Homecoming Edition

Homecoming is a very exciting time. Current and former Bobcats get to reunite with old friends, visit nostalgic places and come back to a city that holds a special place in their lives. Many events take place in celebration of Homecoming, but all of them center around one thing: the football game.
that current and former Bobcats can look forward to this weekend.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a new student from far away like Ohio field hockey midfielder Mijntje Ligtenberg, or have been out of Athens for many years like the first Ohio hockey team of 1958; Homecoming is for you.
heading to a sold out Peden Stadium or a packed Convo is always going to be a good time, and Homecoming should once again serve as a great reminder of that.
This year, Ohio’s Homecoming game will take place against Akron, who is 1-4 this season. Akron has been at the bottom of the Mid-American Conference for the past couple of years, and the game should be winnable for Ohio. Regardless of the game’s outcome, it will still be exciting. The Homecoming game is about school spirit, camaraderie and coming together to cheer on your alma mater or current team.
We’ve always said that one of the best things about sports is the way they can bring people together. Some of our own earliest and best memories involve sitting down and watching sports with our families or actually going to a game. There is nothing quite like the feeling of being in a stadium, arena or field to watch one of your favorite teams, which is something
Whether it’s programs like Ohio State and Alabama, with truckloads of five-star recruits, or Division III programs just scraping to get by, most college football teams have one thing in common: the Homecoming game.
Almost every team in college football tries to schedule a winnable game for Homecoming, as Ohio has done, and turn a simple home game into an event for students and alums alike. That is what we will see in Athens this weekend.
Whether it is athletes, members of the Marching 110, or just alums returning to Athens for a weekend, Homecoming is a special time for so many current and former Ohio students to remember why they love the school. Sports are often at the center of that.
No matter how good Ohio’s teams are,
Will Cunningham is a senior studying journalism at Ohio University and sports editor at The Post . Interested in chatting more with him? Email Will at wc425318@ ohio.edu or find him on Twitter at @willocunningham
Molly Burchard is a junior studying journalism at Ohio University and assistant sports editor at The Post . Interested in chatting more with her? Email Molly at mb712319@ohio.edu or find her on Twitter at @molly_burchard8
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The Ohio University Police Department reported destruction of property at Porter Hall.
According to the report, a large landscaping boulder was dis placed.
OUPD reported that an individual was struck by a golf ball at Ohio University’s golf and tennis center.
‘My Bike is Gone’
OUPD reported a bike was stolen from Bromley Hall.
Get the animals out of the road!
Deputies from the Athens County Sheriff’s Office responded, at the request of the Ohio State Highway Patrol, to a complaint regarding an animal in the road.
The animal was not in the travel lanes, so it was not a danger to any motorists on the road. The report did not specify what type of animal was on the road.
The Sheriff’s Office received a report of a suspicious person on State Route 685 in Glouster. Deputies identified the man who said he was trying to walk to Athens once it became daylight.
Deputies took him to a residence in Athens and returned to patrol.
Sheriff’s deputies responded to Mush Run Road in Athens af ter receiving a harassment/trespass complaint.
Deputies served the person involved with a trespass notice.
Deputies of the Sheriff’s Office responded to Connett Road in The Plains after receiving a complaint from a male who said his car was looted overnight.
He said some items had been stolen and a report was com pleted.
Sheriff’s deputies responded to complaints regarding a sus picious man potentially breaking into vehicles on Harper Street in The Plains.
When the deputies arrived, they did not make contact with the described male. They returned to patrol.
Another bike theft?
Deputies from the Sheriff’s Office responded to East Third Street in The Plains after they received a report of theft.
The caller said two bikes were stolen. The case is pending un til more information on the suspect is obtained.
Tenants vs. Landlord
Deputies from the Sheriff’s Office responded to Vore Ridge Road in Athens after receiving a report regarding a landlord and tenant dispute.
When deputies arrived, the matter had been settled and the
individuals were separated. No further
ed and deputies returned to
@MOLLYWMARIE MW542219@OHIO.EDUThe Ohio University Alumni Association, or OUAA, expects to host thousands of al ums during the duration of OU’s Homecom ing Week. The OUAA will offer several events for alumni to partake in during their stay in Athens.
Aside from the annual Homecoming pa rade, the OUAA has planned a coffee hour in Schoonover Center, a tailgate sponsored by the College of Business, and a chili cookoff sponsored by the Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of Education in which alum ni are invited to judge. The OUAA will also award several individual alums for their pro fessional accomplishments following their time at OU.
Many of the events alumni are encour aged to partake in require registration, which has proven to be an indicator of how many alumni will be returning to OU, said Jennifer Bowie, the interim associate vice president of alumni relations and executive director of the OUAA and advancement chief of staff.
“Based on everything that I’m seeing in terms of just traffic on our websites and registrations for the few things that people
registered for, I think it’s going to feel more typical,” Bowie said. “It’ll feel like a more typi cal homecoming with thousands of alumni in town; I know the hotels are full.”
Jean Yousefi, a 1986 alumna who studied psychology, will be traveling to Athens for Homecoming with her daughter and sonin-law, who are also OU alumni. Yousefi said she is most looking forward to the parade, specifically the Marching 110 alums’ perfor mance during the parade.
“My favorite thing is always the parade and watching the alumni band. That’s always a highlight, Yousefi said. “Then we’ll proba bly go to the football game, which is funny because neither myself nor my daughter nor her husband ever went to the football games when we were there but we’ll probably go do it as alumni.”
As a former Marching 110 trombonist, Mike Voytek, a 1991 alum who studied mu sic education, said the performing spirit of each member is lasting. For him, returning to perform is one of the best parts of OU’s Homecoming celebration.
“It’s just cool to kind of relive our glory,” Voytek said. “I mean, obviously, we’re not the people we were 20, 30, 40 years ago, but we still love performing just as much as we did back then, and to have that opportunity to
perform and then to know that it’s appreci ated by the community is just a great feeling.”
Kate Lindon, a 2002 alumna who studied journalism, will march in Saturday’s parade and play the mellophone. Her husband, Luke Lindon, a 2003 alum who studied journalism, said he would also return to Athens to catch up with friends and continue to follow the 110 around as he did when he was an under grad.
Since they’ve graduated, the Lindons have only missed two of OU’s Homecomings, one of which was around the time their son was born and the other due to COVID-19. How ever, they said a trip to Athens, from wherev er they are at the time, is an October ritual.
“You have a special feeling when you’re there and you even if you can experience it again for just a short time and see peo ple you know and walk on the same path as you walked to go to class and go out that it’s worth it,” Kate Lindon said.
Although Luke Lindon said he is looking forward to catching up with old friends and former professors, seeing current students live as he did years ago is eye-opening.
“We’re connected to you as bobcats and to celebrate your journey and how you’ve made Athens your own, and to see how that’s evolved and taken a step forward it’s just re
ally cool,” Luke Lindon said.
Of those returning to Athens to revisit their college years, 500 to 600 are expected to be alumni of the Marching 110, said Nate Gilcher, a 2001 alum and the homecom ing chair on the board of directors for the Marching 110 alumni network.
In memory of the Marching 110’s first band director, Gene Thrailkill, who died in November 2021, the halftime performance of the Homecoming football game will fea ture songs Thrailkill selected, Gilcher said. Compared to regular years, nearly 100 more alumni are expected to participate in this year’s homecoming because of the tribute show.
“We’ll be playing all arrangements that he played when he was the conductor of the Marching 110 … to honor his legacy,” Gilcher said. “He was kind of the guy that said, ‘In stead of playing show tunes, we’re going to play rock radio hits.’”
In addition to the alumni events offered by the OUAA, Marching 110 members will also be able to end the day on Saturday at an off-campus gathering at the Eclipse Compa ny Store in The Plains.
For decades, Ohio University students and alums have come together to celebrate OU’s Homecoming. However, what Home coming looks like varies by class.
In the past, OU’s annual Homecoming week had a predominant theme that en couraged students to be more involved in the event. There would be float and banner design competitions, and organizations and clubs could connect, compete and display their idea of what the university’s theme meant, according to a previous Post report.
Jim Sabin, a university spokesperson, said OU would no longer focus on a specific Homecoming theme as of 2021.
“Rather than focusing on a separate theme each year, we decided to embrace the real theme of the event – coming home to OHIO, each year,” Sabin wrote in an email.
The university intends to implement in
teractive activities and events that encour age students to want to be more involved with Homecoming week, said Jennifer Bowie, the interim associate vice president of alum ni relations and executive director of the OU Alumni Association and advancement chief of staff.
“(The Campus Involvement Center’s) goal is to get students to participate and provide opportunities and engagements and activ ities that get students to come out and be part of the community. A theme isn’t neces sary for that,” Bowie said.
However, Abby Slanker, a 1993 alumna who studied English, said how integral the Homecoming theme was for her and her so rority sisters.
“It was a huge bonding experience for all of us building the float and we knew we wanted it to be perfect for all our alum sis ters and all of OU’s alumni,” Slanker wrote in an email. “We would anxiously await the an nouncement of the Homecoming theme and
would start designing our float the minute we knew the theme.”
Similarly, Anne McCarthy, a 1993 alumna who studied communication, said she was disappointed to learn the university no lon ger utilizes themes to include the student body in the Homecoming festivities.
“I was not aware that there weren’t any floats anymore,” McCarthy wrote in an email. “That is a shame. It is a great excuse for clubs and groups to come together and promote their organizations, all while deepening their connections to each other.”
The decision to no longer sponsor Home coming themes was made because it seemed to hold less value to the Athens community and OU students each year, Bowie said.
