UniVerse Literary Folio Vol 7 (2020-2021)

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Uni - Verse

Some endings are disguised as an inception

and new beginnings are often at the end of the line.


This year’s Literary Folio has a theme called ‘‘Scavengers’’ in representation of every brave mind that keeps striving for better days. People are forced to scavenge on the tiniest bit of hope and fairness left as they are optionless; optionless enough to face the fact that their struggles are not only because of the emotional and physical effects brought by the pandemic but also due to the unstable political climate in the country. This issue covers both psychological and mental health issues of the victims as well as voices that speak for change and truth about how scavenging into what is supposed to be abundant has become the new normal. The right to equality and political fairness was stolen by the days of hopelessness and this is what everyone needs to overcome in the long run.

Spring is a sad met after a long time... was your hair have been cut short? “I, is not another one of you,” I did not like to feel that it has been told. Crescent-like petals of the trees of the park in full glory, have lost a place to go that is passed each other alone. Going to somewhere I felt like it would not appear on the eyes, to see the distant day become in the past of people unknowingly. Undue profits sneakers, exhausted wear and carrying bag for me to choose. It has lowered the crumpled a crying haven face, in light of the dazzling, while the foot was stopped by froze, release the hand of yours that would walked. It does not suit to the daily’s new and the other forget about me. Being seized by the warm breeze. I can’t go back, I can’t ste forward yet. In my next to the usual. I thought looking at the figure to take one step. Spring, is beautiful.

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“Springfield” By Yume Misaki “It is the color of love as far as the eye can see,” a honeycomb. Also imperceptibly such a thing is one of the memories. I say, “I had also such a person,” of or tells them that it someday will be forgotten, as if it was a lie. Accustomed to wear with no pumps, long hair tied up behind me, wearing a beautiful wrinkle-free shirt. To the dazzling light, I’m walking towards someone I don’t know. “You don’t look good in your new days...” My thing is to forget the other: Is I think that has been embraced by itself — being seized by the warm breeze. In place to have a thing without me, I was reminded that it has attracted, I thought looking at the figure to take one step.



I’ve been thinking for a long time or just meaningless imaginations. Have I forgotten it? While sitting in the shade of a summer tree, I threw an apple into my mouth and waited for the wind. It ’s not all that remains in history. “I couldn’t sleep,” and looked up at the sky. I want to erase the distorted afterimage. I see my limits there. I had a dream that would make me laugh now. Words detour-I think it doesn’t remain. In the days of reaching out and exploring. Thousands of colors mixed little by little. A color that seems to float and melt. A color that seems to sink and disappear. The sky was looking up at the end of the day. This is the drama I drew. Memories are fake. It’s all fake except for words. I really just wanted to leave everything and run away. Only memories are solicited. I’m making an unforgettable wound; It’s a lie that you can understand without saying. Is it possible to regain the days when nothing happened? I want to touch outside my memories. A common and boring ubiquitous continuation. My future that I should have grasped. I cut off the emotions that had sprouted and cried. Seeking resonance. Until it disappears and disappears. Like rolling on a distorted rail. The present that seems to have awakened from a dream of melancholy hidden in everyday life-the words I vomit. I can’t move... I want to come back to the past uninterrupted tomorrow.

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Shizenshugi By: Yume Misaki It was good in time. Climbing up the slope overlooking the sea. Leaving myself to the passage of time... I just wanted to say something that couldn’t be helped. I didn’t want to hear anything about expectations, future, or tomorrow- “I just fell in love with it.” I’m looking for something more beautiful than before. I really just wanted to leave everything and run away. “It smells like summer,” blooming on the ground. There’s feathery alike clover fields. Which makes my willingness to roll even if stepped off... looking up at the sky, vaguely. A bunch of sunshine. The skirts swaying in the wind and forgets to remember, fluttering in the wind with braided summer light. Kicking stones into the water that escapes to where the river flows. It has been the scenery I have envision when I go home someday. Feelings that are the exact opposite of those yesterday’s feelings. Pulling both ends like a butterfly tied in the middle. Where I’m sure there’s nothing wrong with the weather tomorrow; agree or disagree. What will happen to me? If I’ll say, “The reality, I don’t need it anymore.”



I know. They are haunting me. They won’t even let me get a good sleep. “Your brother and I will sleep with you tonight,” my roommate said in a serious tone, making me agree as we exchange gazes. They have been so close ever since he moved in last week. Seaside. I see waves running back and forth. I am inside a tent. A very familiar atmosphere is welcoming my mind that is in dilemma. “What noise am I hearing this time?” I almost jumped when someone spoke beside me. It was one of my friends. She rubbed her chin and smiled at me. Strange. “Come out now. Lunch is ready,” another old friend of mine called as she was busy handling two plates on her hands. “What are you looking at?” I turned to face my brother. “Leave me alo-” and before I could even finish my statement, he cut me off. “We did. Two months did it take that we left you alone, let you do the things you wanted to do. But you’re home now,” he smiled. That smile is always welcoming. “I don’t intend to have fun with you. I don’t even know why I am here,” I replied to not make our interaction awkward. “You wanted this. You brought yourself home,” he smiled and left me dumbfounded. I did what? Wide eyes; pretty lies. I opened my lids as sunbeams meet my skin. It was just a dream. I looked around and see no one. Am I in isolation once again? I’ve been lying to myself and faking hatred when in fact all I felt this whole time are longings; pure wantings. I got up and opened my window just to see another day of summer. “Maybe not just any ordinary day anymore for me,” I whispered to myself and got my phone from my side table. LET’S MEET. I typed these characters and sent it to in our group chat. After a minute, I received a notification. A type of reply I’ve been waiting to receive to maybe, just maybe; change the last days of my lonesome slumber. To finally change the silence of my arid summer to a bright tone of felicity.

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Felicity By: Vixen Wide eyes; wild nights. How much hours am I supposed to count? I have been staring at a wall clock blankly and disturbed for two straight hours. “Hey! I was asking if you can do something for me. Hello?” My new roommate waved his hand in front of me but I can barely blink. “Why am I stuck with you anyway? I was hoping to have a vacation all by myself and here you are, annoying me when I am having a toast of peace in my head,” I snorted and turned my back from him. A stranger sleeping in my place tonight is a hassle. I have to cook us meals and prepare the sheets. I could be a nanny at this rate. “Am I annoying?,” he asked once again. The long night is what makes everything annoying. “You are. Am I having a vacation or not? You are bugging me here and there. Can’t you stay silent for a minute?” I replied as I gave him an irritated look. “That’s bothersome for you because all you did was sleep in here alone. Come on. ‘Tis a good time to bond together,” My brother spoke as soon as he entered my room, making my roommate jump off my bed. “Classes are over and tomorrow’s a day out for us three and here you are, popping dots in your head,” he added and laughed. I glanced at them, confused. “A day out?” I asked and they nodded as a reply. But I am not in a nice mood. Those past months have been too hard to grasp and I will never be ready to see faces of people I’ve been wanting to forget. “It has been two months already. It’s not like you can lie forever that you don’t intend to see our old friends again,” my brother spoke again in a worried tone.



The Complexity Of Finding Oneself By: Feline I want to escape. I want to start anew someplace else, where nobody knows my name. A place where the discarded puzzle pieces of my hopes and dreams could finally be placed together to form the picture of the future that awaits me. I have been setting them aside for so long in a dusty box covered with particles of shame and doubt, afraid that I might get criticized and would only receive a downpour of negative criticisms and remarks full of mockery in return. I want to run away. Perhaps dreaming of places I have never been to before is never enough; my slumber always comes to an end before I even know about what my fate is in my dreams. Reading about the existence of multiple utopian universes gave me an inkling of hope that maybe packing my bags up and using the last pouch of my savings to travel would be worth it once I reach my destination. The thrill of a new adventure awaits. The thought of seeing new faces in unfamiliar cities had excitement rushing to my veins. I do not know them and they do not know me. We were equals in that sense, having no clue about who the other person might be. Exploring unfamiliar cities would lead me to discover empty alleys and comfort spots that I’d find solace in. Do I need to get lost in an abyss of unfamiliarity in order to find myself?

