The Kawartha Promoter - April 9, 2021 - Volume 31 Issue 6

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The Kawartha

Locally Owned and Operated

Friday, April 9, 2021

Volume 31, Issue 6

Your Source for Community News

Tax Time • Horoscopes • Crossword


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April 9, 2021 - The Kawartha Promoter

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Promoter The Kawartha

Locally Owned and Operated

76 King St West., P.O. Box 535 Bobcaygeon, ON K0M 1A0 TEL.: 705-738-6188 FAX: 705-738-4187 Covering the Kawartha Lakes Area Publisher/Director/Manager Max Miller Editor Deb Crossen Art Director Max Miller Advertising Representatives Beryl Apelbaum The Promoter is a local, independently owned and operated newspaper. The opinions and views expressed are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of The Promoter. Liability for incorrectly displayed or placed advertisements is limited to publishing corrections or providing advertising credit to be applied on subsequent advertisements at the advertiser’s discretion. All text, photos, graphics, artwork and other material published in The Kawartha Promoter or on its website are copyrighted and may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. Publisher reserves the right to reject, revise, cancel, omit, discontinue, decline to publish or suspend any advertisement for any reason in its sole discretion, without liability or penalty to Publisher, and without notice to the Advertiser. The Publisher of The Kawartha Promoter has made every effort to ensure that the information in this publication was correct at press time. The Publisher does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.

City Hall Crossword Horoscope Trades & Services Classifieds

pg. 4 pg. 13 pg. 16 pg.16 pg. 19

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Well, here we go again! Another four weeks of stay-at-home orders from the province. I, for one, don’t blame the government for this necessary action. I, for one, blame those who put us in this situation – those who left the region for a family getaway, those who attended large parties without any social distancing or masking, those who refuse to believe that this devil of a virus is real and continues to affect our friends and neighbours. We are blessed to live in a region that is “far from the madding crowd”, but that doesn’t make us immune to the coronavirus. We have seen devastation in our long-term care homes and the tragedy of death in our communities. And, as the spring turns into summer,

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we will welcome others from outside the region with open arms to support our local economy. But we aren’t there yet! We have adapted our ways of life to online education, reading, watching and connecting with friends and family. Luckily, today we have that technology. Isolation is depressing so it’s important to reach out to others who may just need to hear a friendly voice. I am grateful to have booked my vaccine appointment for next week. But that doesn’t mean it’s time for dancing in the streets just yet. I will still wear a mask, wash my hands like a fiend and stay six feet away from my friends. Call me a fuddy-duddy if you will, but I will follow the advice of healthcare professionals who, I know, only have my best interests at heart. I can’t wait to get out of this. I know we’re all tired of it, but please continue to be responsible. Stay safe. And, most of all, please be kind to one another.

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Locally Owned and Operated Since 1964

April 9, 2021 - The Kawartha Promoter



Here are some highlights from the City of Kawartha Lakes Council meeting on March 23. Fenelon Falls downtown reconstruction Councillor Elmslie announced the downtown construction project in Fenelon Falls is pushing ahead with the replacement of all underground expected to be complete by June 18, including the concrete curb, sidewalk and base asphalt installations. The project scope, which originally divided the full road reconstruction into two phases with a pause starting the May long weekend, is moving ahead with a faster schedule after the contractor brought forward a proposal to bring in a second crew. Recognition of Jon Thurston, Team Canada Wheelchair Curler Councillor Ashmore acknowledged Jon Thurston, Team Canada Wheelchair Curler from Dunsford, who is working towards the Beijing 2020 Paralympic Games. Thurston is the youngest national team member at 35 and only started playing in 2012. Most recently, the team won the silver medal at the 2020 World Wheelchair Curling Championship in March 2020. Extendicare Lakeland Village gets new long-term care bed fundings Councillor O’Reilly shared that Extendicare Lakeland Village announced that 96 new beds and 64 refurbished units will be coming forward. Logie Street Park wins Urban Park Design Award The Ontario Parks Association awarded Logie Street Park with the Urban Design Award, one of its highest awards recognizing municipal staff, architects and developers for the design of municipal parks, public spaces, streetscapes and urban intensification projects with a focus on protecting the environment. Mayor Letham congratulated the entire team of Jenn Johnson, Manager of Parks, Recreation and Culture, Rod Porter, Capital and Special Projects Supervisor and Ryan Smith, Parks and Open Spaces Supervisor, as well as the contractors who supported the project. A formal awards presentation will be made at Logie Park in four-to-six-weeks, with COVID-19 safety protocols in place.