“We create these themes and, quite frankly, go through a lot of trouble to create them and have local competitions, and then really nothing other than a logo came out of the theme,” Bowie said.
Bowie said if the university continues
to focus on other activities and events that make alums feel at home, themes will no lon ger be a necessary aspect of Homecoming.
“Themes have run their course over de cades, and right now we’re in one of those places where it doesn’t seem like an import ant part,” Bowie said.
However, Slanker said she thinks OU should reimplement Homecoming themes to create a stronger connection between the student body and the celebration.
“I wholeheartedly believe that OU should bring back the floats and themes again to get the student body more involved,” Slanker wrote in an email. “Some of my best mem ories of OU are building that float with my friends and then the anticipation of watching it roll down Court Street with them along side a crowd of thousands.”
career path and memories of attending OU.
“My time at OU obviously was a very spe cial time,” Ackerman said. “Of course to be away from home and be sort of on your own for the first time is its own exhilarating expe rience. But certainly, in the time that I was at OU, because there were maybe 200 African American students. We were sort of our own community.”
Having graduated from OU almost 56 years ago, Ackerman continues to cherish the sense of community she gained from her time at the university. Ackerman said being a part of such a supportive community tre mendously helped her life and career.
In addition to her involvement in various campus organizations, Ackerman worked with a professor in a writing clinic, which has since been dissolved.
At the time, students were required to pass an English proficiency assessment if they did not complete one year of English with a B grade or higher, Ackerman said. In the clinic, she worked to help students study for and pass this assessment.
Ackerman went on to become a teacher, having graduated on a Saturday in January of 1966 and immediately began work the next Monday, she said.
“You know, it was not really my plan to be in education,” Ackerman said. “It’s sort of what it is that I knew that I could do.”
Becoming a teacher was the first achieve ment on a long list of accomplishments, in cluding her term on OU’s Board of Trustees, founding the Taylor Academy and co-found ing IndeedWeCode.
Ackerman was the first African American woman appointed to the OU Board of Trust ees. One of her favorite experiences on the board was watching and helping students push for various results from the university, she said.
“The opportunity to serve a nine-year term gives you an opportunity to see a lot of growth in the institution. And one of the things that I’m really happy about … is the fact that a new student center was desper ately needed,” Ackerman said. “And student organizations at OU during the time that I was a trustee had really pressed the univer sity to please come up with a student center.”
The new student center was eventually built due to the students’ pushing, she said. That building is now known as Baker Center.
Ackerman said this did not only include children with rough backgrounds; students failing for any reason, whether it was due to choosing to socialize rather than attend class or those with home situations which made it difficult to perform well, were helped by the academy.
“Most of those students were able to get their lives back on track, which is what we talked about, in them coming to Taylor Academy,” Ackerman said. “They had been sidetracked and we got them back on track so that they could return back to the major high school and earn their diplomas and go on to wonderful lives.”
She said after 15 years of operation, the academy was shut down due to budgetary concerns.
A more current project, IndeedWeCode, was founded in 2015 and is still operating today. She said the goal of the organization is to help young African American women learn how to code and work cohesively with technology.
“IndeedWeCode is why I get up in the morning,” Ackerman said.
Through her work on the Ohio Board of Regions, she discovered a lack of technolog ical advancement opportunities for various groups, especially African American women. This inspired her to create a solution for the issue.
Part of the program includes a summer camp for middle-and high school-aged girls. Although the camp was briefly suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was rein stated in summer 2022.
“In my wildest dreams, I never imagined such a thing happening to me,” Ackerman said in reference to being named Alumna of the Year. “But what will be very special for me this weekend is the opportunity to share this experience with my family and my clos est friends.”
ANNA MILLAR NEWS STAFF WRITERan alum to be honored during the universi ty’s Homecoming Week.
Having received this recognition, she is excited to share Athens with her great niec es this weekend. Part of her tour will include showing them where she got started on her
During Ackerman’s 25-year stint as an English teacher within the Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School Dis trict, she founded the Taylor Academy. The academy was geared toward helping stu dents who were at risk of failing high school.
On Jan. 1, 2011, buses of people from all over Ohio came to watch Yvette McGee Brown be sworn in as the 153rd Justice of the Supreme Court of Ohio. The freezing day was no match for the warmth of McGee Brown’s tears and heart; she reminisced on all of the people who helped her forever become part of Ohio’s history.
That day, McGee Brown became the first Black woman on the Supreme Court of Ohio.
“Looking out at that audience at all of those people, I suddenly was taken back to my grandmother,” McGee Brown said. “You realize in that moment that I was there – my getting sworn in was really the manifestation of a lot of hard work by a lot of people I’ll nev er know or be able to thank who struggled and fought for my ability to be here.”
McGee Brown isn’t an emotional person, but she said the thought of her grandmother, born in the South under Jim Crow laws, brought her to tears.
“And I found myself in that moment, wish ing that she were alive to see that, feeling enormous gratitude but also the need to ac knowledge that I stood in that place because so many people before me sacrificed,” McGee Brown said.
Long before McGee Brown became the first Black woman justice on Ohio’s Supreme Court in 2011 and judge on the Franklin Coun ty Common Pleas Court in 1992, she didn’t know that she would become a lawyer.
“When I was thinking about what I wanted to be as an adult, I just wanted to do some thing that mattered,” McGee Brown said.
McGee Brown grew up in Columbus and attended Columbus City Public Schools when they were still segregated. Columbus City Public Schools didn’t begin to desegregate until 1977, according to Teaching Columbus.
As a high school student, a guidance counselor brought McGee Brown, and oth
er students, to Ohio University, where she would end up studying journalism and public relations.
“I didn’t have any idea about college,” Mc Gee Brown said. “But there was a really cute guy on campus and I was looking around and I was like, ‘If this is college, I’m in.’ That was the sum total of my college decision.”
Cute boys on campus were a bonus for McGee Brown, but OU is where she grew up from 1978 to 1982. A few women professors and advisors also inspired McGee Brown and guided her to law school. One of these influ ential people in McGee Brown’s life is San dra Haggerty. She started working at OU in 1979 and later served as the assistant dean at Scripps College of Communication from 19871994.
“She literally changed my life,” McGee Brown said. “At the end of my sophomore year, we started talking about what I’m going to do with this degree. And I told her that I thought I wanted to go to Washington and work for a politician, like I thought I’d be a press secretary on the Hill. And she’s like, ‘Yeah, you should go to law school.’”
After graduating from OU, McGee Brown went to law school at The Ohio State Uni versity’s Moritz College of Law. She said she always felt supported as a law student there, but she appreciates OU for helping her grow.
“I think I give OU so much credit for help ing me learn to be a leader and they gave me so many opportunities,” McGee Brown said. “I would not be who I am without having spent those four years there.”
When McGee Brown knew she wanted to do something with her life that mattered, she remembered the words of James Barnes, a former political science professor at OU.
“All of us have a sphere of influence,” Mc Gee Brown said. “It can be great or it can be small. But each of us has the ability to impact the world from where we are and grow.”
With its picturesque scenery, array of cozy restaurants and friendly people, Athens seems like the perfect place to find one’s sweetheart. The dream of finding love while earning a degree became a reality for a select few fortunate souls.
According to USA Today, 28% of married college graduates attended the same university. This concept does not reflect people who abandoned their studies after finding a significant other, rejecting the common phrase of women going to college to get their “MRS degree,” or attending college to find a husband.
With possibly the most “Athens” love story of all time, Lauren Pasqual, former editor-in-chief of The Post in 2019, met her now-husband while working at Chipotle. Not just any Chipotle, but Athens’s own at 41 S. Court St.
Needing to make an extra penny or two for sorority dues, Pasqual (then Fisher) decided to get a job at the Mexican grill. While working there, she met a coworker, Logan, that she immediately recognized as “totally her type.” Attracted to his shaggy hair and friendly demeanor, Pasqual said the chemistry was immediate.
Pasqual was dating someone at the time when they met, but they broke up the same year she started working.
“Logan immediately swooped in,” Pasqual said. “We were like best friends already. We are complete opposites in every single way – in our interests, in our aesthetics, in our everything.”
Pasqual said despite their differences, they’re similar in all the ways that matter. Reflecting on their wedding, Pasqual said they each wrote their own vows and kept them a secret from one another. Despite this, their vows ended up being strikingly similar, right down to them each commenting on the Pokémon belt Logan wore when they first met.
Of course before a wedding, there has to be a proposal. With Athens being such an integral part of their love story, it was only to involve the city in the proposal. After four years together, the pair returned to Athens and stopped at Donkey Coffee before taking a walk down Court Street. Just as they passed the place it all began, Chipotle, Logan knelt down and popped the question. The lovebirds were married this past June.
Hannah Pridemore, a 2021 graduate, has a love story to rival that of Pasqual’s in terms of “Athens-ness.”
Having met her significant other, Michael, in Nelson Market, there is no doubt these two Bobcats were meant to be. After working together several times, he finally made the move in Nelson Dining Hall. He asked for Pridemore’s Snapchat, and the rest was
At three and a half years of dating, the pair now lives in Boston together. Pridemore said she knew he was the one when they remained together after she studied abroad in Italy over the summer.
“We were on completely separate schedules because I was six hours ahead,” Pridemore said. “I would be waking up as he was going to bed, and I wouldn’t hear from him until almost evening time for me. That was a little interesting, but we made it through –not that I was ever worried.”
Living in Boston together, Pridemore said that definitely cemented the strength of their relationship. The couple has even discussed the possibility of wedding bells and the potential of a future family.
