THURSDAY, SEPT. 22, 2022 Athens Fire Department manages low staffing…PG 6 Learn more The Ridges’ purposeful putt-putt…PG 9 Field hockey strengthens sister’s bond…PG 14 WHAT’S PAWPING?

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Multilingual journalism offers a broader perspective, attracts a more diverse audience and gives writers a unique opportunity to grow. Last spring, Culture Assistant Editor Alyssa Cruz investigated the lack of bilingual journalism opportunities at Ohio University. This year, the Culture staff aims to create regular multilingual coverage.
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We are so excited to see what this year will bring, and we are so grateful to our talented writers and translators. We encourage students interested in writing or translating to reach out to us. Keep a look out for lots of multilingual coverage at The Post.
This is a top priority for this year’s new editors. There is much to be gained from generating content that can be consumed by more than just an English-speaking population.Whenwriters and sources can converse in their preferred language, there is a broader understanding of the nuances involved. Multilingual coverage also allows writers to broaden their linguistic understanding and practice using a different format. Translating is not simply changing the words, and communicating significance across languages is a difficult skill. We are so grateful for having talented staff members who can make these translations happen.
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Multilingual coverage expands opportunities for journalists

Culture Editor Katie Millard
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Alyssa is a sophomore studying journalism and Spanish at Ohio University and the assistant Culture editor of The Post . Want to talk to her? Email her at ac974320@ohio. edu or find her on Twitter at @alyssadanccruz.

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lucky to work with a number of bilingual students, many of whom are international. There can be some apprehension in joining a monolingual publication for students whose first language is not the one primarily used by that news outlet. By providing an outlet for students to write in their native language, we have been fortunate to collaborate with students whom we may not have worked with otherwise.
2 / SEPT. 22, 2022
Publishing in multiple languages has already opened new doors for us as a section. We are in the beginning stages of a collaboration with the OU Translation Club, allowing our members to branch outside of the newsroom. So far, we’ve also had the privilege to publish four multilingual stories, including one story that was translated into four total languages.
We are working hard to establish a foundation so that multilingual coverage can hopefully be a part of the culture section for years to come. Our fantastic Digital Director Jack Hiltner has been instrumental in this process, personally coding each multilingual story so readers can easily switch between languages.
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The Athens County Sheriff’s Office received a phone call regarding funds stolen from a debit card.
Of the five people involved in the crash, three had injuries that warranted medical examination. Two of the injured people were flown to OhioHealth Grant Medical Center in Columbus and the third was transported to OhioHealth O’Bleness Hospital.
East and westbound traffic on U.S. 50 was disrupted for two hours on Saturday due to a car accident that occurred at Lake Snowden as vehicles attempted to enter the Pawpaw Festival.
Athens County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to a residence in Carthage Township regarding an unauthorized party.Deputies determined the party was hosted by the home-
Deputies made a report after speaking with the caller.
Ohio State Highway Patrol Trooper Zach Tackett said the crash occurred at 1:16 p.m. on Saturday, and first responders were on the scene by 1:19 p.m.
Tell tale heart
How did the cow cross the road?
Pawpaw Festival traffic causes accident, three injuries
Four vehicles were involved in the accident. The chain
Partied too hard
of accidents started with a tow truck, known as a rollback wrecker, rear-ending a Chevrolet Sonic, causing the Sonic to hit a Fiat 500 and pushing the Fiat 500 backward into a Chevrolet Silverado. After the initial impact, the front end of the tow truck climbed over the guardrail on the right-hand side and the vehicle flipped upside down, Tackett said.
Shopping spree
Several pieces of outdoor furniture were stolen from Athens Township, Athens County Sheriff’s Office deputiesThisreported.theft occurred sometime within the past two weeks.
The Athens County Sheriff’s Office responded to Albany in response to a caller believing there could be someone hiding in their attic.
Specific details of the crash have not been released as the OSHP report has not yet been filed, Tackett said.
Ohio University Police Department took a report concerning telecommunications harassment.
Dumb door
The owners of the cattle recovered them and no further action was taken.
Lock more than your doors
Upon arrival, deputies did not locate anyone when they checked the caller’s basement and attic.
Outdoor furniture stolen; dorm fire alarm goes off
owner’s daughter, who is under 18 years old.
A report of criminal mischief occurred in Dougan Hall, according to the Ohio University Police Department. Officers determined there was damage to bathroom stalls.
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No assistance was needed at that location.
From the call’s background noise, deputies determined someone was most likely pocket-dialing from the Athens High School Prom.
Athens County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to The Plains after receiving multiple 911 hang-up calls from the same number.
Oopsie Daisy
Stop calling me
Project X
The Athens County Sheriff’s Office took a report of loose cattle around State Route 550.
A fire alarm was reported at Bromley Hall on Sunday, Ohio University Police Department reported.
The individual reported receiving unsolicited emails.
The accident caused the festival to close for the remainder of the day. However, those who were already at the festival were able to stay.
An ongoing “no trespass” warning for the adults present was issued.
Due to the alarm, marijuana was found and was seized for destruction, according to OUPD.
“This isn’t really a Democrat and Repub lican issue,” she said. “This is an extremist issue.”
party,” she said. “He pretends to be non partisan, pretends to be one of us, but that is notConrathtrue.” said she believes Ohio is in the midst of a gerrymandering “fiasco” in which Republicans have repeatedly ignored rul ings from the Ohio Supreme Court.
Sara Hartman, one of the founders of the event, began by introducing Conrath and various members of her campaign team. Conrath thanked many of her sup porters and family who have continued to support her.

Danielle Young, a friend and support er of Conrath’s, said she believes Conrath should not have been denied her spot on the ballot.
“I have known Tanya for almost a de cade,” Young said. “She’s just a lovely per son. She’s passionate and she’s fierce.”
Tanya Conrath held a rally on Monday evening at the Little Fish Brewing Compa ny in Athens to formally announce her law suit against Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose.According to a previous Post report, Conrath applied to be on the November ballot as Ohio’s 94th district House of Representatives democratic candidate to replace Rhyan Goodman. LaRose denied Conrath’s application, stating Goodman had not been verified as a candidate prior to his withdrawal and therefore Conrath could not serve as a replacement.
Conrath holds rally in response to ballot denial
Her lawsuit was filed with the Ohio Su preme Court on Friday, she said. LaRose has five days to respond to the suit; a time line which has been expedited in compar ison to standard response times, Conrath
Tanya Conrath speaks passionatly to a large crowd of supporters at her rally on Monday. (ANNA MILLAR | FOR THE POST)
“Jay Edwards votes in lockstep with his
4 / SEPT. 22, 2022
said. She said her team expects an answer on FollowingWednesday.LaRose’s response, Conrath will need to file a brief which LaRose will reciprocate. The process should only take two weeks, she said.
Janoski said she has faith in Conrath’s abilities, which is what inspired her to ac cept a position with the campaign.
Conrath said she chose to run as the 94th district’s democratic representative following the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case. Among other is sues, she said she is pro-choice and in fa vor of supporting teachers.
When she was asked to be the replace ment candidate for Goodman by the dem ocratic party representing the 94th dis trict, she said she was ready. Conrath said she feels multiple issues have built up to a point that called her to act.
“They have ignored the Constitution, and done whatever the hell they want to do with our maps and our voting,” Conrath said. “You are voting on illegal maps this time around. Just so you know, they’re un constitutional.”Conrathsaid there have been multiple scandals, which she believes prove there are people in Ohio’s government willing to prevent voters from having a choice. She cited those alleged scandals as the reason she filed a lawsuit.
Conrath also discussed the scheduled date for absentee ballots to be mailed out. The mail-out date falls within the timeline of her“There’slawsuit.precedent for them (the Ohio Supreme Court) requiring boards of elec tion to reprint ballots with candidates that should have been on the ballot but wasn’t and to reprint and re-send them overseas. So we’re not dead in the water on this Fri day deadline,” Conrath said.
I don’t anticipate that we’ll be vaccinating people every four to six months, indefinitely. I think that, and the great hope is, this vaccine may have more durability and may last a little longer than our previous messenger RNA vaccines have last ed,” Gaskell said. “Hopefully this one will provide longer protection.”
The health department has held all its mass vaccination clinics at Heritage Hall because it is better suited for larger-scale vaccination operations due to its size.
The health department saw 343 new cases of COVID-19 in the past week, which is a gradual increase since late August, Gaskell said. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Athens County is currently reporting a “high” community level meaning masks are high ly recommended to be worn.
The clinic was held at Ohio University’s Heritage Hall, located at 191 W. Union St. James Gaskell, Athens City County health commissioner, said the health department administered both Pfizer and Moderna vaccinations.Abivalent vaccine is one that is protec tive against two viruses. Those vaccines given at the clinic shield the body from both the original COVID-19 strain and Omicron five variants, Gaskell said. Omi cron five is the variant currently causing the majority of the infections and is highly contagious, he said.
Jack Pepper, administrator of the Ath ens City County Health Department, said the clinic predominantly saw individuals
Mass booster clinic delivers over 300 shots
who are outside the “typical” student age.
- Jim Sabin, a spokespersonuniversity
In addition to allowing the department to host its clinics at Heritage Hall, Ohio University also advertised for the event across campus through multiple various channels, Jim Sabin, a university spokes person, said.