April 9, 2021 - The Kawartha Promoter

Update on the ORV Task Force Meeting Councillor Dunn, who is Chair of the Off Road Vehicle (ORV) Task Force, provided an update on the work to date. The ORV Task Force has put together proposed recommendations and is currently seeking public input on their Jump In project page. On March 19, the Task Force held its first public meeting, hearing from 26 registered individuals on the draft recommendations. In addition to the registered speakers, the Task Force received over 370 written correspondence from the public. There is currently an online survey available to complete on the ORV project page and will be open until April 19, 2021. The project has currently received over 4,200 views online and 572 people have already completed the survey. To have your say, visit www. Leaf and yard curbside collection pilot program A report was brought forward to Council that outlined a two-year pilot program expanding curbside leaf and yard collection to include multi-residential and seasonal mobile home parks. The program would help identify the additional impacts to operations and costs that would occur should Council look to update the existing bylaw to include the additional locations. Director Robinson indicated that the current budget allocated for leaf and yard collection is roughly $87,000. Council approved the pilot program and a report will be brought back in Fall 2022. Regulation of nuisance associated with cannabis cultivation and processing Staff brought forward proposed amendments to the Property Standards Bylaw to address concerns of nuisances associated with the cultivation and processing of cannabis, like odour and lighting. The proposed amendments follow the advice of the Agricultural Advisory Committee. Currently there are no licensed commercial cannabis cultivation and processing operations.


To help residents voice their opinion and express support on matters to Council, Kawartha Lakes has launched an Online Petitions website through www. One of the first of its kind, it offers a convenient and effective way for residents to submit a request to create a petition or to participate in active petitions to Council. “We understand our petitions process could sometimes be cumbersome for people and the Clerk’s Office has been collaborating with our Communications

team to streamline the process,” commented Cathie Ritchie, City Clerk of Kawartha Lakes. “This new platform offers a much more convenient way for the community to have their say through a petition and for our staff to track requests, especially during a time when more of us are connecting digitally. We’re also excited to be the first municipality in Canada to launch online petitions through Engagement HQ, the host provider of Jump In Kawartha Lakes.” To participate in Online Petitions, all that is required is a free registration to Jump In Kawartha Lakes. The platform features two tools for registered members. Start a Petition Those interested in creating a petition can submit an online form by clicking on the Start a Petition tab and filling out the required information. Once an Online Petition Form is submitted, staff will review the request and create an online petition if it meets all the necessary requirements. Sign a Petition All active petitions will be listed on the Sign a Petition tab for any registered member of Jump In Kawartha Lakes to support. To sign a petition, a resident simply needs to provide their name, contact information and address. Once the petition closes, the results will be archived and shared with Council for consideration. In Kawartha Lakes, a petition is a document presented by the community to voice their opinion on an issue of municipal importance and it is one of the best ways to support a matter to Council. There are a variety of conditions and requirements to municipal petitions and more details are available on www.


Peterborough Public Health (PPH) and the Municipality of Trent Lakes have made it simple for county residents to have their well water tested by offering free well water sample drop offs throughout the summer months. Water samples can be dropped off at the Administrative Office located at 760 County Road 36 in the upper floor main entrance lobby – just in time for the change in season to warmer weather and the increased health risks to families. “With the snow melt and spring runoff, this is a good time of year to test your water as there is a higher risk of contamination,” said Chris Eaton, Public Health Inspector. “This is relevant to both drilled and dug wells, but is especially important for dug wells, as they are shallower and more susceptible to contamination. We are happy to partner with the Municipality of Trent Lakes to make it easier for residents to monitor their water quality.” Water sample bottles can be picked up from the Administrative Office Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm. Samples can then be dropped off Tuesdays and Thursdays between 8:30am and 10am and are couriered to the Public Health Ontario for testing.

Water sample bottles are free and available at the Municipality of Trent Lakes Administrative Office. Samples are time sensitive, so residents are encouraged to carefully read the instructions included with each kit. Completed samples should be placed in the water sample fridge located beside the Building & Planning reception desk. Water samples can also be dropped off at the following locations: • Peterborough Public Health, 185 King Street, Peterborough, between 8:30am and 4:30pm Monday through Thursday, and from 8:30am to 12 noon on Fridays. • Public Health Ontario Laboratory at 99 Hospital Drive between the hours of 8am and 4pm. This well water testing service is available at no charge to all residents and cottagers in the Municipality of Trent Lakes through a program with PPH. Well water samples are tested for two types of bacterial contamination: total coliforms and E. coli. The presence of E. coli indicates the water has been contaminated with fecal material, which can contain disease-causing microbes. Coliforms are organisms can cause severe gastrointestinal illness. Anyone can become ill if they consume contaminated water, but the young, elderly, and immuno-compromised are at a higher risk. Residents will receive water quality results by mail or you can call Public Health Ontario’s Interactive Voice Response at 1-877-723-3426. If you have questions about your test results, you can call the PPH Safe Water Program at 705-743-1000, ext. 232, for a free consultation. To find out how to test for contaminants other than total coliforms and E. coli, contact PPH at 705-7431000, ext. 232 or visit www.peterboroughpublichealth. ca.


