Camp War Eagle 2021 — The Auburn Plainsman

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Auburn Plainsman

camp war eagle 2021



The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021

Summer 2021


Getting involved with a campus organization is a great way to meet others, build your resume and learn skills future employers seek. Whether you are interested in community service, saving the bees, building robots or growing as a leader, Student Involvement has a community for everyone. With more than 550 student-led organizations, we make it easy to discover your path at Auburn.

involvement BRANCHES • • • • •

Service Programs Emerge Leadership Programs Student Governance Student Organizations Student Programming Student Media

Log on to browse all organizations today!


don’t miss


AUGUST 9 - 20



Welcome Week and The First 56 provide a wide variety of free events, free food, and fun to help you connect and build community during your first weeks on campus! Get engaged from the beginning!

Summer 2021

The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021


The Auburn Plainsman table of contents WELCOME TO AUBURN the Loveliest Village on The Plains

6 7 8 9

A letter from Auburn University President Jay Gogue

24 25 27

THE BASICS info to make your transition to Auburn a little easier

10 11 13

what you need to know to stay safe, healthy and happy

14 15 17 18 19

Mental health services at Auburn Academic resources if you’re in a pinch Staying safe on campus and around town

29 30 31

How to find a club or organization on campus Organization feature: Get Plugged In

Everything you need to know about food trucks New restaurants open in Auburn

get to know Auburn the town

32 34 35 36

Get to know your local government


Exploring downtown Opelika

How to become one with nature Weekend alternatives to partying Top date spots around town Where to go thrifting around Auburn


Title IX information

making freshman year not suck

Column: The best places to eat on campus


Column: Seven ways to deal with homesickness


where to eat on and off campus

Handy acronyms from around Auburn


Navigating the Haley Center


A guide to Auburn traditions 2021 Auburn football schedule

Tips for gameday Making your way around the library

A letter from Auburn Mayor Ron Anders A letter from 2021–2022 SGA President Rett Waggoner Welcome to The Plains: A column by multimedia editor Trice Brown

Keeping houseplants in your dorm

a look ahead to this year’s seasons

41 43 45

Players to watch this season 2021 football depth chart A letter from football coach Bryan Harsin A letter from volleyball coach Brent Crouch


The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021

Summer 2021

Summer 2021

The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021


The mission of your student-run paper By EVAN MEALINS Editor-in-chief

Incoming freshmen, I’m sure it’s not lost on you that what may be the biggest change in your life so far comes during a time of other momentous change. The effects of the pandemic are still felt in everything we do, from the way school to business is carried out; demands for change to institutional inequalities have been made in all corners of the country; and the typical college experience has been put on hold and only now shows signs of returning soon. The Plainsman has not been exempt from this season of change. Earlier this year, we chose to eliminate The Plainsman’s weekly print paper, the biggest change in its 128year history. But The Plainsman has never shied away from change. (We cover the news; change is all we do.) Throughout this change, our aim at The Plainsman has not waivered: To devote our-

selves entirely to the pursuit of truth for the sake of keeping you, the reader, informed, something that has not changed since our founding in 1893. The Plainsman does not take any of your student fees nor your tuition, and our editorial independence allows us to pursue that goal to its fullest extent through our articles, photos, podcasts and videos. We are here to provide context on new University policies, keep you updated on the actions of the City Council and give insight into the decisions that affect you every day. We are here as a reliable source when news breaks and you’re concerned; we’re here to keep the big man in check when the little man is oppressed; and we’re here to share the harsh truth that sometimes hurts to write. We do this because we care about Auburn. We have seen both the good and bad in this town and University, and from my experience, I can say Auburn is a special place

in which the former outweighs the latter. I hope that during your four years here you’ll find the same. But I’ve got to break something to you: What makes Auburn special isn’t anything inherent. It’s the people. It’s the starting quarterback, your professor, your roommate, the hourly worker at your favorite restaurant, and — don’t forget this — it’s you. All of these people and their stories make Auburn what it is. It’s our job to listen to the beautiful, complicated people of this town and help you get to know them, one story at a time. The wearied sighs of the aggrieved and the screams of the rejoicing are welcomed all the same, and we are here to serve as the voice for each of them. We do all of this because we care about the people here. Our job as reporters, but more importantly as people, is to listen in empathy and do our best to understand those around us.

So, to help you get to know those folks behind the bylines, here’s a little bit about us: We’re normal students, just like you. We dread waking up for our 8 a.m.s, forget about assignments, sometimes go out when we need to write an essay and probably drink too much coffee. Also, we aren’t all future journalists. Engineers, doctors and lawyers have all spent four years in this windowless office in the Student Center, and there will be many more to come. Our staff all have different backgrounds and represent diverse races, identities, beliefs, religions and majors. And like you, The Plainsman will inevitably make mistakes, but we work to make sure that most of the time, we don’t. In both your and our ups and downs during this exciting, nerve-wracking, hopefully joyous four years, we’ll be there. We hope you follow along with us, because everything we do depends on your trust, your readership and above all, your story. FILE PHOTO

Summer 2021 Staff

The Auburn Plainsman

P Winner of 26 Pacemaker Prizes


Editor-in-chief: Evan Mealins Content Editor: Charlie Ramo Opinion Editor: Destini Ambus Social Media Editor: Abby Cunningham Photo Editor: Ireland Dodd Campus Editor: Emery Lay Podcast Editor: My Ly Sports Editor: Jake Weese


Kristen Carr Chris Divelbiss Josh Herring Maddie Edwards Michael Floyd David Shannon

Contact Us:

Photographers Brooke Fucito Shelby Bircheat Laura Silvernail

Social Media Andreya Ash


Ad Manager: Owen Bullington Cole Hamilton Ellie Becker

Copy Editors Virginia Speirs Katy Kindley

News Desk: Advertising Office:

255 Heisman Drive 1111, AU Student Center Auburn, AL 36849


The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021

Summer 2021

letter to the editor: Welcome from University President Jay Gogue By JAY GOGUE Auburn University President

Dear students, It is my pleasure to welcome you to Auburn! This past year has been unlike any in our lives. Many of you may not have been able, due to COVID-19 restrictions, to have a traditional senior year with all of the high school milestones, such as homecoming, prom or graduation. However, I’ve been amazed at your generation’s resilience in adapting to change when faced with unparalleled challenges. Those qualities will prove to be invaluable in your time at Auburn. We’ve been working hard to ensure your on-campus experience is the one you are expecting. As we announced in April, the university anticipates returning to a full in-person, on-campus academic and student life experience for fall 2021. You


can expect that your courses will be delivered in the way that resembles a typical fall semester. Your professors will enable you to broaden your experiences and hone your capabilities through theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Get to know them. They love what they do and want the best for you. In addition to being experts in their fields, they know what it’s like to balance studies, work and a social life. They are great mentors. Many of these relationships will last a lifetime. We also expect elements of campus life that involve groups of people, such as housing, dining, recreation, events, travel and transportation, to return to more normal operations. I encourage you to not only regularly attend class, but to get involved in student organizations. Your Auburn experience is what you make it. Your camp counselors have a wealth of ideas on how you can be a part of something that’s right for you. Studies consistently show that students involved in the life of the institution outside the classroom are happier and make better grades. With more than 500 campus organizations, there’s at least one that’s a perfect fit. I welcome you to the Auburn Family and look forward to seeing you around campus.







Summer 2021

The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021


letter to the editor: Mayor Ron Anders welcomes students to Auburn By RON ANDERS Mayor of Auburn

Welcome to the Plains! We are excited to see so many new faces in town as you become acquainted with Auburn. Some of you have lived here your whole lives, as I have, and made the decision to stay in your city and discover all it has to offer young adults. We look forward to having all of you here as you live and study in Auburn! Whether you reside on or off campus, you’ll have plenty of time to explore Auburn University’s grounds. Within the school’s halls, greenspaces and athletic fields you’ll find history, knowledge and storied traditions. One of those traditions will bring you to Toomer’s Corner with the rest of the Auburn Family to celebrate team wins together, and I hope to see you there. The City maintains a lasting and meaningful relationship with Auburn University that has enriched our community in so many ways. Some recent examples of our collaboration include the state-of-the-art Gogue Performing Arts Center as well as a new medical facility with an ER and surgery center that will soon be opened on campus and managed by our local hospital, East Alabama Medical Center. While there are many great things happening on campus, I encourage you to venture into other areas of our city, which was recently named by The Milken Institute as one of the Best Performing Small Cities in 2021. You’ll find the heart of Auburn to be a flourishing downtown made up of many hardworking business owners of local eateries, boutiques, bookstores and coffee shops. They




look forward to welcoming you into their spaces. Beyond downtown, you’ll find more evidence of our thriving business community, with many great retailers and restaurants to support. Auburn has beautiful parks in which to walk, jog or rest, and our community centers are open daily to give you access to fitness areas and art programs. Find out all that our Parks and Recreation Department has to offer by visiting parks. You can keep up with the latest news and events by receiving texts or email notifications sent through the City’s eNotifier. Subscribe at enotifier. You can also engage with us on social media by following @CityofAuburnAL. Our City Council meetings are streamed live on YouTube and Facebook and take place the first and third Tuesdays of every month. Tune in to watch your local government at work! Next year a municipal election will take place. Find out which ward you live in and where to vote by typing your address into the app at the bottom of our website at If you live off-campus, you can learn your trash pickup day through this app, and we hope you’ll take advantage of our topnotch recycling services that we offer curbside or at our recycling center on North Donahue Drive. I look forward to seeing all of you around town. Please say hello if you see me, and don’t hesitate to reach out at or at my office at City Hall, 334-501-7259. I want to be available to all Auburn residents, which includes you. I am glad you chose to spend this chapter of your life at Auburn, and I wish you all the best of luck! War Eagle!







The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021

Summer 2021

letter to the editor:

Ten lessons from the SGA president CO





Dear Class of ‘25,

Rett Waggoner, senior in finance, is the SGA president for the 2021-22 school year. He ran on the platform of “student empowerment, SGA usefulness and the individual student experience.”



Rett Waggoner, SGA President ‘22



War Eagle and God Bless!



