The Pitt News
The independent student newspaper of the University of Pittsburgh | | December 7, 2016 | Volume 107 | Issue 91
PITT HIRES PSYCHIATRIST Lauren Rosenblatt News Editor
National Public Radio broadcaster Cokie Roberts signs a copy of one of her books for Mt. Lebanon resident Sharon Biasca evening giving a speech on the 2016 election and its results at Alumni Hall. Stephen Caruso SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER
Assistant News Editor After the 23rd burglary in Oakland this semester occurred last week, police have arrested two men for this most recent incident. Pittsburgh police arrested 18-year-old Jamal Kyte-Saverly and an unnamed 17-year-old man in connection with the Dec. 1 burglary in the 300 block of Meyran Avenue. Kyte-Saverly was charged with one count of conspiracy to commit burglary and overnight accommodation with person present, one count of theft
by unlawful taking, one count of burglary and four counts of receiving stolen property. In Kyte-Saverly’s court documents, Jakeem Booker, a 17-year-old man, is listed as a co-defendant. It was not clear on Tuesday if Booker is the same 17-year-old police arrested. Emily Schaffer, the assistant public information officer for Pittsburgh’s Department of Public Safety, said police are still investigating whether or not the men are involved in the other Oakland burglaries this semester. No arrests have been made or suspects
identified in the 22 other burglaries that have taken place in Oakland since August. In most of these burglaries, the burglar, or burglars, entered the home through an unlocked door or window while the tenants were either sleeping or not home. In addition to the burglary on Dec. 1, two other homes were targeted that day, one on the 3700 block of Parkview Avenue and another home in the 3400 block of Ward Street. The home on Ward Street had also been burglarSee Burglaries on page 3
Even as students complained that Pitt hadn’t hired replacement psychiatrists to staff its Counseling Center, it appears administrators had actually — and quietly — filled one of the open positions. In an email sent Dec. 6, University spokesperson Shawn Ahearn said that Dr. Jennifer Prins, a board-certified psychiatrist, joined the Student Health Service staff nearly a month ago, on Nov. 11. Prins works two full days a week at Student Health Service and is usually there on Tuesdays and Thursdays, although her schedule is subject to change, Ahearn said. In an interview on Oct. 27, Pitt said it had not yet hired a part-time or full-time psychiatrist. In an email on Nov. 16, Ahearn refused to answer any additional follow-up questions, including those related to the process of hiring new psychiatrists. The University did not formally announce the hire, and the counseling center’s website hadn’t been updated as of Tuesday evening. In repeated interviews with The Pitt News, most recently on Nov. 16 — five days after the hire — the University said the search was ongoing and would not comment further. After the email confirming the new hire on Dec. 6, Ahearn was not available for further comment, so it is unclear why the University did not announce the hire of a new psychiatrist after a six-month search and repeated student concerns that there wasn’t one. Prins, who was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, See Psychiatrist on page 1