1 minute read
City Hall
The Second Draft Rural Zoning By-law, following extensive consultation, is now available for review and comment on the Rural Zoning By-law project on Jump In, Kawartha Lakes.
Members of the community are invited to a virtual open house on April 11 at 6pm. The Project team will walk through key changes introduced in the Second Draft Rural Zoning By-law, seek input on refinements, answer questions about the By-law, and outline next steps in the process.
Registration for the virtual public open house is available:
• Online by zoom
• By contacting Jonathan Derworiz, Senior Planner at WSP prior to the open house to receive dialin information: 519-904-1761 or jonathan.derworiz@ wsp.com
Following this open house, the Project Team will consider all input and work to bring forward a Final Draft Rural Zoning By-Law to a Statutory Public Meeting of Council in Spring 2023.
Any comments, questions, and feedback on the Second Draft can be submitted via email to ruralzoningbylaw@kawarthalakes.ca. You may also call Jonathan at 519-904-1761.
Be Prepared For Flooding
Each year as the Spring thaw takes place, areas of the municipality are prone to flooding. For those who are in a flood plain area, Kawartha Lakes Fire Rescue Service, in partnership with the Public Works division, has prepared both pre-filled sandbags as well as provided materials for residents to make their own sandbags to assist with flood preparation.
Here is some information about what materials are available and where they can be found.
Pre-filled sandbags are available at the following locations:
• Burnt River Community Centre: 16 Somerville Centre Rd, Burnt River
• Coboconk Legion Ball Park: 6699 Highway 35, Coboconk
• Sand and bags for filling are available at the following locations (shovel required):
• Ward Park Norland Community Centre: 7675