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The next morning, I woke up late again. Nothing’s new. I feel dumpy as usual. I opened my cellphone and unexpectedly there is a message. I opened it. It’s an inspirational quote from an unknown number. I texted back asking who is the person behind. She introduced her name. She’s my best-friend from far away. She lived in the city where we used to study. I can’t forget her. How could I forget her when she was the only person who cried when I was left? How could I forget her when she is the only person who knows what is going on in my life. She apologized because she was missing in action for a month and she did not send her usual motivational quotes. She also reminded me that she’s still thinking about me and there is at least one person who loves me. I am beyond lucky to have a friend like her, right? I read the message saying “Very little is needed to make a happy life; it’s all within yourself, in your way of thinking.” - Marcus Aurelius. I smiled that day. The message inspires me to sketch. I sent it to her and I can feel how proud she was of me. Sometimes, our biggest adversary is not always ourselves. It’s true that no man is an island. I was an island but I am now a happy island full of products that may benefit everyone. We can’t always put a brighter blaze and changing hue to someone’s life but we can always make a good artwork in monochromatic fights. Later that night, I started to remind myself that I am worth it. I am just surrounded by the wrong people, wrong surroundings, and wrong world. Just like Vincent, this world is not meant for someone as beautiful as us.



My Moonlight By: Hisako Arato I am bound of darkness and hopeless romantic. I can’t either define love. My soul is totally covered by scars and a traumatizing past. There are times that I can’t breathe and can’t think. I will just end up to do nothing at all. Not even writing. One morning, I woke up. I turned on my cellphone and did not expect anyone to message me. I looked at the time, it’s already 9:30 AM. I need to eat my breakfast. I brewed coffee for myself and ate the scrambled egg and rice. Something has crossed my mind that everything was just repeating itself. The same cycle, the same place, the same environment, the same situation. Will I be like this forever? I can’t even go outside and witness the rising of the sun. It seems like, in a blink of an eye, it’s already for goodnight. I kept on shutting the world out because I thought being alone will give me solitude. I rummage for my art materials which I haven’t valued for a long time. I found my Van Gogh inspired sketchbook, it’s totally blank. I remember buying it because I wanted to fill it with my works. At the moment, I am inspired. At the very moment, I can clearly see the future that awaits me for the few years. I can’t help but to always ask myself, am I really worthy to live in this world? Maybe that is a simple question to others but to someone like me, it is just too hard to answer. It’s not just a dichotomous question because the answer is not always between yes and no. How am I supposed to justify something I’m not even sure of? I fell a sleep with a big question mark in my mind.

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That moment on we were exchanging sweet messages that made us flutter. You were so good on words that I kept on falling exceeding the limit I’ve set up for myself. It was very clear that we both don’t want to get hurt like how our past did. We said no to commitment. But can you blame me? I also never wanted to be in that complicated situation again, feeling hurt and in pain while questioning one’s worth. Yet, I did and I cried. When you came, I closed my door. I tried the set up with pure feelings but no label, no commitment, no whatsoever. It was good at first until we were both occupied with other things, and until I asked for so much more. “Is it really love?” I asked you. “Yes, love in a wrong timing,” you answered. Then, just like that we parted ways, me blaming myself for falling in love again, settling for less and pouring all to the other person, and you wiping up the tears you promised not to let out for such a long time, not letting the “what ifs” to come in one’s thought and convincing yourself you did right. We both did right. It’s just that what happened between us will remain as it is and will never happen again.



Never Again By: Featherstone I wasn’t aware when and how it all started. I thought it was just a mere conversation about little things around us, nothing else. You were being you, I was being me. Little did we know, that we could actually see each others authenticity, behind the personality we’re showing off publicly. We were like two people, who unexpectedly met, had deeper conversations and developed feelings, which we thought is unrequited. You say you’re at your worst, but I did see you like a gem. A gem worth having. You treated me like a queen, a striving queen doing all possible means to put a crown on my head, that made me fall for you, very hard. You adored me as much that made me say I finally found the one. You were the one I’ve been looking for whenever something good or bad happened to me in a day. I once heard your gay-like voice, you once heard my soft girly voice, but it didn’t happen again. We once had a glimpse of each other in a distance with our face covered by a mask. Yet, we never had a chance to get a closer look to see what we ought to see, and feel what we ought to feel. But, one thing is for sure, with time I finally got to tell you “I love you” for no reason.

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Unspoken Warrior By: Feline Professors would often talk about the heroes that lived and fought for our country in the past. They talk about the dangerous battles they have gone through, the countless sacrifices that they have made, and the number of times they spoke their thoughts out in order to defend our countrymen. But what our educators failed to neither see nor obtain knowledge of is that there is one warrior whose name may not be etched on the pages of a future book. There is one warrior who also fought different kinds of battles. Ones that were unseen. Unspoken. Its remnants are not visible to the naked eye and the wounds that have been gained from these merciless attacks have become scars, reminders of how much this warrior fought in order to survive. That warrior being you. You constantly war against your self-deprecating thoughts. Sometimes, it feels like you’re on the losing side. But look at how far you’ve come, little one. You’re just as brave, just as strong and capable. And I am proud of you for making it this far.



Motoristang Gala Ni: Satria R150 Isang taon na ang nakalipas nang aking pasukin ang buhay ng dalawang gulong. Malawak ang mundo nito at maraming uri ng tao ang puwede kong makilala ngunit lahat kami ay may iisang layunin; ang maging masaya sa bawat galang magtropa. Ngunit, isang araw napaisip ako. Sa bawat gala, bawat gastos, bawat sunog ng gasolina, may kapalit na halaga at sa kabila ng halagang ito ay may mga taong nangangailangan dahil sa labis na kahirapan. Kaya napagpasiyahan naming magtropa na tumulong sa mga taong naghihirap sa aming komunidad sa pam amagitan ng isang Charity ride para matugunan ang kanilang hinaing at upang may maiambag din kami bilang mga motorista.

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Though he did not offer her much of a future, his presence was more than enough to guarantee her happiness for as long as they both existed. Their meetings were done in secret; in the afternoons right before teatime and the evenings in the stables when everybody went to bed. Kisses were stolen and sentiments dripping with sweetness were exchanged, sealed with genuineness and an abundance of contentment. They had all that they needed ; each other. And that was more than any treasure could ever replace. One would think that they are a few pages away from a happily ever after. That’s where the assumptions are wrong. The princess never got the happy ending she deserved. What she got instead was a tragic one. She had to witness her own mother rip the heart out of her dearly beloved. She had to see the lights in his eyes slowly dull. She had to see her Mother crush the heart until all that fell to the ground were ashes, remnants of what was once a beating organ. She had to desperately try her luck at kissing him back to life. But what was there to bring back when it was the heart that sustained the stable boy that gave him his life? Ah, yes. True love’s kiss can break any curse in existence as it is the most powerful thing in the realm of fairy tales. But what was true love’s kiss to do when a murder was committed? It was this very unfortunate event that led the princess to seek out revenge. With her lover gone, there was nothing more left for her to live with. The sparks of romance were replaced with that of anger, of pure hatred. She thought tp herself that if she cannot make her happy ending, nobody else will. She was a good person once. Only that she had her happiness taken away from her in the cruelest way.



Unmasked By: Feline ‘Why do villains exist? The only thing that they’re good at is make everybody else miserable.’ I looked up from the book that I was reading, my thumb and forefinger pinching a moth-eaten page inbetween. My lips stretched into a half-hearted smile, my eyes looking on at the one who spoke with sadness. If only you knew the things that they went through, you would know that they were never villains in the first place. Evil, after all, is not born. It is made. My mind spoke before my mouth could even part a small inch apart. I continued to look on at the person who was convinced about erasing the villains entirely off of fairytales, boasting about the number of ways they would do them away. I looked down at my book and finally flipped open to the next page. There was the illustration of the Evil Queen, her smile glinting with evilness as she looked at her most prized object within the chambers; the poisoned apple which was meant to kill Snow White. Malevolence was reflected in her eyes, eager to put her revenge into action. But despite her destructive nature, I found out not too long ago that there was a reason why she was the way she is. Did it ever occur to you that the Evil Queen was once a princess with good intentions? Did it ever occur to any of you that, in her years as a young adult, she was the one who rescued Snow White from a horse gone berserk? That without her help, Snow White would have never lived and grew up to be the fairest in the land? Yes, the Evil Queen was once a princess with good intentions. And believe it or not, she had a heart full of warmth and compassion long before her heart of stone came into existence. This heart was capable of sympathy, of kindness, and of love. She was once a princess who fell deeply in love with a stable boy.

