11.01.2012 edition of The Auburn Plainsman

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The Auburn Plainsman A Spirit That Is Not Afraid ThePlainsman.com

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Vol. 119, Issue 23, 16 Pages

Campus mourns loss of Franny McLemore Hayley Blair Campus Editor

Franny McLemore, junior in prepharmacy, died Oct. 22 of a pulmonary embolism. McLemore was working as a tutor for student athletes with her roommate, Alissa Best, when she suddenly passed out. “I was with her when she died,” Best said. “We were walking out of work and she just said, ‘hold on a minute.’ It was literally out of the blue.” Christopher Hunsberger, executive pastor at Dawson Memorial Baptist Church, said he would miss McLemore at the church, where she’d been a member since childhood. “We definitely miss her,” Hunsburger said. “She’s definitely someone who was a leader. She stood out among her peers in just about every category, whether it be academics or personality or just the way she lived her life. Somebody like that, you can’t go through life and not miss them.”

McLemore was active in the church, working as a camp counselor, singing in the choir and participating in summer mission trips to Ecuador. “She always tells us about Ecuador and her missions there and the kids she had met and how she had gotten the chance to take care of them and have an influence in their lives,” Best said. “And when she came back, even though she wasn’t in Ecuador, she definitely spread that unconditional love to all her friends here.” In fact, one of McLemore’s last tweets was about her roommates, attached with a picture of the cake they’d bought to congratulate her on getting into graduate school. “My roommates are better than yours!” it said. McLemore did her best to qualify for graduate school, maintaining a 4.0 GPA, participating in several honors societies and becoming a member of Omega Phi Alpha with Best. “She worked so hard in school and

She’s definitely someone who was a leader. She stood out among her peers in just about every category, whether it be academics or personality or just the way she lived her life. —Christopher Hunsburg Pastor

really at anything she did,” Best said. “She just got accepted into Harrison School of Pharmacy, which is all she’s talked about since we were freshmen. When I first met her, she told me she

Melody Kitchens / Intrigue Editor

Flags are put at half-mast to honor the death of Franny Mclemore.

was pre-pharmacy and that’s what she wanted to do, and she spent the last three years working so hard to get into pharmacy school.” Best said it will be hard not seeing her roommate every day, but she is glad McLemore was part of her life. “I met Franny the first week of our freshman year,” Best said. “I’ve liter-

ally seen or talked to her every day since then. She was the greatest example and the greatest friend. So many people lost a best friend and someone who really cared for them, but we’re all here for each other together, and I think everyone knows we have a new guardian angel in heaven looking out for us.”

The voice of the students With the presidential election days away, a mock election shows who the students will be voting for What they said

Other: 22 percent Romney: 48 percent

Republican • Courtesy of michael nathan magan

The College of Libertarians pictured with Ron Paul.

College libertarians open doors on issues Becky Hardy Campus Associate Editor

Don’t tread on them. Although that is not part of its official slogan, College libertarians, with a lowercase “l”, provide resources and opportunities for students to learn about the issues affecting their lives now. “When we spell our name we spell it with a little “l” because the big “L” implies party affiliation,” said Michael Magan, organization president and junior in economics. College libertarians was restarted after being replaced by the Young Americans for Liberty. “It used to be the only libertar-

ian organization on campus and then YAL formed and took a lot of people out of it,” Magan said. “A few friends and I decided to start it up again because we thought it was a great opportunity to do things that YAL couldn’t.” Unlike College libertarians, YAL is not allowed to endorse candidates because it is affiliated with the national organization, Magan said. “Since College libertarians have no funding, we can essentially do whatever we want,” Magan said.

Campus Reporter

The veto power is not reserved only to the president of the United States. SGA President Owen Parrish vetoed a bill Tuesday on limiting campaign budgets. Parrish said he vetoed the bill for many reasons, but mostly because

Democrat •

» See Libertarian, A2

the bill does not address improvement of the elections process. “While this bill does impact how much one can spend, the claims that this bill would make campaigns more platform-based or decrease campaign-related concourse traffic are merely speculative and

» See Veto, A2

“More consistent. Drawn out plan. Helping the middle class fund and further education!” -Aaron Jordan, sophomore in aerospace engineering “Romney is not a viable economic option, nor are his international relations beneficial to this country! -James Martinesz, junior in biochemistry

Independent •

Parrish Vetoes campaign bill lowering election funds Becky Hardy

“Our country has struggled so much over the last four years. The change that Obama promised has not happened. It’s time for real change.” -Jessica Wilson, senior in childhood education “I agree with his economic policies and plans to cut taxes and delegate legislation.” -Liz Dary, sophomore in economic business

“Frustrated with the system.” -Anglea Cleary, senior in interdisciplinary studies “The two-party system is the devil!” -Taylor Carr, junior in anthropology

Libertarian •

“Gary Johnson. He doesn’t want war. He is for civil liberty for all. He isn’t for the same political machine.” -Hayden Harris, junior in business management “Gary Johnson because he is the most libertarian and will put America on the right track.” -Anonymous

Undecided •

“Obama and Romney are the same!”

Campus / a3

Community / A5

Intrigue / b5

RBD escort service Feeling lonely after a night of studying? The library offers security escorts after dark.

Robberies on Webster Last week, five robberies were reported on Webster Road. Is there a trend starting?

Grave Undertaking Have you ever thought about what you look like in the grave? Morticians think about it every day.

Obama: 30 percent Hayley Blair / Campus Editor

A graph indicating who students will vote for. 83 students responded to the poll.

Becky Hardy Campus Associate Editor

Excitement over elections is at an all-time high with some first time voters contributing to the election process. “I am fascinated by politics and I’m going to enjoy taking part in the American political system,” said Austin Zinkle, sophomore in history. “Just the idea of having an influence, no matter how small, in the government process is exciting.” Camren Brantley-Rios, sophomore in international business, has noticed a lot of young people being interested in voting for the first time. “I’m excited to see how many people end up voting,” Brantley-Rios said. Others just want to see the election results. “I just want to find out who wins,” said Ryan McMichens, junior in finance. Elizabeth Scott, sophomore in nutrition, said she is excited to see liberals be proven wrong. “I’m not a huge fan of Romney, but I think he’s the lesser of two evils,” Scott

said. “It is infuriating to me to see people blindly support Obama when he has done nothing productive for America.” Although Scott does not believe Romney will cure all of America’s problems she will still support him. “I think he could be a step in the right direction,” Scott said. Zinkle recently made up his my on whom he will be voting for after watching the debates. “The debate swayed me on the side of Mitt Romney,” Zinkle said. Keeping himself informed on the issues at hand, Zinkle compared both candidates equally, but decided the economy was at the top of priorities. “I believe that President Obama has many accomplishments including his furthering of women’s equal pay, gay rights and taking the initiative for putting forth health care availability for all,” Zinkle said. “However, I strongly believe that this is an election for jobs and the economy.”

» See Election, A2

Our View


After the worst loss in Jordan-Hare Stadium since 1917, is the coaching staff in danger? View the editorial on A4.

Interested in campus news? Need an update on the go? Follow our Twitter account and share your opinion.


Campus A2

The Auburn Plainsman crime reports oct. 24 – 31, 2012

Oct. 25-26 – Walden Lane Auto breaking and entering between 3 p.m. Oct. 25 and 8 a.m. Oct. 26. Oct. 26 – Wrights Mill Road Harassment Report Oct. 27 – Coopers Pond Road First-degree criminal trespass between 6 a.m.--6:30 a.m. Oct. 27 – Opelika Road Robbery of wallet, U.S. currently, drivers license, social security card, two debit cards and a credit card between 11:40--11:42 p.m. Oct. 29 – North Dean Road Second-degree theft of a wallet, one credit card and two debit cards between 12:50 p.m.--1 p.m. Oct. 30 – Wright Street Left scene of an accident between 2:30--2:35 a.m.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

auburn dui arrests for oct. 24 – 31, 2012 ■ Cedrick Truitt, 40, Auburn Wednesday, Oct. 24, 9:19 p.m. on Lee Road 137

■ Carrie Osborne, 21, Auburn Friday, Oct. 26, 2:23 a.m. on South College Street

■ Trace Linam, 23, Auburn Sunday, Oct. 28, 1:50 a.m. at Shug Jordan Parkway and West Samford Avenue

■ Samuel Christopher, 21, Auburn Thursday, Oct. 25, 1:55 a.m. on Dogwood Drive

■ Christopher Macon, 25, Auburn Friday, Oct. 26, 3:43 a.m. at Lee Road 137 and Lee Road 57

■ Samuel Cowles, 21, Auburn Thursday, Oct. 25, 4:04 a.m. on Lee Road 137

■ Jonathan Holloway, 25, Montgomery Saturday, Oct. 27, 1:47 a.m. on North Donahue Drive

■ Karen Spillers, 51, Wilmette, Ill. Friday, Oct. 26, 9:40 p.m. on Wire Road

■ Samantha Welch, 19, Pensacola, Fla. Saturday, Oct. 27, 3:41 a.m. on South College Street

■ Jamie Jones, 22, Auburn Friday, Oct. 26, 12:57 a.m. at South College Street and West Magnolia Avenue

■ Michael Crawford, 20, Norcross, Ga. Saturday, Oct. 27, 8:06 p.m. at Toomer Street and Genelda Avenue

■ Kayla Smith, 25, Notasulga Wednesday, Oct. 31, 1:04 a.m. at Bragg Avenue and North Donahue Drive

— Reports provided by Auburn Department of Public Safety

Use of library security service dwindling Chandler Jones Writer

It’s 2 a.m., and you’re finally done with the library. Your brain is fried ,and the remnants of your coffee have been cold for hours. You look up to see an empty room staring back. The only thing standing between you and your bed is the drive home. Where do you go? The Ralph Brown Draughon Library Security Escort. The service is an after-hours escort designed to get students safely to their cars created in response to Lauren Burk’s death. Burk was an Auburn freshman who was abducted and killed by an Army veteran after a late night on campus. Since March 6, 2008, guards have escorted students to the library parking lot, Comer parking lot or down to the security shuttles at Mell Street. “The library was looking to make sure folks felt safe,” said J.P. Pendleton, head of circulation and reserves for the library. “That incident is tragic, but I think it brought some awareness that the campus needs to make sure they are doing everything. The library is safe and has been safe.” The response came from many parents and students who expressed concern about the library safety and student options after it gets late.

The campus provides many things to the student body: Tiger Transit, oncampus dining and, for some, shelter. Part of the campus’ responsibility to students is the provision of safety. The library security escort is another example of that standard at Auburn University. From 8:30 p.m.–7:30 a.m., three guards are on duty; one is stationed at the desk near the exit on the first floor, another watches the front doors during late hours and another is on duty inside the library. Recently, the escort requests have dwindled in frequency. “We get about four people a night, most times,” said David Tarver, one of the security escorts. Pendleton’s advice was that students should use it because it’s free and the service is available. “It’s a good service, I don’t know if everybody uses it,” Pendleton said. “I think they know about it, but then again I think there’s a lot of folks that go ‘I’m all right.’” Savannah Duke, junior in horticulture, used the service during her freshman year. “I was feeling hesitant to walk by myself to my car so late at night,” Duke said. “I guess I felt a little more safe. He walked me to my car. If I felt

Allison Thompson / Photographer

The library security service is available to escort students to their cars between 8:30 p.m. and 7:30 a.m.

that it was necessary I would use it again.” The recent trend shows girls being the only students making requests and requests being made at hours ranging from 11:30 p.m.–1 a.m. “It’s like anything that happens in the world,” Pendleton said. “When initially something bad happens and security is brought forward and there

The security guards are part of Auburn Public Safety and are contracted through Angels Security Incorporated. “If you’re uneasy about maybe someone following you or about walking by yourself somewhere, I think it is wise to walk with a security guard,” Duke said. “I recommend it for your peace of mind and security.”

is all this extra security things that go on, people start using it. As time goes on people forget and it goes down and down and down.” According to Tarver, since the establishment of the system there have been no incidents, citing most outings as “just normal.” The guards are trained to immediately call 911 in an emergency.

Contest tests fashion know-how of college students Rebecca Mosely Writer

While some students dread the chilly walks to class, others welcome the change for new style opportunities. Stylitics.com is holding a nationwide contest called the Most Stylish Student. The winner will fill a stafff position of “Featured Closets.” Their work will be published on the sitealongside the works of celebrities, bloggers and style icons. “Being featured is a kind of a big deal,” said Jessica Novak, marketing manager for Stylitics. “We’ve roped in several major influences such as famous celebrities and bloggers, as well as the Council of Fahion Designers of America.”

