The Road to Rush!

It’s the most beautiful time of the year to be in Athens. The leaves are changing, the weather is getting cooler and, my personal favorite, The Post’s newspaper stands are nearly empty.
Each week, The Post tracks how many copies of its print edition are picked up from its newsstands in various locations around Ohio University’s campus and in the Athens community. Of course, some weeks have better pick-up rates than others. Data tells us that those weeks normally coincide with special editions of The Post or when the cover has an engaging photo that people can connect with.
ers, my team and I want to ensure it stays that way. The Post’s audience is the reason we’re here in the first place, so we want to devote our time and effort toward making content that is interesting and worthy of our readers’ eyes.
That’s where you come in. We at The Post want to hear from you about what you’re interested in reading. What makes you pick up the paper when you do? Do you only read specific sections or browse the entire paper week-to-week? What makes you want to cuddle up next to a cozy fire under a comfy blanket with a good edition of The Post?
This week, I’ve noticed that some of the racks are completely depleted and had to be refilled, which I absolutely love to see. I’m going to chalk that up to our cover, which consisted of a collage of several photos from the annual Pawpaw Festival shot by The Post’s wildly talented Photo Staff. Trevor Brighton did a fantastic job designing the collage, and Malaya Tindongan wrote an excellent cover story on the festival itself.
No matter who’s picking up The Post, students, faculty, alumni, or out-of-town-
As the semester continues, The Post will strive to make even better print editions with even better stories inside. But for now, thank you for reading us.
Ryan Maxin is a junior studying journalism at Ohio University and the editor-in-chief of The Post. Interested in chatting more with him? Email Ryan at or find him on Twitter at @ryanmaxin.
Correction: In the Sept. 22 edition of The Post , the story that appeared on page 12, “Pawpaw Festival illuminates education, art, Ohio’s native fruit,” listed the incorrect author. The story was actually written by Malaya Tindongan. We regret the error.
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FROM THE EDITOR’S DESKDeputies from the Sheriff’s office responded to Federal Hocking High School regarding a stolen vehicle.
Upon arrival, deputies discovered that two vehicles had been stolen from a single residence.
One vehicle was recovered on the scene and returned to the owner. As of Sept. 22, deputies were still in search of the second vehicle.
Ohio University Police Department reported Wednes day that a student received an underage drinking offense in Shively Hall.
The student was issued a summons for underage con sumption by intoxication, OUPD reported.
Deputies from the Athens County Sheriff’s Office assist ed the Humane Society in removing animals from a home. The animals were removed without incident.
Fast and Furious
Deputies from the Sheriff’s office responded to a reck
Deputies located the vehicle in the Subway parking lot and made contact with the driver who is under 18 years old.
The driver received a warning since the violations were not witnessed by law enforcement.
A report of arson was made in Cincinnati Ridge Road in Coolville, Athens County Sheriff’s Office deputies reported.
No fire was located by deputies or the fire department.
OUPD reported theft involving identification cards and a debit card took place on College Green.
‘We just got a letter, I wonder who it’s from?’
Questionable mail was being received at an address in Athens Township, the Sheriff’s office reported.
OUPD reported shoplifting at Jefferson Marketplace for stolen food items.
The Ohio University Police Department at the Ridges. (JESSE JARROLD-GRAPES | DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY)The union representing Ohio Universi ty janitorial, groundskeeping and food ser vice employees, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Lo cal 1699, held a rally Friday to demand OU rescind the 20% budget cut of its staff that occurred in 2020.
Employees, union leaders, student lead ers, political leaders and supporters gath ered at the gateway of College Green on the corner of Court St. and Union St. from 3 p.m to 5 p.m. Union leaders and members demonstrated their desire for OU to restore nearly 100 positions lost from the cuts.
“Employees are trying to bring attention to the fact that they do not have the staffing levels they need to provide the safe, clean, and supportive environment the communi ty deserves, especially in the face of record enrollment at the university,” AFSCME Local 1699 said in a press release.
A crowd gathered to listen to leaders and
members speak while others with the union talked with community members and sup portive OU students. Many were given a flier with a QR code on it, which gave access to a petition to rescind the budget cuts.
Betty Emmert, a custodian at OU and union member for 15 years, said conditions for workers have never been so bad. Emmert said that before the budget cuts happened a couple of years ago, she was responsible for cleaning one building. Now, she is respon sible for three buildings, which account for over 50,000 square feet.
Emmert said she does not believe build ings are safe and sterilized. She said the layoffs happened before the COVID-19 pan demic and custodians were supposed to do extra cleaning to sterilize against the dis ease but could not because of the decrease in staff.
“When I first started working here, 21 years ago, I started in the kitchen, and … in the little lobby before you went in for your interview, there was a sign on the door that said, ‘the students are not the interruption
to our business, but the reason for it,’” Dan Maccabee, an OU groundskeeper and union member, said. “Unfortunately, I believe the new administration has forgotten that and they don’t seem to really think about the students first and foremost, which should be the top priority.”
Maccabee said he knows students are un happy with the amount of work the facility employees can do. He said students are up set that they may have mold in their shower, not have a good selection of the food they “pay way too much for,” or might end up stepping in a hole that could have been re paired if they had enough staff.
“That’s not our fault, please understand that,” Maccabee said. “We love you guys and we want you to get the care that you de serve, that you pay for, that you should have every single day.”
Maccabee said he knows some people who were laid off, some of them with fami lies, and it hurts his heart to see them strug gle.
Neil Fowler, a facilities management em
ployee at OU and union member, spoke out against the university. Multiple times during his speech he said, “the people of this uni versity don’t give a damn about its employ ees.”
Fowler said the starting wages for some positions at the university are at the federal poverty level.
“I don’t know if they’re proud about it but they’re not ashamed enough of it to do any thing about it,” Fowler said.
Fowler explained how low wages are harmful to the Athens community. Some university employees have trouble raising children and some are raising grandchildren.
Fowler said how it also hurts local business owners because they do not have money to spend at their stores.
“We hope that the university will think about these things and will start to give a damn about somebody other than them selves,” Fowler said
Christine Wood-Taylor waves at cars passing by on Court Street on Sept. 23, 2022. Christine has been working for the univer sity as a custodian for 10 years.Members of the AFSCME Union rallied together on Sept. 23 on the corner of Court Street and Union Street to ask for less budget cuts and more support from the University. (Zoe Cranfill | Staff Photographer)The Clinic of Science and Health in Ar tistic Performance, or the SHAPe Clinic, is providing limited health care services to Ohio University performing arts students as it continues its search for a new direc tor.
The SHAPe Clinic, located in Putnam Hall, offers the services free of charge to all OU performing arts students, including those who are involved in dance, music, theater performance, theater production, film and marching band, according to a previous report from The Post.
The SHAPe Clinic is in the process of looking for a new director after its former director and creator, Jeff Russell, stepped down to focus on his research.
Prior to the opening of the SHAPe Clin ic in 2013, performing arts students had no athletic trainers who catered to them, Rus sell said. Students typically had to access help for their performing arts injuries by themselves. Russell said he believes artists deserve to have their own athletic trainers.
“Artists are very physical and they have a lot that they do, and they’re able to do some things that are pretty amazing to most of us (who) watch them, but they’re very physical,” Russell said. “They deserve to have health care that’s specialized to them just like the athletes have health care that’s specialized to them. That was really the thinking that I had when I got it start ed.”
As the director of the SHAPe clinic for over eight years, Russell said the experi ence has affected not only performing arts students but also himself.
“I just kind of created this new avenue of being an athletic trainer, but for a differ ent type of athletes, artistic athletes, and it’s been very rewarding,” Russell said.
Because the SHAPe Clinic is in the pro cess of finding a new director, it is cur rently offering a limited schedule for per forming arts students to use, Jim Sabin, a university spokesperson, said.
“During this transition period, (the Col lege of Health Sciences and Professions) Division of Athletic Training is available to provide supplemental athletic training ser vices by request in Grover Center,” Sabin wrote in an email. “The SHAPe Clinic antic ipates resuming its full suite of service and treatment offerings soon after an official hire is made.”
Aubrey Beaty, a senior studying mu sic and a member of the Marching 110, has received care from the SHAPe Clinic throughout her time at OU due to chronic pain from spinal fusion surgery. Beaty said the clinic’s resources provided her with individualized care that helped her main tain her pain during her transition from athome care to a college routine.
“We are currently being offered the op portunity to be treated by the same athlet ic trainers as the student-athletes; howev er, we are only offered services from 2-4 p.m. on weekdays, and appointments are only 15-minute time slots,” Beaty wrote in an email. “We have not had athletic train ers coming to our rehearsals and did not have one with us at the football game last weekend.”
Beaty said the changes to the SHAPe Clinic’s availability have affected the mem bers of the Marching 110 because many stu dents rely on the services from the clinic.
“The Marching 110 is very physically de manding and takes a toll on each member’s body in some way,” Beaty wrote in an email. “Many members experience injuries such as shin splints, twisted ankles, knee prob lems, etc. that could be treated by regular athletic trainers; however, the SHAPe Clin ic used to be at every rehearsal and perfor mance that we had.”
Russell said the clinic is looking to find a full-time director specializing in athletic training this year.
He said he has worked closely with the search committee to help determine who the next director of the SHAPe Clinic will be, and he hopes the next director is an athletic trainer who has experience in per forming arts.
“I told everybody I knew and got some people to apply and hopefully they’re going to get someone out of that batch that is go ing to come in here and really get it kicked back up into shape and keep it moving for ward,” Russell said.
Following the national search, the SHAPe Clinic expects to hire a new direc tor by the end of this year, Sabin said.
