The President Post English Edition July 2017

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July , 2017 | Vol. 7 No. 7


Indonesia Participates in Explore the World with Aarhus 2017 Page A4



To Support Kendal Industrial Park, Government Builds Port and Toll Road

Jababeka Acquires 50% of Land Area for KEK Morotai Page A7

Page A5

Jokowi: I Want More Investments from Muslim Countries During his visit to Darussalam Islamic Boarding School in Ciamis, West Java, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) expressed his intention to boost investments from Muslim countries. Currently the foreign investments mostly come from the developed countries such as the United States (US), Singapore, and Japan. Jokowi wants to balance it. Indonesia should not be too dependent on certain countries. “I really want Muslim countries to invest in our country. I have met with King Salman, and will meet with Bahrain and Oman soon. So there will be a balance. Now it is too many from the US, Singa-

“Regarding the Belt and Road Initiative, the Industry Ministry has encouraged the investment cooperation in the industrial estate of Tanah Kuning (North Kalimantan) and other industrial estates of priority such as the ones in North Sumatra and North Sulawesi,” he said.

pore, and Japan,” said Jokowi in Ciamis, on Saturday (10/6). He said he once asked a Qatari official why the rich countries in the Middle East prefer to invest in the US or Europe, not to Indonesia. It turned out the reason was because the President of Indonesia had never come to them. Jokowi wants to attract investments from Muslim countries through personal approaches, by coming to and meeting with them. “I asked Syeikh Mohammed, why you never invest in Indonesia? Always to the US or Europe. You know what he said? Yes, because Indonesia never came to me, its president never came to me, so I do not know what he wants. I intend to build such a personal relationship,” said Jokowi. “Now I can call King Salman, Syeikh Mohammed, Erdogan. If the relationship is personal, it will be easy to talk, it can be outspoken. My conversation with King Salman is already outspoken. With such relationship the investments will be easier to come to our country. The investments will generate a lot of job opportunities,” he concluded.

Quote Of The Day

I really appreciate the courage of young people in opening a business, raising a local brand. President Joko Widodo

China Invests Rp21.7 trillion in Morowali There are two projects under the cooperation of Chinese and Indonesian companies in investing in Morowali, the construction of a steel factory and a power plant.

Several Chinese companies have agreed to invest in the Morowali industrial estate, Central Sulawesi. Their investment value reaches US$1.63 billion or around Rp21.7 trillion. This investment is carried out by cooperating with the local companies. “We appreciate the B to B (business to business) cooperation between the two countries which is expected to contribute in the enhancement of national industrial competitiveness; even to increase the equality of the development and prosperity in Indonesia,” said Industry Minister Airlangga Hartarto recently. The commitment was realized through the signing of a memo-

randum of understanding (MoU) between Tsingshan Group and Delong Group with PT Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park. The companies will construct a carbon steel processing plant in the Morowali industrial estate. The production capacity of the factory will be 3.5 million tons per year with the total investment of US$980 million. Another MoU was signed under the cooperation of Tsingshang Group and Bintang Delapan Group with PT Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park to develop a power plant in the industrial estate. The 700 megawatts power plant will cost an investment of US$650 million.

According to Airlangga, the cooperation is the follow-up of the bilateral meeting between President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Chinese President Xi Jinping. The meeting aimed to improve the Indonesia-China economic cooperation discussed at the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing, China, last May. “Regarding the Belt and Road Initiative, the Industry Ministry has encouraged the investment cooperation in the industrial estate of Tanah Kuning (North Kalimantan) and other industrial estates of priority such as the ones in North Sumatra and North Sulawesi,” he said.

The signing of the two MoUs was conducted on the sidelines of the China-Indonesia Cooperation Forum: Belt and Road Initiative and Global Maritime Fulcrum in Beijing, China on June 16, 2017. Several Indonesian officials who witnessed the co­ operation agreement were Coordinating Minister for the Maritime Affairs Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, Head of the Investment Coordinating Board Thomas Trikasih Lembong, and Indonesian Ambassador to China Sugeng Rahardjo. Meanwhile, Minister Airlangga was represented by the Director General of Resilience and Development of International Industrial Access

(KPAII) Harjanto and Director General of Industrial Zone Development (PPI) Imam Haryono. In the forum Imam Haryono delivered a presentation about the infrastructure projects in the industrial estates in North Kalimantan, North Sumatra and North Sulawesi, while Harjanto’s presentation was about the po­ licies related to the development in the areas outside Java and the incentives offered to the investors. The Indonesian delegation also held a meeting with the China Communications Construction Co. Ltd. (CCCC). According to Harjanto, the CCCC recognizes Indonesia as a strategic partner especially in the development of infrastructure projects such as power plants, bridges and railways. China is the third largest investor in Indonesia with investment value in the manufacturing sector last year reaching US$2 billion for 594 projects. This fi­ gure increased 839 percent compared to 2015. During 2014-2016 the Chinese investments in Indonesia are concentrated in the manufacturing of metals, machinery, electronics, non-metal minerals, chemicals and pharmaceuticals as well as food. (KTD/TPP)

Jokowi : We Do not Want to be Beaten by Other Countries In the last day of a series of Working Visit to Central Java, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) symbolically inaugurated the infrastructure pro­jects in Temanggung Regency, including the two suspension bridges of Galeh River and Soropadan, and Parakan Wetan Rent Apartment in Kauman Village. The construction of the Galeh River suspension bridge is to connect the Gandurejo Village with Kauman Village, while the Soropadan suspension bridge will connect the Soropadan Village with Kalikuto Village. In his speech Jokowi said

today it is no longer the big beats the small, not the strong beats the weak, but the fast moving country will beat the slow ones. “So to make us move fast, many of such a simple suspension bridge like this should be built,” said Jokowi as quoted from the official website of the Cabinet Secretariat on Sunday (6/18). While mentioning matters d ities, related to the commo­ the president said that we have been too long to move in a monotonous, routine and linear way so do not dare to see other opportunities to make a breakthrough.

“The cocoa in Indonesia used to be excessive, so we were confused how to sell it; then we exported it raw. Now there is an obligation to process the cocoa first and that

makes the chocolate industry grows well, unfortunately the development of the cocoa plantations does not keep up with the industry pace so now there is a gap between the demand and supply,” said Jokowi, adding some regions should plant cocoa and coffee. He called on the regents and the governors to see such an opportunity. “Do not encourage people to plant oil palm because other regions plant the commodity. When the price fell, everyone suffers,” he said. The heads of regions, according to Jokowi, should be

able to see which commodity is profitable for their respective farmers. “We are too long thinking linearly, monotonously, and routinely. That’s what we have to change to make the country, either provinces or regions to compete in a speedy race because once again, the fast will beat the slow and we do not want to lose the race,” said Jokowi. On that occasion Jokowi was accompanied by Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, Minister of PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono, and Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo. (DTK/TPP)

A2 | July , 2017 | Vol. 7 No. 7


Jokowi Holds Intense Communication with Middle East to Bring in Investors President Joko Widodo has said that he kept communicating intensely with the top officials of the Middle East countries. In addition to build friendship, the communication is expected to grow the Indonesian economy. The countries in the Middle East such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are homes of many international-class investors. However, the investors rather invest in Europe and America along this time. “Why not to Indonesia, because during this time the Indonesian president never went to visit them, nor the ministers,” said Joko Widodo on Saturday (6/9). Jokowi said that he hoped the high intensity of communication with each state’s top brass will result in investment to Indonesia. Ac-

“We will push the incoming investment to flow into the real sector. The investors can build factories, industrial estates or infrastructure that we hope to provide maximum employment for the communities,” said Jokowi.

cording to him, by building a friendship the government of Indonesia can be frankly ask for help when needing it. So far the investments to Indonesia are coming from America, China, South Korea, Japan, and Singapore. Jokowi said that he hoped the investments from Middle East could be at the same value as the investments from the countries. According to Jokowi, the government is preparing for the golden economy in 2045 or 100 years of Indonesia’s independence. If the development of investments is going in accordance with the programs and the economic growth is able to achieve 5-6 percent then the economy of Indonesia in that year will be good. “Our income per capita could be 29,000 US dollars. We will be in the 4th position of the world’s strongest countries in economy,” said Jokowi. (RPBK/TPP)

President: International Trust Influences Capital Inflows President Joko Widodo has stated that the investment grade rating given by some institutions shows the international confidence in Indonesia which in turn will generate investment and capital inflows.

President Joko Widodo has stated that the investment grade rating given by some institutions shows the international confidence in Indonesia which in turn will generate investment and capital inflows. “The trust will generate cash inflows, capital inflows, investment inflows,” President Jokowi said in a special interview with Perum LKBN Antara at Merdeka Palace on Thursday (6/8). President Jokowi, accompanied by President’s Special Staff for Communications Johan Budi SP and Head of Press and Media Information Bureau of Presiden-

tial Secretariat Bey Machmudin, said that he expected the cash inflows will not just stop in the portfolio investment in the stock market, but flowing into the real sector. “We will push the incoming investment to flow into the real sector. The investors can build factories, industrial estates or infrastructure that we hope to provide maximum employment for the communities,” said President Jokowi. The president added that the investment grade is an international trust in Indonesia, especially in terms of the ease of in-

vestment. “It is important that we continue to reform, simplify licensing and ease of doing business, provide adequate infrastructure that is the determinant factor of competitiveness, and also overcome the high cost economy of ports, airports, roads,” he said. Regarding the impact of feasible investments for ordinary people, President Jokowi said the influx of capital and investment into the regions will make the circulation of money there bigger and it will create employment for the communities. “I think people can take the positives here, to create jobs. Money circulation means that there will be an increase in welfare and people’s purchasing power,” said President Jokowi. According to him, when the people’s purchasing power increases, the farmers and fishermen can sell their commodities at better prices. The president also expressed his gratitude that Indonesia has achieved investment grade rat-

ing from various international ra­ting agencies. “After Fitch Rating, Moody’s, S & P, and then UNCTAD also improved our ranking from previously at 8th to 4th after the US, China, India,” said Jokowi. The results of United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) survey rank Indonesia at fourth as a prospective investment destination in 2017-2019. The rank jumped four steps from the eighth position in 2016. UNCTAD’s business survey was held with respondents of multinational companies whose 11 percent of their executives gave positive responses to Indonesia. On the top of the rank is the United States with a response of 40 percent, followed by China 36 percent and India 20 percent in the second and third. The fourth position is Indonesia’s followed by Thailand in the fifth and the Philippines in the 10th. Vietnam and Singapore are ranked 12th and 13th respectively. (BRS/ TPP)

Jokowi Wants Bali’s Economy to Maintain Culture and Creativity In the opinion of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Bali province has its own advantages compared to other provinces, especially that the economy in Bali is not driven by the natural resources only. According to him, Bali actually is driven by the tour-

ism sector and creative industries that rely on the culture and creativity. “With the culture and creativity, Bali provides a positive color for the image of Indonesia in the eyes of the world because foreign tourists are more familiar with

Bali than Indonesia,” said Jokowi in a limited meeting to evaluate the implementation of the national strategic projects in Bali Province in the Presidential Office, Jakarta, on Wednesday (6/14). Nevertheless, Jokowi said that he expected the growth

in these two segments must be maintained for the sustainability of national economic growth. “So that it can really give a significant impact for the welfare of the people of Bali and also the progress of Bali itself,” he said. (SND/TPP)

President Stresses on Importance of Maintaining Economic Growth in Banten, Toll Road to Tanjung Lesung to be Completed 2019

“I hope this positive momentum can be maintained, even enhanced,” he said at the Presidential Office, Jakarta, as quoted in the press release by Head of Press, Media and Information Bureau of Presidential Secretariat Bey Machmudin.

