September 24, 2009 Edition

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INSIDE: Tips from bartenders for their customers C1

On The Web: Tailgater of the Game is featured on the Photos page.

The Auburn Plainsman A Spirit That Is Not Afraid

THURSDAY, September 24, 2009

Vol. 116, Issue 5 28 Pages

Congress passes bill, $40 million for students By AUBRIE DAVIS Staff Writer

In an effort to make college education more affordable to students, Congress passed the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act. The bill, which will be the country’s biggest federal investment in college education, will change how student

loan programs operate. The bill was proposed July 15 and passed Sept. 17 with a vote of 253-to-71. Forty billion dollars will be invested in the program over a period of 10 years. According to FinAid: The Smart Student Guide to Financial Aid, the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act will strengthen the Pell

Grant, re-engineer the Perkins Loan Program and shift to a direct lending process and shift to a direct lending process. “This will be beneficial to current and future college students,” said Will Barrett, a junior in finance. “College has gotten increasingly expensive, and the bill’s passage will make it more affordable

for all families.” Scholarship money for the Pell Grant will be increased at a steady rate over the next 10 years. Currently, the maximum grant is $5,350 and by the 2010 to 2011 school year the grant will increase to $5,550. By 2019 to 2020, the grant will be $6,900. In addition to the added

funds toward the Pell Grant, a College Access and Completion Innovation Fund will be enacted in an effort to improve college completion as well as reduce student debt. A total of $3 billion will be put toward the fund and will be distributed between State Innovation Completion Grants, College Access Challenge Grant Programs,

Innovation in College Access and Completion National Activities and program evaluations, according to FinAid. Another implication of the SAFRA is that the FAFSA application for Federal Student Aid Loans will be shortened by six questions. Beginning July 1, 2010, all > Turn to AID, A2

Strutting Duck, Bodega closing by month’s end By NATALIE WADE Managing Editor

ing three touchdowns. The first of his three touchdowns was with 5:16 left in the first quarter and was the only Tiger touchdown of the first quarter. “Darvin has really come on,” Chizik said. “Again, he had another good night tonight. We were proud, not just him, but offensively when we need to have some big plays in there to get

Two local bars will be closing the doors on their current locations at the end of this month. Bodega and the Strutting Duck are closing because the landlords of both buildings will not renew the leases. “I don’t want to go into a lot of detail, and I’m not looking to bash anybody,” said Neal Kelly, owner of the Strutting Duck. “It was kind of frustrating, but we just weren’t able to work anything out with our landlord.” Kelly has owned the Duck for five years, but the bar has been open for 26 years. The Strutting Duck’s last official night will be Sept. 30, but Kelly will open the doors again Oct. 2 to host the band Blueground Undergrass. Kelly said the building wasn’t optimal for what he wanted to do with the bar, and the building had to be improved to accommodate bands and specials. “I’d like a building that’s better suited to what we were trying to do here,” Kelly said. “This one was something we struggled with because it’s not very big.” On nights when the bar featured big bands or food specials, Kelly said it could become uncomfortable for patrons because of the size. However, Kelly said he does still have sentimental attachment to the building. “I’m determined to make something good out of this situation that’s obviously not an optimal situation for me at this point,” Kelly said. Bodega will be closing Sept. 29 and will open at noon. The message on its voicemail says the bar will have live music on its deck and specials in order to sell out its inventory. At the time of publication deadline, The Plainsman was unable to reach Bodega for a comment. Kelly said he’s actively pursuing find-

> Turn to TIGERS, A2

> Turn to STORY, A3


Walter McFadden returns an interception from West Virginia quarterback Jarrett Brown during the second half of Saturday’s game.

Tigers take down Mountaineers, 41-30 By ABBY ALBRIGHT Sports Editor

After a frustrating rain delay and a competitive game, Auburn pulled out a win against West Virginia Saturday, beating the Mountaineers 41-30. “I’m really, really proud of our football team because we had to overcome more adversity than probably we did in either of the previous two weeks,” said head coach Gene Chizik. “It is a sign

of a football team that is believing and coming together when you can overcome some of that adversity. We are growing as a football team. We didn’t play well tonight in so many ways, but we won the game, and at the end of the day, I am so proud of our guys because they had to fight and claw and scratch back to win it. That is who they were tonight.” Chizik also credited the crowd with pumping up the team and said that he wishes he had 87,000

Board of Trustee Nominee

Auburn Family site connects community

Ben Tom “B.T.” Roberts

By ROD GUAJARDO Photo Editor

From Mobile Nominated Sept. 18 to replace John C.H. Miller Jr. 1972 Auburn graduate - industrial management Serve on the Board till May 2012. Counties Represented: Choctaw, Clarke, Marengo, Mobile, Monroe, Washington and Wilcox.


News A3

game balls to give to the fans. Because of the monsoon-like conditions, Jordan-Hare Stadium became the headwaters of a river, but the crowd stuck it out, especially the students. Once the game was under way, more than an hour after the scheduled 6:45 p.m. kickoff, the Tigers had a tough time getting points on the board. Sophomore wide receiver Darvin Adams shined, catching six passes for 80 yards and scor-

Auburn Family is a new social networking site that allows perspective students, parents, alumni, current students and fans to stay connected with everything Auburn. Along with being able to add other friends from the Auburn Family site, members can comment on other profiles, update their statuses, upload photos and videos and create or read blogs from other

Opinions A6

Campus B1

members. Campus events are posted on the Auburn Events Calendar. Campus news stories are fed through the site using Wire Eagle: Auburn News and the weekly newsletter This Week @ AU. Each Auburn Family member page is fully customizable. The My apps feature allows applications to be added that can simplify life by linking Twitter post’s with the members page or entertain by allowing members to view their current Netflix rentals. The My Music feature

Intrigue C1

allows members to upload 100 songs onto their page. The RSS feed gives members the option to deliver news from various publications straight to their page. Communication and Journalism Department instructor Robert French oversees the project, but the work is done by students in his style and design in public relations messages class. “Their primary responsibility is to once a week create a feature story and a video interview with individuals from any of the 13 colleges

Arts & Entertainment C6

and schools at Auburn University,” French said. French said this is the kind of work that firms, agencies, state organizations and nonprofits are asking of new graduates. The social network manager is the largest and newest job description that people are seeing in this field. Director of Communications for the Office of Communications and Marketing Mike Clardy mediates the technical and marketing as-

> Turn to SOCIAL, A2

Wasting Time C8 Sports D1

The Auburn Plainsman

News, A2

The Auburn Plainsman

DUI Arrests in the City of Auburn Sept. 15 - Sept. 20, 2009

A SPIRIT THAT IS NOT AFRAID The Auburn Plainsman is the student newspaper of Auburn University. It is produced entirely by students and is funded by its advertising revenue. The Auburn Plainsman is published every Thursday and averages 15 printings per semester. It is distributed free of charge to Auburn students and faculty. Please take only one copy. First copy free; additional copies are 25 cents. Anyone caught taking more than one copy will be prosecuted to the fullest extent. Staff meetings are Wednesdays, 7 p.m. in Suite 1111 of the Student Center. For more information, call 844-4130, e-mail us at or view our Web site at

Editorial Staff

Business Staff

Lindsey Davidson Editor

Tom Hopf Business Manager

Natalie Wade Managing Editor Ben Bartley Copy Editor Michelle Wilder / Associate Editor Elizabeth Mahaney / Assistant Editor Ellison Langford News Editor Sam Solomon / Associate Editor Brittany Cosby Campus Editor Blake Hamilton / Associate Editor Jordan Dailey / Assistant Editor

Erin Coffey Creative Director Ed May Layout Coordinator Production Artists Brent Lang Geoffrey Pitts Kayla Shults Erika Bilbo Account Executives Vincent Aragon Elizabeth Cammon Jim Bain Kyle DuBose Diana Hall Courtney Heinlein Chris Henley Trent Montgomery

Helen Northcutt Intrigue Editor Olivia Martin / Associate Editor Callie Garrett / Assistant Editor Abby Albright Sports Editor Nick Van Der Linden / Associate Editor Patrick Dever / Assistant Editor Rod Guajardo Photo Editor Morgan Thacker / Associate Editor Ashlea Draa / Assistant Editor Blakeley Sisk / Assistant Editor Kevin Saucier Multimedia Editor Griffin Limerick / Associate Editor Julian Kersh / Assistant Editor Cliff McCollum Opinions Editor Andrew Sims Online Editor


Campus Calendar is provided by The Auburn Plainsman to all Universitychartered organizations to announce activities. Announcements must be submitted on forms available in the office between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. no later than Monday prior to publication. Submissions must be no more than 30 words and are edited to retain only pertinent information. Classified ads cost $6 for the first 15 words, and 40 cents for each additional word. Forms are available in the office during business hours. Deadline is Friday at 3 p.m. Local advertising rate is $9/ column inch. National advertising rate is $16/ column inch. Deadline for all advertising space reservation is Friday at 3 p.m. The Auburn Plainsman (USPS 434740) is published by Auburn University, Ala. 36849 weekly during the school year. We do not publish during class breaks. Subscriptions are $40 a year, $20 a semester. Periodicals [postage [paid at Auburn, Ala. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Auburn Plainsman, Student Union Suite 1111, Auburn University, Ala. 36849.


pect of the site. “The primary goal is to reach perspective students and their parents and give them a sense of what’s going on at Auburn through a student’s eyes,” Clardy said. “They can see what student life is like, what the college and school is like, the programs, research projects, just a lot of flavor of what’s going on on campus and not just athletics.” Multimedia specialist for the Office of Communications and Marketing Brock Parker assists in moderating

BARS >From A1

ing another location for the Strutting Duck. “I’ve heard rumors that we’re going in down there (to open in Bodega’s old location) and that’s not true at all,” Kelly said. “I wouldn’t presume to turn my nose up at anything, but it’s probably not going to happen.” Charles Duggan, Auburn’s city manager, said he had not heard about the Strutting

the content allowed on the site. “It’s a chance for so many people to tap into what I feel is the heart and soul of Auburn, and that’s the students.” Parker said. “What is campus life like? We’re really hoping that’s it’s going to be a great recruiting tool to a lot of perspective students. As they’re juniors and seniors in high school debating on where they’re going to go to college, they get a chance to go to the site. They get to see what kind of activities the students are doing, what kind of stories are here on campus, and I think that’s going to be a good tool for that.”

Duck’s closing, but had heard Bodega would close. Duggan said the owner, Oak Tree Investments LLC., will be renovating the building and will open another business in Bodega’s place. “I’d like the message to go out that we’ve gotten a lot of support and all of that is very appreciated,” Kelly said. “This is definitely not an easy time for us and obviously that helps. I do want to thank all the people who have been coming out and supporting us.”

William Eagan Goodhue of Jacksonville, Fla. West Glenn Avenue/North Donahue Drive Sept. 15, 8 p.m.

Thursday, SEPTEMBER 24, 2009

CRIME REPORTS Sept. 18 - Sept. 22, 2009 Sept. 18, South Dean Street – Theft reported. Two Grasshopper 227 ZTR mowers and one Phil Murphy Trailer Sales 6.5’ x 16’ black utility trailer reported stolen. Sept. 18, South Gay Street- Theft reported. Five Auburn University T-shirts reported stolen.

Jamie Lee Elliott of Mobile North College Street Sept. 17, 8 a.m. Heather N. Eagon of Mount Carmel, Ill. West Magnolia Avenue/North College Street Sept. 18, 1 p.m. Camden R. Sumners of Birmingham West Longleaf Drive/Downs Way Sept. 19, 1:39 a.m. Brandon R. Ernest of Atlanta 219 East Thach Avenue Sept. 20, 2:22 a.m.

Sept. 18, AL HWY 47 North- Theft reported. One green and yellow John Deere riding lawn tractor and one red tie down strap reported stolen. Sept. 18, West Glenn Avenue- Larceny reported. One black leather wallet, US Currency, one Mutual Savings Credit Union debit card and one Alabama driver’s license reported stolen. Sept. 19, North Gay Street- Larceny reported. One black Playstation 3 reported stolen. Sept. 19, North College Street- Larceny reported. One black 8GB Apple iPhone 3G reported stolen. Sept. 19, Berkeley Avenue- Larceny reported. One black Dell 1525 laptop and one silver Gateway laptop reported stolen.


>From A1

student loan applications will be made through the Direct Loan program. With this change, students will be permitted to acquire Direct Loan consolidation loans without providing validation, according to FinAid. July 1, 2015, will mark the end of subsidized Stafford loans granted to graduate students. Subsidized Stafford loans will only be available to undergraduate students. Interest rates on the current undergraduate loans are scheduled to double, moving interest rates from 3.4 percent to 6.8 percent on loans granted after July 1, 2015. According to FinAid, this change aims to eliminate the subsidized Stafford loan because it is expensive for the government. “I disagree with the bill’s call for an eventual discontinuation of the subsidized Stafford loan,” said Chase Schmidt, a junior in English. “While the money spent by the government on subsidizing the Stafford interest could be redirected to making the Pell Grant a true entitlement, I feel that the benefits of the subsidized Stafford loan outweigh the shortcomings.”


us back in the game and some momentum swings. He was obviously a part of a few of those.” Adams had help from senior quarterback Chris Todd, who threw four touchdowns. Throughout the game, Todd threw for 284 yards and completed 16-of-31 attempts, with one interception. “We had some really good games running the ball for our last two games and West Virginia did a lot to take care of that,” Todd said. “Because of their rushing pressure, we were able to put the ball in the air and put up some points.” Because of the wet field conditions, tackling was tough for the Tigers while the Mountaineers had an easier time. “We had a lot of mistakes, but we finished,” said senior right tackle Jake Ricks. “We’ve got to work on eliminating all the missed tackles. We had a lot of chances to bring the quarterback down, but we weren’t able to do that.”

Changes regarding the Perkins Loan Program will also take place with the SAFRA’s passage. The loan program will become much like that of the unsubsidized Stafford Loan, however with minor changes. For example, the interest rate will remain at 5 percent, but no longer be subsidized. According to FinAid, total funding for the Perkins Loan will increase to $6 billion per year. The government will provide $1.275 billion to historically Black colleges and universities and $255 million to Hispanic institutions over the next five years. All of this will attribute to decreasing student loan debt, which has risen to an average $25,000 per student. With the SAFRA’s passage, more Americans will be able to attend college at no cost to taxpayers. “I don’t usually agree with many of Obama’s ideas or opinions, but I think he may be on to something,” said Hannah Zito, a junior in public relations. “One of our country’s biggest problems is the lack of jobs available to people, so the passing of this bill may be beneficial. It’s a good idea to start at the root of the problem to solve things.”

Auburn’s defense did, however, excel at creating turnoveres, intercepting West Virginia’s quarterback Jarrett Brown’s passes four times. The defense forced six turnovers overall. Junior linebacker Craig Stevens returned an interception 15-yards for a touchdown with 3:41 left in the fourth quarter. Steven’s touchdown all but insured the Tigers’ 4130 win over the Mountaineers. “We knew they were going to run a screen during that series,” Stevens said. “I knew once I came off the blitz and I did not feel anyone pick me up that it was going to be a screen. He ended up lobbing the ball and I tipped it. It fell back in my hands, and I’ve always said that once it gets in my hands, I’m getting in the end zone.” After three straight wins, the Tigers are full of confidence heading into the game against Ball State University. Auburn’s last meeting with Ball State in 2005 was a 63-3 Tiger win. Saturday’s game is set for a 6 p.m. kickoff and will be aired on Fox Sports South.

Sept. 19, Willow Creek Road – Larceny reported. Two Auburn football season tickets reported stolen. Sept. 19, Auburn University Student Activities Center – Theft of lost property reported. One black and red leather wallet, one Alabama driver’s license, one Compass Bank debit card, one Nova Scotia Bank debit card, one American Express debit card and one EBT card reported stolen. Sept. 20, Tullahoma Drive- Larceny reported. One black Toshiba Satellite laptop and one 26-inch Dynex LCD TV reported stolen. Sept. 20, Tullahoma Drive- Larceny reported. One black Dell XPS laptop reported stolen. Sept. 21, The Exchange – Accidental damage reported. One front bumper, one driver’s side headlight, one driver’s side fender, one grille and one plastic fender reported damaged. Sept. 21, The Gardens at Gatewood – Criminal mischief reported. One driver’s side rear door scratched and one driver’s side mirror reported damaged. Sept. 21, Village West Apartments- Leaving the scene of an accident reported. Vehicle damage reported. Sept. 22, Circle K- Criminal mischief reported. One sixpack of Bud Light reported damaged. Sept. 22, Lauren Place Apartments- Criminal mischief reported. One Mercedes Benz E320 reported damaged. Sept. 22, Lauren Place Apartments- Criminal mischief reported. Vehicle exterior reported damaged. Sept. 22, Lauren Place Apartments- Criminal mischief reported. Vehicle exterior reported damaged.

- Reports provided by Auburn Department of Public Safety

Volunteer @ The Plainsman Every Wednesday at 7 p.m. Student Center, Suite 1111 Any major is welcome. Volunteer in writing or photography. Writing: News, Campus, Intrigue and Sports. If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email me at or 844-9108.

The Auburn Plainsman



THURSDAY, September 24, 2009

‘Hero of Hope’ for cancer survivors By ELLISON LANGFORD News Editor

The American Cancer Society named Danielle Maurer, a senior in public administration, as a Hero of Hope in August. Maurer is one of 20 Heroes. The Heroes are cancer survivors who were first nominated by another person. Maurer calls it a “working honor,” because the honorees are expected to attend functions and make speech during their time as a Hero of Hope. “I just feel like it’s important for people to do some-

thing they believe in,” Maurer said. “And this is something I believe in.” Maurer was nominated for the position by Amanda Treadwell, a community representative with the American Cancer Society. “Danielle has been a dedicated ACS volunteer for several years so I knew her well and worked with her on the AU Relay For Life,” Treadwell said. “I knew that Danielle would be an excellent spokesperson for The American Cancer Society and would work hard to spread the word to fellow cancer survivors that we are here to help.”

MAURER When Maurer was 15, she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. The disease was still in stage one when Maurer was diagnosed, but her treat-

ment lasted for about seven months. “It sucked,” Maurer said. “It wasn’t until a few months into my chemo when my hair started to fall out I was like, ‘Holy crap, I am sick.’” Maurer’s primary duty for the next year will be making motivational speeches as Hero of Hope. “Danielle will be representing ACS as a cancer survivor and a student of Auburn University,” Treadwell said. “She will be available for speaking engagements with schools, civic organizations and other volunteer groups.” Maurer said the 20 Heroes

are delegated regions around the South, but can be asked to attend an event if another Hero is unable to make it. While she said she thinks it’s positive there seems to be so much cancer awareness, Maurer said people may have become desensitized to how serious it is because they hear about it so much. “I feel like this program allows you to really sit and listen to someone who’s been there,” Maurer said. “This is really what happened, and this is how you can help someone like me so that it doesn’t happen to someone else.”

Maurer said she doesn’t think she will be as busy in the fall as she will be in the spring. Spring is when most Relay for Lifes are held, so she said she will be asked to attend more events then. “I believe in the American Cancer Society’s mission, and I believe in what Relay for Life stands for,” Maurer said about why she wanted to be a Hero. “And my ultimate dream is to have Relay for Life, especially here in Auburn, just to be this huge, knock-out fundraiser.” > Turn to HERO, A4

Produce gets laser label

Contributed by Michael Sibley with ASIM

Educators who work with the Alabama Global Climate Change Education gather to increase awareness about climate change in Alabama classrooms.

Contributed by Ed Etxeberria, professor at the University of Florida

Etching pigment off the first few layers of produce may replace stickers as the method of labeling produce in the U.S. The method is already being used in New Zealand and Australia.

NASA awards $600,000 grant By SAMUEL SOLOMON Associate News Editor

Etching layers of pigment off produce to reveal the contrasting color may replace stickers as the form of labeling produce. By DANIEL CHESSER Staff Writer

Produce distributors are beginning to abandon the application of price look up codes or “PLU” stickers, the traditional labels on fruits and vegetables, to adopt a new way of expressing information about the products in the grocery store. Instead of stickers, produce distributors will now mark fruit with lasers. Instead of using ink, this new form of labeling will imprint information on fruit by removing the fruit’s pigment in the shape of the information. “Anytime a new technology is introduced there are a whole set of behaviors wrapped around it, but a tool is not just introduced, it also influences how people interact with it,” said Michelle R. Worosz, assistant professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology. The technology uses a lowenergy carbon dioxide laser beam to imprint information on the first few outer cells of produce, said Jan Narcisco, microbiologist at the Agriculture Research Services Citrus and Subtropical Prod-

ucts Laboratory, Winter Haven, Fla. “Once etched, the information cannot be distorted, peeled off, washed off or changed,” Narisco said. According to, the technology is not designed to combat climate change. It’s designed to improve the traceability of fruit and vegetables. According to phototonics. com, the laser labeling technology is being developed and tested by ARS, the principal intramural scientific research agency of the US Department of Agriculture. “Traceability of produce is fine for larger packers and shippers such as Dole or Sunkist Growers Inc., but that is one more piece of technology that a small-scale producer will not be able to afford,” Worosz said. According to, the laser label offers a more reliable and quicker way to improve the security of produce and to check its progress through shipping or at supermarket checkout lines. The embedded labels also do not change the taste, quality or durability of the product, according to FoodPro-

Contributed by Ed Etxeberria, professor at the University of Florida

An orange that was labeled using the new etching technology that may replace stickers in the U.S. “From a physiological stand point, laser beam etching to destroy pigment in a limited number of cells in the peel of a piece of produce would not leave anything residual that would be harmful to the consumer,” said J. Raymond Kessler Jr., extension floriculturist in the Department of Horticulture. This new form of labeling is safer for consumers than using stickers, because the produce is not being handled and sometimes stick-

ers labeling the food fall off, said Greg Drouillard, former University of Florida scientist and director of research technology for laser development for Sunkist Growers Inc. Drouillard is the inventor of the idea to laser etching information on produce, according to The Packer, a Web site and trade publication for packing industries. “It is a food safety aspect that provides a true and cer> Turn to LASERS, A4

AUBURN CITY SCHOOLS FALL FESTIVAL RE-SCHEDULED TO SEPT. 29 Come join Auburn elementary schools at the Auburn Fall Festival. The festival includes games for children from preschool through high school. Parking is available at the Duck Baseball Fields on Airport Road and at Lakeview Baptist Church, across East Glenn Avenue.