When I trace back the time I’ve spent here at Auburn University, it’s tough to sort through the awesome memories I’ve made and the valuable lessons I’ve learned. It’s taken me plenty of failures and successes to learn them, as it will for you, but you’ve got a whole lot of time to do it. I have no doubt that you will learn a thing or two during your time here as well, but to offer a bit of a head start, I’ve thought of the ten most influential lessons I’ve learned so far: Lesson one: Sometimes you’ve got to bite the bullet. There will be days when you find yourself in RBD, dazed and confused, staring at a textbook just hoping to get some shut-eye. It’s in those moments that you have an opportunity to dig deep and push through, and those will be the moments that define your years while you’re here. Lesson two: The Auburn Family is always around. Whether you’re in Selma or San Francisco, a Friend of Auburn is not far away. The Auburn Family stretches far and wide and will always be there to greet you with a friendly “War Eagle.” Lesson three: Never underestimate the human touch. An Auburn Man or Woman knows the value of some kind words or a friendly gesture … it is that Human Touch that will make the biggest difference in your friendships here on The Plains. Lesson four: Learn to roll with the punches. Sometimes life will throw you a real haymaker … when it does, you may have a knot on your head, but you can get back up. Lesson five: Go to athletic events. Whether it’s a football game or a gymnastics meet, an Auburn win can be a real memory maker. Lesson six: Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Life isn’t always like the movies, and the world isn’t always PG. Never be afraid to ask for help during the hard times … everyone needs it at one point or another. Lesson seven: Say thank you. Take the time to thank the people around you … the ones who got you to where you are now and the ones helping you move forward. Lesson eight: Spend time on campus. We have incredible resources available for us on campus. The students who take advantage of those and spend time on campus when possible are proven to be more successful. Lesson nine: Don’t forget to have fun! Auburn is your pitstop before the real world truly hits. Make some memories with your friends and enjoy your time here. Lesson ten: Take it all in. Four years will go faster than you know, and Auburn is a special place, so take time to appreciate it while you can. Go sit on Samford Lawn one day and take lots of walks around campus. Class of ‘25, thinking of all that waits ahead of you makes me a little jealous that I can’t do it all again. I hope you are all eagerly anticipating the journey you’re about to start and the lessons you will learn yourselves. If I can ever help any of you, don’t hesitate to ask!

Summer 2021

The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021



Welcome to The Plains By TRICE BROWN Multimedia Editor

Here’s the part where I say a cliche. “Get ready for the best years of your life!” or “Buckle up!” or maybe a safe “War Eagle!” It’s probably all you’ve been hearing, whether that’s during Camp War Eagle or when following a backwards-walking tour guide who’s educating you on the history of Auburn’s campus and traditions. I remember my tour guide, years ago, teaching us about all of Auburn’s cultural myths: If you kiss in front of the lathe and it moves, it’s true love. If you step on the seal in front of Langdon Hall, you’ll be cursed to never finish in four years. (I must have stepped on it by accident.)

If you are cursed, swim naked in the president’s fountain at midnight on a leap year, and the curse will be lifted. It was fun to peer into the world I was about to enter and see something already made, something I could immediately be a part of. Reality, though, is always a little more complicated than myth. The world I’ve been in the past three years is not the one I saw on tours, where every greeting is replaced with “War Eagle!” It’s one I’ve created myself; it’s more personal. I think it’s better that way. College is — cliche incoming — a land of opportunity. The things that are most important are the things you create with the people you meet. When I think about my Auburn experience, I think about the shared meaning I’ve created with friends and the passions we’ve developed together. I think about the time we’ve wasted, shirking work and getting coffee. I think about the long drives, the long nights

we’ve spent, sometimes working though often not. I think about how I’m a product of everything around me: the friends, the professors, the classmates and, I suppose, even the traditions that usually make me roll my eyes. I think this is the part where I use the wisdom that I suddenly have to impart some sacred knowledge onto you, something to guide you toward the right path as you start your journey. But the truth is I know nothing about you. I can’t tell you what you should do or where you should go. The only thing I can think to say is this: find some other part of yourself. Try things you never thought you would or maybe something you’ve always wanted to try but doubted if you could. When I came to Auburn, I’d never written for a newspaper, but it was somewhere where I thought I could find out something new about myself. I’m so glad I was right. Whatever you choose, I hope you are right too. COLE TANGYE | PHOTOGRAPHER




MacBook Pro!

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The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021

Summer 2021

Nine Auburn traditions you need to know By JILLIAN MINOR Campus Writer

Tiger Walk

Ring Night

The Tiger Walk at Auburn is one of the most notable game day traditions. Two hours before each home football game, fans congregate along South Donahue Drive to cheer on the football team as they walk from the Athletics Complex to Jordan-Hare Stadium.

During Ring Night, students with over 75 hours completed place their Auburn rings on the seal from 6:56 p.m., to symbolize 1856, the year of Auburn’s founding , until the time that represents their graduation year to absorb the history of the University. Days after the ceremony, students dip their rings into the president’s fountain to remove the curse of the seal. Students wear their rings with the words “Auburn University” turned inwards until they graduate and then turn the emblem to face out as proud alumni.


Aubie Aubie, the mascot of the Auburn Tigers, has long served as a representative and leader of the Auburn spirit. Aubie can be seen at athletic events, campus events or just walking around campus.


Toomer’s Corner


Toomer’s Corner is a landmark special to the Auburn community located at the intersection of Magnolia Avenue and College Street. After sporting wins, Auburn fans flock to the famous oak trees to celebrate by rolling them with toilet paper.

Students selected for positions in certain organizations on campus come to the steps of Katherine Cooper Cater Hall to hear their name be called in a tradition that celebrates involvement and camaraderie.

Hey Day

“War Eagle”

Hey Day is one day each year in which students wear name tags around campus and say “hey” to everyone they pass. This tradition brings to light the community aspect of the University and brings students together.

Among Auburn University’s many traditions is the saying “War Eagle” which comes with cheers at sporting events, kickoffs at football games and greetings between Auburn fans. “War Eagle” is the battle cry of Auburn and has come to symbolize the Auburn spirit. The saying, “War Eagle,” symbolizes another Auburn tradition, the eagle flight. At the start of football games in Jordan-Hare Stadium, an eagle is released to fly around the stadium before making its way down to the field as the crowd lets out a loud “War Eagle.”

Langdon Seal The seal is located in front of Langdon Hall near Toomer’s Corner. Legend says that if a student steps on the seal, he or she will not graduate in four years nor find their true love at the University and will be cursed with seven future generations of Alabama fans.

The Auburn Creed The Auburn Creed is the core idea of what the University and its students represent, according to the University’s website. George Petrie, former Auburn professor and coach of the University’s first football team, wrote the Creed in 1943, detailing the meaning of the Auburn spirit.



A bird’s eye view of the seal in front of Langdon Hall.

Summer 2021

The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021

AUMC = Auburn University Medical Clinic For the times when you feel terrible, the Medical Clinic is where you should go. According to their website, a variety of resources fall under the Med Clinic’s purview, from average doctor appointments to the Miller Center, which help with basic musculoskeletal injuries, to updates on COVID resources, if needed.

COSAM = College of Science and Mathematics

SCPS = Student Counseling and Psychological Services The pandemic took a toll on a lot of people’s mental health. SCPS has a variety of services from individual therapy to group therapy and even therapy dogs, but more on that on page 14.

CWE = Camp War Eagle Camp War Eagle is an orientation for incoming Auburn students. It is designed to introduce you to Auburn’s campus life as well as greeting you to the Auburn Family. You might just be experiencing it right now.

RBD = Ralph Brown Draughon Library API = Alabama Polytechnic Institute This was the pre-Auburn University. This name was what Auburn was called from 1899 through 1960. According to Auburn’s “About Auburn” page, before API it was the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama, and before that. the East Alabama Male College. These were the two major degrees for Auburn and you can still find reference of this on Samford Hall.

Here, you will likely spend many hours studying over the next 4 years. The library offers many spaces such as the quiet floor and study rooms that are individual rooms students can reserve for privacy. Mell Classrooms are also attached to the front part of the library and where you may have some lecture classes.

If you don’t partake in business, math, sciences or education, this might be where you end up. The College of Liberal Arts includes majors like psychology, economics, public relations, English and art. This also may seem a little out there, but professional flight is under this college as well.

According to their website, this college includes majors like medicine and pre-veterinary along with majors involved in biological sciences, chemistry, geography, mathematics, statistics and physics. I have always wondered what this one was and now with researching to write this I finally get to know.

OID = Office of Inclusion and Diversity According to their website, the Office of Inclusion and Diversity makes it their focus to “[build] unity, equity, and inclusion in the Auburn University community.” They offer certain WDE = War scholarships, programs, training Damn Eagle and events for greater diversity “War Damn Eagle” is a thing and to provide education we say because football is importon inclusivity. ant, and you may see WDE on some decor as well. I have been here for 3 years and have yet to go to a football game. I know it’s a sin, but luckily there is more about sports on pages 40-48.

UPC = University Program Council CLA = College of Liberal Arts


The University Program Council coordinates events to make campus life more fun for students. According to their AUinvolve page, this can range from a variety of events from movie nights to concerts. They also help out with the events campus throws for Welcome Week, which is held the first week of classes to welcome new and returning students.

SGA = Student Government Association SGA is the student body government for Auburn University. They collectively communicate the voice of the students to Auburn’s administration, faculty and staff. According to their webpage, they have three branches: the executive, legislative and judicial. There’s also Freshman Forum, which is a body of 45 freshmen who provide feedback for SGA based on their first-year experiences.

Handy acronyms for around Auburn University By ABIGAIL MURPHY Online Editor


The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021

Summer 2021

FROM YOUR BSU FAMILY, WELCOME TO THE PLAINS! We are so excited that you have selected Auburn University to be your home for the next four years and we can’t wait to share in the memories that will make up your college experience. Black Student Union has been a staple on this campus since 1984. Since then, we have welcomed thousands of high-achieving scholastic students, just like you, to participate in making Auburn University the diverse and captivating campus that makes our beautiful state of Alabama proud! We know this last year has affected not only the Auburn Family, but the entire globe during this unfortunate health crisis. While the pandemic has physically and socially distanced us from the college experience we know and love, it has brought us closer together in ways we never truly imagined. We have stood firmly together against unequal opportunity and justice, not only as an organization but as a university, so that we can continue to cultivate a climate that is committed to producing successful and culturally competent leaders for today’s society. BSU is also a close-knit community of over 1000 students willing to explore the many different backgrounds and identities this campus has to offer. We host a countless number of partnerships across campus with a variety of student organizations. This allows us to honor our mission statement of Unity Through Education and to provide our members with a springboard of opportunity to share their passions and talents with all of Auburn. We urge all Auburn students to get involved with BSU! Whether that be attending our weekly General Assemblies on Monday at 5pm for food, games, and fellowship or one of our many staple events such as Soul Food Bazaar and Jazz and Poetry Night, all are welcome. We wish you the best in your first year at Auburn and we can’t wait to see you all!

