Edition 27

Page 1

Weekly · Year 01 · Number 27 · 10,000 copies · 16 Pages


April 2-8 April, 2014



World Health Day Campaign:


!e Cycling Embassy

Originally founded in the Netherlands, Playa del Carmen now boasts its own bicycle embassy


40% of the world's population is at risk from

dengue BY E. FLORES


pril 7 is World Health Organization World Health Day. This year the global organization focuses on the issue of vector borne diseases. According to the WHO, vectors are the organisms that pass pathogens or parasites between infected people or hosts. Vector borne diseases account for 17 percent of the world’s infectious diseases, the most deadly

of which is malaria. Malaria claimed over six million lives in 2012, however the world’s fastest growing vector borne disease is dengue, cases of which have increased 30-fold in the last 50 years. Dengue continues to be a major public health issue in the Americas even though governing states are working on ways to control epidemics. Last year, Mexico reported 230,000 cases of clinical dengue, 18,000 of which were

severe or hemorrhagic resulting in a total of 104 deaths. Dengue is spread mainly by the bite of the female Aedes Aegypti mosquito, which feeds during the day, but are most active two hours before dusk and after dawn. Dengue is most prevalent in urban or semi-urban areas. The local government of Playa del Carmen run various vector borne managements schemes, including house to house visits by Health Department

Vectores inspectors and the Clean, Cover and Throw Away campaign launched at the beginning of the year. The aim of the campaign is to highlight the need to remove any water holding containers, as this is where the mosquito larvae develop. According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, low transmission season begins in March until June and high transmission begins in August until November.

Chef of the Week

Chef Edgar Mena Huerta talked to TPT about his creations at Fishy’s Fish & Co. Beachfront Restaurant-Bar



Comedy Festival

Comedian Paul Hooper comes to Mexico for the Third Annual Akumal Comedy Festival which starts April 29


Get rid of stagnant water from places where mosquito breed

Sleep under an insectidetreated bed net

Use insect repellent

Install windows screens



>Editorial Antarctic Whales Granted a Reprieve By United Nations DIRECTORY


he United Nation’s supreme court, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the Hague, Netherlands, announced on Monday it’s ruling to suspend Japan’s whaling program in Antarctic waters. The court decided that Japan had failed to justify the large number of minke whales killed under its research program, whilst not meeting numbers agreed on for other species such as fin and humpback whales. The ruling also noted that Japan had not considered other options as part of its on-going whale research program such as reducing the size of the program or using non-lethal methods. The Australian government launched the case in 2010, stating that no whales needed to be killed whilst carrying out bona fide population studies. They also claim that Japan is using the research program as a way of evading the 1986 moratorium on commercial whaling imposed by the International Whaling Com-

Omar Tornel

Managing Editor omar@theplayatimes.com

María Morote

Copy Writer maria@theplayatimes.com

Gema García

Chief Reporter gema@theplayatimes.com

Marco Antonio Balcázar sales and Marketing Manager toni@theplayatimes.com

Iliana Ceballos

Art Direction iliana@theplayatimes.com

mission as whale meat from the research program is being sold commercially. It is estimated that Japan has captured and killed over 13,000 whales since the international suspension on for-profit whaling was put in place. In January this year, awareness was raised regarding the methods of hunting and killing of dolphin by Japanese fisherman in the coastal town of Taiji, when US Ambassador of Japan Caroline Kennedy openly criticized the annual hunt made famous by the conservation film The Cove. Although demand is falling, whale meat is considered a delicacy in Japan and is a part of their culture. Japanese Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesman Noriyuki Shikata released a statement after the court’s hearing saying that, “as a state that respects the rule of law and as a responsible member of the global community, Japan will abide by the ruling of the court.”

It is estimated that Japan has captured and killed

Efrén Velázquez

over 13,000 whales since the international suspension

Graphic Design efren@theplayatimes.com


Photos: Agency


Advertising Sales sales@theplayatimes.com

Protesters in Sydney Australia don inflatable whale costumes

CONTACT US AT: info@theplayatimes.com theplayatimes @theplayatimes 984-147 2216

Periódico Semanal. Número de Certificado de Reserva otorgado por el Instituto Nacional de Derechos de Autor: (PENDIENTE). Número de Certificado de Licitud de Título: (en trámite). Número de Certificado de Licitud de Contenido: (en trámite). Domicilio de la publicación: Avenida 15 Sur Mza. 8 Lt. 02 Local 02. Col, Centro, Playa del Carmen, Solidaridad, Quintana Roo C.P. 77710. Imprenta: Extreme Energy, S.A. de C.V. Calle 1a. Sur, Mza. 227, Lote2, Col. Ejidal, Playa del Carmen, Q, Roo. C.P. 77710. Distribuidor: Meridian Media, S.A. de C.V., 15 Ave. and 1 South, Col. Centro, Playa del Carmen, Solidaridad, Quintana Roo, CP 77710.

Photos: Agency


The United Nation's Supreme Court at The Hague ruled against Japan

WEDNESDAY 84° /75° Partly Cloudy 20% chance of rain ESE at 15 mph



84°/76° Partly Cloudy 10% chance of rain ESE at 16 mph

85°/76° Partly Cloudy 10% chance of rain SE at 16 mph

SATURDAY 85°/77° Partly Cloudy 10% chance of rain SE at 14 mph




85°/77° Scattered T-Storms 10% chance of rain SE at 18 mph

86°/76° Partly Cloudy 10% chance of rain SSE at 16 mph

85°/73° Partly Cloudy 30% chance of rain SE at 10 mph

April 2 - 8, 2014



Beyonce will be performing at the 2014 MTV World Stage


he city of Cancun has been selected to host the MTV World Stage 2014 music show; an annual event that attracts internationally known artists. Around 550 million viewers from 176 countries tune in to watch the likes of Beyonce, Linkin Park and Justin Bieber perform. Although the exact date of this world famous event has yet to be confirmed, organizers announced that it will be hosted by Cancun’s Moon Palace Hotel. To accommodate the mega music show, the hotel will add 452,000 square feet of temporary floor space, which will include eight function rooms and a huge outdoor terrace. Based on last year’s figures from the MTV World Stage in Monterrey, the government of Quintana Roo expects a hotel occupancy rate of 95 percent. The event is set to become a huge draw for tourists and residents alike in the Riviera Maya during the summer season. Jesús Almaguer, director of the Visitors and Conventions Office (OVC), said that the television show will last 60 minutes. He added that promotional videos about Cancun will also be televised during the TV transmission as well as during the replays. These videos will present the city of Cancun as a main tourist destination for Mexico and Latin America.

