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The Auburn Plainsman Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Spirit That Is Not Afraid www.theplainsman.com

Vol. 118, Issue 1, 20 Pages

Girl Talk creates gossip UPC announces new fall concert Miranda Dollarhide Editor

between 350–400 students. Participants in the survey included the SGA summer Cabinet, Panhellenic presidents, Residence Life and freshmen who lived on campus during the year. Data from the survey was used to create a tentative revised schedule for Chartwells. “A lot of students indicated to us that, ‘Hey, I like eating ABP (Au Bon Pain) for dinner, but it closes at 7, and I don’t eat dinner until 8,’” Turnage said. “So we asked the question, ‘Why should a student—if it’s a mandatory meal plan—why shouldn’t a student have the choice of when to eat dinner?’ They shouldn’t be restricted by the meal plan. They should have the opportunity to eat when they want to eat.” Osterlund said variety, as well as consistency, was a big issue when making revisions to the schedule. “When we were looking at the

Girl Talk and Lupe Fiasco are set to perform at University Program Council’s fall concert in the Auburn Arena Sept. 22. “I think these two artists will provide a really fun, upbeat concert,” said Anne Smead, president of UPC. “Even if you don’t know the artist, if you just attend, you’ll have a good time.” UPC announced Girl Talk and Lupe Fiasco’s performance during an announcement party on the Greenspace Aug. 23. After Taio Cruz canceled last spring, UPC had to decide whether to continue with Neon Trees, the opening group UPC had booked, or move on with a different artist. “After Taio Cruz canceled, we had that huge survey to see and maybe get some more feedback than usual about who students want to see,” said Sydney Spears, director of major entertainment. “We took that into consideration, we looked through all of them, and we actually got a ton of responses back.” After looking through all the responses, Spears said she and her assistant directors noticed few students voted to keep Neon Trees for the fall. One name that repeatedly appeared on the survey was Girl Talk, Smead said. The committee’s next step was to collect the names of the most popular artists and send them to a middle agent. The middle agent then checked the artists’ availabilities and costs. “From there we look at the budget and see how expensive they are, and then we get the top two that we feel Auburn students

» See Dining, A2

» See Girl Talk, A2

Maria Iampietro / Photo Editor

Chick-fil-A serves a large, bustling lunch crowd on the first Tuesday of class. Chick-fil-A’s traffic is as busy or more so than last year.

Dining hours extended Chelsea Harvey Campus Editor

Long-awaited improvements for on-campus dining may finally be a reality. Conversations over the summer between the Student Government Association and Chartwells, the food service that provides Auburn’s campus dining, have led to an extension and standardization of the fall dining hours. “You had things like Lupton, and you know Lupton was closing at 2:30, but Chef ’s Table in the Student Center was closing at 3. So we said, ‘Can’t we just make all lunch venues close at 3?’” said Kirby Turnage, SGA president. “So it’s things like that where there’s a consistency. Breakfast is at 7, lunch venues close at 3 and dinner venues in the Student Center now close at 9. The important thing is that there’s a consistency across the board.” Gina Groome, marketing director for Tiger Dining, said the

changes initiated by the SGA had already been set in motion by student feedback through the Tiger Dining website. “We do a lot of student surveys and we get constant feedback on our website, so it all kind of happened at the same time,” Groome said. “We were gathering feedback and then the SGA came to us, and it was just kind of a big collaborative thing of all of the information coming together.” Research and negotiations with Chartwells were primarily conducted by Turnage and Chris Osterlund, SGA executive vice president. “So the short-term goals that we kind of set were consistency and then variety and availability,” Osterlund said. “What we did was just looked at it from a plan of action—what can we do to get these accomplished within the summer?” Chartwells gave the SGA a proposed schedule for fall dining hours and over the summer Tur-

So the short-term goals that we kind of set were consistency and then variety and availability.” —Chris Osterlund Sga executive vice President

nage and Osterlund conducted a survey to gather information about student preferences before making their suggestions. “The mission statement of the SGA is to promote and serve the student—the individual student,” Turnage said. “So we really wanted to do diligence and not just complain just for the sake of complaining and say, ‘Hey, these hours are bad—fix them.’ We wanted to go out there and get the empirical data to support our claims.” Turnage and Osterlund polled

Baseball tryouts open to walk-ons Brandon Miller Assistant Sports Editor

While the Auburn baseball team prepares for the beginning of fall practice, the coaching staff is reaching out to students for potential walk-ons. “Every fall we have walk-on tryouts for any baseball players in the general student population to come out and give it a shot at making the team,” said Scott Duval, director of baseball operations. All players interested in trying out must attend the mandatory meeting Aug. 29 in the team lounge at Plainsman Park. “We have our sports medicine staff and our athletic trainer meet with them at this meeting,” Duval said. “They have a big medical packet they have to fill out. They have to show that they’ve had a physical by an outside source prior to being able to try out.” Potential walk-ons must also be full-time students. “We try to give them every opportunity,” said coach John Pawlowski. “If we see someone that catches our eye, or someone

Mario Iampietro / Photo editor

Edward L. and Catherine K. Lowder Business Building is home to Forbes’ 58th top business school.

College of Business makes ‘Forbes’ list Graham Carr Writer

Todd Van Emst

John Pawlowski coaches from the dugout during a game against Radford last season. that we think we need to give an extended tryout to, we’ll bring them back for a couple more days to work out with the team. And then we see where it goes.” » See Tryouts, A2

The Auburn University College of Business ranked 58th in “Forbes” magazine’s 2011 survey of top business schools. The ranking is an improvement from 64th in “Forbes’” 2009 survey. The survey rates the best fiveyear return on investment for Master of Business Administration graduates for the class of 2006. “Forbes” compares MBA graduates’ earnings in the first five years after graduation to costs of obtaining the degree. According to the survey, Au-

burn graduates had a pre-MBA salary averaging $28,000, while salaries five years after graduation with an MBA average $71,000. Also, the 3.1 years to break even from graduate costs is tied for the shortest among the ranked schools. Dan Gropper, associate dean of MBA programs, said this is a testament to Auburn MBA students working hard and advancing in the marketplace, and it shows that an Auburn degree pays for itself. Gropper said the College of Business improved its ranking by

Inside  Campus » A1  |  Community » A7  |  Opinions » A11  |  Classifieds » A12  |  Intrigue » B1  |  Sports » B5

These kind of things have a halo effect, so a high ranking for one program helps pull every program up.” —Dan Gropper Associate Dean of Mba Programs

opening the Office of Professional and Career Development and » See Forbes, A2 Recycled paper

Campus A2

The Auburn Plainsman

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Crime Reports for Aug. 18 – AUG. 21, 2011 Aug. 18 — Dekalb Street Theft of property reported. One C-Zone parking pass.

Aug. 19 — Webster Road Breaking and entering of a vehicle reported. One iPod and one Swiss Army watch.

Aug. 18 —North Perry Street Theft of property reported. $410.

Aug. 20 — Shelton Mill Road Burglary of residence reported. Two moving spotlights, four digital sound monitors, one digital sound monitor receiver, five microphones, one lighting controller, one wireless microphone with two receivers, one digital video camera.

Aug. 19 — Thach Concourse Theft of property reported. One iPod.

Aug. 18 — Thach Concourse Theft of property reported. Seven textbooks, one Under Armour backpack and one Under Armour T-shirt.

Aug. 20 — Shelton Mill Road Theft of property reported. One external hard drive.

Aug. 19 — Mell Street Theft of property reported. One black-and-white checkered wallet with debit card.

Aug. 18 — Opelika Road Theft of property reported. Two pairs of black shorts with belt, one gray T-shirt.

Aug. 19 — Thach Concourse Theft of property reported. One leather wallet, credit cards, $600.

Aug. 18 — South College Street Breaking and entering of a vehicle reported. One GPS. Aug. 18 — Rosalie Court Breaking and entering of a vehicle reported. One diamondfaced watch.

Aug. 20 — Armstrong Street Breaking and entering of a vehicle reported. One GPS, iPod, electrical cord, $20, purse, wallet, credit cards.

Aug. 19 — Ty Court Burglary of residence reported. Two 32” flat-screen TVs.

Aug. 21 — Armstrong Street Theft of property reported. One citizens band radio, knife with 7-inch folding blade, $20, LED flashlight

Aug. 19 —Golf Club Drive Breaking and entering of a vehicle reported. One laptop, one iPod, one graphing calculator and one computer bag.

— Reports provided by Auburn Department of Public Safety

Resident assistants work to improve residence life Robert E. Lee

posting information regarding their dorm, with events being the most prevalent post. Across campus, every dorm has a general sense of building friendships and helping students become familiar with the Auburn community. Ty Stafford, RA for Broun Hall, held a Pictionary game during the first week of class for residents to start becoming familiar with each other. “It’s fun. We want to build community and make sure students know us and each other,” Stafford said.


Girl Talk

by adding an international trip to the course curriculum. Gropper believes the ranking will not only improve the quality and number of students in the MBA program, but Auburn as a whole. “These kind of things have a halo effect, so a high ranking for one program helps pull every program up,” Gropper said. “We think it helps Auburn as a university to get positive recognition. We’d like to see all the programs go up, not just in the College of Business.” Gropper said he would like to see the MBA ranking continue to improve, but said he is more concerned with the program preparing its students well. He said if this is accomplished, the ranking will follow. Brandon Stephens, senior in finance, was impressed with the ranking. “It makes me feel good

would like, that fit in the budget, that are available for that,” Spears said. Three weeks after receiving the survey’s results, they made an offer for Girl Talk and Lupe Fiasco. This year, the fall concert

will be held in the new arena for the first time. Tickets will be distributed on the concourse starting Sept. 19. The arena doors open at 6:30 p.m. the day of the show. Only students with a valid Auburn ID will be allowed in the concert.

Dorm resident assistants are beginning to show residents what it means to be involved. With the first week of classes in the books, RAs are scheduling events at each of the dorms on campus. David Atkison, RA at Little Hall, hopes to not only fulfill his duties, but to add something extra that every resident will appreciate. “I enjoy meeting new people,” Atkison said. “Planning events where we have an opportunity to

meet new friends is always nice.” Atkison has plans for multiple events at Little Hall, including a flag football match against Teague Hall and a geocaching game for all of his residents. Jazmine Wilder and Kristen McDonald, RAs for Dowdell Hall, also want to encourage dorm community. “We’re trying to learn everyone’s name on our floor by September,” Wilder said. “Everybody is somebody, and we want to know who they are.” McDonald and Wilder

held a gathering Thursday night open to any resident of Dowdell Hall, promoting a sense of community while enjoying themselves before classes the next morning. “I get to hang out with friends and meet new people that I would have likely not met otherwise,” said Ryan Baez, Dowdell resident majoring in pre-building science. RAs want to ensure that no student feels alone and that everyone has a forum to meet new friends. “It’s good for freshmen to form bonds with each other early on, but dorm events

Joey Kimminau, Auburn alumnus, said attending on-campus events helped him become more involved in the Auburn community. “Dorm events were a great way to get people to socialize and pass on helpful information and valuable lessons, especially as a freshman,” Kimminau said. Events are usually scheduled by RAs, but on occasion students have come up with event ideas. Social media can help inform the residents about events in their building. Dowdell Hall uses a Facebook page specifically for

Assistant Campus Editor

It’s good for freshman to form bonds with each other early on, but dorm events really encourage everyone to get to know each other.” —Kristen McDonald Resident Assistant

really encourage everyone to get to know each other,” McDonald said.