Until the end of the month, the municipality of Kawartha Lakes will enforce the annual burn ban for open air burning. Residents will be notified when the ban is lifted. “Each year in April, a burn ban is imposed as part of our open air burning by-law. Even though there may be still be snow or warnings for localized flooding,

April 9, 2021 - The Kawartha Promoter


dry grass and debris catch fire easily and the flames spread quickly,” said Fire Chief Pankhurst. “The April burn ban helps reduce the risk to our residents and firefighters.” Anyone setting a fire during a burn ban can be charged under the Provincial Offences Act and may also be responsible for the costs incurred for fire department response. The current fee is $488 +HST per vehicle, per hour. The ban does not necessarily apply to those with Agricultural or Special Burn Permits as special conditions already apply to these permits. However, safe practices should be followed at all times for those authorized to burn. Learn more about how to apply for special burn permits by visiting the Fire Services section at and scrolling down to “Application for Permits”. Residents can check the status of the burn ban at the end of April by calling 1-888-822-2225 extension 8 or by visiting the website. “The ban may be continued past April if the conditions aren’t suitable for open air burning,” adds Chief Pankhurst. “Our first priority is keeping our residents and our environment safe.”


Submitted by Dean Michel

The second annual Jump in the Lake Challenge takes place Saturday, May 1 at 2pm. Unlike organized Polar Bear dips that happen in one central location, the event promotes social distancing and takes place off each participant’s dock, or waterfront location of their choice. This year’s Challenge is in support of the The Wellness Centre in Coboconk. The new Wellness Centre will provide a hub for community health in the Northern Kawartha Lakes and will include more doctors, after-hours care, physiotherapy, dental, a community meeting space, and other complementary services that will benefit both full-time and seasonal residents. To join the challenge as a participant or donor visit: In 2020, local residents Dean Michel and Jennifer Bacon created a fun campaign to raise funds and awareness. More than 20 people braved the cold spring water, raising upwards of $15,000 for their community.


Premier Doug Ford made another tough call, setting in place the province’s third state of emergency since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and implementing a provincewide stay-at-home order. The stay-at home order will go into effect at 12:01am Thursday and will last 28 days. “I can’t stress this enough. Things are extremely, extremely serious right now. And I’m extremely concerned,” Ford said. “The situation is evolving rapidly, hour by hour. And as things change, as we learn more about these deadly new variants, as we see new problems arise, we need to adapt. We need to 6

April 9, 2021 - The Kawartha Promoter

move quickly and decisively. And right now, above all else, our plan is to get needles in the arms and protect our hospitals. That’s why, today, on the advice of the chief medical officer of health I’m declaring a state of emergency.” During this time, all non-essential retailers will close to in-person shopping, in-person dining will be prohibited and gyms and personal care services will be shuttered. Big box stores will be allowed to remain open only to sell essential goods. People are being asked to stay at home except for essential reasons such as work, school, trips to a grocery store or pharmacy and for health-care reasons. The province will not be closing schools and child-care facilities throughout the stay-at-home order. In the meantime, vaccination clinics continue to be set up across the province. Premier Ford has promised that those who work in our education system will be prioritized to receive their vaccines, and residents who are over the age of 60 are now eligible to receive the vaccine.


The Bobcaygeon Swing Bridge is on schedule to re-open to vehicles before the end of May, 2021. The project includes the rehabilitation of the steel bridge and concrete foundations, the replacement of

the mechanical and electrical operating systems, and the replacement of the steel bridge deck with a new wooden deck. This deck will improve upon previous designs, and will allow the bridge to once again host parades featuring livestock.


