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The Pitt News

T h e i n d e p e n d e n t s t ude nt ne w spap e r of t he U niversity of Pittsburgh | PIttnews.com | April 17, 2019 ­| Volume 109 | Issue 144



Jon Moss

Contributing Editor

A memorial for the victims of the Christchurch, New Zealand, shooting that occurred on March 15 was displayed outside the William Pitt Union on Tuesday. Hannah Heisler | senior staff photographer


On Tuesday night at its final meeting of the academic year, Pitt Student Government Board shared memories of late nights in the office and members falling asleep during meetings. Each board member and committee chair provided a synopsis of their

SGB experience from this year in lieu of typical reports. Some committee chairs introduced their successors before starting their remarks, naming incoming Elections Chair Nick Bibby, incoming Academic Affairs Chair Durga Ramachandran, incoming Community and Government Relations Chair Tyler Viljaste, incoming Wellness Chair

Neena Duong and incoming Diversity and Inclusion Chair Ravi Gandhi. Current board member and President-elect Zechariah Brown spoke about how the SGB community has been integral in his time at Pitt. He said to outsiders it may seem that the board is just a group of people who See SGB on page 2

Market Central passed a Tuesday reinspection by the Allegheny County Health Department after being cited for nine health code violations last Monday. In the original inspection, Market received two high-risk violations due to cooked tofu stored at improper temperatures and “dried residue” present on a cutting board. Two medium-risk and five low-risk violations were also levied against the facility. When reinspected, the facility had satisfactory results in these categories, according to the Tuesday report. Market received 21 violations in an inspection last October, prompting outrage from students. The facility was reinspected later in October and received seven violations. According to the reinspection report, the health department inspector met on-site with Sodexo and Pitt management after the reinspection. University spokesperson Joe Miksch said the reinspection results were due to “immediate corrective actions” on the part of Sodexo. “Food safety remains a top priority and we take all food safety and service violations seriously,” Miksch said in an email. “Our partners at Sodexo took immediate corrective actions and today’s Allegheny County Health Department reinspection of Market Central resulted in zero violations, which is and will remain our goal for every inspection.”

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