Putt-putt golf Face painting Sponge toss Cake walk Football toss Moon walk

Hats Invisible ink Glow slime Candy and more

Pizza Chicken nuggets Sandwiches Drinks Popcorn Cotton candy

Tickets for Activities 50 cents Can be purchased in $5 or $10 bundles

Tickets available at all participating elementary schools

A $600,000 grant from NASA has been awarded to Auburn University’s College of Sciences and Mathematics in association with the Alabama Department of Education in order to educate high school students about global climate change. “The first year of the grant is for development,” said Robin Nelson, Alabama Math, Science and Technology Initiative science coordinator. “What they are actually doing is working with scientists and working with classroom teachers to develop science modules, which deal with global climate change.” AMSTI is the state department’s K–12 math and science initiative, said Steve Ricks, director for AMSTI. Its objective is to be in every school in Alabama. It is currently in half the state’s schools. Ricks said the program, “Bringing Global Climate Change to Alabama Classrooms,” in collaboration with Alabama Science in Motion, is trying to satisfy state teaching standards while bringing global climate change issues to life within them. “Our ability to partner with ASIM is unique,” said Marie Wooten, associate dean for research and principal investigator of the project, in a press release. “Within three years, our hands-on, inquiry-based experiments will be incorporated in the high school curriculum across the state of Alabama with the goal of creating a climate literate society.” Amendments to school

curriculum would allow students to focus more on climate related issues, especially in the disciplines of chemistry, biology and physics. For example, students could use computer models to analyze coastal saltwater intrusion and use NASA imagery and data to analyze the effects of climate change. Students will be focusing on real issues using data and information this is not hypothetical. “Several learning modules will allow students to collect real data from local water sources to evaluate the effects of climate change on water quality and availability,” according to the press release. The press release also said NASA will supply an additional $100,000 for a symposium on climate change at Auburn University. These interactive models are being developed by University faculty members including: Marllin Simon, physics; Luke Marzen, geology and geography; Yu Lin, physics; Ming-Kuo Lee, geology and geography and Kevin Fielman. “Different aspects of global climate change and its impact on Earth can be debated,” Ricks said in a press release. “But regardless of where you stand on the issues, learning how science is applied to study the planet and its climate will help our students acquire the skills needed to compete in a global economy.” Auburn University teachers are not the only ones involved in this project.

> Turn to NASA, A4

The Auburn Plainsman


Auburn Weekly Gas Monitor Week of Sept. 21 This week’s prices Location

Regular Mid Premium

Shell - Shug Jordan Wal-Mart - South College Chevron - South College BP - Gay & Samford Shell - Glenn & Gay Spectrum - Glenn & Gay Chevron - Glenn & College

$2.269 $2.229 $2.599 $2.329 $2.329 $2.279 $2.559

$2.409 $2.349 $2.799 $2.749 $2.429 $2.419 $2.749

$2.549 $2.469 $2.999 $2.889 $2.629 $2.559 $2.899

Average Gas Price

$2.370 $2.569 $2.713

Last week’s average Regular $2.414

Mid $2.558

Premium $2.731

HERO >From A3

Maurer said the Relay for Life Event in her hometown is a huge, community-wide event. Almost everyone in the town attends, and Maurer said her No. 1 goal as a Hero is to get more people involved in Relay for Life. Relay for Life is an all-night cancer fundraiser that usually takes place in the spring. It lasts 12 hours and people form teams and walk during the night. But Maurer said the event isn’t just 12 hours of walking



tified way of tracing fruits and vegetables due to the permanence of the label that is tamper-proof and non-transferable,” Drouillard said. In 2002, Durand-Wayland, a fruit grower and distributor in Georgia, bought the patent for the process. According to NYTimes.

around a track. The event is sometimes themed and features “goofy” walks as part of the event. There is also the Luminaria Ceremony, which Maurer helps chair. During the 30 - minute ceremony all the lights around the track and in the stadium are turned off, and lights inside bags are lighted around the track and inside the stadium. The lights are meant to honor cancer victims and celebrate survivors. Maurer said she wants to encourage more young

com, Drouillard now works for Sunkist Growers Inc. and Durand-Wayland, and he said the process permanently tattoos each piece of fruit, removing only the outer pigment to reveal a contrasting layer underneath and make the tattoo readable, even scannable without harming the fruit. “Sunkist Growers Inc. wants its produce to be traceable if a distributor or

THURSDAY, September 24, 2009 cancer survivors to come to events like Relay because she says it’s a place where they can find people who share their experiences. “(Relay) is a fun time to celebrate life,” Maurer said. “To celebrate the reason why we’re here. I love Relay. I could not imagine a spring without Relay.” Maurer said her second goal is to open at least one person’s eyes to how important eliminating cancer is. “I feel like there’s a reason I’m still here,” Maurer said, “and I want to fulfill that purpose. And doing things like

consumer has a problem or complaint about a product,” Drouillard said. According to an article in the Nov. 13, 2005, issue of Time magazine, this concept was also named one of the best inventions of 2005. “Fruits and vegetables with tattoos are currently available in New Zealand and Australia and are expected to be seen in America by 2010,” Drouillard said.

this helps fulfill that for me.” Like Maurer, Treadwell also wants to get more cancer survivors in the Auburn area connected with the ACS and relay for Life. “With Danielle representing AU and ACS, we hope to reach out to area survivors and get them involved,” Treadwell said. “We know that there are hundreds of cancer survivors on the AU campus and we hope to make our organization known to them.” Treadwell said those interested can e-mail her at

NASA >From A3

The press release said teachers from schools across Alabama have pledged to help. “We are very proud of Auburn University,” Ricks said. “They saw there was a common need and went after it with the grant, and we are just very pleased to partner with them.”

‘Southern charm’ lives in Alabama By BRIAN DESARRO Staff Writer

Residents agree that Alabama is not lacking in the “Southern hospitality” department, according to a recent survey conducted among Alabamians by Ask Alabama. Of 639 households surveyed in July about the state’s overall friendliness, race relations and economy, 96 percent said Alabama can be described as a “friendly” state. “The survey gives some idea of how Alabamians feel about various issues,” said Don-Terry Veal, director of the Center for Governmental Services. “On average, most who responded to this survey share in the belief that this is a great place to live and raise a family.” The results, according to David Hill, associate director of the Center for Governmental Services, are important because it is this Southern charm that draws international businesses who are looking to invest in North American operations. Hill said big businesses like Kia and Hyundai came to Alabama and Georgia because they were looking at not only profitable sites for investment, but also the perceived friendliness of the people they would be hiring. When creating the survey, Hill said he wanted to ask questions that capture perceptions of life in Alabama today. “What we hoped to have were questions that would be valuable to track over the years,” Hill said. “We don’t know today how Alabama’s population may change, but 10 years from now, if there is a large change, we will have something that will reflect the state’s identity.” Ninety-one percent of residents agreed that Alabama is a “good place to raise a family,” and 90 percent agreed it is a “good place to buy a home.” Seventy-eight percent of blacks and 83 percent of whites think it is accurate to say Alabama has good race relations. David Carter, associate

professor in the history department, said he thinks Alabamians may pat themselves on the back too soon as a state with regard to race relations. “I have been here 10 years and my mother grew up in Birmingham in the 40s and 50s,” Carter said. “There is no question that the whole landscape of race relations has shifted in huge ways, but we still have a long way to go in mirroring the full diversity of the state.” A couple of areas must be addressed by state officials in order to improve the results in future surveys, Carter said. “There are some undercurrents where we haven’t tackled tax reform and poverty issues,” Carter said. “Race relations seem better, but until we work on more equitable economic opportunities for everyone then we just won’t be as successful of a state as we could be.” But while the results may have been more positive with regard to state friendliness and race relations, 63 percent said Alabama is a “good place to start and build a business,” while only 43 percent said it is a “good place to find a job.” “Our sense of the data overall is that people are expressing frustration with the economy nationally and globally more than they are critiquing Alabama,” Hill said. Some state residents agree with the results of the survey. “I think we are very friendly compared to other states,” said Mary Jo Thompson, a senior in English education. “I have been up North and everywhere in between, and it all comes back to just Southern courtesy, like holding doors open for people, stopping to help people who need it and giving directions to people who are lost.” The Ask Alabama poll is conducted quarterly by the Center for Governmental Services, which is a unit of Auburn University Outreach. According to the CGS Web site, this unit “provides research, consulting and training to government agencies, not-for-profit associations and private sector clients.”


Samford Hall has long been acknowledged as one of the buildings that makes Auburn such a memorable and beautiful campus.


Rolling Toomer’s Corner is one of the traditions that helps bring Alabamians together in Auburn.


Like rolling the Toomer’s Corner oak, tailgating is another way for Alabamians to come together over Auburn athletics.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Auburn Plainsman

News, A5

The Auburn Plainsman


A6 Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Auburn Plainsman Editorial Board Cliff McCollum

Lindsey Davidson

Natalie Wade

Opinions Editor


Managing Editor

Ellison Langford

Rod Guajardo

Abby Albright

News Editor

Photo Editor

Sports Editor

Brittany Cosby

Ben Bartley

Helen Northcutt

Campus Editor

Copy Editor

Intrigue Editor

Kevin Saucier

Tom Hopf

Andrew Sims

Multimedia Editor

Business Manager

Online Editor

Our View

The spanking situation In life, there are many issues where people fall into one camp or the other; the middle, gray area is largely unpopulated. Issues like abortion, gun control and public smoking bans come to mind. Spanking children is another such issue. We know studies have shown spanking is one of the worst forms of negative reinforcement and has been shown by studies to be ineffective at curbing the behaviors it means to address. The line from spanking to child abuse is also blurry, and largely comes from self-defined statuses. To one person, spanking is a valid form of punishment; to another, it is always child abuse, regardless of circumstance. Our Editorial Board was split on this issue, and both sides presented seemingly equally valid arguments. Some of us were spanked as children and felt we learned a great deal from the experiences. We might shudder every time we see a wooden spoon or a switch now, but we think, overall, the spanking helped more than it hurt. Some us were spanked and found it to be a negative experience, one that caused the negative effects the research studies continue to focus on.

And, finally, some of us were not spanked, and could provide insight into the other punishment forms like the stern parental lecture or the “Let’s talk about our feelings” chat. We discussed the issue seriously, and there were some points we did agree on. If you must spank a child, the spanking should not be done in isolation. The spanking should be accompanied by an explanation of why the spanking has occurred. Spanking without explanation or reason certainly borders on child abuse, and may actually be so. Without the explanation, the child doesn’t know what they did to provoke such a violent response from their parent, and they could begin to live in constant fear of awakening that rage again. The child may also begin to think violence is a way to deal with situations, and that child may become violent in his or her dealings with other children. Violence begets violence. We know this. It’s Biblical. There is a real, legitimate fear that continuing the practice of spanking will breed a cycle of physical and psychological damage that may never be undone. Think before you spank your children. You don’t really know what it may do.

We salute you, Tiger Transit thief

(Cue the Budweiser Men of Genius Music.) We salute you, Guy Who Decided to Steal a Tiger Transit Bus. (Yes, we’re automatically assuming a guy did this because most women have far too much intelligence and class to do something so monumentally stupid as to attempt to steal a Tiger Transit bus. We’re sorry if you’re offended, ladies.) Only a man of true class and distinction would have the gumption and chutzpah to attempt to thieve University property in such a brazen fashion. (Seriously, who in their right mind attempts to steal a Transit bus? What sort of mental deficiencies are needed to undertake such a foolish task?) Other men have dreamed of climbing to such heights; you lead the way. (To boldly go where no jackass has gone before. You’re the Captain Picard of douchebaggery. Congratulations.) You don’t need a Commercial Driver’s License. You have within you the bold spirit of manifest destiny that lies within all true American hearts. (Because a heightened blood alcohol content counts the same as a government-issued license in the eyes of the law.) Being transported by a licensed, trained driver wasn’t good enough to get you where you needed to go. You blaze your own trail. (Straight to Logan Square, apparently.) Consequences be damned, you go where you want to go. (You could have killed people. How dare you hold the lives and safety of others in such low regard.)

Like Charles Lindbergh flying solo over the Atlantic, you go it alone, risking life and limb in the pursuit of life to its fullest extents. (Although, you’re probably more like the crazed, “I Heart Hitler” late-1930s Lindbergh than America’s golden flying ace.) Other men follow your stalwart, shining example. You are noble Odysseus, Alexander the Great and George Washington in one. People will follow your guidance. (Honestly, what sort of people went along on Mister Toad’s wild ride? At some point, shouldn’t a voice in the back of your head say “Since when do Tiger Transit drivers have polos with popped collars?”) Society is not yet ready to accept the awesomeness that is your life. Expect salt to be thrown in your game continually. (Please, Auburn, prosecute this idiot to the fullest extent of the law. We will think less of you if you let him off with a slap on the wrist.) Expect that mimics will pop up. Your brand of greatness inspires emulation from your peers. (For the love of all that is holy, do not, under any circumstances, repeat this guy’s actions. You will gain nothing but a police record from the experience.) So, Tiger Transit Thief, walk tall. Hold your head up high and let the world know that you had the foresight to live the impossible dream. Where others have failed, you stand alone as one of the great success stories of our time. (Someone actually stole a Tiger Transit. We never thought we’d see the day.)

Our Policy The opinions of The Auburn Plainsman staff are restricted to these pages. These unsigned editorials are the majority opinion of the twelve-member editorial board and are the official opinion of the newspaper. The opinions expressed in columns and letters represent the views and opinions of their individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the Auburn University student body, faculty, administration or Board of Trustees.

Adam Cooner

Staff Column

To fail is to truly live Failure is an ugly word. To fail is to be a loser—something unclean and decidedly uncool. Most of us do everything in our power to avoid failure, because failure is synonymous with worthless. And no one wants to feel worthless. So we don’t begin. Because there is failure with its embarrassment and shame whispering in our ear, “Quit. Don’t do it. Run away.” That’s the real failure—surrendering to that fear in your head. It’s not putting yourself out there and coming up short; it’s being afraid to start. My own failures have been of the common sort — sports, school, women, the usual. You know, the basics of being male, middleclass and white (thanks Ben Folds). But if I had to narrow my failures down to one area, and I will because I have a couple hundred more words to go, it would be women. Yes, women and their fickle, flaky ways. To talk to a variety of women is to become aware of failure in many forms, even if you’re a modern Don Juan, Casanova or that tall magician guy from VH1. I like to think I am an average looking guy, neither overly blessed nor hideously cursed (you can just ignore the above picture). I talk real good like and I smell of man musk. But I fought an uphill battle to reach my current charismatic charm (opinions vary). In high school I had the selfawareness of a garden gnome. Most of my time was spent playing baseball, table tennis or

Ben Bartley

Halo. This doesn’t make for a well-rounded person (though I am still above average at both table tennis and Halo). Then I got to Auburn and things got all mixed up. I started reading books and writing and failing chemistry and generally changing who I was on a bedrock level. At some point during my metamorphosis I said to myself, “Look Ben (yeah, I address myself by name), there are lots of pretty women here. Talk to them. Be fruitful and multiply. Your God commands it.” So I did. Well, talk to them at least. Of course, me talking took on odd forms as I went along. See I have this borderline obsession with saying the unexpected. I think it stems from not wanting to be boring. I, however, go too far the other direction, ending with me being labeled “weird,” “the strangest person I‘ve ever met” or a “word wizard.” My future occupation has been everything from juggler to magician to alcoholic to used cars salesman to alcoholic used cars salesman. I’ve told ridiculous stories and pointless lies. I told a girl I met on a recent

road trip I was a palm reader. I then read her palm and told her she was mentally handicapped. I walked back from the beach alone. To quote Kurt Vonnegut, “So it goes.” Whenever we say something we expect a certain reaction based on past experiences. This is why we ask the stock “major, hometown, year” questions. We know, or think we know, what to expect. So we keep asking them because they are safe and there is little chance of failure. Fail bad, safe good. So yeah, you can’t win them all. Failure is a part of basic human experience. It is inescapable. But the real failure is being afraid to act. Not getting an ‘F’ or being laughed off stage or getting slapped. So go try something new, something you are going to fail at, because to be great at anything requires failure. You might even fail a lot. Don’t surrender. Keep trying. Keep failing. I tried to think of some clever closer, an interesting anecdote or some witty observation, but all I could think of were clichés. So I will further endear myself (ladies…) with another pretentious literary quotation, this one from Samuel Beckett: “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” Ben Bartley is the copy editor of The Auburn Plainsman. You can reach him at 844-9108.

Send us your letters, rants, complaints and raves at We are an open forum for you, our readers and we appreciate any views you would like to share with us. HOW TO CONTACT US Auburn Student Center Suite 1111H Auburn, Ala. 36849 844-4130 or

The Auburn Plainsman welcomes letters from students as well as from faculty, administrators, alumni and those not affiliated with the University. Letters must be submitted before 4:30 p.m. on the Monday for publication. Letters must include the author’s name, address and phone number for verification, though the name of the author may be withheld upon request. Submission may be edited for grammar and/or length.



Thursday, September 24, 2009

Large crowds bring people together

Lindsey Davidson

There’s something about normal, miserable situations that bond people. The large crowds, threatening situations and agonizing conditions make people come together. At concerts, superfans are jam-packed in moshpits with every inch of skin covered in sweat sliding down the arms and back of the off-key singer swaying in front of them. Somehow, the beads of perspiration link everyone with a likeness for each other.

Maybe it is the common music taste. Maybe it is the need to be kind to thy neighbor so a friendly brawl won’t spread over the crowd. Either way, in the pit of the Tabernacle everyone becomes friends. At Bonnaroo, ‘showering’ in the water trailers could bring some interesting people into your life. These, of course, were the people that decided to attempt to bathe in the mud that was splashed all over them from the Dirty Projectors show the night before. In the same vein is the group that wanted to jump in eight inches of muddy water for an hour and a half of ‘bonding time.’ Washing with water bottles in troughs and making friends at the same time is truly a needed

experience for a certain type of person. Saturday was a true example of the Auburn student body’s dedication. With it pouring for what seemed like a day, the students and crazy alums stayed through the rain till kickoff. We sang along with CCR through the threat of being struck by lightning. Probably not the brightest idea Auburn students have ever had. The police officers attempted to escort us out, but that was not happening. Everyone was determined to stick it out together in the nasty storm. Honestly, a poncho, jacket or umbrella offered little to no protection. To my knowledge, there weren’t even any drunken brawls of impatience.

A Smoking Musket blogger even commends Auburn fans for the hospitality and dedication. He said he will be routing for the Tigers this season. For the love of Auburn football, not only did I have my best friends singing and dancing with me, but I also had my closest 15,000 classmates cheering sober or inebriated together. It is situations like these that bring large crowds of people together. You would think these environments would be stressful, but it is the common ground that makes it an enjoyable experience. If three hours of torrential downpour can make thousands of college individuals happy, I don’t know what’s stopping everyone else from succeeding. Lindsey Davidson is the editor of The Auburn Plainsman. You can reach her at 844-9021.

“Kids who are hanging around with kids who get in trouble are more likely to get in trouble themselves.” -Jennifer Lansford, associate research professor, Duke

Last week’s question: “Is Sasquatch real?” >Yes: 44 percent > No: 56 percent

This week’s question: “Have you ever used a psychostimulant such as Adderall to study for a test?” >Yes, I have a prescription >Yes, without a prescription > No Go to to vote.