From the Turtle Guardians

You may think it is natural and easy to see turtles on the roads- especially when you love them. When you are the driver, it is especially difficult to scan roads for turtles and stay focused on what’s in front of you. Keep your passengers safe and let them take advantage of their vehicle time to watch out for turtles. To spot turtles, the first thing you need to do is learn to relax your eyes and have a wide focus at least 20 metres ahead of your car. This lesson would have been one of the first that you learned in Defensive Driving School: Focusing far ahead allows you to see what is coming and prepare to react. This is the best tip for driving in the country too! The next trick is to know your turtles and their behaviour! Turtles like to stay where it is warm and near water. Therefore, when looking ahead, if you spot a wetland on the side of the road, scan the banks and road shoulder for those dark green rocks! Even better is when there are wetlands on either side of the roadthis is where most turtles like to cross the road. You can also estimate if there is a wetland by looking at the

James Goodliff C a n a di a n a rt i s t

topography of the road; if the road dips ahead gently or enters a valley, this is likely where watercourses or wetlands are found. The second thing to note is the time, temperature and season/date. In the spring, as early as the beginning of May, you might spot turtles coming out of hibernation and seeking the warmth of the roads to digest the lactic acid that builds up in their bodiesbut typically they will stay in wetlands and bask on logs until they are ready to disperse to their feeding grounds. However, tiny painted turtle hatchlings may be heading out of their nests at this time, so look out for tiny rocks with tails! Also, a general rule is that once ambient temperatures reach 20 degrees Celsius by 10am, then turtles and snakes too, will be on the roads soaking up the heat. They like it when it rains as well, so if it is a warm and rainy day, turtles feel very confident and comfortable moving around. If you find any turtle on the road, other than a nesting turtle, and if it is safe to do so, stop to help it across. For nesting turtles, disturbing them may result in their retreat and consequent return to the hazardous area at a later time. For nesting turtles, give us a call at 705-854-2888. Also consider becoming a Nest Sitter (you can find more info on our website). It is always good and helpful to record the location, and take a picture of any turtle - this way you can report the sighting to us through our website, or simply by downloading the Turtle Guardians app! Visit for a more information.

April 9, 2021 - The Kawartha Promoter



Following the success of its first Bee Hero Garden Challenge last year, Bee City Kawartha Lakes is excited to launch its second annual challenge. The Bee Hero Garden Challenge is a socially distanced opportunity across Kawartha Lakes to help improve the quality and abundance of habitats for native pollinators. “We had a great first year with the Bee Hero Garden Challenge, with a variety of participants from seasoned gardeners to first-timers,” commented Pat Warren, Chair of Bee City Kawartha Lakes. “This year we’re hoping to keep the momentum going and are putting the call out for others to join. While last year’s Bee Heroes made great strides towards helping our local pollinators, scientists are still ringing the alarm bells that native pollinators are at risk of disappearing.” The contest is until August 31 and anyone is welcome to enter. All you need to do is take a before picture of your garden or container when it’s planted, an after picture once it has grown and upload your photos to the online submission form at www.kawarthalakes. ca. Both old and new gardens can enter. Winners will be chosen at the end of the summer and awarded in the fall. There are a variety of planting tips and aids to follow to help you start planning your garden. For more information on planting tips and a variety of resources to assist with gardening, please visit the Bee City Page at Contestants are required to include at least one of the pollinator aids listed under

pollinator-friendly gardens on the website. Prizes will be awarded across a few categories, including: • Children’s Garden (12 and younger) • Adults Garden (13 and older) • Container Garden Please submit any questions to beecitykawartha@


Globus Theatre has announced their 2021 Summer Season. From May 20 to September 4, Globus Theatre will offer guaranteed crowd pleasers as well as new and exciting Canadian works. The Summer Season has been extended from 10 weeks to 16 due to the limited audience capacity. COVID-19 measures are in place and Globus Theatre is welcoming patrons to join our safe and social live events at the Lakeview Arts Barn. After hearing how much audiences loved their reading series in 2020, Globus Theatre has sprinkled in a couple of play readings throughout the season. On May 20, Ellen Denny (co-creator of their recent outdoor show, february: a love story) brings her new play, Pleasureville – a story about Leah, a city gal, who moves to a small town and opens a sex shop (of course). On June 11 and 12, Armon Ghaeinizadeh and Justine Christensen bring Broken Glass – a modern reimagining of Tennessee William’s The Glass Menagerie with live musical accompaniment. Globus Theatre kicks off the season with audience favourite, Leisa Way and her Wayward Wind Band This year, Leisa Way brings us a concert that celebrates the legend of Gordon Lightfoot – Early Morning Rain. Audiences can enjoy the hits of one of Canada’s greatest ever singer/songwriters from May 25 to June 5. Another Globus Theatre audience favourite joins us in 2021 -- Norm Foster’s Here on the Flight Path. The play follows John Cummings who, over the course of three years, has three very different women as neighbours. As he interacts with them on the balcony of his apartment each have a unique impact on his life. Globus Theatre’s Artistic Director, Sarah Quick and Artistic Producer, James Barrett, star in what has been described as Norm Foster’s funniest play from June 16 to July 3. From July 6 to July 17, the Three Men are back. Globus audiences will remember the awardwinning Three Men in a Boat in the Summer of 2015. This year, the very same hapless trio



