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T h e i n d e p e n d e n t s t ude nt ne w spap e r of t he U niversity of Pittsburgh | PIttnews.com | april 3, 2019 ­| Volume 109 | Issue 134


Assistant News Editor After a pizza lunch and musical performance from a cappella group C-Flat Run, attendees of the TEDxPitt event gathered again to listen to four more speakers discuss their internal ignition. Nesra Yannier, founder and CEO of NoRILLA Yannier is originally from Turkey, and was passionate about teaching during her time in a university setting there. She coached a robotics team, and said they did well at national competitions. But when they hit hardship, she turned the moment into a lesson about persistence. “I began to explain to them that it’s not always about the end result, it’s about what you learn and experience along the way,” she said. She kept this persistence after completing her undergraduate degree, and in May 2017, Yannier founded NoRILLA, an educational system that mixes digital and physical, in-person teaching to provide fundamental education to young children. She said this system has shown significant promise, and that she will continue improving it based on scientific literature about teaching. “Learning can be fun, but it’s not enough to just make learning fun,” Yannier said. “In order

Sitkiatnin Muay Thai head instructor David Reese (right) assists with the blessing of the gym’s ring by local Thai Buddhist monks on Sunday morning. Sitkiatnin Muay Thai is a Thai boxing gym in the basement of 1918 Murray Ave. in Squirrel Hill. Thomas Yang | assistant visual editor


attendance, which the board will vote on next week. These resolutions include inserting a statement of Following a 15-minute board meeting, Pitt Stu- diversity and inclusion in the bylaws, including the dent Government Board held its final town hall of the position of executive vice president in the terms for academic year Tuesday night, facilitating a discussion tie-breaking, supporting student organizations’ use of Venmo for fundraisers and approving a proposal on sustainability. Before the town hall kicked off, President Maggie to raise student activities fees from $80 to $100 per student. See TEDxPitt on page 2 Kennedy read off five resolutions to the 40 students in Another one of these resolutions — board resoluStaff Writer

tion 201901 — began the discussion on sustainability by laying out changes to the way students access food. Junior Clara Grantier, studying environmental studies, worked with SGB to produce this resolution two weeks ago after a meeting with Kennedy and Nick Goodfellow, the sustainability coordinator for Business and Auxiliary Services, who Grantier inSee Town Hall on page 2

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