“I cannot see myself with anyone else,” Pridemore said. “I love him so much – he truly makes me happy. Definitely going to get married.”
Regarding Athens, Pridemore said the city will always hold a special place in her and Michael’s hearts. She said their visits there invoke a lot of warm feelings.
“It still feels so fresh, but it’s bittersweet now that we’re not students anymore,” said Pridemore. “It’s like, ‘This is where we went on our first date, this is where we spent our weekends and this is where we lived our ju-
nior year.’ Athens will always be very special to us.”
2020 graduate Kailee Missler’s love story is a one more for the Digital Age. Having met her partner, Zarek Bell, on Bumble, she said she wasn’t looking for a relationship in the first place.
The pair began messaging in the late fall, but Missler was wary because she had plans to study abroad in Denmark the following spring. Keeping that in mind, she agreed to get coffee with Bell.
“I’ve never been on a first date like that before,” Missler said. “I met him in person, and I was like ‘oh my goodness, you’re really handsome.’ We really just hit it off. We started dating within three weeks of seeing each other.”
After only dating for three months, Bell was true to a promise he’d made and visited Missler in Denmark.
“We spent every second together for 10 days,” Missler said. “I was like this person, this is definitely my soul mate.”
Now, Missler and Bell are engaged after a proposal at their favorite Athens restaurant, Salaam. In a full-circle experience, the couple left the restaurant at 21 W. Washington St. after their engagement and sat on the same Donkey Coffee couch they’d had their first date on.
With all three of these couples finding love on Athens bricks, they all have advice to share about the matter.
Missler said that it is important not to settle. Her wonderful first date with Bell made her realize the coveted “click” with someone is usually instantaneous.
“When you go on that first date, and you meet that person, you will know that that is someone you’re interested in,” said Missler. “If you’re second guessing, keep looking around.”
Pridemore agreed and said to not compare oneself to others in terms of relationship statuses.
“Just don’t force it,” she said. “It really just kind of happens. It really will happen naturally if it’s meant to be.”
Pasqual, an optimist, said love is all around.
“It’s everywhere,” said Pasqual. “It is something you can find in the most unexpected of places. You can absolutely find your true love at OU, as cheesy as that sounds. It can be just around the corner.”
Manjulika Koshal, a retired emerita professor of business at Ohio University, welcomes visitors to her Athens home with a cup of tea: an English Blend taken with a bit of milk and a spoonful of sugar –“the Indian way,” she said.
She has lived here with her husband, Rajindar, a retired emerita professor of economics at OU, for decades, and the couple’s welcoming nature is more than politeness, it is a familial value they hold dear.
Manjulika’s values are so important that she released a book: “Values That Shape Us: Inspirational Stories and Quotes.” The collection of tales and sayings details the formative values of dozens of people, many of whom are local to Athens. Manjulika said she hopes the book can serve as a peaceful inspiration to its readers.
For a taste of the Koshal’s hospitality and a glimpse into her debut book, one can visit the Little Professor this Thursday from 4 to 7 p.m. for Manjulika’s book signing. The Koshals have handmade a quasi-Chex Mix to serve: raisins, rice crispies and chex mixed together with a blend of Indian spices. Manjulika said she made sure to minimize the spice for her Athens guests, and the mix will be served alongside samosas, water and discussions from Manjulika and others featured in the book.
She said the idea for the book came from an experience with a friend battling cancer. Manjulika realized her friend was lonely, so she gifted him a book of something dear to her: quotes.
“One day, I think it was 10 days before he passed away,” she said. “He returned me the book and he said, ‘This was a great healer. It kept me going.’”
Manjulika asked him if he thought she, too, should write a book that could help heal others. She said she wanted to document true stories of values, hope and encouragement.
“And he says, ‘Of course, sure,’” Manjulika said. “’It will be like a medicine to the people.’”
The day the idea traveled from mind to paper came with the dreary onset of COVID-19. Manjulika and her husband own a winter home in India, which they had been visiting for an intended short while in early 2020. They ended up staying five months.
Manjulika said the home is neighborly,
with nearby families always stopping by, helping take care of one anothers’ gardens and embracing a communal support system. When COVID-19 grounded all flights out of India, Manjulika began asking these neighbors for stories.
“Most of them had a story, you know?” she said. “So I started collecting.”
Two years later, the book was ready for publishing. Once India allowed flights out for American and German citizens in July, the couple was able to fly back to Athens. Once back in the U.S., Manjulika also collected stories from friends, colleagues and strangers here.
“Values That Shape Us: Inspirational Quotes and Stories” is now available in print and hardcopy, a long-awaited cover finally perfected. Manjulika said the cover, an image of blooming lotus flowers and lotus roots separated by a torn piece of paper, took significant time to create. Finding images to use that did not violate copyright was time-consuming, but she said she was set on the lotus flower, something that blooms beautifully, like a value, from its tangled, muddy roots.
She said many family members contributed lessons to the collection, from her 11-year-old grandson to her husband. Rajindar said his chapters often came from his experience as a child during the India-Pakistan partition.
According to “The New Yorker,” the
partition occurred with the departure of the British in 1947. During this time, the subcontinent was split into two states: Hindu-majority India and Muslim-majority Pakistan. This immediately spurred one of the greatest migrations in human history, with millions of Muslims hurrying to West and East Pakistan (East Pakistan is now known as Bangladesh) and millions more Hindus and Sikhs headed toward India.
Violence followed this migration, particularly along the border as the newly-split nations clashed. Hundreds of thousands of migrants never made it to their destination, stopped by massacres, fires, forced conversions, mass abductions and horrific sexual violence. Partition is remembered as a terrible display of violence to almost unimaginable degrees: infants, for instance, were found roasted on spits– just one example among millions of incomprehensible atrocities. After it slowed just one year later, more than 15 million had been uprooted and between one and two million were dead. One of these 15 million was Rajindar.
“They slept on the platform,” Manjulika said. “(They went) to the railway station, everybody, and you think ‘OK, we are going to New Delhi.’ New Delhi was in India, and they boarded the train and then the train stopped. Why? The next station you cannot go to – everything is on fire. The
Manjulika said the distance her husband covered felt like they were walking to California.
“(We) covered about 200 miles,” Rajindar said. “It took three and a half months.”
Ranjindar’s stories are part of 52 tales collected in the book. One story she took pride in was one of her son, Vipin Koshal, a cardiologist at O’Bleness Hospital.
She recalled a story from his college graduation. Everyone was going to visit Vipin, so he bought 50 pounds of chicken to make Tandoori chicken for all of their guests. On the day of, people flooded into his home without RSVPs. Vipin’s roommates were stressed and frustrated, worried how they would feed so many guests.
“All my son said was, ‘Hey guys, stop it! The sky has not fallen. We can manage,’” Manjulika said.
The Koshals, Vipin and his roommates went to the store and bought naan and vegetables to make. They successfully fed the group together without anyone knowing there had been a struggle.
“After the whole thing was over and we were sitting, having some coffee or beer, then his roommates asked him, ‘Vipin, now tell. Everyone was so panicky and intense. How about you? You were so calm.’”
Manjulika said. “He said, ‘This, I got from my house. In my house, whatever number of people come, you manage. This characteristic we instilled in him.”
Each chapter of the book, only a page or two, tells a similar story. Manjulika said she hopes everyone can read the book and take away the importance of values.
The Koshals said they hope everyone comes to the book signing, which was extended to 7 p.m. from its original 6 p.m. end time to accommodate work schedules. Manjulika will be available to sign copies of the book and will speak on what she hopes people of all ages learn from “Values That Shape Us: Inspirational Stories and Quotes.”
“Always get inspired, always try to learn from society,” Manjulika said. “Whatever you learn, you think it is good practice. And keep it up, and try to teach others. That is the fundamental thing I learned while writing this book.”
On Saturday, Ohio University will be hosting its annual Homecoming Parade, which will begin at 10 a.m. and is expected to conclude at 11:30 a.m.
The parade route will begin on West Union Street, then will continue down South Congress Street, President Street, Court Street, Washington Street and College Street. The procession will re-enter Union Street and finish on University Terrace. A cohesive map of the route can be found on OU’s website.
Andrew Chicki, Athens’ deputy service-safety director, wrote in an email that the roads will be closed on a rolling basis following the parade’s progress.
This year’s parade will feature 77 organizations, Samantha Pelham, a university spokesperson, said. Of those groups, approximately 55 are OU student organizations.
The Asian, Asian American and Pacific Islanders: Leadership, Education, Advocacy and Development (AAPI-LEAD) group, a faculty or-
ganization, will be marching in the parade for the first time this weekend.
Yuchun Zhou, the organization leader, said AAPI-LEAD is focused on bringing diversity and inclusion into the spotlight at OU.
As part of the group’s goals, its board has members from at least five different cultural backgrounds. Zhou said in previous years the group was focused on combating Asian hate, but they have now shifted to a broader goal.
“Our next step is to recruit members and to have the communication and the conversation between people from different cultures,” Zhou said. “We want the people from Western cultures to know us, to know Asian cultures and then we can have some cultural communication, cross cultural understanding. So in this way, we can improve people’s multicultural knowledge and awareness.”
Zhou expressed the group’s excitement to be participating in this year’s parade and her hopes to raise awareness of the group and its goals.
As Homecoming Weekend nears, Athens fills with the excitement of returning Bobcats. Whether it be the Homecoming Parade, the big football game, or simply seeing a favorite professor again, Homecoming means something different to everyone.