Your View

Fan angry about past Mountaineer behavior Editor, The Auburn Plainsman I am a proud life member of the Alumni Association and love my Tigers. Last fall, I went on the Total Sports Travel trip to the West Virginia game. I must admit, I was excited about the prospect of the trip, going to West Virginia for the first time and hoping that our boys would win. How the trip ended is another story. After the game was over, many of us were treated so rudely by the students of West Virginia. One of them spit on one of the Alumni Association’s representative as she was walking back to the bus. I wish I knew her name. An elderly gentleman who was traveling with his wife had some drunk ass jump on his back as they returned to the bus. This old man had the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s disease and it was obvious that this would be the last season he could probably travel to the games. In other words, he was becoming feeble. We all agreed on the bus ride back to the airport that West Virginia students are the absolute worst in regard to hospitality, politeness, manners and sportsmanship. The adults, however, could not make us feel welcome enough. So as I was looking at this week’s game shirt by Tiger Rags, I noticed that nowhere on the shirt is West Virginia mentioned. Not even a logo. I want to thank you. I truly believe that the Alumni Association realized that to give these idiots any type of recognition is to give them what they want: attention. What they did was so incredibly inexcusable that I’d rather not even acknowledge that I’ve even heard of West Virginia. Let’s ignore these jackasses and be the proud

Auburn family that we are, known for our friendliness. I really understand that you, like the government, can probably neither confirm nor deny what I just stated, but I’ll always believe I’m right about this. Dr. Kelley P. Black Class of ’84 alumnus

Editing, writing in Plainsman not up to where it should be Editor, The Auburn Plainsman I am a 9th grade composition teacher, a former journalist and the son of an AU journalism alumnus, and I would flunk any student (including those I taught in a Third World context) who submitted anything as egregious as The Plainsman’s account of the West Virginia game. Only my love for Auburn football saw me through a painfully ill-considered monstrosity that reminded me of the semi-literate ramblings of ignorant ex-jock sportscasters who want to sound important. Get over yourself, son, and learn to write a decent sentence. Why tell us that the kicker “would miss” the extra point? Just tell us he missed it – and while you’re at it, do away with “would connect” and “would rush.” I was especially, ah, impressed with the riveting passage in which we were informed that the AU “running game...were held to 100 yards rushing (missing comma) causing the passing game to have a big night.” It were? And do running games no longer specialize in rushing, so that they may be held to 100 yards of something else? And does a weak ground attack guarantee a strong passing game? Gosh, I’ll have to tell my colleagues who coach football. I also read with great interest that BOTH

Auburn and West Virginia combined for 900 yards of offense instead of just combining with each other in the normal way. With whom did each combine for this impressive total? The writer’s way with words also results in our being informed that the Tigers not only will play Ball State next Saturday, they will “finish the month of September” in that fashion. We never would have figured that out on our own, and it was a great clincher sentence for a brutally incompetent article notably under-equipped with punctuation and overequipped with the stale colloquialisms of bad sports journalism and kid-speak. But I don’t wish to single out the writer, Mr. Van Der Linden, who somehow has managed to be named Assistant Sports Editor; surely there is a proofreader somewhere who deserves to retake English 101 with him (assuming he has indeed taken it). This is not The Plainsman I grew up reading, and it is a gift to anyone who wants to perpetuate the jokes about Auburn people being hicks. Paul Culp Tempe, AZ

Is Gerald Ford really Thomas Jefferson? Editor, The Auburn Plainsman I’m writing in response to Mr. Thomas Dowling’s response to Mr. Sims’ article on Sept. 3, 2009. Mr. Dowling’s article was printed on Sept. 10, 2009. In his article Mr. Dowling informed us that “ It was Thomas Jefferson, who said, ‘A government that is big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything away.’” I was unaware that Gerald Ford is Thomas Jefferson. This line was said by Gerald Ford, the 38th president of the United States, in a presidential address to a joint session of Congress on Aug. 12, 1974. The American Presidency Project has a transcript of the ad-

dress, available at this link- Here is President Ford’s exact quote “Whether we like it or not, the American wage earner and the American housewife are a lot better economists than most economists care to admit. They know that a government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.” I’m sure you did not misattribute this quote on purpose Mr. Dowling, but next time you feel the urge to tell someone to “check your history text” you might want to heed your own advice. There seems to be the mindset that in the modern conservative party that the founders were part of the modern conservative movement and the liberal movement grew from Marx and Hitler. And just so you’re clear Mr. Dowling, Eleanor Roosevelt did not say “America is all about speed. Hot, nasty, bad-ass speed.” I would also like to comment on your take of Mr. Sims’ article. Mr. Sims was telling you to think for yourself, not to mindlessly follow Fox News and the right-wing radio. A different viewpoint is always a good thing to hear, even when you disagree, because that is the basis for debate. Has the civil discourse in our country eroded so much that name-calling and shouting are now debate? And whoever is the loudest at town hall meetings is the one that is correct on the issue. Arguments on the issues were very difficult to find at Glenn Beck’s rally for himself getting monetary gain from the tragedy of 9-11 in Washington, D.C., earlier this month. Name-calling, misspelled signs and mindless chants of “YOU LIE” were abounding. Don’t get me wrong: I love a good idiot parade as much as the next guy, but these rallies do nothing to advance the national debate of this country. Trust your own ability to decide for yourself, not just listening to the talking heads on TV. Trust your ability to reason, for as Lord Byron said, “Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves.”

Dustin Pridgen sophomore, history education

Staff column

Humanity gives Darwin, theory of evolution the finger The human race has stopped evolving. Charles Darwin defined evolution in terms of natural selection, survival of the fittest. That is, the antelope that cannot run fast enough doesn’t pass on genes, but the antelope with better muscle definition can live to breed another day. This weeding out of weaker, more susceptible organisms is a natural process which has gone on for millions and millions of years, affecting flora and fauna of all shapes and sizes, including man’s favorite organism: man. That is, until recently. The advancements made in medical science and the world’s seeming new obsessions with plastic surgery are creating a society in which

evolution is being halted. Examples of past human evolution can be seen just as clearly as the buboes on black plague victims in 14th century Europe. Speaking of 14th century Europe, were the deaths that occurred from the bubonic plague centered on random, unfortunate victims? While definitely unfortunate, these “random” victims had one thing in common: susceptibility to the plague, which is why not everyone died. The humans with natural resistance lived long enough to have offspring with that same resistance, developing the species into one which was less venerable to plague. But what happens when

everything, all doctors make the time. And a cure for the the world keeps plague and turning. save people who normally As we stand would have frozen in our died from it? evolution, the What if docrest of the Kate Davis world spins tors created on creating a whole slew new viruses, of antibiotics, medical equipment and oth- more disease to add to the swaying mountain we er drugs that stop diseases already have to counteract from killing organisms premedically because all of disposed to them, eliminatour virtually nonexistent ing resistance for the next immune systems due to our generations to come? near-religious dependence But wait, they already on antibiotics. have. Actually, the last 50 Soon and very soon one of years are a great indicathese new “super viruses” is tor of what could happen. going to find its host in a huHumans are no longer more prone to one or two diseases. man body. It’s going to replicate, and it’s going to spread, We’ve become at risk for

and we will be defenseless. I wonder if we would be at such great risk if the human race has evolved with the virus instead of running and barricading itself from it. Back in the golden days, evolution used to have its say in relationships and genetics as well. Men with strong chins, women with healthy hair, these were the traits which subconsciously described a good mate; in turn describing one capable of producing healthy offspring. Now, what if these traits could somehow be surgically implanted? Well, you’ve just fooled the system, because while the traits are still attractive, there is no longer any

genetic basis. What if under the big-busted, healthy, tan blonde there is a scrawny pale little thing? When Barbie has a child, that offspring will resemble the genes, not the surgeries. Humans are frozen in an evolution time bubble. We cheer over medical advances, as we should, but what we don’t realize is they come at a cost. As we fight for our survival in the present, the future of our species is at risk, growing weaker and weaker, as we tan under UV rays, whitening our teeth. Kate Davis is the graphics editor of The Auburn Plainsman. You can reach her at 844-9108.

The Auburn Plainsman



Spanking may cause more than just a bruised butt By HELEN NORTHCUTT Intrigue Editor

The results of a study by researchers at Auburn, Duke and Oklahoma State said being physically disciplined at a young age can lead to behavioral problems as an adolescent. “Most American parents use physical discipline at some point in their parenting history, but increasingly there are concerns about long-term implications for children of parents who use physical discipline and concerns about where to draw the line between physical discipline and physical abuse,” said Jennifer Lansford, study leader and associate research professor at Duke University. The researchers first began

Kids who are hanging around with kids who get in trouble are more likely to get in trouble themselves.” Jennifer Lansford, associate research professor, Duke University

studying a sample in 1987, when the children in the study were 5 years old. Those children were tracked until they were 16. This sample ranged from low-income to high-income families, and it was reported the income level had no impact on the differences of physical discipline. They also conducted a second study where they assessed the level of discipline low-income children ages 10

St. Louis Community College at Forest Park will be picking up the tab for a $200,000 cup of coffee. A water line burst when a coffee machine attached to a faucet was left on over the summer. Damage spanned four floors as approximately 10,000 gallons logged ceiling and walls below. The campus now requires coffeemakers to have an automatic ‘turn off’ feature. A fox is responsible for the theft of more than 80 golf balls in Steamboat Springs, Colo. The fox would appear at dusk to gather practice balls from a putting green. The fox would take as many as it could fit in its mouth and continue coming back until the balls were all gone. Owners of the putting green were baffled. This continued nightly for nearly a month until the fox was identified as the thief. A naked 91-year-old man from Lake Work, Fla., held a drunken burglar at gunpoint with a 38-caliber revolver until police arrived. Robert Thompson was asleep until his dog, Rettt, attacked the intruder. He immediately seized his revolver and called the police. He fired one warning shot. The burglar froze. “I would have shot him if he kept coming,” Thompson said. An 8-year-old girl from Louisville, Ky., called 911 while two men in an upstairs bedroom held her family at gunpoint. Police were dispatched immediately. The girl is credited with saving the lives of her family members.

The Auburn Plainsman NEWS STAFF


SAMUEL SOLOMON Associate Editor

To reach the staff, call 844-9109.

to 15 received and how that affected their behavior. The research team conducted annual interviews and assessments with the kids, so each year every child was reevaluated and their behavior problems and discipline were measured, Lansford said. Over time the study measured how parents disciplined their children based on whether the methods used were mild or harsh.

Harsh discipline was defined as using an object to discipline the child, Lansford said. “I remember when I was younger it only took one time to correct my behavior,” said Kimberly Calogne, a sophomore in chemical engineering. “I think that if parents say their child will get a spanking for acting up it is important they follow through, so the child doesn’t think they can get away with it.” The study also looked at precursors or predictors of parents’ use of physical discipline and force and then outcomes associated with the use of the different forms of discipline. “Most professors and studies seem to prove that physical discipline is detrimental,

but I don’t agree 100 percent,” said Jessica Scott, a junior in human development and family studies. “I think it all depends on how the parents respond to the child’s behavior and the degree of spanking.” In the groups were parents who did not use physical discipline at all and noticed fewer behavior problems when their children were in adolescence than those who used even mild levels of physical discipline and stopped. “There are many other aspects of parenting that are important to parent-child relationships,” Lansford said. Other important facets of parents’ relationships with their children include a parent’s warmth, acceptance, monitoring and supervision,

especially in adolescents, Lansford said. Experiences with peers, neighborhood, media and school settings are also a factor that lead to behavior problems. “Kids who are hanging around with kids who get in trouble are more likely to get in trouble themselves,” Lansford said. Regarding parents who did use physical discipline, those who stopped physically disciplining their children by the time the children turned nine had notably better outcomes than those who continued past the age of nine. “On the basis of our findings, even some physical discipline had worse longer term outcome than no physical discipline,” Lansford said.

The Auburn Plainsman

On the Concourse Ask a Professor? Photo of the Week Campus Calendar




Kellie Pickler rocks the Plains By MARY-GLENN SMITH Staff Writer

The rain didn’t seem to deter Kellie Pickler fans from having a great time Friday night at UPC’s fall concert. Auburn students packed the rained-soaked lawn outside the Student Center singing along to Pickler’s hit songs like “Red High Heels” and “Best Days of Your Life.” A former contestant on American Idol, Pickler kept the audience entertained with her popular chart-topping songs along with her latest single, “Didn’t You Know How Much I Loved You.” Pickler even threw out “War Eagle” a few times while on stage to keep the screaming fans energized and involved with the show. “She knows how to please a crowd,” said Sarah McCullough, a junior in animal

science product management from Clanton. Pickler welcomed fans by coming offstage during the show, walking through the audience, shaking hands, waving and talking to members of the crowd. “The concert was amazing,” McCullough said. “It was one of the best shows I have ever seen.” According to several students, of all the talented artists presented by UPC in recent years, Pickler seemed to stand out as one of the best. “A lot my friends were here for the Miranda Lambert and Dierks Bentley concert a few years ago, and they loved Kellie Pickler,” McCullough said. “It was Sticks worthy.” The free concert, presented by UPC, wasn’t just for Auburn students. With a low admission price of only $5, fans young and old from the

returned to the stage for an encore. “It was really cool,” McCullough said. “I am glad she did that, cause ‘Red High Heels,’ that’s my favorite song.” A number of West Virginia fans in town for Saturday’s game even left their tailgate spots around campus to mingle with the crowd and enjoy the

general public were able to join in on the fun, singing and dancing to the upbeat songs from t h e young country superstar, Pickler. W h e n Pickler left the stage without singing “Red High H e e l s ,” f a n s b e g a n chanting to the words to her first hit-single so loudly that Pickler

outdoor concert, as well as the activities provided inside the Student Center. These included an

antique photo shoot and an opportunity to participate in karaoke. All who attended the UPC Tiger Nights event seemed to have a good time. Even the members of Pickler’s band, who play shows every night for a living, had an exceptionally good time visiting Auburn. “I think it’s pretty awesome playing in Auburn,” said bass player Jay Gorman from Delphos, Ohio. “But I just wish it would stop raining,” he joked while putting on a show for other members of the band by rocking out with his guitar backstage as if he was already playing in front of an enthusiastic crowd. Gorman has played bass guitar for 23 years, but has only been on tour with Pickler for the past three years. “The camaraderie with the band is great,” Gorman said.

“It’s a lot of fun playing with Kellie. All my friends are in the band and we have a good time together.” The band, which left immediately after the performance heading to a show in Maryland on Saturday, was excited to be playing on a college campus. “It’s great playing here,” said keyboard player Michael Hughes. “I grew up in a college town. I grew up in Clemson, and Auburn has a lot of similarities to Clemson. I love the atmosphere, and it reminds me of home.” Hughes, who has been playing keyboards for Pickler since October 2006, commented on the numerous tailgaters on and around campus already for the upcoming game on Saturday. “The tailgaters here already

> Turn to PICKLER, B2

Students see writing on wall Students leave views on campus bathroom stalls By BLAKE HAMILTON Associate Campus Editor


Students wait in line at the Student Center for autographs from the football players while holding their free Brewster’s ice cream.

It’s a scenario with which we’re all familiar. One steps into a bathroom stall in Haley Center, sits down and is suddenly surrounded by a collage of Sharpie and ballpoint pen. Obscenities, anthropomorphic genitalia and reasons why one set of Greek letters is better than another can be found on the walls of public restrooms throughout Auburn. This is a common occurrence on many college campuses, but why students choose the latrine to launch personal attacks and display a lacking knowledge of the human anatomy remains a

mystery to some. “Restrooms are chosen because they are a public venue,” said Greg Weaver, an Auburn associate professor of sociology. “While they’re available to many individuals, those who use them are still able to maintain a certain degree of privacy. You can write what you want, nobody knows who you are and you reach a very broad audience.” The privacy factor is most important, as lavatories allow occupants to observe and respond to each other with zero chance of repercussion and, thus, the freedom to have zero filtration in expressing their own thoughts.

Fall athletics promote students’ participation Hazing activities By THEADORIS MORRIS Staff Writer

University Program Council kicked off the Auburn football weekend with a tailgate on the Plains for students to promote fall sports. Students grabbed their Auburn paraphernalia and stood in line for free food, as UPC members’ voices echoed around the building to catch students’ attention on the second floor of the Student Center, where the event was held, last Thursday. “Free food, free stuff from UPC, everything is free,” said Bethany Stillwell, a sophomore in hotel and restaurant management and UPC special projects member. Russell Mclendon, a freshman in business, said he hopes the tailgate gets more people motivated. The organization put on the event to celebrate tail-

gating and to keep the students informed about fall sports such as soccer, volleyball and football. “We are trying to promote the spirit of AU while informing the students when the UPC events are so they can get more involved,” said Matthew Ciuros, a sophomore in engineering and UPC special projects member. The organization gave away more than 500 giveaways and food, according to Sharne Rice, president of UPC. The tailgate was scheduled to last three hours, but was forced to end an hour early because everything ran out quickly. “It was a kickoff to get the atmosphere going and to celebrate because we have a new coach and it is a new football season,” Rice said. Hotdogs, chips, hamburgers, Bruster’s Ice cream, foam fingers, face tattoos and Auburn spirit beads

> Turn to WRITINGS, B4

defined for greeks By JENN HUYNH Staff Writer


Football players, Tommy Trott and Deangelo Benton, signed autographs for students at the tailgate in the Student Center.

and megaphones were given away at the event. Auburn University football players Tommy Trott, tight end; Deangelo Benton, wide receiver; Walter McFadden, defensive back; and Harry Adams, defensive back signed autographs at the tailgate.

“I think this is a good way to promote fall sports, my roommate texted me about it,” said Margaret Knox, a freshman in pre-nursing. “I have been to all the football games and a soccer game this year.” > Turn to ATHLETICS, B2

Printed on Recycled Paper

To some, hazing is a familiar word. Hazing is defined as any activity that humiliates, degrades, abuses or endangers them regardless of a person’s willingness to participate. Researchers from found that 5 percent of students knew they were being hazed. For National Hazing Prevention Week, a webinar was hosted for universities around the country to define situations as hazing. “The webinar was offered to support the education effort of Auburn University regarding hazing and to support National Hazing Prevention Week,” said Paul Kittle, director of Greek Life. “Auburn University recognizes

that in order to impact the incidents of hazing, the entire community must be educated about the issue.” Students and faculty members attended this live discussion to learn about the hazing awareness and how to prevent hazing on and around campus. Group discussions were held to identify hazing situations. Some practices labeled as hazing were freshmen on a swim team being required to shave their heads before a meet and requiring new members to clean a house. “The webinar was very informative concerning how students in the research will perceive hazing as normal,” said Felicia Pressley, graduate student in counselor edu-

> Turn to HAZING, B2

The Auburn Plainsman




are great,� Hughes said. “It’s one of the things that make a college town special.� Though they were excited about the feel of football season and the atmosphere surrounding Auburn, not all band members were Auburn fans. Greg Lohman, the drummer, received his bachelor’s degree in music performance from Eastern Illinois University and then went on to get his master’s degree in music from the University of Tennessee. “It’s fun to play colleges,� Lohman said. “I like playing here in Auburn even though I’m a Tennessee fan.�

UPC is known for hosting campus events, and the organization’s director of special projects, Anne Smead, a sophomore in public administration, came up with the tailgating idea. “We put on a Mardi Gras event, so we wanted to do something in the fall, and tailgating is a big part of the Auburn experience so we wanted to celebrate it,� Smead said. This was the first and only time this event will be held this fall. UPC plans to host another event to promote sports played in the spring.

>From B1

>From B1


cation. Students said some hazing is acceptable as long as it isn’t harmful and it is to better the person. Some organizations require study hours every week for new member in order to help the freshmen get into a routine and establish good

study habits and time management. Study hours weren’t labeled hazing, unless the hours required were excessive. Positive hazing is used to unite organizations and help new members learn and adjust to the organization. Hazing is known to humiliate and single out a person or group as initiation. Acting as a personal ser-


Battle of Bands winners Sept. 24 JCSM: Classical Guitar Performance from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at JCS Museum of Fine Art

Sept. 30


Winners from UPC’s Battle of the Bands group together: first place, Therapy; second place, Bottle Up and Explode; third place, Blame Sydney. Pictured above are the members of Therapy.

vant, requiring tattoos or piercings or being tied up are behaviors that most new members perform, but do not report to officials. It may be that students do not report any hazing because of their lack of awareness of being hazed, wanting to keep the status quo or because they didn’t mind. Although Auburn is an anti-hazing campus, there is

Around the World Competition: Italian Night at 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Tiger Zone in The Village

still hazing occurring without students knowing. Prevention can happen by spreading the definition of hazing and reporting it if it occurs. “Hazing can be prevented by understanding the signs of hazing and reporting them,� said Amy Walker, a sophomore in chemical engineering. “Reporting hazing can protect yourself and other students.�

Speaker outlines slavery in Constitution By JORDAN DAILEY Assistant Campus Editor

Slavery may have been made illegal in 1808, but our Constitution played a role in supporting the institution until 1862, when President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. Kelly M. Kennington addressed this claim Thursday, Sept. 17, in her presentation, “We the People?: Slavery and the Constitution.� Kennington is a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Wisconsin Law School’s Institute for Legal Studies and will be an assistant professor of history at Auburn in spring 2010. “I didn’t know (the slave trade) had been made illegal,� said LaKeisha Lee, a sophomore in psychology. Lee and Camellia Bradford, a sophomore in nursing, both attend Tuskegee University and came to the presentation as part of world history class assignment. “I learned a lot,� Bradford said. “The constitution aspect really stuck in my head.� Kennington said the Constitution never mentions slavery directly, but addresses it indirectly in three places. The “slave-trade clause,� Article I, Section 9 said slavery could not be made illegal until 1808. Congress banned the slave trade as soon as it could, in January 1808. The “fugitive slave clause,� Article IV, Section 2 allowed

slaveholders to reclaim slaves who ran away to other states. The “three-fifths clause,� Article I, Section 2 is a compromise that set up the bicameral legislature we have today. This piece of the constitution states that every five “other persons,� clearly referring to slaves, count as three people when determining the population of a state and thereby its representation in Congress. The extra representation that slave-holding states received from this clause helped slavery continue. “Slaveholders viewed this as a victory in an increasingly anti-slavery nation,� Kennington said. Kennington said many framers of the Constitution were decidedly against slavery, but didn’t address it in the document so it would pass. Kennington also asserted that the preservation of slavery extended outside the word boundaries of the Constitution and into action with decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court. Kennington noted that in the case of Dred Scott v. Samford, the parties raised important questions about how free slaves should be incorporated into the nation and what role the government has in regulating the slave trade. “Although the Supreme Court members might con-


Kelly Kennington presents her talk “We the People?: Slavery and the Constitution� to students Thursday, Sept. 17.

sider slavery morally repugnant, they allowed it to continue,� Kennington said. The Constitution influenced slavery through the written word, the Supreme Court interpreted the document, and Abraham Lincoln acted to end slavery. While campaigning for the presidency, Lincoln promised not to try to abolish slavery where it already existed, but viewed it as a moral wrong and opposed its spread to other areas. In 1862, Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, “starting an

important trend in amending the Constitution to outlaw slavery,� Kennington said. The 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments ended slavery, guaranteed citizens equal rights and gave voting rights to all men regardless of race, later dismantling segregation and extending voting rights to women. Courtney Gray, a freshman in business, attended the presentation for her Auburn Experience class. “She was very informative and upbeat,� Gray said. “I learned a lot from her presentation.�

Ask a Professor?

