Information for Parents 2024 / 25
We know that choosing the right school for your child is incredibly important.
We do all that we can to support prospective families in finding out more about the opportunities on offer at The Portsmouth Grammar School and to experience what makes this such a friendly and vibrant place.
We are fully co-educational throughout the school, which means that girls and boys can join from the age of 2½ in the Pre-School. Our main points of entry are 2½, 4+, 7+, 11+, 13+ and 16+. We may also be able to offer places in intermediate Year groups and are experienced in supporting families who are relocating to the area from other parts of the UK or overseas. We are also able to accept international pupils.
We hope that the information in this booklet helps to guide you through our admissions process.
If you wish to apply to The Portsmouth Grammar School please visit our website,, where you will find many more details about our school and an online application form.
Our Admissions Team will be delighted to help you with any questions, and we warmly invite you to be in touch.
At our Pre-School we aim to provide new and interesting experiences which encourage children’s initiative and inquisitiveness. A carefully planned learning environment and curriculum gives opportunities for all to explore, experiment and become well-rounded children.
Applications are welcomed from parents who wish their child to attend an independent school and who feel able to support its aims and values. We provide equality of opportunity and access for all children regardless of gender, culture, religion or Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND).
Pre-registered children will be invited to visit the PreSchool from the age of 2 for an initial play session, to ensure they will be happy here.
We expect all pupils in the Pre-School to transition through to Reception unless we feel it is in the child’s best interest not to do so.
We make the admissions process as friendly and relaxed as possible and offer places to children we feel would thrive in our Junior School.
The Portsmouth Grammar Junior School is committed to operating a fair and transparent admissions policy that provides an equal opportunity for all children.
Pupils can be assessed throughout the year preceding entry.
The admissions process includes the opportunity for us to get to know your child alongside age-appropriate academic assessments. The purpose of these assessments are to ensure that your child will flourish during their time in the Junior School.
We expect the great majority of pupils to transition smoothly into the Senior School.
Candidates are admitted on the basis of ability and potential as determined by written assessment, current school reference, interview and the Head’s discretion.
For entry in September 2025, 11+ candidates will be invited to sit assessments in November 2024. Candidates are also interviewed on a separate occasion in the week after entrance assessments. The School aims to put candidates at ease and, in doing so, increase the prospect that their true potential is reflected in their assessment performance.
Candidates with diagnosed conditions requiring additional time or other access arrangements are treated in accordance with the school’s Criteria for Awarding Access Arrangements in Entrance Assessments and Additional Educational Needs policies. Details of the criteria for awarding extra time, which are based on guidelines from the Joint Council of Qualifications are published on the school’s website and are available to all applicants.
The admissions selection panel will, in addition to considering a pupil’s interview and assessment performance, take notice of all references provided in support of a pupil’s application.
At 13+, candidates sit the school’s own 13+ Assessments. Candidates are also interviewed by a Senior Teacher. References are required for all pupils applying for admission.
Entry packs will be sent to all registered 11+ and 13+ candidates in advance of the Entrance Assessments. The packs include: a form to indicate the assessment date the candidate will attend, interview date and time, details of the assessment day and which assessments will be taken.
At 16+, candidates are made conditional offers based on interviews with senior staff, taking into account their predicted GCSE grades. Offers are conditional upon GCSE performance with the same expectation for external applicants as for current pupils. The school would usually expect candidates to achieve at Grade 7/A or above, at GCSE in subjects to be studied at A Level and at least six strong passes, the equivalent of a grade 5/B at GCSE, or equivalent, in other subjects. External candidates for the Sixth Form also sit a NonVerbal Reasoning paper and a Reading Comprehension.
References from the candidate’s current school or college will also be taken into account.
At intermediate points of entry, a selection of the above methods is used in accordance with individual circumstances.
All candidates receive formal notification of acceptance or otherwise in accordance with HMC guidelines. A deposit is payable to formally accept the offer of a place that is repaid on the last term bill.
The closing date for applications for 2025 entry is Friday 20th September 2024.