The SHAPe Cinic is still treating patients, not in Putnam, though; rather in Grover E193. There are Walk in Appointments as well as scheduled appointments for physical therapy.
The SHAPe Cinic is still treating patients, not in Putnam, though; rather in Grover E193. There are Walk in Appointments as well as scheduled appointments for physical therapy.
College students are meant to earn a degree in a specialized area they enjoy pursuing. But outside of their chosen academic majors, minors and other interests, becoming a graduate can be challenging.
Students with uteruses often lack the resources to learn about and access contraceptives that prevent unintended pregnancies. According to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, or IWPR, less than half of pregnancies in the U.S. are unintended, and the proportion looks different for young adults. In 2011, which was cited as the most recent year of data available, 76% of 18-to19-year-olds who were pregnant didn’t plan to be and 59% of pregnancies among 20 to 24-year-olds were unintended as well.
There’s also a difference among young people in marginalized communities. The IWPR found that 64% of Black people and 50% of Latino people with uteruses had unintended pregnancies in 2011 compared to 38% of white people. The institute attributed the high rates of unintended pregnancies among young, college-aged adults to a lack of knowledge, “misinformation and misperceptions about contraceptives.”
World Contraception Day is annually recognized on Sept. 26. The United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commission wrote that “under international human rights law, states must ensure sexual and reproductive health services, including modern forms of contraception, and information and education on family planning.” The day encourages the right to people’s bodily autonomy through education and access to “family planning and contraception services free of coercion or impediment.”
The IWPR wrote that more research is necessary to gauge the quality of sexual and reproductive health resources provided by universities. But a program through Ohio University’s Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, or HCOM, ensures students that no matter their background they will have a place to access contraception.
Dominique Rehl, a second year medical student, learned about contraception options, specifically which methods were the safest for individuals to use, through a course taught by two physicians at OU’s student health center. After completing the course, Rehl is able to help other students through the Contraception Counseling Program at HCOM.
“In our approach, it’s a patient-centered model,” Rehl said. “So when we counsel patients, we don’t automatically jump to (specific birth control options), we ask them,
‘what’s important to you about your method?’ because not everyone uses contraceptives to prevent pregnancy.”
Four people were chosen to be counselors after the course, including Rehl, who said she did even more training to prepare.
“And so now we see patients,” Rehl said. “We go into the clinic and the med students will counsel the patients one-on-one and then we go and talk to our preceptor.”
The preceptor is one of the physicians involved in the program who can ensure the patient can use contraception. After the physician provides confirmation, counselors such as Rehl can help patients start their method.
The clinic for the program is located on the second floor in Hudson Health Center in Hudson Hall. People can call 740-592-7176 to schedule an appointment with a Contraception Counselor. Rehl said the counseling is free and contraceptives are usually covered by insurance.
For people who don’t have insurance, contraceptives may have to be paid out-ofpocket. According to Planned Parenthood, clinics can help people find contraceptive methods that fit their budgets. The Planned Parenthood Direct app also helps people get prescribed and mailed birth control pills.
There are many types of contraceptives people may be able to choose from. Rehl said if a person chooses a method that requires a follow-up appointment or their initial birth control choice results in side effects, they can complete an additional session.
Common contraceptive methods include the birth control implant, which is a small thin rod that is inserted into the arm and protects against pregnancy for up to five years, according to Planned Parenthood. Another method is the IUD, a small device placed in the uterus that lasts up to 10 years. Both the birth control implant and IUD are 99% effective against pregnancy. Birth control pills are also effective but require scheduled use. The pills come in a pack; one is taken each day for a month, and then the process is started all over again. Its effectiveness is 91%.
People who talk to a contraception coun-
selor such as Rehl don’t have to decide to use a contraceptive method during their visit. They can take time to think about their decision or schedule an appointment to get more information about the methods.
“Some people come and just want information on contraception and then they just want to think about it,” Rehl said. “We can give them all the information and then they can go on their way and think about it.”
Eden Paddock, a freshman studying biological sciences, said she had never heard of the Counseling Contraception Program but thought it should be more widespread across schools.
“I think that should be a thing everywhere,” Paddock said. “Whether you don’t have the financial resources or you just don’t know who to talk to, I definitely think having resources on campus is great.”
Similarly, Lauren Johnson, a sophomore studying biology and pre-physical therapy, said conversations surrounding contraception tend to be stigmatized. Johnson also said if programs such as the Counseling Contraception Program were implemented in universities and high schools, it could prevent unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections, or STIs.
“People are just starting to explore that world,” Johnson said. “And if they had (those programs) I feel like STIs … would probably go down because more kids would have access to stuff that would prevent that stuff.”
One of the reasons that Rehl decided to apply to HCOM was because of the Counseling Contraception Program. Rehl is passionate about reproductive health and could see herself pursuing a medical career that relates to her passion. But for now, and due to the overturning of Roe v. Wade, Rehl said she just feels empowered to offer a service that can give people some bodily autonomy.
“I applied to become a counselor before the (decisions) of Dobbs and Roe,” Rehl said. “And then that happened and I just felt such a greater responsibility and gratefulness that I was going to be able to in some way help people have control over their own bodies.”
@MCKENNACHRISTY1 MC957019@OHIO.EDU ILLUSTRATION BY LAUREN ADAMSsic School because there’s such a broad mix of students who come in here, and a lot of times, there are people who just want to sing or love to sing,” Brobeck said. “It is an opportunity for me to help them find their voice – literally – and for them to find a new means of self-expression and learn something about themselves.”
In terms of vocal lessons, Brobeck says they’re very accessible to those on campus, offering the opportunity for people to ex press their passion for music in their free time.
“I think for students on campus, the music school offers an opportunity for people who maybe have a passion or a love of music or played an instrument or sang to continue their studies while they’re in school here,” Brobeck said.
Students also agree with Brobeck, ex cited to see a music school so eager to fos ter creativity and inclusion.
“I think that it’s really cool that it pro vides an opportunity for everybody,” Becca Cundiss, a sophomore studying music pro duction and recording industry, said.
Blackwood says that the ACMS will host their annual winter recitals to showcase music students on Dec. 3, and Brobeck rec ommends checking out their Choral Union concert on Oct. 9.
Athens, Ohio, is known for many hid den treasures, especially when it comes to music. Athens Community Music School is one of those. Founded in 1979, the Athens Community Music School, or ACMS, has been the principal source of music instruc tion in Southeast Ohio.
Located in Glidden Hall, the school of fers an array of private lessons for various instruments, including piano, woodwind, brass, percussion, stringed instruments and voice. Additionally, those interested in working on their musical skills can partici pate in group instruction.
“We have a pretty wide variety of les sons available, and the lessons are oneon-one, so if they’re private lessons, it’s just the student and the teacher and then if a parent wants to sit in they can join in
too,” Wendy Blackwood, director of the ACMS, said. “Those lessons are specifically planned for that student, so it’s really spe cific to that student. The lessons are week ly, so the kids are getting a lot of one-onone time with their instructor.”
Outside of musical training, ACMS also strives to help people via music therapy. The school is a current partner with the Ohio University Music Therapy Depart ment, allowing individuals of all ages to develop behavioral, emotional and social skills through music.
“Music therapy is provided by a gradu ate student who is also already a licensed music therapist, so she is licensed to prac tice in Ohio,” Blackwood said. “For students who already have a diagnosis and already know that music therapy is something that they’re interested in or their parents know that that’s something that they’re interest ed in, it’s a really good place to get started.”
Blackwood was hired in 2006 as a pia no teacher and became the sole director of the ACMS in 2018, taking charge of the mu sic school and promoting music education for those in and outside of Ohio University.
“I think it (ACMS) serves a really im portant purpose in the community because there are music teachers teaching private lessons in the community, but there’s not very many,” Blackwood said. “This is a great place to come and get some qualified mu sic instruction from the students here. We really love our community students that come to us and having the chance to work with them here on campus is really rewarding.”
Melissa Brobeck, a vocal master teacher at ACMS, said that she loves working at the music school and teaching all age groups, her oldest once being a 75-year-old wom an.
“I love working for the Community Mu
“I feel singing is very personal for a lot of people, and it’s usually a journey of self-discovery. It’s just been so great to have the space to go on these journeys with people as they discover things about themselves and their voice.”
- Melissa Brobeck, a vocal master teacher at ACMS GRACE_KOE GK011320@OHIO.EDU In Robert Glidden Hall, Athens Community Music School, or ACMS, holds music lessons for students in Southeast Ohio and parts of West Virginia. (MEGAN VAN VLACK | FOR THE POST)Everyone remembers their freshman year of college. It’s one of the biggest transi tions in a person’s life, and it can come with a mix of emotions. Whether one’s feelings resemble excitement or nervousness, no one goes through it the same way. It may be a time of uncertainty, but it’s also the start of a new chapter and future steps in life. As freshmen at Ohio University transition into their new environment, many are ready for what lies ahead.
Tamryn Collins, a freshman studying an imation, said she is finally adjusting to col lege life.
“The first few weeks were kind of rough,” Collins said. “But then it got better because my roommates and I all get along now. I feel like the first few weeks were kind of rough because everyone was transitioning.”
Sam Lawler, a freshman studying busi ness analytics and sports management, also likes his time in college. Even though he’s been to OU before and has received advice from his family, he’s enjoying making friends through organizations like the ultimate fris bee club and the sports and analytics club.
Regarding nerves surrounding the school year, Lawler mentioned a common freshman worry: balancing school work and personal life.
“I’ve always been a little nervous about class loads and stuff like that,” Lawler said. “But otherwise, I think I’m in a good posi tion where I can handle and manage a social life as well.”