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Hindi ko inakalang aabutin ako ng dekada sa palaboy-laboy sa kahahanap ng kasagutan. Kasagutan sa mga katanungan walang ibang nakakaalam kundi ako lang. Magdedekada ko na palang tinalikuran abg pag-alok ng aking lola na ako’y turuan paano maghibla ng patadyong. Hindi ko akalaing magdedekada na pala akong nawala sa tamang landas, nagpadala sa simoy ng pagbabago na siyang simoy pala ng pagkabobo: simoy ng pag-iisip na hindi wasto. Sa panahon ngayon tumataas na ang bilang ng mga taong nagpapakaunod sa emosyon, nagpapatalo sa depresyon. Ang inaasahang kabataan na ayon kay Gat Jose Rizal ay pag-asa ng bayan, ay unti-unti nang nagiging salot ng lipunan. Masakit isipin na ang mga kabataan ngayon ay mas pinipili nang ikitil ang buhay kesa sa harapin ang mga hamon nito. Kung sana lang maagang namalayan ang pagkawasto. Hindi sana magkakaganito. Kung sana lang mas binigyan kong pansin ang paghihibla ng patadyong at hindi ang pag scroll sa facebook twitter at instagram. Kung sana lang mas pinili kong umupo sa tabi ni lola at magmasid sa mala Leonardo da Vinci niyang mga kamay. Kung sana lang mas pinili kong yakapin ang makaluma kesa sa makabago. Sa huling pagkakataon ay aking pinagmasdang muli ang patadyong. Sa aking pagmasid ay naaninag ko ang ilaw na mgdedekada ko nang tinunton. Ang ilaw na inaasam-asam ng lahat, akalain mong sa patadyong ko pala mahahagilap. Ang pagkakaugnay-ugnay ng bawat pirasong hibla ng patadyong ay sumisimbolo sa mga taong malalapit sa aking puso. Sumisimbolo sa mga karanasang kinakailangan para ako’y matuto. Para ako’y mabuo. Dahil sa huli, ako pala’y isang likha katulad ng patadyong. Binuo ng aking mga magulang, hinasa at inalagaan. Pinaganda ng karamihan, pinalago ng mga taong sa akin ay nagmamahal. Ang tanging magagawa ko lamang ay panatilihing buo ang pagkatao kong maihahalintulad sa patadyong ni Lola walang katulad. Pagmamahal ang tanging daing, Salamat nalang at dumating; Ang pagmamahal na sa sarili nanggaling, Ang pagkatuto na ako’y babalik sa palasyo ng sining.




Hibla ng Pagkatuto Ni: Featherstone Sa palasyo ng sining, Munting prinsesa’y nanggaling; Kasiyahan ang tanging daing, Kalauna’y nagpakalasing. Sa modernisasyo’y pumanhik, Sa tradisyunal di na humalik; Tila hindi na babalik, Bakit pa masasabik? Lumalagablab ang waring poot sa dibdib, umaapaw ang mapapait na likidong umaagos sa dalawang pulwagan ng pag-aaninag, kasabay ng pagdamdam ng masidhing pighati na dinulot ng di-inaasahang paglisan. Mag-isa at walang kaagapay, buong tapang na tinahak ang pasikot-sikot na daloy ng buhay. Sa kalagitnaan nadapa, bumaling sa dinaanan, napatitig sa pinanggalingan, sa haba ng lakbay hindi napagkaila ang halaga ng tunay na yaman. Bakit? Bakit ‘di mo subukan? Bakit ‘di mo ilapag ang teknolohiyang iyan at ibaling ang kamay sa mas makabuluhan? Napalinga sa kalawakan, winawari kung sino ang nagsasalita. Winawari kung may nagsasalita nga ba at sa paulit-ulit na daing ng nanginginig na boses, isang imahe ng tao ang unti-unting nabuo sa wasak kong bahay ng talino. Iisang tao. Iisang boses. Boses na sa kasalukuya’y kinasasabik-sabikan. Boses na gustong gusto kong balikan. Akmang namumuo na sana ang butil ng pagsisisi sa gilid ng aking mga mata nang bigla akong may nabangga. Pasensya, patawad, paumanhin ang mga katagang naglalaro sa aking isipan na hindi ko manlang magawang ipasalita. Ako’y napatitig sa taong sa kasalukuya’y saking harap. Napatitig din siya, at sa bawat kislap ng aming mga mata ay dumadagundong ang ritmo ng aking puso. Kaawaan ka ng Diyos hija, at sana naman namamalayan mo ring may naaapakan ka na pala, tugon ng matanda kasabay ng matamis na pag ngiti nito na tila ba nagbabadya ng bagong pag-asa. Po? Dalawang letra. Isang salita ang kaunaunahang namutawi saking mga labi. Kasabay ng aking pagtanong ay ang paglapat ng aking paningin sa paanan ng aking mga paa. Hindi ko alam. Hindi ko alam ang dahilan ng biglaang pagtulo ng aling mga luha. Dahandahan. Dahan-dahan kong pinulot ang bagay na aking inapakan, ang bagay na matagal ko nang tinalikuran - Ang Patadyong.

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Short Stories Scavengers


A deck of old cards And hands battling for a reign Run society

By: Vixen

A seat of power People seeking for freedom; These are our voices

By: Vixen

Farmlands of fresh fruits Splintered hands plowing the fields It's farming season

By: Vixen

74 Scavengers

An early morning Men grinning behind their masks Another campaign

By: Vixen

Stay away from me You might get sick, I’m pleading I love you baby

By: caeruleaphile

Spending some money It makes me happy, you see A helping hobby

By: caeruleaphile



Are those staring eyes? What’s behind that mask? The chills, oh my gosh!

By: caeruleaphile

You got me tied up Blindfolded by agony Someone please help me

By: caeruleaphile

Limits have been pushed Breaking all the boundaries Still reaching the goal

By: Duchesne

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It’s in the future People sing and I’m dancing I’m finally cured

By: Duchesne

Night in the palace He is done with the writing One less problem down

By: Duchesne

The darkness creeps in Hopes are down but I’m still here I am still standing

By: Duchesne



Haikus 70 Scavengers

Inside By: Duchesne I have been hiding all my life And my only friend is the night I was ready to get out I was ready to face my doubts But something funny happened And that something became a burden We were all forced to say inside Difference for me is that I finally have a reason to hide I was ready to face to the wonders of the world I was ready to be the man of my words Will I be stuck inside? Should I just accept that they lied? What happens now? Is this something that I should allow? Was the timing just poor? Or misfortune is something I lure? But even so, I will not let destiny write my story I am in control and I should not worry The only way is up and I am not in a hurry I will push through and stop feeling sorry These challenges are just blessings in disguise I know that justice became a heist I will not let my life be ran by lies For I am my own man and nothing can tell otherwise.



Isolation By: Moon Lover Lying all alone in the bed of uncertainty Longing for absolute freedom so desperately A moment of introspection about the reality Of living the life full of misery. Situated in the haven of complete solitude that is comparable to a warfare’s captive. Struggling to survive with low mental fortitude caused by a noxious plague labeled as vindictive. Reminiscing the memoir of family and friends Setting aside negativities, issues and trends Doing what is best while it’s not yet over A contemplation that lives really matter. Patiently waiting for the perfect time Accompanied by the music with beat and rhyme Watching teary-eyed at the clearly-covered window In order to treat melancholy, hopelessness and sorrow.

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Monstrous Monster By: Moon Lover Reckoning the days of feeling hunger Of all the goals that remain obscured Aiming for hideous place to be a master To feed the need for thirst and power! Untamed were directed into a maze Likened to a straight path but ends with haze So as not to speak the ill-natured acts To pursue the plans of grave misconducts. Luxurious life in the throne of golds Keeping servants as the herd of fooled Masquerading evil forever will be untold To be hailed and kneeled, a leader to behold! Inviting preys to taste the wine of curse A flock minions ready to work with force Unpraised era because of an indecent rule Waiting for people power in the season of fall.



Voice of The Unheard By: Moon Lover I am cloaked with flaws and baffling queries Sitting in the corner, confused and hopeless Thinking too much causing anxiety and stress Alone in the dark chamber keeping life in distress. The phobia of criticism, unacceptance and rejection Leads me to struggle silently the excruciating situation My unearthed plea and voices are always in restraint For I am afraid to be tagged as the master of understatement! When out from my sanctuary, smiling face is in display As sweet as the blooming flowers in the month of May Yet, behind my happiness is a feeling of great dismay Like a golden-hearted king ousted by evils betray. When are you going to listen to this resounding outcry! If everything is over and I am in complete exile? A second of your precious time can free me from this cage So, reflect and take heed before turning this page.

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You By: Duchesne I’ve been chasing dreams that I never wanted All this time I was so blind and wasted All I felt was pain Taking shots without aiming Until the time I saw you Before I met you, I was stupid Broken down and clearly ruined Everything was damned But you got a hold of my hand I didn’t know what love meant Until the day I met you All this time I have been so weak I never got the chance to speak You are my anesthetic lullaby Your eyes are purely crystallized But now I am not afraid I want to be in this escapade With you Before I met you, everything was so blue And I can’t face the truth that in my change you are the roots Now everything is so perfect I never want to go back To the days when I was not in company of you Now that I am with you, everything feels so true Your absence is my rue, It’s true that I’m obsessed with you But I have heard you got a new man and you are in cloud nine with him Girl, you are not human and this I’ll say to you All this time I have been so blind I should have know that this was your ride And now all I can say is my goodbye You are still my anesthetic lullaby Thank you for the escapade My love for you will not easily fade Curse you.