The Post reached out to current seniors and alums to see what Homecoming means to them:
My first week at Ohio University, I spent a lot of time feeling like I was going to puke. I was terrified. I lived my entire life in what Ohio classified as a village, and my graduating class had 99 people. I knew every one of them by first and last name. Athens, by comparison, was a big and scary place.
I joined The Post during my first week on campus and began to float to other organizations and meet people around campus. After a few weeks, I was finally getting into the groove of things. Then came my first OU Homecoming. Watching thousands of alums, friends and families return here was one of the most poignant moments of my freshman year. Seeing how much people love this place of transient nature, home of growth and inspiration, gave me a similar feeling in my chest as the first time I looked over the Grand Canyon. I saw love and community. That day, I realized it was my community.
I mourned the loss of Homecoming my sophomore year, and the other experiences I missed at OU due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Missing time in this beautiful place gave me a new outlook on what it means to have a home here and what it means to return to this incredible place after being away. One memory brings me the same level of joy I felt at that first Homecoming: the day I got to move back to campus after being sent home in March 2020.
This reflection and my current work in Digital Initiatives at Alden Library, where
I get to work with records of the university’s past, made me realize Homecoming is a lot more than a football game and a parade. Homecoming is where communities come together, and memories are made and shared. To me, it means I get to be part of centuries of tradition and community because of Ohio University.
Homecoming takes on a different feeling for me each year.
In my first few years, the festivities were just a time to party and maybe reconnect with a few alums.
As an alum still studying at OU in a graduate school, I definitely have a different perspective on Homecoming than most.
Don’t get me wrong; it’s still a time to party. But now, instead of waking up on Sunday and heading over to my friend’s house to recap the weekend and hang out, all my buddies will be hopping in their cars or catching a flight back home.
I’ve seen three classes of Bobcats and friends graduate. Each passing year, more and more of my friends become alums, so Homecoming progressively morphs from a weekend of fun for the sake of fun to a weekend of reconnecting.
My final walk across the stage will happen soon, and eventually, Homecoming will go from another weekend in Athens to my only weekend in Athens.
Former Digital Managing Editor
Everyone knows that fall is the best time to be in Athens. When I close my eyes, I can smell the sharp, cool air, with a hint of turning leaves. I can hear cars rumbling over the
bricks on Court Street, students chatting and hurriedly walking to class. I can feel a cool breeze, my hands warmed by a steaming cup of coffee from Donkey. These sensations take me back to fall 2005 when I stood on College Green and decided that Ohio University would be my home for the next four years. In reality, it was six years and an additional degree, in part because I couldn’t bear to leave the home I had made in Athens.
Homecoming falls at the same time of year as that first visit and is a stark reminder of everything I love about my alma mater. The smell of the trees, the breeze, the warm coffee, the people I met who became my home and the community that embraced me in some of the most pivotal years of my life. OU was not only my springboard into a fulfilling professional life but also introduced me to my best friends and husband (shout out to the Voinovich School on both counts). So, when I’m feeling nostalgic or need some peace, I only need to close my eyes, and I’m back home.
Amanda (Janice) Roberson, class of 2012
The closer I get to graduation, the more I appreciate Ohio University and Athens. Homecoming week is when I find myself loving Athens and being a Bobcat the most. The best part is seeing friends who have long since graduated. Some of them haven’t been back to Athens since graduating, so spending that time with them is even more meaningful. In the weeks leading up to Homecoming, the old group chats get a little more active as friend groups start to plan the trip back to Athens. That excitement never fades. I think most students have spots on campus where they have vivid memories. Maybe it’s a desk in Alden Library where you turned in the most challenging essay of your college career, or maybe it’s your first dorm (R.I.P. Scott Quad). As I get closer to graduation in
December, I am experiencing more and more of these memories, and I can’t help but smile thinking about just how quickly my time as a student went. Homecoming is the time to celebrate your university, friendships and experiences. I encourage everyone reading this to take a minute and just look around during Homecoming. Everyone’s heard it at least a thousand times, but your time at OU goes quickly, especially when you want it to slow down.
As a senior, Homecoming has always been about celebration—celebrating OU and what it means to have Bobcat pride. I’ve loved every minute of my time here, from snowball fights on Jeff hill, the Athens Farmers Market and walking in our homecoming parade.
My favorite memories are from Homecoming weekend. I’ll never quite forget the excitement of waking up early, drinking with your best friends and marching in front of alums. The smiles, the Bobcat gear and loaded mimosas make the weekend unforgettable.
As a writer for The Post, Homecoming has always been a way to reconnect with my old friends. It’s also been a great way to spend time with my fellow writers and family. Everyone is having fun, eating breakfast and cheering in celebration.
I’m proud to be a Bobcat and even more proud to say I’m graduating from a place I will always call home. The connections I’ve made here have fundamentally changed my life. I’ve met some of my best friends, who are now family to me, while living here over the past three years.
There’s a saying that many alums live by: once a Bobcat—always a Bobcat!
Tre Spencer, class of 2023
A return to Athens and OU is truly a Homecoming, even if it isn’t actually Homecoming weekend. Every trip back makes you feel like you’ve never left. My favorite part is walking around campus, especially on a cool fall day. No matter how many years pass, Athens somehow doesn’t change. Bobcats don’t
change. The vibe doesn’t change. It takes you right back to being a student and all of the memories created on the most beautiful campus around. If you are lucky enough to attend a football game, the half-time show will for sure evoke feelings of nostalgia and pride.
Each time I return to Athens, my bucket list always includes a trek up Jeff Hill, a slice of Goodfellas, a visit to College Bookstore and a stop at The Pub. As a former East Green resident, Jeff Hill was unavoidable. I can only imagine how many trips up and down I once made and I had the muscles to prove it! Goodfella’s was always a necessity after a night on Court Street, and College Bookstore had the best deals on film processing, because there were no iPhones in 1993. The Pub will always be my favorite place for warm beer and a burger.
Homecoming Weekend allows Bobcat alum to relive the past and feel like a college kid again. I would venture to guess that we have more fun than current students while on campus! Whoever came up with the “No place like hOUme” line was a genius!
Stephanie Raub, class of 1995
Homecoming, above all, means reconnecting with former coworkers, classmates, friends and other acquaintances. It didn’t hit me until I walked off the stage at graduation that I would not be reunited with many members of the class of 2022 until Homecoming-- if everyone is lucky enough to make it that weekend. Although many stay connected and keep in touch, it’s not the same as traipsing around court street until the bars close with your closest friends or spending all afternoon in the newsroom with fellow Posties. The chance to reconnect with others, grab a bagel sandwich from Bagel Street Deli, cheer on the student orgs and marching band in the parade and take in all the other wonderful things Athens offers is what OHIO Homecoming means to me.
My days of both working and studying in Froom, classes in Schoonover, late nights in The Post newsroom, Thread photoshoots and late nights with my roommates are over, but OHIO Homecoming helps those memo-
ries live on. Although I will not be in attendance at the 2022 homecoming, I am still planning the next trip I can take to get just a taste of the camaraderie I once had just months ago.
Sure, there is a football game, the Marching 110, and a Bobcat celebration that calls for some revelry at one of the Court Street establishments. And, maybe a stop at another Court Street establishment for good measure. Those are givens.
But Homecoming at Ohio University means much, much more. It’s really about the people and the memories we share of this awesome institution.
The seasons of the year are ingrained in every Bobcat. We instinctively know when school starts, when the streets get taken over on Halloween, the exodus at spring break and solemn celebration on graduation weekend.
And, of course, we know Homecoming is the most special of Ohio U. holidays.
Even if we cannot make it back to Athens, we celebrate in our hearts. We all have wonderful memories of studying late into the night, strolling across the College Green, or slogging up (and back down) Jeff Hill on a crisp autumn day.
As alums, being a Bobcat means wearing your green ‘n’ white gear to the office. (Honestly, is there anything better than when a stranger approaches and says, “Bobcat, Class of ‘91, how about you?”) How about the joy when you connect via social media with a former professor, and he remembers an assignment you turned in – and remembers it for its all its merits?
Or how about that feeling when your daughter texts you from her dorm to ask about a journalism law assignment? (Yeah, my kid followed my footsteps into the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism.)
Ohio U is my home. No matter how far from campus I may be, it remains the center of my world.
I may only get there a few times a year (and for that I have to thank my daughter; by the way, you’re doing great.) Each time I visit, it’s a special occasion just to step back on campus. Despite the spooky folklore that surrounds Athens, there are no ghosts at OU – just memories of my friends and some of the best times in my life.
That is Homecoming. Welcome home, Bobcats.
Homecoming means a lot to me as a former (but not far removed) Postie. It’s a great opportunity to revisit the town that I love, that I have created so many memories in but have not seen in a while. This is my first Homecoming where I am no longer a student. I think it will feel different for sure, but not in a bad way. Now, I will feel more aligned with the other alums, for whom no matter what their age, their college years still feel like yesterday. I will get to walk up and down Court Street and marvel at what has changed and find myself giddy for what is still the same.
Now I don’t know if I’ll be waking up at 4:00 a.m. for “Kegs and Eggs” ever again in my life, but that was certainly one of my favorite college experiences. It is an absolutely deranged feeling to wake up that early for scrambled eggs and screwdrivers, but it is a feeling that I’ll always remember fondly.
I think it’s important for college alum to make the pilgrimage back to their college town for Homecoming, but I think it is especially important for Bobcats. OU Homecoming is the best weekend in Athens of the whole year. It’s nice that even as Bobcats graduate and move on, we still get to be a part of it.
“This is Fall, Come Home.” What a great theme and invitation to Alumni for Ohio University’s Homecoming this year.