Erin Winchell, a freshman studying Spanish, talked about being nervous about leaving home and gaining more responsibil ity.
“The only thing I have been nervous about is just being able to be independent
and make my own decisions and not having my parents do things for me,” Winchell said. “That’s what I was fearing most. I was also kind of nervous about friends, but that real ly hasn’t been an issue.”
One piece of advice that Winchell has for her future self is that college will improve and get better even if things are difficult now.
“Things will get better,” Winchell said. “I’m a bit homesick and nervous about things, but I will be fine in the future.”
Collins said she is excited for the rest of this year, even if she doesn’t know what it will entail. So far, she’s joined a theater group on campus, Lost Flamingo Theatre Company, and is working on an upcoming production of their running lights.
“I hope that I can do more artistic stuff with animation and be able to help with lights and the sound for the Lost Flamin go Theatre Company,” Collins said. “Follow
your dreams and if it doesn’t lead the right way then you can just turn it around.”
Lawler would tell his future self that it’s important to go through life with a light-hearted attitude.
“Don’t take life too seriously,” Lawler said. “I mean, there’s a lot of things that ob viously need to be serious, but otherwise I think it’s good just to have a positive, joking approach to life and not take it to the point where everything has to be so serious.”
A freshman studies at Alden Library. (KAT FRAZIER | FOR THE POST)Every third Thursday of the month, passersby will likely see a mob of Ohio University students’ oohing’ and ‘awing’ at Alden Library’s Therapy Dog Thursdays.
Started by Rinda Scoggan, the assis tant director for training at Counseling and Psychological Services, the event has become a student favorite since restarting last year after the COVID-19 pandemic.
“I had therapy dogs at another college that I was working at, my first therapy dog named Buddy, and then when I came here, I brought Buddy with me because he was
my dog,” Scoggan said. “I asked about be ing able to start the therapy dog program here and Counseling and Psychological Services were supportive of that.”
From there on, Scoggan got Buddy certified as a therapy dog, bringing him into work on campus and eventually be ing asked by the library to bring Buddy in during finals week.
“The students were very receptive to it and enjoyed the dogs, and that gave them some time to just relax and take a break from studying for finals,” Scoggan said. “I also had a few RAs reach out to me and say, ‘Could we do a program with a dog?’ In the past, one of the halls developed a scavenger hunt that we brought the dogs
over to. Students were able to pet and in teract with the dogs, but also do the scav enger hunt that was developed around therapy service dogs.”
Now, therapy dogs Dug and Penny are the main stars of the event, not afraid to approach students and show their puppy love.
“I’ve only met Dug so far, and he was re ally, really cute,” Courtney Rather, a fresh man studying animation, said. “I worked behind the desk when they brought him in, and we had just a whole crowd of col lege kids come and sit around him like it was storytime. You could just see, espe cially when they got up to leave, just the smiles on their faces.”
Jen Harvey, the events coordinator for Ohio University Libraries, said the idea for the event also stems from providing stress relief for students, especially those far away from home who are missing their own pets.
“The idea of it came, especially at the beginning of the semester in the fall, because a lot of students are away from home for the first time,” Harvey said. “The idea was to help them relieve that stress of being away from home for the first time, and also they get to missing their pets, so they can come in and pet one of the dogs and hang out.”
Scoggan also said that students inter acting with the therapy dogs provide a connection unlike any other.
“They relax, they get down on the floor with the dog, they pet the dog and they just connect with that dog,” Scoggan said. “I think it really helps them take a break away from all the stressors that they’re going through as a college student.”
Therapy Dog Thursdays have addition ally allowed students to make new con nections with people they may not have known before, providing a safe space to make friends.
“What I really enjoyed was noticing how students would come in and sit down with a group of people that they did not know, and then they were all talking to gether,” Harvey said. “They’re making con nections that way too, which I really, real ly enjoyed.”
The next Therapy Dog Thursdays are scheduled for Oct. 20 and Nov. 17 from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Students can learn more about the popular event via Alden Library’s Instagram: @aldenlibrary.
“We want to help students realize what tools are available to them on campus to help with that so that our students can be the most successful they can be, and mental health is definitely a part of that,” Harvey said.
Dug the therapy dog gets distracted by Ohio students in Alden Library on Sept. 15, 2022. (CHLOE EGGLESTON | FOR THE POST) GRACE_KOE GK011320@OHIO.EDUMonths before the tassels are moved, the air is sprinkled with graduation cap confet ti and college green is showered in cham pagne, students must apply to walk across the stage. Monday was the last day to apply for fall graduation at Ohio University with out a late fee, and it marks one of the first things on the daunting graduation to-do list. The application process is simple, but it can be intimidating.
“No one in my family has gone to college, so we never really talk about graduation,” Ellie Coldiron, a communication studies stu dent graduating in December, said. “I was worried about what (the graduation process) would be like, but it was really easy.”
The application is a qualtrics form that lets advisors know that the student is eligible to graduate, Jenna Lehr, a success advisor for the E. W. Scripps School of Journalism, said. Once the application is sent in, colleges will confirm the information that students pro vided in the form: college, degree, majors, minors and certificates, according to OU’s Registrar.
“We get that list, and it’s a good way to know these students in this college are eligi ble to graduate,” Lehr said.
Before students receive their diplomas, advisors must confirm or deny the degree after reviewing each student’s degree audit reporting system, or DARS. The DARS plans out the requirements for each degree that every individual student needs to fulfill, ac cording to OU’s website. This will not hap pen until after the grades are posted for their final semester, Lehr said.
“We’ll get a list to either confirm or deny the degree,” Lehr said. “We go through that in our office and we pull up the DARS and look and see.”
Fulfilling all of the requirements to grad uate is intimidating for students. Both Cold iron and Lehr said students should check the DARS frequently and meet with their advi sors about classes to take to meet each re quirement and ensure they are on track to graduate.
“I was really big on checking my DARS all the time,” Coldiron said. “If you do have any questions, email an advisor, even if it’s not your advisor.”
Coldiron has already completed her grad uation application and has met with her ad visor to verify that she has met all of the re quirements, so she is set to graduate this fall. Graduation will occur on Dec. 10, according to OU’s Registrar.
Erin Luby, a senior studying child and family studies, is planning to graduate in the
spring, but she is already preparing for grad uation and life after.
“Currently I am looking for an intern ship that I will take for my placement in the spring, and I’m trying to find a place where I know I’ll like it, so hopefully I can stay postgrad,” Luby said.
The graduation application for spring graduation is not due until February, but it is still beneficial to meet with your advisor to ensure the necessary credits are met.
“The grad checks (meetings with your ad visor) are so important,” Lehr said. “Looking at your own DARS is really important.”
For underclassmen, meeting with ad visors to create a graduation plan and fre quently checking their DARS can keep stu dents on track to graduate.
Advisors can also help with plans for life
after graduation, another daunting part of graduating.
“I think the most intimidating thing is the fear of not knowing how things are going to actually play out,” Luby said. “Sometimes it’s expected that you do certain things at a cer tain pace, and sometimes things won’t go as planned after post-grads.”
But, a meeting with an advisor can help relieve the stress of finding a job or an in ternship.
“We are providing information for (their) career,” Lehr said. “We try to help set stu dents up for success.”
The deadline to apply for fall graduation was Monday; however, students can still ap ply with a $100 late fee, in addition to the $50 application fee, by calling OU’s Registrar’s Office at 740-593-4196.
ILLUSTRATION BY TREVOR BRIGHTON“As someone who likes to rush through things, this is a time where you’re supposed to just have fun,” Luby said. “You’re going to work for the rest of your life, but you only have college for so long. As someone who’s close to graduating, I’m not really too happy about it – I wish I could stay another year. Find a job that’s going to make you happy and find a place where you’re going to be able to start that new chapter, be successful and be happy.”
Over 100 envelopes sit in each seat of a still room, patiently waiting to be pried open. Atop each envelope sits one young woman, eager to commence the prying.
The contents of each envelope determine the outcome of each individual’s college experience, simply with an arrangement of two or three Greek letters. This is the image of Bid Day: the pinnacle of the Women’s Panhellenic Association recruitment at Ohio University.
“I was feeling very nervous going into it,” Emma Fink, a newly initiated member of Delta Zeta, said. “I opened up that envelope and I was like, OK, this is it. That’s where I’m supposed to be.’”
Though WPA recruitment is the most wellknown Greek recruitment process on campus, WPA is just one of four national Greek organizations with chapters at OU. Just as each organization varies in its purpose and goals, they have adopted unique recruitment strategies and schedules that appeal to their target audience.
In the Templeton-Blackburn Alumni Memorial Auditorium, the potential new members, or PNMs, finish the recruitment process with a culmination of the week’s events summed up by a bid from a nationally-recognized WPA chapter.
Still, WPA recruitment requires a long and demanding journey before arriving at the fairy tale ending that is Bid Day.
Fink, a freshman studying integrated language arts, was one of the many freshmen who set out to find her “glass slipper” through WPA.
As the rest of her family moved to North Carolina shortly before she moved into the dorms, Fink said she felt lonely and needed a support system during her first semester on
campus. This led her to see what WPA had to offer.
“[I thought] it would just be a really good way to make friends, and it’s a more homey environment than a dorm,” Fink said. “I was like ‘wow, this is definitely what I’m looking for.”
Though exploring the different chapters was a fulfilling experience for Fink and her peers, it undoubtedly required stamina, determination, and a $50 recruitment fee.
The first intense day of WPA Recruitment at OU kicked off Saturday, Sept. 10, as the PNMs were split into around 20 groups of 40 to travel collectively to each house, Fink said. The groups were led by their own Rho Gammas: representatives from different chapters who help guide the Panhellenic recruitment process.