Photos: Agency

Cancun to host 2014 MTV World Stage Event

Awards For Local Green Companies

On March 25, the Federal Office of Environmental Protection (Profepa) held an award ceremony for local environmentally-friendly companies. The National Environment Audit Program has been recognizing Mexican companies for the past 16 years. Awards are given to companies that stand out for their green industrial processes, with special importance given to those businesses related to tourism. Recipients of the green recognition awards were Chetumal Automotore, a car dealership and repair service company; the waste-management company, Promotora Ambiental de

Photos: Agency


Profepa’s certificate program encourages companies to become more efficient and responsible regarding production processes. Ludivina Menchaca, representative of Profeco in Quintana Roo

la Laguna in Cozumel and Solidaridad and the water-management company, Desarrollos Hidráulicos de Cancún. Profepa´s goal is to encourage the development of eco-

friendly national companies. After applying for the certification, companies are evaluated and advised on how to improve their operation. Once they reach all the required standards of

operation, they are then awarded certification. During the awards event Ludivina Menchaca, representative of Profeco in Quintana Roo, said, “Profepa’s certificate program encourages companies to become more efficient and responsible regarding production processes. People are becoming more and more aware of the need to care for the environment, especially in the tourist sector. Many tourists now look for eco-friendly options.” According to Profepa, 682 companies have been awarded certification between 1998 and 2012. However, 1,145 companies have since become cer-

tified, showing a growth rate of 92 percent. This reflects the rising commitment to environmental issues by Mexican companies. The federal certificate is valid for two years, ensuring the continued monitoring of the company’s operations. The event marked the beginning of the promotion of the National Environment Certification Program, aimed to encourage more companies to join the initiative in time for next year’s awards. Over the next 12 months, Profepa will be urging new companies to preserve natural and cultural assets while simultaneously generating jobs and competitiveness.



Photo: Cgnoticias.net



ocal and federal institutions have been hard at work preparing the new swim area for the busy Easter period, which will reach its peak between 13-20 April. The new system is designed to provide better safety for Playa’s bathers with newly designated swim zones. The Civil Protection Office, Federal Maritime Land Zone of Mexico (Zofemat), Tourist Police and the Harbor Master office will be also be providing additional staff for the beach areas to assist with public safety. Yivi Méndez, the coordinator of the local Civil Protection office said that 17 lifeguards, five more than usual, will be monitoring the coastline. He also confirmed that all of the department’s staff will be on duty during this period. Méndez also confirmed that 15 new lifeguard towers will be completed by the time the Easter holidays arrive. Civil Protection patrols and lifeguards are also being supplied with 660 first aid kits and 72 sets of rescue equipment.

Photo: Revistavozdemujer

Playa’s Easter Holiday Safety Program in Place

The new buoy system at Playa Pinatas The new buoy system, which was put into place at the beginning of March along Piñatas beach, has been expanded to include the area that runs along Avenida Constituyentes. The goal is to separate the swimming and boat areas, which will make the coastal beach zone safer as well as easier to oversee. Captain David Antonio Galeana, director of the Harbor Master office, said that over the last few days, they have already

reinforced the coast patrol with four more maritime surveillance officers. He confirmed there will be a total of 25 officers providing security during the Easter holidays. Zofemat and the Red Cross will also join the safety operation at Playa del Carmen’s beaches. Furthermore, the Transit Office and Tourist Police will provide increased staff in both the downtown as well as the main tourist areas of the city.

17 lifeguards will be on duty during the Easter break

BY GEMA GARCÍA On March 22, Air Canada rouge, which is Air Canada’s new leisure airline, began offering daily non-stop flights between Montreal and Cancun. This is in response to the increasing popularity of the Riviera Maya as a destination for Canadians. For this route, the airline is using their 136-passenger Airbus A319. The airbus offers three customer comfort options: rouge, rouge Plus and Premium rouge, whose passengers have priority checkin, complimentary food and drinks as well as the use of complementary iPads. Air Canada is the national Canadian airline. Founded in 1937, it currently offers flights to more than 240 destinations around the world. In Mexico, Air Canada rouge also flies directly to Puerto Vallarta (Jalisco), Los Cabos (Baja California Sur) and Huatulco (Oaxaca). The airline recently

put in operation the remodeled 280-seat Boeing 767-300 ER. Renee Smith-Valade, vice president and manager of the Customer Service Experience Department of Air Canada, explained, “Cancun continues to rate as one of the most popular destinations for a sunny getaway and we’re delighted to offer the only daily nonstop service from Montreal to Cancun this summer season.” Air Canada rouge is the carrier’s new line, offering competitive prices to popular holiday destinations in Europe, Mexico, the Caribbean and the United States. Its four-airplane fleet that began operating July 1, 2013, has increased to 15 aircraft and is expected to reach 33 in the upcoming year. Book with Air Canada Vacations by April 30 for travel between May 1 and October 31, and save $300 per couple to any destination in Mexico or the Caribbean.

Photo: Agency

Air Canada Rouge Launches Direct Flights From Montreal to Cancun

Air Canada rouge 136-passenger Airbus A319

COMMUNITY 05 Photos: Dirección de Cultura de Solidaridad

April 2 - 8, 2014

The Cycling Embassy in Local rock bands at the First Rock Fair of Playa del Carmen



he Cycling Embassy has chosen cosmopolitan Playa del Carmen as its venue in Mexico. The association, originally founded in the Netherlands, is a network of private and public companies working together with local authorities to promote cycling. Iván Orozco, the president of the Cycling Embassy of Playa del Carmen talked to The Playa Times about this interesting project. “This initiative is the first of its kind in Mexico but it exists already in other countries of the world like Denmark or Great Britain. We decided to start it up one year ago and we focus our work in organizing activities which promote the use of the bicycle together with other associations and the authorities of the municipality of Solidaridad,” said Orozco. Currently, local Cycling Embassy´s most ambitious project is to take a census of every bicycle of Solidaridad marking them with each owner´s initials in order to avoid thefts and increase the

possibility of recovering them once they have been stolen. Orozco said that they know they have several years of work ahead but it will worth it, he assures. The association offers some services to bikers such as maintenance, adjustment and a bicycle mechanic which are completely free unless some piece replacement is needed. They are also inviting local stores to join their initiative Free Bike which will provide bikers a place to park their bicycle, water, a bathroom and a rest area for free. 10 establishments have already joined it. Those interested in becoming part of Free Bike project must enter the Facebook page Playa Bicicletero which is updated daily. The Cycling Embassy members often organize open workshops for the citizenship in general. One of them is the Antitheft Workshop where they teach the attendants to recognize a stolen bicycle although if it has been repainted or modified. The Transit Office of Solidaridad also collaborate with the association in the Road-Safety Education Workshop where the officers teach local regulations for bikers. The information about the workshops is also available on the Facebook page Playa Bicicletero or at the Cycling Embassy of Playa del Carmen´s offices on Avenida Constituyentes and 75th St. in colonia Ejidal from 8