» From A1

» From A1

Dining » From A1

venues and availability, we wanted to make sure that there was more than just one place open and there was a difference in what they were serving,” Osterlund said. “If it’s dinner then there should always be choices, not a choice.” By the end of the summer, a final version of the fall schedule was agreed

Tryouts » From A1


The College of Business MBA class of 2011 poses in front of the Auburn Hotel and Dixon Conference Center on College Street. to know that I chose to join a business school that is on the rise and not on the fall,” Stephens said. “Anytime Auburn is seen in a positive spotlight is all right with me.” David Washington, senior in management, thinks the higher ranking will boost numbers in the

MBA program and encourage people wanting a business degree. “Hopefully this higher ranking for Auburn will inspire other people to want a major in business and try to apply to join the MBA degree,” Washington said. “I know it makes me want to think a little more about

applying for a MBA degree at Auburn. It would be cool to get my graduate degree where I received my undergraduate degree.” “Forbes” ranked Auburn 27th among public universities, and seven schools in the Southeastern Conference were included in the rankings.

upon and released. “The hours, across the board obviously, have increased drastically, and I think it’s going to be a good short-term improvement to the program,” Turnage said. While students will enjoy increased dining options and availability this semester, the SGA is not finished with the subject. “I think long term we’re going to partner with the

Division of Student Affairs and we will study the dining program as a whole, pull in different stakeholders again, like Res Life, but study it more in depth and figure out what’s working for students, what’s not working and more importantly where does the program need to go,” Turnage said. Recommendations for change may include topics such as service, hours and

types of venues and payment programs. According to Groome, Chartwells plans to continue negotiations with the SGA. “ We’ ll definitely be keeping them in the loop for sure,” Groome said. “There’s a lot of changes happening down the road and we’ll definitely want student feedback for that, because we do eat it every day, but it’s not for us, it’s for the student.”





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Pawlowski said players will have a chance to run the 60-yard dash and play at their respective positions in front of the coaching staff at the tryout. He also said the coaches are looking for players with a strong work ethic and those who are committed to getting better. Duval said on average 30–40 players come out annually for the two-day tryout. However, tryouts are extremely competitive, and there aren’t many spots to fill. The team will keep 38–40 players for fall practice, Duval said, which includes the 36 players that are already on the team. Once fall practice is complete, the coaching staff has until the first game to slim the team down to a 35-man roster. “Around the turn of the semester heading into the season, whether it be injuries, academics or whatever the case is, it gives those guys a chance to make the 35-man roster the day before the season starts by

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coming out to walk-on tryouts,” Duval said. Pawlowski said in the past two years there have been several walk-on tryout players that have made the cut to fall practice, but ultimately were cut from the team. He also said that could change any year. “We had a recruited walk-on when I was at the College of Charleston that we recruited, but he had to go through walk-on tryouts,” Pawlowski said. “It’s the guy who bats lead-off or hits ninth for the New York Yankees right now.” His name is Brett Gardner. “We told him we’d call him back if we wanted him to come back,” Pawlowski said. “We sat on it for a little while and invited him back. “ “Next thing you know, he turns out to be a very good player for us and is in the big leagues playing left field for the Yankees.” Pawlowski said the coaching staff keeps an open mind when evaluating each player because they never know what type of player may come to the tryout.

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Kyle DuBose

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Campus A3

The Auburn Plainsman

Internship offers inside look at national politics Chelsea Harvey

Hoellerer said. “You learn how to talk and meet with people from various backgrounds, which was one of my favorite things.” Hoellerer’s responsibilities included researching past legislation, attending committee hearings and speaking to constituents over the phone. During his time in Washington, he was able to get an inside look at the debtceiling debate as it was occurring. “I came in during a hectic time,” Hoellerer said. “I came in during the debt ceiling, like right as the whole debt-ceiling issue started. So originally when I was supposed to work, Congress was supposed to be out of session for a week, but that obviously changed because it got a serious amount of attention.” Chet Stokes, junior in political science, also participated in the program this summer. He interned under congressman Ander Crenshaw, a Florida representative. Crenshaw said he also

Campus Editor

An increasingly popular summer internship may be giving students not only job experience, but also an inside look at national political issues. This summer, 34 students participated in Auburn on the Hill, a program that helps students obtain congressional internships in Washington, D.C. The program grew by 10 students from the previous summer and was the largest participating group in the program’s history. “I think Auburn’s a pretty political school, a pretty politically active school in my opinion, so I think kids want to see firsthand how it works,” said Joey Hoellerer, senior in political science. Hoellerer was an intern under congressman Mike Rogers, an Alabama representative, this summer. He said the experience was a valuable stepping stone for his desired career as a staffer on Capitol Hill. “You learn how to manage your time a great deal,”

got an insider’s look at political concerns on Capitol Hill by talking to constituents. Crenshaw said most of the constituents with whom he spoke were concerned about the national budget. “Who was going to get what out of the budget and who was going to get what with the debt limit and what was going to happen with the debt limit and why we were spending so much money and why defense was getting more money than health care and education,” Stokes said. “People would call in and wonder what percent they’d be getting of the budget and what percent was going to what.” Stokes, like Hoellerer, researched past legislation and attended committee meetings during his internship. He said the internship helped him realize what he wanted to do with his career. “After this, I’m looking at law school or trying to work for a lobbying firm,” Stokes

Contributed by Karen Pruett, program coordinator

Summer 2011 congressional interns gather in front of Toomer’s oak on Capitol Hill. said. “Lobbying is what I really liked, and what I really got to see in D.C. while I was up there. This experience really let me see lobbyists and what they do and even get to interact with lobbyists and everything and be able to talk to them firsthand and learn what they really do.” Karen Pruett, director of Auburn on the Hill, said the program can be a helpful career step for students in any major, not just politi-

cal science. “What you’ve got to keep in mind is that any area could have something that’s going to be touched on within the government,” Pruett said. “I mean health care reform and all that kind of stuff, it’s not just going to be public admin or political science.” Pruett recommends students who are interested in next year’s program apply to representatives with whom they have constitu-

ent ties. “The congressional offices give preference to students from their district,” Pruett said. Application requirements and deadlines differ among congressional offices. However, according to Pruett, most application deadlines are during the first or second week of February. More information can be found at www.auburn.edu/ washington.

UPC invites performers to mingle and entertain peers Anna Conrad

are welcome to participate. There will be no tryouts. The students will perform in the chronological order of the sign-up sheet. Most times a student will decide on the spot to get on stage and perform.” UPC wants to bring students of all ages, majors and backgrounds together to mingle. It is also a great opportunity for freshmen to meet other students. “Being a freshman at a

Staff Writer

The University Program Council is giving students a chance to show off. UPC will be hosting its annual Open Mic Night at Starbucks in the Student Center Aug. 25 starting at 7 p.m. “The night will be entirely dedicated to the student body,” said Sara Joy Richards, UPC director of fine arts. “Any and all students

sponsor and Starbucks will serve as the venue because of its popularity. “Starbucks is one of the most popular spots on campus, so the students feel at ease and right at home,” Richards said. In the last two years, UPC has held four Open Mic Nights at the campus Starbucks. “The weather plays a huge role as to how popular this night will be,” Rich-

school as huge as Auburn can be very intimidating,” said Abigail Yuzenas, sophomore in early education. “Events that UPC hosts like Open Mic Night is and was a great way for me to meet other students with similar interests.” All artists are welcome to perform. Singers, songwriters, poets and musicians have all taken the stage at previous Open Mic Nights. Tiger Catering will co-

ards said. “Hopefully even if it rains, we’ll have a large turnout. If it ends up being slow, that’s OK too. As long as the students who do attend have a great time, our mission will be accomplished.” Will Acrond, general manager of the campus Starbucks, has worked the event before. “It was very successful last semester,” he said. “UPC does an exemplary

job with organizing Open Mic Nights and bringing in artists to showcase their talents and entertain the student body.” Starbucks will remain open while students perform. “I really enjoy Open Mic Nights at Starbucks,” Yuzenas said. “There’s nothing better than enjoying a great cup of coffee while watching your friends put on a great show.”





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Campus A4

The Auburn Plainsman

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Career Center calls student trendsetters Hayley Blair Associate Campus Editor

Maria Iampietro / Photo Editor

Jamie Bellah of the Southeastern Raptor Center and volunteer Maggie Mills, junior in animal science, perform the final medical exam on a broad-winged hawk before its release into the wild.

Rehabilitated raptors to fly free Anna Claire Conrad Staff Writer

The Southeastern Raptor Center’s release of broadwinged hawks at Kiesel Park signals a new lease on life for a portion of the more than 200 birds the center takes in annually. The event will take place Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Woofstock, an annual festival for the public and for dogs maintained by the Lee County Humane Society. A brief educational presentation by the Raptor Center staff and volunteers will begin at 9:40 a.m. followed by the release of the hawks into the wild. “Kiesel Park is a prime location for this release because of its wooded trails,” said Eva Matthews, veteri-

nary technician at the Raptor Center. “It is a safe, isolated location for the release of our birds.” The most commonly known raptor in Auburn is Nova, Auburn University’s seventh War Eagle. The birds scheduled for release Aug. 25 have been evaluated to ensure they are healthy and ready to begin anew in the wild. “Each raptor must exercise in the flight aviaries to prepare them for their release and pass specific tests that assess its endurance, vertical lift, maneuverability and symmetry on a point scale out of 24 points,” said Elizabeth Anne Crandall, raptor rehabilitation specialist at the Raptor Center. “This rehabilitation center will not release any raptors

that are not totally healed and ready to live entirely on their own, so a bird must make at least a 22 before it can be released.” Though raptors will be returned to the wild at Kiesel Park, these birds will likely migrate back to their original homes. If they were brought to the Raptor Center as orphans they will remain and build a home at Kiesel Park. Large crowds of all ages are expected to attend Woofstock, which gives the Raptor Center an opportunity to enlighten the community. “It is important to teach the public what to do if they find an injured raptor and provide them with an education of these birds to make them seem less scary,”

Matthews said. The Raptor Center relies heavily on volunteers. As many as 70 Auburn students currently help feed the birds, clean their cages and participate at events such as Woofstock. “I hope that as the public’s interest in raptors increases, so will the awareness of these amazing creatures that will prevent their habitat from being threatened and will keep these birds off of the endangeredspecies list,” said Darren Morten, junior in wildlife ecology and management and volunteer at the Raptor Center. For information about volunteering at the Southeastern Raptor Center, visit its website at www.auburn. edu/raptor.

Auburn’s Career Center has arranged a highdollar deal with Dillard’s to help students find the best way to present themselves in an interview. The Dress for Success Fashion Show scheduled for Aug. 29 will emphasize the proper business attire for an interview. “The fashion show allows Dillard’s to display firsthand what they have to offer to help students with their professional wardrobe,” said Matt Anspach, graduate assistant of special events. “But it also allows us the chance to showcase, in a fun way, what is appropriate to wear to an interview and what is not.” This year there will be an accompanying contest called Top Young Professional, in which the two students best prepared for a mock interview will be awarded $500 each. The judges for the contest include business representatives with whom the Career Center has worked, and the judges plan on using the fashion show, as with all Career Center events, as an opportunity to find quality employees. “I think everywhere we go we are always looking for good candidates for our company,” said Jerome Magee, one of the judges for the competition. “When you go out into the real world it’s always an interview, so if I saw somebody here that I potentially think I could hire or would be good for

my company, I’m going to look at their resume and get their contact information.” According to Melanie Wroblewski, another of the contestants’ evaluators, the judges were impressed with the quality of the applicants. “What impresses me most about them are their professional demeanors, their professional dress and their overall positive attitudes and being receptive to critique, but also being very professional about it at the same time,” Wroblewski said. Magee said the definition of a good contestant is not set in stone, however. “There’s things you can say and there’s things on resumes, but then there are intangible things that people do,” Magee said. “When people walk in with confidence, shake our hands, make good eye contact and sit there and just tell us about their life, I think it’s great.” Aubie will be dressed in suit and tie to award the competitors at the fashion show, to be held at the Auburn Hotel from 6–7 p.m. The event is free, and Dillard’s will sponsor door prizes including free makeovers at Dillard’s Salon and Spa. “We are really trying to get the word out to students about the wealth of free information and tools that we offer at the Career Center to help them find careers, even under the current economic conditions,” Anspach said.

