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Nominees for the 2020-2023 Sweet Adelines International Board of Directors
This election will fill four expiring board terms, beginning May 1, 2020 and ending April 30, 2023. Ballots are due at international headquarters by 3 p.m. Central Time (8 p.m. UTC), Wednesday, December 4, 2019.
EDUCATION: College Diploma: Computer Programming and Business Systems Analysis
SPECIALIZED TRAINING: Technical – Training Adults Certification, PRINCE2 Certification (Project Management), PROSCI Change Management, Graham Business Process Review/Improvement, 6 Thinking Hats. Leadership and Cultural Training – Holding to Account, Leading from Within, Emotional Intelligence, Three Conversations of Leadership
CURRENT AND PAST OCCUPATIONS: Current: Consultant Team Lead (IT Applications). Past: Project Manager, Database Analyst, Systems Analyst, Computer Programmer
LIST FIVE SIGNIFICANT LEADERSHIP ROLES YOU HAVE HELD IN SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL: International Board of Directors (Executive Committee Member as International Secretary), Task Force Specialist, Task Force Chair, Regional Leadership Committee, Panel Secretary
HOW DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE TO SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL AS A MEMBER OF THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS? I strive to address challenges and problems with innovative and practical solutions with a focus on delivering benefits to the membership of Sweet Adelines. My varied experiences in the organization have provided me with a broad perspective to share at the International Board table.
WHAT SPECIFIC SKILLS, IDEAS TALENTS, ETC., WOULD YOU BRING TO THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD? My professional background in the business world is an asset in navigating a time of change for Sweet Adelines. I can apply my experience in strategic planning, project management and business process improvement to help facilitate healthy and progressive changes.
WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION? Sweet Adelines is known for providing a community where those who love to sing are celebrated for their unique gifts and contributions. In addition to enabling the pursuit and achievement of musical excellence, Sweet Adelines provides its members with opportunities to develop as high profile community and business leaders. WHAT SHOULD BE THE PRIORITIES FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OVER THE NEXT FIVE TO 10 YEARS? Efforts should be focused on raising the profile of Sweet Adelines by emphasizing the quality of education and the benefits of membership and developing strong outreach programs. Tapping into the passion and extensive talents of our members will ensure the organization remains rewarding, relevant and vibrant.
DESCRIBE WHAT YOU THINK SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL WILL BE LIKE 25 YEARS FROM NOW: Our stories will serve as the foundations for inspirational and motivational presentations, especially for the empowerment that comes with belonging in Sweet Adelines. Our educators will be sought after as experts to develop and support musical and leadership programs around the world. Everyone will want to be a part of this!
EDUCATION: North Garland High School, Dallas Baptist College – BME (Bachelor of Music Ed.), Univ. of North Texas – worked on Masters in Music Education
SPECIALIZED TRAINING: Commercial Insurance; Leadership Education
CURRENT AND PAST OCCUPATIONS: Middle School and High School Choral Music Director, Church Music Director, Commercial Insurance Account Representative
LIST FIVE SIGNIFICANT LEADERSHIP ROLES YOU HAVE HELD IN SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL: International Board of Directors (Executive Committee member as International President, Secretary, and Immediate Past President), Judge Specialist Moderator, Judge Specialist – Expression Category, Regional Leadership Committee Chair, Regional Education Coordinator and Directors Coordinator
HOW DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE TO SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL AS A MEMBER OF THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS? With a deep love for this organization and our members, I bring a visionary and service-oriented approach as well as strength in leadership and strategic planning. With experience at all levels of Sweet Adeline life—from member to chorus, regional and International
WHAT SPECIFIC SKILLS, IDEAS TALENTS, ETC., WOULD YOU BRING TO THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD? I have strong leadership, educational and visionary skills combined with a broad exposure to our membership and a deep love for this organization. I am experienced in administrative areas and have strong communication and people skills as well as creative thinking/problem solving skills.
WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION? My vision would be to share our special kind of harmony and sisterhood with all women; to grow, strengthen and empower our membership while developing leaders who creatively serve our diverse membership with premier musical and educational opportunities; to be financially strong and secure for future generations as we walk together with the unity, joy and harmony that singing together creates and multiplies.
WHAT SHOULD BE THE PRIORITIES FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OVER THE NEXT FIVE TO 10 YEARS? Membership stability and expansion; development of future leaders – musical and administrative; financial strength that feeds our future; strategies and implementation of broader outreach into all diversities and countries; encouragement, education and empowerment of all singers and all levels.
DESCRIBE WHAT YOU THINK SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL WILL BE LIKE 25 YEARS FROM NOW: A vibrant, fun, diverse, highly respected and educational hobby for all women, promoting personal growth, musical performance, entertainment, friendship and barbershop harmony. We will be known as the premier women’s musical organization. We will embrace new technologies and ideas that support our membership while we stand as a strong, united voice showing our world the power of music, education, teamwork and harmony.