Photo: Facebook Iván Orozco

Playa del Carmen

First Rock Fair

of Playa del Carmen

a Huge Success


This initiative is the first of its kind in Mexico but it exists already in other countries of the world like Denmark or Great Britain.” Iván Orozco, the president of the Cycling Embassy of Playa del Carmen

a.m. to 10 p.m. The facilities count on some departments available for free for those bikers that travel through and stay in Playa del Carmen for a few days to rest or who need to fix their bikes. Orozco ended up by inviting every bike owner in Playa del Carmen to come by to the Cycling Embassy´s offices to register their bikes for free, “the more people come, the more the association will progress. It is a very interesting project for such a cycling city as Playa del Carmen”. It should be mentioned that the association depends on cycling brands sponsors and on donations.

More than one thousand rock music fans of all ages attended the first Tianguis del Rock (Rock Fair), which was held on March 29 at the town’s Cultural Center. Due to its success, the Culture Department of Solidaridad now plans to host the rock festival every three months. This will provide residents and visitors alike with a place to hear rock bands from Quintana Roo as well as buy and sell rock-themed articles. The event kicked off at 5 p.m.,opening with the Cancun and Playa del Carmen bands Vampiro, Rock Metal and Cosmopolis. El Portal, a band formed by the Rock Fair organizers, was next on the line-up and was followed by other local bands that included Malix Cats, a band known for their mix of rock and Mexican music. The popular El Jardín del Hospital (The Hospital’s Garden), kept rock fans dancing when finally, Chicos Playenses (Boys from Playa), brought the festival to a close with it’s unique fusion of rock and jazz. The concert ended at 10 p.m. The tianguis, the SpanishMexican word used for street markets, was located in an outdoor area near the auditorium of the Cultural Center. Resident rock lovers joined in the event to listen to the mu-

The Playa Rock Fair and market sic as well as exchange, buy and sell items related to rock music. At the tianguis, festivalgoers could find items such as T-shirts, vinyl records, CDs, musical instruments, and jewelry. Leonardo Morante and Miguel Aguilar, organizers of the Rock Fair, acknowledged the support they received from local authorities and sponsors. Organizers highlighted the importance of giving the local youth a place where they can go, hang out and enjoy music for free. Morante and Aguilar also wanted to thank the public for their support. They invite everyone to join the next rock fair, which will be held in three months time. For more information on the next Tianguis del Rock, check out their Facebook page Dirección de Cultura de Solidaridad.



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07 Photos: Agency

April 2 - 8, 2014

Brand Quintana Roo Is Launched BY GEMA GARCÍA


wo months after launching the brand certification Made in Quintana Roo (Hecho en Quintana Roo in Spanish), the government of Quintana Roo announced that products produced by the company are now for sale at local Wal-Mart Stores Inc. The agreement between the American company and the state of Quintana Roo seeks to promote locally made products nationally. Among the products with the new Made in Quintana Roo brand name are organic chewing gum, chocolates, cigars, honey, and handicrafts, all of which are guaranteed hand-made, and even locally caught fresh fish. Some of the products are also coming from Mayan communities that have been producing their crafts for generations. The support of lo-

cal buyers will determine if the items continue on the market. According to a press release by the state government, the brand will contribute to local products made by micro, small and medium enterprises. In order to sell these local products under the new brand, authorities require the company to reach a quality standard as well as stable production volumes. There are currently 50 companies whose products are certified with the brand Made in Quintana Roo. According to Javier Díaz Carvajal, director of the Economic Development Department of Quintana Roo,

Locally hand-made honey being produced

the aim is to market them in Quintana Roo then throughout the Southeast area of the country and finally, in the rest of the country if there is enough demand. At present the certified products are being sold at

six Walmart stores. The director of the Economic Development Department said that the brand has already progressed remarkably since it was created in January. They expect that a positive response by buyers will encourage future business alliances with other local companies.

Company owners interested in becoming part of the brand can find all the information, requirements and application forms on http://sede.qroo.gob.mx/portal/ General/marcaHechoEnQuintanaRoo.php. More information can be obtained by contacting hechoenqroo@qroo.gob.mx or (983) 832 1740/ (983) 832 2708 ext. 221

Photos: Agency

Cozumel Seeks UNESCO World Heritage Site Status BY GEMA GARCÍA

The San Gervasio ruins of Cozumel

The mayor of Cozumel, Fredy Marrufo, announced that the government of the municipality is asking UNESCO to consider the island a World Heritage Site. During the press release, the mayor highlighted the importance of Cozumel especially among Mayan woman. Cozumel was the sacred island of Ixchel, the goddess of fertility. It is also home to the most popular temple dedicated to that deity. Supporting government documents which will be sent to UNESCO show that Cozumel is an island of privilege where the Mayan civilization began. Besides its ruins, the

island has unique archaeological elements like sacbes (from sac “white” and be “road”) which were the paths that connected the temples to settlements. Together, these elements combined with the strategic location of the island made Cozumel a key center for pilgrims and commerce. Mayan history tells the story of how each year, men and women would make their way to the island of Cozumel to worship Ixchel in an attempt to conceive. They also made the pilgrimage in the hope of being blessed with a good harvest. This tradition continues each May through the Travesía Maya or Mayan Journey, where teams of oarsmen wearing traditional costume row a Mayan canoe to Cozumel from the mainland. This year the Mayan Journey event will be held May 22-24. The main aim of UNESCO’s World Heritage listings is to preserve natural, archaeological and urban locations that are important historical or cultural sites. Since 1972, 981 locations have been catalogued on the list. Mexico has the largest number of World Heritage Sites in the Americas and is placed

sixth in the world, with 27 cultural and five natural sites. Under certain conditions, the institution may grant economical support to places that are in need of preservation. Mayor Marrufo noted that being granted the status may help promote sustainable tourism projects, archaeological sites and local gastronomy as well as preservation initiatives involving natural areas such as the National Marine Park of Cozumel. The project will also include information about the most popular celebration on the island: El Cedral’s Fair. For 160 years, this small village located on the south of Cozumel has held a festival worshipping the Sacred Cross of Sabán. Aside from the religious celebration, interesting traditional music, dance shows, cuisine and handicraft exhibitions attract thousands of tourists every May. The Cozumel government is currently preparing its application to UNESCO. Last year, the Biosphere Reserve of El Pinacate and the Great Desert of Altar in Sonora (Mexico) were designated as World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. The new site locations are made public every July.