“What role did Auburn play in the Civil War?� “Before the war, Auburn was one of the most pro-secession towns in Alabama. William F. Samford, who edited the local newspaper, was a close associate of the celebrated “fire eater� William Lowndes Yancey. Yancey himself often spoke in Auburn, notably in Langdon Hall. When the war began, nearly all of the students enlisted in the Confederate Army, and the college essentially shut down. Auburn became a hospital center, especially during Sherman’s 1864 Atlanta Campaign.

University Hall, located where Samford Hall is now, was known as the Texas Hospital because it was sponsored by that state. Many of the men who died there are buried in Pine Hill Cemetery. Union troops raided Auburn twice, in 1864 and again the following year. After the war, a series of Confederate veterans served as college president. Convinced that the Confederacy had lost because of a lack of industry, they spearheaded efforts to industrialize the region through land grant

schools such as Auburn. In the 1880s, Auburn also welcomed to the faculty former Confederate general James Henry Lane, who sadly is best remembered as the commander of the men who killed Stonewall Jackson. Lane went on to become the father-in-law of another famous Auburn man, George Petrie.�

Kenneth W. Noe, Draughon professor of southern history



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The Auburn Plainsman


Lyricist Lounge showcases poetic talents By JUSTIN WARD Staff Writer


Shaemun Webster performs at Lyricist Lounge, Thursday.

Last Thursday night offered a chance for Auburn students to showcase their lyrical creativity. The event, co-hosted by Auburn’s NAACP and BJPSA chapters, lasted just more than an hour and a half and featured the creative stylings of more than 10 singers, rappers, dancers, poets and performers. Even though most of the acts were spoken word, there were several acts featuring musicians. With the lights dimmed, the atmosphere was anything but dull after the show opened with a lively performance by one of Auburn’s own bands, Therapy. Drummer and songwriter Alfred Body, a member of Therapy, contributed writing. “Have you noticed that 65 to 85 percent of the poems tonight are about chicks,” Body said, “Because 65 to 85 percent of his problems

are about a chick. Without love there is no reason, no substance, for life.” Several familiar faces packed into the new Student Center as the music and movement took hold. In its third year, the Lyricist Lounge is usually held once a month. However, this year there will only be two a semester—the next one being Oct. 23. Katie Reid, the president of Auburn’s NAACP chapter, said most of the people who were in the audience had performed before. However, this didn’t stop three new artists from showcasing their work in front of a live audience. Rod Reedy was one of the newest acts. Reedy has been writing poems for a while. Until Thursday he had posted his work on his Facebook page for only his friends to view. When one of his latest poems received more than 20 comments, he decided to

What NOT to say in your next interview... • “I’m not wanted in this state.” • “If this doesn’t work out, can I call you to go out sometime?” • “...How long do I have before I have to take the drug test?” • “I’ve never heard such a stupid question.” -from, “43 weird things said in job interviews”

CDS helps students compose better resumés By JORDAN DAILEY Associate Campus Editor

Compacting four years worth of collegiate activities and experiences into a single-page document may sound difficult, but Career Development Services makes it its job to help students with résumé and other job-finding issues. The CDS résumé Review Fair, near the Foy Information Desk, was an opportunity for students to speak to a career counselor about résumé and résumé building. Though the fair lasted Sept. 8-10 and Sept. 14-17, interested students can still get résumé assistance. “I will actually continue to have hours in the Student Center at the same spot every Monday from 2 to 4 p.m.,” said Katie Mantooth, a career counselor for CDS. Mantooth reported see-


The International Student Organization presents “Taare Zameen Par” Wednesday, Sept. 30, at 6 p.m. in the Student Center Ballroom A

Campus Events

Thursday, Sept. 24 Art Exhibit in Biggin Hall: Water: Three States (Phase I) Exhibition in Biggin Gallery from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Yoga of Breath Workshop: 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in Student Center, Room 2310

ing 18 students during the first six days of the fair. Among students’ primary concerns was how to make themselves stand out in a tough job market. “A résumé needs to communicate a student’s skill set through past successes rather than being a list of tasks completed,” Mantooth said. “Also, it needs to be error-free.” Resources from CDS are listed on the Web site www., but Mantooth said the Career Handbook is the most popular tool students utilize. “An alum called this week because she had spilled apple juice on her 20042005 handbook she has utilized and shared with her friends for the past four years and wanted to know if we would mail her a new one,” Mantooth said. Mantooth regularly posts

tips on the CDS blog, http:// “If I run across an article, tip or strategy that isn’t in our handbook, it is posted on the blog,” Mantooth said. Updates from CDS are also available on the group’s Twitter account, @AUCDS. CDS also has a Facebook fan page, AU Career Development Services, that helps keep students abreast of job search strategies, careerrelated events and companies recruiting on campus. Karen Pruett is also a career counselor for CDS. “Start thinking about (your résumé) as early as freshman year,” Pruett said. “Ask yourself if you’re doing things that reflect your skills and abilities.” Pruett also said not everything on a résumé has to be a paid position. “Include activities that help demonstrate your

abilities,” Pruett said. According to their Web site, CDS provides free career counseling and coaching to Auburn University students and alumni. They accept walk-ins Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in 303 Mary Martin Hall. Appointments can be scheduled Monday through Friday, 7:45 a.m. to 4:45 p.m., by calling 334-844-4744. Another feature CDS offers is E-Résumé Review. Students e-mail their résumé via the link on the CDS Web site and receive a copy with suggested revisions from a career counselor within 48 hours. The career blog at CDS discusses a number of topics related to career development, which include “Top Intern Employers of 2009” and “No Cover Letter: It’s like the PB&J without the Peanut Butter.”

come to the Lyricist Lounge after reading about it online. “The poems are from the heart,” Reedy said, “They’re just how I feel.” Reedy walked through his first poem, but after regaining his bearing came back with more rhythm than before and finished strong with a punch line that had the entire audience laughing. This year’s Lyricist Lounge offered a variety of talent. The first few poems were written in a light and cheerful tone, but they weren’t all carefree. The third poet changed the mood after she shared three somber poems about a lost love, delusions of a party girl and searching for a purpose in life. Some talked about winning at love, inequality, hot boxing and religion. One poet even declared himself to be God’s gift to mankind. Some of the many performances were personal. D Scales, a local R&B

artist, dedicated and performed a love ballet to his girlfriend who just so happened to be in the audience. It might have been the free Chick-fil-A or maybe it was the moving performances, but an audience member was inspired to write her poem down on the event flier only minutes before her performance. Although the audience was full of familiar faces, some of them came just to see Therapy. Therapy, an R&B group, claims to be the “neo-therapeutic cure for dead music.” Their smooth and soulful playing style was enough to groove into first place the recent Battle of the Bands competition. Therapy’s six members played to open and close the performance. Most of the crowd was familiar with their music and the light mood they set at the beginning continued throughout the evening.

Book gives school, spiritual advice By BLAKE HAMILTON Assistant Campus Editor

Making the transition from high school to college can be daunting in many respects, especially spiritually. It’s for such challenges that a member of the Auburn faculty has provided a guidebook of sorts. No, this isn’t a textbook, but a thin paperback that tackles some of the tough collegiate issues. Mike Bozack is an Auburn physics professor who holds an M.A. in theology from Western Conservative Baptist Seminary. “Basically I’ve been wanting to write such a book for a few years now,” Bozack said. “The lessons in the book are based on years of being a professor learning what can help students. It is aimed at a number of people, primarily high school and college students, and provides straight talk about the issues and about how you can be successful with this pivotal time in your life.” According to his Web site, for years Bozack commuted to head a large singles class at First Baptist Church, Atlanta, and now serves at Cascade Hills Baptist Church in Columbus. It was this experience combined with his interaction with students that inspired Bozack to write

his book, “Street-Smart Advice to Christian College Students: From a Professor’s Point of View.” The book contains features such as the top 10 mistakes students make, how best to take tests and how to develop work ethic and gain deferred rewards. It also contains advice for Christian students on how to include God in weekly life and how to locate a good collegiate church. “I like the idea of there being a book that helps students deal with some of the pressures of college life,” said Neil Senkbeil, a sophomore in business finance. “Many freshmen come in and have to confront issues that they’ve never had to deal with, so it helps to have some sort of guidance. Also seniors can leave with a better experience and be able to better handle being in the real world.” Bozack teaches workshops on these subjects, which are discussed at The book can be purchased at the University and J&M bookstores. “I see a lot of students struggle, especially in their first year,” Bozack said. “Many freshmen I come across all have that same deer-in-the-headlights look, but it is possible to get a high GPA and leave Auburn with a good feeling.”

CAMPUS CALENDAR Campus calendar is provided to University-chartered organizations. Submit written events to The Plainsman office between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., no later than the Monday before publication. Limit 30 words. May be edited for pertinent content.

Book Talk: David Carter will discuss his book, “The Music Has Gone Out of the Movement: Civil Rights and the Johnson Administration,” from noon to 1 p.m. in the Special Collections and Archives Department of the RBD Library Asian Film Series: Japanese film, “Sway” will be shown from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. in Haley Center Room 1203 JCSM Presents: Classical Guitar Performance: From 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art

Career Development Services Presents: Interview Tips: 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. in The Hotel at Auburn University Ballroom A Friday, Sept. 25 Board of Trustees Meeting: 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in The Hotel at Auburn University Ballroom B Art Exhibit in Biggin Hall: Water: Three States (Phase I) Exhibition in Biggin Gallery from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fisheries Seminar: 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. in Swingle Hall Room 303

Football, Fans & Feathers: 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Southeastern Raptor Center, Shug Jordan Parkway

Football vs. Ball State: 6 p.m. in Jordan - Hare Stadium

Student Alabama Educator’s Association Meeting: 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. in Haley Center Room 2414

Monday, Sept. 28 Volleyball vs. LSU: 6 p.m. in the Student Activities Center Dinner and Dancing Featuring Auburn Knights: 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Student Center Ballroom, with swing dance lessons available at 6 p.m.

Art Exhibit in Biggin Hall: Water: Three States (Phase I) Exhibition in Biggin Gallery from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Camp War Eagle Counselor Applications Available: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Foy Hall Room 189

School of Forestry & Wildlife Seminar Series: Community/Ecosystem Level Responses of Air Pollution, 11 a.m. to noon in School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences Room 1101 Tiger Mania Luau: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Cater Lawn

Saturday, Sept. 26 Alumni Hospitality Tent: Noon on Wallace Center Lawn

Career Expo: Engineering and Technical Majors: 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Hotel at Auburn University

JCSM Lecture Series: Elvis’s America: 1956: 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. in Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art

The Auburn Plainsman


On the Concourse


Photo of the Week

Auburn’s students made the news by staying in Jordan-Hare Stadium after being advised to evacuate because of severe weather. Do you think the students who stuck out the storm during Saturday’s football game against West Virginia were showing Auburn spirit or being stupid and endangering themselves?

“I’m in the band so we were under the bleachers. I thought it was pretty stupid, actually.”

“I think it was stupid. We could have been electrocuted.”

Lindsey Hardt, freshman in nursing

Liz Craig, freshman in nursing

“I think they were 80 percent spirited and 20 percent stupid. I stayed and my phone got wet.”

“I was one of those students so I definitely think we were spirited. I had so much fun.”

Hunter Kinsaul, senior in exercise science

Maegan Harbison, junior in nutrition


Anthropologist Alan Dundes coined an official term for this form of graffiti, “latrinalia,” and delved even deeper into its sociological implications. Dundes’ explanation for the rationale behind it, at least for latrinalia in the men’s room, was a desire for males to leave some sort of mark or memorial behind in order to compete with the female’s ability to produce offspring as her legacy. Dundes even went so far as to suggest that, just as the phallic shape of many monuments to specific men, such as the Washington Monument, inspire the writing of epitaphs, men performing a primal action in a bathroom

stall inspires a need to write something nearby for which they will be remembered. A study conducted at the campus of UC Davis cites the topics and tones in instances of latrinalia “conversations,” or phrases and pictures that respond to other phrases and pictures. Twenty-three percent of conversations pertained to sex and relationships, 15 percent to drugs, 9 percent to Greek and 7 percent to politics. Other categories included sexual orientations, homilies, general observations, cries for help and nonsensical writings. Although the tones of the conversations remained more than 50 percent neutral, comments written in a negative light still heavily outweighed those that were


“Emilio.” Photo Specifications: F 5.6, 1/125, 185 mm, ISO 800

positive. This lends credence to the privacy factor’s effect on the latrinalia’s content. Normal, everyday people are committing this act, having an opportunity to be completely unfettered in their thoughts and prose. Where graffiti in general has gained status as urban art in our post-modern society, latrinalia is no different. is one of many Web sites that features photo essays of bathroom art. These photo essays range from a large sketch of V.I. Lenin surrounded by political commentary to a portable toilet adorned in a likeness of Sacha Baron Cohen’s “Borat” character. Whether it is viewed as social commentary, urban art or a way to get a cheap laugh, latrinalia is all over Auburn.

If you would like to submit your photos for the photo of the week, e-mail them to


The Auburn Plainsman


Lecturer speaks about artist John James Audubon

Fabian Cousteau speaks out against water pollution, resulting problems By BLAKE HAMILTON

He began the presentation showing photos summarizing his life, titled “Growing A member of the royal fam- Up With Gills.” He related his ily of marine biology graced first dive at the age of four, The Hotel at Auburn Univer- first voyage at seven and sity and Conference Center scraping barnacles off the Tuesday, speaking on the hull of his grandfather’s ship. dangers of errant pollution From then on it was all of Earth’s business, as w a t e r s . Cousteau Fabi an detailed the Cousteau, level of polWe need to grandson of lution takf i l m m a k e r, treat our resources ing place conservation- like a bank account. in the waist and divterways of ing innovator We’re chewing up the the world. Jacques-Yves capital. We need to be He likened Cousteau much of our living off of the and son of freshwater Jean-Michel interest.” re s o u rc e s , Cousteau, such as rivFabian Cousteau, an explorer ers and conservationist and environstreams, to mentalist a circulain his own tory sysright, visited Auburn with tem, displacing most polluta presentation regarding ants that come in contact his work and the condi- with them into the ocean. “The UN predicts that four tion of the world’s oceans. billion people will live in wa“We are lucky to be able ter-stressed areas by the year to escape to a watery depth of discovery,” Cousteau said. 2050,” Cousteau said. “We Associate Campus Editor

Rod Guajardo / PHOTO EDITOR

Bill Steiner lectures on Audubon art at the Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art Thursday night.


treat water as both an endless resource and a garbage dump. We are watering ourselves for the present while we poison ourselves for the future.” Cousteau cited examples such as 90-foot-deep garbage deposits in the Pacific Ocean the size of Texas and deformities in animals due to runoff from pharmaceutical products. Toxins ingested by these animals, Cousteau said, are in turn ingested by us as we consume the animals. Rivers familiar to this region were seen to contain mass amounts of toxins. The Tennessee River, for example, contains 22 million pounds of direct toxic discharge, while the Savannah River contains 13 million pounds. According to the presentation, of the 2.5 percent of Earth’s freshwater, only 0.007 percent is readily available for use. “We need to treat our resources, especially water, like a bank account,” Cousteau said. “We’re chewing up the capital. We need to

be living off of the interest.” Cousteau said 70 percent of all food is based in the ocean, stewing in a “toxic cocktail.” He said most coverage in popular media of our oceans is glazed over to only show the more beautiful parts while ignoring the troubled areas. He went on to speak of his exploits in filming for various PBS and network television specials, referencing an instance where the people of New Zealand banded together to help his crew move a beached orca whale from the west coast of the country to the east coast, reuniting it with a pod and saving its life. He also related an instance when he was able to build a submersible that looked like a great white shark, allowing him to observe the predators at night without being detected and convince nearby seals that he was hunting them. “Thanks to the invention of the aqua lung we can leave this vertically-challenged world,” Cousteau said. “We can now breach a weightless world to tantalize our curiosity.”

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The Auburn Plainsman

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Auburn Plainsman Joe Random Crossword Recipe



Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tips from behind the bar Bartenders share the best ways to get the service customers expect

Jumbotron shouts it out loud By CALLIE GARRETT Assistant Intrigue Editor

The goose bumps would not exist during the intro video and replays at each football game if it was not for the Auburn videoboard team. They make it all happen from creating highlight videos to changing camera shots. “Intro videos are one of the most exciting parts about my job because Auburn fans are more passionate about intro videos than any other crowd in the country,” said Bo Cordle, coordinating producer of Auburn University High Definition. “Auburn has long been known for their amazing pregame, and I'm honored that we can be a small part of that.” As soon as the intro video plays on the jumbotron, the crowd, players, coaches, cheerleaders and fans all go wild every game. “I really enjoy the intro videos and how they get everyone pumped up and excited about the game,” said Jenna Flanagan, a senior in public administration. “It’s always fun to watch the highlights.” There is a great amount of tedious work that goes into flashing a single replay onto the jumbotron. Technical Director Bradley Green, said he sits in the control room with the director next to him telling him the different camera switches, but he is the one that actually presses the buttons and is responsible for putting the graphics on the screen and pulling up replays. “Afterward my mind is tired,” Green said. “It is something you have to practice because there is a lot of things you have to think about. There are a lot of different sources and probably 150 buttons on the machine that controls everything. I practice just by listening to a director’s track and basically just go from there.” > Turn to JUMBOTRON, C2

Entrance into grad school proves difficult


Bottles clink as liquors are poured into tumblers and glasses. A customer yells over the music, “I need another Bud Light,” for the third time waving money in the air. The bartender is in the process of making a Long Island Iced Tea, a drink that takes a while to concoct. She glares at the waving money and continues at the task at hand as quickly as she can. Seventeen hours behind the bar on a home game weekend has worn her down. Another guy throws his drink order over the bar expecting an immediate response. Four different bartenders around town agree on Tip 1: Don’t yell at the bartender continuously if there isn’t an immediate response because he or she may make the customer wait longer. “We’ll get to you, it just might take us a few minutes,” said Tina Berringer, a bartender at SkyBar Café. “Screaming at us is not going to increase your chances of getting served faster.” Julie Grant and Logan Madson at In Italy Ristorante and Bar, and Andrea Fox at Flip Flops agreed with Berringer. “People think that if it takes a long time, even if we’ve got 50 other people to help, they think it should be them right then,” Grant said. “If they didn’t get a drink the second they walked up, they won’t tip you at all.” This brings up Tip 2, which all four of the bartenders agreed on: Remember bartenders make money from their tips. Just like servers in a restaurant, bartenders rely on the money placed in the glass jars on the counter. “We work for tips,” Berringer said. “That’s what we rely on every single night. Tip originally meant ‘To Insure Proper service.’ All we ask is 15 to 20 percent.” Madson said he tips other bartenders a lot because he knows what they’re going through. The problem with some customers is they don’t realize what the person behind the bar goes through. “People are just there to get drunk or get their drink and get out of there as soon as possible,” Madson said. Tips range depending on the drinks that are served. “For just a beer, a dollar should be good,” Fox said. “With shots, the tips start to rack up. I would say usually 30 to 50 percent.” Bartenders also don’t want the X’s to come off underage hands at the bar. “We ‘X’ people to make sure we don’t get a ticket from the ABC board,” Fox said. “When they wash them off, the bartenders get a ticket and a bar also gets one.” The bars are just trying to protect students > Turn to TIPS, C2

By OLIVIA MARTIN Associate Intrigue Editor

It can be a scary world out there for college graduates. To delay the daunting, if inevitable entrance into the real world, many students are looking to attend graduate school after they matriculate from Auburn. Jack Walls, a career counselor at Auburn, dispels the myths of academic life after college. “It is not a good idea just to go to graduate school just because you can’t get a job. Getting into graduate school is just as difficult as getting a job,” Walls said. The process can take anywhere from 10 months to a year. The summer before, sign up and study for an entrance exam, usually the GRE, LSAT or MCAT. Potential grad students should then research different graduate schools and choose about five or six, keeping in mind that each application requires a fee. Most graduate schools take applications between January and March and require a personal statement, interview and recommendation letters. Katie O’Donnell, who received a B.S. in communication disorders at Auburn and is now a graduate student in speech pathology at the University of South Alabama, spent a lot of time on the application process. “I applied to five graduate schools,” O’Donnell said. “Although my ultimate decision was easy because I was offered a graduate assistantship at South, which pays most of my tuition plus a salary, the application pro> Turn to SCHOOL, C2


TJ Matthews, an Auburn grad, mixes drinks during a night at work. Bartenders deserve credit for handling customers, and they provide hints and warnings about proper bar etiquette.

