Edición 99

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Bimonthly · Year 04 · N u m b e r 99 · 20,000 c o p i e s · 32 Pages · D e ce m b e r 2 1 - J a n ua r y 0 3 , 2 0 1 6

Our Favorite S MAP E

Places 2016

t h e p layat i m e s .c o m



For our last edition of the year, we take a walk down memory lane and visit some of our favorite places that we covered in our editions throughout the year.

>P. 10-12


Must know info for Tourists & Residents >P. 5

COZUMEL I love my job!

>P. 18

Photos: The Playa Times / Wikimedia/


Photo: Raquel Garza


Most people are familiar with the part of Cozumel that is near the ferry terminal, but what will you find when you travel to the east side?

>P. 19

Photo: : Quinta Magazine ® with permission


NEW YEAR’S EVE TRADITIONS IN MEXICO Dic 21 - Jan 03 Many Mexicans have interesting methods for ensuring that their next twelve months are going to be prosperous and happy.

>P. 20

Looking for something to do? Check out our What’s On section online for a list of things to do including live music and dancing, yoga, markets and special events

>P. 21


December 21/2016 - January 03/2017


December 21/2016 - January 03/2017

Editorial DIRECTORY Rebecca Page General Manager & Editor edition@meridianmedia.mx

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Erika Serra Photo: The Playa Times

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Adiós 2016!


Omar Coral


Distribution distribution@meridianmedia.mx


t is hard to believe that 2016 is about to come to an end. I love this time of year, and not just for Christmas. I love the idea of new beginnings and what better time to start something new than a new year! For this edition, we decided to take a look back at the places we visited in 2016... our favorite places. We take you back to places close by in our state Quintana Roo. We also take you northwest to Yucatan, and much farther northwest to the states of México, Puebla, and Guanajuato. You can find our walk down memory lane on pages 10 through 12 in this edition. It is also Christmas time and party time with New Year´s Eve. Our resident anthropologist, Alejandra Campo describes the

CONTACT US AT: 984-803 1446 984 -147 5597 & 147 5571 info@meridianmedia.mx /theplayatimes @ThePlayaTimes

Mexican rituals of each holiday on page 23. Some you will find very familiar and some may surprise you. For example, do you know why Mexicans serve 12 grapes on New Year’s Eve? Or when you are supposed to eat them? Here´s a hint, don’t start shoving them in your mouth before midnight like I did my first New Year’s Eve in Mexico. In this edition, we also fill you in on the newest archaeological site that is being prepared to welcome visitors in 2017 and it is right here in Quintana Roo. Ichkabal is located not far from Chetumal, the capital in the southern part of the state on the border with Belize. We don’t have any pictures yet because it isn’t open to the public, but you can be sure we will head that way in 2017 to check it out! We hope you have enjoyed 2016 as

much as we have. Oh, I almost forgot to mention (well, I would prefer not to have to mention it but….). I need to make amends for my big boo boo on the cover of the last edition. For those shark lovers out there, you probably noticed that we had a tiger shark on the cover when the article was about bull sharks. Yes, I know the difference between the two but in my haste to get the last edition out, I grabbed the wrong photo! Super embarrassing for sure! But, after the initial embarrassment wore off, I decided to have a contest on Facebook to see who could find my mistake. Congratulations to LeeAnne Adam in Toronto who correctly identified the shark in the photo! Her smarts won her a beautiful hammock from Hamacamarte. See you next year!!!



Número de Certificado de Reserva otorgado por el Instituto Nacional de Derechos de Autor: (PENDIENTE). Número de Certificado de Licitud de Título: (en trámite). Número de Certificado de Licitud de Contenido: (en trámite). Domicilio de la publicación: Calle 2 entre 45 y Carretera Federal, Mza. 088 lote 003-1. Impreso en talleres Grupo Megamedia Prolongación de Montejo número 301, entre 40 y 42, fraccionamiento Campestre, Mérida, Yucatán. Distribuidor: Meridian Media, S.A. de C.V., Plaza Paseo Coba, 2do piso local 301, Playacar fase II, Playa del Carmen, Solidaridad, Quintana Roo C.P. 77710.


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December 21/2016 - January 03/2017

Keep up with your annual

Bank Trust Payments B_ rhn hpg ikhi^kmr bg F^qb\h% Zg] li^\bÛ \Zeer bg ma^ k^& lmkb\m^] shg^% hg^ ^qi^gl^ rhn aZo^ mh \hglb]^k bg rhnk [n]`^m bl rhnk r^Zker [Zgd mknlm fZbgm^gZg\^ _^^' Mh a^ei rhn pbma mabl% B ik^iZk^] mabl [kb^_ `nb]^ebg^' BY THOMAS LLOYD


nnual costs After setting up a bank trust, you will only need to make the annual payment to maintain it. This annual fee depends on the bank, the value of your property and the exchange rate. When the annual payment is due In most banks the annual bank trust payment is due on the anniversary date of your closing every year. Most banks will not send a reminder, so keep note of the date you need to pay to avoid penalties. How to make your annual payment You will need the Bank Trust folio number. If you don’t have it, provide your full name so they can look up the file. If you are in Mexico, you can pay in person at any branch of the bank where you set up your bank trust. If not, there are a number of options for you to ensure that your payment is made, including: • International Wire Transfer – Ask your bank for the SWIFT code and account number. • Check by Mail – Mail an international check or money order by secure Courier to your bank. • A friend or representative – Ask somebody to make the payment for you. • Credit Card Charge – Authorize your bank ahead of time to charge the payment on the specified date. • Automatic Bank Account Payment – If you have an account with the same bank in Mexico, you can authorize an automatic payment on the due date. The last two options are very convenient, but make sure to review your account to ensure that the payment was indeed made. As a final note, once you set up your bank trust, it is your responsibility to keep track of your payments and due dates, so keep them in a safe place! Questions about real estate in the Riviera Maya? Contact us at info@topmexicorealestate.com

Ask Allan:

Staying Shiny! BY ALLAN LOCKHART, OWNER OF NORTH AMERICAN STANDARDS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT & ACTIVE MEMBER OF THE SEASIDE ROTARY CLUB IN PLAYA DEL CARMEN Hi, Allan. I have lived in Playa del Carmen for a few years and have found out that it is very difficult to keep my chrome and stainless steel items from rusting. Do you have any secrets? Tracy Hi, Tracy. Thank you for your question. I’m not sure if it is a secret, but I have found something that works for me most of the time: white vinegar. Soak the rusted item in white vinegar for at least 24 hours. Most of the rust will just fall off. It’s also a good idea to use a scrub sponge to remove any rust residue. If it is not small enough to soak you might have to scrub it a few times with a cloth or sponge soaked in white vinegar. After most or all of the rust is gone, try soaking it in a strong solution of water and baking soda for 24 hours. Remove the item from the solution and then dry and polish it with a soft cotton cloth. Baking soda is my favorite organic cleaning compound. To slow down the process of rusting before it occurs spray the item with WD-40 and wipe it dry. There is a Mexican version of WD-40 called WT-400, which can be found at Trupper for half of the cost of WD-40. I find that it works just as well. If you purchase a new stainless or chrome item it is always a good idea to wipe it down with WD-40 every few weeks. Good luck. As a side note, I have a client that polishes his car with WD-40 and it works quite well (and looks good). Thanks again, Allan Allan is ready to answer your rental and property management questions! / Photo: Allan Lockhart

Local taxi / Photo:

December 21/2016 - January 03/2017

What if... … you, or someone you love has a serious medical situation and needs to be back home within hours?


f you spend any significant time in Mexico, there will come a time that you, or someone you know will need to get back home to a known medical facility, or even to a specialty hospital such

as Mayo. Within hours. Would you know how to navigate international law, the Mexican medical system, and medical evacuation companies in order to quickly get back to the States or Canada? Plus, would you be able to afford the $20,000 $50,000 cash-on-the-barrelhead payable upfront cost? And, God forbid, what if there is a death?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to know that for about $500 per year you can have a wonderful sense of security and all of these worries can go away. An emergency evacuation membership can cover you, your spouse, and in many cases children and even grandchildren. And insure that you get back home to the hospital of your choice so you can be near your loved ones and have access to specialized facilities and trusted doctors. Only one medical evac firm serving Mexico is integrated from “a to z” and in the past year has conducted over 400+ successful international evacuations to the US and Canada. They get the call…quickly size up the situation using in-house bilingual doctors who consult with local doctors… and can then quickly put one of the 51 planes that they either own,

Good Info for Tourists and Residents

Mexican immigration does occasional checks to make sure that you are in the country legally. No, it doesn’t happen a lot, but if it happens and you can’t prove you are here legally, it could be a hassle. • •

Residents! Carry your original residency card with you at all times.* Tourists! You should carry your original passport & FMM. If you choose not to carry your originals, you should have a photocopy with you.

Wait! What´s an FMM? It is the form you fill out, usually on the airplane, that Mexican immigration uses to track visitors

John Klug Senior Consultant Riva Maya Travel MedEvac 984-169-2600 (Mexico) 303-719-5584 (US) Klug.John@Comcast.net Call or email with any questions and to learn the time of the next group seminar concerning medical evacuation options.

The unexpected happens. It is incredibly inexpensive to protect yourself and your loved ones.

coming into and leaving Mexico. Immigration will place your copy inside your passport after they process you at the airport or border. Don’t lose it! If you lose your FMM, you may be charged a fine upon departure, and it will slow you down at the airport.

