An influx of freshmen
Record enrollment noted for 2nd consecutive year
sions has 6,871 total students and 645 new first-year students.
For the second year in a row, Ohio University reached record enrollment numbers of first-year students for Fall Semester 2023.

After record-breaking enrollment in the 2022 Fall Semester with 4,441 first-year students, Fall Semester 2023 has brought in 4,516 first-year students, according to a university news release.
OU’s Vice President for Enrollment Management Candace Boeninger emphasized that record-breaking enrollment isn’t a priority to the university.
“We won’t bring in a record class year, over year, over year—that isn’t the goal,” Boeninger said. “The goal is to understand who can benefit from here, (and) how we make them see themselves on our campus.”
OU President Lori Stewart Gonzalez said the 2023 first-year students are also of high quality, meaning they have a high grade point average, or GPA.
According to the news release, OU’s 2023 cohort has the highest average high school GPA of 3.65.
“Our students come to us with really high quality, so a high GPA, so that means that they’re likely to be successful as an OU student,” Gonzalez said.
There is also an increase in the enrollment of students enrolled in several academic colleges, regional campuses and online courses, as well as an increase in retention rates.
Gonzalez said the increased retention rates show the high quality and value of the education provided by OU.
“I think what has happened is we’re getting our message out about the total experience at OU,” Gonzalez said. “We do that across so many of our experiences … and so we need to lean into that because you get such a return on investment for coming here because it’s way beyond just your classroom experiences.”
ABBIE KINNEY | ART DIRECTORAcademic colleges have also seen growth in enrollment, including the Russ College of Engineering and Technology, which set a new enrollment record with 432 first-year students.
Other colleges at OU with record firstyear enrollment include the College of Busi-
ness, the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Fine Arts, according to the news release.
Enrollment has also continued to grow in the health and science programs across the entire institution. According to the release, OU’s College of Health Sciences and Profes-
With this growth comes concern about whether there is enough university staff to handle the growing population of students.
“Right now, there’s not been reports (of) shortages of faculty,” Gonzalez said. “I think that we’re able to accommodate those students because that number (of students) is spread across the entire institution. It’s not like 800 students choosing ‘major x’ because they’re spread out across the whole campus.”
Although the university has been seeing many increases in different types of enrollment across all campuses, the growth rate for underrepresented groups has remained relatively the same.
Historically underrepresented groups make up around 15.8% of OU’s entire student population of 28,328 for this fall semester.
“The overall number of students from underrepresented groups has increased due to our overall enrollment going up, but remains at the same percentage from last year,” Robin Oliver, vice president for communications and marketing, wrote in an email.
Overall enrollment for Fall Semester 2023 on OU’s Athens main campus has grown 4.6%, with growth across all campuses increasing by 2.5%, according to the news release.
“Our goal is really more about ensuring successful student outcomes, that we’re graduating students and putting them into workforce and graduate programs, and that kind of thing, with a great degree of success that’s happening as well, and that will continue to be our focus,” Boeninger said.
Rising temperatures in Bentley Hall
Bentley Hall, located at 4 President St., has been experiencing higher temperatures as a result of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning, or HVAC, complications.
Samantha Pelham, a university spokesperson, said one of the chillers that serves the academic building was out of service.
Pelham said OU Facilities and Management were made aware that Bentley Hall’s HVAC system was facing complications late into the first week of September. She said temperature checks were conducted throughout the building and temperatures were in the mid-70s.

Jasmine McGhee, a freshman studying sociology-criminology, said she has four classes in Bentley, two of which are in the basement where the temperatures are seemingly higher.
“Especially when I have my (classes) in the basement … it just makes everything so much more miserable, and that's when I'm really falling asleep because I just can't stand the heat. I just want to get out of there,” McGhee said.
Patty Stokes, an associate professor of instruction in women’s gender and sexuality studies, said the heat doesn’t just affect students in the building.
“I was in Bentley Annex the night before classes started–that Sunday–and was running off syllabi and doing other work there,” Stokes said. “It was so hot, and issues were occurring with my computer, and I ended up making some mistakes on my syllabi because the working conditions were impossible.”
Stokes said those who followed air quality debates during the COVID-19 pandemic learned there is a real cognitive impact if the air is bad, and when it is hot in Bentley, it can cause students to learn poorly.
“I’ve noticed that if the air is good in the room, people tend to look alert. If it’s not, they are visibly less tuned in,” she said.

McGhee said she has noticed the rising temperatures affecting her peers as well. She said she often sees students
fanning themselves when it gets hot in the room and has heard some classes are let out early when the conditions are bad.
Stokes said if professors are feeling poorly or overheated, it is hard to stay completely focused on teaching.
“I’m teaching upper-level theory, some of which is routine for me, but there are certain texts and certain ideas that I really need to be on my toes to explain it the best,” Stokes said. “If I’m hampered by the temperatures, I feel worse about my performance as an instructor, and my students are being cheated.”
Stokes said the problem with the temperature in Bentley is not a new issue for the building. She said one of her colleagues, who has been at OU since 1997, told her the issues in Bentley go back to the late ‘90s.
She also said she remembers an experience of her own around the spring of 2009 when it was “absolutely blazing” in the building. She said it is difficult to get heating and cooling in some of the old buildings–like Bentley–at the university,
September 14-28th
Social Engagement & Student Org Events