Libertarian » From A1

The organization is not about favoring candidates for elections anyway, Magan said. “We’re trying to focus less on the voting and more on educating the students,” Magan said. “Technically we can endorse candidates; I just would rather not. If you want to know more about the candidates and the issues they will tell you about them, but I’m not going to tell someone to vote for this candidate simply because I like him.” College libertarians take trips to conferences and have liberty-minded speakers attend their meetings. “We’ll also bring people to professor debates through UPC, “ Magan said. “We’re bringing a group of 10 people to the Supporters Summit where there are speakers such as Ron Paul, Tom Woods and Judge An-

Novak said the winner will be featured as the first and only non-celebrity, non-blogger in an elite group of celebrity and blogger style experts, as well as a shopping influence. This causes the position of Most Stylish Student to be highly coveted, especially to those interested in social media, fashion and leaving behind a legacy. Some of the notable style influences featured by Stylitics, which has been featured in Vogue, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, and the contest panel includes Kate Voegele of One Tree Hill, Steven Kolb of the Council of Fashion Designers of America, partner of Stylitics, Head drew P. Napolitano.” Magan said that the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Auburn, an organization supporting the Austrian School of economics, is a great resource of knowledge for all students, not just Libertarians, at Auburn. “The organization does a lot of things through them,” Magan said. “Supporter Summit is what they put on as a fundraiser, and they give out a lot of scholarships as well.” The two-party system does not appeal to Magan. “I think there’s way too much of allegiance to it,” Magan said. Organization member Kevin Romaine, freshman in economics, agrees with Magan. “Their differences in beliefs are limited to the least important issues and even still will become functionally non-existent in office,” Romaine said.

of Styling Alana Kelen of MTV networks and Samantha Lim of Fashion Indie. Since Thursday, Oct. 25, college and high school students have entered the contest on Stylitics.com by creating an account on the social virtual closet site, which serves as a platform for those interested in fashion and personal style, to earn points by acting as a virtual personal stylist to build a virtual closet and creating outfits from it. From 10 of the top 100 students with the most style points earned through Sunday, Nov. 4, style experts will vote on the winner based on volume and content of the contestant’s virtual closets to

be announced on or around Monday, Nov. 8. However, all those that finish in the top 100 will be granted exclusive early access to the new “Featured Closets” to shop, share and explore actual closets of celebrities and style icons. “Points are earned by engaging on the site,” Novak said. “The winner definitely has to have a full closet that their friends want to see.” Novak said she expects the top 10 to have at least 50 items and five to 10 outfits in their Style Profile. A Style Profile is built from individual articles of clothing and complete outfits that can be added to the virtual closet by uploading a photograph



Zinkle understands no candidate will be perfect, but it willing to make compromises like the president should. “Despite some of his flaws, Gov. Romney is uniquely qualified to lead from his experience in business and other financial matters,” Zinkle said. “I also believe that what this country needs is a moderate president that will be able to compromise for the betterment of the country.” McMichens also prioritizes his stance on certain issues. “I think (Romney) is more likely than Obama to continue the trend of economic prosperity that America has seen for over 100 years,” McMichens said. “I believe that social freedoms are important, but economic success comes first.”

have not been supported by sufficient data or research,” Parrish said. The proposed bill focused primarily on limiting the budget to get rid of gimmicks to make the candidates focus more on their platforms. Parrish said Auburn holds some of the most successful SGA elections out of any university in the country. “Our voter turnout figures of 32.7% from the 2012 election cycle stand out from many of our peer institutions like the University of Alabama (30%), Florida State University (7%) and the University of Florida (20%),” Parrish said. “While we can improve these numbers and strengthen the ability of candidates to provide the student body with accessible information, we must look at the elections process as a whole rather than one specific piece of this puzzle.”

» From A1

» From A1

from a mobile device or using the iPhone application; scanning the website catalog of style history, or pasting the URL of findings from other websites. All of these organization tools can be applied to create wish lists or packing lists for future use. Chelsea Madkins, graduating senior in apparel merchandising and Auburn ambassador for the Stylitics brand, said she thinks

that Stylitics is a fun way to organize apparel. She said that the contest allows contestants to showcase individual style while exploring the trends in apparel. “Social shopping is such a big thing these days and Stylitics is not quite a shopping site, but it allows you to sort of shop for inspiration,” Madkins said.


In the Oct. 18 edition of The Plainsman in an article titled “College of Liberal Arts hosts Maya Angelou for upcoming lecture,” Heather May was misquoted. Her quote has been corrected and should read, “For us, we really do think of diversity, pretty much, in its widest sense.”

The Auburn Plainsman AU Student Center, Suite 1111 255 Heisman Dr. Auburn, AL 36849

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ADVERTISING: 334-844-4130

Robert E. Lee, Editor Chelsea Harvey, Managing Editor

Account representatives: Lauren Darmanin Payton Haisten Kathryn Holladay Hayley Smith

Jenny Steele, Copy Editor Bianca Seward, Asst. Copy Editor Nathan Simone, Online editor Julia Watterson, Multimedia Editor Hayley Blair, Campus Editor Becky Hardy, Campus Reporter Zeke Turrentine, Community Editor Sydney Callis, Community Reporter Sonya Lovejoy, Community Reporter Andrew Yawn, Sports Editor Ali Jenkins, Sports Reporter John Burns, Sports Reporter Melody Kitchens, Intrigue Editor Lane Jones, Intrigue Reporter Anna Beth Jager, Intrigue Reporter Rebecca Croomes, Photo Editor Danielle Lowe, Asst. Photo Editor Emily Morris, Asst. Photo Editor Rachel Suhs, Design Editor Benjamin Croomes, Opinions Editor

Advertising production: Caitlin Piery Whitney Potts Ashley Selby Zoya Zinger DISTRIBUTION: 334-844-4130 Austin Haisten Justin McCroskey Jacob Mueller GENERAL MANAGER: Judy Riedl 334-844-9101 gm@theplainsman.com EDITORIAL ADVISER: Austin Phillips 334-844-9108 adviser@theplainsman.com OFFICE MANAGER: Kim Rape Kyle DuBose, asst. 334-844-4130 kelleka@auburn.edu

The Auburn Plainsman is published in print every Thursday and online at www.theplainsman.com

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Campus A3

The Auburn Plainsman

Fairy dust not needed to turn these pumpkins to art The College of Architecture, Design and Construction held its 24th-annual Pumpkin Carve Friday, Oct. 26.

Rebecca Croomes/Photo Editor

A pumpkin carving contest was held at Dudley Hall Friday, Oct.26 in which participants created elaborate designs, some based on popular cartoons and others a portraying a variety of intricate faces.

Children and mothers appreciate sorority’s fall festival Becky Hardy Campus Reporter

Candy, games and finger painting galore — the children at Omega Phi Alpha’s Fall Festival want more. The service sorority held its second-annual Fall Festival at the Christian Care Center for the families of Opelika Sunday, Oct. 28. The event was free to families looking for a place to bring their children for a family-oriented atmosphere. “We want the children in the area to have a safe place to trick-or-treat,” said Rachel Desmond, sorority member and senior in psychology. “We are putting this on for the sole purpose of

making sure these kids get to experience a little bit of Halloween.” Children from all over the community came out to play various games such as mummy wrap, scream and feel, ring toss, cake walk and bucket decorating. “If the kids don’t have their own buckets for Halloween, they can get them here and decorate them to put all their candy in it,” said Brittany Watt, sorority member and senior in chemistry. Christine Pones said she loves that the festival is so close to home. “I’m really glad they put this on in the community for my child since the

children really like it,” Pones said. Amber Starks said she appreciates the sorority for providing a safe place to bring her family for Halloween. “Only some churches around the area have festivals like this,” Starks said. Watt said the festival gives children in the community something to do. “A lot of kids are coming here without their parents, so if they come here their parents know they are OK,” Watt said. Elizabeth Walker, sorority member and junior in psychology and sociology, said many of the children

Management Trainees For the Montgomery, AL Market

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I like to come back here every year and see the same families every time. You see some of the same kids that are older now, which is great to see.” —Brittany Watt Senior in Chemistry

come to meet up with friends. “It’s a good place for them to hang

out and do all the activities and games together,” Walker said. Omega Phi Alpha also held an Easter egg hunt earlier this year and hopes to continue that tradition, Watt said. “I like to come back here every year and see the same families every time,” Watt said. “You see some of the same kids that are older now, which is great to see.” The sisters love giving back to the community, Watt said. “We would love to come back and do more since we all love being here, and the families enjoy it too,” Watt said.


A4 ThePlainsman.com

Thursday, November 1, 2012 The Plainsman Poll

Our View

Admit it, we have a problem

Vote at theplainsman.com


There comes a time when everyone has to question what they believe. For a lot of people, college is the perfect time to re-evaluate their belief structure. So with that in mind, we are going to take a painful look at our allegiance to our current football program. We can’t stand fair-weather fans, and we certainly aren’t abandoning our die-hard Auburn spirit, yet we feel really disappointed this year. At the beginning of the summer, it seemed like the team had so much potential. All those high-profile recruits had to be good for something, right? But now we are twisting in the wind with a 1-7 record, and morale lower than a bammer’s reading level. Coach Gene Chizik gave us one of the most memorable seasons in the history of Auburn football in 2010. We owe him a great deal of respect for bringing home a national championship. However, our gratitude can only go so far. Scott Loefler and Brian Van Gorder, haven’t earned anything from us. The team’s

poor performance this season raises serious questions about their ability to function on the collegiate level. Maybe they would feel more comfortable back in the NFL. If all these men are fired or leave before the next season, we will definitely be left in the lurch, but we will have a good opportunity to start over. Of course, if Jay Jacobs hires Bobby Petrino, then we will be put in a much worse situation. Speaking of Jacobs, it might be a good time to question his value to this program too. Simply put, we are fed up. We love Auburn, but witnessing so many losses by a team that could play so much better is disheartening. The only way we see the present coaching staff returning is if they win the Iron Bowl, which is a flight of fancy at best. We want to live in a fantasy world where all we have to is blindly believe in our team and they will win. We want to be positive and shrug off these losses. But the reality is we need to make some serious changes to our team.

Guest Column

Editor’s column misinformed, worrisome Tweet of the Week

Ignited points score more than Scott Loefler’s offense does #wde” - @ParkerBeasley

Good Job, Tiger! We would like thank Johnathan Wallace! Good luck starting on Saturday!

me, especially since Canada operates on a socialized healthcare system. And to imply that Welfare and Medicaid recipients do not want to improve their situation, and that education is something easily acquired in this country, especially for someone on Welfare, is outright ludicrous. What bothers me the most about the printing of this column is that the editor-in-chief of my beloved Plainsman would print such an ill-informed and fact-less rant as this. I realize that this is your personal opinion, and that you (supposedly) are referring only to those people who use the system fraudulently, but the column implies that all people on Medicaid and Welfare are lazy freeloaders that are a burden on society, and the money we spend keeping them alive is better spent paving roads. I’m not sure if you sat down right before going to press and pumped out this horrid vomit of misinformation, or if you actually took time on this and are just this misled about the way the system works.

I was truly saddened to read a column written by Robert E. Lee, editor-in-chief, that implied that Medicaid and Welfare have somehow created a “welfare state.” The column seemed to follow no logical train of thought, but was simply a collection of misguided and prejudiced comments about a system that helps more than 58 million low-income Americans receive the healthcare they need. Statements like, “Government shouldn’t pay for the laziness and unfortunate circumstances of others,” and “Even if I lost everything I had, I wouldn’t want the government bailing me out,” represent incredibly shortsighted, insensitive and frankly, ignorant views on the subject. I find it hard to believe that if you, Mr. Lee, came down with a serious illness and could not afford your doctor’s bills, would not want the government to help you out. I also do not follow your hypothetical situation of the character that tells you what to do with your life, then lies to you about your taxes, unless you move to Canada. This makes no sense to

It is obvious that you have not considered the reverse of your point, that maybe these individuals are guilty of medicaid fraud because the system does not do enough, and that they would die without trying to do something to get the healthcare they need. You imply that they are trying to get healthcare because they want to? Like healthcare is something that these individuals don’t need, they just like waiting in doctor’s offices for hours and bankrupting themselves just to take the tax dollars out of your pocket and burn them? I just don’t see why someone would commit Medicaid fraud for any type of frivolous reason. I also resent the implication of the title, that somehow the US or the state of Alabama are welfare states. I expect plenty of backlash from the Plainsman readership, who tend to be intelligent and compassionate people, and I certainly hope that this is not the only letter to the editor that you receive. Derek Lacey Alumnus

His View

Mitt Romney’s policies too similar to George W. Bush’s Benjamin Croomes Opinion@ theplainsman. com

When I graduated high school in 2004, George W. Bush was beginning his second term as president and conservative republican fervor was at an all time high. I didn’t really care though. I was too busy pretending to be an adult with my part-time job and studio apartment.