The Auburn Plainsman








Thursday, August 25, 2011

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Campus A5

Campus A6

The Auburn Plainsman

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Talent show unleashes motley of hidden gifts

Hayley Blair Associate Campus Editor

Some performers are more than meets the eye. Saturday ’s Welcome Week Talent Show boasted a large crowd of more than 300 people. Some came to support friends, and incoming students came to get a feel for what Auburn is like, but Tim Wang, freshman in architecture, said he ended up being surprised and pleased by the showing of assorted talents. “A friend who’s performing invited me,” said Tim Wang, freshman in architecture. “It’s really diverse and interesting.” Emilee Williams, this year’s Miss Auburn and emcee for the event, said she was happy with the range of participants, which included comedy acts, original songs and musical performances. “Every talent show that I’ve been to at Auburn is really diverse,” Williams said. “You’d think you’d only have singers and songwriters and musicians, but there’s always comedians and dancers. It goes every which way, which I think is really great.” The winner of this year’s show, Jim Hwang, was also the winner of the first talent show UPC put on for Welcome Week last year. Though Williams found it difficult to pick her preferred contestant, she said Hwang was the performer who impressed her the most. “It’s hard to pick a favor-

Rachel Surs / Graphics Editor

ite, but I’m definitely impressed by the winner who really displayed being able to play four different instruments that are completely different,” Williams said. “I thought that was great to see, but really all of them are special in their own way. It’s always hard to pick a favorite.” Hwang played only the piano during the talent show last year, but this time he upped his game to include the clarinet, guitar and harmonica. “I started playing piano and guitar around middle school,” Hwang said. “I started playing the clarinet in the fifth grade, and the harmonica I just picked up about a year ago. I know a few more, but there was a three-minute time limit.” Hwang was awarded a prize of $300 and will split his winnings between two charities: the Committee of 19, which advocates an end to world hunger, and the International Justice Mission, which fights against sex trafficking in other countries. The second-place winner, Jim Flaniken, played a fast-paced jig on his violin

You’d think you’d only have singers and songwriters and musicians, but there’s always comedians and dancers. It goes every which way, which I think is really great.” —Emilee Williams Miss Auburn

and was surprised to place at the talent show his freshman year. “Whenever you’re competing you have to gear yourself toward winning it, so I did expect it in that way, but if I tried to stack myself up realistically it would be a different story,” Flaniken said. Flaniken has spent more than 10 years playing the violin, which allowed him to hold his own in this year’s show. Kaitie Gallahue, the Welcome Week project coordinator in charge of the event, said she was pleased with the results of the show and was happy so many students came out. “At the end, everyone’s clapping, being happy, dancing and having a good time,” Gallahue said. “That’s just such a good thing to know that I made this night a good one. If they walk out with a smile on their face, that’s all I need to know.”

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Next issue: September 8th

The Auburn Plainsman

Maria Iampietro / Photo Editor

War veteran and geography professor James Norwood takes a break from teaching in his office in 210 Petrie Hall. Norwood has been at Auburn for four years.

Professor’s global travels lend flavor to classroom Melody Kitchens Writer

Known by his white beard and bowtie, James Norwood, professor of geography, brings military experience and global perspective to the classroom. “He’s got great world travel experience from his military service—very aware of his surroundings and the people and the landscape—all-around great characteristics for a geographer,” said Philip Chaney, associate professor of geography. Originally from Florence, Ala., Norwood graduated from The University of North Alabama with a Bachelor of Science in geography. He obtained his master’s degree from the University of Memphis. “I was interested in aviation and had to use maps, and it came natural to me after that,” Norwood said. As a distinguished military graduate from UNA, Norwood was commissioned to second lieutenant in the Army. He graduated from Infantry Officers Course, Ranger School and Airborne School after training at Fort Benning, Ga.

Norwood taught patrolling techniques in the Advanced Infantry Training Course to 200 soldiers as head officer of the patrolling range at Fort Polk, La. He also served in the Mekong Delta region in Vietnam as a first lieutenant. He participated in the Cambodian campaign, completing his tour of duty as a captain. After his military service, Norwood worked as a consultant at urban planning for the state of Alabama for 15 years, and later as manager for industrial development with CSX Transportation. “I worked in the field of geography; I did geography as opposed to teaching. But I got tired of that, and now I’m teaching,” Norwood said. Norwood has been a professor at Auburn for four years and is currently teaching three global geography courses. Encouraging success is a major aspect of Norwood’s teaching style. “It’s always a pleasure for the students who have had my class to speak to me, going down the hall or anywhere around campus,

and they’ll stop me and thank me for the class,” Norwood said. “That makes me feel good, like I know I’m doing something right.” Norwood’s students recognize his concern for them and look forward to taking his class. “He was one of my favorite teachers in college because of his personality and how well he teaches and how he likes for you to learn in class,” said Justin Nichols, recent Auburn graduate in political science. Norwood’s coworkers also notice his students’ enthusiasm. “The students have always expressed positive opinions of him,” said Sonny Dawsey, professor emeritus. “He’s a good teacher and spends a lot of time with them. He has life history experiences that relate to the subject matter, a very positive teacher.” With his down-to-earth attitude, Norwood lends Auburn students some words of advice: “Never give up. Sometimes you may give out, but never give up.”


People of the Plains

Gnu’s Room Concert

» Page A9

» Page A8


Thursday, August 25, 2011

A7 Community

Beat the dog days of summer with


Megan Smith

omore in economics. There is a wide selection of activities at Woofstock, including dog baths, a demonstration by the local K9 team, pet contests, tie-dying and live music. “You don’t have to own a dog to attend,” Peer said. “This is for dog lovers and owners. You can always come meet our adoption dogs.” Proceeds from Woofstock go to the Humane Society, and this year they will go toward expanding the kennels, behavior testing and caring for animals awaiting adoption. Alison Ball, Auburn alumna, adopted a 6-month-old pit bull in April 2008. Ball went to support Woofstock that year and has been back every year since. “Buster is my life,” Ball said. “Getting him was the best thing I did while I was in school.” This year at Woofstock, LCHS is giving bandanas to all the dogs who have been adopted so they can be recognized in the crowd. “I definitely recommend people go out,” Ball said. “You stay out as long as you want. I never



Dog bathing is just one of the many activities available for dogs and dog lovers alike at Woofstock. The 2011 event will take place Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Kiesel Park.

It’s going to be a hot, sweaty day at the park, but man’s best friend will be having a tail-wagging good time. The Lee County Humane Society is hosting the 11th Annual “Woofstock” at Kiesel Park from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. Last year the event raised approximately $10,000, more than double than in previous years. Almost 2,000 people attended, bringing 300­­–400 dogs. “Last year was a really good year,” said Stacee Peer, director of public relations and development at the LCHS. “We had great sponsors. We had a really good turnout.” Last year, Delta Zeta sorority was one of the event’s gold sponsors and volunteered by helping with various tasks and setting up and disassembling the different activities. “There are 65 girls in our pledge class this year, and they’re all required to attend, as well as those looking for community service hours,” said Emily McBride, soph-


This year’s Woofstock will feature dog adoptions as well as a K9 demonstration and an appearance by Aubie. missed taking Buster, even if for an hour.” There is no fee to attend, but there are plenty of opportunities to donate to the LCHS, including buying T-shirts and a silent auction.

It’s time for your close-up New red-light cameras will catch violators in the act Anna claire Conrad Staff Writer

Running a red light will soon be more noticeable when Opelika installs red-light cameras at select intersections. The Opelika City Council voted unanimously Aug. 6 to authorize the installation of automated traffic-light cameras. “This is a civil matter, not a criminal matter,” said John Seymour, Opelika city administrator. “This is solely a safety measure.” Ac c ordin g to Seymour, the cameras will be installed at intersections with frequent accidents or fatalities and can be moved to more accident-prone locations if necessary. Opelika Mayor Gary Fuller said sensors will be embedded in the road at an intersection in an area referred to as the ‘detection zone.’ These will detect when a person

is running a red light or stop sign. There will be two stationary cameras positioned diagonally at corners of the intersection. As a driver runs a red light, the camera positioned behind the speeding vehicle will capture the rear of the car, including a snapshot of its license plate. In most cases, a 12-second video will also be recorded. A picture of the violator’s face will not be captured with this technology. “The ultimate goal of this legislation is to make our roads safer,” Seymour said. “We are not doing this to accumul at e any revenue or ad d more stress to peoples’ daily lives. We are hoping this will make people pay attention as they are driving, hence reducing accidents and fatalities.” The photgraphs and video will be sent to a data center where the red-light violation images are » See camera, A9

Alex Sager / Associate Photo editor

Saramia Arenas, recreation leader at the Jan Dempsey Community Arts Center, explains 'In a Timely Manner' by Gail Langley of the Mystic Order of East Alabama Fiction Writers.

JDCAC features ‘Mystic’ art

Sloane Hudson Writer

“If we went by any other name, would it have grabbed your attention?” asked Gail Langley, the founding member of the Mystic Order of East Alabama Fiction Writers. The Mystic Order, or the “Mystics,” is composed of six female members whose friendships have blossomed from their love for art and literature. This August, the Mystic Order has held its Premiere Art Show at the Jan Dempsey Community Arts Center, curated by Margaret Gluhman. The exhibit features a variety of art, including paintings, assemblages and photography. The signed guestbook located on the front wall of the exhibit is proof that the Mystics’ art show

has been well-received by the local community. “The artwork is interesting because each piece is so different,” said Tiffany Paulsen, resident of Opelika and exhibit visitor. Langley said she believes the Mystics work as a team to provide motivation “We meet once a month to share our shorts, poems and art,” Langley said. “And if we are all sober at the end of our meeting, we will critique each other.” The Mystic Order’s members—Marian Carcache, Joanne Camp, Mary Dansak, Gail Langley, Judy Nunn and Margee Ragland—have compiled a collection of their short stories and poems in their first published book, “Be the Flame.” While the Mystics are not currently open for new members,

Langley said they may not be opposed to the idea in the future. Marian Carcache is not only a member of the Mystic Order, but is also an English instructor at Auburn. Three other members of the organization are schoolteachers or professors, while the remaining two “drink coffee and fan themselves throughout the day,” Langley said. To close the exhibit, the Mystic Order will hold a reception Friday at 5:30 p.m. at the JDCAC. It will be open to the public and feature refreshments and a short reading of their book. “We are excited about the reading because visitors can put faces with the works of art, as well as hear a preview of the Mystic Order’s first book,” said Sarah Hand of the JDCAC.

Opelika’s Event Center Downtown brews up a good time Nick Bowman Writer

Prepare to booze up and bust a button at Opelika’s second BBQ & Brewfest. Saturday’s fest is organized by Lisa Beck, owner of the Event Center Downtown in historic downtown Opelika, and will feature more than 30 craft beers from around the country. “A lot of these are beers that people have never even heard of,” Beck said. “They’re beers that are just coming out on the market for the most part.” The fest begins at 6 p.m. and lasts until midnight, but the beer

tasting and barbecue ends at 9 p.m. Until last year, the AuburnOpelika area didn’t have a brew fest. “Beers are trendy right now,” Beck said. “People are into the high-gravity and craft beers. I thought it was something that people would enjoy.” One of the brewers showcasing its beer is the Birminghambased Back Forty Beer Company, whose owners are Auburn graduates. Back Forty produces Naked Pig Pale Ale and Truck Stop Honey Brown Ale. Along with a wide spectrum

of select beers, ticket-holders will get to experience an Atlantabased band, Glow, which has broken attendance records at Marietta Square, Buford and Sandy Springs in Georgia. “We take songs and we put our spin to it,” said Mark Sutherland, manager of Glow. “We bring some modern elements to it, and sometimes we bring in some harmonies and enrich the original tune.” The seven-member band is famous for dimming the house lights and throwing glow-in-thedark necklaces to the audience. Glow also boasts it can fill any dance floor with a repertoire of

People are into the high-gravity and craft beers. I thought it was something that people would enjoy.” —Lisa Beck owner, event center downtown

more than 150 songs. “Last year everyone danced like crazy to Glow,” Beck said. “This year they’re going to hold the stage for four hours.”

There’s one song Glow is particularly fond of playing. “‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ is probably our favorite song,” Sutherland said. “We worked on that song for three months. It took us an awful long time to get those harmonies put together.” Opening for Glow is the local band The Good Doctor. The band is known around Auburn for its funk style. Price’s Barbecue House, locally owned and operated by Auburn graduate Jeff Price, will be supplying the pulled pork sandwiches » See Brewfest, A9

Community A8

The Auburn Plainsman


The Auburn Plainsman Want to earn commission and gain experience?

The Plainsman is now accepting applications for Account Executives for the 2011-2012 academic year.