I attended OU many decades ago. There are visions, smells, sounds that always re-
mind me of OU, especially ones from the fall. The leaves turning, especially on College Green. The late-night Burrito Buggy walking home from Court Street. The Marching Band practicing and playing. These senses bring me back to my “home” of four years. Four years that were so important and impressionable to me. And there is no place like Athens, OH, that can take a hold of me like that.
Every time I come back to OU, the memories come flooding back. So much has changed and so much has stayed the same. Homecoming brings the chance to see old friends (did I mention I went here decades ago?!), the Alumni Marching Band, past professors, and soon to be alums who will walk the bricks as so many of us have in the past.
What does Homecoming mean to me? It means I’m coming home to younger memories that I will have in my heart for a lifetime and that this weekend allows me to use my senses to make them present once again.
Chris (Herrmann) Palma, class of 1989
Homecoming is exactly what the word is: coming back home to the place you maybe did not grow up in, but where you grew even
Each week, the Sports editorial team selects its Top 25 Division I college football teams for the Student Media Poll.
The SMP is a nationwide poll featuring 122 student journalists from all Football Bowl Subdivision conferences. There are voters from 69 different schools across 34 states.
The Post Sports will break down its ballots each week. Here are the top five, those it kicked out of the Top 25 and those it added:
Top 5
1.) Alabama
2.) Ohio State
3.) Georgia
4.) Clemson
5.) Michigan
Once again, all the teams in my Top 5 this week are the same as last. However, there was some movement among the five spots.
Alabama stayed at No. 1 after its 49-26 win over Arkansas. It led the whole game and has had a smooth start to Southeastern Conference play over the past two weeks. Alabama’s defense has allowed the fourth fewest yards per game in the Football Bowl Subdivision, and its offense is ranked No. 4 in points per game as well. Ohio State overtook Georgia at No. 2 this week, something that I probably should have had last week as well. Ohio crushed Rutgers 49-10, and even though Rutgers is tied for last in the Big Ten East Division, it was still a good win for the Buckeyes.
I had to drop Georgia to No. 3 after it almost lost to Missouri on Saturday. The Bulldogs played from behind for nearly the whole game. A comeback is impressive, but they shouldn’t have been down in the first place.
Finally, I know I said Michigan would probably stay at No. 4 in my pick explanations last week. However, Clemson deserved the spot after it defeated Top 10 opponent North Carolina State 30-20. Michigan played Iowa, and only beat the second worst team in the Big Ten West 27-14.
Top 5
1.) Alabama
2.) Ohio State
3.) Georgia
4.) Clemson
5.) Michigan
My Top 5 is once again the same, and I won’t waste any time talking about it this week because I have a remarkable number of changes to get to in the rest of my poll, and frankly, until one of these teams loses, talking about them is pretty boring.
Ashley Beach, sports writer
Top 5:
1.) Alabama
2.) Georgia Ohio State Clemson Michigan
My Top 5 is still the same five teams, but there has been a shift in the order. Alabama and Georgia swapped, as well as Clemson and Michigan. Ohio State is still stuck in third. I fall into the same category as Will; until one of these teams make a big mistake, I’m not taking it out of the Top 5.
‘The Post’ Sports editorial team explains who its top five college football teams are, who they added to their rankings and who they dropped.
Want to read the rest? Scan here!
Whether it’s football, volleyball, baseball or basketball, Ohio has a former athlete who’s playing the sport profes sionally.
Here’s a list of former Ohio athlete’s currently playing pro:
Armani Rogers played quarterback at UNLV for three seasons before transferring to Ohio for his redshirt fifth year. Rogers frequently switched on and off with current Ohio quarterback Kurtis Rourke last season and would often play when Ohio needed a leg-up in its run game. Rogers was Ohio’s second leading rusher in 2021 with 552 yards on 92 attempts.
Now in the NFL, Rogers plays tight end for the Wash ington Commanders. He had one reception on one target for 23 yards in their first game this season.
Defensive end Tarell Basham was drafted 80th overall in the 2017 NFL draft by the Indianapolis Colts. He played there for two seasons before signing with the New York Jets. He currently plays for the Dallas Cowboy. On Sept. 17, Basham was placed on the injured reserve due to a thigh injury.
At Ohio, Basham was a defensive star. One of his most notable games was in 2016 at Tennessee. He had five total tackles, two sacks and forced a fumble in Ohio’s 28-19 loss.
Sayles is a defensive lineman who played at Ohio from 2013-16, where he had 111 total tackles, 12.5 sacks and three fumble recoveries in 50 games.
Since his time at Ohio, Sayles has bounced back and forth between professional football leagues. He now plays in the Canadian Football League for the Winnipeg Blue Bombers. Sayles has played in 15 games so far this season, totaling 28 tackles and three sacks.
Papi White is a wide receiver for the Hamilton Ti ger-Cats in the CFL. He has 42 receptions for 414 yards and a touchdown across two seasons.
In 2017, White only played in nine games but still led the Bobcats in receiving yards with 631. During that sea son, White was named to the Second Team All-MAC Of fense.
AJ Ouellette is second on the Toronto Argonauts in rushing with 289 yards. He is also one of only three play ers on the Argonauts to score a rushing touchdown this season. In addition to being a force on the ground, Oul lette is one of his quarterback’s favorite targets in the air.
He has 290 yards on 29 receptions so far in 2022.
In 2018, Oullette was the Bobcats leading rusher with 1306 yards. That season, he averaged 100.46 yards per game and was one of two running backs named to the 2018 All-MAC First Team Offense. Oullette is one of only four Bobcats with back-to-back 1000 rushing yard sea sons.
Nathan Rourke is turning heads in his second season with the BC Lions of the CFL. On Aug. 6, Rourke complet ed 34-37 pass attempts for 477 yards and five touchdowns in the Lions seventh game.
Rourke had a combined 3281 yards and 25 touchdowns in the first nine games of the season before injuring his right foot and needing surgery. Rourke fans should have no fear, as he is expected to return towards the end of the CFL regular season.
Rourke is no stranger to putting up big numbers and breaking records. He has the second most passing yards and touchdowns in program history and is one of the greatest quarterbacks Ohio has ever seen.
Tia Jimerson played volleyball at Ohio from 2017-20. As a middle blocker, she won many awards throughout her college years including American Volleyball Coach es Association Honorable Mention All-America, AVCA All-Region, MAC Player of the Year and MAC Co-Defen sive Player of the Year in 2019.
In July 2021, Jimerson signed her first professional contract with Szent Benedek Roplabda in Balatonfured, Hungary. Although she doesn’t play in Hungary anymore, she still plays professionally in Portugal with AJM/FC Porto.
Maggie Nedoma is another former Ohio Volleyball player who now plays professionally overseas. In 2021, she was one of Ohio’s most trusted hitters and finished second on the team in kills.
On Feb. 3, Nedoma signed with Clamart Volley-Ball in Clamart, France. Now, Nedoma plays in Switzerland.
In just his second start of the 2021 season at Ohio, lefthand pitcher Joe Rock threw a no-hitter and put himself on the radar of baseball fans everywhere. Rock would go on to finish the 2021 season leading the team in ERA, wins, complete games, innings pitched, and strikeouts.
Rock was drafted by the Colorado Rockies as the 68th overall pick in Competitive Balance Round B of the MLB Draft. Last season, Rock started in 22 games in the minor leagues, going 7-8. Rock is currently the Rockies 16th best prospect.
Logan Cozart pitched at Ohio from 2011-15. He started his professional baseball career in the Pioneer League, a
Major League Baseball partner league, before being as signed to the Colorado Rockies. Cozart has played for multiple different MiLB teams at multiple levels, and even spent some time playing for the Tomateros de Culiacan in the Mexican Pacific League.
This past season, Cozart spent most of his time with the Albuquerque Isotopes, the Triple-A affiliate of the Rockies. Throughout his minor league career, Cozart is 22-18.
If you were a fan of Ohio Men’s Basketball from 201821, you remember Jason Preston. The point guard helped lead the team to its infamous March Madness run in 2021. Preston was named Second Team All-MAC in 2020 and First Team All-MAC in 2021. In 2020, he led the MAC in assists, assists per game, and minutes per game.
Preston was drafted by the Orlando Magic with the 33rd pick in the 2021 NBA draft, but his draft rights were traded to the Los Angeles Clippers shortly thereafter. Preston played in a handful of games before obtaining a season-ending foot injury, but he expected to play in the 2022 season.
For Bryce Stai, setting a New Year’s res olution meant more than just an unfulfilled promise.
Stai pledged to make 2022 “the complete opposite” of 2021, and rightfully so. He was at the pinnacle of his collegiate career last year, but that was before everything came crum bling down.
“If you’d told me two years ago that I’d be in the hospital twice in a matter of six months for two things that were out of my control, I wouldn’t believe you,” Stai said.
It was the last day of Ohio’s fall camp. Stai knew he’d feel fatigued after a long week of practice, but not enough to make him feel out of breath when walking up the stairs. He had spent the whole summer conditioning for the season, so he shouldn’t have been tired.
The next day was the hottest day of the summer. Stai sat out of practice because he felt dehydrated.
“The last thing I remember from that day was my teammate looking at me, and I looked at him,” Stai said. “He said I looked like I’d seen a ghost.”
Stai passed out and was taken to the training room. There, he discovered that his heart rate was 20 beats per minute, which is well below average. The training staff took Stai to the emergency room, where they initially thought he had COVID-19, but that wasn’t the case. Stai was diagnosed with Lyme carditis.
Lyme carditis occurs when lyme disease bacteria enters the tissues of the heart, ac cording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It affects the beating of the heart.