The consequences of such failed Bush administration policies as the Patriot Act and No Child Left Behind weren’t clear at first. But as soon as I started talking to coworkers, some of whom were veterans, I knew that Bush was more than an over-hyped bumpkin. As I continued to learn what was going on, especially with the war in Iraq, all the corruption and malfeasance was too obvious to ignore. I won’t go into a tirade about why the Bush administration is partly to blame for

That’s what she said

-Bethany Whitehead, Health Promotion and Wellness Services

The Editorial Board Robert E. Lee

Rachel Suhs

Benjamin Croomes


Design Editor

Opinion Editor

Chelsea Harvey Managing Editor

Rebecca Croomes

Melody Kitchens

Andrew Yawn Sports Editor

Hayley Blair Campus Editor

Photo Editor

Jenny Steele Copy Editor

Nathan Simone Online Editor

Intrigue Editor

Zeke Turrentine Community Editor

our present national struggles. However, I will say that witnessing eight years of conservative Republican policy in action, I can’t fathom living under that system again. President Barack Obama is not a great president. His signing of the National Defense Authorization Act and endorsement of drone warfare is shameful. But I can’t say those two glaring mistakes are reason enough to vote for Gov. Mitt Romney and the conservative Republican baggage that would come with his pres-

idency. You don’t hear too much about what Obama has done for the good of our country. I would imagine it’s because everything he does has to be spun one way or the other before it even reaches the public. He has made great strides, however, in healthcare, veteran’s affairs, rights for women and homosexuals and lowering the cost of student loans. Of course, he has had to fight tooth and nail to make these changes. But I’m hopeful that what he’s done so far is

only a hint at what he can accomplish during his second term. To me, the Republican alternative would do the opposite. We already saw how they handled the economy during the Bush years, so we know no progress can be expected. The tendency for republican policy makers to ally themselves with religious groups means that rights for women and homosexuals would suffer. Healthcare would start to return to an over-priced privilege instead of the inherent right it

should be. There are many other examples of national problems, such as unemployment, that would only worsen if Romney were elected, but I think you get the idea. Yet, I already know what a Romney administration will do, and I certainly couldn’t handle it if I knew I voted for a reincarnation of Bush. The uncertainty of a second term for Obama does not scare me as much as the certainty for disaster that Romney represents.

Guest Column As we are continuing the tipping of our fiesta hats to the exciting 40th anniversary of Title IX, we must first understand the law and all it entails. Previously, I spoke of the impact that Title IX has made for women, but what I forgot to mention was what the law means for men. Title IX equally protects both genders in all situations and procedures (emphasis on both). So after kicking back with a cup of Seattle’s Best, I read over the recently revised Auburn University Title IX Policy and Procedures for Student Sex Discrimination. You could say I learned quite a bit from the extremely thorough ten-page revision. Especially, the important definitions and examples section, which was lengthy and full of surprises—that’s what she said—thus, giving me the initiative to create a cliff notes version for Auburn students. The section defines sex discrimination as behaviors and actions that deny or limit a person’s ability to benefit from, and/or fully participate in, the educational programs or activities or employment opportunities because of a person’s sex. Secondly, sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or visual, verbal, or physical conduct, of a sexual nature. Now if you are starting to doze off wake up because we are getting to the tap number. My personal favorite is the section pure-

ly devoted to consent. At some point or another we’ve all been “that guy” at home on a Saturday night hooked on a Law and Order: SVU marathon. And if we’ve learned anything from detectives Olivia Benson and Elliot Stabler, besides that whoever is doing Mariska Hargitay’s hair/wardrobe should seriously be fired, would be that lack of consent is the critical factor in any incident of sexual misconduct. It is important to note that consent requires clear communication between all persons involved in the sexual encounter. Consent is active, not passive, and can be communicated verbally or by actions. However, it must be mutually understood, and silence in and of itself cannot be interpreted as consent. This means that the classic “he/she was telling me with their eyes” or “the way they were pop-n-locking to that Drake song said it all” are absolutely out the window. Also, previous relationships or previous consent does not imply consent to future sexual acts. I like to call this the “ex-boyfriend who rides a Harley, has messy hair, and decides to come into town for the weekend” clause— nope, not going to happen buddy. Effective consent cannot be given by minors, mentally disabled individuals or persons incapacitated as a result of consumption of drugs or alcohol. Incapacitation is defined as a state where one cannot make a

rational, reasonable decision because they lack the ability to understand the who, what, when, where, why or how of their sexual interaction. If you need a further description just flip to MTV, I’m sure Jersey Shore or The Real World would be more than happy to provide sufficient examples. All jokes aside, it is crucial to understand these policies and implications for not only your personal knowledge, but protection. One out of four women will be sexually assaulted on a college campus. One out of eight women will be raped while in college. 75 percent of male students and 55 percent of female students involved in a date rape had been drinking or using drugs. Currently, there are support services such as Safe Harbor and Student Counseling Services that aid to those who have experienced sexual assault or violence. Unfortunately this is the cruel reality in which we live, thus it is vital Title IX’s protection policies are thorough and explicit to all. We have to understand that these definitions and examples just discussed mean NO. If that’s what she said, is trying to say, or is unable to say—it means no. Although, “that’s what he said” isn’t exactly America’s favorite punch line, don’t worry—the law goes both ways bro. Elizabeth Johnston Intern Women’s Resource Center

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The opinions of The Auburn Plainsman staff are restricted to these pages. This unsigned editorial are the majority opinion of the 11-member editorial board and are the official opinion of the newspaper. The opinions expressed in columns and letters represent the views and opinions of their individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the Auburn University student body, faculty, administration or Board of Trustees.

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Thursday, November 1, 2012


Rebecca Croomes/Photo Editor

This trailer in a mobile home park off of Webster Road was broken into last week. The student was not home when her laptop, textbooks and food from her refrigerator were taken.

Increase in burglaries concerns community Sydney Callis Community Reporter

A recent increase in burglaries around the Auburn area has people looking for ways to keep secure from burglars. Just last week, Webster Road was the location of four burglaries, and the number of burglaries in the area is growing. “We’ve seen a slight increase in the number of burglaries here recently,” said Capt. Tom Stofer of the Auburn Police Department. However, Stofer said there are ways to keep safe and work to prevent burglaries. One of the best ways to keep burglars at bay, according to Stofer, is also the easiest: lock all windows and doors when leaving.

“Many times these burglars, these thieves, they take the path of least resistance,” Stofer said. “It’s a crime of opportunity, and oftentimes they will enter unlocked doors and windows. So, number one, easiest thing to do is make sure your residence is secured any time you leave.” Stofer said even if you leave for a few minutes to run to the grocery store, or even to the mailbox, make sure all doors and windows are locked. Another tip Stofer suggested was to make sure your residence looks lived-in when going out. Leaving on a television when out, asking a neighbor to check in when out of town, leaving a light on and, if possible, leaving a car in the drive-

way at all times are some ways to make your residence look occupied. “You want to give the appearance that someone is inside because thieves and burglars are more apt to break into a place that they don’t believe there is anyone there,” Stofer said. Stofer also said if anyone sees suspicious activity around the area, they should call the Police Department and let them know. “Oftentimes a report comes in late, and by the time we get a patrol officer into the area, the bad guy has already gotten out of the area,” Stofer said. Stofer said to call 911 if the suspicious activity is happening, but to call the Auburn Public Safety Department,

It’s a crime of opportunity, and oftentimes they will enter unlocked doors and windows. So, number one, easiest thing to do is make sure your residence is secured anytime you leave.” —Tom Stofer Captain, Auburn PD

334-501-3100, to report suspicious activity that you saw ear-

lier. “If it’s nothing, it’s nothing,” Stofer said. “It doesn’t take any time for us to follow up and check that, but we don’t want to miss something that we could have perhaps prevented had we been able to get on it right away. Please be a ‘nosy neighbor,’ if you will.” Keeping record of all valuable possessions by writing down serial numbers will help if anything does get stolen, Stofer said, because the police can track the products through the number. “If we do recover that property down the road, we would want to know how to get it back to its rightful owner,” Stofer said. “If you become a victim, you can give us those numbers and we can load

Emily Morris / Assistant Photo editor

“Bloodhound” recently changed its name to “The Hound” in hopes ot soon expanding to new locations.

those numbers into a national database, and if that laptop comes up in California, we can trace it back.” Stofer also suggested taking valuable items that are small enough for travel with you when you go out of town, because those items will probably be safer with you. Thieves typically go for things they can turn on the street easily, Stofer said. But, he thinks if citizens are aware of their surroundings, report suspicious activity and take a role in preventing burglaries, the numbers will decrease. “If we have one, that’s one too many for us,” Stofer said. “Citizens just taking a few of these steps will go a long way in helping us get a handle on burglaries.”

Courtesy of The Hound

The Hound features classic American food, top-shelf bourbon, a variety of craft beers and live music.

With eyes on expansion, ‘Bloodhound’ becomes ‘The Hound’ Sonya Lovejoy Community Reporter

The Hound recently shortened its name to allow for future Hound locations, as well as to accommodate what many of its regulars already call the loved eatery. The Hound, formerly known as The Bloodhound, is a family-owned restaurant, bar and live music venue located in downtown Auburn. The Hound opened in March of 2012 and has already been approached by investors interested in opening other locations in Alabama and other Southeast locations. Because of this interest, The Hound began conducting research and found the Bloodhound name has been used in several other places across the U.S. and in other variations. The Hound has what amounts to a 20-year lease at its current location and decided it would be more bene-

ficial to shorten the name to something that is not being used anywhere else in the U.S. It plans to build a solid brand starting now, rather than have to potentially change the name should it choose to expand into other locations in the future. While other businesses have operated at the current Hound location, owner Matthew Poirier responded to claims of high turnover rates at the Hound location. “The Olde Auburn Ale House was here for 11 years before we were,” Poirier said. “Common misconception was that there were multiple places, but there has only been one other owner before us.” The Hound features American food classics, top-shelf bourbon, 28 craft beers on tap and a varied musical line-up. The restaurant looks like a hunting lodge; antler-pronged barn meets the hustle and

bustle of old-time Alabama. The music venue is separate from the restaurant and dining area with its own bar, stage and local art displays. Joshua Carr, an Auburn student and Hound employee, describes The Hound’s atmosphere as “the best food in Auburn in the most comfortable environment. We all love working there and with each other — it is a family-style environment, and everyone is treated that way.” Owners Matthew and Jana Poirier recently moved back to Auburn with the dream of opening a local watering hole featuring simple, delicious food with a focus on bacon, bourbon, community and family. The Hound focuses on delivering its one-page menu with excellence. “People love our burgers and our bacon, turkey, avocado (sandwich),” Poirier said.

The best food in Auburn in the most comfortable environment. We all love working there and with each other — it is a family style environment, and everyone is treated that way.” —Joshua Carr Auburn student & Hound employee

“I’d say our most under-appreciated item is our Berkshire pork chop dish ... seriously good — like no other pork chop you’ve ever had.” All of Jana’s family, the Caruthers, are Auburn alumni

who have come together to make The Hound a family affair and new Auburn tradition. The Hound family has captured the magic of Alabama and spread its grandeur in every corner of its business. Everything you see, from the entry doors to the barn wood, bar, tables and chandeliers, were all milled, designed and hand crafted by the CaruthersPoirier clan. The family is reclaiming fallen Southern cedars from nearby forests, sawing, sanding, finishing and giving them new life in the bar and tables. Poirier said he plans on creating and maintaining The Hound as a new Auburn tradition. “My wife and I, along with our chef Chad Mueller and the rest of the staff, work very hard every day to try and improve upon a consistent customer experience that exceeds expectations,” he said.

The owners envisioned The Hound to encompass memorable times spent together and highlight the beauty of Alabama life — campfires, outdoor eating, guns, barns, wild game, local farming, man’s best friend and connectivity of family and community. The Hound offers pint night Tuesday through Thursday, where select craft beers are $4, while some of the more rare, expensive drafts are $2 off. They also have $1.50 Pabst Blue Ribbon and $2 Yuengling drafts all the time, and its well drinks are $3 daily. On Thursdays, The Hound offers its 50/50 burgers (halfground bacon and halfground rib-eye steak) for $5, starting at 5 o’clock. If nothing else, try The Hound’s pig candy dish, which speaks for itself. As its official website proclaims, “The Hound: Bacon & Bourbon — Hearty Eating for the Hungry Dog.”