War Eagle! Your BSU Family

Summer 2021

The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021


auburn football 2021 schedule





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9/4 9/11 9/18 9/25 10/2 10/9 10/16 10/23 10/30 11/6 11/13 11/20 11/27

Akron Alabama State at Penn State Georgia State at LSU Georgia at Arkansas BYE WEEK Ole Miss at Texas A&M Mississippi State at USC Alabama

______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______


Head coach Bryan Harsin speaks to his players following the 2021 Auburn Football A-Day scrimmage on Saturday, April 17, 2021, in Auburn, Ala.


The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021

Summer 2021

Mental health services offered on campus By BECCA BENNER Campus Writer

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has said that mental health is as important as your physical health. “Mental health is extremely important because it affects how we think, feel and act in our daily lives,” said Christy Newberry, licensed psychologist with Auburn University’s Student Counseling and Psychological Services. Not only does it affect how we think, feel and act, but it also influences many areas of people’s lives such as challenges, stressors and difficult situations. Newberry mentioned some specific stressors or triggers faced by college students, including a lack of social connection which can lead to isolation and loneliness. Some other stressors mentioned by Newberry include missed opportunities, uncertainty about the viabil-

ity or economic security of a future career, current financial stress, a lack of coping skills, shifting expectations and fears about the unknown. “Recent surveys and current research findings have suggested that college students have been faring less well in terms of mental health in previous years even prior to the pandemic,” Newberry said. To deal with all of the challenges that college students face, Newberrry said it’s crucial to work to develop positive mental health characteristics. “[Good] mental health is not just the absence of illness,” Newberry said. “It is the presence of positive characteristics.” These positive characteristics include, but are not limited to, feeling good about yourself, being flexible, adapting to change, respecting yourself and others, forming satisfying relationships, working productively, making your own decisions, having a sense of self-confidence, laughing, having fun and finding purpose.

“Negative thoughts can negatively impact our mental health and lead to poor self-esteem and dissatisfaction with ourselves and our daily lives,” Newberry said. It is of the utmost importance when we experience this negative mentality that we actively work to minimize it and ultimately overcome it. According to SCPS’s website, students can join the clinic for the Zen Den and Get Mov’in with Moose — a routine walk with the clinic’s therapy dog. The walk is held every Thursday at 4 p.m. beginning outside the Student Center Starbucks. The clinic also offers workshops such as Preparing for Change, the Anxiety Toolbox and Getting Unstuck. SCPS offers individual therapy and group therapy, as well. Some of the group therapy sessions offered include Understanding Self and Others, The Not So Perfect Family, Empowerment and Mindful Eating.


Practicing mindfulness can be one way to help with mental health.

Mental health tips: • Challenge your negative thoughts • Replace negative thoughts with ones that are more helpful, true and positive • Don’t compare yourself to others • Use daily affirmations • Replace negative sources like people, websites and music with positive ones • Go for a walk • Talk out your feelings • Do something you love • Begin a mindfulness practice such as meditation • Surround yourself with inspirational readings, or podcasts • Practice gratitude • Focuse on your strengths • Be intentional with each task that you do • Seek professional help if needed • Journal your thoughts

Summer 2021

The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021


Academic help if you’re in a pinch




Campus Reporter

The first semester of freshman year can be overwhelming with new responsibilities, new friends, new schedules and tons of new information. When classes get difficult, these resources and organizations can help. There are four main University-wide academic support programs: Academic Coaching, Study Smart, Study Partners and Supplemental Instruction. Academic Coaching, according to the academic support website, is “a personalized partnership” between a student and an academic coach. Study Smart is “a non-credit, 10-week program for students on academic suspension that focuses on the skills, attitudes and habits required for academic success at Auburn University,” according to the website. Study Partners, on the other hand, is a peer-tutoring program. “I think the benefit of peer tutoring, which has really been demonstrated in a lot of different studies and publications, is really just that, when you have a near peer tutor, … [you have] someone who’s had the same experiences, someone who has been in the same classes with the same professors,” said Ann Gulley, engineering tutoring center coordinator. Supplemental Instruction is another peer program. Supplemental Instruction programs are included with some classes and are taught by other undergraduate students. Other University-wide resources that are accessible to all students include the Career Center, the Miller Writing Center, the Innovation and Research Commons and The ePortfolio Project. The Career Center is available for students looking for help with their resume, job interviews or even a need for interview clothes through their career closet. The Miller Writing Center, located in the Ralph Brown Draughon library, offers help on not just essays, but a number of projects. The Innovation and Research Commons is designed “to support AU’s teaching and research endeavors,” including instructional content on Adobe resources and more. The ePortfolio Project is a resource that aims to help students create a personal website, including a page of examples to reference. Then there are resources specific to each college or department, like engineering tutoring. “Freshman and sophomores are going to make up probably the majority of our tutoring clients,” Gulley said. “We focus a lot on those pre-engineering courses, so giving [tutoring to] students who are in that kind of massive transition from high school.” The most popular courses for engineering peer tutoring are calculus and physics courses, Gulley said, but they hire tutors from across all engineering concentrations in order to cover more major-specific courses as well. Engineering tutoring can be accessed online or in person at the Brown-Kopel Engineering Student Achievement Center.


The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021

Summer 2021

Summer 2021

The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021

Aubu r


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By KARA MAUTZ Lifestyle Writer

Campus Security Shuttle, available for free to all students. The shuttle will pick up and drop off students anywhere on campus between the hours of 6 p.m.–7 a.m. seven days a week while classes are in session. To request the shuttle, call 334-844-7400 or request a ride through the Auburn Safety App. For off-campus transportation, Auburn has partnered with Lyft to offer a Late Night Smart Ride Program, designed to ensure that all students are able to safely travel from campus to their residence. Students are offered a discount of up to $10 per ride to University-designated service areas. Pickup occurs at the library or Tiger Transit station on weekdays and downtown on Magnolia Avenue on weekends. For more information, students can visit the Auburn Parking Services website under the info tab. As a freshman, it is important to remember to take the necessary precautions to stay safe. While going out, staying with friends or large groups will allow you to help each other stay safe. Also, avoid walking alone or in remote areas at night. If going to a party or to the downtown bars, remember to always keep an eye on your drink and avoid taking drinks from strangers. Also, make sure that your whereabouts are known and avoid leaving with strangers or people that you have just met. Lastly, always trust your instincts and if a situation does not feel right or if you feel uncomfortable don’t hesitate to leave. Your safety is a priority and taking these steps and resources will help you to stay safe during your time at Auburn. SHELBY DUPREE | PHOTOGRAPHER

Emergency call boxes are set around campus for those needing to contact 911.

s sa f e t y 1 0 1

Freshman year can feel very overwhelming and between the parties, club meetings, classes or downtown nightlife can be a lot to take in for new students. One of the most important things to learn is how to stay safe and protected while on and off campus. Auburn University has several precautions in place in order to aid students and prioritize their safety. The Department of Campus Safety and Security at Auburn has stated that its mission is to “work hard every day and continue to seek out ways to make the Auburn University campus as safe as possible.” On the website for the Department of Campus Safety and Security, there are tips on how to stay safe in several situations, including online dating and ride-sharing, as well as tips on protecting your property, work and home. Additionally, Auburn offers a safety app called “Auburn Safety,” which is free to all students and employees. The app allows students to have their friends monitor their location temporarily or send messages about safety concerns to Campus Safety and Security. The app is currently available for iPhones and Androids. Auburn has an emergency notification system in place known as AU Alert, which is designed to communicate time-sensitive emergency messages to students and employees. There are also resources and information for sexual assault reporting that can be found on the Campus Safety and Security website. Auburn University offers a

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how to stay safe in Auburn


The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021

Summer 2021


Seven ways to get rid of homesickness By ABIGAIL WOODS Lifestyle Editor

1. Have friends to confide in Making friends freshman year can be anything but easy. Everything and everyone is new, and you aren’t quite sure where you’ll fit in with the hustle and bustle of a college campus. Making friends is all about getting involved and meeting as many different people as you can. Not every single person you meet will end up being your friend, and even the friends that you do make freshman year may not be your forever college friends. It is all about seeing what kinds of people you like to be with and who among them you prioritize the most. Lauren McLeod, junior in biomedical sciences, offered advice on this topic. “Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and invite someone to get coffee or hang out; building yourself a network in college is so important to curbing homesickness,” she said. 2. Learn to be comfortable on your own While making these friendships and connections freshman year will help immensely in curbing homesickness, I think it is also important to learn to be comfortable with your own company. When I was a freshman, the very thought of having to eat lunch by myself scared me so much. I didn’t know that this was a totally normal thing that college students did because they’re constantly on the go. After many pep-talks from both my mom and dad, they reassured me that eating lunch by myself was definitely one of the smaller things I would have to overcome freshman year. This concept of learning to be comfortable by yourself won’t come overnight or in a few weeks. It is a growing process and will take some time, but once you are okay with it, you will be far better off. 3. Become friends with your roommate Being friends with your roommate may seem like an easy feat, but sharing a room with a total stranger, at least for me, was a shock to the system. Some people come into college already friends with their roommates, but plenty decide to have random roommates. I can say with the utmost confidence that being friends with your roommate, random or not, will make your year immensely better. This friendship doesn’t have to be the strongest bond that ever existed, but accepting each other’s company and being kind is one of the best things you can do for eachother. 4. Get involved in clubs or organizatins to keep yourself busy I and any other upper-classman will tell you that the best way to avoid homesickness is to get involved in the University. Auburn has over 600 clubs and organizations to be a part of, and if you find that there just isn’t quite the club you were looking for, you can make your own. Staying busy and finding an organization that you really enjoy will not only keep you from thinking about missing home, but it will also give you friends and a group to join. When peo-

ple talk about the Auburn Family, this is what they mean. “Joining a club or even a gym is a great way to build yourself a network of like-minded people that give you a community to rely on if you start to feel homesick or alone,” McLeod said. 5. Call your parents to check in This may seem like an obvious tip, but the fast-paced life of college can make you forget to take time to call your parents. Being homesick freshman year is totally normal, so calling home can be that hint of comfort you’re looking for on the day-to-day. 6. Keep yourself on a schedule With new classes, new people, a new home and a new environment, everything can feel way too overwhelming. The best thing you can do is to sit down each morning and make yourself a schedule. This schedule should be a list of manageable tasks for

that day so that you’re not over-exerting yourself from the very beginning. If you do this, you can wake up each morning and have your schedule ready to go so that you’re not flustered about where you need to be or what you need to do. 7. Maintain self-care by pursuing a hobby School becomes more of a full-time job in college. Coming to college freshman year, I was not mentally prepared for the workload However, it’s important to find something in college that you enjoy doing that isn’t school-related, whether it’s playing sports, joining the band or learning to roller skate. “Self-care and exercise are great ways to curb the feeling of homesickness by taking care of the mind and body first,” McLeod said. “Both are great ways to improve mental health and lead to self-confidence.”