After his diagnosis, Stai was sent to River side Methodist Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, where he stayed in the intensive care unit.
“It’s not something you would expect as a 21, 22-year-old, being in the ICU as long as I was in this situation,” Stai said. “It was kind of an interesting experience.”
Stai was one of the few patients awake in the ICU during his stay. He spent his days chatting with the staff and got to meet a lot of new faces. Stai’s parents were also with him during that time. They were the only ones who truly knew what was happening.
The redshirt senior stayed active on Twitter during his days in the ICU, partially to let his team know he was fine and partially to keep his parents from seeing how the stay
affected his mental health.
“I knew I couldn’t be upset because no body wants to see their mom cry,” Stai said. “I really tried to go out of my way to show her I was OK, you know, everything was going to be fine when I didn’t know if it would be or not.”
Stai found the silver lining in his illness. He’d been hit by 300-pound men before, so a little tick wasn’t the end of his world. He did lunges while hooked up to his antibiotics.
After eight days in the ICU, Stai was re leased on Aug. 21.
September - December 2021
Stai returned to play protocols in Sep tember. He spent three weeks in recovery and was invited to travel with Ohio to Lou isiana-Lafayette for its third game of the 2021 season. Ohio was down its long snapper before the trip, so Stai was there in case it needed a backup. There was no guarantee that he would play, and he didn’t.
Stai made his 2021 debut on Sept. 25 against Northwestern. It was a huge step for him because he was finally back on the field. However, Stai wasn’t an active player for long.
“Unfortunately, after I believe six games, I ended up tearing my entire shoulder,” Stai said. “I was back in the hospital, which is cra zy,”
However, another silver lining came be fore Stai underwent surgery for his torn la brum. He received his undergraduate degree in sports management.
Stai’s family came to Athens from Ne braska to celebrate his accomplishment. He completed his degree in 3 ½ years despite struggling with his health.
A week later, Stai was in surgery.
Stai’s recovery wasn’t easy this time. He had more hoops to jump through, and his mental health teetered. He tried to pick up old hobbies, such as reading and music, to fill his time. Stai also narrowed his focus on ac ademics and found that he got the best GPA of his career during his recovery.
However, football stayed in the back of his mind.
“I think my mental (recovery) was the big ger (recovery) because I never thought I was going to be able to play football again be cause of how long that recovery process was because the shoulder is not a basic injury,” Stai said. “It takes a long time.”
Stai spent hours with the Ohio trainers to ensure he was on track to recover. He want ed to make it to spring football and come out on the other side healthy, both mentally and physically.
Stai is in the midst of his last season as a Bobcat, and he’s taking it all in. He’s played in a handful of games this season, and he’s thankful for every moment, whether he goes out on special teams or gets the chance to be on defense.
“There’s only so many more chances I’ll get to step on that field and call myself a Bobcat,” Stai said.
Stai wants to leave no stone unturned. He wants to make his last season the best he can.
“The biggest thing for me is I wanted to make sure that I had no regrets this year… and I feel like to this point, I’ve done every thing I could,” Stai said.
Two athletes’ origin stories are very rare ly the same. Mijntje Ligtenberg has had a different field hockey experience than her teammates due to her international back ground, but her uniqueness gives her power.
The dazzling talent that Ligtenberg puts on display each match should come as no surprise. Her genetic code is programmed to eat, sleep and breathe field hockey. Being surrounded by the sport served as an outlet for Ligtenberg to absorb field hockey.
“My parents both played field hockey and so do my brother and sister,” Ligtenberg said. “We have just always been playing (field hockey).”
Unlike the majority of Ohio athletes, Ligtenberg, who is from The Hague, Nether lands, is living by herself in a foreign country all while balancing both her academic and athletic pursuits. Living abroad is something many students struggle with, but doing that all while playing a sport is unfathomable.
“A lot of people don’t know that I live on my own here,” Ligtenberg said. “I also moved to another country, so you learn a lot about
Not only is she learning about herself, but also the cultural norms and customs that come with living in America. Things that the average American might dismiss as mundane or typical are incredulous to foreigners. Ad ditionally, things within different regions of the U.S. differ, such as pronunciation, ac cents and terminology. Ligtenberg has come to understand how the differences in cus toms and societal norms are not necessarily better or worse, but just how each culture operates.
“Back home, everyone is a lot more friend ly,” Ligtenberg said. “People who you might not know are a bit nicer. Everyone says hi to each other on the street and asks if there is anything they can do to help. I think that it is just a different culture here, though.”
On the complete opposite end of the spectrum, Ligtenberg has been adapting to the contrast in the way field hockey is played in the U.S.
For starters, the Netherlands plays yearround. Although the Dutch have the same climate as Southeast Ohio for the most part, indoor field hockey takes over during the colder months. Much like outdoor soccer
with its indoor counterpart, a different set of rules and skillsets are required.
Another variation between how the sport is played for Dutch players and American players is tactics. Ligtenberg explained how preparation for both a season and match are completely different regiments.
“Back home, it’s more like a hobby or your weekly thing,” Ligtenberg said. “Here, you play for your club, your school. I feel like (field hockey) is more about analyzing oppo nents and getting a good tactic. In the Neth erlands, it is more about the technique and doing a lot of drills in practices. We also have a lot more scouting over here and I think that is also a team building thing here.”
Ligtenberg’s offensive prowess earned her a spot in college recruitment conversa tions. She has a knack for scoring in seconds, and coaches took note.
“I had to sign up with this organization to get connections with coaches overseas,” Ligtenberg said. “I recorded a video and coaches here saw it and reached out. We set up meetings over Zoom. I had some calls with (Ali) Johnstone and (Louisa) Boddy and we talked about what it is like here and how I play field hockey back home… I wanted to
come here because of how well I got along with the players on the team and the entire vibe around the people.”
One thing that is no comparison to Ligtenberg is the school spirit and inde scribable feeling of representing a team. She appreciates how “sports are such a big thing in life.” The culture of collegiate athletics unique to America. At no point in her life had Ligtenberg experienced anything close to it.
Kai Caesar is, without a doubt, one of Ohio’s most important players. The grad student has played in 43 games for Ohio at defensive tackle across six seasons in Athens and has served as a team captain each of the last two years.
However, his most important work at Ohio has been done off the field. On Sept. 9, Caesar received the Mid-American Confer ence Diversity & Inclusion Student-Athlete Award. Caesar is the second Ohio athlete in a row to win this award, after wrestler Kamal Adewumi won it in 2021.
Caesar was surprised by the news, as Ohio coach Tim Albin allowed him to have a special moment with his teammates.
“Coach told me to stand up in front of the whole team and he announced it,” Caesar said. “I was in shock. This is a whole confer
ence of great student-athletes who really go out and do a lot of things in the community.
It was just a blessing to hear that my name was called and I strive for that.”
One of the factors behind Caesar winning the award was his work with Bobcats Lead Change, an organization of student athletes, athletic department staff and coaches work ing to “promote unity and justice for Black students and residents in our community.”
The organization was started in the after math of the protests surrounding the death of George Floyd in the summer of 2020.
One of the most notable things that Cae sar did was make a video about the impact of student athletes in movements like those after Floyd’s death.
“After George Floyd, I set up a video which shows the power that student-athletes have and the voices that we can have,” Caesar said.
Caesar also started a non-profit called Beyond Yourself. In 2020, he held an event
for around 50 high school football players in Oklahoma, where Caesar went to high school. They covered a range of topics, both football and non-football related.
“We went through a coaching program where we had mentors and public speakers come in and let these guys know how to get better,” Caesar said. “We had one-on-one conversations, just getting to know these guys.”
After meeting the high school players, Caesar worked to connect them with college players, both at Ohio and at other Division I schools in Texas and Oklahoma.
“It was a blessing because these guys ac tually took what they learned from Division I players and applied it to their skill set,” Cae sar said. “These guys showed us the film and it was a huge improvement.”
Even though he played high school foot ball in Oklahoma, Caesar is originally from St. Kitts, a small island in the Western Ca
ribbean. The fact that he ended up playing DI college football is somewhat of a miracle, something that is always in the back of his mind.
“I’m a man before a player,” Caesar said. “This is my livelihood, and coming from St. Kitts in the Western Caribbean islands, there’s not a lot of resources to be where I’m at. Getting on the phone and calling my mom and saying ‘Mom, I just won an award,’ those are huge accomplishments, especially where I come from.”
But Caesar is here. From being a two-star recruit with DI offers from only Tulsa and Ohio to a two-year captain and one of Ohio’s most important players, he made it.
“It feels like Christmas day every morn ing,” Caesar said.
Hockey at Ohio University has grown in popularity ever since its first team was formed in 1958. Although the founding members of Ohio Hockey may not be on the ice anymore, they formed unbreakable bonds with each other that have carried over all these years.
Tom Gasiorowski, the “Godfather of Ohio Hockey,” played center at Ohio from 1961 to 1965. He is grateful for the connec tions Ohio Hockey has given him, even 57 years later.
“The camaraderie and fellowship amongst the group is irreplaceable, just completely unique,” Gasiorowski said.
Several original players gathered at the Ohio University Inn on Saturday to reunite and reflect on their time at Ohio. As they sat around tables drinking and laughing, they joked about how they just couldn’t seem to leave each other alone.
“Especially from my era, most of the 60s, we communicate and we have these (reunions) every once in a while,” Dennis Corbin, a defenseman from 1963-68 said. “We always say it’s the last one but it never ends.”