The week only got more engaging from there.
“The first day, you’re up at the College Green at 8:45 a.m., and I didn’t get home until 10:30 p.m.,” Fink said. “You go to all 10 chapters for welcome day, and you talk to a bunch of girls in the houses. You get a couple breaks here and there, but for the most part, it’s just go go, go, go go.”
Not only does every day require a higher level of formality in its dress code, but after each day, PNMs are asked to rank the chapters and submit the rankings to each house in preparation for chapter invitations the following day.
“Second day, you actually don’t get your houses back until you are on the College Green that morning,” Fink said. “It can be a hard experience just because if you’re disappointed about not getting a house, you’re kind of in a public setting.”
That Sunday, each chapter only invites around 20 PNMs back to visit the house and focus more on its philanthropic work. Though
it is only the second day, each chapter has the day scheduled to a tee.
“We have to line up in alphabetical order outside of every house, and you have to be 15 minutes beforehand,” Fink said. “There’s like this whole knocking process. It’s very crazy.”
Additionally, group numbers were cut in half from the previous day of recruitment, Fink said.
“It consistently got smaller and smaller,” Fink said. “Not only are houses getting more selective, but also, a lot of girls dropped because the process is just that taxing.”
Fink said that the PNM’s options are further limited by the following Friday, as they are only invited back to a maximum of five houses to discuss the sisterhood and relationships within each chapter.
As the PNMs adjust their rankings and each chapter narrows down its prospects, they find themselves on the eve of Bid Day. The Saturday before the grand finale is known as Preference Day, giving the PNMs, now dressed fully in formal attire, one last chance to visit their top two WPA chapters and rank them accordingly.
Fink said she saw Preference Day as a test run of each sorority. She said she had many deep conversations with the women from each
chapter, and it was a way to see what chapter fit her best before making her final decision.
However, the individual chapters have the most important decisions to make on preference night: who makes the final cut.
Before the final Bid Day announcement, PNMs must sign a legally binding document stating that they will accept a bid from either of their final two sororities if offered, Fink said.
After recruitment had finally wrapped up, Fink said she couldn’t have been happier with where she ended up. However, she said there were times she was unsure about the process, but her Rho Gammas were always there to help her.
“I trusted the process, and I think that was a smart decision for me, but I definitely can understand why some girls just can’t do that,” Fink said. “The process, while it is very invasive, … it really takes that much to truly find where you belong.”
Fink said the extreme time commitment was worth it because it creates better relationships, even if it means less freedom exists in their schedules.
ILLUSTRATION BY LAUREN ADAMS“(WPA recruitment is) so much more intense than what the men in frats go through, but I think that it’s just a more personal connection,” Fink said. “It makes sense that we go through a longer process because it’s like a very personalized thing.”
A week before WPA began its recruitment, the Interfraternity Council at OU held its recruitment week. The lesser known recruitment week began on Monday, Sept. 5, as chapters hosted individual events open to anyone interested in fraternity life on campus.
Jake Adwar, a sophomore studying sports management and marketing, serves as the recruitment chairman of Alpha Epsilon Pi. He said his chapter, along with the other 10 IFC chapters on campus, hosted events such as cookouts, house tours, field days and more.
The schedule is more casual than the strict schedule WPA is required to follow, but Adwar said the laid-back atmosphere only helps build genuine connections with anyone who wants to stop by for the events.
“You get to really understand, bond with the people who you’re trying to recruit,” Adwar said. “It gives them a better say on whether they want to join that chapter.”
Adwar said the biggest difference between IFC recruitment and WPA is that within IFC, each fraternity conducts their own recruitment week events and schedule.
“We get the freedom to kind of recruit however we want,” Adwar said. “It’s not where we have to do the exact same thing as all the other chapters.”
Additionally, he said fraternities in IFC are tasked with going out and campaigning for their fraternity rather than simply receiving hundreds of PNMs at their doorstep like the WPA chapters.
“I had to go out and find all the guys,” Adwar said. “I had to go talk to every single one of them, get their phone numbers, text them throughout the day, and just really become their friend and somebody that they can trust.”
The timing of IFC recruitment also caused some extra difficulty in breaking freshmen out of their shells.
“Rush is usually weeks four or five, and this year was week three,” Adwar said. “The turn-
outs were great themselves, but they weren’t what they could have been.”
Adwar said that because of this, Alpha Epsilon Pi, along with the other chapters, has had to come up with creative ways to get PNMs in the door.
“We had to do a little thing called ‘dorm storming,’” Adwar said. “That’s where I printed out probably 700 rush flyers and just pretty much slid them under all the doors in some buildings. It’s definitely a grind.”
Thanks to the “dorm storming” tactic in tandem with social media exposure, Adwar said Alpha Epsilon Pi was able to attract the attention of around 30 PNMs per event.
After successfully hosting recruitment events throughout the week, Adwar said his IFC chapters begin their invitation-only interviews. After an in-chapter discussion on the invited PNMs, IFC’s Bid Day comes Friday, Sept. 9., capping off recruitment for the semester.
“If a PNM has received the bid, then they’ll get invited and we’ll send them a time, location, the attire to wear,” Adwar said.
After reporting their bids to the school over the ensuing weekend, IFC chapters and their new members have officially completed the recruitment process.
Christianne Medrano Graham, the director of Sorority and Fraternity Life at OU, said the IFC and WPA’s vastly different recruitment styles result from how the chapters and organizations were formed.
WPA at OU operates through the National Panhellenic Conference, which consists of 26 national organizations that all conform to the rules of the NPC, Medrano Graham said.
“They operate under the manual of information which has unanimous agreements,” Medrano Graham said. “Imagine trying to get 26 women’s organizations to agree on something.”
Consequently, WPA has remained strict in its recruitment process on a national level to keep uniformity amongst organizations and chapters across the country.
Medrano Graham, conversely, said the current IFC OU chapters were originally formed under the North American Interfraternity Conference, which fostered a very loose re-
cruitment structure that varied from chapter to chapter.
However, because of the flexible intake structure, many IFC chapters on campus have banded together to put on joint events and tablings to show what fraternity life at OU has to offer, Medrano Graham said.
She also said many other universities’ IFC chapters carry out a more formal intake process similar to that of WPA, as it is the decision of the interfraternity council of each university.
“We have a very loose structure,” Medrano Graham said. “I think that they’ve kind of learned that maybe that’s not the best way, maybe they want to move towards a more semi-structured recruitment process, but that’s still up in the air on how it’s going to be in the future.”
Throughout her time working in the office of Sorority and Fraternity Life, Medrano Graham said she has talked to many students who have said the WPA recruitment process, specifically, was not right for them.
“That’s when we have the conversation of, ‘WPA is not the only council that has sororities,’” Medrano Graham said. “If this is not your cup of tea, we have these other sororities that do intake differently.”
The other organizations Medrano Graham referred to are the National Pan-Hellenic Council, a historically Black organization, and the Multicultural Greek Council.
The organizations often provide comfort to students, Medrano Graham said, because they are smaller in size and offer a unique intake process, unlike the WPA or IFC.
Though representatives of NPHC chapters at OU either declined or did not respond to comment requests, Maribel Antunez-Uriostegui, a senior studying political science, is the president of Alpha Psi Lambda, a co-ed Latin-oriented MGC chapter on campus. She said the MGC recruitment is open to anyone on campus.
“We are not Latino exclusive,” Antunez-Uriostegui said. “Anyone that is interested in Latino culture is more than welcome to join and we will never discriminate against anyone that isn’t of Latino heritage.
Antunez-Uriostegui said Alpha Psi Lambda keeps its new member intake process fresh by hosting one recruitment event per week throughout the first half of the semester before beginning the application and interview process that occurs later.
“It’s essentially a semester-long process as opposed to rush where it’s a one week thing and then you’re in or you’re not,” Antunez-Uriostegui said. “The recruitment process is six weeks, but from there we have the membership intake process which can range depending on the semester.”
Whether it is going to football games, Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration or just hanging out, the semester-long intake format allows for the relatively small organization to host tight-knit recruitment events that both PNMs and the current members can keep up with.
Though other chapters in the NPHC and MGC may only conduct an intake process as needed once a year, Antunez-Uriostegui said Alpha Psi Lambda is always recruiting new members throughout every semester.
With the number of councils, chapters and recruitment styles, Medrano Graham believes there is a place for anyone in Greek life. There is no right way to navigate fraternities and sororities on campus; the most important thing is bettering yourself and the people around you through a common organization.
“Fraternity and Sorority life gets a bad rap because of the stereotypes,” Medrano Graham said. “I believe in the mission and the values that our organizations hold, and if we could use those values and those powers for good, man, we could change the world.”
Halfway across the world, a conflict has gone on for over six months. It is easy for many people to ignore what is happening to millions of Ukrainians every day, but for Ohio’s Anna Kharchynska and Kristy Frank, that is impossible. It is a part of their lives, and its effects are something they have to handle on a daily basis.
Kharchynska and Frank are teammates at Ohio, but they were also raised in Kyiv, Ukraine. Frank is a graduate transfer from Utah State and is playing her first season at Ohio in 2022. Although Frank had fam ily in Ukraine, she was living on campus at Utah State during the initial invasion.
Kharchynska is a true freshman and has represented her country several times. Kharchynska and her family were residing in Kyiv when Russia invaded.
It was around 4 a.m. on Feb. 24 when the first Russian missiles and airstrikes il luminated the night sky in Ukraine’s capi tal city of Kyiv. Russian forces had crossed over Ukraine’s eastern border only min utes before, and early that morning, Rus sian President Vladimir Putin announced
Russia’s plans for a military operation in Ukraine.
