Friday, January 20, 2017
Your Community News Magazine
OP ERAT E D Volume 27, Issue 1
Enjoying Winter’s Beauty
Going Green in 2017 • Time To Butt Out • Snowshoeing in Fenelon Falls Delivered through Canada Post to homes in Bobcaygeon, Dunsford, Fenelon Falls & parts of Lindsay. Free in stores in Kawartha Lakes, Trent Lakes and Curve Lake
January 20, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
T h s l i s a e Winter D e t i u S
Let us do the cooking, cleaning and YOU just sit back and enjoy! Volunteers are always welcome. Please call to inquire.
60 West Street, Bobcaygeon
(705) 738-6741 • 1-855-378-6336 January 20, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
Village Voice
pg. 4
City Hall
pg. 5
pg. 9
pg. 13
Trades & Services
pg. 14
Health & Wellness
pg. 16
pg. 20
Let’s be friends. Like The Promoter and on Facebook for current local news and events! Cover: Enjoying Winter’s Beauty Photo Credit: Glenna Burns
The Promoter:
48 Main St., P.O. Box 535 Bobcaygeon, ON K0M 1A0 TEL.: 705-738-6188 FAX: 705-738-4187 Circulation 15,000 Distributed throughout the Kawartha Lakes Area Publisher/Director/Manager: Max Miller Editor: Deb Crossen Advertising Sales Manager: Laura Williams Sales Representatives: Belinda Wilson
Across the Back Fence
Welcome to 2017! And yes, I’m baaaack! After a short hiatus from the Editor’s Chair, I am honoured to have been asked to take over from John on his retirement. So what’s new? With the start of a new year, we look forward to the next 12 months with open minds at the possibilities laid before us. I don’t know about you, but I don’t make silly resolutions. Who needs the guilt of not losing that added 5 pounds? My resolutions are more focused on what I can give. I want to spend more time volunteering in my community … I want to take more time to be with my hubby and friends … I want to use my skills to help promote our area to visitors and potential residents so they can find out what most of us already know – there’s no life like this. Communities throughout our region will celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday with a number of events throughout the year. Stay in touch with The Kawartha Promoter to find out where you can find activities for the whole family to mark this special occasion. I’ll do my best to maintain the high standards that John has set. If you want to chat, my email is always open!
Art Director: James Goodliff Production/Office Manager Melissa Goodliff
Why place the comfort of your home and family in our hands? We know that building your trust doesn’t come from offering bargain basement prices, flashy promotions, or other fun and games. It comes from being there for you, friendly and professional, every day. The Promoter is a local, independently owned and operated news magazine. The opinions and views expressed are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of The Promoter. Liability for incorrectly displayed or placed advertisements is limited to publishing corrections or providing advertising credit to be applied on subsequent advertisements at the advertiser’s discretion.
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January 20, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
Village Voice
The Promoter reserves the right to edit Letters to the Editor for length and clarity. Please include your email or mailing address and daytime phone number (not for publication). All opinions expressed are those of the writer.
West Street Development
I am a resident at the “Retirement Suites” on West St. A contractor is clearcutting 500 acres of the bush just to the immediate north of us. The intent is to build a 250 unit “Housing Subdivision”. This is an environmental catastrophe. They didn’t even leave a “Buffer Zone” between the “Retirement Suites property and their Development”. There was no public consultation or environmental review on this development. I don’t imagine the property owners on West St. were notified. This housing development appears to be for “Upper Middle Class” and has nothing to do for “geared to income”. Is local “Infrastructure” ready for this development? How much will this cost taxpayers? Is there a “Mini mall” to be built? The downtown has nothing much to offer for this development. Eddie Lehman Bobcaygeon
Rokeby Development Concerns
My family has owned a property on Front Street West since 1965 and I would like to bring some attention to the Rokeby Development on Front St. W. There is a lot of activity at the development site and my neighbours and myself have great concerns on the ground and surface water that is being disturbed and altered. One homeowner is worried about her Geo
Kawartha Promoter Classifieds Work Circulation 15,000 • Reach over 36,000 readers Call 705-738-6188 or Bobcaygeon Branch 239 of the Royal Canadian Legion
would like to thank the many volunteers who gave their time to make this year’s Poppy Campaign such a success. Together, with the generosity of our donors and local business, we have raised a total of $16,001 which will provide direct assistance to the veterans in our community. We sincerely appreciate your contribution. Ruth Mooney, Poppy Campaign Chair
January 20, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
Thermal heating and cooling system with the pending blasting that is to be carried out. Others are worried about the excess natural water causing problems to their homes and property. A vast corridor of trees have been cut down and stumps pulled in this wet land, trees that drink up huge amounts of water. My neighbours and I are hoping that with media coverage and inquiries that the concerns and issues will be addressed and protection for property, water, wildlife, vegetation and trees will be preserved and properly managed. Thank you in advance for getting involved with the situation.
Kathryn Dobbie-Thomas Bobcaygeon
Thanks for Dinner
Tuesday, December 20 was Bobcaygeon Public School’s annual Festive Dinner. Turkey, stuffing, potatoes, corn and milk were served, all generously donated by local businesses. The annual feast encourages community and togetherness, especially around the holiday season. Big shoutout to Mrs. Wesselink and Janke’s grade seven classes for putting together this event. We would also like to thank all the parent/ grandparent volunteers that helped with cooking and plating the food. This was a great way to celebrate before winter break! Jessica Kellow Bobcaygeon
Community Generosity
Being just recently retired I have become involved with volunteering with the Food Bank and my eyes have been opened to the generosity again of this community. I witnessed it with the money raised to put Boyd Island in protected hands and now I see it again. I was honoured to help out at the Toy Store shopping day offered to those in our community that were finding it difficult this year to shop for their children. I just could not believe my eyes at the donations that had been made. There were toys, games, knitted items and stocking stuffers for all ages. The residents You’re Always Next at
Tuesday & Wednesday • 8:30 - 4pm Thursday • 8:30 - 12:00pm (noon) Friday • 8:30 - 4pm Saturday • 8:30 - 3:00pm Between the bridges, Bobcaygeon (705) 731-9500 (Next to Wood Paralegal)
City Hall
who attended were so thankful but I was thankful to experience this wonderful day of giving. Apparently the ladies who knit will take donations of your unfinished projects and left over wool. They take these donations and knit up a storm! Your wool can be left at the library or the food bank. Our community is amazing and they demonstrated what Christ would want us to do for others. May the Christmas spirit be with us all year long! Happy New Year!