The aim of the Pre-School is to prepare children, both academically and pastorally, for entry to The Junior School and to ensure a positive transition into the Reception classes. The EYFS (Pre-School) accepts Early Education Funding (EEF) for 15 hours per week until the child enters Reception. These sessions are available as:
5 x am or pm sessions (1 per day) or
3 x am sessions with the 1 hour lunch session and 1 x am or pm session (hot lunches charged additionally)
Flexibility of session times will be offered to parents who access non-EEF funded ours.
The Admissions team will support parents through the application process which will include:
An invite to an an initial Stay & Play session
Support with booking sessions once the offer of a place has been made, subject to availability
A Settling In session prior to the agreed start date.
When ratios within the Pre-School are met, it may be necessary to operate a waiting list. Parents will be made aware of this on application.
The assessments for joining us in Reception Year are informal and no preparation is required.
You will be invited to bring your child into school where you will both meet the Head of Reception, then your child will spend some time in play-based activities and will also be asked to draw a picture. Children should bring a favourite toy or object that they are happy to talk about during the assessment, which will last about 20 minutes. During this time, you will have the opportunity to meet with the Head of the Junior School or the Head of Pre-School and Infants.
Once an offer has been made, there will be opportunities for your child to come in for a play afternoon with other children who will be joining Reception.
Children will be invited to attend a familiarisation ‘Taster Morning’ within their current year group. On arrival, you will both meet either the Head of the Junior School or the Head of Pre-School and Infants. At some point during your visit, the Head of Pre-School and Infants will spend some time with your child carrying out an assessment which will last no longer than 30 minutes. They will be assessed through a variety of the following activities:
High frequency words to check their sight vocabulary and spelling
Phonics – we will explore the sounds and phoneme blends that the children know
Reading – your child may wish to bring a favourite book to discuss; we also have many books to explore and use
Writing numbers and exploring their understanding of place value
We will also discuss and explore other mathematical concepts that your child is familiar with
Your child is also encouraged to a bring a favourite toy or object that they are happy to talk about during the assessment.
Please be reassured that this is an opportunity for us to get to know your child and all activities are age and stage appropriate for their current year group.
Children will be asked to come in to school to sit assessments in the Admissions Office. Parents will be greeted at the entrance to the school and the child then accompanied to the Admissions Office to do three online assessments in Maths, English, Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning.
The Head of the Junior School will also speak with your child as part of the assessment and meet the whole family.
We believe strongly in the importance of recognising each child’s academic potential and seek to gain as much insight as possible into their enthusiasm and curiosity, as well as their particular strengths and interests.
We invite girls and boys to sit assessments in Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning, Creative Comprehension, Mathematics and English. We also request a reference from the child’s current school.
In the week following the main assessment, children are then asked to come in for an interview and we encourage them to bring an item of special interest to talk about.
All candidates are automatically considered for academic scholarships and awards.
Means-tested financial support is also available, subject to application in advance of the 11+ Assessment.
More details of eligibility are available in the PGS Financial Assistance with Fees Policy on the school website. The school does not award fee assistance or scholarships to applications out of the usual admissions cycle.
Children may also apply for scholarships at 11+ in Art, Drama, Music and Sport. Application forms are available on the school website.
The 11+ Assessments for September 2025 entry are on Saturday 9th November 2024; the 11+ entrance interviews are on Friday 15th November 2024.
We use the 11+ Entrance Assessments as a pre-test for children wishing to join the school at 13+. Conditional places will be offered based on the 11+ results and confirmed following our own 13+ Entrance Assessment. We believe that this helps families to plan ahead successfully for a change in their child’s school at 13+.
Those children who have not taken our 11+ Assessments as a pre-test will be asked to take our 13+ Assessments. All offers are dependent on satisfactory performance in the 13+ Assessments in the November preceding the year of entry.
The 13+ Entrance Assessments involve an interview, a current school reference and written papers in English, Mathematics, Non-Verbal Reasoning and a Modern Foreign Language.
All candidates are automatically considered for academic scholarships and other academic awards; these are awarded following the 13+ Assessments.
Children may also apply for scholarships at 13+ in Art, Drama, Music and Sport (forms available on the website).
The 13+ Assessments for September 2025 entry are on Saturday 9th November 2024; the 13+ entrance interviews are on Friday 15th November 2024.
We invite all applicants for places in our Sixth Form to an interview morning which consists of one 20-25 minute interview and a number of short aptitude tests. These interviews take place in November of the year before entry, though there are also opportunities for applicants to be assessed at other times through the proceeding academic year.
