edition 25

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March 19-25, 2014




Weekly, Year 01, Number 25, 10,000 Copies,16 Pages



Did you know that 240 tons of waste is collected every month form the beaches of Playa del Carmen? PAGE 3


ince 1992, the United Nations designated March 22 as the World Water Day and events highlighting the need for water conservation are held around the word. Water supplies in Mexico are already in peril and are at emergency status in some regions. According to the National Population Council (Conapo) it is expected that by 2025 the demand for water will exceed available resources and water supplies in many of the larger cities throughout Mexico will change from having a ‘medium’, to a ‘low’ level of availability. The UN defines water scarcity as less than 1,000 cubic meters of water a year per inhabitant, and Mexico is already considered to

be in this group because of the huge variations of water availability between its 23 states. According to the National Commission of Water (Conagua), the zones with high water scarcity are in the center and northeast areas of the country, due to the dense population and large industrial activity. That marks a considerable difference with south and southeastern areas, which has up to 7 times more water than the at-risk areas of the north, which regularly suffer from restricted water supply hours in order to help preserve dwindling resources. Conapo foresees that by 2015 Mexico’s water crisis will intensify, with the current population of over 120 million (2012) growing annually by 1.2%. Mexico City, Querétaro, Morelia, Cuernavaca, Toluca, Gua-

dalajara, Aguascalientes, Culiacán, Torreón, Nuevo Laredo, Matamoros and Saltillo will be the most affected cities. The operation manager of the Water and Sewage Commission in Solidaridad, María Eugenia Vivas Ávila, said in an interview with the Playa Times that the Yucatan Peninsula has some of the most secure water resources in the country. It is expected that the water supply to the entire region, which includes Quintana Roo, will be stable for the next 25 years. Playa del Carmen has 20 water pits that pump 24 hours a day with any cuts to supply lasting a maximum of 8 hours, which is normally due to maintenance works to the piping. 98% of the municipality has a running water supply. Vivas said that this year

UN´s slogan for the World Water Day is “More Water, More Energy”. Various activities and events aimed at raising water conservation awareness amongst the population are being organized in Mexico on the run-up to World Water Day and Playa del Carmen is no exception. Music concerts, conferences and fairs are being held involving university and school students. She added that the most important actions needed are; avoiding the contamination of the water table, which effects the quantity and quality of the available supply; using just the required quantity of water and not leaving faucets running, and establishing education programs which will continue to promote water conservation and awareness throughout Mexico.

COMEDY FESTIVAL Comedian, Tim Harmston, talks exclusively to The Playa Times about the upcoming 2014 Akumal Comedy Festival. PAGE 12



CHILTEPIN RESTAURANT This week we visited an out of the way seafood restaurant, El Chilepin Marisquillos, see what we think... PAGE 9


March 19-25, 2014

ditorial DIRECTORY Omar Tornel Managing Editor omar@theplayatimes.com

The eternal beauty of poetry

María Morote Copy Writer maria@theplayatimes.com

Photos: Agency

Gema García Chief Reporter gema@theplayatimes.com

Efrén Velázquez Graphic Design efren@theplayatimes.com

Elizabeth Urraza Operations & Marketing elizabeth@theplayatimes.com


The Mexican poet, and winner of the 1990 Nobel Prize for Literature, Octavio Paz


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n the last week of March, two great events related to the world of literature will take place that have special meaning in Mexico: World Poetry Day on March 21 and the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Mexican poet, diplomatic and winner of the 1990 Nobel Prize for Literature, Octavio Paz, on March 31. Public readings, lectures, poetry walks, exhibitions and book presentations will be held in the main cities of Mexico, as well as in cities all around the world. World Poetry Day was established in 1999 by UNESCO, with the aim to disseminate cultural dialogue through poetic expression, promote the reading and teaching of poetry and, according to the UN official webpage, “create an attractive image of poetry in the media”. That may sound a little discouraging, but it is certain that poetry is fast becoming an unpopular literary genre despite


theplayatimes @theplayatimes 984-147 2216

THE PLAYA TIMES PLAYA DEL CARMEN`S COMMUNITY PAPER Periódico Semanal. Número de Certificado de Reserva otorgado por el Instituto Nacional de Derechos de Autor: (PENDIENTE). Número de Certificado de Licitud de Título: (en trámite). Número de Certificado de Licitud de Contenido: (en trámite). Domicilio de la publicación: Avenida 15 Sur Mza. 8 Lt. 02 Local 02. Col, Centro, Playa del Carmen, Solidaridad, Quintana Roo C.P. 77710. Imprenta: Extreme Energy, S.A. de C.V. Calle 1a. Sur, Mza. 227, Lote2, Col. Ejidal, Playa del Carmen, Q, Roo. C.P. 77710. Distribuidor: Meridian Media, S.A. de C.V., 15 Ave. and 1 South, Col. Centro, Playa del Carmen, Solidaridad, Quintana Roo, CP 77710.

WEDNESDAY 87° /68° Partly Cloudy 20% chance of rain ESE at 10 mph



85°/67° Partly Cloudy 10% chance of rain ENE at 9 mph

85°/67° Partly Cloudy 0% chance of rain E at 10 mph

being one of the most classic and the genre that a child first hears through songs and fables. Currently it is becoming harder and harder to find works of poetry at bookstores and for new poets to become published, sidelining it to the realms of literary and university circles. “Each poem is unique. All poetry beats to a greater or lesser degree within each work. Each reader looks for something in the poem. And it is not unusual that he finds it: he already had it within himself”, said Octavio Paz (1914-1998). Paz did never separate literature from life. He denounced human injustice through his work on his travels around the world as a diplomatic: the poverty of the farmers of Merida, the human rights violations by both the European fascists and communists, the incoherence of the capitalist system

WRITING I draw these letters As the day draws its images And blows over them and does not return

SATURDAY 87°/67° Partly Cloudy 10% chance of rain SE at 11 mph

and the 1968 massacre at Tlatelolco, Mexico City where 200 students and civilians were killed or wounded and which made him give up his post as Mexican ambassador to India as a protest against the government, who used snipers to fire on protesters. The vision of this erudite Mexican poet is considered something eternal and changeable at the same time by those who read his essay and poetry work and it is this that convinces poetry lovers that this genre will never die. Paz wrote over 15 books of poetry and his work has been translated into 32 languages and as the best way to celebrate and promote poetry is by reading it, here is one of Octavio Paz’s short poems translated by Eliot Weinberg in the bilingual edition “The Collected Poems of Octavio Paz 1957-1987”:

ESCRITURA Yo dibujo estas letras Como el día dibuja sus imágenes Y sopla sobre ellas y no vuelve




87°/66° Partly Cloudy 10% chance of rain ESE at 11 mph

87°/68° Partly Cloudy 10% chance of rain SE at 11 mph

87°/68° Partly Cloudy 0% chance of rain SSE at 11 mph


March 19-25, 2014




he laws of Mexico determine that there is a strip of land on the beach that is considered part of the Federal Public Domain of Mexico, as is the sea along the coast of Mexico. This area comprises of the full length of the beach along all the coast of Mexico and 20 meters in from the high tide of the sea at any one given location. This area is known as the Federal Maritime Land Zone of Mexico (ZoFeMaT, Zona Federal Maritimo Terrestre). According to the director of Zofemat of Solidaridad, Roberto Pérez Briceño, 240 tons of waste is collected every month from the beaches of Playa del Carmen and during high season this number increases to 95 tons daily. The director of Zofemat said that the most effective way to help combat this problem is to help people realize that these beaches are their own, and to treat it as their property and to respect it and help maintain it. Every day from 4am to 6pm, around 35 people from Zofemat´s beach cleaning department collect trash along the coast. However, Pérez Briceño stressed that the solution does not depend on the number of cleaners or hours spent beach cleaning, but on increasing the awareness of the need to dispose of trash responsibly. “Humans are the most harmful enemy regarding coastal conser-

Photos: Agency

Keeping our beaches clean Local wildlife is at risk from the trash we leave behind vation, contamination and waste is generated by us”, said Zofemat´s director. He added that sadly, they have found turtles and birds killed by eating or getting tangled with plastic waste: “Trash floats on the water´s surface and to wildlife it appears to be food. We must be more responsible”. He underlined that cigarette butts are one of the most serious problems related to beach contamination, each one can contaminate of

up to 50 liters of water. Unfortunately it is not only one of the most common types of waste, but also one of the hardest to find. They are easily covered by sand or blown in to the water. “Beaches are not an ashtray, we must be responsible for ourselves and take a container to the beach to dispose of cigarette butts, don’t bury them in the sand”, said Roberto Pérez.

Besides the manual cleaning staff, Zofemat also uses mechanic apparatus to collect trash and has increased the number of beach cleaning shifts to keep up with the growing problem. The director also added that part of the 240 tons of trash collected monthly is bought here by the currents from elsewhere and unfortunately ends up on our beaches. Currently, Zofemat, together with the Environment Department of Solidaridad and various local civil associations, are holding regular beach cleanups and invites everyone to participate. The last one was held on January 22 and more than 2,000 vol-

unteers came together to clean the beaches of Punta Brava, Punta Maroma, Xcalacoco, Punta Venado, Paamul, Xpuha and Kantenah. The next scheduled beach cleanup will be in April as part of the events of the Children´s Day festival on April 30 and will be involving local schools. Those interested in taking part can find more information nearer the date on the Facebook page Limpieza de Playas Zofemat Solidaridad or look out for information in upcoming editions of The Playa Times. Finally, Roberto Pérez Briceño stressed the importance that Playa del Carmen maintains a high standard of beach cleanliness, as the tourist market is essential to the livelihood of so many here; he said the regions guests deserve to find a well-maintained beach. “Residents of Playa del Carmen should be more concerned about keeping the beaches clean since the beaches are theirs, and they must start to think that way, this will help set an example to our visitors to also respect our beaches and dispose of their trash responsibly,” Pérez Briceño concluded. Photos: Agency

Playa’s public sport facilities BY GEMA GARCÍA Every morning, it is a common sight to see people in their sports gear running through Playacar or on the beach and even along Fifth Avenue. As the stores are not opened yet and as a pedestrianized street that has been recently extended, it’s a safe place to start the day with an energizing run. However, Playa del Carmen also has four great sports centers that have facilities for many sports, and are also free! The Poliforum on Avenida Juárez and 110th Ave. in the Ejidal district has professional outdoor and indoor basketball courts, which have been recently remodeled, and a seven-aside soccer field. There are also two regular size soccer fields where they hold local amateur tournaments, two frontenis and three tennis courts; it also has professional 400-meter tartan athletic and cycling tracks. The Poliforum is the most popular sports center in Playa del Carmen and it is open every day from 5 am to 11 pm.

Spectators enjoying the Poliforum indoor basketball court The Mario Villanueva Sports Center is located downtown on 10th Ave. and 34th St.; it boasts basketball and volleyball courts as well as four tennis courts. Currently, its soccer field, which is the official training ground of the local soccer team Interplaya, is currently being remodeled. The local government recently announced that they would be holding an opening soccer match

on completion, so lookout in The Playa Times for more information on the date. The center also has an athletic track and a covered area for aerobics and salsa classes. It is open every day from 6 am to 11 pm. The Riviera Maya Sports Center on Avenida Universidad and 110th Ave. has an olympic sized swimming pool, baseball, soccer, seven-a-side soccer, basket-

The Riviera Maya Sports Center boasts an olympic sized pool ball, volleyball and tennis courts and fields as well as a motocross track. It is also a great place for people and families to go and relax on its large green areas. Its location away from the downtown area allows those living on the outskirts the opportunity to participate in exercise or sports and is open anytime to the public. Finally, the Lázaro Cárdenas Sports Center on 30th Ave. and

76th St. North in the Colosio districts is where sports lovers can play soccer, indoor and outdoor basketball and volleyball. The sports area also has a covered court for combat sports, and there is regular karate or boxing tournaments held here, which are a very popular sport here in Quintana Roo. There is also a large playground, so is also a great place for the family to spend time together outdoors.



