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Fragments of Hope Initiates Exchange with Mexico's Reef Experts
By MONIQUE VERNON Outreach Officer Fragments of Hope (FoH) fohoutreach@gmail.com
Fragments of Hope (FoH) along with over 20 Mexican reef practitioners and experts visited several of the natural and restored acroporid stands across Belize from Sept. 12-17.
Under the awarded MAR FUND, visiting experts included Dr. Iliana Baums from Pennsylvania State University in the United States of America (USA), Dr. Arthur Gleason from the University of Miami, USA, Dr. Janie Wulff from Florida State University, USA and Ken Nedimyer, founder of Coral Restoraton Foundation and Reef Renewal headquartered in Key Largo, Florida, USA.
The successful exchange titled, “Strengthening science-based reef restoration efforts in Belize and Mexico with exchange site visits including experts,” brought light to the restoration work FoH has been doing in Belize since 2006 revealing our mapping techniques, growth methodologies, natural and anthropogenic threats. Visitors also engaged in up-close views and in-water discussions of the amazing high densities of natural staghorn and elkhorn stands, their genetics, as well as the unfortunate dredging activities just offshore of Placencia Point.
Dr. J. Wulff, associate professor of biology at Florida State University, sponge expert and active researcher at Carrie Bow Caye Field Station, not to mention the many other sites of sponge biodiversity assessment such as Laughing Bird Caye National Park as impressed with the sightings.
"The combination of what we saw underwater and the conversations shared with coral reef restoration experts made me more hopeful than I have been for years about the future of Caribbean coral reefs," Dr. Wulff told FoH Founder Lisa Carne.
Nedimyer, who is the founder of the largest coral reef restoration organization in the world, shared similar sentiments. “The restored reefs at Laughing Bird Caye National Park were stunning, but almost equally stunning are the early results you’re getting at some of the other restoration sites," he said.
"You’ve “raised the bar” on what we are hoping to achieve, but you’ve also given all of us hope by now knowing it can be done and seeing it with our own eyes,” he added.
Dr. Baums joined the complimentary remarks too. “FoH has documented multiple years of spawning from the restored colonies. While proof of increased sexual recruitment in the area is outstanding, I think this is not necessary to declare restoration efforts for the Acropora corals at Laughing Bird Caye National Park a resounding success. I do not have any suggestions for improving the fragmentation or outplanting techniques – they seem to be working great. FoH is a world-wide leader in coral restoration, and I am grateful for the opportunity to visit and meet with so many dedicated coral restoration experts.”
Fragments of Hope is delighted for another successful regional exchange visit; not to mention the perfect weather, and hope to become more active in exchange visits on all levels.
Link to video incl exchange: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=jOitJWU6aNI&fea- ture=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR0x- 6eHNMOR1g1ysaG99pLm- VSSFP79ghfAIpJAx3bKNi_ Me195LXQdMeu9U
Monique Vernon, a native of Placencia Village, holds a Bachelor of Science in Natural Resource Management from the University of Belize (2016). She carries extensive experience with youth and schools and worked with FoH in 2017 implementing the Sandwatch program. FoH is dedicated to employing local coastal community members.