Course Outline
Pupils study four broad topics that comprise aspects of French Society, including social issues and trends, artistic culture, multiculturalism and aspects of political life. In addition, all pupils study a film and a book, both in the target language. Ahead of the oral exam, pupils complete an independent research project on a topic of their choice. This is underpinned by perfection of the grammar to work with the language longer term.
A Level External Assessment
Pupils take the AQA A Level Examination. This consists of three papers:
Paper 1 – Listening, reading and translation (50%).
Paper 2 – Written response to a film and a book (20%).
Paper 3 – Speaking with IRP (Independent Research Project) (30%)
Entry Requirements
For A Level study, a Grade 7 at GCSE or equivalent is required. You should be keen to communicate in French and want to learn more about the culture of France and Frenchspeaking countries. The course will equip you with the necessary skills to discuss, debate and give justified viewpoints on a whole range of topic areas. It will, above all, give you an indepth knowledge of the cultures of the Francophone world.
Skills Required and Developed
During the two-year course you will further develop your language skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing. You will be able to read increasingly longer texts and will be encouraged to read for pleasure in French. By the end of the course, you will be able to hold a conversation at normal pace, be able to write analytical essays in French and have sound translation skills. You can expect to be taught in small groups and your relationship with your teachers - two teachers will normally be allocated to each group - should be quite different from your previous experience. You will have much more opportunity to contribute to lessons and you will play a more active role in discussion. We aim to use French in class as much as practicable and you have a weekly session in the language laboratory for independent listening. In addition to the 11 periods a fortnight with your teachers, you will have a weekly period with our French Assistant, in pairs or individually.