Anti-Aging Products: Niacinamide: Derived from niacin, niacinamide helps reduce skin water loss, which in turn, may help improve the skin’s elasticity.


A Chiropractic

myths BY DR. RICHARD MCCARTHY Having been a chiropractor for many years in the U.S., Canada and here in Playa del Carmen, there are several myths that stand out when you ask a patient why they waited so long to seek our treatment. Here are a few: Treatments are painful: People fear our treatments because they believe they will hurt. The truth is that even when we work on very sensitive areas, it can be done with little or no pain. This is because the years of training and art of chiropractic gives us the tools to work in a painless manner. Treatments are dangerous: Many of the recorded injuries from spinal manipulation were not done by chiropractors. Unqualified therapists account for most injuries subsequent to manipulation. These people do not have the proper training to provide safe manipulative care. Chiropractors adjust millions of people each week all over the world. Statistically chiropractors are safer than all other health related professions. Treatments are ineffective: The fact is that a regular chiropractor will obtain a 90% improvement on the cases he treats. This has been my experience. The major reason why people don't obtain results is that they only have one or two treatments, which is often insufficient to treat a problem. Don’t expect instant miracles. There are many other myths that I could mention, but the bottom line is that for back problems and many joint problems, chiropractic should be your first choice. Don't let myths influence you. Make your own deduction after experiencing real Chiropractic Care!!

CHIROPRACTOR for a safe, effective chiropractor DR. RICHARD McCARTHY at THE NEW GYM, Playa del Carmen

Tel.: 984 873 2098

lthough aging is a natural experience, many men and women battle the process using any beauty intervention they can. Determined to keep their bodies as youthful as possible for as long as possible, many modern consumers gravitate toward antiaging products. While it has become the norm to attempt to turn back the clock with a little pharmaceutical help, the lingering question remains: do these products actually work? You may be surprised to learn that some non-prescription anti-wrinkle creams do deliver their fair share of anti-aging benefits. Before you go head-to-head with Mother Nature, however, it’s important to keep in mind that the less-invasive over-thecounter options will provide moderate benefits at best. Whether a product “works” or not also depends on what you’re hoping for. When searching for your next bout of age-erasing cream, there are some key ingredients that have shown promise on all genders, ethnicities and ages.

Coenzyne Q10: Has shown some potential to help with fine wrinkles around the eyes as well with sun damage.

Mexican Mother of Pearl can lighten the skin in areas where sun spots have developed Retinal or Tretinion: This vitamin A compound is an effective antioxidant. It is most commonly used in creams designed to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Retinal has proven effective in reducing fine lines by thickening the epidermal. Tea extracts: Green tea extract is the more commonly chosen tea due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory proper-

ties. While tea extracts in antiwrinkle creams rarely show any improvement from ultraviolet radiation damage, they do show significant improvements in the elasticity of the skin. Acids: Hydroxy acids work well as exfoliates, which can help promote new skin growth. Look for products that contain poly hydroxy, beta hydroxy or alpha hydroxy acids.

Concha: Also referred to as Mother of Pearl, concha products are Mexico-made creams. Derived mostly from the northern state of Veracruz, concha, which is shell in Spanish, is a product made of ground pearl shells. This natural ingredient is extremely effective for lightening the skin in areas where dark sun spots have developed. Concha Nacar can also be found in a face-cleansing formula. When it comes to determining the effectiveness of any anti-aging products, researchers point out that there is no connection between the price of a product and its effectiveness. They also stress that multi-ingredients products have not shown to be more beneficial than products with only one active ingredient.

Dealing With Arthritis While Vacationing BY MARLO HERESCO Often considered an older person’s condition, arthritis is a disease that can affect anyone. From young children to teens, active adults to the elderly, the aches and pains associated with arthritis are felt by millions around the world. Arthritis is a condition that affects the musculoskeletal system, specifically the joints. People who have trouble moving around or experience stiffness in their body may be suffering arthritis; however, most people who live with arthritis also experience joint pain and swelling. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that by 2030, 67 percent of the American population will have some form of doctor-diagnosed arthritis. The word arthritis is in factuality, an umbrella term that covers the near 100 medical rheumatic diseases doctors frequently diagnose. The

most common form of the disease is osteoarthritis, where the cartilage loses its elasticity and eventually wears away. The erosion of the cartilage, which is from normal wear and tear, results in rubbing bones and extreme stiffness. Another common form is the autoimmune disorder Rheumatoid arthritis, a form of the disease that is more common in women than men, but can affect anyone, young or old. This is the inflammatory form of the disease where the synovial membrane is attacked, resulting in pain and swelling. If left untreated, this form of arthritis can lead to deformity. For many years, arthritis sufferers have joined in the debate about whether or not weather has a direct relation to their rheumatic pain. Elaine Husni, MD at Cleveland Clinic Orthopaedic & Rheumatologic Institute explains, “Some people believe that when you drop the barometric pressure, your air pressure, that sometimes

your tissues can swell. When your tissues swell in an already inflamed joint, sometimes that can push against muscles and nerves in the area and make it appear more painful.” She adds that the weather itself does not cause arthritis to worsen, but instead, may alter your symptoms for that day. What can people do then, when they’re on holidays or taking a long beach vacation and suddenly find themselves dealing with joint pain? Exercise. Mayo Clinic staff say that regular exercise is an effective way to keep your joints flexible, and that one of the best exercises arthritis sufferers can do is swimming. The buoyancy from water aerobics or swimming helps to reduce the amount of stress on your weight-bearing joints. This of course, will reduce the pain and allow you to get your joints moving. If you find your arthritis flaring up while you’re holidaying in the Riviera Maya, a great solution is to head to beach and enjoy a day of swimming!