The Council meeting before the holidays was crowded with members of the public as the agenda included decisions based on previous Council resolutions to reduce the number of ice pads and community halls. The financial analysis and user statistics combined with extensive public response prompted Mayor Andy Letham to acknowledge that Council is at a crossroads. Council can continue to implement its previous decisions on consolidating arenas and community halls, or Council can pause and call upon community leaders and user groups to become actively engaged in developing a new model for operating, maintaining and promoting these facilities. The Mayor’s resolutions that all community
Janet Klein Nogies Creek
Volunteers Deliver
Thanks to all of the volunteers who made the Bobcaygeon Community Christmas Dinner on December 25th at Trinity United so special!! Without you this annual event, sponsored by the Bobcaygeon Churches, would not be possible. Approximately 100 people were served including deliveries and take-outs. What a wonderful team…job well done!
Submitted by Jo Wesley on behalf of the Christmas Dinner Organizers
A Generous Community
Jeff and myself would like to start by saying “Thank-You”. We will never be able to express our appreciation for the kindness and caring support we received from all of our family, the “many” friends and from our amazing community we live in. To all of you who offered your care, concern and prayers during our ongoing journey…to everyone who sent cards, brought food, flowers and gave donations we want to say “THANK-YOU”. The past few weeks have been difficult AGENT we can’t thank everyone enough for their love, support, prayers and positivity during this journey - it is so appreciated. Please know the love shown GENT to us during this time will never be forgotten or unnoticed and we “THANK” each and everyone of you from theY bottom ears of our hearts. 30 Thank-you Jeff and Tanya Patterson Bobcaygeon
Y ears
In an article in the December 16 issue of The Kawartha Promoter, we made an error. The article on Clear Bags states there is a limit of 1 bag. We have been notified by the City of Kawartha Lakes that “There is no charge to the weekly garbage limit. Residents are allowed two clear garbage bags per week. They must be clear garbage bags on January 1, 2017 and beyond.” We apologize for any confusion.
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January 20, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
halls and arenas remain open indefinitely were supported unanimously by Council. There will be a Task Force that includes the Mayor and two Councillors, along with community members, to look at the Manvers Arena as a model that balances financial sustainability and local community building. This pilot model will be applied in other communities as it develops. The City will be calling upon facility users, sports associations and community leaders to work together to develop a user model that is affordable for all taxpayers. For community halls, the City will be looking to existing volunteer boards and community groups for expressions of interest to own, operate and/or maintain facilities. Council also voted on the future use of the Bobcaygeon Beach Park trailer park. It was decided that the City would retain the land and cease trailer park operations at the end of the 2017 season. Staff will research options to provide expanded community and tourism use of the land, such as docking and park amenities.
CLIMATE PROTECTION ON CITY AGENDA City of Kawartha Lakes becomes a Partner for Climate Protection By Pat Warren
At the Council meeting of January 10th, Council approved the appointment of LURA, Land Use Research Associates to do a Healthy Environment Plan to lower Greenhouse Gas Emissions locally. After signing the Paris Agreement to tackle global warming, the Federal Government asked
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Branch 239, Bobcaygeon, Ontario Balance in account 1 October 2015 $19,170.21 Income from campaign and all other sources $13,757.00 Total $32,927.21 Expenses: Poppies and Wreaths $2,327.21 Promotion Material $157.13 Local Expenses $555.09 Total $6,602.18 Disbursements: Grants to veterans $2,470.17 Bursaries $5,500.00 Donations $11,500.00 Youth education $138.36 Total $19,608.53 Balance in account 30 September 2016 $10,234.25
January 20, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
municipalities to become partners for change. The Federal Government set a target of lowering GHGEs by 30% below 2005 levels and the Ontario Government has a plan to become GHG neutral by 2018. To achieve this, all levels of government including municipalities are being asked to do their part. The City of Kawartha Lakes signed on as a partner with the Federation of Canadian municipalities who will be funding 80% of the plan which will cost about $135,000 with COKL paying about $15,000 of that. The plan has 5 milestones 1. Create a community greenhouse gas emissions inventory and forecast 2. Set an emissions reduction target 3. Develop a local action plan 4. Implement the local action plan 5. Monitor progress and report results In 2014 the ICSP Sustainability Plan was adopted by Council and the Healthy Environment Plan directly aligns with the recommendations in that plan.
By Glenna Burns
The appellants who have been fighting to stop the Dewdney Mountain mega quarry development at Nogies Creek have had a victory in their quest for justice. Their ‘leave to appeal’ the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) decision was found to be warranted by a Newmarket Court judge. The OMB final report was littered with so many ‘errors of law’ that a review of the case in provincial Divisional Court will be necessary. The Divisional Court (of Ontario) is a branch of the Superior Court of Justice and is based in Toronto. It is one of the busiest appellate (appeal) courts in Canada. The court often hears statutory appeals from administration tribunals like the OMB. It is also the primary forum for judicial review of government action in Ontario. Recently, questions have been asked in the media about the reliability and purpose of the OMB, which was created to review municipal government decisions. Some say instead, the OMB seemingly favours developers and industry over municipalities and taxpayers. This case has sparked interest and concern not
only from Trent Lakes residents but from the City of Kawartha Lakes and residents of Bobcaygeon. The increased heavy truck traffic, environmental concerns for nearby water bodies, threats to endangered species and road repair costs have all become issues centred around this proposed 400acre quarry development near Nogies Creek.
The application by the quarry includes increasing the annual tonnage from 300,000 tonnes to 850,000 tonnes. That would mean increased heavy truck traffic down County Road 49, through Bobcaygeon and the City of Kawartha Lakes. The change in hours of operation would see aggregate trucks on the roads from 5:30 am to 9:00 pm Monday to Friday and 6:00am to 12:00pm on Saturdays.
Nogies Creek Waterway
By Glenna Burns
By Glenna Burns
Trent Lakes council wants the public to have a voice in the decision to allow CDR Young Aggregates to mine below the water table at the Crown Land quarry on Bass Lane off County Road 49. Mayor Bev Matthews told Council on December 20 that “we need a refresher on everything they (aggregate quarry developer) want to do…it’s been almost 2 years.” Council requested that staff contact the aggregate producer’s lawyer to arrange a public meeting sometime in June 2017 and also to advise City of Kawartha Lakes. A winter meeting was held by CDR Young Aggregates 2 years ago at the Bobcaygeon Legion where the public heard about the developer’s plans to mine below the water table, extend the quarry hours of operation and increase the annual tonnage extracted. Since that time the developer has received approval from the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change in a letter dated November 24, 2015. The Ministry indicated that the threat of mining below the water table was ‘expected to be very limited and unlikely’. In another letter dated July 29, 2016, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests indicated they had no objection to mining below the water table but did require a ground water monitoring program.