Chizik welcomes questions in Tiger Talk By CALLIE GARRETT Assistant Intrigue Editor

Not many universities offer a moment like Tiger Talk does for Auburn. Tiger Talk allows an open forum for anyone to meet Gene Chizik, head football coach, to ask him questions in person or on the phone. Tiger Talk radio show airs every Thursday at 7 p.m. before home football games at the Italian restaurant, Ariccia. The fine-dining environment includes a buffet-style dinner along with the choice of eating at Piccolo, a more casual environment. “We take questions from the audience, phone calls and Facebook questions,” said Rod Bramblett, host of Tiger Talk. “Fans can ask (Coach Chizik) whatever they want to know and we do our best to answer them.” The packed out restaurant had fans on their feet cheering for Auburn’s football team and Chizik. “I enjoyed how personable and approachable Coach Chizik was, allowing people to meet him on and off the air,” said Sar-

ah Ellis, a senior in history. The Hotel at Auburn University is appreciative of being able to host the Tiger Talk show. “When we took over the hotel six years ago we knew how important football was,” said Hans Van der Reijden, managing director of The Hotel at Auburn University. “We have a bigger place, plenty of parking and close to campus. It is perfect for Tiger Talk.” Reijden said they have had a positive response the past three weeks. People are excited to be involved and Chizik is such a nice coach to walk around and talk to fans in the room. It is a family-style event, including Chizik’s family. “He (Chizik) is great, I am very lucky to be able to do what I do,” Bramblett said. “Being an Auburn alum, I still have some fan in me, but you have to keep it professional. I am there to keep the show moving, all they care is what the coach has to say.” Fans enjoyed how personable Chizik is to his community, allowing phone calls from all over > Turn to TIGER TALK, C2

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Rod Guajardo / PHOTO EDITOR

Chizik answers questions during Tiger Talk radio show from phone calls and people at the stand-up mic setup in Ariccia.

Intrigue, C2


Replay videos are essential to the 80,000 plus fans in Jordan–Hare in order to catch every action in each play. “I love watching the replays because half of the time I can’t see what is really happening on the field,” Flanagan said. There is always a lot of hype that goes on during preseason concerning what the famous intro video song will be. “The intro video is only as good as the song, so I maintain a running list of all the song suggestions I get throughout the year,” Cordle said. “In late spring, I sit down with several people in athletics and narrow down the choices. There are tons


>From C1

cess was stressful because of the deadlines and individual school requirements.” John Davidson, an Auburn graduate who majored in finance and economics and is now in the M.A. program at the University of Alabama, also stresses the difficulty of applying to graduate school. “I applied to three law schools and one graduate program,” Davidson said. “Applying was a major pain in the ass, with all the recommendation letters and essays.”

Thursday, September 24, 2009 of great songs out there, but the trick is finding one that represents Auburn and works well in a 90 - second video.” This year there is more than one highlight video due to special requests. “This year we added a team video at Coach Chizik's request, and we have got a lot of great feedback so far,” Cordle said. “It's important that we stay true to Auburn tradition with the tunnel and kickoff videos, and I think this year's song ‘Family Reunion’ sums up Auburn as well as a song can.” AUHD is not only responsible for the intro videos, but they also do the tedious work people do not recognize. “Our camera operators come in Friday before the

Make no mistake, graduate school is not the easy way out. “Graduate school is a job by the way,” Walls said. “It is not like undergraduate school. You will be working as a GTA or RA and will be paid around $10,000 to $15,000, so you’re making money, but you will also be a full-time student.” Some schools, such as Auburn’s MBA program, want two years of work experience in addition to a high GPA and test scores. For students with an overall undergraduate GPA of 2.5 or below, working for a

game to set up and test the cameras for Saturday,” Cordle said. “I typically get to the stadium seven hours before kickoff.” During this time, Cordle plays Norah Jones music to calm nerves, attends to last-minute touch ups, then has a production meeting to go through the script four hours prior to kickoff. “After that, it's organized chaos until about an hour after the game,” Cordle said. This production requires a solid team to make sure everything runs smoothly on gameday. “There is a lot that goes into our productions,” Green said. “I think people just see the camera and they think there is just one guy in the studio and one working the camera.” Cordle said there are

approximately 25 people working to get everything on the screen. It takes a lot to make what happens on the screen every week and for their team to be reliable. There must be room for error in any situation, and AUHD is prepared for anything. They feel a lot of pressure when a packed-out stadium is relying on the jumbotron. “The five minutes leading up to kickoff are by far the most tense part of our day,” Cordle said. “If you were at the first football game this year, you may have noticed that the ‘Family Reunion’ video stuttered about 30 seconds in. Luckily, we had practiced that exact scenario the previous week, and were able to switch to a backup video server in under two seconds.”

couple of years in a career in their field will increase their chances of being accepted into a graduate program. However, attending graduate school will increase chances of getting a job. “I definitely feel more secure about finding a job in May when I graduate,” O’Donnell said. “It may not be my dream job right away, but I feel I’ll be employed somewhere.” Davidson also thinks he will be employed upon graduation. “It was fairly easy to get through undergrad and not really have a good grasp of

AUHD has tactics to keep organized and avoid chaos. “There is a marketing and operations script created for every game,” Cordle said. “The script has columns for the PA announcer, the band, the ribbon boards and AUHD.” It lists every element based on when it will occur, whether it’s 22 minutes and 30 seconds before kickoff or the first timeout. Green said they also use headsets with multiple channels to communicate with one another, often times with 10 people on one channel at a time. Flanagan said she appreciates all of the hard work put into the video productions for gameday. The Auburn football experience would not be the same without the pregame video.

what I studied, but it is definitely not that way now,” Davidson said. “I feel much more confident about securing a job.” Whether finding a job or attending graduate school, Walls encourages students to let the Career Center help them through the process. “We can help finalize your resume, edit your personal statement and walk you through graduate school applications or job searches,” Walls said. The Career Center in Mary Martin Hall is open Monday through Friday 7:45 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.


>From C1

and to keep their jobs. All the bartenders agreed on these tips, but had some of their own. Fox said to be wary of overly excited, nervous bartenders that are hesitant when asked for a drink. Usually they don’t know what they’re doing and can make simple mistakes when it comes to making easy drinks. Fox also warned against customers reaching over the bar of which no bartender is fond. “Nobody is ever allowed behind the bar,” Fox said. “If a customer reached around the bar, it’s a big no-no.” If students want to get served with no wait they also suggest coming to the bar early. “A lot of people don’t show up till later, but you’d be amazed how much you don’t have to wait in line,” Berringer said.


the country as well as the microphone setup in the restaurant for people to ask their questions. Bramblett said Tiger Talk is a great chance for Chizik to interact with Auburn. “It was nice seeing everyone was supporting him as our new coach,” Ellis said. “I enjoyed the football environment as well as the food.” Van der Reijden said Ariccia offers a buffet for $17.95 which includes a seat, appetizers, salad, pasta, entrees and dessert.

If the tables are full, Piccolo offers a less expensive menu with TV’s set up so you are able to view the talk show, with a bar connecting the rooms. “Some people think it is just a football show, but it actually runs from mid-August through March with any sports going on,” Bramblett said. “Coach Chizik is our main focus during football season though.” Because tables at Ariccia fill up so quickly, the hotel staff suggests making reservations online at www. or call 334844-5140.

Joe Random What were you made fun of for in Kyle Otte junior in mechanical engineering elementary school?

Having white hair, they all called me cotton ball.


Kyle Otte said he does not assume a girl has not showered if she is wearing a hat in class.

ABOUT JOE: Age: 21 Hometown: Huntsville Availability: In a relationship Greatest fear: Being suffocated Hobbies: Anything outdoors, camping, biking and working on cars Football prediction: Auburn 56, Ball State 7 Random fact: I know every letter in the alphabet and its corresponding number.

Favorite on - campus restaurant? Chick-fil-A Favorite family tradition? Every Christmas we play a pool tournament. Embarrassing moment? In seventh grade, I followed my mom into the women’s bathroom at the movie theater. Favorite addition to campus?

The new Tiger Transit pavilion area. Do your roommates have a secret they could reveal about you? Not a whole lot. Do you have a favorite Auburn performer? No, I have not seen any I love. If a girl wears a hat to class do you assume she has not showered recently? No, but now I will. Do you believe Diet Coke will cause cancer? No.

The Auburn Plainsman INTRIGUE STAFF Helen northcutt Editor

Callie garrett Assistant Editor

Olivia Martin Associate Editor

To reach the staff, call 334-844-9109.

Sept. 24 Book Talk – David Carter Time: Noon - 1 p.m. Location: Special Collections and Archives Department, Ralph Brown Draughon Library Book Talk by David Carter, The Music Has Gone Out of the Movement: Civil Rights and the Johnson Administration, 1961-1964. Yoga of Breath Campus Events - General Time: 6 - 7 p.m. Location: Student Center Room 2109 For more information about events:

Sept. 25 Interview Tips Presentation Campus Events - Students Time: 7 - 8 p.m. Location: The Hotel at Auburn University, Ballroom A Sept. 25, 2009 Dinner and Dancing featuring the Auburn Knights Campus Events - Students Time: 7 - 9 p.m. Location: Student Center Ballroom

Sept. 29 Tiger Mania Luau Campus Events - Students Time: 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Location: Cater Lawn Elvis’s America: 1956 Campus Events - General Time: 4 - 5 p.m. Location: Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art

Campus Rants ● It was our formal and I borrowed a strapless dress and bra from one of my sorority sisters who has a slightly bigger chest than I do. When it was time to take photos before heading out, a bunch of the girls got together to take a group photo. I lifted my arms to put them around my friends while my date took the photo and in the process my dress and bra slipped down to my stomach. My date said nothing, snapped the photo and I didn’t realize what had happened until it was too late. ● I am a fitness instructor and last week when instructing my female client on some lower ab exercises, she accidentally queefed. Of course, I didn’t call any attention to it and she acted as if nothing happened. After about two more times, it was really obvious what was happening and she asked to stop.

● I went into one of the restrooms in the stadium during the football game and because of the long lines I was forced to use one that had been clogged. I tried to flush when I was finished, but the toilet was completely overflowed. Water was pooling around my feet as I tried to stop it. It was embarrassing and disgusting because everyone thought it was my fault. ● This weekend at the Auburn vs. West Virginia football game the monsoon came through the student section and completely drenched my white dress. Not only was that embarrassing enough, but then my phone was ruined from the rain. To top it off as we were running down the bleachers to escape the rain, I completely fell and tried to catch myself on another girl and ripped down her strapless dress.

To submit your anonymous campus rants e-mail them to intrigue@

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Auburn Plainsman

Intrigue, C3

Students share top pet peeves, from common to unique By SIMPSON FLETCHER Staff Writer

Everyone has them, little annoyances that drive some people crazy while others barely notice. A pet peeve can be as unique as a thumbprint. "What you might consider a pet peeve, I might not mind all that much," said William Buskist, a psychology professor. Buskist said one common reason people become annoyed is they are in a hurry to complete a task, or become easily distracted by pet peeves. In a recent NBC TODAY Show poll, participants were asked to choose between open-mouthed chewing, loud talking in public areas and transportation, incon-

siderate cigarette smoking, grammar and language offenses, when people are chronically late, drivers talking on cell phones or lack of table manners as their No. 1 pet peeve. Open-mouthed chewing was the winner with inconsiderate cigarette smoking coming in second. Even President Obama has pet peeves. According to POLITICO. com, the president's list includes scheduled events which interfere with his duties as a dad, when people try to get him to wear baseball gear for teams other than the White Sox, missing his daily workout and what he calls "the shine police," the people who powder his face before he goes on television.

However, Auburn students overwhelmingly said bad drivers were their No. 1 pet peeve. "My pet peeve is people talking on their cell phones when they are driving because they are completely oblivious to what is going on around them,” said Justin Detwiler, a junior in accounting. “It usually slows me and everyone around me down when I'm trying to go somewhere." Sarah Fisher, a senior in history, agreed. She said bad drivers are her No. 1 pet peeve because they are usually not paying attention and could cause accidents. Auburn students have a wide range of pet peeves. While some are shared, others are unique to the in-

dividual person. "People who are indecisive," said Leigh Barter, a senior in accounting. "Just make a decision! All they have to have is the first thing that comes to their mind. They must prefer something." Nicole Bentley, a sophomore in French, said her pet peeve is constantly being reminded of her short stature by seemingly everyone. "I know," Bentley said. "I don't have to be told a kazillion times a day." Camille Wallace Grant, a senior in international business, said her pet peeve is people who hang out in Auburn after they are 25 years old and hit on younger people. "Come on, that's creepy," Grant said.

Study finds bacteria-infested showers By EMILY CLEVER Staff Writer

Every morning, showerheads spray bacteria all over their unsuspecting owners. Mycobacterium avium, a bacteria in the same genus as tuberculosis, has been found in showerheads across the nation, according to new research by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. “Mycobacterium is a common bacteria in the environment,” said Mark Liles, a professor of microbiology. Fortunately for humans, this bacteria primarily affects birds, said Kirby Farrington, coordinator of the microbiology teaching lab at Auburn University. L. pneumophila, a germ that causes Legionnaires’ disease, was also found in the study, but was incredibly rare. Mycrobacerium can be found worldwide and in common matter such as soil, water, animals and food. They enter the human body via breathing or eating and infrequently cause infection. The bacterium forms a biofilm, a colony of bacteria that adheres together. Biofilms are common, as they grow in warm, moist climates such as at the bottom of rivers and streams, boat hulls and the interiors

of pipes in buildings. But while it seems Auburn’s climate is perfect for a bacterial infestation, there may be no reason to panic. “Certainly many microorganisms favor warm, humid conditions, though I don't know that we are at any higher risk being in the South,” Liles said. Dr. Shannon Waters of Greater Mobile Urgent Care said there has not been an outbreak related to mycobacterium or any water-based bacteria found in showerheads. “If you are at high risk of infection due to a pre-existing medical condition such as AIDS or other immune dysfunction, then you are advised to reduce your risk of potential infection,” Liles said. Farrington said an opportunistic pathogen is any microorganism that can cause disease if given the right conditions and chance. “Keep in mind that every time you breathe, you are inhaling tens of thousands of bacteria,” Liles said. “We are literally living within a sea of microorganisms, the vast majority of which are not pathogenic. So an increase in the number of bacteria within a showerhead should not be undue cause for alarm.” Farrington said a subspe-


Mycobacterium avium, a bacteria in the same genus as tuberculosis, has been found in showerheads across the nation.

cies of mycobacterium avium can cause paratuberculosis, also known as Johne’s disease, which resembles tuberculosis in the way it affects the human body. Waters said mycobacterium causes other infections as well, such as “walking pneumonia,” a less severe community acquired version of pneumonia. Mycobacterium avium can be killed by most sanitizers, but some of the physiological characteristics of the bacteria make it resistant to sanitizers to a certain degree. But once showers are infected, the bacteria can be hard to kill. “Mycobacterium avium is resistant to most of the anti-

tuberculosis drugs, but some of the new macrolide antibiotics for example, azithromycin or clarithromycin have shown antibiotic activity against this bacterium in humans,” Liles said. Liles does not think Auburn students should be concerned with bacteria in their showers. “As Auburn University students are mostly young and healthy,” Liles said. “They are more likely to be at risk from spreading infectious agents to each other.” According to, changing and cleaning the showerhead once a year with an antibiotic solution once a year will prevent bacterial growth.

Courtney Hickman, a junior in French education, said people who blow their nose in class is her biggest annoyance. "It's really gross sounding," Hickman said. "Just step outside the classroom." Rachel Naftel, a junior in political science, said boys who cry is her pet peeve. To make matters more confusing, Buskist also explained how pet peeves constantly change. What one might consider a pet peeve or an annoyance at one time, might not be considered a pet peeve at another time under a different circumstance. "So, there's a lot of variability in how people interpret and experience their pet peeves from one time to the next," Buskist said.

Illustration by Kate Davis

The Auburn Plainsman

Intrigue, C4

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Web site alerts best pee breaks in current movies By CHRISTIAN BECRAFT Staff Writer

Fingers crossed, foot tapping, legs wrapped, anxiously praying the scene following Optimus Prime and Megatron’s fight includes boring dialogue. gives moviegoers the opportunity to not think twice about making a trip to the bathroom or getting a refreshing cola for their movie experience by letting them know when it’s the perfect time to use the restroom. “I enjoy movies a lot less when I have to go to the bathroom because that is all I can focus on,” said Caroline Neel, a junior in human development and family studies. “So if I checked out, I believe my movie experience would be better.” While browsing movie

times online, moviegoers can now visit to look for specific cues in the movie to run to the restroom. The Web site provides certain lines and scenes to signal the appropriate time to run and pee or even to visit the concession stand. “I don’t know if this Web site would be helpful because no one really plans on peeing to check beforehand,” said Dara Bateman, a sophomore in pre-nursing. However, offers an iPhone application that has a timer for every movie available on the Web site, keeping track of pee times while summing up the missed scene when the moviegoer has got to go. Dan Florio, creator of, said eventually the application will include a vibration option to the timer.

Florio is also working to offer applications for other phones such as BlackBerry and Nokia. Florio explained that with the updated version users hit the start button on the iPhone app when the movie begins and then he can choose how many minutes before the pee time he wants to be warned. The user then would be signaled with a vibration that the pee time is coming up. “The idea is that somebody will go ‘Yeah I kind of do need to go to the restroom,’” Florio said. “They can go ahead and get up and can get to the exit and just wait another 30 seconds to a minute, then there is the cue. Now they can step out, use the restroom and get back and miss almost nothing.” The idea spurred from

Florio’s fidgeting watching the three-hour movie “King Kong.” Now Florio, a freelance developer in Orlando Fla., uses his free time helping moviegoers enjoy the movie and a nice beverage. Florio said his process of gathering pee times requires specific attention. In one day Florio said he might see three movies. During each movie Florio takes extensive notes of what filler scenes might be OK to miss. “About 30 minutes in I start looking for scene changes, something that I can use as a cue to run pee,” Florio said. “As I’m taking notes, I’m watching what’s going on in the movie, and if something really important or dramatic or funny happens then I stop, and that’s a bad pee time so

I cross it out, flip the page and I start the process over again.” Right now Florio and his sister are the two pee-time contributors. However, he said he hopes the Web site will expand and one day hire a full staff and eventually be able to view movies before they are released. Florio also said he would like each movie to be viewed twice by two different staff members to double-check pee times and look for other potential time slots to go. Florio said right now his goal is to improve the quality of the Web site. The Web site even offers a section for “Your Suggestions.” “He needs to have options if you would like to miss a dialogue scene or a sexual

scene or a car accident or a violent scene,” Neel said of what she uses when looking for appropriate times to step out. “Customize it to where you can miss certain types of scenes.” Like the slogan to the RunPee Web site, Florio’s tracking service helps bladders enjoy going to the movies as much as the moviegoers do. eventually plans to help bladders worldwide by expanding into foreign countries and adapting the RunPee application to foreign films. To receive general information about RunPee, students can sign up for the RunPee weekly newsletter. The newsletter includes new movies coming out, any new features added to the Web site, new mobile applications and others.

East Alabama Cycling Club races to help Parkinson’s By SIMPSON FLETCHER Staff Writer

Each year the East Alabama Cycling Club hosts the Johnny Ray Century Bike Race, benefiting the Northwest Parkinson's Foundation. This year's seventh annual race will be Saturday, Sept. 26, at 8 a.m., and riders will travel the rural roads of Lee, Chambers and Talladega counties in East Alabama passing through historic farms and the Horseshoe Bend National Military Park. “Right now most members are road riders and commuters,” said Angela Lakwete, secretary of the East Alabama Cycling Club, “and some among those have raced or currently race.” According to the North-

west Parkinson’s Foundation Web site, the organization was established to improve quality of life for the Northwest Parkinson’s disease community through programs of awareness and education. Mike Hogan, president of the East Alabama Cycling Club, said they chose the Northwest Parkinson's Foundation as the charity the race would benefit because they actually have three members who have Parkinson's Disease and were already members of the foundation. Riders can choose between 20, 34, 62 and 101 mile options, which all have numerous rest stops along the way. Participants can also enjoy pastries before the race and burgers after they finish.

