The Auburn Plainsman 4.20.17

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Thursday, April 20 2017 Vol. 124, Issue 29, 12 Pages

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Protesters clash outside Foy Hall before Spencer’s speech.

Alt-right supporters, protesters converge on campus for Richard Spencer event Chip Brownlee COMMUNITY EDITOR

Auburn braced for the worst and hoped for the best ahead of a planned event by alt-right leader Richard Spencer — an event he promised would be a showdown. In the end, Spencer encountered a mixed crowd at his speech, a few hundred largely peaceful protestors outside and a quiet end to the night. Auburn Police Chief Paul Register said the protests and counter protests Tuesday night resulted in three arrests. “I’m pretty happy with the way things have gone,” Register said. “It could have been a lot worse. I attribute the peaceful nature to the students.” The arrests were made at approximately 6 p.m. after a fight broke out between two middle-aged protestors. The pair only got in about two punches before police took them to the ground and restrained them using plastic restraints. The pair were not students, according to police. Register said police had no other major problems Tuesday night. Law enforcement was out in force, though, after receiving credible threats of violence ahead of the event and fearing the possibility of “civil unrest.” Inside of Foy Hall, where Spencer spoke to a crowd of about 300, reaction was mixed to his controversial comments. About half of the crowd, largely middle-aged white men who didn’t appear to be students, rose often and clapped for Spencer. While the other half of the crowd, largely students seated toward the back of the auditorium, heckled and booed. In response to questions from students, Spencer bashed facts,


Three people were arrested after an altercation outside Foy Hall.

calling them boring. He said he would “own slavery” because he understands the power of the white race, and he wants the white race to regain their identity. More than half of the questions Spencer fielded in his Q&A session were from students who didn’t appear supportive of his rhetoric — most of them made it obvious but asked substantive questions regardless. The alt-right speaker, who rose to national prominence after being punched at an anti-Trump rally in January, also criticized Auburn Athletics for “bringing in people they have nothing in common with” and said the SEC was “sick” because “black athletes are not part of the white identity.” Spencer said that college football had become a “billion-dollar circus” and said he would ban college football if he had the choice. He spent much of the night attempting to clarify the “alt-right movement” — a term he coined himself. The prominent white nationalist advocated creating a new collective nation-state of all white people, which he said would help lift the “black cloud of pain, sin and weakness that is weighing us down.” “Diversity makes the world ugly,” Spencer said. “It makes the world lose all meaning. It’s a way of bringing to an end a nation and a culture that was defined by white people. I could go on for hours, but what is good about diversity?” Before the event began Tuesday evening, a federal judge ruled in favor of Richard Spencer’s right to speak on Auburn’s campus. Last week, the University canceled Spencer’s reservation for the Foy Auditorium.


Richard Spencer speaks in Foy Hall.

The Georgia college student who booked the Foy Hall reservation, Cameron Padgett, filed a motion in court Tuesday morning seeking an injunction to force the University to allow Spencer to speak. The court on Tuesday granted that motion, attorneys for the plaintiff and the University told The Plainsman. Padgett is not from Auburn and is not an Auburn student. Spencer and his supporters paid $700 to rent Foy Auditorium and extra fees to pay for police security. The judge said the University did not provide any supporting evidence that Spencer advocated violence. The controversial white nationalist promised a showdown with University officials over freedom of speech on public college campuses after officials canceled his planned speech at Foy Hall. That showdown took place more in the courtroom than on the concourses of Auburn’s campus. “They think they have shut this down but they haven’t,” Spencer said last week. “I will give a speech on their campus. It is a public place. I think Auburn University is naive and has totally misunderstood who I am if they think that I am going to politely back out of this. I will be there 100 percent.” Spencer promised Tuesday night was “going to be wild.” That wasn’t the case, though, according to police. “I think it means a lot that the arrests weren’t students,” the police chief said. “It really speaks to how well behaved our students are.” Citing security and safety concerns — and the possibility of “civil

» See SPENCER, 2


A protester outside Foy Hall.

News 2

The Auburn Plainsman

SPENCER » From 1

unrest” — the University tried to cancel his visit late last week. “In consultation with law enforcement, Auburn canceled the Richard Spencer event scheduled for Tuesday evening based on legitimate concerns and credible evidence that it will jeopardize the safety of students, faculty, staff and visitors,” a University spokesperson said in a statement. On Twitter, Spencer said he would be “flying people to Auburn and purchasing safety gear.” There were dozens of “Antifa” antifascist protestors present along with dozens of altright Spencer supporters who claimed to be part of the “Traditional Workers Party,” a farright white nationalist group that supports ethnically pure nations.

Auburn Unites Concert, march protests Spencer appearance Claire Tully CAMPUS EDITOR

Kris Martins


Jessica Ballard COPY EDITOR

Musicians took to a makeshift stage at the head of the Green Space in an effort to foster unity on a day when many felt their safety threatened on campus because of the crowds white nationalist Richard Spencer would be bringing to campus Tuesday evening. The Auburn Unites Concert, attended by students, faculty and community members, took place on the Green Space as a way to prevent Spencer from using it as a platform on which to speak. Jakob Geiger, sophomore in political science, helped organize the event and brought together artists such as Alex Wilkerson, Dogwood Lung and Cherry Motel to perform. "Hold up your picket signs, and let’s show Nazi’s what we think of them," Geiger said. Before the concert began, students stood up on stage to read prayers representing different religions including Hinduism, Christianity and Judaism. Students with Black Auburn, a group of several on-campus organizations that banded together to host Auburn Unites and an associated march, congregated at the staircase outside the Student Center Starbucks dressed in black but with orange ribbons tied around their wrists or arms to distinguish themselves from other groups expressing their views on

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An Auburn student carries a sign at Auburn Unites Music Fest on the Greenspace on Tuesday,April 18, 2017 in Auburn,Ala.

campus. Shannon Arthur, one of the leaders of the group, emphasized nonviolence but encouraged participants to speak out. Many participants hoisted signs — one of which said, “Hate speech is not free speech” — and others wore shirts with messages of solidarity. Bria Lewis, freshman in apparel design, held a sign that said, “You alt-NOT be here!! #NoPlaceForHate.” She said Auburn is not the place for hate speech. “I believe that this is a campus where it should be inclusive and everyone is accepted and everybody is just loved. I feel like he’s just coming to hate and I don’t really like hate,” she said, then gestured to her sign’s message. The group of about 100 marched from the steps, led by Chanelle Leonard, chanting “Hey hey, ho ho, facism has got to go,” as they made their way onto the Green Space where they were met with cheers from the attendees of the Auburn Unites concert. Arthur expressed her concerns about the University's lag in communication, particu-

larly in regard to Spencer's campus visit. "There definitely needs to be a better way for administrators and students to communicate because students found out about this via Twitter, even our elected student officials, which is crazy," Arthur said. "That means no one is on the same accord. It wasn't even on the campus calendar, which is mandatory. This should have been on there." Had students found out from the University first, there might not have been such a panic, Arthur said. "Finding out on Twitter on such a closeknit campus like this is like screaming fire in a crowded room," Arthur said. "It's probably the worst thing you could possibly do. We have a very big campus, but we find out information very quickly." Arthur said she appreciated the peaceful nature of the concert in contrast to events transpiring in the area surrounding Foy Hall, where Spencer was set to speak. "I think the student population feels super blind-sighted, but the turnout here is amazing," Arthur said. "I wish it would stop be-

Thursday, April 20, 2017 ing violent over there [Foy], but it's peaceful over here." Before the event, some students were worried about safety to the extent of teaching safety and self-defense techniques. “We never expected this to happen on our campus, so we’re kind of weirded out by everything," one protester wearing a helmet and other protective gear said. "We’ve spent the past couple of days help spread information about this. We’ve been offering training for people about how to deal with getting pepper sprayed and Maced just in case there are any agitators on the other side who come and attack.” Arthur said Auburn needs to begin addressing the type of campus culture it's fostered over the years. "We've had this issue before, and I think the fact that he felt comfortable coming to our campus says that we have a campus culture here that's conducive to how he feels," Arthur said. "We have buildings named after white supremacists and people who believe in segregation, like the Wallace Building." Baffled, Arthur said, "You want everyone to go in there and feel okay?" "If you have buildings named after people who believe in segregation than you have a campus culture here already," Arthur said. "I know buildings seem minute to people, but it says to the black students on campus that 'you're not welcome here and this building is honoring a man that doesn't respect you.'" In the week before Spencer's event, Auburn addressed a White Student Union claiming to be a part of the University. The group was handing out fliers on campus and asking people to view their website. “I’m here because this is getting a little bit ridiculous," said Jessie Bridges, one attendee at the Auburn Unites Concert. "Like we’re starting to see stuff on campus that’s like white supremacy and the KEK, which is like a neo-KKK making reference to a demon god." Bridges also pointed to provocation, police barricades and ordinary people dressed in safety gear. "This, to me, says that this is a pivotal moment in history, and so, it’s important that people our age are a part of that because if they’re not a part of that, it’ll skip by our generation and the same sins will continue to be committed,” Bridges said. There were several things Arthur said she'd like to see changed on campus. "From policy to emission to student recruitment and retention to faculty recruitment and retention," Arthur said. "We've got to make Auburn appealing for the masses and have an inclusive campus."