EDUCATION: Ed.D., Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis; MSEd., Educational Leadership; BA, English/Criminal Justice
SPECIALIZED TRAINING: Certified Innermetrix Assessment Tools interpreter (identifying and accessing human capital), certified by the American Society for Quality (ASQ), Missouri Quality Award examiner training, decades of professional development in learning, engagement, college student acculturation/transition/retention/completion; advising; facilities planning; academic libraries
CURRENT AND PAST OCCUPATIONS: Current: Organizational Effectiveness Consultant. Past: University Dean
LIST FIVE SIGNIFICANT LEADERSHIP ROLES YOU HAVE HELD IN SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL: International Board of Directors, International Faculty, Regional Leadership Development Coordinator, Chorus Director, Membership Development Representative (& International Membership Committee) HOW DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE TO SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL AS A MEMBER OF THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS? I offer a deep desire to serve complemented by a keen understanding of complex organizational structures and an acute sense of organizational gaps that can be strategically addressed. My entire career, both work and SA, has centered on recognizing possibility and intentionally developing the myriad talents of organizational members.
WHAT SPECIFIC SKILLS, IDEAS TALENTS, ETC., WOULD YOU BRING TO THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD? I possess strong organizational vision and am a collaborative leader who embraces shared decision-making and opportunities to re-frame the possibilities. My experiences include serving as a front-line director and as a team leader, in addition to facilitating many planning and leadership development sessions with regions and choruses of all sizes.
WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION? To capture and expand to broader audiences SA’s unique opportunities for women. SA is exponentially more than a singing organization. As an investment in oneself, SA fills a fundamental need to learn, grow, lead, laugh, to risk, to belong, to be applauded and supported all in a truly intergenerational and inclusive environment.
WHAT SHOULD BE THE PRIORITIES FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OVER THE NEXT FIVE TO 10 YEARS? Organizational sustainability and membership growth. Welcoming and embracing diversity. Leadership development at all levels, especially for our directors. Director succession planning. Encouraging flexible chorus organizational models that meet the needs of the chorus and its members. Capitalizing on distance-learning and other technologies to enhance the member experience, engagement, and opportunity.
DESCRIBE WHAT YOU THINK SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL WILL BE LIKE 25 YEARS FROM NOW: A vibrant, high-value organization with deeply engaged members who treasure SA’s primary purpose and who also highly value the collateral and symbiotic benefits that accrue to the members and their many communities throughout their organizational journey.
EDUCATION: High School
SPECIALIZED TRAINING: Training/Coaching, HR, Recruitment, Leadership, Facilitation, Customer Service, Team Leading and Presentation skills; DCP Certified Director and Regional Faculty trained
CURRENT AND PAST OCCUPATIONS: Currently self-employed vocal/quartet/ chorus coach. Previously Musical Director of the Edinburgh Police Choir for two years and Assistant Director with a men’s barbershop chorus. Previous employment was with a worldwide bank, where I was employed in the HR, Recruitment and Training departments.
LIST FIVE SIGNIFICANT LEADERSHIP ROLES YOU HAVE HELD IN SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL: Co-Chair of IES 2019; Member of the Editorial Review Board (from May 2019); Member of the YSF Management Committee (2012 to 2015); RMT Team Coordinator (current); RMT Education Coordinator (2010 to 2016)
HOW DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE TO SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL AS A MEMBER OF THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS? Extensive RMT experiences have provided opportunities for me to gain insight into issues facing members. With a proven track record in finding creative, cost-effective solutions that benefit our members, I can add value to the IBOD by bringing a fresh global perspective. My endless enthusiasm is a plus too!
WHAT SPECIFIC SKILLS, IDEAS TALENTS, ETC., WOULD YOU BRING TO THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD? I have integrity and the ability to reflect/consider all aspects of a debate, whilst being fair and impartial. I am loyal, honest, articulate and a passionate Sweet Adeline. I am able to deliver solutions which benefit members, e.g. increasing attendance at education events in Region #31 by nearly 50%.
WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION? To be widely recognized as a leader in singing through greater media exposure, using the increasing interest in a cappella singing to broadcast our excellence in education. More women of all ages will be inspired to be the best they can be and our global presence will be extensive.
WHAT SHOULD BE THE PRIORITIES FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OVER THE NEXT FIVE TO 10 YEARS? Listening to our members is always a priority. Creating top class education options affordable for all. Working on membership retention and membership growth using attractive, inclusive marketing promoting the joy and health benefits of singing. Devising creative ways to source wider revenue streams outside of SA to build financial stability.
DESCRIBE WHAT YOU THINK SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL WILL BE LIKE 25 YEARS FROM NOW: The premier worldwide provider of vocal education, renowned for excellence in a cappella singing, whilst maintaining our barbershop roots. Members will feel valued, attrition will be at an all-time low, with a diverse pool of new members wanting to join us through new, innovative promotion of our unique product.