September 21
UPC Butterfly Garden
2:00 - 5:00 PM
Morton Field
September 21
Therapy Dog Thursday
3:30 - 5:00 PM
Alden Library 2nd Floor
SCAN to view all events
September 22
Escape Rooms
7:30 - 9:30 PM
LLC 130-150
September 23
Latin Night hosted by the Latinx Service Coalition
6:00 - 9:00 PM
Athena Cinema
September 26
Comedy Series featuring Janae Burris
7:00 - 8:00 PM
Baker Theater
September 27
Fall Career and Internship
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Ping Recreation Center
September 28
UPC Giant Board Games
5:30 - 7:30 PM
Morton Field
September 29
Bobcat County Fair
3:00 - 5:00 PM
West Green Lawn
September 29
Fridays Live hosted by Alex Imwalle
4:00 - 9:00 PM
Studio C (RTV 515)
September 21
Soccer vs. Kent State
4:00 PM
Chessa Field
September 22-23
Volleyball vs. Akron
22nd - 7:00 PM
23rd - 4:00 PM
Convocation Center
September 26
Volleyball vs. Kent State
7:00 PM
Convocation Center
Sorority & Fraternity Life
September 25-29
National Hazing Prevention Week
* To have your event included on this calendar make sure it is registered on Bobcat Connect!
which is part of the problem.
McGhee said as a student, she has received no updates from the university about Bentley’s lack of air conditioning or a timeline of when the problem will be resolved.
She said it seems the university puts funding in places that she believes don’t need funding.
“They built the statue in the chemistry building, and they did all of the funding for that, but they can’t even fix the AC in one of the buildings,” McGhee said. “Students are not having class on the statue. They’re having class in this building, and they are not able to pay attention because it’s so hot.”
Pelham said contractors are currently working on repairs, and an update will be provided when the issue is fully resolved.
Campus Rec & Wellbeing
October 6
F45 Friday Night Lights
7 p.m. – 7:45 p.m.
Ping Recreation Center
Registration on recshop.ohio.edu
October 6 & 7
DI Hockey Game vs Calvin 7:00pm
Bird Arena
October 10
Pleasure Activism Discussion Part 1
Women’s Center/Baker 403
12 PM – 1 PM
October 10
DOGA! Yoga with therapy dogs
Ping Recreation Center
3 PM– 4 PM (20 minute increments)
Registration on recshop.ohio.edu
OU, local police confident in abilities in case of an aggressor
Ohio University staff and the Athens Police Department, or APD, said they feel confident in their abilities to protect OU students in the situation of an active threat.
With the rise in shootings at colleges, it can happen on any campus. The Ohio University Police Department, or OUPD, along with other OU staff, reassures that it is prepared in case of a threat.
“We definitely would respond quickly and directly,” Tim Ryan, OUPD staff lieutenant, said.
Ryan said the exact course of action isn’t released by law enforcement, so it cannot be easily countered.
OUPD, APD and the Athens County Sheriff’s Office have all worked together, and independently, to prepare for an active threat, such as an armed individual.
OU has an emergency alert system in place that is able to send notifications to students and faculty on campus.
OUPD and OU’s emergency programs staff operate the emergency system, both being able to send notifications to devices or campus.
The system has multiple tools that can be utilized for a variety of alerts, Jill Harris, emergency programs manager, said. These alerts can include, but are not limited to, sirens, texts, social media posts and emails.
In the situation of an active shooter, OUPD is able to send out an alert of the report and what areas to avoid, Ryan said.
Local law enforcement agencies stay prepared by staying up-to-date on training, Nick Magruder, APD chief of police, said. OUPD and APD both use force-on-force simulations, Ryan said. In force-on-force training, simulations feel realistic and induce quick-thinking skills, which ensures that officers are ready to respond to those types of situations
APD is currently working on getting its budget for its force-on-force equipment, which will end up costing around $5,000 to $6,000 for ammunition, simulation weapons and gear, Magruder said.
All three agencies will act together if an active threat occurs. Since OU has been moving underclassmen to off-campus housing, such as Rivergate or Riverpark, they
technically fall under APD’s jurisdiction, Magruder said.
“(We’re) extremely confident in our partnerships,” Ryan said. “We work very closely with all three of them—the Athens City Police Department, the Athens County Sheriff’s Office and the Highway Patrol. We have a great working relationship and it’s really one of the strengths in our area.”
The initial 911 call would come through the Sheriff’s Office, which would then request third-party backup from APD, and OUPD would be sent to the scene.

“We’re lucky that in our community we know almost every other officer,” Magruder
said. “We trust each other.”
The agencies also work together to monitor unique behavior and keep track of trends, also called a threat assessment, Ryan said.
“I think Virginia Tech was really the turning point, and we started getting better about threat assessment,” Ryan said. “People are talking about what they do before they do it, or maybe people aren’t noticing concerning behaviors before they happen.”
OUPD also offers public presentations for community members called “Run, Hide, Fight,” which provides them with methods to react the best they can in active situations.
The police department runs these pre-
sentations regularly but they are offered upon request as well, Ryan said.
Beyond this, OU has its own critical response team that is designed to help in situations that may arise around an incident, indirectly.
OUPD has a video on its YouTube page discussing the many ways they are prepared in case of an aggressor. @KENDALLKWRIGHT
Ohio feels the vibrations
Whether students have been dancing for years or have two left feet, OU Vibrations is a dance group for all, no matter the experience. Since its origin in 2017, OU Vibrations has always provided classes and groups welcoming all levels of dance. This sentiment shows, as this year the group gained a record-breaking number of auditions this year.

President Erin Brennan, a senior studying psychology, credits the success to the OU Vibrations’ involvement on social media and the connections they make within the group.
“We have over double the team that we did last year,” said Brennan. “Last year was 23 or 24 (people). This year, we have 51 girls on the performance team alone … I’m so happy that so many people found us and are able to dance with us.”
Brennan is a major advocate for opportunities for newcomers as well.
“There are a lot of dances that are really good for people with little to no experience because it kind of helps build that rhythm and that technique,” said Brennan. “Then we have other dances like our jazz (and) contemporary dances that do require more technique prior to joining (Vibrations), so we have something for everyone.”
The group has recitals every semester, as well as occasionally dancing during halftime for OU’s basketball team, among other sporting events. They also partake in fundraising during the Bobcathon and Take Back the Night, where the group dances for a cause. Updates on OU Vibrations’ performances can be found on its Instagram.
OU Vibrations’ Instagram has 555 followers, which consists of dancers, alumni and other
fellow supporters thanks to the social media managers Madi Liming, a junior studying English and Madison Cather, a senior studying dance and environmental science.
“Typical dance families are dancers coming from very competitive, toxic environments but this is family; there’s none of that,” said Liming. “(It’s) girls, supporting girls (and) alumni supporting newbies. It’s really good to see, especially old presidents …They’ll come back at the end of the year; we have a spring show they’ll come back and they’ll watch.”
Liberty Temple, a sophomore studying psychology, was one of the many people who auditioned and made the team this year. Although Temple expressed the nerve-wracking feeling of auditioning with a big group, she is already leading the choreography for some classes.
“I’m super excited to have that opportunity to teach and show my peers my choreography,” said Temple. “I’m excited to be a part of a team again.”
With the overwhelming turnout this year, Brennan and the rest of the team are excited and looking forward to the new skills and talents this year’s dancers will bring to the dynamic of the team.
“Any chance that we can dance for the school … be able to dance more and for girls to really show what they can do, (is a chance we’ll take),” said Brennan.
With a record-breaking turnout this year for auditions, dance group OU Vibrations is better than ever as they prepare for this year’s halftime shows and dance fundraisers.
MAGGIE VALENTINE FOR THE POSTSophomore Libbie Temple (left), showing a dance routine to the other dancers during OU Vibrations practice at Ping Recreational Center, at Ohio University, in Athens, Ohio, Sept. 13, 2023. (CHLOE EGGLESTON | FOR THE POST)
The New Political Presents:

Tradición, Cultura, Herencia Observing Hispanic Heritage Month
panic culture, and Claudia Pérez, a Master’s student and instructor, agrees that food is a big factor in Mexican culture.
September 27, 2023
Baker Theatre Lounge
27, 2023
8PM-11PM, Debate at 9PM Free food provided!
Sept. 15 marks the start of Hispanic Heritage Month, which is celebrated until Oct. 15. National Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated in the U.S. to recognize the influence and contributions of the Hispanic community on American culture and history.