The Nogies Creek Waterway (park) is moving closer to becoming a reality. Kawartha Conservation (KRCA) retiring CAO Rob Messervey presented Trent Lakes council on December 20 with an overview of the progress made in 2016 on the waterway park. The Nogies Creek Waterway extends south from Bass Lake to Big Island (Chiminis) and includes the area watershed. Messervey reported that the Fleming College property adjacent to Nogies Creek was recently turned over to Kawartha Conservation. He thanked council for providing road access to the lands that will be used for education, research and forest management. The membership group has grown over the past year to include various local citizens, Fleming College, Trent University, Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests, Twin Mountains Snowmobile Club, Kawartha Land Trust, Kawartha Field Naturalists, Williams Treaty First Nations, North Pigeon Lake Association and Muskies Canada. Plans for the Nogies Creek Waterway include a canoe route, various access points, a Bio-blitz to identify all living things in the area, historical and archaeological identification and fisheries research.
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January 20, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
First Year of Septic Inspections A Success
By Glenna Burns
Trent Lakes Safe Sewage inspector Matt Faris was pleasantly surprised with the first year of septic tank inspections in the municipality. Faris told council at the December 20 meeting that he was “pleasantly surprised…residents were helpful and understanding.” In 2016 the Trent Lakes Discretionary Septic Re-inspection Program focused on 339 properties mostly on Pigeon Lake. Septics installed after 2011 were not inspected. After exemptions a total of 297 properties were inspected. Phase one of the inspection had an 85% clearance rate with 251 septic systems ‘passing’. Forty-six properties went to phase two with 30 of those properties now resolved. Sixteen properties are still in the process of rehabilitation. Mayor Bev Matthews congratulated the inspectors and praised the work. Faris cautioned Council that every year may not be as successful as 2016 in closing so many files. The septic inspection process begins again this spring with an initial resident questionnaire.
FANTASTIC CHOICE “Captain Fantastic” Hits Films by the Falls
Films by the Falls is excited to continue its film series into Winter / Spring 2017 with a screening
of the multiple award nominated film “Captain Fantastic” at Fenelon Falls Secondary School on January 31, 2017. Captain Fantastic is not a superhero movie -it’s a dramedy, but it features a character worthy of being a superhero – to his children anyway, though society might think him otherwise. Doors open at 6:30 pm; Show starts at 7:30 pm. Films by the Falls screens movies on the last Tuesday of each month. The Winter/Spring season runs from January to May.
Snowshoeing just might be one of Canada’s oldest winter recreational activities but it is coming to the Kawartha Lakes and specifically Fenelon Falls as a new event this coming winter. Wayne Jolly of Sweet Bottoms Coffee along with David Robinson, VP of Snowshoe Canada, have teamed up to create the inaugural Kawartha Lakes Snowshoe Race, Sunday, February 5th, 2017 at Garnet Graham Park on Cameron Lake. The events planned include a 5K, a 10K and a 1k short race. On a new, competitive course, with a mass start from the beach in Fenelon, the event will be chip-timed. The cost is $40. The event operations base is the Fenelon Falls Curling Club at 41 Bond St W. For more information, visit www.
Oil • Watercolour • Acrylic • Conté • Graphite Pencils Paper • Mediums • Brushes and more!!
NOW AVAILABLE AT: DEsIGN 1- 48 Main st. Bobcaygeon. 705-738-6188 Monday - Friday: 9-5
in the oFFices oF the Kawartha proMoter
January 20, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
The Promoter Crossword # 192 – By Charon Goodbye 2016 1
26 Canadian poet, songwriter and singer who left us in 2016 (5) 27 Feature of good wines (7) 28 Tracing paper e.g. (7) Down 1 Word with betwixt (7) 2 Definitely not an old man (5,4) 3 Himalayan country (5) 4 Increasing as in enjoyment (9) 5 Part of a suit (5) 6 Where you live (9) 7 For all to see (5) 8 Louis Armstrong hit "___ Ramble" (7) 14 Longshoreman (9) 16 Musical surge (9) 17 Holey Swiss cheese (9) 18 Like some boat motors (7) 20 Rental agreement's term (7) 22 Absurdly eccentric (5) 23 Childhood ailment (5) 24 Game show host (5)
Across 1 Pop singer who caused a stir with her Super Bowl halftime performance in 2016. (7) 5 Do, as a task (7) 9 Name that will forever be associated with 2016 (5) 10 Iconic Toronto store which closed in 2016 (6,3) 11 Ratatouille requirement (9)
12 13 15 18 19 21
Dissuade or discourage (5) Indian flatbreads (5) With a common plan (2,7) Like Harvard and Yale (3,6) Sesame St frog lost a K (5) Ziggy Stardust creator who died in 2016 (5) 23 Gold medalist Rosie who carried the Canadian flag in 2016 (9) 25 Peter Mansbridge, e.g. (9)
Solution to Crossword # 191 1
R 10
E S 14
X 21
I 28
S 25
E 17
R 16
L 20
23 26
L 15
E 12
R 30
Wanted Gold & Silver
Cash paid for Jewelry • Coins • Sterling Watches • Medals • Antiques etc. R. Carruth 705-887-1672
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Legion News “At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.” Branch 67 Lindsay (705) 324-2613 • Pub Fare Lunch – Tuesdays, Thursdays, noon to 2 pm • Full Dinners – Fridays, 11:30 am to 1:30 pm, roast beef, liver and onions, plus special
• Meat Roll – Saturdays, 2 pm • Live Entertainment – Saturdays, 7:30 to 11:30 pm, free, open to all
Branch 238 Fenelon Falls (705) 887-3041 • Ladies’ 8-Ball and Mixed Shuffleboard Leagues - Mondays, 6:30 pm • Dart League - Tuesdays, 7:30 pm • Men’s Snooker League - Wednesdays, 7 pm • Tai Chi - Thursdays, 10 am • Hot Lunches - Thursdays and Fridays, 11:30 am-1 pm • English Pub Night* - first Friday each month, 5-7 pm • Meat Roll* - third Saturday each month, 2:30 pm, • Drop-in Shuffleboard - Sundays, 1:30 pm • Karate-jitsu - Sundays 4 pm
Branch 239 Bobcaygeon (705) 738-2710 • Pasta Night by Mary - Monday 5-7 pm - Lasagna or Chef’s choice - only $10 -everyone is welcome • Traditional Robbie Burns Dinner –featuring Syd Simkins - Jan. 28, 5-7 pm, $20.00. • Big Buck Euchre–Jan 30, 10:30 am. $10, includes lunch • Karaoke with Merle –Friday 8:00 pm to midnight • Hamburger /Peameal on a bun –Thursday -4-7 pm • Hall rental -705-738-2397 - Catering by Ladies Auxiliary, call Anna- 705-731-2244
Branch 441 Kinmount (705) 488-3462 • Bingo – Fridays, 6:45 pm • Meat Draw – Saturdays, 5 pm • Seniors Cards – Mondays, 1 pm
• Drop-in Cards – Tuesdays, 7 pm • Big Buck Bid Euchre - Third Wednesday of month, 11 am
Branch 497 Omemee (705) 799-5095 • Country Music Jams – Every 2nd Saturday of month. • Progressive Euchre – every second Saturday of month • For Hall rentals call 705-799-5095 or 705-761-8691
E-mail to Next deadline: Wednesday, February 1.