Community A6

The Auburn Plainsman

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Auburn High, ‘FACES’ run for classroom fun 5k and fun run support funding for local schools Sydney Callis Community Reporter

The Foundation for Auburn’s Continuing Enrichment in Schools, or FACES, is running in support of local Auburn schools. The FACES 5k run and 1 mile fun run and walk will be Sunday, Nov. 4 at Auburn High School. Registration begins at 1:30 p.m. the day of the event, and the races start at 2 p.m. Founded in 1985, FACES provides funding for grants for local schools to enrich the classroom environment and

promote learning. The foundation is administered by a board of community volunteers. “All of it is about unique, instructional learning opportunities for kids that you can fund through a program such as this,” said Todd Freeman, principal of Auburn High School and member of the board of directors for FACES. Freeman said this foundation is important because it provides funds for projects that encourage creativity and learning in the classroom. “The majority of what the program does is that it funds classroom initiatives,” Freeman said. “By that I mean teachers submit grant applications to the FACES board, and the

board reviews those applications that are about things that can be done in the classroom through purchases, be it equipment or lesson plan materials, all sort of various things like that.” The deadline for submitting grant proposals was Wednesday, Oct. 24, and Freeman said the board of directors will be looking over those for the next couple of months and awarding the grants in January. Because he is principal of Auburn High School, Freeman will not be a part of deciding which grants to accept, but he said he submitted all the grants from Auburn High School. “I can’t be a part of the selection process, but I get them

That’s what the 5k is about, to raise funds so that more grants can be awarded to teachers to do innovative things in their classrooms.” —Todd Freeman principal, Auburn High School

submitted to me from my teachers and then I turn those in to the FACES board,” Freeman said. “Some of the more unique things I’ve seen going


ter the races. “There are thousands of dollars that go into this each year,” Freeman said. “That’s what the 5k is about, to raise funds so that more grants can be awarded to teachers to do more innovative things in their classrooms.” Freeman said the FACES 5k and one mile fun run and walk is one of the biggest fundraisers held annually. The other fundraiser is a golf tournament that takes place in May. Registration is $25 the day of the event and $10 for Auburn City School students. Registration forms and more information about the event and FACES can be found on its website, AuburnSchools.org/Faces.

on are how teachers are using technology in special needs classrooms, which I think are real innovative approaches and work very nicely with the students in those classes.” Although it is only the second year the FACES 5k and 1 mile fun run and walk has been held at Auburn High School, Freeman said it is a popular event. “There are a lot of families out,” Freeman said. “My judgment is that it’s as much about a family event as anything and it raises funds to go directly back toward the students in our schools. So, it’s a win, win.” There will be inflatable games for children at the event, prizes for the top finishers and barbecue plates af-




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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Community A7

The Auburn Plainsman

Coyotes in Auburn area could present concern Annie Faulk Writer

Coyotes originate from the Great Plains and are found in every state except Hawaii. Because of growing coyote populations and declining habitats, coyotes have adapted to living in suburbs and cities. “The Auburn-Opelika area is one of the fastest growing areas in the nation,” said Jennifer Lolly, outreach administrator for the Louise Kreher Forest Ecology Preserve. “Humans keep encroaching into their wild lands, leaving no place for them to go, so we get urbanized coyotes.” This is a general trend seen across the nation, not just Au-

burn. Coyotes have been in the area for years, but the concept of urbanized coyotes is relatively new, said Jim Armstrong, professor in the School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences and Alabama Cooperative Extension System specialist. “When they have pups, they have a bunch, like dogs,” Lolly said. “So an urbanized population can grow quickly like it has in Auburn.” Armstrong said coyotes are adaptive animals programmed for survival that can live anywhere and will eat anything. As coyotes move into more populated areas, they become more tolerant to human activity.

Coyotes are members of the dog family and once lived in open areas, such as prairies and deserts. According to National Geographic, coyote populations are at an all-time high. “Children should not run if they see a coyote, because that could cause the animal to chase them,” said Becky Barlow, associate professor in the School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences and an Alabama Cooperative Extension System specialist. “Instead, they should slowly back away and try to make themselves look as large as possible by backing up to a tree or other large object.” Armstrong said people have

a fascination with attracting and bringing wildlife closer to their homes. He said this is something people should not be doing, because wildlife are unpredictable to humans. “Rabies would be a great concern,” Lolly said. “If you ever see a coyote during the day that is not afraid of people and actually comes toward them, there could be a real possibility that it might be rabid.” Armstrong said the possibility of seeing a coyote in urban and residential areas is high, but there is a limited threat to human safety. “Most coyotes are very shy animals and for the most part

are only out a night — nocturnal — when most people are not around,” Lolly said. “Need to avoid them, they are wild animals. For the most part if you leave them alone, they are not aggressive, except maybe a mother with pups.” More coyotes are seen this time of year because the litter from last year is pushed out of the pack to make room for the new litter of pups. The younger coyotes have not developed a sense of fear for humans; therefore, they are more likely to move to areas of human activity. Armstrong gave some tips for Auburn residents to avoid coyote problems:

- Do not let coyotes feel welcome to the area. If you see them in the area, scare them off by throwing objects at the coyotes. Armstrong said to make sure the coyotes understand they are not wanted in the area. - Do not feed coyotes or leave food for them. Armstrong said to avoid leaving cat or dog food outside. Secure food areas with fences or pits to guard against coyotes. - Do not try to attract wildlife to your area, because nature is unpredictable to humans. - Be aware coyotes are in the area and try to avoid their habitat.

City receives Harvard award Sonya Lovejoy Community Reporter

Courtesy of the Event Center Downtown

Opelika Unplugged artists rock downtown music scene Sydney Callis Community Reporter

Songwriters and musicians will be gathering in one place to share their crafts and stories with others at the next Opelika Unplugged. Held at The Event Center Downtown Friday, Nov. 2, Opelika Unplugged showcases songwriter talent and stories, said Rebecca WalkerJones, co-founder of Opelika Unplugged. Walker-Jones, a songwriter herself, founded Opelika Unplugged with Greg Rogers as a way to give local songwriters a chance to showcase their creations. “I used to run something very similar in London,” Walker-Jones said. “Opelika Unplugged was born from a desire to not have to travel up to Nashville just to be heard, and I also thought it was a great way to bring songwriters together.” There is only one rule: no covers. “There are plenty of places around town where you can hear and perform cover songs,” Walker-Jones said. “The whole idea of Opelika Unplugged was that it would really be a listening room type of environment where the lyrics are important, and people will be listening to these songs and the stories behind these songs.” Lisa Ditchkoff, co-owner of The Event Center Downtown,

said she enjoys the events because of the talent of the performers. “I love their passion and hearing the stories behind the songs,” Ditchkoff said. Walker-Jones said songwriting is such an integral part of the musical process, and she does not feel songwriters are sufficiently credited. “Songwriters are kind of under-represented everywhere,” Walker-Jones said. “The songwriter seems to be the last person that really gets paid. The actual songwriter is sort of at the bottom of the totem pole.” Walker-Jones said artists, record companies, distribution companies and other companies involved in producing music get paid the most, and she thinks that is wrong. “It should be the other way around, because without the song, there is no artist or there is no hit,” Walker-Jones said. The art of songwriting takes a lot of hard work and dedication, according to WalkerJones. “Until you have written 40 or 50 songs, you’re not even really beginning to learn your craft,” Walker-Jones said. “But I would say just have confidence, because if you don’t start the whole process of creating, you’ll never really get to a level where you’re happy.” Opelika Unplugged provides an outlet to celebrate the talents of songwriters. Walker-

Jones said musicians are welcome to attend and perform as well. “Keyboard players, percussion players, bass players, anybody that would like to just come and sit in, I think that would be fun,” WalkerJones said. “It really makes for a wonderful evening. I don’t want musicians to feel excluded. If they don’t write songs, they’re still welcome to come and perhaps sit in with their instrument.” Those songwriters not already booked to perform at the event still have a chance to play their compositions, according to Walker-Jones. There will be an open-mic portion toward the end of the evening. Ditchkoff said the venue is a great setting for the singersongwriter platform event, especially with the completion of renovations on the second floor. “The second floor is the latest addition to the property,” Ditchkoff said. “It is an intimate setting in an awesome space.” Tickets will be $5 and available at the door; however, songwriters get in for free. The event will start at 7:30 p.m. “I believe everybody has a good song in them,” Walker Jones said. “Even if you’re not musical, everyone has a story to tell. I think people should come because it’s a fabulously fun evening.”

The City of Auburn has received a “Bright Ideas” designation from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University for its multi-phased information technology system, known as the COA Interactive Map. This system is a new version of the City’s web-based interactive map. GIS Manager Christopher Graff explains the COA Map as an intuitive yet robust resource. “We also hope they find enjoyment in that experience and that through the COA map’s use it provokes a thoughtful and engaging interaction with the City of Auburn,” Graff said. City of Auburn officials currently use the system to analyze response times, identify crime areas, track fires and monitor traffic incidents easily by categorizing their location, type or severity. Residents can also use the COA map to see their property information and parcel lines, determine their voting ward, voting location and

City Council representative, determine their school district, show their proximity to flood plains and much more. “Students and staff at Auburn University use it in class projects,” Graff said. “Citizens use it to discover where to vote, what day of the week garbage pickup is and to investigate how their property has changed over time.” The City of Auburn was awarded the Bright Ideas initiative for its use of technology to collect and disseminate in real-time multiple data sets through one comprehensive Public Safety interactive mapping application known as the PS Map. “This is the first such application we’re aware of that integrates so many different resources,” Graff said. This award is geared toward government programs and practices from across the nation that serve as catalysts in the adoption of innovative ideas by government entities. “This means our Public Safety officers are equipped with the most current, authoritative data, straight from the various sources, in

real time, without changing anything or incurring added costs,” Graff said. The City of Auburn’s bright idea will be highlighted on the Ash Center’s Government Innovator’s Network, advancing the opportunity for it to be adopted by other municipalities in addition to being considered for the Innovations in American Government Award. “The recognition is a true honor coming from such a prestigious organization,” said Jim Buston, assistant city manager and chief information officer. Buston also said the IT Department will continue to be at the forefront of helping deliver innovative and cost-effective services to the citizens of Auburn. The City of Auburn’s Information Technology Department will host two free seminars for the public. These seminars will be held in the City of Auburn Meeting Room, 122 Tichenor Ave., Tuesday, Nov. 6 from 5:30– 6:30 p.m., or at the same location Tuesday, Nov. 13 from 3–4 p.m. No reservations are required.

You have the

RIGHT TO KNOW How are public school teachers trained? The National Council on Teacher Quality asked Auburn to participate in a review of the nation’s teacher preparation programs.

Auburn refused

Help us do what your school would not.


Community A8

The Auburn Plainsman

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Fundraiser seeks to help women in crisis Jenny Steele Copy Editor

When a boyfriend, friend or even an entire family encourages a woman to abort her child, one Auburn-based clinic steps in to educate her about all the options available. Women’s Hope Medical Clinic celebrated 29 years of service to Lee County Thursday, Oct. 25 with its annual fundraising banquet in the Auburn Arena. The theme of the night was “Chosen by God, Chosen to Serve,” and was underscored by keynote speaker Tony Evans, a pastor, author and radio host from Dallas. The pastor at Greater Peace Missionary Baptist Church in Opelika, Clifford E. Jones, gave the invocation for the event. Kaitlyn Croughwell, a client advocate at Women’s Hope, shared her experience with the clinic. It was August 2011 when Croughwell, then a junior at Auburn, learned she was pregnant. “I was sitting in a small client’s room at Women’s Hope Medical Clinic, awaiting the results of my pregnancy test,” Croughwell said. “I asked myself, ‘how did I ever get myself into this situation?’ Before I knew it, a woman greeted me at the door … looking back at that moment of my life, the voice of that nurse was the only thing I could remember from that day.” Croughwell said she was hysterical and that everything felt like a blur. She asked herself how she was ever going to raise a baby. Advocates at the clinic offered support and provided her with options. “I wasn’t alone at all,” she said. “With the love of our Savior, and the grace of Women’s Hope, I could do this.” Croughwell held Hudson, the child she was referring to, in her arms as she spoke. “I never thought I deserved something as amazing as this little boy,” she said. Evans likened the work of

We believe in what they do. We know firsthand of the success they’ve had. We’ve had experiences with people who have been saved in more ways than one..” —Mike Hubbard State Speaker of the House

the clinic to a Bible verse in the Book of Jeremiah. “When I hear the testimonies that I’ve heard tonight and read the literature of Women’s Hope, then I understand,” he said. “You see, Jeremiah 29:11 says, ‘I have plans for you sayeth the Lord. A plan for your wellbeing and not for your calamity; to give you a future and a hope.’ It is a very well-lit verse in a very dark chapter … You are a well-lit location in the lives of dark places that so many of these ladies face.” Hope was the central theme of Evans’ speech. Eighty to 85 percent of those who come in to the clinic ultimately choose life, but there is a small percentage that does not, said Julie Klarenbeek, interim executive director and nurse manager of the clinic. “We never want to forget (those lost to abortion), but even more importantly, we never want to forget those moms and dads who struggled with that decision and felt that that was their only choice,” Klarenbeek said. Klarenbeek said 129 clients in 2011 alone changed their minds and chose not to abort their children. Tables at the event were decorated with photographs of some of these babies, the staff and volunteers. “We have probably over 80 heroes that flock into Women’s Hope that serve and

mentor these young people that come through our doors,” Klarenbeek said. Klarenbeek’s discourse was more than cheers and lamentations; it was a call to action for the audience. “We need to continue to be the voice of the unborn,” she said. Former executive director Larry Webb expressed a similar level of passion when describing the work of the clinic and his time there as director. “We met the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of thousands of young women and men, and enabled them to make decisions to have that baby – how they could have that baby – all the while not having any judgment toward those who did not choose to have that baby.” Speaker of the House Mike Hubbard, R-Auburn, has been involved with the clinic since he and his wife first married. “We believe in what they do,” Hubbard said. “We know firsthand of the success they’ve had. We’ve had experiences with people who have been saved in more ways than one.” Though he describes himself as a “staunchly pro-life” politician, Hubbard said his support for the clinic extends back long before he ever began his career in politics. Hubbard also said the state will see more pro-life legislation now that Republicans have the majority. “We already passed some last year, and I believe there’s a great opportunity for more pro-life legislation in Alabama,” he said. “That was really an impossibility before we took over as the leaders.” The staff at Women’s Hope could also be described as leaders. According to the fundraising pamphlet, clinic employees lead courses on parenting education, provide free pregnancy testing, limited ultrasound and early prenatal care, STI testing for men and women and postabortion recovery, among other services.