“Living in another country makes you love the one you come from so much more,” said Pérez. “Being here makes me miss the food, I think it’s what I miss the most. (Specifically) the chile, here nothing is spicy so I keep my fridge stocked with salsa.”
Besides food, there is a sense of community and belonging that is rampant in Hispanic culture. It’s almost as if everyone in the Hispanic community is family, regardless of blood relation.
A non-partisan event.
Baker Theatre Lounge 8pm - 11pm Debate begins at 9pm
r Theatre Lounge
The U.S. is home to upward of 42 million Spanish speakers, making it the country with the second largest population of Spanish speakers in the world, with Mexico being the first. By 2050, it is projected that 1 in 3 people in the U.S. will speak Spanish, according to Forbes.
The recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month began in 1988, expanding on Hispanic Heritage Week which began in 1968. President Ronald Reagan expanded this holiday, and it was formally enacted into law on Aug. 17, 1988.
11PM, Debate at 9PM e food provided!
n-partisan event. a non-partisan event FREE FOOD PROVIDED
Sept. 15 is a significant date in several Latin American countries such as Guatemala, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Honduras because it is the anniversary of their independence. This is the reason that the celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month begins on this date.
All across the U.S. during the months of September and October, there are events, festivals and exhibitions taking place embracing Hispanic culture. Even in Ohio, there are several activities to attend for people interested in appreciating Hispanic traditions.
The Hispanic Heritage Festival took place on Sept. 17 in Blue Ash, Ohio. Other events coming up include the Canton Latino Fest in Canton, Ohio on Sept. 30, and the Latino Heritage Month Art Show in Columbus, Ohio on Oct. 13.
These events and more are open to people of all backgrounds and nationalities; people don’t need to look or talk a certain way to enjoy what Hispanic culture has to offer. From music such as bachata and reggaeton to foods such as empanadas and street tacos, there is so much that Hispanic culture has brought to the U.S.

Kaleigh Zimmer, a sophomore studying biology, embraces Hispanic culture through the different foods she eats.
“My uncle is from Panama, so I grew up around a lot of Hispanic food like empanadas and pastelitos,” said Zimmer. “Also, a cousin of mine is Puerto Rican, so I’ve always eaten Puerto Rican rice and beans.”
Food is a big part of what brings people together in His-
“What’s most important is my people, and I don’t just mean my family,” said Pérez. “The community, the way of life. The 16th is Mexico’s day of independence, so right now everyone in Mexico is dressed up in green, white and red. There’s mariachis and tequila; I miss the traditions.”
Culture means different things to everyone and there are several different ways to celebrate it. Jessi Thrasher, a sophomore studying journalism, believes that people themselves are what define culture.
“Culture is important to me because it’s what you make of it,” said Thrasher. “It isn’t always about what you’ve grown up around or been exposed to, but what you’ve sought out and spent time in.”
Hispanic Heritage Month is a celebration of culture. It is an appreciation of the history, traditions and customs brought to the U.S. by its Hispanic inhabitants. Hispanic voices have influenced the music, food, fashion and pop culture of the U.S. in countless ways.
While September and October are the official months dedicated to the observation of Hispanic heritage, the Hispanic community is shaping the way of life in the U.S. yearround.
What’s new with Issue 2?
Athens officials, advocates react to the Marijuana Legalization Initiative
BLOSE CULTURE STAFF WRITERMarijuana was not always illegal. In fact, at one point, it was embraced–used as a medicine and an herb. However, in 1937, marijuana was criminalized, beginning decades of prohibition in America.
Since then, 23 states, as well as Washington D.C., have fully legalized cannabis for recre-
ational use. Issue 2, the Marijuana Legalization Initiative, will appear on the Ohio ballot Nov. 7. Now, the decision is up to Ohio voters: continue the streak of prohibition or fully legalize cannabis across the state?

“My personal opinions on drugs or anything is not going to matter,” said Nick Magruder, Athens chief of police. “It’s how the state allows us to enforce it and it’s how the city wants us to enforce it too.”
In 2017, the city of Athens passed an ordinance, removing any monetary penalties for possession of marijuana. In return, law enforcement eased up on pursuing misdemeanor marijuana offenses.
“We’ve only cited people nine times for possession of marijuana since 2017 and three of those were on an OVI (operating a vehicle impaired),” Magruder said.
Lisa Eliason, the Athens City Law Director, is in charge of prosecuting misdemeanor cases within the city of Athens. Eliason argued that not much would change with the passing of Issue 2. She explained that in Athens, residents are seldom charged with marijuana offenses as is.
“As far as our caseload, I don’t see that we’re going to have a dramatic drop in cases,” Eliason said.
Eliason attributes the low caseload to the elimination of fines in 2017 and the legalization of hemp in 2019. She said that when law enforcement writes a ticket for marijuana, they must do a field test on the substance. The tricky part is it can be nearly impossible to decipher hemp from marijuana.
“Issue 2 can definitely alleviate some of those issues because the state has a hard time processing and testing marijuana,” Magruder said.
Don Wirtshafter, founder and curator of the Cannabis Museum, also agreed that passing Issue 2 would have little to no legal ramifications.
“If people want to smoke marijuana, they smoke marijuana,” Wirtshafer said. “The laws aren’t really stopping them.”

Wirtshafter said the legalization of marijuana would promote more employers, employees and economic activity in the state, fostering an economic engine for Ohio.
“People will want to be here because we’re not living in the past where you can get busted and lose your house and lose your home, your car and lose your job and freedom over a plant,” Wirtshafter said.
According to Issue 2’s certified language, Issue 2 would, “legalize and regulate the cultivation, processing, sale, purchase, possession, home grow, and use of cannabis by adults at least twenty-one years of age.”
While similar marijuana legalization initiatives have been introduced in the past, none have been successful in Ohio. Many expect that things will change with Issue 2.
“It’s something we’ve seen before in different legislations that hasn’t passed, but it seems like this one may have a little bit more steam behind it,” Magruder said.
While Wirtshafter is excited to see the issue on the ballot this November, he also thinks there will be countercampaigns aimed at preventing the bill from passing. He said he is worried politicians will fearmonger in response to the legalization of home growing. Wirtshafter predicts advertisements on radio and television advising voters to vote no on Issue 2.
“I think we’re going to have all kinds of scare stories being passed out by our governor over the next couple of months, trying to convince everybody that whole neighborhoods are going to burn down if we allow people to grow plants in their houses, but people already grow all kinds of different plants in their houses,” Wirtshafter said. “This is no different.”
Nevertheless, he remains optimistic.
“I think that Ohio will become a friendlier, more empathetic state if we can get this passed and get over the era of prohibition that has held us back for so long,” he said.
Scout Murray sits down to discuss Ohio’s season, her college career
Ohio has spent the first portion of its 2023 season facing off against nonconference opponents in a buildup to Mid-American Conference play. In the 2023 season so far, the Bobcats have gone 2-3-2. Through these nonconference matchups, Ohio has been challenged by some established programs. While there have been some unfortunate results, there have been exciting positives for the team.
One of those positives has been watching the growth of Ohio sophomore Scout Murray from her true freshman season in 2022.
Murray hails from Chicago, where she attended Lane Tech College Prep High School. While at Lane Tech, Murray earned an AllState team selection her junior year, where she recorded a 30-goal season. The dominance at the high school level allowed her to lead Lane Tech to the City Championship in 2019 and 2021.