10 January 20, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
It’s Easy Being Green The Lazy Chemical Free Beauty Routine
By Julia Taylor
I had been on my quest to go ‘chemical free’ to reduce my footprint for some time. I was searching for a natural shampoo and conditioner that worked well for my thick curly hair. I was trying out all sorts of store bought natural brands when I realized that a plastic bottle, even though recyclable was not really “green”. It takes natural resources (aka oil) to produce, then gets shipped to be filled, and shipped again to your local store, and then it goes into the recycle bin, driven to the sorting plant, shipped to a processing plant that breaks it down into a product to be shipped to another plant and start the cycle again. That is a lot of energy! So I did some Google-ing and found some recipes. I figured I might as well try making some other products I purchase that come in plastic packaging at the same time. I bought a bunch of weird, hard-to-find ingredients and after failing more than once, I realized I didn’t have the time or the patience to do this. But I couldn’t un-remember the whole packaging thing. Back to Google I went... What I found was that I don’t have to make my beauty products, I can just use ingredients. My extremely cheap, and extremely lazy, green quest led me to baking soda to wash my hair, apple cider vinegar to rinse, coconut oil for face and body lotion, baking soda for deodorant, and a plain old bar of natural, local soap (sold without packaging) for washing. I have got to tell you that the hair care routine results are better for my hair than any natural storebought brand I had tried, and better than any of the recipes I tried making. All of the other things work fabulously for me as well. Give me a hug next time you see me I promise I don’t smell! Phew- I don’t have to spend Sunday’s DIY’ing, and I have reduced our family’s footprint by reducing our plastic consumption. Easy, economic, and environmentally friendly!
Local Yoga Teacher Goes “Zero-Waste”
Three years ago Ally Boothroyd lost her father and father-in-law to cancer, and heard over and over again that it was “so unlucky”. She decided she was not willing to accept that luck had anything to do with it and made a big shift in her family’s lifestyle. “I just knew that there were things we could do with our lifestyle, stress management, diet, and exposure to environmental toxins that we could control,” she says. Now, her family household of 3, including a young child, has reduced their waste to half of a
small garbage bag every 4-5 weeks and 1/3 of the recycling they used to put at the curb. They also enjoy spending about 40 percent less on household necessities, including food. Zero-waste is a philosophy that encourages the use of the 7 R’s. Reduce, refuse, reuse, repair, rethink, recycle, and rot. When you practice this philosophy you end up eating healthier and reducing your exposure to chemicals. Ally obviously does as much as she can -drinking from a reusable mug, making cleaning and beauty products, shopping in bulk with her own containers, and purchasing quality products that last a lifetime (when she isn’t buying second hand). Ally says it has been a long, slow process that her family took baby steps into. She tackled things that worked well for her family, kept an open mind when learning to change and made the changes as she could. “It was also a convenience thing and liberated me from the weekly chore of garbage!” she says. You can follow Ally’s zero-waste journey on Instagram @livinglakeside or at
If you’re looking to sell your home, now might be a good time. According to the Kawartha Lakes Real Estate Association, there’s an ongoing supply shortage of new residential listings. With a decrease in residential sales of 33.8 percent in December over the same month in 2015, officials say the low levels of supply are making it difficult for buyers to find a property, leading to a decreased sales volume. In a release, the Association cited that there were 2.3 months of inventory at the end of December 2016, down from 3.9 months reported at the same time in 2015 and well below the long-run average for this time of year. The number of months of inventory is the number of months it would take to sell current inventories at the current rate of sales activity.
The Ross Memorial Hospital family is pleased to welcome the 2017 New Year’s Baby, Bridgette DeCunha, born on January 4th, at 10:04am. Bridgette is the third child of parents Katherine Katherine and Alex DeCunha and Alex DeCunha of welcome baby Bridgette. Lindsay. Her two big brothers, ages 4 and 2, were excited to meet their new sister, and sang her ‘Happy Birthday’. Bridgette is named for her paternal great-grandmother.
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January 20, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter 11
January 20 to February 10 Melodie McCullough
Aquarius (Jan. 21 to Feb. 19) All roads look clean and bright for 2017, Aquarius. Keep your head up, your hands clean, and walk like you own the world. Be brave right from the start. Pisces (Feb. 20 to March 20) “The horizon leans forward, Offering you space to place new steps of change.”: Maya Angelou. Are you ready to take some steps to change this New Year, dear Pisces? They can be very tiny steps, or giant steps – just make sure you keep putting one foot ahead of the other. Aries (March 21 to April 20) Stay strong, Aries. You may be tested in the weeks ahead. Believe in yourself and your abilities to get through whatever comes your way. Taurus (April 21 to May 21) Please remember to always be kind, Taurus, even when it’s hard. We do not know what others are going through – there’s always the possibility that their day has been worse than yours. Gemini (May 22 to June 22) Treat yourself, Gemini. Be good to yourself because you are good to everyone else. It’s time to reciprocate. Cancer (June 23 to July 23) Travel plans are probably a good idea right about now. Take your time and plot your escape. It’s always better to be organized first than to be disappointed later.