Danielle Lowe/Assistant Photo Editor

Writer Jason Crane stopped in Auburn briefly on a tour earlier in 2012 and loved the town so much he decided to move here. He has been hired by The Gnu’s Room.

Interviewer Jason Crane hired to be part of Gnu’s Room team Kailey Miller

Auburn for the position. Crane decided to end his tour from New York to New Orleans after deciding New York living was expensive. “It’s cool to be living in a small town,” Crane said. Gnu Arts Inc., the nonprofit organization that operates The Gnu’s Room and Solomon & George Publishers, aims to encourage literacy and the arts in Auburn’s community and nearby areas. Crane has a background in nonprofits and fundraising that he can use to help The Gnu’s Room succeed in this task. Crane will look for applicable grants and corporate and individual donations, Tatum said. Crane said he is planning on taking The Gnu’s Room to the next phase by raising more funds to support the arts. Crane also plans to start a new show that will include interviews from different types of people, from chefs to musicians.


The Gnu’s Room has just acquired a new assistant director. Jason Crane was the host and producer of the Jazz Session, an online interview show that focuses on jazz musicians and those that work with jazz musicians. Tina Tatum, director of the Gnu’s Room, said Crane visited the bookstore in June to share poetry and talk about his “Jazz or Bust Tour” and immediately felt at home in Auburn. “He was so captivated by The Gnu’s Room, and our mission as a non-profit organization that he asked me to grant him an interview for his show,” Tatum said. “I was one of, if not the only, non-jazz interviews he had chosen to post out of some 400-plus interviews.” Tatum said they formed an almost immediate friendship, and once Crane decided to end his tour, he returned to

According to Crane, the most interesting person he interviewed on the Jazz Session was Sonny Rollins, an American jazz tenor saxophonist. Crane entered the field of broadcasting and social media in radio and was an announcer at NPR’s “Morning Edition.” Crane is the first person to hold the position of assistant manager at The Gnu’s Room, Tatum said. The position did not exist until the IRS recognized The Gnu’s Room as a charitable entity. “Jason was interested in and accepted the position with the understanding that one of the first orders of business was to research available grants that provide funding to nonprofits, allowing them to pay a salary for a development director,” Tatum said. “He is currently looking for part-time employment to sustain him until a grant or other funding can be obtained to enable Gnu Arts to have him fulltime.”

Sessions visits Lee County

Emily Morris/Assistant Photo

U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) speaks at the Auburn Chamber of Commerce’s annual Oktoberfest event, Thursday, Oct. 25 at the Auburn Technology Park. Sessions and Auburn mayor Bill Ham spoke briefly on fostering a pro-business in Lee County and Alabama.

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Sports Thursday, November 1, 2012

B1 www.theplainsman.com


By the numbers Texas A&M vs. Auburn 5

Texas A&M’s vaunted pass rush proved their top defensive ranking with five sacks in the first half alone. Junior Clint Moseley was sacked once and left the game with an injury due to the pressure. Kiehl Frazier endured four sacks in the first half. Three of the five sacks came on third down where Auburn only converted two of their 10 third down opportunities. The bright spot for the Tigers is that the quarterback who finished the game against Texas A&M and will start Saturday, Nov. 3 against New Mexico State, freshman Jonathan Wallace, was not sacked once in the game. Instead, Wallace was able to elude pressure and finished the game with 71 yards rushing on 13 carries.


Courtesy of Todd van Emst

Jonathan Wallace made his debut against LSU as a runner. Against Texas A&M, he showed he can throw the ball as well.

Jonathan Wallace named homecoming game starter Andrew Yawn Sports Editor

On Saturday, Nov. 3, Auburn will find out if it actually has a startingcaliber quarterback on the roster. At his Tuesday press conference, Gene Chizik announced the team will start its third and final option as quarterback: Jonathan Wallace. “We thought, going back and looking at the film and really reviewing it, that he really played well,” Chizik said. “That’s the decision that we’ve made, so we’re going to forge ahead with that.” The selection comes as no surprise after Wallace’s performance last weekend was the only positive to emerge from Auburn’s crushing 63– 21 loss to Texas A&M. Wallace finished the game 6-for-9 passing for 122 yards and two touchdowns. In addition, the freshman rushed for 71 yards on 13 carries. Wallace only played half the game, but in limited action he turned in the first multi-touchdown game by an Auburn quarterback since junior Clint Moseley’s four touchdown performance against Ole Miss on Oct. 29, 2011. It was also the first time an Auburn quarterback completed at least 66 percent of his passes since Moseley’s 41–23 victory over Ole Miss last season. Wallace had entered the game in relief of junior Clint Moseley and sophomore Kiehl Frazier. Moseley injured his ankle after being sacked on the third play of the game. From there, Frazier and Wallace split time until Wallace connected with tight

Emily Morris / Assistant Photo Editor

Tight end C.J. Uzomah’s 27-yard touchdown catch from Jonathan Wallace in the third quarter gave Auburn’s coaches enough incentive to keep the freshman in the game.

end C.J. Uzomah on a 27-yard touchdown strike three minutes into the third quarter. From then on, Wallace was the signal caller and provided a noticeable spark for Auburn’s previously idling offensive engine. According to Chizik, Wallace’s success and promotion hasn’t changed his mindset in the least. “Jonathan’s one of these guys that’s very mature beyond his years,” Chizik said. “He prepares that way. He was up here all day yesterday on his own just watching film. Not that that’s the first day he’s done that. He’s just a little bit different. “He’s not into all of the fluff and

all of the stuff around what all that means. He just loves football.” On Tuesday, Oct. 30, Chizik acknowledged that Wallace, a threestar recruit, was an “11th hour deal” made at the last second to bring in a local prospect. However, after his performance against Texas A&M, the Phenix City native showed he can be an SEC quarterback. Wallace was a long shot to play before the season with Moseley, Frazier and the now-departed Zeke Pike filling the top of the roster. Now, Wallace has the top spot and a chance to prove he’s the answer for Auburn.

Linebacker Richardson picked as Rhodes Scholarship finalist Media report

Senior linebacker Ashton Richardson is going to miss out on any championships or accolades on the gridiron this season; however, Richardson may win one of the nation’s most prestigious awards for his performance off the field. On Tuesday, Oct. 30, Richardson was named a finalist for the Rhodes Scholarship. Following two days of interviews from Nov. 16–17, Richardson will find out if he has been chosen as one of two Rhodes Scholars in this district. There are 12 finalists in Richardson’s district, District VII. As winner of a Rhodes Scholarship, the recipient has the opportunity to do graduate work at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom.

Richardson, an animal sciences major, said he was humbled by the nomination. “When I was first notified that I was a finalist, I was so thankful to God and to all the people who have helped me,” Richardson said. “I was overwhelmed with a sense of humility. When you realize how prestigious and competitive the Rhodes Scholarship is, having the chance to try for it is a dream come true. I will give it my all to make Auburn proud and represent all the people on campus who have worked with me and believe in me.” Gene Chizik told Auburn media relations that Richardson “embodies the best and highest ideals of what it means to be a student-athlete.” “During his time at Auburn, he has

worked extremely hard on the football field, in the classroom and in the community,” Chizik said. “He is a leader on and off the field and is highly respected by his coaches and teammates. Watching Ashton develop over the past several years has been a joy. He represents himself, his family, his teammates and Auburn University in the highest way imaginable and we’re very proud of his accomplishments.” Richardson is the fifth Auburn student-athlete to make the finals in the past four years along with swimmers Erica Meissner and Jordan Anderson, former gymnast Krissy Voss and former diver Dan Mazzaferro. Of the group, only Anderson ended up winning the Rhodes Scholarship in 2009.

Both the Tigers and the Aggies possessed the ball for approximately 30 minutes on Saturday (29:22 and 30:38 minutes, respectively). And yet, despite the same amount of time spent with the offense on the field, Texas A&M was able to produce triple the points and double the yards Auburn did. The Aggies’ fast-paced offense managed to squeeze 81plays into half an hour of football. Auburn mustered 55 plays on the day. The possession times were the same, because a team with more possession usually keeps the defense on the field. The Texas A&M offense scored at will, kicked the ball back to Auburn, and then would mount another quick drive to the endzone all the while torching the defense for 671 yards.


Auburn only forced the Aggies to punt once the entire game. Texas A&M was able to score touchdowns on each of its six opening possessions. The team would have had a streak of nine consecutive scoring drives to open the game had Aggie kicker Taylor Bertolet not missed a 48-yard field goal to end the first half. Even the punt was forced on an incompletion by Texas A&M’s backup quarterback Matt Joeckel. The Aggies converted nine of their 11 third down chances and had 34 first downs — almost double Auburn’s total of 18. While Auburn’s defensive line should be the strength of the defense, the Tigers only managed one sack the entire game and allowed the Aggies to score whenever they pleased.

Auburn in the NFL Cam Newton – (QB, Carolina Panthers)

Completed 20-of-39 passes for 314 yards in his first 300-yard passing game since the first week. Newton also had two interceptions and two fumbles. L CHI 23 - CAR 22

Quentin Groves – (LB, Arizona Cardinals) Three tackles. L SF 24 - ARI 3

Devin Aromashodu – (WR, Minnesota Vikings)

No receptions. L TB 36 - L MIN 17

Rob Bironas – (PK, Tennessee Titans)

Two-of-three field goal attempts and connected on an extra point. L IND 19 - TEN 13

Sen’Derrick Marks – (DT, Tennessee Titans) Two tackles. L IND 19 - TEN 13

Takeo Spikes – (LB, San Diego Chargers) Eight tackles. L CLE 7 - SD 6

Jerraud Powers – (CB, Indianapolis Colts) Ten tackles (seven solo). W IND 19 - TEN 13

Carlos Rogers – (DB, San Francisco 49ers) Six tackles. W SF 24 - ARI 3

Nick Fairley – (DT, Detroit Lions) No tackles. W DET 28 - SEA 24

Jay Ratliff – (DT, Dallas Cowboys)

Five tackles (three solo). L NYG 29 - DAL 24

Pat Lee – (DB, Oakland Raiders)

Five tackles, two breakups, one interception. W OAK 26 - KAN 16

Jason Campbell – (QB, Chicago Bears) No stats. W CHI 23 - CAR 22

Will Herring – (LB, New Orleans Saints)

No stats, but saw time at linebacker and on special teams. L DEN 34 - NO 14

Karlos Dansby – (LB, Miami Dolphins)

Eight tackles (five solo) and a pass deflection. W MIA 30 - NYJ 9

Ronnie Brown – (RB, San Diego Chargers)

Season-high seven catches for 85 yards to go with 17 yards on four carries. L CLE 7 - SD 6

Pat Lee – (DB, Oakland Raiders)

Five tackles, two pass breakups and an interception, the first of his career. W OAK 26 - KAN 16 Byes this week: San Francisco running back Brandon Jacobs and cornerback Carlos Rogers. Injuries: San Francisco running back Brandon Jacobs missed his eighth straight game with a knee injury. Cincinnati defensive tackle Pat Sims remains on the Physically Unable to Perform list with an ankle injury. Injured reserve: Tristan Davis – (RB, Washington Redskins) Mario Fannin – (RB, Denver Broncos) Brandon Mosley – (OG, New York Giants) Lee Ziemba – (OT, Carolina Panthers)

Sports B2

The Auburn Plainsman

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Tigers earn SEC Tournament spot with win over Alabama Justin Ferguson Writer

On the verge of a disappointing draw with its in-state rival, the Auburn soccer team celebrated Senior Night with a 4–3 double overtime victory over Alabama on Oct. 25. The Tigers secured a berth in the SEC Tournament with the victory. Play began Monday, Oct. 29, but Auburn earned a bye for the first round. With 28 seconds left in the match, forward Tatiana Coleman received a deep punt from senior goalkeeper Amy Howard in stride and flicked it over Alabama goalkeeper Shelby Church for the gamewinning goal. “When I got the ball I said, ‘You know what, either you end up with a tie or end up with a win,’” Coleman said afterwards. “I knew I had to put (the chance) in for my team and especially for the seniors.”

Coffed also got involved in a 32nd minute attack that ended with Alexa Allen setting up Coleman for a powerful goal just outside the penalty box. “One of our goals as a team before we kicked off was to match their intensity and start off really strong,” Coffed said. “Getting that first goal in the first ten minutes really gave us the boost at the start of the game that we needed, and we were able to rack up that 3–0 lead.” But it seemed like the script was flipped during halftime, as the visiting Crimson Tide were able to get all three goals back in the second half. The Tide’s Theresa Diedrich started the comeback with a 55th minute goal off of a well-worked corner routine. But Auburn was able to hold off the Alabama attack for the final ten minutes of regulation. In overtime, Howard came up with several fingertip saves to

Auburn was able to reclaim the Iron Bowl of Soccer Trophy with the win, avenging last year’s heartbreaking 3–2 loss in Tuscaloosa. The dramatic victory also secured a first round bye in the SEC Tournament for the Tigers, a prize head coach Karen Hoppa says is extremely valuable for Auburn’s chances. “The bye is massive,” Hoppa said. “I don’t think you can win the tournament if you have to play on Monday. The bye gives us a great chance to defend our title, and that’s what we wanted.” Auburn rushed out to a commanding 3–0 lead in the first half, dominating all phases of play for the first 45 minutes. Senior Mary Coffed got the Tigers rolling in the eighth minute, slotting a low line drive past Church for the opening goal. She would score again less than 20 minutes later off of a cross by Coleman.

keep the Tigers’ hopes alive. “It’s hard after you give up goals because that’s your one job out there,” Howard said. “But you have to mentally get right back in it and pretend like it’s 0–0.” Howard’s goalkeeping heroics gave Auburn the opportunity to end the game in the first overtime period, but a low shot from Coleman finished on the wrong side of the post with only seven seconds left on the clock. But Coleman’s final shot was able to find the back of the net. “That’s what goalscorers do,” Hoppa said. “They can’t focus on the one they missed, they have to focus on the next one. Tatiana’s got such a great mentality and she showed tonight that she’s a great goalscorer.”