Exercise is an effective way to deal with joint pain

April 2 - 8, 2014


Edgar Mena Huerta Freshy Fish & Co.’s chef

Vibrant, Fun and Fresh: Fishy’s Fish & Co. Beachfront Restaurant-Bar


ERE STEPS AWAY FROM THE HIP MAMITAS BEACH IS WHERE YOU’LL FIND THE QUAINT EATERY, FRESHY FISH & CO. ESTABLISHED IN 2013, THIS COZY RESTAURANT-BAR KNOWS NO BOUNDS WHEN IT COMES TO FUSING INNOVATIVE MENU ITEMS AND THE DAILY CATCH. THE RESTAURANT’S CLOSE PROXIMITY TO LOCAL FISHERMAN GUARANTEE CUSTOMERS ENJOY ONLY FRESH SOURCED SEAFOOD. Freshy’s carefully designed menu creations consist of unique dishes such as Tacos de Machaca de Camarón, Tostadas de Camarón, Chilaquiles con Camarón and Aguachile, their house speciality of steak and shrimp tacos. Freshy Fish & Co. is located on Calle 28 between Avenue Cozumel and Mamitas Beach. They are open daily, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. www.thefreshyfish.com 984 803 1656 This week, The Playa Times spoke to Freshy Fish & Co.’s chef, Edgar Mena Huerta, about his culinary influences. What brought you to Playa? Six years ago, we had the idea to come to Playa del Carmen and open a seafood restaurant. In our mind, we had a simple concept to use unique and innovative recipes that would separate us from other restaurants. We chose a place next to the beach so it would be a perfect place for people to enjoy breakfast or lunch before a sunbath or going home. We also wanted originality in the way of vi-

brant colors for our interior design. To create this environment, we crafted our tables from hand-painted surfboards. Our comfortable basket-type chairs were shipped all the way from Acapulco. What are the essential ingredients you could not live without? Some of the ingredients that are basic to Freshy Fish’s cuisine include salt and pepper to boost the flavor of our produce, however, we also use fine herbs such as dill. Of course, seafood is an essential main dish-ingredient here. What is your signature dish? I would claim my signature dish to be the shrimp tacos served with homemade tomato and cream sauce, black beans and avocado. For a main dish, I would say that our most successful is the dry shrimp noodles with grilled cheese. Both dishes are unique creations that diners will find only at Freshy Fish & Co. Where do you like to eat in Playa? I like eating at a beef restaurant on Fifth Avenue or at a sushi restaurant. What would be your Last Supper meal? My Last Supper meal would be a great bife de chorizo (an Argentinian beef cut) served with bacon wrapped asparagus or a pesto pasta served with a good wine!






ore than 250 dancers and choreographers participated in the sixth RivierJazz International Dance Festival held on March 26-29. The aim was to support and promote different dance styles derived from jazz and also the centers where they are taught. Jazz dance originally refers to dance styles based on African American vernacular dance, however, the modern genre also includes influences from the Caribbean, funk and gospel. The festival was divided into two areas: dance seminars and public shows held at Plaza 28 de Julio. The seminars were held in the mornings at Dance 4 Fun Studio in Playa del Carmen. Teachers Eduardo Ruiz and Quick 28 from Mexico City, María Meneses from Argentina and Balta Monkiki from Los Angeles, California, held master classes for participating dancers. On March 28 and 29, dance companies from Playa del Carmen, Cancun, Merida, Puebla and Toluca performed their routines on the main stage assembled near the City Hall. Dance students had an exclusive closing master class at the Polyforum Sports Center on Avenida Juárez and 110th Ave. in colonia Ejidal, where all teachers invited to the

Isla Mujeres By Normand Guy Arsenault

Cancun’s under a moon As Isla streets fall sound. A woman’s steps are heard Skips, then now scurries Into crowdless night... A cat leaps atop a wall Suddenly resuming prudent prowl. Whilst under rooftops a village sleeps Beneath certain birdless stars. Breezeless palms Soundless sea Seduce us silent As silenced thee.

Normand Guy Arsenault was born and raised in the Canadian mining community of Sudbury, Ontario. Normand first visited Playa del Carmen in the early nineties when it was still a small beach community of sandy streets and dusty lanes. He is looking forward to making Playa his year-round home and will be contributing more of his poetry in the coming weeks.

event participated. According to Aldo Adonai Sánchez, director of RivierJazz, the festival has contributed to the rising popularity of jazz dance in the Southeast of Mexico. The result has been an increase in demand in local dance school classes and workshops at the Cultural Center. Sánchez says the festival continues to become more popular each year, with a continual increase in dance companies participating from throughout Mexico. Those interested in future festivals and events organized by RivierJazz can go the Facebook page RivierJazz Riviera Maya or contact direccion.rivierjazz@ gmail.com. Photo: Fabi VzG's Photography

Photo: Agency

RivierJazz International Dance Festival

Performers at the City Hall

April 2 - 8, 2014



Funnyman Paul Hooper

Headlining Akumal SEVENTH INDEPENDENT LATIN AMERICAN AND SHORT FILM FESTIVAL at 8 p.m. at La Ceiba Park on First St. South and 60th Ave. in Colonia Ejidal. For more information, check their Facebook page El Cine Club. FREE SPANISH LESSONS FOR TWO WEEKS every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for beginners and every Tuesday and Thursday for intermediate students. Classes are from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at Chichen Itza Language School on Fourth St. and 10th Ave. FASHION WORKSHOP every Wednesday from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Le Lotus Rouge Cultural Centre, on Second St. and 35th Ave. Create your crazy shoes. Cost is $50 peso for material. AK LU’UM ECO MARKET every Wednesday from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. at Ak Lu’um International School, La Selva St. s/n, Colonia Ejido. Organic products, baked goods, gluten-free products and salsas. akluum@gmail.com



MALVINAS: THE ISLANDS OF MEMORY PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION OPENING at 6 p.m. at the top floor of the City Hall, Plaza 28 de Julio, on Eighth St. and 15th Ave. Free entrance. WAGGLE WALKS every Thursday at 9 a.m. at the new P.A.R. Shelter. Have fun helping dogs become leash trained, balanced and exercised. Contact info@playaanimalrescue.org CINE CLUB every Thursday at 7 p.m. at the Cultural Center of Playa del Carmen on Avenida Cruz de los Servicios and 115th Ave. Free entrance.