Leo (July 24 to Aug. 23) Don’t get discouraged about that job you didn’t get, Leo. It wasn’t meant to be. Don’t lose faith in yourself. You have so much to offer. Virgo (Aug. 24 to Sept. 23) Beware those who wish to give you advice, Virgo. You know yourself better than anyone else. Go with your instincts and don’t be swayed by others. Libra (Sept. 24 to Oct. 23) Get outdoors and enjoy the winter while it lasts, dear Libra. The fresh air is wonderful for lifting spirits – and it’s great for exercising, too. Scorpio (Oct. 24 to Nov. 22) Don’t sweat the small stuff, Scorpio. Try to relax, count to 10, whatever works for you. Just tell yourself it won’t matter a year from now – or probably even a week from now! Sagittarius (Nov. 23 to Dec. 21) It’s good that you have recognised the need to ask for help, dear Sag. Never be afraid to ask a stupid question – of your colleagues, your boss, your family, and even the bus driver. Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan 20) You can make all the New Year’s resolutions you want to, Capricorn, but you also need to remember that you are fine just the way you are.
Your Clear Garbage Bag Headquarters Best variety of sizes & Best prices in the Kawartha Lakes! 50 pack for $1.00 705-340-3718 418 Hwy 36, Lindsay (Across from the Tim Hortons)
12 January 20, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
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Choristers Corner
Submitted by April Scott
Happy New Year to all readers. And what a start it has been with all the snow and ice keeping the people with snow plows busy. The Choristers have resumed practices at the Retirement Suites, concentrating on music from the 60’s and 70”s with some Beatles music included. Hopefully they will be performing a concert in May. Prior to the New Year, the Choristers held an annual Christmas party where they had a Toy Drive for the Bobcaygeon Food Bank and donated two banana boxes of gifts before their Christmas Party. Crystal Longo and her son came to pick them up. It was a good feeling to have given some children a better Christmas. The Choir is always looking for more singers and now is a good time to think about joining us at the start of a new concert season. Maybe take up a new hobby and join this fun group of people who love to sing and entertain, it’s a long winter! Call Bob Plummer, our director, at 731-1060, or April Scott at 738-2396 for further info. Alternatively you could simply come to the next practice at 7pm any Tuesday evening at the Retirement Suites on West Street in Bobcaygeon.
As part of the Canadian Government’s $600 million rehab of the Trent-Seven Waterway infrastructure, major work has been proposed to rehabilitate the Coboconk Dam. The Coboconk Dam rehabilitation project will involve the replacement of the concrete deck and repairs to the dam’s structure, as well as the replacement of guard railings. A pedestrian walkway, or an area separated from the operating deck will be constructed for safe public access across the dam. Archaeologists were onsite in early December upstream of the dam to gather information that will inform how the project is conducted. At present it is anticipated that the construction tender will be sometime in January 2017. More information will be available when a contractor has been hired and has completed a work plan. Work is tentatively scheduled to begin in May of 2017. For up-to-date news about this project, visit
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Kawartha Conservation has released the second draft of the Four Mile Lake Plan for public comment. “Draft two has taken into consideration all of the feedback we received throughout the initial public consultation process,” explained Aquatic Biologist Brett Tregunno. The purpose of the Plan is to summarize the current state of the lake, objectives for maintaining excellent water quality, recreational enjoyment, and a suite of recommendations for all lake stakeholders to consider undertaking to ensure a healthy lake is maintained. The second draft of the plan has been posted at along with an accompanying publication entitled the Four Mile Lake Watershed Characterization Report.. Comments can be submitted until January 31, 2017. Comments can be emailed directly to Brett at or mailed to 277 Kenrei Road, Lindsay, ON K9V 4R1.
ELECTRIC Owner: Kirk Kimble ECRA/ESA Lic. 7009784
Peterborough-Kawartha MP, the Honorable Maryam Monsef has been shuffled to a new post within Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s cabinet. She will take on the role of Minister of Status of Women, moving from her original appointment in Democratic Institutions. Monsef said, “Working to achieve gender equality is a core priority for this government and I intend to continue and build on the good work of my colleague, Minister Patty Hajdu. I see this new role as complementary to my primary responsibility of representing the people of Peterborough-Kawartha.”
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January 20, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter 15
Health & Wellness A New Year, a New Life: Feeding your Five Senses
By Benjamin Stone
Every new year, starting January 1st, for all those of us using the Gregorian calendar, we prepare for the ritual of “resolutions”; often unrealistic and soon to be another item on the checklist of failed attempts. Perhaps the most disappointing fact is that we seem to remain stuck in belief systems and programs that simply do not fulfill the greater desires screamed out by our soul. It is often too easy to slip back into the “way things have been” attitude, and stay stagnant and resist growth. So if you have a “resolution” you are preparing to scratch off your list in the next couple of weeks, or maybe by March, we should sit and discuss a couple of facts. Let’s help you on a journey towards a new life, in this New Year that you have always sought, through a few beginner concepts. Biology of belief – according to Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D, a renowned cell biologist, there are scientific discoveries about the biochemical effects of the brain’s functioning that all the cells of your body are affected by your thoughts. So what does this mean? Many of us understand the importance of eating the best possible fuel (dense nutrition) to achieve the greatest levels of health. However; I often speak about the little understood or overlooked fact that we take in “nutrition” for the soul, mind and body through all of our senses. Any ONE of these areas being deficient in the best ‘nutrients’ will lead to an imbalance and disease in the body. We consume both cognitively and non-cognitively. Mouth – we become what we eat. Do you wish to thrive at the highest levels and break personal thresholds and paradigms? Then you need to address this through optimal nutritional needs for our highest self. For example: everyone will always benefit from a plant-based, highly green, nutrition source. Nose – the scents that we take in are very powerful. It can do everything from induce states of bliss, to destroying cells in our body leading to such diseases like cancer. Take the time to review the unnecessary chemicals that are in your life; look into pure Essential Oils, and take time to
The Kawartha Promoter
is supported entirely by our advertisers. We encourage you to choose the businesses that you see in these pages. We do. 16 January 20, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
“smell the flowers”. Touch – here are a few scientific examples associated with touch: decreased violence, greater trust between individuals, economic gain, decreased disease and a stronger immune system. Ears – what we listen to deeply impacts our cells, our biochemistry, emotions and cognitive function. Be wise to the news, music, conversations, noise-pollution and general environment that you allow yourself to be exposed too. Eyes – Vision accounts for about 40% of the intake of awareness when we have our eyes open. The nutrition we consume through our eyes is very important, and we are heavily influenced in all aspects of wellness: body, mind, spirit. This is just a small taste of the importance of feeding ourselves with the highest quality nutrients for our five senses so that we can fulfill real resolutions and make real change in our lives. Let’s kick 2017 off with the Spirit of Wholism and feed our body mind and spirit through conscious choices for our Five Senses. You’ll be glad you did.