While attending Lane Tech, Murray was also a part of the Chicago Sky junior team from 2016-2020 and Northbrook Eclipse in 2020.
According to Murray, she knew she had potential to play at the Division I level after conversations with Rodgers.
“My junior year I attended a camp here and I think I got noticed for my speed,” Murray said. “I had a conversation with Aaron (Rodgers), and he said that I ‘need to be playing for the top team and I need to get better, but we can see your potential.’ And so I had that in my mind leading up until coming here, just that I have the potential.”
The recruitment process found Murray choosing between attending a Division III school or attending Ohio University and competing with some of the top talent in the nation at a Division I school.
Murray talked about how adjusting to the high level of competition right out of high school presented challenges during her freshman year at OU. However, she also explained how acclimating to her new team throughout the year brought comfort and that her first year went as well as she hoped.
“I think it’s an adjustment for everyone to switch your mindset … I had a great experience and fell in love with the school and fell in love with the team, especially during spring,” Murray said. “That's when I felt su-
per close with my team because we'd been together for so long, and that's when I started feeling comfortable playing and feeling confident. I would say my freshman year was probably one as good as I could have hoped for.”
With a solid freshman year under her belt, Murray had a lot of momentum going into her sophomore season with a larger role, but she explained how she didn’t want to set any major goals for herself and wanted to keep things simple.
“I didn’t set many goals or anything like that,” Murray said. “Having joy and playing the most confidently and the best that I can was my main goal this season.”
According to Murray, the beginning of the 2023 season has had many ups and downs. Murray is currently tied for the team lead in goals and points on the season. The overall defense has played well enough but Ohio’s offense hasn’t been able to produce many goals, keeping matches close.
“I think I have been challenged because we are playing such high-level teams that I am so focused on defending,” Murray said. “Just playing schools like JMU and Ohio State, those were big ones where we were really keeping up with them (on defense), but could just not score.”
However, despite an up-and-down beginning to the season, Murray was very expres-
sive of how the mid-season break between nonconference games and MAC games has been used to Ohio’s benefit.
“Working with the forwards in the midfield and how we worked on specific events or just midfielders or just forwards, we have worked on how all of it fits together and how we can build an attack on that and then counter-defend,” Murray said. “We’ve been working specifically on that, and I don’t know, it just looks really good. It’s been a really good last 10 days.”
Ohio prepares for the quickly approaching season with new coaching, plethora of rookies


Ohio finished the 2022-23 season with a record of 22-7 and is going to look to build on the success it had last season.
Perhaps the biggest change for the Bobcats as they head into this new season is the head coaching change. Zach Hill comes in as Ohio’s fourth head coach in three years, following Ryan Dunning in 2022-23.
The Bobcats will also be missing their top three scorers from last season in centers Nick Erker (38 points) and Hayden Ripley (26 points), and forward Tyler Kalley (25 points). Among returners, top scorers include defenseman Ethan Tamborski (23 points) and wingers Peyton Botich (21 points) and Nick Coward (19 points).
after successful freshman seasons for the Bobcats.
Roster and coaching instability isn’t something the Bobcats are unfamiliar with. In the past two seasons, the team has expe rienced extreme turnover and has thrived despite it. On top of their 22-7 record this past season, they finished 6th in the ACHA Men’s Division II Southwest division.
With college football off to the races, fall sports are starting to get into full swing. With that, comes the long-awaited return of Bobcats DII hockey, and the season opener against the University of Cincinnati on Oct.
Although the question of where the Bobcats’ scoring will come from remains, the defense should remain strong with starting goalie Matthew Zazon. Zazon is coming off a season in which he had saved 94% of the 802 shots against him, which ranked second in ACHA Men’s Division II, among players receiving at least 500 shots. Top defensemen Gavin George and Tamborski also return
The mystery of the Bobcats looms. Ohio new freshmen including new forwards and three defensemen. After having as produc tive of a rookie class as they had last year, the Bobcats are going to look to get similar value out of this year’s group.

Overall, this is a young team look ing to build on the spurts of dominance it showcased in last year’s season. Questions regarding scoring and coaching will be an swered and a promising defense will look to become truly elite.

Week 3 Student Media Poll picks from ‘The Post’
ROBERT KEEGAN III SPORTS EDITOR BOBBY GORBETT SPORTS EDITOREach week, the Sports editorial team selects its Top 25 FBS college football teams for the Student Media Poll.

The SMP is a nationwide poll featuring 97 student journalists from schools all across the nation.
The Post Sports will break down its ballots each week. Here are the top five, those it kicked out of the Top 25 and those it added:
Robert Keegan III, Sports EditorTop Five:
Penn State
Ohio State
For the first time all season, this week in college football warranted major changes in the top five. Most importantly, my new No. 1 being Texas and the fall of Georgia to No. 5. Texas has been by far the best team in the nation through three weeks of football. Though this may be a controversial opinion, no 3-0 team has better wins than Texas. A win over Alabama in week two followed up by a convincing win against a good Wyoming team is plenty enough to warrant Texas being No. 1 for me.
Undefeated Georgia falls from No. 1 to No. 5 after just barely surviving an upset against Spencer Rattler and unranked South Carolina. In its first formidable matchup of the season, Georgia looked vulnerable and I’m not confident that the reigning champions could beat the four other teams within the top five. Florida State also falls out of the top five in favor of 3-0 Penn State, which had a convincing victory on the road at Illinois. Florida State struggled this week against unranked Boston College, a program that Florida State could have beaten handily. Florida State remains unbeaten but a two-point victory at Boston College is enough for the team to fall out of the top five.
Who I added Florida, UCLA
UCLA has been nationally ranked all season but enters my top 25 this week after proving its dominance again against North Carolina Central.
Florida has had a rocky start to the season after losing in Week One to Utah. A win at Tennessee in Week Three has put the program back into the top-25 conversation. Florida Quarterback Graham Mertz is one of the longest-tenured quarterbacks in the nation, which gives Florida a slight advantage as they head into SEC play against some less experienced offenses.
Who I dropped
Iowa, TCU
Iowa has dropped in and out of the top 25 all season long and despite a win this week at Western Michigan, Iowa’s offense is simply not up to par with every other team in the top 25.
TCU was the runner-up in the national championship game last year but has lost just about everything that made the program good in 2022. The Horned Frogs sit at 2-1 after three weeks following a loss in Week 1 to Colorado. The team has looked to recoup a little bit in the past two weeks but is not up to par with the teams that have more impressive wins during the young season.
Bobby Gorbett, Sports Editor
Top Five:
Ohio State
Michigan, to me, is the best team in the country. Although Michigan Quarterback JJ McCarthy struggled against Bowling Green, the team brought back many players from its Big Ten championship team, especially on its offense.
Texas scored the biggest win of the season so far at Alabama and has a strong case to be the No. 1 team in the country. Texas’ win against Wyoming, one of the best Group of Five schools in the country, is also undervalued right now.
USC’s offense possibly remains the best unit in college football, and its defense appears to have improved.
Who I added Missouri, UCLA
Missouri is off to a 3-0 start and showed its potential with its last-second win over Kansas State. I was surprised the Tigers were left out of the AP Poll after a big win and an undefeated start.
I finally bit the bullet on UCLA, who most recently picked up its third win of the season. The Bruins, led by five-star Quarterback Dante Moore, have won every game by at least two scores including a 25-point win over San Diego State.
Who I dropped Tennessee
I wasn’t high on Tennessee coming into the season, as a team that lost playmakers like Cedric Tillman, Jalen Hyatt and Hendon Hooker. Tennessee’s loss and poor offensive performance against Florida was enough evidence for me to drop them out of my Top 25.
‘The Post’ sports editorial team explains who its top five college football teams are, who they’ve added to their rankings and who they’ve dropped
The best food to eat at Ohio University’s dining halls
Ohio University has two main dining halls, Nelson Court, located on South Green, and The District on West Green, also known as Boyd. Although similar, each dining hall offers its own unique options for all your hunger needs.
Here are the best foods to eat at each dining hall:

Noodled (Boyd) and Kalamata Leaf (Nelson)
Noodled, located in Boyd, and Kalamata Leaf, located in Nelson, are pasta lovers' paradises. Kalamata Leaf typically has an alfredo sauce (specialties include roasted red pepper, pesto and ranch alfredo) and/or a red sauce (spaghettwi sauce, meat sauce). It also includes an array of pizzas and dips.
Noodled also features alfredo, red sauce options, and macaroni and cheese. There are two macaroni and cheese options for lunch and dinner: a specialty macaroni and cheese (cajun shrimp, pepper jack, crab, meatball, etc.) and regular macaroni and cheese. There is typically also a specialty pasta such as baked feta pasta, baked ziti and rigatoni.
West Greens (Boyd)
Both Boyd and Nelson host large salad bars, but West Greens at Boyd is by far the best. In addition to typical salad toppings and dressings like lettuce, tomatoes, eggs, carrots, ranch and Italian dressing, the bar also houses toppings for the taco station like salsa, sour cream, cheese and pico, allowing students to create the salad of their dreams.
Bamboo Bowl (Nelson)
Bamboo Bowl in Nelson Court offers Asian cuisine and boasts the longest line in the dining hall. It serves fried rice and sushi rice, noodles (spicy veggie or lo mein), vegetables, orange chicken, veggie potstickers, egg rolls, Asian chicken wings, tofu curry, vegetarian Thai noodles and spring rolls. The selection varies daily, but there are always several options for building the perfect stir-fry.
Margaret’s Made for You (Boyd)
While vegetarian and vegan options can be found in both dining halls, Boyd houses Margaret’s Made for You, a made-to-or-
der station for students with allergies and dietary restrictions. They offer lunch, dinner and dessert options, and a trained staff member prepares each meal. The menu frequently offers brown rice, gluten-free cakes and cookies, gluten-free pasta, rice stick noodles, NGI tacos and NGI pizza.
Nothing But Dessert (Nelson)
When it comes to dessert, Nelson cannot be beaten. From their ice cream station to their dessert cooler to their piled-high tray
of brownies and cookies, Nelson has whatever students need to satisfy their post–meal sweet tooth. Depending on availability, the ice cream bar serves various hard ice creams like strawberry, chocolate, vanilla, coffee and moose tracks. Students can also choose between a cake cone or a bowl and a few toppings like chocolate chips or Oreo crumbs. The dessert cooler is stocked with an everchanging variety of cheesecakes, pies and cakes. The dessert trays next to the cooler often have brownies, cookies and cupcakes,
perfect for a quick treat.
While there are many food options at OU and in the surrounding Athens community, students can always find a nice meal at Nelson or Boyd. The menus change daily and can be found on the culinary service website, ensuring every student has something to enjoy. ET029322@OHIO.EDU
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When I needed money for a few textbooks this semester, I asked my mom. When I didn’t have my license yet and needed a ride, I asked my mom. When my check engine light came on in my car, I told my mom. When I landed my dream internship, I told my mom. It’s not because I favor her, it’s because she’s the only parent I have.
Grief at any age is difficult to face, but when you lose a parent at a young age, it makes the path to adulthood all the more difficult. For myself and four other Ohio University students, grief still takes up space in our everyday lives.

My dad died 10 years ago today, two days before my 11th birthday. He was sick with bile duct cancer for only six months. He died suddenly, but also not so suddenly. By the time I acknowledged he had cancer, he had died.
EMMA MCADAMS | ASSISTANT ART DIRECTORBeing so young at the time of his death, I didn’t fully comprehend what had happened until years later. I didn’t necessarily deny that he died, but I definitely knew it was too painful to address for the first few years. I don’t know how I finally came to a place of acceptance and peace, though I know time helped me do so.
After the loss of my dad, I became a very mean kid. I was horrible to be around, and I treated everyone in my path like utter garbage. I was truly miserable in the years following his death.
I wish I could say more about how I coped. I wish I could share more about the days he was sick and his funeral and every thing about him, but my brain repressed it all. I hardly remem ber anything from the time of his diag nosis to around two years after he died because it was so painful that my brain subconsciously de cided I didn’t need to remember it.
“You do feel like an outsider as a kid … it’s not a normal occurrence for most kids,” said Brendan Schoening, a senior studying social work.
Schoening was a few days short of turning 12 when he lost his dad to leukemia. He didn’t necessarily deny his dad’s passing but rather skipped to anger. That anger made him question the world around him, including his faith.
“Growing up (as) a Catholic, that’s a big thing … questioning your religion… and questioning why God or whoever you believe in (did this),” Schoening said.
Similar to myself, Schoening ignored facing his dad’s passing for two or three years.
“I was always trying to do something every night with friends or family or anything that could get me not alone,” Schoening said. “I think (this) has ultimately led me down a bad hole because at some point it does come back.”
As for the aftereffects of his dad’s death,
Schoening was more hesitant to get close to people because he didn’t want to lose them too. He didn’t start to fully face the loss of his dad until he was 18 and a freshman in college.
“The longer you take time dealing with it, the more acceptance you get from (it),” Schoening said.

Schoening believed that continuing to have negative feelings toward the loss of his dad would only make him a more negative person in the long run. He emphasized the importance of acknowledging when you’re sad because the situation will not improve otherwise.
“That not only hurts me but it hurts the people around me…(but) you can’t control a situation; you can control how you respond to it,” Schoening said. “Unless you want to be negative for the rest of your life, at some point, you have to find peace.”
Anson Battoclette, a senior studying communications, was 11 years old when he lost his dad to heart complications. After the loss, he remained in a state of denial for many years.
“I didn’t really want to confront those negative feelings,” Battoclette said. “It was easier (and) more comfortable to stay in that phase of denial.”
In the days following his dad’s death, Battoclette remembers passing his sister’s phone back and forth, taking turns playing Subway Surfers as a way to distract themselves from the loss of their dad.
Battoclette recalled the day of his dad’s funeral as a day containing a silver lining to his dad’s death. It’s hard to find positive aspects to the loss of a parent, but they’re there, and Battoclette found them.
“I remember thinking … (how) beautiful (it was) just seeing a room full of people from every corner of my dad’s life … as an 11 year old in that moment taking note of how many people (had) been touched by this one person,” Battoclette said.
After losing his father almost 10 years ago, Battoclette believes he has reached peace. However, he couldn’t pinpoint an exact moment when he came to a state of acceptance, it was something that happened gradually over time.
Grief is an ongoing aspect of one’s life; however, certain things can ease its weight. Battoclette has a blanket made out of his dad’s old shirts, which he said helps him feel like his dad is still with him.
“It’s easier to cope with a loss when you have things to remember (them) by,” Battoclette said.

Grief at any age is difficult to face, but when you lose a parent at a young age, it makes the path to adulthood all the more difficult.
Chloe Cosmo, a junior studying early childhood education was 18 years old when she lost her mom to pancreatic cancer. With the loss being only two years ago, Cosmo said she is still working through certain aspects of grief.

Cosmo said when losing someone to cancer specifically, the denial phase looks different from what one might think.
“I feel like with cancer, the denial part comes (in) thinking they’re going to get better,” Cosmo said.

