Winter 2021

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DAVID DAVID DAVIDDINKINS DINKINS DINKINS| |1927–2020 | 1927–2020 1927–2020

jay jay hoggard hoggard david dinkins dinkins & & david

Gerald Peart Gerald Peart Gerald Peart

By By By Ron Ron Ron Scott Scott Scott


azz azz azz Jazz Jazz Jazz isisis my my my beat beat beat and and and when when when I Ilearned Ilearned learned Mayor Mayor MayorDavid David DavidDinkins Dinkins Dinkinswas was wasthe the thefatherfatherfatherin-law in-law in-lawofofofvibraphonist, vibraphonist, vibraphonist,composer, composer, composer,and and and educator educator educator Jay Jay Jay Hoggard, Hoggard, Hoggard, I Ijumped Ijumped jumped atatat the the the opportunity opportunity opportunity tototo talk talk talk with with with Jay. Jay. Jay. What What What resultresultresulted ed ed was was was an an an engaging engaging engaging Zoom Zoom Zoom conversation conversation conversation about about about their their their relationship relationship relationship and and and Jay’s Jay’s Jay’s music. music. music. “When “When “Whenwe we wefirst first firstmet, met, met,he he hewas was wasmore more moreconcerned concerned concerned about about aboutmy my mybeing being beingable able abletotototake take takecare care careofofofDonna Donna Donna[his [his [his daughter] daughter] daughter]and and andkeep keep keepher her herhappy. happy. happy.AtAt Atthat that thattime, time, time,he he he wasn’t wasn’t wasn’t mayor. mayor. mayor. I Ithink Ithink think he he he was was was Manhattan Manhattan Manhattan Borough Borough Borough President,” President,” President,” Hoggard Hoggard Hoggard reminisced. reminisced. reminisced. Fortunately, Fortunately, Fortunately,Dinkins Dinkins Dinkinsdidn’t didn’t didn’tseem seem seemtototomind mind mindthat that that Hoggard Hoggard Hoggard was was was aamusician. amusician. musician. Actually, Actually, Actually, Hoggard’s Hoggard’s Hoggard’s musimusimusicianship cianship cianship may may may have have have worked worked worked ininin his his his favor favor favor since since since Mayor Mayor Mayor Dinkins Dinkins Dinkins was was was aapure apure pure jazz jazz jazz connoisseur. connoisseur. connoisseur. “He “He “He was was was organically organically organically into into into jazz jazz jazz ofofof his his his era; era; era; he he he was was was aajazz ajazz jazz guy guy guy listening listening listening tototo Count Count Count Basie; Basie; Basie; Duke Duke Duke Ellington; Ellington; Ellington;Johnny Johnny JohnnyHartman; Hartman; Hartman;Billie Billie BillieHoliHoliHoliday; day; day;Ella Ella EllaFitzgerald; Fitzgerald; Fitzgerald;Dinah Dinah DinahWashington; Washington; Washington; Sammy Sammy Sammy Davis, Davis, Davis, Jr.; Jr.; Jr.; and and and Nat Nat Nat King King King Cole,” Cole,” Cole,” said said said


The Positive Community Winter 2021

Hoggard. Hoggard. Hoggard. “He “He “He was was was close close close friends friends friends with with with Dizzy Dizzy Dizzy GillesGillesGillespie, pie, pie, Dr. Dr. Dr. Billy Billy Billy Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, and and and Lionel Lionel Lionel Hampton.” Hampton.” Hampton.” Their Their Their separate separate separate bonds bonds bonds with with with the the the same same same musicians musicians musicians added added added tototo the the thecohesiveness cohesiveness cohesivenessofofoftheir their theirrelationship. relationship. relationship.Hoggard Hoggard Hoggard met met met Hampton Hampton Hampton ininin the the the early early early 80s 80s 80s but but but ititwas itwas was during during during aaa 1988 1988 1988 duo duo duo gig gig gig with with with Bobby Bobby Bobby Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson atatat Fat Fat Fat TuesTuesTuesday’s day’s day’s ininin New New New York York York City, City, City, when when when he he he got got got the the the opportuopportuopportunity nity nity tototo jam jam jam with with with the the the master. master. master. The The The elder elder elder vibraphonist vibraphonist vibraphonist eventually eventually eventually became became became aamentor amentor mentor and and and friend. friend. friend. Hampton’s Hampton’s Hampton’s health health health began began began tototo deteriorate deteriorate deteriorate and and and he he he asked asked asked the the the then then then young young young gun gun gun tototo sitsit sit ininin for for for him him him atatat varivarivarious ous ous gigs. gigs. gigs. Hoggard’s Hoggard’s Hoggard’s most most most memorable memorable memorable gigs gigs gigs include include include the the the Carnegie Carnegie Carnegie Hall Hall Hall Tribute Tribute Tribute tototo Ella Ella Ella Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzgerald and and and playing playing playing atatat Jazzmobile’s Jazzmobile’s Jazzmobile’s summer summer summer festival festival festival atatat Grant’s Grant’s Grant’s Tomb. Tomb. Tomb.“Hamp “Hamp “Hampwas was wasactually actually actuallyatatatthat that thatgig gig gigand and andsat sat sat next next next tototo me me me asasas I Iplayed. Iplayed. played. He He He eventually eventually eventually got got got up up up and and and played. played. played. ItItwas Itwas was an an an incredible incredible incredible gig gig gig I Iwill Iwill will never never never forget,” forget,” forget,” Hoggard Hoggard Hoggard said said said with with with aabig abig big smile. smile. smile. Dinkins Dinkins Dinkins often often often atatattended tended tended his his his son-in-law’s son-in-law’s son-in-law’s concerts, concerts, concerts, including including including several several several when when when Hoggard Hoggard Hoggard subbed subbed subbed for for for Hampton. Hampton. Hampton. “I“I“I am am am sure sure sure he he he came came came tototo the the the Jackie Jackie Jackie Robinson Robinson Robinson Jazz Jazz Jazz Festivals Festivals Festivals ininin Connecticut, Connecticut, Connecticut, where where where I Iplayed Iplayed played and and and Robin Robin Robin Bell Bell Bell SteSteStevens vens vens was was was the the the producer,” producer,” producer,” recalled recalled recalled Hoggard. Hoggard. Hoggard. Hoggard’s Hoggard’s Hoggard’s album album album Swing’em Swing’em Swing’em Gates Gates Gates isisis aatribute atribute tribute tototo Hampton, Hampton, Hampton, the the the iconic iconic iconic master master master vibraphonist. vibraphonist. vibraphonist. “Eight “Eight “Eight ofofof the the the compositions compositions compositions on on on this this this recording recording recording are are are tunes tunes tunes that that that I Iplayed Iplayed played when when when Hamp Hamp Hamp sent sent sent me me me tototo sub sub sub for for for him him him with with withhis his hisband band bandinininthe the the90s,” 90s,” 90s,”Hoggard Hoggard Hoggardexplained. explained. explained. “Once “Once “Oncewhen when whenHamp Hamp Hampcalled called calledme me metototoplay play playfor for forhim, him, him, I Iasked Iasked asked what what what tunes tunes tunes he he he wanted. wanted. wanted. He He He replied, replied, replied, ‘Just ‘Just ‘Just swing’em swing’em swing’em gates.’” gates.’” gates.’” That That That conversation conversation conversation inspired inspired inspired the the the composition/album composition/album composition/album title title title and and and direction direction direction ofofof this this this mumumusical sical sical tribute tribute tribute with with with Hoggard’s Hoggard’s Hoggard’s own own own interpretations. interpretations. interpretations.

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