Job descriptions are available in the Plainsman office (Student Center Suite 1111) or online at

www.theplainsman.com Send resume and cover letter to admanager@theplainsman.com

Students from all majors are encouraged to apply. All applicants must have at least one year remaining before graduation.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Musician makes Gnu’s Gnu’s Room lounge features acoustic concert Alison McFerrin News Editor

In one way or another, music speaks to everyone. Thursday, ‘Music with Daniel Boling’ will speak to people who attend the concert at Gnu’s Room. Tina Tatum, owner of Gnu’s Room, said she thinks the audience will really enjoy Boling’s music as well as his personality. Tatum booked Boling after listening to a few of his CDs. “He has a really nice sound,” Tatum said. “He has some humorous stuff, he has some more serious lyrics, and a lot of times it’s the personality of the person more so than the style of the music that makes a performance.” Boling, a New Mexico native, said he’s always intrigued to see what interests college students when he performs. While one draw is his wordplay and characters, Boling said he thinks the main attraction is the instrumental side. “I’m a pretty accomplished finger-picker,” Boling said. “A lot of college students these days are musicians themselves, and I noticed I can pick them out of the room pretty readily when I play some pretty nice guitar licks.” That’s one aspect Sara Sellers, senior in exercise science, said would interest her in the concert. “I play the guitar,” Sellers said. “So I always love watching other people and appreciate any kind of music.” Boling tours with an

I’ve been musical my whole life. It’s something that I’ve always done.” —Daniel Boling musician

acoustic guitar as well as a banjitar, a hybrid with a banjo sound, but six strings and the neck of guitar. With these instruments, Boling makes music that he said fits the folk category. “A lot of my songs are ballads,” Boling said. “My topics range pretty broadly from real life stories about myself and my family and my friends, to anecdotes that I pick up.” And while the folk genre isn’t a requirement to play at Gnu’s Room, Tatum said they do look for the acoustic aspect. “We are best-suited to host acoustic concerts,” Tatum said. “Because of the size of the café, we can’t really accommodate big bands.” Gnu’s Room will have seating for up to 30, but standing room for a few more if necessary. “Certainly people can lean on the bar, coming in the door, wherever, if they just want to come in and hear a little bit,” Tatum said. Boling said he hopes for a great turnout. “I do this for the interaction and connection with people,” Boling said. “My songs have a story to tell. I don’t see any point in playing at places where that doesn’t get across.” Boling said that while common advice is “never let the truth get in the way of a good story,” his person-

Auburn 114 West Magnolia Auburn, AL 36830 PH 334.466.8035 FX 334.466.8036

al motto for songwriting is “never let the facts get in the way of the truth.” “What you’re looking for is for the story that your song tells to have the emotional truth intact,” Boling said. “If you have to adjust the facts a little bit to support that, that’s fair game.” Tatum said the concert will be split into a 45-minute set, a 15-minute break and another 30- to 40-minute set. Pastries and coffee will be sold before the concert, at the break and after. “The vast majority of what I play in public are my own songs,” Boling said. “I would say that in an average show, at least threefourths of the material is my original writing.” Songwriting has been a part of Boling’s life since high school, although he started playing guitar in sixth grade. “I’ve been musical my whole life,” Boling said. “It’s something that I’ve always done and really feel that I have to do.” Boling played clubs and coffee shops in high school, and has been touring full time—a career he calls “an honor and a privilege”— since the beginning of 2008. “Intimate venues are really what I thrive on,” Boling said, adding that he plays a lot of house concerts. Boling said his concert would appeal to a varied audience. “Everybody’s looking for something different to break up the day,” Boling said. “You can’t get much more different than being exposed to original art.” The concert will begin at 7 p.m. A $5 donation is suggested, and Boling said he will also have CDs and download cards for sale.

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Barber’s passion is a ‘dying art’ Alison McFerrin News Editor

When it comes to cutting hair, frilly salons aren’t the only way to go—not the way one local barber sees it. “The man in the ‘beauty world’ has been sold short … because of these salons and these boutiques,” barber Bret Saylor said. Bret, who was born in Illinois but moved to Auburn in 1981 after a fouryear stint as an Army medic, once made a living in salons and boutiques. He began cutting hair in 1983, working in different hair salons throughout Auburn— until the day he gave it up. “I decided I wanted to get out of the business,” Bret

Brewfest » From A7

for the fest. “It’s the care that goes into it,” Price said. “Someone is always there when we slow cook it over the pit, and it’s the same old pit that we started on.” Last year’s brewfest was Event Center Downtown’s largest public event with

said. “On a Friday, I just quit. I packed up my stuff, called all my customers and told them, ‘I’m done.’” Bret said he felt the job was too stressful to fit with the lifestyle he wanted. “I couldn’t have quality family time—I was too busy with highlights or a foil,” Bret said. But it’s not so easy to give up a passion, and there’s more than one way to have quality family time. In August 2009 Bret and his family opened Sportsman’s Barber Shop on South College Street. He and his wife, as well as their two daughters, are involved in the business, and owning the business allows them to set the hours. “The hours change up depending on what we have in the schedule,” said daughter Brittney Saylor, 13. “If we have something going on in the family, he’ll put out a sign saying, ‘Sorry, we’re not open on these days.’” But when the shop is open, good prices and good more than 450 attendees. “We had people ranging in age from 21–85,” Beck said. “We had elderly people here sampling beer. We had middle-aged people and the college crowd. It was a really nice mix of people.” Beck said she’s expecting attendance to be approximately 600 people this year.

service are a focus. Bret said he wants the barbershop, a job he calls “a dying art,” to be reminiscent of the experience he had as a child, incorporating oldtime elements like hot lathers, hot towels and powder. “When I grew up, going to the barbershop was every Friday or every Saturday morning, (and) you went with Daddy and got a crew cut,” Bret said. And while he says the residents are his ‘bread and butter,’ student customers are an added bonus—students like AJ Wilkerson, sophomore in computer engineering. “He knows what he’s doing,” said Wilkerson, who said he gets his hair cut at Sportsman’s Barber Shop about once a month. “I usually get a high-and-tight … but he does all kinds of men’s styles.” Bret, who said he gives 20–30 haircuts per day, said he will sometimes style women’s hair, but not every cut is possible in a true “Last year we allowed children to come, but since we’re expecting larger crowds this year, we’re only letting in 21 and over,” Beck said. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased at the Event Center Downtown at 614 N. Railroad Ave. in Opelika any time before the fest, as well as at the door the night of the event.

Funds needed for firefighting Natalie Yarid Associate News Editor

Safety may come at a higher price for some in 2012. Fire fees in Lee County have been set at $25 per month for the last 25 years, but the current fire fee bill expires within the year. Lee County residents must vote on a potential fee increase. Daniel Haden, fire chief of the Southwest Lee County Fire Department, said there are seven fire departments in Lee County, and six of them rely on the funding from the fire fees. “We may have to close doors if we don’t have a fee increase,” Haden said. “We have been barely making ends meet.” While most students will be indirectly affected by the potential increase of fees, other students will have to put aside $50 extra per month. Only students who live outside Auburn city limits will have to pay the increase. Lee Lamar, fire chief in Auburn, said many trail-

er parks and residental areas on Wire Road are outside Auburn city limits, and residents in these areas will feel the impact. The money raised would provide local fire departments the ability to receive grants, enabling them to obtain new trucks, fire gear and other equipment. All local fire departments are 100 percent voluntary, allowing the money to be used for other goods besides personnel. The national average is currently $150 for fire protection service—six times that of Lee County. The current fees were set in 1989, when fuel was 53 cents per gallon. “Today, fuel is at approximately $3.60 per gallon, and we are still working off the same fees we had 25 years ago,” Haden said. Lamar said if the bill is passed, the county will see benefits in fall 2012. Haden said the bill for the increase of fees has already been written and approved by the state legislature. The Lee County Fire As-

Community A9

The Auburn Plainsman

“We may have to close doors if we don’t have a fee increase… We have been barely making ends meet.”

Maria Iampetro / Photo Editor

Brett Saylor, barber, cleans Daryl Yarbrough’s face with a hot towel after a shave at Sportman’s Barber Shop. Bret and his family own the shop—a job he said fuels his passion and allows him to be with the people who matter most. barbershop where some salon essentials are purposely absent. “There’s not a shampoo bowl in this place,” Bret said. “My wife said to get it,

and I said, ‘There ain’t no way—not in a barber shop.’” At the end of the day, being with his family is the best thing about the shop, Bret said.

“Life in reality is family, time you spend with your family and love you have with your family, because that’s all you have when it comes down to it.”


this project are those who have made a habit of running red lights.” Fuller said people will not be prosecuted for running through yellow traffic lights. There will be provisions for special cases of redlight violations, such as in the case of stolen vehicles or wrecks that may cause a vehicle to slide past a red light. Students are divided in their opinions of Opelika red-light cameras. “I really hope cameras are installed near Tiger Town, especially at the Frederick Road intersection,” said Jaclyn Wilson, sophomore in marine biology. “That part of town is always scary to drive through.”

But while many students travel through Opelika regularly, others may be unaffected by the coming addition. “Since I do not live in Opelika, I feel that this installation of traffic cameras will have no effect on my daily life,” said Alana Jones, junior in nutrition. Fuller said red-light violators will be fined $60 on their first and second offenses and $100 on their third. They will be given the opportunity to appeal their citation to a municipal court judge and circuit court. “The cameras are coming—that’s a sure thing,” Seymour said. Fuller said the system is set to be operational late this year or early next year.

» From A7

evaluated by a staff of trained technicians. If the data confirm there was an illegal crossing of a red light, the report is sent for a more intensive review by a trained police officer. The red-light violations will then be processed, and the resulting citation will be mailed to the violator. The ordinance requires a public notice of the cameras at least 30 days prior to their installation. “As we have seen in Montgomery, these camera systems have proven to reduce crashes and fatalities at intersections,” Fuller said. “The only folks who should be concerned with

—Daniel Haden Southwest Lee County Fire Chief

sociation is putting a plan of action together to present to the Lee County Commission. Students whose bills will be increased can have a vote in the process and voice their opinions. The Lee County Commission will approve a vote for the fire fee, but no date has been set. “We are going to need help with this vote,” Haden said. The fire department is making plans to be available to help students become aware and register to vote in the process. “We want to help get students registered to vote, and we want them to vote yes,” Haden said.

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Community A10

The Auburn Plainsman

Thursday, August 25, 2011 Auburn Gas Monitor

calendar: Thursday, Jan. 1 – Saturday, Jan. 1 Sunday







Music with Daniel Boling

Week of Aug. 25

Saturday 26

To Light a Fire Concert

■ Gnu’s Room ■ Eighth & ■ 7 p.m. Rail ■ 8-11 p.m.






■ Kiesel Park ■ 9 a.m. to 2

Grub Mart - Gay St.




Kangaroo - Glenn Ave.





Tiger’s Dean - Shug Jordan 3.49



BBQ & Brewfest

Murphy USA - College St.




■ Opelika

Chevron - Dean Road




■ 6 p.m. to

Event Center

Raceway - Opelika Rd.




Exxon - East University




Exxon - Glenn Ave.




Chevron - South College




Chevron - Webster Rd.













Opelika Farmer’s Market

■ Opelika

Courthouse Square ■ 3-6 p.m.



Farm-to-Table Dinner

■ Ariccia ■ 5-9 p.m.


Expressions Café


Performance by Seraphina

■ Gnu’s Room ■ Gnu’s Room ■ 7 p.m. ■ 6 p.m.

$3.70 $3.60 $3.50 $3.40 $3.30 August 25, 2011




Current and Upcoming Exhibits The Royal Octavo Editions June 18–Oct. 8 Louise Hauss and David Brent Miller Audubon Gallery Bacon Level, Hickory Flat and the Illustrious Potteries of Randolph and Chambers Counties, Alabama Aug. 6–Nov. 26 Gallery C On the Silk Road and the High Seas: Chinese Ceramics, Culture and Commerce Aug. 27–Nov. 26 Bill L. Harbert Gallery

Alison MCfErrin / News Editor

Lespri Endonptabl: Selected Works from the Winslow Anderson Collection of Haitian Art at the Huntington Museum of Art Aug. 27–Oct. 29 Noel and Kathryn Dickinson Wadsworth Gallery and Chi-Omega–Hargis Gallery


A11 www.theplainsman.com

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Editor’s view

The Auburn Plainsman, I am your father Miranda Dollarhide editor@ theplainsman.com

With each new year comes a new editor who is looking to change the face of journalism. The editor writes this column to tell you how different the paper will look and read, but three months later, nothing changes. I, on the other hand, would like to simply describe the purpose of The Plainsman, and what steps,

regardless of how small, we are taking to improve the way you receive your campus news. The best way to describe the newsroom is to equate it to Stars Wars. The newsroom is made up of Jedi. I am Yoda, my managing editor is Obi Won, and everyone else makes up the Jedi Council. Our basic goal as reporters is to protect you from the Dark Side. Our light saber is our pen, and we use it to protect you and ourselves from the evils of the world. But enough with the Star Wars analogy.

