2 minute read
"An Incredible Sense of Honor"
Sweet Adelines International President-Elect Joan Boutilier discovered the organization in the 1980s when a fellow teacher showed her a photo of her chorus, Vienna Falls. In 1989, Joan’s family moved to Illinois. On a trip to the library, her husband took down the number of Country Chords Chorus from a flyer and encouraged her to visit.
“I was mainly looking to fill my musical soul and make friends, but the BASS SOUND inspired me to sign up!” she said.
Since then, this accomplished tenor has sung with Melodeers Chorus and directed Choral-Aires Chorus and River City Sound Chorus. She has sung tenor with quartets Time Was, Surround Sound, Spritzer, and 2008 International Champion Quartet, Four Bettys.
Prior to joining Sweet Adelines, Joan earned a bachelor’s degree in music education from the University of New Mexico. She is currently Master Director of River City Sound Chorus (#3), a chorus and quartet coach, Certified Sound Judge, Approved Candidate Judge in Expression, and International Faculty. She serves on the International Board of Directors (IBOD), where she is on the Editorial Review Board and the Finance Committee for 2019-2020.
“My membership and participation in Sweet Adelines grew as my family did, and my time became filled with singing, directing, coaching, educating, judging and leading,” she said. “I’ve seen time and again how women need the experience of being a member of Sweet Adelines because they are bound to change and grow as a person, becoming empowered to do things they might otherwise never experience. The powerful and enduring friendships I’ve made and that I’ve seen formed through membership in this organization are priceless. But what I also know, now more than ever, is that women absolutely love singing barbershop harmony. Like me, they may like singing a wide variety of a cappella songs, but barbershop is what makes it possible for ordinary voices to create extra-ordinary music. I feel privileged to get to preserve the craft while witnessing the spirit and power of Sweet Adelines in women’s lives.”
As president, Joan will be committed to fostering that spirit and power.
“The diverse representation of attendees at the Visioning Retreat in November of 2018 boldly presented thoughts and dreams of how to take us forward with energy and fresh ideas,” she said. “I look forward to bringing to fruition the strategic plan born out of that retreat. I want to support our new Arranger Certification Program whole-heartedly. I’d like us to grow in membership not for the sake of being ‘bigger’ but because women need what we bring to them — singing, education, friendship, leadership opportunities, and the stability and integrity of Sweet Adelines International.”
Beginning her presidency in the organization’s 75th year, Joan is aware of her place in the legacy.
“I suppose all presidents say the same thing, but it’s hard not to feel an incredible sense of honor stepping into this role,” she said. “For 75 years, presidents have done their very best to make my own chorus and quartet get-togethers the best times of my week. Getting to play a part in that for the people and organization I love will be a challenge and a gift.”
Joan’s term as Sweet Adelines International president begins May 1, 2020.