Most people feel homesick when they come to college, so you are not alone in this.

Summer 2021

The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021


Title IX protects against discrimination By SOPHIE GOODWIN Lifestyle Writer

Title IX encompasses and protects students, faculty and staff against a wide range of range of issues from discrimination to sexual harassment and assault. Allison Vandenberg, instructor of Women’s and Gender Studies, often deals with topics of discrimination on the basis of gender in her field of work. Vandenberg said Title IX, along with other Auburn-specific policies, protects students from trauma and harm. The best way to do this is to report when a violation has occurred, she said. “When we have reporting through Title IX, that tells us what is actually happening with students,” Vandenberg said. “We get more data from that, and that, in turn, allows for greater allocation of resources in order to be able to not just create but expand upon a lot of the efforts that are already on campuses.” Vandenberg said to adequately address the problem of sexual assault on campus, victims need to report so that sufficient support may be provided to future victims. The University also needs to let the community know that that support exists and will be there for them if they happen to need it, she said. Katherine Weathers is the assis-

tant director of the Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity Office and the senior deputy Title IX coordinator at the University and has been in this line of work since 2010. The AA/EEO Office handles all issues of discrimination and violations of Title IX. Auburn’s Title IX policy protects against discrimination, sexual harrasment, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, sexual exploitation and stalking. There are also subgroups of these categories to make reports more precise. Weathers said the most common reports she sees from students are of sexual assault, relationship violence and stalking. She said there are, on average, 200 reports per year of some type of sexual misconduct at Auburn University. “But you can look at the experts that are out there online, national organizations and things like that, where they will say that 20% of college students report, meaning 80% don’t,” she said. Reporting an incident is as easy as looking up “Auburn Title IX” and filling out the form on the AA/EEO Office’s webpage. “Reporting does not commit [the person reporting] to do anything,” Weathers said. “We just reach out.” She said the reporter has no obligation to take any action but that the

office simply supplies them with resources such as Safe Harbor, a 24/7 hotline for sexual assault victims or Student Counseling and Psychological Services. “It could be as simple as a no-contact directive,” she said. A no-contact directive is when the office coordinates communication between the two parties involved. It tells them to not communicate directly or indirectly and to not have anybody communicate on their behalf. If it is broken, the issue is then handed over to Student Conduct as a failure to comply. There’s also an informal agreement that allows them to write up terms of separation, such as one party will not go to events or places that the other frequents. “It’s not a disciplinary action or punitive action against somebody who’s accused of something,” Weathers said. “It’s solely an administrative action.” The AA/EEO Office can also reach out to the student’s professors to make sure they can help them succeed under the circumstances. If the reporter wants to file a formal complaint, the office can hold an investigation into the case which is eventually when a hearing takes place, which have recently been held over Zoom. During the process, a hearing officer asks questions to the two parties and reviews the case to make a de-

cision. For the reporter to meet the burden of proof, they must show a prepoderance of evidence, which law dictionaries say occurs when the office finds that there is a greater than 50% chance their claim is true. Weathers said the office is not responsible for putting anyone in jail. At the worst, they would tell them to leave the University. “I think that police have kind of a blunt instrument,” Weathers said. “We have more precision instruments that we can use to help students as much as possible.” However, she said she still encourage students to report to police as well. Weathers cautioned that freshmen are especially vulnerable to sexual assault during the first six to eight weeks of college because of students’ newfound freedom and introduction to alcohol. She also said most cases involve a situation where a group of friends loses track of a member or lets an individual leave during a night of partying. It also doesn’t have to be sexual assault for it to be wrong, she said. “The fact of the matter is someone took advantage of that situation, so, it’s wrong,” Weathers said. “There’s also maybe just some behaviors that just aren’t okay. It may not be sexual assault … but we should also try to stop just bad behavior around sex.”



The Office of Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity is located on the third level of Foy Hall where they handle issues such as Title IX violations.


The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021


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Summer 2021

Summer 2021

The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021


Fall Calendar Cheat Sheet



The Melton Student Center is home to the Involvement Suite and is the meeting place for several other clubs and organizations.

How to find a club or organization at Auburn By JILLIAN MINOR Campus Writer

Going to college means having a blank slate and, in many cases, a lot of free time to get involved. There are several resources available to all students and incoming freshmen to find a club or organization they’re interested in to fill up that time. Organizations and upcoming events are posted on AUInvolve. All students can get into AUInvolve through AU Access under “My Campus” and log in with their Auburn email. Kameron Brown, senior in public relations and an Involvement Ambassador, said that AUInvolve is helpful because it allows students to conveniently discover organizations by searching specifically for what they’re interested in. “When students find an organization to their liking they can join online right there,” he said. “In many cases, depending on the organization’s requirements, the organization will automatically appear in the student’s memberships and they will be enrolled in the organization’s email list.” Brown said another way for incoming freshmen to find organizations is Organization Week and Organization Days, during which students can visit tables set up by var-

ious groups around campus. O-Week is held the week after Welcome Week in the fall and spring semesters, and O-Days are held on various days throughout the semester. Students are encouraged to schedule a meeting with an Involvement Ambassador or utilize their services during office hours from 10 a.m.–2 p.m. on weekdays in Suite 3130 of the Harold D. Melton Student Center. “In one of our consultations, students can put a face to Student Involvement and find simple access to all involvement has to offer — well over 500 organizations to choose from,” Brown said. “Additionally, we can help students start their own organizations and pair them with the right contacts to feel connected and involved on campus.” Brown said Auburn students start organizations to find their place within the Auburn Family. “Every day more [organizations] are being created,” he said. Among these organizations, Brown highlighted ALIGN, a new Christian-based organization actively seeking members; the Paintball Club, which is both an organization and club sport that allows students to play in uncompetitive settings; and the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, a professional development organization to help students with networking.

Aug. 16: Classes Begin Aug. 16–Sep. 3: Resignation Fee Dropping all courses during this period will result in a $100 resignation fee Aug. 20: Last day to add a course Aug. 21–Sept. 3: Drop Course Penalty Dropping a course during these days will result in a $100 drop fee per course dropped Aug. 27: 10th Class Day Last day to request a meal plan change Sep. 3: 15th Class Day Last day to drop from course with no grade assignment Last day for potential tuition refund for dropped classes Sep. 6: Labor Day Oct. 5: Midterm Grade Deadline Oct. 7–8: Fall Break Nov. 22–26: Thanksgiving Break Dec. 3: Classes End Last day to withdraw from course with no grade penalty Dec. 4–5: Study/Reading Days Dec. 6–10: Final Exam Period Dec. 11: Commencement


The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021

Summer 2021

Get Plugged In connects students post-pandemic By NICOLE LEE Campus Writer

During the past year, social distancing and other COVID-related restrictions have limited the ability for people to connect with others and engage in group activities. This isolation led a group of students to form “Get Plugged In,” an organization that seeks to alleviate the isolation caused by the pandemic’s social distancing requirements. Jordan Windham, junior in political science and president and founder of the organization, described the inspiration behind creating GPI. “Getting involved as a freshman is hard enough,” Windham said. “Having to get involved during a pandemic is even harder. We talked a lot about how, with gatherings restricted and campus empty, freshmen and students who didn’t have tight-knit friend groups didn’t have the opportunities we did to get out, make friends and find our place.” Windham worked with Susanna Allred, junior in psychology and president of the University Honors Congress, to design a flexible and COVIDsafe way to host events and activities through GPI. Windham expressed that the main focus of the organization was to alleviate loneliness and promote a safe environment for students to explore their interests, find friends and try new things. “We host events or take groups that

are 10 people or less to comply with [COVID-19] regulations and also just to help students not feel lost in a group,” Windham said. “Our goal is to help Auburn students get to know and love Auburn as much as we do. For us, it’s about paying forward all of the support and opportunities that Auburn has given us and giving back to Auburn.” While hosting a study group a few weeks into the fall 2020 semester, a freshman member of the group mentioned that she had not left her dorm in three days. The casual acceptance of long periods of isolation led into a broader discussion of the pandemic’s impact on mental health as well. “This was the moment the conversation changed from, ‘Someone should do something to help’ to, ‘What are we going to do?’” Windham said. GPI is an organization that hopes to bridge this disconnect between students, especially freshman and transfer students, and find ways they can get out of their homes to “get plugged in” to the Auburn Family. “Last year, Get Plugged In hosted safe, engaging activities, ranging from hiking trips to bowling nights,” Windham said. “We also developed virtual events for people quarantining to help with the isolation. In our first semester, GPI hosted over 50 events and helped over 100 students connect and explore Auburn.” As the world recovers from the pandemic and things begin to return to

the way they were before, GPI plans to adjust their events to align with this shift. “We’ll concentrate more on not only giving students opportunities to get out of their apartments and get to know Auburn, but helping them to find their people,” Windham said. “One way we’ll be doing this is by hosting partnership events with other Auburn student organizations so that every student has a safe, un-intimidating way to explore the many involvement opportunities Auburn has to offer.” GPI will also work with the University Program Council to host events like movie screenings and more. Looking back on the past events of GPI, Windham recalled one of the first ever group activites the organization hosted. “We planned a hike at Chewacla, the nearby state park, and ended up taking a few groups because so many people were excited to have a chance to do something new outdoors,” Windham said. “It was a great way to connect students over a fun activity they might not have tried if they didn’t have a group to go with.” After this event, some of the attendees kept in touch and later went on a trip to New Orleans, Lousiana together. When it comes to selecting the organization’s next events, Windham described the collaborative nature of this process.