Into You By: Duchesne You look so jaded That’s okay, you know I am not that stoked to be here with you You are bored, I can see it It’s okay, I know I am not provoked by an eye roll or two I think we are stuck here with each other Hoping that something will get better I told you that you and I got tethered Our guilt has forced us to be together I will always remember How you smiled and said whatever It’s It’s It’s It’s

crazy crazy crazy crazy

how how how how


am messed up when it comes to you get scared of things that are new lie when things get real or true pretended when I already knew

My mind was in shambles Forget what I said to you None of that was true I hope that you knew You always make me mumble I am one of the few Who is not scared of you And the things you could do They said that I am being stupid I guess that I am just exhilarated You are the one that kept me sedated But when with you I feel a little faded Sometimes I also feel elated I know I am confusing and I am wasted I am sorry that you feel defeated It’ crazy how I smile whenever I hear your name It’s crazy that you are the most beautiful dame It’s crazy how you make me shoot without aim But the crazies part of this is that you also feel the same.

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Now that you’re gone, I hope that you feel like you have won I know that you wanted to see me wrong I’ve been sitting in that place since the break of dawn Still has no clue on how you are wronged Please tell me now, how have you been? How come after all this time you’re still that sheen? We both know that you will never come out clean I can’t describe this feeling I got, it’s making me lean I’ve been counting all the time that you pretended you were mine Took a shot to clear my mind but I got tangled in this vine Taken down by your indecisions, I believed in dumb superstitions I thought our love will age like wine, It was great but never fine Now, I just hope that you will shine, I just ran out of words to rhyme I know the line that you will say to me. “Move on, we’re not meant to be” I know that and I also believe that It’s just tonight that I cannot sleep, I will count the sheep ‘til I fall asleep.



Counting Sheep By: Duchesne

It’s 1 AM I’m obviously damned, obviously numbed But I can still feel the end Never knowing why I’m still holding on Left a message on your counter to tell you what went wrong It’s cliché but it’s not you, it’s always me I’m trying to be happy in this place of misery Sitting on this pile of letters that I always read Now I regret the choice I made of letting you leave Now I’m crying for you so stupidly but in the contrary I’m only doing this for you to only feel sorry for me It’s really stupid that the time flies I never knew I’ll be the catcher in the rye Now come on honey speak to me I’m begging you so come home please I finally know why I need you in my life if bitter-sweet You made me mad and crazy but you’re still my symphony Tonight I cannot sleep, I’ve been counting all the sheep Staring at the ceiling, wondering what I’m feeling I don’t know what else but I’m losing myself Tonight I cannot sleep, I’ve been counting all the sheep.

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Fears By: Nana I have been in the dark, All I can see is black. Left and grieved all alone, Nothing feels like home. I was trembling, afraid. Empty space, I am scared. Help! Save me, I yelled. But my voice just fades. I’m starting to lose hope. I was awakened by a light and a voice. A light! A light in the dark! Oh! They came back. That’s all it takes, To stop the madness. I stand up and dry my tears, Throwing away my fears.



Smile By: Nana Darkness, I see for days. Fear, Lingering for weeks. Uncertainty, I feel for months. But it changed... Light, Shine for days. Hope, Fills me for weeks. Security, I feel for months. When I see him smile.

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My Lover is A Beast By: Dragoness Crawling fingers on my back Digging on my spine Pinning me into his chest Chaining with his arms A torture and a pleasure A rose with million thorns Forced for me to hold He’s the warden of my heart A hell bound lover With corrupted tongue In an angelic face Torturing my soul But I’m a willing victim In a rumba with a beast With his hell fire love.



Ocean By: Dragoness Look down, shining surfer Of midnight sky! Please, see me shimmer In gentle waves Of your serene silver moon dye. I’m always under your feet As you sail along the dark starfield, Chasing the herald of dawn. It rips my blue vastness For I can’t see you at daylight, But my depths are still beating, And my tides are clashing, Surging, smashing, Clamoring for your absence, For they know where you are. I wish there will be eternal night, So I can stare at your beauty That can’t even look down on me. No matter what, I will not remain at rest; I shall chase the endless horizon To meet you at the west.

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Weeds By: Below Zero Seems unstoppable right now Weeds in a slather, impossible to mow. The roots penetrated deep, Is there hope to end this creep. While we the farmers are showing no care Not doing anything but showing despair? How ironic, eyes flashed red like flare. And the smell of dead plants in a summer air.



My Flower By: Duchesne We can never get things right, surely You can never see the light in me Stuck inside my innocence Never knowing where you’ve been You took me to great heights lately We never had faith, my lily You made me feel like it’s a sin To love you from deep within I will never be the one To hold you until the break of dawn I will never be the one Whom you will lead on I I I I

am taking control will not be right outside you door am taking control will not chase after you anymore

Our love was all tossed up lately You are the only one who made me crazy Never really making sense Everything was so intense You had the chance to win my heart Instead, you chose to tear me apart It is the golden hour I will not stay any longer I am taking control I will not be the fire that warms your heart I am taking control Goodbye to you, my flower.

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P.S. By: Moonboy You’ll think that I may be straying away from the theme But I was given the chance to lay out my scheme I have been in love with this girl And she got me into a whirl Being a scavenger isn’t totally sad Because we’re only making good out of the bad You might be wondering why I made this series of romantic poems If you were attentive you will be able to see them.



Poem 6 I have seen life imitate art Already seen it since the start I’m on freefall and you’re a fifty feet drop Falling for you made my heart pop I never felt this rush in me before It is too strong for me to just ignore Before I met you my life was such a bore I never knew you were someone I’ll adore I know my odds with you and I think I’ll play I’m sure it’s destiny that put us here today When you entered my life, a door shut I know it’s cliché but You’re truly an angel sent from above Growing old with you is something I would love.

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Poem 5 I don’t need a dose of caffeine when I’m with you Just a glance of your smile and I’ll get through Anything in this world that brings sorrow My pride is something I’m willing to swallow I’ve taken the path of a righteous man It led me to a place where you stand Paint my life with the color of your serenity Fly with me and see the world’s beauty You’re the reason why there’s a chorus You’re the hook that repeats an opus I promise that I will never make you sob I want to be someone you’ll be proud of.



Poem 4 Even the smallest things feel big with you I’m the wandering sailor with a buskin shoe You’re my little mermaid and I’ll search through Any oceans just to find you Every day, I will be in this quest Finding you is worth a million treasure chests I will not rest through day and night We will be flying high like soaring kites You gave my life clarity and that is absolutely true I’d rather be alone than being with someone other than you It’s crazy that since the day I met you, you became my motivation This feeling is stronger than any country signing a declaration.

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Poem 3 Every morning I wake up with you in mind I want to be with you and leave everything behind Your eyes were ensnaring me And I never wanted it to set me free My soul was putrid Blinded eyes were all over me Stereo’s music Already died but I didn’t grieve Things exploded like a grenade This feeling will never ever fade I will always choose you in everyday If I were to grade you, it will be an A.



Poem 2 We will have so much fun together The days will feel like they are forever We will stay with each other Through any stormy weather I am aware and sober And I know things we’ll have will be better Before we met, we were taken for granted Both of us felt something we never wanted I can see my future within your eyes I would be lying if I said otherwise Being with you is the ultimate prize If I said the opposite, I am full of lies.

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A Series of Poems By: Moonboy

Poem 1 Remember that I’ll always be here The distance between us will always be near I’m not afraid to drop anything for you If you want me there, I want that too There’s no need to worry about bugging me Cause I’m your guy 24/7, milady There’s no need for you to shy away Cause I’ll be here with you in every step of the way Thinking about you makes my day brighter Without you, I will be withered I can’t predict the future cause I’m no seer But you should know that I’ll always be here.



Rekindle By: Uncrowned Learn to let go of the things that Wanted to slip away Learn to let go and free your heart from disarray Learn to let go when the situation Is giving you a frown Learn to let go of the miserable things That are weighing you down Learn Learn Learn Learn

to to to to

Never Never Never Never

let let let let

46 Scavengers

give yourself a chance to rebuild find yourself a summit to stand on give yourself a moment to breathe in some kindness find yourself the peace of mind and calmness yourself yourself yourself yourself

immerse in hatred and vain drown with worries and anxiety be imprisoned by misery be convicted with malice and pain.