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April 9, 2021 - The Kawartha Promoter

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get caught up in the Great European Bicycling Craze in Three Men on a Bike. Starring David Difrancesco, Matt Pilipiak and Victor Pokinko, this disastrous biking trip is full of shenanigans. For all the detective wannabes out there, Globus Theatre has a new murder mystery coming out this summer. The Great Cottage Catastrophe is about the killer real estate market in the idyllic town of Doncaygeon. Bidding wars are turning cottage country into a battleground, and when a body turns up it appears that someone has paid the ultimate price. An interactive show that allows you to solve the mystery plays from July 21 to August 7. The loveable Brit and audience favourite is back - Shirley Valentine by Willy Russell. In a recent survey, patrons voted this show as one of their most treasured moments at Globus Theatre. It’s the perfect show to bring back to the stage when we all long for some inspiration and hope. Starring Sarah Quick and running from August 11 to August 28. As the season closer, Globus Theatre welcomes Gabi Epstein to the stage. Multi awardwinning stage and cabaret performer, Gabi Epstein, shares her own journey of self-discovery through reimagined versions of her idol Barbra Streisand’s greatest hits. Gabs Sings Babs reminds us to remain true to ourselves by celebrating, not hiding from what makes us truly unique. On stage from September 1 to 4. Tickets are on sale now and can be booked by calling the box office at 705-738-2037. For more information, you can visit www.lakeviewartsbarn. com.


Submitted by Santosh Patel, Rockwood Forest Nurseries

Spring is in the AIR and it’s time to ensure your garden has all the ingredients to be successful. The first and most critical step is to assess how your garden did over the winter. Remove any dead

debris (e.g, leaves, broken branches) and give your yard (especially your lawn) a solid rake. For spots where you need top soil, consider a light dressing with some grass seed. Once the temperature is consistently over 7 degrees, it is strongly suggested that you fertilize your perennials, shrubs and trees with Slow Release Fertilizer. Your second application should be approximately 8 to12 weeks later. This will ensure your garden grows more evenly. Depending on the shrub some pruning maybe required for Summer and Fall preparation. Be careful not to over prune and this can cause lack of flowering or growth.

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If you’re a child of the 60s, you might have been one of those “sneaking a doobie” behind the shed. Let’s say this, though, marijuana has come a long way from a recreational drug to a medicinal staple for those suffering from chronic pain. When cannabis was legalized in 2018, the provincial government offered

licenses for the dispensing of cannabis products. At the beginning of April, Trease opened in Bobcaygeon,

offering a range of cannabis products in a safe and healthy environment. Abe Navarro, the CEO of Trease is passionate and enthusiastic about this new venture. “I want to help open a dialogue about cannabis and the benefits of the culture. There’s been a lot of misinformation out there and many people are afraid of what they don’t know. We’ve established an atmosphere here at Trease where our customers can feel relaxed and welcome.” With more than 20 years of retail experience, Abe has a great understanding of what it takes to be successful. From hands-on training and team building of the “budtenders” to building long-lasting relationships with customers and mentors, Abe feels ready to share his knowledge and enthusiasm. Trease features traditional cannabis products in a variety of flavours and scents that have been selectively bred and safely harvested. In addition, the dispensary features oils, edibles, bath balms, creams and vapourizers as well as other organic products. “Trease is an experience for the beginner and enthusiast,” says Abe. “We invite people to come in and see what it’s all about. There’s something for everyone.” You can find out more on their website,

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April 9, 2021 - The Kawartha Promoter


The Trillium Lakelands District School Board is asking parents/guardians of students to share their thoughts. They’re hoping to get input on the learning experience for students in the 2020-2021 school year. Results will be used to help in planning for the next school year. The Thought Exchange takes only a few minutes to complete. You can find out more and a link at www.

in our communities that we will lead the ecological transition in Canada,” said Thomas Mulcair, Chair of the Earth Day Board of Directors. Citizen Action in the Spotlight Citizens are invited to share video testimonials (in the form of stories) of what they’re doing to take care of the planet with Earth Day Canada. Stories can be shared on social networks, by using #TakeCareOfThePlanet. On April 22, some of these inspiring Earth Day stories from across the country, and the citizens who take them, will be highlighted on Earth Day Canada’s social media channels. “Despite the pandemic, we can take individual and collective action for the good of our planet. Share your personal initiatives to provide a dose of inspiration for the benefit of all and encourage your loved ones to join the movement! ”says Edith Cochrane, actress and spokesperson for the Earth Day 2021 campaign. You can find out more information at www.