Our real goal of The Plainsman is to provide you with quality stories that interest you. Over the next year, we want to write what really matters to the students, because we are your student newspaper. In order to present your news to you in a faster manner, we are determined to conquer the world of social media. Sure we tweet and send the stories out through Facebook, but there is so much more we can do with these media. We want to use them to get your feedback. If you have a friend

that does something awesome, write a note on our Wall, or if you read a funny quote in our print or online edition, tweet at us that you like it. For us, social media should be fully interactive. Not only will we be focusing on social media, but we will also be experimenting with multimedia. In the past we’ve made the effort to get at least one video up per semester. I’m sure you’ve enjoyed the still shot of Gov. Robert Bentley for the past couple of weeks, but we are working to improve the fre-

Our View

Dating online? Maybe not for college The world of online dating: It always seems to work out on those eHarmony and match. com commercials. The couples on the television screen look so happy with their lives after finding their Internet soul mate. But what about college students? Datemyschool.com is a dating website specifically for college students. Its purpose? To meet people like you on campus. We at The Plainsman feel it is a bit unnecessary. We do not feel there is anything intrinsically wrong with online dating. It can be a great way to find someone out there in the “real world,” where we aren’t surrounded by 25,000 of our peers. But right now? We are.

There are roughly 25,000 students on this campus, many of whom join clubs. Whether you’re interested in sports, movies or video games, there is some kind of campus organization for just about everything. Joining one of these available organizations will help you meet people like you, some of whom may even be single. In today’s technological era, the unwillingness or inability to communicate face-toface with other human beings can be a barrier to finding that special someone. Online dating enables that. Things like dating sites and even Facebook can be detrimental to human communication skills. If the vast majority of your life is spent in front of a screen,

you’ll never learn how to interact with other people in a social situation. College is supposed to be a time of growing and learning and experiencing new things. It’s about making friends, dating, breaking up and maybe even finding your soul mate. College is about interaction. Whether that’s with professors or friends, communication is one of the skills that should be honed in college. We’re all about family here at Auburn. Reaching out to that family in person can expand your social horizons. Especially with dating, now is the time to go for it. The whole point of college is to make mistakes and learn from them. The real world expects us to know what to do by the time

we get there. Relying on the Internet to find dates also carries with it the risk of disappointment and even danger. It presents the opportunity for others as well as yourself to be misrepresented. We all try to deny it, but appearances matter. Someone could have the best personality and the biggest heart, but if they weren’t physically attractive to us, we might not be as likely to seek a romantic connection. On dating sites, you have to be careful. Make sure you know who is on the other side of that screen. While we feel online dating is not bad, we do think it’s unnecessary for a college campus. Unless, of course, you’re desperate.

quency of our multimedia. We also want to add more slideshows and sound slideshows. We will be doing a weekly slideshow that represents the stories we have covered that week. The biggest thing we want to do with this year is get you involved. Don’t forget to pick up your copy of the newspaper every Thursday and remind all your friends to do the same. Like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter. Also, check our website for updates on breaking news and multimedia. And remember, may the force be with you.

Quote of the Week

Online dating will have positives and negatives associated with it, but the ultimate goal is to find someone you’re compatible with.” —Richard Mattson “Dating goes viral” B6

The Palainsman Poll

Vote at www.theplainsman.com

Staff Columns

Don’t resort to apathy in lieu of awareness Liz Conn managing. editor@ theplainsman. com

This summer’s debt-ceiling debacle caused me serious anxiety. Every time I turned on the news, I thought I might need therapy. And I held Congress solely responsible. When I was venting to one of my friends about the situation, she asked, “What’s a debt ceiling?” It was then that I realized just how much therapy I might need. What stressed me out more than a colossal financial crisis teetering on the edge of an economic collapse was someone not knowing about said crisis. Ignorance may be bliss, but

ignorance is also irresponsible. The college-aged crowd has a significant stake in current events. Changes in our government and world will affect us for the rest of our lives—and our adult lives are only just beginning. When I go to the gas pump, I don’t watch the price ticker as I’m fueling up my car. I know watching it will stress me out. I’ve let myself slip into apathy. Some people similarly ignore the news to avoid the stress that comes with it. They think goings-on in Washington are out of their control. Citizens can take control by voting responsibly, which begins with being well-informed. It is essential to watch the metaphorical price ticker (and deal with the accompanying stress) to form an opinion. Elections are a year away— just around the corner in po-

litical terms—making the next year a crucial one for voters to follow. Some college students will be first-time voters, unaccustomed to paying attention to the field of candidates. Uninformed potential voters may even be tempted not to vote, which sacrifices a great privilege of living in the United States. Being informed is easy. In the age of social media, it takes more effort to be uninformed than it does to be informed. Journalists, hosts and news organizations tweet about current events day and night. (I eventually had to unfollow Piers Morgan because of the excessive frequency of his tweets.) If you have yet to jump on the Twitter bandwagon, stick to television. Or Internet news sites. Or newspapers and

magazines. Or news apps for smartphones. News sources are all around. It’s OK to watch “Jersey Shore” or “Real Housewives.” You will lose brain cells. But if you watch an hour of the news afterward, you might break even. Be informed so you’re not embarrassed at a party when someone brings up Keynesian economics, and you have nothing to say. (If this has never come up at a party, your friends are not cool.) Be informed so when someone asks what you think about Gadhafi, you have something better to say than, “How is that cooked?” Be informed so you can make a responsible, educated decision when it comes time to pick your leaders in Washington. Don’t shield your eyes at the gas pump.

Your View

Comedy show lacking in laughs To the editor: The recent (Aug. 18) Alonzo Bodden performance in the Auburn University Student Union was profane and vulgar. Such language does not represent the values Auburn University espouses. I would have been ashamed to bring a guest. The Dean of Students and the Student Activities Board, which announced the performance as “adult,” should choose performances that enhance and uplift the human spirit, in keeping with the values of ladies, gentlemen and Auburn University. —David Elton, professor, civil engineering

Auburn lacks ampitheater, proper venue to attract major music acts Elle Welch intrigue@ theplainsman.com

The Auburn music scene is lacking. The same bands come every fall and spring—Perpetual Groove, Boombox, Noise Org, etc. Auburn students are frequently driving to Atlanta, Birmingham

and recently Tuscaloosa to see their favorite bands. The new Tuscaloosa Amphitheater and refurbished Georgia Theatre make Tuscaloosa and Athens, Ga., meccas for music. The Tuscaloosa Amphitheater is the largest outdoor theater in west Alabama. It was finished last spring, and since opening day The Avett Brothers, My Morning Jacket and Band of Horses have played shows there. This fall, STS9, Widespread

Panic, Alabama, Yonder Mountain String Band and Pretty Lights are set to play. The amphitheatre is an intimate venue that holds 7,470 people. It is ideal for students and is within walking distance from Tuscaloosa’s historic downtown area. The Georgia Theatre opened its season with Big Boi, RJD2, Bela Fleck, the Flecktones and more. Artists like R.E.M., The B-52s and The Indigo Girls all emerged from Athens and played at the

Georgia Theatre. There are no exciting shows planned for Auburn this fall, and I am disappointed. The usual bands are scheduled, like JJ Grey & Mofro, Mama’s Love and Moon Taxi. I will probably attend these shows because it’s my only option for decent music. Skybar, Bourbon Street and Moe’s Original Barbeque are not good enough venues for a show. What makes a good venue?

An outdoor amphitheater does. There is plenty of space, sunsets, vendors, seat and standing options and more. My hope is that students read this article and raise awareness to Auburn University and the city of Auburn about considering adding an amphitheatre in our college town. Auburn is a small town, but we are called “The Plains.” I hope there will be acreage and funding for a new amphitheatre one day.

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Community A12

The Auburn Plainsman

Thursday, August 25, 2011

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70 Archeologist’s

19 Kind of folder 21 Depot info 22 Solar plexus 23 — Raton, Fla. 25 Sofa ends 27 Make neat

71 Okla. neighbor 72 Held title to 73 Fresh 74 RV haven

(turn) 33 Not allowed 34 Mistake 37 Unskilled workers 40 Snow lander 42 Touchingly 45 Chem. or biol. 47 Engineering toy 50 Checkbook no. 52 Contracted in size 54 Rose pest 56 Jupiter’s wife 57 Plenty, to a poet 58 Trotsky’s first name 60 Merry-go-round 62 Short note 63 District 64 Bagel partner 66 Crayola choice 67 Immediately


waters (2 wds.)



17 Deep, deep

1 Berry product 4 Take down — — 8 Hot dip 13 “Star Trek”


More Sudoku 7

18 Mitchell

14 Much-loved 15 Dorm climbers 16 Figure-skating

51 Stock holder 53 Type option 55 Sound bored 56 Thicken 59 Paramedic’s skill 61 Typical 65 Bringing to light 68 Air, in combos 69 Not a soul


(2 wds.) 31 Control a 747 35 Meadow plaint 36 Tavern sign (2 wds.) 38 Kind of bear 39 Doctrines 41 Family tree, to some 43 Omaha’s st. 44 Mild onions 46 Three-legged seat 48 Egg — yung 49 Beethoven’s Third

(2 wds.) find


1 Tokyo’s space


2 Two fives for


3 Beach near Los


4 Next to 5 Pod vegetable 6 Chalet feature 7 Persona non — 8 British title 9 Dislike 10 Bus route 11 Faction 12 Late tennis great 13 Pond maker


20 Wacky 24 Traffic stoppers 26 Baseball award 27 Look pleasant 28 Brainteaser 29 Tybalt’s slayer 30 Page or LuPone 32 Hang — —

B1 Intrigue Thrifty shopping saves big bucks Intrigue Editor

Even on a college student’s tight budget, getting what you want or need does not have to be a pain in the wallet. One of the biggest expenses students face is furnishing their living space. Dressers, beds, tables, chairs and desks can be extremely expensive on a college budget. However, having a place to sleep does not have to break the bank. Many students, such as Trey Swann, sophomore in computer science, have found creative ways to save a dollar. “EBay and the flea market are great,” Swann said. “You can find things you aren’t worried about breaking or losing, and it only has to last you four years.” The do-it-yourself method is another favorite of Swann’s. “Build it yourself,” he said. “Me and my dad built my bed out of two-by-fours and still had room to put things underneath.” For those without a knack for construction, though, there are many other budget-friendly options. Ellie Wilson, senior in communication, prefers to buy her furniture at the Harvest Thrift Super Center on Opelika Road. “I always come to look at fur-

Pagan apparel

» Page B4

» Page b4


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Raye May

Cultures coincide

niture,” Wilson said. “I’m getting a table. I really like to redo things and redecorate, and this is a great, cheap place to find stuff.” Greg Boyd, director of the Harvest Thrift Super Center, said the store gets quite a few student customers. “We love Auburn,” Boyd said. “When we came to this location, we started getting 100 more customers every day.” The store, which Boyd says is the largest of its kind in the nation at 100,000 square feet, caters heavily to students, offering anyone with a valid University student ID an additional 20 percent off, excluding only new furniture. “We’re cheaper than anyone in town,” Boyd said. “It’s not a threat—it’s a promise. I’ve seen it.” Boyd also said the store sells new furniture tax free, and in addition to home furnishings, students flock to the store for vintage clothing and costumes for themed parties. “Is it a department store or a thrift store?” Boyd said. “We have 40 different departments. There are 20,000 books in the back corner … We work hard to make our store top-notch.” In addition to the money-saving aspect of the store, Boyd said it also supports a good cause. “Your donation is another person’s opportunity to hear the Gospel,” Boyd said. “All the money we


Chelsea Harvey / Campus Editor

Rows of televisions, recliners and tables line the walls of the Harvest Thrift Super Center. make here stays local.” Boyd said the store hosts a devotional, which features readings from both the Bible and the Torah, for the employees every morning before the store opens. The thrift store is part of Harvest Ministries, which also runs a men’s home in Lee County and a women’s home in Chambers County. For more information on the

Harvest Thrift Super Center or the Harvest Evangelism ministry, or for instructions for making donations to either the thrift store or homes, visit Harvestthriftsup er center.org or Harvestevangelism.org.