If you are considering a new year’s resolution to quit smoking, Peterborough Public Health and the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit want to help you make it a reality. “Choose to be…Smoke Free” Peterborough Public Health is offering free support to help you get there with the “Choose to be...Smoke Free” program. This is a free tobacco cessation support program for anyone that combines behavioural counselling and access to free nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). There is also a support group for women of reproductive age who want to quit or have recently quit. Help with transportation and childcare, and a $10 gift card will be provided for each session, as well as cost-free NRT for pregnant women who find it difficult to quit smoking using nonpharmacological methods. For more information or to register for the next session, please call 705-743-1000 ext. 330. Tobacco Talks The Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District
Health Unit also provides free Tobacco Talks quitsmoking support programs in the City of Kawartha Lakes. These informal get-togethers are a chance for people trying to quit smoking to drop by and speak with Health Unit staff about strategies for success. The sessions are held at the Health Unit office in Lindsay (108 Angeline Street South). To learn more, call the Health Unit at (705) 324-3569, ext. 2302 or 2240, email info@hkpr. or visit
Checking that your child’s vaccination records are up-to-date will protect against disease and possible school suspension. In mid-January, the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit will be sending notices to students in Haliburton County, Northumberland County and the City of Kawartha Lakes for whom it does not have up-to-date vaccination records. If the records are not updated with the Health Unit immediately, school suspensions for these students could start later this spring. Under the Immunization of School Pupils Act, the Health Unit must ensure students attending school are immunized against diphtheria, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, pertussis (whooping cough), varicella (chickenpox) and meningococcal disease. If any of these vaccines are missing, students can be suspended from school.
Students may be exempted from vaccination for medical reasons and issues of conscience or religious belief. Local families are asked to follow these three steps: Check your student’s records. For a list of recommended and required vaccines for students, call the Health Unit at 1-866-888-4577, ext. 1507, or visit If a vaccine is missing, get your student vaccinated. See your health care provider or contact the Health Unit to get any missing vaccine. Update your student’s vaccination records. Contact the Health Unit with the updated vaccine record. Call 1-866-888-4577, ext. 1507, fax the record to (905) 885-5352, take a photo of the updated record and email to immunization@hkpr., or drop off the record at any Health Unit office in Port Hope, Lindsay or Haliburton.
Kawartha North FHT Receives Hefty Contribution
The J & B Carroll Family Foundation has been donating to medical and humanitarian causes, including the Lupus Foundation, Sick Kids’ Hospital and World Vision for over 25 years. For 2016, Kawartha North Family Health Team was honoured to receive a $10,000 contribution from the Foundation. The monies will be used to
GENTLE CARE FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Times are changing at Bobcaygeon Family Dentistry - Come check us out! “Our Dental Office Provides”
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January 20, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter 17
continue operations of the KNFHT walk-in clinics operating in Fenelon Falls and Bobcaygeon. Kawartha North has been operating the clinics without any Ministry funding since 2012 and hopes to have sufficient funds to increase both the hours as well as the types of services available to local residents in the near future.
The Central East Local Health Integration Network (Central East LHIN) recently announced two important appointments. Dr. K. Jennifer Ingram was appointed Physician Lead for Seniors Care. In her role, Ingram will work with other Central East LHIN physician leads, the provincial Seniors Care Network, regional and local health service providers and other partners involved in caring for older adults. Dr. Ingram is a specialist in internal and geriatric medicine, practising in Peterborough and surrounding communities. Meanwhile, the competitive search for a Clinical Quality Lead at the Central East LHIN is over. In his new role, Dr. David Borenstein will have the opportunity to influence change that results in improved patient outcomes, and experience of care. Dr. Borenstein is currently the Scarborough and Rouge Hospital’s Emergency Department Director of Quality Improvement.
Photo: L to R: KNFHT Executive Director Marina Hodson, David Draper, Lisa (Carroll) Draper
FULL PACKAGE INCLUDES: FULL PACKAGE INCLUDES: * Consultation * Consultation * Co-ordinate change of address with post * Co-ordinate change of address with post office and utilities Dr.moving David Borenstein Dr. K. Jennifer Ingram office and utilities * Arrange booking day for Community Support Services * Organize and sort personal belongings * Arrange booking day for moving 705-340-3258 705-749-4940 Community Support Services Community Support Services according Inc. to your wishes * Organize and sort personal belongings * De-clutter professionally packed 705-340-3258 705-749-4940 belongings according to your wishes Service for Over 15 Years in The Kawarthas! * Arrange for removal or sale of unwanted EXPANDING TO INCLUDE A * De-clutter packed items Whileprofessionally shoveling snow can be good exercise, it SENIOR’ RE-LOCATION SERVICE belongings * Set up & supervise moving day can also be hazardous. Kawartha Lakes Paramedic Our goal is to ensure peace of mind * Arrange new location for removal or sale of unwanted TO INCLUDE A belongings*inArrange and toEXPANDING make your move as smooth Service offers the following tips to help you get a * Clean up and hand in keys for apartment items to prepare as possible fromRE-LOCATION start to finish. SENIOR’S SERVICE * Arrange for repair or painting for house sale * Set up & supervise moving day Our caring team of workers are Fully insured * Assist withyour finding real estate agent Our goal to ensure of mind Our goal is toisensure peace ofpeace mind and to make * Arrange belongings in new location Follow up in new location Personalas Caresmooth •* Shopping and to make your• move
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* Clean up and hand in keys for apartment move as smooth asWe possible take from start to finish. as possibleMeal from start to finish. Preparation * Arrange for repair or painting to prepare the stress • Light Housekeeping PARTIAL PACKAGES for house sale Medication Reminding • Companionship out of Our caring Our team of workers are Fully insured * Available tailored to your needs. caring team of workers are fully insured relocating! Available: Days, Evenings, Overnight * Assist with finding real estate agent DAY
Registered D.V.A. Provider * Set up & supervise moving day
We take * Arrange belongings in new location * Consultation the * Clean up and hand in stress keys for * Co-ordinate change DAY of address apartment with post office and utilities out of SENIOR’S * Arrange forSERVICES repair or painting to * Arrange booking day for RE-LOCATION moving relocating! prepare for house sale * Organize and sort personal
Paiz, Denturist * Follow up inFernando new location PARTIAL PACKAGES * Available tailored to your needs.