TPT Meets:

*Temporary & Permanent Residents: Some residents carry a laminated, color copy of their card because it is expensive to replace if you lose the original. However, I was advised by our immigration lawyer that you must carry your original card on you. Additionally, a friend of mine, who was stopped at a checkpoint, was told her laminated, color copy was illegal. She was also told that if she were involved in an accident and didn’t have her original resident card with her, her insurance could deny payment.

D r. M o RA n fro m D enta l D esi g n By The Playa Times

Photo: The Playa Times


or have under contract, in the air. Flown by pilots with an average of 10,000+ hours experience and a medical crew with a minimum 5+ years of emergency room experience and certifications. The plane flies under pre-approved blanket FAA and Mexican aviation regulations and can be here to the Rivera Maya in less than 2 hours. No one can match their speed, medical skills and performance as certified by the two largest medical evacuation certification firms in the world. No one!


Photo: Agency

I Didn’t Know That!


Your dental health is a critical component to your overall health. In fact, the Mayo Clinic states that poor dental health could play a role in cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s and even premature births. We had the opportunity to sit down with Dr. Rubén E. Morán Sánchez, a dentist with over 35 years experience and talk about his dental clinic in Playa. Dr. Morán offers a wide variety of services in his facility, Dental Design, to ensure you not only have a beautiful smile but a healthy mouth that contributes to your overall well-being. After completing his graduate work at Ohio State University, Dr. Morán opened his private practice in Guadalajara and taught at the University of Guadalajara. Additionally, he was invited to teach and lecture throughout Mexico, the United States, and Central America. His practice in Guadalajara allowed Dr. Morán to become experienced with the needs and expectations of Canadian and American residents and snowbirds seeking dental care in Mexico. Dr. Morán moved his practice to Playa del Carmen and opened a new office at the end

of April. With his background and training, his goal is to offer his patients high-quality cosmetic and functional dental care, in a friendly English speaking environment. At his state of the art office located in Centro, just two blocks from 5th Avenue, Dr. Morán provides a variety of services including cleanings, whitening, fillings, complete dentures, porcelain work, veneers and more. He is equipped with an intraoral camera that allows the patient to see what the dentist is describing and onsite x-ray. If you are interested in a consultation or learning more about Dental Design and Dr. Morán, you can make an appointment with him using the office number below. His receptionist speaks English. His office hours are Monday through Friday 10:00 to 2:00 and 4:00 to 8:00, Saturdays from 10:00 to 2:00. Dental Design Dr. Rubén E. Morán Sánchez Avenida 15 #205-6E Between Calle 10 & 10 Bis 984 803 2788 (office) 341 439 0363 (emergencies) m s r u b e n e @ p r o d i g y. n e t . m x



December 21/2016 - January 03/2017

D u ra n D u ra n By Palace Entertainment


ow many bands can you think of that, decades into their career, are still capable of springing surprises, of blazing fresh trails, creating new music that is up there with the imperishable songs that first propelled them to fame, fortune and critical acclaim? It’s an interesting exercise, and a brief one – a list you can make on the fingers of one hand. Duran Duran is definitely one of them. This synth-pop supergroup, will be closing out 2016 at Palace Resorts’ signature property, AAA Four Diamond Moon Palace Cancun. The Grammy award-winning group has captivated fans around the world for nearly four decades with fourteen studio albums and more than 70 million records sold around the world. Set to perform on December 29th at Moon Palace Arena, the legendary band has been honored with two Brit Awards, two Grammy Awards, an MTV Video Music Award for Lifetime Achievement and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Photo: Moon Palace Entertainment

December 21/2016 - January 03/2017

World AIDS Day in Playa BY NADIA MORELLA On Thursday December 1, Playenses got together to march for World AIDS Day. It was a worldwide gathering to fight against HIV, as well as support and commemorate those who have died from the virus. The march began in the middle of the afternoon at the Poliforum, led by LGBT community activist, Jan Novak, and ended at the Centro Cultural Playa del Carmen. Miranda Salman, a transgender woman known for her YouTube show ‘El Toloache’ was also there to show her support. High-school students attended a presentation on AIDS at the Centro Cultural with Director of Inclusion and Gender Equity, Rafael Barragán; Director of Culture of Solidaridad, Andy García; Regidor (Councillor), Blanca Estrella Peralta; and Playa Pride’s President, Jan Novak. AIDS is the most advanced stage of HIV infection. HIV is spread through contact with blood, semen, pre-seminal fluid, vaginal fluids, breast milk or rectal fluids from a

person infected with HIV. According to the Director of Health for Solidaridad, in the municpality there are 2,103 men and 479 women infected with the virus. You can visit the AIDS center for information on prevention and to get tested. You can go to Clinica Costamed to get tested for 270 pesos and receive the results within two hours. The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS’ (UNAIDS) campaign explores different aspects of AIDS prevention and how it affects various groups of people like teenagers and young women. The UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board has a project to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030, with accelerated action, increased investment, intensified partnerships and innovation. It is very important to share information worldwide on a daily basis to ensure that everyone knows how to avoid the risks and how to protect themselves. PrEP (Pre-exposure prophylaxis) is a daily HIV medicine for very high risk people that lowers their chances of getting infected. Of course, taking PrEP doesn’t make you invincible to the virus, it lowers your chance of contracting it. You still need to practice safe sex and use sterile needles and syringes.

Control your buoyance to prevent stirring sediment / Photo: Florencia Cerutti

Dear Fellow Divers: If We Don’t Care, Who Will? Divers, guides, policy makers, dive shop owners, boat captains, and everybody else living in this area really, if you depend on the reef, pay attention to it. BY FLORENCIA CERUTTI


wish we had the culture of looking after our environment, particularly when it gives us a living. The Riviera Maya fully depends on tourism. It is the top destination in Latin America, and many of those millions of tourists come here to dive or snorkel in the beautiful reefs from the Caribbean. Looking after the tourist is not

Photo: Nadia Morella


enough, looking after the environment and key ecosystems (reefs, mangrove, seagrass meadows) is just as important. So, divers, guides, policy makers, dive shop owners, boat captains, and everybody else living in this area really, if you depend on the reef, pay attention to it. As divers, we have the amazing opportunity to see an entire world underwater. We divers


have a tremendous effect on marine life, but -sadly- due to the lack of environmental education, many divers have a negative impact on the marine environment. There are many habits that can reduce the problems caused when diving and snorkeling, check www. greenfins.net/en/best-dive-practices. For example: Avoid contact, and do not step on coral: If you touch the coral or any other marine animal, you upset the balance and one kick can eliminate what took hundreds of years to get built. Do not stir sediment: This sediment damages coral and reduces its capacity to survive. Control your buoyancy; if you can’t control it yet, then dive a meter above corals and sand. Harassing wildlife: Touching and chasing wildlife causes stress and leads to transmission of diseases. Do not collect souvenirs: all species and their remains when dead have a role in the ecosystem, take pictures and no more. Trash: avoid plastic, recycle, and do throw trash and cigarette butts in the trash can. There so many dive shops in the Riviera Maya. Some give biology courses that cover important topics related to the environment you will be diving in. As a diver and biologist, I encourage guides to be aware of their environment and look for better training. I recommend you, as a tourist, check the environmental practices before booking your dive, and chose those who actually care.



December 21/2016 - January 03/2017

Ichkabal: A New Ancient Mystery A boost to tourism is expected in 2017 as the recently unearthed Maya city of Ichkabal will be opened to the public BY CRYSTAL MITCHELL


t is always exciting to hear about a new, or should we say ancient, find. This has happened in our very own state of Quintana Roo in the south near Bacalar. The ancient Maya city of Ichkabal was discovered and has been unearthed over the last few years and will be ready to receive tourists in early 2017. Ichkabal is believed to be the first great settlement and political center of the region. The name “Ichkabal” was given to the site in March 1995, and it means “between lows”. Several of its structures (up to 46 meters high) surpass in height and dimension those of the archaeological zone of Chichen Itza in Yucatán, considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Ichkabal belongs to the Preclassic period (300 BC), which is older than Calakmul in Campeche. According to José María Muñoz Bonilla, National Coordinator of National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) Centers, it was possibly the origin of one of the most important ruling families of the Maya World: the Divine Lords of Kanal. The

Photo: INAH

site can be classified as one of the precursors of the ancient Maya Culture. Located 82 kilometers from the state capital Chetumal, and 40 kilometers from the Pueblo Magico of Bacalar, Ichkabal is expected to contribute to a 20% increase in the arrival of visitors to the southern area, which currently receives 100,000 visitors annually. The hope is that it will eventually bring in an investment of up to a billion dollars to the southern region, with the construction of hotels, which will also create many job opportunities. According to the Department of Tourism for the state of Quintana Roo (Sedetur), great natural wealth is found at the site of Ichkabal. Its six architectural groups are found among four waterfalls, immersed in the well protected forest reserve of the ejido (community land) of Bacalar. In addition, the region has great potential for trekking, bird watching and the development of Wildlife Conservation Management Units (UMAs). The site is located to the west of Bacalar, surrounded by a large number of smaller pre-Hispanic settlements and close to the archaeological zone of Dzibanché.