As part of the 2021 Earth Day campaign, under the theme of Take Care of the Planet, Earth Day Canada hopes to raise awareness among Canadians about the urgency of taking action for the environment and to encourage them to take concrete action to take care of the planet on a daily basis. A full program is planned for April 22, including the launch of a tree-planting relay and the broadcasting of “Earth Day Canada”. “Through this media campaign, we want to raise awareness of the urgency of the ecological crisis and encourage citizens to take action. It is high time to take care of our planet. And the solutions exist! This new campaign will highlight citizens who are taking action in their communities to protect our environment, pandemic or not.  We thank our major partners, TD Bank Group and the IGA Eco Fund, for making this campaign possible,” said Pierre Lussier, President of Earth Day Canada. “We are pleased to announce that the Engaged Municipalities initiative is continuing for a second edition. Cities are real catalysts of change and are the best venue for citizen action. It is by taking action

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April 9, 2021 - The Kawartha Promoter



In response to the wide-ranging impact of the community, Kawartha Lakes Council has made available a Community Pandemic Recovery Fund (CPRF) of $500,000. The purpose of the funding is to provide support for programs and services that assist residents in meeting their basic human service needs. The application period closed March 1 and the Community Pandemic Recovery Fund Evaluation Committee has reviewed all applications and awarded $245,000 to some worthy community organizations. “The Committee is pleased to support the many agencies and organizations that met the funding criteria. These are valued partners in the well-being of our community and the funding is much needed to continue their work. Some projects involve adapting to the new world we find ourselves in, and the technology needed to reach those they serve,” commented Heather Kirby of Kawartha Lakes Food Source, Co-chair of the Community Pandemic Recovery Task Force. Eligible organizations include non-profit and community service providers in the broader health and human services sector. Organizations must be an incorporated non-profit organization or registered charity. The goals of the CPRF are to encourage the necessary collaboration and sharing of resources, foster the essential innovation of operations and


April 9, 2021 - The Kawartha Promoter

practice, build capacity to foster long-term stability, and to establish intentional progressive planning. For unsuccessful applicants, the primary reason they were denied was a lack of alignment with the fund objective “to support pandemic recovery and relief efforts for non-profit and community service providers in the broader health and human services sector.” City of Kawartha Lakes Council will consider how to handle the balance of the funds in the Community Pandemic Recovery Fund at the April 6 Committee of the Whole meeting. Here are some the organizations that will receive funds: Big Brothers Big Sisters - Technology support and pandemic cleaning - $5,000 Coboconk & District Lions Club - Maintain community support services - $8,600 Community Care City of Kawartha Lakes - Improved technology and communications - $67,300 Heritage Christian School Society Inc. - Pandemic cleaning and protective equipment - $16,531.78 John Howard Society of Kawartha Lakes & Haliburton - Crisis response program - $60,000 Omemee Curling and Recreation Club - Operating costs (taxes) to survive - $7,647.52 Senior Citizens Club of Fenelon Falls - Operating costs; consultations; technology - $50,500 United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes Administrative operating costs -$25,500

The Promoter Crossword # 292– By Charon 1



















20 22

21 24







Across 1 Buddhist state of perfect happiness (7) 5 Farm alarm? (7) 9 Behold! -in Bordeaux (5) 10 Bland. (9) 11 Proverbial backbreaker (4,5) 12 Starkers (5) 13 "There's a bright golden ___ on the meadow" (4)


Down 1 Works of fiction (6) 2 Restore to former position (9) 3 Hoard, accumulate (5) 4 Every other one (9) 5 Seed anew (5) 6 From dusk to dawn (9) 7 Make a minor adjustment (5) 8 Live on the edge? (6) 14 Opposite of downsizing for companies (9) 16 Ancient Athens citadel (9) 17 Those who fix your car (9) 20 Lake at summit of the Trent-Severn (6) 21 Dash between words (6) 23 Come to pass (5) 24 Truck stop (5) 25 Fraction of a pound (5)

15 When the team leaves town (4,4) 18 When February has 29 (4,4) 19 Watch word? (4) 22 Some kind of a nut (5) 24 Tactful negotiation (9) 26 Modular, as a sofa (9) 27 Sound of a horse (5) 28 Ancient sailor in poem (7) 29 Spouse's boy (7)