“A lot of our events are actually suggestions from our members,” Windham said. “If you want to do a particular event or activity, all you have to do is talk to one of the exec team members or a counselor. Our counselors are always happy to help students explore their interests.” Other events by GPI involve giving back to the community and working with other organizations. “[Allred] has led a partnership event with Esperanza House, a local nonprofit, where a GPI group helped them distribute food to members of the Auburn-Opelika community,” Windham said. Windham offered her advice to students who may feel worried about finding their place in GPI. “If you are nervous about getting involved or just don’t know where to start, GPI is here to help,” Windham said. “Our mission as a student organization is to help you get to know and love Auburn as much as we do. If you want to meet new students, or just a low-pressure environment to find the organization that is right for you, we would love to help.” Those interested in joining GPI or looking for additional information can check out the organization’s AUInvolve page. “We’re called the Auburn Family for a reason,” Windham said. “Everyone at Auburn, from the faculty to the students, are so happy that you are here and want to get to know you.”

Summer 2021

The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021 23



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The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021

Summer 2021


Some houseplants, like the pothos and philodendrons in this picture, are easier to take care of and more likely to survive in a dorm.

guide to dorm houseplants By CAROLINE CRAIG Community Reporter

Pets, except for fish, are not allowed in dorm rooms, so plants may be a nice alternative. Plants are a great way to decorate a dorm while taking on the small responsibility of growing them and keeping them alive. Plants are allowed in dorm rooms as long as nothing is being nailed, drilled or otherwise ruining the walls of the room. Succulents and other plants that are low maintenance are good plants to start out with in a dorm and not just because of the cute pots they come in. Succulents like aloe vera require less water to survive, which means if you occasionally forget about them, they’ll probably be okay. This is ideal for busy college students and forgetful people in general. Succulents are small, which is good for a compact dorm room. For the best growth, all they need is a

sunny spot, a pot with soil that drains well and to be dusted off every once in awhile. Cactuses are another choice for the forgetful, busy student. Cactuses are found in deserts and require little water to maintain themselves. Like any other plant, a cactus loves direct sunlight and would do best sitting on a windowsill or dresser near the window. Cactuses also prefer smaller pots, which is great when living in a small space and means multiple would take up limited table space. Again, make sure the pot drains well and that the soil is dry before watering it again. Bamboo plants are a good choice as they live in water, but they do require a little bit more care than succulents and cactuses. Most experts recommend using filtered water because the chlorine and fluoride in tap water may damage the plant if present in high concentrations. Also, the water should be changed every couple of

weeks to prevent algae from growing. Pothos are popular as houseplants and not just for dorm rooms. Pothos are not as compact because they grow over the sides of the pot and spread out which is where the appeal comes from. Pothos are also similar to the other plants on this list because they do well in multiple environments. They are low-maintenance and drought-resilient. Pothos can sit on a desk and grow out or can be hung if its pot can be attached to the wall without damaging it. Pothos create an attractive, sophisticated look that can make a dorm room feel more like home. There are plenty of houseplants that students can take advantage of owning to build a more comforting dorm room environment without stressing about keeping it alive. Beginner plants that are low maintenance are also a great jumping off point to dive into other plants that require more maintenance.

Summer 2021

The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021


WAKE UP! It’s GAME DAY how to handle game days on The Plains


Football in the SEC is an entirely different breed from any other football, especially in Auburn, so here are some things you need to know going in: Be aware of the weather. Being prepared will mean the difference between having a good time and leaving because you are miserable. In the case of a rainy game, you’ll need to bring more ponchos than you think you need. Bring one to sit on, too. Getting soaked is inevitable, but you might as well do your best to delay it from happening. Layers will be your friend for night games or early kickoff games where you might be in the shade for a while before the game. Sunglasses and sunscreen are a necessity for early kickoff games where you’ll be out in the sun for a few hours. You

need to wear sunscreen. Check social media or the Auburn Athletics website to see if the game has a theme like a white out, for example, so that you can fit with the crowd. You’ll especially want to do this for Stripe the Stadium, because it only works when everyone joins in. No outfit is too outrageous, but dress ready to walk. You can cover a lot of ground without realizing it. Be prepared to talk to strangers. The Auburn Family is a real thing and strangers are going to be friendly on game days. Exchanging a “War Eagle” with someone on the sidewalk is very normal. Know the stadium’s clear bag and metal detector policy, or you may spend time figuring out what to do with a prohibited item when your friends are already inside. The absolute essentials would be your Ignited Card which is required for ad-

mission, keys, phone, wallet — sticky wallet, key wallet, whatever you have to hold your cards — and your Tiger Card for purchasing concessions. Hydration is incredibly important, especially for games early in the season. Sealed or empty water bottles are allowed into the stadium, so take advantage of that. Alabama heat is no joke, especially if you’re an out-of-state student with no experience in humidity. If you want good seats in the student section, know when the gates open and be prepared to wait in line before they do. Send a few people to save seats for a large group, but arriving early is the sure way to sit where you want. Pregame festivities such as the eagle flight, band performance and hype videos start 20 minutes before kickoff, so if you can’t get to the game for good seats, plan to make it on time for pregame. Try to learn the fight song and cheers. Pregame is way more fun when you can

participate. Look up the basics of football if you’re not familiar, or recruit a friend to explain during the game. In the worst case scenario, just yell when everyone else does. Be ready to stay until the end of the game. A major point of pride at Auburn is that the students stay until the end, win or lose. Even if you have no reason to go downtown after a win, walking to Toomer’s Corner to roll is definitely worth it. It is a sight everyone needs to see. Your first throw will probably be bad, but hopefully you get lots of practice. Some advice: unroll a tail about a foot long before you throw. Toomer’s lemonade is also a must at Auburn, especially if they are still open after a win. Finally, enjoy your time at the game. It is an exciting environment, so appreciate every moment, both predictable and insane.


Fans coordinate the color of their clothing with their seating section during Stripe the Stadium.


The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021

Summer 2021

AUGUST 15 - OCTOBER 9 For many students, the first eight weeks of school set the tone for the year ahead. The #First56 is here to help you build community, healthy decision making and academic achievement. Download the Auburn Guides mobile app for the full schedule of events!

Summer 2021

The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021


how to (somewhat) navigate the Haley Center IRELAND DODD | PHOTO EDITOR

By CAROLINE CRAIG Community Reporter

The Haley Center is notorious for its confusing layout, dumbfounding students since it was built in 1969. Since the majority of Auburn students will take at least one class in the Haley Center, it’s good for freshmen and even upperclassmen to get a handle on the layout — or else get lost in the labyrinth. The Haley Center is home to the College of Education and the University Bookstore. It has 10 stories and is the tallest building in Lee County. The building is separated into four quadrants and numbered counterclockwise. The first thing you need to know to navigate the Haley Center is how the room numbers work. The first of the four digits is the

floor the classroom will be on — first, second or third. The second number is which quadrant the classroom is in. The quadrants are ultimately the hardest part, as you’ll have to remember their location, and there are limited signs once inside the building. When looking at the Haley Center from the Haley Concourse, the first quadrant is in the back left corner closest to the stadium. Quadrants two and three are the closest to the concourse, and that leaves the fourth quadrant in the back right corner. Camp War Eagle counselors will sometimes use a trick to help incoming students remember which quadrants are which. The first quadrant is closest to the stadium because the Tigers are number one. The second quadrant is closest to the Quad dorms which are separated into two — upper and lower. The third quadrant is

closest to Foy because it has three letters, and the fourth quadrant is closest to the professional buildings because four years of college is not good enough. Understanding the layout and what the numbers mean may get you in the right vicinity of the classroom, but you’re still not there. You’ll have to use the last two digits, which are the classroom number, which is even more of a mystery. Classrooms are often not in numerical order, with 3166 and 3130 right next to each other. Honestly, the easiest thing to do is to figure out the right floor and quadrant then wander around until the right class number shows up. The large classrooms will be in the center of the quadrant and smaller classrooms on the outside. It’s good to get to class early the first few days to make up for navigation time.

how to make your way around RBD By CAROLINE CRAIG Community Reporter

First, Mell and RBD are referred to as two separate buildings but are connected. There is not a sign for it, but Mell is the shiny, front portion of the library. Mell’s classrooms are located on the sides of the buildings, and, similar to the Haley Center, the first number represents the floor the room is on. The tricky part is the entrance floor is actually Mell’s “second floor” which only has two auditorium classrooms 2510 and 2550. The third-floor and fourthfloor classrooms can be reached by the elevators on the right side or the large staircase on the left side. The entrance to RBD is indicated by large stone pillars located after the steps. Upon entering the library, Panera is on the left, and the


convenience store and other help centers are on the right. It is important to note the entrance floor is the second floor of the library. There is a ground floor that is home to an academic sup-

port classroom, a lecture room and the special collections archive. The first floor does not have any classrooms but has quiet, single study rooms locat-

ed at the back where the building rounds out. These numbers are numbered 1298 A–U and 1166 A–N. All levels have these same individual study rooms in the back of the library. The second floor does not have any classrooms either, but the study rooms are located on the left side past Panera. The third and fourth floors are the only two floors to have classrooms, which are located at the front of the library closest to where the library and Mell meet. The library does a good job of providing maps and labels that make it easier to find rooms. The library website also provides a detailed map of each floor plan which is helpful for finding all the resources the library provides. Don’t be embarrassed to wander around these buildings; most Auburn students understand the struggle.