Mine Once By: Diandra Lifting melodies of the piano fill my head Your face fills my vision, smiling beautiful Unconsciously, my lips stretched into a smile But it was a fleeting moment of bliss Reality slowly crept into my consciousness Ah yes, you are nothing but a sweet memory You had left, leaving me all hollow Your hands that’s used to clasped mine It is warmly holding another now? You had left me with much to treasure Your voice, your scent, your smile It had become a part of who I am The thought of you wounds me love So many what ifs running through my head What if we had just held on despite the pain? But I know I should let you go now You were mine and it was beautiful But I guess this is where our chapter ends.



Let’s Stay Friends By: Para kay A. A breeze of morning, Woke me up from my untold dreams As I open the door, Wishing there’s a hug who could cover me within I could feel the cold inside I am longing for your hug so tight Thankfully, the sun has risen I looked at its rays And reminisce our days Oh! How I fall for your smiles Gazing at your twinkling eyes Just like our hands hold by As if we’re meant to be Better to keep in silence Than to lose your presence It’s okay Let’s stay friends.

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My Sweet Marigold By: Slim Shady You have my heart and sweet marigold The love of young and bold This breeze of dawn’s delight Risen the love in the coldest of night You have my soul my sweet marigold Never will it get old You are the fire keeping me alive Your hugs and kisses roused the vibe You have me my sweet marigold I’ll be here when times of cold For you will be forever be my happiness Even though you’re someone else’s.



If Only By: Sheen We used to be happy together Having each other’s side Full of promises but has been Broken because of pride If only we could turn back the time That I was for you and you were mine No doubts, just full of love and happiness Not like this living with sorrow and emptiness I pray for you to be loved and safe in her arms I wish she’ll protect you in everything that harms Be with you whenever you’re getting mad If only I were not scared and blocked by fears Maybe I have win you back and wipe no tears What if you’ve also hold on and have patience Maybe now we’re living with no regrets and silence.

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Ephemerae By: Diandra Had been treading the same path Going in circles over and over Sustaining same hurtful affections Hurtful and hopeless affections Had always been protecting my heart I’ve built walls against your kind I know I don’t fall easily but when I do What a hard and painful fall it is And so few knows my travails Nobody sees the injuries I sustained Always had been hiding in secret I can’t afford to flaunt my shame For someone so inadequate I feel ashamed to expose my heart The fear of being scorned haunts me For you are way out of my league But I’ll be able to handle this well I had always been able to do so You are just another ephemerae You came to me but soon you’ll go I look forward to when I’ll be losing You, my ephemeral love.



Your Man By; Moonboy We have been friends since the first day You’re the only one who made me stay I’ve been there for you, when you were crying You don’t how long I’ve been wishing To be the guy that you deserve I will always stay true I wouldn’t lie to you I will never find someone new They were never a man They were just playing pretend I’m sorry but it is true That they just lied to you But you already knew And I’m sorry for me I’m sorry for the way I’ve been I guess I’ve gone crazy Everything became hazy Things have been the way it should be You’re standing there asking do I look pretty You look amazing the way you are You’re beautiful near or far Honey, you look like a star Millions glances I took With just one touch I have shook You can melt me with just one look Things have gotten crazy I am whipped, can’t you see It’s impossible for you to choose me But at least I could try Could try to be your guy I will never give up I will fall and take the drop I’ll be always there for you Thick and thin, we’ll push through I would be your man Until the end.

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Just Another Day By: Diandra My heart drowns in tears It cries and bleeds And when there’s nothing left It resigns and sleeps There’s so much to cry for Life is not simple as it seems We cry out of joy We cry out of sorrow But whatever comes Life simply goes on Wipe away tears Put on the smile I will be brave Just another day I will keep on Until life ebbs away.



Fractions By: Vixen Fragmented pieces of thy heart; A result of political art A craft which garb is aesthetically pleasing While underneath, the truth comes leaking The tongue that offers can get slipped The same with pennies that are tipped Once words come out a leader’s mind People turn their cognizance blind As the political climate seems uneasy The vowed agendum turned hazy Mass queries which never met response Are deemed accounts of politics’ stunts Scattered are the hopes of today In the agents who gab astray The voices that should utter conclusion Were divided into a fraction.

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Kaleidoscope By: Vixen Take a peek into your own cogitation It reflects you tangled in the same station The mirrors that you claim to play with your view Will actually give you an arid hue Haven’t you spied its ironic symmetry? The proportions that fool your decree One minute it’s beauty that is evident And later on, the space is darkened It is dismay to negate a perception Since the tea contains fabrication The life that you think a chromatic prism Is nothing but an obscure criticism.



Carry On By: Duchesne Things have been crazy since I graduated Just putting this out there but most of my classmates shifted I know why I’m here and I am contented I’m running towards the path that I have embedded Though the journey has been so hard Though I am already scarred I stood tall and I kept my ward Negativity is something I disregard I learn from my past and most recent mistakes I do not exhaust myself, I still take breaks I’ve been in relationships and my heart did ache But that did not change the stakes I kept pushing through and my arrows are drawn The fire is still there and it will never be gone I would tell you this until the break of dawn Always keep your hopes up and carry on.

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Like A Bright Star You Light Up Thw Night Sky By: Matt Like a bright star you light up the night-sky So lovely you are, always in my dreams Staring at your sweet smile, my heart feels high Love it must be, forever so it seems Pure love I give to you, this you must know Oh. It’s true! My heart beats only your name There my love goes wherever you will go I’ve got this feeling the moment you came Come to me, stay with me and hold my hand Never let go, I’ll show my love for you By the seashore while we are on the sand Countless stars witness how my love is true Magical moments we make together Surely, my love for you lasts forever.



This Girl And This Lady By: J. D. Foxtrot I am a girl by the heart, but I am a lady by the soul I may be a brittle glass outside, but a sturdy iron inside And every time you break me down, I make myself whole Because I am a girl and a lady, and I’ve got nothing to hide You’ve hurt this girl, yes, and in times I cry out my pain But this lady won’t reside in tears but will get up and be braver This girl had been lonely and walked alone in the rain But this lady is strong and learned to splash away the water You’ve humiliated this girl, and hurt her with your words But this lady ate it all up and spit those words back in silence You taped the girl’s mouth with warnings so she won’t be heard But she outsmarted you with her intelligence, that’s our differ ence This girl tried to love someone with all her heart and mind But she received deceit and got tricked upon by a lover But this lady let all of her hurtful and negative past behind And learned to carry on because she won’t live forever Love me or hate me, those are the only two choices you have This girl would want you to love me, or this lady will hate you back I don’t care about your choice, I don’t care about your motive This girl will love you if you love me, hurting me will make this lady attack I have enjoyed my life so much, and it was all because I was me I have been true to all, and there’s nothing to worry me right now So don’t judge people today just because of what you see Because someday we’ll be better, someday but not now.

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Zhi Zi Zhi Shou, Yu Zi Xie Lao By: J. D. Foxtrot I know that I am not the one you’re waiting for But I can’t hide these feelings I have, for you, anymore I like you and it’s obvious like an open door Please don’t leave me in pain, don’t leave my heart sore These feelings I have is like a burning sun in the sky That when it shines greatly, it turns rivers dry And even the rarest eclipse can’t hide it, even though it try I just have to say it all to you, I don’t even know why If ever you’d like me back, I’ll make sure to love you Please know that my intentions are pure, my love is true Your missing pieces, I’ll be the one to mend, I’ll be the one to sew Because the more I think of you, the more my feelings grew It may seem hopeless, to wish for your love for me But it’s okay, at least I’ve tried. I have been brave, you see? Then goodbye for now, my princess, I’ll just set you free And here, from this dark corner, I’ll love you secretly.



Dearest Sunflower By: J. D. Foxtrot I found myself mesmerized upon a field of sunflowers Whose growth formed a syzygy of seeds crowned with gold? Oh, how I loved their stance, they stood proud like towers Beckoned by the sun, they reveal the beauty they behold They seemed to be welcoming me by their desultory dance Along with the mellifluous singing of the gusts of winds How blessed am I to be given this very sumptuous chance To witness nature play the melodies of its ethereal violins As I lilt between the tall stems of these nature’s royalties Their rough leaves brush against my sun-kissed skin I felt caressed not by leaves but with the hands of deities If all happiness were here, all this time, where have I been? I never felt real comfort before, because judgments felt warm I have never been recognized for the good things I’ve done But when I commit the slightest mistake, sardonic eyes swarm But these sunflowers tell me to just keep facing the sun I have been to sorrows like sunflowers have been in rain When sunshine doesn’t come out, I turn to silence as a friend Sunflowers bow down their heads, like how I mask my pain But I know there will be a sunshine, and sufferings will end The more I witness this beauty, so is my growing admirations As I stay longer in this field, I tend to know myself more That humans are ephemeral, a machine powered by emotions The more I think, the more I find myself as a sunflower.

