The Auburn Plainsman 01.23.14 issue

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The Auburn Plainsman

50 years of integration

A Spirit That Is Not Afraid

Thursday, January 23, 2014 Vol. 120, Issue 30, 14 Pages

the Auburn plainsman archive

Above is an excerpt from the front page of The Auburn Plainsman covering Harold Franklin’s first days of class. Franklin was the first African American graduate student to attend Auburn Universtiy.

Students still working to eliminate racial barriers

Derek Herscovici

affairs and campus involvement strive to make those environments more welcoming to diverse The 2013-14 school year marks the 50th an- groups. “We just have to be deliberate as members of niversary of Auburn University’s integration, an event noted for its relative peacefulness in a minority group,” Deese said. “Be deliberate in our actions and say, ‘Well, I am going to do this comparison to other universities in the south. Though institutional segregation is now a because there aren’t that many people who look thing of the past, some at Auburn feel there is like me doing it.’” BSU, once committed specifically to iman unspoken segregation that divides much of campus, prompting organizations to renew their proving the lives of black students, now sees itself as a voice for all underefforts to integrate the Unirepresented groups on camversity more thoroughly. pus. “From my experience, From organizing multiculthere seems to be an undertural events to movie parties, ground culture, at least for From my BSU is taking advantage of black people,” said Frank- experience, there its role as spokesperson for lin Deese, Liberal Arts repseems to be an the minority community to resentative for the Student Government Association. underground culture, assimilate outside groups and independents within the same “Coming here, the instinctive at least for black university mantle. thing to do is stick to the peopeople. Coming “[The] black student union ple and the cultures that you isn’t just for black students, know, and when there aren’t here, the instinctive it’s for Caucasian students, that many specifically black thing to do is to stick students, any kind of people in, say, SGA or anwith the people and Hispanic student,” said Ebony Alfrod, other organization, they’re junior in biomedical science. less inclined to go there or do cultures you know.” “Our organization was crethat because you’re with that —Franklin deese ated to give African-Amerigroup.” Liberal arts cans that spot where they can Minority groups comprise representative for SGA come and be together. Now, 14 percent of all students at we’re trying to say, ‘Hey, we Auburn, a decent chunk of the population, but a portion that often lacks mem- are African American students, but we want to bers and visibility in campus organizations like join in with you. We want this to be a community and not a segregated spot.’” SGA and the University Program Council. Initiatives set forward by the Black Student Union in partnership with the office of student » See barriers A2 Campus Reporter

the Auburn plainsman archive

Anna grafton /PHOTO EDITOR

LEFT: Franklin attends a History of Russia class in 1964. RIGHT: Franklin speaks at at the “Dialogue on Race, Integration and Education” on Tuesday, Jan. 21

Franklin returns to campus for 50th anniversary of integration Corey Williams CAMPUS REPORTER

Harold Franklin, 80, was Auburn University’s first black graduate student. According to Franklin, however, Auburn was not his first choice. “Auburn was the last school in the world I ever looked at,” Franklin said. “I had no interest in agriculture. When my daddy needed help in his garden, the first thing I did was hide.” Franklin had another career

in mind. “My ambition was to become a lawyer,” Franklin said. “Thurgood Marshall was my idol.” Franklin graduated from Alabama State University in 1962, with a degree in government and psychology. He planned to apply to law school at the University of Alabama, but civil rights attorney Fred Gray warned him his LSAT scores might not meet Alabama

standards for admission. After prompting by Gray, Franklin filled out an application to attend Auburn University. “My attorney told me I was an ideal candidate,” Franklin said. “He said to me ‘We need people like you.’” Franklin was denied admittance to Auburn in 1963 because Alabama State

» See franklin a2

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The Auburn Plainsman

DUI ARRESTS For Jan. 15–Jan. 22, 2014 Jonathan Nixon, 25 Jan. 16, 1:20 a.m. – South Donahue Drive

Joseph Vann, 35 Jan. 17, 2:58 a.m. – Hemlock Drive and West Magnolia Avenue

Jan 15, 3:40 p.m. – Theft of Property Third Degree 200 Block of Heisman Drive Jan. 15, 1:39 – Criminal Mischief Third Degree 100 Block of Wright Street

Audrey Senkbeil, 21 Jan. 17, 11 p.m. – Hemlock Drive John Keller, 21 Jan. 18, 11:15 p.m. – West Samford Avenue and Shug Jordan Parkway Michael James Jr., 21 Jan. 19, 3:51 p.m. – Sandhill Road

Police reports for Jan. 15–Jan. 22, 2014 Jan 16, 3:16 p.m. – Theft of Property Second Degree 1700 Block of South College

Erin Gallagher, 23 Jan. 16, 2:30 a.m. – West Glenn Avenue

Jan. 15, 3:20 – Theft of Property Second Degree 200 Block of Heisman Drive Jan. 16, 11 a.m. ¬ Theft of Property Third Degree 1600 Block of Opelika Road Jan. 20, 10:41 a.m. – Theft of Property Third Degree 1300 Block of Commerce Drive

Jan. 20, 4:27 p.m. ¬– Burglary Third Degree 100 Block of Harmon Jan. 20, 6 p.m. – Robbery Third Degree 1700 Block of South College Jan. 20, 5:24 p.m. – Assault Third Degree 900 Block of Pleasant Avenue Jan. 20, 7:49 p.m. – Burglary, Residence 1100 Block of Northwood Drive Jan. 20, 9:55 p.m. – Burglary Third Degree 1000 Block of Old Mill Road Jan. 21, 4:57 a.m. – Burglary Third Degree 1000 Block of North Donahue

Community reporter

If Martin Luther King Jr. were alive today, he would be 85 years old. In the 46 years since his assassination, his life and all he contributed and stood for is still honored today. The Auburn University community dedicates this week to the life of a man who exemplified a selfless and giving character that has radiated for nearly five decades. King Week is a weeklong event that commemorates the life and dreams of King. The entire community is welcome to share in the events dedicated in his honor. Speeches, lectures and luncheons make up a large part of the week, with Monday, Jan. 20, the official MLK Day, dedicated to a day of service. A Day On and Not a Day Off was a community wide day of service. Joyce Thomas-Vinson, program administrator of Student Engagement and Service Learning, led Auburn Serves to spearhead the day of giving back. “The main thing we did was to contact any nonprofit organizations in the area and find out if they had any special projects they need-

ed help with on Monday,” Thomas-Vinson said. “I made a list and sent them out to the teachers and students or anyone who wanted to get involved.” Thomas-Vinson compiled a varied list of charities and nonprofits that were all looking to give back on Monday. Alabama Rural Ministries, C.A.M.P., the Lee County Human Society and Jean Dean RIF were just a few who participated. C.A.M.P., or Central Alabama Mountain Pedalers, have a mission, to promote trail advocacy, health, wellness, and education by developing, maintaining and riding sustainable multi-use trails. Their motto is to make things happen, and that is just what they did with the help of volunteers on Monday. The president, Philip Darden, oversaw the day of volunteering, which included building and maintaining a number of trails in Chewacla, Tuskegee and other small parks. “We took what we usually do and geared it to a day to serve,” Darden said. “It was a big community workday and we had over 20 people come out and help.” Many of the volunteers were mountain bikers who wanted to improve the trails they ride on a reg-

ular basis, while others just wanted to spend their day off giving back. C.A.M.P. offers days to give back during the year, not just on MLK Day. They heard about King Week through the volunteer fair they participated in on Auburn’s campus on Friday. Lisa Pierce, an Auburn alumna and founder and director of Alabama Rural Ministries, also coordinated events for the day of giving. “We started out with a breakfast and devotion for all the volunteers,” Pierce said. “Then we had several different groups go out into the community. Everyone had a good spirit and it went really well.” ARM had more than 87 volunteers come out to serve. Groups went to a nursing home to play Bingo, a children’s ministry at a local church and visited Tuskegee Methodist Church, which the group is renovating it into a community outreach center. Other volunteers from ARM went to two different homes to help repair a roof and other damages. The ministry also began King Week with a worship service on Sunday, where they had a reading of the 1968 “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop” speech by King.

Online turfgrass program approved Ben Ruffin

Campus Writer

The Alabama Commission on Higher Learning granted Auburn’s wish for an online masters of turfgrass management program for Auburn University’s College of Agriculture. The program will be a non-thesis graduate degree program and will focus on key areas of turfgrass management such as installation methods, breeding and development, insect and disease control and construction of specialty areas, such as athletic fields and putting greens. “The program is designed for working professionals who may want to take classes while employed and offers its entire curriculum online,” said Josh Woods, director of communication and marketing for the College of Agriculture. “The program be-

gan this spring and requires 32 credit hours for graduation, which are offered through our department of crop, soils, and environmental sciences.” Since it is a non-thesis program, students will not be required to do a major research or thesis project as students do in the traditional turfgrass management program. According to approvedcolleges. com, the published in-state tuition for the program is $7,900, while the out of state tuition is published at $21,916. Students enrolled in the online program will be advised by turfgrass faculty with experience in weed control, turf pathology, turf entomology, and turfgrass management. Headed by Elizabeth Guertal, lead faculty member for the online masters of turfgrass management, Auburn is the second of two universities in the

country to offer the masters completely online. “The program is the first of its kind in this area, positioning us to be a leader among surrounding schools,” Guertal said. The traditional turfgrass management offered at the University has a current enrollment of more than 50 students, one of the largest in the department of crop, soil and environmental sciences. Woods said turfgrass management comes with a wide range of career options although most of the graduates pursue a career in golf course management. Woods also said the way turfgrass is managed affects lakes and streams, animals and non-target species, as well as the athletes and people who use the turf along with numerous other environmental effects.

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franklin » From A1

University lacked accreditation. Gray and Franklin took that decision to court. ASU lost its accreditation two years earlier because it did not receive the funding white-only universities did. This, according to Gray, was discrimination. “He looked at me and said ‘We just won our case,’” Franklin said. On Jan. 4, 1964, Franklin became the first African American to register for classes at Auburn University. Franklin met federal agents at Auburn United Methodist Church to prepare for his first day. “The FBI agents searched my bags,” Franklin said. “One of them asked if I had a gun. I told them ‘I’m not going hunting, I’m going to school!’” While he registered, onlookers asked Franklin repeatedly for identification, and demanded to know what he was doing. “They knew I couldn’t show them my student ID. I had not even registered yet,” Franklin said. “I told them, ‘You all know exactly

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what I am doing. You all know exactly why I am here.’” After his first day, Franklin returned to his room in Magnolia Hall, which has since been demolished. “I had a whole wing of the dormitory to myself,” Franklin said. Franklin left the school in 1966, before finishing his degree. He went on to earn a master’s degree in history at the University of Denver. He taught at many institutions, including Alabama State University, North Carolina A&T University, Tuskegee Institute and Talladega College until he retired from education in 1991. Franklin received an Honorary Doctorate of Arts from Auburn University in 2001, 37 years after he left. According to Franklin, the best advice he can give his students is to make sure their voice is heard. “I always told my students two things,” Franklin said. “First of all, register to vote. Second of all, cast your vote.” Franklin said he hopes younger generations will not take what they have for granted. “I don’t care what school they go to,” Franklin said. “I just hope all young people will take advantage of their education.”

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to all students from all backgrounds and walks of life to kind of interact with each other, and I think [that’s] what we’re seeing,” Campbell said. “It’s just a matter of making sure those things continue [and] making sure that students know about them and are interested in them. We can continue to integrate and continue to make things happen.” BSU has its own advisory board that works in conjunction with the University’s advisory council to address possible injustices or adversities students might experience on campus. However, Campbell said the problems cannot be solved until students take the initiative. Feelings of frustration or stifling by organizations can be addressed by talking to key members, taking the initiative to overcome those obstacles and working within the organization to promote change and are ideal solutions to the question of diversity on campus, according to Campbell. “Are there barriers,” Campbell said. “Are they perceived or real? We need to figure out what the issues are.”

