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The Pitt News

The independent student newspaper of the University of Pittsburgh | PIttnews.com | february 10, 2017 | Volume 107 | Issue 120

anti-sanctuary campus bill moves forward


Amanda Reed

Assistant News Editor

With the potential passage of an antisanctuary bill looming, the state and some Pennsylvania universities are at odds. But Pitt — where a sanctuary campus petition and a letter in the same vein have been circulating for weeks — has remained silent on the issue, making it unclear if a bill currently sitting in the state House would affect the University’s funding. The Pennsylvania Senate passed a bill — then called SB 10 and sponsored by Sen. Guy Reschenthaler — on Feb. 7 that would withhold funding from municipalities and counties that do not cooperate with federal immigration authorities. The bill, now called HB 14, is currently in the House, which will not be in session until March 13. A vote for HB14 is not yet listed on the House’s calendar, which goes up to March 16. “This is a controversial issue, but the bill is simple,” said the bill’s sponsor, Rep. Jerry Knowles, in a January Facebook post. “Institutions that comply with federal law will receive state funding as normal. Those who decide not to follow the law would not receive state funding. We cannot select which laws we want to follow and obey and which laws we want to ignore and break.” See Sanctuaries on page 10

Pittsburghers braved the cold to attend the Academics United demonstration to show support for citizens affected by President Trump’s immigration ban executive order. Elaina Zachos SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER in attendance not only as a member of the associ- mediate affect, a San Francisco-based Ninth CirMax Datner ation but also as someone impacted by President cuit Court of Appeals refused to uphold Trump’s For the Pitt News Donald Trump’s travel ban, the central issue of the immigration orders in a 3-0 vote later that night. Setareh Sarachi stood in a crowd huddled The President fired back in an angry all-caps event. under the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy tent in Sarachi will graduate in the spring, and she tweet, writing “See you in court! The security of Schenley Plaza Thursday afternoon, surrounded is sure her mother, an Iranian citizen, will not be our nation is at stake!” by protesters guarding their signs against the But those gathered on Thursday, including able to attend. swirling winter weather. “Everybody’s so confused,” she said. “Every- Sarachi, said they were already concerned about The group was there, starting at noon, for the body’s hopeful for something, but at the end, we their security. As an Iranian, the process of com“Academics United - No Visa and Immigration all know that’s not going to happen. She’s not go- ing to the U.S. involves applying for a visa outside Ban: Pittsburgh” event hosted by the Iranian Stuof Iran, doing an interview and going through a ing to be here.” dent Association of Pittsburgh. Sarachi, a secondAlmost as if the small gathering had an imSee Protest on page 10 year master’s student of information science, was

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