Corbin was seated next to Bing Earls, a member of the second Ohio Hockey team ever to hit the ice. Earls, along with many of the other members of the 1959-60 team, was recruited out of Michigan, where hockey is one of the most prominent sports. After graduating, the group lost touch for nearly 20 years, but they found their way back to each other and now talk almost weekly.
Not every collegiate hockey team has that kind of unbreakable bond.
“I have a friend who played at Michigan State in the same era as us … and he’s seen his teammates one time in 60 years,” Earls said.
Many OU alumni remember playing hockey so fondly because they always had fun. The former players could still pull some of their best memories from even the high-stakes games. Gaisorowski recounted how scoring an overtime goal against Port Huron Michigan, the Bobcats arch-rival at the time, was beyond awesome.
Although the memories the players made on the ice were incredible, the ones made off of it were just as special. When asked what he misses the most about Ohio University hockey, Gasiorowski responded with “the girlfriend I had my junior year.”
Elmer Gates, a defenseman from the very first Bobcat Hockey team, “probably dated my great grandmother,” according to one teammate he was surrounded by.
Earls recounted how he met his wife through the program in a more wholesome fashion.
“My wife Jane, she was part of the orig inal group,” Earls said. “She worked at the arena and played all of the music. Now we’ve been married for 57 years.”
Being back in Athens was one of the most exciting parts of the weekend for the Ohio Hockey Alumni. No matter how long ago they were, the memories they made here still hold special places in their hearts.
“I have memories here that I still car ry,” Gates said. “As old as I am, I carry them with me forever.”
All the alumni agreed that you should enjoy your time here while it lasts. They’ve lived a lot of “four years,” but the best four years are spent in Athens.
@ERIONEMMA EE646020@OHIO.EDUNot to be cheesy, but music brings people together. You can joke all day long about romanticizing your life, being the main character, but the right music marks the most significant chapters of our lives, acting as bookmarks for the core memories we revisit.
Looking back on Homecoming last year, I vividly remember two songs: “Silk Chiffon” by MUNA featuring Phoebe Bridgers and “All Too Well” by Taylor Swift. My friends and I were having so much fun, and the image of us borderline screaming the lyrics is always the first thing that comes to mind while reminiscing on Homecoming.
Sometimes, I avoid songs because hearing them makes me physically ill. Certain memories are actually haunting. Literally, as I wrote this column, “Clueless” by The Marías, a song I had completely forgotten about, started playing through my headphones and my entire body froze (don’t get me started on “Stop This Train” by John Mayer and “The Night We Met” by Lord Huron). But I’m not going to sit here and trauma dump. I would rather talk more about how music can be so strongly connected with some of our favorite memories. Homecoming at Ohio University is no exception.
This time last year, I wrote about the songs my parents listened to during their
Homecomings in the ‘90s at OU. There’s a reason that the entirety of “Ten” by Pearl Jam, “Would?” by Alice in Chains, “When I Come Around” by Green Day and “Hunger Strike” by Temple of the Dog stick out to my parents when reminiscing on Homecoming. Beyond that, though, those songs were impactful enough that I remember them being played well into my childhood.
The core memories surrounding music can be formed in seconds. It’s the closest thing we have to time travel because, without thinking twice about it, a random song starts playing and suddenly you’re reliving a family member’s wedding or a fun night out with friends.
This Homecoming, I encourage you to take in everything you can. Make the core memories you look back on 20 years from now. The closest thing to relieving your college days may just be coming to Homecoming to reunite with your best friends. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of being in Athens, but in the meantime, you can listen to your old playlists and let the memories come flooding back.
Tate Raub is a junior studying journalism at Ohio University. Please note that the views and opinions of the columnists do not reflect those of The Post . Want to talk more about it? Let Tate know by tweeting her @ tatertot1310.
When students choose a college and move on from the first 18 years of their lives, they have one major thing in com mon: saying goodbye to lifelong friends and thrusting them selves into a new, independent journey. Managing these rela tionships while making new friends and creating a social life can be hard. On top of that, there’s so much schoolwork to do, unless you’re a business major.
For me, it was particularly tough because I had had the same friends since kindergarten. How was I supposed to maintain these relationships while not overlooking life at Ohio University? I was worried that we’d gradually fade out of touch. Well, I now have the best answer for the conun drum: fantasy football.
Fantasy football transcends time and distance- it’s just something I have to do. My friends and I have an eight-team league that keeps us within our roots. In high school, we would talk trash about sports and get competitive over trivial differences. I loved it, and I hope my friends did too (some
times I’m not sure because I tend to be unnecessarily ruth less in a sardonic way to the ones I love). The relationship we built lives on every NFL season. We get our competitive kick, and it’s just like the good old days when times were simpler.
I am 2-2 this year, but I’m looking to turn this season around. I have the most lethal toddler on the planet, Kyler Murray, at quarterback. At running back I took a risk with glass bones Christian McCaffrey, but I have DeAndre Swift beside him and famous woman respecter Tyreek Hill at wide receiver- that NFL players don’t have to be good people at all to get a roster spot. I reluctantly watched Ben Roethlisberg er for 18 years. Ask a Browns fan how they are feeling about their quarterback these days. As humans, sometimes we have to give to get, even if it brings uncomfortable emotions ev ery now and then. Regardless, I hope this team can bring me the forever elusive fantasy football championship that I have been craving for years.
I know I haven’t provided the in-depth fantasy football analysis that you might have expected upon reading this ar ticle, but my intent is not to do that. It’s to show that sports can be a great uniter amongst friends near and far. I look
forward to every season because it’s when the group chat is the most active and lively, and it is simply a fun time.
If you want to connect with old friends and spark rivalries with stupid team names, this is the way to do it. Fight for your pride and do what’s right: play fantasy football. We’re all making new friends and living new lives, but we should never forget to appreciate the people who molded us into who we are today. I know that I’ll keep playing fantasy foot ball beyond my college years, and if I had to go out on a limb, I’d confidently say that it will keep my Athens connections together the same way it has kept my high school friendships intact. And, like the great Forrest Gump once said, “that’s all I’ve got to say about that.”
Paul Nern is a junior studying communication studies at Ohio University. Please note that the views and opinions of the columnists do not reflect those of The Post. Want to talk more about it? Let Paul know by emailing him pn501919@ohio.edu.
quite literally lined with trash and recycling bins- you are never more than a couple yards away from one.
It is Sunday morning, and you roll out of bed around noon to get a coffee and assess the weekend’s events with your friends. It’s a beautiful day; the sun is out, offset by a soft breeze. Countless other students wander Court Street, running errands, catching up with friends and grabbing food. The leaves have begun to turn, and the brick roads are speckled with yellow and orange.
You begin to notice a lot of other things in the street, too: aluminum beer cans, solo cups, discarded plastic vape pack ages, empty Fireball shooters, cigarette butts, smashed glass bottles and plastic bags.
If you have stepped foot on Court Street on the weekends, then you are familiar with the amount of improperly discard ed waste that accumulates on the sidewalk, in the gutters and along the road seemingly overnight. What’s even crazier than how quickly trash accumulates is that Court Street is
If there is one thing Ohio University students love, it’s a party. Weekends, Fest season and Homecoming are all great ly anticipated times where students can let go and have fun. This is a good thing! However, with Homecoming rapidly ap proaching, it is important to remember what makes OU such a beautiful and unique campus: the plant and wildlife.
We are very lucky to have such a variety of animals on campus- deer, ducks, rabbits, groundhogs, raccoons, chip munks and squirrels. So many squirrels. But we put these wonderful little creatures at great risk by not throwing away our trash- just last winter, I was taking photos of deer behind my dorm when one of them picked up a piece of thick plastic and started chewing on it. Although I got the deer to drop it and proceeded to throw it out, the vast majority of times animals get ahold of garbage, there is no one there to help.
Litter can also cause major problems within the ecosys tem. If the plastic is not eaten by wildlife, it will also not bio
degrade but instead break into smaller fragments known as microplastics that then seep into soil, water, and air, result ing in harm to both humans and plantlife.
Even if you are not an avid environmentalist, simply re cycling and responsibly discarding your trash can make an immense difference in the campus ecosystem and even be the difference between life and death for the delicate beings that also call these hills home. Respect them. Take care of them. We are so lucky to have them around.
This Homecoming, have fun, be safe, party hard and dis pose of your trash responsibly. The planet will thank you.
Megan Diehl is a sophomore studying Journalism at Ohio University. Please note that the views and opinions of the col umnists do not reflect those of The Post. Want to talk more about it? Let Megan know by tweeting her @megandiehl02.
Much of Ohio University’s annual home coming events revolve around connecting with those who walked the bricks before us current students. Amidst all of the universi ty’s efforts to plan memorable events, many forget the underlying base for the celebra tory weekend: OU and its history.
One thing all Bobcats share is their love for Ohio; the university has provided us with an influx of knowledge, experiences and memories to last a lifetime.
For those who want to gain better insight on what makes OU, here is a list of some of our school’s biggest historical milestones, along with a few fun facts that will make most people appreciate the campus even more.
Though this fact is widely-known, some may be unaware they are currently attend ing or once attended the first public college institution in the state. OU was founded in 1804 and opened in 1808 with only one build ing, three students and one professor. 20 years later, in 1828, John Newton Templeton became the first Black graduate of OU with an A.B. degree. He was also the third Black man to graduate from college in the U.S. The Templeton-Blackburn Alumni Memorial Auditorium, more commonly known as Me mAud, was named after this historical figure.
Cutler Hall is the oldest building on campus
Cutler Hall, located in the heart of OU, College Green, is the oldest building on campus and the oldest in the original North west Territory of the U.S. Formally known as Manasseh Cutler Hall, the building houses school offices. The building was named af ter a New England physician, botanist, and minister who wrote the university’s charter in 1804.