EDUCATION: B.A., Human Services with a minor in Vocal Pedagogy
SPECIALIZED TRAINING: Certified Crisis Intervention Counselor, Leadership development seminars & workshops outside of SA
CURRENT AND PAST OCCUPATIONS: Vocal Performance Coach, Assistant Director of Youth Services at the American Red Cross, Community Health Educator at Good Samaritan Hospital, Federal Probation Officer
8 | OctOber 2019
LIST FIVE SIGNIFICANT LEADERSHIP ROLES YOU HAVE HELD IN SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL: Judge Specialist – Expression Category, Certified Expression Judge & Panel Chair, Co-Chair of IES 2020, Certified International Faculty, Master Director 700 of Skyline Chorus
HOW DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE TO SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL AS A MEMBER OF THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS? I have very strong leadership, interpersonal, and communication skills. I have experience as a judge and coach in every Sweet Adeline region. I lead and serve with a whole heart and am passionate about helping women to find their voice.
WHAT SPECIFIC SKILLS, IDEAS TALENTS, ETC., WOULD YOU BRING TO THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD? I come to the table with myriad skills—45 years of experience in the organization; directing, building, and leading a successful chorus where the culture is education through rehearsals, competition, and performance; and coaching, teaching, and judging throughout the organization. I am also a small, service-oriented business co-owner.
WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION? To lead the field in a cappella singing. To develop leaders that are transformative, inclusive, and courageous. SA needs to cultivate a culture of belonging, inclusivity, and diverse perspectives. Harmony creates harmony and brings hope to the universe.
WHAT SHOULD BE THE PRIORITIES FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OVER THE NEXT FIVE TO 10 YEARS? Developing leaders with vision and educational purpose. Continue to collaborate and interface with all musical entities. Increase our global presence and reach deeply into our communities to give in a way that lifts everyone.
DESCRIBE WHAT YOU THINK SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL WILL BE LIKE 25 YEARS FROM NOW: We will be the world’s premier a cappella organization and will be respected and called upon frequently for our expertise in performance excellence, leadership development, and adult and youth education. We will be thriving.
EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science – Physical therapy, Master of Arts – Gerontology
SPECIALIZED TRAINING: Physical therapy continuing education (20 hours annually)
CURRENT AND PAST OCCUPATIONS: Retired physical therapist – primarily worked with adult and geriatric population, chorus and quartet coach, chorus director
LIST FIVE SIGNIFICANT LEADERSHIP ROLES YOU HAVE HELD IN SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL: Certified Sound Judge, Education Direction Committee (Directors’ Liaison), International Faculty, International Board of Directors, Co-Chair of 2019 Directors and Visual Leaders Seminar and 2016 Directors Seminar
HOW DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE TO SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL AS A MEMBER OF THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS? My love of Sweet Adelines is the catalyst for wanting to serve. It is crucial that we explore new, innovative ideas while staying true to our mission and honoring our past. I believe in supporting and empowering others, providing education, opportunity, and tools to achieve their own goals.
WHAT SPECIFIC SKILLS, IDEAS TALENTS, ETC., WOULD YOU BRING TO THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD? Having held leadership roles at all levels of Sweet Adelines, I am able to balance needs of individual members and the overall organization. Listening to understand and being respectful of others’ views allows open discussion to explore new ideas and concepts. Fostering growth and development in others.
WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION? Sweet Adelines is widely recognized as the leading educational and musical organization for women of all ages and backgrounds. Fiscally sound with solid financial plans for the future, we provide affordable opportunities for women to grow as leaders and performers through on site educational events, online educational options, and live performances. WHAT SHOULD BE THE PRIORITIES FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OVER THE NEXT FIVE TO 10 YEARS? As membership in volunteer organizations declines, Sweet Adelines must employ grassroots efforts to maintain and increase membership by highlighting advantages of membership: music; camaraderie; development of leadership skill; personal relationships. We will benefit from a greater focus on non-dues income and philanthropy. Our strategic plan must be turned into action to meet our visionary goals.
DESCRIBE WHAT YOU THINK SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL WILL BE LIKE 25 YEARS FROM NOW: Sweet Adelines will be a thriving organization, providing an outlet for women to express themselves through music. Our focus will be on education, personal growth and development. Creative membership options will keep women engaged. While using technology to our greatest advantage, we will not forget the importance of interpersonal relationships. We create harmony through music and friendships.
ON THE RISERS AND IN THE BALLOT BOX, YOUR VOICE MATTERS! Your support of Sweet Adelines International leaders at every level helps ensure that our organization can fulfill its mission of “Elevating women singers worldwide through education, performance, and competition in barbershop harmony and a cappella music.”
QUESTIONS? Call headquarters: 1-800-992-7464; 1-918-622-1444; or email Janell@sweetadelines.com.