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The Pitt News

The independent student newspaper of the University of Pittsburgh | PIttnews.com | march 16, 2017 | Volume 107 | Issue 139

PPA shares parking permit plan at Oakwatch


James Evan Bowen-Gaddy Assistant News Editor

Pittsburgh Parking Authority is implementing a new digitalized parking system, rather than using sticker parking permits, as early as May 1. John Fournier, director of enforcement and residential permit parking from the Pittsburgh Parking Authority, made the announcement at the monthly Oakwatch: the Oakland Code Enforcement Project meeting. The Oakland Planning and Development Corporation runs the public forum, where community members engage in a discussion with police forces, members of the mayor’s office, Pitt officials and guest speakers about enforcing code violations. The chairs of Oakwatch budgeted extra time Wednesday for discussion John Dick Winters (left) performs at Collegiates and Comedians, a Pitt Tonight event hosted by Phil Forrence (right). Julia Zhu STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER surrounding parking concerns, namely the alleged illegal trade of parking passes and overcrowding of parking in Oakland. After taking notes about resident’s parking concerns, Fournier announced Zoe Pawliczek and Rose Luder believe one can develop resistance to pollu- Pitt Union Wednesday night from 6 to 7:30 the new system in which Pittsburgh resip.m. The lecture, hosted by FORGE — a tion. The Pitt News Staff dents would apply online for parking Pitt group for facilitating opportunities for “Some of my students have hurt me tellWhen Pitt political science professor Iza rights, rather than the current system in refugee growth and empowerment — highing these jokes, ” Ding said. “It’s a psychologwhich the PPA mails residents a physical Ding developed a cough while researching lighted how the varying global stances on ical strategy developed to normalize these in China, her students joked her lungs were parking permit that sticks to their car. climate change is affecting the definition of issues. ” “There’s this convenience factor,” too “Westernized.” a refugee. To increase awareness about these issues Ding, who researches global and regionFournier said. “And it also stops the black During her lecture she shared her findand other environmental concerns regardal environmentalism in Eastern Asia and market.” ings from her research on China, a couning climate change, Ding spoke to a crowd According to Fournier, the stickerless Central and Eastern Europe, said people of 25 students about environmental politics in China, who deal with worse air polluSee Oakwatch on page 2 tion than those in the United States, often and refugee displacement in the William See Environment on page 3

Pitt professor lectures on climate change, refugees

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