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T h e i n d e p e n d e n t s t ude nt ne w spap e r of t he U niversity of Pittsburgh | PIttnews.com | april 6, 20 1 7 | V o l u m e 1 0 7 | I ssu e 1 5 4

Pitt Tonight names new host

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Ashwini Sivaganesh and John Hamilton The Pitt News Staff

For a show that is only wrapping up its second season, “Pitt Tonight” is already at the end of an era. “Pitt Tonight” announced on Twitter Wednesday that first-year Andrew Dow will be the next host of the show, starting fall 2017. He will be the successor to Jesse Irwin, who is finishing his reign after creating the show and hosting the first 12 episodes. The executive producer will also be new next year, with sophomore and former writer for The Pitt News Annabelle Hanflig taking over for junior Hayley Ulmer. Irwin, a senior film studies major, started “Pitt Tonight” — a late-night talk show taped on Pitt’s campus — in 2015. The first season, which included an appearance from Mayor Bill Peduto and a live autopsy, was nominated for two college Emmys. The show’s second season, which included a women’s empowerment episode in March, will wrap up later this month. According to Ulmer, who is leaving the show at the end of the year, they started planning the second season in the summer of 2016, See Host on page 3

Bryan Morgan of Pittsburgh Acro hovers above David Good in front of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Wednesday evening. Elaina Zachos POSITION

Laughing matter Jewish, Muslim stand up duo promote unity through comedy hosted by Pitt’s Hillel Jewish University Center and Muslim Student Association. Stand Up for Peace is a comedy show encouraging conA Jew and a Muslim got up on stage in the flict resolution between Jews, Muslims, Arabs William Pitt Union Ballroom — that’s not the and people of all backgrounds and religions by punchline of a joke, those are the comedians. exploring what they have in common through Comedians Scott Blakeman and Dean humor. Obeidallah brought their act Stand Up for “The goal of our show is to bring people Peace to Pitt Wednesday night, at an event

Janine Faust Staff Writer

from two different groups together to notice the similarities in their lives through positive comedy,” Blakeman said. ”After all, the best way to start a conversation is through laughter.” Blakeman and Obeidallah have been performing Stand Up for Peace together for See Stand Up on page 2

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