The interview process is designed to be affirming as it provides the opportunity to talk about subject choices and combinations, future aspirations, co-curricular interests and the Sixth Form experience.
The application deadline date for entry in September 2025 is Friday 18th October 2024.
The interview and assessment date for 2025 entry will be on Saturday 23rd November 2024. All offers are then despatched in early December.
Offers are conditional upon GCSE performance with the same expectation for external applicants as for current pupils. The school would usually expect candidates to achieve at Grade 7/A or above, or equivalent at GCSE in subjects to be studied at A Level and at least six strong passes, the equivalent of a grade 5/B at GCSE, or equivalent, in other subjects.
Whilst we always advise that applications are made in time for our November interview programme, we understand that the decision to apply may sometimes need to be a little later. In these circumstances, if we have places available, we are always pleased to show interested applicants around the school and arrange for an interview.
The Portsmouth Grammar School holds a Child Student Visa licence which enables us to accept a number of international pupils, these are mainly in to our Sixth Form. If you are currently resident outside the UK but would be interested in applying to join us please contact Admissions to discuss the application process and visa requirements.
Formal evidence is required in order to consider awarding access arrangements, including extra time. Recommendations made in full diagnostic assessments by an Educational Psychologist or Specialist Assessor will be accepted, regardless of when they were conducted.
In all instances, tests used to produce evidence should be up-to-date, fully standardised tests that are age appropriate and have a ceiling level at least equivalent to the chronological age of the pupil. In the case of centre-delegated access arrangements, such as use of a word processor or prompt, evidence should be provided in the form of a letter from the school’s SENCO, signed, dated and written on centre headed paper, stating the nature of the pupil’s impairment and confirming that this is their usual way of working at school.
If access arrangements are required due to a physical disability or named medical condition (not including specific learning difficulties), a letter describing the physical or medical condition, written by a specialist consultant (not a GP), must accompany the application form.
Each application for access arrangements is considered against the criteria set out below and must be received with the application form. PGS follows the criteria specified by the Joint Council of
Qualifications (JCQ) in the document, ‘Adjustments for candidates with disabilities and learning difficulties’. This document can be downloaded from the JCQ website. It is updated every September.
To be eligible for 25% additional time, a pupil should have:
1. A current Statement of Special Educational Need, Education and Health Care Plan which clearly states the need for extra time or full diagnostic report by an Educational Psychologist or Specialist Assessor which confirms a disability; or
2. An assessment, carried out by a level 7 qualified specialist assessor which confirms that the candidate has at least two below average standardised scores of 84 or less which relate to two different areas of speed of working.
Speed of reading and writing (not to be used in conjunction with a word processor)
Speed of writing, and speed of cognitive processing (not to be used in conjunction with a word processor)
Speed of reading and cognitive processing (word processor may be used if applicable)
Two different areas of cognitive processing which have a substantial and long term adverse effect on speed of working
3. In rare and very exceptional circumstances, where there are no scores of 89 or less, 25% extra time may be awarded where a candidate has been diagnosed as having a significant learning difficulty or disability which has a clear, measurable and substantial long term adverse effect on performance and speed of working. It is likely such candidates would have an EHCP.
50% extra time is only awarded in very exceptional circumstances and would not normally be available to candidates. It would be awarded following careful consideration of the evidence and a meeting with parents.
We offer financial assis in the Senior School awarded to cover up fee. This extensive prog The Portsmouth Gram alumni, friends and th extremely grateful to makes it possible for a join PGS each year.
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Applications for fin made by Friday 2 September 2025 entry
Applications for finan main assessment date as funds available for f been allocated. Financ at entry for 11+ and 16+ exceptional candidate
The school respects awards made to famil to do likewise.
A scholarship at PGS is awarded to recognise exceptional academic or co-curricular ability. They offer a modest fee reduction and whilst awards may be accumulated for suitable candidates, the fee reduction associated with them is typically capped. Awards are not means-tested, but they may be augmented by the addition of a means-tested financial award where appropriate.