Sargassum is a type of brown macroalgae or seaweed / Photo: Florencia Cerutti

Sargassum: Traveling Islands BY FLORENCIA CERUTTI Since 2011 there has been massive quantities of floating (pelagic) sargassum through the Caribbean which landed on many beaches and impacted shorelines, waterways and resources. But what is it and why are we getting more of these landings than before? Sargassum is a type of brown macroalgae or seaweed which can grow several meters and are found in tropical and temperate oceans generally in shallow waters. These macroalgae are usually attached to the bottom, but there are some species of sargassum that are free-floating all their lives. Whether attached or floating, sargassum patches are a specialized ecosystem where many marine plants and animals live. Floating masses of sargassum gather a lot of trash and may not look pretty but they are a refuge for many species of fish during juvenile stages, and they host a unique assemblage of invertebrates camouflaged to blend into the sargassum. These macroalgae are kept afloat at the surface by small, round, gas-filled bladders and those species that are never attached to

the bottom can break off and begin to grow into new organisms. The beaching of masses of sargassum has been a common phenomenon in the Caribbean Sea. However, these masses seem to have grown the last few years. Scientists have found the growth of masses of sargassum in the Atlantic Ocean come from areas surrounding two major rivers of the world: the Amazon and the Niger River, both discarding their waters in the South Atlantic Ocean. The huge discharges of these rivers transport pollution from land to the ocean, creating waters with excessive nutrients. This situation along with the increment in sea temperature promotes the overgrowth of Sargassum. Oceans currents transport these large patches across the ocean while it reproduces by fragmentation as it travels, and ends up landing on the white-sand beaches of the Caribbean area. A lot of this work following sargassum through the Atlantic Ocean was done thanks to citizens from many countries recording landings and/or floating large patches. To make a report, visit www.gcrl.usm.edu/sargassum/sargassum.resources.php.


December 21/2016 - January 03/2017


Teotihuacan: Where Men Become Gods

Tourism, Coffee and a Rich Past

We hopped a plane to Mexico city and headed west for an archaeological adventure! By The Playa Times


n Edition 97 (Nove mbe r 16 - De ce mber 6 ), we visite d the archae olog ical site Teotihua can. Ju st 2 5 mile s ou tside of Mexico C ity in the state of M exico, this a ncient city sits in the Valley of Mexico. At its he ig ht it e ncompa ssed over 14 square mile s with more t h an 175 ,0 0 0 inh abitants. A rchae olog i s ts believe Teotihuacan was the first p lan ned ur ba n deve lopme nt in Me soa mer ica w ith deve lopme nt be ginning

arou nd 2 0 0 B C. W h o exa ct ly p la n n e d and bu ilt Te o t i h ua ca n i s s t i ll up fo r di s cu ssion, a n d i t i s b e li eve d t h a t a t i t s he ight , Te o t i h ua ca n wa s a mult i cult ural city th a t i n clude d M i xte c, Za po te c, and Maya . I t s n a m e co m e s f ro m t h e A zte c lan guage Na h ua t l a lt h o ugh , t h e city ex is te d befo re t h e a rri va l o f t h e A zte c in t h e re gi o n . To rea d a b o ut o ur v i s i t to t h i s s t un ning arch a e lo gi ca l s i te, v i s i t www.theplayatimes.com a n d ty p e Te o t i h ua ca n i n ou r search me n u.

Teotihuacan is located in the State of Mexico and not far from Mexico City / Photo: The Playa Times

Rio Lagartos A three-hour drive from Playa del Carmen and situated at the top of the Yucatan Peninsula this bio reserve is home to mangroves, turtles, croco]be^l% Zg] ho^k ,2. li^\b^l h_ [bk]l% bg\en]bg` mahnlZg]l h_ Ü Zfbg`hl By The Playa Times


n edition 84 (May 4 - May 17), we headed just a few hours northwest to the state of Yucatan where we explored the tiny town of Rio Lagartos. It is a three-hour drive from Playa del Carmen and very easy to find. The town sits in the Rio Lagartos Bio Reserve, and its biggest draw is the birds - especially the flamingos. Rio Lagartos is most popular

for its large population of flamingos that gather here and are visible most of the year but their largest flocks are d u ri n g the bree di n g sea so n (A pri l, M ay, a n d Ju ne ) w h e n t h ey ca n b e se e n i n gro ups of ove r 1 ,0 0 0 i n d i v i d ua ls . To f i n d o ut more abo ut Ri o Laga rtos , h ow to ge t there, a n d re commendations on what to do once you arrive, visit our website www.theplayatimes.com. Type Rio Lagartos in the search option.

Rio Lagartos is worth the three-hour drive from Playa / Photos: Diane Davis

Visit this Pueblo Mágico in the beautiful state of Puebla

By The Playa Times n edition 94 (October 5 - October 18), Alejandra Campo took us to the state of Puebla…

the mountains of Puebla, containing steep stone-paved streets, a main square, a kiosk and temple. It is surrounded by caves and waterfalls, and you need only take the highway to reach either one within minutes.

After hours of driving through the mountains we arrived in Cuetzalan, formerly “Quetzalan” (the place of the beautifully feathered birds). It is a Pueblo Mágico nestled in

To find out what makes Cuetzalan so special, visit www.theplayatimes.com. Type Cuetzalan in the search option to read the full article.


Besides nature, what makes Cuetzalan unique is its history and culture / Photo: Wikimedia


December 21/2016 - January 03/2017

San Miguel de Allende: A Wellness Paradise Travel with Sara as she explores the cobblestone streets, vineyards, hot springs, and more in this unique Mexican city and UNESCO World Heritage Site By The Playa Times


ur writer, Sara Jones, had so much to write about San Miguel de Allende that we covered it over two editions (81 March 16 - March 5 and 82 April 6 - 19). Here´s just a little taste of her article. Head to our website for the full article and search San Miguel de Allende.

every building and house in view. The city of San Miguel de Allende was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in July 2008. It was chosen for its exquisite Baroque Colonial architecture - much of which remains in excellent condition - and for its role in the Mexican War of Independence.

It was my first time traveling to the reportedly magical San Miguel de Allende in the state of Guanajuato, and I was charmed by the cobblestone streets and the warm colors of terracotta, pink, yellow, orange, gold and bronze that adorned the side of

Day Tripping: Coba Lnk^% mabl Zk\aZ^heh`b\Ze lbm^ ]h^lg m aZo^ ma^ lmnggbg` [^Z\a of Tulum but the harrowing climb up Nohuch Mol delivers a breathtaking view from the top of the Maya world By The Playa Times


n edition 86 (June 8 - June 21) I visited the archaeological site, Coba with my sisters. While the popular Tulum site is a short drive from Playa and an idyllic spot, it gets really hot and crowded. Chichen Itza is a bucket list location for sure, but it is a longer drive, and I had already dragged them all over the Peninsula. I needed a place that wasn’t too far away, didn´t have the blaring

sun of Tulum, and appealed to my sister´s bird obsession. Nestled in the jungle about an hour and 15 minutes from Playa del Carmen and about 30 minutes from Tulum, Coba is a beautiful site that offers a rich history of the Maya and, unlike Tulum, lots of shade! To read the rest of the article and find out how to get there, what to do once you arrive, and my recommendations, visit www.theplayatimes.com. Search Coba in the search feature of the website.

La Parroquia de San Miguel Arcángel / Photo: Sara Jones

Bacalar: The Lagoon of Seven Colors =bl\ho^k hg^ h_ ma^ k^`bhg l ab]]^g `^fl hger Z _^p hours south of Playa del Carmen By The Playa Times


n edition 79 (February 17 - March 1), we shared writer Sara´s article on Bacalar... A few hours drive south of Playa del Carmen sits one of Mexico’s still hidden gems. The name Bacalar is derived from the Mayan: B’ak Halal, meaning surrounded by reeds. Bacalar lagoon is a wondrous natural phenomenon, where a mix of fresh and saltwater sits atop a bed of pure

Coba is a beautiful site that offers a rich history of the Maya / PhotoS: The Playa Times

Bacalar is a great place to get away from it all / Photo: Sara Jones

white sand and limestone creating a spectrum of bright, clear blues and turquoises. The pristine azure water is certainly the highlight of a trip to Bacalar, and no visit would be complete without an excursion to the lagoon. Divers and snorkelers will be keen to see Cenote Azul, an open cenote on one side of the lagoon that constantly feeds fresh water. ….to read the rest of Sara´s article, visit www. theplayatimes.com and search Bacalar.


December 21/2016 - January 03/2017

Day Tripping: Valladolid Looking to do something different, away from the beach? We took a day trip to this small, colonial city just an hour and a half drive from the Riviera Maya. By The Playa Times


n edition 85 (May 18 - June 7), we visited the beautiful, small city of Valladolid. Valladolid is located in the state of Yucatan and only an hour and a half west from Playa del Carmen and Tulum. Although it is a quick stop for the large Chichen-Itza tours, Valladolid never feels crowded and is a clean, beautiful, small city to walk around and explore.

Like all towns in the Yucatan Peninsula, there are cenotes close by that are worth exploring and on a hot day even more worthwhile. In our full article, located on our website, we describe things to do, where to eat, and how to get there. We also give you a ¨don´t miss¨ hint! You can find the full article, along with many others on our website www.theplayatimes.com. Just type Valladolid in the search menu.