President Jokowi has stressed on the importance of maintaining the positive momentum of the rising economic growth in Banten. The promise given by President Jokowi in 2015 when inaugurated the Special Economic Zone (KEK) of Tanjung Lesung began to realize. The toll road of Serang-Panimbang leading to Tanjung Lesung is targeted for completion in 2019. In a limited meeting on Wednesday (6/14), discussing the implementation of natio­ nal strategic projects and prio­ rity programs in Banten Province, President Jokowi mentioned that Banten economic growth in 2016 reached 5.26 percent. The data show that in the first quarter of this year the economic growth increased to 5.9 percent. “I hope this positive momentum can be maintained, even enhanced,” he said at the Presidential Office, Jakarta, as quoted in the press release by Head of Press, Media and Information Bureau of Presidential Secretariat Bey Machmudin. Nevertheless, the president also reminded that the increas-

ingly positive growth should be enjoyed evenly in all areas of Banten. Meanwhile, according to the Ministry of PUPR on Saturday (6/17), the construction of Serang-Panimbang toll road is planned to start this year and is targeted to be completed in 2019. The toll road will connect at least four autonomous cities and regencies, namely Serang City, Serang Regency, Lebak Regency, and Pandeglang Regency and is expected to stimulate the new economy in the areas. The toll road will increase the accessibility to southern Ban­ten and support one of 10 priority tourism destinations developed by the government, the Special Economic Zone (KEK) or the National Tourism Strategic Area (KSPN) of Tanjung Lesung. To build the 83.67 km toll road, the fund of Rp3.56 trillion is needed. Its construction will be done by PT Wijaya Karya Serang-Panimbang. Now the Serang-Panimbang toll road is still in the stage of land acquisition with a progress of 83.91%. (PRN/ DTK/TPP)

President Jokowi: Economy Grows, Unemployment Drops Just like West Java, Banten Province is also a buffer zone of the capital city of DKI Jakarta with very close interrelation in the provision of public services, trade, and in the field of investment. That was conveyed by President Joko Widodo when he opened a closed meeting discussing the Evaluation of National Strategic Project Implementation and Priority Programs in Banten Province at the Presidential Office, Jakarta, on Wednesday (6/14). “The strong linkage should be a capital for the development of Banten, especially in the effort to improve the quality of the economic growth, eradicate the poverty, reduce the inequality, and decrease the unemployment,” added

the president. President Jokowi further said that Banten Province has continued to move faster and in 2016 the economic growth in Ban­ten was recorded at 5.26% while in the first quarter of 2017 it increased to 5.90%. “I see this economic growth is linear with the decline in the number of open unemployment in Banten Province,” said the president. For that, President Jokowi said that he hoped the positive momentum in Banten can be maintained and improved further. “I also want to remind that this increasingly economic growth should be spread more evenly throughout the region of Banten,” said President Jokowi. (AR/TPP)

To Accelerate National Development, Jokowi Prepares One Map Policy In February of 2016, the Presidential Regulation No. 9 of 2016 about one map policy was signed by President Joko Widodo. Under the Presidential Regulation, it is expected there will be only one map based on one geospatial reference, one standard, one database, and one geoportal to accelerate the implementation of national deve­ lopment. In a limited meeting on Tuesday (6/13), President Joko Widodo gathered his staff to discuss the followup of the Presidential Regulation. “This policy is important. It is necessary to unify all informations produced by various institutions into an integrated map,” said President Jokowi at the Presidential Office, Jakarta. The integrated map will prevent problems of the differences about geospatial informations from arising. Additionally, the policy is also expected to facilitate the settlement on the conflicts over the border areas throughout Indonesia. “There will be no difference and overlapping in

the geospatial information and there will be only one geospatial reference in handling strategic policy making and license issuance. I believe that a single map policy will facilitate the resolution of conflicts arising from overlapping land use and assist in the settlement of regional borders across Indonesia,” he said. According to the president, from 85 thematic maps targeted in the Presidential Regulation, only 26 maps have been completed for the whole Indonesia. While the 57 other maps are still under compilation and the remaining 2 maps are missing. “I want all the problems found in the field to immediately be solved, especially the maps related to land plots of ulayat (under customary law) and village boundaries,” said the president. He also asked the officials to do the mapping carefully and accurately so that it will create one map that provides certainty on the data and information to be used as the common ground. Previously in a limited meeting on April 7, 2016, President Joko Widodo has instructed his staff to first focus on the work of thematic maps for the island of Borneo. (SR/TPP)

July , 2017 | Vol. 7 No. 7 | A3


Automotive and Mamin Sectors Increase Industrial Growth The automotive and food & beverage (Mamin) sectors have boosted the industry’s growth in the second quarter of 2017, according to Industry Minister Airlangga Hartarto. “The growth of industry in the first and second quarters of this year is better than last year,” said Airlangga after holding a breaking fast gathering at his residence in Jakarta on Tuesday (6/6) He added that the upward trend always occurs during Ramadhan and Idul Fitri for both sectors.

PUBLISHER S. D. Darmono COMMISSIONER Agus Canny, Muljadi Suganda SENIOR ADVISOR Yuwono Sudarsono, Ermaya Suradinata, Sugiharto, Bacelius Ruru, Komaruddin Hidayat, Cosmas Batubara, George Hadi Santoso, Scott Younger, Ali Basyah Suryo, Prof. Budi Susilo Soepandy

“Indeed this is only 10 days of the fasting month, so, more precise figure we will see,” said Airlangga. He further said that he is optimistic the growth of industry in the second quarter of 2017 will be better than the previous period due to the increase in consumption during Ramadhan and Idul Fitri. Airlangga added there is always an increase in demand for food and beverage products such as syrup, nata de coco, biscuits, bread and others. In the first quarter of 2017, the

food and beverage industry grew by 8.15 percent. In the meantime the textile industry is expected to be boosted due to the high demand for sarongs and Muslim clothes during Ramadhan and Idul Fitri. Airlangga assured the pri­ ces of food and beverage products will be within a reasonable range so as not to burden the public. “We ask the consumers not to worry about the stock of staple foods during the fasting month until Lebaran, since the industry players have anticipated it,” he said. (IDTY/TPP)

Agriculture Minister Optimistic Corn Self-Sufficiency and Zero Import in 2018

CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER AND EDITOR IN CHIEF Rachmat Wirasena Suryo EDITORIAL SECRETARY Erni S. Bermansyah, Azzahrotul Muthmainnah HS DEPUTY EDITOR IN CHIEF Arya Mandala, Dhiyan W. Wibowo, Robert J. EDITOR Achmad Fadli, Irvan Ali, Meutia Febrina, Khodijah Febriyani ART DIRECTOR Anton Ristiono

Indonesia is still pursuing the target of corn self-sufficiency to suppress the import of the commodity that has been reduced by 66 percent in 2016.

WEB MANAGER Reza Partakusuma PHOTOGRAPHER Fakhri Muhammad SALES AND MARKETING MANAGER Nina Karlita ASSISTANT MANAGER Erni Imansyah BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Dessy Yulieta SALES AND MARKETING Citra Arinda M., Marmis Rivera, Dwi Yuwanti CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP Mirna Rumapea, Rangga Wiraspati, Puteri Anjatsari CIRCULATION AND DISTRIBUTION Maman Panjilesmana HEAD OF EDITORIAL AND MARKETING BEKASI, CIKARANG, KERAWANG, AND CILEGON Kris Cahyono HEAD OF EDITORIAL AND MARKETING JOGJAKARTA, SEMARANG, SURAKARTA, AND SURABAYA Edi Santoso, Sriyanto THE PRESIDENT POST Menara Batavia 25th floor Jl. KH. Mas Mansyur Kav. 126 Jakarta 10220 Telp. +62 21 579 303 47 Fax. +62 21 572 733 8 PARTNERS

“Our forecast is we will get a surplus in 2018,” said Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman in a written statement received on Monday (6/12). The same thing was also conveyed by Indonesian Pre­ sident Joko Widodo when opening the National Farmers and Fisher­ men Week (Penas KTNA) in Banda Aceh (5/6). Jokowi expressed his appreciation to the farmers across Indonesia who have been supporting in the increase of corn production, so that Indonesia was able to reduce the imported corn from 3.6 million tons in

2015 to 900,000 tons in 2016 after the Government of Indonesia decided to set the government purchase price (HPP) at Rp3,150 per kg. According to Amran, although has yet to reach surplus, but the national corn stock has improved so much and managed to suppress the import by 66 percent. “If the production keeps increasing, the government believes Indonesia’s corn production will be surplus immediately or in 2018,” he said. The increasing production of course, said Minister of Agriculture, will also continue to low-

Rather than Merger, Minister of SOE Chooses Holding Company for Banks

Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Rini Soemarno has said that she was not interested to merge the SOEs but instead to establish a holding company especially for the financial sector. “We have no intention to merge, but establish a holding company instead,” said Rini on the sidelines of the Ramadhan working visit in Muara Angke on Sunday (6/11). Establishing a holding company is considered more useful because basically, the existing four state-owned banks have different characteristics and the government does not want to eliminate the benefits of each character of the banks. For example, PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk is known as the provi­der

of low-interest mortgage loans with long tenors, especially for the low-income people (MBR), so the presence of BTN is needed by the government. “These four banks are big and considering the size of this republic, we still need these four banks to exist in their respective fields,” Rini added. The idea of merger was proposed by the candidate of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (DK OJK) Sigit Pramono during his fit and proper test in the House of Representatives (DPR). He considered the merger as more efficient in time than establishing the holding company which since being planned last year, it has yet to be realized up to now. Moreover, the legal basis of the holding scheme has not been approved by the House of Representatives (DPR). Some time ago, the government regulation on the holding company was brought to the Supreme Court (MA) by Mahfud MD on behalf of the National Assembly Alumni Corps of Islamic Students Association (KAHMI) and several other parties. Thus, the government still has to wait for the result of judicial review. If the Supreme Court sees the

government has to revise it, the SOE Ministry and the Finance Ministry need to amend it. Unfortunately, Rini has expressed her reluctance to prepare any other option. When the scheme of the Minis­ try of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) on the holding company is completed, PT Dana­reksa (Persero) will become the holding company for the four stateowned banks of PT Bank Ne­gara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk or BNI, PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk, PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Or BRI, and BTN. However, the establishment of holding company for the financial sector is expected to be slower than other sectors of ener­g y and construction. The Ministry of SOEs targets to complete the last two first. In the mining sector, PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (Persero) Tbk or Inalum will become the holding company for PT Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk or Antam, PT Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk, and PT Timah (Persero) Tbk. In the oil and gas sector the government plans to merge PT Pertamina (Persero) and PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) or PGN. (CNN/TPP)

er the imports of corn. He added suppressing the imports will not only by increasing the corn production, but also by cooperat­ing with the Indonesian Feed Mills Association (GPMT). The GPMT has been asked to encourage its member companies to buy the domestic products of corn for their feed mills, he said. “With the GPMT members as the standby buyers, the farmers are more enthusiastic to grow the corn so that the total production can meet even sometime exceed their needs at about 1.7 million tons per month,” he said.