3/22/2017 5:43:23 PM



Thursday, April 20, 2017



Fijian Chief Tui Mali visits The Plains Loren Kimmel CAMPUS WRITER

The Auburn Cross Cultural Center for Excellence hosted an event in celebration of Asian and Pacific Islander heritage month on Wednesday evening. Auburn invited Fijian Cheif Tui Mali from the island of Vorovoro to campus to speak with students and faculty about his perspective and goals for inclusion for people across the world. In his opening claim, Mali pointed out the window and gestured to the sun. He said the sun shining through Room 2196 of the Haley Center is the same he wakes to in Fiji. Expanding on this point, Mali said we are all a family. He compared the sun to the connection between all people. Kate Thornton, director of hunger and sustainability initiatives at the Hunger Solutions Institute and the director of global education in the College of Human Sciences, led the question and answer session. Thornton led the study abroad program for Auburn students to study in Fiji and planned the event with Allen Sutton, director of the Cross Cultural Center for Excellence, last April.

“It took a letter writing campaign,” Sutton said. “We had to write to their government, and we had to write to the government here to allow them to come in, get passports, different things like that.” Sutton said although it took an extensive amount of work to put this event together, it was well worth it. Mali answered questions with his belief that “we are all one.” “If you don’t look after your friend that is beside you, that’s something else,” Mali said. One of Mali’s initiatives within Fiji has been reducing the division between tourism and natives. He said when visiting the island, there is a clear line separating people, and he asked Auburn students when they visit to help break this barrier. Thornton reflected on her trips and the importance of respect within Fijian culture. She said when she and the students stay on the island, they are regarded as family rather than visitors. A recent breakthrough for the tribe came when some became engineers. The island is beginning to take steps toward taking actions against the severe impacts climate change has


Fijian Chief Tui Mali speaking on Asian/Pacific Islander Month.

had upon them, Mali said. In reference to these contributions, as well as


the annual study abroad trip, Mali said, “When Auburn students come, they build the world.”


Undergraduate research spotlight:

Erin Walker


LEFT: Alpha Gamma Delta’s Greek Sing dancers after winning the title. RIGHT: Alpha Gamma Delta sisters perform “Running Down the Aisle.”

Alpha Gamma Delta wins Greek Sing 2017 Kressie Kornis CAMPUS WRITER

The University Panhellenic Society hosted their annual Greek Sing on Tuesday, April 11, at 7 p.m. in the Auburn Arena. Alpha Gamma Delta won the competition with a themed dance titled “Running Down the Aisle.” The event was hosted by the Director of Greek Sing Lauren Campisi and IFC President Duncan Asbury. Campisi said about $2,000 was raised for Habitat for Humanity this year through benefit nights. The money will be going to Lee County’s Habitat for Humanity. Other than the dance itself, sororities

gained points for Greek Sing through benefit night participation and volunteering for Habitat for Humanity workdays. “This year, not only will we be making a monetary donation, but we also had almost 200 Panhellenic women attend our Habitat workdays,” Campisi said. Campisi said the proceeds from 2016 Greek Sing were able to build a house for a family in Auburn. The Greek Sing Chairs of each Panhellenic sorority chapter choreographed dance numbers for their sororities. The night ended with a performance from Best Buddies, an Auburn organization that matches people with intellectu-

al disabilities with college students with the goal to create one-on-one friendships between the pairs. See more winners below. Second place: Alpha Delta Pi (Dollhouse) Third place: Alpha Chi Omega (Alpha Space) and Alpha Omicron Pi (Alpha O Freak Show) Fourth place: Chi Omega (Chi-O Construction Zone) Facebook Photo Contest: Kappa Alpha Theta (USS Theta) Creativity: Phi Mu (Welcome to the Candy Shop) President’s Award: Delta Delta Delta (Fly Delta)


SGA discusses communication, Richard Spencer Loren Kimmel CAMPUS WRITER

Senate saw discussion from organizations such as the College Democrats and the NAACP in relation to concerns about communication. In lieu of Richard Spencer’s visit, President of the NAACP Shannon Arthur said a majority of students found out about the speaker visiting campus via twitter rather than the Senate or administration. “There is a problem with student body finding out via Twitter,” Arthur said. “I

ask that we improve some form of communication so that students are not blindsided and there is not some form of panic.” Arthur addressed the Senate and said she was disappointed in the line of communication with the University. “It doesn’t work for Auburn, for as close knit we are.” Arthur said. “Communication with administration and students—All of us working together.” SGA President Jacqueline Keck used her time during executive announce-

ments to answer questions about the situation. Keck reiterated the University’s message and said due to public safety concerns from the Auburn Police Department the event was canceled. “This is a great time for you to listen to other people around you and really hear their concerns,” Keck said. “As student leaders make sure that you understand this is a time to listen. To make sure that every member of the Auburn Family feels accepted.”


Robbery reported outside South Donahue Residence Hall Tuesday night Staff report

University Campus Safety and Security reported an on-campus robbery near the South Donahue Residence Hall on Tuesday evening. The victim had her wallet and backpack stolen by a man dressed in black after he approached her near a dumpster. Read the full statement below. “The Auburn Police Division is investigating a robbery that was reported at approximately 8:40 p.m. today. The

victim reports that she was walking near the dumpster at the east side of South Donahue Residence Hall and was approached by a male, who stole her wallet and backpack. The victim was not injured during the robbery and no weapons were seen or used. The suspect was described as a black male, wearing all black, with slender build and approximately 5’9” or 5’10”. He was last seen running away from South Donahue Residence Hall toward Leach Sci-

ence Center. Please be reminded of the following: Stay alert to your surroundings and walk with friends, especially at night. Use available means of transportation such as the Night Security Shuttle (available on campus at 334-8447400 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. while classes are in session), a local taxi service, or Uber. Trust your instincts. If you do not feel comfortable in a

place or situation, leave. If you see suspicious activity or a person behaving suspiciously, notify police at 911 (emergencies or crimes in progress), 334-501-3100 (nonemergencies) or 334-2461391 (tip line – text or call). If you have any information about this incident, please notify the Auburn Police Division using the tip line.” These events transpired while white nationalist thinker Richard Spencer was on campus speaking at Foy Hall.



Erin Walker, senior in psychology, is conducting a study on the relationship between the American court justice system and transgender victims of violent crime under the mentorship of Dr. Apryl Alexander. “We chose to examine that [transgender] population because the laboratory was already researching racial and ethnic minorities and the impact that being a racial and ethnic minority had on judicial decision making and the legal process,” Walker said. “I chose to study gender minorities, specifically transgender populations, to see the effect that being transgender would have on the judicial decision-making process.” Walker said because statistics show transgender people as being among the least likely populations to commit violent crime, she chose to focus on the outcomes of court cases involving transgender victims. Walker also said she chose to conduct a “vignette study,” in which a hypothetical situation is played out by real participants, because existing data had set a “clear precedent” for the quantitative statistics of violent crime against transgender individuals. For her vignette study, Walker chose a group of undergraduate psychology students, whom she said are “primarily upper-middle class, heterosexual Caucasian women, who tend to come from historically Christian backgrounds,” and assembled a “mock jury” to settle a hypothetical court case involving violent crime against a transgender victim. “In our vignettes, a transgender person was a victim of a violent crime, and we designed it this way, so we could measure whether or not there were prej-

udicial views had by those who were put in a mock jury setting,” Walker said. Walker said she chose her study partially because of increasing awareness of transgender populations and issues and because the population is less thoroughly researched than many other minority groups. “There are studies which examine transgender populations, however, there is much research to be done on gender, sexual and romantic minorities, especially gender minorities,” Walker said. “It is paramount that more data be brought to the surface, so that a scientific understanding of how much discrimination affects these populations can be more readily understood by the general public.” Walker said despite generally conservative attitudes in Auburn, she has met little backlash over the course of her study. “Most of the individuals with whom I discuss research are academically-minded, and because of this, there is a smaller chance that backlash will occur,” Walker said. “When individuals are interested in the pursuit of knowledge, and the process of learning and growing in general, open-mindedness tends to follow.” Walker said because transgender individuals are still an emergent and largely misunderstood minority, the best way to educate people on transgender issues is through patience and kindness. “It is rare for individuals who are well-educated about a particular group to be openly discriminatory,” Walker said. “Such discrimination does come from a place of ignorance rather than a place of malice, and one of the best approaches for combating such prejudicial behavior and attitudes is education.”