The health department will likely not host vaccination clinics to the extent they have been over the past few years since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Heritage Hall on West Union Street. (DYLAN TOWNSEND | FOR THE POST)
“It’s just way more efficient for us to deliver a high volume of vaccine out of that facility than out of our own facility,” Pepper said.
The department scheduled 300 in
dividuals to attend the clinic but it also treated a few walk-ins.
T he Athens City County Health Depart ment administered 315 COVID-19 booster vaccines at a bivalent vaccination clinic it hosted Sept. 10.
“The numbers right now, I will say, are a little misleading,” Pepper said. “We know that there are a lot of people at this point that are either not testing at all because the disease is not quite as virulent as it once was, or they’re doing home tests and then not reporting those home test re sults to us.”
need 100% of the time.”
A fire engine drives down Richland Ave. (Ryan Gryzbowksi | For The Post)
Brent Mattox, OU’s director of safety, said fire alarms in buildings on campus are monitored 24 hours a day. Twice a year, Mattox said OU’s Safety Department con ducts fire drills in all residential housing; however, up to four fire drills a year may be conducted in the future.
needs to be responded to at a time. On days with maximum staff, there are six people on duty, with three at each fire station. A minimum staff consists of four people on duty, with two at each station.
“There’s a certain amount of sick time and vacation time that is provided on a giv en basis based upon the benefits afforded to firefighters, and when people are ab sent, you have to be able to pull in other people to cover those positions,” Stone said. “When you only have a workforce in the fire department of 23 people, a couple of which are the chief and the administra tive assistant, you just can’t always keep the level of staffing that you absolutely
“Our problem is we have such low staff ing. Again, there’s only four of us, so that’s way too little number of firefighters to be fighting fires, let alone doing other things,” Rymer said. “If I’ve got two guys going in side to look at the alarm, I need at least two more outside for safety … That means I only have two other guys that are going to do whatever other call comes in.”
Rymer said when a fire alarm goes off, sometimes people have it so ingrained that it is a false alarm that they do not leave the building.“We’ve literally been pulling hose up a stairwell at River Park towers to go fight a fire and students and occupants are com ing down the steps with smoke going past them,” Rymer said.
Rymer stressed the most important thing to do when the fire alarm goes off is to get out of the building. He said people often assume the alarm is due to a curl ing iron or microwave popcorn, but in the event of a real fire, they could be in danger.
Rymer said because the AFD staff is so small, the fire station sometimes has to triage or rank the urgency of their calls if more than one is reported at a time.
Rymer is currently working on imple menting a $50 semesterly fee for OU stu dents, which would fund the hiring of more firefighters. He would then use those fire fighters to teach classes on fire safety to all first-year students on campus, covering topics such as the importance of fire safe ty, how to use a fire extinguisher, cooking safety and night-life safety.
6 / SEPT. 22, 2022
The AFD responds to all calls and alarms in university buildings. Athens Fire Chief Robert Rymer said in the past five years, an average of 40% of all calls made to the fire station came from university buildings.
According to the OU Athens campus fire log, there were only three legitimate fire hazards in residential housing in 2022.
Between the AFD’s two stations, one of which is located on Richland Avenue and the other on Columbus Road, there are only 23 employees, including the fire chief and administration staff.
Athens Fire Department manages low staffing, high demand
OU’s 2021 Clery Act Report shows that only 14 of 36 residence halls are equipped with sprinkler systems. Those halls include Adams, Biddle, Boyd, Bromley, Bush, Carr, Jefferson, Johnson, Lincoln, Luchs, Read, Shively, Sowle and Tanaka. All rooms in residential housing have smoke detectors.
Service-Safety Director Andrew Stone said there are various reasons it is hard to maintain a full staff in the fire stations.
If there are not enough AFD firefight ers on duty to respond to a call that comes in, Rymer said the fire station has to rely on mutual aid and volunteer departments, which lengthens the response time.
Due to limited staff, Rymer said it can be problematic when more than one call
T he Athens Fire Department or AFD has found it difficult to maintain desirable staffing levels, despite the department’s services being essential to Ohio University and the city of Athens.

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On Sept. 26 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., the ASL Club and NSSLHA will hand out Deaf Awareness Month flyers in Grover Center.
Sept. 30 is also International Interpret ers and Translators Day, another day in September celebrating a part of the deaf community.But,Deaf culture and the Deaf commu nity should be celebrated and acknowl edged every month, not just in September.
8 / SEPT. 22, 2022
I nternational Week of Deaf People, for merly known as International Week of the Deaf, promotes awareness, equality and inclusivity for the Deaf community. IWDP takes place every year during the last week of September, also Deaf Awareness Month.

much they know and how excited they are. So I’m happy to be in an observation ca pacity.”Two student organizations on campus are teaming up to educate and advocate for the Deaf community: the ASL Club, an organization that aims to decrease the gap between the deaf and hearing communi ties, and the National Student Speech Lan guage Hearing Association, or NSSLHA, an organization that prepares communication science and disorders, or CSD, students for their field.
Both Prusinski and Woods emphasize the importance of ASL as a huge part of their culture and something they are ex tremely proud of.
For more information about IWDP, visit the World Federation of the Deaf at wfdeaf. org.
Many hearing people are not aware of the depth of Deaf culture. This includes knowledge of terms, as according to the National Association of the Deaf, “deaf” is lowercase when discussing the audiologi cal condition of not hearing and should be capitalized when referring to the group of deaf people who share a culture and a lan guage,“DeafASL.culture is the actual parts of the culture you have to be immersed into, like language,” Lori Woods, another full-time deaf faculty member at Ohio Universi ty and co-advisor of the ASL club, said in ASL. “Whereas, the community is some thing that we welcome people to be part of if they want to learn more about norms in DeafPrusinskiculture.”said Deaf culture is the man nerisms, attitudes and traditions that have been handed down since the culture start ed to emerge in the 1700s.
Education and inclusivity are important to bridge the gap between deaf and hear ing people. While OU has accessibility of fices, neither OU nor Athens is doing any thing for IWDP. So, students at OU took the initiative to raise awareness on their own.
Woods said OU recently hired a fulltime ASL interpreter, an accommodation that has been requested for five years. This initiative will help faculty and students who are Deaf.
“The purpose of it was to raise aware ness on a global level of Deaf people, and of our language, and of our community, and of our culture,” Cheryl Prusinski, a fulltime deaf faculty member at Ohio Univer sity, said in American Sign Language, or ASL.According to the founders of the World Federation for the Deaf, an international, non-profit organization consisting of glob al deaf associations, IWDP was founded in 1958 to promote equal rights for the Deaf community.
“People have tried to get rid of or strip sign language,” Prusinski said. “That’s the reason why we want to set up more deaf awareness to let people know that no, no, no, our most valued asset is ASL.”
“I think that it’s important that we have an event like this because nobody else re ally does it,” Emily Hill, a senior studying CSD and vice president of NSSLHA, said.
Another way to bridge the gap be tween the Deaf and hearing communities is through ASL, according to Alli Kisker, an ASL“Learninterpreter.signlanguage,” Kisker said. “Also, just always keep accessibility in mind.”
Students, staff bring awareness of Deaf Culture
“Over the years there are just traditions and certain things that have been passed down, for example, like art, ASL stories and ASL literature,” Prusinski said.
“The students are actually complete ly the ones who are the drivers of that,” Woods said. “They surprise me with how
“We love being able just to connect with (the Deaf community) and be able to con verse with them on a deeper level,” Miran da Kress, a junior studying CSD and pres ident of the ASL Club, said. “And to stress the importance of that this month specifi cally, but every month.”
Continuing to learn about Deaf culture and understanding the pride people who are Deaf feel about their community is es sential for inclusivity and equality and why IWDP was founded.
“I’m confident that I have that culture, and I’m proud of that,” Woods said. “I think it does feel quite unique.”
Cheryl Prusinski was translated by Alli LoriKisker.Woods was translated by Natalie Kraft.
Bradan Miller, a graphic design major at the Tri-County Career Center, said that he has been working on the golf course for Havar since the beginning of the summer.
“I thought it was just a little fun after noon activity to do on the weekends with friends,” she Littlefield,said.anavid enjoyer of mini golf said, “I really liked hole number three, it had two levels which made it a little more complex.”Whenasked if she would ever play the course again, she said, “I’d love to go again … it supports a really good cause and it’s a fun walk over to The Ridges.”
When asked about the work that went into remastering the course, Simpson said, “We just had a dream of bringing a family activity to the community and employing adults with developmental disabilities. So we had to find 18 sponsors so that we could clean up the course and have them design the holes.”
This suggestion was passed on to an organization known as Havar Incorpo rated, a non-profit corporation with lo cations in Athens, Meigs and Washington County. With help from the community under Havar’s direction, the “Putt People First” miniature golf course was born.