Solution to Crossword # 291 1
























E 24




















E 13




















S K 20











E 21










































































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In addition to her work in public health, Dr. Bocking has worked as a locum family physician in northwestern Ontario. She has published in peerreviewed scientific journals and presented at provincial and national conferences. “I went into public health because I thought that some of the issues or health problems I was seeing in family medicine really could have been addressed so much more effectively at a population level and that was really where public health fit for me,” she says. Dr. Bocking is assuming her new role after former Medical Officer of Health Dr. Lynn Noseworthy retired in December. Dr. Ian Gemmill had been serving as Acting Medical Officer of Health in the interim period before Dr. Bocking assumed the role. Born in London, Ontario, Dr. Bocking, her husband and two children moved to the City of Kawartha Lakes in 2019 to her husband’s family farm, which he now operates.



Dr. Natalie Bocking, the new Medical Officer of Health for the Haliburton, Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit is now on the job. In anticipation of her new role, Dr. Bocking has been sitting in on meetings during the past few weeks, meeting with her staff, and learning more about the area and the Health Unit’s pandemic response. Dr. Bocking says she is eager to meet more of the community partners who work with the Health Unit to protect the health of area residents. “I am looking forward to building relationships with our partners, our stakeholders and our Board so that we can work together and continue to make a difference in the communities that we serve,” says Dr. Bocking. “Community partners are vital to the work that we do. This is a team effort. A lot of the problems that public health is tackling are huge and it would be impossible without our community partners.” Dr. Bocking is a Public Health and Preventive Medicine Specialist and was certified by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada in 2015 following the completion of her specialty training at the University of Toronto. Dr. Bocking’s academic training also includes a Medical Doctorate from McMaster University and Master’s in International Public Health from the University of Sydney, Australia. Dr. Bocking spent four years working as a public health physician with Thunder Bay District Health Unit and Sioux Lookout First Nations Health Authority. In her role, she supported the development of a community based First Nations governed public health system for 31 rural and remote First Nations. This included overseeing tuberculosis and hepatitis C programming, population health assessment, and maternal and child health support. 14

April 9, 2021 - The Kawartha Promoter

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry and the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) remind you to exercise caution as black bears begin to come out of hibernation this spring. Bears waking up from hibernation are faced with a scarcity of natural food sources, leading them to look for food in garbage cans and bird feeders. You can prevent bears from visiting your home and neighbourhood by: • Storing garbage in waste containers with

tight-fitting lids (indoors if possible) • Waiting until the day of garbage pickup to put out garbage • Putting away bird feeders for the spring (you can offer birds natural alternatives, such as flowers, nesting boxes and fresh water) • Cleaning food residue and grease from outdoor barbecue grills after each use • Keeping pet food indoors Bears that enter your community are not necessarily a threat, but it is important to know who to call if you encounter a bear. For non-emergencies, the province operates a toll-free Bear Wise reporting line (1-866-514-2327). The line is open 24/7 from April 1 to November 30. If a bear is posing an immediate threat by exhibiting threatening or aggressive behaviour, remain calm and call 911 or your local police department.

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Flooring - Paint - Windowcoverings -Tile - Wallpaper April 9, 2021 - The Kawartha Promoter



April 9 to April 22 By Melodie McCullough

Aquarius (Jan. 21 to Feb. 19) Disabilities take many shapes and forms, Aquarius. Many are invisible, and you, yourself, may be faced with these challenges. If not, remember to be kind and not expect others to live up to your abilities. We really do not know what others are going through. Pisces (Feb. 20 to March 20) During this phase Pisces, watch carefully for signs that will help you make decisions and move through your days and weeks ahead. They may be obvious and large signals, or they may be quiet and subtle. Either way, take heed! Aries (March 21 to April 20) Find your passion, Aries! Think about something you really like to do and then try hard to make it real. But...even if there is an obstacle preventing it from happening, imagine and dream of it. Wrap yourself in its goodness. Taurus (April 21 to May 21) Now is a good time to set goals, Taurus. Strive for objectives that are realistic and attainable. And when you reach them, stop, rest and reflect well on what you have accomplished! Gemini (May 22 to June 22) Change will come, Gemini, whether we welcome it or not. It’s best not to moan and groan about it. Instead, why not participate towards the kind of transformations you want to see and work to make them happen? Cancer (June 23 to July 23) It is a mark of maturity, Cancer, to be able to hold your emotions in check, when necessary. YOU own your emotions, no one else. And no one else is to blame when those emotions get away on us.

