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The Pitt News

T h e i n d e p e n d e n t s t ude nt ne w spap e r of t he U niversity of Pittsburgh | PIttnews.com | March 4, 2020 ­| Volume 110 | Issue 234




For The Pitt News

tion of the hearing discussing other issues facing the University, such as student debt, the changing landscape of technology in the workforce and the growing importance of technical education. State Sen. Andrew Dinniman, D-19, along with other state senators, was concerned with the rapid rate of technological change that education has to keep up with. “One of the things that I hope will end here, that I’ve witnessed for the 14 years I’ve been here, is we simply give out the money based on the way we’ve always done in the past,” Dinniman said. “The plain fact is, the present is not the past, the present is very different, the rate of change we’ve never experienced in human history

At 44 years old, janera solomon is now unemployed for the first time since high school. It’s a conscious decision — after 11 years serving as the executive director of the Kelly Strayhorn Theater in East Liberty, the Pitt alum retired from the position in December to head in a different, unknown direction. “Things feel really important at one particular moment, and in the next it’s not. New things become important,” she said. “At certain moments you have to make shifts, or else how do you know what you’re capable of?” A dozen students assembled early Tuesday morning in the Cathedral of Learning to hear solomon speak on her non-conventional career path and Pittsburgh’s theater scene during the Honors College’s Alumni Breakfast Series. solomon is the former executive director of the Kelly Strayhorn Theater, a non-profit community theater featuring many art forms, ranging from contemporary dance to multimedia, which she led for 11 years before retiring this past December. She is a Guyanese immigrant who came to the United States when she was 9, as well as a Pitt alum, having graduated from the University in 1988 with a B.A. in Multi/Interdisciplinary Arts — a selfdesigned degree combining Africana studies, economics, history, philosophy and English. She was approached by the theater in 2007 for the executive director position due to her previous work with Toronto-based consulting firm Lord Cultural Resources,

See Funding on page 3

See Solomon on page 3

Fossil Free Pitt protestors and the Pitt Therapy Dogs share the same space in the Cathedral Tuesday evening. Nate Kohler staff photographer


The Pitt News Staff Chancellor Patrick Gallagher testified Tuesday in front of the State Senate Appropriations Committee in Harrisburg with other executives from Pennsylvania universities, hoping to increase state funding for higher education for the 2020-21 fiscal year. During his speech to the Committee, Gallagher, who spoke as part of a panel with executives from other Pennsylvania state-related universities, including Penn State, Lincoln and Temple, focused on how state-related universities have been increasingly contributing to financial aid. He also said schools play a role in attracting

new people in the face of the state’s stagnating population growth. Pitt has requested a 5.5% increase in funding from the Commonwealth for 2021. However, in Gov. Tom Wolf ’s proposed $36.1 billion budget released in early February, all four state-related universities would receive flat funding. Pitt received a 2% increase, or around $3.5 million, in funding last year after initially requesting a 6.5% increase, or $9.1 million. Following this, tuition rates went up 2.75% for most in-state students and 5% for most out-of-state students for the current academic year. State senators were largely noncommittal about the amount of money Pitt would receive for next year and spent a large por-

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