“Havar works with people that have disabilities, and I have Autism myself,” said Miller. “So they got me hooked up and it has been amazing.”
In the fall of 2007, a person was out on a daily walk with their dog Captain Sniffy (the dog). After passing the park, he sug gested that the golf course be fixed up immediately. The following May, building and decorating commenced.
Putt People First Miniature Gold Course, a mini golf course by the ridges near Ohio Universi ty in Athens, Ohio, on Sept. 18, 2022. (DYLAN TOWNSEND | FOR THE POST)
For small businesses in Athens looking to spread the word about their companies, sponsoring one of these holes may not be a bad idea as there are still several avail able to claim by contacting Havar at the number found on their website, 740-5933533.When asked if she could pick a favorite hole from the course, Simpson said, “No, I think they are all terrific.”
var, according to Simpson, Havar will be hosting their “Putt-Spook-Palooza,” invit ing participants to come play in costume. Free food will be provided and donations areAfterwelcome.trudging up to the top of a hill, scattered below are the eighteen holes that make up the golf course and the ball rental station, manned by a Havar employ ee.
Simpson encourages OU students to consider supporting a good cause and playing a round or two of mini golf at only three dollars for students. To quote the “Putt People First” website: “There are two kinds of people in the world … those who are crazy about miniature golf and those who are going to be. Which one are you?”
Putt People First Miniature Gold Course, a mini golf course by the ridges near Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, on Sept. 18, 2022. (DYLAN TOWNSEND | FOR THE POST)
As far as what the future holds for Ha
Each hole is sponsored by a different business located in Athens. For instance, hole number three is presented by Pow er 105.5 FM Radio, a radio station based in Athens. The hole is located under a minia ture creation of a radio tower advertising theAnotherstation. example, hole number six, is sponsored by Bagel Street Deli, featur ing a large bagel-shaped obstacle players must attempt to hit their ball through to advance closer to the hole.
‘Putt’ People First Miniature Golf: Making a difference one hole at a time
When asked what other opportunities Havar has provided him, Miller said they reached out and offered him a job in a re ceptionistMackensieposition.Littlefield, a junior studying mechanical engineering, said she and her friends had done the mini golf course and thoroughly enjoyed it.
“We provide residential services, some employment services and day services to adults with developmental disabilities,” said Lisa Simpson, Havar employee and program manager for Putt People First.
The Athens Southside Park Miniature Golf Course was by no means a popular attraction. Located at The Ridges, it was said that the first four holes had simply disappeared one day, causing most folks to overlook it.

Alina Rosado is a junior studying musi cal theater and has been the secretary of El 787 for two years. Rosado was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and grew up there but decided to come to OU because of the organization’s founder.
cording to the Library of Congress. In 1917, President Woodrow Wilson signed the Jones Act, which granted U.S. citizenship to Puerto Ricans.
“I know it’s hard to come to college, es pecially if you’re coming from Puerto Rico and not knowing people,” Serbia-Ruiz said. “And I just wanted to add something more social to Serbia-Ruizit.” also said El 787 is working with other multicultural student organi zations on campus.
Serbia-Ruiz, a junior studying market ing and analytics, spoke about the indige nous group that inhabited the island be fore Spanish colonization.
Although the Taínos were friendly to the Spanish, Ponce de León took control over the island.
Ella Schaffer, a sophomore studying special education, said the hurricane is “a state of disaster” and is concerned about the affected people.
“The Spaniards treated the indige nous population severely, enslaving and exploiting them, forcing them to work in mines to search for gold in construction, and in agriculture,” according to the Puer to Rican Cultural Center.
10 / SEPT. 22, 2022
El 787, a Puerto Rican student organiza tion at Ohio University, hosted the event and corrected the U.S. education system’s mistakes. Serbia-Ruiz is the president of the organization and said Puerto Rican history should be learned as part of Amer ican“Youhistory.kind of know growing up in Puer to Rico but again being a U.S. territory they have to follow U.S. guidelines,” Ser bia-Ruiz said. “It’s really interesting to learn because people don’t know about it, and it’s part of American history. We are still part of American history.”
As president, Serbia-Ruiz wants to not only continue to talk about Puerto Rico’s history and host other informative meet ings, but also add a social aspect to the organization’s meetings.
to recently hit Puerto Rico and there (are) still people recovering to this day.”
El 787 is bringing together people of Puerto Rican descent and others who want to learn about the culture and histo ry. But the organization also serves anoth er purpose to its members.
“I think it’s about having a lot of people from where you are, which is how I like to look at it,” Rosado said. “I feel like more than a club, we’re a family.”
indigenous Taíno culture and heritage of Puerto Rico, which the Taínos called Borikén, “dominated the island,” accord ing to Yale University’s Genocide Studies Program. In 1493, Christopher Columbus came to the island and named it San Juan Bauista after Saint John the Baptist. One of Columbus’ former lieutenants, Juan Ponce de León, “heard rumors regarding the wealth of gold” and in 1508, the gov ernor of Hispaniola gave Ponce de León permission to “explore and subjugate the island,” according to Yale.
There are organizations and nonprofits people can donate to for hurricane relief such as Taller Salud, Hispanic Federation and PRxPR. However, Serbia-Ruiz said preventing the lasting impacts of hurri canes should start with legislation.
El 787 promotes Puerto Rican heritage, education “
El 787 was founded in 2019 by Isabella Philippi Cámara who is an OU alum. Ser bia-Ruiz said the organization’s mission is to provide space and educational oppor tunities.“The point of the club is to not only have a space for Puerto Ricans like us, but people that want to learn about it, espe cially other Latinos because we are a re ally large influence in Latin America,” Ser bia-Ruiz said.

“We’re working with Latino Student Union next week,” Serbia-Ruiz said. “We’re doing karaoke night. And then we’re ac tually working with AAPISU and doing a K-pop versus reggaeton night. I wanted to work with other minority groups because we need to support each other, especial ly at a PWI (predominantly white institu tion).”Another opportunity Serbia-Ruiz is working on is with a recruiter to bring more students in Puerto Rico to OU. Ser bia-Ruiz said that the opportunity could help Puerto Rican students connect with one another and to gain new experiences.
-Mickey Serbia-Ruiz, junior
Back in Puerto Rico, Hurricane Fiona hit the island on Sunday and also damaged its electricity grid, leaving residents with out“Hurricanespower. are nothing new to Puer to Rico,” Serbia-Ruiz said. “But it seems to get worse and worse with time. Hurricane Maria was one of the biggest catastrophes
Mickey Serbia-Ruiz said that Puerto Rican history isn’t taught in public high schools in the U.S. To help mend this, she presented the early history of Puerto Rico on Monday in Copeland Hall.
Puerto Rico has been a U.S. ter ritory since the early 1900s and is consistently being neglected by the government,” Serbia-Ruiz said. “Learning about the island’s his tory, people, culture, etcetera and bringing awareness to the issues can spark change in our govern ment.”
“Puerto Rico has been a U.S. territory since the early 1900s and is consistent ly being neglected by the government,” Serbia-Ruiz said. “Learning about the is land’s history, people, culture, etcetera and bringing awareness to the issues can spark change in our government.”
studying marketing and analytics
“I feel like the whole country needs to help them and get what we can get to them,” Schaffer said.
Serbia-Ruiz spent hours in the library compiling information about Puerto Rico’s early history for the presentation. The MCKENNA CHRISTY CULTURE STAFF WRITER
The Puerto Rican diaspora includes Taíno, Spanish and African roots, accord ing to the Center for Puerto Rican Studies. The island’s diversity and history is cru cial when understanding the way the U.S. treats the territory today. The U.S. took control over Puerto Rico in 1898 during the end of the Spanish-American war, ac
“It’s been a really nice way to stay con nected to my roots and talk to people who kind of understand what our culture is like,” Rosado said.
President Hugh Sherman and his wife Cynthia were the guests of honor for the event. In his short welcome speech, President Sherman talked about ISA’s annual event and how it is always the largest and best international event of the year.
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edgeable but are willing to learn more and be more Welserinvolved.”saidhis favorite dish from the night was Chana Masala and felt that word could have gotten out better about the program.“In fact, I should have been telling more people about it,” Welser said. “Now that I think of it I know people that would have liked it did hear (about) it, but I didn’t, you know, act on it.”
Organizers of the event believe the name Utsav, meaning a celebration or festival, was an effort to be more inclusive to include
the diverse festivals celebrated in India.