March 19-25, 2014



arío Flota Alcocer, the president of the Trust for Promotion of Tourism in the Riviera Maya (FPTRM), said that the number of tourists visiting the Riviera Maya is expected to rise 5% in 2014. That corroborates the recent statistics released by the Ministry of Tourism, which stated that the number of tourists to Mexico has already increased by a staggering 11.8% in the first quarter of 2014 compared to last year’s figures. In 2013, the Riviera Maya received around 4 million tourists and currently Mexico is the most visited country by U.S. cit-

izens according to the U.S. Department of Commerce Office of Travel and Tourism Industry. Likewise Canadian visitors to Mexico also increased by 2%. The FPTRM stated that room occupancy in February rose slightly compared to that of last year and also released specific

figures relating to the occupancy of the different hotel options in Playa del Carmen: 94.4% in Playacar, 91% for all-inclusive hotels, 74.5% for hotels which includes room only, and 75% for small independent hotels or hostels. This totals a hotel occupancy rate of 88.6%, 4% more than

Photos: Agency

Tourism figures on target to rise in 2014 in February 2013. The Trust for Promotion of Tourism in the Riviera Maya attribute these positive figures to the creation in August 2013 of the Cabinet of Tourism, which aims to; coordinate the work of the government institutions connected to tourism, such as the Ministry of Tourism, Foreign Affairs and Economy; make more efficient use of public resources; and strengthen tourism as a fundamental concept for the development of Mexico whilst also incorporating private and social initiatives in to the national tourist industry.

Tourism continues to rise year on year in the Riviera Maya

New buoy systems designating a safe swim zone and 10 lifeguard towers have recently been added to the Playa coastal landscape as part of the initiative to increase beach safety. The new equipment assists the work of the 13 permanent lifeguards that already have the task of protecting beachgoers and will help to promote the safe image of the regions beaches. In an interview with the operations manager of the Department of Civil Protection, Salvador Lucio Arguera, told The Playa Times that this was just the beginning of what’s to come in the run-up to the Easter holidays. Half a dozen more towers are being built along the coastal beach zone, a new training program for the beach protection personnel has already begun, 6 more patrol quad bikes, 660 firstaid kits and 72 sets of rescue equipment will also be provided by the Department of

Photo: cgnoticas.net


Photo: Revistavozdemujer

Safer beaches for Playa del Carmen

The new buoy system safeguards swimmers safety Civil Protection, which will also bring in 4 more permanent lifeguards this week. Arguera commented on the new buoy system saying, “This central beach area is the first to be installed with the new swim line, but we expect that every beach area will have it’s own soon. It will be a huge help to us as it allows us better control of the swimmers and boats that also use this stretch of water”.

The Buoy system is 70 feet from the shore and designates the safe swimming area separating the zones where there is heavier boat traffic. “We have tried to optimize our resources and we have joined our efforts with other local departments in order to guarantee the safety of everyone who visits the beach. Now we just run the risk that tourists will want to stay permanently in Playa del Carmen!” ended Arguera.

More lifeguards are now patrolling the beaches


March 19-25, 2014

Visually impaired Triathlete aims for


Photos: Gema García



he 40 year-old local athlete who decided to use sport as therapy, Marcos Velázquez, is as driven as ever in achieving his goal to participate in the 2014 Edmonton ITU International Paratriathlon, which will take place between August 26 and September 1. The next step for Marcos, in his bid to become the first Mexican blind athlete to participate in an international triathlon event, is competing in the Baja California Paratriathlon on March 22 in La Paz. Together with his wife Andrea, Marcos announced at a local press conference last week that they will be selling T-shirts with motivational messages such as, “I do not try anything, I achieve everything”, which he also wears during sporting events to motivate more disabled people to take part in sports. Velázquez aims to raise enough funds to take him to five triathlons, which each athlete is requested to have under their belt before competing in Edmonton: “My priority now is to get to La Paz because my getting to Edmonton depends on it. That’s why we thought of selling the T-shirts, which are 190 pesos. Those who want to support us can find us on my Facebook page Marcos Velázquez ReHabilitador. Luckily, the response has been very good so far and we have already received orders for our shirts”, said Marco Velázquez. Marcos´ dynamic and energetic wife, Andrea, said


Volunteer your time to the Playa community BY GEMA GARCÍA If you are interested in spending some of your time here as a volunteer, there is a wide variety of choices in Playa del Carmen. The Playa Times has devised a directory that may help you to decide where to apply for a local voluntary job: Women´s Associations Yoliguani helps vulnerable or abandoned pregnant women. You can contact its director, Lety Montaño on (984) 803 9838 or Facebook Yoliguani Albergue. Children’s Associations

40 year-old blind athlete, Marcos Velázquez that they hope to reach their target soon to get Marcos to the Baja California event: “We need around 36,000 pesos just for the trip to La Paz, as Marcos has to go with his guide, so we need transport, lodging and food for two, as well as transportation expenses for an adapted bicycle. So far we have had access to a loan bike at events, but at this stage he really needs his own. I believe his slogan ‘I do not try anything, I achieve everything’. He is committed to reaching his goal and my son and I will do anything to support him”. Marcos Velázquez is a man of great energy, after chatting with him for just a short while is you can feel his spirit and positive attitude. He never thinks of his disability as an obstacle and comfortably jokes about it. With a smile on his face he told the media; “I see myself already at the 2016 Paralympic Games”, and this could become a reality if the local community of Playa del Carmen are behind him, first, at the La Paz Paratriathlon.

Keep Kids in School is a non-profit organization which helps provide school equipment and curriculum for classrooms for local public schools. You can contact them at kkisproject@gmail. com or check out the website www.kkisproject.org and Facebook The KKIS Project. Environmental Associations Expedition Akumal Coral Reef Restoration Project is looking for volunteers, especially divers or biologists, to revive and restore local reefs via coral farming. Contact them via the Facebook page Expedition Akumal or call project leader Jeremy Moore on 984 181 8578. Information is also available through www.hotelakumalcaribe.com Flora, Fauna y Cultura de México (Flora, Fauna and Culture of Mexico) is a national association that promotes projects to protect local animals and plants. Contact them on (984) 871 5244, or via the Facebook page Flora, Fauna y Cultura de México or on sumate@ florafaunaycultura.org La Ceiba is a privately funded public park and garden that holds regular activities related to recycling, culture, ecology, sports and children’s events. Find them on 1st Avenue South and 30th Avenue, contact them on (984) 859 2327 or via the Facebook page Parque La Ceiba. Animal Rescue Associations

Marcos aims to become the first blind Mexican athlete to participate in an international triathlon event

Playa Animal Rescue works very closely with the community to rescue and rehome animals in a purpose built facility in Playa. They are always looking for dog walkers and donations to assist them in their operations. Contact them via Jan at info@playaanimalrescue.org, Facebook Playa Animal Rescue or check out the website www.playaanimalrescue.org

Coco´s Cat Rescue promotes adoption and works closely with other animal charities promoting and financing sterilization programs. For more information call (984) 120 0572 from 8 am to 4 pm, Monday to Friday or info@ cocoscatrescue.org. SOS el Arca takes care of abandoned, abused and stray animals and promotes adoption. Contact its director, Sylvie Goetz, on (984) 132 0583 or Facebook SOS el Arca. Health Services Associations

and drive ambulances, among other services. Find there facilities on Avenue Chemuyil and Avenue Tecnologico in Fraccionamiento Villamar II from 8 am to 6 pm, Monday to Saturday, or Facebook Cruz Roja Playa del Carmen, or call them on (984) 803 5840 “Contagious Smiles” is a team of volunteers that brings joy to hospital patients, especially children, through music and art activities. Contact Cristal Michel Hinojosa via Facebook Sonrisas Contagiosas.