The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021

Summer 2021



Summer 2021

The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021


column: Best places to grab a bite to eat on campus By MAGGIE HORTON Lifestyle Writer

On-campus dining really has something for everyone ranging from familiar fast-food favorites, dining halls, food trucks, coffee shops and healthy options. No matter where you are on campus there is probably a good spot to grab a bite to eat. A good way to get your food quickly during the lunch rush is to use the campus feature on the GrubHub app and order ahead. Most of on-campus dining options are included on the app and it can also give you an idea of what restaurants are open. The dining halls are a good option if you are looking for a more homestyle meal. The Village Tiger Zone Dining Hall is the clear winner for the best dining hall in my opinion, but there is also the Foy Commons Dining Hall. The Student Center has lots of good options for dining including Au Bon Pain, Chick-fil-A, Olilo, Salad Works,

Starbucks, Steak ‘n Shake and Sambazon bowls. My favorite breakfast or lunch spot on campus has to be Sambazon, which has acai bowls. Au Bon Pain is a great option for grab-and-go breakfast or lunch because they have prepackaged items like sandwiches, wraps, fruit, salads and pastries as well as made-to-order breakfast and lunch items. Chick-fil-A is a fan favorite on campus but beware of the lunch rush during the week at the student center location. Chicken Salad Chick and Panda Express, both located in the Foy Union, are both open for lunch. Chicken Salad Chick is not for everyone, but if you like chicken salad or pimento cheese then this is a great spot. Chicken Salad Chick has a good amount of outdoor seating that is perfect for hanging out between classes on a warm day. Panda Express is exactly what you would expect, but it is usually open a little later in the day than most lunch spots on campus. Einstein Brothers’ Bagels, located in Haley Center, is my favorite spot for breakfast and coffee throughout the day.

They also have items for lunch like their pizza bagel. Their food and coffee never disappoint, and the location is close to most first-year classes and the quad. Panera, in RBD library, is pretty much always open. Panera is an easy option to grab while studying or in between longer class breaks. Panera is one of the few places that you cannot order off of the GrubHub app, but you can order ahead of time through the Panera app. Panera has a variety of items including some healthier options like salads and smoothies. Food trucks are parked around campus during the week, and you are almost sure to pass at least one walking to and from class. My favorites food trucks are Amsterdam Café, which has a delicious buffalo chicken sandwich; Amsterdam Tacos, which has good queso, tacos and burritos bowls; and Starbucks, which is easier to grab on your way to class than the other locations. Aside from Village Dining, the village has another Chick-fil-A location and Tori Sushi. I would recommend any dining option in the village, but it is a little bit of

a walk from the center of campus where most freshman classes are. War Eagle Supply Co. has locations in the Student Center, The Village, Terrell Food Court and South Donahue. While War Eagle Supply Co. mainly sells snacks and some frozen meals, they also have grab-and-go items like sushi and dumplings. I probably wouldn’t choose this for lunch, but it is an option if you are tired of everything else. Last but not least we have Wellness Kitchen and AU Smokehouse. Wellness Kitchen is right across from South Donahue and serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is by far the best dining hall-style food on campus, and you might even spot some athletes while eating here. AU Smokehouse is located in Lupton Hall in the lower Quad and serves all things BBQ. My favorite lunch item to get here is the BBQ nachos. Overall, during lunchtime, there are tons of food options to choose from, even more than I mentioned, and I recommend trying out lots of different places to find your favorites.


Panda Express, Chicken Salad Chick and Foy Dining are all in Foy Hall.


The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021

Summer 2021

Grab ‘n’ go: campus food trucks By BECCA BENNER Campus Writer

Auburn University has a variety of on-campus dining options ranging from Chick-Fil-A to Panda Express. One reason why Auburn is unique is that the campus is flooded with various kinds of food trucks. Every day you can find different food trucks and choose the one that best suits your food cravings. You will find a vast array of food trucks on the concourse for your mid-day meal. These food trucks include Amsterdam Cafe, Amsterdam Taco Truck, Hibachi, Noodle Fun, Philly Connection, NYC GYRO, Good Karma and Starbucks. Amsterdam Cafe food truck serves seafood and Southern-style food options. Their crab cake and avocado sandwich is featured on the list of 100 Dishes to Eat in Alabama Before You Die by the Alabama Tourism Department. They also have hamburgers and chicken fingers as well as a lighter option of their just as popular turkey wraps. The Amsterdam Taco Truck is a partner of the previous restaurant, and it does just what it sounds like it would. This truck dishes out delicious tacos and customizable bowls and offers vegetarian options such as taco salad and bean and rice bowls. Their menu features turkey wraps as well. The Hibachi food truck is hard to miss as its vibrant orange paint color immediately catches your eye. They offer traditional hibachi entrees such as fried rice, hibachi chicken and vegetables. You can choose from a bowl with your choice of protein including tofu and sea-

food. They also offer dumplings as a menu item. The Noodle Fun food truck specializes in Asian cuisine. You are able to customize your very own noodle or rice bowl with your desired toppings and proteins. This food truck also serves dumplings as well as pork and milk custard buns. This food truck is the mobile counterpart to the Noodle Fun restaurant located in Terrell Hall. The Philly Connection food truck does all things Philly cheesesteak. This restaurant has been serving its famous cheesesteak for 30 years. You have a wide variety of options for your cheesesteak, from the original to a choice of chicken or turkey. NYC GYRO serves New York-style gyros and Greek salads. Not only do they specialize in Greek food, but they offer classic Southern staples such as chicken wings, french fries, cheeseburgers, chicken sandwiches and chicken tenders. They also mix the two cuisines to make a dish called lamb loaded fries. With this restaurant, you get the best of both worlds. The Good Karma food truck offers Indian food to the food truck scene. They have curries both traditional and vegan, as well as fries and their traditional bread, naan. They also have samosas, made with chicken or vegetables. One side option is Kurkure, also known as Indian Cheetos. They also have a dessert of the day to satisfy your sweet tooth. Lastly, you have the classic Starbucks food truck. Think Starbucks but on wheels. This especially comes in handy when you need a pick-me-up between classes. You can quickly graband-go with a coffee, refresh-


The Amsterdam Cafe food truck is operated by the same owners of its storefront.


The Good Karma food truck serves Indian bowls and samosas on weekdays.

Summer 2021

The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021


New restaurants open in Auburn By ELISE SAPPINGTON Community Reporter

Now that you are a student at Auburn, it’s time to explore all this town has to offer. Here are a few suggestions to get you started. Auburn’s neighboring city, Opelika, is home to a historic downtown and notoriously trendy spots. Among these is the newly opened tea room, The Well. The business was opened in March 2021 by four women, Allison Kovak, Katie Klein, Rachel Christian and Ashley Kicklighter. The tea room offers various drinks like coffee, tea lattes, pastries and light lunch items such as smoothie bowls and paninis. The business also provides rooms for gathering and a “play room” with vintage furniture and clothing for rent. “You know the best time you wear an outfit is the first time … and what’s more fun, wearing something that’s yours or to wear something that’s a girlfriend’s?” Kovak said in a previous interview. “So [the


Cheetos is the second restaurant for William and Gio Paulk, owners of ChickChickPorkPork.

play room] was that idea of, ‘What if we could share each other’s closets?’” Another new business right in the heart

of downtown Auburn is Mo’Bay Beignet Co. Tripp Skipper, owner and operator of the Mo’Bay Auburn location, official-

ly opened the cafe in March 2021 to serve the community with a unique cafe concept. The restaurant serves beignets fresh to order topped with a mountain of powdered sugar paired with a side of their homemade flavored syrups. They also serve coffee, regular or chocolate milks and various soft drinks. “I think it’s a great cafe for college students at Auburn because it’s good food for a more than reasonable price,” Skipper said. In search of a new cultural experience and a sweet or savory treat? Cheetos may be the spot for you. Opened by William and Gio Paulk in 2021, the cafe offers a creative twist on Korean classics in the form of corndogs, cup-toasts and smoothie bowls. The atmosphere in Cheetos is colorful and inviting, a perfect spot to spend time with friends or get some work done. The Midtown Bodegas are part of the new Midtown Auburn subdivision on Opelika Road. These bodegas are home to various businesses providing coffee, gourmet popcorn, clothing, home goods and more.


The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021

Summer 2021

Get to know your local government By CHARLIE RAMO Content Editor

As an Auburn student, you will most likely be living on campus or in a nearby apartment in the City. In either case, decisions made by Auburn’s government affect you and the community around you. Students can register to vote in Auburn, allowing them to vote in federal, state and local elections held in Auburn. All Alabama residents can register to vote where they go to school, even if they plan to travel home for breaks or for the summer months. Students living in apartments can register their address as their primary residency. Voting with absentee ballots is also an option for students, but that only allows you to vote in any elections in your hometown, excluding you from Auburn politics.

Voting in local elections is important because City officials make decisions on everything from which businesses get approved to open downtown to how your tax dollars are spent. Most plans are drafted by various City departments, but the final decision is usually voted on by the City Council. The Council is a body of nine people — the mayor and a representative for each Ward. You can see which ward you belong to and learn a little bit about your Council member on the next page. Council meetings occur on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, starting at 6:50 p.m. in the City’s Public Safety Building. Meetings are also livestreamed on YouTube. The next Auburn Municipal Election is on August 23, 2022, which leaves over a year to register to vote in Auburn. You can update your voter registration on the Alabama Secretary of State’s website.

Ron Anders Mayor

Anders is the director of special projects for Tailgate Guys and was the CEO of Anders Bookstore until it was sold in 2005. He served six years as the Ward 2 Council member and is currently on his first term as mayor.

The mayor’s and Council members’ photos are via the City of Auburn.


Auburn is broken up into eight Wards, and each has an elected representative in the City Council.

Summer 2021

The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021

Connie Fitch-Taylor

Beth Witten

Jay Hovey

Ward 3 and Mayor Pro-Tem

Ward 7

Ward 3 includes land east of North College Street and north of Opelika Road, bordering Ward 4 at Dean Road until it reaches the city limits. It includes student housing such as Creekside and Copper Beech. Witten is the founder of Blue Turtle Creative, a marketing and event management firm. She is currently serving her second term as a Council member.

Ward 7 borders South College Street south of Shug Jordan Parkway and covers neighborhoods immediately south of Interstate 85. It includes student housing such as The Garden District and The Connection. Hovey is a mortgage loan originator at AuburnBank and is currently serving his first term as a Council member.

Steven Dixon

Ward 1

Ward 5

Ward 1 encompasses the area directly northwest of downtown and land surrounding the Auburn University Veterinary School. It includes student housing such as The Grove and Logan Square. Taylor is an administrative assistant at Tuskegee University, assisting the director of Capital Projects and Facilities Management Services. She is currently serving her first term as a Council member.

Ward 5 encompasses most of Auburn east of South College Street, around the Auburn Univerity Regional Airport and along Moores Mill Road east of Hamilton Road. It includes student housing such as 221 Armstrong and Cambridge Dormitory. Dixon runs his own video production and photography business and serves on the Auburn Chamber of Commerce. He is currently serving his first term as a Council member.