David Spielman, a sophomore studying psychology, said he looked forward to trying the butter chicken and gulab jamun.
“I would say hands down, it’s probably one of the best programs we’ve seen because it was so thoughtfully done,” Rao said. “It’s been choreographed really well and the quality of everything has been wonderful. The poem from Rabindranath Tagore is one of my favorite poems. So (Abhinil’s) in Bengali was just, for me, really powerful.”
by the event’s turnout, the president of ISA, Prothama Manna, a second-year Ph.D. candidate studying biological sciences, said, “It would not have been possible to pull up this extensive program without the great support of this great team.”OU
really eye-opening, just to learn about all the different cultures and experience it with my friends,” Speilman said. “The company, hospitality is amazing. The flash mob in the end, was something that I was not expecting.”Nagesh
Ted Welser, a sociology department associate professor, also attended the event.
Rao, professor and chair of social medicine in the Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, has helped coordinate this annual event since 1998.
“I am here because some of my good friends are strongly involved in the program,” Welser said. “I think this event means a whole lot because it’s not just about folks that are excited about aspects of India but also people that are maybe not as knowl-
The cultural program began with Akshayaa Venkataraghavan, a Ph.D. candidate studying environmental and plant biology. She danced gracefully, performing a popular classical dance form called Bharatanatyam. This was followed by Garrett Field, an associate professor of ethnomusicology and musicology, who mesmerized the audience with his euphonious production of Carnatic music.Along with a wide variety of Indian delicacies, Samosas, a fried or baked pastry with savory fillings such as spiced potatoes, onions and peas, was a popularly enjoyed appetizer. Another fan favorite was the butter chicken, aromatic golden chicken pieces in an incredible curry sauce. It was followed by a classic Indian dessert, gulab jamun. Gulab jamuns are made from milk solids, traditionally from khoya, which is milk reduced to the consistency of a soft dough.
Indian Student Association hosts Utsav
The event ended after students, clad in their vibrant ethnic outfi ts, hit the dance floor to groove to popular Bollywood party hits. Songs like “Subha Hone Na De,” “Batameez Dil” and “Zingaat” were among the crowd’s favorites. The Indian Student Association looks forward to hosting more events for the South Asian community and welcomes the people of Athens to experience Indian culture firsthand.
“I would have to say this event has been
On Sept. 11, the Indian Students Association, or ISA, of Ohio University organized the largest Indian cultural fest since the setback of COVID-19. Approximately 220 people attended the event in Baker Ballroom to appreciate Indian attire, food, music, dance andImpressedliterature.
Scenes from the Paw Paw Festival on Sept. 17, 2022 at Lake Snowden in Albany, Ohio. (PEARL SPURLOCK| FOR THE POST)
“For me, it’s like climbing a mountain every year,” said Chmiel. “It’s just like the biggest part of my life, really. (It’s) kinda stressful but kinda worth the stress ultimately.”The festival has had a recent transition of fiscal agents. Chmiel said a new non-profit, The Native Foods Education Organization, was created for the festival and plans to keep the event going. Chmiel said it could take on new projects in the future.“Luckily we’re blessed with a really great team,” Chmiel said. “We’ve got people who have been with the festival for like fourteen years … I think we’ve got a really solidOvergroup.”theyears, more educational tents have emerged. This year, tents included subjects like heritage, sustainable living, Ohio County Fair, holistic health, pollinators and of course, pawpaws.
“Now that I’ve seen it, I probably will always return,” said Rice.
ARTS/West, a local Athens arts center, often attends Pawpaw Festival but this is the first year they have had something to sell.Carter Rice, a program specialist at ARTS/West and self-identified tie-dye aficionado, united his love for tie-dye and his work at ARTS/West. With encouragement from his boss, Rice started selling clothes he tie-dyed, some with an ARTS/ West print, at the Nelsonville Music Festival.A new reclaiming aspect of the tie-dye is incorporating acid mine drainage into the dye. The process is similar to normal tie-dye, but with the addition of soda ash to brighten the colors.
“All of the things that we’re doing are Appalachian-based,” said Rice. “The items we have received from UpCycle are all
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Now, Clark brings caterpillars to different schools and groups to educate children about caterpillars, moths and butterflies.James Hunt, from Akron, Ohio, came to the Pawpaw Festival for his second year. Their neighbors encouraged Hunt and his family to attend last year’s festival.
The Athens Pawpaw festival, originally a small one-day event at the Albany fairgrounds, has grown in numbers and attractions over the past 24 years.

ly-friendly landscaping, a plant nursery called Natives in Harmony and Kevin “KC” Clark, “the Caterpillar Guy,” Clark, wearing a black “Got moths?” t-shirt, held four green caterpillars dawdling in the palm of his hand. Clark said his interest in insects was born in 1969 when a neighbor showed him how to raise caterpillars.“Youhave to have the right habitat, you have to have the right other insects,” said Clark. “Those caterpillars depend on ants, it’s a mutualistic relationship.”
“We haven’t had a vacation in like four years because of COVID,” said Hunt. “This is our only time off and we chose to do this.”
12 / SEPT. 22, 2022
Chris Chmiel, the founder of the festival and Athens county commissioner, spends his whole year preparing for the weekend-long event.
from the region, the acid mine drainage is from Appalachia. And I would consider myself an Appalachian artist because I’m from West Virginia.”
Pawpaw art,illuminatesFestivaleducation,Ohio’snativefruit
“Clean facilities, great for the kids, slept well,” said Hunt. “Fresh air, nice activities for the kids inside, great music and we love the bubble guy.”
Though Hunt and his family had only attended one Pawpaw Festival previously, they were glad to return.
This year was Rice’s first Pawpaw Festival. At the Nelsonville Music Festival, Rice tried a pawpaw for the first time on a nature walk with TikTok’s “Black Forger,” Alexis Nikole Nelson.
The pollinator tent included Wild Ones, a group that encourages environmental-
With international students from all over the world diving headfirst into a new, multicultural lifestyle at OU, three master’s students from across Europe said there are a number of ways they stay con-
“I listen to songs in Ukrainian,” said Sakharova, who also sings in her free time. “It really makes me feel like I’m home.”
Hearing their native language creates a sense of comfort for the international students and sometimes, even a newfound appreciation is sparked.
Language is an important topic for international students and a huge part of their national identity. To van Dongen, that might not be the only difference but is for sure the biggest. However, assimilation has come quickly.
Joergensen does not visit his local soccer team’s home games, missing out on his grandparents’ traditional foods that accompany the event. Trying to keep up the culinary connections is vital for most international students. Sakharova and van Dongen said buying food from home is crucial, and they are always looking out for local products.
“I’ve actually started to listen to more Danish music than I did when I was back in Denmark,” Joergensen says.
International students embrace European home countries from abroad
Greece is not the only European country with a culture worth celebrating and studying. To emphasize the difference and similarities between the member states, the Council of Europe initiated the European Heritage Days.
Joergensen and van Dongen do not know other Bobcats from their home countries, they rely on media from home and call their families and friends.
home countries at OU, which urged them to find a different connection to home.
They all found ways to stay connected to their heritage in their new home away from home. Even though life in Athens is different to what they were used to before, it’s full of exciting new possibilities.
Every year in September, the 50 countries of the European Cultural Convention participate in the popular festivities of the European Heritage Days. This year, Europeans are gearing up to celebrate their roots under the theme of Sustainable Heritage from Sept. 10 to Sept. 18.
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They all noticed pretty quickly there were few to no other students from their
Florian van Dongen is from the Netherlands and came to OU to pursue a double master’s degree in business administration and sports administration. While most countries stick to the name European Heritage Days for celebrating European culture, the Netherlands belongs to the few countries using their own language, showcasing everything Dutch during the “OpenThoughMonumentendag.”verydifferent places, the one thing they all have in common is a universal language, music.
While the events around the European Heritage Days are an ocean away, some of its spirits are present at Ohio University. According to OU’s fast facts page, OU students and staff represent 116 countries around the world.
This also helps with feeling less homesick and staying connected with his roots.
“I have a VPN server which makes it possible to still watch Dutch television,” said van Dongen. “It is important to me to know what’s going on in the news and politics. Even the weather is important for me.”While new traditions arise, old ones are left behind. For the first time in his life,
“I keep in touch with my family regularly,” van Dongen said. “I try to call them as much as possible and send some pictures of what I’m doing here.”
“I literally (just) bought some beers that are from very close to where I live,” van Dongen said. “In those small ways you try to stay in touch with what you’re used to back home.”
Anastasiia Sakharova, a master’s student from Ukraine studying Latin American studies, took up her scholastic path through the OU Center for International Studies to follow her passion for Spanish and Latin American culture.
Adding to that, Joergensen said “When I start to speak Danish again with my family, it’s always kind of weird.” Since he now predominantly uses English in his daily life.Since
Although thousands of miles away, a small piece of Europe can be found in the middle of the U.S. Athens, sharing a name with its Greek sister city, may not have quite the same culture as its counterpart across the Atlantic, but is still home to many proud Europeans.
“I actually never was connected to any Ukrainians (on campus) before the war started,” said Sakharova, who now organizes events to collect money and supplies for the Ukrainian front lines with her newfound group of fellow Ukrainians.
Similarly, getting closer to his interests also motivated Andreas Joergensen from Denmark, a graduate student studying American Studies in Odense and spending a semester abroad at OU.
nected to their home countries.
The Littlefield sisters at Pruitt Field after their 2-0 win over Queens University of Charlotte on Sunday, Sept. 18, 2022. (JESSE JARR OLD-GRAPES | DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY)
Acting as a de facto tour guide for her sister, Weslee praised Bodhi to no end and thought that the decision was based on true
Littlefield sisters share one of a kind bond
2018-19. Two years later, Bodhi assumed the sameRecruitment,role. though, wasn’t simple for Weslee. In any family, the oldest child is con sidered a guinea pig when it comes to major life“Thedecisions.recruitment process for me was a little different compared to everybody else,” Weslee said. “My club coach, she actually coached here with Ali (Johnstone). That was, obviously, my connection to OU.”
Bodhi shares a similar sentiment of urgen cy mixed with competitiveness and desire to win.“Anytime one of us makes a mistake, we al ways make eye contact as a way of moving on to the next play,” Bodhi said. “We try to bring each other up whenever we are feeling down or off.”Like any pairing of teammates who have played together for years, the Littlefields know what makes the other tick and how to combat emotions during a match. The two balance each other almost perfectly. Bodhi might be seen as a more prototypical lead er with her outspoken nature, but Weslee’s calming presence allows the duo to thrive.
14 / SEPT. 22, 2022
“When she committed here, I obviously was looking around trying to find a school (for myself),” Bodhi said. “I saw the campus with her and I was like, ‘Wow, this could be you and I together here.’”
Two years later, it was Bodhi’s turn to make a massive life decision. With Weslee already playing for the Bobcats, Bodhi was naturally drawn to the idea of joining her older sister.
fit, not just a blood connection.
“Our entire family bleeds green,” Bodhi said.Bodhi and Weslee feed off each other’s energy on the field, combining their gritty toughness with aggressive competitiveness. That competitiveness is something that has become a major theme in their lives. Weslee is in her senior season, and although she has stated that she plans on taking a fifth year of eligibility, the clock is certainly ticking for the Bobcats to win in the “Littlefield Era”.
The Littlefields are not the only ones who thrive due to their great connection and pos itive attitude. The entire Ohio field hockey team appears united as one and has started the season strong. At this point, Ohio looks strong in its quest to unseat archrival Miami atop the Mid-American Conference.