When you grow up grieving, it’s hard not to think about what the future entails. For myself, I often think about who will walk me down the aisle and who will be a grandfather figure for my kids.
For Cosmo, she said she is still working on acceptance every day, though some days are easier than others.
“Thinking about the future, and thinking about how she won’t be there, it makes it hard to want (a future),” Cosmo said.
Kaia McKinney, a sophomore studying biological sciences, was 7 years old when she lost her mom to ovarian cancer. McKinney said the anger and depression phases of grief hit her the hardest.
“I was really angry at my dad for a long time … I needed somebody to be mad at,” McKinney said.
After the loss of her mom, McKinney and her family moved to a new town. Having just lost her mom and moving to a town where she didn’t know anyone, McKinney said the loneliness and depression really set in.
People may not realize the memory loss many people experience after losing a parent.
McKinney said her entire childhood is a blur, and that she even struggles to remember the happy memories with her mom.
“I’ve always felt like I’ve missed that aspect of having a mom,” McKinney said. “I’ve always been a girly girl … I always wish I (could have had) that person that I could relate to.”

To help herself cope with the loss of her mom, McKinney writes letters to her. She tells her about what’s going on in her life as a way to keep her updated because she can’t
physically be here.
McKinney has found other relationships that have filled the hole her mother left in her life. As for acceptance and finding peace, she believes she has done so through other relationships.
“It’s been so long since she’s passed, I’ve had time to cope with (it),” McKinney said. Right

there next to you
Grief hurts. People process grief by running from it. I ran from it and hid from it until it found me in the little places. It found me in the middle of the hand soap aisle at Kroger, as my eyes glanced over the scent of lemon and basil. I felt sick to my stomach and my eyes started to burn with tears because that’s the scent my father loved and always bought.
Grief won’t always be a negative feeling. Grief changes over time—warmth melts the ice.
Now, I throw the hand soap in my cart, and I continue on with my shopping. There’s a point in the grieving process where tears turn to smiles. Cries turn to laughs. Life turns beautiful again.
Schoening said his dad loved Honey Buns.
“I think that’s part of acceptance … seeing that and not being sad about it, but laughing (at) a good memory,” Schoening said.

For Battoclette, it’s the song “Alive” by Krewella. For Cosmo, it’s birds and butterflies; she has three butterflies tattooed on her shoulder as a reminder of her mom. For McKinney, it’s hermit crabs and dogwood trees. These are all the little reminders we have left of the parent we had, the parent we cherish, the parent we love.
Cosmo suggested doing things that would make that parent proud. She emphasized how she wants to make more of her life in honor of her mother.
“I feel like I want to live for her and live my life to the fullest,” Cosmo said.
Life is fragile. Life is short. Somehow, and in some way, it’s still worth living even when those you love most are not there. However, they are still living right next to you in spirit.
Grief is sewn into periwinkle polo shirts because that’s the color my father always seemed to wear. It brought out his blue eyes. Grief tastes like the homemade strawberry lemonade he made every summer. Grief sat in the empty chair next to my mom at high school graduation. Grief found me when my roommate’s dad offered to install the air conditioner in my window because my mom didn’t know how and I lacked the parent who did.
“Grief is always in the weirdest places,” Schoening said. “(I) recently saw a video with (my father). It had his voice in it. It was a reminder of what it (sounded) like,” Schoening said. “How do you forget a voice that you heard every day?”
For Battoclette, grief showed up in the lack of guidance.
“Growing up without that masculine presence … I had to learn how to tie a tie (from) watching a YouTube video,” Battoclette said.
The older you get, the less you’re supposed to rely on your parents. Nevertheless, when you lose a parent as a child, it seems you actually need them more as you get older.
Grieving looks different at different points in life. There’s the final stage of grief, which is acceptance, but grief never goes away.
“It’s kind of like a hole that never really closes, but you really get accustomed to it and (learn) how to operate with that feeling,” Battoclette said.
No one moves on from grief; they move forward with it.
Grief can be extremely isolating, yet it somehow strings strangers together. Schoening and I both lost our dads to cancer a few days before our birthdays in 2013. Battoclette and I both have basketball hoops back home that were installed by our dads that we both feel guilty about not using anymore. Cosmo, McKinney and I all have tattoos in remembrance of our parents. Battoclette, Schoening and I all wrote our college essays about our fathers.
Schoening, Battoclette, Cosmo, McKinney and I all experienced a certain type of childhood that was suddenly stolen, not gradually lost.
There is a life of joy and laughter after trauma. Why? Because it’s just the way things are. That’s the way life works.
How do we find peace? How do we find that happiness again after the loss of a parent? How do we move forward with grief? Where do we go when a parent dies? We go on.
“Just (know) not (only) that you can be happy, but you also deserve to be happy,” Schoening said. “That love that you (had) for them doesn’t go anywhere and that love they had for you doesn’t go anywhere either … try not to forget that you have the ability to love and also the capacity to receive love.”
Grieving the loss of a parent can be less isolating when you know there are others around you who went through the same thing. Comfort, advice and simply knowing you aren’t the only one grieving can be a huge help.
When asked if she had any advice for someone who has recently lost a parent,
- Anson Battoclette, a senior studying communications
“It’s kind of like a hole that never really closes, but you really get accustomed to it and (learn) how to operate with that feeling.
- Chloe Cosmo, a junior studying early childhood education
“ I feel like I want to live for her and live my life to the fullest.
The Fantasy Football Dilemma
The NFL season is on the horizon and with that comes the tradition of Fantasy Football. Fantasy Football enjoyers become GMs and draft players solely based on how they think they would perform individually in any particular game. Many leagues consist of friends and coworkers, which is what entices many fans to partake in this yearly game.
Fantasy Football was an ingenious move by sports media outlets, which have made millions in revenue through sports betting and changed the way fans watch football. Fans become incentivized to watch games that may not involve their favorite teams because there could potentially be players on their Fantasy team. The feeling of your running back scoring the game-winning touchdown is almost euphoric and causes a newfound confidence that lasts until Thursday. While so many football fans love playing Fantasy Football every year, some find it to be nothing more than a luck-based, silly game that takes away from the true beauty and meaning of football. We all know that one person who pays no attention to their team but still finds a way to win the whole thing. Fantasy Football is less about your knowledge of the NFL and more about being lucky and picking the right players at the right time. Luck alone has angered almost every player of Fantasy Football at one point or another.
We’ve all experienced that one player who didn’t perform to the level they were expect-
ed to, and we blame them for the fall of the team. Some people take this anger way too far by sending racist comments to players.
One fresh example is Minnesota Vikings running back Alexander Mattison, who recently flopped in terms of individual performance–his second straight week of doing so–and he claimed to have received at least 60 messages from angry fans who were spouting racist messages, death threats and requests for him to kill himself. Suddenly a meaningless game that is just supposed to be fun becomes egregious.
Stories like Mattison’s are something unprofessional athletes never experience, so if fans do send some sort of message to these players, they do not fully appreciate the consequences of their actions. The messages to these players, and in some cases their families, don’t go unnoticed and leave most who receive these messages rattled, angry and scared. Sports fans can be a different kind of cruel, which can leave people wondering if Fantasy Football is worth the fun if it comes at the cost of players receiving threats and racially motivated hate.
Fantasy Football is a fun gateway to feeling more involved in a sport that millions of people love, not a way to take fits of anger out on the players who have done nothing wrong. Although it is annoying having a player underperform, racist comments toward anyone are unacceptable in every way, shape or form.
I want this to end positively, so I’ll finish by saying that I love Fantasy Football, as infuriated as it makes me, and will play until the day I die, and I encourage every football fan to at the very least partake in the fun once. But, when players are at the receiving end of racist attacks due to underperformance, I sometimes wonder if it’s worth it.
Quinn Elfers is a freshman studying journalism at Ohio University. Please note that the views and opinions of the columnists do not reflect those of The Post. Want to share your thoughts about the column? Let Quinn know by emailing him at me989022@ohio.edu.