Academic awards are not applied for, but all pupils, both current and prospective, are automatically considered in light of their academic ability or potential. Academic awards are primarily made for achievement in examinations at 11+, 13+ and on entry into the Sixth Form based on the results of the GCSE examination. They may also be awarded to pupils who demonstrate a very high level of academic potential.
Pupils who perform exceptionally well in the 11+ entrance assessment in November preceding the September entry will be invited to attend a scholarship day held the week following the assessment.
There are three types of academic scholarship at 11+: i. Scholarship awards are typically worth 6% of the school fees and are awarded for intellectual curiosity, and ability to apply knowledge and skills following exceptional performance in the assessments. ii. Exhibition awards worth 3% of fees are made for high achievement in the 11+ assessments.
Scholarship awards are also made to pupils joining from the PGS Junior School. A number of pupils will be invited to join the Scholarship Day alongside the external candidates. All children will be automatically considered as part of the Junior School’s programme of Continuous Assessment.
We have a well-established entry in to Year 9 which caters for pupils joining the Senior School from preparatory schools, or those wishing to transfer from other local state or independent schools. Scholarships are awarded to these external entrants following academic assessment. The awards available are the same as those for 11+ entry. All pupils are automatically considered in light of their performance in the assessments.
at 16+
PGS has a thriving Sixth Form offering A Levels alongside an academic and personal enrichment curriculum.
The Sixth Form attracts a large number of new entrants from independent and maintained schools, including schools overseas. Scholarships are awarded to external candidates based on the results of their assessment and GCSE examinations. Along with internal candidates all pupils are automatically considered for scholarships in the light of their GCSE results.
Internal candidates may be awarded a generous HMS Warrior Scholarship, which are provided to exceptional academic candidates entering the Sixth Form.
External candidates may be awarded a Sixth Form Scholarship in recognition of exceptional potential for A Level study; these are awarded following a Scholarship Day held in the January preceding entry to the school.
Other academic scholarship awards are made to both internal and external candidates following receipt of GCSE results and are worth 6% of the school fees. They are awarded for outstanding performance at GCSE.
Exhibition awards worth 3% of fees are awarded to internal and external candidates for high achievement in the GCSE examinations.
11+, 13+ and 16+ Co-curricular Scholarships in Sport, Drama, Music and Art
In addition to the academic awards there is also the opportunity at 11+, 13+ and at 16+ for exceptional candidates to be awarded Art, Drama, Music or Sport scholarships. These scholarships are awarded by the Head following an audition and/or recommendation from the Directors of these departments. These are normally confirmed in the December preceding the year of entry. Art, Drama, Music and Sport Scholarships are typically worth either 3% or 6% of the fees.
Existing pupils may also become eligible for recognition in these areas upon transition from Year 6 to Year 7, Year 8 to Year 9 and Year 11 to Year 12. Application forms are welcome by the same deadline.
11+ and 13+ Scholarships must be applied for by Friday 20th September 2024.
16+ Scholarships must be applied for by Friday 18th October 2024.
It is recommended that a maximum of two scholarship categories are applied for. Co-curricular scholarship interviews and auditions, along with the Scholarship Day, will be in November 2024.
Further details, along with application forms, are g on the school website:
To a Scho be r your
The above do not include VAT
** A packed tea is required for children staying for the teatime session. When using the 15 hours EEF only, parents may choose from the following options:
1. 5 x am or pm sessions (1 per day)
2. 3 x am sessions with the 1 hour lunch session and 1 x am or pm session (hot lunches charged additionally)
If parents pay for any additional hours over the 15 hours of funding, they will be entitled to book from the full range of available sessions. Extra Sessions, if available, are charged at £10.00ph or part hour.
Reception - Year 2
Year 3 & Year 4
Year 5 & Year 6
Termly fee
Fees are displayed in GBP and exclude VAT. The above assumes that you have taken advantage of the termly Direct Debit which attracts a 3% discount.
A large number of Junior School pupils learn a musical instrument taught by one of the many visiting music teachers each week. We also give free instrument taster sessions to pupils, in Year 2 it is Strings, Year 3 is Brass and Year 4 is Woodwind. These take place in small groups for one term, parents then have the opportunity to sign up for individual lessons should they wish.
A programme of residential trips and off-site learning experiences provide the opportunity for Junior School children to learn new skills and try new activities.