“Bodhi and I are so competitive that we want to win this year,” Weslee said. “I’m glad to have the luxury of another year because we are going to have the exact same team again, and we are only going to be that much better.”
Though there are no definitive rankings of the proudest parents in the country, Kendra and Wes Littlefield have to be high up on that list. Their two daughters are fulfilling their dreams of playing together in college, and it has encompassed the rest of the Littlefield family.
“(We) are best friends, no matter what we are doing,” Bodhi said. “It has always been us together. It is awesome to have a built-in best friend and sister who has the same aspira tions.”
As much as they are together on the field, nothing changes off the field as they fre quently study together while grabbing coffee.
Ohio would likely not be in this position without the contributions of Weslee or Bodhi. The two of them anchor a defense that has been exceptional at limiting offensive op portunities. The passing of Bodhi, combined with the ability to block off passing lanes by Weslee, has allowed Katelyn Whittle and Mi jntje Ligtenberg to find the net on numerous occasions.
“Whenever we step out, every single time our names are being called, it’s like, ‘Wow, we really did it,’” Weslee said. “‘We’re really here together.’ I would never change a thing.”
“I tried a little bit (to recruit Bodhi),” Weslee said. “But honestly, she could have gone wherever she wanted. She truly could have gone anywhere. She chose to come here withOnceme.”they got to Athens, their connection only grew stronger.
Although the story is far from finished for the Littlefield sisters, the journey and bond shared on the field are incredible on their own. The future is a massive unknown, with the thought of not playing together posing a threat for both girls. However, the present is flush with endless possibilities.
Later at Winslow High School, Weslee served as the team captain for field hockey in
The Littlefields and their heartwarming story of determination, patience and love en capsulate the meaning of the phrase “Bobcat Family.”Growing up, Weslee and Bodhi were dead set on playing college field hockey together. On long summer days, the girls would train at the family business, Littlefield Gym. Having exclusive access to a facility would prove in strumental in the long run.
On a bright day in Oakland, Maine, two figures are seen shooting a ball on an open net. It is the summertime, which for the Lit tlefield sisters means working hard to hone their crafts. Weslee and her younger sister, Bodhi, have worked countless hours to col lectively arrive at the level of playing Division I field hockey for the same team.
Ohio quarterback Kurtis Roukre (7) gets ready to run a play against Penn. State on Saturday Sept. 10, 2022 in State College, PA. (RYAN GRYZBOWSKI | FOR THE POST)

The mistakes that Ohio made against Iowa State cannot become a pattern if it wants to get back to a bowl game this season. The sacks can be excused to some degree since Iowa State has an excellent defensive line. However, Ohio’s four turnovers are a sig nificant red flag heading into its final home game before MAC play.
That fumble was part of the most con cerning sequence of the day, in which Ro urke turned the ball over on consecutive offensive plays. First, the aforementioned fumble gave Iowa State the ball inside Ohio’s ten-yard line, then an interception gave Iowa State the ball near midfield.
Mistakes against Iowa State must not become a trend
Ohio has spent the past two weeks trav eling across the Midwest to play a pair of road games against Power 5 opponents Penn State and Iowa State, both of whom blew Ohio
It has been a long two weeks for Rourke and the Ohio offense since their dominant performance against Florida Atlantic, and a rebound game against Fordham is necessary for Ohio if it wants to be playing in Decem ber.
If you look a bit deeper, the loss to Iowa State was much worse and revealed some problems that could cost Ohio in Mid-Amer ican Conference play.
Ohio has faced quality opposition, but the fact that it looked so much worse against Iowa State than Penn State is concerning.
Onout.the surface, these two games looked very similar, and the score lines were almost identical. Ohio lost 46-10 to Penn State and 43-10 to Iowa State, and it looked completely outmatched in both of them.
Even against Penn State, he avoided big
Ohio’s performance in Week 1 was huge ly encouraging, as it defeated a team at a similar level and showed real improvement coming off a disappointing 2021 season. But the biggest positive for Ohio was that Kurtis Rourke looked confident, poised and ready to take the next step in 2022.
Ohio allowed just four sacks in the first two games of the season. Only one of those sacks came against Penn State, which did not turn the ball over. Against Iowa State, how
was after the game was well in hand for Iowa State.While it is possible, even likely, that this was just a small blip against a very good team, it is definitely something to watch as the Bobcats prepare for MAC play.
The Cyclones scored ten points off those two turnovers, and the Bobcats’ deficit bal looned from 14 to 24 in under two minutes of game time, essentially ending the game. Rourke improved his numbers with some nice completions in the second half, but that
mistakes and while his numbers were unim pressive, he still looked comfortable in the pocket and unfazed by the opponent.
ever, Ohio doubled its season total for sacks allowed and turned the ball over four times.
Against Iowa State, the tentative, jittery Rourke we saw for much of 2021 returned. He struggled mightily with Iowa State’s pass rush and threw two dreadful interceptions, in addition to an early fumble.
from senior Regan Berg in the 57th minute set up graduate student Abby Townsend to notch her fourth consecutive match with a Westerngoal. Carolina fought hard late in the game after a handball by the Bobcats set the Catamounts up for a free kick just outside the box. Unfortunately for Western Carolina, on offsides call shortly after squashed its chances to get back into the game.Inthe 82nd minute, Ohio’s lead grew. An assist from Townsend provided an opportunity for junior Aubrey Rea to net her third goal of the season. Western Carolina could not match the high energy play of Ohio in the latter half of the match.
The increased ball pressure led to quick success for the Bobcats. A beautiful cross
The match was a defensive battle from the start and the first 20 minutes were scoreless. Quickly thereafter, redshirt senior Haley Miller fired up the offense on a free kick after Western Carolina’s Abbie Wise was assessed a yellow card. Western Carolina’s goalie, Leanne Trudel, had little chance to save the bullet that was Miller’s free kick. The rest of the first half remained scoreless after a stoppage in play due to Beginninginjury.
Ohio University plays against Western Carolina at Chessa Field on Sept. 16, 2022. (JACK TATHAM | FOR THE POST)
Ohio beats Western Carolina 3-0 to wrap up nonconference play
“We were able to rotate a lot of people though especially for this being a onegame weekend,” Rodgers said. “Giving people a lot of opportunities to play this nonconference segment helped get them acclimated to the intensity of college soccer.”
Ohio took on Western Carolina for its first home match in nearly two weeks on Friday. After a long stint on the road, the Bobcats prevailed against the Catamounts 3-0. Ohio’s depth was vital to its success in the hot afternoon match.

“That’s what we wanted to do from the beginning,” head coach Aaron Rodgers said about Ohio’s defensive pressure. “That’s really what we focused on at halftime and we addressed our game plan.”
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16 / SEPT. 22, 2022
in the second half, Ohio’s ball pressure significantly increased and the team’s confidence built.
Will Cunningham, Sports Editor
Michigan and Clemson remain in the same spot as last week’s vote. I don’t think either played poorly enough to drop down.
1.) Georgia Alabama Ohio State Michigan MostOklahomaofmyTop
Ashley Beach, Sports writer
2.) Alabama
I go back and forth about whether or not Alabama should be at the top of my poll. It’s no surprise when it defeats a small school, so is it really worth voting them No. 1 each week? Georgia played a stronger opponent in Week 3, therefore Georgia tops myOhiolist.
3.) Georgia
Each week, the Sports editorial team is tasked with selecting our Top 25 Division I college football teams for the Student Media Poll.The
2.) Ohio State
The Post Sports will break down our ballots each week. Here are our top five, those we kicked out of the Top 25 and those we added:
same problems as last year with its quarterback, offensive line and wide receivers and Michigan has beaten up on a joke of a non conferenceOklahomaschedule.andUSC have been extremely impressive and are poised to enter the Top 5 if one of the teams above them were to drop a game.