Campus 4

The Auburn Plainsman

Thursday, April 20, 2017



TOP LEFT: Pi Beta Phi’s contestant Wes Vansant raised the most money of any contestant. TOP MIDDLE: Curry Cates won the “Big Man on Campus” title. TOP RIGHT: Harlan Bailey, winner of the Mr. Congeniality award competes during Big Man on Campus. BOTTOM LEFT: Drew McCormack dresses as a shirtless Santa Claus during his performance. BOTTOM MIDDLE LEFT: Competitor Aubrey Sharp hulahooped on stage during the pageant. BOTTOM MIDDLE RIGHT: Quin Anderson dressed in a black leotard for his performance. BOTTOM RIGHT: Contestant Nick McCallister strikes a pose on stage.

Zeta Tau Alpha’s annual Big Man on Campus raises $90,000 Kressie Kornis CAMPUS WRITER

Zeta Tau Alpha hosted its 22nd annual Big Man on Campus on Thursday, April 13, at 7:30 p.m. in the Auburn Arena. The theme was “It’s A Pink Tie Affair.” Big Man on Campus is a male pageant in which sororities nominate one participant per chapter. Delta Delta Delta’s nomination, Curry Cates, won first place at the event. Cates sang “You Raise Me Up” by Josh Groban as his talent. Allyshia Gupta and Carter William Palek

hosted the event. Gupta said $90,000 was raised this year for Zeta Tau Alpha’s fundraiser benefiting breast cancer education and awareness. “One in 8 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime,” Gupta said. “I want to ask each and every one of you who is here tonight to share the knowledge with just one friend, family member or loved one, so that you can help save a life and be the cure.” The grand total was raised through ticket sales, fundraising by the contestants and fundraising by Zeta Tau Alpha sorority members and

sponsors. The contestant who raised the most money, Wes Vansant, representing Phi Mu, won the Fundraising Award. Directors Emily Deutsch, Jennifer Goldschmidt and Ann Kennedy McAlister have been planning this year’s Big Man on Campus since the beginning of January. Goldschmidt, senior in marketing, said each contestant did something different to make the evening special. “It’s wonderful how all the boys did,” Goldschmidt said. “Each one of them added some-

thing different, and we definitely could not have done it without them. They were all so creative and fun to work with. There was one boy who raised over $2,000.” See more winners below. First runner-up: Wes Vansant of Pi Beta Phi Second runner-up: Ben Conry of Kappa Delta Mr. Congeniality: Harlan Bailey of Alpha Chi Omega Sexy Legs: Joseph McCormick of Chi Omega Zeta’s Favorite: Justin Greenfield of Alpha Xi Delta


Auburn graduate awarded Fulbright Scholarship to teach in Germany


Carson Williford, recent Auburn University graduate, has been awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to teach English in Germany. The Auburn, Alabama, native graduated in fall 2016 with a degree in English literature and philosophy and a minor in German. “This scholarship will provide Carson a once in a lifetime opportunity to live and teach in a foreign country,” said Paul Harris, the National Prestigious Scholarship adviser for Auburn University. “This will allow him to become a much more well-rounded person.” The Fulbright Program is an international educational exchange program sponsored by the United States government. The scholarship is designed to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and other countries. Those awarded the scholarship are selected because of academic or professional achievement as well as demonstrated leadership potential. “He has a background in a foreign language, which is a minor in German, and teaching after being a writing consultant for the Miller Writing Center,” Harris said. “He’s also very interested in building cultural bridges between Germany and the United States, so he was a very strong

candidate for this scholarship.” The application process for the Fulbright Scholarship requires a one-page or a thousandword personal statement and a two-page proposal of study. It also requires three letters of recommendation by his former professors and his official transcript. There is also a scholarship interview on campus by three Auburn professors, Ralph Kingston, Rupall Mishra and Paula Bobrowski, who are a part of the campus-wide Fulbright interview committee along with Harris. “I worked with Carson three years ago for a summer scholarship to England, and I also worked with him on the application as well,” Harris said. Three summers ago, Williford applied and was awarded another Fulbright scholarship following his freshman year at Auburn. The United States-United Kingdom Fulbright Summer Institute was one month. “I went to Nottingham, England,” Williford said. “It was a great experience. I was expecting it to be really challenging and rigorous, but it was more of a cultural experience. That really gave me a new perspective on learning and how the academic aspect of it all has to be more down to earth. The scholarship allows students to teach


while also participating in the culture. For this scholarship, Williford will be partnered with a teacher to teach English in a classroom for 12 hours a week, but outside of that he will spend the rest of his time exploring and learning more about the German culture. “It’s a huge opportunity in general to help dis-

cover what I want to do ultimately,” Williford said. “I want to keep reading, writing and thinking about language. I want to learn more German, and I also want to live somewhere besides Auburn, so hopefully this will be what will help me take the next step following the Fulbright Scholarship.”



LEFT: Emory Serviss shares tweets on the Auburn Marketing Association account. RIGHT: Serviss’ colleague began posting quotes from class when they realized his students found them funny.

Professor keeps students laughing on Auburn’s marketing association Twitter Claire Tully CAMPUS EDITOR

Emory Serviss, College of Business marketing program champion and adjunct marketing professor, has made a splash on Twitter with students. Serviss can be recognized from his humorous quotes posted to the Auburn Marketing Association Twitter account.

“All credit goes to Ms. Jacqueline Redd, who is the director of marketing for the AUMA,” Serviss said. “I am a bit of a comic in class and during AUMA meetings, and Ms. Redd captures these quotable quotes for our AUMA viewing audience.” When asked what he’s most enjoyed about his time in Auburn, Serviss said it’s been working with his students and seeing them succeed.

“Helping my students with their career planning,” Serviss said. “I get so excited when I see my students launch into their dream jobs postgraduation.” Keeping true to his comedic reputation, Serviss joked that while he’s at Auburn he’d like to successfully walk onto the football team. “[I’d like to be a] walk-on quarterback who brings home another National Championship to

Auburn,” Serviss said. On a more serious note, Serviss said he has nonfootball related goals for his time at Auburn. “At 43, I believe my football playing days are well behind me,” Serviss said. “What I would like to accomplish during my time here is to truly make a difference in my students’ lives.”

Opinion Thursday, April 20, 2017





AU demonstrated the fullness of its creed


A spirit that is truly not afraid Editorial Board 2017

We weren't sure what to expect from Richard Spencer's visit to campus. We, along with much of the Auburn Family, hoped for the best and prepared for the worst. And in the end, it could've been a lot worse. The Plainsman's editorial board commends the student body and the Auburn community for how Tuesday's events were handled. We abhor what Spencer stands for and from what we saw Tuesday night, we're in good company. In fact, Auburn students literally ran him out of town. Yes, there was one violent outburst that led to three arrests. But none of those people were students. Hundreds of students — whose views fall all over the political

spectrum — turned out to the protests and counterprotests. For the most part, the discourse was peaceful. The Auburn Police Division deserves applause, too — the police at the protests and the speech handled the situation professionally and with grace. They showed respect to Richard Spencer supporters, protesters, University representatives and members of the media. Without their professionalism and diligence, the event could've ended very differently. A lot of people and organizations came together to ensure protesters and counterprotesters were kept safe. We can say today, without a shadow of a doubt, the Auburn spirit is truly not afraid.

Like many alumni of our great Auburn Family, I have watched with horror and shame over the past few weeks as white supremacy reared its uninspired head on the loveliest little campus on the “loveliest village on The Plains.” Tonight, the Auburn community demonstrated the fullness of its creed: it rose to “doing justly” with “a spirit that is not afraid.” Mr. Spencer demonstrated how unoriginal, base and ignorant white supremacy is. In turn, our community demonstrated the power of love, of peace and of refusing to cower to intimidation, fearmongering and perpetuating the pain of slavery and genocide. To those students who stood up to hate and to those who are victims of it today and every day, I stand in solidarity with the anguish and courage of the last few days. I am proud of you and am proud to be not just an alumna of our great school, I look forward to joining you as a returning graduate student and colleague in the fall. To those students who turned out in support of the fascist and neo-Nazi message of Mr. Spencer, I exhort you to reexamine the creed which is the foundation of everything upon which Auburn is built. None of the views espoused therein are personified by the so-called “alt-right.” Such regressive and oppressive views are not Auburn and its students. Such views have any place in our society, and history has never favored those like Spencer and his kind. I exhort you to re-examine your lives and to take every advantage of the education you will receive at Auburn which will foster in you “a sound mind” and “cultivate sympathy” for your fellow human beings.