Kharchynska and Frank remember the night well.
“Because my family was in Kyiv, and in the first week, it was the most danger ous place, we hid in basements for three days,” Kharchynska said. “There were huge planes flying near our house and we would hear explosions.”
“For me it was really scary because I was in the U.S. at the time,” Frank said. “I just saw posts on social media, and the first attack was on my city, so I saw explo sions and it was like five in the morning.
I called my dad, and he was sitting in the kitchen and he said that he had just heard a bomb go off, and one of the houses nearby was being targeted, so it was really scary and stressful.”
Russia’s full-scale invasion left millions of Ukrainian citizens scrambling as many of their hometowns were destroyed by missiles and airstrikes. According to the International Rescue Committee, over 7.2 million people have fled Ukraine in the fastest and largest displacement crisis this century.
Many of the refugees left behind most
of their belongings and their homes with out a plan for where they would go. Al though they were out of Kyiv’s warzone, many parts of western Ukraine were being targeted by Russian planes, and with traf fic that could last for days, refugees were stuck in fear for their own lives.
“We took all of our stuff and moved to our friends,” Kharchynska said. “Then me and my mom made the decision to go to Romania.”
“I think they moved out immediately,” Frank said. “Maybe later that morning, and the traffic was really bad. They were just on the bus for a really long time. Almost two days trying to get to another city, it’s really stressful because I can’t do anything to help someone who’s just sitting in an ticipation of what’s going to happen.”
Even after making it out of Ukraine, the cold winter nights and increased chances of exposure to crime and violence meant refugees needed to find shelter quickly. Frank’s parents had no idea what to do next after making it out of the country until she called them.
Frank was a senior for Utah State at the time, and her teammate and best friend Inka Mehtola had family in Finland. Frank
called her parents and told them that her teammate’s family might be able to help in some way. Although Mehtola’s parents had nev er met Frank’s before, they were willing to help.
“My teammate’s parents were very helpful,” Frank said. “They told them all the directions, they said ‘Yes, … you can come stay at our place’. So, my team mate’s mom even took a long train to go to the cap ital to meet them there and pick them up, so they really helped them. I don’t know where they would be without my teammate’s family. So I’m really grate ful for that. They also helped them get separate apartments so that was re ally helpful.”
For any Division I stu dent athlete, balancing athletic and academic life can be difficult. But Frank was tasked with the impos
sible: balancing school while coping with the destruction of her hometown.
“Definitely at first it was impacting my mental health a lot because coping with school, plus volleyball, plus what was go ing on in the country and trying to figure out how my family was doing,” Frank said. “It affected me a lot.”
Kharchynska was representing her country in the European Volleyball Con federation’s European Golden League soon after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The invasion created complications around where the team would play its matches.
Dealing with emotions while repre senting Ukraine wasn’t easy for Khar chynska and the Ukrainian team.
“Mentally it was very hard, but we tried to do all we could and cheer on our coun try in a hard situation,” Kharchynska said.
Although the war in Ukraine is still on going and its impacts are still in effect, Kharchynska and Frank have had to cope with the state of their home country.
“It kind of grew to a new stage of just representing and playing for our country,” Frank said, “At first it was hard, but now I think we’re coping with it.”
“Here, it’s freer,” Kharchynska said. “I’m not afraid of anything, but in my country it’s really a disaster.”
Pew Research shows many Americans care less about foreign policy than they did six months ago, and news coverage of the Ukraine crisis has decreased, but Ohio is bringing awareness to the problems still faced by Ukrainians. Its first match against rival Miami will be ‘Ukraine night.’
Frank appreciates the impact Ohio is making.
“I think it’s great that we keep pushing the information out to people,” Frank said. “It’s important to remember what’s go ing on and to support Ukraine as much as possible, and I think it’s fair the University keeps doing this too because sometimes people forget about what’s going on.”
In our digital age, attention spans ar en’t built to follow six-month-long wars, but the problems faced by Ukrainians are as present now as they have ever been.
“I haven’t seen my father since Febru ary and I still really miss him,” Karchyns ka said. “I’m afraid for my family because most of it is still in Kyiv.”
Anna Kharchynska and Kristy Frank pose for a portrait in the Convo. on Sept. 25 in Athens, Ohio. (ZOE CRANFILL | FOR THE POST)It was a battle of the offenses Saturday at Peden Stadium, and Ohio won.
Ohio held on by the skin of its teeth, defeating Fordham 59-52 in its final non conference game. Despite getting out to an early 14-0 lead in the first quarter, the game was anything but smooth sailing for Ohio. It was only pretty for Ohio’s offense, not so much for the defense.
Once again, Kurtis Rourke had a career game on Frank Solich Field, beating his own single game passing record that he set in the season opener against Florida Atlan tic. His 41 completions for a whopping 537 yards are also the most passing yards and completions in a single game in program history.
Rourke made moving the ball down the field look almost effortless Saturday, espe cially early in the game. On Ohio’s second drive, Rourke threw three quick passes for 91 yards, and Ohio moved from one end zone to the other for a touchdown in just two minutes and 15 seconds.
But that wasn’t the quickest touchdown Ohio scored Saturday. Keegan Wilburn ran a kickoff return back for 98 yards and a touchdown in the third quarter, the fifth longest kickoff return in Ohio history.
The Bobcat’s 692 yards on offense is the most yards gained in a single game in program history as well. The last time they gained more than 650 yards in a single game was in 2018 against Massachusetts.
Ohio desperately needed some offen sive success Saturday after struggling to gain yards and score in its losses over the past two weeks. Ohio almost tripled the amount of points it scored against Penn State and Iowa State on Saturday and earned 196 more yards than it did over the past two weeks combined.
After their losses, The Bobcats didn’t feel many adjustments were needed; they just needed to execute what they’d worked on since the summer.
“The game plan really was just to go in and do everything that we’ve been working on since day three, day two of fall camp,” wide receiver Jacoby Jones said. “We just got back out there and got back to the ba sics and made it work.”
Ohio was confident in its ability to get back to fundamentals, which led to its of fensive success Saturday. Even though it trailed for most of the second half, Ohio’s confidence never wavered.
“We prepare for those situations all the time in practice,” Tyler Foster said. “Those types of things that can just get the ball down the field in time crunch situations, and I think we executed just how we did in practice and it worked.”
The offensive success was also due in part to the Rams’ struggling defense. Be fore Saturday, they were ranked No. 107 in points allowed per game and No. 114
in yards allowed per game in the Foot ball Championship Subdivision. The Rams’ trouble on defense continued Saturday, but that’s not to say the Bobcats didn’t have their own defensive problems.
Ohio allowed Fordham quarterback Tim DeMorat to throw for six touchdowns and 503 yards, including 320 to Fotis Kokosiou lis. However, it isn’t all Ohio’s fault. DeMor at is an extremely talented quarterback who has been on a tear this season. He’s thrown 22 touchdown passes in four games and may be on track to break the FCS sin gle season passing touchdown record of 57.
The question of whether or not Ohio’s
offensive success was a fluke may be re solved after its win against Fordham. It showed that it could put up a lot of points and touchdowns against an FCS opponent, but how will it do against Mid-American Conference opponents next week?
Ohio defense makes a tackle against Fordham at Peden Stadium on Sept. 24, 2022. (JUSTIN DELGADO | FOR THE POST)Two Sports editors and one Sports writer give breakdowns of their top 25 Division I college football teams weekly
Each week, the Sports editorial team selects its Top 25 Division I college football teams for the Student Media Poll.
The SMP is a nationwide poll featuring 122 student journalists from all Football Bowl Subdivision conferences. There are voters from 69 different schools across 34 states.
The Post Sports will break down its ballots each week. Here are the top five, those it kicked out of the Top 25 and those it added:
Molly Burchard, Asst. Sports EditorTop 5:
1.) Alabama
2.) Georgia
3.) Ohio State
4.) Michigan
5.) Clemson
Georgia allowing Kent State to score 22 points in Week 4 may not have been enough for the Associated Press to knock it out of the No. 1 spot, but it was enough for me. Kent State more than doubled the points that Georgia allowed in the first three weeks of the season. I know not every game can be a great one, but as I’ve probably said before, I expect more from the No. 1 team.
Alabama put up 55 points on 3-1 Vanderbilt, which is not all that spectacular for Alabama, but I believe it did better than Georgia this week, which is why it took my top spot over the Bulldogs.
Honestly, I didn’t give Ohio State enough credit this week. I went back and forth on where to rank the Buckeyes this week and almost put them at No. 1. They had a great game against Wisconsin and were unstoppable in the first half. However, the Buckeyes started to slow down in the fourth quarter Saturday, so I ultimately decided to leave them at No. 3.
Michigan is making itself at home in my No. 4 spot, as it has been there all season. Unless it loses sometime soon, Michigan will probably stay there.
Clemson made its way back into my Top 5 this week after it beat Wake Forest 51-45 in overtime. It was a very competitive game, and I was impressed that Clemson found a way to get the win. Also, it helped that my previous No. 5, Oklahoma, lost to Kansas State Saturday 41-35.
Top 5:
1.) Alabama
2.) Ohio State
3.) Georgia
4.) Clemson
5.) Michigan
My Top 5 once again stays the same, and as I have said previously, it will continue to do so
until one of these teams loses. These five teams have also benefited from some of their top competitors, like Notre Dame earlier this season and Oklahoma in Week 4, dropping a game or two.
After Alabama and Ohio State, who won handily in their respective conference openers, it was a tough week for the Top 5.