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The Last Person On Earth By: J. D. Foxtrot It’s me, the last person that is left on Earth I have trod this life of mine along an infinite dead road I don’t know who or where they gave birth This dead valley I see is so much to travel to, so broad I’m alone, I know, but I hear murmurs of hatred Déjà vu, I think I’ve heard all of these before These murmurs follow me wherever I go, even in bed With what I hear, my soul ached, my heart tore I’m alone, yes that is the truth right now, you know But I see people mocking the decisions I make in life Is it wrong to choose happiness? Is it a mistake to grow? I’m alone but not in peace and I’m in a constant strife I’m am the last person left, alone and nobody cares But I feel those touch that made me cry in the corner They give me goose bumps, they bring back my fears I’ve no shelter from it, my body is bare, nothing to cover Well, I’m alone and there’s nothing I can do about it I’ll just have to continue the journey I have right now And there’s nothing better to do, nothing more fit Than finding a hope that there’s a new light, then I’ll follow.



I know you admire me and I do feel the same way And I do hope that we’ll reunite someday Though that’s not going to happen I got so much on my plate And the thought of us is a mistake that I am not willing to take I cannot run away from this place, I have a lot to face So please just give me space You’re amazing but it’s too good to be true There will be no chance that I would choose you But that moment we had is a thing that I will always value In In In In In In

that that that that that that

moment, moment, moment, moment, moment, moment,

you made me hesitate for the first time you made me feel that I’m a dime I wished that time stopped I felt like my heart would pop I realized that I can’t always mope I realized that there is still hope

But I will stay on the sideline for now I love my family, they are the world to me I was never free since I was three I’m staying on the sideline for now I’m staying so take a bow.

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Sideline By: Duchesne I I I I

am taking my time on the sideline now am not afraid, I have nothing to fear know I wished I stayed because I really want you near am taking my time on the sideline now

I’m the eldest daughter of my mother and father with nine children I shouldn’t have bothered going out to wander, now I’m troubled with this feeling My job is to take us away from this poverty But when in the room, you’re the only one that I see Oh no, people think that I’m just scared They don’t know, that I have so much to lose if I get ensnared Uh-oh, you have eyes that I can’t resist But no, I’m choosing family over this I I I I

am taking my time on the sideline now am not afraid, I have nothing to fear know I wished I stayed because I really want you near am taking my time on the sideline now

It’s insane how people think you’re weak for not saying yes Like “What’s the matter with you, I know that you also want this” I have more things to do that is more important I can’t just stop what I’m doing because life is tyrant Oh no, people think that I’m running away But they don’t know that I’m suffering everyday Uh-oh, you cannot just love me Please go, I cannot be your lady.



Vivid By: Slim Shady It seems so real When the morning light unveils An image of the past And how it turned to dust Was it just an imagination? Or a genuine creation? Does it mean something true? Or just a memory out of the blue? I thought I knew that it was all gone Thinking the pain was shunned Yet here comes the vivid truth Hunting this soul and doleful thought.

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Fireflies By: Slim Shady Glancing up in the heavens They were dancing to the tune of Beethoven Like stars twinkling in midst of the unknown Gleefully circling the entrancing moon There were millions of flying embers The night sky was filled of aviating wonders It was back then the days are pure And the trees were more As I witnessed the ascending of the moon I reminisced the memory of the days long gone The flying embers died their lights out And the world seems to forget.



Just The Way You Are By: Caeruleaphile I see you there sitting in a chair Grabbing a pen and paper; a pair Preparing for a war, you wish to be fair Stop worrying and just draw what you wanted to share Your every move makes my heart go awry The curves and shapes you make are so majestic and sexy You came and spilled your colors to fill My heart so empty How can you draw a line from what is real or illusory? From your eyes so crescent like the moon To your smile that shines like the stars Your lips so soft and plum Your dimples so deep I’m falling, They’re in a slam I wish to see and know more of you I can try to reach the sky so blue Or jump to the moon? It can’t be true Oh, how about singing the songs From your favorite band too? You are just a friend You are my dream And I wish for it to come true From me to you, I love you.

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Reification By: Feline You saw yourself as an incomplete soul Together you and I become whole Far apart, the two of us may be But we are complete, separate figures for the entire world to see Like jigsaw pieces and the moon’s phases, Cropped photos and unfinished phrases They may not be seen as full or complete It’s their entirety that you cannot delete.



334 Of 365 By: Feline The clock stopped its ticking A heart within paused its beating A pen’s tip ran out of ink As an unwritten love story sunk in a sudden blink One heart shattered, one kept pulsating Pierced with fragments, left to bleed What little strength she had left was deteriorating For his love was what kept her alive, something that she needed? On the 334th day she rose from the ashes With eyes closed, the past flashes Instead of tears, she plasters a genuine smile For she realized that all she needed was herself all the while.

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Through The Little Door By: Feline She spoke of distant lands and fancy treats Of fun and games, a never ending platter of mouthwatering sweets Hide and seek, a location for curious wanderers Prepossessing yet dangerous, a place of adventures Be warned for what seems to appear as appealing Is nothing more than labyrinths with dangers lurking Will she come out of this little wonderland alive? Or play the Beldam’s games in order to survive?



Blood Money By: Orbit Estates built out of blood money, Look around, who do you think is the enemy? The greed that burns inside them, Incinerated innocent lives, The mask fell off, Thy face who once gave a massive hope, Dominated the world with fear, Who do you think created this cruel world?

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Pulchritude Beyond The Unknown Horizon By: Mari Gold S All my life I have been roving my eyes, rummaging the world full flash of wonders My topsy-turvy thoughts are flooding in blending bubbles of ignorance Halfway, I met the horizon in my experimental expedition I ghastly walloped by this astronomically enormous gift of miracles. I am already beyond horizon! The world is beautiful, The world is aesthetically chiselled The world is a fresh misted rose in the morning. I am in a perfect pulchritude. Next thing I knew, I already vividly understood the lyrics of the birds singing The sun kissed me and delight with its hotness gold The twinkling stars whispers reverberates over my ears And the beaming light of the moon showers me with alluring ecstasy. I traversed across planets; Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and mars. Took a glance of their gigantic laughs and smiles, All in one formed diamonds for a passport to other lands Indeed a gratitude to my pens, papers, and itchy hands. I sojourned to other worlds, Upon the words I toy as a sword, Upon the continuous drizzle of my grumbling mind I guess, I will forever flee- steering my wings of my wordy journey to the unknown horizon. Going beyond and more, knows no distance, breadth, and boundaries.



Renegade By Vixen Sealed with bloody wrists; a ploy of Judas A fiendish laugh by such young lass Once words spill off your mindless carol Presume for silence and peace in peril How come you have spoken limpid? When shame is dressing your greed? You desire for heralds and play a coy Only for your cards in deploy You, a keepsake once upon a run Had gone berserk for unalike fun Been hungry for such vengeful brigade Hence, considered a renegade.

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A Minute By Duchesne Welcome to the world I’m living in Things are fast paced and I’m struggling If I slowdown will I still catch up? It has been crazy since the beginning I can’t walk because everybody’s running If I stop now can I still go back? My mother taught me to be brave My father taught me to behave But no one told me that life is hard My grandpa told me to smile My grandma said stop for a while What am I ought to do? Life is so hard I need a minute to think about this I don’t know what will happen if I say yes I don’t know what to do Can you show and teach me too Every night I look at the stars Wishing that I lived from afar I want to escape this place of misery While sitting on a bench I saw a place Where I cannot be a waste of space It is the place for a kid like me I’ve been searching for this for far too long A safe place for a dreamer like me A place where I can be weak or strong A place where life is so great A place where people have so much faith A place where I can be truly free Oh, it’s so nice to be away For even just a single day I would really like to stay Oh, but the skies turned grey And the flowers turned to hay Give me a minute to stay I need a minute for this Will I decide or remain speechless I don’t know what’s right and wrong Can you teach me to be strong? Scavengers


Patuloy Ni Kobe Sa problemang pinapasan Huwag kang matakot humakbang O, bagtasin ang masukal na hagdan Magpatuloy ka lang. Huwag kang matakot maubusan Mayroong magbibigay Huwag matakot maiwanan Mayroong maghihintay. Magpatuloy ka sa paglakbay, kung sakali mangmatisod Ay subukan mong tumayo At kung dalawin man ng pagod Ay normal lang ang mabigo, Hindi masama ang matalo Ang masama ay hindi paglaban Hindi masama ang lumuha Ang masama ay kung ‘di mo pupunasan Sa simula ka mabibigo Kaya magtiyaga kang matuto Buntutan man ng pagkatalo Ay subukin mong manalo. matagal ang proseso, mahuhulog ka’t matitisod, ngunit huwag ka mapagod. Isaisip mong, Ang tagumpay... Ay nasa galak ng puso, Wala sa palakpak ng mga tao.