The Auburn Plainsman


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-Reports provided by Auburn Department of Public Safety

Corrections and clarifications from Jan. 16 issue An article titled “Students stay fit, for credit, with Active Auburn classes” stated, “Thorton helped develop and teaches most of the courses in the hunger studies curriculum.” However, other faculty from across the University teach classes for the Hunger Minor. The Plainsman apologizes for the mistake.


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Jan. 21, 3:05 p.m. – Criminal Mischief Third Degree 200 Block of West Longleaf Drive

However, according to Alfrod, desegregating campus institutions isn’t an anomaly at Auburn. “We’re working with other schools like Tuskegee and Alabama and the University of Georgia to bring some of their ideas in and share some of ours with them to see how we can broaden our diversity here,” Alfrod said. Those initiatives are to bring out Auburn’s on-campus diversity to returning students, as well as incoming freshman, who may be considering attending traditionally black schools. Integrating Auburn goes beyond improving the school’s image, however. The most important developments must come from the upperclassmen who hold the power to cross lines and take positions of leadership in places deemed undesirable by African Americans and other minorities in the past, according to BSU adviser Charus Campbell. “The opportunity at Auburn is available


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Jan. 21, 2:47 p.m. – Theft of Property Second Degree 100 Block of Engineering Drive

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Jan. 21, 2:10 p.m. – Theft of Property Second Degree 900 Block of West Magnolia Avenue


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Columbia Drive and Columbia Court Jan. 21, 9:39 a.m. – Criminal Mischief Third Degree 300 Block of Armstrong Street

Jan. 21, 8:23 a.m. – Theft of Property First Degree

KingWeek helps serve a legacy Ashtyne Cole

Thursday, January 23, 2014

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Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Auburn Plainsman

Campus A3

Aubie pulls off another victory Adam Wolnski Intrigue Writer

Emily brett / graphics editor

The Hudson family’s righteous party Derek Herscovici Campus Reporter

Everyone likes a good party. Why not make it for a good cause? The Hudson Family Foundation, in partnership with local nonprofits around Lee County, is hosting Jeff Foxworthy, Rascal Flatts and more in it’s third annual Benefit Weekend to raise money for charities on Jan. 23 and 24 in the Auburn Arena. “There are actually more than 50 nonprofits that participated in selling tickets to the event,” said Jenny Hall, event coordinator for the Hudson Family Foundation. “We opened up the opportunity for nonprofits to reach out to us that were interested in selling tickets to make extra money to support their causes.” According to Hall, this type of partnership in which the other nonprofits can sell tickets to the event and collect 50 percent of the profits is only a test run. If successful, it could provide a reliable source of revenue for local nonprofits in the future. “There’s so many needs in the community,” Hall said. “Not just ours, but lots of worthy causes, and we wanted to give other folks the opportunity to be involved with us as friends and as a foundation.” Jeff Foxworthy and Rascal Flatts even agreed to take pay cuts for the benefit concert in order to raise money for the various nonprofit foundations participating, Hall said. The East Alabama Services for the Elderly, the Cowboy Church of Lee County, Lee-Scott Band Boosters, and the Lee County Humane Society were among the nonprofits asked to sell tickets for the event. “This is the first time either of us have done this,” said Kristen Terry, event coordinator for the Lee County Humane Society. “We’re just really grateful to be a part of this and help raise money for both great organizations.” Terry said the humane society has been hard at work promoting the event through its Facebook page and through Delta Zeta sorority, with whom they have a philanthropy partnership, to maximize sales before they return the unsold tickets on Monday. “We’re looking to do another transport to Washington D.C. Animal Rescue Week because in D.C. they actually don’t have enough animals for everyone that wants to adopt,” Terry said. “Here in Alabama, we have an abundance of animals and not

We’re just really grateful to be a part of this and help raise money for both great organizations.” —Kristen Terry

Event coordinator for the lee county humane society

enough homes, but those trips are costly. So, [the proceeds] can definitely go more towardsthat, and we can save more animals here.” Nonprofits aren’t the only ones benefitting from the event this weekend, though. Opening up for Foxworthy Thursday night is Jody Fuller, a retired army veteran and 2001 Auburn graduate who spent the last three years perfecting his standup act around the country after a 21-year military career and three tours in Iraq. “It’s kinda cool, the biggest gig of my career so far is right there in Auburn,” Fuller said. “It’s a blessing to have so many family and friends there. They know how hard I’ve worked the past few years, and for a lot of that to come to fruition through hard work, right there for everybody to see; I couldn’t be more happy.” After performing in more than in 26 states, including 60 gigs around the southeast in December alone, Fuller said he’s using the opportunity to perform on the same stage as one of his idols to bring out his best material. “When I heard about the Foxworthy thing, I reached out to [the Hudsons],” Fuller said. “He’s the biggest selling comedy artist of all time, as far as albums go, and everybody who [has] spent time with him all say he’s a wonderful human being.” Since 2009, the foundation started by Atlanta Braves pitcher and east-Alabama native Tim Hudson and his wife Kim has raised more than $975,000 for children and families in need, including individual family grants, college scholarships and grants to nonprofit organizations. Foxworthy and Fuller will perform Thursday, Jan. 23, while Rascal Flatts and Thomas Rhett will play Friday, Jan. 24. Gates open at 6 p.m. Tickets are still available through the Hudson Family Foundation’s website and through participating foundations, or through the foundation’s office at 334-707-9007.

Aubie has inspired Auburn fans in fields, courts and stadiums for decades, but Friday night in Disney World, he yet again proved himself as the best mascot in the nation. Aubie won his eighth Universal Cheerleaders Association (UCA) mascot national championship since his first win in 1991. Aubie left his bags packed from Pasadena and headed to Orlando, Fla. to take part in his second national championship this year, but this time he came away with the victory that every Auburn fan knew he deserved. Taylor Akers, junior in communications, is one of the Directors of Aubie. “There are three [Directors of Aubie] and we all work together,” Akers said. “We divide and conquer.” After packing up on Wednesday and making sure the props were all together, ready and fit for competition, Aubie and his team left for Orlando on Thursday. “On Friday Aubie had inspection on all his props to make sure they were OK to compete, then Friday night was the competition,” Akers said. Just like Auburn’s football schedule, Aubie didn’t have an easy list of competitors to sweep through to win big. He was up against mascots that have won, or come very close to winning, in past years. “Alabama’s always a good competitor, and they did very well,” Akers said, “but Aubie’s had some bigger competitors this year, especially with the Honey Badger, as well as Goldy the Gopher who came in second place.”

Sarah May / assistant photo editor

Aubie, who won his eighth mascot national championship, performs with Auburn’s marching band.

Fans on Twitter voted him the number one choice, but when it came to the judges’ pick, Aubie and the 2013 winner, University of Minnesota’s Goldy Gopher, were the last two standing. After ESPN announced Goldy was the runner up and Aubie had won his eighth national championship, Aubie shook hands with Goldy and accepted his trophy with some notorious head shakes. Props and outfits are essential to every mascot, and Aubie has some of the best. “Aubie kind of just tells us what he’s feeling for the football games and things and then we go out and go to different thrift stores, we go to costume shops and just try to put together what he’s looking for,” Akers said. Although Aubie’s props and outfits were key to his success in the competition,

Akers was quick to give Aubie the credit for his victory. “I think with Aubie it’s that he doesn’t need a lot of props to be great,” Akers said. “He doesn’t need a lot of props to stand out. He has a few really good, solid props and he just lets his character shine through.” Aubie and his team are continuing to make history while Aubie brings out the tiger in all of his fans. “We’re extremely proud of [Aubie] for bringing home an eighth national championship,” Akers said. “None of the mascots have even come close to that, so I think that shows a lot about our program and how much he works throughout the year.” Aubie has won more UCA mascot national championships than any other mascot.

Online graduate programs make the grade Corey Williams Campus Reporter

Online graduate programs in the Raymond J. Harbert College of Business, Auburn University’s College of Education, and the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering ranked high in U.S. News and World Report’s 2014 Best Online Education Programs. U.S. News and World Report based rankings on each program’s scores in five categories: student engagement, faculty credentials and training, student services and technology, peer reputation, and admissions selectivity. The Raymond J. Harbert College of Business came in at No. 12 on U.S. News and World Report’s list. According to Stanley Harris, associate dean for graduate and international programs for the College of Business, students who choose to complete their online graduate courses online are getting the same education as students who opt to learn in a traditional classroom. “We have a lot of experience with online programs, and I think that is what really sets us apart from the others,” Harris said. “Students that are a part of our online programs are getting essentially the same experience as those who are learning on campus. They are getting the real classroom experience. We are really proud of it.” Auburn’s College of Education’s online graduate program ranked 6th among the nation’s top online graduate programs. Dr. Leane Skinner, associate professor and program coordinator of Business

Marketing Education, said the College of Education’s online graduate programs are designed to promote communication between everyone involved in a course. Skinner said the faculty is very committed to developing and delivering innovative online programs. “I think the faculty is continuously exploring new technology that will enhance the learning experience of all students. The way the courses are designed encourages interaction between online students, on campus students, and the faculty,” Skinner said. “The programs are equivalent whether you are an on campus or an online student.” The Samuel Ginn College of Engineering’s online graduate program placed 29th on the list, while its online graduate computer information technology program came in at No. 14. Dr. George Flowers, professor and dean of the College of Engineering’s graduate school, said information is delivered to online graduate students in a quick and convenient way. “The technology we use has evolved considerably over the years,” Flowers said. “We started with the VHS, and then we moved on to the DVD. Now, the course material is delivered in an asynchronous fashion. That means the classes are videoed, and then viewed by the students some other time. Once the videos are recorded, they are uploaded to a website that is directly accessible by students within two hours. It is done in a way that is very efficient and very high quality.” Despite the importance of modern technology, Flowers said he believes ef-

Emily brett / graphics editor

fective instructors are the key to an online graduate program’s success. “The quality of the instruction is very important,” Flowers said. “The faculty is committed to presenting material in an engaging way and presenting current, up-to-date material. We have very qualified, capable and committed instructors.”

Whistleblower tour welcomes Eric Ben-Artzi

Corey Arwood

Contributing Writer

Only public outrage will curb Wall Street corruption, according to Eric BenArtzi, former Deutsche Bank (DB) risk analyst who will speak at the University on Jan. 27 for the Government Accountability Projects’s (GAP) annual Whistleblower Tour. In the middle of the economic recession, when financial institutions such as Lehman Brothers, were going under or being bailed out, Ben-Artzi blew the whistle on another potential catastrophe that would ultimately cost tax payers more and deepen the recession. Ben-Artzi was vice president of the Legal, Risk and Capital Division of DB. Ben-Artzi reported evidence of potential multi-billion dollar securities violations. After following internal procedures and ultimately receiving only retaliation, Ben-Artzi went to the Securities and Exchange Commission and then sought the legal services of the GAP. “The whistleblower is just someone who alerts the public,” Ben-Artzi said. “Unless the public becomes outraged enough, the whistleblower has no effect.” Ben-Artzi said the winning combina-

tion for reform is whistleblowers, media and sufficient public outrage to force people in Washington, D.C., to do something. A lesson Ben-Atzi wants to impart on students is a precautionary one. “A couple of years ago, I was a completely ordinary person with the same ordinary experiences that most of them might have,” Ben-Artzi said. “But the path that I’ve gone down–not because I wanted to, but it happened–is very different. I think it could be interesting for students who don’t think this is going to happen to them.” Even though Ben-Artzi is a mathematician with a doctorate from the Courant Institute at New York University, he said his talk will not be all about numbers. “The main talk will be more general and hopefully interesting to the nonfinance and accounting folks,” Ben-Artzi said. The stop is the third sponsored by the newly named Raymond J. Harbert College of Business’ School of Accountancy, and was coordinated by Sarah Stanwick, associate accounting professor. “We bring whistleblowers to campus so our students can hear from individuals who have done the right thing and who

have spoken up for what they believe in and shown integrity in doing it,” Stanwick said. Stanwick said she believes her student are on par in matters of ethical business practices. “I think that there are so many instances that we can’t teach in the classroom and so many things that they will be faced with and asked to do by unethical people,” Stanwick said. “[Students] need to understand what the consequences are for continuing with that behavior.” The moderator will be Dana Gold, GAP senior fellow and Whistleblower Tour director. As an attorney with the GAP, Gold represented whistleblowers from 1995-2002. “It’s a really important moment to have a deeper understanding of what whistleblowing is, what it isn’t [and] what the risks are because I think it’s something that everybody could potentially face in their futures in the workplace at every level,” Gold said. “This is time [Auburn] students have the opportunity to actually learn more about whistleblowing.” The event will be held 7–8:30 p.m. in Room 113-A of Lowder Business Building.

Campus A4

The Auburn Plainsman

Thursday, January 23, 2014

emily enfinger / photographer

Ukulele Club welcomes all majors and all levels of ukulele playing experience.

AUke combines good people and good times Corey Williams Campus Reporter

At this point, most Auburn students have seen or heard the “Ukulele Guy” playing a song or two on the concourse between classes. In fact, the Ukulele Guy has become such a fixture on campus that some people might find it hard to believe that Joc Rivera, freshman in computer sciences and vice president of AUke, has only been serenading the people of Auburn for one semester. “I started playing when I first got to Auburn,” Rivera said. “I found the whole college thing kind of nerve-wracking at first, and I figured other people probably felt the same way. I thought if my day wasn’t going so well, and some weird guy walked past me playing a ukulele, I would instantly feel so much better.” Auburn University United Ukulele Collaboration, also known as AUke, was born after a chance meeting between Ri-

vera and Nolan Rodack, freshman in software engineering and president of AUke. Rodack, also a musician, noticed Rivera’s ukulele in an engineering orientation class. The two bonded over their shared love of the instrument and decided to turn their passion into a club. “We thought there are thousands of people that go to Auburn,” Rivera said. “There is bound to be at least one other person out there that plays the ukulele.” Rodack said he started putting his unique spin on the ukulele almost three years ago. “My brother and I were watching TV and ‘Bach and Friends’ came on,’ Rodack said. “It showed a bunch of musicians playing Bach on all different kinds of instruments. I thought maybe I could do something like that, too.” AUke’s motto is “Chill. Play. Ukulele.” The purpose of the club is to help people relax, have fun and express their cre-

ativity through the instrument. “We really hope that by coming here and hanging out with us, people will learn to let their guards down every now and then,” Rodack said. “We just want them to be themselves when they’re here.” Members meet once a week in the Student Center to do just that. “My favorite thing about this club is seeing how it softens people,” Rivera said. “Our hearts have this way of getting so hard from stress or from being overworked. It’s nice to see people come in here and have fun making music together.” Michael Barren, senior in business administration, attends meetings every week. Barren said he had never picked up a ukulele before joining AUke. According to Barren, it is easy to see what makes this club special. “It’s definitely the people,” Barren said. “The good people and good times.”

emily enfinger / photographer

Stephen Lafleur, junior in math, and Michael Barren, senior in business administration major, working on their chord progressions.

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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Social Media on The Plains

In response to our post “Aubie does it again” Viki Leach Woerner:

Great article! War Damn Aubie!

In response to our tweet “OPINION: Sports need more Richard Shermans” @animepet

“Couldn’t disagree more. There is still a place for sportsmanship in sports. Sherman doesn’t have it. AU Vet Med ‘72.”

In response to our tweet “Auburn holsters guns on campus despite new law” @C_Sand10

“ridiculous. Only way their minds will ever change is if an act of violence occurs (VT-esque) and by then it is too late.”


“I’m pretty sure the students at VT “felt safe” on campus before their shooting too.”


“To think that a sticker on a door is going to stop someone from coming and committing violience... just doesn’t make sense.”

In response to our tweet “Aubie the Tiger has won the 2014 UCA Mascot National Championship. He now has eight national titles all-time.” @GrayOB

“15 National Championships > 8 UCA Mascot National Championships.”

Current poll question: Would you vote to legalize marijuana in Alabama? •Yes •No •Only Medicinally

Last poll results: How much did you spend on textbooks this semester?

Opinion Our View

Let’s be blunt: decriminalize weed This just in! College kids like marijuana! This shouldn’t be news to anyone. Marijuana and substance abuse has become intertwined with the college experience. This topic has been in the public eye for some time now. We didn’t intend to rehash this issue, but President Obama’s remarks in a recent interview with The New Yorker has ignited debate. We do not condone the use of any illegal substance. However, there is growing support for the legalization of marijuana, and we tend to agree. According to a recent Gallup poll, 58 percent of Americans are in favor of legalizing marijuana. This is in contrast to 1969, when 12 percent of Americans favored legalization. Another Gallup poll revealed that 38 percent of Americans have tried marijuana and that this percentage has stayed roughly the same since the mid-1980s. Don’t get the wrong idea. We are not for the full legalization of marijuana. Rather, we are for the decriminalization of it. Putting it lightly, Alabama’s laws against marijuana are preposterous. According to Alabama Code, it is illegal to own any drug paraphernalia. Paraphernalia is defined as anything that is used in the growth, sale or use of marijuana. All you cannabis consumers better start putting flowers in your bongs and start calling them vases. Where does the government even begin to draw the line? Could

citizens be arrested for possessing a carved out apple? To arrest someone for owning drug paraphernalia, and not actual drugs, is analogous to arresting a drunken person for owning a driver’s license. Being caught with drug paraphernalia is punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine as much as $6,000. But don’t get caught again, or else you will be faced with one to 10 years in jail and a $15,000 penalty. But the ridiculousness doesn’t end there. According to Alabama Code, those who possess marijuana have to pay a stamp tax on the marijuana they are not legally allowed to possess. So, let’s say you get pulled over by the police, and they find marijuana on your person. Not only do they have you on driving under the influence of marijuana and possession of marijuana, they also have you on not paying the taxes on the drugs you’re not allowed to have. Not having this stamp tax paid can result in up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $15,000 dollars. Before you know it, you’ve been sentenced to jail for more than 20 years. Laws like these are draconian at best. They are designed by ill-informed bureaucrats to entrap citizens that should be considered misdemeanors at best. Our judicial system has better things to do than to send marijuana smokers to jail. It is a waste of money and resources.

Kristen Harlin / Assistant graphics editor

The legalization of recreational marijuana use has started a domino effect around the country. As popular demand increases, more and more states will begin to legalize marijuana, at least medicinally. Alabama seems unlikely to change its laws, and will seem archaic and close-minded in short time. We don’t need draconian marijuana laws to see how outdat-

ed many of Alabama’s laws are. Did you know it’s illegal to play dominos on Sunday in Alabama? If an individual wants to smoke marijuana, melt into their couch and watch “The Big Lebowski,” then that is their prerogative. Who are we, or the government, to tell someone they can’t do anything so long as it doesn’t interfere with the lives of others?

Her View

Cat cartoons and Southern stereotypes Becky Sheehan Intrigue Reporter

Garfield opened his door to a horde of relatives. They found out he won the lottery and wanted a handout. As the relatives swarmed his porch, I looked up from my breakfast. In loud, twangy Southern dialects, the feline family harassed the famous cartoon-strip cat. “The Garfield Show,” a computer-generated monstrosity on Cartoon Network nowadays, is not the first of its kind to feature stupid, crude and often violent Southern-sounding characters. In an episode of “Spongebob Squarepants,” Patrick and Spongebob are captured by the “trenchbillies,” who challenge them to a

banjo contest, a “hoot n’ hollerin” competition and a wrestling match. I know cartoons are supposed to be mindless entertainment, but I believe comedic performances can serve as the best timeline. From blackface minstrel performances to the pointed anti-conglomeration messages in Anchorman 2, entertainment is a reflection of what’s on the country’s mind. It wouldn’t sell tickets if no one related to it. The portrayal of Southern dialects in popular culture is worrisome (need I mention Honey BooBoo?). What it says is this: Southerners are stupid. Southerners are lazy. And since this skewed depiction continues to air, we can infer that audiences are eating it up. Patsy Rodenburg explains in her book, “The Right to Speak,” that it is human nature to rate someone’s intelligence solely by the way they speak. What is important here is

the phrase “the way they sound,” because somewhere along the way, respect for the actual words coming out of a Southern mouth was generally lost. It isn’t just Southern speech that has suffered unfortunate stereotyping. MTV’s “Jersey Shore” crushed the New Jersey dialect by filming the most idiotic citizens in the state. The Cockney dialect in the United Kingdom has always been a mark of an uneducated street urchin, a direct opposite to England’s Received Pronunciation. What I propose is a change. It will be gradual, at a snail’s pace. It probably won’t happen in my lifetime, but we should start it now. First, be proud of your heritage. My grandparents are Great Depression-era survivors and pioneers of education in their families. The speech that comes from their Southern mouths is wisdom. The

cadence of Mack Sheehan is like poetry. Phalere Cannon’s Panhandle Florida bayou tongue is acerbic and witty. Second, fight against the stereotype. You are equipped with the knowledge that people will judge you for your dialect. Make these years in college count. Study hard so you can continue to speak intelligently. Read to your children, too, when you have them, so they will follow your steps to correcting society’s view of the South. Equip your heart with gentleness that is not related to the way you sound, but to who you are as a person. Lastly, be aware that other pop culture stereotypes may influence you. When you watch the news, cartoons or reality TV, really listen to what’s being said. Strip away the segregating filter that is affixed to your ears. It’s not your fault it’s there, but you can start tuning it out now.

His View

Win or lose, Manning’s legacy is already written

32% spent $1-$200 David McKinney

32% spent $200-$400

Sports Writer

22% spent $400+

13% said “What are textbooks?”

The Plainsman wants to hear your voice! Send us your tweets, photos, Facebook posts and letters to the editor. We want to know what you think about the issues. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @TheAUPlainsman.

When it comes to legacies for NFL quarterbacks, there’s no measuring stick used more by critics than championships. Dan Marino, a hall of famer and 9-time Pro Bowl selection who holds more than seven NFL passing records, often has his stellar career accomplishments overlooked by writers and analysts, who choose instead to focus on the fact that Marino was never able to win a Super Bowl. In what are most likely the last years of his career, Denver Bron-

cos QB Peyton Manning could be headed toward an endless reel of Marino references. Manning, 1-1 in Super Bowls, has a chance to get a second ring on February 2, and, depending on what happens in that game, the media will discuss one of two things. Should the Broncos lose, they’ll talk about Manning not being able to win big games. If the Broncos win, they’ll debate whether he’s the greatest quarterback to ever play the game. I believe that no matter what happens come Super Bowl Sunday, the book on Manning’s legacy has already been written. He is one of, if not the, greatest QBs to ever play football. The stats alone are enough to make this argument; the 13 Pro Bowl selections, the 4

The Editorial Board Kelsey Davis Editor-in-Chief

Cat Watson Online

Emily Brett Design

Elizabeth Wieck Managing Editor

Becky Hardy Campus

Chandler Jones Community

Jordan Hays Opinion

Justin Ferguson Sports

Kristofer Sims Multimedia

Anna Claire Conrad Anna Grafton Copy Photo

Maddie Yerant Intrigue

Mailing Address Auburn Student Center Suite 1111H Auburn, AL 36849

Contact Phone 334–844–4130 Email

Most Valuable Player awards, the myriad of NFL passing records etc… Manning’s resume is as impressive of any other QB who has ever put on a helmet. What is often overlooked, however, is that Manning has singlehandedly pulled two dying NFL franchises from the depths of the grave over the course of his career. When he was drafted by the Indianapolis Colts number one overall in 1998, they were coming off an embarrassing 3-13 season. By his second year in the league, Manning had led the Colts to a 13-3 regular season record and a division title. In 2006, Manning led Indianapolis to a 12-4 regular season record, marking the fourthstraight season the Colts had won

Submissions The Auburn Plainsman welcomes letters from students as well as from faculty, administrators, alumni and those not affiliated with the University. Letters must be submitted before 4:30 p.m. on the Monday for publication. Letters must include the author’s name, address and phone number for verification, though the name of the author may be withheld upon request. Submission may be edited for grammar and/or length. Please submit no more than 400 words.

at least 12 games. That was the year Manning won his first Super Bowl, which was also the first win for the Colts franchise. In 2011, Manning, who had not missed a start since his rookie year in 1998, underwent two neck surgeries and had to sit out the entire season. Manning was released by the Colts in March of 2012, but was signed by the Broncos just 13 days later. Before 2013, the Broncos had just one playoff win since 2005. Now, Manning has them playing for the franchise’s first Super Bowl since 1998. Championships are the pinnacle of any sport. Manning has been there, and will probably get there again. But, I really don’t think Peyton Manning has much left to prove.

Policy The opinions of The Auburn Plainsman staff are restricted to these pages. This editorial is the majority opinion of the 13-member editorial board and the official opinion of the newspaper. The opinions expressed in columns and letters represent the views and opinions of their individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the Auburn University student body, faculty, administration or Board of Trustees.

Community Thursday, January 23, 2014



Trailer fire, family survives

Pierce Ostwalt Community Writer

On Jan. 10, at the Tiger Trailer Park in Auburn, the home of Anginette Tinsley caught fire, destroying everything she and her family owned. It began when her daughter, Wrenisha Hann, 18, was at the stove making dinner for the family. Some of the grease caught fire and started a chain reaction that led to the uncontrollable blaze that ultimatly destroyed the family’s home. “I kept smelling something, and I asked my son, ‘What are you doing, Chris?’” said Tinsley. Her son Christopher Tinsley, 28, said he was ironing. Anginette then simply returned to what she was doing and thought nothing more of it. However, the smell persisted and by the time any of the family members realized what was happening, it was too late. In a mutual effort from different departments within the Auburn Fire Division, the fire was put out. However, the damage was immense. “Nothing was able to be salvaged; total loss,” Tinsley said. “Everything was gone.” With her property left to ash, Tinsley and her family hope help from the community will allow them to rebuild their lives. “I chose to live in Auburn because of the community values that are here and the people that have shown up to help [Tinsley],” said Kizzy Hamilton, a friend of Tinsley’s. “It just really made me know that this is a wonderful place to stay whether you’re doing good or bad because people really do reach out and help one another. That’s what it is all about; helping one another.” The city of Auburn is helping the family. Tinsley said the city said they would pay for rent, but they cannot make a down payment on a home. Tinsley said she needs anything from food to personal care items to home furnishings so when her family finds a new home they can easily refurbish it and make it their own. “We need help in all kinds of ways,” says Tinsley. Tinsley believes she has played a role in helping others in her community for many years and has been a Samaritan to many in rough times. “At some of my worst times, during rough times with my children and what not, she has been there for me and been a rock in

Anna gRafton / Photo Editor

Auburn’s Jim ‘N Nick’s opens Feb. 2.

Chandler Jones / Community Editor

Anginette Tinsley stands on the front porch of her daughter’s home where she’s staying for the time being.

my life,” Hamilton said. “She would give me the shirt off of her back if I needed it. Before she even knew me, she would help me. If she saw I was having a bad day, she would say something or do something to pick me up. She has always been an uplifting person to me and my heart just went out to her in her time of need.” Hamilton plans to be just as solid of a rock for Tinsley as Tinsley has been for her. “I know that if it was someone else, she would be just as adamant and vigorous to help them as we are trying to now,” Hamilton said. If anyone is able to help the Tinsley family, they can be reached at 334-707-0201. Any items that would assist are more than welcomed and greatly appreciated.

Here comes the bridal show Ashtyne Cole

Community Reporter

For the past 20 years, Qantum of Auburn has presented a unique bridal show for the city with the goal of helping a bride plan her special day while being there every step of the way down the aisle. Qantum of Auburn is the local provider of radio stations, such as Mix 96.7 and The Bull 100.9. The bridal show will be held at the Hotel at Auburn University Jan. 26. John Bodiford, the market manager for Qantum, has been planning the annual event since 1996. Throughout the years, the venues for the show have varied, but the show stayed the same. “It’s a one-stop shop for a bride,” Bodiford said. “We have 35 vendors coming, and we’re going to have a little bit of everything that a bride could want.” Vendors will include Arch Photography, Jim Massey, Joseph A. Bank, Dinner for Two and many more. Tents and other special arrangements will also be on display. When brides first arrive, they are pinned with a red ribbon to distinguish them as a bride-to-be. They will be able

It’s gonna be a lot of fun, kinda crowded and brides are going to be able to find prices a lot cheaper this way.” —John Bodiford

market manager for Qantum

to peruse different vendors and will have the chance to compare prices and connect with the company they want to help with their special day. “We want the brides to jive with the vendor they choose,” Bodiford said. “It’s gonna be a lot of fun, kinda crowded and brides are going to be able to find prices a lot cheaper this way.” Vendors will also be giving away thousands of prizes, varying from a one-night stay in a hotel to a dinner for two. Hilary Mills is an on-air talent with Qantum of Auburn and was recently married on Dec. 28 at Moore’s Mill Country Club. “I went to the bridal show last year after I got engaged,” Mills said. “It was great

because you actually get to meet the vendors and see their portfolios. You don’t know what all you need until you get there.” Mills said the show “plants a good seed” for brides and helps them plan their wedding in just one afternoon. Along with the vendors and the food provided, there will also be a fashion show courtesy of Joseph A. Banks. Brides and guests will be able to see the newest wedding dresses and formal wear they could feature in their own weddings. “A mother from Birmingham called me up after the show last year and could not believe how much they saved on her daughter’s wedding,” Bodiford said. “She said it was the best thing she had ever seen and the show was a must for all brides. I love getting calls like that.” Brides of all ages are welcome to come, as well as their families. “It’s just a really fun experience,” Mills said. “It gives you so many ideas you would never even think of.” The show takes place on Sunday, Jan. 26, from 1–5 p.m. Tickets cost $15 at the door, and the prizes are drawn during the last hour of the show.

Bringing arts and entertainment to Opelika Adam Wolnski


Arts and entertainment will be discussed in Opelika, Monday, when the Envision Opelika 2025 focus group gets together to brainstorm. The focus group has had meetings on economic development, neighborhood restoration, crime and safety, education and more and was the group that spearheaded the building of the Opelika Sportsplex. “That’s probably our crown jewel.” Dora James, a member of the focus group said, “We got the ball rolling

thinking about that and got a group of citizens together that kind of sat down and started developing some plans of what they would like. One thing led to the next and finally it ended up where we got everything lined up and the building of the Sportsplex happened.” Envision Opelika 2025 started in 2001 and has been positively influencing the community for 13 years. James continues to serve Opelika with the focus group’s meeting on Arts and Entertainment. “It’s time to kind of bring some new blood, some younger people because the

future of Opelika is going to be theirs.” James said, “We have performing arts, visual arts, we have the dance, we have literary arts; we’re trying to get people from all these different groups together to just talk, ‘Okay, what would be some neat things for us to develop in Opelika?’” The meeting is open to the public and will take place at the Cultural Arts Center in Opelika, Jan. 27, from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. The center is a few blocks down from The Overall Company on 1103 Glenn Ave.

Auburn’s new Jim ‘N Nick’s owner David Gadilhe talks about his mission to give it that “hometown feel” Ashtyne Cole

Community Reporter

It was surprising to walk into the new restaurant, with its classic Jim ‘N Nick’s style and twinkle lights on the patio and see it completely deserted inside. Usually the restaurants are packed to the brim with customers and the smell of delicious barbecue. Instead, it smelled of fresh wood and new paint. The new restaurant is almost complete and ready for the Feb. 4 opening. Even more surprising was seeing the owner at his desk in the restaurant. His “desk” was a table for four, and on it was his computer, multiple building plans and coffee. Gadilhe was switching between pacing around the restaurant, constantly on the phone and sitting at his chair typing away. When we sat down with him, Gadilhe revealed why he loves Jim ‘N Nick’s so much and why their food is so good. Q: What made you think Auburn was the place to open a new Jim ‘N Nick’s? A: I own Jim ‘N Nick’s in Montgomery and Prattville, and we—myself and co-owner and creator of the restaurant, Nick Pihakais—thought Auburn was a great community. We believe the brand will do well here since it is a growing community and we are a growing service. I am a local owner, which means I live near the businesses. I live outside Montgomery and constantly visit the restaurants. That way I can be involved in the communities. Q: How did you get involved in this business? A: I grew up in the food and beverage industry. My parents were involved and took me with them. When I was in high school, I was a bus boy for Jim ‘N Nick’s. Then I worked my way up to assistant manager, then general manager. I love to cook, so I love being anywhere

in the kitchen. I’m supposed to be out there being the face of Jim ‘N Nick’s at the meet and greets, but you’ll usually find me in the kitchen with an apron on cooking the food. Q: Tell me about the personality of a Jim ‘N Nick’s restaurant. A: I just really love the whole concept of the restaurant, the southern food and comfort culture. It’s a comfortable, family atmosphere. We want it to be a home away from home for people. It’s something I’m passionate about. I have a wife, Trisha, and two kids, Callen and Adeline; so the family aspect is important to me. We also don’t have any freezers here. Everything is brought in daily, so it’s fresh. We try to purchase from local farmers so the food is as fresh as it can be. Q: What’s your favorite item on the menu? A: I really love the barbecue, of course. We take our barbecue seriously, trying to keep it in that southern style. We even have pictures of pit masters up on our walls. Barbecue is a way of life, and we’re not competing with anyone. Everyone is unique when it comes to cooking it. I also really like the southern chopped veggie salad from the new menu. You can add smoked chicken to it. The new menu has only been out for about four months. Q: What do you like to cook when you’re at home? A: I just like being on the grill, and what comes along with that. It’s not about grilling, but being outside and around people and having a nice cold beverage. We smoked a whole pig for ESPN when they were down here for Gameday. We got up at 4:30 a.m. and served it for lunch. I just like being around people, and it’s rewarding after you cook something on the grill for that long.

Auburn Activities Monday

Sunday 26 2014 Quantum of Auburn Bridal Show. Auburn University Hotel and Conference Center. 1 p.m. Call 334.745.4656 for more information


Leglislative Forum with the The League of Women Voters of East Alabama. Auburn City Council Chambers. 7–9 p.m. For more email president@

Tuesday 28

Catechist Meeting. St. Michael’s Catholic Church. 5:30-8 pm Karaoke. SkyBar. 9 p.m.









$4 Dinner. Wesley Foundation. 7– 8 p.m.

Freshman Community. Wesley Foundation. 6– 8 p.m.

MISS USED. War Eagle Supper Club

CRASHING BROADWAY. War Eagle Supper Club

URI Band and Charlie Muncaster. SkyBar. Drink Specials 7 p.m.

Family Night Dinner. Auburn First Presbyterian Church of Auburn. 05:15 p.m.

Chandler’s Birthday. Everywhere. All Day. For more information email community@theplainsman. com

Blackberry Breeze and Rocky Devotie. SkyBar 8 p.m.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

over a decade

The Auburn Plainsman

Community A7

Come see why all the students shop at Angel’s! A tradition for over a decade

Angel’s Antique and Flea Auburn memorabilia, vintage stuff, advertising signs, cheap furniture, window frames, records, CDs, DVDs, costume jewelry, and designer purses. Rated by LUCKY magazine as 1 of the top 5 malls in the South!

Council begins affordable housing, other construction Ashtyne Cole


The Auburn City Council kept the Jan. 21 meeting short, but long-range plans to reach out to the community were at the top of the list. The Foresite Group asked for an amended conditional use approval so they can begin construction on an affordable housing community. The community would be east of Shelton Mill Road and south of Grace Ridge Drive, where another affordable housing community stands. Auburn First Assembly of God owns the 12 acres where the housing would sit. Forrest Cotton, Auburn’s planning director, said Foresite plans to begin construction as soon as possible. “It is going to be 56 units, 112 bedrooms and will be on one parcel, but essentially a duplex,” Cotton said. “It is geared primarily toward the senior citizen de-

You won’t believe what just came in! OPEN Everyday 10 -7 and Sunday 1 - 5 900 Columbus Pkwy Opelika, AL 36801 1 blk off I-85N, Exit 62 10 minutes from Auburn 334-745-3221

In other Council news:

mographic.” Approval for the building was initially given 18 months ago, but the ruling has since lapsed. “When they’ve gone before us and have gone before the planning commission and it’s not pushing anybody’s buttons, we usually will give them re approval,” Councilman Bob Norman said. The area surrounding the site is low income, and the city believes would be a beneficial place to construct affordable housing. “It’s obviously a continued need,” Mayor Bill Ham said. “We try to meet the need for those in our community who aren’t able to provide for themselves.” Approval for the housing was unanimous. According to City Manager Charlie Duggan, there is already an affordable housing unit in the area, at Grace Ridge. The name of the new unit has not been released.

Be sure to follow the The Auburn Plainsman on Facebook and Twitter!

Council approved a reasonable fixed cost for the abatement of weeds at 1389 East University Drive.The cost will be $320.46

The Public Works department submitted a resolution for a contract for the emergency purchase of a fuel management system. Council approval is needed for costs over 15,000.

The cost of the Fuel Management System would be 29,470.20. It was approved.

Council approval was needed to authorize payment for the Indian Pines Entrance Pipe Replacement Project. TheAUPlainsman

The project will run $20,805.75 and the contract is with Beehive Construction.

Mayor Ham announced that Auburn has garnered the title of exceptional quality of life by Forbes Magazine.


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Trailer for sale quiet neighborhood. 2br/1ba new carpet, paint, d/w, w/d and ch/a. Mile walk to vet school/transit stop. $9,900.00. Call Gentilly 334-887-3246 #184.


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Solution to last Sunday’s puzzle


Complete the 3/17/13 grid so eachthe row, Complete column and row, grid so each 3-by-3 box column and (in bold borders)

826-5555 OVER 550 LOCATIONS

Print Deadline Noon three business days prior to publication

RELEASE DATE– Saturday, January 19, 2013

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis ACROSS 1 World Series components 11 Unleashes 15 Better 16 Hardware item 17 What good debaters pounce on 18 No longer tied up 19 FBI employees 20 Fills 21 Too curious 22 Some grad students 23 __-Tahoe Open: annual PGA Tour event 24 USCG VIP 25 File manager menu option 27 Ancient Aegean region west of Lydia 30 Sweet-talk 33 Decking 35 “Hold your horses!” 37 Ran out of clothes? 38 Colors 39 Memorable swimsuit model Cheryl 40 Put a new cover on, as a book 42 Space shuttle astronaut Jemison 43 It may be lost or saved 44 Learning ctr. 47 “Sunset Boulevard” genre 49 Better 51 TV’s “__-Team” 52 Not much 53 Loving way to walk 55 Hypotenuse, e.g. 56 Helping people 57 Gp. with common goals 58 Least helpful, as a description DOWN 1 Investigate, as a toy mouse

Solution to last Sunday’s puzzle


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- “What you’ll see is there are several different things underway, we will see what happens,” Dunlap said. - Completed a deal with Carmike Cinemas to add a Big-D screen. The Carmike Cinema on East University will knock DUNLAP down three of its theaters to accommodate the new, larger screen. - In the Industrial Sector, companies from Germany and South Korea have facilities in construction in Auburn.

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From the desk of Phillip Dunlap, Econmic Development Director for the City of Auburn:

Line Classifieds ThePlainsman



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It’s HUGE!

2 Greek horseshoe? 3 “Beauty is truth, truth beauty” poet 4 Big bucks 5 Let-’er ender 6 Manipulable lamp 7 Richards of “Jurassic Park” 8 One-on-one strategy 9 Kitchen add-on 10 Court period: Abbr. 11 Erect 12 Hardly a dreamer? 13 Sticks around the pool hall 14 Vacation period 23 Cut free 24 Delta, but not gamma 25 Metaphorical dream world 26 Onetime Leno announcer Hall 28 Learning ctr. 29 Forever, it seems 30 Pain from a sticker? 31 Foe

32 Lamentations 34 Anatomical blind spot site 36 Poetic location word 41 Oater baddie 44 “A man has to be what he is, Joey” speaker 45 Single divisions 46 Possessed, biblically

47 Curiosity org. 48 __ B. Driftwood, Groucho’s “A Night at the Opera” role 49 Cries of clarity 50 41-Down’s accessory 51 Pad __: stir-fried noodles 54 Degree in algebra?


By Steven J. St. John (c)2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.





Thursday, January 23, 2014

scoreboard men’s basketball


No more moral victories men’s basketball

LAST WEEK Loss at Tennessee, 78-67 Loss vs. No. 7 Florida, 68-61 THIS WEEK Jan. 25 at Arkansas (12-5)

Tip at 5 p.m. on FSN

women’s basketball

contributed by zach bland

LEFT: KT Harrell and Malcolm Canada attempt to block a shot from Florida’s Scotty Wilbekin. RIGHT: Chris Denson reacts to a late foul call in Auburn’s loss to Florida Jan. 18.

LAST WEEK Win at Alabama, 61-39 Loss vs. No. 11 Kentucky, 72-60 THIS WEEK Jan. 23 at No. 15 LSU (14-4) Jan. 26 at Florida (13-5)


LAST WEEK Loss vs. No. 3 Florida, 197.075-196.225 THIS WEEK: Jan. 24 at No. 2 LSU Auburn enters Baton Rouge ranked No. 14

Barbee and his team not content with close losses to ranked opponents as conference play continues Eric Wallace Sports Reporter

Auburn head coach Tony Barbee is tired of hearing about the moral victories in the Tigers’ 0-4 SEC start. “The team has talked about it, I’ve talked about it,” Barbee said after last Saturday’s 68-61 loss to No. 7 Florida. “There is no such thing as a moral victory.” Three of Auburn’s four SEC losses have come against teams that reached the NCAA tournament last year, and those losses were only by three, two and seven respectively. With a 14-game conference losing streak hanging over its head, Barbee said the team’s veterans have been battling to right the ship against some of the conference’s best. “These veteran players are fighting tooth and nail because they want to

change the direction of this season in terms of conference play,” Barbee said. “Make no mistake, we just played the number seven team on our home court. We’re not accepting losing, but they’re a very good team, and they’re wellcoached.” Senior forward Allen Payne recognized the difficulty of the Tigers’ early SEC schedule, but said Auburn has little use for moral victories at this point in the season. “People are going to tell us, ‘Oh, you almost had them. You played really hard and we’re proud of you,’” Payne said. “We can’t be satisfied with that. We weren’t before, and we really can’t now. “We’re at a point that we’re desperate for a win right now. We battled, but at this point it’s not good enough just to do that. We have to start pulling these

close games out.” In addition to the efforts of the upperclassmen, Auburn has seen steady contributions from a group of freshmen so far this season. Freshman point guard Tahj Shamsid-Deen has started every game for the Tigers this year and is averaging eight points, 3.3 assists and shooting 36 percent from behind the arc. Former walk-on Alex Thompson and center Matthew Atewe have also played regular minutes for the Tigers in conference play. “I think we have a special freshman group,” Barbee said after Auburn’s 7068 home loss to Missouri. “It’s about opportunity and to stay ready and to stay positive so that when your opportunity comes, you’re ready for it.” With some of its more difficult conference tests behind them, Barbee said


opinion Justin Ferguson

Swimming & diving


The Next Step LAST WEEK Hosted Ralph Crocker Invite at the Martin Aquatic Center THIS WEEK Jan. 25 at No. 3/6 Florida

Tigers split their meet with Florida last season


LAST WEEK Men Win vs. J’ville St., 7-0 Men Win vs. Mercer, 7-0 THIS WEEK Both men’s and women’s teams will compete at ITA Kickoff Weekend, Jan. 24-26 in Austin, Texas

it’s only a matter of time until Auburn starts pulling out conference wins. “I’m proud of this team because of how hard we are playing, how hard we are fighting, how great the chemistry is on this team,” Barbee said. “The breakthrough is coming. I believe it, that team believes it.” With composure, Barbee said, the Tigers are capable of a breakthrough that will change their losing conference ways. “What we’ve been working on is the poise, the focus and the confidence it takes in anything at this level in this league,” Barbee said. “Our poise, our focus and our confidence hasn’t been there in those moments when we’ve got to make those plays. “Losing is not our destiny, we’ve got to change our destiny. It’s in our hands to change.”

After early-season successes, Graba’s Tigers looking for more improvement in their upcoming SEC road meets Kyle Van Fechtmann Sports Reporter

After beating a Division II championship team, then losing a close meet to the defending national champions, the Auburn gymnastics team will hit the road for its next three meets. “I think it will be great to get on the road right now,” head coach Jeff Graba said. “Getting on the road will allow you as a group to settle down and get to know each other.” Despite scoring an impressive 196.225 against Florida, Graba said he believes his team has a lot of improvements they must make to reach their full potential. “It seems like we’re trying to make up for each other’s mistakes right now, and you can’t do that,” Graba said. “You don’t cram for a gymnastics final. You put the work in, and if you do your job correctly, it comes out exactly the way you wanted to.”

According to Graba, the young team must focus on themselves and try to not worry about the other team, even if it is a meet against the defending national champions. “I’m still not convinced that the young people have settled down and really focused on what they’re doing,” Graba said. “Gymnastics isn’t about the other team, but it’s really easy to get caught up in the other team. “If you don’t control all of that then you can get out of your game plan pretty quickly.” Although it can be difficult to ignore, the team also needs to make sure they do not look at the scores. Junior Bri Guy said scores right now at the beginning of the season should not matter. “What we’re trying to do is stay inside our bubble,” Guy said. “So, we’re not really looking at their scores, and if we happen to catch it, then it doesn’t really affect us.”

Graba knows some of his athletes look at the other teams’ scores for motivation. Auburn’s gymnasts say it is never good to look at the other scores because they do not have control over the judges. “You only have control of your performance and you let the judges do their deal,” Graba said. “But that’s a variable that I’m not convinced everybody has a found a way to deal with it, so we’re going to break that down, and you can do that on the road easily.” With high hopes for the rest of the season, the team knows the importance of working out their problems on the road for their next three meets. “Our perspective is we know the potential of the team, and we’re not living up to our own potential,” Graba said. “We’re a little bit frustrated with our performance, but it’s nice to be frustrated with a 196.2.”

An open letter to Richard Sherman

Thank you, Richard Sherman. I am not a Seattle Seahawks fan, but I would like to thank you for your last-second deflection in the NFC Championship Game, one that led to a gameending interception. It’s not exactly the play for which I’m most thankful, Richard. (May I call you Richard?) As soon as the clock hit all zeroes, FOX’s Erin Andrews found you in the midst of the Seattle celebration and asked you about that one play. The next 20 seconds ignited the entire sports world. You called out 49ers receiver Michael Crabtree, a player you have feuded with all season long. You called him “mediocre.” You told him to stop running his mouth, because you just proved that you could shut it. People immediately took to Twitter and gave their instant reaction to your interview. (Mine was the simple, yet profound “RICHARD SHERMAN.”) Some called you a thug. Some called you classless. I’ll call you a role model. Wait, let me finish — a role model for other athletes. You just made the play of your life and refused to give a canned answer. You spoke from your heart. In sportswriting, you get a ton of bland responses to questions. It’s always the same answers. “It was a good game.” “We played hard.” But maybe your interview, Richard, despite the negative response you have recieved, will inspire other athletes. Maybe they will tell us how they really feel and not always take the safe route. Sports need more Richard Shermans. They make for better stories. Everyone wins.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Auburn Plainsman

Sports A9

Contributed by anthony hall

Brandy Montgomery shoots over Kentucky’s Jennifer O’Neill on Jan. 19.

zach bland / assistant photo editor

Head coach Terri Williams-Flournoy reacts to a call during Auburn’s game against South Carolina on Jan. 12.

Women’s basketball

Right through their fingers

Williams-Flournoy looking for answers after Tigers blow early leads at home to Top-10 SEC opponents David McKinney Sports Writer

after Auburn’s 72-66 loss to south carolina


The Auburn


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In the second half of those games, Auburn shot a combined 24-57 and was outscored by a combined total of 70-61. Foul trouble has also been rough on the Tigers. Against Kentucky, sophomore forward Tra’cee Tanner was the Tigers second leading scorer with 15 points, but fouled out after playing only 17 minutes. “Just imagine what she could have done had she been able to stay in the game without getting stupid fouls,” Williams-Flournoy said. Three other players, including senior center Peyton Davis, came within one foul of fouling out against Kentucky. “They were just ticky-tack fouls,” Davis said. “We put them in the bonus with 14 minutes left in the second half. We can’t do that.” In the South Carolina game, Tyrese Tanner was in foul trouble for much of the contest. “I try not to get in foul trouble,” Tanner said. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. It happens every game. I’m trying to work on it.” The losses, along with a 74-65 loss to Vanderbilt on Jan. 9, give the Tigers a 2-3 record in SEC play heading into Thursday night’s game against No. 14 LSU in Baton Rouge.

les ? ve f Sa c e cuti an nt i e n t Exe insm Wa p e r ccoun Pla E x ising Auburn


—Tyrese Tanner


We should have won. In the first half, we proved we could beat them. In the second half, we didn’t follow through.”



Twice this season the Auburn women’s basketball team has played a close game at home against the No. 10 team in the country, and both times, the Tigers have come out on the wrong end. In both of those games, against South Carolina on Jan. 12 and against Kentucky last Sunday, Auburn built a substantial first half lead, only to see it be diminished by halftime. The Tigers led South Carolina by as many as 12 in the first half, but the game was tied at 39 at the break. Against Kentucky, Auburn built up a 13-point first half lead, but by halftime, the Tigers only led by one. Following both games, players and head coach Terri Williams-Flournoy, expressed their frustration about the disappointing losses. “We blew it,” Williams-Flournoy said after the Kentucky game. “I don’t know what else to really say.” In those games, senior forward Tyrese Tanner had 44 points, with a Southeastern Conference career high of 28 coming against Kentucky. However, those performances haven’t been enough to lift her team past two of the SEC’s best teams. Tanner had similar reactions to both games. “We should have won,” Tanner said following the South Carolina loss. “In the first half, we proved we could beat them. In the second half, we didn’t follow through.” Tanner’s message was unsurprisingly the same one week later. “We had it,” Tanner said after the 2-point loss to Kentucky. “In the first half, we relaxed towards the end.”

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Sports A10

The Auburn Plainsman

Thursday, January 23, 2014

sarah may / assistant photo editor

LEFT: Freshman forward Alex Thompson looks for a pass around Florida leading scorer Casey Prather. RIGHT: Thompson cheers on his teammates during Auburn’s game against Florida Jan. 18.

Hard work pays off for Thompson men’s basketball

Justin Ferguson Sports Editor

This past year has not gone according to plan for Alex Thompson. But the 6-foot-8 freshman knew that when he accepted an offer to walk-on at Auburn last June. Thompson was recruited by midmajor college basketball programs since he was a sophomore in high school, but his family never expected him to join a team without having a scholarship. His parents never anticipated having to pay for his education. After being promised a scholarship for his next three seasons on The Plains, Thompson worked hard in practice as a walk-on in hopes of getting playing time in one of the nation’s premier conferences. Then, during the middle of his first season at Auburn, Thompson’s life shifted one more time. Less than 24 hours before Auburn’s second road game of the SEC schedule, a visit to Thompson-Boling Arena to face the Tennessee Volunteers, head coach Tony Barbee wrapped up the team’s film session at the team’s

hotel in an unusual way. “Life doesn’t always go your way,” Barbee told his team, a squad which had just lost a close game to the No. 21 Missouri Tigers and would lose another heartbreaker to the No. 7 Florida Gators later that week. “But this time it did go somebody’s way in this room.” Then Barbee delivered the news — Thompson was no longer a walk-on at Auburn. “I want everyone to know, I’m happy to announce that Alex has earned his scholarship,” Barbee said. The freshman’s persistence in practice had paid off. “I was just in shock,” Thompson said. “We were trying to work something out, but I thought it was unlikely that I would get a scholarship. Then out of nowhere, (Barbee) popped it out that I would be getting one.” Thompson said he later hugged Barbee, who told the freshman he “deserved this with his hard work.” The Auburn forward then called his parents. “They went nuts,” Thompson said. “It was such a blessing for them. I

know they had been praying for it, and I know we had a lot of people back home praying that I would end up with a scholarship for my second semester.” Thompson received his scholarship following the best performance of his young Auburn career, an 8-point outing against No. 21 Missouri. The lanky freshman showed his prowess from beyond the arc in relief of injured forward Allen Payne with a pair of 3-pointers—his first career baskets as a Tiger. “It meant a lot to get those out of the way,” Thompson said. “I had a lot of nerves coming into games before that one. I wasn’t used to coming off the bench and playing a lot of minutes. “When I got that first shot to fall, I knew I would be back to just playing calm basketball.” It was Thompson’s style of “calm basketball” that attracted the attention of college recruiters as early as his sophomore year of high school in Jensen Beach, Fla. Although the smooth-shooting combo forward transferred to Hous-

ton Academy in Dothan prior to his senior year, his play in Alabama’s second-smallest high school classification still earned him a scholarship offer from Stetson University back in his former home state. Thompson signed with the Hatters during his Class 2A Player of the Year senior season at Houston Academy. But before he arrived on campus, Stetson head coach Casey Alexander and the rest of his coaching staff took jobs at Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tenn. Thompson was granted a release after Alexander’s departure last spring, allowing him to reopen his recruitment. Unfortunately for Thompson, most of the schools who were previously interested in him had already filled their scholarship limits. After a whirlwind tour of the Southeast, Thompson’s prospects looked bleak. However, a unique chance quickly opened up for him at Auburn. “When I came to Auburn after I got my release from Stetson, Coach Barbee told me that he would love to have me, but they only had one scholarship

left—and they needed a point guard,” Thompson said. “But he told me if I would stick through it as a walk-on in my first year, I would have a scholarship for the rest of my career.” The draw of playing major college basketball close to home resonated with Thompson, who took a leap of faith with his family. “We know it is a risk, but we are hopeful that (Barbee) will keep his word,” Thompson’s father Paul told The Dothan Eagle when Alex officially accepted Auburn’s invitation. But even though Thompson has his scholarship a semester earlier than he and his family expected, his commitment to hard work is not going to change. “I am always going to bring 100 percent in practice and games, so nothing is going to change in that way,” Thompson said. “I think (the scholarship) is definitely going to be a confidence booster for me going forward. With things that have happened to our team recently, I am going to have an increased role. “I have to step up when it’s my time and knock down shots.”



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Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Auburn Plainsman

Sports A11

LEFT: Tennis player Lukas Ollert goes for a forehand return in a match against Alabama last season. RIGHT: Rachel Givens and Erika Kolakowski compete during Auburn’s Indoor Invitational meet Jan. 18.

This Week in Auburn Sports Men’s Tennis

The No. 28 Auburn men’s tennis team cruised to a pair of 7-0 wins on Jan. 19 at the Yarbrough Tennis Center, sweeping both Jacksonville State and Mercer in the Tigers first action of the 2014 dual match season. Auburn (2-0) opened up Sunday’s action with a 7-0 sweep of Jacksonville State (0-1). The Tigers sealed the doubles point quickly with wins from Daniel Cochrane/ Petar Tomic in the No. 1 spot and the 37thranked duo of Dennis Lengsfeld/Lukas Ollert at No. 2. Cochrane/Tomic cruised to a 6-2 win over Jacksonville State’s Jaryd Reese/Pedro Wagner. The tandem of Lengsfeld and Ollert did not drop a game, winning 6-0 over the Gamecocks’ Mathis Chaim/Jeff Wendler-Filho. The Tigers turned in several dominating performances in singles to sweep the first five matches in straight sets. The Tigers moved indoors and returned to the floor against Mercer (1-5) on Sunday night, downing the Bears, 7-0. In dou319 9.888x10.0 Newspaper Ad F bles, the team Plaskett/Saleh recorded a 6-4

victory against Mercer’s Austin Emmet and Snaider in the No. 3 spot. Auburn clinched the doubles point behind Lengsfeld/Ollert’s 6-1 win over Mercer’s Arsav and Arnav Mohanty. The Tigers return to action Tuesday, Jan. 22, with a 2 p.m. home match versus Troy at the Yarbrough Tennis Center. Admission is free to all home matches

Track & Field

The Auburn track and field team earned six event titles, while also breaking the meet and facility record in the mile on Jan. 18 at the Auburn Indoor Invitational at the Birmingham CrossPlex. Senior distance runner Niklas Buhner broke the meet and facility record in the mile run, with a run of 4:02.20, ranking fourth all-time in Auburn history. All-SEC throwers Valentina Muzaric and Stephen Saenz claimed the shot put titles, as Muzaric completed the second-longest throw in Auburn history with a throw of 54-1.75/14.81m. The Velika Gorica, Croatia native now claims3:13 the PM five longest FINAL.pdf 1 10/28/13 throws in school history.

After missing last year’s outdoor season due to an injury, the reigning SEC Indoor shot put champion Saenz won the men’s event with a throw of 61-00.25/18.60m. In the men’s 3000m run, junior Kane Grimster set the meet record with a time of 8:19.11, while freshman Teray Smith, in his first competition as a Tiger, won the men’s 200m with a time of 21.42. The Auburn distance medley relay team consisting of Adam Civitano, Ty McCormack, Kane Grimster and Kelley Cutrell won the event with a time of 10:07.30. Three Tigers set new personal records in the women’s weight throw as senior Tori Nwadiogbu had a throw of 551.25/17.05m, junior Anna McCloskey completed a throw of 49-6.50/15.10m and junior Victoria Bernardo had a throw of 471.00/14.35m. In the women’s 60m hurdles, junior Samantha Scarlett won the event with a personal best time of 8.28, the third fastest mark in school history. Auburn track and field will return to action January 24-25 at the Vanderbilt Invitational in Nashville, Tenn.

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Thursday, January 23, 2014


Students travel the world in months with Semester at Sea Kailey Miller

Intrigue Reporter


Captain Jeremy Kingston and his staff dress up as King Neptune and his army to celebrate Neptune Day, when a person officially crosses over the equator in the sea.


Hassan Khan, Rose Dimal, Amee Covarrubias and Amanda Paulson pose with a Chinese “soldier” on the Great Wall of China.

Traveling around the world in one semester may seem intangible, but, through the University of Virginia, it is a possibility. Auburn University offers study abroad programs of its own, but it also works with other schools so that students can benefit from outside programs as well. The University of Virginia organizes Semester at Sea, and allows students from other schools to apply to its program. The students live on a boat for an entire semester, or summer, and travel the world while taking classes on the ship. “There are a few similar programs, (but) Semester at Sea is by far the most popular one,” said Korbin Dimmick, Auburn Abroad Coordinator. Amanda Paulson, junior in political science and history, and Nathaniel Walden, senior in history, are two Auburn students who went on Semester at Sea for their study abroad experience. Paulson went on the voyage in Spring 2013. They went all over the world, starting in San Diego and traveling to Mexico, Japan, China, Vietnam, Myanmar, Singapore, India, South Africa, Ghana, Morocco, Casablanca, Spain, and Hawaii, to name a few. “My favorite place to go was Myanmar, or Burma, because everybody was excited to see us,” Paulson said. “It was a brand new country that Americans had been allowed to go to.” Paulson said that she had the best experience in Ghana. Walden said he enjoyed Ireland and South Africa the most during his fall 2012 trip. Walden said a typical day on the ship wasn’t too different from a day at Auburn. “It was just like a regular college day,” According to Paulson, the students’ classes were a hour and a half each, and they could take up to five classes. All of the classes were taken on the boat and ranged from a class size for 10-80 people per class. There were different forms of entertainment on the ship

for students, including a basketball court, insanity workouts, orientations about the countries they would see, a full-size library, and movies. “I actually almost enjoyed the boat part . . . as much as being in countries,” Paulson said. “You’re cut off from the world. We had no Internet [and] no phones. You really sat down and talked to people.” Paulson said she got closer to the people on the ship in two months than a lot of the people she has known in Auburn for two years. Paulson said the living situation was great, but Walden had reservations about the food served to the students. “The food was terrible on the ship,” Walden said. During Walden’s time on the boat, the group had a scuba-diving accident during the last week that resulted in the death of one of the students. Walden said he doesn’t blame anyone for the tragedy, which he called a freak accident. “You know, when you’re traveling to some of these foreign countries, they don’t have the same safety regulations,” Walden said. “It’s just a risk you have to take.” Walden said other than the bad accident and bad food, his only other complaint about the trip was how long the ship took to get from country to country. Students could only take classes on the ship, so they had to go slowly between ports. “We’d be at sea sometimes for nine or 10 days straight without seeing any land,” Walden said. “You kind of. . . get sick of that.” Walden said the trip was $25,000, not counting the expenses in the countries or ports. Walden said he didn’t know any other students on the trip, but he wanted to do something different then everyone else. “Instead of just one country for three months, you get to go to 15 or 16,” Walden said. Paulson said students had the freedom to explore different countries on their own. As long as they submitted a form saying where they would be in case something happened, they truly could go wherever the sea took them.

For some, two wheels are better than none Adam Wolnski Intrigue Writer

Bicycles are everywhere on campus, and whether you love them or hate them, they’re here to stay. Zach Wise, senior in communications, said, “I live about half a mile away, over behind Mike and Ed’s, and I can leave my house and be in my sesat in the Haley Center in four minutes.” Wise contacted The Plainsman the day after his interview to share that he had beaten his record by a minute. The main reason many people have so much disdain for bikers is the collisions and near collisions they have to deal with while walking on the Concourse. Luckily, Wise hasn’t ever run into anyone, but he has had some other problems. “This why I don’t walk places,” Wise said, “I was walking on the concourse, hit one of these little rivets with my shoe and I forgot how fast gravity works ‘cause I was sprawled out on the ground and people were laughing at me.” Wise, the physical training instructor for Marine ROTC, said he wasn’t deterred for long by the fall, but it confirmed for him that walking is something he tries to avoid. For Wise and others that choose to commute via bicycle, the University has stations in different locations around campus where bikers can hang their bike up and tune it with the tools and pump provided. Carson Legg, senior in architecture, talked about how he doesn’t use the stations.. “They suck,” Legg said. “They’re left out in the elements: rain, snow, fire, wind. They’re not taken care of, so they just get jacked up. One of the pumps ruined my valve.” Legg isn’t the only one who ignores the bike maintenance stations. Amelie Thomas, junior in early childhood education, said she hasn’t even given them a chance. “I don’t ever use them,” Thomas said. “I don’t really think they work, and I don’t really want to find out.” Thomas, an Auburn Outdoors employee, said

Emily Enfinger / Staff Photographer

Domestic Obsessions by Amy Stevens, visual artist, in Biggin Gallery is a collection of photography and sculpture.

JON HARRISON / Staff Photographer

A student walks his bicycle down the concourse after class on Tuesday, Jan. 21.

Auburn Outdoors has provided a solution. “We have a bike shop in the bottom of the [Recreation and Wellness] center,” Thomas said. “In the rental area, there’s a place where you can take your bike and work on it. And we have a bike person that can help you.” The shop has thousands of dollars worth of tools and pumps that won’t harm your bike. While things are looking up for bikers’ maintenance, not everything is smooth sailing. Over Thanksgiving break, Wise said someone stole approximately $8000 of property from him, including his bicycle. Weeks after the robbery, Wise saw what was undoubtedly his green bike ride shamelessly past his house, ridden by a man who later identified himself as Jay Walker. “There’s no doubt that that’s my bike,” Wise said. “So I throw my long board to the side, run up, grab the handlebars and body check this guy off of my bike. He goes flyin’ and lands on the ground and then I kinda look over and I’m like, ‘I want my bike back.’ That’s really what I said to him.” None of his other stolen property was ever found, but Wise is back to happily riding his bike to and from class in three minutes.

For an Auburn artist, domesticity is excess Becky Sheehan Intrigue Reporter

Domestic Obsessions, an art exhibition by Amy Stevens presented by Auburn University’s Department of Art, will be free and open to the public in the gallery at Biggin Hall until Feb. 21. The exhibit features Stevens’ photo series, “Confections”. The idea for “Confections” began on Stevens’ 13th birthday. Stevens said she attempted to bake and decorate 30 cakes using guides from Martha Stewart and online videos. “When I realized that it wasn’t going to be quite as perfect as the cakes I was looking at, I decided to take a turn and just make them kind of crazy and ridiculous and funny,” Stevens said.

For eight years, Stevens has baked and photographed over 100 cakes against cheery fabric backgrounds, which are on a slideshow in the gallery. The process of creating “Confections” allowed Stevens to examine female domestic roles and the impossible search for perfection. “It became more about issues surrounding perfection and being a woman in this doit-yourself and domestic popular culture,” Stevens said. In the middle of the gallery is a tower of 25 bright patterned pillows. “I Just Need One More…” is Stevens’ interpretation of domesticity as what she calls obsessive accumulating. Inspired after buying her first house, Stevens said the freestanding structure would

ideally be complete with more stacks of pillows around it. “It’s funny because I actually need more than just one more,” Stevens said. Using leftover fabric from “Confections”, Stevens crafted other 3-D installations, which are on display in Biggin. These include scattered groups of fabric yo-yos collectively titled “Accumulations,” the unwieldy ceilingto-floor “176 Coasters” and “Gathering,” a fabric wall hanging. Throughout the gallery, Stevens’ signature color pallet prevails: girlish pinks, vibrant citrus and cool greens. Florals, polka dots and paisley patterns cover the

» See Domesticity A14

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Auburn Plainsman

Intrigue A13

Flu season has yet to bring its worst Stay safe!

Kailey Miller

Intrigue Reporter

As Auburn students fight their way through the middle of flu season, the Auburn University Medical Clinic has made some adjustments to keep up with the rush. Fred Kam, Director of the Auburn University Medical Center, said they have a separate area in the medical clinic where they place students who have potential symptoms of respiratory diseases so they can contain the flu in one area. “We have a mechanism, first of all, for students who are ill,” Kam said. “We try to triage and see them as quickly as possible.” With the flu on the rise, any student could potentially need to use the services of the medical clinic. The cost per visit to the medical clinic varies based on the patients insurance and the services they receive, said John Adams, Practice Manager at the Auburn University Medical Clinic. “If they come in [with] something very minor, it could just be an office visit,” Adams said. “If they are sicker, it could be some labs would have to be run.” The fees for faculty and staff are the same,

» See FLU A14

Tips from the Medical Center • The medical clinic has been out of flu shots since late October, but other pharmacies in the area have them available. • To avoid the flu: wash your hands, avoid close contact with anyone who may be ill, carry around hand sanitizer, drink lots of liquids, and get enough rest. • Still get a flu shot. Kam said the peak of flu season has not yet come. The virus going around right now is the H1N1 virus, which is different from other viruses because it is creating complications and deaths in young, healthy adults instead of a typical flu virus which commonly causes complications or death in very young people, very old people, or people with weak immune systems. • Symptoms of the flu include body aches, fever, chills, respiratory problems, sore throats, and fatigue.

Acupuncturist prohibits pain Kailey Miller

Intrigue Reporter

For patients looking for herbs, acupuncture, hot rocks, and relaxation, Paula Lord at Acupuncture for Southern Living can help. Lord began using acupuncture after having severe pain from getting whiplash about every five years in Los Angeles. After trying physical therapy, her symptoms were still getting progressively worse until she went to an acupuncturist and for the first time, felt relief. From there, she took an interest. It took Lord almost seven years to complete her schooling in Eastern medicine including Korean, Vietnamese, Japanese, and Chinese. “I had to get my degree and then get a masters in it,” Lord said. “I went to Emperor’s College in Santa Monica.” Lord said she learned for thousands of years, no matter what was wrong with some-

You can’t come in with a problem and not change anything and expect to get better.

—Paula Lord Acupuncturist

one, they went to a local person who looked at the body as a whole. This is where they differ from Western medicine. “(Western medicine has) experts, a heart expert, a gut expert,” Lord says. “They’re not taking into account any other organ systems, but the body is a unit.” Lord gives her patients sheets that say what different body parts do in the eyes of Western medicine, and then also in Eastern medicine. The sheets show what

physical and emotional symptoms patients may have when different organs aren’t working well, what foods to avoid or eat most, and what time of day an organ is at its peak. She also gives patients different herbs for their problems. “Any time I prescribe herbs, I always have a big sheet of paper as to what organs its doing, what is its purpose, how many to take. . . [and] nutrition suggestions and lifestyle,” Lord said. “You can’t come in with a problem and not change anything and expect to get better. I try to get them to become active in their healing.” Lord’s daughter, Katie Hanna, works at Acupuncture for Southern Living. Hanna helps with Gua Sha, hot rocks and Moxa, a healing herb that they light. “What [Moxa] does is go around each needle and it acts like a laser,” Hanna said. “It

» See acupuncturist A14

Kristen Harlin / Assistant Graphics Editor

Despite the growth in use over the last few decades, some say using vitamins could be bave negative health effects.

Vitamins: friend or foe? Becky Sheehan Intrigue Reporter

Since December 2013, the media have been buzzing over multivitamins and questioning the belief that they can prevent future diseases. Vitamin supplements are being touted as harmful and a waste of money. Auburn University specialists examined the studies to help shed some light on these claims. “My belief is that vitamins can be beneficial and harmful, depending on who’s taking them, what their food intake is, [and] especially how that food actually rates in the quality and quantity of vitamins and minerals,” said Jessica-Lauren Newby, registered dietitian at Auburn University’s Recreation and Wellness Center. Newby said women of childbearing age, pregnant women and the elderly could benefit from certain vitamins. Over-supplementing presents a risk, as certain combinations of vitamins have negative interactions. For example, people who avoid dairy products for fear of fat and calories could have compromised their calcium intake and would profit with supplementing calcium. According to Newby, a few vitamins have the potential to reach a level of toxicity, but the most commonly supplemented—Vitamins B12 and D—do not. Newby also said Vitamin C could be detrimental if too little or too much was taken. “We do better to get our vitamins and minerals through food always, but where there are gaps in the diet, a vitamin can be sometimes helpful for bridging the gap,” Newby said. Newby also said vitamins occur in food sources that have other components that aid in absorbing the vitamins. Vitamin D is a naturally occurring nutrient that can only be absorbed in the presence of fat, so adding fat-free dressing or drinking skim milk is actually inhibiting a healthy diet. “You are consuming these foods that are actually high in vitamins and minerals, but you aren’t

absorbing them to their full potential because that fat isn’t present to take them into your cells,” Newby said. Blood work with a physician followed by a nutritionist’s evaluation can show those curious about their vitamin regiment where their food choices have fallen short. Newby said this is a good preventative measure to fighting vitamin deficiencies. Richard Davis, a doctorate student in Pharmacy concentrating in drug development and discovery, referred to a 5-year study conducted at Oxford University. In 2002, researchers began administering vitamins to adults with pre-existing cardiac, respiratory and neuropsychiatric conditions. “Something that you always have to address when you take a vitamin if you go to look at any website or you read the back of any label: ‘Discuss with your physician before starting a really heavy regiment,’” Davis said. Davis explained that multivitamins are not typically dangerous, but supplements may adversely affect the potency of other medications. “If you take a stimulant like Adderall, for instance, and you take Vitamin C before you take that medicine, it may decrease the ability of the medicine to absorb in your intestines after you take it because it changes the acidity of your body very slightly,” Davis said. For Davis, unless there is a deficiency of a particular vitamin, taking a multivitamin is up to the individual, as there seems to be very little risk involved. However, the scientific community is continually researching the subject. At first, vitamin supplements showed small statistical improvements among participants. However, at the end of the study, their conditions had not improved, but they had not worsened either. Davis admits there is still more to discover. “These papers are constantly assessed,” Davis

» See Vitamins A14

Sunday ‐ January 26th Doors open at 1:00pm

Presented by: John Rice Realtors Special Arrangements

Kemp & Sons Printing

Jim Massey Formal Wear Dillard’s Riverside Country Club Vesko Photography

RiverMill Event Centre Moore’s Mill Club Fountainview Amsterdam Cafe

Check It Out Balloons & Flowers

Thousands of dollars in cash and prizes to be given away!

Origami Owl M Saye Photography

Brides & Formals by Penolia

K & K Entertainment

Auburn Bank Event Center Downtown

Microtel Inn & Suites Tiger Town

BeautiControl Spa

Marriott Grand National

The Bridal Registry

Mary Kay Cosmetics

Arch Photography

Name the Occasion

Party People DJ Service

Davis Enterprises

Fitness Together

Dunaway Photography

Columbus Travel

Reel Concepts

Palm Beach Tan

Covered Bridge

JOS A Bank

Bird on a Wire Photography

Bisham Manor Travel Travel

Kiesel Park Auburn Parks & Rec Marquirette’s

Intrigue A14

The Auburn Plainsman

Ohio songwriter plays a memorable Waverly show Adam Wolnski Intrigue Writer

Aaron Lee Tasjan will take you on a journey and drop you off somewhere both familiar and unknown. And when you get there, he’ll break your heart and make you bend over laughing with only his voice and an acoustic guitar. A little more than 50 people congregated at Standard Deluxe in Waverly, Ala., Sunday to listen to Tasjan sing. Tasjan sat down on a yellow metal chair on one of the porches and checked his small silver flip phone. “I used to get nice phones,” Tasjan said. “I had a couple, and I lost them. So, I kinda decided it wasn’t a good investment anymore.” Tasjan grew up in a small Ohio town where he graduated with fewer than 100 students. Right out of high school, he bought a plane ticket to New York City., where his biggest feat was finding an apartment through Craigslist to save thousands of dollars in hidden fees. Tasjan spent his years living in the Big Apple writing and performing music that people always told him sounded southern, which he blamed on his influences. “My number one hero of all time is this guy named Kevn Kinney who is the lead singer of this band called Drivin’ ‘N’ Cryin,’” Tasjan said. “He made this record with a guy named Peter Buck, and the record was called Macdougal Blues. I thought, there’s probably no way that I’ll ever do it, but if I could just write one song that was as good as anything on this record one day, I would retire. And I’m still try-


warms it up and makes it even more potent. It’s really relaxing.” Hanna started acupuncture because she suffered from migraines since childhood. After two to three acupuncture treatments, her migraines were gone, Hanna said. Bebe Macdougall, director of operations for Auburn security, also helps Lord. She said that patients come in for a variety of reasons. “It all depends on the individual,” Macdougall said. They treat patients for acne, neck and shoulder tension, ADD, ADHD, digestion problems, and women trying to get pregnant, among oth-

His act made me feel like I was from Ohio.

—Michael Brudi

Senior in architecture

ing to do it.” Tasjan laughed and joked through his interview, but when he took the stage there was a noticeable change in his demeanor. He was a born performer in his element. Song after song sent ripples of laughter through the cold, crowded room, only to be met by intimate silence as Tasjan sang about hard truths. “His act made me feel like I was from Ohio. He was a good storyteller,” said Michael Brudi, senior in architecture. Musicians, or artists in general, have a stereotype of being narcissistic and thinking that no one understands them, but Tasjan doesn’t fit any stereotypes. He talked about the beauty of words and seeing music as an opportunity to be great. “I just wanna write the best song I can write, play the guitar the best that I can and sing it for anybody that wants to listen to it and might get something out of it,” Tasjan said. “I don’t really know where that leaves me nowadays, but I’m really hopeful that I am able to keep doing it because it is my favorite thing in the whole world.” er things. There are three treatment rooms with soothing music where the needles are kept in sterile containers. “I have super small (needles) for hands and feet, and if I have to do one on the face,” Lord said. “Then I have medium and then I have larger for like the thighs and things like that.” Lord doesn’t touch the part of the needle that actually goes in the body. She does full body, but said that she mostly does it on the knee down, the elbow down and on the torso. “Those are called distal points to make sure the organs are going all the way down and all the way up,” Lord said. “It’s signaling information to the organs on that channel, it’s mainly to signal some action to happen.”

Thursday, January 23, 2014


» From A13 because the medical clinic is a fee-for-service operation, according to Kam. Kam also said most of the time the patient will co-pay if they have health insurance. “It’s a fee for service basis, which means, you know, you come, you use it, you pay for it,” Kam said. “Unlike some other colleges and universities where they pay a per credit or per semester fee, Auburn students don’t do that.” Some students who don’t have insurance with their families can use student health insurance through United Healthcare. “It’s mostly designed for students who don’t have health insurance, but there’s even some who do have health insurance through their parents, but the deductibles are very high,” Kam said. Adams said the medical clinic can work with

Vitamins » From A13

said. “The science of it is always changing and it may be a question that we never really find the answer for.” Dr. Suresh Mathews, graduate program director in the Department of Nutrition, Dietetics, & Hospitality Management, examined an article published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in December titled “Enough is Enough: Stop Wasting Money on Vitamin and Mineral Supplements.” The article addresses a study conducted by the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force. “Based on the systematic review that they did, their findings indicate that if you’re well-nourished, then getting these multivitamin supplements really don’t add any further benefit in the prevention of chronic diseases,” Mathews said.


cloth pieces. Stevens explained in her artist’s note that the exhibit is meant to be an exuberant feminist dialogue as humorous as it is provocative. Jonathan Bailey, junior in fine arts, was first struck by the bright colors and retro patterns in Stevens’ installation. “Everything’s very full,” Bailey said. “It’s not subjects that I’d really put with these textures, but I like it a lot.” Rachel Herring, a junior in graphic design, noted the interplay between the fabric backgrounds and the icing artwork in “Confections.”

students who don’t have health insurance. “We will work out payment plans and opportunities,” Kam said. “There are times we have done some charity care because of the nature of the situation. We’ve never turned a student away because of an inability to pay.” Health insurance is not mandatory for students. Jan King, Nurse Manager, said she thinks their fees and pricing for services is fair. “[It’s] like any other urgent care or doctors office,” King said. Kam said the Affordable Care Act might have a positive effect on the clinic because there may be a higher percentage of students with health insurance. “The vast majority of students will be covered under their parents if their parents have insurance due to, you know, the new law saying that you’re covered under parents until you’re 26,” Adams said. Beta-carotene, Vitamin E and possibly high doses of Vitamin A could be harmful if taken separate from a multivitamin, Mathews said. Like Newby and Davis, Mathews said he believes certain populations may have vitamin deficiencies, which are aided by specific supplements. Mathews mentioned that mega-doses of a multivitamin are commonly sold to cardiac patients to help lower triglycerides and that wheat products are now enriched with Folate, which is preventative against birth defects. Mathews described the best way to add vitamins to your diet. “What we teach in nutrition is variety, balance and moderation. These three are the founding principles of nutrition,” Mathews said. If your meal plan involves a rainbow of food, lots of whole grains and protein, you most likely will not need to supplement with any vitamins, Mathews said. “There’s definitely more to it than I thought,” Herring said. “It’s so intricate.” Jessye McDowell, Hall Exhibitions and Lectures Coordinator at Biggin, said Stevens’ aesthetic was different from other styles of artwork shown in the gallery. “We want students to be exposed to a wide range of approaches and ways for working with a variety of mediums,” McDowell said. According to McDowell, Stevens combined the tradition of commercial photography with the symbolism of what was considered women’s work—sewing and cooking—to develop pieces that are “grotesque and aggressively cheerful.” Unusual to most exhibits held in Biggin, Stevens’ unites multimedia, installation art and framed photography to express a complete idea.

We know finding and applying for scholarships can be hard work, but with the new Auburn University Scholarship Opportunity Manager (AUSOM), it has never been easier. Through AUSOM, you can view available scholarships you may be eligible to receive, complete scholarship applications, accept your awards, and much more. Current Auburn students must apply through AUSOM by March 1 to receive consideration for General and Departmental Scholarships. Nursing and Pharmacy students must apply through AUSOM by June 1 to receive Departmental Scholarship consideration. To receive consideration for need-based scholarships, students should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at The FAFSA should be received by Auburn University by March 1. For more information on AUSOM and available scholarships, visit

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