Georgia struggled more against Kent State than it had all season, Clemson needed overtime to beat Wake Forest and Michigan let Maryland hang around, only winning by a touchdown. I don’t think any of the three played poorly enough to drop out of the Top 5, but for at least Clemson and Michigan, an undefeated USC is waiting to pounce on a potential mistake.
Top 5:
1.) Georgia
2.) Alabama
3.) Ohio State
4.) Michigan
5.) Clemson
My Top 5 is the same as last week. Despite struggling against Kent State, Georgia remained at the top of my poll because I believe it has played better than Alabama overall this season.
Alabama finally took on a Southeastern Conference opponent, which was nice to see, and it won considerably. Vanderbilt isn’t known for its football program and that was reiterated when Alabama stole a 55-3 victory in Week 4.
Ohio State also took on a conference opponent last week. It wiped out Wisconsin 52-21 to continue its undefeated season. Ohio State hasn’t moved up on my poll because it doesn’t have the strength of schedule that Georgia and Alabama do.
Michigan and Clemson also took home wins. However, I do not feel that either are as dominant as the top three.
Want to read more? Scan here to read the article in full online!
To open Mid-American Conference play this season, Ohio headed to Kent State on Thursday. In a losing effort, Ohio outshot Kent State with 13 total shots; however, none could find the back of the net.
The game started out slow, with nei ther team giving ground in the early parts of the game. However, in the 33rd minute, Kent State’s Kelsey Salopek scored a goal on an assist from Dalaney Ranallo. This would end the scoring for the first half, with Ohio having three shots, two on goal, and Kent taking four total shots, two on goal.
To start the second half, Salopek scored once again, this time with an as sist from Callie Cunningham. For the re mainder of the game, Ohio outshot Kent State 10-4 and its intensity was evident, with five corner kicks in the second half and nine fouls drawn. Ohio’s aggressive attack in the second half was in vain, as time expired with the score remaining at 2-0 in Kent’s favor.
The lack of successful conversions would be a common theme over the week end, as Ohio prepared to host Buffalo in its home opener for Mid-American Con ference play.
The game started as a back-and-forth match, with Ohio possessing the ball in the front third with success. Buffalo at tempted to take advantage of counter-at tacks, using speed to transition quickly while the Ohio midfield was on the attack, but Ohio had prepared for that.
“To counter-press and counter-defend like we typically do, we have to commu nicate, we have to have people pressing the ball,” Ohio head coach Aaron Rodgers said. “We have to have players in behind them, we have to have players covering for that person. So I think some of our press might have been fragmented, and that was something we had talked about going into the game.”
Buffalo had a few chances early, but it finally found the breakthrough in the 29th minute. Midfielder Annie Judasz delivered a cross into the box, where midfielder Alya Ruken got on the end of it to open the scoring and put Buffalo up 1-0.
Ohio found itself trailing once again, but had no intention of remaining that
way. After the kickoff to resume play, Ohio got the ball to Isabella Ginocchi, who took an open shot outside the box in an at tempt to tie the game back up.
During the press by Ohio, however, Buffalo took advantage and sent a through ball to Arianna Zumpano, who broke free and found herself one-on-one with goal keeper Celeste Sloma. She chipped the ball over an outstretched Sloma to bring Buffalo’s lead to 2-0.
There were a flurry of chances for both teams at the end of the half, with Ohio hit ting the post and Buffalo failing to convert Zumpano’s second one-on-one chance of the day. Buffalo took its 2-0 lead into the half, having outshot Ohio 3-1 in shots on target in the first period.
The second half started much like the first, but was largely uneventful until in the 68th minute, when Zumpano found herself in a shooting position and saw her shot bounce over goalie Sam Wexell, who had come in at halftime for Ohio.
Buffalo would have one more good op portunity, but Wexell made a great save with her leg to deny Taylor Caridi.
In the 82nd minute, Ohio had a chance for a consolation goal with a free kick from just outside the box. Abby Townsend took the free kick but it was promptly cleared away. Buffalo finished off the rest of the game on the way to a 3-0 win.
Ohio now sits at 0-2 in the MAC and has a tough road ahead to stay competi tive in the conference.
“Unfortunately, we weren’t at our best today, and I know this group has been re silient, and will be resilient,” Rodgers said. “We have a lot of quality players, and we will get back at it.”
Ohio forward Scout Murray dribbles against Western Carolina at Chessa Field on Sept. 16, 2022. (JACK TATHAM | FOR THE POST)There is a lot to unpack from Ohio’s 5952 win over Fordham Saturday, but first, I want to take a look at some of the raw numbers because they are absurd.
The two teams combined for 111 points, 1332 total yards and 60 first downs. They averaged 8.4 yards per play for the game, which is a ridiculous pace. It wasn’t all ex citing, though, as each team had 11 penal ties for over 100 yards.
Fordham quarterback Tim DeMorat threw for 503 yards and six touchdowns, with 320 of those yards and four of the touchdowns going to receiver Fotis Koko sioulis. Not to be outdone, Ohio’s Kurtis Rourke put up four touchdowns of his own and 537 yards, obliterating the previous program single-game passing yards record of 409, set by Donny Harrison in 1983.
Despite it being a tremendously enter
taining game featuring some fantastic per formances, and every win is a good one in a 12-game season, this was not a good game for Ohio.
The Bobcats allowed 640 yards and 52 points to a Football Championship Subdi vision opponent, and even with the context that the Rams possess the best offense in FCS, those are numbers that simply can not happen if the Bobcats want to return to contention in the Mid-American Con ference.
Ohio’s defense struggled last season, and it made a change at defensive coordi nator heading into 2022. So far, the returns have not been encouraging.
Ohio allowed 42.3 points per game over its first three games, but two of those games were against Power 5 opponents. In the other game against Florida Atlan
tic, many of the points Ohio allowed came once it had a significant lead and was try ing to run out the clock.
There wasn’t clear evidence either way over three weeks, but there certainly is now: Ohio’s defense is bad.
This is not to say that any of the individ uals involved, players or coaches, are bad at their jobs. It’s also not to say that Ohio’s defense will continue to be bad all season, but at the moment, Ohio’s defense is not at the level it needs to be.
Out of 131 Football Bowl Subdivision teams, Ohio ranks No. 127 in points per game allowed and No. 130 in yards per game allowed. The only team that is worse than Ohio in the second statistic is Char lotte, who has allowed 560 yards per game.
The Bobcats have struggled to get pres sure on the quarterback, they have been
gashed both through the air and on the ground and they have generally been un able to stop any of their opponents.
After a stretch of five straight drives without allowing a point in the middle of its game against Florida Atlantic, Ohio al lowed its opponent to score on 26 of 42 drives. If that rate continues, and there is no reason to think it will not, Ohio will be in significant trouble once it starts facing better teams than Fordham.
If the Bobcats’ defensive issues are not solved quickly, it could cost them more than just a season of potential contention in the MAC, it could cost head coach Tim Albin his job.
@WILLOCUNNINGHAM WC425318@OHIO.EDU Ohio defense makes a tackle against Fordham at Peden Stadium on Sept. 24, 2022. (JUSTIN DELGADO | FOR THE POST)study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology found yellow and green-yellow were seen as the least pleasant colors.
What do students excited for the leaves to change, gold miners and the “it’s CORN” kid have in common? They all love the color yellow. The color is known for its cheery influence and brightening effect, but the sunniest color may have a dark side.
Despite studies determining most people associate yellow with joy, its negatives are mirrored in the world’s favorite colors. According to Dulux Paints, yellow is the least popular color in the world, as only 5% of respondents preferred yellow over other colors.
Yellow is the most intense color for human eyes. Light travels in wavelengths and is understood by the brain’s reactions to red, blue and green cones. Yellow is seen when both red and green cones are near their peak sensitivity, which is why it is the brightest color after white.
Yellow is also the most tiring on the eye, as it reflects the most light. Prolonged exposure to bright yellow can lead to eyestrain and vision loss. It is also the most attention-grabbing, which is why it is used for taxis and many emergency signs. A 1994
Despite its intensity, yellow symbolizes sunshine, warmth and joy for many, often thought to originate from its similarity to the sun. Interestingly, yellow is seen as more cheerful in colder, rainier countries.
Yellow was first used by humans in cave paintings that are over 17,000 years old. Ancient Egyptians painted gods in vivid yellow as it was similar to gold and the sun.
However, yellow began to develop a negative reputation beginning in the 14th century. In Medieval and Renaissance Christian art, yellow paint was used to signify outsiders or deceit, frequently depicting Judas from the Bible. Executioners were also often portrayed wearing yellow, something carried to relatively modern times with Alabama’s notorious electric chair, “Yellow Mama.” The bright yellow electric chair was built in 1927 and last used in 2002.
Worse, as with several other colors, the color yellow has been marked by discrimination. The badges that many Jewish Europeans were forced to wear during WWII differed in design by country, but were invariably yellow. Yellow was also used fre-
quently by racist against Asian populations, particularly against those from or of Eastern Asian descent.
“Yellow peril” refers specifically to horrific 19th century anti-Asian racism, particularly against Chinese immigrants. Beginning in the 1880s, Chinese immigrants were depicted as threatening in racist propaganda, leading to abhorrent scapegoating and discriminatory acts such as the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act, passed by the U.S. Congress, that introduced a 10-year ban on Chinese immigration. The act specifically excluded laborers, although the definition of laborers was twisted to ensure very few Chinese immigrants could enter the country.