18 Scavengers

Naliligaw Ni Duchesne Napupunta sa kawalan ang pag-ibig ko sa iyo Hindi alam kung bakit nga ba ikaw ay ganito Nagpapakatanga ako Nagpapakatanga sa iyo Bakit nga ba di makita ang sikap ko sa iyo? Sa bawat sikat ng araw ay nariyan naman ako Naging desperado sa iyo Naging desperado ako Sabihin mo Ano nga ba? Ang dahilan Nang ika’y lumisan na Hindi mo ba alam na ikaw? And nag-iba ng aking pananaw Hindi mo ba alam na ikaw? Ang hinahanap pag ako ay naliligaw Nawawala sa sarili dahil lamang sa iyo Kahit ano man ang sabihin ay talo parin ako Nagpapakahangal sa iyo Nagpapakahangal ako Sino pa ba ang hahanapin pag lumabo na aking mga mata Tatanga-tanga lang pero ikaw parin talaga, walang iba Sabihin mo kung ano nga ba tayong dalawa Wag mo akong paasahin kung iiwan mo rin naman pala Sapagkat ako’y tao rin na may pakiramdam Hindi ako ipinanganak para iyong paglaruan lamang Ngunit ako’y tao rin na may sariling buhay Tatanga-tanga lang pero meron akong malay.



Tinamaan Ni: Unknown Naninibago ako sa aking nararamdaman sa ngayon Hindi ko man sinasadya ngunit laman ka ng isipan Hindi ko ginusto ito, hindi ako sumang-ayon Ngunit ako siguro’y umiibig, sayo’y tinamaan Hindi mawala sa isipan ko, laging naaalala Ang iyong ngiting ipinakita nang tayo’y magkausap Napakaaliwalas pala, nararamdama’y labis na saya Parang nakikipag-usap akosa anghel at nakaupo sa ulap Si Kupido talaga, pag walang magawa sa buhay Aani-aninag lang at papanain kung sinuman At ang matatamaan ay iibig sa isang tao nang tunay Malas ko ngayon, ako ang napili niyang pagtripan Hindi ko kasalanan, kaya’t huwag mo akong sisihin Tinamaan ako, at wala akong magagawa, ako’y nahuhulog Nahuhulog sa pagkagusto sa’yo, kaya gusto kong aminin Mahal kita, at laging iniisip sa aking bawat pagtulog Bigyan mo ako ng pagkakataon na aking patunayan Ang aking sarili sa iyo, bigyan mo ako ng oras Lagi kang liligaya sa’kin, pangakong di ka iiwan Dahil ako’y tinamaan sa’yo, at magmamahal hanggang bukas.

16 Scavengers

Katotohanan Ni: Maxmarrah Camille Kasing kinang ng bituin ang pa Humihiling sa langit maibsan ang nadarama Imulat ang sarili sa katotohanang dala May katapusan lahat Kahit gustuhin mong may kasunod pa Imulat katotohanang tapos na Katotohanang nauubos kana Hindi ka masaya. Lahat nagbabago Masakit pero totoo Gusto mong sumaya? Tanggapin mo ang sakit na dulot ng mundo Tumayo ka at lumaban Iiyak ka at masaktan Tumanggap at magpatawad.



Pasalungang Badya Ni: Featherstone Sasagupain rumaragasang ilog Imposible mang tahakin, kakayanin Babagtasin para sa’king iniirog Aasahang sa huli, nais ay dinggin Lahat iwawaksi, hadlang sa mithiin Gugunigunihing hindi pumanaog Nahagip ng paghihirap, titiisin Aakyatin ang pangarap na matayog Titiyaking sa agos di madudurog Iisaisip bukod-tangi kong ilog Kabaliktaran ang daloy, nanghuhubog Lalasapin tagumpay na nangangatog Aking ina ay ilog kung marapatin Hindi pababa kung ako’y tutulakin Alinsunod sa agos kung baliktarin Mga unang titik, pasalungang basahin

14 Scavengers

Disipulong Pinagpala Ni: Featherstone Lumalagablab na apoy iniwasn, Alighong buhay, kasamaa’y nilisan; Humihiyaw sa saya at kagalakan, Sa wakas! Tinatahak tuwid na daan. Kumaripas, saa karimlan humiwalay, Lumiwanag ang kabatiran sa buhay; Nanalig, nagbalik-loob sa mahusay, Sa Kanya, pagmamahal nadamang tunay. Binigay ng buo, sarili’y binuhos, Puso ay pinagkatiwala ng lubos; Sa gusto, luho, kailangan, di kapos, Biyayang tanggap umaapaw ang agos. Kalugura’y sa Ama lang walang iba, Kaibtura’y Siya lang laman, sapat na; Marapat lamang sa Kanya tumalima Mabuhay ang disipulong pinagpala.



Sumamo Ng Nawasak Ni: Featherstone Nasilaw, naganyak at naging gahaman, Sumapaw, sa pagtapak may nayurakan; Namayagpag, ahas ang pagkakilanlan, Habag, sa walang lakas nakaligtaan. Sinuklaman, sa katayuan bumagsak, Kaya’t iniwan karimlan sa pagtahak; Nagsumamong banayad, taong nawasak, Sa pagpatawad, taos-pusong nagalak.

12 Scavengers

Naiidlip Ni: Unknown Pikit-mata sa liwanag na dumarampi sa aking mukha Wari’y init na tumutunaw sa malamig na pagkakaidlip Oras na para hawiin ang ulap sa mga mumunting panaginip Tumatagos, banayad na sikat sa uhaw at hikaos na mga labi Mga kamay na nakagapos sa matatamis na mga pangarap Ang ulo’y bihag ng mga bulaklak na lumulutang sa alapaap May sumisipol, humuhuni, pumupukaw sa aking pandinig Isang libo’t isang tunog ng pagaspas ng pakpak ng malalayang ibon Ako’y niyayayang maglakbay, sariwain ang kahapon Kaysarap manatili, sa haplos ng malalambot niyang mga yakap Kaya’t mata’y isasarang muli, upang kahit sa kaunti pang saglit Aking mapagbigyan, ang puso at katawang gumigiit Masalimuot man ang tumalikod sa kaligayahang hatid Parang kandilang nauupos sa bawat sandaling lumilipas Gayunpaman, kailangan kong suungin ang hinaharap kong landas At ito na ang katapusan ng alaalang pinagsaluhan Ngunit pangako, ako ay muling babalik at sarili’y ilalakip Sa oras na tahimik ang paligid, sa oras na ako’y naiidlip.



Pamamanglaw By: Caeruleaphile Pasan-pasan ko ang mundo Sa Bawat paghakbang ko patungo sayo Dibdib koy waring sasabog; tatakbo Mga tuhod ko’y nanghihinat mga kamay ko’y nagyeyelo Akoy nawindang at di mapaniwalaan Ang hatid ng puting telang pumupulot sayong katawan Mga mata mong dati ay puno ng buhay at saya Ngayo’y nasa ilalim ng ilaw at nakapikit na. Pilit kong iniisip na ito isang panaginip lamang Na sana ikaw ay natutulog lang Hindi ako handing ihatid ka sa iyong huling hantungan Hindi ako handa na ako’ý iyong iiwan. “Wala na siya”, ito ang aking narinig Mga salitang sa aking mundo ay gumuhot yumanig “hindi to totoo” sa king sarili ay pinipilit sana man lang nakapagpaalam kahit saglit. aking pinasisihan ang mga taong aking ikay di nakasamat nasilayan habang akoy sa malayo, kung saan ang kagandahan ng mundo ay natuklasan ikaw naman pala itong naghihirap sa karamdamang naranasan Tanging sa mga ala-alat litrato lamang ang akin pagmamahal maidadaan Kung saan ka man ngayon, alam kong masaya ka Dahil panahon mo na upang magpahinga Kristyian, mahal kong kaibigan Paalam na.