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handle on safe shoveling. • Snow shoveling is a weight-lifting exercise that raises your heart rate and blood pressure. Warm up before starting the job and stretch both before and after shoveling. • I f possible, shovel only fresh snow. It is easier to shovel than wet, packed-down snow. • As with any lifting activity, use your legs, not your back. Legs should be bent and your back should be straight. Bend and “sit” into the movement, allowing large muscle groups to do most of the work. • Never work to the point of exhaustion. Take frequent breaks. If your chest feels tight, stop immediately. Individuals who are relatively inactive should be especially careful. If you have a history of heart trouble, check with your doctor before shoveling. • Let someone know that you’re outdoors so they’ll know if there’s a problem. Kawartha Lakes Paramedic Service responds to several calls each year for snow shoveling and snow blowing related incidents. Watch for children, pets and motorists.
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You may be familiar with the terms “tone deaf” or “congenital amusia,” which refer to the inability to accurately perceive differences of musical pitch. Tone deafness is estimated to affect about 4% of the population and is the reason why some people find it difficult (if not impossible) to carry a tune. As it turns out, tone-deaf individuals may also find it difficult to accurately read facial expressions or detect a false laugh. If so, these limitations can adversely impact their social skills. According to a recent small study involving 24 people, the 13 “amusics” in the group found it more difficult to accurately identify the emotions (sadness, anger, etc.) in human vocalizations, as well as the facial expressions. Gradual hearing loss can affect people of all ages -- varying from mild to profound. Hearing loss is a sudden or gradual decrease in how well you can hear. Depending on the cause, it can be mild or severe, temporary or permanent. To schedule a hearing test, please give us a call. Our team is committed to providing you and your loved ones with clear and up-to-date solutions. P.S. Many consider amusia to be a neurological problem, not an auditory one. However, if high-frequency sensorineural hearing loss is a contributing factor, a hearing instrument may help.
January 20, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter 19
Classifieds SERVICES
ORIGINAL MAN WITH TRUCK 15 yrs experience Lowest prices. Grass cutting, Painting, Garbage removal, property maintenance, long or short distance moves. No job too small! Bruce 705-738-6321 ____________________ GOPHER CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Dump runs Eavestrough cleaning Moving assistance Private security Yard clean up. Monica Stanley 705-738-6364 _____________________ MUSIC LESSONS DUNSFORD Piano Voice Brass Performance.Unique vocal and performance teaching method. Any style any level. 705-300-3561
Deadline for next issue: February 2, 2017 Call 705-738-6188 20 words or less for $28 + H.S.T. E-Mail: EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS Custom-fit clothing alterations. Call April. 705-738-2396 _____________________ COUNTRY MAGIC House Cleaning Services Has your housework become overwhelming? I can make it disappear! Servicing Bobcaygeon & Fenelon Falls Irene Drake 705-344-2215
DRY CLEAN KINDLING Hand packed. Approx 35lbs $10 Free local delivery. 705-738-3214 Leave message.
SHARED PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SPACE Approximately 400 sq ft. Parking, Bolton Street location. Available immediately. 647-519-4658
Velma (Val) Reid Prudhomme July 27, 1920 - December 15, 2016 On Thursday, December 15th Velma Muriel Stevens from Beamsville, Ontario passed away with family and friends by her side at Case Manor in Bobcaygeon. Predeceased by husband Harry Reid (1984) and 2nd husband George Prudhomme (2004). Survived by her loving daughter Donna Reid (Toronto), daughter-in-law Esme McMonagle and her most recent companion Chico. Fondly remembered for her flair for life, quiet elegance, generous heart and bright laughter. Special thanks for the brilliant care by the Heritage staff at Case Manor Community Care. Celebration of her indomitable spirit took place on Tuesday, December 20th at Smith’s Funeral Home Brant Street Chapel in Burlington. In lieu of flowers, donations to Dr. Jay Children’s Grief Centre are appreciated. 20 January 20, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
LAKEWOOD CONDOMINIUMS Brand new condominiums available for rent. Well appointed suites with covered parking and in suite laundry. $1500-2400 per month. 705-706-3199
EXPERIENCED ROOFERS REQUIRED. Must be committed and hard working individuals with experience in shingling and steel roofing. Send resume to
Furniture,Glass, China, Military Medals etc. Duck Decoys, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver Dollars, Gold, Coins, Pocket Watches etc. Anything old. R. Carruth. 705-887-1672
WANTED: POP CULTURE ITEMS Vinyl records (rock, jazz, blues), rock memorabilia, pre-1990 comic books, toys, vintage costume jewelry, sterling & gold jewelry. All types of retro / mid-century items. House calls made at your convenience. Robert or Penny 705-324-2699
Thank you from our hearts to our family Lisa, Paul, Scott, Heather, Sheldon, Riley, Jake and Delaney for the great 50th Anniversary party. You are the masters of SURPRISE. To our relatives and friends, thank you for joining us and for your generous gifts. What a wonderful memory you created. Merry Christmas to all. Stella & Wayne Kimble
RHODES; Wayne Charles ~ October 7, 1957 – January 10, 2017 ~ Entered into rest at the Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay. Wayne was the beloved son of Joan of Bobcaygeon and the late Robert Rhodes; dear brother of Bryan (Kathy) of Bobcaygeon and Lynda (Stephen Sprague) of Roswell, Georgia. “Fun uncle” to Tim (Andrea) of Whitby, Emily (Curtis Dumais) of Kapuskasing, and Erin (Steven Kupfer) and Thomas of Roswell, Georgia. Great Uncle to Marianne, Benjamin, Brady, Madeline, Makenna, and Morgan. Loving companion of Sylvia Miller of Bobcaygeon. Cremation has already taken place, and a Celebration of Life will be held in the spring. Arrangements entrusted to the Benson-Shields Funeral Homes, Millbrook 1-877-982-5300. Online donations or condolences maybe made at
Local Events
This section is only for Local Charitable Events. We do provide Not-for-profit rates for more in-depth advertising
Adult Day Programs - Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls , Little Britain, Lindsay & Omemee. Call 705-324-7323 JAN 20,27 & 30 - SAGES exercises for seniors presented by Community Care, at the Burnt River Community Centre, 9:30 a.m. 705-324-7323 for information. Jan 20 & 27 - Basic foot care services for seniors and people with special needs. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.Bobcaygeon Senior Citizens Centre. Pre-booked appointments required, call 705-879-4100. JAN 20, 23 & 27 - Basic foot care services for seniors and people with special needs. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., 70 Murray St., Fenelon Falls. Pre-booked appointments required, call 705-879-4100. JAN 21 - Friends of the Library book sale downstairs in the Lindsay Library 10:30 am – 4pm JAN 23 & 30 - SAGES exercises for seniors at the Dunsford Community Centre and at the Burnt River Community Centre, 9:30 a.m. 705-324-7323 for info. JAN 24 & 31 - Weekly Diners Club seniors luncheon, 70 Murray St., Fenelon Falls. Noon. Call 705-324-7323 to reserve. JAN 25 - SAGES exercises for seniors, Fenelon Falls Seniors Citizens Club, 10 a.m. 705-324-7323 for info. JAN 26 - Stroke Survivor Support Group For stroke survivors, family and caregivers. At Case Manor, Bobcaygeon, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. 705-324-7323 ext 111 for details. JAN 26 - Basic foot care services for seniors and people with special needs, 1027 Portage Rd., Kirkfield. Prebooked appointments required. Call 705-879-4100 to inquire about foot care services and fees. MON - Bobcaygeon Senior Centre Mahjong 1 p.m. $3 MON & WED - Pickleball 7 - 9 p.m. Bobcaygeon Public School. $3/person. 1st TUES - Dunsford Seniors Club Pot Luck, noon; 1:30 pm for Euchre.