The data of BPS (Central Statistic Bureau) show in 2016 the production of dry corn reached 23 million tons and with the target of additional planting fields of 700,000 to 1 million hectares in 2017, Indonesia is optimistic to have surplus of corn in 2018. So the concern of Dwi Andreas that Indonesia will face deficit 1.5 million tons of corn is unwarranted. The corn surplus is expected to also decrease the import of wheat, since the wheat can be substituted with corn as the raw material for some certain industries. (JPNN/TPP)

Industry Minister Inaugurates Motorola and Lenovo Mobile Factory in Serang Industry Minister Airlangga Hartarto has inaugurated the production facility of cellular phones under the brands of Motorola and Lenovo operated by PT Tridharma Kencana (TDK), Serang, Banten. The 4G LTE-based mobile phone factory has met the domestic component level (TKDN) at 34 percent. “We continue to push for the smartphones to be produced domestically. The market size in Indonesia is about 60 million. For that, we hope there are incentives for raw materials like tax exemption in order to encourage the manufacturers,” he said in a written statement in Jakarta, on Thursday (6/8). According to Airlangga, this factory deserves appreciation given its production process has been using high-tech devices and implement strict standards and quality control, where the system is online under the direct supervision of Motorola Mobility USA. “This proves that Indonesia is able to develop the information and communication technology industry. Besides Indonesia is one of the attractive and appropriate options to in-

vest, as it is the third largest market in Asia after China and India,” he said. TDK CEO Hendryk L. Karosekali said currently the domestic manufacturers have proven their capability to produce telecommunications devices from the global mobile phone brand holders. “Our production capacity of up to 15 thousand units per day is an achievement that can boast for in the telematics industry in Indonesia,” he said. TDK produces mobile phones up to 400 thousand units per month. Meanwhile, the production facility for Lenovo and Motorola is capable of producing up to 250 thousand units per month. “We don’t only produce the lowend 4G phones, but the premium-class smartphones as well,” he said. Hendryk said that he expected the synergy between upstream and downstream of the telecommunication industry, as well as strict regulations to make mobile phone manufacturing activities run smoothly. “With the consistent rules on


TKDN, it will automatically raise the people’s economy,” he added Meanwhile Adrie R. Suhadi, Country Lead Mobile Business Group of Lenovo Indonesia, said that the opportunity for electro­nic manufacturing services (EMS) in Indonesia in producing smartphones is still wide open. “It depends on the readiness of the industry and other supports.” Adrie also said TDK will need the support from the government, in this case the Ministry of Industry, as an important factor to increase the production. “This is the form of TDK seriousness as EMS manufacturer,” he added. (LPT6/TPP)

A4 | July , 2017 | Vol. 7 No. 7

INTERNATIONAL Ceremony to Celebrate Pancasila Birthday in Wellington

RI Offers US$30.5 Billion Projects at Nomura Investment Forum

On Thursday (6/1), the Indonesian Embassy in Wellington held a ceremony to celebrate the birthday of Pancasila with solemnity. The ceremony was led by Ambassador Tantowi Yahya and was attended by all staff. Not like such a ceremony in general, in this ceremony there was a reading of the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia No. 24 of 2016 on the Birthday of Pancasila as a summary of the history of the dynamics in the formulation of Pancasila as the basis of the Indonesian State. Ambassador Tantowi in his speech as the ceremo-

ny leader said that Pancasila was generated from the mother earth and thoughts of the Indonesian people and then appeared as the state ideo­ logy making the world, which at that time only recognized two ideologies, to be amazed. The ambassador also reiterated the role of the representatives and all staff of the Indonesian Embassy in Wellington to comprehend and love the values of Pancasila to be able to introduce them to the government and community of New Zealand as the entrance point for Indonesia’s promotion in all sectors. (KML/TPP)

“In the future we will continue to push such a scheme because of its huge potential to accelerate the development of infrastructure that is evenly distributed throughout Indonesia,” explained Bambang Brodjonegoro.

Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas Bambang PS Brodjonegoro attended the Nomura Investment Forum Asia (NIFA) 2017 held in Singapore, on June 6-9, 2017. In the NIFA 2017, the government represented by Head of Bappenas offered 35 infrastructure projects, both in the scheme of public private partnership (PPP) and PINA (NonAPBN Investment Financing), worth US$30.5 billion. “Infrastructure development is an important focus of the current Jokowi-JK government to improve the connectivity, reduce the regional disparities, support the rural and urban deve­ lopment and most importantly a sufficient infrastructure will re-

Indonesia has been invited to participate in the Explore the World with Aarhus 2017 held on June 2-3, 2017. This is a festival for traveling, culture, culinary (gastronomy) and shopping located in Aarhus City, Jutland, Denmark. The festival

is held in connection with the appointment of Aarhus City as the center of European culture of 2017. The festival took the theme of Explore the World - Pictures of the World with the number of visitors was estimated between

150,000 and 200,000 people. The Indonesian Embassy participated in the festival by presenting cultural performances, tourism promotion and Indonesian typical culinary. In addition to the Embassy, some other participants who

duce the high economic costs,” Bambang Brodjonegoro said on Wednesday (6/7). The government’s participation in the NIFA 2017 is expected to encourage the overseas investors to engage in the infrastructure development under the investment schemes that have been prepared by the government. Approximately 200 investors from around the world attended the forum, consisting of 70 percent of local Singaporean investors and 30 percent from various other countries. Some of the world’s leading investors include Credit Suisse Asset Management, Daiwa Asset Management, DBS Bank, Deutsche Asset Ma­ nagement, East Springs, Fidelity Invest-

ments, Government of Singapore Investment Corporation, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, Temasek, China Asset Management, Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, Kuwait Investment Authority, Oman Investment Fund, Qatar Investment Authority, Aber­ deen Asset Management, and so forth. The projects offered by the government consisted of 31 projects under the PPP scheme and 4 projects under the PINA scheme, working on port, toll road, railway and telecommunication/satellite. Bambang stressed on the importance of using PINA financing scheme since it’s profitable for both the government and investors. Under the PINA scheme, 20 percent to 30 percent of the

total financing may come from the equity, while 70 percent to 80 percent from project loan and infrastructure bonds. The PINA scheme is expected to encourage the private investors to involve in the infrastructure development which previously was done entirely by the government. The large amount of investment required in the infrastructure development pushes the government to involve the private sector an equity investor. “In the future we will conti­ nue to push such a scheme because of its huge potential to accelerate the development of infrastructure that is evenly distributed throughout Indonesia,” explained Bambang Brodjonegoro. (LPT6/TPP)

Indonesia Participates in Explore the World with Aarhus 2017

promoted Indonesia were the tour operator of Denmark Travel2Bali Tour specifically selling tour packages to Indonesia, accessories stores, restaurants selling Indonesian foods and Indonesian typical coffee of Kopiko Volcano Coffee Indonesia. The purpose of this participation is to support the promotion of Trade Tourism Investment (TTI), especially to encourage the achievement of 15 million foreign tourist visits to Indonesia in 2017, especially the ones from Denmark and its surrounding areas that currently reach more than 30 thousand tourists and is expected to increase steadily, following the increase of the Denmark’s economic growth. (KML/TPP)

KJRI Karachi Holds Ifthar Gathering with Pakistan-Indonesia Business Forum The Indonesian Consul General in Karachi held a breaking fast (iftar) gathering also as a networking business dinner at the Al-Bustan Restaurant Hotel Movenpick by inviting the local business community incorporated in the Pakistan-Indonesia Business Forum (PIBF) chaired by Mr. Shamoon Zaki, Director of Zaki Industrial Corporation on Friday (6/2). No less than 17 (seventeen) directors of PIBF attended the event while the other 3 (three)

entrepreneurs of PIBF directors failed to show up. The Indonesian Consul General was accompanied by all KJRI’s staff. The Consul General expressed his appreciation to the attendees for their coming and expected that the PIBF would participate actively in the Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI) event to be held on October 11-15, 2017 at the ICEBSD City and Indonesia Products Solo Exhibition in November 2017 in Karachi. During the event each direc-

tor reported their business development with Indonesia and said they still expected the support from the Consulate General of Karachi. The development of cooperation in the period of First Semester of 2017 is the signing of the latest agreement in the coal sector between Mr. Syed Imran Hamid (a Pakistani company) with Hen’s Co (Indonesia). PIBF plans to join the delegation of buyers of Sindh Province to attend the Trade Expo Indonesia in October 2017. (KML/TPP)

July , 2017 | Vol. 7 No. 7 | A5


To Support Kendal Industrial Park, Government Builds Port and Toll Road

The government will soon develop the Kendal Port and Semarang Outer Ring Road (SORR) to support the Kendal Industrial Park (KIK) which was inaugurated by President Jokowi and Prime Minister of Singapore in November 2016.

Through the state-owned enterprise of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) the Kendal Port will be developed with an investment of Rp250 billion. President Director of Pelindo III, Ari Askhara, on Thursday (9/6) night, said that the Kendal Port is developed to support the industrial estates in Central Java, especially the Kendal Industrial Park. Besides, the utilization of Tanjung Emas Port in Semarang is almost maximal. According to him the utilization of a port should not reach

90%. When approaching 80%, the management must develop other port or add terminals. “We will develop partnerships with the local government or investors for the port development. But for the early stage we have prepared the fund from the internal cash resources although we also are open the possibility to get funding from capital market or banking loans,” he said. Commercial and Operational Director of Pelindo III, Mohammad Iqbal, said that the company has approached the Ken-

dal Regency Government for the development plan and got a po­ sitive response. According to him, Kendal Port will be synergized with the Tanjung Emas Port in Semarang. Meantime to build the toll road connecting Semarang City with hinterland areas such as Kendal, the Semarang Municipal Government has cooperated with the Kendal Regency Government by signing an agreement in Semarang on Thursday (6/8) by Semarang Mayor Hendrar Prihadi (Hendi) and Kendal Regent

Mirna Annisa. According to Hendi, the road will start from Mangkang to the North Artery of Semarang City covering 421,500 square meters land area with 6,363 square meters are in the Kendal Regency. In addition to reducing congestions in the city of Semarang, SORR is expected to grow the economy in Semarang city and surrounding areas. “The SORR will also support the Kendal Industrial Park in transporting the goods from and to Tanjung Emas Port Sema-

rang. After the land acquisition is completed, we will ask the Ministry of Public Works and Housing to finance the project worth about Rp1.5 trillion,” Hendi said. KIK is built by PT Kawasan Industri Kendal, a joint venture (JV) between PT Jababeka Tbk and Singapore Sembawang Corporation (Sembcorp) with Jababeka holding a majority share of 51 percent. “Central Java industry according to Governor Ganjar Pranowo is growing so fast so