» Read the SEC Tournament results online at


Allison Thompson / photographer

Junior goalkeeper Caitlin Torie celebrates Auburn’s Iron Bowl victory and SEC Tournament berth with captain Ana Cate Thursday, Oct. 25.

Player profile: Elizabeth Benson gallops through freshman year Corey Arwood Writer

An Auburn freshman’s junior days in equestrian sports are coming to an end, but whatever hurdles Elizabeth Benson may encounter in her next phase, her coaches have no doubt that she can clear them. Benson, 18, came to Auburn from her home state of New Jersey already with a long list of accomplishments from her junior career in the sport. The equestrian team’s head coach, Greg Williams, said of Benson: “Elizabeth is a phenomenal rider. We knew she was a great rider in high school and doing her individual competitions.” As for Benson’s weaknesses as a rider now, Williams said there aren’t many. “She can get along with any horse, she can make improvements on everything she gets on, she’s consistent and she

Braswell added, “She really has got control and nerve and has the ability to ride any horse, and the horse would like her which is really important in college riding. She can be very adaptable.” Speaking about her past with the sport said, Benson said: “I actually started riding when I was about 3, because my parents were both trainers in New Jersey, so it’s kind of in our family.” Presently, her major is undecided, but she said she is leaning toward business. However, she intends to go as far as she can in the sport. When asked if she wanted take it to the professional level, she responded, “Yes, absolutely.” She said one of her favorite aspects about the sport is, “It always keeps me guessing, which is a big thing. “…You’re always on your toes, whether or not it’s going to be a great day with you and

wins,” Williams said. “She’s still right now competing in a lot of individual competitions.” Benson competed last weekend in the Washington International Horse Show and won first place in the equitation finals. Assistant Coach Jessica Braswell, who specializes in “hunt seat,” Benson’s event, commented on Benson’s performance so far with the University’s equestrian team. “We have two disciplines … Hunt seat is one of our two disciplines,” Braswell said. “Within that discipline we have equitation on the flats and equitation over fences and Elizabeth competes in both. She’s a great competitor; she’s going to have a very good career at Auburn. “She’s competed for us in several events against Oklahoma State earlier in the fall and won both of the rides and was most outstanding player in equitation on the flats.”

your horse, and with your partner, and the whole thing. And it’s thrilling in that sense, you know, you never know how it’s going to turn out, and you hope for the best and when it goes your way it’s kind of rewarding.” As for her horse: “I have a couple, but my main horse that I’m showing at the nationals is my own; his name is San Remo.” She said she bought San Remo in 2009 and that he is kept in New Jersey. From there he is driven to the location of her competition. In comparison to her past as an individual performer with that of her new role on a team, she said, “I absolutely love it. It’s different because up to this point as … junior levels it’s all individually based. “There really aren’t many opportunities to show as a team or with other people, so for me it’s a different experi-

Contributed by Elizabeth Benson

Elizabeth Benson won the equitation finals last weekend in the Washington International Horse Show.

ence, but it’s an experience that I really like … But the team is amazing.” “It was different but again it’s something that I love. I love the town and the atmosphere and how welcoming everybody is whether it’s the team or people in classes you know everybody’s so friendly and

warm and that’s really important to me.” According to the coaches Benson will enter her amateur career, the stage after junior, in December, which will lead to more involvement with the team and be another step closer to the realization of her desire; riding professionally.



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8/22/12 4:29 PM


The Auburn’s men club soccer team ran into its 2012 season with high expectations, high hopes and team goals. On Monday, Oct. 29, the team got news that it got a bid and was invited to the National Championships in Memphis, TN., from Nov. 15–17 for the first time since 2006. This season the team has won 10 games, lost two and tied four. Because of its success and accomplishments this year, the team was named the Club Sport of the Month by Campus Recreation in October. “We’ve done really well, and right now we’re fourth in our

region,� said Carey Davis, team president. Though the team is fourth in its region, they are first in their Gulf South subdivision. A major highlight toward the beginning of the season is when the team beat Birmingham Southern, a D3 school, 2–1, which could be credited toward their hard work and training. “It speaks a lot about Coach Bo, the way he coaches and how he gets us prepared,� said freshman Jackson Fendley. The center midfield player joined the team because he knew Coach Bo and had previously played with some players on the team. He said, “Practices are al-


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Rebecca Croomes / Photo Editor

Freshman Jordan Price had 13 points and 3 assists Tuesday night.

score better.� Despite the team’s display of offensive prowess, Barbee said the team must continue to work on perfecting his defensive system. “If we can get to the level defensively where we have to be, we can turn the corner,� Barbee said. Auburn got off to a fast start — leading 25-9 with 10:02 remaining in the 1st half after a jumper by Jordan Price. Auburn went into halftime

leading 61–20 and ended the game shooting 56.6 percent from the field and 40.9 percent from three-point. Auburn’s largest lead on the night was 57 after Noel Johnson hit a three-pointer assisted by Greene with 6:12 remaining in the game. The Auburn men take on Georgia Southwestern on Monday, Nov. 5 in the Auburn Arena for their final exhibition game before the regular season starts.

AU club soccer team scores nationals berth Toi Garcia


It’s HUG

ab yo u

Six Auburn players scored in double figures as the Auburn men’s basketball team defeated Victory University 108–57 in their first exhibition game Tuesday night. Senior Auburn center Rob Chubb led the Tigers with a double-double, producing 21 points and 13 rebounds. Senior guard Frankie Sullivan added 11 points and 2 assists. Sullivan was Auburn’s leading returning scorer from last season, averaging 12.6 points, 3.9 rebounds and 3.2 assists. Senior forward Noel Johnson also added 11 points on the night. This year Auburn brought in a recruiting class ranked third in the SEC. Featured in the class were guard Brian Greene, forward Jordon Granger, center Asauhn Dixon-Tatum, forward Shareif Adamu and freshman guards Jordan Price and Shaquille Johnson. Price scored 13 points and

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three assists, while Shaquille Johnson put on a show for the 2,500 Auburn fans that filled the Auburn Arena. Johnson scored 15 points —13 of which came in the second half — going 7–7 from the field and 1–1 from three-point. Greene and Granger both had strong showings in their first collegiate game. Greene produced 12 assists and four steals running the point, while Granger added 13 points. Auburn head coach Tony Barbee was pleased with his team’s showing and excited for the scoring ability and athleticism at his disposal this season. “I think it is the first time we have scored 100 since I have been here, so that is a good sign,� said head coach Tony Barbee. “Offensively, we have some guys that can put the ball in the basket and that makes the game easier. We have a chance, and we have some athleticism. We should rebound better this year, and we should

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Basketball shows young talent in win Taylor Grafft

Sports B3

The Auburn Plainsman


Thursday, November 1, 2012

ways fun. Everyone is goodwe’re just as talented and competitive as each other.� The team has worked harder than what he’s heard about from previous years. He said, “Everyone has been going to all the practices, which is preparing us for the games, and in the long run helping with all the wins.� Like Davis and the rest of the team, Fendley’s main goal was to make it to nationals, an accomplishment they knew was feasible. He said, “At nationals it will be more intense because we would be playing against harder teams. Everyone is either at your level or higher.� Over the weekend of Oct.

26–28 the team played in the semifinals at regionals in Rockhill, SC., and lost to Florida 2–1. Although it wasn’t able to win, the team “did a lot better, got some confidence back, attacked, and gave them troubleâ€? in the second half, Fendley said. Assistant coach Kevin Rose said, “The team has been really good this season, we have a lot of good players, and it’s been enjoyable ‌ the intensity has been good all year, so practices will remain the same.â€? The team will now begin its long awaited journey as they practice hard for the next couple of weeks and prepare for nationals.


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Sports B4

The Auburn Plainsman


Thursday, November 1, 2012

A week in Auburn sports Swimming and Diving-

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Rebecca Croomes / Photo editor

The women’s swimming and diving team defeated Notre Dame 166– 132 Friday Nov. 26 to advance to 3–0 on the season.

The women’s swimming and diving team remain undefeated through its third dual-action meet, defeating Notre Dame 166– 132 Friday, Nov. 26. The Tigers took first place in eight races, with seniors Katie Gardocki and Hannah Riordan leading the way. Gardocki posted the third-best time in the nation with her 1,000-yard freestyle winning time of 9:45.42 and out-touched the competition by more than 13 seconds in the 500 free. Riordan became just the fifth swimmer this year to break the 23-second mark in the 50 free, finishing in 22.98. She collected her second win of the meet as anchor in the 400 medley relay alongside the team of Jillian Vitarius, Micah Lawrence and Olivia Scott. Sophomore divers Cinzia Calabretta and Shanna Schuelein both earned runner-up honors in the 3-meter and 1-meter events respectively.

Volleyball- Auburn earned a pair of sweeps this weekend, marking the team’s first backto-back SEC road victories since 2010. The Tigers defeated South Carolina 25-21, 25-15, 25-19 Friday night before traveling to Ole Miss where it held out for a 2516, 25-19, 25-19 sweep. Sarah Bullock and Katherine Culwell posted double-doubles for the fourth straight match. The Tigers boasted its highest hitting percentage in an SEC match in 14 years with a .474 against South Carolina, the fifth best by an SEC team this season. Auburn hit .325 in Sunday’s match to give the team its second consecutive plus-.300 performance.

Women’s golf- The No. 8–

ranked Auburn women’s golf team took home 12th place at the Betsy Rawls Longhorn Invitational Oct. 28-30 after a 18–over 306 on its final round Monday, Oct. 30. Senior Carlie Yadloczky shot a 1-under 71 on the final day of play and tied for 11th individual-

ly with a 1-over 217 for the tournament. Junior Marta Sanz shot a 7-over 79 on the final round to finish at 5-over 221 for the tournament. Sophomore Victoria Trapani finished in a tie for 37th, junior Diana Fernandez finished at 74th and sophomore Nicole Quinn came home with a 75th place finish. Freshman Jamie Yun rounded out the tournament with a 78th place finish. The fall golf season is over for the Tigers, but they will return to competitive play Feb. 1012 at the Puerto Rico Invitational at the River Course at Rio Mar in San Juan, Puerto Rico to kick off the spring season.

Cross Country- The Au-

burn men and women’s cross country teams traveled to Nashville for the 2012 SEC Cross Country Championships hosted by Vanderbilt University at Percy Warner Park on Friday. The men’s squad took home eighth, while the women finished 14th. Sophomore Niklas Buhner clocked a personal record with a 24:41.66 time in the men’s 8k race. He was Auburn’s top finisher on the event and placed 26th overall. Junior Samuel Mueller took the 37th spot, crossing the finish line in 25:02.69, and sophomore Griffin Jaworski set a personal record with his 40th place time of 25:11.30. Sophomores Francis Hernandez and Kane Grimster rounded out the Auburn scorers with 65th and 69th finishes respectively. The Tigers finished the meet with 237 points to place eighth overall. On the women’s side, redshirt junior Alissa Fisher led the Auburn runners with a 31st overall finish, crossing the finish line in 21:32.78 in the 6k run. Junior Erin Fondren and freshmen Sage Blackwell and Kristin Sheehan each posted personal bests. Danielle Lusk rounded out Auburn’s scorers with a 96th place finish. Auburn will travel to Tallahassee, Fla., Nov. 9 to compete in the NCAA South Regional hosted by Florida State.

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Intrigue Thursday, November 1, 2012

B5 ThePlainsman.com

Rebecca croomes / photo editor

Bill Trant of Jeffcoat-Trant Funeral Home grew up in the mortician business, and when he was younger, he said he used to have to stay in funeral homes overnight.

