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Pastor Ronald Wilson
Ronald Wilson, a native of Wilmington, North Carolina, is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Kingdom Vision Life Center (KVLC) in Greensboro, North Carolina. Writing is a deep passion of Ronald. He has been gifted by God with an uncanny ability to write and is considered by many as a prolific writer. Wilson is a published author with WestBow Press, Publishing Company. His initial book was entitled “The Dream Team” , inspiring writing concerning the importance of knowing those whom God chooses to walk with you while on your road to destiny. The Dream Team was blessed to receive a foreword by Bishop Michael A. Blue, author of “Building Credibility in Leadership” and founding pastor of The Door of Hope Christian Church in Marion, South Carolina. Pastor Wilson's books “101 Things Your Barber/Stylist Hates (But May Never Tell You)” and “The Science Beyond the Cut” skyrocketed in the Barbering and Hair Styling Industries and was showcased at Bishop T.D. Jakes’ 2015 MegaFest Hair Battle in Dallas, Texas. His latest book, “Money Needs: A Fundamental Guide to Financial Security ” , provides practical principles to help build financial security and unlock a successful future. Pastor Wilson, along with his wife Pastor Rachel Wilson, has an Honorary Doctorate of Divinity from St. Thomas Christian College in Jacksonville, Florida.
Where did your passion for becoming a pastor come from? Truthfully, I never saw myself becoming a Pastor. It wasn’t a “wanting” or longing for me, but rather a calling. After saying yes to the call, I decided if I’m going to be a Pastor, I might as well be a good one. I’ve always had passion in my heart for people, however, a passion developed as a Pastor as I continued to walk.
What type of challenges did you have to face along the way? As with every leader, be it parenting, educating, coaching; most challenges arise from mental barriers and various personalities of those you lead. Constantly reminding yourself to release the patience and love for people that God had to have for me. Overcoming emotional living while leading was another challenge for me on the good and not so good side. Let’s pause for a minute and talk about your writing journey.
What led you to write your initial book “The Dream Team”? The Dream Team was inspired by a Father’s Day message I ministered at a local church in which I live. After teaching the message, it then became writing aiming to educate people concerning not having a biased perspective on whom God uses to bring your dream to pass.
How has the journey of writing been for you? Do you find it hard at times to focus on writing a book in general? The journey of writing has been a blessing. It’s been very therapeutic and refreshing to sit and bring your mind into color onto a sheet of paper. Yes; at times, due to my call and demand in other projects and ministry, it can sometimes become challenging to focus on writing.
Tell us more about your other books and the inspiration behind writing them In completion, I’ve written 4 books, however, I have several books that are still in the making that are about 70%-80% complete. On the humorous side, I have a book entitled 101 Things your Barber/Stylist Hates but may never tell youwritten to vent for the Barbers while educating the customer at the same time. My book entitled “Money Needs” was written to share fundamental information on how to unlock your financial future. In the making, I have a book entitled “Breakthrough” , a book entitled Marriage on the “Rocks” , a book entitled The Top 20 reasons you may be broke. And also a couple of more.
To you, what is your definition of a man who hustles? My definition of a man who hustles is a man that knows his identity through the eyes of God, and will not let anyone or anything stand in his way to stop him from reaching his destiny. A man that grinds and expects results from his “hustle.
What is next for you in 2021? 2021 for me is about remaining focused and building God a “physical church. “ I will do other writings, as well as help push and support my wife Rachel in her call to the Gospel music industry. 2021 is a great year to be released! Out, Wealthy, Healthy!