Darcy Corbitt-Hall is a 2015 graduate.


Professor: Don’t let Richard Spencer use you Richard Spencer, a leader in the alt-right movement who wants to speak on the Auburn University campus Tuesday night. University officials have denied his request. Mr. Spencer has stated that Auburn University will “rue the day” they denied him the opportunity to speak on campus ( Mr. Spencer is a provocateur. He makes his money by expressing outrageous opinions. That’s his act, his shtick. And now he wants to bring his traveling white nationalist carnival to our campus. One of the first steps any group of advocates or protesters must take in advancing their cause is to petition the establishment, to use the normal discursive means of persuasion. In other words, Mr. Spencer must first follow all the rules.

My advice is to treat Mr. Spencer as you would toxic waste. Stay away from him. —David Sutton ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR

Let him request a meeting with university officials, show up to Samford Hall wearing a suit and tie. He could even bring coffee and a couple boxes of Krispy Kreme donuts. And if university officials still refuse to grant him permission to speak on campus, then he should take them to court. Let him stand before a judge and argue that Auburn University, a public institution of higher learning, is preventing him, a law-abiding American citizen, from exercising his First Amendment

right of free speech. He has followed Auburn’s policies and procedures. He has completed the requisite paperwork and paid the fees. What else does Auburn University want from him? But Mr. Spencer is not interested in engaging with Auburn students and faculty on an intellectual level, to use logic and reason to persuade us that his ideas have merit and that his cause is just. He wants to start a fight. He wants a physical confrontation with police

and protesters. He wants the situation to descend into chaos. He knows it will make great television. My advice is to treat Mr. Spencer as you would radioactive waste. Stay away from him. Don’t give him your attention, your energy, or your time. Don’t let him use you as a prop in his street theater. Don’t give him the moral high ground. We are in the final weeks of the semester. All of us, faculty and students, have plenty of work to do before final exams begin. Richard Spencer is a distraction. Let him strut and fret his hour upon some other stage. Dr. David Sutton is an associate professor in the communication and journalism department. This letter was submitted on Monday, April 17.


Freedom of speech is alive and well at Auburn How the worm has turned. In 1970 (1969?) when I was a senior, I was a member of a "radical" group (sorry, I can't remember the name) on campus that had invited the Reverend William Sloan Coffin, chaplain at Yale University to speak on campus. The administration refused to release the student funds to pay Rev. Coffin. Our or-

ganization contacted Morris Dees, who represented us in the court of Judge Frank M. Johnson in Montgomery. We won the case, and Rev. Coffin spoke to a small but enthusiastic group on campus. I'm pleased to see that freedom of speech is still alive and well in Auburn. In my day, the Rev. Coffin was too liberal for

Claire Tully CAMPUS

Madison Ogletree PHOTO


Chip Brownlee COMMUNITY


Jessica Ballard COPY


Parker Aultman MULTIMEDIA

Weston Sims OPINION

Jack Winchester

Lily Jackson LIFESTYLE



The Auburn Plainsman welcomes letters from students, as well as faculty, administrators, alumni and those not affiliated with the University.

The opinions of The Auburn Plainsman staff are restricted to these pages.

Letters must include the author’s name, address and phone number for verification, though the name of the author may be withheld upon request. Submission may be edited for grammar and/or length. Please submit no more than 400 words.

255 Heisman Drive, Suite 1111, AU Student Center Auburn, AL 36849 Newsroom - (334) 844-9108 Advertising - (334) 844-9101

Editor-in-Chief - Corey Williams

Managing Editor - Dakota Sumpter





Editor - Claire Tully Reporter - Romy Iannuzzi Writer - Loren Kimmel Writer - Amanda Ronan Writer - Kressie Kornis

Editor - Weston Sims

COPY DESK Editor - Jessica Ballard



Letters must be submitted before 4:30 p.m. on Monday for publication.

Leslie Norris Beetley is a 1970 graduate.

The Auburn Plainsman

The Editorial Board Corey Williams EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

some, but he was able to speak. I do not endorse the views of the latest "rabble rouser" on campus but do support his right to be heard. If we no longer tolerate free speech on our campuses, we are all lost.

This editorial is the majority opinion of the Editorial Board and is the official opinion of the newspaper. The opinions expressed in columns and letters represent the views and opinions of their individual authors. These opinions do not necessarily reflect the Auburn University student body, faculty, administration or Board of Trustees.

Editor - Chip Brownlee Reporter - Sam Willoughby Writer - Tori Linehan Writer - Alex Hosey Writer - Gabby Dance


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Alec Harvey


Grant Peterson Montana Cole

Community Thursday, April 20, 2017




Governor announces Senate special election By Chip Brownlee COMMUNITY EDITOR

MONTGOMERY, Ala. — There will be a special election in December to elect a permanent replacement for the U.S. Senate seat formerly held by now-U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Gov. Kay Ivey rescheduled the special election Tuesday after calls and lawsuits from lawmakers and state officials who felt the previous scheduling was unlawful and unfair. Her office said the decision was made so the election would “adhere with state law.” Former Gov. Robert Bentley previously scheduled the election to coincide with the 2018 statewide general election, but Ivey reversed that decision Tuesday. Instead of November 2018, the general election will be held in December 2017 — almost a year ahead of the prior schedule. “This special election will remove any cloud of doubt that might have been associated with the previous process,” Ivey said at a press conference Tuesday afternoon. “This is the people’s decision.” Primary elections for the Senate seat will be held on Aug. 15, 2017, and runoffs — if needed — would be held on Sept. 26, 2017. The statewide special election for the seat will be on Dec. 12, 2017. “I promised to steady our ship of state. This means following the law, which clearly states the people should vote for a replacement U.S. Senator as soon as possible,” Ivey said. “The new U.S. Senate special election dates this year are a victory for the rule of law.”




Rep. Maxine Waters to speak in Auburn Sam Willoughby COMMUNITY WRITER

The Alabama College Democrats will host U.S. Rep. Terri Sewell, D-Ala., and U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Cali., Friday, April 21 in Auburn. Waters’ speech will kickoff the College Democrats’ 2017 Spring Convention. Waters will join incoming Alabama House Minority Leader Rep. Anthony Daniels, Tuskegee Mayor Tony Haygood and Alabama Rep. Elaine Beech. Waters has represented Southern California in Congress for 26 years and serves as the ranking member of the House Financial Services Committee and is the former chair of the Congressional Black Caucus. Waters has recently gained notoriety

as one of the more outspoken detractors of President Donald Trump. According to The Hill, Waters told a crowd in Washington, D.C., that she planned to “fight every day until he is impeached,” during a Tax March last week. Sewell has represented Alabama’s 7th Congressional District, which encompasses parts of Birmingham, Montgomery and much of West Alabama, since 2011. She sits on the House Ways and Means Committee and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the committee currently investigating Russia’s influence in the 2016 presidential election. The committee recently took testimony from FBI Director James Comey. Famed civil rights attorney Fred Gray

will speak on Saturday as the convention’s keynote speaker. Former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court Sue Bell Cobb will also speak on Saturday at the convention’s Women Empowerment Luncheon. General admission tickets for the kickoff event could be purchased ahead of the event for $35. Students should be able to get in free with their student ID and by registering online. The event is currently scheduled to be held at Pebble Hill, but organizers say they are looking into booking a large venue due to high demand. Registration was suspended by the time of the publication of this article, but organizers hope to reopen registration if a larger venue is booked



Roy Moore and his attorney and supporters walk out of the Supreme Court Chamber, in Montgomery,Ala., on Thursday Oct. 27, 2016 before the lottery is held to pick the judges who will hear his appeal.

Special Supreme Court upholds chief justice’s suspension chip brownlee


A special Supreme Court has upheld the suspension of Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore, who was permanently suspended last year by another court for violating judicial ethics. Moore’s attorneys argued in written briefs to the special Supreme Court that the Court of the Judiciary — a nine-member judicial oversight panel that handles complaints against judges in the state — overstepped its authority in permanently suspending the chief justice. The special court did not side with Moore.