SPELEOLOGICAL CIRCLE OF MAYAB LECTURES at 6 p.m. at the auditorium of the City Hall, Plaza 28 de Julio, on Eighth St. and 15th Ave. The association invites you to celebrate its first anniversary. Free entrance. SEVENTH INDEPENDENT LATIN AMERICAN FILM AND SHORT FILM FESTIVAL at 8 p.m. at La Ceiba Park on First St. South and 60th Ave. in Colonia Ejidal. For more information, visit their Facebook page El Cine Club.

COCOS BEACH ORGANIC MARKET every Friday from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at Condos Alizes, Avenida CTM and 46th St. Homemade bread and baked goods, gluten-free products, fresh herbs, organic eggs, handmade products, cosmetics, clothing and much more.


about germs. I tend to obsess over door locks, hoarding receipts and securing my belongings in hotel rooms. I have a real passion for over analyzing every aspect of my life. I'm self-aware to a fault. As frustrating as it can be, I still find my insecurities and shortcomings amusing. What brought you to comedy and stand-up? I wanted to do it since I was 8 or 9 years old. I was obsessed with comedy albums and shows. Sometime, around 18, I started to give it serious consideration. It still took me four years to get the nerve to try it.

the Facebook page El Cine Club.


SEVENTH INDEPENDENT LATIN AMERICAN FILM AND SHORT FILM FESTIVAL at 8 p.m. at La Ceiba Park on First St. South and 60th Ave. in Colonia Ejidal. For more information, visit their Facebook page El Cine Club. WOMENS CIRCLE. Every Saturday at 11 a.m. at Caracol Marino Cultural Centre. Share your experiences. 80th St. between 10th and Fifth Ave. For more information contact centrocaracol@gmail.com. WRITING AND LITERATURE WORKSHOP every Saturday from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Le Lotus Rouge Cultural Centre, on Second St. and 35th Ave. All ages welcome, from 5 to 95. Classes run two hours. Cost: $150 mxn.



CAPOEIRA AND SAMBA FREE LESSONS from 5 p.m. to 12 p.m. at Zenzi Beach Club on 10th St. and the beach. Listen to bands Samba Zero and Samba Maya Group. ARTISTIC MORNINGS every Sunday at 11.30 a.m. at Le Lotus Rouge, on Second St. and 35th Ave. Enjoy an artistic performance.



FLAMENCO DANCE LESSONS every Monday and Friday from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Caracol Marino Cultural Centre. Lessons provided by flamenco dancer Brenda Barba. 80th Street, between 10th and Fifth. For more information contact centrocaracol@gmail.com. ACTING LESSONS every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 4.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. at Caracol Marino Cultural Centre with Hena Moreno. 80th St. between 10th and Fifth. For more information contact centrocaracol@gmail.com.



PRORECLYCLETON from 8.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Plaza 28 de Julio on Eighth St. and 20th Ave. and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at La Ceiba Park on First St. South and 60th Ave. in Colonia Ejidal. Please bring your recyclables, separated and cleaned.

JOSÉ SOÑADOR Y SU TÚNICA MULTICOLOR MUSICAL (Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Raincoat) at 7 p.m. at the Open Forum of Xcaret Park. For tickets contact Facebook page A Pasión Arte Teatro or call 984 183 3244.

SPANISH CLASSES. Every Friday from 6 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. at Chichen Itza Language School on Fourth St. and 10th Ave. Practice your Spanish

FREE TANGO LESSONS every Tuesday at 8 p.m. on the roof of Be Playa Hotel on 26th St. and 10th Ave. Free tango lessons by Diego and Lucila

Comedian Paul Hooper

BY E. FLORES The Third Annual Akumal Comedy Festival, running April 29 - May 3, promises a talented line-up of both established and rising stars on the national and international comedy scene. This year, all profits from the festival will be donated to the local Red Cross facilities of Playa del Carmen and Tulum. This week, we spoke to Paul Hooper, one the headliners at this year’s festival, about being an only child with OCD and his politically incorrect stand-up. Paul has been featured at the HBO Comedy Festival in Vegas, the Boston Comedy Festival, Michael Moore and Jeff Garlin’s Traverse City Comedy Arts Festival, the Vancouver Comedy Fest and was a finalist in the 30th Annual Seattle International Comedy Competition. Thanks for agreeing to this interview Paul. Have you visited Mexico before? If not, what are you expecting? I’ve never been to Mexico. Looking forward to every part of it. I’m always excited to explore a new place. Solid shows, beautiful location all while raising money for the Red Cross. Looks to be an amazing experience. Where are you from in the US? I’m originally from Charlotte, North Carolina, but I've been living in NYC for the last three years. Your bio says that you were an “only child with OCD.” That doesn't sound like a fun childhood, but was your room tidy? I had a great childhood, but was an anxious kid. The adulthood portion of my life has been a bit more challenging. I'm not really into the traditional OCD. I'm not extremely neat or overly concerned

Do you have a particular comedic style? Your bio says “irreverent, cutting and politically incorrect.” Is that a fair synopsis? I don’t think I say anything that’s provocative, but people use those words to describe it. I’m honest about my feelings and the stories I tell. If that crosses into irreverent then so be it. All I’m concerned about is being original, genuine and funny. What has been your most triumphant moment in your comedy career? Don’t know if I can pinpoint one moment. Making a living at comedy for the last decade has been the most satisfying part of the whole ride thus far. Who (or what) makes you laugh, and why? Phil Hendrie makes me laugh really hard. He has a podcast that I listen to almost every day. It’s a genius show. I recommend him to everyone. Where is the next place you’ll be performing after the ACF? Back to NYC for a week then off to Colorado Springs May 15-17. Photo: Akumal Comedy Festival


Comedy Festival Photos: Paul Hooper


conversational skills for free with others students.




