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The Pitt News T h e in de p e n d e n t st ude nt ne w spap e r of t he University of Pittsburgh

Shedding some light

Pat Narduzzi discusses Hawkeyes and injuries.

September 15, 2015 | Issue 22 | Volume 106

Pitt women’s Faculty art reverberates in Frick basketball player facing charges Dan Sostek Sports Editor

Pitt sophomore women’s basketball player Yacine Diop faces charges after an undisclosed incident on campus last month. Pitt police arrested Diop on Aug. 28. Diop faces three counts of aggravated assault, three counts of recklessly endangering another person, one count of disorderly conduct and two counts of sale and use of air rifles, according to a court docket. According to the Pitt Executive Associate Athletic Director for media relations E.J. Borghetti, the court issued Diop 100 hours of community service. All charges will be dropped after she completes the community service. Borghetti said Diop expressed her “sincere regret for her involvement in this situation” and that the school is “confident she will exercise better judgment moving forward.”


Pitt Studio Arts is hosting the first faculty art exhibit in four years. COLIN VAN’T VELD | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

Mark Pesto

Senior Staff Writer

The pieces in this fall’s Studio Arts faculty exhibit “Reverberations” do not have a connecting motive or medium but work together to represent the similarities between artists and teachers. Clark, a Pittsburgh based inde-

pendent curator responsible for organizing the Studio Arts faculty art exhibition in the Frick Fine Arts Building, named the exhibit “Reverberations” after she struggled to find a theme for the work that is only united by the artists’ connection to the University. “Reverberations,” which features

September 15, 2015

14 members of Pitt’s Department of Studio Arts, opened last Thursday, Sept. 10, in the University Arts Gallery at the Frick Fine Arts Building. The exhibition is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, until Oct. 23. “There’s no real visual or concepSee Art on page 2


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