Kelley Griswold


Brett Smith

Tommy Dawson

Ward 4

Ward 8

Ward 4 borders Ward 3, following Opelika Road up to Dean Road and running along East Glenn Avenue for its other border. It includes student housing such as 191 College, 160 Ross and Village at Lakeside. Smith is the cofounder of Huff Smith Law, and he is a board member of multiple local organizations. He is currently serving his first term as a Council member.

Ward 8 consists of Auburn’s southernmost territory, stretching from the southern tip of the University campus down to the city limits, staying south of Wards 5 and 7. It includes student housing such as The Beacon, Samford Square and The Magnolia. Dawson is a retired Auburn Police Chief, working in the Police Division for 26 years. He is currently serving his second term as a Council member.

Bob Parsons

Ward 2

Ward 6

Ward 2 consists of all land in Northwest Auburn except for Ward 1, stretching from North College Street and Martin Luther King Drive to the City limits. It includes student housing such as 319 Bragg, West and Wright and Village West Apartments. Griswold is a retired Army colonel and is currently serving his first term as a Council member.

Ward 6 extends from Auburn University’s campus down to Interstate 85 and includes student housing such as Evergreen Auburn and all on-campus dorms except Cambridge. Parsons immigrated to the United States from Australia in 1994. He is a fire inspector for the City of Opelika and previously served as a 911 dispatcher. He is currently serving his first term as a Council member.


The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021

Summer 2021

How to become one with nature By ABBY WINSKOWICZ Lifestyle Writer

Auburn is home to many great outdoor-focused attractions for students to spend their time at during the week or weekends. Spending time in nature is important not only for one’s physical health but also one’s mental health and wellbeing. Auburn makes it easy for students to find beautiful outdoor venues. Perhaps the most notable and well-known outdoor attraction in Auburn is Chewacla State Park. This park stretches over nearly 700 acres of forestry and lakes. Popular activities include fishing, hik-

ing, geocaching or playing on the playground on site. People are also allowed to take canoes or kayaks onto the lake. Additionally, Chewacla has extensive mountain biking trails and jumps for people down for something more thrilling. Another lovely outdoor spot is the Davis Arboretum, which is actually on the Auburn University campus. It is open to everybody completely free of charge. The Arboretum hosts native trees, shrubbery and flowers. The Davis Arboretum is a great place if you are in search of an outdoor attraction that is more peaceful and calming than other options. A park that has both activities and great places


Flowers blossom in the springtime at the Davis Arboretum.

to relax is Kiesel Park. Kiesel Park has a pavilion, a pond and a nearly three-mile walking trail. Popular activities include walking, biking or having picnics and events underneath the beautiful pavilion. This is also a popular place to bring your dog for a walk. Kreher Preserve and Nature Center is the perfect place to go on a hike or casual stroll while learning about nature and wildlife species in Auburn. As you walk through the trails at this nature preserve, you will find signs to read about different species living in the woods. The KPNC also hosts several classes ranging from gardening for adults or learning classes for little kids. There are many ways to learn more about wildlife in Auburn through KPNC.


The pavilion at the he Donald E. Davis Arboretum on Oct. 19, 2020, in Auburn, Ala.

Summer 2021

The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021


Beignets, bowling and other weekend activities By ELISE SAPPINGTON Community Reporter


GoodTimes has a bowling alley, arcade and a bar for entertainment on days off.

Weekends are a part of the college experience, however you choose to spend them. Some weekends, you may find yourself studying or getting some rest and relaxation, while others might be filled with events and social functions. If partying is not really your scene but you’re looking for something to do on a Friday or Saturday night, there’s always something going on. GoodTimes Bowling is a one-stop-shop for food and fun. GoodTimes is different from a typical, “grungy” bowling alley. Whether you are playing at one of the 16 lanes of bowling or observing from a lush lounger, there’s plenty of opportunities to have a good time. If hitting the lanes isn’t your thing, GoodTimes also has more than 30 arcade games to choose from and two escape rooms to test your street smarts. For food, GoodTimes operates a full-service kitchen and bar, serving “oversized eats” of wings, pizza and burgers. Scott Good, owner and manager of GoodTimes, saw a need for intergenerational entertainment and used his passion for bowling to fill it. “Our focus was family, young, clean entertainment

that was affordable for everyone to come in and have a good time without feeling pressured to have to go downtown and do the ‘bar scene’ and whatnot,” Good said. GoodTimes offers affordable fun all throughout the week, and it’s open until 11 p.m. on Friday and Saturday nights. An alternative to a weekend filled with fun and games is a space to enjoy a late-night hang with friends. Mo’Bay Beignet Co., located right in the heart of downtown, offers fresh beignets and coffee until midnight on Friday and Saturday. When Tripp Skipper, owner and operator of Mo’Bay, opened the cafe in early March, he wanted the store to appeal to college students specifically with good food at what he says is a more than reasonable price. “When you look at the downtown scene, you had some bars that were open, a few restaurants, but there just weren’t many options,” Skipper said. “We just wanted to give students in particular another option outside of what they currently have.” A fun weekend also does not have to cost money. For many college students, weekends could also look like a night in with friends and a good movie or even a game night. You can get creative and have fun on a budget.


The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021

Summer 2021

Where to thrift around Auburn By CHRIS DIVELBISS Community Writer

Students weigh in on top date spots


The Bean is a local coffee shop located near the intersection of Dean Road and East Glenn Avenue.

By EMERY LAY Campus Editor

Though Auburn may be small, it is packed full of amazing date ideas, some of which might not be in plain sight. Jessica Edwards, freshman in rehabilitation and disability studies, said she and her boyfriend Josh love to have a casual lunch or dinner date somewhere on campus. The two prefer Samford Lawn, given it is not too crowded. Sometimes, though, the couple prefer to go off campus. “Recently, we have really loved going to the new Mo’Bay Beignet Co. downtown,” she said. However, if they are not enjoying a nice meal together, you can find them hanging out in Chewacla State Park. Brennan Welch, sophomore in political science, also loves his fair share of outdoor dates. If you’re up for a 40-minute drive, Welch recommends the Chattahoochee RiverWalk in Columbus, Georgia. The RiverWalk is a 15-mile stretch of sidewalk along the shore of the Chattahoochee and the city of Columbus, with historic monuments, markers, wildlife and geocaching available to entertain you and your date during any lulls in conversation. “The Chattahoochee RiverWalk was a great place to get outdoors and eat at a restaurant on the riverside,” he said.

In addition, Welch has two go-to locations for a first date: Bruster’s ice cream, located on East University Drive, or coffee at The Bean, located on Dean Road. Emily Makosky, junior in environmental design, and her partner Alexia Alford, sophomore in wildlife science and pre-vet, shared some of their favorite date spots as well. For something outdoors, the couple said they love to stargaze behind the art museum, skate in the parking decks, walk around the Davis Arboretum or go geocaching. They also enjoy photo shoots around town, treats from Cheetos in Opelika, ice cream at Toomer’s or cookies from Insomnia for a late-night snack. Makosky and Alford also enjoy “food hopping,” where their appetizer, entree and dessert each come from different restaurants. Otherwise, they enjoy a fun thrift date at America’s Thrift Stores or Goodwill. For a game night, be sure to visit GoodTimes bowling and arcade on East Glenn Avenue or Rock ‘N Roll Pinball on Railroad Avenue in Opelika, where you can grab a cup of coffee next door at SideTrack. For a calmer activity, there are always new exhibits to look at when you visit the Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art on South College Street, right across from the Jay and Susie Gogue Performing Arts Center. Lastly, the University Program Council is always hosting events for students on campus. Switch things up and attend one of their movie nights for free showings of movies, new and old. You can follow them on social media to stay up-to-date on upcoming events.

As a college student, shopping for used items is a great way to save money and still get quality furniture and clothes. Thrift stores can be a great option for students looking to save money on furniture and clothes, and Auburn has several quality thrift stores that are worth checking out. Mission Thrift is located on East University Drive and offers a great selection of clothes and furniture. Whether you’re looking for dorm room or apartment furnishings, Mission Thrift offers quality second-hand furniture for a reasonable price. New furniture can be expensive, so buying used can allow for lower-but-similar quality items at a lower price point. Mission Thrift also donates all of its proceeds to Life-Savers Ministries, so purchases from Mission Thrift go back into the community to create a positive impact. Harvest Thrift on Pepperell Parkway also uses proceeds to give back to the community. Harvest Thrift supports Harvest Evangelism, which operates a men’s and a women’s home that provides relief for those struggling with addiction. They also offer a variety of clothes, furniture, and decorations that would be great for any college student. Harvest Thrift recently moved into a new location closer to campus, making it more convenient for students who live near the University. Auburn also has chain thrift stores like Goodwill and Bargain Hunt. Goodwill offers clothes, furniture, decorations and even appliances for a reasonable price. Many of these items are still in good condition and are far cheaper than buying new. Bargain Hunt offers electronics and other excess inventory from major retailers, so it is a good place to save money on items you would usually buy at larger stores like Target. Thrifting is not only a great way to save money, but also a great activity to do with friends. Scouring over used items with friends is a great way to find cool and interesting items while giving back to the community. Thrifting is an easy and inexpensive activity, and with so many great options around Auburn, it is easy to make a day out of it with some friends. Whether you’re moving into a dorm or apartment or you’re just looking for a fun day out with friends, thrift stores can be a great option.


Thrifting can help cash-strapped college students afford clothes for cheap.

Summer 2021

The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021

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The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021

Summer 2021

Exploring downtown Opelika


Downtown Opelika is less than 20 minutes away from Auburn University’s campus.