Valladolid is an easy day trip from the Riviera Maya / Photos: The Playa Times

Campeche: The Next Big Real Estate

Investment in Mexico As the state looks towards tourism, Campeche beachfront property values increase BY MATT VANRY


n just a few more years this territory will be known as one of the newest international destinations for tourists, as well as a regional alternative to Quintana Roo for affluent Mexicans looking to spend a weekend at the beach. As stated in “The Yucatán Times”, during one of the press conferences, the Secretary of Tourism of the State of Campeche, Jorge Manos Esparragoza, said “the state will be in constant de-

velopment with the aim of attracting international tourists and to develop Campeche as a favorite destination for visitors from all over the world.” President Enrique Peña Nieto authorized the

allocation of resources through the federal Ministry of Tourism (FONATUR). Moreover, according to a recent report from George Washington University, “Campeche is a tourism desti-

To learn more please contact: Matt VanRy Director of Sales/ Global Property Service Group +52 1 998 317 2048 - mobile/ WhatsApp Matt@globalpsg.com www.globalpropertyservicegroup.com

Campeche is a tourism destination with enormous potential / Photo: Global Property Service Group

nation with enormous potential given its rich cultural heritage and pristine natural areas”. One of them - just a 1 hour drive from the Campeche International Airport - is Sabancuy, a quaint fishing village next to the proposed development area. Plans are already in place to develop a 12 kilometer stretch of pristine beachfront near the quaint fishing village of Sabancuy. Additional commercial and tourism construction projects are scheduled to begin after the approval of the eco-touristic master plan. Analysts predict enormous growth in the area and booming prices, which means it’s time for action and smart investments. Properties are now available to the public. Prices for the gorgeous beachfront land are as low as you were buying in the Riviera Maya 15 to 20 years ago. According to information from Global Property Service Group - the exclusive beachfront property rep-

resentative and manager - almost 100 beachfront lots are still to be put on the market in the $36,000 to $175,000 dollar range. Property is available for private buyers as well as professional investors. GPS Group estimates that ROI (Return on Investment) could be as much as 300% over the next 3-5 years. Besides, current investors in the project have already reported double-digit equity gains. For smart investors, Global Property Service Group has a Fly and Buy Program with up to 2,000 dollars in refundable travel credits towards airfare, hotel and expenses. During the relaxing trip you will also experience the best seafood, beautiful beaches, lagoons, attractions, and a huge amount of important information not normally available to the public. One should not miss out on this ground floor opportunity.

December 21/2016 - January 03/2017



Furnishing Your New Home in Paradise BY ASHLEY CAMPO

Sand and surf may not feel like Christmas, but adding some familiar holiday items can help put you in the holiday spirit / Photo: Shutterstock

Christmas in the Caribbean Some tips on how to put you in the right mood when celebrating the holidays in the sun and the heat BY ASHLEY CAMPO


hristmas in the Caribbean has finally arrived! For many of us here in Tulum for our first Christmas away from the snow and cold, we’re still waiting to find a little Christmas cheer. It’s one of those beach life problems that our friends back home don’t quite sympathize with.

No matter how you choose to spend your time during these last few weeks of 2016, celebrate the fact that you are here, in such a beautiful place. If you are lucky enough to be faced with the dilemma of getting into the holiday spirit when it feels like July outside, here are a few tips to help you out. • Deck the halls: Even just a few small decorations or visual reminders of the holidays you’re used to make a huge difference. Hang a few lights or pick up a poinsettia as simple, easy decorations for any space. • Put on some Christmas movies

and music: Seeing and hearing your old holiday favorites is bound to remind you of all the things you love about the season. To mix it up a little and celebrate your tropical holiday surroundings, add in the Jimmy Buffett or Beach Boys Christmas albums just for fun. • Eat and drink things that remind you of the holidays: Bake some cookies or make eggnog. If nothing else, grab a nice cup of coffee (or better yet, chai latte) to cozy up with while you watch your favorite Christmas movies. • Head to the beach and make a sandman: No shoes, no snow, no problem. • Count your blessings and give back: Donate your time or things to those in need. • Get involved in some Mexican Christmas traditions: Learn more about and participate in the Posadas happening around town December 16th - 24th. Pick up a piñata and join in the fun. This is the time of year when we are all reminded to count our blessings and reflect on the past year. No matter how you choose to spend your time during these last few weeks of 2016, celebrate the fact that you are here, in such a beautiful place, and enjoy spending Christmas in the Caribbean.

You did it! You’ve made the big move to paradise - congratulations! So, now what? Step one is to begin furnishing your new place to make it feel like home. Initially this can seem daunting, but with a little planning and patience you might actually have some fun in the process! Here is how to get started. I believe in supporting local businesses as much as possible, so before you head up to Playa del Carmen and the big box stores, stop by the Maya appliance store in Tulum Pueblo. They have a nice selection of items and fair prices. And they’re local! If you still need to make the drive to Playa for some basic items, then Telebodega, Sam’s and City Club are good spots to pick up a mattress or some appliances. They have a large selection, good prices, and offer quick delivery to Tulum. Once you have the basics taken care of, start shopping for the fun stuff here in Tulum. If you are looking for natural, local furniture and accessories, take a drive out towards Coba. There are lots of wonderful family shops along the side of the road with wooden furniture, household accessories, hammocks, and more. Casa Morada in Tulum Pueblo is a great option if you are looking for things with a more modern look, or for a designer to help you decorate your entire place. They offer custom furniture and their work is top notch. There are many nice furniture shops along the 307 in Playa that also offer design work. They can help you furnish your entire place. While you are likely in a hurry to get everything ready to go and just perfect, remember to enjoy the process and have a sense of humor when things don’t go quite as planned. And, between all the planning and deliveries, don’t forget to pencil in some beach time!

The road from Tulum to Coba has wonderful family shops along the way / Photos:Quinta Magazine ® with permission



December 21/2016 - January 03/2017

Ka’Yok’ Planetarium <Zg\ng bl ghm dghpg Zl Z ieZ\^ _hk l\b^gmbÛ \ ^qiehkZmbhg% [nm maZgdl mh ieZ\^l ebd^ DZ Rhd % mabl bl [^`bggbg` mh \aZg`^ BY AMOR LÓPEZ


arl Sagan once said, “If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.” Luckily for us, the hardest part has already happened. Cancun is known for its nightclubs and beach life, but is not known as a place for scientific exploration. Thanks to little gems like Ka’Yok’ (Our Universe), Cancun’s planetarium, this is beginning to change.

Created in 2013 with both local and federal funds, Ka’Yok’ is the first and biggest of a network of planetariums that have recently opened in Quintana Roo. This knowledge oasis is located in the heart of Cancun, next to Cancun’s Casa de la Cultura (currently hosting an exhibition by Mexico City’s Siegred Wiese), the sports complex, Kuchil Baxal, and the baseball stadium. Ka’Yok’ offers a wide range of activities that kids will enjoy. Science fairs, conferences, a film club, star-

gazing, 3D astronomy audiovisuals, and addictive 3D puzzles. Older children will find plenty to do as well. Many national and international biology symposiums are held in its facilities, along with conservation program initiatives. The planetarium even hosted a tribute concert for Pink Floyd in one of their digital domes and, for the first time ever, a local astrophotography contest. The award went to Tulum resident, Ludovic Deforseau. If you want to see his amazing photo of Tulum’s starry night, pay a visit to Ka’Yok’. It is open

For more information about their upcoming events, visit: ventanaaluniverso.org / Photos: Amor López

from 9 am to 7 pm daily, with special digital dome projections at 5 pm and 6 pm from Tuesday to Sunday.

For more information about their upcoming events, visit: ventanaaluniverso.org

December 21/2016 - January 03/2017


“i D” by Ci rqu e ELO ize

“iD” by Cirque Éloize


ositioned at the heart of the renewal of circus arts, Cirque Éloize has been creating moving performances filled with magic and emotion since 1993. Continually striving for artistic perfection, it is one of the leaders in contemporary circus arts. Based on the multidisciplinary talents of its artists, Cirque Éloize expresses its innovative nature through theatricality and humanity, and combines circus arts with music, dance and theatre in a path-breaking and original manner.

With ten original productions to its credit, Cirque Éloize has presented more than 4,000 performances and visited some 440 cities in more than 40 different countries. Cirque Éloize has taken part in numerous prestigious international festivals. Its shows have seduced Broadway and the West End. In his return to directing, Jeannot Painchaud presents a show positively crackling with daring and modernity. Created in 2009, Cirque Éloize’s iD is a blend of circus arts and urban dance: b-boying/b-girling, breakdance, hiphop and more. The scene is set in the

heart of a city, in a public space where people seek refuge and a chance to shed their anonymity; a place where identity is forged and individuality is expressed to a stimulating soundtrack. The company has integrating multimedia for the first time in its 8th original creation, giving this show a unique feel. Fifteen performers from 13 disciplines help create iD’s entertaining and resolutely urban universe, in keeping with Cirque Éloize’s tradition of using multidisciplinary performers from around the world. Enjoy this unique show in Cancun at Moon Palace Arena from December 22nd to January 3rd.