Leo (July 24 to Aug. 23) Time may seem like it is slipping away, Leo, in a never-ending pandemic chaos that keeps messing with your mind. Focus on the here and now! Find some small thing each day to which to look forward. Virgo (Aug. 24 to Sept. 23) It’s never a good time to take anyone or anything for granted, Virgo. This holds true especially now. Appreciate what you have and be grateful for the smallest of small. Libra (Sept. 24 to Oct. 23) “In every real man (and woman) a child is hidden that wants to play.” Friedrich Nietzsche. Of course there is, Libra! So, let go a little, have fun, experience joy, and be happy! Scorpio (Oct. 24 to Nov. 22) Love is all around, Scorpio. Whether it’s the love found in a romantic relationship, friendship, family, or a pet animal – it’s there. Even in solitude you can find love for yourself. Seek and ye shall find! Sagittarius (Nov. 23 to Dec. 21) “Do not let the behaviour of others destroy your inner peace.” Dalai Lama. Indeed, Sagittarius, try not to get caught up in the drama that so many people seem to carry inwardly and outwardly. Stay calm, know who you are and what you stand for. Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 20) You can easily get dragged down by all the problems of the world – and your own personal trials – dear Capricorn. OR you can wake up each morning and tell yourself it’s a new day with new possibilities and new solutions. Your choice!


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April 9, 2021 - The Kawartha Promoter



As many people have seen around the City of Kawartha Lakes, and beyond, signs are sprouting up like spring flowers, supporting Bobcaygeon’s bid to win the coveted Kraft Hockeyville Canada 2021 title. As one of the four finalists in this year’s competition, Bobcaygeon is the only arena representing Ontario. As a finalist, Bobcaygeon is guaranteed to receive $25,000 in arena upgrades and $10,000 in new hockey equipment from the NHLPA Goals & Dreams Fund for deserving youth in the community. But the big prize is still up for grabs -- $250,000 for arena upgrades, an NHL® Pre-Season Game at the arena and, of course bragging rights. It all comes down to voting. Here’s how you can help: Register and vote for Bobcaygeon at www. Voting opens April 9 at 9am ET and closes on April 10 at 5pm ET. The community that receives the most votes during the voting phase will be declared the grand prize winner. Voting is unlimited! 18

March 26, 2021 - The Kawartha Promoter

Share on social media: Post your favourite pics from the Bobcaygeon arena, or pics of your house, yard or business decorated for Hockeyville. Tag @ krafthockeyvillecan #KraftHockeyville #bobcaygeon Councillor Kathleen Seymour-Fagan has said, “Bobcaygeon is passionate about hockey and our local arena brings us together as fans, friends, family and ultimately as a community. To keep the game alive in our community, the arena needs accessibility upgrades to ensure that all players, regardless of age, gender or ability, are able to access the facility. Winning Kraft Hockeyville 2021 is a shot at opening the doors to new generations of hockey players and fans.”

Classifieds SERVICES

GOPHER Dump runs Eavestrough cleaning Private security Monica Stanley 705-738-6364 ____________________ WINDOW FOGGING UP OR CRACKED You may only need the glass replaced. Call Harold 705-887-6608 ____________________

PEACE OF MIND House Cleaning Residential, Cottages, Professional, Meticulous. References available. Servicing the Kawartha Lakes Call Shell 905-716-5141


Canada & USA coins Coin collections Silver dollar coins 1967 and earlier Silver & gold jewelry broken or not Sterling items eg. Birks Sterling flatware Jurgen 705-340-1504

Deadline for next issue Tuesday April 20, 2021 Call 705-738-6188 20 words or less for $7 + H.S.T. Online Only


St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church is pleased again to be offering outdoor Church Services Starting March 28th at 10 a.m. till about 11 a.m. Due to the Cov’d you must stay in your cars and sorry access to the church building is forbidden at this time The church agenda will be available at the front door on Saturday and Sunday or may be obtained from the Members passing them out on Sunday. Donations to the church are greatly appreciated and will be collected on your exit from the service . This week Mr. Brian Anderson will be conducting the service. We look forward to your attendance and if further information is required please leave a message at 705-426-9382

NATHAN’S HANDYMAN SERVICES Carpentry, flooring, drywall, painting, eavestrough clearing, dump runs, and demolition. Now booking winter projects. 705-731-9373

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Reach the people who visit The Kawartha Promoter online! As we continue to navigate through the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we are proud to support our local businesses and community organizations. The online version of The Kawartha Promoter allows us to provide you, our loyal readers, with news from around the region. Please support local businesses however possible. And give thanks to all the volunteers, medical professionals, and necessary services. Stay safe and please, practice social distancing!

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March 26, 2021 - The Kawartha Promoter


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