¿Qué difícil es aprender el español?
It is a common sentiment to say, ¨I wish I spoke another language.¨ How hard is it to achieve this goal?
conocer a más gente y aprender sobre culturas diferentes.
However, it is very difficult to learn another language. You need to dedicate a lot of time and energy to the effort. Also, the process can be very frustrating. Sometimes you feel like you have a very complex understanding of the language, and later you talk with a native speaker and it makes you realize you do not know anything.
I understand all of these frustrations a little too well because I have been trying to learn Spanish all my life. Both of my parents speak the language, and for my dad, it is his first language. My sister and I grew up with the language, but, as you can imagine, there are not very many opportunities to learn and practice Spanish when you live in Northern Ohio.
seven years, and, furthermore, I have had the opportunity to live in two Spanish-speaking countries for two months each, but I still have days when I feel like I have forgotten everything I have learned.
Other people who speak a second language know the feeling when you cannot find the words to express yourself completely. I always joke that I am funnier and smarter in English than I am in Spanish.
Spanish is the second–most spoken language in the U.S. According to an article from Forbes, 13% of the population speak the language at home, and the country has the second biggest population of Spanish speakers. The number of Spanish speakers is predicted to grow in the future.
nates, or similar words, between them.
If you want to learn and you speak English, it is my recommendation for you to practice every opportunity you have. This can include listening to music or watching movies in Spanish. For me, I like to watch television shows and movies, but I put the subtitles in Spanish. A lot of the time, I find myself reading the subtitles more than watching the screen. Also, listening to music is a great way to familiarize yourself with the language. There are a ton of artists you can listen to and enjoy.
En conclusión, aprender el español es difícil pero factible. Requiere dedicación y tiempo, pero la recompensa vale la pena.
Si puedes leer esto, significa que tienes un poco de conocimiento del idioma español. ¡Felicidades! No sé de ti, pero yo amo a la idea de la capacidad de hablar más de un idioma. En mi opinión, es un ejemplo de trabajo duro e inteligencia. También, puedes
Many times, we were the only Latinas in our community, and we were not exposed a lot to the culture. We spoke Spanish a little at home, but it was not enough to achieve fluency.
I began to learn the language in a formal environment when I was in the seventh grade. I have studied the language for almost
According to The Economist, nowadays, apps like Babbel, Duolingo and Rosetta Stone make the process easier. According to Duolingo’s website, the majority of American users used it to learn Spanish during 2020.
Furthermore, if your first language is English, you have an advantage. Because the languages share an alphabet and are both romance languages, it is easier to learn one from the other. Also, there are a lot of cog-
Alyssa Cruz is a junior studying journalism and Spanish at Ohio University. Please note that the views and opinions of the columnist do not reflect those of The Post. What are your thoughts? Tell Alyssa by tweeting her at @alyssadanccruz.

Suicide Awareness Month calls for change
Cultivating a space for honest conversations about suicide with family, friends and even strangers can save lives. Despite popular belief, communicating with someone who has thoughts of suicide will not encourage suicidal tendencies. In fact, the Nevada Office of Suicide Prevention website claims that “fears shared are more likely to diminish,” and “the first step in encouraging a person with thoughts of suicide to live comes from talking about those feelings.”
language, which translates outdated phrases into phrases such as “someone died by suicide” or “someone experiences suicidal thoughts.”
Warning: This column contains content regarding suicide and mental health.
September is National Suicide Prevention and Awareness Month. In a country where deaths by suicide have increased by 7.6% in the past two years (5% in 2021 and 2.6% in 2022), it is crucial to observe this month and all of its implications properly. Raising awareness and prevention measures take more than just marking the calendar; engaging in proper conversation while using appropriate and accessible language will promote meaningful change.
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While it is human to not want to remind someone of their negative feelings, suicidal thoughts are so consuming that the victim will experience them whether they have an outlet to speak with or not. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 90% of Americans believe the nation is facing a mental health crisis. However, it is probable that a large portion of them either need an outlet or have the opportunity to be the outlet in someone else’s life.
When talking about suicide, language matters. Using terms like “commit” completely criminalizes suicide in the subconscious mind. When words that are associated with robbery and murder are used to describe people’s mental health struggles, stigmas are created. As a result, many proper organizations have adopted person-first
Social media recognition is not as important as therapy and medication for those with thoughts of suicide, but it deescalates stigmas and normalizes conversation. For those with internalized stigmas, seeing posts, graphics and affirmations about suicide and mental health awareness may help them feel less alone and not experience the shame that some still associate with suicide.
Searching hashtags like “#suicidepreventionmonth” and “#suicideawareness” on Instagram results in solely English posts with the occasional Spanish post. While other countries most likely have better health care and more equal access to therapy and medication, there is a heavy American social media presence surrounding suicide. Suicide does not exclude anyone. People anywhere can experience mental health issues, and they deserve to feel as seen and heard as those in the U.S., though there is serious work to do here as well. However, having a dedicated month is an impressive step toward change compared to the globally acknowledged World Suicide Prevention Day, which was Sept. 10 this year.
Suicide is not an easy topic to approach, but it is possible with the correct language and proper access to conversation. We all have the power to offer someone a little relief and, in turn, be offered the same relief if we need it.
The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (formerly known as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) offers 24/7 call, text and chat access to trained crisis counselors who can help people experiencing suicidal thoughts, substance use and/or mental health crises or any other kind of emotional distress. People can also dial 988 if they are worried about a loved one who may need crisis support. This disclaimer was provided by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Layne Rey is a sophomore studying journalism at Ohio University. Please note that the views and opinions of the columnist do not reflect those of The Post. What are your thoughts? Let Layne know by tweeting her @ laynerey12.
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It’s a paw-ty in Albany

The best concert venues in Ohio
GRACE KOENNECKE ASSISTANT THE BEAT EDITORAlthough Ohio gets a bad reputation for being in the Midwest, it holds many hidden gems in terms of concert venues. Whether you’re from Northeast or Southern Ohio, there are plenty of cool venues to check out this fall.
Here’s a list of the best concert venues in Ohio
Agora Theater & Ballroom – Cleveland