Once Serang-Panimbang Toll Road Completed, JakartaTanjung Lesung Only 3 Hours

Runway of Letung Airport, Anambas, Riau, Extended

The Special Economic Zone (KEK) of Tanjung Lesung has been inaugurated by President Jokowi in February 2015, when he announced that the Serang-Panimbang toll road will be built to shorten the travel time to the tourist destinations in Tanjung Lesung. Currently, the Committee for the Acceleration of Priority Infrastructure Provision (KPPIP) has involved in the government’s program in accelerating the infrastructure projects to support the tourist destinations in South Banten. Chairman of KPPIP Implementation Team Wahyu Utomo said that the Serang-Panimbang toll road is the key for the development of the tourism Special Economic Zone of Tanjung Lesung. “Most likely the Serang-Panimbang toll road will be completed in 2019,” Wahyu said in a statement on Tuesday (6/6). According to him, the Serang-Panimbang toll road would be in synergy with the international tourist destination. Tourists from Jakarta can go to the Tanjung Lesung through the Serang-Panimbang toll road which is targeted to operate in 2019. On the other hand the toll road existence is expected to increase the number of tourists visiting Tanjung Lesung which is currently constrained by the travel time. The 83.9 kilometer toll road will cut the travel time from Jakarta to Tanjung Lesung. “At least in three hours we will already get there, like Jakarta-Bandung,” said Wahyu. He said he is optimistic that the Serang-Panimbang toll road will make investors interested to invest in Tanjung Lesung, in line with investment grade of the country. Besides, the toll road will also open the isolated areas in South Banten. “The point is, to me, the realization of the Serang-Panimbang toll is the key,” said Wahyu. The Serang-Panimbang toll road is under the responsibility of the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT). In addition to provide access to KEK Tanjung Lesung and Ujung Kulon National Park, the Rp 11.3 trillion worth toll road is expected to reduce the logistics costs for the shipment of goods from the industrial estates in Pandeglang to the port in Jakarta and vice versa. (RML/JTU/TPP)

The runway extension of Letung Airport, Anambas Regency, Riau, to become 1,430 meters long will be completed after Idul Fitri this year as the initial stage before the final length to be able to accommodate the Boeing aircrafts. Head of Letung Airport Service Unit Ariadi Widiawan said based on the master plan the runway will be extended up to 1,650 meters in two stages. The second stage after the extension of 1,430 meters will be done soon afterward. “Currently it is still 1,200 meters long and after Idul Fitri when the extension finished its length will become 1,430 meters,” said Ariadi on Sunday (6/11). Outside the master plan, the runway of Letung Airport has the capacity to be extended further to 2,500 meters in order to be able to accommodate the Boeing aircrafts. However the master plan that has been approved by the Ministry of Transportation is the 1650 meters long runway. The second phase of the extension project is still waiting for land acquisition being processed by Anambas regency government. Previously the airport was

that the manufacturers of textile, spare parts, and some models of bicycle has started operation in the KIK,” said Business Development Director of Jababeka Hyanto Wihadhi, last April. Hyanto said KIK will be developed on 2,700 hectares of land area, but the first phase development will cover 1,000 hectares. “We hope to develop 50 to 100 hectares this year.” KIK has targeted 50 companies to join until the end of this year from currently 30 companies. (RWS/CNN/MDK/TPP)

“Currently it is still 1,200 meters long and after Idul Fitri when the extension finished its length will become 1,430 meters,” said Ariadi

scheduled to be inaugurated for the first commercial operation in April 2017 by President Joko Widodo. Unfortunately, the schedule was missed although all facilities have been completed to reach the target of inauguration time. “Indeed it was planned that Mr. President would inaugurate this airport. However we cannot be sure since the state palace has yet to inform whether it is already in the agenda of the president. We just wait,” he said.

Anambas Regent Abdul Haris previously said the local government is ready to acquire the land area needed for the Letung Airport. However it has to wait the team appraiser to finish the measurement and the price calculation, for the price of land area to be acquired is not allowed to be higher than the calculation of the appraisal team. The construction of the Letung Airport began in February 2013. The airport is located on the coastline of Letung Island

with a runway of 1,200 meters long and 30 meters wide. The airport development has entered the final phase and is just waiting to be inaugurated. The airport is equipped with runway, administration building, electricity substation, waiting room and arrival room. The airport development spent Rp 250 billion from Anambas Regency state budget Rp50 billion and Kepri (Riau Islands Province) state budget Rp200 billion. (SND/TPP)

South Sumatera Provincial Government: Palindra Toll Road 100% Complete in 2017 The construction of the first toll road in South Sumatra Province (Sumsel) over the swamp area will be completed by the end of this month, which previously was constrained in the process. The section 1 of the Palembang Inderalaya (Palindra) toll road will be operational for the homecoming travelers du­ring Idul Fitri 2017. Palindra Toll Road Project Leader of Hutama Karya (Persero) Toll Road Development Division, Hasan Turcahyo told on Monday (12/6)

that the toll section 1 will be passable at the end of June or D-5 Idul Fitri, although in overall it is not perfect yet. The swamp land condition has been slowing down the cons-truction of the toll road. From the total of 22 kilometers of Pa-lindra toll road, 17 kilometers from the zero point in Ibul Besar Village, Pemulutan District, are on the swamp land. While the remaining 5 kilometers to the Inderalaya Induk District are on the dry land. The swamp land needs to be

treated differently from other land used for the construction of toll road in general in Indonesia. PT Hutama Karya (Persero) as the Trans Sumatera Toll Road Company decided to improve the soft soil by using the Vacuum Consolidation Method (VCM) technology. This techno­ logy reduces the moisture and air of the grains of soil for hardening the land before the construction of the toll road to begin. “The VCM technology used in the Palindra toll road is the first

ever for the toll road development in Indonesia. In the 1950s, this technology has been applied in European countries, but China uses it a lot,” said Hasan. The VCM technology works to create negative tension in the swamp soil, to remove moisture and air and accelerate the process of land consolidation. The process of swamp land consolidation according to Hasan is time consuming. This method takes 3 to 4 months to make the land 90 percent consolidated and solidified. (BTDR/TPP)

A6 | July , 2017 | Vol. 7 No. 7


Subang Regency Allocates Rp500 Billion for Patimban Port Subang Regency has allocated a budget of Rp500 billion for acquiring land area to be used for Patimban Port development located in Pusakanagara District. The budget will be disbursed to the landowners after the price has been set by the appraiser. According to Subang Regent Hj. Imas Aryumningsih, everything needed by the central government to accelerate the process so that the construction of Patimban Port can be done immediately, Subang would facilitate it. “Currently the stage is entering the land registration and determination of the points of coordinates. The payment of

the land plots will be done by LMAN (Institute of State Asset Ma­ nagement) based on the price calculated by the appraiser,” said Imas Aryumningsih on Saturday (5/10). For the land acquisition, Subang Regency has allocated a budget of Rp500 billion. Imas said that she hoped there will be no speculators since the price of the land has been determined by the appraisal team. Once the land acquisition completed, the construction of the Patimban Port would be done immediately. “Hopefully it will run smoothly. The Rp500 billion is ready for the land acquisition. We, the local government, support the development of Patimban Port to

be done as soon as possible. All the facilities needed by the central government are ready, this is a joint decision and hopefully able to improve the economy of Subang society,” said Imas. According to her, there are about 120 families (KK) whose land plots will be bought for the Patimban Port development. The total land plots to be used, she said, is relatively small because most of the port will be constructed on the reclamation area of 360 hectares. “There are not many families living in the area, mostly there are fish ponds there. Some land plots are owned by the local government,” she said. (MDJB/ TPP)

Mirna Annisa Promotes Kendal Potentials to Ambassadors

“We invite 40 ambassadors and entrepreneurs to have direct interaction with the Kendal regency. With the presentation by Regent Mirna Annisa in English, we hope to convince the ambassadors that the regional heads can also carry out their respective regional marketing functions.”

Kendal Regent delivered a presentation on Kendal potentials in the event titled Potential Promotion of Central Java in the presence of ambassadors, diplomats and entrepreneurs from various countries at the Hotel Royal Kuningan Jakarta on Friday night (6/9). Kendal Regent dr Mirna Annisa MSi confidently delivered the presentation in English for about 25 minutes. Officials of Kendal Regency who also attended were Secretary Bambang Dwiyono MT, Assistant of General Administration Bambang Winarno SE MM, Assis-

tant of Government Drs Agus Sumaryono, Assistant of Economy and Development Dra Dewi Diniwati, Head of Communication and Informatics Department Drs Muryono SH MPd, Head of Agriculture Service And Food Department Ir Diah A­ning Budiarti MSi, Head of Trade Department Drs Sukron Samsulhadi MSi, Head of Industry Department for SMEs Sutiyono S Sos, Head of Education and Culture Department Drs Agus Rifai MPd, Head of Investment and Service One Stop Service Drs Supardjan Msi, Youth, Sports, and Tourism Office Ta-

vip Purnomo SH MM. “Kendal has become attractive regency for both international and national investors with its Kendal Industrial Park (KIK). President Jokowi and Central Java Governor give full support for investment growth in Kendal“, said Retno Palupi SE MM, Head of Promotion and Information of Central Java Provincial government, about the reason for choosing Kendal Regency for the presentation. Retno added, “We invite 40 ambassadors and entrepreneurs to have direct interaction with the Kendal regency. With

Investments in Semarang Rise Sharply In the last 6 years, the investments in Semarang City have increased significantly. The total value of investments per 2016 was Rp10.5 trillion or soared ten times from 2010. The investments in 2010 to 2011 in the city of Semarang were less than Rp1 trillion. The Semarang City Government tried to improve the investment climate by enhancing four factors. Semarang Mayor Hendrar Prihadi (Hendi) said keeping the city conducive is the key to the entry of investments. The other factors are the regional economic potentials, ease of access, and reliable administration. To keep the city conducive, Semarang City Government has been holding a variety of activities involving the communities and religious leaders. On the administration side, Hendi said, the good governance practices are always applied. For that end, Hendi said he would not hesitate to punish any employee who tries to violate it. He does not want the investors to be exploited while taking care of licensing. “We always remind the government officers to not play games

related to license issuance, do not ever to treat investors like a dairy cow,” he said when opening a focus group discussion of “Incentives and Ease of Investment by Local Government” at Crowne Plaza Hotel, Semarang, on Tuesday (6/13). All the government employees are reminded that the investments are important to build the region. The investors will provide a positive impact by reducing unemployment. “They clearly add to the regional cash inflow,’’ he added.