Raye May / Intrigue Editor

One-for-One goes optical TOMS Shoes is expanding campaign to include eyewear Elle Welch Associate Intrigue Editor


Travis Wilder is the lead vocalist and guitarist for John and the Conners. The band has played at several Auburn venues.

‘Americana vanilla folk’ comes to town New genre of music is gaining popularity Sarah Cook Writer

A new sound described as “Americana vanilla folk” can be heard on the streets of Auburn as John and the Conners enters the music scene. Friends Travis Widner, vocals and lead guitar; Chris Williams, guitar and vocals; Tyler Wallace, drums; Andy Cox, banjo and tambourine; and Jordan Walker on bass guitar, have been playing together as a full unit for about a year. The band has played at several venues in the Auburn area including The Irish Bred Pub, 17/16, The Olde Auburn Ale House, Max’s in Phenix City and various fraternity houses. “I consider Auburn our home,” Williams said. “Ever since Travis and I did an open mic night here, they started giving us shows. We used to play a lot at the Bred Pub, and we’ve done a lot of shows out

of town.” The band has even played at the Montgomery Zoo. “It was one of the coolest things I’ve ever done,” Williams said. “It was a blast.” The members pride themselves on creating original music with lyrics stemming from personal experiences. “We’ve kind of nailed our sound down; all we really do is originals,” Williams said. “We’re not gonna be at Skybar playing ‘Last Dance with Mary Jane’ or ‘Wagon Wheel.’” The roots of John and the Conners were planted in San Francisco when Williams began writing songs. After leaving the Golden Gate City for the Plains, Williams paired up with Widner, and the duo began crafting lyrics. “We wrote songs for about a year,” Williams said. “Then we started doing shows and decided, “Why not make a band?’” Soon after Williams and Widner collaborated, the two guitarists added Wallace and Walker to their musical duo. Then Cox joined the group to establish “the » See Band, B2

TOMS is making its evolution from a shoe company to a Onefor-One company by introducing a second product line, TOMS Eyewear. Kinnucan’s in Auburn started selling TOMS Shoes in February. Store manager Bobby Tindal said Kinnucan’s heard about TOMS through the Internet. “We are supposed to be getting the new eyewear line in spring 2012,” Tindal said. TOMS was founded in 2006 by world traveler Blake Mycoskie after he befriended children in Argentina and found their lack of shoes devastating. Since then, TOMS has given over 1 million pairs of shoes to children around the world. True to the One-for-One movement, with each pair of sunglasses purchased TOMS gives someone sight through medical treatment, prescription eyeglasses or sight-saving surgery for people in Nepal, Cambodia and Tibet. All of TOMS proposed solutions could impact 80 percent of people afflicted with vision impairment and blindness, according to the TOMS website. TOMS decided to focus its philanthropy on vision problems because more than 18 million children around the world suffer from blindness or impaired vision. The website says two-thirds of people who are blind are women because many families in developing countries are more likely to pay for eye care for male family members. “Sight is a solvable crisis; it helps break the poverty trap,” the website says, “Sight means education and opportunity. Women have an equal right to sight, there is an immediate impact, and we create a better tomorrow.”

Rebecca Croomes / Assistant Photo Editor

TOMS fans can soon buy eyewear to match their shoes. Kinnucan’s in Auburn will carry the new line. The sunglasses come in three women’s styles and two men’s styles and range from $135 to $145—almost triple what a pair of TOMS shoes cost. The hand-painted stripes on the sunglasses’ temples represent three elements of the Onefor-One movement. The stripe on the temple represents the customer, the stripe on the tip represents the person who will receive sight from the funds of the purchase, and the middle stripe represents TOMS bringing the two together. TOMS has a “Virtual Try-On” tab on its website that allows customers to upload their picture to compare styles before they make their purchase.

In TOMS’ move from shoes to eyewear, the Seva Foundation is their first partner. Seva programs and partners have helped nearly 3 million people in resource-poor communities for more than 30 years. Seva is known for its eye-care programs in Asia and Africa. Former Kinnucan’s employee Chandler Whatley said she is excited about the new addition. “I am excited we will have both lines of TOMS products in Auburn so college students can appreciate their One-for-One movement,” Whatley said. To shop for TOMS shoes and eyewear go to www.toms.com or visit the locations or websites of other TOMS-approved vendors.

Intrigue B2

The Auburn Plainsman

Shrimp Scampi

Kerry’s recipe of the week

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Dating goes viral Sarah Cook

Shrimp Scampi


Ingredients: 1 ½ lb. large shrimp, shelled and deveined Salt and pepper, to taste 2 tablespoons olive oil 4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) butter 4 cloves garlic, minced ¼ cup white wine 1 lemon, grated zest and juiced ¼ cup fresh parsley, chopped

Directions: Season the shrimp with salt and pepper and then set aside. In a pan over medium heat, heat the olive oil and butter. Add the garlic and sauté for 1-2 minutes. Add the wine, zest and juice of lemon. Bring to a boil and reduce to simmer for 5 minutes. Add the shrimp and sauté for 1 minute. Turn the shrimp and cook for another 2 minutes, or until shrimp are completely pink. Stir in parsley. Serve immediately. Serves: Four

Contributed by Kerry Fannon

Joe Random Name year, major ──

Question? Answer

Question? Answer

Question? Answer

Question? Answer

Question? Answer

Question? Answer

Question? Answer

Question? Answer

There’s a new hot spot for finding dates—and it’s not the local bar. Many students are now turning to the Internet when seeking a significant other. One website which caters specifically to college students is datemyschool. com. Balazes Alexa and Jean Meyer, students at Columbia University, founded the website last November in an effort to connect academically driven students in the same geographic area. “We grab the best of dating sites, social networks and professional networks, helping users branch out within their academic communities socially and professionally,” Alexa said. Datemyschool.com offers an outlet for students to connect anonymously with their peers in a safe environment. The site stresses its excellence in pairing students with like interests, such as similar majors. “If an agriculture student only wanted to connect with forestry students, one click makes this all possible,” said Melanie Wallner, press representative for the site. Many students find the website beneficial because it allows them to connect exclusively with other college-aged members. “Because DMS members attend the same school or school nearby and place the same priority on education, extracurricular activities and careers, members understand and relate to one another in a way they cannot on other dating sites that match users based on their ZIP codes,” Wallner said. The website also features


» From B1 Conners sound.” “One day I decided to pick up a banjo, and it was then that we started making some really classic Conners songs,” Cox said. The Conners draw inspiration from other musicians. Artists that inspire the band include Ryan Adams, The Eagles, Wilco and The Avett Brothers. “I guess as you grow up your music tastes change, and I feel like now we’re more of a folk/alternative genre,” Williams said.

a “zero embarrassment” option to assuage users. “If members don’t want to see people they already know, they can limit their profile access so they’ll only meet people they don’t know,” Wallner said. Even if students do not romantically connect with someone, members can still walk away with friendships and networking opportunities. “One of my friends just got a job through personal contacts of a guy she met on DMS, and another friend keeps in touch with a DMS date that felt more platonic than romantic,” Wallner said. The site currently has more than 31,000 members and is growing rapidly after launching at 350 schools nationwide Aug. 17. “Twenty-five percent of Columbia University is on the platform, 20 percent of New York University registered for the site, and in just a weekend 5 percent of Harvard signed up,” Wallner said. Dating websites like datemyschool.com allow users to meet more people than they would in the classroom. “Online dating changes peoples’ strategies toward dating,” said Richard Mattson, head of the Auburn University Relationship Research Laboratory. “It casts a wider net.” Whether it’s casually exchanging cellphone numbers or clicking a computer mouse, the way people connect with one another is constantly changing. “Online dating will have positives and negatives associated with it,” Mattson said, “but the ultimate goal is to find someone you’re compatible with.” Local radio stations, including WEGL, are beginning to play the Conners’ melodies, and their album is expected to be released within the week. “Our album is being made up in Nashville,” Wallace said. “We just started fine tuning.” The band is excited about what the future may hold. “We’re gonna try and be out there playing every week this fall,” Williams said. “This is what we want to do. I can’t think of a better time than coming up here and playing music— that’s what drives me.”

Joe Random Alexander Strickland freshman, education ──

What is your favorite color? Between purple and red

What is your favorite book? “The Two Towers”

Where are you from? Here, Auburn

What is a random fact about yourself? I have really cool shoes.

What’s your favorite thing to do? Read books Do you have a favorite video game? “Oblivion: The Elder Scrolls”

What is one of your talents? I have a really good singing voice. What is your favorite food? All Italian food

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Intrigue B3

The Auburn Plainsman

Think before you snack to stay fit in school Kristen Oliver Writer

Food choices on campus and busy student schedules can make staying healthy during the college years challenging for many students. The good news is it’s not impossible. One step in taking control of your health as a college student is recognizing the problem. “It’s a lack of awareness about what am I really putting into my body, what am I really choosing on a daily basis,” said Jessica-Lauren

Rachel Suhs / Graphics Editor

Roberts, registered dietitian with Auburn University Campus Recreation. “We just don’t pay attention.” Roberts is one resource available to students who want to take control of their health. As a doctor-

al student in nutrition, she helps students referred by the health clinic for medical issues or anyone seeking guidance. “I see students, faculty and staff for any reason at all regarding their nutrition,” Roberts said. “You don’t have to have anything wrong with you.” Because her clients are unaware of exactly what they are eating each day, she has them record specifics of their diets. “I have students tell me on a questionnaire that

they eat vegetables five times a week,” Roberts said. “But then they turn in a three-day dietary recall, which is only half the week, and there are no vegetables any day.” For students to live healthy lives in the future, it is important to take control of eating habits today. “I try to do prevention, teaching and education so that they really can live healthy and successful lives here in college and further on,” Roberts said. There are also options

for students who wish to take their well-being into their own hands. One way is to stock the refrigerator properly. Registered dietitian Rachel Beller from “Dr. Drew’s Lifechangers,” premiering this fall on the CW, lists on the show’s website helpful items to keep on a dorm room grocery list, including cereal, salad bags, fruit and Greek yogurt. Beller describes the advantages of a simple choice like Greek yogurt. “With 130 calories a cup, this is a great option. It’s full

of protein and has zero fat and zero cholesterol, which makes it a friendly dairy option for weight loss,” Beller said. Researching helpful hints is another way college students in the dorm can tackle unhealthy on-campus choices. “I think breakfast is my healthiest meal because I make it myself: eggs, cereal or yogurt with fruit,” said Melisa Hardie, senior in exercise science. “I think it’s the most important meal of the day.”

Fun still to be had even as fall classes commence shanetta Pindleton staff writer

With the new fall semester starting, clubs and organizations, such as the Student Government Association, Impact and the University Program Council, have decided to kick off the semester with a host of new ideas and activities to recruit new members and get students involved. “The summer has been a very positive time for the SGA,” said Kirby Turnage, SGA president. “While many students are back home for the summer, SGA officers and many staff members stay in Auburn to work on various projects

and initiatives.” Over the summer, SGA officers have secured funding for the Toomer’s Ten, a nighttime transportation system for students, worked to increase the hours of operation for oncampus dining and continued to improve initiatives such as Weagle Water, the Textbook Reserve Program and the Verizon Wireless student discount. Vanessa Tarpos, SGA vice president, has created a new opportunity for freshmen with a freshman senate branch. “The vision for this branch is to give the freshman class proper represen-

While many students are back home for the summer, SGA officers and many staff members stay in Auburn to work on various projects and initiatives.” —Kirby Turnage SGA President

tation in the SGA senate,” Tarpos said. Tiger Tuesdays, SGA’s

freshman programs division, has multiple information sessions for those interested. Freshmen can apply and sign up for an interview time online at www. auburn.edu/sga. Applications are due Sept. 1. Impact, a student volunteer organization, has also organized some strategies for recruiting at the start of the year. “Our biggest push this semester is going to be word of mouth,” said Morgan McKean, vice president of publicity. “We are also in the process of creating walletsized schedules to hand out to volunteers so they can al-

ways know when our projects are going on.” The organization used summer break to publicize Impact to all incoming freshmen during Camp War Eagle sessions. These initiatives have helped increase the number of project coordinators from 42 to 48. UPC, the student-led programming board, is responsible for organizing campus events for students. Strategies for recruiting include the use of social media while also publicizing the organization at campus events such as the Block Party. UPC uses the summer se-

mester to recruit freshmen during Camp War Eagle. “Tiger Tables during Camp War Eagle are one of the main ways we target freshmen,” said Anne Smead, UPC president. “Anyone can apply to be a member of a UPC committee—it does not have to be freshman—but we have a table set up with pictures from past events, T-shirts, et cetera. We have council members there to pass out brochures about the committees they can be a part of and UPC in general.” UPC also visits Greek organizations during chapter meetings to distribute brochures and applications.

