HAPPY NEW YEAR PURPLE PENGUINS! I cannot believe 2023 is already here. Hoping you all are having a relaxing winter break!
It was super fun seeing you penguins sing your heart out at our “Caroling for Cans” December DCM. Shoutout to my home club Homestead for all the prep work we did making posters and setting up the bags. We received 250-300 canned food donations! It was super fun and I highly encourage you all to attend next year:)
As we start second semester I wish you all the best! I cannot wait to see the great things our division will accomplish! So let’s make the most of the rest of the term. Enjoy the rest of this year and the rest of this newsletter :)
I hope you had a wonderful Winter Break and are well-rested as we enter second semester. I know you are all going to do amazing :)
I hope you all enjoyed our December DCM! The canned food drive was extremely successful and we managed to donate over 40 bags worth of food! Special thank you to Homestead Key Club for hosting this event. I highly encourage you guys to attend next year if you missed out; “Caroling for Cans” is a D34S tradition and is always a super fun event!
Conclave is just around the corner! We will be hosting Conclave with Division 34 North, our sister division, sometime in February. I highly recommend that officers AND members attend this event, as it is a great opportunity to get involved in the division and learn more about our elections. Each school MUST send 2 delegates in order for our election to be accurate. More information will be se
In honor of Veteran's Day, we hosted a Poppy Card Making event that is symbolic to the holiday. During the event, members folded beautiful origami poppies, and attached them to cards where they wrote a small inspirational message for the war hero. Our Project Chair, Chloe, also brought this beautiful red origami paper so all the poppies turned out extremely vibrant! Additionally, in order to make it in time for Veteran's day, this event was hosted a week prior to the holiday. According to Chloe, all the cards were mailed to an address that collected the messages for the veterans. :)
At the end of homecoming week at MVHS, we have a picnic where clubs can sell food and products. We sold bundtinis for $3 each to raise money.
-Kimberly Bowman Mountain View Key PR
At the end of homecoming week at MVHS, we have a picnic where clubs can sell food and products. We sold bundtinis for $3 each to raise money.
-Barali Kitiyakara Los Altos Key Club
New year means new service opportunities. For this month, CNH focuses on the Children’s Miracle Network organization (CMN). CMN provides funds for children’s hospitals, medical research, and raises community awareness of children's health issues. With as many as over 20,000 kids are being treated under the CMN hospitals. Continue to support the Children’s Miracle Network with this month’s event, service project, and fundraiser ideas! Don't forget to submit your service projects to the SOSP form that can be found at cnhkeyclub.com
Design a sock - Non-slip socks are the perfect (and comfy) way to ensure patients are able to stay warm and safe during their stay a hospital. With your help, you can serve your time in making decorative & special socks for young patients’. Let your creativity roam free!
Care Packages - During difficult hospital stays, many children are missing essential necessities. Lip balm, vaseline, gum, hand sanitizer, pens & notepads, or even hard candies can make a child’s day within a CMH Hospital.
Include a nice note within the gift bags as an extra way to give service! Make sure to visit the hospital’s website or call the front desk to learn rules about volunteer dropoffs
Homestead High School Club of the Month
We have been preparing to host the November DCM, where we will be making baby blankets to be donated to a local children's hospital! We also hosted service opportunities helping local elementary schools that had high member turnout.
This month we opened up dues and spirit gear to the members. We also announced six service opportunities with four of the six being in person events like coloring and decorating pages from Color A Smile and making thankful cards. Lastly, we are preparing for our DCM, Caroling for Cans!
We planned a fundraiser, and are planning a holiday party before break.
In November, Mountain View Key Club volunteered at multiple 5k race events - the Down by the Bay 5k and the MVHS Turkey Trot. We have also worked on continuing our service project of Charity Miles and Second Harvest Food Bank.
Lieutenant Governor
SriyaPillutla(MountainView) d34s.ltg@cnhkeyclub.org
KimberlyBowman(MountainView) d34s.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com
Executive Assistant KellyChu(Lynbrook) d34s.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com
LaurenGaela(Homestead) d34s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com
Secretary AdithriSharma(Lynbrook) SusanChen(Cupertino) d34s.cnhkc.dsec@gmail.com
Tech Editors
Megan Tang (Cupertino) Ellie Yao (Cupertino) d34s.cnhkc.tctech@gmail.com
Fundraising Coordinators
Hannah Su (Lynbrook) Clara Takahashi (Monta Vista) d34s.cnhkc.tcfc@gmail.com
Service Projects Coordinators
Jazlyn Dias (Mountain View) Reeya Sawhney (Monta Vista) d34s.cnhkc.spc@gmail.com
Spirit Coordinators
Angelina Kondo (Cupertino) Shriya Shekatkar (Monta Vista) d34s.cnhkc.tcspirit@gmail.com
DIVISIONWEBSITE division34south.weebly.com
DISTRICTWEBSITE cnhkeyclub.org