Top 5:
Top 5:
Student Media Poll picks from ‘The Post’ Sport’s editorial team
Although Clemson also won in Week 3, it allowed LA Tech to score 20 points. LA Tech is an okay FBS team, but as the No. 5 team in the AP Poll and a team with one of the country’s top defenses, I still expected Clemson to doOklahomabetter.
Both Clemson and Michigan are on thin ice, as Clemson has continued to have the
1.) Alabama
4.) Clemson 5.)
the same this week, as all five teams took care of business against weak opposition. Georgia has probably been the most impressive team in the country this season, but it will need either Alabama or Ohio State to have a really poor game in order to move up.
5 is the same as Week 2, with the exception of the fifth spot. Because Georgia, Alabama, Ohio State and Michigan all had big Week 3 wins, I didn’t feel the need to move them around. None of them played a significant opponent except for Georgia, but they earned the right to keep their spots.
3.) Ohio State
Top 5:
State stomped Toledo, but it wasn’t a pretty win. Ohio State played without its leading rusher, TreVeyon Henderson, who exited the game with an undisclosed injury. It relied on young talent to seal the deal and scored several touchdowns even when C.J. Stroud was on the bench. Ohio State deserves to be No. 3
1.) Georgia
Want to read the full story online? Scan here!
SMP is a nation-wide poll that features 122 student journalists from all different FBS conferences. There are voters from 69 different schools across 34 states. The SMP is in its second year.
4.) Michigan
Molly Burchard, Asst. Sports Editor
looked like a professional team against Nebraska, earning 580 yards on offense and scoring seven touchdowns. When I had to decide who to put as No. 5 in my poll, Oklahoma took the spot.
Athens will be looking for its first win of the season next week at home when they take on Logan, who is 1-3.
“I feel like we left five or six touchdowns out there tonight,” said White. “When you get down to the one yard line, you really want to be able to punch it in. Tonight, we couldn’t get it done.”
“You know, I thought we took a step tonight as far as playing as a team and battling for each other,” White said. “We’ve got to build on that more than anything starting on Monday.”
0-for-5 on red zone scoring attempts.
“There were definitely bright spots to night,” Athens head coach Nathan White said. “I thought we played together as a team, as well as we have this year. I thought this was our best
The Vikings defense was clutch in the red zone, despite half of the Bulldogs’ drives mak ing it inside the 25-yard line, the team could not score a single offensive touchdown, going
Molihan, was only able to throw for eight yards on three attempts.
Athens hosted Vinton County Friday for its Homecoming battle at Joe Burrow Stadium. Athens was unable to snap its four-game losing streak to start the season, as it fell 21-6 to the Vikings.Despite the loss, the team improved, es pecially on defense. The Bulldogs were able to contain the high-powered Viking offense to only seven points in the first half.
Athens High School football team against Vinton County, at Joe Burrow Stadium, in the Plains, Ohio, on Sept. 17, 2022. (JACK TATHAM | FOR THE POST)
The defense performed great throughout the game, especially when limiting the Vikings’ passing attack. The Vikings’ quarterback, Isaac
that effort, a crucial late intercep tion by Vinton County and an inability to score in the red zone led to Athens’ loss.
“We had some guys make some plays on both sides of the ball tonight … just not enough, that’s just how it goes sometimes,” said White.
18 / SEPT. 22, 2022
The offense was seemingly dormant throughout the night. Athens’ only touchdown came on a late game fumble by Vinton County, run back into the end zone by sophomore Se bastian Grippa.
The loss could be partially accredited to the absence of senior starting quarterback Landon Wheatley, who is out on injury, according to White. Sophomore Braeden Young took over at quarterback in place of Wheatley and did what he could to keep the team in the game.
What hurt Athens most was its inability to slow the run game. Though he threw for eight yards, Molihan proved himself as a dual-threat quarterback as he ran on the Bulldog defense all night long, rushing for 128 yards on 21 carries.
Athens loses Homecoming game to Vinton County 21-6 team

Furthermore, I’m an avid basketball fan who played through high school. If it weren’t for my bum knee, I’d be in the NBA right now throwing lobs to Lebron James and Anthony Davis. I am also a retired middle school basket ball coach with an 11-5 career record; shoutout to Bishop Fenwick Middle School. So yeah, I know ball.
Since its opening in 1973, the brand hasn’t been shy to share its mission of saving the planet with its consumers. The company’s famous 2011 Black Friday advertisement, “Don’t buy this jacket” gained global attention when the company encouraged people to consider the effect of consumerism on the environment and purchase only what they needed, a message that perhaps needed to be heard amidst a climate change “crisis.”
Patagonia’s founder, Yvon Chouinard, has been funnel ing everything he has into fighting climate change; it has remained the primary purpose behind his billion-dollar company to date.
“Twin Talks” will take on current events in the sports world. Written by yours truly and my twin brother, Paul Nern, we will discuss our opinions and deliver informa tive news. In the foreseeable future, most of our columns will be about the NFL and college football. Let’s be real; this is America and football is king. But, we will cover the MLB, NBA, NHL, soccer and whatever else we feel like. For good measure, we’ll be sure to sprinkle some humor in here and there so you all don’t get bored.
So, you get the point. I promise I won’t let my long history of accolades distract from the column’s goal of level-headed sports takes. I love sports and I can’t wait to get started. Just keep one thing in mind: The twins know byanalyticsWestonball.NernisajuniorstudyingfinanceandbusinessatOhioUniversity.PleasenotethattheviewsandopinionsofthecolumnistsdonotreflectthoseofThePost.Wanttotalkmoreaboutit?,Wyoming.”Now,duetothedonationofhiscompany,Chouinardandhisfamilywillnolongerreceiveprofitsmadefromthecompany,astheywillgotowardsaspeciallydesignedtrustthatisaimedatbattlingagainstclimatechangeandprotectingundevelopedlandaroundtheglobe.Hismessage,“Earthisnowouronlyshareholder,”isyetanotherexampleofhowdedicatedweshouldbetoprotectingourplanetandstayingloyaltoourtrueintentions.AbbyWaechterisafreshmanstudyingstrategiccommunicationsatOhioUniversity.PleasenotethattheviewsandopinionsofthecolumnistsdonotreflectthoseofThePost.Havesomethingtosay?EmailAbbyataw087421@ohio.eduortweether@AbbyWaechter.
Sports talk as it should be
For the longest time, I associated Patagonia with the “granola” people of the internet, but I hadn’t considered the possible intentions behind their purchases. Urban Dictionary presently defines “granola” as “a new-age, more civilized hippie,” which is on par with their efforts.
When I envision a “granola girl”, I picture a kid walking around wearing their dad’s t-shirt from the 1990s, thrift ed pants they dug out of a bin at the nearest Goodwill and a myriad of diverse jewelry they bought from a local art ist. There is something, however, that I and many others are failing to find: its sustainable nature.
Thrifting and wearing sustainable brands are good for the environment. This is how we can attempt lower car bon emissions and tackle climate change at its core.
I’ve played soccer since I was five years old, so you can expect the occasional update on the world of European football. I am also a co-ed competitive soccer champion here at Ohio University, a two-time little league base ball champion, a fantasy football loser—which is arguably harder than winning—and a high school dodgeball cham
I’ll speak for myself now as I’m sure Paul will write his
With the amount of success that Chouinard has at tained, he still chooses a sustainable lifestyle and stays true to his earliest principle of saving the planet. Chou inard was “pissed” about making the Forbes billionaire ranking. According to the New York Times, “Even today, he wears raggedy old clothes, drives a beat-up Subaru
Tackling a ‘granola’ staple
I have never been a savvy environmental action advo cate.Iknow that carbon emissions are bad and that climate change is real and changing the course of our lives, but I’ve never been the girl who has gone out of her way to find ethical and sustainable clothing and lifestyle outlets.
now embodies this cause.
Now, let’s get into something that we have, but the talking heads don’t: credibility.
own column about his ‘sportsball’ enthusiasm. You may wonder, “How can this man talk about football and say he can deliver better points than the prominent talking heads?” Well, I have loved watching football ever since my self-awareness kicked in. I’ve been an NFL fan since I was six years old, and I started on college football not long after. Did I ever play football? No. But I’ve played Madden since Madden ‘09. Has Skip Bayless ever won a Madden Ultimate Team Super Bowl? We already know the answer (I won it all twice last year).
Patagonia was an early embracer of organic cotton and recycled materials in the effort to lower the emissions of fossil fuels by large businesses. They have also donated 1% of profits to grassroots groups working to find solu tions to the environmental crisis.
Sports talk has gone down a path of clicks over credi bility. We have seen them spout outtakes without shame, only to contradict themselves the following week. Follow Skip Bayless on Twitter for a week if you don’t believe me. Not to pile on the modern media, but I’m tired of two grown men way past their primes arguing about whether Lebron James or Michael Jordan is better.
ented, whereas “Summer Mixtape” integrates the aforemen tioned EDM, reggae and synthpop.
One thing that never falters throughout the album is the honesty present in the lyrics. “Endlessly” talks about the confu sion and middle ground between wanting to be with someone and wishing you’d never met in the first place. “Malibu” is about fondly looking back on summer memories. Lastly, “The Money” is a song about the choice between love and wealth, ultimately choosing love in the end.
Summer’s not over yet, according to alt-rock duo The Driv er Era, who recently released their third album, “Summer Mix tape.” The album serves as an ode to the season, highlighting Rocky and Ross Lynch’s songwriting capabilities and instru mentalThere’sprowess.alot to unpack, and the songs vary widely in style and quality. Pop, rock, EDM, synthpop and even a bit of reggae are found throughout the tracklist. However, the album feels like it is torn between wanting to be a club album and wanting to be a beach album.