“Because we have previously determined that the charges were proven by clear and convincing evidence and there is no indication that the sanction imposed was plainly and palpably wrong, manifestly unjust, or without supporting evidence, we shall not disturb the sanction imposed,” the special Supreme Court wrote in their opinion. Last month, Moore’s attorneys filed a motion with the court requesting the cancellation of oral arguments. Resultantly, no public court hearings were held in the case. Under Alabama law, the Court of the Judiciary needed a unanimous vote to re-

move a judge from the bench when they are weighing the punishment for judges who they have decided violated the Alabama Canons of Judicial Ethics. In Moore’s case, the Court of the Judiciary skirted the requirement for a unanimous vote to remove by using a simple-majority vote to impose a near-permanent suspension of two years and two months. The suspension ends when Moore’s term is up in 2019. When Moore’s term ends in 2019, he will be too old to run for reelection under Alabama law, which limits the age of judges to 70 years. With the suspension upheld,

his judicial career is effectively over. Moore argued that his suspension was four times longer than any other suspension in Alabama since the rules of the Court of the Judiciary were revised in 2001. “Even though both sanctions are similarly severe, because the Court of the Judiciary was unanimous in its imposition of such a serious sanction, we cannot conclude that the Court of the Judiciary violated Rule 16 of the Rules of Procedure of the Alabama Court of the Judiciary,” the special court wrote. With his suspension, Moore has kept his title, but he lost his authority, his of-



Auburn student Nighet Ahmed has lived in Auburn for 30 years.

30 years in Auburn Sam Willoughby COMMUNITY REPORTER

Auburn student Nighet Ahmed, doctoral candidate in adult education, grew up in Peshawar, a Pakistani city about 40 miles from the Afghanistan border, alongside the children of Americans who worked at the city’s United Nations base and for the various U.S. governmental departments with offices in the area. She attended a Christian missionary school in the almost 99 percent Muslim nation and received a degree in home economics, also from a college founded by missionaries. “They were so open to the idea of missionaries coming in and setting up their schools,” Ahmed said. “It was just an open society, really.” After her husband got a job at nearby Tuskegee University, Ahmed moved to Auburn in 1985, a place she now calls her “hometown.” Peshawar was known colloquially as “Little America” because of the large amount of Western presence. Through her schooling and her travels in Europe, Ahmed said she was accustomed to much of the culture. Instead, it was the little things she had to pick up as she went along. “Everything was new, and I was fascinated by so many things,” she said. “I didn’t even know the cents and the dimes and the nickels. If I had to buy something, I would just put the coins on my hand, and I would let them pick because I didn’t know what they were asking for. “It was not a total culture shock, but it was different.” In her early years in Auburn, Ahmed said she was immediately accepted as part of the community. Twenty-

five years ago, she became an American citizen. “I met people who were very open and welcomed me with open arms,” she said. “I did not feel like an outsider, actually. I never felt like an outsider.” Once she decided to homeschool her children, she turned to the Auburn community to get them involved in extracurricular activities. “I think the Auburn Family became truly my family,” she said. “I couldn’t be more thankful to people here for their graciousness, for their kindness. I just do not have words.” Ahmed recalled the story of her son, a volunteer member of the Red Cross, saving someone using his training in CPR. Afterward, the mayor invited him to City Council to recognize him for his actions. “Look at the positives there, right?” she said. “And then he was the one who was stopped by the police and asked to show his identification a few years later on campus.” About five years ago, Ahmed’s son was working for the University as a photographer taking pictures around campus in the afternoon when he was stopped by officers in multiple cars demanding to see identification. The only explanation for the incident Ahmed said they could think of was that he looked “different.” “Instead of having communities where we trust people, we’ve become so suspicious of others who look different,” she said. “That’s not a healthy trend, if we live in constant fear.” Since moving to Auburn more than 30 years ago,

» See 30 YEARS, 7

Thursday, April 20, 2017

The Auburn Plainsman

Community 7


Second Church of the Highlands planned A lex H osey


A new Church of the Highlands campus and outreach center will be coming to Auburn. The second campus in Auburn will be located on a 55.33-acre plot of land near the intersection of Shug Jordan Parkway and North Donahue Drive, across from the new Walmart Neighborhood Market. The main church building will be similar in size and appearance to the current Church of the Highlands campus. “It’s basically a replica of what you have on East Samford and Glenn, so you’ll know what you’re getting,” said Forrest Cotten, director of Auburn’s Planning Department. The second campus is being constructed to meet the increasing amount of church-goers at the current location, which held eight separate worship services over Easter weekend. The Auburn church currently has traffic directors in its parking lot and an overflow section in the lobby on Sundays to help alleviate congestion, but according to a member of the church’s “Dream Team,” even the overflow section often has overflow for the 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. services. The new campus will also feature a separate building called a “Dream Center,” which will be used as a storage and staging facility for the outreach programs of the Church of the Highlands. “This is where they’ll store dry goods, water and any outreach materials they need,”


At her first press conference last week, Ivey appeared apprehensive about moving the election but said she had not made a final decision. She promised to weigh both sides, including how much money changing the election date would cost taxpayers. “There’s a limited time available to make a reasonable decision on that,” the new governor said last week. “If we move the date, it will cost about $15 million that will come straight out of the General Fund budget. So, while I have some concerns about the


Church of the Highlands on Monday,April 10, 2017, in Auburn,Ala.

said Brian Harris, a project manager from Gonzalez Strength & Associates representing the church’s proposed plans. “This is where they’ll convene and go out into the community, so it’s more a warehouse-type staging facility.” The Dream Center, which is planned to be 7,445 square feet in size, gained the required conditional use approval from the Auburn Planning Commission Thursday evening. The Church of the Highlands began in

whole situation, I have to also be very mindful of the impact it will have.” Legal concerns appeared to have outweighed concerns of cost. “This is not a hastily made decision. I consulted legal counsel, the finance director, Speaker McCutcheon, Senate President Del Marsh and both budget chairmen since the cost to the General Fund could be great. However, following the law trumps the expense of a special election,” Ivey said. According to estimates from the Secretary of State’s Office, the special election will likely cost between $10 million and $15 million. Secre-

2001 in the Fine Arts Center of Mountain Brook High School in Birmingham, Alabama. Today, the church has 16 campuses in Alabama with one in Auburn and one in Opelika. “The church is excited to be looking at a parameter contract in Auburn for a second campus,” Harris said. “It’s impressive that they have the ability to do this. I think it shows the demand and the appreciation the community has for the church.”

tary of State John Merrill said he is hopeful that the cost will be closer to $10 million. In February, Bentley appointed then-Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange to the seat formerly held by Sessions. The decision came under fire because Strange’s office at the time was conducting an investigation into the former governor’s relationship with a top political staffer, Rebekah Mason, with whom Bentley was suspected of having an affair. Strange has said he will run for reelection in the special election. “As I’ve said for months, I’m a candidate, and I’m ready to run

30 YEARS » From 6

Ahmed said she feels like an outsider now more than ever. Initially, no one ever questioned her identity as an American, she said, but recently she feels people have begun to look at her differently. “When I first came [to Auburn], I was like anyone else, and then after 9/11 my identity changed to being a ‘Muslim woman,’” she said. “And now over the last year or so, I have another new identity, which is an ‘immigrant Muslim woman.’ “I hate to say that because there are people who are still so supportive and so welcoming and so warm. But that is a fact.” After being told things like “go back to your country,” by people in town, Ahmed said she is hyper-aware of her surroundings at all times and has stopped doing certain things, like driving at night in the country, in order to feel safe. “I’m being asked about my identity of who I am or where do my priorities lie. This is a question that nobody would have ever [previously] asked me. “I cannot deny my roots and my background, but I feel and think more like an American in the sense that I think of this as my country.” Ahmed said she is still thankful for her hometown of Auburn, where she studies at the University, but worries about the direction the country may be moving in. In 2002, she formed the International Women for Peace and Understanding, a group composed of Auburn women with diverse backgrounds that focuses on increasing understanding of all cultures, as a way to push back against what she sees as ignorance toward one another. “I think ignorance is our biggest enemy,” she said. “If I’m ignorant, then I’m fearful of something, and then anybody can come and exploit me. Whatever somebody tells me, that becomes the reality.”

whether the election is next month or next year,” Strange said. “As the only announced candidate for this office, I will spend the next several months being the best Senator I can be, upholding Alabama values and working with President Donald Trump to drain the swamp and help make America great again. The people of Alabama deserve nothing less, and ultimately it will be up to them to decide who will represent them in Washington.” Some Democrats and Republicans, who have both fought Bentley’s special election date, praised Ivey’s decision to move the election up. “Governor Ivey’s announcement

this morning puts us one step closer to turning the page on this ugly and shameful period in our state history,” said House Rep. Chris England, D-Tuscaloosa. “This demonstrates a departure from the backroom politics that we have seen for too long in Montgomery. The people of Alabama have the right to decide who represents our state, and now they will have that opportunity.” Prospective candidates must file with their political parties by May 17, 2017, at 5 p.m. Independents and minor party candidates can file their paperwork to run until Aug. 15, 2017, according to Ivey’s proclamation.