The International Red Cross is the largest health service association in the world. They train volunteers to provide emergency first aid

Do you know of, or lead any association that needs volunteers? Let us know by sending an email to info@theplayatimes.com



March 19-25, 2014

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Mexico by design Photos: Agency




he Central Valleys region of Oaxaca (pronounced Wah-hack-a) in Southern Mexico is the home of the surreal carved figures known as Alebrijes. These are recognizable by their bizarre designs, bright colors and intricately painted patterns. The carvings generally represent fantastical animals or mythical figures such as mermaids, dragons and human-animal chimeras and are predominantly carved from copal wood, found in rainforests throughout the region. It is believed that the animals originated from the delirious hallucinations of a fevered Pedro Linares, who was a paper mache and figurine artist. In 1936, whilst lying in his sickbed, he had visions of creatures within

Alebrijes are brightly colored mythical creatures a forest. He saw a donkey with butterfly wings, a rooster with bullhorns, a lion with an eagle head, and all of them were shouting one word, "Alebrijes". Upon his recovery, he began recreating the creatures he had seen in his visions in cardboard and paper mache, and called them Alebrijes. The word alebrije means ‘imaginary’ or ‘fantasy’, and has no direct English trans-

lation and is thought of a ‘nonsense’ word. One day the famous Mexican artists Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo saw his creations in a gallery in Cuernavaca, and they commissioned him to build more. The figures became instantly popular and soon there were many imitations of his original work. One carver from Oaxaca, Manuel Jiménez, who

carved the figures in local copal wood rather than using paper, pioneered the paper mache to wood adaptation. The craft become a major income generator for the area and with it came severe deforestation of the copal trees. The demand for copal wood increased due to the popularity of these carvings, and the supplies became depleted. However, nowadays many carvers are using wood from sustainable sources. Whilst there is no one way to guarantee that you are buying a genuine Oaxaca Alebrije, there are current movements by some of the artisan carvers to create an official stamp to show the carvings authenticity. With any piece of artwork, price normally reflects the quality and some larger and more complicated pieces created by some of the well-known master carvers have fetched thousands of dollars.


March 19-25, 2014

07 Photos: Agency

6th anniversary of La Ceiba Park, the heart of Playa



a Ceiba Park received more than 1,500 visitors on March 15 who came to celebrate the park’s 6th anniversary. The park is located on 60th Ave. and 1st St. South, and was created by the Flora, Fauna and Culture Association, which is a non-profit organization that works for the preservation of the regions natural and cultural heritage of Mexico. Ley Landeros, director of the project, shared with The Playa Times her experiences at the park: “We are very proud of having been open for six years. In fact, we created the project eight years ago, but it took two years to open its doors. First, the place was just a few sand paths and a small classroom in a vacant lot, but little by little we built a play area and after two years we began organizing cultural and ecological activities”. La Ceiba Park is a public recreation area that hosts leisure and

More than 1,500 visitors came to celebrate the park´s 6th anniversary cultural events in Playa del Carmen, many of them free. The numerous events held there over the years has bought together a large numbers of the local population as well as attracted many visiting tourists. Currently, they hold several environmental programs such as “Green School”, an education program to teach children the importance of recycling; environmental workshops highlighting the need for environmental

protection and the popular “Reciclaton”, which is held every first Friday and third Saturday every month, where recyclable waste such as plastics, glass, oil and domestic appliances are processed at their own recycle center. Ceiba also offers a wide variety of cultural classes such as performing arts, English classes, silkscreen printing and sewing classes and there is also a lecture circle and a street market held on the third Saturday

Some of the partygoers at last week's celebration of every month. Proof of Ceiba Park´s success was the packed 6th anniversary party. Families, friends and everyone who has taken part in the park´s activities over the years arrived to attend a storytelling session, traditional food fair, dance and circus performances and a Mayan traditional blessing. Ceiba Park is truly a unique place in Playa del Carmen where the various environmental aware-

ness activities have had a great impact on the local community: “We always try to improve parent’s, children’s and young people´s environmental and cultural awareness, and we plan to keep doing it for many more years to come”, said Ley Landeros. Those interested in the activities and programs organized by La Ceiba Park can check Facebook Parque La Ceiba or our weekly Playa Times What’s On listings.



March 19-25, 2014

Two Sun Myths You Likely Don’t Know About Photo: Agency


L Headaches

and chiropractic BY DR. RICHARD MCCARTHY Most people know that chiropractors can take care of back pain, but what about the common problem of headaches? More people are turning to the chiropractor for help and chiropractic has had great results with head and neck pain. Chiropractic can help with tension pain, where you experience tightness in your neck and the pain radiates to the head and migraine or sinus headache. The good news is that chiropractic has helped most of the patients that were seen for these three forms of headache. The treatment is usually in the upper neck at the first and second vertebra that supports the skull. The occiput bone (back portion of the skull) can also be adjusted if necessary. After a thorough case history assessment and an examination the chiropractic doctor will be able to provide adjustments to rebalance the area and remove the pressure. The patient may require a series of treatments if the problem is an old one or if the symptoms are severe. There is no use of drugs or surgery and results can be very effective. So enjoy better health with less medication and less pain, give chiropractic care a try.