The investments that tend to continue to increase directly impact the economic growth of Semarang City. The high rate of economic growth in the fifth largest metropolitan city in Indonesia has automatically improved the economic growth of Central Java Province. In 2015, the economic growth of Central Java was 5.4 or far below Semarang City of 5.79. Even in 2016 the economic growth of Central Java decreased to 5.28, while Semarang City rose to 5.8. (KPS/TPP)

the presentation by Regent Mirna Annisa in English, we hope to convince the ambassadors that the regional heads can also carry out their respective regional marketing functions.” The materials presented by Regent Mirna, among others, were the strategic location of Kendal from seaport and airport, having its own port, KIK, double track in Kaliwungu, and national toll road network. The facility of Direct Construction Investment Service (KLIK) is only 3 hours to process. The pro investment legislation will supports the investors

in agriculture, livestock, fishery, and tourism, aside of industry. Kendal Regency also has many small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and enough skilled labors. At the end of the presentation Mirna expressed the commitment of Regency Government to carry out the service effectively and efficiently. After the presentation, the ambassadors were brought to visit a bazaar by Kendal SMEs promoting products of Batik Linggo Limbangan, ginger, coffee, shredded milkfish, and others. Three-dimensional paintings of Art Rodhi by hand-

Tangsel Residents Now Can Apply for Licenses Online South Tangerang (Tangsel) City Government has launched an online licensing application called Simponie. Everyone who applies for a license through this application will not be charged. “So there is no charge whatsoever for the residents and hopefully the apps will cut the bureaucracy. This technology will enable people to obtain a license by applying online,” said Tangsel Mayor Airin Rachmi Diany at the Tangsel Municipal Office on Monday (12/6). The launch of this application is a continuation of the previous one in 2016, since it did not cover all licenses. “What launched in April 2016 was only for licensing the SIUP (Indonesian business permit) and TDP (company registration certificate), now the system has integrat-

icapped painter Rodhi Mahfur attracted the visitors. Sukumar Suresh from the Singapore Embassy expressed his interest to establish investment cooperation in Kendal. He said he was there when Kendal Industrial Park was inaugurated by President Jokowi and Si­ ngapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. Norman P from the United States Embassy conveyed his amazement at the creativity of Kendal batik. And Thaher Hamad from Palestine said to explore the opportunities offered by the Regent Mirna. (KDKB/TPP)

ed some other types of permits, so that the total licenses are now 17,” Airin said. The 17 permits include the permit for business location, disturbance permit and business license. In addition, people can also take care of the industrial registration certificate through this application. With this system, the public does not need to use the services of intermediaries or brokers anymore to apply for the permits. The applicants can do it themselves by going to the website of The plan is that all types of li-

censing and non-licensing services will be done in the integrated system. The licensing process will be done through one door of PTSP (Integrated One Stop Services) at the Investment Department. “The types of licensing and non-licensing services handled by the technical team at the PTSP among others are Economic Licensing, Construction Licensing, People’s Welfare Licensing, Social and Cultural Licensing, Employment Licensing and Investment Licensing,” said Plt Head of Capital Investment and PTSP Tangsel, Bambang Noer­tjahjo. (DTK/TPP)

July , 2017 | Vol. 7 No. 7 | A7

TOURISM Jababeka Acquires 50% of Land Area for KEK Morotai

PT Kawasan Industri Jababeka Tbk (KIJA) will continue to develop the regions. After developing three regions of Cikarang, Tanjung Lesung and Kendal, the company has prepared to develop the Special Economic Zone (KEK) of Morotai, North Maluku The KEK Moratai will be developed on an area of 1,250 hectares with an estimated investment of Rp6.8 trillion. Currently, KIJA continues to conduct land acquisition in this area and actively invites the investors to participate in development of the special economic zone.

Budianto Liman, President Director of KIJA, said that the preparation for the development of KEK Morotai has reached 50% -60%. This includes the land acquisition and licensing. Nevertheless, the zone will not be launched any time soon because the infrastructure is not adequate yet

and no investors have operated there. “The development will begin after the infrastructures are ready. To build an area, first of all there must be the basic supporting infrastructures such as electricity, water and access roads,” said Budianto in Jakarta, Wednesday (5/31).

KIJA also continues to explore cooperation with various investors to participate in developing Morotai. However, until now the company has not managed to have one. Currently, KIJA has developed and managed one resort in Morotai named Daloha Resort which consists of 25 units of cottages.

According to Budi, Morotai potential is huge because it is one of 10 tourist destinations that have been established by the government as a new Bali. Although the prospect is bright but according to him it still needs the support from the government, especially the basic infrastructures. (KTN/TPP)

Military Base to be Built Soon, Morotai Will Become World Class Destination

Bolsel Cooperates with WCS to Accelerate Development of 10 Tourism Villages “The development of infrastructure in KSPN Morotai is needed to increase domestic and foreign tourist visits,” said Head of BPIW of PUPR Ministry, Rido Matari Ichwan

To strengthen national defense, the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) will build a number of military bases in Morotai and other outermost islands of Indonesia. The plan has been submitted by TNI Commander General Gatot Nurmantyo to President Jokowi. Gatot said that in the near future a military base will be set up on Motorai, the outermost island in eastern Indonesia close to the Philippines border. According to Gatot, the island is very strategic as the military defense post of TNI to prevent any territorial security disturbances. “President Joko Widodo once said that Morotai Island will become a military base with powerful defense equipment,” Gatot said after tarawih prayer at Almunawar Mosque, Ternate City, North Maluku Province, on

Wednesday (6/7). He added the plan to equip the military base with more advance defense equipment has been started with Natuna, then Morotai will follow. The number of troops in Morotai will also be increased especially on the coastal areas to prevent the entry of terrorists. “There will be marine and air patrols. If the air surveillance spotted something, it will be reported to the land to do the necessary actions,” he said. “Beside Natuna and Morotai, Biak and some others will also have the military base,” said Gatot at Balai Sudirman, Jakarta, on Monday (6/12). The TNI chief said Morotai will have a military base with sophisticated equipment. “It will be the same as the one built in Natuna,” said the TNI Commander. Morotai Island is located in

North Maluku and is one of the northernmost islands in Indonesia. The size of Morotai Island is 1,800 sq. km, while the Regency of Morotai Islands covers an area of 2,476 sq km or 3.5 times bigger than Singapore. PT Jababeka Tbk. as a township developer in Indonesia has affirmed its commitment to build Morotai Island through its subsidiary, PT Jababeka Morotai, to make it an international tourist destination. President Jokowi in November 2016 told the media after inaugurating the Kendal Industrial Park with the Prime Minister of Singapore, “After Kendal, we will go to the east, Morotai!” Director of Jababeka Sute­dja S. Darmono told the media in Menara Batavia on Wednesday (5/31), “Because of its location, Morotai can be functioned like Singapore as a hub in South-

east Asia. This is what we want to imi­tate for Morotai to one day become the Singapore of Indonesia.” According to Suteja, this could revive the eastern Indonesian economy. There are still many areas in the eastern region that have not been built properly yet, whereas other Asian countries such as the Philippines, Australia, Taiwan, Japan, China, and Korea, have well developed their eastern areas. PT Jababeka has cooperated with Taiwanese partner to build tourist amenities and attractions in an area of 1,200 hectares. “I am sure that Morotai will soon be alive and become one of the world class destinations that can be relied upon to attract foreign tourists,” said Tourism Minister Arief Yahya in a press release on Tuesday (5/31). (KPS/ VIV/TPP)

To Support Morotai Tourism, PUPR Fixes Roads, Drainage The Ministry of Public Works and People’s Housing (PUPR) through the Infrastructure and Regional Development Agency (BPIW) has been supporting the development of infrastructure in the National Strategic Tourism Area (KSPN) of Morotai. The support has been done in the form of fixing the roads and drainage. “The development of infrastructure in KSPN Morotai is needed to increase domestic and foreign tourist visits,” said Head of BPIW of PUPR Ministry, Rido Matari Ichwan, in his written statement on Tuesday (6/6). Rido paid a working visit to Morotai, North Maluku Province, some days ago accompanied by his staff. Also joined in the visit were Head of Research and Development Agency (Balit-

bang) Ministry of PUPR, Danis Sumadilaga and his staff. The delegation visited several destinations such as Dodola Island, Zumzum Island and World War II Museum to get an overview for the development of tourist destinations in the KSPN Morotai. Rido said, the growth of tourist visits to tourist destinations in Morotai is expected to help achieve the target of 20 million foreign tourists in 2019. To support the development of KSPN Morotai, he said, BPIW has developed a Master Plan and Development Plan (MPDP) consisting of 10 year and 5 year programs. Each program is then detailed into short-term and yearly programs. “The next is the physical development which will be done

by technical units in the PUPR Ministry,” he added. According to Rido, there are currently 13 Tourist Destinations (DTW) in KSPN Morotai. “The main destinations are Dodola Island as the flagship DTW, Batu Kopi and Tanjung Dehegila,” he said. He added that the three DTWs are now supported by accommodation and tourism facilities which still need to be improved. Rido also said some infrastructure projects planned by the PUPR Ministry need to be accelerated, including the construction of Aha Dam in South Morotai District, Groundwater Basin (CAT) of Daruba-Berebere in Morotai Jaya District, North Morotai District, East Morotai District, South Morotai District, and Southwest Morotai District

in the Morotai Island Regency. Meantime the primary development for road network will be focused on the Daruba-DaeoBerebere route, while the roads in the Berebere-Sopi-WayabulaDaruba route will be improved after being damaged by floods. There is also the construction of drainage and infrastructure waste management. Danis Sumadilaga said that Balitbang of PUPR Ministry supports the development of Morotai as KSPN and KEK (Economic Zone) by providing R & D technological facility such as trash and waste water treatment, and other related infrastructure. Regent Morotai, Benny Laos said Morotai needs to be developed and promoted from the heritage side, related to its history during World War II. (TPP)

The Tourism and Culture Office (Disparbud) of South Bolaang Mongondow Regency (Bolsel) has collaborated with the teams of Village Empowerment and Development Program (P3MD) and Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) for tourism development in the region. “This is a follow-up program to accelerate the development of 10 tourist villages,” said Head of Disparbud Bolsel, Resli Paputungan, on Saturday (6/10). P3MD is a technical institution that has a big role to develop tourism potentials, especially in the villages. A meeting with this institution has been done to discuss the grand design of tourism and obstacles may appear in the field. “We want to see how the programs of the teams have been running so far,” said Res­li. He added that WCS is considered to have an important function as a village nature conservation institution. The cooperation between Bolsel and this institution has been set up for one year work plan. “The acceleration team wants to spur the programs to be realized immediately,” said Resli.

An expert of the Village Economic Development (TAPED) Sarfa Butuan said TAPED was ready to deliver presentation about the potentials of 10 tourism villages. However, it requires a mapping of investment to prevent overlapping. “There are small constraints in the field but hopefully this can be overcome,” he said, adding that the tourist attractions will be sort out which ones to be developed by the local governments and which ones by investors. “I am sure the acceleration team will overcome the constraints. We have to discuss it first with the Disparbud before authorizing the team,” he said. Riza, as a representative of WCS, said that WCS has submitted the proposal of work plan for Tanjung Binerean in Mataindo Village as the conservation area of endemic Maleo bird and turtle. WCS will focus on the infrastructure development of the conservation area, socialization and training for the rural communities. “The timeline is already there. It has been agreed, so we focus on the conservation. This year the socialization and training to the communities in the Mataindo Village have been started. This is our program,” he said. (TRB/TPP)

BUSINESS July , 2017 | Vol. 7 No. 7 | THE PRESIDENT POST



President University Wins Three Awards in Scientific Paper Competition

Pelindo to Develop Kendal Port Soon to Expedite Flows of Containers

Twitter: @President_Post Facebook: The President Post


Mawun, Paradise Beach in Lombok Page B7

Page B4

Page B3

Jababeka to Become Silicon Valley Indonesia

PT Kawasan Industri Jababeka Tbk through its subsidiary PT Grahabuana Cikarang plans to make an industrial park in Cikarang as an integrated area for technology like the Silicon Valley. This plan will be realized after the company sealed a cooperation agreement with PT Zoomy Media Indonesia.