Event planning for the deceased Anna Beth Jager Intrigue Reporter

It’s common knowledge October is a month about dressing up, scary movies and things that go bump in the night. It’s a time for people to dress like the undead and reminisce over the actually dead — the ones who have already passed on. But what about the guys who deal with the real thing? The ones who handle the deceased on a daily basis? Bill Trant of Jeffcoat-Trant Funeral Home in Opelika grew up in the mortician business. When he was younger, he used to have to stay in funeral homes overnight with the bodies. “Sometimes you can scare yourself,” he said. “Especially at 1 or 2 o'clock in the morning. You get there and imagine they’re moving or something.” He said some strange things did occur when he was growing up. “I would have friends come by and scratch the windows or do stuff like that," Trant said. "You can be walking in a dark hall and think someone's lurking at you, but it’s really nothing.” Trant prepares bodies for open-casket funerals. “We don't do the hair," he

Rebecca Croomes / Photo Editor

Trant said, “Sometimes you can scare yourself. Especially at 1 or 2 o’clock in the morning.”

said. "You know how women are funny about their hair, so we wash the hair, but we get a beautician to actually do the hair. Basically, we disinfect the body, wash the hair, the beautician can fix them up, and then for women we'll put the makeup on.” While being a mortician is an interesting job, it’s still a job, and a demanding one at that. Joseph Dean, funeral director and embalmer of Frederick’s Funeral Home, said his average day is usually a long one. “Well, usually the day begins at about 2 a.m. when you get woken up for a death call," Dean said. "Then you come

up here, and if they need to be embalmed you need to embalm them; get done with that at about 4 in the morning. Then you go home, take a shower and go back to work at about 8 o'clock.” Dean is in charge of things such as obituaries, discussing the type and time of funeral families want and whether they want a cremation or just a normal memorial service. “We're like an event planner," he said. "We make sure everything falls in place. We just make everything happen.” Both Trant and Dean have had interesting reactions from people who find out they are morticians.

“Well, a lot of them say things like, ‘don’t touch me,’" Trant said. "You know, silly little stuff like that.” Dean has had similar encounters. “People act strange all the time," he said. "Usually saying things like, ‘I can’t believe you do that.’” Technology in the morticians' field is increasing. There are new chemicals and an increase in cremation services, but Trant said opencasket services are still the most popular type of service. “I think it's because we know they’ve passed on," he said. "So people want to come say their peace; so people can say goodbye.”


Dear Lane, Gosh, this is kinda awk. So, I guess my boyfriend is a pretty trendy guy or whatever — it's cool. Most of the time, he dresses pretty well. But he is a big fan of the "deep v." REALLY deep v's. I haven't commented on that life choice or criticized it. Yet. But I may have to speak up now. The other day, he comes over to my apartment, and he's wearing his favorite immodest clothing item. Nbd. Except this time, it is a big deal because HE WAS WEARING ONE OF MY V NECKS. What the heck. I didn't say anything to him then, ‘cause he can get pretty defensive when it comes to his fashion choices. So, I stifled my laughter and decided I'd write you, Lane, and see what your thoughts on this are. Do I say, "Hey babe, you can't wear my shirts." Or, part of me wonders if he is oblivious to the fact that it's not his shirt? Maybe he can't tell the difference! Ahh! Whatever it is, I definitely don't won't to start sharing my clothes with my boyfriend. As awkward as this is, I think it might be a good chance to have a deep v interVention with him. What do you think? Sincerely, A concerned girlfriend Dear Concerned Girlfriend, Let’s take a step back and look at this rationally, because there are a few factors you should bear in mind before you deliver an ultimatum. The first one is financial. We’re in an economic recession and, despite how glam-

orous it may have seemed in the Great Gatsby, these days it’s marked by high unemployment and even higher levels of sartorial resourcefulness. In an economy that does not allow a humble college student to purchase the latest in fall fashion, it becomes necessary to get a little creative. For me, that means stealthily siphoning clothes out of my sister’s closet. For your boyfriend, it means doubling his v-neck collection and trying out some fun feminine patterns. You should applaud your boyfriend’s frugality. The second thing to consider is fairness. All girlfriends have one thing in common and it’s that, in seventh grade, we decided there was nothing more adorable than swaddling ourselves in our boyfriend’s oversized clothing. You’ve stolen sweatshirts, hats, wristwatches, Tshirts and a little bit of cash (but it was probably for an emergency.) Your pillaging has left him with barely a stitch to his name, so you can’t blame him when he comes pawing through your closet for something to keep him warm as the temperature continues to drop. And, okay, there were probably more modest options in one of the seven drawers you have laden with XXXL T-shirts. You have to choose your battles, and this one seems pretty harmless. Give your boy a break — but if he moves on to the rest of your wardrobe, it might be time to have a talk about where this relationship is going. Love, Lane

Author’s claim of Auburn as ‘feminist utopia’ examined Nathan Simone Online Editor

Feminism. Depending on the crowd you run with, the word can either garner nods of progressive approval or laughs to sustain bar conversation. Author Hanna Rosin is trying to persuade people to move away from the latter with her new book “The End of Men: And the Rise of Women,” which documents Rosin’s research into women’s recent and growing dominance in many parts of American culture. In the book, Rosin playfully describes Auburn as a “feminist utopia” because women have higher median incomes than men, at a rate of approximately 129 percent. Rosin stressed that this number is different from a wage gap, in which people are compared by what their salaries are for performing identical jobs. “These numbers are explained by the fact that more women are working,” Rosin said.

“This is different than Susie working with Bob and Susie makes more money than Bob — that’s the wage gap. This is basically more Susies working than Bobs, even if the Susies are making slightly less money.” Rosin theorized this claim from information she received from James Chung, president of Reach Advisors, a New York-based strategy, research and predictive analytics firm. Chung could not be reached for comment, but his research was quoted by Rosin in a New York Times article titled “Who wears the pants in this economy?” from Aug. 30. “James Chung … analyzed census data showing that in most of the United States, young, single, childless women in their 20s working full time have a higher median income than equivalent young men,” Rosin wrote. “A handful of regions in the Southeast stand out as having a particularly big disparity, including Auburn, where the median income of these women is estimated at 129 percent

of the median income of similar men.” According to the Population Reference Bureau, since 1991 the proportion of young women in college has exceeded that of young men, with the gap widening every year. Data from 2005 indicate that nationwide women make up the majority, approximately 54 percent, of more than 10.8 million young adults enrolled in college. Auburn’s enrollment for fall 2012 is reversed compared to national trends: 51 percent male, 49 percent female. Whatever the data may show, simple observation of social interaction does not seem to indicate that Auburn is a particularly feminist-oriented society, even with 49 percent female student enrollment. A partial explanation may be the South’s traditionally well-steeped culture of chivalry, with women expecting certain treatment their counterparts elsewhere in the country are unlikely to receive. Taira Campbell, senior in

public relations and landscape horticulture, said the culture of the South may simply mask what is slowly becoming an egalitarian culture in Auburn. “I do think it is just part of the ‘Southern’ culture,” Campbell said. “Most girls here don’t take offense to it or even think about it; to us it’s just nice hospitality.” However, Campbell conceded that traditional expectations of family vs. career are still the rule rather than the exception. “I think a lot of girls still go to college expecting to come out with a husband, whether they’ll admit it or not,” Campbell said. Taylor Carr, junior in anthropology, said he is aware of feminist professors and likeminded thinkers, but does not see these teachings in everyday life. “I know that there’s a few teachers that are feminists, one within the Women’s Studies department, but they don’t flaunt it,” Carr said. “They study it, but they

don’t bring it out in society itself and reflect it upon Auburn.” Carr said he disagrees with the “women-first” attitude that has stereotyped feminism. “I don’t believe we should put women before men,” Carr said. “It should just be totally equal. Everyone can do everything.” Samia Spencer, professor emerita in the French department and self-professed feminist, echoed Carrs’ viewpoint on feminist ideals. “I’m a feminist and not afraid to say it,” Spencer said. “Because what is a feminist? It’s someone who wants the same rights, not just ‘women only.’ For society to progress, men and women must work together on every issue.” Spencer said she still frequently sees young women who don’t realize the extent of the rights they have gained through the struggles of past women. “Some girls, when they come to campus and see certain ideas expressed and won-

der what to do, they need to think for themselves,” Spencer said. “They need to realize that they don’t need to go a certain way and reconsider some of the ideas they have … some girls are so attached to the values they’ve been raised in among other environments that they resist all change.” The multi-dimensional discussion will continue among students, faculty and the community of Auburn for as long as both genders exist, but Auburn does have a thriving women’s studies program to help supplement curiosity, with students able to take courses in feminist theory, women in politics and gender’s relationship to art, among others. “I tell my (mostly women) students, ‘you are a smart person; you have to look ahead and consider all your options to follow what you’re passionate about doing,’” Spencer said. “The sky is the limit, or like people in Huntsville say, ‘the sky is not the limit.’”

Intrigue B6

The Auburn Plainsman

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Student’s hobby of photography develops into ‘Open Eye’ Anna Beth Jager Intrigue Reporter

The camera loves you, right? That’s usually how the saying goes, but in reality it’s the master behind the lens who picks just the right lighting and angle to make you look your best. A good, knowledgable photographer isn’t always easy to find, but you don’t have to look too far here in town because Auburn’s own Ashley Kickliter knows exactly what she’s doing. A sophomore studying graphic design, Kickliter said she started taking photos as a hobby, but has since started her own local photography business called “Open Eye Photography” that has become increasingly successful during the past two years. “It took probably a year for the business to really build up, and now it’s expanded more than I ever thought it would,” Kickliter said. “Over the last two years it’s really blown up.” Kickliter takes photos of “pretty much anything,” including weddings, graduations, new-borns, families and maternity shoots. She said she takes time to meet with clients to get a feel for what they like and dislike and how they want the overall vibe of the shoot to be. A normal shoot will usually take place in multiple locations and in several different outfits chosen by the client. Aside from portraits, Kickliter said she has a love for the art of photography. She expressed her interest in fashion photography, with Free People being one of her main inspirations.

To showcase her creative abilities, Kickliter has released a new branch in her business called ‘Luna,’ which is predominantly focused on the art of fashion photography. “Luna is all work of mine, personal work, and I do it because I want to get into fashion photography," Kickliter said. "They’re more artistic and creative. I get models and friends to help. The first one I did was a vintage lingerie shoot. I think the three Luna shoots I’ve done so far are the ones that have really stuck out to me.” As far as her personal style, Kickliter said she is definitely not traditional. “I don’t like stiff poses," Kickliter said. "I get people to have conversations and laugh. It’s a more candid style, almost like a story board. My style is soft and hazy — I like pretty sunlight and things that are really happy.” With a more life-like, genuine look, Kickliter’s photos possess an authenticity that is hard for most photographers to achieve, but that she displays eloquently. “I want to make people’s personalities come through in my pictures,” Kickliter said. “I like to find what inspires them, and that inspires me.” Kickliter said her hope for the future is to one day get an internship with a fashion photographer and eventually shoot for Vogue. To schedule a shoot or browse through photos, visit OpenEyePhotography.net or check out the Open Eye Photography Facebook page.

Ashley Kickliter, sophomore in graphic design, began Open Eye Photography two years ago, and it has since expanded into her own business.

All photos courtesy of open eye photography

Five must-visit Auburn restaurants you didn’t know existed Lane Jones Lane@ theplainsman. com

Byron’s Smokehouse Byron’s is situated along the desolate stretch of Opelika Road that is better known for its garages than its grub. Don’t be fooled by the fact that it looks like an abandoned Wendy’s that is, in all likelihood, haunted. When Tuberville was at Auburn, he would drop by Byron's Smokehouse and eat with locals that he affectionately dubbed “unpaid assistant coaches.” The sandwiches at Byron’s feature all the classics of a good barbecue joint: pulled pork, Southern-style sides and an endless flow of sweet tea. After 5 p.m., college students can get two sandwiches, a side and a drink for only $5. Save your money and satisfy your appetite with a hearty helping of barbecue. Creole Shack The Creole Shack, aptlynamed, initially appears to be just that: an abandoned shack on the side of the road, halfway between Auburn and

Loachapoka. However, its creole and cajun seafood has a loyal group of locals and a handful of adventurous spirits flocking there. A self-proclaimed “small place with good taste,” the Creole Shack promises good, old-fashioned Southern cuisine without the fuss. It is known for its étouffée, jambalaya, gumbo, po'boys, shrimp and andouille over spicy rice complete with fried green tomatoes. Block & Barrel Deli Block & Barrel Deli is tucked away on Airport Boulevard. This deli serves sandwiches made on the spot. Grabbing lunch in Auburn’s downtown area typically involves long lines and maneuvering through thick weekday traffic and coming to a screeching halt on at least 17 crosswalks on Magnolia. This hidden lunch spot promises a much easier transaction. Its sandwiches, in the time-honored tradition of Block & Barrel Deli, feature thickly sliced meat and cheeses, dressed to order and served hot or cold. They also serve homemade soup, sandwiches, salads and desserts. “I’d recommend The Jer-

sey Club,” said Kip Snyder, owner of Block & Barrel. “It’s roast beef, pepper jack cheese, cheddar, horseradish and ranch. That comes with a drink, a bag of kettle chips and some homemade banana pudding.” Durango Taqueria y Carniceria Located on Dean Road, this Durango has the same name as another Mexican resturant in town, but the experience is one-of-a-kind. In a shopping strip attached to the Voodoo Needle, Durango’s location is not marked by a sign. If you didn’t know to look for it, you wouldn’t guess that it housed a hub of delicious Mexican dishes. Durango is a strange hybrid between sit-down restaurant and grocery store. A few tables are crammed into the front of the store, but in the back you can buy fresh produce, meat, spices and novelty items. “It has a very authentic feel,” said Chris Gluckman, junior in biomedical sciences and a Durango regular. “That’s the draw for me. You can order in Spanish, but they speak English, too. When I go there,

Lane jones / intrigue reporter

it reminds me that Auburn is not just college students, twenty-somethings and white Americans. I like going there because it reminds me of that and gives me a broader view of what’s around me.” After tossing back a couple of burritos, Gluckman recommends grabbing a bag of Pan Dulce, a traditional Mexican pastry, from the bread aisle. It comes in packages of six, so there’s plenty to share with friends. The prices are delightfully low, at approximately $2 per taco. Pannie George’s Kitchen Pannie George’s Kitchen on

South College Street is a restaurant that got its name from the owners’ grandparents, Pannie and George Askew. Their affinity for hosting huge family events equipped their children to become masters of Southern-style cooking. On Sunday afternoons the Askews invited their family and neighbors over for Sunday lunch. In fact, the restaurant is a replica of their grandparents’ kitchen, decorated with colors that come straight from Pannie and George’s home. Pannie George’s offers a different meat and vegetable selection each day. It’s a mom-and-pop place

with all your go-to comfort foods. They’ve got corn bread, pecan pie and sweet tea, but Pannie George’s is best known for its delectable fried chicken. “It’s the best soul food in Auburn, and it’s so affordable” said Callie McQuaig, pharmacy school student. According to the restaurant’s website, the purpose of the business can be summed up by Nehemiah 6:3, which says, “I am doing a great work; therefore I must stay on the wall.” According to the online reviews, that great work might very well be the fried chicken.

