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customer service queens
Co-owners of Reeves Gift s Jewelry & More, Amanda Rentz and Shae Brouillet have set the bar high when it comes to customer service. Aft er only owning the store since July 2017, they have already been nominated for Small Business of the Year. With their passion for community causes and love of retail, it’s no wonder Rentz and Brouillet have found such success.
Th e two women previously worked at Godwin’s Jewelers with Brouillet having been there for 27 years, while Rentz worked there for 17 years. Th ey were both in management positions, when Brouillet was approached about an opportunity.
“Someone approached me and told me they knew something I would be really good at,” Brouillet said. “Th ey told me Reeves was for sale.”
Brouillet originally said she blew off the idea, but the more she got to thinking about it, she considered a change might be nice.
“I jokingly mentioned it to Amanda and said ‘let’s go buy Reeves together’ and she said ‘okay’,” Brouillet said. “Th en we did and it happened really, really quick. We really didn’t think it would happen.”
Brouillet and Rentz then met with previous owners, Gloria and Tom Reeves and discussed prices and what they were expecting of the new owners. From there, the paperwork fl ew by. Within a month, Brouillet and Rentz found themselves with a new store in hand.
“Everything just fell into place like it was supposed to,” Rentz said. “We never thought it would work out so quickly and easily.”
Since then, the women have somewhat rebranded, changing the original name of Reeves Linens and Gift s to Reeves Gift s Jewelry & More. In addition, they changed the logo and the layout of the store.
“We wanted to open it up a bit more and make it more spacious,” Rentz said. “We just wanted to update it.”
As far as products go, the store now has even more than it did when the duo purchased the store. However, they did add more jewelry and merchandized their products diff erently.
When looking for new products, Brouillet said they are always looking for the next best thing.
“We try to shop at all the other stores and support them and make sure we aren’t buying what they already have,” Brouillet said. “We also try to buy from a lot of give back companies.”
According to Rentz, Brouillet is the expert when it comes to merchandise.
“I love to decorate and I love to merchandise,” she said. “I make sure the displays are accessible for everyone, rather you are in a wheelchair or have a baby stroller. Th at’s why it’s more open.”
While the job may be hectic at times, Rentz and Brouillet have truly grown to love every minute of it, especially the customers.
“We strive on customer service,” Brouillet said. “We want to everyone who walks through the doors to feel welcome.”
Rentz echoed Brouillet’s statement, saying they both build on customer relationships.
“We both love people and get joy out of seeing people happy with their purchase,” Rentz said.
One of the ways they are able to build such great relationships is through their community involvement.
Reeves is particularly active in the Humane Society.
Every week, the store showcases a “Pet of the Week.” While showcasing the pet, the store off ers to put $50 toward the adoption fees, if someone will adopt it that week.
In addition to that, Rentz and Brouillet really try to give back in other ways as well.
Instead of simply getting rid of a product, they take products out to the nursing home or to senior citizens who may get more use out of it. Th ey have also taken products to Harvest House of Hope and Salvation Army.
Rentz and Brouillet said they couldn’t do the donations or the job alone, though. Th ey said they are thankful for their team of Alyson Matthews, Tonya Timmons, Christy Ward and seasonal worker, Ansley Walker.
Rentz and Brouillet ended by saying they are honored to be nominated and thank everyone for their support over the past few years.
Lauren Minor GREETING YOU WITH A SMILE: Shae Brouillet and Amanda Rentz are the co-owners of Reeves Gifts Jewelry and More and they pride themselves on customer service, making everyone feel welcome.
12 BAINBRIDGE LIVING / Winter 2022