In the near future, all hightech devices, including big data centers of multinational companies, will be centered in the Jababeka. “Through this partnership, we want to create a good ecosystem which can accommodate various IT and e-commerce needs in Jababeka,” said President Director of PT Grahabuana Cikarang, Sutedja Sidarta Darmono on Tuesday (6/6). Jababeka Industrial Estate is the first industrial zone in Indonesia, developed since 1989. This estate has been developed on 5,600 hectares of land area and over the past 25 years has been transformed into a township with 1.2 million inhabitants, 1,650 local and multinational companies from 30 countries and employs over 600,000 local and foreign workers. According to Sutedja, with the rapid development of the area, the need for communication and information technology in Jababeka is so big that an integrated IT technology center is needed. Hopefully, he added, it will make over the image of Jababeka City to become the largest and most complete modern industrial park in Southeast Asia. The development of Jababeka Industrial Estate, Sutedja said, has been benefited from the govern­ ment policy to focus on the development of infrastructure in eastern Jakarta, including Jababeka area. Among others are the construction of the Cikampek II toll

Sold Out! Palm Townhouse, 2-Floor House for Rp300s Million from Jababeka Residence

PT Grahabuana Cikarang (GBC) or Jababeka Residence has once again succeeded in selling its new product. This time Jababeka Residence offers Palm Townhouse, a 2-storey house for Rp399 Million of which the unit picking event was held in the Hollywood Junction, Jababeka Cikarang City, on Saturday (6/10). It was oversubscribed or excessive demand, because only 116 units were on the offer and many buyers had to leave empty handed. In his speech, General Manager Corporate Marketing of GBC Handoyo Lim said, “Palm Townhouse is an affordable landed house for people especially those who are just starting a family. Prior to this unit pick-

ing event, the Palm Townhouse has been oversubscribed almost 2-fold, which is an indicator that the Jababeka City area has become a favorable option for residing.” Handoyo also said the various connectivity infrastructures such as LRT, MRT, elevated toll road up to the high speed train and JR Connection which has been operated will surely facilitate the mobility of residents to Jakarta and Bandung now and later. He added, “In Jababeka there are currently 1.2 million inhabitants, 10,000 students and 1,650 national and multinational companies from 30 countries, as well as 1 million workers.” “The facilities here are also

complete, ranging from healthcare, schools and universities, sports and recreational facilities, as well as the commercial facilities. Not to forget this time we are in the Hollywood Junction, a new lifestyle center, which will be equipped with the presence of Plaza Indonesia Jababeka and also Japan Mal.” “All of those will certainly make our property investment rise in value. So now is the right time to start buying property here,” he concluded. The size of Palm Townhouse building is 40 square meters with varying land area, equipped with 3 bedrooms rooms and 2 bathrooms. (RWS/TPP)


President Director of PT Grahabuana Cikarang, Sutedja Sidarta Darmono

Serpong ten years ago. The forerunner to the property boom here has even been seen since last year. “Evidently, while many property companies are unable to meet their target, some developers in Cikarang area such as Jababeka, Lippo Cikarang and Delta Mas are enjoying success,” Handoyo said. According to him, it signaled that the development of Cikarang in the future will pace very quickly, due to the three major developers. “With the interconnection of Lippo Cikarang, Delta Mas and Jababeka in one area, it will become a big city that can bring millions to life,” he added. Jababeka Industrial Estate has been appointed by the govern­ ment to apply the Direct Construction Investment Service (KLIK) scheme launched by the Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM).

Standard Chartered Bank Wins Best Foreign Bank Award at Indonesia Digital Innovation Award 2017

“In Jababeka there are currently 1.2 million inhabitants, 10,000 students and 1,650 national and multinational companies from 30 countries, as well as 1 million workers.”

road, the construction of two Jabodetabek Commuter Line stations in North Cikarang close to Jababeka City, the mass rapid transit, the LRT (light rail transit), and high speed train Jakarta-Bandung. Sutedja said various transportation infrastructure from Jakarta is currently directed to Cikarang to Karawang. One of them is LRT which is planned to connect Jakarta and East Bekasi and then to Cikarang in 2018. He added that currently Jababeka is served by only double track commuter, but in the near future it will be increased to double double track. “The construction is expected to be completed this year because the land acquisition is almost completed, so it only needs the construction to change the double track to become double double track,” he said. When the double double track is completed, Jababeka will develop a mode of transportation system with the concept of automated people mover concept. This concept will integrate the station or terminal with bus feeder system from and to Jakarta, Bandung and the modes of transportation within the Jababeka City. General Manager of Corporate Marketing PT Grahabuana Cikarang, Handoyo Lim, said that the business prospects in Cikarang in the next few years will be very attractive, following the development of the area. He added that the Cikarang is like

Standard Chartered Bank Indonesia received an award at the Indonesia Digital Innovation Award 2017 for Financial Industry held by Warta Ekonomi at Pullman Hotel, Jakarta, on June 16, for the best foreign bank. The award was given to the bank for successfully implementing the best digital innovation, both in the form of products and operations. The Indonesia Digital Innovation Award 2017 for Financial Industry is the final of the series of annual research conducted by Warta Ekonomi Intelligence Unit (WEIU). This research evaluates the banks under various categories, which are then scored based on the performance in business and digital innovation. The score for digital innovation is based on the innovation of banking products, banking strategy, data security, and digital innovation that can support the strategy and achievement of the company’s business targets. Standard Chartered Bank Indonesia Chief Executive Officer Rino Donosepoetro warmly welcomed the award. “We believe

that technology is able to help transform interactions between the bank and its stakeholders, including clients and customers, for the better. By adopting technology in the whole process, the banking activities become easier, faster, more convenient, and stay secure. Our commitment to adopt technology for the convenience of our customers is evidenced by this award.” Rino added that technology is a tool, the more important is the human behind it. “Supported by experts familiar with the global trends and in-depth knowledge of the market in Indonesia after over 150 years of operations in the country, we continue to innovate to deliver value-added products and services to the clients.” The digital innovations applied in the bank include the Straight2Bank Wallet, the first mobile service for corporate clients. Through this service, the corporate clients may make noncash payments via the Straight2Bank electronic system to the recipients either having a banking account or not. The funds will be received electronically

through the electronic wallet of ‘Dompetku’ from Indosat. Standard Chartered is one of the first banks to feature the Touch ID Login (login with fingerprint) in the Mobile Banking (SC Mobile) for both iOS and Android-based mobile phones. Head of Digital Banking of Standard Chartered Bank Indonesia Andrey Mongi said, “In addition to the convenience for our clients, our commitment in adopting technology is also a form of our support to the government’s programs. Through these innovations, we seek to improve the public access to the banking products so as to encourage the financial inclusion.” Besides winning the award, Standard Chartered also received an award as one of the best custodian banks at the Indonesia Top Performing Mutual Fund and Consumer Choice Award 2017 held by Warta Ekonomi Magazine in May. The winners were selected based on a quantitative study of the 1,600 registered mutual funds that showed the best performance in the last five years. (TPP)


| July , 2017 | Vol. 7 No. 7

BUSINESS Handing Over Double Decker to Lorena-Karina, Mercedes: This Bus Offers Special Comfort at High Speed



UNCTAD: Indonesia Leaps to 4th from 8th Position of Investment Destination Country

LORENA Transport Tbk and KARINA Transport under the banner of LORENA Holding Company have launched the new fleet of 12 Mercedes-Benz 2542 Double Decker Buses. Managing Director of Commercial Vehicle Mercedes-Benz Indonesia, Ralf Kraemer, officially handed over 11 of the 12 Double Decker buses to Lorena Transport Tbk and Karina Transport in the Mercedes Benz Ciputat, Jakarta, recently. The handover was part of a series of “promotional and educational” event on the concept of high-quality buses in Indonesia initiated by Lorena-Karina and fully supported by MercedesBenz Indonesia. The Double Decker buses were bought by the company to prevail in the tougher competition in the land transportation sector. Data show that in 2013 the number of bus passengers reached 5.54 million people, but

in 2016 it dropped to only 4.33 million people. On the other hand, in the same period the train, ship, and air transport passengers showed an increasing trend in numbers. Of the smallest capacity, ship passengers increased by 56,000 people, while the number of train passengers rose by 777,000 people, and the number of plane passengers increased 966,000 people. While the number of passengers down, the number of buses continues to grow. In 2011, there were 833 land transport companies (POs) serving interprovincial routes with 21,157 units of buses, then in 2015 the number rose to 934 POs with 23,464 units.

Considering that facts, the Lorena Group strives to offer extra services with an updated fleet. The company believes to be able to position itself again as one of the top POs in the country. Ralf Kraemer, Managing Director of Commercial Vehicle Mercedes-Benz Indonesia, said that Mercedes was very proud and happy to be able to hand over the 12 buses of 2542 Double Decker to Lorena Transport Tbk and Karina Transport. “The top class bus is equipped with powerful engine and latest safety features like ABS, ESP and ASR. Additionally, an independent suspension system, equipped with air suspension, offers special comfort when driving at high speeds,” he ex-

plained. Dwi Rianta Soerbakti, MBA Managing Director of Lorena Transport Tbk, said Lorena and Karina are pioneers of land transportation for a long time, and it is ready to welcome the new era and continue to commit to develop the transportation industry in Indonesia by always offering the latest bus fleet to the customers by putting forward safety and comfort for the passengers. “By using the latest bus from the Mercedes-Benz, we are very confident to be able to compete with other land transport companies by improving the quality of our services to the customers,” she said. (KABAROTO/ TPP)

Indonesia has leaped to the fourth place as a prospective investment destination 2017-2019 based on the survey by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). The official statement of the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs on Thursday (6/8) mentioned that Indonesia was on the eighth position last year. Thus, this significant increase has boosted the Indonesia’s optimism, especially after last month it also earned the investment grade rating from the Standard and Poor’s. The UNCTAD business survey is conducted with the respondents of executives in multinational companies. The result showed Indonesia received a response of 11 percent. The United States is in the first position by receiving 40 percent response, followed by China in second place with 36 percent response. India is in the third position with a response of 20 percent. Referring to the result of

the survey, it can be said that the executives who became respondents believed that the investment growth in Indonesia will be good in the next two years. UNCTAD in its report on Wednesday (6/7) said that the multinational companies based on natural resources, especially the oil industry, have successfully been through the crisis. It also said that some executives hoped to increase investment in the next two years. Meantime the service industry, digital startup, and retail businesses are also sectors with high confidence levels for investment. Foreign investors showed interest in the Industrial Zones and Special Economic Zones. The Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs stated that the increased attractiveness of Indonesia as a direct investment destination (Foreign Direct Investment) will continue to be accompanied by the economic improvement. By that way, the investments in the next few years will be increasing. (TPP)

July , 2017 | Vol. 7 No. 7 |



Pelindo to Develop Kendal Port Soon to Expedite Flows of Containers

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) III will soon develop Kendal Port to make the flows of containers coming in and out of Central Java smoother. President Director of PT Pelindo III Ari Askhara said that Pelindo III has been discussing the matter with Kendal Regency who has responded well.