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Photo:Vanessa Nini

I Love My Job in Cozumel Get to know Ivan, a barman renowned for his margaritas, who has strong feelings about the place where he makes a living



van Francisco Lira Gil is 42-years old and works as a barman and receptionist in a very nice downtown hotel called Boutique Hotel Flamingo Cozumel. Inside the hotel there is a very cozy bar, Aquabar. TPT: Hello Ivan. Where you are from and how long have you been living in Cozumel? Ivan: I’m from Mexico City, which is a huge city. I don’t really know how long I’ve been here, time works differently here to where I’m from. This is exactly what I love about being here, that time does not matter and there is no stress. To give an answer, maybe 14 years. How did you arrive here? My company sent me here. I was working in timeshare for different hotels. I did not like living in big place like Mexico City. Now I’m working for the Boutique Hotel Flamingo, and have been for eight years. I love my job because I enjoy meeting people from everywhere in the world. I like sharing things with people, and not only drinks, although I love making cocktails. Your speciality is the margar-

ita, and all of your guests say that you make the best margarita on the island. It’s because I prepare it with a lot of love. We also make excellent mojitos, we have more than 15 different beers, a nice variety of wine, and some high quality tequilas and mezcals. Thomas Fryer, the owner of the hotel, loves giving his guests the best quality. Aquabar is a place to relax and enjoy drinking a cocktail with nice music. It’s a wonderful open bar with nice, comfortable sofas and a very good barman! Thanks Ivan. What is your favorite place in Cozumel? I love walking in the new center of Cozumel. The Parque Benito Juarez is so peaceful and friendly day and night, and I love going there with my son. It is always full of kids to play with. Boutique Hotel Flamingo and Aquabar are on the Calle 6 norte # 81, between 5th Avenue and the Melgar seafront. Why not come down and try one of Ivan’s margaritas at Aquabar? They are open from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. For more information you can find them online at: www.hotelflamingo.com or Facebook/ Hotel Flamingo Cozumel

December 21/2016 - January 03/2017

The Other Side

of the Island Most people are familiar with the part of Cozumel that is near the ferry terminal, but what will you find when you travel to the east side? BY RAQUEL GARZA


hen you are in Cozumel it is common to hear residents recommend a visit to el otro lado de la isla (the other side of the island). Why? It is a space that is full of peace and beauty, where there is little movement of people and few activities. There is a stillness and a harmony that you owe yourself to experience.

The east coast of Cozumel is known as the wild side / Photo: Raquel Garza

The other side of the island, which is 14.8 km from east to west, can be reached by: • Car: Driving a car there is easy. There are many rental options in the town and you’ll receive offers as soon as you get off the ferry. Rental costs are around $30-60 USD per day, depending on the car. Avenida Benito Juarez crosses the island and will take you straight from one side to the other. • Scooter: Same as the car route, almost the same price. You can also drive around the perimeter of the island. The distance from the north to the south of the island is 48 km, so driving around it would be approximately 96 km. • Bus: The bus stop is located on Avenida Juarez with Avenida 65 Bis. The bus costs 15 to 20 pesos. Be sure to check with the driver if it goes to the other side of the island.



• Taxis: You can hire a driver for a few hours or longer. Rates start just over $100 USD for 3 hour tours. There are a number of options including www.toursplaza.com. Be very careful when swimming on the other side, as it is open sea and strong currents have been reported in some areas. Recommended beaches include Chen Rio, Hanan Beach, Playa Bonita, Playa Mezcalitos, Punta Morena, Playa San Martin, Punta Chiqueros, El Mirador, Cinco Puertas, Playa Encantada, Playa Paradise and Punta Celarain. Some of these places have a restaurant and bar, surfing and other paid activities. Ask the prices before consuming food or drink. Many of the beaches have lifeguards on duty at the weekend. Editor´s note: if you want to rent a scooter but have no experience riding a scooter, please consider renting a car. Many accidents occur with inexperienced drivers on scooters!

Photos: Vanessa Nini

Ironman Cozumel 2016 BY VANESSA NINI


n Sunday, November 27th, 2016, Cozumel hosted their 8th Ironman event. Two thousand athletes from 57 countries gathered at 7 a.m. to swim 3.8 kilometers, ride 180 kilometers and run 42.2 kilometers. It was a competition in which there was no wind, 30-degree temperatures and high humidity, with clear skies allowing the sun rays to heat things up. The two-transition course, taking place within the protected waters of the Reefs of Cozumel National Park at Chankanaab Park Beach, began with a single-loop swim in water that was teeming with trop-

ical fish. The 180-kilometer, threelap bike course in Cozumel is pancake-flat, and takes competitors along the spectacular coastline of beaches and resorts and through the town of San Miguel de Cozumel. The three-loop run was lined with local supporters and bands playing traditional Mexican music, creating a festival-like atmosphere. The finish line is at the city hall square in San Miguel de Cozumel, where residents support all the finishers. The five areas that had the most representatives were: the U.S., with 538 triathletes, followed by Mexico with 490, Canada 67, Argentina 44 and England with 31. Frederick Van Lierde (Belgian Ironman World Champion in Kona in

2013) won the Ironman of Cozumel 2016 when he crossed the finish line at 08:03:09. Van Lierde had spectacular breaks with swimming, 04:22:37 in cycling and 02:52:42 in the walking race, leaving Matt Russell second with 08:04:24. Third place went Chris Leiferman who timed 08:09:11; both are from the USA. In the women’s section, the Dane, Michelle Vesterby, was the first to cross the finish line with a cumulative of 9:08:06; swimming in 00:50:30, riding in 04:54:14 and running in 03:19:18. Second place was for Lauren Brandon from the USA with 09:12:43 (00:45:43 - 04:58:52 -03: 23:53). The Danish dancer, Camila Petersen was third with 09:14:11 (00:45:43 -

04:58:52 -03: 23:53). The best Mexicans in the elite category were Alan Carrillo who finished in 15th place with a record of

08:54:46 and Palmira Álvarez in 12th place with a time of 09:58:13. See you in 2017 at Ironman Cozumel! www.ironmancozumel.com


December 21/2016 - January 03/2017


Christmas Rituals and Traditions in Mexico Ma^ aheb]Zr l^Zlhg bl nihg nl' E^m l mZd^ Z ehhd Zm lhf^ h_ ma^ pZrl bg pab\a <Zmaheb\blf Zg] ik^&AbliZgb\ kbm^l aZo^ aZ] Zg bgÜ n^g\^ hg fh]^kg \^e^[kZmbhgl




ecember has finally arrived, and we can almost smell the holiday feast. Christmas dinners have begun in offices and companies, and there is an excitement about the exchange of gifts among friends and colleagues. The traditional elements also begin at this time. Posadas take place from the 16th to 24th, featuring a piñata in the shape of a star. There are chants, prayers, candles, punch, seasonal fruit, Christmas carols, Mexican appetizers and, finally, a good party with dancing. For many, this is the most beautiful time of the year. You can go out for a walk and see houses decorated with Christmas trees, check out some of the nativity scenes, or view the colored lighting that illuminates the streets and parks. In short, Mexico is a very special place during this season, and if the temperature is cold, even better But what goes on inside the house of a Mexican family on the 24th? For many of us, it’s the only time that we can all get together. Usually, the night begins with the ritual of putting the baby Jesus to bed, represented by a figure made of ceramic or porcelain. It involves saying a prayer and having each participant give a kiss to the baby,

New Year’s Eve Traditions in Mexico

Photo: Wikipedia

Posada in Mexico has two meanings: 1.A Christmas party 2.Asking a host to spend the night at their home, re-enacting Joseph and Mary looking for lodging in Bethlehem which is placed in a basket or tray surrounded by sweets. All who are present take one, each representing the gift of the birth of Jesus. Then, the baby Jesus is put in a crib. Afterward, it’s time to break the piñata, drink some punch, give everyone their aguinaldo (a small bag of candy and fruit) and turn on their lights. In some cases, they might ask for posada, followed by an exchange of gifts and finally eat a traditional meal: stuffed turkey, romeritos with mole, apple salad, tamales with stole and pozole.

Many go to mass, called misa de gallo because it used to take place at midnight. Now it takes place much earlier, around 9:00 or 10:00 p.m. The following day, the 25th, the family reunites for the famous “reheated” meal, which involves eating all of the leftovers from the previous night. Despite the growing number of different denominations and churches, these traditions come from Catholicism, pre-Hispanic rites and the process of evangelization, which form the rich cultural legacy of a Mexican village.

Every year, on the night of December 31, all our neighbors view my family with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. They see us running out of the house like crazy people with suitcases, then walking around the neighbourhood fueled with grapes and cider, and charged with the promise of dreams that will be fulfilled. These and other rituals are performed on New Year’s Eve, beginning with a toast and the ringing of twelve chimes that accompany the eating of twelve grapes. Each grape represents a wish. Some may be attainable while others more difficult, such as the overrated and rarely attained goal of losing weight, or the almost utopian desire to find the “love of your life”. Each time new rituals for New Year’s Eve are added or invented. Some are part of the fun of that day, others are more spiritual or designed to attract good luck. Some serve perhaps to lift the despair of living in difficult times, during which people need to believe in something to give them optimism about the future. During this season there is an increase in sales of esoteric items, such as amulets and underwear. Some of the most sought after garments are the famous red chones (underwear), to help you find a boyfriend. Yellow ones are for money. Some start their day early by cleaning the house and

Photo: Quinta Magazine ® with permission

getting rid of what it is no longer useful, sending a signal to the universe that we are ready to be renewed and receive all that life offers us. Some of the better known rituals include circling an apple with a suitcase in order to travel all year; sweeping out the bad vibes from the interior of your house; throwing money into the entrance of the house and then sweeping it inwards to encourage abundance; ringing a bell to scare away bad luck; lighting different colored candles (white = peace and harmony, red = love, etc); dressing in red, gold or white. The purpose of all of these acts is to prepare us to receive, to let go of the past and to begin our journey towards something new and better. Of course, these little rituals may not have an effect, but they do make for a very fun time! Happy New Year!