CHIROPRACTOR for a safe, effective chiropractor DR. RICHARD McCARTHY at THE NEW GYM, Playa del Carmen

Tel.: 984 873 2098

azing on the beautiful white sandy beaches of Playa del Carmen is how millions of people spend their vacations each year. Whether you arrive for Spring Break, to ring in the New Year or to thaw from an insufferable winter, sun protection is a must. Around these parts we average 80°F (26°C) for 240 days of the year. That’s a lot of fun in the sun. It’s also a lot of UV rays. If you’re like most sun worshippers your understanding of sun protection may be slightly skewed. True or False: Dark skin has natural built-in protection from the sun? False. A lot of people believe those with darker skin tones have a better barrier system against the sun’s UV rays. The truth is additional melanin – the natural chemical that gives skin its color -- does not mean additional protection. All people are at risk for premature again, sunburn and general skin damage caused by the sun. True or False: A higher SPF sunscreen means more time in the sun? False. This is an enormous consumer misconception, one that has likely been the cause of several serious sunburns. While no one will dispute playing on Playa’s beaches is the perfect way to spend a day, you should do so while wearing the right sunscreen. Without sun protection, it only takes the skin 20 minutes to react by turning red. Nearly every sunscreen on the market offers approximately five hours of sun protection and it’s that level of protection you need to consider. SPF – sun protection factor – is just that. It’s the factor or level of sun protection you get from your chosen sunscreen product. Folks who use an SPF of 15, for example, are protected from 93 percent of the sun’s UVB rays, while people who resort to an SPF of 50 will have 98 percent of the rays filtered. But there’s more… Not all sunscreens are created equal. While UVB rays cause sunburn, it’s the UVA rays that are responsible for skin cancer and premature aging. This means in order to get complete sun protection or broad spectrum protection, as in protection from both UVB and UVA rays, you’ll want to look for the following ingredients: PABA derivatives, salicylates, and/ or cinnamates (octylmethoxycinnamate and cinoxate) for UVB absorption; benzophenones (such as oxybenzone and sulisobenzone) for shorter-wavelength UVA protection; and avobenzone, ecamsule (MexorylTM), titanium dioxide, or zinc oxide for the remaining UVA spectrum. Due to the delicate eco-system of the Riviera Maya, try choosing a sunblock that is eco-friendly. The Skin Cancer Foundation reminds us that no sunscreen is able to block 100 percent of the sun’s rays, so taking precautions such as enjoying a cold drink under a large umbrella is an excellent way to give your skin a break from the sun.

Don't be fooled into thinking the highest factor gives you more exposure time


March 19-25, 2014

Restaurant review

El Chiltepin Marisquillos



his week we have crossed the tracks a little and ventured away from the restaurants along the gastronomic golden mile of Fifth Street and the sometimes astronomical prices to try something different. This week we went to El Chiltepin Marisquillos, which is on 20th Avenue and 34th Street. The low-key ambience of this place is what makes it an easy option, just a few minutes walk from the hustle and bustle of downtown and a fast and cheap option for a bar-hopping snack or just when you feel like trying something more authentically local, less pretensions and, quite frankly, cheap. The servers are unbelievably quick and the beers are cold. That ticks quite a few people’s boxes, but what I was struck with was the quality and generous portion size in relation to the prices. I ordered the ‘Del Rayos’ fish tacos, which come battered and with some homemade coleslaw and the fish pieces were actually quite disproportionate to the taco, I had to eat two of the three pieces of fish before I could roll my taco. They were moist, cooked to order and the batter was crisp and golden. These were unbelievably good value at $25 MXP each. My second plate (all the fun of being at a taco joint where you can order and be served quickly until you feel

full) was a tuna tostado, and again the generous portions of tuna fillet that was served up on a crunchy fried taco overwhelmed me, especially at $35 MXP. However I did adjust this dish when I ordered it and the server indulged me most graciously. I took out the “salsa Ingles” and asked for it simply with lime, cilantro and red onion, ceviche style. Dare I say it; I think I improved the dish, as I am not a lover on Worcestershire sauce in anything except a Bloody Mary. My confirmed carnivorous dining companion, as usual, ordered the “arrachera” tacos, which is marinated beef with cheese. There were three for $75 MXP. They disappeared rather quickly, accompanied by a cold Pacifico and I was struck by the feeling that I was really in Mexico, enjoying relaxing on the outside terrace and felt oblivious to the high-end feel normally associated with dining out in Playa del Carmen. Fellow diners were an eclectic mix of locals, families and tourists, all of which looked pretty happy to be there. My recommendation is to give this place a try, I will be returning to do a follow up consistency survey, as sometimes I feel you might just be lucky to get a proficient and generous chef working that shift in some regular food joints, however, by the look of the busy tables, this place has a firm foodie following.


El Chiltepin's "arrachera" tacos are pretty good for $75 pesos!



March 19-25, 2014

Art Festival



erforming arts have many forms and an example of this versatility is the Teatro No Verbal, or Non Verbal Theatre Company, which will be performing a free show entitled, “Estación de…” (Station of…), at the Ekinoxio Performing Arts Festival at 5pm on March 20 at Playa del Carmen’s Cultural Center. The company’s director, Alexander Minchenko, told The Playa Times; “’Estacion de…’ is a non verbal show where the characters are jesters. The show’s style is based on clowning techniques and acrobatic performances. The main theme of the show is the loneliness of big cities and how to rediscover the essence of humanity once more. The action happens in a fantasy context but it is also very real at the same time. We use scenes such as a subway or station as a symbol of a journey or of time spent waiting”. Minchenko has directed performances in Russia, Italy, India and the United States. He studied performing arts at the State University of Arts in Moscow and has taught throughout Europe, as well as in Latin America. In 2005, whilst living in Mexico, he founded the Teatro No Verbal company together with four Mexican actors: Gabriel Hernández, Pablo Daniel Di Maria, Sandy Collí Flores, and Karely Muñoz. Since then, Teatro No Verbal has performed four different shows in various states of Mexico and has participated in national and international performing arts festivals like the Festival of Performing Arts organized by the National Fund for Culture and Arts of Mexico (Fonca) and the Festival of the Caribbean in Santa Marta, Colombia. “Estación de…” was presented in

Photos: Teatro No Verbal

Silent theatre at the Ekinoxio

Teatro No Verbal was founded in 2005 by Russian director Alexander Minchenko Cancun’s Maya Museum on March 16 and the Ekinoxio Festival’s performance will be the last of the company’s current season. Minchenko defines it as “a clown show for adults but at the same time for all the family. The presentation is an all-inclusive and all-accessible theatre performance that creates dialogue through an international language, so will appeal to an audience from any culture or country”. The Playa del Carmen Cultural Center is on Avenida Cruz de los Servicios and 115th Ave. next to the Plaza Las Americas commercial center and is easily accessible by either taxi or colectivo. For more information about the company and the Ekinoxio Festival (March 20-22) check out Facebook Ekinoxio Fest and Teatro No Verbal.