As a result, it feels like the brothers’ experimental period, where they begin to play around with different sounds. Their past two albums, “X” and “Girlfriend” were rock and pop-ori
Tracks like “Keep Moving Forward” and “Back to You” are perfect examples of this. “Keep Moving Forward” is loud, upbeat and disco-infused, which is a major departure from their past two efforts. On the other hand, “Back to You” is heavy, driven by loud guitars with a highly experimental synth beat under it.
Overall, the Lynch brothers have released an honest album that expresses their thoughts and feelings whilst taking their sound to new, more creative places.
Album Review: ‘Summer Mixtape’ plays with honest experimentation
The Lynch brothers have put out an honest album that expresses their thoughts and feelings whilst taking their sound to new, more cre ative places. (Photo provided via @thedriverera on Instagram).
20 / SEPT. 22, 2022
This experimentation, though, is very hit-or-miss. Tracks like “Fantasy” are sexually-charged and acoustic-guitar-driv en songs, a lowkey departure from heavy electric guitars and drumlines. On the other hand, we have “Turn the Music Up,” a song made for a club atmosphere but felt very out of tune and messy due to their trial run at EDM.
The Driver Era’s newest album is an honest take, expressed in new ways
Frank Ocean’s “Blonde” is a revolution ary album. Released on Aug. 20, 2016, it has infectious pop sounds, genre-bending characteristics, unique production and in credible songwriting. It is a generational album that everyone can take something awayFansfrom.have been waiting with bated breath to hear more from Frank. From 2017 to 2020, he released a handful of singles, including the pop hits, “Chanel,” “Biking,” with Jay-Z and Tyler, The Creator, a cover
We haven’t heard an album from Frank Ocean since 2016 when he released “Blonde.” Since then, he has put out a hand ful of singles, started a jewelry company and made a few appearances at events and on social media.
or not Levine wanted to name his son after the 23-year-old is unclear, as it has been proposed he could’ve liked the name for other reasons such as because of the musician Sting, whose real name is Gordon Sumner. It has been speculated Levine just wanted to let her know this name was a possibility.
More has yet to be said on the topic.
Since 2020, Frank Ocean has been silent by way of music. However, he has started to branch out into fashion. In August 2021, Frank debuted Homer, a high-end jewel ry brand with an in-store location in New York City and an online shop that ships to customers worldwide.
Levine has publicly said that he is working through remedying these accusations with his Strohfamily.said during this time in her life, she was naive and easily manipulated.
Adam Levine, 43, is married to and expect ing a baby with Victoria’s Secret model Behati Prinsloo. The couple also has two children, Dusty Rose Levine, 5, and Gio Grace Levine, 4. 23-year-old influencer Sumner Stroh posted a TikTok alleging that she and Levine engaged in a romantic and sexual affair, and Levine recently messaged her on Instagram asking if he could name his child Sumner, should it be born a boy.
Adam Levine, frontman of pop band Maroon 5, Is in the limelight for the first time in years due to recent cheat ing accusations. (PHOTO PROVIDED VIA @ADAM LEVINE ON INSTAGRAM).

Sadly, in August of 2020, Ocean’s young er brother Ryan Breaux was tragically killed in a car accident. This is likely the cause of Frank’s hiatus. However, with several new appearances and endeavors from the art ist, fans are beginning to wonder if a true return to form is in the near future.
Where in the world is Frank Ocean?
Here’s everything you need to know about Adam Levine’s cheating accusations
Some dislike the Homer brand, as its high price point makes it inaccessible to some of Frank Ocean’s fans. Others are willing to look past the price point, seeing
it as a new creative outlet for the artist.
The DM read, “OK serious question. I’m having another baby and if it’s a boy I real ly wanna name it Sumner. You ok with that? DEADThisserious.”message came months after the two had ended their “year long affair,” according to Stroh.Levine addressed the issue and public, saying he “did not have an affair” and that he “crossed the line during a regrettable period
Adam Levine, frontman of the pop band Maroon 5, is in the limelight for the first time in years due to recent cheating accusations.
in (his) life.” “I used poor judgment in speaking with anyone other than my wife in ANY kind of flirtatious manner,” he added.
Stroh says she had no intentions of going public with this information, but she shared screenshots with some friends who planned to sell the photos for money, which evoked Stroh to come forward and share her side of theWhetherstory.
Frank Ocean also attended the 2021 Met Gala, wearing Prada and carrying a green robot baby named Cody. Cody has been as sociated with Homer, almost as a mascot for the brand. Fans were overjoyed to see Ocean. His public appearances are few and far between, and this was one of the first in a very long time.
of Audrey Hepburn’s “Moon River” and “In My Room,” a catchy dance song.
Most recently, attentive fans have begun to speculate that Frank might be in a rela tionship. Omar Apollo, a fellow pop artist, has been rumored to be in a relationship with Ocean for some time. Recently, how ever, locations in social media posts have shown them in Italy together, And Apol lo’s new album “Ivory” contains breakup songs which some fans speculate could be about Frank. While either Apollo or Ocean doesn’t confirm this, it’s not entirely un
Whether there is more music on the way or not, Frank has proved himself as a generational artist, capable of captivating hearts and minds with whatever art he cre ates. Frank Ocean is one of the most unique and talented artists we’ve seen in a long time. If he has proven anything, whatever comes next will likely be worth the wait.
likely that the two are, or were, a couple at someAfterpoint.six years, some wonder if Frank Ocean has retired from music. With no new releases or features since 2020, they may be right. Maybe Frank is done with the spotlight and is choosing to focus on his fashion brand and other endeavors.
22 / SEPT. 22, 2022

Though it may not feel like it, fall starts this week. The best way to up your wardrobe this season is layering with a good shacket. A shirt jacket (shacket) is a versatile piece of clothing that fills our Instagram feed every year. Wearing a shacket in the fall is a right of passage and is an amazing transition piece from summer to fall. It is versatile and easily paired with a bodysuit, jeans and your favorite accessories. If plaid and wool isn’t your look, there are many other styles of shacket. So here are the nine best shackets for the fall:
really stepped up with this cranberry and baby blue faux wool shacket. It comes in sizes small to X-large and costs $59.60. This one is so easy to dress down with a pair of leggings or dress up with a black mock neck and jeans underneath. And the wool will keep you so warm you can substitute it for a winter coat on those in-between weather days.
Offline by Aerie has a really cute quilted shacket for $88 and comes in sizes xx-small to xx-large in a light grey color. The cotton shacket comes with snap buttons in the front to quickly close it when you’re hit with a quick gust
This long shacket from Omoone on Amazon comes in nine plaids and sizes X-small to XX-large. All of the plaids are the definition of fall and the polyester will make you feel as warm as your first sip of pumpkin spice latte.

cotton shacket from ASOS will become a staple of your closet. Priced at $43 with sizes from 0-14 it will be great to layer with but not feel like you are wearing a heavy jacket. The sag of the jacket makes it a perfect going-out shacket to pair with a cute top and jeans and hang off one shoulder, and it will most definitely keep you warm throughout the night.
This blue, cream and tan plaid shacket from Venus will be great for the fall to winter transition. It comes in sizes 2-24 and is priced at $79. The wool will keep you warm and cozy while you walk to class in the frigid Ohio weather. The blue is also a baby blue you do not typically see on a flannel, so you will definitely stick out in a crowd.Walmart
This corduroy shacket from BWDIDACI on Amazon costs $33.99, runs from small to XX-large,and comes in 18 colors. This one is perfect to wear by itself, tucked into jeans with rolled-up sleeves on a warm fall day, or pair it with a comfy top to layer with. The choices are gorgeous fall colors, plaids and neutrals to match anything from the closet.Next
of wind and is great to throw over any workout set for Offline as you run to the gym. The cotton will be sure to keep you warm in the colder months but also stay comfortable in the next couple of weeks of transitional weather.Thisblack
PacSun’s brown color block shacket is great for fall. It runs X-small/ small and medium/large and costs $64.95. The rich browns of the corduroy shacket will be great with a cream turtleneck or neutral t-shirt. The colors and patchwork give the best vintage vibe for fall photoshoots. This shacket will also definitely make a statement for apple-picking this fall.Madewell’s Kentwood corduroy shacket comes in a stunning deep green, mustard yellow, mauve and cream that runs from XX-small to XX-large. The shacket is priced at $89.50 but will be a staple for the chilly fall days that are on their way. Pair the green with a white for any OU football games, or get the cream to wear exciting colored tops underneath.
Best shackets to get you in the fall mood

H&M has a great thick cream or black cotton denim shacket priced at $34.99 and comes in sizes XX-small to X-large. The black would look great with a light grey hoodie underneath or a monotone black mock neck. The dropped shoulders give it a baggier look when wearing it. The model poses shows a lot of room in the shacket and it is listed as oversized. Most of the reviews recommend sizing down because there is that much room.