In 2015, Playboy magazine crowned OU as the #1 top party school in the nation. Pri or to this, OU had made the list four times, but never took home the number one spot. The year before OU’s big win, 2014, OU didn’t even make the list. That year, the University of Pennsylvania won the title but fell short of making the cut once 2015 came around.
This title was largely due to the OU’s fa mous block party. However, it has not taken place in two years. The block party was once so largely anticipated and famous Four Loko even sponsored it. A list was even compiled
on BroBible stating the reasons OU is the top party school is for Court Street, Bong Hill, Green Beer Day, “Win or Lose, Bobcats Booze,” Welcome Weekend, Homecoming, Fest season, Numbers Fest (RIP), Halloween and the overall Bobcat attitude.
During the formation of OU, The Civil War was ongoing. In 1868, women were permit ted to enroll in the university because the faculty recognized that women could aca demically contribute just as much as their male counterparts. Among these women was Margaret Boyd, the first female graduate of OU. At her commencement ceremony, the president of the university at the time, Pres ident Scott, named her the “oldest of a great sisterhood of graduates.”
14 women joined the campus following Boyd’s graduation, and by the 20th centu ry, almost half of the students were women. These women implemented the first soror ities at OU that still stand today in addition to six others: Pi Beta Phi (1889) Alpha Gam ma Delta (1908), Alpha Xi Delta (1911) and Chi Omega (1913).
Like many national universities, sev eral famous and notable figures attended or graduated from OU. Some include Paul Newman, activist, businessperson, and en trepreneur; Krista Allen, model and actress; Arsenio Hall, comedian, television producer and film producer; Nancy Cartwright, come dian, actor, and voice actor; Joe Eszterhas, journalist, film producer, and screenwrit er; Adam Russell, baseball player; and Piper Perabo, television producer, film producer, and actor; just to name a few.
Paul Newman voiced Doc Hudson in Dis ney’s first installment of “Cars,” Krista Allen starred in “Days of Our Lives” and “Bay watch,” and Arsenio Hall hosted his own talk show, “The Arsenio Hall Show.”
Nancy Cartwright voiced Bart Simpson on “The Simpsons,” and Joe Eszterhas wrote the screenplay for “Flashdance.”
Adam Russell was a pitcher for the Chica go White Sox, San Diego Padres, and Tampa Bay Rays and Piber Perabo starred in “Coy ote Ugly.” Just to highlight a few of their roles and accomplishments.
OU is home to a renowned journalism pro gram
OU was ranked #32 on College Factual’s most recent list of best journalism school. This ranking puts the bachelor’s program in the top 15% of all colleges and universities in the country. It is ranked #1 for journalism
in Ohio. Many of the individual publications and outlets have received their own respect ed awards as well.
The attack cat logo, wasn’t always OU’s of ficial logo
In 1996, OU’s athletic department un veiled the Bobcat attack logo we still have today. This became the new official logo in 2002. Prior to this, OU’s logo was a pawprint. This year marks the 20th anniversary for the attack cat logo.
OU opened the first university-based business incubator in the state
The innovation center located on campus is one many do not know about. The cen ter, “provides valuable business incubation resources to fuel the economy in Athens, Ohio and surrounding regions,” according to OHIO’s research page. The innovation center was the first-university based business incu bator in the state, and the 12th in the nation, following its opening in 1893. The innovation center provides resources such as profes sional use for office space, labs and meeting spaces, leased at high rates; access to expert
professionals; and shared access to exclusive office equipment sich as printing, copying, faxing, scanning, high-speed internet, con ference phones and more.
The first “unofficial” Halloween party occurred in 1974
The first famous but “unofficial” Hallow een block party commenced in 1974. Those dressed in costumes drove Court Street traffic to a halt for two hours on Hallow een night. By 1977, the Athens City Council passed a resolution closing Court Street to traffic and allowing an official Halloween celebration. At the time, OU and the city of Athens even hosted and sponsored events, including a costume contest, live music and a large cake for party-goers to eat. However, by 1979, the university dropped its sponsor ship due to the high number of arrests. In 1990, the city of Athens recognized the party once again, but the university itself did not.
Homecoming weekend at Ohio University is one that many students look forward to. It is a two-day event that pushes people to their limits and one where individuals create lifelong memories with their friends. This annual weekend is special for Bobcats; they can show their OU pride and partake in an event altogether.
Because the weekend can seem to turn into one long day, it is important to wear something comfortable. Even without OU gear, there are still ways to show your love for this amazing university:
A matching set is probably the easiest option for a homecoming outfit. Whether you want to go the green route or a more neutral color, there are many options. This green set from Lucy in the Sky is stretchy, comfortable and the perfect OU green color.
You can also match a pair of plain sweatpants you already have with a top in the same color. It is simple yet unique, and you can go crazy on the accessories. It’s also a cheaper alternative to buying new OU gear.
If your outfit is too simple or you can’t find the right OU shirt or pants, you can al-
ways iron on a festive patch. It is cheaper and more efficient, and your outfit will be unique.
Etsy offers a plethora of OU patches and other accessories to add to any homecoming outfit. It is such an easy and budget-friendly idea. DIY is always the way to go.
Other great accessories for any homecoming outfit are face stickers and green gems/glitter. You can find stickers at any bookstore on Court Street and Amazon or Walmart usually has stick-on gems and glitter.
You can wear the stickers on your cheekbone or put green glitter in your hair. Face
gems look fun on the eyes and even in your hair for some extra OU pride.
OU sweatshirt from the bookstore
The bookstores on Court Street and the Athens Walmart offer some great Ohio University apparel for affordable prices. You can never go wrong with a big, comfy OU sweatshirt for this upcoming weekend. It is simple yet classic and will keep you warm early on Saturday morning.
For OU alum, Homecoming is exactly what it sounds like: coming home. OU’s Homecoming is undoubtedly a celebrated time for current Bobcats, but it is particularly intended to be special for the alum that came before them.
This coming weekend, many Bobcat alum will return back to the bricks that built them. Though most will only be here for a short time, there are many aspects they will be adamant on reliving. So, Bobcat alum, what is it that you’re all most looking forward to doing? Is it having a “junction punch” at The J-Bar? Or feasting on a “bagelwich” from Bagel Street Deli? Or maybe you’ll simply revisit the old organizations you were a part of as an undergrad? Whatever it may be, here is a list of “must-do’s” for your reunion with Athens:
A large part of what shapes a college career is where you live during your time in Athens. Whether it be one of the run-down dorms that undeniably possess a whole lot of character on Dirty South, or a dilapidated house on Congress Street, the places and people you live with play an integral role in shaping your experiences.
Nonetheless, taking a stroll past your dorm, fraternity/sorority house, old apartment or house may evoke memories you might’ve forgotten or the ones you always
find an excuse to bring up in conversation. Plus, with how generous and welcoming Bobcats are, odds are if you knock on a door and strike up a conversation, you could even take a tour through your own old personal stomping grounds.
Nothing compares to fall in Athens, making Homecoming’s timing quite perfect. When most imagine their past days at OU, they immediately picture College Green during the fall. Take a morning or afternoon stroll through College Green with a Donkey coffee and enjoy the sights of the freshly fallen leaves. For those who have moved to a big city, this will be a beneficial and peaceful reset that could turn an average day into a great one.
If there’s one shot from the various bars on Court Street that is highly talked about, it’s a Hot Nut shot from Tony’s. Those who aren’t former or current Bobcats simply will never understand the obsession of what may seem like a simple shot. Its steaminess consists of part coffee and part Dekuyper’s hazelnut bliss. And truly, it is bliss. Be careful; it may seem painless to knock down four or five, given their sweet taste, but they will undoubtedly sneak up on you!
Every Bobcat’s favorite breakfast destina-
tion is Bagel Street Deli. You can guarantee a long line through the door and out into Court Street almost every weekend. With an endless list of options, there is a bagel or sandwich to satisfy all taste buds. Alum, recount what bagel it is that helped you through the hardest hangovers and earliest morning classes and get to ordering it. But don’t wait too late into the day, as the wait for a bagel is sure to get longer and longer.
If there is any question I always get asked by alum, it’s if us students love grabbing dinner at Jackie O’s. Many broke college students don’t venture there unless their parents pay them a visit, but the restaurant/bar has delicious burgers, flatbreads, wings, craft beer, pickle shots and more. Make those reservations ASAP, as it will likely be booked up for the big weekend.
Show your school spirit, Bobcat pride and alma mater appreciation by attending both the annual Homecoming parade and football game. Both of these events are a hit among both alum and current undergrad students, making it a special event where people can make connections, meet new faces, catch up with old ones and relive the true, American college experience.
Most likely, you alum were once a member of some organization you were, and probably still are, passionate about. These organizations are likely what formed your college experience. They’re the places and clubs you
may have met your best friends in, or attained your current work experience from. Take a walk down memory lane by touring your old sorority or fraternity house, old college newspaper or TV station, former consumer research or sales program, dance club, frisbee golf team, or simply, your old classrooms. You will, without a doubt, meet current Bobcats similar to you, and potentially ones that could soon be your colleague.
Athens has changed greatly since several Bobcats were on the bricks. Courtside Pizza is still new to many, The Junction is now known as J-Bar and many new food places have popped up throughout the years. So, although reliving what you remember is always key to a nostalgic weekend, visiting a new destination that is special to many current Bobcats is a great way to form new bonds with a place that so many people across the nation will forever call “hOUme.”