“Estacion de…” at the Ekinoxio Performing Arts Festival on March 20




AIDA MUSICAL at 7 pm at Xcaret. Enjoy this great Tim Rice and Elton John´s production on March 19, 20 and 23. For more information and tickets go to www.explayarte.com. REGGAE NIGHT from 5pm to 12pm at Zenzi Beach Club on 10th St. and the beach. Listen to the bands Blend Reggae and On the Reggae-Del la Calle. FASHION WORKSHOP every Wednesday from 6 pm to 8 pm at Le Lotus Rouge Cultural Centre, on 2nd St. and 35th Ave. Create your crazy shoes. 50 pesos material non included. AK LU’UM ECO MARKET every Wednesday from 12pm to 3pm at Ak Lu’um International School, La Selva St. s/n, Colonia Ejido. Organic products, baked goods, gluten-free products and salsas. akluum@gmail.com



EKINOXIO PERFORMING ARTS FESTIVAL from 10 am to 7 pm at the Cultural Center of Playa del Carmen on Avenida Cruz de los Servicios and 115th Ave. For more information contact www. festivalekinoxio.tk. Free entrance. “CONGO” DOCUMENTARY SHOWING at 7pm at El Eden Art Garden on Constituyentes Ave. and 95 Street in Colonia Ejido. Watch documentaries about Africa every Thursday for free. CAPOEIRA LESSONS every Thursday from 6.30 to 8pm and at 2.30pm on Saturday at La Ceiba Park on 1st St. South and 60th Ave. in Colonia Ejidal. Enjoy three free classes by Omar Cardona. CINE CLUB every Thursday at 7pm at the Cultural Center of Playa del Carmen on Avenida Cruz de los Servicios and 115th Ave. Free entrance.



SPRING EQUINOX MAYAN CEREMONY at 11 am at the Cultural Center of Playa del Carmen on Avenida Cruz de los Servicios and 115th Ave. Officiated by Mayan priest Egilio Dzib with Mayan traditional music. EKINOXIO PERFORMING ARTS FESTIVAL from 10 am to 8.30 pm at Caracol Marino Cultural Centre on 80th St, between 10th and 5th. For more information contact www.festivalekinoxio. tk. Free entrance.

March 19-25, 2014

goods, gluten-free products, fresh herbs, organic eggs, handmade products, cosmetics, clothing and much more.



EKINOXIO PERFORMING ARTS FESTIVAL from 10 am to 7.30 pm at La Ceiba Park on 1st St. South and 60th Ave. in Colonia Ejidal. For more information contact www.festivalekinoxio.tk. Free entrance. SPA & WALK DAY from 9am at the new P.A.R. Shelter. Have fun helping dogs become leash trained, balanced and exercised. Contact info@playaanimalrescue.org WRITING AND LITERATURE WORKSHOP every Saturday from 4pm to 6pm at Le Lotus Rouge Cultural Centre, on 2nd St. and 35th Ave. From 5 to 95 years old. 2 hours. $150 MXN.



ARTISTIC MORNINGS every Sunday from 11.30 at Le Lotus Rouge, on 2nd St. and 35th Ave. Enjoy an artistic performance.



FLAMENCO DANCE LESSONS every Monday and Friday from 11am to 12pm at Caracol Marino Cultural Centre. Given by flamenco dancer Brenda Barba. 80th Street, between 10th and 5th. For more information contact centrocaracol@gmail.com. ACTING LESSONS every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 4.30pm to 5.30pm at Caracol Marino Cultural Centre with Hena Moreno. 80th Street, between 10th and 5th. For more information contact centrocaracol@gmail.com.



“KINDNESS SYMBOL” SCULPTURE INAUGURATION at 5.30 pm at the City Hall, Plaza 28 de Julio, on 8th St. and 15th Ave. Sculpture donated by the Russian artist Gregory Pototsky. MEXICAN GOLDEN AGE FILMS showing every Tuesday at 7pm at the Cultural Center of Playa del Carmen on Avenida Cruz de los Servicios and 115th Ave. Free entrance. FLUTE MUSIC WORKSHOP every Friday from 4pm to 6pm and from 6pm to 8pm at Le Lotus Rouge, on 2nd St. and 35th Ave. $250 MXN to cover lessons.

POETRY NIGHT at 8 pm at Le Lotus Rouge Cultural Centre, on 2nd St. and 35th Ave. Bring your printed poem and read it to celebrate the World Poetry Day.

FREE TANGO LESSONS every Tuesday at 8pm at Be Playa Hotel´s roof on 26th St. and 10 Ave. Free tango lessons by Diego and Lucila.

COCOS BEACH FRIDAY ORGANIC MARKET every Friday from 9am to 11am at Condos Alizes, Avenida CTM and 46 St. Homemade bread and baked

PAINTING LESSONS every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10am to 12 am and from 4pm to 6 pm. At Le Lotus Rouge, on 2nd St. and 35th Ave. $100 MXN.




March 19-25, 2014

Akumal Comedy Festival line-up names top international comics I do regularly, but I'm sure I will have to be observant in case I can see anything funny to talk about when I get there! Would you call your stand-up "observational"? I am observational, but also personal, and absurd. So, if you like it weird, and why wouldn't you? I'm your man! Where do you get most of your ideas for material? Some of my material comes from my marriage, and some from my family, and some from the non-stop idiocy machine that is American politics and the 24/7 media machine.