Daniel Trouse, an employ- Cycling Club donated $3,000 ee at The Bike Shop, said he to the organization. Hogan said they usually likes the Johnny Ray Century Race because it brings have about 100 riders each awareness to year, but prebikers. Drivregistration is ers see the already ahead “We want to of that numbikers on the road and it make bicycling safe ber. Particiincreases cyand fun for everyone, pants can cling awareand we want more download a ness. registration "We belong people to come out form online on the road, or register at too," Trouse and ride.” Angela Lakwete, 7 a.m. the day said. secretary of the East of the race at The NorthAlabama Cycling Club Trinity Methwest Parkinodist Church; son's Founhowever, flidation is a nonprofit organization estab- ers and forms can be found lished to improve the quality around town. Lakwete said the club was of life for those affected by originally established in 2003 Parkinson's. In 2008, the East Alabama in order to raise money for

a Rails-to-Trails conversion project in Opelika. "Rails-to-Trails is a Washington, D.C., based conservancy focused on converting defunct railroad beds into multi-use paths for all sorts of activities," Lakwete said. "We'd hoped to get support to buy the land on which a central Georgia line ran from Roanoke to Lafayette through Opelika. We named our century after the legendary railroad engineer, Johnny Ray." That project failed because it was difficult to get businesses to commit money to support a trail that would wander through rural regions of Lee, Chambers and Talladega counties. However, the club continued, and all kinds of riders joined to share their informa-

tion and learn new things, Lakwete said. The club meets on the second Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. at Health Resource Center, across the street from the East Alabama Medical Center in Opelika. They have workshops on wheel building, fixing flat tires and anything else the members choose to discuss. "It's a small club, but we accomplish a lot,” Lakwete said. “In addition to the Alabama Bicycling Coalition, we support the League of American Bicyclists and the United States Cycling Association. Many members are also on the City of Auburn Bicycle Committee. We want to make bicycling safe and fun for everyone, and we want more people to get out and ride."

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Auburn Plainsman

Intrigue, C5

scussed in ck what was di ba ng ti ro on ers, gnawing olet said. Tapping fing ts class,” Bert en ud st : the easy route ee ff hile it may be W pen, sipping co ok e a es th rs are not bo r some or all of t, college pape ou of ry lmay encounte ea co w e a ar ofessors le working on reports and pr symptoms whi y. much summar lege paper. thing is too into plot sum no d s en em sc se de it er ev “N e th At times, e e pa n said. “Assum than a 12-pag mary,” Silverstei more daunting . ed ch the text, and ta at e lin dead is familiar with er ad re in per with a firm re alyze the text ish professors ur job is to an yo ad Here, two Engl re a h ur it yo w you offer t a paper back , such a way that es em veal how to ge th e th e top. nding of ta th rs at ” de “A un d re er al , ic s nice context, histor ost, the paper ha style, cultural First and forem ” ity. gnificance, etc. to to be high qual exceed ex- si be tempting ld ay ou m sh r it pe le pa hi ’ W ts lo “The ‘A ” , in t em s and pu er than meet th e the thesauru us , ab ds or pectations rath ow pr e h obscur olet, an Englis complicated, of said Craig Bert d. di se in es ld pr be im n. “It shou ofessors won’t is fessor at Aubur e part of pr th a language that on in st be re t te us in m al t re “I a us te ca By OLIVIA MARTIN ment etentio ,” use the assign ated, but not pr tic is ph so Associate Intrigue Editor c the writer to topi hing about the said. to learn somet d Web ll an Bertolet lfi fu lly ca ni ha dictionaries an ec m e liz an ti th U er. rather -w merriam ebst tes such as Si vo assignment.” nd ep ke pa ex to that is to do oe d to an ay w m co ne O point t?” after each cabulary. asking “so wha added adthough it has an en Ev made. eth professors gh to have a of using space, e ag nt va “It’s not enou id ” sa s texts in the es t about a text, ant to see clas w do sis or argumen es of n, an English pr ed Marc Silverstei te say. otation is back s to demonstra ha r pe pa e Provided a qu it “Th , is sor. is ys al ed an nc of l amount ment adva ua gu eq ar e an th by th hy e e w g deful way to guid d worth bein can be a help significant an guments. and support ar r pe pa , fended.” ity thoroughly agree on clar dence must be vi “E Both professors olet es iti terpreted,” Bert city as key qual analyzed and in logic and specifi - said. of an “A” paper. simply ld have no gram n adds that ei st er lv Si The paper shou nal is not the g or organizatio quotes together lin g el in sp ng , ri al st ic at r m afte K to agree or t a day or two go, and it is O to ay w errors, so wai lly fu em. per, then care disagree with th writing the pa s. ke ta is m r ? ain fo Still baffled ugh read it over ag hat s to bring a ro it and know w ed it, ed “It always help t, di on “E st e Bo at ” K r, so id e profes g about,” sa draft in to th ey th you are talkin d an re ca h. in Englis ows you or sh t ni “I ju . a , id sa on ad st gr Bo do out s, professors your paper with it ed n ca Despite rumor a in ar their lectures t ing it.” not want to he rastinating, si ow stop proc N t paper. en r! nd pape indepe and write that “Demonstrate y par- back el Morgan Thacker/ASSOCIATE PHOTO EDITOR er m an th thought rather Stephanie Griffin, a graduate student in community planning, helps Jessica Anderson, a freshman in

Write ‘A’ p an aper How


chemistry, with her COMP paper in the English Center.

Drink prices rise while economy falls By CHARLEY GAINES Staff Writer

As college students make the difficult decision of how to spend their money, causing breakdowns in grocery aisles across the country, they reconsider old spending habits. The current economic climate and high inflation rates make the decision even more difficult and the rising drink prices aren’t helping. In order to combat lower sale rates, many alcoholic beverage companies are raising their prices. According to the Consumer Price Index, beer, ale and malt beverages have risen 4.6 percent since July 2008. For Auburn students on a campus with abundant drinking opportunities this price raise could hit students’ wallets hard. “We try to do drink specials to help people out,” said Tina Berringer, a bartender at SkyBar Café. “These specials in the bars keep the high volume beers packed, which keeps a steady money flow.” Other restaurants offer drink specials on off days. Niffer’s Place offers $2 wells on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Buffalo Connection offers $3.50 32 ounce drafts on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. In Auburn, the price of a domestic beer in a bar is still about $2.50 a bottle. In convenience and grocery stores there has been an increase, but not enough to cause concern say some students. “I have noticed a price increase, but not too much,” said Stephen Phelps, a student at Southern Union State Community College in Opelika. “It’s not to the point where I’m not going to buy the beer I’ve been buying.” Tailgaters and weekend visitors on campus show less concern about any price increases on beer. “I haven’t noticed anything,” said Jodie McGirt, an Auburn alumna and a weekly tailgater. The tailgaters at McGirt’s RV shared the same conclusion. They usually go pick up beer on the way into town for games and don’t look at the price. The general consensus of the Auburn

tailgaters was if there has been an increase in Auburn, it hasn’t been enough to make them reconsider their purchase. “I have no idea what the beer costs,” said David Gordon, a member of a group of weekly tailgaters. Although the tailgaters haven’t noticed a drastic price increase in Auburn, they have noticed prices in bigger cities increasing. “In Atlanta we got a glass of wine that was the same price as the bottle,” McGirt said. Restaurants also tack a hefty price on beer. “We paid $8 for a beer in Montgomery at dinner the other night,” said Jolene Custard, a member of the weekly tailgaters. The beer Custard referred to was imported, but in bigger cities it’s not uncommon to see a domestic beer cost that much. “People don’t realize that if you go to another town such as Las Vegas, Atlanta, any other big city beer, on average, cost anywhere from $5 up,” Berringer said. “People don’t realize how good they have it in a college town.” It’s a different story for students, though. Money has and always will be an issue for most students in college. With money going toward an education and no steady income, money is a precious commodity. “If I was a student, I’d look at beer prices differently,” said David McGirt, Jodie’s husband. “We’re not looking to split beer money with gas money.” Students will drink, though. That’s why bars in Auburn can afford to keep prices so low. “I mean, cigarette prices keep rising, but people are going to smoke regardless,” Custard said. “It’s the same with drinking. People are going to drink regardless.” There is a limit within reason, but people will always find ways to drink, as proved during Prohibition during the 1920s. “College kids are going to drink no matter what,” said Stephanie Cashin, a sophomore in English education. “It’s like gas prices. I still drive when prices go up.”

Beer prices have increased 4.6 percent overall

Illustration by Kate Davis

The Auburn Plainsman

Intrigue, C6

Thursday, September 24, 2009

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT POP CULTURE COMMENTARY New Jay Leno show does not fulfill revolution hype By JACOB COLE Staff Writer

Horror Has a Chin: My Week with the Jay Leno Show. After a summer of promotion so staggeringly ubiquitous that even its host introduced it as “overhyped,” “The Jay Leno Show” debuted last week. Did it live up to the network hype promising some sort of revolution by bringing comedy to the drama-heavy 10 p.m. slot? Are you kidding? Anyone who thought Jay Leno was going to lead any sort of revolution likely just thawed from a glacier, the last survivor of a tribe that revered large chins as a sign of divinity. I thought I had Leno pegged from what brief snippets I caught of his “Tonight Show” while channel surfing: watered-down observations and softball interviews. But I decided to tune in this week out of that lethal cocktail of curiosity and boredom, and I discovered something: Jay Leno is a jerk. Let’s get it out of the way, this is, as everyone else has noted, “The Tonight Show” without a desk. Leno comes out, makes himself into a “regular guy” by placing the stage more or less on floor level and proceeds to tell jokes that passed their expiration date months ago. All the while, the audience howls. Did NBC bus in these people from the “America’s Funniest Home Videos” set, because they’re the only group of people who can find such insipid banality this hysterical. Yes, comedy is subjective, but as far as I can tell, only about one-third of Leno’s monologue jokes come with actual punchlines; instead, he haphazardly inserts references to news items like a game of Mad Libs ripped from the headlines. So why is he a jerk? Well, Leno has a subtle, constant need to humiliate someone. His big ratings were ensured when Kanye West made a fool of himself

at the VMA’s the night before he appeared on Leno’s first show, at which point Jay took the whole thing several steps too far by asking the rapper what his dead mother would have thought of his outburst. That was painful enough, but, to my revulsion, Leno peppered in cheap shots at Kanye in every one of last week’s episodes. Look, I’m no fan of Kanye’s antics, but this is absurd. Leno owes at least half of his first night’s mammoth ratings to Kanye, and the punishment far outstrips the “crime.” Kanye jokes aren’t the only ones that wore out their welcome fast. All late night monologues have an unfortunate tendency toward sexism, but I couldn’t believe when Leno stood before a crowd and called an upcoming fashion show for plussized models “Cash for Chunkers.” He also stole several of his successor Conan’s bits, most notably a segment mocking Craigslist that lacked all of Conan’s off-the-cuff spontaneity. His interviewing skills certainly haven’t improved either. The “Ten @10” segment, a transparent attempt to get in a second guest interview without looking too much like the “Tonight Show,” has been nothing but an embarrassment, with Leno lobbing questions so soft and pandering even the celebrities look uncomfortable. Of course, the show’s low cost guarantees a long run barring a sharp ratings decline, so we’re stuck with it. So now, Leno can leech guests from Conan O’Brien and even Jimmy Fallon. Leno got his slot on the “Tonight Show” through backroom bullying, and at last it’s plainly evident in front of a camera as well as behind. The only moment I found remotely amusing all week came when Leno hoisted himself on his own petard. Insulting kids for not reading, he “Twitter-ized” “Hamlet” for easy consumption, only to describe the plot to “Oedipus Rex” instead. Maybe adults should read more, too.

This Week’s Band Lineup SkyBar- JB Roberts Supper Club- The Good Doctor Flip Flops- $3 mimosa and wine spritzer daiquaris, all you can eat wings 5 p.m.- 9 p.m. for $8.99, Happy Hour till 9 p.m.



Tim Tyler, Dave Matthews SkyBarTribute


SkyBar- Wes Loper, 5 Finger Discount Supper Club- U.S. Band with Joe Breckenridge in the Snapper Dome

Supper Club- Velcro Pygmies with Zig & Joe in the Snapper Dome


REEL REVIEW ‘Jennifer’s body the only good thing’ For the boys who dream of taking Megan Fox to dinner, be careful what you wish for. In this scenario, you will wind up being the main course in Fox’s meal plan. “Megan’s Body,” or excuse me, “Jennifer’s Body” is a horror movie about demonic possession in a high school girl, Megan Fox, with a couple of one-liners thrown in there from dialogue provided by the acclaimed Juno writer, Diablo Cody. This movie starts out with promise in flashback mode in the mental institution with a powerful kick to the face. It comes to an abrupt halt with a fire scene in a bar where Jennifer and Needy, Amanda Seyfried (the dumbest plastic from Mean Girls), go to watch a band play and the least expected happens. Somehow Jennifer ends up in a child-molester van in the middle of the woods with an up-andcoming band that offers her up to the devil for success while ironically singing Tommy Tutone’s “867-5309.” (On a side note, this may explain how bands like Nickleback and Hinder are famous.) But something goes wrong and she comes back a flesh-eating monster that preys on boys. I will say that the scene in the kitchen with Megan Fox smiling with blood covering her teeth was frightening enough, but when

she goes exorcist and throws up black goo right after that the audience is laughing, and not from the jokes. So a few more lame murder scenes happen and more boys get eaten before it is explained why this is going on. Then out of nowhere starts a random up-close girl-kissing scene that drags on and on in which the males in the audience cheered to make up for the Fox topless scene being removed. Oh, and an awkward sex scene between Seyfried and the guy from Hotel for Dogs that keeps flashing during a killing scene to bring down the fear factor. I will say that Adam Brody did give a great performance as the quirky lead singer of “Low Shoulder” or the indie band that profits off these strange occurrences. But, he is not featured in the film enough to keep it from sucking less. I will add a star for this good casting choice. I did get a couple of laughs in from some of the lines such as “Dude, that is a hot murder weapon!”, but whether I was supposed to be laughing is still a mystery to me. I felt like I was watching the TV and flipping channels between Juno and Shaun of the Dead, and I just wanted to shut it off. It was a bit schizophrenic. Plus a few too many things were left without explanations.

I’ve concluded that Cody should stick to writing about alternative pregnant teenagers and leave the dark comedy up to people who understand the genre. So unless you are a 14-year-old boy, I would say save your money and wait for this to come to DVD. Then while you are waiting in the long line at your nearest Red Box location, you can seriously rethink your decision before bringing this one home. Go see it at your own risk, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.

-Review by Brittany Cosby

‘Jennifer’s Body’ Rating R ★ ★ ★ STARS


★ - Dismal ★★ - Bearable ★★★ - Average ★★★★ - Good ★★★★★- Excellent

REEL REVIEW ‘Gamer plays laughs, not chills’ ‘Gamer’ Rating R ★ ★ STARS HOW WE RATE:

★ - Dismal ★★ - Bearable ★★★ - Average ★★★★ - Good ★★★★★- Excellent

Some of you may be asking “What is Gamer?” Is that a movie? No, it's an attempt at a movie and they just so happened to put the amazing Gerard Butler in it. I swear there were at least four times where I was literally laughing out loud in the theater. You might think that rude of me, but rest assured, I was not the only one. All right, so the movie idea was a stellar thought, every gamer's fantasy is to directly control your character within a game. Slayer, the "game,” allows game players absolute, direct control over the actions of their game characters. Here is the twist: the

characters are actually convicts, injected with mind-controlling technology and being forced to play the game for their freedom. The game was created by Castle (Michael C. Hall), a multibillionaire genius who has invented a type of "nanotechnology" that is implanted in people’s brains and allows them to be remotely controlled by a user. Slayer is the killing game and Society is just stupid. The only gamer we actually see playing Society, where users can make their players do anything, and boy do I mean anything, with other players’ characters, is a grotesquely fat, shirtless gamer dipping waffles into syrup.

I threw up in my mouth a little. Eventually we blindly stumble upon Simon, the teenage gamer equipped with terrible lines and an even worse chance at having anything positive for his career come from this movie. Simon soon learns from a "video game anarchist" played by, wait for it, yes, Ludacris, that he can release Kable. Simon moronically agrees to this and helps Kable escape from Slayer and break into the Society game. At this point in the movie they tell us that Gerard's character used to be some kind of special forces person who was tricked by Castle into being injected with the

nano... stuff. I don't know really because by this time I was Googling the department responsible for refunding wasted time. I won't tell you how this gem ends because I feel it would be an injustice to you. This movie is on its way out of theaters and will be making its way to shelves soon. Such a disappointment from the actor that made 300 a movie that made millions of college-age young men (and women I guess) long to hit something with a big shield. I digress the rest of my feelings to say this was one movie where I was glad to see the “game over” screen. -Review by Andrew Sims

The Auburn Plainsman

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Intrigue, C7

Buy one, donate one companies help those in need By REBECCA CROOMES Staff Writer

With just the purchase of a pair of shoes or a bag of groceries students can help put these items in the hands of underprivileged children without leaving their local stores. This has been a conundrum for students to consider: to give or not to give? Usually students tend to buy things for themselves, like video games, music and numberless cups of coffee. In the college bubble, most students are dressed, fed and overall happy, so why not spend a little money on themselves? Scott Fenton, a freshman in English, wears TOMS shoes. “The shoes themselves are really comfortable, but the fact that in buying a pair, one is giving a pair makes these shoes irresistible,” Fenton said. When another person brings to their attention that there are those in need out in the world, the debate starts over again: to give or not to give? Recently, several big companies have looked at this problem and come up with a creative solution. They have stepped up to the plate and offered what

can be called “buy one, donate one” products and services. The general idea is when the consumer purchases a product, financial or material aid of equal value to the money spent is given to those in need. The most poignant example is TOMS shoes. “One for one” is the motto of the famous footwear company that pledges to give a free pair of shoes to a needy child for every pair bought by someone else. According to tomsshoes. com, their goal is to use the purchasing power of individuals to benefit the greater good. Lauren O’Kelley, a sophomore in marketing, doesn’t own a pair of TOMS, but plans on supporting the company. “I would buy a pair of TOMS,” O’Kelley said. “When a lot of Americans take what we have for granted, I’d feel better knowing that, in giving a pair to a needy kid, he was benefiting from my purchase.” Another company based on this principle is Snapfinger. By starting the “Takeout Hunger Day” program, the company promises that with every meal ordered through, meals will be donated to starving chil-

dren around the world. The Web site asks readers to order at least one meal through Snapfinger every Wednesday to help feed nearly a million kids. Jim Garret, CEO of Snapfinger’s parent company, Kudzu Interactive Inc. explained the current hunger situation. “There are more than 16 million children worldwide that die each year due to starvation,” Garrett said. “It is estimated that 13 million children in the US live in poverty and of that at least 20% are malnourished.” Garret explained there are four billion take out transactions each year in the U.S. “If we could get just 20 percent of those transcations to go through, we could eliminate childhood hunger,” Garret said. The concept of “buy one, donate one” is not entirely new. The Product (RED) foundation established a similar movement by joining with big name companies to gather funds for AIDs research in Africa. For instance, GAP clothing stores offer a whole (RED) line of clothing made to benefit those affected by the disease. Starbucks has also gotten on board by pledging that when Product (RED) items

Rebecca Croomes/ PHOTO STAFF

This TOMS display in Kinnucan’s displays its mission along with its shoes to inform customers.

are purchased, a majority of the funds will go to help coffee farmers in Africa. Even Microsoft has a Product (RED) version of Windows Vista Ultimate available, according to www. During these hard economic times, when job holders are making just enough to take care of themselves and their families, the “to give or not to give” debate has become even more sad. Those who used to be the givers have quickly turned into

Cook a Tasty Tailgate Appetizer: Chicken Nachos Contributed by Elizabeth Mahaney, senior in public relations Cook Time: 8 hours Skill Level: Easy Serves: 12



Chicken 2 lbs. (about 10) boneless skinless chicken thighs 1 (1 oz.) pkg. taco seasoning mix 1 (15 oz.) can pinto beans, drained 1 (14,5 oz.) can diced tomatoes, undrained 1 (4.5 oz.) can chopped green chiles 2 tbsp. lime juice Toppings 4 oz. (1 cup) shredded colby-monterey jack cheese blend 3/4 cup salsa 1/4 cup sliced green onions 1/4 cup sliced ripe olives 2 tbsp. chopped fresh cilantro 1 lime

1) Place chicken thighs in a 3 1/2 or 4 quart slow cooker. Sprinkle with taco seasoning mix and top with beans, tomatoes, chiles, lime juice 2) Cover; cook on low setting for 7 to 8 hours 3) Just before serving, set out all topping ingredients for guests 4) To serve, spoon chicken mixture over tortilla chips and layer with desired toppings

Studio 5 connects to art world By HELEN NORTHCUTT Intrigue Editor

Studio 5 provides a support group for students interested in pursuing a career in the field of visual arts or art history. Chloe Woolsey, a senior in art and the president of Studio 5, encourages students to get involved in the organization because it can create connections for future jobs. “With not a lot of funding for the arts, it is difficult to find a job right now,” Woolsey said. “It always helps to have experience and con-

nections for the competitive field. There are many ways to succeed in the art world, you just have to be willing to put in the hard work to get there.” Studio 5 provides opportunities for students in the organization to volunteer at the Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art on campus. “My favorite thing about Studio 5 is volunteering at JCSM,” said Claire Davis, a senior in graphic design. “Whether its helping a child draw an animal at the Vet School Open House or volunteering at the May Day celebration.”

