taylor Swift and SZA Hobbies?
I enjoy swimming and reading
What do you enjoy about Key Club?
I feel like in Key Club you can do volunteer work meanwhile having a lot of fun. Like in my experience I can earn service hours by doing volunteer events with my friends and it feels like I’m just having a hangout with them even though I’m actually doing volunteer work. On top of that it also feels good to just help the community as well.
Favorite song at the moment?
Astronomy by Conan Gray Hobbies?
I enjoy hanging out with friends playing with my dog or playing video games but oftentimes I just find myself scrolling through tiktok LOL
What do you enjoy about Key Club?
In addition to giving me the chance to practice leadership abilities like communication, problem-solving, and decision-making, Key Club also gives me the chance to take part in fun neighborhood events with my friends! It also opens the door to opportunities for community service through fundraising for worthwhile causes, volunteering at nearby food banks, and taking part in a wide range of service projects.
Favorite song at the moment? We major by Kanye Hobbies?
I love running, listening and playing music, and also gaming and reading
What do you enjoy about Key Club?
I love the community and friendships built in Key Club.
Favorite song at the moment?
Vincent by Don McLean
Favorite movie?
Pride and Prejudice Hobbies?
I love to sing, draw, read, play guitar, and play video games
find the key club related words! find the key club related words!
Caring Character Building
Conclave District Convention
March of Dimes
Pingu Post Purple Service
Afterdealingwiththegruelingstrugglesofpolio,pastPresidentoftheUnitedStatesFranklinD. Rooseveltturnedtoadvocacy In1938,heestablishedtheNationalFoundationforInfantileParalysis anorganizationdedicatedtoresearchingthecausesofpolioandcreatingvaccinestoendit;a mission,whicheffectivelyendedthepolioepidemicintheUnitedStates
Followingthecompletionofitsmainmission,theNIFPwasrebrandedasMarchofDimes, withanewfocus:preventingbirthdefectsandinfantmortality.Throughgenerous fundingandassistancefromtheUS public,MarchofDimeshasbeentremendously successfulindiscoveringthegeneticcausesofbirthdefects,promotingnewborn screeningforhealthconcerns,educatingmedicalprofessionalsabouthealthy pregnancyprocedures,andmuchmore.Withthesethingsinmind,it’sabundantlyclear whytheCali-Nev-HaDistricthaschosentopartnerwithMarchofDimes,inhopesof betteringthelivesofinfantsacrosstheUnitedStates.
Penny wars
Four containers/boxes Craft supplies for decoration
Candies/Snacks as rewards
Club yard sale
Miles for dimes
Baby Sock DecoratingMake sure to contact the hospitals beforehand!
Materials: • Baby Socks (no design/solid color) • Fabric
Paint (variety of colors) •
Rubber Bands • Bags/Containers
No-sew Hats for Babies "Get Well Soon" Cards for Mothers
This month, Cupertino hosted two member meeting where our members had the chance to get service hours and bond with other members. Our members had a total of six service event opportunities and volunteered for a total of 33 hours. We also held a successful boba fundraiser where we fully sold out so HUGE THANK YOU!!
For this month, we announced six new events with four in person events and two at-home events. Our junior officers came up with an exciting game night social where we’ll be selling boba and lychee cakes. The money will be donated to the Pediatric Trauma Program!
Club presidents please be sure to submit your monthly newsletter summaries!
Google Reflector
Facebook Group
The Pingu Post on Issuu
Instagram @d34south Youtube
Lieutenant Governor
Executive Assistant KellyChu(Lynbrook)
Tech Editors
Megan Tang (Cupertino)
Ellie Yao (Cupertino)
Fundraising Coordinators
Hannah Su (Lynbrook)
Clara Takahashi (Monta Vista) d34s.cnhkc.tcfc@gmail.com
Service Projects Coordinators
Jazlyn Dias (Mountain View)
Reeya Sawhney (Monta Vista) d34s.cnhkc.spc@gmail.com
Spirit Coordinators
Angelina Kondo (Cupertino)
Shriya Shekatkar (Monta Vista)
Angelina Kondo
Claudia Escorcia
Kaylee Wong
Valerie Xu
Los Altos
Zoe Cohn
Hannah Su & Sophie Yang
Isabella Kha
Monta Vista
Anika Edara & Emi Kosakura
Mountain View
Sami Frehner
Palo Alto
Olivia Hau & Kylie Tzeng
Region Advisor
Valarie Brown-Klingelhoefer