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April 2 - 8, 2014



Tutti Party Adds Fun to Fiestas ver, to organizing wedding celebrations and themed children’s parties. Sometimes, people from other countries ask us to merge their own traditions with Mexican traditions, which has made us experts at these types of fusions. We carefully select our items, most of which are imported, and have the same quality as you may find at home.


utti Party has been putting the fiesta into Playa del Carmen (and Riviera Maya) parties since 2012. They offer a wide range of unique party items, themed events and first class services including specialized cakes and other desserts, as well as “anywhere in Mexico” delivery. Located along the highway by Plaza Chacah (in front of Sam’s Club) in Playa del Carmen, the store is open Monday to Friday, from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m and Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tutti Party is available 365 days of the year to organize and decorate any celebration you have in mind. What inspired you to open a party supply business? One day I realized that in Playa del Carmen, we did not have a onestop place that provided everything necessary for special celebrations like good quality party items, as well as first class services. So I trained as an event planner and started the Tutti Party store, which has become my passion. I love to organize special events and children’s parties. I like decorating spaces and really enjoy seeing people’s faces when we deliver balloons to their homes. We are truly motivated from the satisfaction of our customers. This is where we get our drive to strive to improve our services and product line. Currently, what is your most popular item? I use to say that there cannot be a party without balloons! The most popular items Tutti Party provides are undeniably balloons and decorations. We use these items to create arches, columns, staging and bouquets. The items for themed parties like wigs, glasses, illuminated objects, necklaces and hand-made piñatas, are also very popular. We customize items in order to adapt to our customers’ requirements. We have a

graphic design department for invitations and labels. If something does not exist or if something does not fit our customer’s needs, we will make it. We can also create cakes, desserts, food, tables, chairs, trampolines, clowns, magicians and entertainers. What was the most unusual event you’ve outfitted? Since we provide a lot of services to the hotels, we are constantly adapting, not only to the the uniqueness of each client, but also to their demanding requirements -- and kids are our most demanding customers. We are most accustomed, howe-

What are your most popular requests? Our most popular requests include pirates, ‘70s and ‘80s themes, neon and Disney and Marvel themes. Tutti Party store is constantly being filled with party kits. We always have products to supply the hotels and tourist centers for their entertainment events, weddings and conventions. Most of our customers look for originality, so we keep an eye out for new products and ideas. This way, each party will satisfy our customer’s needs. Does Tutti Party deliver? Delivery is a service that characterizes Tutti Party. We deliver balloons and presents to various areas of Playa del Carmen, Puerto Morelos, Cancun, Tulum, Akumal, Puerto Aventuras and the Riviera Maya in general. Surprise balloons are our specialty. Our customers do not even need to come to the store to order them. We give them a bank account number by email or phone so they can pay by transfer and give us the details to deliver the surprise wherever, and whenever they want. We provide delivery everywhere in Mexico. Providing a comprehensive and satisfying service is the most important thing for Tutti Party!

CLIENT TESTIMONIALS North American Standards has been doing business in Playa del Carmen for more than 6 years after more than 40 years of property management experience in the US. We started advertising with The Playa Times in their very first issue because their rates are very reasonable compared to other types of local advertising. The Playa Times delivers the news to our target market and we have experienced very good results. Advertising in The Playa Times has been one of our best marketing investments and we have enjoyed working with their staff. Allan Lockhart & Matthew Weatherbee Owners of North American Standards Property Management, Rentals and Sales

We invited The Playa Times to come and have a meal with us and write a review; luckily they accepted and visited us in February. We were newly opened and I wanted to let people know we were here. Doubly lucky, they wrote us a great review! Within two days it was incredible, we had an amazing response with many people coming to eat telling us they had read the review. AND they still come as many of them turned into repeat clients, especially people from Canada who have become regulars. They love our steaks! I highly recommend using The Playa Times. We will be launching our next advertising campaign with them, as we KNOW it works! Emilio and Ruth Alvárez Owners of Chicago Beef Restaurant

Advertising Sales sales@theplayatimes.com





MARCH 21STAPRIL 19TH Among any problems that surface could be a home-versus-work dilemma, but knowing what to do about this could elude you. Perhaps you feel pulled in a number of directions causing you to question your priorities.

TAURUS APRIL 20THMAY 20TH It can be hard to stick to a peaceful agenda when disruptions keep popping up, especially if you have a full to-do list anyway. Conversations may hold the key to your problem over the coming days.

GEMINI MAY 21THJUNE 21TH Conversations can be the catalyst for positive progress, especially if you feel moved to share ideas. A decision may be required, encouraging you to research your options.

CANCER JUNE 22ND JULY 22ND The desire to explore new options, travel, study, and experience other countries and cultures could lead you to interesting territory. You might find you're eager to read.

LEO JULY 23RD  AUGUST 22ND There's a lot of energy in the air and it might feel like turmoil part of the time. Perhaps your self-confidence is being challenged too. It could pave the way for exciting and exhilarating options.

VIRGO AUGUST 23RD  SEPTEMBER 22ND Your zone of shared assets is in focus rather dramatically, which suggests you might be on the verge of taking a financial risk. A spontaneous decision could cause a U-turn.


wwww Language Review: Numbers – Advanced

Tortas de Camarón

100 – cien 200 – doscientos 300 – trescientos 400 – cuatrocientos 500 – quinientos 600 – seiscientos 700 – setecientos 800 – ochocientos 900 – novecientos 1000 - mil 2000 – dos mil,tres mil.. 10,000 – diez mil 20,000 – veinte mil, treinta mil… 100,000 – cien mil, dos cientos mil…. 250 000 – cuarto de millón 1,000,000 – un millón 2,000,000 – dos millones, tres millones 1,000,000,000 – un billón 2,000,000,000 – dos billones, tres billones 1,000,000,000,000 –un trillón 2,000,000,000,000 – dos trillones, tres trillones 1,000,000,000,000,000 – un cuatrillón, dos cuatrillones

Ingredients (6 servings)

Whisk eggs and shrimp powder together in a bowl.

2 dried ancho chilies, stemmed and seeded 6 eggs, beaten ¼ cup shrimp powder 1 cup vegetable oil for frying ½ white onion, coarsely chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 cup water, or more as needed 1 ½ chicken bouillon cubes 16 ounce jar nopales (cactus) ½ cup chopped fresh cilantro

Heat oil in a skillet over medium heat; pour egg mixture into small 2-inch circles in the hot oil. Fry until golden brown, about 3 minutes per side. Transfer to a plate. Repeat with remaining egg mixture.

Directions Soak ancho chilies in a bowl of warm water until tender, about 20 minutes. Drain.