“After Tanjung Perak, I see Tanjung Emas is very potential to be developed because the flows of goods started to be crowded there, and the development of Kendal Port will also support it,” Ari said on Thursday (6/8). He said that a port should not be too crowded. If a port has started to be overwhelming to handle the flows of goods and passengers, it must be developed by building additional terminals. “It can be done through the reclamation and or the development of another port such as the Kendal Port,” he said. Meanwhile, Commercial and Operational Director of PT Pelindo III Mohammad Iqbal said there will be a synergy between Tanjung Emas Port Semarang

with Kendal Port. “There will be a good synergy considering that in Kendal and Semarang the growth of industry is equally good. In Kendal there is the Kendal Industrial Park,” he said. The development of the Kendal Port, according to him, currently is in the stage of digging the coastline for docking facility and the extension of the pier. The port actually now can be docked for one ship. After the development, it is expected that 3-4 ships will be able to dock at the port. Meantime the loading facility is planned to have the capacity of 100 thousand TEUs of goods for the first stage. Compared to the Tanjung Emas Port, which has a capacity of up to 600 thousand TEUs, the Kendal Port is far less in

and connectivity between regions. That includes the development of ports and the opening of additional shipping lanes. In this case, the role of the private sector is urgently needed to engage directly in the port deve­lopment to serve shipping to more destinations. “Inevitably, the sea toll program has to be supported with more number of ports and shipping lines as well as the connectivity with the land transports,” said Bambang. The participation of private sector in the sea toll program can be done by becoming an investor in the development of ports that can be docked by large ships. The cooperation in port management can also be explored. “It can be a joint venture or a full investor. For a joint venture, the state-owned port management company Pelindo can choose the partner considered strategic,” said Bambang. (MBD/ TPP)

CKB Logistics Operates PLB Sorong to Support Eastern Indonesia Economy

PT Cipta Krida Bahari (CKB Logistics), an integrated logistics provider and a subsidiary of PT ABM Investama Tbk, continues to expand its business by operating the Bonded Logistics Center (PLB) in Sorong, West Papua. The opening of the first PLB in eastern Indonesia is a form of CKB Logistics commitment to strengthen business fundamentals and to support the government efforts to provide logistics facilities for the business people in Indonesia. PLB Sorong has been operating since May 29, 2017 and located in the Mayamuk District, Sorong Regency, West Papua. “To support its operational ac-

term of capacity but it will be developed further. “It is flexible, if the industry grows, the port will grow too. The plan is that the initial phase can be completed within the next two years,” he said. (RPBK/TPP)

Government Targets to Cut Logistics Cost to 10% with Sea Toll The government has targeted to lower the logistics cost to 10% of the total manufacturing cost with the sea toll program in the form of scheduled shipping. Currently, the logistics cost accounts for 26% of the total cost that has not changed much since the first time the sea toll program was rolled out in 2015. The reduction of logistics cost to 10% is targeted to occur 10 years from now as the improvements are still being made in various sectors. “Currently, our logistics cost is still 26% of the total cost. We will reduce it to 10%, but let say in 10 years from now,” said Minister of National Development Planning/ Head of Bappenas, Bambang Brodjonegoro at Bappenas Building, Central Jakarta, on Monday (6/5). The reduction of logistics cost to 10% must be done in various ways simultaneously, such as improving the infrastructure

a port should not be too crowded. If a port has started to be overwhel-ming to handle the flows of goods and passengers, it must be developed by building additional terminals.

tivities, PLB Sorong is equipped with 1,200 square meters closed warehouses and open yard area of more than 2,500 square meters,” said President Director of CKB Logistics Iman Sjafei in a press release on Friday (6/9). The PLB Sorong is also supported with good infrastructure and access to the airport and Sorong Port with a distance of about 30 kilometers. The operation of PLB Sorong is based on the license issued by the Directorate General of Customs and Excise. Iman said the presence of PLB in Sorong indicates that the business opportunities in Eastern Indonesia are increasingly

wide open. The business expansion by CKB Logistics is also in line with the Government Volume II Policy Package issued in September 2015 on the Incentive Facility in Bonded Logistics Center. Based on the rule, the manufacturing companies do not need to import and simply take the goods they need in PLB. “We hope that the operation of PLB in Sorong will encourage the creation of efficiency so that the economic activities in this region will grow faster, in line with the government’s efforts to accelerate infrastructure development in eastern Indonesia,” said Iman He added that PLB has a very strategic position in the national logistics system since the manufacturing companies who move the storage of their goods from abroad to PLB in Indonesia will reduce the logistics costs up to 60%. “The increased investments in oil and natural gas as well as natural resources in Papua and West Papua can be an opportunity for logistics business, so we are optimistic that the strategy to set up the PLB in Sorong will further strengthen CKB Logistics’ position in the logistics business in Indonesia,” Iman concluded. (SND/TPP)

The policy package volume XV was just launched. In this package, the government focuses on providing ease of doing business on logistics services directly or indirectly in the sectors that support the logistics. In the logistics sector, this policy will be divided into several packages. Later, the government will also issue a policy package to strengthen the agency of Indonesian National Single Window (INSW), as well as the simplification of the trading system. Samuel Asset Management economist Lana Soelistianingsih said the policy package would have a po­ sitive impact on cutting the logistics cost in Indonesia.

However several things still need to be considered in the implementation of this package. “Basically this policy is good. It’s just how it will be implemented,” Lana told Okezone on Sunday (18/6). According to her, one of the things that need to be considered by the government in the implementation of this policy package is the supporting infrastructure, especially for the logistics sector. “For example there is a company imported goods and arrived at Tanjung Priok Port. If it wants to take the goods to Tangerang it will need half a day if there is no traffic jam,” she said. To that end, the government should provide supporting facilities for the industry, especially in the transportation modes. One

Logistics Policy Package Launched, Government Needs to Provide Train Specific for Industry of them is train that can shorten the travel time. By that way, the benefits of the policy package in the logistics sector can really be felt by the business people. “Train is free from congestions. So there needs to be a relibale transportation mode from the port to the industrial centers,” she concluded. As it is known, there are several objectives and benefits in this policy package. Among others is to provide the market opportunities to the businesses on shipping, marine insurance, and maintenance of national vessels. The government also hopes that this package will improve the competitiveness of logistics service providers and strengthen the Indonesian National Single Window institution. (OKZ/TPP)

B4 | July , 2017 | Vol. 7 No. 7


Two UNY Students Create Flying Robots for Coastal Monitoring and Rescue of Drowning People Two students from Yogyakarta State University (UNY), Rizal Justian Setiawan and Indra Dwi Suryanto majoring in Engineering, have created a Flying Robot which is able to monitor the beach and to rescue drowning people. Accidents in the coastal areas usually are caused by tourists who do not obey the rules, making them dragged by the waves and then drowning since they cannot swim. The lack of lifeguards and the slow pace of information to reach the lifeguards worsen the situ­ation which may cost the life of the drowning tourists. Rizal, the second best national student 2016, said he and Indra has been thinking about the problem for so long. “So we create a flying robot as a monitoring tool to watch over the coastal tourism area based on the UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) technology. We hope this robot will be used by the coast guards in the country and overseas to reduce accidents and rule violations.” According to Indra, this robot has been tested in Kulon Progo beach area. “We have been using this tool on that beach. The flying robot monitors the beach in the air and when there is a victim dragged by the waves, it will quickly detect the victim through its camera and come to the spot to drop lifebuoy to prevent the victim from drowning.” Despite their success, Rizal and Indra are still open to the suggestions from the local people. Some residents suggested to replace the camera with Go Pro which has infrared facility, so that in the night the flying robot can work optimally even in the dark. “Yes the suggestions are enough to motivate us to develop this tool further. Hopefully this robot will be used at all the beaches in Indonesia given it is relatively cheap,” said Indra Dwi Suryanto, a student of Electrical Engineering of UNY. (OKZ/TPP)

President University in Financial Technology Industry Handa S. Abidin, Ph.D., Vice Rector for Partnership and Communication and one of the lecturers in Law study programme of President University was invited as one of the guest speakers in “Financial Technology Company: Sebuah Babak Baru Evolusi Industri Keuangan” that was held by Indonesia Finance and Banking Club in collaboration with Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) Republic of Indonesia, and Management Master Programme Universitas Indonesia. The event took place in Auditorium Management Master Programme Universitas Indo-

nesia, Jakarta (15/6) and attended by Imansyah, Deputy Commissioner Management Strategic Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Republic of Indonesia. The seminar aimed to give an understanding on potencies that might appear from the rapid growth of financial technology especially in Indonesia. To achieve the objective, it is needed to have opinion from experts in this field. Financial technology industry is growing fast. The velocity of money in financial technology in Indonesia is predicted to reach nearly 250 trillion Rupiah in 2017 according to Sta-

tistica. Handa sees that financial technology regulations should protect and be beneficial for people as the users, financial technology organizer, and also for Indonesia as a whole. “President University is on preparations to create business incubator that could be used by all its students in starting their start-up business, including the financial technology-based start-up. Integrated with the business incubator, there will be a law consultant institution that will help the process of administration and permission related to the creation of start-

up business”, said Handa. Furthermore, he believed that higher education institutions in Indonesia should not fall behind the technology. (PRSDN/TPP)

President University Produces Hundreds of Researches to Support Domestic Industry President University has been playing an active role in the development of science and technology to support the industry in Indonesia. More than 100 researches have been done through the Research Institute and Community Services (LRPM) of the campus. In the development of researches, President University involves two institutions of the President Development Center which organizes trainings and builds relationships with donors and the President Research Center to market the results of researches to industry or find out what is needed by the industry. “We continue to encourage the lecturers and students to conduct researches in accordance with the master plan of the 2016-2020 study we have put forward,” said LRPM Director Joni W Simatupang in a written statement on Friday (5/26). Joni added the research development is not limited to the

publication of its results but up to the commercialization of the product invented. This is evidenced through the Research Showcase and SMEs Expo 2017 held on May 23-24, 2017. With the theme ‘Green Technology, Sustainability, and Smart Entrepreneurship’, this event aims to publish the results of researches done by the students and lecturers of the President University. There were 53 research posters displayed as well as 105 publication materials such as books, journals, and book chapters by 15 contributors who are lecturers of the President University. “Also featured are the prototypes of 3D printers, brainwave computers, E-KTP security systems, knock door wise security systems, smartphone apps, bicycles for special needs and some other inventions found and created by the students,” said Joni. Rector of President University, Jony O Haryanto said the event

was expected to gather the triple helix of academia, business community, and government together so as to build partnerships to develop the country. “The partnership has been established and several studies have been funded by both go­ vernment and companies. Therefore we will continue to encourage the students and lecturers to conduct researches so that the public knows that President University is not an ivory tower, but we are contributing significantly to the development of industry,” said Jony. There were presentations of results of the researches and an entrepreneurship seminar during the event with the speakers of Adhi Setyo Santoso, Anak Agung Banyu Perwita, Dwi Larso, Lydia Anggraini, Barqy Muhammad, Reza AA Wattimena, Genoveva, Yunita Ismail, Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih, M Yani Syafei, Josep Ginting, Ato Sunar­ to, Etty Susilowati, and Farida Komalasari. (DTK/TPP)