The organization also gets together to watch art related films, attend exhibit openings and socialize at Ariccia’s chocolate bar. This year Studio 5 plans to try to visit the High Museum of Fine Art in Atlanta and also the Birmingham Museum of Art. Through shared experiences the organization is able to provide a sense of networking and also have guest speakers from museums, universities and galleries come in to talk with members. “The more experience you get and the more people you meet will help you in the long

run when looking for jobs,” Woolsey said. Studio 5’s purpose is to talk to students about their future goals and learn how to reach them. “I am excited about learning of Studio 5,” said Kelly Frechetter, a junior in graphic design. “I know the job market is tough and having someone to help with the process is relieving.” To get involved with Studio 5, students can come to the meetings. If interested, e-mail Chloe Woolsey at woolscj@auburn. edu.

those who need help, and donations to service organizations are hard to come by. By taking advantage of “buy one, donate one” companies, one could see where the answer to the dilemma can be found. “I do think we can bring these [issues] to people’s attention and little by little we can make a difference,” Garret said. So take the time to think about that cup of coffee, that pair of shoes or the entire menu at a restaurant. Con-

sider who put in the effort for those things to be produced and consider how their whole livelihood may depend on it.. Just by taking a small amount of time to re-think ways of doing normal activities, people can make a difference. So drink the coffee, wear the shoes and eat a meal, there is someone else out there who could be receiving the same necessary items and thriving because of the generosity of others.

The Auburn Plainsman

Intrigue, C8

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wasting Time


Across 1 “A Face in the —” 6 1960 movie, “— to a Small Planet” 11 Actor/singer Terrence 13 Peaceful 14 “The Prisoner of Second —” 15 Actor Richard 16 “Waking — Devine” 17 Ali or Lindsay 19 Horned animal 21 Author Ferber 25 Morning show 28 It’s longer than an era 30 Intention 31 Heather Locklear on “Melrose Place” 33 “— House on the Prairie”

35 “Heaven — Wait” 36 “The — of the Affair” 38 “CSI” captain played by Paul Guilfoyle 39 “Cold Sassy —” 41 “Driving Miss —” 43 “The Bells of St. —” 45 Flower plot 48 Tom of “Tropic Thunder” 51 He’s Dr. House 54 Josey Wales, e.g. 55 Look up to 56 Precipitous 57 Sandra Bullock thriller Down 1 Action actor Jackie 2 Meander

3 Was obliged 4 Pale 5 Joanne of “Red River” 6 Designer Wang 7 Ms. Cara 8 Capitol Hill title: abbr. 9 “Holiday —” 10 Ms. Leoni 12 Rupert Jee’s establishment 13 “High — Musical” 18 “— Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” 19 Scurried 20 David — Pierce 22 Brent Spiner sci-fi role 23 Guitarist Lofgren 24 “General Hospital” actress Rachel

25 Diplomacy 26 Mr. Sharif 27 Actor Cook 29 Pen ends 32 John Dye on “Touched By An Angel” 34 Stab 37 Doris or Dennis 40 Actor Hirsch 42 Ms. Fisher 44 Right away 45 French cheese 46 Emerald Isle 47 Achievement 48 Comedian Bill, for short 49 Channel 50 Western tribe 52 Super Bowl spots 53 Sports official

Instructions • • •

Place the numbers 1 to 8 in each of the octagons such that the numbers are not repeated in any row, column or diagonal. The numbers along the edges, top and bottom are the sums for the numbers in the diagonal that begins or ends at that number. The number in each diamond is the sum of the numbers of each of the four faces that border that diamond. The numbers that border the diamonds do not have to be unique. Number of numbers provided = 69

Check the Web site for the answers.

Weekly Horoscopes Aries (March 21 - April 19): You’ll start to experience your life scenarios slower than you normally. Your loved one will view your good intentions as meddling, especially if you push him or her too hard.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20): you don’t always sift through and sort out the deeper meanings of the situations you encounter in life. Now you’ll understand the motivation of a competitor. Your quest for personal growth accelerates this week.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22): It’s important to you that you plan out your daily schedule.You’ll go with the flow as your ruling planet. Saturday you’ll consider making jewelry as a hobby, or try your hand at arts and crafts as you get the urge to explore your creativity.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 23): You have been weighed down by burdens lately.You’ll experience a burst of positive energy that will encourage you to have fun.You’ll struggle to fulfill your responsibilities. Take a good look at your priorities on Sunday.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22): You may become a complete homebody, surrounded by your family! Remember, you can easily deflect challenges, turn those obstacles aside and continue on your life path, so don’t allow your family member to influence you to follow his or her directives. You’ll confide in a close friend on Saturday.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21): You’ll feel distant from the members of your current social circle on. You may prune your address books to make sure you only list the people you have a good rapport with. You’ll be ready to make new contacts.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19): Don’t be led astray on Tuesday and encouraged to part with your money without knowing what you are getting yourself into. It could save you a lot of trouble.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18): This week you’ll ride an emotional roller coaster, Aquarius! Sunday you’ll spend time reflecting on the person you used to be, and note how far you have evolved in the past weeks and months.

Gemini (May 21- June 20): You have been weighed down by burdens lately. You’ll experience a burst of positive energy that will encourage you to have fun .You’ll struggle to fulfill your responsibilities on Wednesday. Your thoughts will be jumbled. Take a good look at your priorities on Sunday. Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21): You’ll get in touch with your desire to take control of your life. After all, your personal power is important to you. Saturday, you’ll have a talk with a friend who has a different style of communicating than you do. Your discussion may be very time-consuming due to the dissimilar way you both express yourselves. Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22): You’ll begin to see all the many ways you can resolve your life issues, as your thoughts become more optimistic and positive. Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20): This isn’t the week to make a life decision, Your mental energy will be extremely scattered.

The Auburn Plainsman Soccer Recap and Preview Coaches Corner Children’s Cancer Awareness



Thursday, September 24, 2009


Patrick Dever

Sloppy field, sloppy tackles, fun game Saturday was probably the most exciting game at Jordan-Hare Stadium since the 2007 Iron Bowl victory. That said, Auburn’s tackling was as sloppy as Pat Dye Field looked during the 50-minute quagmire. West Virginia’s Jarrett Brown and Noel Devine almost never got tackled on the first hit. This was made evident by WVU’s 509 yards of total offense (207 rushing, 302 passing). Devine’s three rushing touchdowns were also due to poor tackling. His 71-yard touchdown run was achieved after breaking three tackles. The other two touchdowns came on short runs that ended with the 5-foot-8 running back carrying a defender across the goal line. Brown used his feet to get away from the Auburn defenders during pass plays. There were too many times when a defensive lineman had the quarterback for a sack, but he would squirt out and have more time to complete a pass. On a positive note, Auburn created a plethora of turnovers. The team had been wanting to cause more turnovers and came through with five interceptions and a fumble recovery. It has been five years since the Tigers’ defense had five interceptions, a feat performed by the undefeated team of 2004 against Tennessee. Cornerback Nieko Thorpe’s interception in the second quarter was thrilling. He ran it back basically from the goal line. Junior linebacker Josh Bynes threw a nasty pancake block during the return on WVU offensive lineman Eric Jobe. The Tigers’ turnovers led to 24 points. Saturday marked the first time this season the Tigers’ > Turn to DEVER, D2

Rod Guajardo / PHOTO EDITOR

Rod Guajardo / PHOTO EDITOR

Diehard Auburn students stuck it out during the rain storm before Saturday’s game, all the while singing and dancing to classic songs about rain.

The 15,000 fans in the student section stayed during and after the rain delay to cheer on the Tigers as they wrecked the Mountaineers Saturday, 41-30.

Chizik credits fans with momentum in win over WVU By ABBY ALBRIGHT Sports Editor

After the Tiger Walk and before the eagle flew, the sky grew dark and grey over Jordan-Hare Stadium Saturday before Auburn football took on West Virginia. During the pre-game warm ups, the sky over the student section was dark and threatening, while the sky over the Haley Center remained a much brighter grey. The ominous clouds rolled in and it started to heavily

rain over the stadium and the game was delayed because of the severe weather. With lightning strikes and flood-threatening rain, the announcer warned all patrons to leave their seats until the severe weather had passed. The students didn’t budge. Most of the 15,000 students remained in their seats while Pat-Dye Field filled up like a swimming pool. The stadium was blaring Credence Clearwater’s “Have You Ever Seen the Rain?” and the students rocked out.

“Singing ‘Have You Ever Seen the Rain?’ soaking wet with thousands of students and alumni will be one of my favorite memories of Auburn football,” said senior Caroline Kelly. Thunder continued to crack, lightning to strike and more warnings from the announcer came to vacate the stadium, but the students only sang louder. The stadium’s DJ continued to play songs about rain, only further encouraging the students to stick it out. The weather calmed and

Tigers attack Cardinals By NICK VAN DER LINDEN Associate Sports Editor

After a 41-30 win over West Virginia last weekend, the Tigers (3-0) will play host to a struggling Ball State (0-3) this Saturday in Jordan-Hare Stadium. The last time Ball State came to Jordan-Hare Stadium it gave up a touchdown on every possession of the game, losing 63-3 in 2005. Because of this, head coach Gene Chizik and his coaching staff will have a new challenge this week, keeping their team motivated. Ball State, who went 12-0 last year in the regular season, winning the Mid-American Conference Western

Division Title, has seen a complete turnaround since the end of last season since coach Brady Hoke left for San Diego State and quarterback Nate Davis left early for the NFL. So far this season, the Cardinals have lost to North Texas and Army, two teams that had a combined 4-20 record last season, as well as New Hampshire, a football championship subdivision school. Auburn and Ball State have met twice previously this decade, with the Tigers winning twice at home, 30-0 in 2001 and 63-3 in 2005. So far, Auburn has never lost to any current members of the Mid-American Conference, with six previous games against MAC schools,

with wins against Akron, Buffalo, Northern Illinois and Western Michigan. The Tigers worked on alignments and tackling, two of their main problems on defense after last Saturday’s game. The defense’s biggest problem last Saturday was missed tackles. “We would blitz a guy and come off the edge,” Chizik said in Sunday’s teleconference. “They were very athletic. We’d come off the edge and take poor angles. Just tackling issues was a little bit of a problem. We’re still having a bit of a problem right now of getting off the field on third down. We’ve got to

the 7:45 p.m. game finally got under way at 8:50 p.m. “You know our student section stood up for us and our fans stood up for us,” said junior running back Mario Fannin. “They were loud and they gave us the edge over West Virginia.” Head coach Gene Chizik talked earlier that week about the importance of the fans. After the game he spoke of how proud he was of his team and of the Auburn fans. “First of all, I would like to say that I wish I had 87,000 game balls because our fans

were a huge reason we won that game, and I want them to know that,” Chizik said. Chizik said thousands of students (15,000) stayed in the stadium through that whole thing. Everybody came early and nobody left because of the weather. He said that was one of the huge reasons they won the game, and momentum swings happen because of the fans. The 41-30 win over the Mountaineers earned the 2009 Tigers an identity, and the fans have earned their place in all the action.

Previous Game Stats

vs. WVU

vs. Army



First Downs: 20 Rushing Attempts: 41 Rushing Yds.: 100 Passing Attempts: 33 Passes Completed: 17 Passing Yds.: 300 Total Yds.: 400 Penalties-Yds.: 5-37

First Downs: 20 Rushing Attempts: 28 Rushing Yds.: 121 Passing Attempts: 35 Passes Completed: 19 Passing Yds.: 254 Total Yds.: 375 Penalties-Yds.: 6-46



Interceptions: 5 Fumbles caused: 1 Touchdowns: 1 Total Yds. against: 509

Interceptions: 0 Fumbles caused: 6 Touchdowns: 0 Total Yds. against: 265

> Turn to BALL STATE, D2

Schierholz earns equestrian MVP By PATRICK DEVER Assistant Sports Editor

Junior Hunt Seat rider Anna Schierholz started the 2009-2010 season with a bang. She competed in equitation over fences in both meets against Texas Christian University and Southern Methodist University Friday. In the first meet, against TCU, Schierholz defeated her opponent 90-73, 10 points away from a perfect score, earning MVP honors.

The MVP repeated her performance against SMU, downing her Mustang opponent 85-80. Schierholz said being on the equestrian team is about much more than the meets and the MVPs. “I love the connection between horse and rider,” Schierholz said. “It is completely different than any other sport, in that you need the cooperation of a 2,000-pound animal to succeed.” The St. Louis native, and diehard Cardinals fan, has been riding hors-

es for 15 years. Entering her third year as a member of the Auburn equestrian team, Schierholz said their team is different than any other team in the nation. “The sense of pride that Auburn Equestrian has is different than other teams,” Schierholz said. “We work unbelievably hard and take pride in that work.” Being a part of the Auburn family is also important to Schierholz. “We also strive to be just like any other

athletic team on campus, as Auburn athletes, not just horseback riders,” Schierholz said. She said the individual competition is fine, but she enjoys being part of such a close-knit team. “I love that we are a very close team and would do anything for each other,” Schierholz said. Being able to lean on her teammates during a meet isn’t always enough for Schierholz.

Rod Guajardo / PHOTO EDITOR

> Turn to ANNA, D2

Junior Anna Schierholz clears a gate Friday against Southern Methodist University.

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The Auburn Plainsman

Sports, D2


revisit a lot of that and go back and look at some of that.” Although there were missed tackles, the Tigers had four interceptions in the fourth quarter and are now tied for second in the nation with eight interceptions. After having a dominating running game the first two games, the Tigers went to the air when West Virginia put eight in the box to stop the run. “Every week we’re not going to be able to run the ball,” Chizik said. “Again, I’ve said before, offensively we’re going to do what the defense allows us to do.”

In last week’s game against Army, the Cardinals collected 375 yards, but quarterback Kelly Page had anything but a memorable performance completing 12-of-24 passes for 154 yards and one touchdown. Page was also intercepted three times, and the last one was returned for the deciding touchdown, as the Black Knights beat the Cardinals 24-17. Page was benched and Tanner Justice finished the game with 100 yards on 7-of-11 passing. Page will start the game Saturday although Justice is also listed on the depth chart. Ball State freshman receiver Seth White broke his

Thursday, September 24, 2009


collarbone against Army and will miss the rest of the season. Seth White was BSU’s leading receiver with seven catches for 85 yards and a touchdown entering the Army game. “When you look at Auburn, there aren’t many weaknesses on that team,” said head coach Stan Parrish in a press conference Monday. “We have to be crisp and execute. They have top 10 talent, they’re fast and averaging 40 points a game and are a very good football team. Our strategy will be to get the ball in our best playmaker’s hands.” The Tigers tackle the Cardinals at 6 p.m. Saturday. The game will be televised by Fox Sports South.

>From D1

offense failed to have a back rush for 100 yards, and the first time that Auburn had more passing yards than rushing yards. WVU gets a lot of the credit for that; they have had a stout rush defense this season. Facing the adversity of not having a run game showed fans what kind of team Auburn has. Senior quarterback Chris Todd and sophomore wide receiver Darvin Adams took that adversity head on. Todd put the offense on his shoulders and threw the ball 31 times, completing 16 of those passes and throwing one interception. Adams had a career high

WVU’s average starting position was the 32-yard line, four yards better than the Bulldogs’ average. Kickoff return wasn’t much better. Auburn’s average starting field position was the 27yard line. This week’s game against Ball State University should be a tune up for the Tennessee game. Ball State has lost to North Texas, New Hampshire and Army this season. The Cardinals also lost to Tulsa in the 2009 GMAC Bowl last season 45-13. The Tulsa Golden Hurricanes’ offense, coached by current Auburn offensive coordinator Gus Malhzan, put up 439 rushing yards on the Cardinals. Auburn should at least match that mark.

three touchdown receptions. One of the receptions seemed to catch the Marietta, Ga., native completely by surprise when it landed in his hands, which is a testament to where Todd’s game is right now. The offensive line did not play their best game of the season. Some false start penalties and two sacks were good enough to win Saturday, but won’t cut it against LSU, Ole Miss or Alabama. Only allowing two sacks over the course of three games, however, is an amazing statistic. The special teams units still have the most work to do. Kickoff coverage actually got worse Saturday compared to the Mississippi State game.

Equestrian shuts out TCU, SMU By MOLLY WICKSTROM Staff Writer

Rod Guajardo / PHOTO EDITOR

Senior Hunt Seat rider Chelsea Anheuser jumps a gate during Friday’s meet against Southern Methodist University. The Tigers won 7-4.

Auburn equestrian team competed in its season opener Friday against the Texas Christian University Horned Frogs in the morning and the Southern Methodist University Mustangs in the afternoon. Auburn defeated TCU 13-6 and SMU 7-4. “The team as a whole showed up to win,” said senior Hunt Seat rider Liza Luker. “All of us are in this together and everyone contributes something to make this team special. Everyone rode well, and our hard work and determination make these two very special wins.” Auburn won Hunt Seat Equitation Over Fences against TCU 4-1. Anna Schierholz was awarded MVP defeating Taylor Frederick 90-73. Maggie McAlary defeated Tassie Munroe 75-65. Grace Socha defeated Lauren Quiroz 87-82. Elise Fraza defeated Julie Skobel 85-75. Luker was the demonstrator. Auburn won Hunt Seat Equitation on the Flat against TCU 3-2. TCU’s Jessica Hagen was awarded MVP. Chelsea Anheuser defeated Julie Skobel 64-59. Maggie McAlary defeated Tassie Munroe 68-65. Katie Breedlove defeated Callie Selchau 63-48. Auburn won Western Horsemanship against TCU 4-0, and

Water polo splashes into season By DAVID CRAYTON Staff Writer

Some call it volleyball in the water. Others call it water basketball. Still others call it football with soccer mixed in. For those that play the game and know the sport, it is simply called water polo. Water polo, as the name implies, is a sport played in the water. President of the water polo club and senior Patrick Gilday said the sport is somewhat similar to basketball. “You have six players on each side and you have a goalie, so there are seven players in the water on each team,” Gilday said. “It’s similar to basketball where there’s no offense or defense, all six players go back and forth to play both sides, both offense and defense.” Gilday also said there are some soccer and volleyball similarities in the sport. “You can only touch the ball with one hand at a time, you got to catch and shoot with one hand,” Gilday said. “The ball can’t go underwater at anytime or it’s a turnover. The ball is similar to a volleyball.”

Auburn’s water polo team is a coed student organization that is open to all students and faculty. Gilday said it is a club sport and is not recognized by Auburn or part of the NCAA or SEC. Gilday said the water polo team’s regular season is in the fall and it consists of three tournaments. “The fall is our actual season, so we have three tournaments in the fall,” Gilday said. “There’s the two qualifying and then the championship. We generally play Southeastern Conference teams that have teams.” Gilday said the teams in its division are Vanderbilt, Clemson, Tennessee, Georgia Tech and Georgia. The sport is popular around the nation, especially on the West coast. “It’s most popular in California, out West and then up in the New England area,” Gilday said. “It’s probably the second most popular sport up in Connecticut. It’s growing down here, but it’s real big out West.” Mollie Krenik, senior member of the water polo team, said her favorite moments

are being around her teammates. “I have a great team and everybody is really energetic and funny,” Krenik said. “It kind of makes what our team is.” Krenik and the team function as a family unit. “I kind of feel like we all treat each other as brothers and sisters, in that one way or another,” Krenik said. “We all look out after each other. We all have each other’s back no matter what.” Krenik has prior experience playing water polo. “I’ve been playing for a year and a half at Auburn and I played for a year in high school,” Krenik said. Conner Bailey, faculty advisor and professor of rural sociology, said the team has limited faculty interaction. Bailey acts as a medium between the University and the team. “I am the interlace between the team and the University,” Bailey said. “I stay out of their way most of the time, but we interact on a regular basis.” According to the Auburn Web site, the water polo team practices Monday through Thursday 7 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.

MVP was given to Indy Roper. Texas Christian won Western Reining 3-2, but MVP was awarded to Auburn’s Paige Monfore. Lyndsey Jordan defeated Ashton Mikinas 69.5-67.5. Jillian Fuller defeated Chloe Baker 69.5-69. “I was very happy with my ride, because I beat my competitor by two points,” senior Western Rider Jordan said. “The rest of the team was amazing. The Western and Hunt Seat teams did great in both meets.” Auburn won Hunt Seat Equitation Over Fences 5-1 against SMU, and MVP was awarded to Schierholz with a score of 85. Anheuser defeated Lauren Lieberman 78-76. McAlary defeated Lucy Needham 79-70. Grace Socha defeated Emily Gardner 76-72, and Mallory Kolpin defeated Alex Roos 74-68. SMU won Hunt Seat Equitation on the Flat 3-2. Anheuser defeated Clair Wenholz 79-70. Lindsay Portela defeated Laura Ratliff 75-46. “I was happy to be awarded MVP, especially considering it is rare to receive two MVP’s in one day,” Schierholz said. “Winning MVP is about the last thing on my mind when I am entering the arena. I am concentrating solely on winning my point and helping the team win the meet.” The difference between Hunt Seat and Western is the type of saddle used, and each has different disciplines.

ANNA >From D1

“I ride with a bracelet that I’ve had since I was five in my left pocket and a peppermint in my right pocket,” Schierholz said. “Also, the socks that I wear under my boots are the same pair that I wore when we won the national championship in 2008.” Winning is expected on the equestrian team, as a team and individually. “I would like to make it to individual nationals, while at the same time helping the team to win another national championship,” Schierholz said.

Hunt Seat involves jumping and equitation on the flat. Western involves reining and horsemanship, which is based on the rider’s body position. Schierholz said she was thrilled with the team’s performance Friday, and the entire team came together to pull off the wins. “We have high hopes and really want to do well this year,” Jordan said. “This semester we do not have as many meets as we do second semester, so we want to keep our confidence and energy up. We have amazing girls and a lot of talent, so we are very excited.” Although early in the season, the team is already working toward its individual and group goals. “Our team goals are to win the overall national championship, and to win both the hunt seat and western competitions at nationals,” Schierholz said. “The season has just started, and we have all season to build toward nationals. Winning SEC’s would be a great experience also, considering they are at home this year.” At each meet, the Auburn equestrian team hosts events to keep the crowd entertained in between rides. These events include pony rides, painting ponies and building toy ponies. Auburn will host the University of South Carolina Friday, Oct. 2 at the Auburn Horse Center across from the Vet school on Wire Road.