2nd MON - Lindsay Creative Quilters’ Guild Meetings Cambridge Street United Church, Lindsay 1–3:30pm TUES - “Expanding the World of Literacy After School Program” Kinmount library 4:30 pm. Call 705 488-3199 TUES - amateur photography club that meets alternate Tuesdays, 10 am, Bobcaygeon Library. $2 each for the use of the room. TUES - Omemee Legion Doubles darts @ 8pm. TUES - COFFEE TALK… “Creating a welcoming space for people to form friendships and supportive community.” Fellowship Room, Trinity United 10:30 -11:30 a.m. and join the conversation. ALL WELCOME!! 2nd TUES - The Kawartha Settlers Village Quilters meet at Wray House, Bobcaygeon. New members & guests welcomed. Contact: 1st WED - Crime Fiction Book Club in the Carnegie Room, Lindsay Library to discuss works by certain authors. 6:30 pm - 7:45 pm. Call the Library for more info. WED- Scrapbooking and paper crafters meet from 9:30noon at the Salvation army church in Fenelon Falls. Beginners welcome, call church for details. WED - Bobcaygeon Senior Centre Carpet Bowling $3 7 p.m. Contact: Al 705-738-1749 WED - Dunsford Seniors Club 1pm for Bid-Euchre. THURS-TOPS-Take off pounds sensibly at the Bobcaygeon Legion 6:30 p.m. All welcome. THURS - Omemee Legion mixed darts @ 8pm. THURS - Bobcaygeon Seniors Centre Cribbage 1pm $3 SAT - Omemee Legion Country music jams. 1pm Alternate Saturdays. 2nd SAT - Omemee Legion Progressive Euchre12:30pm. 3rd SUN - Ladies auxiliary for Kinmount RCL BR.441 breakfast 8am -noon.
In Memory of my dear husband
Bert Macey January 12, 2012
I thought of you today, but that is nothing new. I thought about you yesterday and days before that too. I think of you in silence, I often speak your name. All I have are memories and your picture in a frame. Your memory is a keepsake from which I’ll never part. God has you in His arms, I have you in my heart.
FEBRUARY 10, 2017 It’s time to spoil that special person in your life. But where? How? Check out the February 10th edition of The Kawartha Promoter to find out what to get that special someone. And you can also show your sweetie how much you care with a heart full of 20 words in The Kawartha Promoter for only $25. FEBRUARY 10 – APRIL 21, 2017 Albert Einstein said, “The hardest thing in the world to understand is Income Tax.” You’ll want to pick up The Kawartha Promoter to get advice from the experts and find someone who can help you through the process. As an advertiser, you’ll want to get involved for the special 6-week promotion to reach those who need you the most. Call Laura at 705-738-6188 for more information.
All my love Rosemarie & Family January 20, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter 21
Minaajim: Good Stories from Curve Lake First Nation Original Instructions
As told by Doug Williams to Julie Kapyrka
The old ones, who lived long before presentday elders, talk about a time when we were given specific instructions from the spirit world as to how to live on this earth. This earth is so beautiful, and we are so privileged to be on it for such a short time. These instructions were delivered by NANABOZHO (Nanabush), who was a spirit who transformed into human form and lived among us years ago. NANABOZHO left us with so many amazing things that you see around you today, including lakes, rivers, seasons, colours, and clouds. . . . NANABOZHO also left us many teachings. Some of those were about how to live in a good way while we are here on this earth level: 1. Have great love for one another and all of Creation. Be generous and compassionate, and help one another sustain life. We must all develop a deep compassion for all living things and genuinely love one another. This is a very difficult thing to do especially when someone has hurt you. Pray for yourself that good thoughts will come from your mind when you interact with people who are not behaving in your or their best interests. 2. Live within the cycle of nature and abide by natural law. This instruction teaches us that all our relatives—the waters, the plants, the
Kawartha Promoter Classifieds Work Circulation 15,000 • Reach over 36,000 readers
medicines, the trees, the animals, the birds, the fish—all of which came before the human beings, live in balance and harmony with the natural world. They teach us an appreciation of the environment, if we are open to learning— and not to take more than we need or hoard. The current mass scale of land development, pipeline and mine construction is having devastating consequences for our environment. Our original instructions tell us that: “What we do to the earth, we do to ourselves.” 3. Be grateful. Acknowledge and give thanks to all those beings who are holding up their original instructions. They are working and aligning themselves to live life, each in their own unique way. There are so many beings that do so much that helps us humans have a good life. We should always be very thankful and show our gratitude. This earth, and this creation really and truly are gifts. Those are the original instructions for human beings from the old NISHNAABE people, and used for many years also by various other nations such as the HAUDENOSAUNEE (Iroquoian peoples). So the question is then: How do you put these into your everyday life in the modern context? I leave you with that to ponder while Julie and I take a break from Minaajim. We would like to acknowledge and to thank John Bird for reaching out, coming to visit, and inviting me to share stories with The Promoter. We also thank all of the kind Bobcaygeon folks who have been so supportive, especially Elaine, Glenna, and Rodney. A great big MIIGWECH to you all. I hope that you all have enjoyed the last 18 months of Minaajim as much as we have. Minaajim may return sometime in the future but for now it is taking a rest . . . and that is my story. BAAMAAPII (until next time).
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January 20, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter 23
24 January 20, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter