The Auburn Plainsman 04.11.2019

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SINCE 1893


SPECIAL ISSUE INSIDE: A look at basketball’s historic season

The Auburn Plainsman Years






The Auburn Tigers during UVA vs. Auburn on Saturday, April 6, 2019, in Minneapolis, Minn.

Historic season finishes at Final Four Auburn finishes with first 30-win season, first appearance in Final Four By TYLER ROUSH Assistant Sports Editor


he run is over. In its last-minute 63-62 loss to the top-seeded Virginia Cavaliers on Saturday night, Auburn ended the 12-game winning streak that led it to its first Final Four appearance in program


history. Virginia took the win and the national championship berth following a foul call at the buzzer that finished with Kyle Guy hitting three straight free-throw attempts. Once the initial buzzer rang, head coach Bruce Pearl admitted that he thought the game was over. “I thought we won it because I don’t know when the shot went off, and I saw the shot

miss,” Pearl said. “I saw the officials kind of looking at each other — I don’t know.” After leading Auburn back from a 10-point deficit to a lead in the final minute, Bryce Brown thought his team had done enough to move forward. “We did a lot of things to win this game and put ourselves in position to win it,” Brown said. “It just came down to that last thing — the last call. ... I just don’t feel like it should have ended like that.” Both Samir Doughty and Anfernee McLemore led Auburn to a three-point lead going into halftime with seven points apiece. The pair also combined for 11 rebounds —

four for Doughty and a team-high six for McLemore — as Auburn out-rebounded the Cavaliers 20-14. Despite the lead, however, Auburn finished with a 3-for-13 clip from downtown in the first half to pair with 12-for-29 shooting from the floor. Jared Harper and Brown combined for seven points on their own — four and three, respectively — while combining to shoot 33 percent from the floor. Harper finished with 11 on the night as Brown added 12.



Tuberville announces Senate run By CHIP BROWNLEE Editor-in-chief

Former Auburn football head coach Tommy Tuberville, who has for years considered entering the political arena, has announced a run for U.S. Senate soon. Sources, who spoke to The Plainsman on background and have worked closely with Tuberville in the past as he considered a run for Alabama governor, confirmed the run Saturday before Tuberville posted an announcement on Twitter. CBS Sports first reported the news. The sources said this is “the real deal” and will be a full-fledged run for the Senate seat currently held by Democratic U.S. Sen. Doug Jones. Tuberville later announced the run on his Twitter feed. “After more than a year of listening to Alabama’s citizens, I have heard your concerns and hopes for a better tomorrow,” Tuberville wrote on Twitter. “I am humbled to announce the next step — I will be a @GOP candidate for US Senate. I invite you to join my team.” In 2017, Tuberville briefly considered a run for Alabama governor but decided against stepping into the political arena.



Cindy Murphy, later named Miss Auburn, poses with Bessie the Cow, the winner of the 1979 Miss Auburn election.

‘The most famous Miss Auburn’: Bessie the Cow By STEPHEN LANZI Campus Editor

She was an active member of her sorority. She was the sweetheart of Barn House fraternity. She was an excelling student, majoring in dairy sciences. She was on UPC’s major entertainment committee. She was a Top 20 Glomerata beauty. She was an

alternate Tigerette. And then she was Miss Auburn. The very involved Auburn resident, though, was a cow. April 12 will mark the 40th anniversary of when Bessie the Cow won 1979 Miss Auburn in a landslide, running on the platform “legalize grass.” It all started when Betsy Butgereit and her partner-in-crime Michael Sellers were sitting in

The Plainsman office joking about running a fake campaign for that year’s Miss Auburn election. A joke turned into an actual idea, and the pair gathered a group of 60 for a campaign team. “It started out as just a little joke, and it just snowballed into something we never thought would happen,” Sellers said. The original idea was to run a cocker spaniel named Lady. But

when Sellers was going from Auburn to Montgomery on spring break, he passed a cow pasture, and he immediately called Butgereit. Who better to represent a University known for agriculture than a cow? Sellers printed fliers and posters in Montgomery to keep the

» See BESSIE, 2







Bessie the Cow for Miss Auburn campaign posters from 1979.


Bessie the Cow, the winner of the 1979 Miss Auburn election, poses for a photo.

BESSIE » From 1

plan under wraps. The following week, the pair unveiled the new candidate to the rest of the team, and they were beside themselves laughing. The campaign team spent that night plastering the face of Bessie, better known as No. 18 to the vet school, all across campus. Butgereit thought campus would get a good laugh, and she imagined it would stop there.

But the next morning, Bessie turned into a sensation. “We thought it’d just be funny for a day or two, but it just kept growing and growing,” Sellers said. “Viral before there was a viral,” Butgereit added. With posters plastered on all corners of campus reading, “Not Just Another Drop in the Bucket” and “She Won’t Steer You Wrong,” the bandwagon was in full effect. Students were clamoring to get involved. Campaign T-shirts were a coveted treasure, and Greek organiza-

tions were getting behind the movement, too. Phi Kappa Tau even painted the name Bessie on the front of its fraternity house. The campaign also garnered national attention. The story was featured in The Atlanta Journal Constitution and New York Times, and it was run on Paul Harvey and Good Morning America. “We had as much fun coming up with it as people did enjoying it at the time,” Sellers said. Butgereit got calls at all hours of the day and into the night. It got so bad that her roommate decided to stay with a friend during campaign week. Not everyone took kindly to the campaign that was originally just going to be featured in The Plainsman’s annual April Fool’s edition. A small minority complained that it was a disgrace to Auburn tradition, sending hate mail to the team and even Butgereit’s mother. “Most of it was really funny,” Butgereit said. “People embraced it like hell.” SGA did not allow for Bessie to be on the actual ballots, citing the requirement to go through the interview process. But as it grew, SGA allowed the campaign team to put up polling boxes on election day. At that time, SGA elections were held via hand-written ballots, so on election day, a table sporting the Greek letters Mu Omega Omega, or MOO, and Bessie’s sorority, collected ballots. “We liked a lot of the girls running for Miss Auburn, so we were a little worried it was going to hurt their campaign,” Butgereit said. “But by then, we were into it. There was nothing we could do.” Bessie tallied 2,385 write-in votes, trouncing the competition by receiving more votes

than all five candidates combined in the biggest landslide in Miss Auburn history up to that point. “I’m sure we got a lot more independents to vote,” Sellers said. Cindy Murphy received the second-highest vote total and, as Sellers said with a smirk, “received the title.” The victory was so celebrated that Sellers and Butgereit made more T-shirts to sell. Sellers said they raised nearly $2,400, all but $8 of which was donated to an academic scholarship. Auburn’s annual Ag Day was coming up, and the group had the bright idea to crown “the real Miss Auburn” at the event. Murphy was a good sport and was the one to present Bessie with an $8 cowbell, engraved with “Bessie, Miss Auburn 1979-1980. A moo beginning.” Many of Bessie’s fervent supporters showed up to give their support, but what they didn’t realize was that Auburn’s newest favorite cow wasn’t actually there. “I looked at Mike and said, ‘That’s not Bessie,’” Butgereit said with a laugh. “But we didn’t tell anybody.” It was just a random cow that the vet school brought. The real Bessie was allegedly on her victory tour and let someone else take her place. To this day, Butgereit keeps a scrapbook of all the events that unfolded surrounding the election. In it, she wrote down a conversation that a friend asked how Bessie was taking the victory. “Very complacently,” Butgereit recalled. “She doesn’t say much. She just stands there and chews her cud.”


Tornado survivors struggle with recovery process By CHIP BROWNLEE Editor-in-chief

It’s been a little more than a month since a devastating EF4 tornado ripped through the Beauregard community on March 3, claiming the lives of 23 people and injuring dozens more. The recovery process is well underway for some of the at least 300 families whose homes were either severely damaged or destroyed. For others, though, the process has barely even started. “The recovery process has been slow,” said Granadas Baker, a resident of Beauregard whose mobile home was severely damaged by the storm. “Insurance is dragging their feet.” With little notice before the storm hit, Baker, his wife and three of their children rode it out in the bathroom of their home. “I thought we were going to die, literally,” Baker said. “But once I was knocked back, it was just so calm. I just felt the greatest calming over me. I was just watching all of the insulation fly around. It was just the insulation and wood and stuff was everywhere.” Part of the insulation and wood came from his family’s home, which was rendered uninhabitable by the storm. Their home of 16 years was essentially destroyed.


He opted not to pursue the Republican party nomination for the state’s highest office. At the time, Tuberville had just recently moved back to his Lake Martin home and could have faced legal battles over his residency. Alabama law requires candidates for statewide political office to have established residency. Though Tuberville never confirmed it, he might have decided against a run because Gov. Kay Ivey

“It’s all gone,” said his daughter, Kiara Slater. A home is being rebuilt just right across the street from the Bakers’ home, which hasn’t even been bulldozed yet. Many of their now-ruined belongings still sit inside the house. Volunteers have been helping for weeks, and FEMA is assisting in the recovery process. “There has been a lot of response from volunteers,” said Lee County Sheriff Jay Jones. “Just overwhelming in the first few weeks, which was very, very heartening to see, of course. And, the community response has been great. Volunteers continue to come, especially on weekends when time permits for them. We continue to receive support from too many organizations to name, quite frankly.” That community support is one of the only things keeping the Bakers going as their recovery process sits on pause. “The community as a whole and people coming together as a whole, that’s what has been keeping everything together,” Baker said. “It hasn’t been people’s insurance because we’re having to wait on our insurance just to see what we can get FEMA to do to help us get some kind of normalcy. But if it hadn’t been for the people, I mean, I don’t know what we would be doing.” FEMA permanently closed its Disaster Recovery Center in Lee County in late March, which had been a centralized location where those af-

was the likely Republican nominee, and she eventually chose to pursue the nomination, winning her race for governor easily in 2018. U.S. Rep. Bradley Byrne is the only Republican who has formally announced their candidacy for U.S. Senate at this time, though several others in the GOP are considering a run for the open nomination. In a radio interview Monday, Tuberville said he was worried the country is moving too far to the left. “We don’t have a Democratic Party anymore,” Tuberville said on WNSP 1055’s “The Opening Cick

fected by the storm could seek support from FEMA, the Lee County EMA, the Alabama EMA and the Small Business Administration. FEMA has said it received more than 600 applications for assistance. The federal agency has approved more than $900,000 in aid to those affected by the storm. Baker said the problem has not been so much with FEMA, but confusion over the process of waiting on insurance and when to move forward with FEMA for federal aid. “That was my issue, knowing what steps we take once our insurance does whatever it’s going to do,” Baker said. “That was the main thing, and we really couldn’t find anybody that could tell us, and we finally got somebody who could tell us that yesterday. Now, you know, we have an idea of what our next step is and how the process is going to be.” In the meantime, as the Bakers wait on their insurance to come through and for help from FEMA, a community organization has stepped in to help. The East Alabama Medical Center Foundation is paying for an apartment for the family. “Lives were lost, of course,” Jones said. “Properties damaged. Whole residences, years of family history gone in just a few minutes. It’s going to be a long process.” When they do get their money situation figured out, Baker said he and his family plan to move back to Beauregard.

off ” show. “All you have to do is look to see what direction they want to take that. That’s the reason we have to fill this seat in the Senate with a Republican in the state of Alabama with Christian values and get away from all the crazy stuff they are trying to do.” He voiced support for the Constitution, Christian values and President Donald Trump. “We have to get law and order back,” Tuberville said. “I can’t believe the party on the left is against law and order. My gosh, what are we doing in this country?” The Republican primary for the

seat will be held in March 2020, and the general election is set for Nov. 3, 2020. Tuberville said he is ready to run against Jones. “We had a person get elected into the Senate I don’t feel like covers the needs of this state or this country,” Tuberville said on the show. The CBS Sports report said former White House press secretary Sean Spicer is working on Tuberville’s campaign. Tuberville had a long coaching career at Ole Miss, Auburn, Texas Tech and finally at Cincinnati, where he ended his time as a coach.


Compared to a 43 percent performance by Virginia to open the game, the Cavaliers would close out by shooting 57 percent. Ty Jerome finished with a game-high 21 points while shooting 50 percent. Guy added 15 to go along with his game-winning shots at the freethrow line. Auburn opened the second half missing its first eight shots, with the first make coming from a 3-pointer by Harper just over five minutes in. Despite maintaining a single-digit deficit for a majority of the second half, the Tigers finished the game off by shooting 35 percent. Brown’s 3-pointer with less than four minutes remaining sparked a comeback that brought Auburn within one and a lead to the final buzzer. “We didn’t start the second half that well defensively,” Harper said. “We let them do what they wanted. Being able to climb back in the game and get in that position was great for us, but of course, we could have finished with a different result.” With the lead up until the final moments, Virginia and Guy led the madness of March into the chaos of April. In the midst of chaos and heartbreak, Pearl looked back at the run his team made and being where it wasn’t expected to be — within moments of playing for a national championship. “I think that for us, I thought that we looked like we belonged,” Pearl said. “We were — we weren’t supposed to be here. We weren’t supposed to have a chance to win, or maybe had a chance a win, but unlikely.”







Ordinance fails citizens of Northwest Auburn City Council’s inaction and undue amendments trample on the last hope to protect what little remaining community Northwest Auburn’s residents have EDITORIAL BOARD Spring 2019

After months of postponement on an issue that required expedited fixing, the City Council has once again given constituents in Northwest Auburn a plethora of reasons for outrage. Residents wanted an ordinance that would prevent student housing from being built in long-standing, historically black and traditionally single-family neighborhoods. They didn’t want to be encroached upon by houses clearly made and clearly priced for students. They didn’t want to be blocked in by students’ cars on weekends. They didn’t want to have college students as neighbors, who undoubtedly bring with them parties, loud music and other activities sure to disrupt a family neighborhood. They didn’t want to have their property taxes increased to unexpected, unaffordable levels. They didn’t want student houses, which are referred to as academic detached dwelling units in the ordinance, and they didn’t want their neighborhood to become gentrified. Gentrification is simply a respectable word for robbery. Because of what developers have built, the people of Northwest Auburn are being robbed of their homes. They are forced to either bite their tongue and deal with these assured detriments or leave the homes and neighborhood many of them grew up in. Dealing with the detriments, however, is often financially impossible. Thus, the displacement is forced, and their home is taken by the developers’ need to make a quick profit. How else does one label the act of taking something — a home, property, land — from a person? It is robbery, and the Council has just passed an ordinance that will allow the plunder to continue because of the last-second amendments attached to the ordinance. Before explaining the amendments of the ordinance, it’s important to note some members of the Council were clearly confused at the meeting.

Even after repeatedly extending their own deadline for months so they could get more information, the Council — still misinformed — couldn’t even agree that there was a problem in the first place. Ward 8 Councilman Tommy Dawson repeatedly said people should be allowed to sell their property, adding that he saw no problem. This has been a constant refrain of his. Dawson is ignoring the fact that no ordinance, ever, can prohibit people from selling their property; thus the ordinance doesn’t prohibit people from selling, it limits what developers can build, for the benefit of long-standing residents — not the handful of developers squeezing the sanctity from neighborhoods, hungering for insanely profitable student houses. Dawson is ignoring the ordinance’s intention of protecting residents — not developers. He is ignoring how the ordinance would have protected these neighborhoods from development that would price out residents and force them to sell to survive. But the developers spoke their grievances, and to appease them and their checkbooks, the Council attached amendments. The first amendment states that ADDUs are a conditional use in neighborhood redevelopment districts east of North Donahue Drive. The original ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission didn’t allow ADDUs in NRDs. Now, thanks to the amendment, ADDUs can possibly be approved in the neighborhoods on Frazier Street and Canton Avenue. The Plainsman has repeatedly reported on these areas and documented how the black residents living there are being forced to leave, lest spending their retirements in financial peril. They’re gentrified. Development is robbing them of their homes. And it’s going to get worse because the Council cannot, for the life of

them, agree to help the residents of Northwest Auburn. Instead, the City Council throws the community they are supposed to protect under the developers’ huge, shiny buses. Maybe the Council believes that what little is left in this neighborhood is not worth saving. In fact, this was one of the many things discussed in their two-hour-long meeting. There are too many student houses on Canton and Frazier already, they said. Tell this to the few remaining residents who are holding onto their historically black neighborhood for dear life. Tell this to the residents who have been robbed by greed, who have been gentrified. If a team was losing and they followed the Council’s logic, then they’d give up because what’s the point? The point is things can change — but not anymore. The second amendment states ADDUs are permitted by right in redevelopment districts east of North Donahue, mainly located along Bragg Avenue. The initial proposal was that they would be a conditional use in RDD. This, again, makes it easier for developers to build ADDUs. What a surprise. Dawson, Ward 4 Councilman Brett Smith and Ward 3 Councilwoman Beth Witten have all been against this ordinance since day one, at least back when the ordinance was actually beneficial to the residents of Auburn. They have been the least sympathetic to the issue of gentrification. This was evident when they each voted in favor of these amendments. This was evident when they voted against the whole ordinance, even if it had their lovely amendments attached to it, because they saw no problem worth fixing. It’s despicable. It’s expected. And that’s the tragedy in all this. Many dominoes had to fall for us to get here, the first being Auburn University’s unwillingness to house students at an affordable price. The University, our city government and the developers who say there’s no gentrification should be ashamed. We dare you to look these residents in the eye and explain to them why their homes, their neighborhoods, their place in this city is meaningless, because that’s the message being screamed in their faces right now.



Electoral College is best system for presidential elections By MAGGIE SMITH Contributing Columnist

A common theme among the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates is to abolish the Electoral College. The vast majority of candidates have announced they would at least be open to the idea of getting rid of the election system. Clearly, all of these candidates want it to be abolished for one reason — it has hindered Democrats in the past. Both President Donald Trump and former President George W. Bush lost the popular vote but won the Electoral College. It really shouldn’t be a surprise that Democratic presidential candidates have won the

popular vote but not the Electoral College considering two of the most populated states in the country, California and New York, are also two of the most liberal. Recently, a group of Democratic senators introduced a measure to abolish the Electoral College. Their reasoning behind this is that the Electoral College causes presidential candidates to spend all of their time in swing states while on the campaign trail, and that not everyone’s voice is heard. The truth is, if the Electoral College were to be done away with, the voices of citizens who live in rural areas of the country would be lost. Instead of candidates spending a lot of time in swing states, they will spend all of their time campaigning in New York City, Los Angeles,

Chicago and Houston. The millions of votes that would come from these cities would completely overshadow the votes that come from lesser populated states such as Wyoming, Vermont, Maine and Montana. Presidential candidates wouldn’t want to waste their time and money campaigning in these smaller states and the presidential election would be determined by the will of the people in America’s most populated cities instead of every state having a say. Even though the Democratic candidates have created a good talking point by calling for the abolishment of the Electoral College, they are pretty much wasting their breath. Abolishing the Electoral College would re-

OPINION PAGE POLICIES The Auburn Plainsman welcomes letters from students, as well as faculty, administrators, alumni and those not affiliated with the University. Letters must be submitted to before 4:30 p.m. on Friday for publication. Letters must include the author’s name, address and phone number for verification. Submission may be edited for grammar, style and length. Please submit no more than 600 words.


COLUMNS & EDITORIALS The opinions of The Auburn Plainsman staff are restricted to these pages. This editorial is the majority opinion of the Editorial Board and is the official opinion of the newspaper. The opinions expressed in columns and letters represent the views and opinions of their individual authors. These opinions do not necessarily reflect the Auburn University student body, faculty, administration or Board of Trustees.



quire amending the Constitution, which is extremely difficult to accomplish. In order for an amendment to pass, it must be ratified by two-thirds of both the House of Representatives and the Senate, and then threefourths of the states have to affirm it. Considering the Democrats do not hold a supermajority in either chamber, it is highly unlikely that abolishing the Electoral College will ever happen. The Founding Fathers established the Electoral College for a reason. They did not want for any area of the country to be overshadowed in elections and the Electoral College ensures that doesn’t happen. Maggie Smith is a junior in agricultural communications.





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Morgan Kull singing the national anthem at the Final Four game in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on April 6, 2019.

‘A random opportunity’ Student reflects on singing national anthem at Final Four By STEPHEN LANZI Campus Editor

Auburn University’s men’s basketball team found out they were headed to Minneapolis, Minnesota, for the first Final Four appearance in school history. And when Morgan Kull was celebrating the victory at Toomer’s, she found out she was headed to the Twin Cities, too. For the past couple years, the NCAA asked a student-athlete from each of the four schools represented in the Final Four to sing the national anthem before the games on Saturday, and Kull, a volleyball player, was the Auburn student-athlete the NCAA chose. Ahead of the Elite Eight matchup against Kentucky, the NCAA reached out to the potential schools. One of Kull’s assistant coaches knew that she had sung in the past, so she encouraged her to send in an application. Kull didn’t have a lot of faith, but she said why not. “We made it to the Final Four, and I was in Toomer’s Corner and my assistant coach texted me and she was like, ‘I think you’re going to be singing the national anthem,’” Kull said. “And I was like, ‘Oh my gosh.’ It was kind of a random opportunity, but it was funny.” Although many students decided to go to the game, actually making the trek up to Minnesota was never on Kull’s radar. “I like being able to watch it at Auburn just because when we win, we get to go downtown and roll Toomer’s and stuff, but I wasn’t about to pass up an opportunity to go to Minneapolis,” Kull said with a laugh. “I was like, ‘Yup, I’ll go.’”

Growing up with a band director as a father, Kull was always musically inclined. She was in choir at a young age, all the way through high school. She was in the band and took voice lessons for a few years as well. Although her father was very influential, he and Kull have differing opinions on singing. “He’s not a huge fan of singing,” she said. “He’s like, ‘Singing? The real musicians are the band people.’ And I’m like, ‘Whatever, dad.’ He likes that I was in choir and stuff, but he’s more of a band dude.” Kull sang the national anthem for some of her school’s basketball games, so the song wasn’t unfamiliar, but that doesn’t mean she’s always been perfect. “I didn’t want to tell people before the national anthem happened because I was afraid they were going to freak out, but I actually messed up one of the words when I sang it in high school,” Kull said with a laugh. “But I haven’t since.” Before the invite, Kull hadn’t sang the national anthem since high school, and the four student-athletes from each school met for the first time the day before the games. The leader of the group said they were going to do a folk version of the song, so she didn’t practice much during the week leading up to the game. “I didn’t really practice during the week, I just ran over the words a couple times every day because that was the biggest thing for me,” she joked. The group got together on Friday to figure out the arrangement, playing around with harmonies and tunes. They settled on their own rendition of the song. They practiced in the sta-

dium a few times, and everything went according to plan — no misplaced words. With one of the student-athletes playing the guitar, their “campfire version of the national anthem” was somewhat controversial on social media. “They were like, ‘What are these 20-year-olds doing, changing our national anthem?’” Kull said. But she just thought it was funny. “It wasn’t as bold as Fergie’s,” Kull said. “We still stuck to it more than her.” Although she was singing in front of nearly 70,000 and millions more at home, Kull was more excited than nervous. “The thing is, I can’t really comprehend that number at all, so I couldn’t even get nervous about it because I just didn’t understand,” Kull said. She said it helped a lot that she’s gotten accustomed to performing in front of people in her own games, and in some ways, it was easier. She said in games, you don’t know what’s going to happen, but for a performance like that, you practice and know exactly what is going to happen. Kull has never really considered singing as a career; it’s just something she’s always enjoyed for fun. With volleyball, it’s difficult to keep it up because her voice is usually gone during the season, but she is hoping she’ll be able to take a music class in the spring after her senior year. The NCAA had a Minneapolis Air Force sergeant sing for the national title game, so Kull would not have had another opportunity if Auburn had won, but either way, she said it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.


Auburn University Community Garden planning to expand By ABBY CUNNINGHAM Campus Writer

The Auburn University Community Garden allows students, faculty and family to plant fruit, vegetables and flowers while enjoying the great outdoors. The garden opened in the early 1970s. Initially only for University staff, the garden was later opened to everyone and is now managed by Campus Dining. It offers garden space, tools and access to water. The advisory members also offer advice to garden members on how to improve their crops. Jeremiah DeVore, the manager of the community garden, said there is a huge amount of infor-

mation and community shared between members, some of which have been a part of the garden since the beginning. “I find it very encouraging how generous and helpful our members are with each other,” DeVore said. “They’re all working together for individual success and also the success of our community as a whole.” Doug Hankes, the director of Auburn University Student Counseling and Psychological Services, has been a part of the community garden for most of his life. His father was also part of the community garden in the early 1970s . “We did it as a family for quite a few years,” Hankes said. His family later stopped working at the family

plot, and Hankes moved away from Auburn. He and his wife then moved back to Auburn in 1998 and started their own plot. “To do a garden and to do it right, it takes a lot of time and effort,” Hankes said. “To be out there and make sure everything is weeded and watered, it’s a constant thing you have to do.” Hankes is now on the advisory board for the garden, which has recently planned to move the garden to a bigger space. The garden will soon move to a 5-acre plot behind the Jule Collins Smith Museum. They will continue their current services and add a parking area, better water access, shade structures, fruit trees and shrubs and raised plant beds that will accommodate members with mo-

bility limitations. They will also start therapy gardens, hoping to partner with Student Veterans and the Eagles Program. “We want to cater to each group and what their needs are,” DeVore said. DeVore encourages students to garden. “I think students should join the garden because it’s a great opportunity to enjoy the outdoors and connect with your food,” DeVore said. “Growing vegetables is hard work and requires a lot of discipline, and I think when you put in all that work, you gain an appreciation for your food.” The gardening season has already begun but is still welcoming members.


Software-engineering group wins $35,000 for business By DREW DAWS Campus Writer

A student-led software development team recently won $35,000 at the annual Tiger Cage Business Idea Competition put on by the Harbert College of Business. Flashtract Inc. was co-founded by Ben Conry and Blair Chenault. The company offers a cloud-based software that streamlines and automates the construction-payment process. Conry, senior in civil engineering, said the current payment system used by many in the construction industry is outdated. When Chenault, 2018 graduate in mechanical engineering, interned with a bank’s on-

line division, he saw ways to simplify the process. “(Chenault) noticed that a lot of construction companies weren’t doing a lot of online banking,” Conry said. “So he started looking into it and realized that the payment process in the construction industry was still being largely done over paper checks, and it was a paper-bound process.” Often times, several companies work together on one construction project, he said. This includes subcontractors, general contractors and the project owners. “Subcontractors have to submit their invoices for the work they’ve completed. … Those invoices have to

be approved up an approval-chain,” Conry said. “Once those invoices are approved, our software facilitates the payment for those invoices.” In 2018, Flashtract was eliminated from Tiger Cage in the semi-final. Chenault said there has been a drastic change since the company started last year. “It’s astronomically different. It looks like a professional, well put-together website,” he said. “It’s super simple, boiled down to only what you need and really gets the point across quickly without cluttering up with too much unneeded information.” The team won three prizes at this year’s Tiger Cage competition, totaling $35,000. The first prize of

$25,000 was strictly based on the presentation of the teams’ ideas. “We also won a $5,000 check for the people’s choice award,” he added. “The last check was a grant from the Alabama Capital Network for the most promising start-up that they saw in the competition.” Aside from winning the Tiger Cage competition, Flashtract also won $50,000 at the Auburn Regional Alabama Launchpad competition. “A lot of the judges told us that they saw a lot of value in our software and saw how it could make such a big impact on this Auburn area and bringing jobs to this area,” Conry said. Moving forward, Chenault hopes Flashtract can provide contractors

a more efficient way of generating cashflow without having to wait a prolonged period of time. “There’s report after report that shows contractors getting paid 100 days after they’ve completed their work,” he said. “We would love to see that number drive down closer to the average of other industries.” Conry agreed, and said it is time for the construction industry to modernize its payment systems. “I just imagine our software being a tool that would be used every day by contractors,” he said. “Something that will allow them to finish on budget and on time and let them go home at the end of the day and get back to their families.”


The Auburn Plainsman



SEC dissolves student athletic recruiters By JORDAN WINDHAM Campus Writer

Student athletic recruiters, who serve as hosts for athletic recruits visiting campus for events, will soon cease to exist at Auburn. Due to recent legislation passed by the SEC, only employees, graduate assistants or student-athletes of that sport may be hosts for these events. Once the current group of student athletic recruiters finishes their term in August, the group will cease to exist. Taylor Jackson, this year’s president of student-athletic recruiters, is sad to see the end of this organization. She will no longer be able to assist SARs and help recruits and their families grow to love Auburn University. “My favorite part of the job is the relationships that are formed with the recruits and their families,” Jackson said. “When they sign with Auburn, it’s a special feeling knowing


that you played a small part in the process, and you get to continue the relationship with that family each gameday.” Jackson thinks the legislation will have a detrimental effect on the recruiting experience, as well. “Having hostesses close to their age helps them to feel more comfortable and allows them to open up,” Jackson said. “It also helps

them to meet students, so when they actually come to school here they see familiar faces.” Recruiters are typically placed with one family for the day. They bond with the family and give them insight into life as part of the Auburn Family. “People really don’t understand what this organization means to Auburn University,” Jackson said. “Like I mentioned before, it’s an

incredible experience that is being stripped away from Auburn students for no reason. I feel as if the organization is equally as important to students as it is to prospective athletes and their families.” The new SEC legislation will be effective on Aug. 1, 2019. Some current student athletic recruiters feel sad to see the program end. “I think it is unfortunate because SAR has been a huge part of my college experience,” said Alisa Mobley, a third-year athletic recruiter. “I have had so much fun these past three years, and I am sad that other students won’t be able to take part in the organization.” In previous years, a new group of student athletic recruiters would currently be anticipating the fall semester. This fall, there will be no group to take up the mantle. “Fall 2019 will be my last football season as a student, and I will miss helping the recruiting staff and interacting with the recruiters and their families,” Mobley said.


Two Tiger Transits involved in traffic collisions By STEPHEN LANZI Campus Editor

A Tiger Transit bus was hit head on by another car Tuesday morning, and another bus was in a hit-and-run accident on Monday. The collision Tuesday occurred while the bus was on a North College route near Copper Beech Townhomes on Shelton Mill Road, when a car, driven by a 31-year-old man from Auburn, was turning onto the street and hit the bus head on. Don Andrae, director of parking services, told The Plainsman that footage from the bus showed the driver of the other car with a cigarette in one hand, and he was texting with the other. Stephen Sheffield, senior in journalism, was on the bus when it was hit. “He was on his phone, so he never looked up,” Sheffield said. “He swerved across the lane. He slammed on his brakes to brace it, but there was nothing she (the bus driver) could do.” The car was undriveable, and the bus needed

to be towed, as well. Another bus was brought to the scene to take students to campus. No injuries were reported. “He probably wasn’t going any faster than 30 because he had just pulled out,” Sheffield said. “I mean his foot was on the gas, so he was accelerating. The whole bus was shook. It was kind of like a jerk, a shake. His car is totaled, and he damaged the bus pretty bad. It was a pretty hard hit.” Another Tiger Transit was rear ended on Monday. Andrae said the footage from the bus showed a van drive into the back of the bus. No injuries were reported, and the bus was able to keep driving on the route. Andrae said having 57 buses on route, there are bound to be accidents, but he is glad neither of the accidents were caused by Tiger Transit employees. Lorenzo Dorsey, Auburn Police Division captain, told The Plainsman the cause of the wreck remains under investigation by the police.


Tiger Transit buses line up on Tuesday, Sept. 19, 2017, in Auburn, Ala.



CAREing Paws members pose with therapy dogs.

Organization enhances impact of therapy dogs By ABBY CUNNINGHAM Campus Writer

At O-Day, students may have seen Miller, a 5-year-old golden retriever, or Choa, a 7-yearold golden retriever and lab mix, on the concourse and wondered why they were there. These dogs are loving and playful members of CAREing Paws, an organization that promotes awareness of the impact of therapy dogs. The organization used to be exclusively for nursing school students as a way to help these students understand how animals can impact people’s lives. However, Stuart Pope, nursing professor and advisor to the organization, opened the organization to everyone interested. In 2016, the organization was brought back by students who wanted to reinvigorate people’s knowledge of how beneficial therapy dogs can be. “Now, it’s a club getting people aware of what animals do for therapy and how animal-assisted therapy can help people in nursing homes, with people with mental illnesses and children in hospitals,” said Myles Mcatee, the organization’s current secretary. Mcatee said the organization visits Arbor Springs with the dogs two days a week. Members will bring the dogs to the rehab center for residents who want to play and spend time with the dogs. The secretary believes that it relaxes the residents at Arbor Springs. “A nursing home is kind of a sad place to see because the residents don’t get a lot of visitors because their siblings or kids are elsewhere,” Mcatee said. “So, whenever people see students from Auburn and the dogs, it brightens their

day. That’s where the whole animal-assisted therapy comes in.” CAREing Paws has a monthly meeting every first Monday of the month. Miller and Choa come to every meeting, and members are able to spend time with the dogs. At these meetings, members discuss logistics and events that are coming up for the month. Mcatee said anyone is welcome to join, and anyone can become an officer in the club. “A lot of people think this is a nursing school requirement or that you have to be pre-vet to be in the club, but we want everyone,” Mcatee said. He said he believes students should join so that they can see the impact of service dogs first hand at the different sites they visit. “I think it’s whenever you go to the nursing home, that’s whenever you see the true impact these dogs have on people’s lives,” Mcatee said. Mcatee also said that Auburn’s nursing school is the only nursing school that emphasizes animal-assisted therapy and teaches classes based on the effectiveness of this concept. Any student can take the animal-assisted therapy class for two credit hours, and interested students can email Pope for more information. The organization will also be at the Vet School during Wellness Week during the week of April 25. “A lot of these residents had to give up their dogs, or they had dogs that passed away, so whenever you see the impact it has on the residents, it just changes your mind completely and makes you want to go out every single week,” Mcatee said.


Auburn Circle Be the first to see the spring issue of Auburn's literary magazine at SNAPS. Monday, April 15 7 p.m. in the Red Barn Get your free copy at SNAPS or Tuesday-Thursday from 9 a.m.- 2 p.m. on the Haley Concourse or Student Center Transit Stop.

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community THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 2019




After tornadoes, she helped children cope By TIM NAIL

Community Writer

To the vibrant, excitable imaginations of children, the sanitary hallways of a hospital can be a foreign and frightening change of pace. Take the example of a 3-year-old boy who had received a cochlear implant. Just through with an operation and far away from home, the child refused to communicate with his family using his native American Sign Language. What do medical professionals do in such a situation to get a young patient responsive again? Enter Miranda Morrow, certified Child Life Specialist at East Alabama Medical Center, on behalf of Auburn University. Morrow is familiar with the deaf community, having lived with her father and sister who were hard of hearing. She is fluent in ASL. Tasked with resolving the family’s conflict, she met with the boy and asked if he wanted to play with her. She promised him she could bring him whatever toys he had enjoyed playing with at home. “I will never forget the look on his face,” Morrow said. “His eyes widened in awe and excitement as he immediately signed back to me, ‘trains and blocks.’ I brought back toy trains and blocks per his request, and he became a child again — laughing, smiling, giggling and playing.” Morrow doesn’t see her position as work, but as “a way of life which is intended for a unique set of individuals.” As a child life specialist, she acts as a therapist of sorts to children in the medical center, increasing their comfort through friendly language and joking with them during procedures. “Many patients often describe a child life specialist’s role as a ‘teacher of the hospital,’ as we have knowledge regarding medical terminology and procedures,” Morrow said. “We are then able to communicate back to the child in developmentally appropriate terms based on his or her specific developmental age and cognitive level.” EAMC and the Department of Human Development and Family Studies at Auburn launched the Child Life Program in 2016 as a way of providing a local opportunity for child life students to get real-world experience. The partnership is special because such programs are usually

only available to hospitals in larger cities or those specializing in pediatric care, Morrow said. More community-based hospitals like EAMC have begun introducing these programs into their facilities as they have proven their value, Morrow said. Morrow demonstrated just that in March in the wake of the tornadoes that devastated parts of Lee County. Many of the patients who were rushed to the hospital after the disaster were young children, some of whom had lost close family members. Morrow called the scene “surreal.” It was Morrow’s job to care for those children. One way she did so was “gently explaining to children that mom or dad were no longer with us,” Morrow said. She also provided children and families ways to cope. “Being each child’s rock amidst tragedy and devastation — that’s the core reason of what I do, and I wouldn’t change it for the world,” Morrow said. But, she added that strength and unity, total teamwork and an unspoken understanding within their disciplinary medical team was extremely important. Morrow first began thinking about a career as a child life specialist in the midst of a family medical emergency, her niece Charlee Rae’s diagnosis with Hurler syndrome, a serious genetic disorder that can cause organ damage. Spending 10 months at Duke University Children’s Hospital, Morrow was impressed by the specialists she witnessed interacting with Charlee Rae and the improvement to her situation. “I saw firsthand the crucial role that my niece’s child life specialist played in her overall coping and positive adjustment to extensive hospitalization,” she said. “Through her experience, I immediately knew I wanted to change career paths because I had just found my true passion in life as I love working with children in a one-to-one ratio in the medical setting.” She surveyed her options for child life educational programs throughout the country before deciding on Auburn. “Everything the Auburn Creed encompasses is within me,” Morrow said. “As I enjoy a challenge, my eagerness to blaze a trail for a certified child life specialist position in an environment where theory and concepts for our practice are new was the most appealing part of my application.” Since beginning her tenure as a specialist, many of Morrow’s patients have cheerfully exclaimed to her they wanted to be-



Miranda Morrow holds a stuffed animal at EAMC.

come a doctor or nurse themselves. Many mistakenly see her as their nurse, but she said they know she’s meant to be the “fun one.” “My all-time favorite was when one of my children referred to me as ‘the Mary Poppins lady,’” Morrow said. “It is in moments such as these that I know I have played my role well and can’t help but smile.”


Red Clay celebrates fourth anniversary By ELIZABETH HURLEY Community Editor


Hickoy Dickory Park in Auburn in May 2016.

Auburn’s fantasty wonderland Exploring Hickory Dickory Park By LAUREN DIAZ Community Writer

From the highest room in the tallest tower, a princess can see her entire kingdom. Nestled in the heart of the enchanted forest, she rules as far as the eye can see. Below the princess, her kingdom is flourishing. The main square is full of life as the people of the town trade and interact with one another. The children run and play under the crisp spring sun with the smell of fresh, peace-filled air wafting through their tiny noses. Mythical beasts roar in the distance beyond the west walls, and she signals on the royal intercom to alert her subjects. To her relief, the bell of victory rings loud for all to hear: her prince has slain the dreaded dragon. Or at least that’s how the hyper group of 6 and 7-year-olds describe it. Fairytales turn time back to medieval eras of enchanted lands of princes and princesses, giants, mermaids and unicorns. Often times, this make-believe world is only visible through the eyes of youthful believers. Tucked away in the small town of Auburn, Alabama, at the end of Hickory Lane is a place where children can run, play and slay dragons — Hickory Dickory Park. The forest keeps the tiny kingdom almost completely hidden from the sight of outsiders. Few know of its secret entrance. The snaking pathway twists and turns through the tall, daunting trees. Sitting in the center of the kingdom, hot lava surrounds the castle for pro-

tection from the enemies of foreign nations. The children of the town are careful to jump and leap without touching its boiling surface. A winding moat flows throughout the kingdom, full of mermaids and other colorful sea life. “You have to jump high enough from one part to the other part to not fall in the lava,” said 7-year-old Brealey of Opelika. “One person at the top tells the other person at the bottom where to hide before the tiger comes and gets you.” It’s not a royal intercom system, but close enough. Stairs wind through the castle uncovering hidden rooms and passageways. The castle’s openness allows for people to gather in the main ballroom to mingle and laugh, hoping to catch a glimpse of the princess roaming the halls of her palace. The park has an enormous grassy area that is perfect for all activities. Picnic tables scatter the open area for parents to watch as their children run and play until their hearts are content. Brealey’s mom, Liz, said the seclusion of the park makes it feel very safe. With everything being so close together, she can watch her daughter play and know where she is at all times. “It’s a great place for families to come,” Liz said. “We have been coming here since Brealey was little, and my 70-year-old mother has been down those slides, so I know they’re durable.” Hickory Dickory Park is Auburn’s biggest playground, drawing in residents throughout the community. Renamed from Hickory Lane Park in 1999, its original design makes it popular.

“The park was built by the community through donations and actual labor, so there are many in the community that have a connection to it,” said Auburn Parks and Recreation Director Becky Richardson. Since its creation, the Auburn Rotary Club has dedicated a volunteer-based work day each year to help replacemulch, spray the wood of the playground and any other small repairs needed. So maybe the enchanted forest is really just a thicket of woods at the end of a cul-de-sac, and the whispering trees only know about the barking dogs and car alarms going off in the neighborhood. Maybe the roar of the dragon is the sound of a revving Ford F-150 engine. And maybe the lava filled barrier for protection is just hot mulch heated up from the warm sun, and the mermaid-filled moat of sea life is only a mural canvassing the entirety of the base of the playground. The roars in the distance of mythical beasts may not be so mythical after all, considering it is actually the buzzing of Shug Jordan Parkway at quitting time. The main ballroom is a mid-level platform with seating for parents to watch and children to rest, while the square down below flourishing with business is actually just a pretend Toomer’s Corner area where children can sell ice cream and lemonade. The College Street replica is complete with tiger paw prints and cut outs for children to fully get into character. Regardless of whether someone sees a dragon or a truck, the mermaids or the lava, the fairytale kingdom or a neighborhood park, Hickory Dickory Park will continue to be a place where children from all over are able to let their imaginations wander.

One staple of the recently revitalized downtown Opelika area is turning four and is adding to their business. Red Clay Brewery, which has beer available throughout Alabama and Georgia, is now expanding its line of canned beers as they bring their canning in-house, said John Corbin, co-owner and founder of Red Clay. “We’re going to be releasing some fun beers locally,” Corbin said. “We’ll have some cool stuff that we’re going to release state wide and throughout the region. We’re also going to be releasing some stuff that you can only get here locally.” Corbin, who began Red Clay with Stephen Harle and Kerry McGinnis, is hoping to expand their can run further over the next few years. In the meantime, Red Clay has expanded its brewery in Opelika with a new back patio. The large, fenced-in space has room for patrons to spread out a blanket or sit at one of the picnic tables as they sip a beer. The space is dog friendly and will soon feature an outdoor bar, Corbin said. “We’re planning on doing a bunch of weekly bands out here,” Corbin said. “We’re opening it up to do some music. We’re putting a bar out here and all that stuff. It’s going to be fun.” Families with children young and old joined Red Clay on Saturday to celebrate the brewery’s four years in Opelika. Many patrons used the outdoor space to enjoy some of Red Clay’s brews while snacking on treats from local food vendors.

» See BEER, 7



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The Auburn Plainsman



BEER » From 6

“We made a place that we would want to hang out at, a place that we would want to be,” McGinnis said. “Good thing since we spend so much time here. But it’s nice to see that everyone else wants to be here, too.” The bond between the owners and staff is clear and can be felt throughout the brewery. Anyone that sets foot inside can feel the relaxed atmosphere take them over. This atmosphere spreads to the business side of things, as well, said Craig Collins, the plant manager and head brewer. “It’s a family owned business, so there’s a lot of things that we do that other businesses don’t do,” Collins said. One constant over the years has been customers. The Saturday event was a way to thank them for their continued support and to test some new brews that could be featured again in the tap room or in cans. Red Clay, which began as a home brewing business several years ago before opening a brewery in Opelika, is continuing to expand. The owners are most thankful for the community, without whom they would not be where they are today, the owners said. “Without our customers we wouldn’t be here, definitely wouldn’t be here four years,” McGinnis said. CAMERON BRASHER / STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

The entrance of Bow & Arrow on Nov. 2 in Auburn, Ala.

Chef uses skills from Food Network By EVAN MEALINS Community Writer


Beer taps at Red Clay Brewery on Friday, April 6, 2018, in Auburn, Ala.

Caleb Fischer is the executive chef at Bow and Arrow, a Texas-style barbecue restaurant located on East University Drive. Last year, he made it to the finale of Food Network’s “Spring Baking Championship” but fell just short of the $50,000 first prize. He’s been busy ever since. Shortly after the show aired, he began working full time alongside Stephen Price to prepare for Bow and Arrow’s opening in fall 2018. Price and Fischer now manage the restaurant. “We were pretty much here every day doing walk throughs of the construction, looking at equipment we needed to buy, smallwares we needed to buy and figuring out how the menu was going to be laid out,” Fischer said. “Even though we weren’t open, it was pretty much a full-time job. Stephen and I got in every morning pretty early and spent every day in an office, which was weird for me, being used to being in a kitchen.” After months of hard work, Bow and Arrow opened on Nov. 7. One of Fischer’s favorite things about the restaurant is the fun, relaxed environment. “The style of restaurant being counter service allows us to all be very relaxed,” Fischer said. “Very rarely do any of us really get upset with each other.”

As the executive chef and pit master, Fischer spends only a small portion of his time in the kitchen baking as he did on the show. However, Fischer said the competition taught him lessons he applies to his job, like the ability to work under pressure. “I think it’s funny how many times I reference that I made a cake, a three-tier cake, in two hours,” Fischer said. “The things that I before looked at like big tasks, you are able to kind of compartmentalize it and plan out steps of how to achieve it more efficiently.” Patrons who recognize Fischer from his experience on Food Network often expect intricate cakes and ornamental baked goods for dessert. Instead, dessert is usually something simple like a slice of pie, cake or a brownie. While this may surprise some customers, Fischer said once they try it, they understand that a simple dessert can be as satisfying as anything else. When he isn’t at work, Fischer likes to spend his time in the woods hiking with his fiance, Allison, and his dog, Olive. They also tend to their chickens and work in their garden at their home in Macon County. As for future plans, Bow and Arrow plans to ramp up to fullscale catering in the future and possibly even a food truck. “We’ve joked about doing a food truck,” Fischer said. “It’s something we’ve always talked about doing that this concept represents very well. We don’t know if that will happen or not.”






JARED “We’ve got Jared.”

“What a pass by Harper!”









“Harper from way downtown!”

“Oh! The jam by Harper! He skyed over everyone!”

“Night night!”

“Jared does it again!”









‘Promises made. Promises kept’ Jared Harper forgoes senior season, declares for NBA Draft By NATHAN KING Sports Editor

Auburn point guard Jared Harper will forgo his senior season on The Plains and enter his name in the NBA Draft. “First, I would like to thank God for providing me the talent to play the game that I love and giving me the opportunity to share lifetime memories of our historic run,” Harper wrote on Twitter. “My dream coming out of high school was to lead Auburn to a national championship and we were close. There are so many people to thank for my success at Auburn.” The Mableton, Georgia, native also entered the draft process last season but eventually withdrew. Harper said on Twitter he has signed with an agent this time around. That used to prevent players from returning to school, but new NCAA rules would allow Harper to come back to Auburn if he so chooses. “I would like to thank Coach Pearl for believing in me, the entire coaching staff our managers, our fans, my teammates and the best strength coach and ath-

letic trainer coach Damon and Clark!” Harper wrote. “You guys were key for me never missing a game at Auburn and always having me prepared to compete at the highest level every game.” As the unquestioned leader of Bruce Pearl’s runand-gun Auburn offense the past three seasons, Harper averaged 13.5 points and 4.8 assists per game. This season, he averaged 15.3 points and 5.8 assists in arguably his best year. “With the support form our coaching staff and my family, I have decided to chase my lifelong dream of playing in the NBA,” Harper wrote. “I have decided to forego my senior year and declare for the 2019 NBA draft and sign with an agent. Again, thanks for the continued support and prayers as I transition to the next journey of my career.” Harper was named to an All-SEC team twice and is one of two players in Auburn history to record 1,200 points, 450 assists, 350 free-throw makes and 200 rebounds after Eddie Johnson in 1973-77. He’s just one of five players in SEC history with 1,400 points, 500 assists and 200 3s in a career.

“Jared Harper has been the quarterback of this basketball program for the last three years,” said Auburn head coach Bruce Pearl. “He came here on a promise that together we could help make Auburn basketball relevant. Promises made. Promises kept.” Harper’s 511 career assists rank fifth in program history, including his 231 assists last season — the best single-season mark in Auburn history. Harper is 14th all-time in scoring at Auburn with 1,427 points. He’s sixth in Auburn history in 3-point makes with 213. The junior drove Auburn’s offense in this year’s historic Final Four run, as well. He was named the Midwest Regional’s MVP after the Tigers’ Elite Eight win over Kentucky. ESPN’s current rankings currently have Harper as the No. 61 prospect. His ability to blow by NBA-caliber talent during Auburn’s Final Four run elevated his draft stock over the past month. “I have always been a believer in Jared,” Pearl said. “He is a special player with speed, quickness, power and a skill level that is unmatched by virtually any player his size. He will make it in the NBA.”

The Auburn Plainsman


‘Get over it’



Pearl speaks out on controversial no-call By NATHAN KING Sports Editor

Bryce Brown was trying to foul. The senior guard swiped at Virginia’s Ty Jerome as Jerome brought the ball up the floor with Auburn leading 62-60. The officials swallowed their whistles and let them play on. Jerome then lost the ball off his own foot, but instead of stopping his dribble and making a pass, he picked the ball up and advanced to the frontcourt. The rest is history. On a last-second 3-point attempt, Virginia’s Kyle Guy was fouled by Auburn’s Samir Doughty. Guy sank all three freebies to lift the Cavaliers to the title game and send the Tigers packing. The NCAA issued a statement on the foul call against Doughty, but most fans realized that it was the correct call because Doughty took away Guy’s landing spot and bumped him as he shot. Fans wanted the double-dribble addressed. The statement for that never came. Auburn head coach Bruce Pearl, along with the rest of his players, were gracious in defeat after the game, blaming only themselves, not the officials.

“(Officials) are going to make the best decision to the best of their ability,” Doughty said. “... He made the right call if that’s the call he called.” Brown came off the floor calling for the NCAA to get “new refs,” but he said in the locker room that was the wrong thing to say in the heat of the moment. “That’s not where we lost the game,” Brown said. “We had a few mental lapses throughout the game.” On a Monday taping of ESPN’s “Get Up!”, Pearl joined to discuss the game’s ending further — specifically, the double-dribble. He had one overarching message about the play: Get over it. “There is human error involved in the game,” Pearl said. “Kids make mistakes. Coaches make mistakes. Yes, officials will make mistakes — that’s part of the game. Get over it. “Sometimes they’re going to go your way, sometime’s they’re not.” Jerome admitted Sunday that he did double-dribble. “I knew they weren’t gonna call double-dribble after they let that one go,” Jerome told USA Today. “... It’s hard to be a ref. They miss a lot. So you’ve got to play on.”


Bryce Brown (2) defends during UVA vs. Auburn on Saturday, April 6, 2019, in Minneapolis, Minn.

Auburn finishes season top-5 By NATHAN KING Sports Editor

After its best season ever, Auburn is a top5 team. In the final coaches poll, released Tuesday morning, Auburn is ranked No. 5 in the nation behind No. 1 Virginia, No. 2 Texas Tech, No. 3 Michigan State and No. 4 Duke. Auburn entered the NCAA Tournament ranked No. 18 in the poll before its nation-leading 12-game winning streak propelled the Tigers to the program’s first Final Four in program history. The Tigers were No. 14 in the AP poll before entering March Madness, but the Associated Press does not release a post-national championship poll. This is Auburn’s best finish in program history since the coaches poll began publishing a

post-national championship top 25 in 199394. After a 2-4 start in SEC play spelled frustration on The Plains, Auburn went on to win its first SEC Tournament title since 1985. The Tigers earned a 5-seed in the Midwest Regional of the NCAA Tournament, holding off New Mexico State in a thriller before becoming the first team in college basketball history to beat the three winningest programs in the sport — Kansas, North Carolina and Kentucky — consecutively en route to a Final Four showdown with would-be national champion Virginia. Auburn fell in the final seconds to Virginia after the Cavaliers’ Kyle Guy was fouled by Samir Doughty on a 3-point attempt. The Tigers finished the season at 30-10, their first 30-win campaign in school history.


Bruce Pearl during UVA vs. Auburn on Saturday, April 6, 2019, in Minneapolis, Minn.

1 Virginia

3 Michigan St.

5 Auburn

2 Texas Tech

4 Duke

6 Gonzaga












319 Bragg Ave Auburn, AL 36830 P: (334) 826-6868








The Auburn Plainsman





Sam Cerio thanks Auburn Family By JAKE WEESE Sports Writer

Auburn gymnast Samantha Cerio suffered a career-ending injury during the regional semifinal last Friday evening. The senior gymnast was competing in the floor event when the injury occurred. She was stretchered off on a body board, and it was later announced during the regional that she had suffered two dislocated knees with multiple torn ligaments. She later took to Instagram on Monday to officially announce her retirement from gymnastics. “Friday night was my final night as a gymnast,” Cerio said on Instagram. “After 18 years I am hanging up my grips and leaving the chalk behind. I couldn’t be prouder of the person that gymnastics has made me to become. It’s taught me hard work, humility, integrity, and dedication, just to name a few. It’s given me challenges and road blocks that I would have never imagined that has tested who I am as a person. It may not have ended the way I had planned, but nothing ever goes as planned.” Cerio remained in high spirits as she even tweeted support for her teammates after the semifinal wrapped up. “Thank you Auburn family for giving me a home and a chance to continue doing the sport that will always be my first

love,” Cerio continued on Twitter. “I am honored to have had the privilege to represent the navy and orange AU for the past 4 years with my team by my side. Thank you for letting me share my passion with you. Thank you for letting me be a part of something bigger than myself. War Eagle Always.” Tigers head coach Jeff Graba issued a statement Monday, officially saying Cerio suffered two dislocated knees with multiple torn ligaments. Initially, it was reported Cerio had broken both her legs during the floor routine. An Auburn athletics spokesperson told The Plainsman on Tuesday that wasn’t the case, and Graba’s statement is the full extent of the injury. “The Auburn Athletics Department is thankful for the outstanding care that the Auburn and the LSU medical staffs have provided to Sam,” Graba said. “We also are thankful for the support from the LSU Athletics Department for going above and beyond in this situation. Sam is a fighter and is in great spirits. We couldn’t have a better leader for this team.” Graba updated Cerio’s status Tuesday, saying the surgery with Dr. James Andrews went well. “Sam’s surgery lasted two and a half hours and was an extreme success,” Graba said in a statement. “We know the road for full healing is going to be a long and difficult one, but we are confident that she’ll be able to make a complete recovery.”


Samantha Cerio reacts after her uneven bars routine at Auburn Gymnastics vs. Kentucky at Auburn Arena in Auburn, Ala. on Friday, Jan. 26, 2018.

Signature Wraps


Tannon Snow hits during Auburn softball vs. Western Illinois on Sunday, Mar. 4, 2018, in Auburn, Ala.

Snow dominates By BEN KEY Sports Writer

After helping Auburn secure its first series win at Tennessee since 2002, Tannon Snow earned SEC Player of the Week honors. Tuesday. Snow slashed .667/1.889/.700 in the series to help the Tigers secure the series victory with two wins. She finished the series with six hits in nine at-bats, three home runs, seven RBIs and four runs scored. Snow is currently on a 15-game on-base streak, which is a career-high, and she’s tallied a hit in 17 of the last 21games. Snow had a career night in the first game of the series, going 4-for-4 at the plate with two two-run homers and seven RBIs. This was Snow’s second game of the season with two home runs, with the first coming against Furman on Feb 17. The four hits and seven RBIs also marked a career high for Snow. “I thought Tannon played, all-around, exceptionally well,” said Auburn head coach Mickey Dean. “She was a mainstay for us on defense — making some great plays — but she was also consistent (at the plate) the entire weekend. She had a great first game, with the seven RBI, but just had a great series hitting the ball throughout the entire week. She seemed extremely comfortable the entire weekend, which was nice to see.” Snow’s career day made her the first Auburn player with a seven-RBI game since Kasey Cooper did so April 17, 2016, against Arkansas. She was also the first Auburn player to finish with four hits in a game since Kendall Veach had four Feb. 8 against Tennessee State. During the second game of the series, Snow marked her 100th career collegiate hit after a solo home run in the second inning. She added another hit during the next game to push her total to 101, and 71 as an Auburn Tiger. She had 28 at Washington before transferring.

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Jennifer Levi, Auburn graduate, posed for a photo in the Glomerata.


AnnaLevi Chavis, junior in anthropology, poses with her mother Jennifer Levi, in Auburn, Ala.

Mother and daughter share their experiences as 20-somethings, the differences between their times at Auburn 20 years apart By MADELINE MUSCAT Lifestyle Writer

While many Auburn traditions are shared between the different generations of students, a lot has changed for the average 20-year-old. Social media, dating and nightlife are constantly evolving and shifting how generations of people experience their time in college. “We didn’t have social media,” said Jennifer Levi, Auburn graduate in the classes of 1993 and 1995. “It was just a totally different time.” AnnaLevi Chavis, junior in anthropology and Levi’s daughter, agreed the biggest difference between her and her mother’s generations is social media’s development. “Twenty years ago, that wasn’t a thing,” Chavis said. “They had to be face to face.” Both agreed social media has positive and negative effects. “People feel like they have a right to say anything about anyone without considering kindness,” Levi said. “I’m not sure if my friends and I had had social media how we would have responded to that.” While Levi recognizes how social media has made her daughter comparatively more mature, it also presents a lot of challenges she never had to face. People often hide behind their screens or are too attached to them, Chavis said. “Thank God there wasn’t social media when I was in college,” Levi said. New technology also plays a role in how students communicate with professors. “We probably had more human connection with our professors,” Levi said. “We got to spend more time with them, as far as one-on-one contact, as we were writing things.” Dating has also changed significantly. “I think that the idea of a blind date is a novelty thing now,” Chavis said. “We know so much about people before

we actually date them a lot of times.” Now, people often use dating apps. “A lot of [my friends] are on dating apps right now,” Chavis said. “They’re on the apps, they meet these guys or girls, they go to restaurants or coffee shops — pretty typical dating style.” Twenty-five years ago, however, dating was apparently more casual. “We didn’t go straight to serious relationships,” Levi said. “It seemed easier to just be kids and enjoy the moment.” Today, before going on a date, people find out what their date’s major is, where he or she is from and what they look like, Chavis said. She said she wouldn’t know much about her date until the date itself. “We would ‘Glom’ each other.” Levi said. “If we knew you had a date with some boy, and you knew he was in this certain fraternity, we would go to the Glomerata and see what he looked like and see what it said about him.” Chavis said she often goes on dates to the arboretum, local coffee shops and even road trips, while Levi said that dates during her time at Auburn were frequently at restaurants, the movie theater and parties. “There weren’t a lot of places to eat back when I was in college,” Levi said. “That’s when restaurants really started adding into Auburn.” At this time, wings became a popular item on the menu, too. “They would have specials on wings,” Levi said. “We’d go eat wings for a nickel a piece.” Chavis said in Auburn, people go downtown, and people hang out with friends every weekend. “That’s pretty much it,” Chavis said. While the bars in downtown Auburn now have different names, their locations have been popular every weekend for generations. “There were some bars that are different than they are now,” Levi said. “They’re in the same places, but they have

different names.” One bar in particular was even considered an Auburn tradition. “The Supper Club, of course, was where we went,” Levi said. “That’s where most of our fun occurred.” College students for generations have also prided themselves on their own independence. “My parents were great, fantastic people, and they wanted me to go out and be independent,” Levi said. “They trusted me implicitly. They left me great tools to accomplish what I was supposed to accomplish.” Levi, being the mother of Chavis, has shared those tools with her daughter, as well. “I feel like I’m pretty independent,” Chavis said. “I make my own choices.” While she is still close with her parents and connected to them, Chavis said she has her own agency. This independence is also what Chavis said she believes she will miss the most about her 20s. “I think as I grow up and as I get into my career and get into my family life, if that’s what I decide to do, I’ll be so much more connected to people who depend on me,” Chavis said. “I think I’ll probably miss [my personal independence] the most.” When asked what she misses most about being in her 20s, Levi said “nothing.” “I wish I could tell my 20-year-old self what I know now,” Levi said. “To live in the moment more — I would give anything to do it again, just knowing what I know now.” With all of the changes for college students in the past 25 years, some things about Auburn remain the same as they always were. “I go back to the things that I fell in love with at Auburn, and that my daughter and her friends are in love with at Auburn: it’s the sense of community, it’s the sense of tradition, it’s the sense of pride, it’s the sense of family,” Levi said. “Those things make Auburn special.”



Cosplaying on a college budget Becoming a fictional character can be expensive. Here’s how students do it By ABIGAIL MURPHY Lifestyle Writer

Whether it’s from movies, books or television shows, fictional characters have a way of enchanting audiences, and some people become those characters through cosplay. Robert Anderson, senior in business administration, said the origin of the word cosplay comes from the two words costume and play. Jasmine Smith, sophomore in architecture, said cosplay is dressing up as a character as a hobby and in some cases also acting as the character. “It’s a creative outlet because you see a character that maybe you idolize, and you’re able to bring that character to life,” Smith said. Smith said once she finds a character how she starts the process can depend on what supplies she already has. “When I wanted to cosplay Batty Koda from FernGully, for example, I didn’t have anything,” she said. “So, I started with the ears first because I felt like if I started with something that I could purchase from somebody, I could move on to the actual making of the costume, which was a lot of planning.” Anderson said he will usually try to break it apart.

“When I find a character that I like, I start to look at everything that is a part of their visual appearance and try to break them down into individual components,” he said. Smith said other things to keep in mind are the price of supplies and when it’s best to purchase the most expensive item to make sure it all gets done. “The worst thing is getting mostly done and then realizing, ‘I don’t have enough spare money right now to finish this,’ when the event is in like a week,” Anderson said. They both agree money can be a big challenge since it often goes toward more than just the cosplay, but also tickets for the convention and the travel expenses to get there. Anderson said time can also be an issue. “I’m working, going to school and I have a business I do on the side that involves a lot of community,” Anderson said. “So, trying to balance all three of those and go to cons and do cosplay stuff. It’s kind of difficult.” They also discuss having the skill to do a cosplay can be challenging. The Cosplayers’ Association at Auburn is helpful to find other people who can help with different aspects of trying to assemble a cosplay, Anderson said. The association meets Wednesdays at 8 p.m. in Room 2109 in the Student Center, Anderson said. They also will be having an end of semester party and potluck on April 24 at 8 p.m. It’s free for due-paid members

and $5 for non-members. When working on a cosplay, they both said it is important to know when to take a break. “You will reach points of frustration when you will have a mental breakdown,” Smith said. It’s important to sometimes step back, take a deep breath and walk away for a little bit, she said. When trying to keep on a college budget with cosplaying, thrifting, sales and craft stores are helpful, Smith said. “Thrifting — thrifting is your friend,” she said. With thrifting, people don’t have to use the whole piece of clothing; it could just be a part of it, Smith said. “Don’t be afraid to tear up a piece of clothing that you get at a thrift store to piece with something else,” said Leila Martin, sophomore in economics. It is also easy to get focused on wanting to be as accurate as possible. But it doesn’t have to be that way, Smith said. Martin said people don’t have to cosplay as someone as the same gender as them, and they all said people don’t have to cosplay as a character with the same body type as them. It can be anyone they want. “The whole point of cosplay is to have fun and enjoy what you’re doing,” Smith said.

Students start vintage popup in Auburn By MIRANDA SHAFFER Lifestyle Writer

There has been an emergence of thrifting and vintage clothing sales in recent years as this generation has become one that loves throwback styles from the ‘60s through the ‘90s. Atelier, a vintage clothing store, is bringing the people of Auburn a variety of the throwback looks they want without having to put in the effort of searching hopelessly through an unorganized thrift store for a lucky find. The idea for this business was born in Wetumpka, Alabama, when three high school friends with a passion for vintage clothing decided to come together to create something they could share with everyone. Co-founders Alex Tunnell, Abby Heinzen

» See VINTAGE, 12

The Auburn Plainsman




Fashion show invites guests to experience Avant Garden

STAFF REPORT The next generation of fashion designers showcased their latest work, giving the audience the experience of Avant Garden. The College of Human Sciences’ department of consumer and design sciences, the Auburn Apparel Merchandising and Design Association and Mint Julep Boutique hosted the annual Fashion Event last Thursday. The show is one of the top college-level productions in the nation and showcases work that is made and modeled by University students. “Since the event is student run, I think it shows great leadership and character of the students who are planning and directing it because they’re willing to put in the time,” said Charlee Vawter, junior in apparel design and production management.


Auburn University’s Fashion Event in Beard-Eaves-Memorial Coliseum on April 4, 2019, in Auburn, Ala.

VINTAGE » From 11

and Hayden Shepherd made their business idea a reality when they moved to Auburn for college and brought their love for vintage clothing to the Auburn community. “The first thing I always notice about somebody is just the way they dress, and to me, style has always been how I express myself,” Tunnell said.

Tunnell has had this passion since before high school when he first became interested in selling and buying vintage clothing and sneakers. He said he takes pride in educating himself on every brand he buys and has gained a lot of experience over the years in this niche of business. “When I moved to Auburn, I just wanted to start something that meant I could spread my knowledge and

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bring it to other people in the area,” Tunnell said. Heinzen focuses on picking out women’s clothing for the shop, while Shepherd does menswear. Tunnell focuses on sneakers and men’s clothing, as well. Their merchandise started out as mainly thrift-store finds, but as Atelier has grown, they said they have had the opportunity to work with second-hand pickers and travel to stores in bigger cit-

ies to build relationships with other vintage store owners. Their shop has a wide variety of rare items from more well-known brands such as Tommy Hilfiger and Nike to vintage graphic tees and oldschool sneakers. “Everything we pick, we have a specific person in mind when we pick it out,” Tunnell said. Heinzen said part of the reason they decided to go with local pop-up shops rath-

er than an online store was because it is important to them to build personal relationships with customers and get to know what people are looking for so they can find that for them. “We believe that style builds confidence,” Tunnell said. The Atelier team said they strive to have clothing that allows every person to express themselves and build their confidence through what

they wear. “A lot of people have come up to us and said, ‘I really like what you’re wearing, but I could never wear that,’ but yes, you can, and you can find it because we picked it for you,” Heinzen said. The business is purely pop-up shops and Instagram based for now, but Tunnell and Heinzen said they will be opening a permanent storefront in Auburn before the end of 2019. JOSHUA FISHER / PHOTOGRAPHER


Abbigail Hickey, Auburn Universitys campusPrint dietitian speaks with The PlainsDeadline: man on Thursday, Aug. 23, 2018 in Auburn, NoonAla. three business days

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Release Date: Thursday, April 11, 2019

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Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis

ACROSS 1 Sizzling Tex-Mex meat 7 Polling results: Abbr. 11 Adams of “Vice” 14 Boy whose wings melted in the sun 15 Four-star review 16 Forest female 17 Gently used 18 Salinger title teen 19 “Let’s get out of here!” 20 Drawer in the court 23 Isn’t feeling 100% 26 Grafton’s “__ for Alibi” 27 Ship stabilizer 28 “You overreact when you’re hungry” candy bar 33 Brand of suit Bania gave Jerry in a memorable “Seinfeld” episode 34 Lamb’s alias 35 Indiana state flowers 37 Cast a spell on 42 Banking biggie 44 Acrobatic dive 45 It may contain curls and crunches 49 Nice dad? 50 MADD ad, e.g. 51 Holly genus 52 Clinic technician 57 Singer DiFranco 58 Opera set in Egypt 59 Ex-Met pitcher known as “Dr. K” 63 __ profit 64 Pitch indicator 65 One way to travel 66 Carpentry tool 67 __ loser 68 Kids’ card game ... and a directive pertaining to the four longest puzzle answers DOWN 1 Shark tip-off 2 Bandage brand 3 Boxer’s target

4 Biometric identification technique 5 Narwhal feature 6 Queens tennis stadium 7 Sharply defined 8 Transaction without financing 9 “South Park” rating 10 Magic 8 Ball, some hope 11 Brody of “The Pianist” 12 Revealed the function of, with “over” 13 Streisand title role 21 La Brea __ Pits 22 Ref’s ruling 23 Quickly, quickly 24 Memo lead-in 25 Wheels for a celeb 29 New York cager 30 Farm follower? 31 Jargon 32 Former Portuguese colony in China 36 More senseless 38 Had a great first date

39 Deep blue dye 40 Aloha State bird 41 “Jurassic World” predator, for short 43 “The coast is clear” 45 Withdrew gradually 46 Kayak alternative 47 Actor Stephen who is a UNICEF Ireland Ambassador

48 Traitor 49 Course before contingencies 53 Anatomical pouches 54 Storage cylinder 55 Excited 56 Words said with a finger wag 60 “__ know you?” 61 Canon SLR 62 Unspecified degree


By Julian Kwan ©2019 Tribune Content Agency, LLC



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