Thursday, April 20, 2017



TIGERS WIN AGAIN KRIS SIMS / AUBURN ATHLETICS Bo Decker (35) celebrates at homeplate with teammates after scoring during KSU vs. Auburn Baseball in Kennesaw, Ga., on Tuesday,April 18, 2017.


After three innings, it looked as if it would be a low-scoring affair Tuesday night, but the Tiger offense found its rhythm in the fourth and never looked back. “The offense, ever since Samford last week, we’ve just been doing a pretty good job there and giving us a chance in our ballgames,” Auburn head coach Butch Thompson said. “That offense is getting good, still playing good defense and starting pitching. Kind of the recipe.” Auburn shortstop Luke Jarvis headlined the offensive onslaught, grabbing four hits and hitting a grand slam to cap a 12-run fourth inning as Auburn cruised to a 15-7 win over Kennesaw State Tuesday at Stillwell Stadium. Tigers starter Christian Camacho completed a career-long six innings pitched and allowed only one run on five hits. He threw first-pitch strikes to 25 batters, struck out four and did not issue a walk. “Christian Camacho had a great start and got one of our game balls,” Auburn head coach Butch Thompson said. “The other one was Luke Jarvis with four hits. Luke Jarvis had a couple of hustle plays and tough foul balls. He threw out the guy at the plate when they had two runners at third base. The

offense, I feel like since Samford last week, has been doing a pretty good job. The offense was great tonight.” The Tigers scored a season-high 12 runs in an inning for the first time since 2013, with the punctuation mark being the grand slam by Jarvis. Auburn sent 15 men to the plate and recorded eight hits to break the game wide open in the top of the fourth. All nine Auburn hitters would score in the inning. The scoring started in the fourth with Josh Anthony’s second RBI of the day which was followed by a two-run single from Bo Decker. After a double steal, Anthony came in to score on an error. Jeremy Johnson then doubled home Decker and Jay Estes plated two on his 13th double of the season. Daniel Robert was next with an RBI single, and after a walk to Blake Logan, Jarvis crushed the first pitch he saw from reliever Turner Watkins over a building in left field for a 13-1 lead. “I was just trying to see a fastball that I could handle. He threw one in the dirt, and then he left a nice one in my zone, and I was ready for it and put a good swing on it and it kind of carried. That may have been the furthest ball I’ve ever hit,” said Jarvis of his team-leading fourth home run. The Tiger bats have been scorching of late, tallying six homers in their last five games including two grand slams.

Jarvis’ home run was his team-best fourth of the season. The Auburn shortstop finished with a career-high four hits and five RBIs. He also scored two runs. Anthony opened the scoring in the second with a RBI single to give Auburn a 1-0 lead. He finished with two hits and two RBIs. Jonah Todd also added two hits. The Tigers also added two runs in the eighth for a 15-2 lead on a Dylan Ingram RBI double and a run-scoring single from Jarvis. “Everybody had a good at-bat. They kept passing it down,” Thompson said. “Jarvis supplied the big punch, but a lot of that in-between there to set it up was taking balls, swinging at strikes, backside, just good approaches by our ball club.” Kennesaw State’s Corey Greeson led the team with two hits including a triple and one RBI. Terence Norman went 2-for-4 with a stolen base and added a 3-run home run in the eighth. Owl starter Nathan Dupree fell to 0-4 on the season and allowed five runs in 3.1 innings. The Tigers finish 5-3 on their eight-game road trip and improve to 28-11 overall, while the Owls fall to 17-20. Auburn returns home to face No. 11 Arkansas this weekend at Plainsman Park for a three-game SEC series beginning Friday at 6 p.m. CST.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

The Auburn Plainsman


Sports 9


Stidham earning teammates’ trust Jack Winchester SPORTS EDITOR


Emily Spain (7) throws the ball to first for an out during a game against SIUE.

Spain steps away from softball

Will Sahlie


After not appearing in a game since March 26 at Florida, Auburn infielder Emily Spain has taken a leave of absence from the program, head coach Clint Myers announced Thursday afternoon. “She has taken a leave of absence, and she’ll be not with us until the end of the year,” Myers said. Spain appeared in 13 games for Auburn this season, starting six games. She hit .071 (1-for14) with four walks and six runs scored. She was perfect in the field, committing zero errors in her 21 chances. Myers said Spain’s departure was not related to the resignation of former associate head

coach Corey Myers on March 30. “She’s taking a leave of absence,” Myers said. “She’s been seeing a doctor. It’s just the way it is. She needed some time, so she’s got it.” Since her removal from the starting lineup in mid-February, Myers has used both sophomore Casey McCrackin and freshman KK Crocker at second base. Crocker has started the last two games for Auburn. Along with McCrackin and Crocker, Myers said junior infielder Whitney Jordan has taken reps at second base to provide extra depth. “It just means that somebody else is going to have to pick up the load,” Myers said. “Life goes on. That’s the great thing about sports. No one person is bigger than the program.”


Mize named to National team Will Sahlie


Auburn sophomore Casey Mize has had, arguably, the most impressive season of any pitcher in the SEC this year. He is 6-1 with a 1.23 ERA and leads the conference with 82 strikeouts. On Friday, however, Mize earned one of the most prestigious honors of his collegiate career. Mize accepted an invitation to join the 2017 USA Baseball Collegiate National team this summer. “This means a lot,” Mize said. “This has been a goal of mine for some time now. I’m really ready to go learn from and compete with these guys. This is the top players, and I’m really looking forward to the opportunity to represent the United States. This is truly an honor.” The Springville, Alabama, native became the first Auburn pitcher to record back-to-back games with 12 or more strikeouts since 1999. His SEC-leading 82 strikeouts are good for third in the country. His 1.23 ERA ranks third in the SEC and 18th nationally. “I think every coach and player affiliated with Auburn baseball is excited for this oppor-

tunity for Casey to represent our country,” Auburn head coach Butch Thompson said. “I think Casey will be the first to tell you that several of his coaches and especially his teammates are a huge part of this. I think we are all thankful to be a part of Auburn University and the opportunities it presents us now and for the rest of our lives.” Mize is the eighth player in Auburn history to be selected for the USA Baseball Collegiate National Team. Anfernee Grier, who was selected in the first round of the 2016 MLB Draft, represented the United States in 2015. The other Auburn representatives included Gregg Olson (1987), Mark Bellhorn (1993-94), John Powell (1993), Steven Register (2003) and Hunter Morris (2008). The 2017 Collegiate National Team will train USA Baseball National Training Complex in Cary, North Carolina, and compete in a series of games with teams from the Coastal Plains League from June 20-25. The U.S. will then host international friendship series against Chinese Taipei and Cuba from June 27 to July 7, in Cary, Charlotte and Durham, North Carolina.

A relationship between a quarterback and a wide receiver is crucial at any level of football. It is even more important in a fast-paced SEC offense. What people often do not realize, is that a quarterback’s chemistry with a running back is just as important for a team like Auburn, who has relied heavily on its ground game recently. For transfer quarterback Jarrett Stidham, transitioning into the Auburn run game has been extremely smooth. “It’s been really good,” Stidham said. “The first day [was] just trying to get used to the steps and whatnot, but really after that first day, we just hit it off and just like it’s always been.” With Auburn planning to use more run-pass option plays under new offensive coordinator Chip Lindsey, the decision making of quarterbacks is vital. For Stidham, building trust and chemistry with the Tiger tailbacks this Spring has been easy. The running will not be left specifically to the tailbacks though. While Stidham is not known for his running abilities, he has proven in practice and at Baylor that he can tuck the ball and take off. During his time in Waco, Texas, Stidham had 36 carries for 70 yards with two touchdowns.

“I’m not going to lie; I’m not going to be Cam Newton or Nick Marshall and take it 75 to the house,” Stidham said. “I’m probably going to get caught from behind. It’s just not my game. “I like to run around a little bit, keep the defense honest and I think we’ll have some of it.” Whether it is Stidham calling the signals for the Tigers in the Fall or not, Auburn running backs coach Tim Horton is confident in the quarterback’s relationships with his tailbacks. “You really do have to give kudos to Jarrett Stidham and Malik Willis and Woody,” running backs coach Tim Horton said. “I think they’ve all done a good job. We’ve got good kids that get along with each other, that want to see each other successful and do well and are good encouragers to one another. I think the chemistry is really good; not just with the running backs and the quarterbacks, but really the entire offense and I think the chemistry on our entire team is pretty good right now.” Stidham will continue to battle for the starting quarterback position throughout the summer and Fall Camp. The transfer quarterback was brilliant in the Auburn spring game, completing 16 of 20 passes and throwing for 267 yards all in the first half. Auburn takes the field on September 2, 2017 as they host Georgia Southern to kick off the college football season.


