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T h e i n de p e n d e n t s t ude nt ne w spap e r of t he University of Pittsburgh | | december 4, 2019 | Volume 110 | Issue 92
Emily Drzymalski Staff Writer
The Student Government Board unanimously passed a bill updating the SGB elections code for the 2020-21 elections at its last meeting of the fall semester Tuesday night. The passed bill, introduced last week by elections committee chair Nick Bibby, aims to clarify the language on the endorsement processes, posting of campaign materials and definition of a student who is able to run. It expands the ability for students who are not solely enrolled in the College of General Studies to participate in the elections process — they may now vote for candidates and referendums, run for office and sign candidate petition forms. In the past, any students enrolled in CGS were not permitted to participate in SGB activities since the school has its own student government, but the new bill allows students enrolled in both CGS and any other Pitt school to engage in SGB-related activities. It also clarifies the existing procedure that student organizations not registered with the University’s Student Organization Resource Center may not endorse a candidate or slate. Student organizations will continue to request formal endorsement paperwork through SGB, and candidates and slates are responsible for requesting the removal of endorsements from non-SORC-registered organizations within 24 hours. The bill will now allow for candidates and slates to “chalk” on the Bigelow Boulevard sidewalk outside the Cathedral of Learning, but prohibit promotional campaign materials that can be hung from door handles or knobs.
Sophomore computer science major Sushruti Bansod paints an ornament at Cookies and Cocoa, an event hosted by the student health service Tuesday in the William Pitt Union. Hannah Heisler | senior staff photographer
A Pitt Law graduate recently accomplished a historic feat in a southeastern Pennsylvania local election. Deb Ryan won the Chester County District Attorney’s race last month, beating First Assistant District Attorney Mike Noone in a 76,251 to 62,958 victory. Ryan will be the first Democratic DA in Chester County, as well as the first woman to hold the position. “It has been surreal. I’m slowing digesting and processing what happened. I’m excited about coming into office in January and executing my vision to make this office a better See SGB on page 2 place,” Ryan said.
Ryan has been a prosecutor in southeastern Pennsylvania for 15 years, working in both the Philadelphia district attorney’s office and Chester County district attorney’s office. As district attorney, she plans on focusing on crime victims’ rights and criminal justice reform in her county, which has a population of about half a million. But before she set upon her career path on the other side of the state, she walked the halls of the Barco Law Building as a Pitt Law student. She arrived at Pitt Law in 1995 after completing her undergraduate degree at Boston University, as well as an internship at the Philadelphia district attorney’s office. During her internship, she was able to
watch a prosecutor give a closing argument in a homicide case. This experience is what led her to want to become a prosecutor herself. With this goal in mind, she enrolled in Pitt Law and began tailoring her schedule to fit her ambitions. “My experience [at Pitt Law] was a good one. I think going to law school with the idea of becoming a prosecutor helped me make good class decisions. My course load was a lot of criminal procedure, criminal practice and evidence,” she said. Ryan said she was inspired by two particular professors, Welsh White and John Burkoff. White, who passed away in 2005, See Ryan on page 2