Tim Harmston will be headlining at this year's Akumal Comedy Festival



he 2014 Akumal Comedy Festival, April 29 to May 3, will be raising funds and awareness for the Mexican Red Cross organizations of Playa del Carmen and Tulum. Every member of the Akumal Comedy Festival team donates his or her time freely, allowing 100% of the profits generated by the festival to go directly to helping the Red Cross. In the first of several interviews with some of the Akumal Comedy Festival performers, we kick of with one of the headliners, Tim Harmston. The comedian spoke exclusively to The Playa Times about his comedy life and his upcoming appearance at the festival. Since starting his comedy career in 2002, Tim has appeared on CBS’s Late Show with David Letterman, Comedy Central’s Live at Gotham, the Bob and Tom radio show, and Wisconsin Public Radio. Thanks for agreeing to this interview Tim, are you looking forward to visiting the Riviera Maya? I'm really looking forward to coming down to the Akumal Comedy Festival. It's such a great idea and it benefits the Red Cross this year, so it's even more special to be a part of it. Weird fact about me, I love turtles, always have. We had turtles growing up in Wisconsin and I would always stop traffic and get out to help them cross the street so they wouldn't get run over. I can't wait to see their

bigger sea faring cousins for the first time. I am thrilled to be apart of such a great line up of comics this year. Akumal is going to be laughing a lot, I can tell you that much! Where did you grow up? I grew up in Menomonie, Wisconsin (northwestern part of the state) currently my wife and I live in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Have you ever performed outside the US before? I've only performed in the U.S. and Canada, which is much like

Minnesota, where I live now; similar accent, similar non-spicy food. That's why I am excited to go to Mexico, because I can ask for hot peppers without people looking at me funny. Will you be adapting your routine for the audience here in The Riviera Maya? I don't think I will adapt my material for the Akumal Festival. I want the comedy fans to see what

Do people assume you are always performing, do you feel under pressure to always be "on", even off the stage? I think most comics are in the "off" mode when they are not onstage. I am very quiet and low energy off stage, I am saving my battery for when it's time to go onstage and make people laugh.

I Wiki'd you and see you are married to comedienne and songwriter Mary Mack, is it laughs all the way at home? Ha! I am married to a comedienne. She's amazing. We laugh a lot at home actually, mostly at my expense. But we do help each other critique our jokes and watch each other’s sets and offer feedback. She is a great writer, and so it's really nice to have her there to help tighten up my jokes. Sometimes I help her write lyrics to her songs, but she prohibits me from singing, EVER. Who is your favorite comedian and what's your favorite joke? Wow, it's so hard to name my favorite comedian because there are so many good ones and I love to watch them all. I would say my favorite stand up comic is Louis CK. He's just worked harder and written better material than anyone else in the last decade in my opinion. My favorite story of his is the one he did on Conan called "Everything is Amazing and Nobody's Happy!" about how we take technology for granted, just Google it!



March 19-25, 2014

Works S e e w h a t pe o ple ha ve t o s a y a b o ut u s

CLIENT TESTIMONIALS I am Dr. Richard McCarthy a new chiropractor in Playa. The Playa Times has been a blessing for me, a in Playa that wants people to know about his location and services. I have advertised with the Playa Tithey are very professional and are producing a high quality, interesting source of information in English. I enjoy reading the articles and am learning a great deal of information about the area directly from the Playa times. Regular adds will that advertise!” Dr.Richard McCarthy President of the CONICAL HEALTH TECHNOLOGIES INC. Clinic

Restaurante Patanegra opened just a few weeks before appearing as The Playa Times´ “Chef of the Week”, and that week we noticed that our customers increacame to the restaurant with the newspaper or asking for me! The positive thing about the “Chef of the Week” article is that those were high-income customers, but what is really important is that they came back again and recommended our restaurant to their friends. The increase of customers also meant a challenge for the restaurant´s team; it motivated and helped us to improve our service, the decoration and the wine menu! This kind of article is highly recommendable for new businesses!” Xavi Orea Chef of Restaurante Patanegra

Advertising Sales



Sale 13.45


Sale 12.25

POUND Buy 21.50

Sale 22.11

EURO Buy 18.05

Sale 18.56

YEN Buy 0.12

Sale 0.1318

REAL Buy 5.54

Sale 5.70


Sale 1.71


Sale 15.25

* March 18 * Source Banco de México * Flags courtesy www.redpixart.com



March 19-25, 2014



FEBRUARY 19THMARCH 20TH Don't let others goad you into overdoing it. You know your capabilities and should respect your limits. Romance and leisure may bring opportunities for social events and dreamy date nights.


Language Review: Basic Numbers 1 – uno

11 – once

2 – dos

12 – doce

ning can't set to rights. Though you may encounter resis-

3 – tres

13 – trece

tance from a friend, discussion could enhance the chance

4 – cuatro

14 – catorce

5 – cinco

15 – quince


6 – seis

16 – dieciseis


7 – siete

17 – diecisiete

possible to get a fix on things. Your best bet might be

8 – ocho

18 – dieciocho

to dream and plan rather than try to accomplish too

9 – nueve

19 - diecinueve

MARCH 21STAPRIL 19TH There's nothing wrong that a little social plan-

of a creative solution.

No matter how hard you try, it may seem im-

much at once.

GEMINI MAY 21THJUNE 21TH This can be an excellent week for work and job

10 - diez 20 – veinte, veintiuno, veintidós…. 30 – treinta, treinta y uno, treinta y dos…

progress - and finances, too! Pursue deals confidently,

40 – cuarenta, cuarenta y uno,

though you'll need to look over the details, as will those

cuarenta y dos

with whom you're doing business.

50 – cincuenta, cincuenta y uno,


cincuenta y dos…


60 – sesenta, sesenta y uno,

The week improves as it progresses. Somewhere in the middle of it all a friendly gesture or delightful op-

sesenta y dos…

portunity could boost your enthusiasm. At times, career

70 – setenta, setenta y uno,

indications aren't the best.

LEO JULY 23RD  AUGUST 22ND It seems that an old issue won't go away, so

setenta y dos… 80 – ochenta, ochenta y uno, ochenta y dos…

you might need to give it time. However, a friend may

90 – noventa, noventa y uno,

come to the rescue with a fresh perspective that could

noventa y dos…

reassure you.

100 – cien, ciento uno

VIRGO AUGUST 23RD  SEPTEMBER 22ND This very sociable and people-oriented week could have several highlights. You might be better off working as part of a team rather than alone; pooling resources will get you further faster.

LIBRA SEPTEMBER 23RD  OCTOBER 22ND You may have more energy for your various plans, but discrimination can help you make even better use of your time. Try to avoid getting roped into other people's projects.

SCORPIO OCTOBER 23RD NOVEMBER 21ST Try to get a handle on boredom and restlessness. If you allow them to distract you, you could spend the upcoming week fretting over what you've left undone.

SAGITTARIUS NOVEMBER 22NDDEC 21ST It might help to practice self-reliance this week. Family, friends, and a partner could be marching to the beat of their own drum and find obligations too onerous.

CAPRICORN DECEMBER 22NDJANUARY 19TH A dynamic transit dares you to take a chance. Assertive action can bring desired results in the financial arena. You may be experimenting with ideas and techniques to find out what works best.

