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IBOD Election
The election to fill three expiring terms on the
International Board of Directors (IBOD) concluded on December 2, 2020, at 3 p.m. CST (9 p.m. GMT).
Elected to a three-year term were Sharon Cartwright, Vocalescence Chorus, Region 34, Janice McKenna, Pacific Sound Chorus, Region 13, and Julie Starr, Bay Area Showcase Chorus, Region 12. The term runs May 1, 2021, through April 30, 2024.
The Board also appointed one member to serve a oneyear term beginning on the same day. The appointee is Elaine Hamilton, Forth Valley Chorus, Region 31.
Sweet Adelines International President Joan Boutilier said that participation in the 2020 election stood at 91.5 percent, lower than the 93.4 percent participation recorded in the 2019 election. This year, seven regions achieved 100 percent chapter vote participation: Midwest Harmony Region 3, Spirit of the Midwest Region 5, Northern Lights Region 6, Pacific Shores Region 12, Greater NY/NJ Region 15, Nordic Light Region 32, and New Zealand Region 35.
Sharon Cartwright Janice McKenna Julie Starr Elaine Hamilton
The Pitch Pipe needs you!
Have you had a meaningful, funny, or interesting experience during virtual rehearsal? Have you spent time reflecting on what barbershop singing or Sweet Adelines means to you? Have you received or witnessed a kindness from your Sweet Adelines family that you’d like to share? We’d love to read it – and possibly print it in The Pitch Pipe!
Send your submissions to communications@sweetadelines.com with “Attn: Stacy Pratt” in the subject line.
A few general guidelines:
• Tell a story (beginning, middle, end). • Keep your submission between 500-700 words in length. • Send your submission as a Word document. • Send photos. (High resolution is great, but send what you have!) • Include a 1-2 sentence bio telling your chorus/quartet affiliation, voice part, etc. • All submissions are subject to editing, and not all submissions will be printed in The Pitch Pipe. (Some may be used for other SA media.)
You will be notified about the status of your submission.