10 Scavengers

Noong Una By: Caeruleaphile Nagsimula tayo sa mga harana’t pagsuyo Tinulak ng mga damdaming nagmamahalan; tinungo Sapat na ba ang mga pangako at pangarap sa isa’t isa? Upang mga pusoy makamit ang magpakailanman hanggang tala? Pag- iibigan natin dati ay mainit at nagbabaga Bakit ngayon ay lumamig at nagyeyelo na? Tayo na pinagtagpo ng tadhana Siya ring pinaglayo at mga kasalana’y ‘di naitama Pilit nating inayos at binuo ang istoryang atin Pero ‘di naging sapat at pinaghiwalay din Hinarap naman ang lahat ng balakid Pero sa’tin parin ay, ‘di pagkakaintindihan at gulo ang hatid Pagmamahalan natin ay nagsimula sa isang awitin At nagtapos sa isang notang ‘di makamit; maangkin Dapat na nga ba natin itong tapusin Kagaya noong una, sa likod ng iscreen?



Tinig Alay Sa Inang Bayan By: Rilmoscoa Kailan titila ang pagpatak ng ulan? Nang sa gayon, tumigil na ang kidlat ng kalupitan Naririnig mo ba ang hikbi ng paghihinagpis? O waring takot ka lamang at nanginginig ng labis Masdan mo ang lupang tinubuan ko, Dumanak ang dugo ng mga bayaning nagpakatotoo Kailan pa kaya maririnig ang iyong tinig? O kabatan, wag mahiyang ipabatid ang iyong himig Tayo ang tatayong rebulto ng ating bayan Na ang kabataan ang pagbabago sa lipunan Subalit papaano natin ito makakamit Kung sa bayan tayo’y walang pagmamalasakit Halina’t muling ibalik ang halimuyak ng bansa Itaas ang watatawat at buhayin ang pag-asa Hawak kamay sabay-sabay isigaw, Kabataan, sa tinig mo sisikat ang gintuang araw.



Piitan By: Vixen Sa bawat tangis ng mga boses na ligaw, Siya ring agos ng luhang ninakaw Kung sino pa ang may gintong salawal Sila pa ang may kaloobang bakal Maaaring ang ilan ay pinipiling pumikit Sa dami ng dahas na sa kanila’y umiipit Marahil ang ilan ay nabubuhay sa kadena; Sa palabas na hinagpis ang tanging tema. Paano nga ba naging huwad ang kalayaan? Yaong pamanang lubos na ating nakaligtaan Ang bayang hangad nating makawala Ay lalo pang naigapos ng pandaraya Sa aksiyon na ating inaantabayanan, Magmumula ang kagitingang anak ng bayan; Salinlahi ng kabataang may paninindigan Samahan ng pag asa ng kinabukasan. Bayang nasakdal sa politiko’t hinagpis Ika’y lalaya sa piitan ng pagdungis Ang pangalan mo’y muling mamamayani Dahil ika’y lubos na namumukod- tangi.



Akon Handuraw By: Moch10 Ako isara ka istudyante Nagahandum kang mga imposible Sa pira ka adlaw ako mangin bastante May manami nga tugro sa urihi Ako gid makatapos Ulikdon ko ang mga tawo nga naga pahimud-os Suportaran ko man kabaylo kang ako busabos Kag sanda akon inspirasyon nga nagtugro kapagros Ako gintratar pinaagi sa pagsapdag Sa ikamayad kang akon buwas-damlag Panumdumon ko man ang mayad nga paarabuton Mga butang nga nagtugro kapag-on Ako magatutum sa pagtinguha nga mabugayan Mga handum, nagapanalaytay sa kaugatan Sa pagpanikasog agud ang damgo kag hupa Magapabilin nga buhi sa akon huna-huna Ako man magsarig sa Ginharian Magatuon sa akon handurawan Itib-ong ang amon kaangtanan Nga may paghiusa kag nahangpan.



Darangpan By: Moch10 Manunudlo sangka bayani sa aton pungsod Ginaagwanta ang mga kabudlay kag kalisod Sa pihak kang kabuhi anda man gina antos Para ang mga kabataan makatapos Aton man dya darangpan Kay amo dya ang ikarwa naton nga mga ginikanan Nagatudlo kung ano ang sayod kag insakto nga pamatasan Kag tanda nagakalihok sa adlaw-adlaw nga tanan Darangpan hindi lang sa eskwelahan Ginapas-an da man ang problema kang mga kabataan Para masolbar kag malaygayan Sa ikamayad kag proturo kang kabataan Taw-an ta kang pagdangop kag igtalupangod Ang mga manunudlo nga may kaisog Sa pagtubang kang mga kalisod Nga anda nalampuwasan sa pagbuylog Manunudlo ang aton darangpan Sa pagtinguha nga kita matudluan Nga may kaaram kag handum Para maghimurat nga mangin madinarag-on.



Ginikanan By: Moch10 Ikaw ang akun kasanag Ikaw nagakatugro bana-ag Ginatuytuyan sa pagsapdag Agud ako mangin maanyag Ang Nanay amo ang aton sulo Ginatratar ang mga kabataan sa pagtudlo Para mangin bulahan nga may pagtahod Kun sa diin ang insakto kag sayod Ang Tatay ang aton harigi Para mas mapag-on ang aton pagkaintyindi Bisan mag abot man ang mga kapaslawan sa kabuhi Tana mag alalay agud ang panimalay mangin manami Sanda kadya ang aton ginikanan Ginpabahol kita nga may kaaram Gintudluan kang mayad nga pamatasan Para may pagtahud sa mga kamal-aman Kita gin bun-ag kang aton ginikanan Gani aton gid dya pasalamatan Sa bulig man kang Mahal nga Ginoo sa kalangitan Gin ubayan ang aton ginikanan didya sa kalibutan Gani di nyo gid pagasi-asihon kag sikwayon Dapat pa gani dya aton palanggaon Ang mga ginikanan nga nagakatugro paglaum Kita nga kabataan may duro pa nga handum.



Bugas Kang Paglaum By: Moch10 Duro nga mga kapaslawan ang andang naaguman Mga pasakit ang andang nalampuwasan Ang kabudlay nga may kabaylo Sa pagpanikasog para sa preblihiyo Mga trabahador bahul nga dungug Ang bugas kang paglaum nga may kaisog Bisan nahapay ron Padayon man sa gihapon Mga doktor kag manunudlo Ginasustinaran, amligan kag ginabuligan ang mga pumuloyo Mga sundalo, bumbero kag pulis Magaprotekta sa ano man nga mga kahiridlis Mga kasimanwa naton nga OFW Anda ginasu-ong para sa ikamayad kang poturo Mga Abogado, Engineer kag Politiko Tampad kag sinsiro nga mga empleyado Mga abyan naton Mangunguma Nagatagaktak ron ang mga balhas kag lap-ok sa alima Padayon sa pagpaningkaras kang obra Sa malaohon kag madanlog sige lang birada Ang mga mapisan nga taho Aton paglaum nga mangin desidido Ano man nga mga obra Ikaw ang gintugyan para magdumara.



Poems 2


Contents Poems Bugas Kang Paglaum Akon Handuraw Noong Una Sumamo Ng Nawasak Katotohanan Patuloy Pulchritude Beyond The Unknown Horizon 334 Of 365 Fireflies The Last Person on Earth This Girl And This Lady Kaleidoscope Your Man My Sweed Marigold Rekindle

A Series Of Poems My Flower My Lover is A Beast Counting Sheep You Isolation


3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 31 34 37 40 43 46

49 56 59 62 65 68


Short Stories Patadyong: Hibla ng Pagkatuto Motoristang Gala My Moonlight Felicity Springfield

76 80 84 87 91


Greetings to those who are seeking accord Within these pages are the words we bleed; Voices who long to brawl with pens as sword Days have transitioned a new episode A point where restarting is an option And the vast space is our humble abode The pandemic caused us incertitude, Forced the less fortunate to consume zilch But dawn welcomes a chance for fortitude Hence, we serve you a hope of tomorrow An enlightenment about the present And a way to conceal souls from sorrow Sentiments are valid and not ignored Greetings to those who are seeking accord.

Uni-Verse The Literary Folio of The PRISM Volume 7, 2020-2021 Published by the Students of the University of Antique This book is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual events, locales, is entirely coincidental and not intended by the writers. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be produced whether by photocopying, scanning, or by any means without written permission from the PRISM. © Copyright 2021.

Scavengers Literary Editor Niña Rica Belmonte

Writers Marianne Palcat, Brent Thomas Salvaleon, Reiser Verge Delfin, April Rose Moscoso, Iyen Bautista, Michael Angelo Banusing, Diana Joy Dubria, Vincent Ronhel Encarnation, Renavi Maguidgad, Gerald Nallana, Andrey Adriel Uy, Rea Marie Sevilla, Jemar Dane Seguinte, Geelyn Sernicula, Jenalyn Funelas, Matthew Omallao, Sheena Laude, Francis Mission, Ryan Masola, Korina Aurelio Cartoonists Bryan Zander Baconga, Daryl Reginaldo Adviser Alfonso M. Samillano Jr.

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