Blend ancho chilies, onion, garlic, and water in a blender until smooth. Add more water if needed to make a soup consistency. Pour chile mixture into a pot over medium heat; add chicken bouillon and egg patties. Cook and stir until bouillon is dissolved, about 5 minutes. Add nopales, reduce heat to low and cook until soup is heated through, about 5 minutes. Garnish with cilantro.

Recipe supplied by Xoco Restaurant 5th Avenue between 38th and 40th

info@xocolatier.com.mx Tel. 984 803 1750 facebook.com/xocolatier

SEPTEMBER 23RD  OCTOBER 22ND Romantic opportunities show up. You could be at your flirtatious best, especially later when an instant attraction registers on your radar. This is a good time to experiment with dating options.

SCORPIO OCTOBER 23RD NOVEMBER 21ST Chances are good you're not too eager to spend time with a whole lot of people, particularly if trust is an issue. However, there are aspects this week that have a lovely romantic vibration.

SAGITTARIUS NOVEMBER 22NDDEC 21ST Keeping plans flexible can allow you to adapt to unexpected disruptions. A change that's foisted upon you could turn out to be beneficial. Communications could go awry concerning family members.

CAPRICORN DECEMBER 22NDJANUARY 19TH Personal relationships can get complicated. Try to give others space, but not to the point that you break the lines of communication. It helps to keep talking while being aware of other people's limits.

AQUARIUS JANUARY 20THFEBRUARY 18TH Catch up on obligations and finalize deadlines. You might have a chance to close a lucrative deal if you're willing to study the terms in detail. Though some of your conversations could be a little confrontational.

PISCES FEBRUARY 19THMARCH 20TH Romantic relationships could get a boost in depth and intensity. If single, you could meet someone who won't take no for an answer. Regardless, it might be easier to give in and enjoy the experience.

Test your Spanish with a word game: These word games will help to build your knowledge of Spanish vocabulary and usage in a fun and entertaining way.


OFFICE – PART III A power outage in the office has caused the computer to crash. When it is restarted, all of the words on the screen have become mysteriously jumbled. See if you can unscramble the following Spanish words related to computer/officeterminology. The difficulty level ranges from beginner to advanced. The answers will be posted in the following edition. rieetnnt aslli serppaoplaet rocma rroebil naagde zrrniaóp aadogparr

Anwers to office - Part II Tijeras, cable, archivo, pantalla lápiz, Impresora, goma, calenadario About the author: Felipe Aguilar is a graduate and former faculty member of the University of Campeche. He has taught Spanish for over 17 years. You may contact him at: spanishlessons-@hotmail.com Tel. 984 133 9538z


April 2 - 8, 2014



Etta was born about June 2012. Etta, is a young, medium female who was only two months of age when she arrived at the shelter in Aug 2012. She had very bad eye infection upon arrival and was very thin, but quickly healed and gained weight with the care of our vet, staff and volunteers. She is very docile, yet attentive, and loves to be held, and played with! Etta will make the perfect PAR pet for any caring family! If you are interested in Etta or any of the dogs at Playa Animal Rescue please send an email to Pat at info@ playaanimalrescue.org "If you would like to adopt me or any of my pound pals please contact info@playaanimalrescue.com"



Classifieds RESTAURANTS XOCOLATIER RESTO. For the best traditional Mexican and American style breaksfasts, eggs Benedict, house specialties, fresh coffee, juices and daily lunch specials. Wines and coctails. Wi Fi and air conditioning. On the corner of the 5th, Ave. and 38th. Free Parking available. RESTAURANTE PATANEGRA. Delicious homemade Spanish food. Try the best tapas, paellas, cold cuts and more. Fine selection of Spanish red and white wines. On 26th St. between Avenues 10 and 15. 984 877 0701. Facebook Restaurante Patanegra. RESTAURANT RAFAELA Offering fresh or frozen wheat grass juice, also the safest choice pasteurized eggs with no hormones or antibiotics from Kosher certified vegetarian hens. More info at www.safeeggs.com Located at Paseo Tulum, Plaza Golf Drive, Playacar Phase 2. Phone 803 23 54/984 145 6255 MEDICAL & DENTAL OFFSHORE HEALTH BENEFITS LTD. Global medical insurance and air ambulance For expatriates throughout Latin America. Access to top-rated hospitals throughoout Mexico, USA, Europe and beyond. 25% discount through The Caribbean Expatriate Medical Group No application or agent fees. Vonage (USA) 512 296 4976 www.offshorehealthbenefits.com BOKANOVA DENTAL CENTRE Cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, orthodontics, oral surgery, endodontics ENGLISH SPOKEN Plaza Paraiso 10th Avenue South, near the entrance to Playacar Playa del Carmen. Telephone 984 803 1043 www.bokanova.mx MD PLAYA MEDICAL Specialists in endocrinology, cardiology, general medicine, psychiatry, orthopedics and trauma, dermatology, gynaecology ,obstetrics and children's medicine.

Plaza Paraiso Caribe. 5th Street between Avenues 10 & 15. For appointments call 984 803 0648. info@mdplaya.com www.mdplaya.com GENERAL SERVICES ECOMECANICA AUTO REPAIR SHOP 29th Street South Mza 299 Lt. 2 Colonia Ejidal, Playa del Carmen Telephone 984 803 9926 info@ecomecanica.com www.ecomecanica.com VACATION RENTALS, HOTELS & APARTMENTS NORTH AMERICAN STANDARDS PROPERTY SERVICES Management, rentals and sales at their best. Playa del Carmen, Mexico. CALL OR EMAIL US TODAY! 984 873 3548. website: rentals@nasplaya.com OASIS 12 Luxury Boutique Condominiums OPEN HOUSE MON to SAT 11am - 3pm 20th Avenue & 12th Street Telephone 984 111 3164 www.area-international.com CONTACTS & PERSONALS ROTARY CLUB PLAYA DEL CARMEN SEASIDE English speaking weekly meetings at Barro Negro Restaurant 38th Street and Flamingo Street Tuesdays 12.30pm Visitors are welcome, for more information email kwdoug1@yahoo.com NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS English spoken Tuesdays and Fridays 5.30pm. Spanish spoken Monday to Friday 7pm. 35th Avenue and 34th Street, Playa del Carmen info@naplaya.com TRAVEL & TRANSPORT TAXI SERVICES 24 hour service throughout Playa del Carmen and Cancun TELEPHONE: 984 877 3858 / 3859 / 3860




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