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Year 9 Course Outline
Pupils receive a good grounding during Years 7 and 8 in one modern language. Those who have enjoyed it are encouraged to consider taking up a second modern language at this stage, as part of the option system, which also allows them to study all three modern languages, should they wish. There are 5 periods per fortnight in any one language. The minimum requirement is that all pupils study one modern language in Year 9 and this must be the language they began in Year 7, in order to maximise their momentum and attainment at GCSE. Pupils from outside PGS would normally be expected to study, as their core language, the language which they studied for longest at their previous school and select their second modern language within the option system.
Years 10 and 11 Course Outline
All pupils must take one modern language at GCSE although pupils are encouraged to continue with two modern languages, if they studied two in Year 9. To encourage communication skills, pupils have regular lessons in our language laboratories giving access to the departmental websites with custom-made materials and, most importantly, the ability to speak and listen in small groups.
Skills Required and Developed
The emphasis is on communication and using the target language to talk about daily life and the culture of the target language countries. The aim is to gain competence in the four main language skills: Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing. Additionally, pupils gain insight into European cultures and civilisations as well as a better understanding of their own language. They develop more confidence in their use of the target language to describe daily life and issues. Pupils work towards the Edexcel IGCSE. The study of Modern Languages to GCSE will be an excellent preparation for A Level and, above all, for the world of work and leisure beyond.
External Assessment
Speaking, Writing, Reading and Listening are externally assessed in the summer of Year 11 and each skill accounts for 25% of the qualification. There are two written papers and an oral exam.
Beyond the Classroom
The Department provides many opportunities for pupils to experience the everyday life and culture of another country. Currently, we run a Year 10 Spanish exchange, a Year 10 trip to Montpelier and a Year 9 or 10 trip to Munich. There are also many more events, such as the visiting Onatti plays and the Linguistics Olympiad, in which pupils are encouraged to take part or attend.
Further Information
Mr O Stone, Head of Modern Languages and Spanish, Tel 023 9236 0036, Email o.stone@pgs.org.uk
Mr P Gamble, Head of French, Tel 023 9236 0036, Email p.gamble@pgs.org.uk
Mr J Murphy, Head of German, Tel 023 9236 0036, Email j.murphy@pgs.org.uk
Exam Board Website: http://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/edexcel-international-gcses-and-edexcel-certificates.html