Year 2, Fort Purbrook (outdoor activities)
Year 3, Ufton Court (history trip)
Year 4, Watersports
Year 5, PGL (outdoor activities)
Year 6, London (cultural)
Termly Fee
Year 7 - Sixth Form
Fees are displayed in GBP and exclude VAT. The above assumes that you have taken advantage of the termly Direct Debit which attracts a 3% discount.
The majority of parents take advantage of the Direct Debit Scheme and the school would encourage them to make use of this convenient, efficient and financially beneficial facility. Payers opting for this scheme qualify for a 3% discount on the basic school fee.
The school uses services provided by My School Fee Plan for those wishing to pay school fees on a monthly basis. Further details are available from their website,
Each day the Dining Hall offers a wide range of freshly cooked, nutritious meals for the pupils. There are always a selection of options available to suit different dietary needs within the choice of hot meals, as well as a fresh salad bar and fruit.
Breakfast is available daily in the Dining Hall and Sixth Form Centre before the start of school from 07:45 –08:30.
Snacks are available for Sixth Form pupils in the Sixth Form Centre.
For the convenience of parents, we run a termly charging system for food. This helps us effectively manage costs and offset the effects of food inflation. We continuously improve our food provision which includes a convenient, contemporary, ‘grab and go ’ cold selection alongside a varied hot food menu that operates on a three-week cycle.
The cost is £249 per term per child (equivalent to £4.40 a day) which is added to invoices. This cost covers a two-course meal deal for lunch and a freshly baked snack at break time. Your child will also be able to purchase additional snacks, cooked breakfast and other additional food items via their Wisepay account.
To view a sample of the menu available please visit:
The Portsmouth Grammar School is situated in the heart of historic Portsmouth.
The city is linked to the motorway network by the M27 and M275, and, being central to the city, the road network easily leads you to our door. There is ample parking around the school enabling easy drop off and collection of pupils.
Until 9.30am on school days you are able to park free of charge on Museum Road (including coach bays), Cambridge Road and Pembroke Road. It is not limited by time provided your vehicle is gone by 9.30am. In the afternoons the coach bays are not available and there is an unpublished 20p charge for 15 minutes in Museum Road, Cambridge Road and Pembroke Road.
The train is a particularly popular way of coming in to the city each day. Trains come in to Portsmouth & Southsea and Portsmouth Harbour stations from Haslemere, Petersfield, Chichester, Fareham and other towns just outside Portsmouth. Both city stations are within a fifteen minute walk of the school.
Average Train Travel Times
Journeys to Portsmouth & Southsea Station from:
Chichester, 25 minutes
Fareham, 23 minutes
Hedge End, 37 minutes
Haslemere, 47 minutes
Havant, 17 minutes
Petersfield, 31 minutes
Ferries and hovercrafts constantly traverse the water from the Isle of Wight, Gosport and Hayling Island. The Isle of Wight and Gosport terminals are again only a fifteen minute walk from us.
PGS operates a free minibus service for Junior School pupils from the Southsea Hovertravel terminal to school, returning at the end of the school day.
From the start of the Autumn Term 2024 we will be running six home to school bus routes. The routes are shown on the map below along with a local Portsea Island route.
We have appointed StudentSafe,, as our transport management and technology partner. StudentSafe have many years ’ experience working with independent schools, across the UK and we are delighted to welcome them on board.
The StudentSafe service delivery team will track each vehicle and report any delays and incidents directly to you and the school via the app. Do email with any questions on the service.
All bookings will be made via a dedicated PGS parent app. The app will allow you to view the routes, see the nearest couple of stops closest to your home address and allow you to book the journeys you need to.
The app will also allow parents and carers to:
Access real time tracking of bus services
Receive real time verification that children have boarded the bus at their stop
Receive real time notifications of delays and incidents
Amend (cancel) booking details for the next journey
Use the self-booking calendar for booking or cancelling additional ad-hoc services should the need arise (subject to seat availability)
Information technology plays a key role in the personalisation of learning and igniting enthusiasm for the discovery and application of knowledge amongst pupils at PGS. The efficient, ethical and effective use of electronic resources is also a key study skill and learning disposition that we seek to inculcate in our pupils via the teaching and monitoring of correct usage of such devices and associated software platforms in a formal learning environment.