December 21/2016 - January 03/2017

SPECIAL EVENT CONSCIOUS SHOPPING HOLIDAY PARTY, Thursday, December 22 from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. The Suitcase. Come do your Christmas shopping featuring reusable beach bags made by the women of San Pancho community and pamper yourself at the new aromatherapy station plus wine tasting, DJ. No fee just bring your holiday smiles! At the corner of Calle 28 with Avenue 25. 984-181-1987 NEW BEER RELEASE, Thursday, December 22 starting at 4:00 pm. Carmen Beer Company. Come try the newest special Carmen Barleywine, a barleywine style strong ale. Their strongest beer yet 8.2% ABV! Xaman Ha Plaza across the highway from Centro Maya. 984 216 4647 CHRISTMAS DINNER, Saturday, December 24 starting at 5:00 p.m.Carboncitos, Calle 4 just off of 5th Avenue behind Haagen Dazs. $40usd. For reservations call 984-873-1382 or write info@carboncitosplaya.com.mx PRE-NYE PARTY, Friday, December 30. Carmen Beer Company starting at 4:00 pm. Pre-celebrate New Year’s with 2x1 beers, cocktail and champagne specials. Live music, a food truck and free beer and/or champagne toast at midnight! NEW YEAR´S DINNER, Saturday, December 31 starting at 9:30 p.m, La Drinkeria by Henry Miller. $750mxn per person. Avenue 115, MZ 7, Lote 1, Local 5en Plaza Punto in Colonia Los Olivos.



ASANA, PRANAYAMA & MEDITATION Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. The Roof at Be Playa. Avenue 10 and Calle 26.

LIVE MUSIC Fridays at 7:30 p.m. Chak Acoustic Session. Ahau Tulum Km 7.8 Carretera Tulum Boca Paila.

YOGA, Tuesday, November 22 from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Start the day with a Yoga session. Pueblito Mayakoba. Federal Highway Chetumal-Puerto Juarez km. 298, 984 873 4900.

LIVE MUSIC Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. Chak Acoustic Session. Encantada Tulum Km 8.7 Carretera Tulum Boca Paila. YOGA Monday thru Saturday at 8:30 a.m., 10:15 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. On Sundays at 10:15 a.m. and 5: p.m. Sanara Tulum. Km 8.2 Carretera Tulum Boca Paila.


DEC 21- JAN 03



YOGA, Tuesday, November 29 from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Start the day with a Yoga session. Pueblito Mayakoba. Federal Highway Chetumal-Puerto Juarez km. 298, 984 873 4900.

KAVA KASA LOCAL MARKET every Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Kava Kasa, 22nd St. and 10th Ave. ECOTIANGUIS DESAYUNO, every Friday, 9 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Jardin de Todas Centro Comunitario, Avenida 80 & Calle 3 Sur (Ejido). EL ÁRBOL PLAYACAR MARKET, every Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tulum Avenue, Local 6. Playacar Fase II.


PARQUE LA CEIBA TIANGUIS, every Saturday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m, Parque La Ceiba, corner of Calle 1 Sur and Avenida 60.

KARAOKE Every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. PG´s Mexican Caribe Bar & Grille, 6:30 p.m., Calle 26 on the corner of 1st Avenue next to the Grand Hyatt.

COCO BEACH MARKET Every Friday from 9 am to 11 a.m. Les Alizes Condos Avenue Flamingo and Calle 46.

KARAOKE, INTERNATIONAL Every Wednesday and Saturday at 9 p.m. at The Dirty Martini located on 1st Avenue between Calles 10 and 12. It’s a more international Karaoke night, not only for Mexicans.

JARDIN DE TODOS MARKET Every Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. located on Calle 3 Sur between Avenues 75 and 80.

LIVE KARAOKE. Every Saturday at 11:00pm join the band RockStaraoke to live your Rock Star Fantasy. Choose from 100 songs! La Drinkeria, Av. Petempich, Plaza Punto 115, Local 5, Residencial de los Olivos. DANCE CLASSES, Tuesday 11 a.m. & 1 p.m., Wednesday 4 p.m. & 6 p.m., Parque La Ceiba, corner of Calle 1 Sur and Avenida 60, For the month of

April come try bachata, salsa, cumbia, & merengue. Fee: Donation SALSA LESSONS, every Saturday, 9:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., Salon Salsanera Raices, calle 12 between 5th & 10th. Free. AERIAL DANCE/SILKS Wednesdays and Fridays 9-10 a.m. Free trial classes for adults at Parque La Ceiba 1st Avenue South and Avenue 60 Diagonal in the Ejido. Given by Aerofobia. Please wear pants or leggings.



December 21/2016 - January 03/2017 so it was rush, rush, rush. It was a rush and it was great, but then I had to leave because I was still working my other job. I still had a month or two left and we had just one girl that worked here. It was not going well and then Kaitlyn came aboard! The challenge was not being here and wanting to be here seeing people trying on the clothes and the smiles on their faces. I wanted to put the energy in the store and not being here made me feel like my hands were tied. My message from this experience is to never give up or stop halfway. Whenever you want to stop that is actually when the things start to change. So keep your vision, keep your focus and never give up even if you feel you do not want to keep going. Never give up in life or anything.

Kari and Kaitlyn are fusing fashion and fun together with their store, The Suitcase / Photos: Kairi Kuuskmann

A Fusion of Fashion,

Art and Music A new concept has hit Playa and it is called The Suitcase. Do not be _hhe^] maZm bm bl cnlm Zghma^k \ehmabg` lmhk^ [^\Znl^ bm l fn\a fhk^ BY CRYSTAL MITCHELL


airi Kuuskmann and her Creative Director, Kaitlyn O’Connor met with me so that I could find out more about a new concept that they are developing here in Playa. It’s called The Suitcase, and it fuses music, art, and fashion to drive passion. From Mezcal tastings to DJ events, they are bringing artists and people of all types together to share ideas and to try on clothes from the other side of the world in a fun and innovative way!

TPT: Where did the idea for The Suitcase come from? Kairi: When my boyfriend came to visit me in Amsterdam, we came up with the idea. We began making pop-up stores here in Mexico in our house, with the fashions that I brought back from Amsterdam. We just started with friends and friends of friends. I would bring one of a kind clothing from Europe to make it more fun, because if it fits you, then it is meant for you. Then I began going to the trendy fairs here in

Visit The Suitcase at the corner of Calle 28 and Avenue 25 from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. every day except Sunday. Facebook/The Suitcase Clothing Co town and those gave me more confidence to see what people really liked. And the name, The Suitcase? We really want to project that map of the world connecting all of the people. We want people when they come in to have a feeling like they are going on a trip. What has been the biggest challenge of opening here in Playa? The biggest challenge I have to say was when we first opened, I only took a week to get ready

How have you grown through this experience? It’s been a huge experience. To be able to work for something that is yours, that you didn’t know you had inside of you. What do you want your customers to walk away with from their experience with The Suitcase? Being a woman and to see them transform right in front of the mirror and feeling beautiful. When they want to wear the piece straight away to dinner and discover this newfound confidence and looking in the mirror and saying, “Oh I look beautiful!” This is what every woman needs, to feel absolutely beautiful about themselves, to feel better when they walk out of the store than when they came in and to discover their beauty, their essence and to appreciate clothes on a different level, to change the way they feel. We want to be able to offer an experience when they walk through the store, with the music and the energy. We have people spending hours here with their families. We want them to share their happiness, their smiles, and their ideas.

December 21/2016 - January 03/2017



Mamita’s Beach Club p r e s e n t s DJ F e s t

DJ Fest is turning 12 and continues to gain fame among the electro music lovers. Enjoy a two-day beach party at its [^lm% mZdbg` ho^k FZfbmZ l ;^Z\a <en[ hg =^\^f[^k +2 Zg] ,)% +)*/' By Mar ina Uzal


ear after year, this gathering has attracted thousands of people to one of the best beaches in the Mexican Caribbean, and it now invites you once again to experience 20 hours of good music with renowned artists from t h e electronic scene, su ch as the NE RVO tw i ns, Da sh Ber lin , R3HA B and Mariana Bo

among o t h e rs . DJ Fest – 12th Edition will begin on December 28th with an exclusive invite-only Pre-Party, with The Cube Guys, an Italian duo who will perform the best of House and Tech House music. On December 29, DJ Fest, co-produced by Soul Entertainment this year, will kick off at 1 p.m. with a beach party, games on the beach and fun, along with resident and

guest DJs who will open for the headliners of the night: R3HAB, Dutch DJ and producer with his powerful Electro House. Closing the first day with Trance and Progressive House music will be Dash Berlin, the Dutch musician, DJ and producer who is ranked among the world’s Top 15 DJs. On December 30th, the DJ Fest beach party will continue with more resident and guest DJs to accompany the beach games before

Mariana Bo, a national talent, takes over the stage to boost up the energy with her unique mix of Electronic music and live violin. The last performance will be given by the Australian duo NERVO, who will conquer you with an inc re d i b le se t c h arge d w i t h p o p r hy th m s t h at w i ll m ake yo u d an ce. There is no doubt that DJ Fest is the best way to end the year, dancing on the beach while living an unforgettable experience at DJ Fest!