Dunbar chooses Auburn Will Sahlie


Junior college guard/forward Malik Dunbar committed to Auburn and Bruce Pearl Saturday night. Dunbar, who played at College of Central Florida in Ocala, Florida, last season, announced his decision on Twitter. “I want to thank all the coaches who saw something in me,” Dunbar wrote. “But I’ve decided to be an Auburn man.” Dunbar averaged 10.6 points and 4.9 rebounds per game while shooting 40.3 percent from the floor last season. He also shot 73.5 per-

cent from the free throw line. The North Augusta, South Carolina, native will be a sophomore for Auburn next season. He joins four-star Chuma Okeke and Davion Mitchell in Auburn’s 2017 recruiting class. Five-star Austin Wiley is also apart of the class, but has already played half a season at Auburn. Former Presbyterian College forward Desean Murray will also be eligible for the Tigers after sitting out last season. Dunbar visited Auburn this past weekend on an official visit. He also took visits to Ole Miss and Arkansas-Little Rock.



Auburn Cares


Casey Mize (32) pitches at the Auburn vs. South Carolina game.


Auburn falls to Arkansas in regular season finale Jack Winchester SPORTS EDITOR

The Tiger women’s tennis wrapped up the regular season with a 4-2 loss to No. 18 Arkansas at Yarbrough Tennis Center on Sunday. Trailing 2-0, Alannah Griffin put the No. 11 ranked Tigers on the board with her fourthstraight singles victory. The sophomore defeated Natsuho Arakawa, 6-3, 6-2 on court six to improve to 14-11 (4-4 SEC) on the season.

Junior Andie Dikosavljevic won her sixth match over a ranked opponent with a 6-4, 6-4 victory over No. 49 Shannon Hudson on court one. The Australia native finishes the regular season at 17-8 (5-3 SEC) in singles. Arkansas clinched the match after taking the doubles point and then taking courts two, four and five in singles. Auburn will prepare for the SEC Women’s Tennis Tournament in Nashville, Tennessee, on April 19-23.

THE ANNUAL STUDENT MEMORIAL CEREMONY The Annual Student Memorial Ceremony honors the Auburn students who have passed away during the past academic year. The ceremony will honor Hil Abbott, Dongxiao Fu, Travis Hightower, Nicholas Huntley, and Shulei Tan. The ceremony will be held in the Garden of Memory at 5 p.m. on April 30, and is open to all of the Auburn Family.



Auburn Students

Sports 10

The Auburn Plainsman

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Softball takes Mizzou Series


Carmyn Greenwood (10) catches a fly ball for an out. Auburn vs Missouri on Sunday,April 16 in Auburn,Ala.


Carmyn Greenwood (10) celebrates after a base-hit single.



Kasey Cooper (13) throws to first for an out.Auburn vs Missouri on Sunday,April 16 in Auburn,Ala.

Victoria Draper (27) sends a chopping ground-ball through the infield. Auburn vs Missouri on Sunday,April 16 in Auburn,Ala.



Makayla Martin (29) and Kasey Cooper (13) are all smiles as the signal two outs to the outfield after a double-play.

Auburn head coach Clint Myers (right) and assistant Casey Myers (right) celebrate the final out of the game.

Tigers remain at No.7 in national softball rankings

J ack Winchester SPORTS EDITOR

There was no moving in the rankings for the Auburn softball team after this past weekend. Clint Myers and his squad held on to the No.7 spot after taking two of three from the visiting Missouri Tigers. Auburn looks to move up in the polls as they head to South

Carolina this week to take on the Gamecocks in a three game series. SEC foe Florida moved to the number one spot after completing the SEC sweep of Georgia on April 10. The Gators then walked off with a 1-0 win over FSU snapping the Seminoles’ 24-game winning and 29-game undefeated streaks.

They capped off the week taking two-of-three from Kentucky. The Texas A&M Aggies find themselves at No.4 this week, after taking two of three on the road at No.24 Arkansas. Auburn, which remained No. 2 in the NCAA RPI, can be seen on the SEC Network + throughout the weekend in South Carolina.



Thursday, April 20, 2017


Where to plant what plant when HORTICULTURE

Lily Jackson



Learning what plants to plant around you can liven up the room, said Amanda King, Blooming Colors employee.

Many believe that the addition of a little life and color to a room, desk or outside deck can greatly influence mood and overall ambiance. Amanda King, senior in horticulture, has been working for Blooming Colors for three years now. She found the job through her mother and has loved working in the business. King said plants make people happy and help with regulating the mood in offices and confined spaces. “They are good for the air — they clean the air,” King said. “It’s nice to have something living. It brings color to places that might be a little dark or stuffy.” In her experience, she found that college students lean toward plants that are easy to care for like cacti and succulents. King said these plants don’t require much maintenance or watering. “There are tons of plants, like Snake’s Tongue or Apothos that are not high maintenance and don’t require a lot of sun because those are two things that college kids don’t often have.” As for an outdoor deck that receives light at different times of the day, King suggested that students do some research before purchasing a plant or talk to the employees at the store where you buy them. “It really depends on what type of sun the plants will get,” King said. “The afternoon sun is a lot more intense, so it can take a lot more variety of plants. With morning sun, you would have a more lim-

ited selection. Shade-loving plants would be best.” King said hydrangeas, ferns and orchids would do well in a shade-loving environment or on a deck that receives morning sun. When taking care of flowers, some blooms need to be pruned to grow more. Hydrangeas fit into this category, while orchids only need pruning once a year. King said peace lillies are fairly easy to care for and will let the owner know when they are in need of water. Peace lillies are very forgiving, King said. “With flowers, making sure you have good fertilizer and water is key,” King said. “Typically, the rule is ‘more sun, more blooms,’ but with certain plants, it can differ, especially with shade-loving plants.” For offices, King recommended rex begonias. She said there are many bright color variations in the foliage that can liven up a dry place. They can tolerate low light while producing bright colors, King said. For those interested in herb gardens, King said most herbs do very well and are easy to maintain. The only herb that might cause trouble would be lavender. “Cilantro does well if you can find it, and mint spreads,” King said. “If you can kill mint, you have a talent.” With a budget, King advised buying small plants at a lower price and working with them to get them to a better size. She said it takes time, but when students are on a budget it is the best option.


10,000 Hz Records: ‘Not quite a record store’ Jessica Ballard COPY EDITOR

What started out as a joke between married couple Russ and Hannah Baggett, became reality when they decided to start a record business and pop-up shop. After moving to Auburn almost two years ago for Hannah’s job at the University, Russ wondered what he would do to fill his time. A combination of a love for records and a niche that needed to be filled in Auburn led to the conception of 10,000 Hz Records. 10,000 Hz Records’ first public appearance happened at John Emerald Distillery on March 24. Cherry Motel and Captain Kudzu played, and Russ played some of his accumulated records between the band performances. “We sold a little less than half of what we brought there,” Russ said. “So that was encouraging since we really didn’t know what to expect.” He originally booked the show thinking it would be an excuse to have a little party and play some records, Russ said. However, after the last record store in the Auburn and Opelika areas closed, Russ said he and Hannah started seriously thinking about the logistics of starting a re-

cord business. The duo are currently working on their second popup shop. On Record Store Day, April 22, 10,000 Hz will have everything from indie rock and psych to soul, funk and hip-hop records dispersed in crates at Coffee Cat in downtown Auburn. Big names like Arcade Fire, Radiohead and Mac Demarco will make an appearance, as well as more obscure compilations from labels like The Numero Group and Light in the Attic Records. “That’s kind of part of the novelty for us,” Russ said. “Like, ‘What’s going to be there?’ You don’t really know. I mean, I know, but nobody else really does.” Russ said Coffee Cat seems to be a hub for people who play in bands and those are the people who buy records. Russ said he’s been playing in bands for most of his life. When he and his wife still lived in North Carolina, he played in and made a record with a band called Some Army, which he still does some stuff with when they can remedy the distance. Now he has a studio in his home where he continues to play. Music being an integral part of the couple’s lives, Russ said he and Hannah have been collecting vinyl for years. They both had inherited some but didn’t start buy-

Concourse tactics

Check out The Dank Dishes cooking show on The Auburn Plainsman’s Youtube channel.