AQUARIUS JANUARY 20THFEBRUARY 18TH A favorable atmosphere for adventure opens important doors. Influences encourage romantic events and creative opportunities, yet possibilities for study and travel are also included in the mix.

Test your Spanish with a word game: These word games will help to build your knowledge of Spanish vocabulary and usage in a fun and entertaining way.

Fish in papillote (Pescado empapelado) Ingredients (4 servings) 4 fish fillets Juice of 3 limes Worcestershire or Maggi seasoning to taste 4 tablespoons butter 1 large green pepper, cut into thin rings ½ white onion, sliced into thin rings 2 tomatoes, thinly sliced 2 jalapeño chilies, cut into thin slices Salt and pepper to taste

Directions Marinate the fish in a non-reactive bowl for 20 minutes in a mixture of the lime juice, seasoning sauce, salt and pepper to taste. Place each fish fillet on a piece of buttered aluminum foil, rub each with softened butter, top with green pepper rings, onion rings, tomato slices and jalapeno slices. Fold foil to seal edges and bake in a 350º oven at 35 minutes to the pound. To serve, turn back edges of foil and accompany with white rice, tortillas, and chipotle mayonnaise.

Recipe supplied by Xoco Restaurant 5th Avenue between 38th and 40th


OFFICE – PART I A power outage in the office has caused your computer to crash. When it is restarted, all of the words on the screen have become mysteriously jumbled. See if you can unscramble the following Spanish words related to computer/office items. The difficulty level ranges from beginner to advanced. The answers will be posted in next week’s edition.

osrteioric SBU apmul umropcotaad erbso pracate odcsi epalp ualp eoonltef Felipe Aguilar is a graduate and former faculty member of the University of Campeche. He has taught Spanish for over 17 years. Contact him at: spanish-lessons-@hotmail.com Tel. 984 133 9538

info@xocolatier.com.mx Tel. 984 803 1750 facebook.com/xocolatier



March 19-25, 2014




Etta, is a young, medium female who was only two months of age when she arrived at the shelter in Aug 2012. She had very bad eye infection upon arrival and was very thin, but quickly healed and gained weight with the care of our vet, staff and volunteers. She is very docile, yet attentive, and loves to be held, and played with! Etta will make the perfect PAR pet for any caring family! If you are interested in Etta or any of the dogs at Playa Animal Rescue please send an email to Pat at

GENERAL FOR SALE SEGUNDA VIDA CONSIGNMENT BOUTIQUE Gently used adult clothing, accessories and more. Economical prices! Come and see us on Calle 10 between Av. 10 & 15, Central Playa. RESTAURANTS



G D tip

XOCOLATIER RESTO. For the best traditional Mexican and American style breaksfasts, eggs Benedict, house specialties, fresh coffee, juices and daily lunch specials. Wines and coctails. Wi Fi and air conditioning. On the corner of the 5th, Ave. and 38th. Free Parking available. RESTAURANT RAFAELA Offering fresh or frozen wheat grass juice, also the safest choice pasteurized eggs with no hormones or antibiotics from Kosher certified vegetarian hens. More info at www.safeeggs.com Located at Paseo Tulum, Plaza Golf Drive, Playacar Phase 2. Phone 803 23 54/984 145 6255

Choosing a Dog Trainer Too many dogs are given up after their normal, easily modifiable behaviors are allowed to become problems. But it doesn't have to be this way. Whether you are intentionally teaching him or not, your canine friend is always learning— and this is true not just for puppies but also for older, adult dogs. If you do not teach your pet your rules, he will invent his own. It's essential that the dog trainer you select uses humane training techniques that encourage appropriate behavior through such positive reinforcement as food, attention, play, or praise. Within group classes, dogs learn to interact with other dogs, accept handling by other


people, and respond to their owners despite distractions. Self-help training, private lessons, and dog-only lessons that exclude the owner do not provide these important advantages. The best age for training and socializing is "puppyhood", however, older dogs can learn new tricks, too. In fact, dogs of all ages can benefit from training. Dogs between 8 and 16 weeks of age should be enrolled in puppy classes. Regular classes are appropriate for dogs 6 months or older.

MEDICAL & DENTAL OFFSHORE HEALTH BENEFITS LTD. Global medical insurance and air ambulance For expatriates throughout Latin America. Access to top-rated hospitals throughoout Mexico, USA, Europe and beyond. 25% discount through The Caribbean Expatriate Medical Group No application or agent fees. Vonage (USA) 512 296 4976 www.offshorehealthbenefits.com BOKANOVA DENTAL CENTRE Cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, orthodontics, oral surgery, endodontics ENGLISH SPOKEN Plaza Paraiso 10th Avenue South, near the entrance to Playacar Playa del Carmen. Telephone 984 803 1043 www.bokanova.mx MD PLAYA MEDICAL Specialists in endocrinology, cardiology, general medicine, psychiatry, orthopedics and trauma, dermatology, gynaecology ,obstetrics and children's medicine.

Plaza Paraiso Caribe. 5th Street between Avenues 10 & 15. For appointments call 984 803 0648. info@ mdplaya.com www.mdplaya.com GENERAL SERVICES ECOMECANICA AUTO REPAIR SHOP 29th Street South Mza 299 Lt. 2 Colonia Ejidal, Playa del Carmen Telephone 984 803 9926 info@ecomecanica.com www.ecomecanica.com VACATION RENTALS, HOTELS & APARTMENTS NORTH AMERICAN STANDARDS PROPERTY SERVICES Management, rentals and sales at their best. Playa del Carmen, Mexico. CALL OR EMAIL US TODAY! 984 873 3548. website: rentals@nasplaya.com OASIS 12 Luxury Boutique Condominiums OPEN HOUSE MON to SAT 11am - 3pm 20th Avenue & 12th Street Telephone 984 111 3164 www.area-international.com CONTACTS & PERSONALS ROTARY CLUB PLAYA DEL CARMEN SEASIDE English speaking weekly meetings at Barro Negro Restaurant 38th Street and Flamingo Street Tuesdays 12.30pm Visitors are welcome, for more information email kwdoug1@yahoo.com NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS English spoken Tuesdays and Fridays 5.30pm. Spanish spoken Monday to Friday 7pm. 35th Avenue and 34th Street, Playa del Carmen info@naplaya.com TRAVEL & TRANSPORT TAXI SERVICES 24 hour service throughout Playa del Carmen and Cancun TELEPHONE: 984 877 3858 / 3859 / 3860

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