Cleveland is one of the best places to go see a concert in Ohio, especially if you’re looking for a city setting. In particular, the Agora Theater & Ballroom is one of the most interesting venues to see a concert at, as it was founded in 1913. With old-fashioned architecture such as pillars that line the stage and seating above and behind the pit, the venue has plenty of space for fans to dance and jump around. There’s also a bar located in the back of the venue, as well as places for merch, and it’s definitely versatile and easier to navigate than other places like the House of Blues or Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse. Additionally, a wide range of artists performs at this venue, including past acts such as Clairo, Wallows and even Bruce Springsteen.
Blossom Music Center – Cuyahoga Falls
If you’re not from Ohio, many people assume Blossom Music Center is also located in Cleveland,
but it actually sits within miles of the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, making it a beautiful outdoor venue to watch a concert. With pavilion and lawn seating, this venue is ideal for the summer months, and that’s usually prime time for music fans. Recently, artists such as 5 Seconds of Summer have played here, and there’s always something to do between acts at Blossom Music Center. With food vendors, plenty of bathrooms and space to move freely and walk around, this place is the best for music lovers who are looking for a more relaxed vibe.
KEMBA Live! – Columbus
What makes KEMBA Live! a standout venue is that it has an outdoor and indoor space for artists to perform. Yet, its outdoor stage is what draws in the biggest crowds, grabbing the attention of artists like The 1975 and Tyler, the Creator in the past to perform in Ohio’s capital. While this venue tends to pack in as many fans as possible, it’s perfect for fans who want an authentic concert experience. Basically, if you like the closeness of being next to fans in a pit or enjoy moshing, this venue may be your best bet.
Paycor Stadium – Cincinnati
Paycor Stadium is more suited for fans who want to experience bigger artists on a larger production scale, such as past performer Taylor Swift. This venue holds close to 66,000 people, which
makes the live experience more exciting, as you can hear the echoes of others singing along and screaming to their favorite artists. It’s also in the heart of downtown Cincinnati, close to the riverfront, which allows for city and nature landscapes to come together and create a space that is open and stress-free for fans.
The Union – Athens
Last, but certainly not least, is The Union in Athens, Ohio, of course. You haven’t truly lived out your four years at Ohio University if you haven’t gone to at least one event at The Union, which is one of the only live concert spaces in town. With an array of acts such as student bands, local performers or even critically acclaimed artists, The Union always has something going on during the weekends. They also host a student rendition of “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” every year, which is one of the venue’s biggest events. It’s a fun, quirky and experimental atmosphere for students and music lovers to enjoy on a weekly basis, and you always leave feeling better than you did before. @GRACE_KOE
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The best albums to listen to this fall
As the seasons change and the leaves turn, it’s tempting to want to spend more time cozying up indoors. This is the perfect time to catch up on some albums that capture the essence and overall feeling of the season.

Here are six albums to listen to this fall:
“Rumours”- Fleetwood Mac
The witchy, rock-infused style of Fleetwood Mac comes together in its 1977 album, “Rumours.” The piece essentially serves as a breakup album, highlighting tensions between John and Christine McVie, as well as Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks. Many of the songs such as “Dreams” and “The Chain” carry a certain mystic autumnal feel, while others like “Don’t Stop” and “Go Your Own Way” are brighter in tone, much like a warm, autumn afternoon.
“Strange Trails”- Lord Huron
Lord Huron’s concept album tells the story of Buck Vernon, a washed-up singer dealing with stories of love and loss, both in life and in death. However, the album feels like the changing of the seasons, progressively growing less upbeat and more melancholic as it goes, starting with the composed sounds of “Love Like Ghosts” and ending with the heartbreaking song “The Night We Met.” With songs like the autumnal cold “Frozen Pines,” the slightly spooky “Meet Me in the Woods” and the very spooky “Way Out There,” it is a fantastic fall album.
“Melophobia”- Cage the Elephant
Cage the Elephant’s 2013 album “Melophobia” has two very distinct moods: relaxed and spooky. The former includes tunes like “Cigarette Daydreams” and “Telescope,” which feel like cool autumn days where the air is crisp and cool. The latter includes grungy, rock-infused songs like “Spiderhead” and “It’s Just Forever ft. Alison Mosshart,” which feel more like the days leading up to Halloween.
“Stick Season”- Noah Kahan
No one gets the sad side of fall quite like Noah Kahan. The whole album feels like an ode to the inevitable seasonal depression that comes with the turning of the leaves and the changing of the seasons, with tracks like the titular “Stick Season” and “Halloween,”
paying homage to the melancholy of autumn.
“Waiting for the Sun”- The Doors Released in 1968, “Waiting for the Sun” is the oldest album on the list, but also one of the most representative of the season. Some are gentle and light, like “Love Street” and “Wintertime Love.” However, many of them are dark and set a spooky mood, like "Summer's Almost Gone," “Spanish Caravan,” and “Not to Touch the Earth,” painting a cold pic-
ture of coming days for the listeners.
“Unreal Unearth”- Hozier
“Unreal Unearth” has a song for every kind of fall weather. Some like “Damage Gets Done ft. Brandi Carlisle” and “Anything But” feel like a sunny, fall afternoon. Others like “Son of Nyx” and “To Someone from a Warm Climate” feel like a cold, dreary evening. Still, tracks like “De Selby Part 2” and “Francesca” feel like those autumn thunderstorms that
cause downpours out of nowhere.
2 ambulances requested, juvenile problems reported
It was reported that multiple items were taken off a bulletin board Monday.
Chirp chirp
Along Coal Run Road in Nelsonville, a disorderly man was reported to the Athens County Sheriff’s Office.
Upon arrival, officers spoke with the man and were told he was yelling at someone over the phone. No further assistance was necessary, and deputies resumed patrol.
Tick… tick… tick… CUCKOO
An incident of destruction of property in Glidden Hall was reported to the Ohio University Police Department.
A time clock was damaged, and a report was filed Monday.
Crazy K-9
Athens County Sheriff’s Office deputies assisted the dog warden in The Plains by capturing a lost dog.
Along North Plains Road, the dog was caught and was taken to the shelter.
Can’t catch us now!
Multiple minors throwing rocks at an old bus in the area of Mill Street in Chauncey were reported to the Sheriff’s Office.
When deputies arrived, they were informed that the juveniles left and were not identified.
An incident of destruction of property at Tiffin Hall was reported to the Ohio University Police Department.

A man walking and stumbling on the road along state Route 682 in Chauncey was reported to the Athens County Sheriff’s Office. When deputies located the man, it was determined that he was stumbling because he twisted his ankle. Officers offered a courtesy ride but the man declined.
Pop off
A complaint of juveniles pulling into the caller’s driveway and yelling obscenities on Cemetery Street in Coolville was received by the Sheriff’s Office.
As of the weekend, a report was taken, and the investigation is pending.
Better luck next time
An ambulance was requested at Galbreath Memorial Chapel Friday, according to OUPD.
A male was charged with underage consumption of alcohol and was transported to the Southeastern Ohio Regional Jail.
Gloves on
A fight in progress around Radford Road in Athens was reported to the Athens County Sheriff’s Office.
Upon arrival, deputies did not notice criminal activity and resumed control.
Meet me at the playground
A complaint of a possible fight at the GoMart in Coolville was reported to the Sheriff’s Office.
Deputies determined that two minors were planning to meet in the area to fight. Neither of the juveniles wanted to pursue charges and left the area without further incident.
Sweet Gam
A male was charged with disorderly conduct by intoxication in Gamertsfelder Hall, according to OUPD.
The incident created an ambulance request, which resulted in the charge.
RRRRhhhrrrEEerrRRRrRRR *car revving noises*
A suspicious vehicle along Oregon Ridge Road in Glouster was reported to the Sheriff’s Office. Upon arrival, deputies located the vehicle and it drove off.
Deputies engaged in a pursuit but ended it for safety reasons. A report was filed.
Welcome home
A theft on Rock Run Road in Coolville was reported to the Athens County Sheriff’s Office.
The caller stated that he had a man staying with him, who ended up taking multiple items from the caller while he was in the hospital.
Poor greeting
A theft was reported at Tanaka Hall Sunday, according to OUPD.
A doormat was stolen from the hall.
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