Keep safe in college using common sense Safety advice for students from those who know best Austin Lankford writer

Summer break has once again given way to another fall semester on the Plains. The dread of classes starting, slowly but surely, takes a back seat to the excitement that the upcoming football season holds. The freshness of the new semester also allows students to meet people and get involved in various groups and extracurriculars on campus. In the midst of these activities, it can be easy to forget about an important aspect of life on a college campus: safety. Even though college brings increased freedoms, students should not become careless in their decisions. “People have to take responsibility for themselves,” said Lee Lamar, Auburn

fire chief. When one person has a lapse in judgment, other people can be exposed to dangerous situations. Many of the accidents that occur can be easily avoided, and there are simple things that can be done to prevent them. “Don’t overload power outlets,” Lamar said. In older places, overloading power sockets with electronics could blow a fuse. Facilities built 40 years ago or earlier are at greater risk for tripping a circuit breaker. Places with faulty wiring are the most dangerous, however, as the overuse of power sockets could cause a fire. Hom e s sh o ul d b e checked for faulty wiring only by a professional electrition, as electric shock can cause injuries and potentially death. This pertains to on-campus and off-campus residents alike. For students who need to plug in a DVD player, an appliance and a television at

If you see something that doesn’t look right, don’t hesitate to call.” —Lee Lamar Auburn Fire Chief

the same time, a surge protector is a wise investment. Lamar also mentioned the potential hazard that exists when people forget about food they are cooking. Whether it’s leaving on the stovetop or oven when finished cooking or forgetting about the food altogether, it comes down to being careless. “Use good common sense,” Lamar said. Fire safety is by no means the only issue of which to be mindful. Personal safety when on campus is also something to keep in mind. “People must be aware of their surroundings,” said Randy Cerovsky, Auburn’s

associate director of public safety. When walking on campus, especially at night, pay attention to surroundings and what is going on around you. “If you park in the resident overflow lot, make use of the night security shuttle,” Cerovsky said. Brook Barrow, junior in physical education, has used the security shuttle before. “If I didn’t want to walk from the library to the Village at night, I would call the shuttle,” Barrow said. “It is a great and safe alternative to walking at night.” Another precaution that everyone can easily practice is locking doors when leaving apartments and dorm rooms. Theft is one of Auburn’s most common crimes. “It is a good idea to keep doors locked and windows closed,” Cerovsky said. Lamar said not to be shy when it comes to keeping this campus safe. “If you see something that doesn’t look right, don’t hesitate to call.”

Welcome Sororities! now with30’ x 71’ pavilion

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Intrigue B4

The Auburn Plainsman

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Students keep culture alive after changing countries Kristen Oliver writer

More than 800 students from more than 80 nations take part in the Auburn experience each year, according to the Office of International Education. “American culture is a combination of so many cultures,” said Shakeer Abdullah, director of the Multicultural Center in the Student Center. In the same way, the Auburn student body is a combination of many international students bringing their own experiences and perspectives to the Plains. “They come in with an understanding of American culture,” Abdullah said. “They really find a way to interact with American culture and also share their own culture.” One might wonder how international students are able to assimilate into

American culture while not losing their own. “I think it’s really not so much assimilation as integrating American culture with their own culture,” Abdullah said. According to Abdullah, international students are open to American culture, and the key is for American students to be as open to foreign cultures. “American students aren’t always as open to getting to know international students and including international students in programs and events,” Abdullah said. One way American students can better understand the position of international students is by studying abroad themselves. Nathan Simone, junior in journalism, studied abroad in Taormina, Italy, this summer and said experiencing

When you are in another country and you meet someone who doesn’t know something so normal to you, it’s completely crazy.” —Nathan Simone Junior, Journalism

being an international student himself has affected how he thinks about international students at Auburn. “When you are in another country and you meet someone who doesn’t know something so normal to you, it’s completely crazy,” Simone said. “But you realize they’ve never seen it; it’s not their fault.”

Abdullah said a majority of international students say they wish they had more opportunities to interact with American students. “I’ve worked at a number of institutions, and many of them have done a great job of integrating international students into the student culture,” Abdullah said. Auburn has an international orientation for new international students, as well as the International Student Organization. ISO, one resource which helps international students become acclimated on campus, works to promote international relationships and ease the transition for international students. According to Abdullah, the real challenge is to ensure that beyond the beginning orientation, international students are getting

Raye May / Intrigue Editor

Shakeer Abdullah is the director of the Multicultural Center, which helps students explore new cultures. as involved as possible. “I came to Auburn for the program I’m in and also because I was curious about the place,” said Carlos Torrebiarte, junior in supply chain management from Guatemala. “I feel welcome at Auburn, though at first it

takes some time.” Abdullah said American students should take time to share their culture with international students and show genuine interest in other cultures. “Just be open and inviting,” Abdullah said.

Shop on South College brings paganism to the Bible Belt Raye May Intrigue Editor

According to a survey done by the City University of New York, Alabama is 84 percent Protestant, 13 percent Catholic and 3 percent other. A smaller portion of that tiny percentage represents pagans. DreamScapes, a head shop and novelty store, is sandwiched between Winn-Dixie and Big Blue Bookstore, and offers a wide variety of wares including custom-blended tobacco, hookahs and pagan religious items. Owner Stephen Bradford opened a similar store, Bio-

Buzz, in Albany, Ga., before adding his Auburn location. Manager Linda Kerr said the store is, as far as she knows, the only place in Lee County that offers the unique items she uses in her religion. “I’m pagan,” Kerr said. “You can’t really get good specialty books on spirituality at Hastings or BooksA-Million.” Kerr also believes DreamScapes is one of few places in Lee County that does candle dressings, which is adding oils and herbs to spiritual spell candles. “It just gives the candles

Raye May/Intrigue editor

DreamScapes manager Linda Kerr and her daughter Rowan examine a new shipment of pipes. a little extra oomph,” said Trillium Meeks, recent Au-

burn graduate and DreamScapes employee.

Bradford and many of the store’s other employees also practice a form of pagan religion and want to offer fellow pagans a place to find necessary items. “I think this is the only place like this, unless you want to drive to Columbus or Montgomery,” Kerr said. In addition to supplying religious necessities to local pagans, DreamScapes also offers a wide selection of tobacco, much of which is blended specifically for the shop and some of which are named War Eagle, War Damn Eagle, Kraken and 2012. One of these special

blends—Wildman Steve— is named for the owner. Students of all religious preferences seem to enjoy the shop, despite the heavy focus on alternative religion. “It’s laid-back,” Meeks said. “I get to be around friends and people with similar interests.” DreamScapes also features a wide variety of specially blended incenses and houses a hookah lounge in the back of the store. “Linda said we needed a store like this,” said Kass Fowler, DreamScapes employee, “and we have a great eclectic selection here.”






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Ultimate Frisbee

Katy Frierson

» Page B7

» Page B7


Thursday, August 25, 2011

B5 Sports

Dantin’s diving delivers Vennie Dantin places sixth at nationals and receives a bid to the Olympic trials Bianca Seward Writer

Auburn diver Vennie Dantin stands, back to the water, on the 10-meter platform. With a deep breath she jumps and tucks her body into her strongest dive, a two and a half back pike. End result: sixth place at the U.S. Nationals in Southern California and a bid to the Olympic trials. In addition to her platform score she placed seventh on the 3-meter spring board. Dantin, senior in exercise science, was Auburn’s only female diver to compete in Los Angeles earlier this month. However, the pressure did not keep her from qualifying for the Olympic trials. “Staying focused on the fundamentals is the key to our training,” said diving coach Jeff Shaffer. “When you can execute the fundamentals perfectly the advanced moves are cleaner.” Dantin’s placement at the NCAA Division I Women’s Championship in March qualified her for the U.S. Nationals meet. Despite the pressures of competing at the national level, concerns and nerves only arose when she discovered she would compete without the Auburn team. “I would much rather be diving with the team,” Dantin said. “Having my teammates supporting me is just as much a part of my suc-

cess as practice is. They can distract you from the pressures of the meet.” Dantin’s training for her fourth visit to the U.S. Nationals, an outdoor meet, was impeded by Auburn’s lack of an outdoor diving arena. “We had Vennie compete in July at an outdoor meet in order to get a more clear idea of what she would be facing at nationals,” Shaffer said. “Spotting and diving overall is a very different experience in an outside arena.” Consistency in her training is no problem for Dantin, according to strength and conditioning coach Alex Lee. “Vennie is always very consistent in her workouts and conscious of the team atmosphere,” Lee said. “Having Vennie in the weight room with me is like having an assistant—she always makes sure to help out the team and see that everyone is getting the attention they need.” Lee plans to focus Dantin’s conditioning this season on her Olympic lifts and squats. “Those have been her biggest improvements during her time here at Auburn, and those moves are the most important for a diver’s success,” Lee said. Dantin will lead the team this year with fellow senior diver Anna Aguero. Shaffer said he feels con» See Dantin B6

Plainsman Archives

Outside hitter Sarah Bullock and middle blocker Alyssa Davis jump for a block against Ole Miss.

Serving up new season, coach Brandon Miller Assistant Sports Editor

After reaching the NCAA Tournament for the first time in school history last year, new coach Rick Nold and the Auburn volleyball team have been preparing to repeat the feat in 2011. “It’s one of those things that I think coming off a good year, the girls have very high expecta-

tions, as we do,” Nold said. “We just need to take care of ourselves.” The Tigers are coming off a 21–13 (11–9 SEC) record from 2010. Auburn has 12 letter-winners returning, including four of six starters, which is why Nold lists depth and balance as the two strongest points of the team.

“We’re almost the same team as last year,” said Sarah Bullock, junior outside hitter. “We’re all best friends. We’ve really bonded, and that’s going to show when we play.” As Nold enters his first season coaching the Tigers, he said he immediately saw the hard work » See Volleyball B6

Soccer gears up for weekend home games Shanetta Pendleton Staff Writer

The soccer team is set to host Middle Tennessee State Friday at 7 p.m. and Kennesaw State Sunday at 7 p.m. This weekend will mark the second and third of five consecutive home games held at the Auburn Soccer Complex. The Tigers (0–1), led by coach Karen Hoppa, coaching for her 13th season at Auburn, were a pre-season favorite to win the SEC Western Division in the annual league coaches’ poll. The team is coming off a 4–1 loss to Wake Forest, a game that produced several freshman breakout performances. Auburn’s lone goal was scored by freshman forward Chelsea Gander-Cromer, with freshman Tatiana Coleman assisting. “We said our freshmen were gonna add some excitement up

Maria Iampietro / Photo Editor

Ana Cate, junior midfielder, quickly changes direction of the ball against Vanderbilt at home Friday evening. top, and you saw that tonight, and we hope that’s a little picture of a lot of good things to come in the future,” Hoppa said.

The team is using the loss as a chance to work on the offensive prowess it was lacking against Wake Forest.

“It’s a hard loss, but we’re gonna bounce back, hope to get the ‘W’ next Friday when we play at home,” said Lydia Townsend, senior forward. The Middle Tennessee State Blue Raiders fell to the Dayton Flyers 7–2 during their season opener last Friday. Although the Raiders had a strong start, scoring the first goal in less than two minutes, they were no match for the Flyers’ offense during the remainder of the game. Key players for the Blue Raiders include senior forward Shan Jones and junior midfielder and forward Whitney Jorgenson. The last and only time the Tigers have met the Raiders on the field was in 2002, with the Tigers grabbing the win. The Kennesaw State Owls currently hold a 1–1 record for the season after falling to Alabama

7–1 in the season opener, but recovered after defeating Alabama A&M 8–0. The Owls’ last victory tied a Division I record for the most goals the team has scored in a single game since joining the division in 2005. Some returning players for KSU to watch are sophomore defender Alma Gardarsdottir and senior forwards Alyssa Mahan and Brittany Vining. Kennesaw State will be facing the College of Charleston Friday before facing off against the Tigers Sunday. “I expect at practice this week the team will be more focused than they were before and maybe pay more attention to details,” Hoppa said. “It’s gonna be two good home games and hopefully it’ll be a good opportunity for our team to respond to this loss we had on Friday.”