December 21/2016 - January 03/2017

NYE 2017 Mamita’s Beach Club:

The Best Way to Celebrate G^p R^Zk l >o^ bg IeZrZ ]^e <Zkf^g bl hg^ h_ ma^ fhlm ZpZbm^] iZkmb^l h_ ma^ r^Zk' Bm ZmmkZ\ml mahnlZg]l h_ oblbmhkl _khf Zee Zkhng] ma^ phke]% pah Zee \hf^ pbma ma^ lZf^ `hZe3 mh ebo^ hg^ h_ ma^ [^lm gb`aml h_ ma^bk ebo^l' By Mamita´s Beach Club


f you are looking to spend an unforgettable New Year’s Eve, we recommend Mamita’s Beach Club, one of the most outstanding beach clubs in the Mexican Caribbean. You will find a variety of option. You may choose to arrive early and enjoy the most delightful dinner while you enjoy music, performances, shows and a series of surprises that will occur throughout the evening. You can also join us after dinner to give a proper farewell to 2016 while standing right under the stars, atop either of Mamita’s Beach Club terraces, toasting to life and wishing for a happy New Year. If you would rather show up after 11 p.m. and live the last hour of the year with your feet in the sand, then the beach will be your playground.

At this time, the New Year’s Eve Party will begin with a performance by Biofunk and will increasingly build up until reaching its culminating point at midnight. The countdown will begin a few seconds before…and then, finally, the long awaited moment to welcome the year 2017 will be upon us, with fireworks, the midnight toast, and an incomparable show - a true explosion of joy to properly greet the new year. For those who plan on dancing all night, the party will keep on going until 4 a.m. with FIREBEATZ at the DJ Booth. The Dutch duo, renowned in the EDM scene, will ignite the night with some powerful beats. This December 31, greet 2017 at Mamita’s Beach Club with a magical night full of surprises! There is no doubt you won’t forget this experience!

December 21/2016 - January 03/2017




Home made cookies make for a great Christmas gift that is both personal and sweet / Photo: Wikipedia

Unique Christmas Gifts <akblmfZl h__^kbg`l ]hg m aZo^ mh [^ [hkbg` Zg] ik^]b\mZ[e^4 mkr lhf^mabg` _hh]&bglibk^] mabl r^Zk Zg] lahp rhnk \k^Zmbobmr BY CATHERINE PAWELEK


hristmas is just around the corner, and if you haven’t yet bought your spouse, partner, neighbor or co-worker a gift, do not despair. I have a handful of food-inspired gifts for you that even work well as hostess gifts. A person that cooks already has all the food basics in their pantry and most cooking utensils as well. So my first thought is to make my gift distinctive, but not have it cost an arm and a leg. How often have you been asked for the recipe of that special dish you always conjure up for the dinner party, backyard BBQ or pool-side gathering? Type up your recipe for tiramisu and gather up some of the ingredients, e.g. lady fingers, Mexican chocolate, Xtabentun (instead of Sambuca), espresso powder. For the base of your famous mole sauce, gather dried chiles, cinnamon sticks, cumin, thyme, dark chocolate, chicken cubes and wrap in a cheesecloth. Are you known for infused oils? Then whip up a batch and incorporate some great Mexican herbs or spices like cilantro, oregano, thyme or chipotle. There is no limit to your imagination, so just make sure that whatever you give reflects who you are. If you wrap it uniquely, it will look like a million pesos. We are fortunate that we can find most ingredients necessary for that personalized gift right here in Quintana Roo. So go ahead, pass on that recipe for cajeta, churros or sopapillas. I have been on the receiving end of one too many bottles of wine, flowers or plants when hosting a party. Christmas or not, taking the time to come up with something a little more personal goes a long way. Don’t get me wrong, the gesture of one of the above is sweet and is certainly appreciated, but is not too well thought out. As a foodie, I definitely want something edible, so make some biscotti with Mexican cinnamon, truffles with dark chocolate or a simple carlotta. I prefer a dozen home-made cookies over a plant any day. Tying a ribbon around a bag of goodies and including a recipe will

Just outside of Playacar along Avenida Aviación, a short distance from 10th Avenue, you will find a storefront with the logo of a bike out front and a sign that says, Lara & Luca. But don’t let the image fool you. It has nothing to do with cycling. It´s a cafe, run by a husband and wife team, Lisa and Roberto, originally from Guatemala. Their focus is on select dishes of international cuisine, along with a selection of desserts and cakes. The latter are becoming quite popular with local businesses who wish to celebrate a special event. Despite being open only since August, the word is getting around. Lunch time is proving to be busy, as I found out for myself when I dropped by to sample their cuisine. Roberto got into baking as a volunteer in Switzerland. He worked for six years in London, where he gets gained a lot of his pastry experience in very good restaurants. He also spent time in Spain, where he add international cuisine experience to his resume. This journey is what is reflected in their project that is named after their children. I began with some delicious brochetas de pollo (chicken shish kebabs) which came with a spicy peanut sauce. This was followed by ravioles de calabaza (pumpkin) made with the butter from capers, along with sage and lime. This was of a much higher quality than the ravioli I am accustomed to eating in many restaurants, which often is similar to that which you buy at the supermarket. I was told that this the traditional way of making it in Italy. However, this particular recipe was a French interpretation. International cuisine indeed! I ordered an espresso to go with the dessert that came next, and it came in the form

Owners Roberto & Lisa / Photo: The Playa Times Photo: The Playa Times

M a k e sure that whateve r y ou gi v e re fle cts w ho y ou a re . If y ou w ra p i t un i que l y , i t w i ll look li k e a m i lli on pe sos. certainly make an impact and get you invited to many more parties in the future. Share your recipes with us at info@meridianmedia.mx and we may print them in upcoming editions! Photo: Lara & Luca

of sticky toffee, which was quite delicious. It’s not something that I usually eat. “This is quite a common dish in London. You’ll find it everywhere,¨ I was told. Within the hour in which I was there, I felt as my taste buds and stomach had completed a journey through various countries.

L ara & Luca Avenida Avia ci ó n Between the hig hway & Avenida 1 5 Fa c ebo o k/ Lara&Lu ca 984 1 57 3 525 The owners Lisa and Roberto are very welcoming people, and you can see what a labor of love this is for them. They are open for breakfast daily and have a comfortable environment equipped with WiFi and a friendly, attentive staff. I am certain to go back again soon and try something else on the menu. I highly recommend it to those looking for a new experience here in Playa. Whether you are lucky enough to live here or just visiting us on vacation, you will find Lara & Luca just outside of Playacar. They are open Monday through Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Sundays from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.



December 21/2016 - January 03/2017


M a rT I n B er asat eg u i The world-famous chef and winner of 8 Michelin stars recently held a special evening at his award winning restaurant located in the Paradisus resort

By Ian MacKenzie The word passion can take on many meanings depending on what you are referring to. In the case of chef Martín Berasategui, it’s the name of his restaurant, located in the luxurious Paradisus Hotel on 5th Avenue and Calle 88. His restaurant, Passion, offers a menu with a mixture of local ingredients, done with great skill and imagination, and showing a high degree of technical and aesthetic accomplishment. All done with passion, of course! The world-famous chef from the Basque region of Spain is considered one of the best in the world and has been awarded 8 Michelin stars. He was recently named as the number two chef in Le Chef magazine´s list of the top 100 chefs in the world. When I received an invitation to attend a special private dinner hosted by him, I knew that I was about to

have a culinary experience of a very high level, if not the highest.

For reservations, please call 984 877 3900 or email paradisus. playadelcarmen@ melia.com. Before the dinner began, we were treated to a tasting of champagne by Moet and Chandon, with three different types to sample; a dry, a rosé and one that was chilled like a wine, while receiving a brief explanation of each. After this brief intro, it was time for the main event in the dining room. M a rt í n wa s a cco m pa n i e d by M ax-

imilia no Sola, the executive chef in charge of the kitchen at Passion, and a graduate of the Argentine Institute of Gastronomy in the city of Buenos Aires. He has been with the Martín Berasategui Group since 2004 and is a key part in the operation. Throughout the dinner, he provided us with information about the various dishes via microphone. The evening soon began, and course after course followed, accompanied by servings of wine and delivered by the well-drilled team of servers who moved with skill and precision. I was impressed by their synchronized timing in the placement and removal of dishes, as I was with the variety of flavors and tastes that were put before me. I have never seen food presented in such a manner, with small touches that turned them into miniature works of art. It was food as a form of artistic expression. I am not accustomed to eating this

way, and at the conclusion of the dinner, I was quite full. The multiple servings were deceptively small individually, but collectively adding up to a meal fit for a king. I imagined that this is how royalty would eat. This easily stands as one of the best meals I have ever had, in all aspects; the quality of food, the presentation, and the detailed attentiveness of a master who knows his art. The chef has said, “when you do your work well, and have a good team that tries to always be the best, I feel the happiest”. Based on what I saw as a guest in his restaurant the feeling is likely to be reciprocated many times over by those who are lucky enough to eat there. If you’d like to make reservation and experience Passion for yourself you can do so by calling 01 984 877 3900 or visiting their website: www.passionbymb. com. Or their Facebook page: Facebook/ Passion by Martín Berasategui

December 21/2016 - January 03/2017 Jaie / Photo:

“Pick Me Up” Dessert If you are looking for a new way to enjoy tiramisu then try our recipe, pab\a `bo^l Z eh\Ze Ü Zohk mh ma^ ihineZk \h__^^&Ü Zohk^] BmZebZg \nlmZk] By Catherine Pawelek

Add the mascarpone and vanilla, blend till incorporated.