Vannusindividually.”encouraged those interested in getting involved with UPC to reach out this weekend or whenever they are avail able.“I’ll be in a UPC shirt,” Vannus said. “They can come to us then. They can also reach out to us on our social media.”
Friday, Sept. 23
Yellow Dirt Exhibit The Kennedy Museum of Art will display the new paintings of John Feodorov’s Yellow Dirt exhibit. The exhibit re sponds to the ongoing health and environmen tal crises on or near the Navajo reservation from over 500 abandoned uranium mines. The event is from 1 to 5 p.m. and is located at 100 Ridges
Circle.Attendance: Free
Participants who wish to attend can enter Baker Center, travel to the sec ond floor and walk around the escalator. There, they will find the theater lobby hosting the event.
the Holy Grail” SingAlong The Athena Cinema, 20 S. Court St., will be hosting a screening of “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” for Ohio University’s Parents Weekend. The movie starts at 7 p.m. and all at tendees are encouraged to sing along.
Burr Oak GNCC The dirt bike races will con tinue into Round 11 of the 2022 GNCC Racing season. The races are located at 17270 South Wemer Rd. in Millfield, and participants are in structed to follow the red GNCC directional ar rows instead of their GPS. Gates open at 6 a.m. and racing begins at 8 a.m.
Here’s what you can do in and around Athens this weekend.
Saturday, Sept. 24
The breakfast event is intended to end Parents Weekend and will last from 10:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.
Attendance: $5
“For me, my first UPC event was ac tually the Jesse McCartney concert for throwback and that was my freshman year, and a week after that was when spring break happened and then we just never came back to campus (due to COVID lockdowns),” said Goldberg.
Jake Haire, a senior studying marketing and integrated media, said he enjoyed that people have the option to get involved, even on the Sunday of Parents Weekend.
“So (before) joining UPC, I had gone to the drag show,” Vannus said. “And as a
Attendance: $8
Interested parties can get more infor mation on social media, @ohioupc on all platforms, or they can attend a meeting Tuesdays at 8 p.m. in Baker 231.
“It’s going to be outside Baker Theater in the theater lounge area,” said Luke Van nus, Treasurer of the UPC and a sopho more studying family consumer science education. “We are going to have a table set up with various pastries and drinks from catering that they can get from they can just sit at a table, talk, have their last conversations before they part ways.”
“I think that’s really cool,” Haire said. “Usually most parents are just like, ‘alright, we had our fun. Bye.’ So it definitely feels like a nicer parting gift where everyone can just relax and that’s a nice area where they’re eating too. So it’s nice that they’re putting something together to provide a more casual send off rather than everyone doing it
Parents Weekend Stargazing and Camp fire Outdoor Pursuits is hosting an evening of stargazing and campfires at The Ridges. Partic ipants will be able to roast marshmallows, spot constellations and listen to nighttime tales and lore. The event starts at 8 p.m. and is located at 100 Ridges
On Sunday, Sept. 25, The University Program Council, or UPC, will host a com plimentary breakfast for hungry students and departing Parents Weekend guests on the second floor of Baker Center.
‘Tea with UPC’ to top off Parents Weekend
huge fan of RuPaul’s Drag Race, I was like, ‘I’m gonna join that club.’ And that’s how I made a lot of my friends.”
Goldberg also had a memorable first encounter with UPC, inspiring her to join.
Attendance: $35 for adults who race Thurs day, $25 for those who just race during the weekend, $10 for children, free for children five andLongunderTall
Deb and Colin John at Uncle Buck’s Singers Long Tall Deb and Colin John will per form a Blues-inspired set at Uncle Buck’s Riding Stable and Dance Barn. The event is from 7 to 10 p.m., and the venue is located at 73930 Buck Lane in New Marshfield.
Attendance: $5
Sunday, Sept. 25
Parents Weekend Day Hike Outdoor Pur suits will also host a day hike for students and their parents at Hocking Hills. The trip departs at 10 a.m. and returns at 3 p.m. The group will meet at Ping and return there at the end of the hike.Attendance: $20
the weekender
Girls in Aviation Day Ohio University’s Women in Aviation Chapter is hosting a halfday workshop for girls ages pre-k through high school interested in aviation. The event will take place at 747 Columbia Rd. in Albany, and there will be snacks, crafts and more. The workshop is from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Movies in the Park - Showing “Hocus Pocus” The outdoor movie event will take place on 701 E. State Street, featuring the Disney Halloween film “Hocus Pocus.” The screening will last from 7:30 to 10 p.m. Free popcorn, drinks and pop sicles will be provided, and there will be fami ly-friendly activities before it gets dark, cueing the movie’s
Ohio Soccer vs. Buffalo The Ohio Women’s Soccer team will play Buffalo at Chessa Field, lo cated at 121 S. Shafer St. The team has partnered with Zero Waste for the game, which starts at 1 p.m.Attendance: Free
“We describe it as basically a one last stop out of town,” said Reagan Goldberg, president of the UPC and a senior study ing restaurant, hotel and tourism.
UPC is responsible for providing cul tural, social, recreational, educational and entertainment programs throughout the year.“There’s university events, which is what Luke’s in charge of, and then we have creative events,” Reagan said. “And so with university events, they take charge of all the special weekends the university pro vides, like homecoming, and now Parents Weekend. Creatives can do events when ever they want throughout the year. So some examples of that have been like Fall Fest.”When asked about his experiences with UPC before he had joined, Vannus shared how his interests aligned with UPC.
Face ID in landscape mode
Big changes came to iMessage with this
Apple Pay increments
On Sept. 12, Apple released its new iOS 16 update, which made some big (and small) changes to everyone’s iPhone. Here’s every thing you should know before you update.
Apple now also allows you to link your new lock screens to specific focus modes. You can now create a lock screen for work, sleep, driving and more. When you turn on the focus mode, your lock screen will change to whichever one you’ve attached to that mode. For example, if you want to create a lock screen for work that displays upcom ing meetings, reminders and any upcoming alarms, you’re able to link them through the customization menu for your lock screens.
Apple never fails to introduce an abun dance of new features in their updates, and iOS 16 is no exception. The update is avail able now and is a great new addition to any iPhone. From new customization to deleting texts, iOS 16 is a big new update, filled to the brim with great new features.
Additional stops to maps
iMessage deletions
Along with these bigger updates, there are plenty of small changes too.
Focus modes
Face ID also now works in landscape
The mail app also saw a few small up dates, like an un-send feature and the ability to schedule an email to go out at a specific time.
mode, meaning that your phone will be able to unlock when it’s turned sideways.
Fitness app
Unsend emails
Everything you need to know about Apple’s iOS 16 update
Along with all of this, Apple introduced a new way to integrate your wallpaper into your home screen. When you pick a photo, the time of day can seamlessly become part of your photo, making for a very satisfying layered look.
All iPhones now have the fitness app which can be used to track and meet your goals, even if you don’t have an Apple watch!
Probably the biggest part of this update is introducing a new customized lock screen.
Lock Screen
Now, you can change just about every thing from the wallpaper to the font. You can also add widgets, which are small images of information available at a glance, such as the weather, upcoming calendar events or your phone’s battery percentage, to your lock screen as well.
You may notice that your notifications are now in a new spot. Now, notifications scroll in from the bottom rather than appearing below the time. This allows for easier reach ability for notifications, along with moving them out of the way of your beautiful new lock screens! If you’re not a fan of the way notifications look, you can change the way they appear in the notification tab of the set tings app. We also see the now playing tab move to the bottom as well. While listening to music, you can tap the album cover and expand it into a full-screen view of the al bum art.
Maps received a small update, allowing you to add gas and bathroom break stops or make a series of stops for errands.
You can create and save as many lock screens as you want, and swap between them with ease. Just hold down on your lock screen to open the customization window.
Apple also introduced Apple Pay Later, a system that can be linked to your Apple Wal let, and will allow you to break a payment up into four parts spanning six weeks with no interest or fees.
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update! Now, you can edit or delete a mes sage within 15 minutes of sending it. Let’s say you wanted to meet with a friend for lunch at 1:30 p.m., but you accidentally typed 11:30 p.m. Now, rather than sending a new text to amend the typo, you can just hold down on the text, press edit and change the message to the right time. Or, if you meant to invite your other friend instead and accidentally texted the wrong person, you can hold down and delete the message, and they’ll never know! You can also mark messages as unread for all those times you want to respond but can’t at the moment.