She hopes more students will come to meets this season to support the equestrian team. “The Auburn Horse Center is located just down Wire from new row across from the Vet school,” Schierholz said. Equestrian meets are free to everyone, and students can earn two Auburn Ignited points for attending the matches. “We have an All Auburn All Orange meet coming up against Texas A&M Friday, Oct. 16, and we need everyone’s support to beat the Aggies,” Schierholz said. “We also have free pony rides for anyone who comes.”

Honors this week Football: Craig Stevens SEC Defensive Player of the Week

Soccer: Amy Howard SEC Freshman of the Week

Volleyball: Liz Crouch - SEC Defensive Player of the Week

The Auburn Plainsman SPORTS STAFF

9/25 vs. Louisiana State @ 6 p.m.


9/26 vs. Ball State @ 6 p.m.

PATRICK DEVER Assistant Editor

To reach the staff, call 334-844-9109.

The Auburn Plainsman

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sports, D3

AU plays to draw vs. No. 1 UNC By LINDSEY GRUBBS Staff Writer

Auburn University women’s soccer team tied in overtime to last year’s national champions, University of North Carolina, after a double-overtime loss to Duke University in the Duke Nike Cup Tournament at Durham, N.C. The first game of the tournament began Friday against Duke University when Auburn lost 2-1. “We played really well,” said head coach Karen Hoppa. “The biggest difference is that we couldn’t finish our chances. We got in behind their defense more than they got in behind ours, and we had those good looks from behind the defense, and we just couldn’t finish.” At two minutes into overtime Katy Frierson struggled to put the game away as her long-range shot into Duke’s goal was easily blocked. With 33 seconds remaining in the first overtime period, Rebecca Howell missed the goal by trying to shoot the ball wide. “After the loss at Duke we were upset,” said Amy Howard, freshman goalkeeper. “We knew we could of done a little better.” This was the third overtime match of the season for Auburn, leaving Duke with a record of 4-3-1. “They got one in the overtime with a little over two minutes to go, and that’s what really made the difference; it was unfortunate,” Hoppa said. “We’re better, and we knew we could of won, and it got away.” After the loss against Duke, Auburn had Saturday to recuperate before the game against UNC. With pool workouts and training sessions, Hoppa said it was a challenge to keep stamina up. “It was really tough because we were playing so well,” Hoppa said. “It was just a heartbreaker.”

Auburn faced game two of the tournament series against UNC Sunday, only the second time in school history that Auburn has faced a No.1 ranked team. “We had to get focused,” Howard said. “We had been playing good teams, but this was our test of top teams in the country.” Howard made a career-high 12 saves in the game against UNC after 40 shots were made to Auburn’s goal. Howard made a game-saving dive in the 96th minute to save the game to stay at a draw. “UNC game is different and is very good on the ball,” said Chelsea Yauch, senior midfielder and captain. “There are not a lot of weak players. We were definitely the underdogs, but it was a cool experience to be the underdogs.” In the beginning of overtime, Auburn’s backline made UNC play with long-range shots. During the second half of overtime UNC took 25 shots against Auburn causing Auburn’s defense to tighten up. “We definitely felt prepared and were excited for the opportunity to play Duke and UNC, who are two of the best soccer programs in soccer,” Hoppa said. “We were a little bit nervous, but we turned those nerves into some quality play.” The overtime match was the first for UNC this season and had not ended a scoreless game since Sept. 4, 2008, against Notre Dame. This was Auburn’s second tie against a top five team since 2008 leaving a record of (3-2-3) going into next week’s SEC schedule against Mississippi State. “We always want to win no matter what, but in the end it was a good result,” Yauch said. “This will help us in knowing that we can play the No. 1 team in the country and show the SEC what we are made of.”

Rod Guajardo / PHOTO EDITOR

Auburn soccer players celebrate after senior forward Becca Howell’s game winning goal against Texas Tech.

Soccer travels to Miss. State By LINDSEY GRUBBS Staff Writer

Auburn University women’s soccer team travels to Starkville, Miss., for the beginning of its SEC conference play against undefeated Mississippi State Friday. After playing the top teams in the country and playing the No.1 ranked University of North Carolina to a tie in double overtime, head coach Karen Hoopa said the team has already grown a lot since the beginning of the season. “We didn’t realize how good we can be until today (after the draw against UNC),” Hoppa said. “We shut out the No. 1 team in the country for the first time this year. Each week we have gotten better and better.” As Auburn prepares for Friday’s game, playing on the road is something the team takes into consideration. “We know that when you play on the road it is going to be that much harder,” said Chelsea Yauch, senior midfielder and captain. “We just try to get pumped up

and really excited on away trips because even though it is not your own home field, you have to play that much harder.” Hoppa said playing away games presents different challenges than playing at home, and the environment on the road is tough. “You are playing against a crowd cheering against you, the grass is different which makes the ball a little different and there is a little bit of flexibility on the size of the field,” Hoppa said. “Just like any sports it is harder to play on the road.” Mississippi State women’s soccer team is undefeated. The Bulldogs have outscored their opponents 12-4 in seven games this season. Hoppa said Auburn will have to set the same pace defensively Friday as when they tied the top team in the country, UNC. Hoppa also said Mississippi State will present a challenge offensively for the Auburn team and that work will not stop after the Duke Nike Cup tournament success.

“We have so many things good about us,” said Amy Howard, freshman goalkeeper. “We have a tremendous backline, strong midfield and center.” Hoppa said Auburn’s success can’t be defined on which side of the ball is stronger-offense or defense, but depends on the team’s leadership and chemistry. “I think as a team we have great chemistry,” Yauch said. “It starts with off the field and then it comes on the field. We have really good leadership.” Hoppa agreed with Yauch that good leaders make for good players. “You play better when you play for people you care about and get along with,” Hoppa said. The game against Mississippi State is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. and afterward the team will travel to play Ole Miss in Oxford, Miss., Sunday at 2 p.m. The Ole Miss game will be televised live on ESPNU. “We just want to take it one game at a time, focus on our game and play our best,” Howard said.

Pawlowski talks during Childhood Cancer Awareness Month By EMILY BECKETT Staff Writer

The purple streaks on Auburn baseball head coach John Pawlowski’s “We R Praying 4 MLP” wristband have faded, but his hope for his daughter Mary-Louise to be cancer-free one day has not. “This is my original (wristband),” Pawlowski said. “It’s faded a little bit because of being out in the sun so much, but I have never taken it off since November of 2007.” One month before, MaryLouise was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer known as PNET (primitive neuroectodermal tumor) cancer. She was 13 years old. “When we found out that she had cancer, it was an absolute shock,” Pawlowski said. “It’s something that you hear, see and read about, but you’re never prepared for when it falls into your lap.” What began as a pain in her side after volleyball practice one afternoon quickly developed into a mass about the size of a softball. “The doctors did an X-ray and thought she had pneumonia,” Pawlowski said. “They treated it that way and, four weeks later, her side was still bothering her.” Pawlowski said they took Mary-Louise back to the doctors for more X-rays, which is when they discovered it was not pneumonia, but a tumor that had grown exponentially since she first noticed the pain in her side. Pawlowski said the tumor metastasized in Mary-Louise’s chest wall. “(The doctors) determined that they had to get it out, but they had to shrink it,”

Pawlowski said. “In 2008, she went through 12 rounds of chemo, when the tumor was small enough, they felt they could go in there and take it out.” Pawlowski said the doctors continued all of MaryLouise’s chemotherapy treatments after they removed the tumor. “She finished every round of chemo,” Pawlowski said. Then in December 2008, Pawlowski said Mary-Louise faced a life-threatening setback from her chemotherapy. “Her immune system was down so low that she developed an infection, so she went into septic shock and was in ICU for 38 days,” Pawlowski said. Pawlowski said Mary-Louise was in such critical condition she had to relearn simple motor functions such as walking, talking and writing. “When she was in ICU, there were some touchy moments…when we weren’t sure if she was going to make it, but she just kept getting better and better,” Pawlowski said. “She had to start over.” Pawlowski said he remembers writing Mary-Louise messages on a dry-erase board during her rehabilitation. “From that moment to where she is today, getting up and going to school,” Pawlowski said, “it’s truly remarkable.” Pawlowski said Mary-Louise has made a remarkable recovery since leaving the hospital and going back to school. “For almost two years, she was with none of her peers or friends because she was in the hospital so much and

almost kind of isolated,” Pawlowski said. “She missed out on some time, but we’re just so thankful that she is making great progress.” Pawlowski said the collective support from people, many of whom he and his family do not know personally, has helped them cope with Mary-Louise’s illness. “You realize there are so many good people out there that want to help and want to be part of it,” Pawlowski said. “People around you can make a big difference.” Pawlowski said Mary-Louise was apprehensive at first about people knowing she had cancer. “At first when it happened, Mary-Louise didn’t want anybody to know,” Pawlowksi said. “But then, the more she started talking about it, she realized that maybe her story could help somebody else. She realized that you can’t run and hide.” Pawlowski said shortly after he and his family began wearing the “We R Praying 4 MLP” wristbands — the proceeds of which benefit MaryLouise’s foundation — many of their friends and acquaintances ordered them. “Next thing you know, I was handing them out left and right,” Pawlowski said. “It’s just amazing people that come out.” Pawlowski said a lot of the Auburn baseball players wear the wristbands to show their support for Mary-Louise. “The players have been so, so supportive,” Pawlowski said. “When I got here, I told them the story of MaryLouise, and they always ask. They’re always a part of it.” Pawlowski said many of

the players participated in a Strike Out Cancer 5K run sponsored by the Diamond Dolls last spring. All proceeds from the run went to the cancer center at the East Alabama Medical Center in Opelika. “The reason we wanted to do the Strike Out Cancer run,” said Megan Collins, vice president of Diamond Dolls, “was to show the Pawlowski family how much the Diamond Dolls and the entire Auburn community care about them and support them through such a difficult time.” Pawlowski said such encouraging gestures have renewed his family’s faith in a better future for Mary-Louise. “It’s just good to know that people support it,” Pawlowski said. “I know Mary-Louise and our family have forever been changed because of this.” Pawlowski has also contributed his time and energy to his daughter’s cause. He said he ran a marathon last year and raised $10,000 in Mary-Louise’s name. Pawlowski said he also raised enough donations to buy a blanket warmer for the hospital Mary-Louise goes to for check-ups and treatments. “(She) was always saying it was so cold in there,” Pawlowski said. “Just little things that we can do to help because so many people have helped her.” Pawlowski said Mary-Louise’s two sisters have been sources of constant love and support throughout her experience. “They probably don’t even realize they have played a

major role in helping her,” Pawlowski said. “They have kept her upbeat and going every day.” Pawlowski said he believes in the saying, “Life is a gift, not a guarantee.” Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in children under the age of 15 in the U.S. “We’re very fortunate because the statistics are not great,” Pawlowski said. “The doctors have all said that Mary-Louise is a miracle (because) she is still with us today.” Other members of the Auburn family who have dealt with cancer have not been as fortunate. The swimming and diving teams have lost coaches Ralph Crocker and Richard Quick to cancer within the last two years. “The (athletes) were already a family, but now they’re even closer,” said Katie Newton, a senior in nutrition and dietetics and president of Tiger Splashers. “The men went on to win the NCAAs. It’s like they were doing it for Richard and Ralph.” Pawlowski said cancer has a chance to affect anybody and everybody, no matter who they are, what they do or where they live. “Cancer has no boundaries,” Pawlowski said. “It’s devastating when you find out (and) it’s devastating to the people around you.” Pawlowski said he has gone through a variety of emotions including anger and frustration, but he realized he needed to focus on how to cope with the situation instead of trying to understand why. “It’s not necessarily what

happens to you or what the circumstances are; it’s how you choose to react to it,” Pawlowski said. “You’ve got to stand up and maybe provide some inspiration and hope for somebody else who is going through this.” That is precisely what Pawlowski and his family have done. Pawlowski said Mary-Louise has not allowed cancer to put a damper on her plans. “Children have an unparalleled desire to live and to just be children,” Pawlowski said. Pawlowski said Mary-Louise has come to Auburn for football games and had the chance recently to show off her full head of hair in a family friend’s wedding. “Mary-Louise has big dreams and aspirations,” Pawlowski said. “She still goes back for her scans and check-ups, but she is progressing very well (and) enjoying life every day.” As for her father, Pawlowski said he tries to lead by example for his players on the baseball field. “You’re put in these situations, and you have to lead and set a good example,” Pawlowski said. “I say that I’m a coach, but I also feel that coaches are teachers. (My) classroom is the baseball field.” Pawlowski said baseball has helped him appreciate simple things in life such as putting on a uniform and playing on a field with green grass and dirt. “We’re competing for a game, (but) people out there are competing for the game of life,” Pawlowski said. “It’s really kept things in perspective.”

Sports, D4

The Auburn Plainsman

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Kickin’ it with Amy Berbary By ABBY ALBRIGHT

of .691 and a NCAA TournaSports Editor ment appearance in her first season. Before wearing orange Berbary said the aspect and blue and cheering “War of coaching she most enjoys Eagle,” women’s soccer assis- having a positive impact on tant coach Amy the players and Berbary donned watching them grow and sucAuburn’s familceed as people. iar Southeastern Prior to DayConference riton, the Alval Georgia’s red pharetta, Ga., and black. native had the Berbary is in chance to be her second year head coach for on head coach two seasons at Karen Hoppa’s Gainesville High coaching staff BERBARY School in Gainesand said she enville, Ga. joys life on The Plains. While there, she was twice “It is awesome,” Berbary said. “I have to admit putting named the Region 7AAA on the orange and blue when Coach of the Year and the I first got here was a little 2004 Women’s Soccer Coach tough being a UGA alum, but of the Year by the Gainesville the staff I work with, the play- Times. At Auburn, Berbary took ers I coach and the University itself make everyday special. over the familiar role of reI cannot imagine myself any- cruiting coordinator, a position she also served as at where else.” Berbary graduated from Dayton. One of Berbary’s passions Georgia in 2002 and finished her career third on Georgia’s since her arrival in Auburn is all-time scoring list with 26 the Alabama Olympic Development program. goals. In 2008, Berbary followed in Berbary, a forward, led the team in scoring for three Hoppa’s footsteps by coaching six players at the Dana straight seasons. Before coming to Auburn, Cup in Hjorring, Denmark. “(I want) to do anything Berbary spent four years and everything to help the coaching at Dayton. During her time at Dayton, team achieve all of the goals Berbary helped them to a they have set for this season,” four-year winning percentage Berbary said.


Getting to know Berbary ...

Some of the Soccer Sweethearts after callouts Sept. 16, the hostesses now have more than 100 members.

Soccer Sweethearts kick off fall season

1. What is your favorite Auburn tradition? The soaring of the eagle around Jordan-Hare Stadium before football games.


2. BlackBerry or iPhone? BlackBerry

Staff Writer

The Soccer Sweethearts recently named their 20092010 members and have begun preparing for the fall 2009 soccer season. The primary function of the Auburn Soccer Sweethearts is to support Auburn club men’s soccer. “There is no funding from the school, so we have to fundraise,” said Sweetheart Laura Garikes. “We use the income to help pay travel and we go to all of the games to support the team.” The hostesses participate in recruiting opportunities in the fall for both the Sweethearts and Men’s Club Soccer alike, including the recent ODays on the Concourse. Because Men’s Club Soccer is not sponsored by the school, in order to grow a stronger support system Garikes said they put up fliers advertising the upcoming games. In addition, they have activities such as auctions in

3. Favorite food? Pizza 4. What do you do in your free time? Watch football, hang out with friends, shop till I drop, travel and dominate at the game Catch Phrase. 5. Favorite genre of music? Top 40 and rap 6. Favorite TV show? LOST 7. Favorite place to eat in Auburn? Mellow Mushroom 8. Favorite sport to watch besides soccer? College football 9. Favorite college soccer memory? Playing in the Sweet Sixteen of the NCAA Tournament in 1998 while playing at the University of Georgia. 10. How do you describe success? For me success is the product of hard work, commitment and continuous improvement of the things you enjoy.

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Helen Northcutt Intrigue Editor 22-8

Lindsey Davidson Editor 21-9

Ben Bartley Copy Editor 21-9 Auburn Ole Miss LSU Alabama Miami UGA Florida Buffalo Notre Dame Georgia Tech

the spring and socials, which help the members of the team as well as the Sweethearts to have the chance to get to know each other better in a more relaxed, slowpaced setting. The process of joining Soccer Sweethearts is as simple as following a few steps. “First, the officers hold an informational meeting for any interested,” said freshman and new member Mercedes Linton. “Following the informational meeting, the ones that wished to continue picked up their applications, and after that, the interviews were held.” While it would be beneficial to have some knowledge of soccer, the Sweethearts welcome women of all sports backgrounds. “No knowledge is needed to be successful in the interview process.” said Jodi Reynolds, Sweethearts president. Since the callouts Sept. 16, the Soccer Sweethearts have 130 members, 52 of which were named as new additions to the group.

Auburn Ole Miss LSU Alabama Miami UGA Florida Buffalo Notre Dame Georgia Tech Ellison Langford News Editor 20-10

Abby Albright Sports Editor 20-10

Auburn Ole Miss LSU Arkansas Va. Tech UGA Florida Buffalo Notre Dame UNC

Rod Guajardo Photo Editor 19-11

Natalie Wade Managing Editor 19-11

Auburn Ole Miss LSU Alabama Miami UGA Florida Buffalo Notre Dame UNC Brittany Cosby Campus Editor 18-12

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Auburn Ole Miss LSU Arkansas Va. Tech UGA Florida Buffalo Notre Dame UNC Andrew Sims Online Editor 17-13

Cliff McCollum Opinions Editor 17-13

Auburn Ole Miss Mississippi State Arkansas Va. Tech UGA Florida Temple Purdue UNC Kevin Saucier Multimedia Editor 15-15

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A Plainsman Tradition Plainsman staff members make picks each week about which college football teams will win. The staff members will move up or down on the tree, depending on how many games they pick correctly. Week 3 Auburn vs. Ball State South Carolina vs. Ole Miss Mississippi State vs. LSU Alabama vs. Arkansas Virginia Tech vs.

Miami (Fla.) UGA vs. Arizona State Kentucky vs. Florida Temple vs. Buffalo Purdue vs. Notre Dame Georgia Tech vs. North Carolina

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Auburn Plainsman

Sports, D5

The Auburn Plainsman

Sports, D6

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Rod Guajardo / PHOTO EDITOR

An Auburn fan imitates wide receivers coach Trooper Taylor by displaying his replica “Trooper Towel” during Saturday’s 41-30 victory against the West Virginia Mountaineers.

Students excited by Trooper Towels, new traditions By CRYSTAL COLE Staff Writer

Fans that haven’t been to a game recently may be surprised at what they now see after a touchdown—towels mixed in with the traditional orange and blue shakers. Rob Silverii, a senior in building sciences, and two friends are distributing “Trooper Towels” to the Auburn faithful. “It’s a great way to bring publicity to the University and hopefully help with recruiting,” Silverii said. He came up with the idea during the season opener with his friends, Daniel Dre-

her, a senior in mechanical ed brainstorming ideas. engineering, and Hunter HarThey drew their inspiration ris, a senior in from the Pittsaccounting. burgh Steelers’ “Terrible Silverii I think it Towel” that has said he and been a fan fahis friends will be contagious vorite for years. watched wide After the r e c e i v e r s just because of the they coach Trooper passion of the fans.” game, started a Web Taylor on the sidelines wavTrooper Taylor, site to get the ing his towel wide receivers coach word out about the Trooper to energize Towel, trooperplayers. They thought bringing Silverii said in the first towels to the game would be a great way to show their couple of days they sold 150 support for the new coaching towels and, before the week staff. was out, they had an order After the game, they start- for 5,000.

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“It’s been incredible,” Silverii said. “People just e-mail us that they want the towel in their store.” In addition to being sold online, the 11 x 17” towels are being sold in bookstores around Auburn. Silverii said he wasn’t trying to favor one coach over the other and that “Trooper Towel” had a nice ring to it. As part of the new coaching staff, Taylor said he was flattered and impressed with the idea. “I think it will be contagious just because of the passion of the fans,” Taylor said. Taylor said he always uses a towel to get players moti-

vated, and his dad used to pop him with a towel when Taylor needed to pick up his step. As for the Trooper Towel, he said he thinks it is a great way to get the fans even more excited during a game and hopes it will bring the fans closer to the team and the new coaches. “Gene (Chizik) has told us a thousand times that when he was here it was all about the family, and it just feels good to be a part of it,” Taylor said. Jordan Miller, a sophomore in international business and marketing, sees the towels from both sides. “Nothing will ever replace

the shaker for me, but it’s cool that they are supportive of the new guys,” Miller said. Silverii said he wants fans to understand that he is not trying to upstage any other Auburn tradition, but rather make new ones with head coach Gene Chizik’s staff. “This is a fan-driven movement and it is not anything to compete with the shakers,” Silverii said. “It’s just a way to support the team and the staff.” Taylor is not receiving any money from the towels, but asked that a percentage of the profits be donated to charity in exchange for using his name.

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