Serves 6 INGREDIENTS 6 egg yolks 1 cup sugar 4 oz container mascarpone (can be found at Walmart) 1 teaspoon Mexican pure vanilla 1 quart heavy cream (crema batida) 24 lady fingers 1 cup dark roasted Chiapas coffee (similar to espresso) 3 tablespoons Xtabentun For decoration: Mexican cacao e.g. Abuelita or Ibarra, and chocolate sauce Whip the yolks and sugar together at medium speed till thickened and pale.

Separately whip the heavy cream to stiff peaks. Fold ¾ of the cream into the egg mixture, but don’t over-fold. Pour the Xtabentun into the coffee and let stand. Place one layer of the ladyfingers on bottom of a 10x10 dish and brush with the coffee mix, top with cream mixture and another layer of lady fingers and finish with a layer of cream. Cover the dish and place in refrigerator for at least 1 hour — the cream will thicken somewhat. To serve, cut a piece of this dessert, place a dollop of whipped cream to the side, dust with a little cocoa, drizzle with some chocolate sauce and stick a crisp lady finger on top. You can also make a mini-version in a disposable container as a hostess gift.




December 21/2016 - January 03/2017


Gratitude Improve your daily life by the simple act of appreciating the small things BY SARA JONES


t’s so easy to get caught up in the hassles of day-to-day life; we all know this. But when was the last time you stopped to reflect on how much you have and how grateful you are for your life? My guess is that if you are reading this paper, either in print here in Playa del Carmen, or online from wherever you happen to be, you have led a life more fortunate than most in this world. The benefits of gratitude are plentiful, and whatever your situation, it’s easy to start appreciating even the smallest things in life.

Gratitude boosts your well-being and psychological health The daily practice of listing the things you are grateful for can give you a sense of positivity. The advantages are most pronounced when compared to those who focus on hassles or complaints. A practice of gratitude has been shown to reduce the stressful emotions of envy, resentment, frustration and regret; it effectively increases happiness and reduces depression. Gratitude improves your self-esteem and mental strength

Being grateful for everything you have also has the effect of allowing you to appreciate others’ accomplishments instead of comparing them to your own. In the event of trauma or loss, those who practice gratitude have higher resilience and recover more quickly. Gratitude enhances your physical strength and encourages better sleep Being grateful reduces the occurrence of aches and pains and, not surprisingly, grateful people are also more likely to take better care of their health and exercise more. Spending

Next time you catch yourself complaining or grumbling about something, try and turn that thought around / Photo: The Playa Times

Are You Getting

‘5 a Day’? BY SARA JONES During a recent conversation about food with a fellow Brit, my friend said “I always try to make sure I get my ‘5 a day’.” I was instantly reminded of this mantra that we all grew up with in the U.K. The message was consistently delivered at school, at home, on the TV, on the news. A recent Internet search showed that this guideline was in fact recommended by the World Health Organization. Several countries adopted this advice during the late 1980s and 1990s and it’s a message that is still being delivered today in some places. ‘5 a day’ refers to the five portions of fruit or vegetables each person should eat, per day, for a healthy diet. It was such a simple message and, in my opinion, well delivered. Considering we all still remember it 20-plus years on is testament to that! “What is a portion?,” you may ask. This really doesn’t need to be over-complicated. A portion is the amount of that fruit or vegetable you would usually eat, and one of the ‘5 a day’ can even be a glass of juice.

Some examples would be: A handful of grapes 1 apple, or mango or banana a glass of fresh juice 6-8 strawberries 2 handfuls of raspberries A large slice of melon ½ grapefruit ½ avocado ½ bell pepper 1 sweet potato 3 tablespoons of lentils 2-3 tablespoons of peas, or green beans, or carrots on the side of your meal 5 spears of asparagus Fruits and vegetables deliver the majority of our vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber that we all need in our diet. To get the best variety, eat as many colors of the rainbow in natural fruits and vegetables as possible. Ever since that conversation reminded me of this simple rule, and after writing this article, I’ve been trying to keep track of mine. I normally do pretty well at reaching my ‘5 a day’. How about you? Sara Jones Spa, Wellness & Lifestyle Expert, Spa Consultant and Founder of Spa & Wellness Mexico magazine

Closet caption / Photo:Agency

When was the last time you stopped to reflect on how much you have and how grateful you are for your life? 15 minutes a day on a ‘Gratitude Journal’ before bedtime can encourage longer and better sleep. Next time you catch yourself complaining or grumbling about something, try and turn that thought around. In comparison to those much less fortunate, could you potentially say this instead?, “Aren’t I lucky to have this as a problem!”

Sara Jones Spa, Wellness & Lifestyle Expert, Spa Consultant and Founder of Spa & Wellness Mexico magazine www.spawellnessmexico.com



December 21/2016 - January 03/2017

Animal Welfare Volunteering Opportunities (Part Two) BY: NASH Contact any one of these amazing non-profit organizations in the Riviera Maya to see how you can make a difference. Riviera Rescue in Puerto Morelos is a non-profit animal welfare organization dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming dogs and cats, promoting spay and neuter, education and low-cost veterinary services. Riviera Rescue saves lives daily, coming across the most desperate cases. To donate or foster contact rivierarescue@ gmail.com Facebook/Riviera Rescue. Help Tulum Dogs is a foster-based rescue organization run by volunteers in Tulum. Tulum has a huge dog population, due to the lack of education and financial means of the community. Volunteers help provide fostering, food, medical attention, and improve living conditions for dogs and educate owners. If you can foster or be a flight escort, contact: helpmexicandogs@hotmail.com Facebook/ Help Tulum Dogs.

Tierra de Animales is a non-profit located in Cancun. Tierra de Animales is literally the land of the animals. With approximately 3.5 hectares it is home to more than 400 rescue animals. Dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, adoption, and the protection of abused and mistreated animals. Help them by adopting, donating food, or volunteering. Facebook/Tierra de Animales. Cada Vida Importa (Every Life Matters) formally known as Save a Death Row Dog, is an official Mexican not-for-profit dog rescue organization based in Playa del Carmen. The Cada Vida Importa team saves and rehomes dogs from the local city pound where they have only 30 days to be adopted before euthanization. Every week the volunteers visit the pound to take pictures, promote adoption, bathe, give affection to, and walk the dogs. They ensure that dogs have the essentials like food, medicine and cleaning products and improve their living conditions by providing dog beds. Cada Vida Importa has saved hundreds of lives so far. Facebook/Save a Death Row Dog Playa del Carmen & Riviera Maya. Commission a portrait from Playartepop to commemorate your pet / Photo: Nash

Simple Ways to Honor a Beloved Pet The death of a beloved pet can be devastating, and grieving takes time. Honoring their life can help you through the loss and keep your memories alive


T Tulum has a huge dog population, and volunteers help provide fostering and medical attention / Photo: Help Tulum Dogs

Cada Vida Importa ensures that dogs have the essentials like food, medicine and cleaning products and improve their living conditions by providing dog beds.

here are some extreme methods of honoring your pet when you are are not ready to let go. For example, in Korea this may include cloning, which is very expensive and considered to be inhumane. Taxidermy or freeze-drying the body is another extreme idea to keep your pet’s memory alive, although not something many of us would want to do. We have collected a few simple ideas to memorialize your pet and help you heal. Get a memorial tattoo, a portrait or paw prints. Write a journal about your pet’s antics, personality, and memories. Write a poem or a song to help you express your feelings. Create a photo album, or framed collection of favorite photos of your pet. Donate to an animal welfare organization in your pet’s honor. Buy custom memorial jewelry which benefits animal welfare or a shelter

for example: Custom Mexican Peso Jewelry / Facebook Mutt Malas / Facebook Commission a professional portrait of your pet by an artist whose proceeds benefit animal rescue, like Playartepop - Facebook/Playartepop Create do-it-yourself craft memorials, like making keepsakes from their collar or tags. Make a bracelet or cuff from the collar, or a key chain with the ID tags. Check out Pinterest for inspiration. Create a shadow box with pictures, a poem, collar, tags, and anything that reminds you of your pet. Getting a new pet right away may seem like a great idea, but it can prevent you from grieving properly and may make things feel worse in the long run. If you miss the companionship consider fostering an animal until you are ready to accept a new pet. Volunteer with an animal welfare group; helping others is a great way to heal. When you have healed and you are ready, honor their life by saving another life and adopt.

Ro z ’s K i t t y Ko t t a ge Roz’s Kitty Kottage has rescued hundreds of newborn kittens in the Riviera Maya, most of these kittens are not even weaned, they are usually found in very poor health, and need constant feeding and care. Roz´s Kitty Kottage, a nonprofit, is also a dog foster home with a never end-

ing amount of dogs coming through in need of urgent medical attention and foster care. Once the animals are healthy, Roz works with various local organizations to ensure these animals find loving homes, either locally or abroad. Custom Mexican Peso Jewelry is a local fundraiser which

she operates to create income for rescue. The custom personalized jewelry is made from Mexican peso coins and created by a local artist. To order these unique custom pieces of jewelry and help animals in the Riviera check out Facebook/Custom Mexican Peso Jewelry or Facebook/Roz’s Kitty Kottage.

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