Check out this week’s

gameday issue Auburn University vs.

New Mexico St.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Intrigue B7

The Auburn Plainsman

Courtesy of Brock Parker

Alabama Ghostbusters raised $3,000 in its charity auction for the Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham’s Tornado Recovery Fund. The organization focuses mainly on charities and community events.

Geeks for good: passion for ‘Ghostbusters’ turns into service Aashana Vishnani Writer

One detail that is hard to miss about Brock Parker’s office is his homage to “Ghostbusters,” a comedy from the 1980s about a group of people who start a business to capture ghosts. A large, framed poster of the “Ghostbusters” movie hangs on his wall. His shelf contains figurines of all the main characters from “Ghostbusters.” ID cards hang above his shelf from all “Ghostbusters” conventions he has attended, including ribbons from all the parades of these conventions. He turned his love for the movie into a reality when he built his own Proton Pack and became an Alabama Ghost-

buster. Now, Parker works with other Ghostbusters around the state to do charity work and community events in the spirit of the movies. “The Proton Pack is one of those iconic movie props that people know it when they see it,” Parker said. “I wanted to be a really big stickler for accuracy.” He began his quest by going on websites in order to find the exact parts to build his pack. “It took me two years to gather all the parts, to research and find out who was selling what,” Parker said. “In 2011, I started building it in my garage, and it took me seven months to build. I wanted

to make sure to baby it.” On his journey to build the Proton Pack, Parker stumbled upon the Birmingham Ghostbusters. At the time, the group was small, but interested in growing. “We talked about developing a PR presence so we could approach different charities and community organizations to work with them,” Parker said. It helped that Parker works at the Auburn University Office of Communications and Marketing as web content manager, giving him the public relations experience to help lead the group where it needed to go. “I became the PR guy, and

when the head of the group left, I became in charge of it,” Parker said. From the Birmingham Ghostbusters, the group evolved into the Alabama Ghostbusters, and Parker now serves as the “chief ” of the group. It is mainly a charity and community event group that raises money for different causes. “We have coined the slogan ‘Geeks for Good,’” Parker said. “This is never about us. It’s about the people we can help.” When the tornadoes hit Tuscaloosa last year, the Alabama Ghostbusters wanted to do something special. Through their hobby, they met a few stars from the

“Ghostbusters” movies, such as Dan Aykroyd, who plays Dr. Raymond Stantz; Ernie Hudson, who plays Winston; and Robin Shelby, who plays Slimer; and they all contributed items to the cause. They held a charity auction and raised $3,000 for The Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham, which has a statewide Alabama tornado relief fund. “It touched our hearts that so many people reached out, including the actors from the movies, and they were all giving to those who were trying to put their lives back together,” Parker said. “That had to be our best moment, and it was definitely one of my favorite memories.”

Meg Rainey, public relations specialist for Auburn Parks and Recreation, enjoys working with the Ghostbusters not only because of the fun they have at community events, but because they are always there to lend a helping hand. “Kids love them, and they appeal to a variety of age groups,” Rainey said. October is a busy month for the Ghostbusters, and a few of the events coming up include the Fall Festival in Opelika Tuesday, Oct. 30 and the Downtown Auburn Trick or Treat Wednesday, Oct. 31. More information about these events and ways to get involved can be found at AlabamaGB.com.

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Intrigue B8

The Auburn Plainsman

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Five simple rules aid in grocery shopping sanity Martha Ryals Graduate student in nutrition

Danielle Lowe / assistant photo editor

Traffic Light Cafe can be found in the BP parking lot between Samford Avenue and Gay Street.

New taco truck on the Plains Caitlin Wagenseil Writer

Just outside the BP gas station on the corner of Samford Avenue and Gay Street sits Auburn’s newest taco truck, Traffic Light Cafe, decked out for the fall season. Customers can sit outside and listen to music while enjoying freshly made gourmet tacos. Founder Dan Neil keeps the business running with chef Zac LaBorde, who has a degree in hotel and restaurant management from Auburn University. “The whole concept was to introduce a taqueria that uses the freshest ingredients around,” said Mike Lee, friend of Neil and LaBorde. “And there’s a really strong sense of community here — the taco place is like a beacon where we can all meet and hang out.” LaBorde, also known as “Chef,” said he loves what he does. “It’s not a job, it’s a career,” he said. “I have inventory and dishes I have to do, but I get to hang out with cool people coming by all the time, make tacos and enjoy this beautiful weather.” LaBorde enjoys spending time with his customers and loves seeing the same people

every day. “A bunch of my professors also have been coming by saying they heard about the taco truck, but not the one on campus," he said. "They’re like, ‘this is what you’re doing with what we taught you?’ and they’re impressed.” Although there is a menu, LaBorde said his best tacos are the ones he comes up with on the spot. Laborde often comes up with new combinations people aren’t expecting. First-time customer Rachel Coleman said she enjoyed her taco. She said she didn’t know what she wanted, so LaBorde told her he would surprise her. “He made something up for her and guessed what she liked,” said customer Ash Curtis. “He’s called “Chef ” for a reason — he does what he’s good at.” People often ask LaBorde how he got into cooking. “My mom told me she was going to quit cooking dinner when I was about 7, and I got tired of eating spaghetti and cereal for breakfast and dinner, so I just started branching out,” he said. “I’m actually going to start offering Philly cheesesteaks and hotdogs. I have all the stuff to do it, I just

have to find the right buns.” LaBorde likes the truck aspect of the business and not having the issues of dealing with an actual building. “It’s small, but the right size for what I have to do,” he said. “Everything is clean and I have more than enough to work with.” The taco truck frequently has live music for customers to enjoy. “I had this girl walk over here and ask if she could play some music,” LaBorde said. “She blew me away with her singing, and I was like ‘free tacos for you.’” People are also welcome to draw on the dry erase board that fully covers the truck. LaBorde said a number of art students live near the taco truck and frequently stop by. “They’re like ‘man, we just want to start drawing on here,’ and I was like, 'challenge accepted.' Anyone can draw on it as long as they keep it clean,” LaBorde said. But there’s more to LaBorde than cooking food. “I have a passion for brewing beer and having a good time,” he said. “And I don’t care that we’re having a losing season right now, because I love Auburn, and that’s just more of a reason to party.”

A healthy diet begins in the shopping cart. Though it can seem like a daunting task for some of us, grocery shopping is a necessary step in beginning or maintaining a healthier diet. Fortunately, grocery shopping has some tricks up its sleeves, and by learning these simple rules, you won’t just be a healthier shopper, but a more confident one as well. Be Prepared It may sound silly to “be prepared” before grocery shopping, but you’d be surprised (or not) by what can happen from a lack thereof. First, never go shopping on an empty stomach; you’re less likely to go on a binge shopping spree if you’ve had something to eat beforehand. Second, make a grocery list, or at least set parameters. A list will keep you on track, and you’ll be more likely to arrive at the finish line (checkout) with a cart that more closely resembles a wellplanned grocery visit versus the “how did I end up with this” scenario when unpacking the groceries at home. Third, shop sales and use coupons. Healthier foods that you may usually consider too expensive can be bought at a more affordable price. Shop the Outskirts Grocery stores are built so whole foods like dairy, eggs, meat, fresh fruits and vegetables make up the outer boundaries of the store, while processed foods typically make up the center aisles. Because

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Lane Jones / Intrigue Reporter

most whole foods are a single ingredient unlike products found in the center aisles, they are more nutrient dense and have less added salt, sugar and empty calories. Buy Frozen or Dried Frozen fruits and vegetables undergo flash freezing, which preserves their nutritional content, making them great substitutions for the “real” thing. Buying frozen saves money, plus it lasts longer (saving grocery visits) and you don’t sacrifice quality. Dried cranberries, peaches, apples, plums, bananas and papaya are also convenient, affordable and healthy ways to enjoy fruit. Read Food Labels Upon arrival to the center aisles (we can’t avoid them altogether), reading food labels becomes an invaluable skill. Learn to compare calories, fat, carbohydrates, protein and sugar contents between products to help you make better food choices. Also, make sure to pay attention to serving sizes. For example, I like to buy cereals with a larger serving size (1/2 or 3/4 cup) since a 1/4 cup just isn’t enough to kick start my day.

RELEASE DATE– Wednesday, August 29, 2012 The Auburn Plainsman is not responsible for the content of the ads. Ads that seem too good to be true usually are.

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Ingredient List At first, it may look like a bunch of mumbo jumbo, but reading and understanding ingredient lists makes picking healthier foods a cinch. Ingredients are written in order from greatest quantity to lowest, meaning the first ingredient listed is the majority of that product. This is a great way to determine how much of the food product is actually what is advertised on the can or package versus how much is just sugar, high fructose corn syrup, water or other filler ingredients. Avoid food with “hydrogenated oil” to minimize consumption of trans-fats. For those of you hoping to incorporate more whole grains into your diet, be sure to check for “whole wheat” or “whole meal” as your bread’s first ingredient and not “enriched wheat flour.” Most of us have the best intentions when we step through the automatic sliding doors of our grocery store, but somewhere between the aisles, our cart begins to look less and less like the model of health we seek to achieve. However, by making lists, shopping smart and reading food labels, kickstarting a healthier diet at the grocery store will be a breeze.

Print Deadline Noon three business days prior to publication

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis

47 Early American ACROSS 6 “Foreign Affairs” 35 Unseen “Fiddler 1 Folder crop on the Roof” Pulitzer author projections 49 “Stormy tyrant Alison 5 Come-on Weather” singer 36 Picked locks? 7 Slightly comeuppance 50 RR postings 38 Separated 8 Mani-__: spa 9 Enterprise doctor 51 “Dream on!” 39 Lyons lady service 14 First name at 52 Carries a 44 Bob or beehive 9 She played Lois Woodstock mortgage, say 45 With 47-Across, in “Superman” 15 Freezer cooler 53 Video game giant modern-day films 16 Popped up 54 Herr’s better half chauffeur 10 Curved piece 17 Market pessimist 11 Masked scavenger 46 “Catch This!” 55 Old 48-Across 18 Like Death Valley 12 Greek peak rival autobiographer 19 All-night bar? 56 Coffee holder Terrell 13 Still 20 Quip, part 1 21 Golfer’s ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: 23 Bourbon barrel nonplaying wife, wood facetiously 24 Zamboni milieu 22 Three-nation ’90s 25 Thumbs-up treaty 26 2010 Olympic 27 “I’m __ human” skiing gold 28 Motherless calf medalist Miller 29 __ of Gloucester: 28 Highly skilled “King Lear” 30 Coppertone character letters 30 Fiscally 33 Dictation whiz conservative 35 With precision Democrat, say 36 Missing in the 31 “Iron Chef” mil. supplies 37 Quip, part 2 32 Pass (by) quickly, 40 Aesthetic to a as time fault 41 Milking container 33 Booty 42 Dadaism pioneer 34 Ancient home of 08/29/12 xwordeditor@aol.com Irish kings Max 43 Cooking choice 44 Wonderland tea party attendee 45 Environmental concern Level: 1 member 2 3 4 46 Crew 47 See 45-Down Complete the grid so each row, column and 48 VCR format 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 51 End of the quip 1 to56 9. Yard For strategies neatener on how to solve Sudoku, visit57 www.sudoku.org.uk. Stoltz of “Pulp Fiction” Solution to last puzzle 58 French 101Sunday’s verb 59 Flip over 60 Longing look 61 See after 62 Plaster painting surface 63 Violin virtuoso Leopold 64 Belligerent god DOWN 1 Major no-no 2 Field of play 3 Aikido masters 4 Mad 5 Like hen’s teeth

© 2012 The Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved.

By Jack McInturff (c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.



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