The color has also been used to stigmatize certain areas of society that have historically been looked down upon. Yellow is also often associated with prostitution, dating as far back as ancient Greece. Athenian sex workers set themselves apart by wearing yellow dyed gauzy cloth. In Rome, sex workers were required to dye their hair blonde or wear a blonde wig. This color pattern continued, particularly in European states. Vienna required yellow scarves, Leipzig’s workers wore yellow cloaks with blue trim and in 2010, sex workers in the Spanish city of Llei-
da wore reflective yellow bibs to avoid police fines for walking unmarked along highways.
In Mandarin, � (Huáng) means yellow, but has an associated meaning of failure and often relates to pornography. “Yellow journalism” also refers to exaggerated and sensationalized journalism, typically created to generate attention and profits rather than distribute information.
Recently in Brazil, life-long supporters of the Brazilian national football (American soccer) team have ditched their iconic, formerly beloved yellow jerseys, as the jersey has become a symbol for the far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro and his right-wing supporters. The yellow jersey now represents more than a simple color.
Yellow isn’t all daffodils and lemonade. It has a surprisingly dark history, one wracked with discriminatory practices and general diversion from its cheerful facade today. No matter the imagery or the Van Gogh rumors, yellow has quite the mixed history.
Katie Millard is a junior studying journalism at Ohio University and the Culture Editor of The Post. Please note that the views and opinions of the columnists do not reflect those of The Post. What are your thoughts? Tell Katie by tweeting her at @katie_millard11.
After 11 days of unrest in Iran stimulated by the death of 22-year-old woman Mahsa Amini, 75 people have died as a result of the largest defiance of the Islamic republic. The incident has opened a broader discussion about human rights around the world, primarily considering the second-class citizen status of women.
In response to the heavy criticism received, Iran has officially summoned British and Norwegian ambassadors to inquire regarding their “interventionist stance” on Iran’s internal affairs. While the country fails to acknowledge its overly bureaucratic system, the president of Iran dismisses any conversation by saying that the matter “must certainly be investigated”. He further goes on to distract the issue by asking for accountability for police shootings in the U.S.
So far, the Iranian authorities have denied allegations regarding negligence and mistreatment of Mahsa Amini during their custody. While countries around the world have been clear with their intentions by imposing various sanctions against Iran, Anonymous has sought ‘Hacktivism’.
Last week, several Iranian government websites and state-affiliated media sources were allegedly brought down as Anonymous’ eight million Twitter followers saw the group claim that it launched a cyber attack on the Iranian government in support of the protests surrounding the death of Mahsa Amini.
A video was released in which an altered voice, assumed to be someone behind Anonymous, said, “This was the last straw, the Iranian people are not alone.”
Earlier this year a similar attack was launched against Russia in response to the invasion of Ukraine. The group reportedly steals data from government websites and publishes it online in order to demand transparency and accountability from who or what they are hacking. Many people have been supporting this agenda while questioning their way of operation. For example, journalist Parmy Olson called out Anonymous in his book and asked the group to reconsider its mixed bag of legacy.
The alleged cyber attack launched by Anonymous against the Iran government
has compromised the system by erasing the database.
Social media has been cheering on the act, but has it really been successful with its mission to do good? The answer is no, not really. The group has successfully engaged in cyber warfare without yielding any substantial results. Their end goal is merely to draw attention to the issue while claiming authority and causing a nuisance.
Anonymous’ trajectory can be used to observe how the organization emerged from an anarchic group of teenagers who called themselves trolls. I believe the group is nothing but opportunists who jump in to draw more attention to themselves by portraying themselves as true vigilantes. Anonymous’ villain turned superhero story can do better by not engaging in weak ambush, but instead in active pursuit of justice.
Ankita Bansode is a sophomore studying political science pre-law and economics at Ohio University. Please note that the views and opinions of the columnists do not reflect those of The Post . What are your thoughts? Tell Ankita by emailing her at
Athens, Ohio, is home to various delicious eateries. As new students adjust to life on campus, one may wonder, “Where and what can a vegan eat on Court Street?” Well, vegans and non-vegans looking to try something new, look no further. Here are the best vegan meal options on everyone’s favorite street:
Whether you are looking for a quick breakfast on the way to class or a midday pick-me-up, Bagel Street Deli’s sandwich es are a popular choice. With over 20 customizable options, this “bagelwich” shop is nothing short of vegan-friendly. The Tofubien, a take on the classic Reuben sandwich, and the BBQ Tofu, which has flavors similar to a burger, are two incredibly tasty picks! Be sure to ask for the vegan customization option.
The Tofubien (vegan style) comes in at $7.25 with smoked tofu, vegan provolone, sauerkraut and vegan cream cheese served on a bagel of your choice. This may sound different, but it’s delicious!
The BBQ Tofu (vegan style) also comes in at $7.25 with
smoked tofu, vegan provolone, tomato, onion and barbecue sauce served on a bagel of your choice. It’s a great simple and savory sandwich.
Located inside Bubbles Tea Company, this casual Mediter ranean dining experience offers build-your-own bowls. Veg ans can choose from various bases such as rice, gyros, salad or fries. For proteins, the tofu and falafel are vegan-friendly options that are great separate or together for an additional $3. Don’t forget to add a dressing or hummus and veggie top pings. A recommendation is the fries base with falafel, tofu, chickpeas, veggies and tahini to top it off.
An Athens staple, Ginger has substantial options for veg ans. A create-your-own rice bowl serves as a great entree. A generous amount of rice, veggies, tofu and sauce comes at a good deal for a quality size. The teriyaki sauce pairs well with a tofu and rice bowl and some steamed vegetables.
Open until midnight on weekdays and 2 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays, this quick-service burrito shop offers two vegan options, the Vegan Chorizo and the Beyond Burrito. No cus tomizations are needed.
The Vegan Chorizo, filled with rice, guacamole, black beans, tomatoes, lettuce and vegan chorizo, is recommended for those who prefer spicy food. The chorizo packs a punch, and the accompanying ingredients calm its spicy aftertaste.
The Beyond Burrito, on the other hand, serves as a perfect option for a classic burrito. With crumbled Beyond Burger, black beans, rice, guacamole, mild salsa, red peppers, cilantro and lettuce, this menu item has great flavor and is a delicious option for any burrito lover.
@_PEYTONHODGE_ PH758222@OHIO.EDU Big Mammas Burritos on Court St. on Sept. 27, 2022. (JUSTIN DELGADO | FOR THE POST)Bagel Street Deli is widely known among Ohio University students, and anyone who’s been there usually has some pretty strong feelings about what the best thing to order is. Thanks to Instagram polls, The Post was able to see what the top sandwiches really are.
5. BLT ($7.25)
Not sure what to try and looking for a classic, safe bet? Look no further than the BLT, as it comes with bacon, two slices of American cheese, lettuce, tomato and mayo. Now, who doesn’t love a good BLT?
4. Wendy’s Way ($7.50)
Coming off the “Poultry Pursuers” section of the menu, Wendy’s Way has turkey, cream cheese, avocado and sprouts. This
is the perfect bagel for you almost-vegetarians. Wendy’s Way gives you the earthy taste combo of sprouts, avocado and cream cheese while still ensuring you get your protein as well.
3. Pizza Bagel ($7.00)
Another big hit was Bagel Street’s Pizza Bagel. In the mood for pizza but would really rather have a bagel, too? Look no further! The Pizza Bagel comes with pepperoni, two slices of provolone and pizza sauce.
Second to last on the deli’s “BSD Originals” section of the menu, the Muenster Mash has two slices of muenster cheese, bacon, pesto, spinach, tomato and onion. This bagelwich is perfect for you pesto enthusiasts. Though it may not be for everyone, Ohio University alumna Cristina
Formichelli calls the Muenster Mash her “go-to.”
Coming off Bagel Street’s breakfast menu (though you can order it at any time of the day), the MacGyger consists of a hard-boiled egg slice, bacon, your choice of cheese, avocado, lettuce, tomato and mayo. And, if you’re wondering, this all hardly fits in the bagelwich.
Other honorable mentions include:
The Morning After ($7.00) includes a hard-boiled egg slice, bacon and your choice of cheese. (Quite the breakfast staple.)
The Chris Farley ($5.25) has banana, peanut butter and honey.
The Smoked Tofu ($7.25) has smoked tofu, swiss cheese, lettuce, tomato and honey mustard. This bagelwich is perfect
for you actual vegetarians, not to mention BSD has a whole section of its menu devoted to tofu called “Tofu Time.” Everyone deserves to enjoy a yummy bagelwich, and being vegetarian is no exception!
In total, there are 75 bagel sandwiches on BSD’s menu, not to mention it has a “Build Your Own” option as well. The possibilities and combinations are endless. If you want to try something breakfast-y, the MacGyger and the Morning After are great breakfast staples. If you are looking for more of a lunch item, Tom’s Turkey and Kim’s Kraving are the way to go. Having a sweet tooth craving? Though not necessarily one of the famous bagelwiches, the Oweo is a solid choice, as well as the Bobo.
Happy bageling!
ILLUSTRATION BY LAUREN ADAMSAround once a month, the astronomy department hosts public telescope nights at the Observatory located by The Ridges. These nights are free to attend and anyone in the community is welcome.
This weekend, the nights will be host ed on Friday and Saturday from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m., weather permitting. About 50% of these viewing nights are canceled due to poor weather and viewing conditions.
These nights are usually scheduled around when the football team is playing at Peden Stadium to avoid the bright lights from the game.
The Observatory by The Ridges was opened in 2017 and is home to a 10-inch re fracting telescope from the 1950s that is used for public viewing. The telescope was origi nally located on the roof of the Research and Technology Building but was later moved to the newer Observatory.