By CHRIS DIVELBISS Community Writer

Most students are familiar with the restaurants and shops in downtown Auburn, but many forget about the vibrant and growing downtown Opelika scene. In the past few years, new stores and renovations that have turned the Historic Downtown Opelika into an underrated gem in the area. Whether you’re interested in clothes, arcades, vinyl records, restaurants, fun shops or simply walking around and taking pictures, Opelika has something to offer. Some businesses in Opelika have deals for students, making them a great place to go and hang out with friends. Cyberzone, an arcade on 9th Street, offers weekly specials and $6 laser tag to students. Cyberzone contains the largest laser tag arena in the Southeast,

and with new games and redemption prizes, Cyberzone is a great spot for a first date or just a night out with friends. Cyberzone is a locally owned business, and the owners, Simon and Elaine Bak, are part of an excellent community of business owners that are improving and expanding the downtown Opelika area. “Opelika is expanding, and there are so many things to do on 1st Avenue,” Elaine Bak said. “There are lots of cool restaurants and fun things for college students. It’s also a great place to just walk around and take pictures.” Along with Cyberzone, there are boutique clothing stores like Griff Goods and Fringe Consignment Boutique that offer stylish clothing for a good price. Many of the other stores offer unique items that you’d be hard-pressed to find anywhere else in the area. 10,000 Hz is a record store on 1st Avenue that has

a large selection of vinyl records in almost any genre, from rap to rock. Browsing 10,000 Hz is a fun way to find new music. Almost Anything also has a selection of records as well as vintage games and clothing. Along with these shops are many unique local restaurants like Zazu Gastropub and Eight and Rail. Zazu Gastropub is consistantly ranked one of the best restaurants in the area on multiple review websites and sources its produce locally. Walking around downtown and visiting all of the interesting shops and restaurants is an excellent way to spend a day and helps support the vibrant local business scene. Downtown Opelika often hosts live music and local artists, and when combined with all the things to do in Auburn, leaves students with lots of options for good times off campus. The Auburn-Opelika area has so much in terms of shops, entertainment, and restaurants that are affordable and fun for students.

Summer 2021

The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021



The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021

Summer 2021

Summer 2021

The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021


Tigers to look out for in 2021 By KRISTEN CARR Sports Writer

As we near the start of the fall semester, we are also nearing the return of athletic events on campus. Game days can be overwhelming as a freshman, but knowing who to watch can help your experience be even more memorable. While some of the athletes on this list may already be known, some are players that could be heading toward a breakout season in 2021. Here are some athletes from Auburn’s football, soccer and volleyball teams that you should know.




TANK BIGSBY Last season, then-true freshman running back Tank Bigsby led Auburn with 834 rushing yards on 138 carries in just 10 games. Following his impressive first year, the LaGrange, Georgia, native was named the SEC Freshman of the Year by the conference’s coaches. This fall, fans hope to see Bigsby become Auburn’s first 1,000-yard rusher since 2018. Bigsby has proven to be a talented running back for the offense, so it will be interesting to see what he does in 2021.

While NCAA volleyball is only played in the fall, the 2020 season saw teams play a fall and spring portion. Auburn volleyball played a conference-only schedule in the fall and finished 0-8 before canceling its spring season due to opt-outs and injuries. The Tigers will look to bounce back in the fall and are led by rising senior Tatum Shipes. Shipes, an outside hitter, led Auburn with 59 kills and 230 attacks in 2020. On a roster made up of mostly underclassmen, Shipes is one of four seniors on the team, and her leadership will be needed in the fall.

Similar to volleyball, the NCAA split the soccer season into a fall and spring portion. Auburn soccer finished the 2020 season with a 10-5-3 record and ended the spring on a five-game win streak. Freshman players like forward Mallory Mooney and midfielder Anna Haddock led the team offensively as they finished with 14 points each last season. Haddock finished 2020 with 10 assists and two goals, while Mooney scored five goals and had four assists. The 14 points are the most by an Auburn freshman since 2016. Another freshman standout is Olivia Candelino. Candelino went from playing three minutes in her first game to playing 73 in the last game of the season against Virginia Tech. She also scored three goals in the spring portion of Auburn’s season. Overall, it was hard to pick just one player from Auburn’s soccer team as the future looks bright for this freshman class.


The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021

Summer 2021

Meal Plan Options On Campus/Off Campus 5 + $450* 5 SWIPES PER WEEK + $450 Dining Dollars..................$1,300

9 stations with broad hours

5 meal swipes/week to use at Tiger Zone in the Village or The Edge at Central Dining. $450 Dining Dollars to use at any on-campus dining location.

10 + $500 10 SWIPES PER WEEK + $500 Dining Dollars................$1,645

Chef-crafted recipes featuring local and

10 meal swipes/week to use at Tiger Zone in the Village or the Edge at Central Dining. $500 Dining Dollars to use at any on-campus dining location.

ALL ACCESS + $150 ALL ACCESS + $150 Dining Dollars..................................$2,050 All access at Tiger Zone in the Village or The Edge at Central Dining. $150 Dining Dollars to use at any on-campus dining location.

ALL ACCESS + $375 ALL ACCESS + $375..............................................................$2,250 All access at Tiger Zone in the Village or The Edge at Central Dining. $375 Dining Dollars to use at any on-campus dining location.

Off Campus Only

$600 DINING DOLLARS $600 Dining Dollars...............................................................$600 $600 Dining Dollars to use at any on-campus dining location.

$375 DINING DOLLARS* $375 Dining Dollars...............................................................$375 $375 Dining Dollars to use at any on-campus dining location.

75 + $375 DINING DOLLARS 75 Swipes + $375 Dining Dollars........................................$1,105 75 meal swipes to use over the course of the semester in Tiger Zone at the VIllage or The Edge at Central dining + $375 DD at any on-campus location.

House-made tortillas, pasta, bread and dough

fresh ingredients Allergen and dietary accommodations Customizable and express feature options Dynamic seating to accommodate studying, socializing or whatever you choose!


e l g a E r a W Camp Check out the QR code below Download the GET app to change your meal plan

50 + $375 DINING DOLLARS 50 Swipes + $375 Dining Dollars........................................$865 50 meal swipes to use over the course of the semester in Tiger Zone at the VIllage or The Edge at Central dining + $375 DD at any on-campus location.


25 + $375 DINING DOLLARS 25 Swipes + $375 Dining Dollars.........................................$625 25 meal swipes to use over the course of the semester in Tiger Zone at the VIllage or The Edge at Central dining + $375 DD at any on-campus location.


Summer 2021

The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021







Alec Jackson (65)

Tashawn Manning (56)

Nick Brahms (52)

Keiondre Jones (58)

Brodarious Hamm (59)

Austin Troxell (68)

Tate Johnson (54)

Jalil Irvin (50)

Kam Stutts (62)

Brenden Coffey (55)






John Samuel Shenker (47)

Elijah Canion (17)

Bo Nix (10)

Ja’Varrius Johnson (6)

Kobe Hudson (5)

Tyler Fromm (85)

Shedrick Jackson (11)

Grant Loy (14)

Malcolm Johnson Jr. (16)

Ze’Vian Capers (80)

Luke Deal (86)

Dematrius Davis (18)

Brandon Frazier (87)

RUNNING BACK Tank Bigsby (4) Shaun Shivers (8) Devan Barrett (22) Jarquez Hunter (FR)






Ladarius Tennison (13)

Smoke Monday (21)

Nehemiah Pritchett (18)

Roger McCreary (23)

Dreshun Miller (Transfer)

Juwon Gaston (FR)

Ahmari Harvey (38)

Zion Puckett (11)

Jaylin Simpson (36)

Eric Reed Jr. (24)






Colby Wooden (25)

Tyrone Truesdell (94)

Marquis Burks (92)

Derrick Hall (29)

Owen Pappoe (0)

Caleb Johnson (45)

Tony Fair (Transfer)

Lee Hunter (44)

T.D. Moultry (99)

Chandler Wooten (31)

Zykeivous Walker (3)

J.J. Pegues (89)

Nick Curtis (95)

Romello Height (37)

Cam Riley (35)

Daniel Foster-Allen (90)

Dre Butler (49)

LINEBACKER Zakoby McClain (9) Wesley Steiner (32)

KICKER Anders Carlson (26)

HOLDER Ben Patton (96)





Aidan Marshall (41) OR

Jacob Quattlebaum (67)

Ja’Varrius Johnson (6)

Tank Bigsby (4)

Oscar Chapman (91)

Reed Hughes (61)

Kobe Hudson (5)

Ladarius Tennison (13)


The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021



COMMUNITY Go to to purchase tickets and for the address of our location.

Summer 2021

Summer 2021

The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021


letter to the editor:

Fellow AU newcomer Bryan Harsin says hello By BRYAN HARSIN Football Head Coach

Camp War Eagle Participants, I know a thing or two about being a first‐timer on the Auburn University campus. When I was hired in late December to be the head football coach at Auburn, I hadn’t been to the City or the University yet. Everything I had heard about the hospitality of the Auburn Family and how special a place Auburn is paled in comparison to what I experienced upon arriving here. Simply put, Auburn and everything it has to offer will be one of the best experiences of your life. From Samford Hall to Toomer’s Corner to Jordan‐Hare Stadium, there is a vibe and feel around Auburn that energizes you and pushes you to accomplish great things. Your Auburn journey is starting with

Camp War Eagle. This will give you an opportunity to see first‐hand the wide range of opportunities available here at Auburn. From personal experience, I know you’ll love what you’re about to experience. Like myself and my family, you are now part of the Auburn Family! I can’t wait to see you all in Jordan‐ Hare Stadium this fall. The students of Auburn are a key part of the best home game environment in all of college football. We will need to bring it at all seven home games this fall. War Eagle!


Auburn Tigers head coach Brent Crouch speaks to his players during the game between Auburn and Florida at Auburn Arena on Oct. 21, 2020, in Auburn, Ala.

Bryan Harsin

letter to the editor:

Greetings from volleyball head coach Brent Crouch By BRENT CROUCH Women’s Volleyball Head Coach

War Eagle! This is Brent Crouch, Head Coach of Women’s Volleyball and it is my great honor to welcome you to The Plains! Like you, I am a new member of the Auburn Family, having been at Auburn for about a year. All the reasons you choose Auburn — excellent education, world class sporting events, a family feel with authentic people and warm weather — were my reasons too. And I can tell you after my first year that my decision to join the Auburn Family was among the best I have made. I know that you will feel the same after your Year 1! Know that you have a fan already in Athletics and I can’t wait to see you at games. Make sure you give me a big War Eagle when we see each other, and let’s stand side by side rolling Toomer’s after the big wins coming this fall! War Eagle Class of 2025! TODD VAN EMST | AU ATHLETICS

Football coach Bryan Harsin meets students on the concourse on Monday, Feb. 1, 2020, in Auburn, Ala.

Coach Brent Crouch


The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021

Summer 2021

Summer 2021

The Auburn Plainsman: Camp War Eagle 2021


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