The School operates a br for all pupils from Year software apps are all bro device agnostic, so pupils choose their preferred learning; whether that be iPad or Windows 10 Laptop
The only stipulations re minimum technical require website, which will ensure able to access the vast ma school uses to facilitate te We have identified the fo learning objectives which a enhanced by the use of dig
To support collaborativ
To facilitate regular an between pupils and te setting, disseminating the rapid assessment o To promote creativity.
To provide personalise experiences for pupils addressing the needs easily and thereby aidi
To enhance and augment teaching and learning in ways that are otherwise not possible or not easy to do.
To promote engagement and motivation, both in lessons and outside the classroom when pupils are studying independently.
More details are available from the school. Extensive Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) have been prepared with assistance from members of the Parents’ Forum and are available on the school’s website at
Our bespoke uniform has great historical significance and the striking black, red and gold PGS colours are easily recognised throughout the city and surrounding areas.
Complemented by the ever-present PGS Lion, our uniform is available to purchase through our own dedicated Uniform Shop situated in the heart of the school, just off the main Quad.
In the Pre-School, the uniform is chosen with very young children in mind. The simple T-shirt and sweatshirt give a sense of identity and are in the red and gold PGS colours.
The shop is primarily open during term time, but for the benefit of new parents, the shop opens on most days during the summer holidays, times are published on the website.
A list of uniform requirements can be found on the school’s website:
Prospective families often start their PGS journey by visiting the school.
During the year there are a number of Open Events that we warmly invite you to attend. At these events you have the opportunity to hear from the Head and take a pupilled tour to see the school in action on a normal week day. The event finishes with afternoon tea and the opportunity to meet Heads of Department, the Senior Management Team, and the Admissions Team to ask any further questions. Dates for these events are on our school website.
If you would prefer a personal family tour of the school and would like to meet the Head or Head of Junior School, then please contact our Admissions Team who will be pleased to make arrangements for a visit tailored to your interests and needs.
Our Admissions team are always available to answer any queries and look forward to welcoming you to the school.
School uniform is compulsory from Reception Year upwards.
The School Uniform Shop can be contacted by calling 023 9236 4255 or by email at
Further information about the following areas, as well as other policies and procedures, can be found on our website:
A Guide for Visitors to The Portsmouth Grammar School
Additional Educational Needs (AEN) and Learning
Difficulties Policy
Admissions Policy
Anti-Bullying Policy
Behaviour Management Policy
Complaints Policy and Procedure (Parental)
Curriculum Policy
Data Protection Policy
Donor Recognition Policy
English as an Additional Language Provision and Policy
Ethical Fundraising and Gift Acceptance Policy
Exclusion Policy
EYFS Policy
First Aid Policy
FAQ Relating to Access Arrangements for External Examinations
Gender Pay Gap Statement
Health and Safety Policy
Internal Appeals Policy
Management of Head Injuries Policy
Non-examination Assessment Policy
Online Safety Policy
Organisation for Health and Safety at PGS
Parent Photography and Sharing Images Policy
PGS Terms and Conditions
Privacy Notice for Visitors
Privacy Notice - The School Community
Recruitment, Selection and Disclosure Policy and Procedure
Relationships and Sex Education Policy
Reporting Malpractice and Whistleblowing (Exams) Policy
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and Procedure
School Attendance Policy
Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs and Substances Policy
Word Processing for Access Arrangements Policy
The School Governors are listed on the website.
The Governors are Trustees of The Portsmouth Grammar School Trust. The address of the Trust is as follows: The Portsmouth Grammar School Trust, The Portsmouth Grammar School, High Street, PORTSMOUTH, PO1 2LN.
The Chair of Governors can be contacted via the Clerk to the Governing Body, Mr J. Read. The contact details for the Chair of Governors is as follows:
The Chair of Governors, The Portsmouth Grammar School, High Street, PORTSMOUTH, PO1 2LN.
The contact email for the Clerk to the Governors is and he can be contacted by telephone on 023 9236 4205.
We very much look forward to welcoming all our prospective families in to the school to look around and meet our pupils and staff.
A list of all our open events is available on our website, please visit: or scan the QR code below
The Admissions Team can be reached on 023 9236 0036 or by email at