Professional football players get new mommies and daddies Crystal Cole sports@ theplainsman.com

In a pre-draft meeting with Cam Newton, Panthers owner Jerry Richardson laid down the law on what he expected of the prospect. Richardson asked Newton if he had any tattoos or piercings and Newton said he did not. “We want to keep it that way… We want to keep no tattoos, no piercings, and I think you’ve got a very nice haircut,” Richardson said. So the debate becomes should owners be able to tell their players what they can and can’t do to

their personal appearance? Mike Florio of NBC Sports has a strong opinion about this one. He said the move seemed heavyhanded and troubling. I personally disagree. Owners pay players for their abilities and to have those abilities above other teams. The NFL represents more than a sport—it’s a business. If a franchise owner decides he doesn’t want to have posters and billboards with a guy looking like he just left prison, I don’t blame him. Especially for someone who will eventually be the face of a team, appearances are important. Newton, and the people in the media freaking out, should look at that conversation as more of a

compliment than a lecture. What Richardson meant to say was, “I think you’ll do great on my team and I’d like you to be approachable.” While he cannot actually penalize Newton if he disobeys, it probably wouldn’t be good for him. Honestly, Cam should want to maintain his wholesome image as long as he can. In the public eye, all it takes is one crazy night or one lost temper before the media swarms in. Newton has a responsibility now more than ever to be a role model for younger fans. He is obviously one of the most talented athletes to come along in a long time, and little boys all around the country will be watching him on Sunday afternoons.

Newton has shown time and time again how much he loves kids with his visits to elementary schools and service projects. Kids probably wouldn’t run up to him as willfully if he had a couple of sleeves rocking and a Mike Tyson face tattoo. While some fans (and players) like to say professional athletes are the last legal slaves, the bottom line is they are employees. Bosses are allowed to enforce a dress code, a code of behavior and ethics and will be prejudicial against someone who looks like a gang member. With the amount of money these guys are making, I think being asked to avoid the tatoo parlor isn’t an unreasonable request. You don’t want to deter whitecollar fans with kids in tow be-

cause of some ink under your skin. It’s not as though Richardson asks this of all his players. Many on his team, and the whole league, have dreads and huge tattoos, and that’s just fine and dandy. Quarterbacks are held to a different standard. They are clean, focused leaders who are friendly and approachable. They take responsibility for wins and losses and face the brunt of the media circus. They sell the tickets and bring fans into the merchandise shops. For that reason, owners reserve the right to be a little heavy-handed. I don’t mind. QBs are easiest on the eyes.

Sports B6

The Auburn Plainsman

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Volleyball » From B5

Todd Van Emst / Auburn Media Relations

Vennie Dantin leaps off the diving platform and tucks into her diving position.

Dantin » From B5

fident the returning experience from Dantin and the other senior divers will lead to a successful season. This semester Dantin aims to work on two new

dives she hopes to showcase at the Winter Nationals in Iowa. With the end of her fourth season at Auburn concluding with Olympic trials in June, Dantin’s training and conditioning will be as strict as training

for regular season meets. “If you train hard for every single meet and focus just on the dive at hand, you have a better shot of calming your nerves and performing the dive at the level you know you can,” Dantin said.

and competitiveness of the team. “I think we’re just excited about the mindset that they have coming in,” Nold said. “They work hard, and that’s exactly what we like to see.” Nold arrived on the Plains after coaching nine years at Jacksonville State, where he produced successful seasons. He led the Gamecocks to an Ohio Valley Conference regular season or tournament championship in 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2009, winning both in 2006, while compiling a 24–5 record. The assistant coaches are Eysha Ambler, who followed Nold from Jacksonville State, and Floyd Deaton, former head coach at Xavier. Deaton is also the alltime winningest volleyball coach in Xavier history. “Auburn’s a great place,” Deaton said. “They support their athletic department. They support the University. They expect you to win, but they give you the means to get it done.” Auburn was picked to finish fourth in the SEC West for the 2011 season. “Our team goal is definitely Sweet 16 and win the West,” Bullock said. “Pretty much, beat everybody.” Nold said if the team is ready and plays hard, things will take care of themselves. The new coaching staff has brought in new techniques to attempt to accomplish their goals. Bullock said a new defense, new technique on passing, setting, serving and hitting are all being put into place. Deaton also mentioned a faster offense is being worked on.


Setter Christina Solverson sets up the ball for a fellow Auburn volleyball player last season. “It’s always been an intense team, and we want to carry that over,” Nold said. “We just want to make a few tweaks here and there. Obviously, they’re coming off a great year, so you don’t want to lose that, but at the same time, we want to go further than last year, so we have to add a few things in.” Conference play is one of the major reasons Auburn is making adjustments. “Once we get into conference, they’re all big games,” Nold said. “We play everybody in our conference at home. Which one’s next is going to be most important.” H o w e v e r, D e a t o n stressed to not underes-

timate teams on the nonconference schedule.. “They’re on the scene,” Deaton said. “They’re winning a lot of matches. They’re getting in the NCAA (tournament).” Nold said Auburn’s first opportunity to play in front of a home crowd is a big match. “Every match to us is going to be important,” Nold said. “So, Alabama A&M on Aug. 30 is going to be important for us to come out and be ready to go.” Deaton said he’s excited to see what the Tigers are doing and how it compares to other teams. “Watch out because we’re coming,” Bullock said.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Sports B7

The Auburn Plainsman

Ultimate frisbee gains ground Christina Santee Associate Sports Editor

Although it has only existed for 43 years, ultimate frisbee has become one of the “fastest growing sports in the U.S.,” as stated by the organization USA Ultimate. Since the formation of the Ultimate Players Associate in 1979, college, women’s, mixed, masters and youth divisions have been introduced around the country—accumulating more than 30,000 members as of last year. Ultimate has become popular among college students, Auburn University included. Though the season doesn’t officially begin until spring, the high-energy sport still keeps students like Katie Cuson, junior in applied-mathematics, occupied. “It’s not really an official intramural sport, but it’s more of a club sport,” Cuson said. “We’re considered a club team. We travel to other states and play different colleges.” The Auburn team calls themselves the “Tiger Lillies.” In previous months, the team has traveled to Arkansas, Tallahassee, Huntsville, Gainesville, Georgia, Texas and Tuscaloosa for competitions and tournaments. “Georgia has a really good team,” Cuson said. “So does Georgia Tech and Emory. The University of Alabama just got a women’s team last year, and they’re actually pretty good for being a first-year team. It’s exciting.”


Members of the Tiger Lillies, Auburn’s ultimate frisbee team, poses at the sectional competition last season. Auburn’s ultimate frisbee team is part of the Gulf Coast section, which includes Alabama, Ole Miss, Vanderbilt, Mississippi State and Tulane University. “We play those teams fairly often,” Cuson said. In the off-season, Cuson and her teammates are already working toward having a successful turnout. “We’re trying to go to New Orleans for the Mardi Gras tournament,” Cuson said. “Hopefully, if we have enough money, it’ll happen.” The team received $1,000 from the Auburn Recreation Department and according to Cuson, if they become an approved SGA organization, they get even more for their team.

Until then, they’ll focus on practicing and recruiting strong teammates. “A lot of girls sign up and then don’t come,” Cuson said. “That, or they’ll come for a couple days and then just stop showing up.” Next year’s competing team will feature eight veterans and one graduate student from the University of Georgia. “I expect to have a total of at least 15 girls,” Cuson said. Cuson is eager to find walk-ons that are easily coachable and willing to learn. “The more the merrier,” said senior Anna Jenkins, also a dedicated Tiger Lilly and co-captain. “If you can’t play, we’ll teach you— no experience necessary.”

Cuson and Jenkins feel a lack of experience keeps more women from signing up. “A lot of people are really intimidated because they think if they can’t throw the frisbee, then they can’t play,” Cuson said. “The hardest part is learning to throw the frisbee. If you throw every day for two weeks, you’ll be fine.” Ultimate frisbee requires a great deal of athleticism and endurance. All of the Tiger Lillies come from some kind of athletic background. “People don’t think of it as a sport,” Cuson said. “They should come and try and play and see how tired they get. The cardio is immensely harder than what people think. You need

The more the merrier. If you can’t play, we’ll teach you— no experience necessary.” —Anna Jenkins Tiger Lilly co-captain

stamina and speed.” For those unfamiliar with the game, ultimate frisbee is played with two seven-player squads and a specialized 175-gram disc on a field. The objective of the game is to score and accumulate points by catching a pass in the opponent’s end zone. The idea is similar to

football, but most ultimate players argue that it resembles soccer. “Even if you don’t have to play the whole game, you’re still sprinting a ton,” Jenkins said. “You need handeye coordination to be able to catch the disc. It’s also really, really hot, so you need to be used to running around. Sometimes, it’s really cold and wet.” Adaption is only part of the game. Players must also learn to be patient and flexible. Teamwork and supporting one another is a priority of the Tiger Lillies. “If it’s not thundering or lightning, we’re playing,” Cuson said. Though it’s specified as a no-contact sport, if players aren’t careful they can suffer abrasions, concussions and even broken bones. Despite its popularity, Cuson said people have mixed opinions about the sport. “They’ll say, ‘Oh, it’s just a hippie sport—let’s smoke weed and play ultimate,’ but that’s what it was like in the ‘80s,” Cuson said. “It’s chill, but not that chill. It’s definitely come a long way.” The Auburn Women’s Ultimate Frisbee club will be available Wednesday and Thursday of next week on the Haley concourse from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. for those who are interested in joining or learning more about the sport. “We try and stay in good spirits just to be a good example for other teams that are looking at us when we’re wearing the Auburn name,” Jenkins said. “We have a lot of fun together.”

The Auburn Plainsman

Plainsman Archives

Katy Frierson, senior midfielder, makes a pass against Florida last season.

Frierson excels on and off the field Shanetta Pindleton Staff Writer

Midfielder Katy Frierson continues to earn awards not only for her on-field soccer performances with Auburn’s women’s soccer team, but also for her commitment to academic excellence. Her coaches and teammates have taken notice. “One thing that I admire about her is that she is business on the field and also in the classroom,” said Lydia Townsend, senior forward. “Student comes before athlete, and she definitely has her priorities straight.” The senior in political science holds a 3.91 cumulative GPA and has been on the SEC Academic Honor Roll every year she was eligible. She is also a member of the Phi Kappa Phi honor society and was named NCAA Women’s College

Soccer Scholar-Athlete of the Year in 2010. “It’s a pleasure really to coach her,” said coach Karen Hoppa. “Obviously she’s super talented, but she’s also just a great kid. She’s fun to be around and a terrific leader for this team. It’s also a big challenge for us as coaches when you have a player at that high of a level. It raises our level of coaching.” Frierson, native of Homewood, has been playing soccer since the age of 5, and although she participated in other sports when she was younger, soccer became her preference. “Naturally, I developed a passion for it and a love for the game, and so I continued playing and excelled in it, so I picked that over other sports,” Frierson said. The senior has a total of 22 goals and 29 assists and will serve as the team cap-

tain this season. Frierson has earned a host of accolades for both her athleticism and leadership. She was named a Soccer America All-American for two seasons in a row, one of five midfielders on the list and one of two players from the SEC. She is also on the watchlist for the 2011 Athletic Club Hermann Trophy Award and a 2011 Lowe’s Senior CLASS Award, which focuses on achievement both on and off the field by encouraging students to use their platform in athletics to make a positive impact in their communities. “I try to lead by example, and I try to apply my commitment and my standards that I set for myself into everything that I do, and hopefully people see that,” Frierson said.

In the September 8 issue of The Plainsman, we’ll provide coverage of the 10th anniversary of the events of September 11, 2001.

We invite all members of the Auburn community —students, faculty, staff, alumni— to share your thoughts and experiences from that day.

E-mail us at editor@theplainsman.com or write to us on www.facebook.com/theplainsman Please provide your name and contact information. Deadline is August 31st.

Sports B8

The Auburn Plainsman

Thursday, August 25, 2011

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