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A Weekend to Remember: Premiere and
Taking fLigHT: a CeLebraTion of THe 1970’s & 1980’s
This is an adulTs-only evenT When: Friday, June 3rd from 4:00 - 6:00PM Where: Wingspread Cost: $35/person Alumni Ambassadors: Dick Coates ’72 and Bill Keland ’73
When you combine the rich history, architecture, and scenery of Wingspread with Prairie School alumni from the 1970’s and 80’s, it is certain to be a reunion for the books! Come to reminisce with your classmates, take a tour, partake in food and drink, and listen to live music: the perfect way to kick off Alumni Weekend.
CLass of 1985 afTer-parTy
This is a family-friendly evenT When: Friday, June 3rd from 6:00 - 8:30PM Where: Hot Shop Glass Cost: $5/adult Alumni Ambassador: Amanda Paffrath ’85
Glassblowing is iconically Prairie, which makes Hot Shop Glass – owned by Amanda Paffrath ’85 – a fitting addition to the weekend lineup. ’85 grads and their families are invited for drinks and appetizers at a private reception, but all TPS alumni are more than welcome to stop by for glassblowing demonstrations as part of Downtown Racine’s First Friday.
keVin WiLL CeLebraTion
This is a family-friendly evenT When: Friday, June 3rd from 7:00 - 9:00PM (Rain or Shine) Where: River Bend Nature Center Alumni Ambassador: Pat Wagner ’87
He tried to retire during the pandemic with as little fanfare as possible. Obviously, we couldn’t let that happen. Join us under the pavilion for a special tribute to one of the most beloved and down-to-earth educators in TPS history. Enjoy cocktails (adult and kiddie) and late-night snacks by a blazing campfire as we honor our colleague, coach, and friend...Kevin-style.
open House & aLumni/faCuLTy brunCH
This is a family-friendly evenT When: Saturday, June 4th from 9:30 - 11:30AM Where: The Prairie Campus Faculty Ambassadors: Pat Badger and Everett McKinney
Familiar faces and spaces: they are the reasons for returning, the reasons Prairie feels like home. Saturday morning begins by reconnecting you with the people who make Prairie, Prairie. Current and former TPS faculty and all of our alumni are invited to stop by, grab one of Carol’s cinnamon rolls at a continental brunch, and make your way through the halls on a self-guided tour. Visit with the people that bring back all those memories in spaces both familiar and new.
premiere 2022
This is an adulTs-only evenT When: Saturday, June 4th from 5:00PM - Late Where: The Prairie School’s Johnson Athletic Center Cost (alumni rate): $125/person
Come celebrate with the entire Prairie community at Premiere, a gala featuring silent and live auctions, a gallery of student artwork, games, a fabulous meal, and live music. Every dollar raised the night of Premiere supports Prairie’s scholarship program, creating opportunities for more students to experience a TPS education.
foreVer Linked: a CeLebraTion of THe 1990’s & 2000’s
This is a family-friendly evenT When: Sunday, June 5th from 11:00AM - 1:00PM (Rain or Shine) Where: Buddy’s Sports Bar and Grill/Mulligan’s Mini Golf Alumni Ambassadors: Heather Morris ’97, Shannon Watt ’01, Megan McGuire ’02 and Austin Schultz ’04
Wrap up your weekend with a family celebration at Buddy’s Sports Bar and Grill/Mulligan’s Mini Golf. A lunch spread will be provided, and you won’t want to miss the chance to sip on Buddy’s famous Bloody Marys (available at the cash bar). For friendly competition or to keep the kids busy, discounted rounds of mini golf can be purchased for any TPS guest!