The telescope is used to view planets, moons, nebulas, star clusters and more. This weekend, the main targets will be Jupiter, Saturn and possibly the Earth’s moon. Earth will be right between Jupiter and the sun at its closest opposition since 1963.
Doug Clowe, an astronomy professor at Ohio University, thinks this is an experience people should take advantage of.
“If you’ve never seen through a telescope, this might be one of your few opportunities,” Clowe said. “Most cities in the U.S. right now it’s way too bright and you can’t see the night sky.”
The public viewing night provides a unique experience of seeing things in space that are typically only seen in textbooks for many people.
“Seeing what these things look like with your own eyes rather than a picture really is an experience for all people,” Clowe said.
Ryan Parkes, a sophomore studying as trophysics, said he feels the same way.
“It kind of puts things into perspective because all you ever see of Saturn and its rings is through images on your computer or
your phone,” Parkes said. “Being able to see it with your own eyes is cool.”
Parkes is also the president of the new as tronomy club at Ohio University and has at tended the public telescope nights since his freshman year. He was surprised at the vari ety of people who would attend these events.
“I was expecting only astrophysics ma jors that showed up, and there (were) two that showed up,” Parkes said. “There were a bunch of people from the area that were in terested in that.”
This event is a great opportunity for the community to come together and learn more about astronomy and space.
“I have had a few people say that suddenly they became interested in science, particu larly if we can get some of the middle school kids,” Clowe said.
George Eberts, an instructor of astrono my at OU, also enjoys the community aspect of these events and giving back to the com munity that helped provide the telescope.
“It’s a matter of sharing what we have with the people that paid for that telescope ultimately through taxes and tuition at OU,” Eberts said.
The astronomy department works to make this a memorable learning experience for the community to enjoy.
“It’s just magic when you’re in a big dome with the shutter and the aperture is open and a big telescope facing out and dim red lights around the room, some spacey music is playing — at least it does if I get there on time to set it up,” Eberts said.
Eberts said for attendees, the satisfaction rate is almost guaranteed.
“There’s always grins, there’s always ex clamations about how cool this is.” Eberts said. “That’s the payoff for me.”
Whether studying science or not, many people find the subject of space to be fasci nating. This event is a great opportunity to explore that fascination.
“Everybody loves astronomy,” Eberts said. “It’s a very sexy science.”
Music in the Gallery: Chris Michael & The Andrews at The Dairy Barn Arts Center from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Enjoy music provided by Chris Michael & The Andrews, and tour the venue’s newest exhibition, “WideOpen: Excellence in Photography.” The event is located at 8000 Dairy Lane.
Admission: Free for members, $7 for non-members
Cats Pajamas Clothing Exchange at Arts West, located at 132 W. State St. Attendees are encouraged to bring unwanted clothes to ex change with others at the event. Anyone can return to the exchange unlimited times with no additional fee with the purchase of a gold en ticket, or visitors can opt for regular tickets, where one can take as many products as they brought and pay only for additional items. The event is from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., although different events have different times.
Admission: $15 for a golden ticket, or $1/per item that exceeds what was donated
The Local Produce Fair sponsored by Bob cats Well-Being is from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Held in Jefferson Hall and West 82 in Baker Center, the fair will have free samples and learning sessions for students.
Admission: Free
The Blue Blaze Festival provides attendees with more than just running events. Hosted at the Buckeye Trail Association Office at 127 Main St. in Shawnee, there will be an array of activi ties, including backpacking and hiking. The fes tival lasts from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Admission: $55 for a half-marathon event, $40 for a 10k run, $35 for a 5k run and walk and $20 for a 10 mile hike. The festival itself is free.
An Athens Autumn is a family-friendly, allday open house with speakers, performers and
workshops for the Athens community. The event is from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Athens Pub lic Library, 30 Home St. Topics include agricul ture, creativity, history, wellness and apprecia tion for local natural resources.
Admission: Free
Tuppers Plains Fire Department 5K Run/ Walk/Firefighter Challenge Walk will be at the Tuppers Plains Fire Department on 42090 Main St. in Tupper Plains. The fourth annual event will begin and end at the fire department. It starts at 10 a.m.
Admission: $30
Homesteading Women: Past, Present, Near and Far at The Kennedy Museum of Art. The exhibit will illustrate the lives of women home steaders from the 19th century with interviews and photographs of contemporary women in and around Athens County. The event will be held at 100 Ridges Circle from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Admission: Free
School of Music presents: OHIO Jazz Com bos will be held at Baker Center, starting at 6 p.m. The Ohio University School of Music will host an evening of jazz music featuring the OHIO Jazz Combos.
Admission: Free
Ohio Field Hockey vs. Michigan State will see Ohio University’s women’s field hockey team take on Michigan State at 128 South Shafer St. The game starts at noon and is part of the “Turn It Gold” initiative to support childhood cancer awareness as part of the university’s partner ship with PassionWorks.
Attendance: Free
Here’s what you can do in and around Athens this weekend.
If you don’t already know, Court Street is the place to find a good deal on drinks. With a vast array of bars that line its brick streets, there’s always an event going on every night during the week, one that can save you from financial distress or end in a potential earth-shattering hangover the next day.
The Athens bar scene has all the answers for enjoying a night out during the week or on the weekend, so here is a list of this week’s events if you’re in need of a good time:
Mug Club Monday is perfect for any sports fans, serving mixed shots and draft beers for only $1.25. Attendees also can receive free hot dogs from Lucky’s staff, making it the ideal combination of alcohol and carbohydrates. To attend, you must be a member, which costs $40, but being a part of the Mug Club has great benefits. Members get $2 off doubles and 75 cents off draft beers every day.
Clearly, Lucky’s Sports Tavern has the best deals for those who have a passion for sports and drinking.
If you like going out on a Tuesday, then Red Brick is the prime location to be. Tequila Tuesdays are a staple, with only $1 Tequila wells and $2.50 Jose Cuervo. On Wednesdays, Red Brick offers $1 singles and $2 double well drinks,
which is great for students who are low on cash. Whiskey Wednesdays are also a fun venture for those who want something stronger—$2.50 for Jack Daniel’s. Meanwhile, Saturdays are Brick Breaks, with only $1 well drinks.
Red Brick’s combination of deals means it definitely has important savings to watch for during the week.
Blackout Tuesdays are a must at Pawpurr’s, especially if you’re in the mood for the $2 doubles. Wednesdays, you can find $5 liquor pitchers or $7 blackouts. Thirsty Thursdays consist of $2 singles and $4 doubles.
All and all, you don’t want to miss out on a $5 liquor pitcher from Pawpurr’s Bar.
Hungry? Sunday brunch from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at North End is a great way to recharge and get ready for the week. On Tuesdays, it’s Taco Tuesday, where you can get three tacos for $5 and $2 Mexican beers, as well as $2 well margaritas and palomas from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesdays, students can get a $5 Bobcat Burrito, $3 White Claws and $2 Tequila shots.
North End is definitely the bar to be at if you’re a fan of Mexican food and a good time.
The Over Hang is famous for its weekly karaoke nights, where anyone is welcome to go on stage and sing their favorite tunes to those in attendance. On football game days, colle-
gial or professional, there are $4 beer pitchers and double well rum drinks are only $3. On the weekends, you can get $5 doubles, $3 birthday shots and $5 mom waters. Lastly, Rave Nights are every few weekends, with $2 White Claws, $2 Brainstompers and $2 Ketel One shots.
Obviously, The Over Hang may be just the right place to party, all while enjoying high-quality food and drinks.
Pizza and alcohol are by far the best combination on a late night out, and Courtside has everything you need to have a satisfying night out with friends. Mondays, you can get $6 domestic beer pitchers, as well as rave with DJ Smothers. Tuesdays are $3 double well drinks, $3 White Claws and $3 slushies. Wednesdays, one can get a $1 XL pizza slice. Thirsty Thursdays have $3 Jameson, $3 Red Bull drinks and $2 domestic bottles.
Courtside knows how to curb those latenight cravings with cheap prices and an energetic atmosphere.
At The J Bar, you can find $3 Ketel One shots and $2 beers on Tuesdays. Thirsty Thursdays have $3 doubles and $2 Ketel shots. Meanwhile, Fridays consist of $2 domestic beers, and Saturdays provide eager drinkers with $3 mimosas and $6 Beat Boxes.
Although it can be loud and cramped at times, The J Bar sets the tone for how to properly price drinks for broke college students.
During the weekend, Stephen’s has $3 Jameson and $3 Jack Daniel’s, as well as Disco Nights during the week with $4 Destroyers and $1.50 well shots. On Thursdays, one can find $3 Crown shots, $3 Jameson Orange and $3.50 domestics. Occasionally, there are themed nights such as Country Night and Glow Party.
Overall, Stephen’s is arguably one of the bars on Court that you can have the most fun at while spending reasonably.
Crystal has a stacked line-up of weekly events for all. Sundays, you can get a $12 mimosa pitcher, two Vegas Bomb shots for $5 and $3 Bloody Marys. Mondays are $4 domestic pitchers, two Cali Bomb shots for $5 and $4 Beat Boxes. Tuesdays are $4 Miller pitchers, two Fun Dip shots for $5 and $4 Tropical Tequilas. Additionally, you can get $4 Bud Light pitchers, two Vegas Bomb shots for $5 and $3 Wine Time on Wednesdays.
Thursdays are $4 Miller pitchers again, two Green Tea shots for $5 and $2 seltzer pints and Fridays contain $6 Alaskan pitchers, two Nerds shots for $5 and $4 Crystal Balls. Lastly, Saturdays are $6 Blue Moon pitchers, two Cali Bombs for $5 and $4 Sex on the Beaches.
Maybe Crystal has the ultimate list of deals.