Indonesian Students Show Best Performance at Drivers’ World Championship (DWC) 2017 The two teams of Indonesian students have shown their best performances at the Shell Eco Marathon (SEM) Drivers’ World Championship (DWC) 2017 held in London, England. The weather was the only factor hindered them to reach the top position in the racing of best energy-efficient cars from around the world. In the four-day SEM DWC race, held on May 25-28, 2017, both Indonesian teams - Bengawan 2 from Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Surakarta and ITS 2 from Tenth November Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya – won the qualification to represent Asia in the Grand Final after other Asian teams from the Philippines failed in

the Dynamic Brake Test. The first qualification of a detailed inspection of 12 technical aspects of the vehicle was completed by both Indonesian teams smoothly. They also passed the Dynamic Brake Test qualification where the participants must drive their vehicles up to a maximum speed of 50 kilometers per hour and have to be able to stop within 20 meters. Entering the qualifying lap stage, which is the same as qualifying lap racing for car/

motorcycle, the vehicle of each team has to record the best time in negotiating one lap to determine its spot on the start. In this stage, both Indonesian teams have put in their best efforts but failed to reach the top 3. However, it did not diminish their spirits. “We will keep racing until we can raise the red and white flag on the stage of Drivers’ World Championship. We have confidence one day we will win it, even though we have to start at the back based on the qualify-

ing lap results,” said Bhima Poetra Perdana, Team Manager of ITS 2. The hard work and seriousness of the Indonesian students received appreciation from Darwin Silalahi, President Director & Country Chairman of Shell Indonesia. “I am very proud to see their persistence, determination and spirit of the teams of Indonesian students which were extraordinarily high,” he said. (KBOT/TPP)

July , 2017 | Vol. 7 No.7 |



Maya Hasan Performs “Music for Healing” at Senior Living D’Khayangan Jababeka PT Jababeka Longlife City held an exclusive performance of “Music for Healing with Maya Hasan” at Senior Living D’Khayangan, Jababeka City, Cikarang, on Friday (6/16). The event was attended by Director of PT Jababeka Longlife City Marlin Marpaung, Advisors of The President Post Ali Basyah Suryo, Budiawan Eka Budianta and 30 participants of Music for Healing from various circles. In his speech Marlin expressed his gratitude to all the invited guests and participants for their coming to the event. “We talk a lot about Maya Hasan because like us, she has a passion in healing,” he said. “But according to her expertise, through the harp music,” he added. Marlin also said that harp is a formal education in America as well as in Indonesia, altough

just started a few years ago, in the field of entertainment. “This is what I and Maya Hasan want to develop in the future,” said Marlin. On the occasion Maya said that a few years ago, she did not know whether what she has been doing was related to healing. “Finally I found out that the harp has the perfect waves which are always soothing,” she said “Such perfect waves can be absorbed directly by our body,” she added. Maya also provides an opportunity for the participants to feel the vibrations that come out of

her harp instrument. The participants seemed to really enjoy the exclusive night. Mrs Ina as one of the participants expressed her enjoyment, “The harp performances by Maya Hasan are quite soothing and feel good to sleep.” Maya also sang several national anthems to boost the enthusiasm of the participants, such as “Garuda Pancasila” and “Padamu Negri”. The event was closed with taking group pictures and a casual discussion. Some parti­ cipants stayed the night at the 3-floor apartment of Senior Living D’Khayangan. (TPP) *photo by

B6 | July , 2017 | Vol. 7 No. 7


Rooftop Party at The Celecton Cikarang Jababeka The Celecton Hotel Cikarang Jababeka held a rooftop party on Thursday (5/4) at the D27 Sunset Lounge. Called Corporate Gathering, the party held by The Celecton Hotel Cikarang Jababeka performed an acoustic band, Juggling Bartender, Disc Jockey and Live Cooking serving Japanese specialties. Nakahara from the International Business Dept. of Select Hotel Group Japan welcomed the invited guests and lit up the event. In his speech, he

said, “Our hotel is still relatively young, but in the future it will be better.” The event became more festive with fun games hosted by the presenter with prizes ranging from restaurant vouchers to the vouchers to stay in the The Celecton Hotel Cikarang Jababeka. The Celecton Hotel Cikarang Jababeka is a brand of the Japanese CHRI (Celecton Hotel and Resorts International) located in the industrial estate of Jababeka, Cikarang. Its loca-

tion is convenient for the guests visiting Cikarang, Karawang, and Purwakarta with proper access via the Bekasi-Cikampek toll road. The Celecton Hotel Cikarang Jababeka provides 114 deluxe rooms and 24 elegant suites. The Celecton Hotel Cikarang Jababeka is also equipped with 8 meeting rooms with a capacity of 350 people each, one ballroom with a capacity of 1500 people, a Rooftop Gym, a swimming pool and the Japanese restaurant of Hanakomi Izakaya. (TPP)

ibis hotel

Ibis Opens Its 50th Hotel in Jababeka AccorHotels launched the opening of its first premium economy hotel in the industrial township of Jababeka called Ibis Styles Cikarang, Bekasi Regency, West Java, on Thursday (5/4). The opening ceremony was attended by Deputy Director of Nusantara Tourism Marketing of Indonesian Tourism Ministry Dadang Rizki Ratman, Commissioner of PT Sun Motor Group Imelda Sundoro, President Director of PT Sun Motor Group Hartono Sundoro, and Chief Operating Officer of AccorHotels for Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore Garth Simmons. “In tourism, the services must meet the standard. With such a standard, hopefully the tourism business players will be encouraged to provide the best services to make the tourists to visit again and again,” Dadang Rizki Ratman said in his speech. “I just knew a hotel like this. The details in the design are so interesting that I immediately want to come again later,” he added. Dadang also called on Bekasi Regency government to facilitate the licensing and taxation of business people in order to attract more investments. In the meantime, Imelda Sundoro as the owner said that Ibis Styles Hotel offers modern rooms furnished by Sweet Bed by Ibis Styles, Cattleya restaurant with local and international menus, a lounge bar, swimming pool, gym and spa. There are also 5 meeting rooms, including the ballroom with the capacity of 450 people. “Hotel Ibis Jababeka Cikarang has 161 rooms of various types, consisting of 131 superior and panorama, 15 superior balco-

ibis hotel

ibis hotel

nies, 15 deluxe rooms,” she added. Meanwhile Garth Simmons said, “The rapid development of this industrial township has encouraged the growth in other sectors to support the lifestyles of the people inside and outside the township. AccorHotels responded positively to this opportunity by launching the first international premium economy hotel of Ibis Styles Cikarang to provide services for the business people and corporations as well as the need for comfort and entertainment for the residents.” Garth then added, “Ibis Styles with all its uniqueness has begun to be favored in this country. The opening of Ibis Styles Cikarang once again shows the expansion of AccorHotels, especially the leading economy brand in

Indonesia which currently numbers more than 50 hotels.” Ibis Styles is an economy brand of AccorHotels, offering a variety of stylish and nuanced designs with an affordable ‘allinclusive’ price package, including buffet breakfast and internet connection. The unique characteristics and designs are one of the main strengths of the Ibis Styles Hotel. The uniqueness of the design of Ibis Styles Cikarang was awarded with certification by the Indonesia-World Achievement Institute (LEPRID) as the first hotel to feature the largest number of orchids in the modern interior and architecture. In addition to the orchid flowers in the interior decoration, the hotel also features cheerful and assertive colors. (FM-TPP) ibis hotel

ibis hotel

July , 2017 | Vol. 7 No. 7 |



Mawun, Paradise Beach in Lombok

If you go to Praya, South Lombok Regenc, you will find a beach that is still rarely known by domestic and foreign tourists. The local people call the beach Mawun. Mawun Beach is a tourist attraction with the panorama of a beach combined with mountainous landscapes on the background which is no less interesting than Selong Belanak Beach, Kuta Beach, and other beaches. The beauty radiates starting from the sand, the beach, the mountains and the hills as well. The white sand on the long shorelines will complement the big waves incredible

for surfing activities. It is reasonable when some people dub it as a paradise beach. The most beautiful thing is the view when we look toward the horizon, the line that separates the beach waters and the sky. It can be seen that the sea water comes from an area that is almost like a strait flanked by two mountains with lush vegetations and is very beautiful. Mawun beach is also very suitable for the tourists who like photography, especially those who favor to capture landscape images. In addition to the clean coastal beach, the two moun-

tains flanking the entry of sea water also provide very attractive scenery to be captured. The trip to the beach of heaven does not take long. If you are from Lombok International Airport you better go to the direction of Mataram, continue to travel until Kediri then go to Praya. Based on the route, the travel time will be approximately 1.5 hours driving with an average speed of 60-80 km/hour. There `views but are interesting as the same. It seems the journey to Mawun beach whichever route you take will never bore you. Mawun Beach is parallel

to Kuta Beach Lombok, so if the tourists want to go to Wawun Beach then they should go to the same direction towards the Kuta Beach Lombok. The distance between Kuta Beach Lombok and Mawun Beach is approximately 30 minutes driving. Lodging near Mawun beach can be found by taking 20 minutes driving. The price of lodging here is affordable, ranging from Rp250,000 to Rp700,000 per night per room. Apparently it is wise to include Mawun Beach in your list of this year holiday destinations. (Fakhri/ TPP)

Lombok is famous for its charming beaches and considered as the main competitor of Bali. There are even some beaches whose beauty is several levels above all the beaches in Indonesia. The Lombok Island, famous for its Sasak native tribe, also often ‘hides’ the beauty of its nature which usually astonishes the first time visitors.


| July , 2017 | Vol. 7 No. 7

GOLF Jababeka Golf & Country Club Holds Breaking Fast Gathering, Gives Alms to Orphans The Jababeka Golf & Country Club organized a gathering to break the fast together and distributed alms to orphans in Jababeka, Cikarang, on Thursday (6/15). About 20 orphanage children around the area of Jababeka Golf & Country Club were invited to receive the alms as well as some school stationary. Mamin Kasdiamah, General Manager of Jababeka Golf & Country Club, appreciating the organization of the event said, “In this month of bliss and grace we should always do positive things.” He added, “Like working with a sincere and dedicated heart, for example, because it may become a reward and a blessing for us all.” Mamin also expressed his thankful to the staff and management for their loyalty and hard works in providing the services for the progress of Jababeka Golf & Country Club. On this occasion, Bahrul Ullum as the Commissioner of Jababeka Golf & Country Club stated, “There are three groups of people fasting in Ramadan, the first group is called SHAUMUL ‘AWAAM or the fasting of the

laymen. This group only performs fasting in the form of not eating, not drinking, but still doing negative things like slandering, gossiping, hurting others, so the fast will be in vain. “ “The second group is called SHAUMUL KHAWAASH, the group that performs fasting by not eating, not drinking while keeping the eyes, ears, tongue, hands, feet and all other limbs also ‘fasting’ from bad deeds.” “The third category is called SHAUMUL KAWAASHIL KHAWAASH. In this category people are fasting like the second group, plus ‘fasting’ in the mind and heart. The mind and heart always dhikr (chanting short pray), their behaviors are always positive, their hearts are always grateful, to do everything with sincerity and only expect the blessing of Almighty God,” he added. The event was running smoothly and ended with breaking the fast together, followed by Maghrib (dusk) congregational prayer, where all employees of Jababeka Golf & Country Club participated in. (Bambang/JGC) *photo by

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