Those dedicated souls of the concourse, the ones who bother us in the early morning light or the late afternoon heat, always cheerful and content to be completely ignored, these people are the beating heart of the student campus scene. They remind us who to vote for, they hand out yearbooks for free and sometimes these sweet angels of guerrilla marketing even hand out one-day-old Krispy Kreme Donuts — and only for the cost of acknowledging their existence and the existence of their cause. So often ignored, these campus crusaders have developed their own strategy for success, and it seems more than anything, that it’s a numbers game. A gaggle of chipper Wellness Hut Workers, that mysterious center of concourse activity and the number-one producer of novelty button puns on campus, offer up their own advice. “Be assertive,” they all said at once. “Be assertive and friendly,” another one added. “It’s about striking a balance.” “Get in people’s way,” said another student worker, who wished to remain anonymous. “Stand out in the concourse and make people look at you.” “Don’t even give them the option to turn away,” she said. Another strategy offered by these dedicated servants targets bicycle riders. Essentially, these workers stand almost on a collision course with on coming bicyclists who will have no choice but to accept the flier or button.” Rejection, it seems, comes with the territory. “Just wish them a really nice day,” the Wellness Hut leader suggested for when one student, fully equipped with a thousand yard stare, passes you by. This must be standard advice because as I rejected a student offering free yearbooks, she told me, without any sarcasm or passive aggressive tone, to have a great day three times in a row.

ing new vinyl until about 2001, he said. The name of their pop-up shop operation actually originated from the first record Russ ever bought. When he lived in Chapel Hill, he was driving down the main road in town next to the university listening to the college radio station. “This song comes on, and I’m like, ‘What the hell is this song?’” Russ said. “There’s this crazy song with this robot voice that’s talking, and then it gets to this chorus with this big sweeping Beetles-esque chorus. And I wait for the DJ to come on, and he says it’s a song called ‘How Does It Make You Feel’ by Air, this French band.” Russ pulled over and went into a record shop to look for the album. He asked the owner of the store for help, and the owner told him they didn’t have the CD, but they had the record. “I look at it, and the artwork is awesome, and I’m like ‘okay,’” Russ said. “I bought it on the spot.” The name of the album he bought is 10 000 Hz Legend. The weekend of March 21-23, 10,000 Hz Records will host their second pop-up shop from the time Coffee Cat opens until about 2 p.m. or 3 p.m.

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Lifestyle 12

The Auburn Plainsman

Thursday, April 20, 2017


this week, the plainsman editors chose their favorite earth day celebration songs. listen to their picks and follow the auburn plainsman at

“The Gardener” by The Tallest Man On Earth Kris Martins, enterprise editor “Love and death amongst the flowers.”

“3rd Planet” by Modest Mouse Jessica Ballard, copy editor “Well, we ruined this planet.”


J.O.E.S. Deli & Grill is located at the corner of North Dean Road and East Glenn Ave.

J.O.E.S. gets four out of five stars Brooks Glover LIFESTYLE WRITER

Delis usually conjure the scene of a large, pot-bellied, mustachioed man, clad in a white apron, handing sliced meats and cheeses over a counter that runs the length of the business. However, today these sorts of delis seem to exclusively occupy Kroger, Publix and the like. Otherwise, delis have become more or less synonymous with sandwich shops like Chappy’s, McAlister’s and Auburn’s most famous — Momma Goldberg’s. J.O.E.S. Deli and Grill sits on the corner of North Dean Road and East Glenn Avenue. It is the newest addition to the area’s roster of delicatessens. Opened last fall by brothers Mike and Tom, J.O.E.S. continues the family history of delis. Even the restaurant’s name serves as a familial tribute honoring both the brothers’ father while also being an acronym for the brothers’ children. Once inside, a massive chalkboard with the entire menu written on it greets you. Large, rustic, wooden booths line the wall contrasting the sleek, contemporary chairs covered in a bright orange that fills the rest of the restaurant. It was one of these brothers who took my order after walking me through the menu and answering my questions with a certain enthusiasm in his voice. He didn’t have a mustache or a white apron, but it was a welcoming gesture for my first time. J.O.E.S.’ main offerings are sandwiches,

To Place an Ad, Call 334-844-9101 or E-mail

For Sale Queen Mattress Set Brand new still in plastic, must sell! Call or Text James 334-703-0504. Email LeeCoBeds01@

which lie divided into two categories on the menu — deli style and grilled. Deli sandwiches include staples such as the muffuletta, cordon bleu, Reuben and BLT as well as originals. The California Dream consists of turkey breast, swiss, avocado, lettuce, tomato and ranch. The Ba Ba Beefy is chocked with corned beef, roast beef, pastrami, swiss and mustard. Various burgers, melts and cheese steaks can be found on J.O.E.S.’ grill section of the menu. The Cowboy Burger adds red onion, barbecue sauce and bacon to the top of a cheddarsmother burger. The Babe combines marinated pork roast, grilled peppers, onions, provolone, lettuce, tomato and mayonnaise together resulting in a dripping sandwich that can barely contain itself. Ignoring the function of the sandwich, J.O.E.S.’ offers something greater than Auburn’s chain delis. Here, the sandwiches have a life to them, making sandwiches from Chappy’s or McAllister’s seem sterile. Kettle chips and a pickle are served with each sandwich. If you decide to “upgrade” your side, you can choose pasta salad, tortellini salad, potato salad or fresh fruit. Beyond sandwiches, J.O.E.S. offers soups, salads and even a daily quiche. Painted onto the far wall is a sort of history of J.O.E.S beginning with the brothers working in their parents’ deli. After mentioning Mike’s and Tom’s children, it ends with a wish that your visit “fills your belly, lightens your heart and puts a smile on your face.” Overall, I give this deli a four out of five.

Claire Tully, campus editor “Bust out those ukes and celebrate Earth Day with song.”

“I Melt With You” by Modern English Lily Jackson, lifestyle editor “A tribute to the kids who didn’t have to go to school on Earth.”

Adoptable pet of the week


Sapphire, an unadopted dog at Lee County Humane Society on Tuesday, April 18, 2017 in Auburn, Ala.

Tigermarket ALMOST ANYTHING BUY . SELL . TRADE -Retro Video Games -Vinyl Records -Comics, Collectibles - Magic Cards -Posters &Art -Phones, IPads & Laptops (we buy broken phones/laptops)

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“Riptide” by Vance Joy

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Employment Beulah United Methodist Church hiring part-time pianist. Sunday AM/Wednesday PM. $6000-6500/yr. Contact Rev. Katrina Paxson at, (334)745-4755

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Print Deadline Noon three business days prior to publication

RELEASE DATE– Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis

ACROSS 1 Greek sandwich 5 Happy gatherings 10 Baby cow 14 Control for an equestrian 15 In full view 16 Buckeye State 17 Horse feed 18 TV’s “The Practice,” e.g. 20 “Bummer!” 22 Ford fiasco 23 Provides staff for 24 “That makes sense” 26 Champagne stopper or popper 27 Genius Bar pro 29 JFK’s successor 32 High-card-wins game 33 Enjoy 35 Submitted tax returns with a click 38 Door holder’s witticism 41 Part of Congress 42 Somali-born supermodel 43 Wide shoe size 44 Frat. counterpart 45 Aid in a felony 47 Traps in an attic? 49 Deborah of “The King and I” 51 Fictional Hawaiian police nickname 52 Rage 55 Procter & Gamble laundry detergent 60 Australia’s “Sunshine State” ... or where you might find the ends of 18-, 20-, 38- and 55-Across? 62 “Go back” computer command 63 Sch. near the U.S.-Mexico border 64 Tweak, say 65 Raise a big stink? 66 Pops a question 67 Outlaw chasers 68 Hours next to flight nos.

DOWN 1 Branch out 2 “Okey-dokey” 3 Second actress to win an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony 4 GM system with an AtYourService app 5 Helps with the laundry 6 Happily __ after 7 Maker of the Genesis game system 8 Like many Shakespeare plays 9 MLB Cardinal’s cap letters 10 Lear’s youngest daughter 11 “I get it” cries 12 Green citrus fruit 13 Baby horse 19 Lousy grade 21 Sock that covers the joint it’s named for 25 Biblical queendom 26 Pet store enclosures 27 Ref’s ring decision 28 Spine-tingling

30 Margarine that shares its name with Texas’ state flower 31 Ballet leaps 32 “Now, where __ I?” 34 “Sadly ... ” 36 Red Sox ballpark 37 Hair coloring 39 Cocktail makers 40 Ambulance fig. 46 S.O.S shelfmate 48 Make certain of 50 Fish-eating eagle

51 Rapper with a title 52 Poolside shade 53 Pecans and cashews 54 Nerdy type 56 37-Down containers 57 Singles 58 Binged (on), as snacks 59 Pans for potstickers 61 Maple extract


By C.C. Burnikel ©2017 Tribune Content Agency, LLC



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